Reunion Ch. 7_(1) free porn video

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Friday, the last day of the reunion. Katherine, and I woke up early, and cooked breakfast together. Cooking with her was one of my favorite things to do. It was just the two of us, no TV, no work, just us talking, cooking, and sneaking kisses from each other.

We got ready, and decided to take the boat across the lake to the state park. Plenty of boaters park their boats just off of the sandbar, so there was no issues there. I let Katherine drive, while I was instructing her on what to do. She was nervous about it, so we were going slower than I would have gone. I just wanted her to feel comfortable piloting the boat, so I didn't push her.

She looked so beautiful with the wind blowing her dark hair back, her amazing body in a bikini that hid nothing, her sunglasses on, and a smile that lit up the whole lake, and my heart.

There were several other boats anchored off of the sandbar when we got there. Katherine was too nervous to park among them. So, she had me do it. Once we were anchored, we sat on the boat, and watched some families play in the water. It was mostly kids in the water, with parents either on the sandbar, or ankle to knee deep in the water.

Katherine snuggled up to me as we watched them play.

“Have you ever wanted to have kids?” She asked.

“Isn't that why Cindy is coming to live with us?” I joked, earning a playful slap to the chest.

“Seriously, have you ever wanted kids of your own?” She asked.

“Honestly, before I met you, I've never been in a position to even think about it before.” I told her. “Why, are you thinking about wanting to have kids?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes. I'm getting up there in age, and I've heard that it can be harder to bounce back afterwards, the older that you get. But, I think that I would, if you wanted to too.”

“I think that we should get married first.” I chuckled.

“Is that a proposal?” She asked.

“Right now, no. But, I can definitely see it happening in the future.” I told her. “I've been happier with you, than anybody else on the planet.”

“Me too.” She smiled.

My phone rang. It was Heather. She and her crew were looking for me. I told her that I brought the boat, and was anchored out on the far end of the sandbar. I told Katherine that they were here, and on their way.

I spotted them, and the kids, crossing the dip from actual land, out onto the sandbar, and pointed them out to Katherine. She was saying how cute the kids were. That got me thinking about her earlier questioning about kids. I got the feeling that she was starting to want kids, but didn't know how to tell me. Maybe she was hinting.

I hopped off the back of the boat into waist deep water. Katherine handed me a bag with all of our beach stuff that I waded over to the sandbar. Then went back to help her off the boat.

I picked up our bag just as the rest of the girls showed up.

“Katherine, this is Heather, Rachael, Suzie, and that's Kim hiding in the back.” I introduced. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Katherine.”

All the girls were flabbergasted. Kim hid even more after I told them who she was.

“It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Luke has been telling me how you've all been taking care of him in my absence.” Katherine smiled. “And, Kim dear, there's no reason to hide. He told me about your romp in the truck as well. It's fine.”

“Romp in the truck? You little slut!” Heather yelled. “We all agreed to let him decide!”

“What? Like I had a chance with those monster tits that you have.” Kim defended herself. “Besides, he has a girlfriend, so none of us can keep him!”

“And, if I was Katherine, I'd kick your ass.” Heather said.

“Well, it's not like I knew about her. None of us did.” Kim retorted. The she turned to Katherine, who was laughing at the two of them bickering like sisters. “I'm really sorry. I had no idea that he was taken.”

“It's fine. He had my permission before he even came out here.” Katherine assured her.

“I love your accent, and you're so beautiful. You could me a movie star.” Suzie told her.

“Thank you so much. I guess that I've chosen the right career path for myself.” Katherine smiled. “You ladies are all lovely yourselves. I understand now, why Luke is so smitten with all of you.”

The girls looked at her, trying to figure out what she meant, and then recognition set in on their faces. I could see it in Kim's eyes first. Then there was a few minutes of gushing fandom, followed by them yelling at me for not telling them, followed by more gushing.

After everyone calmed down, the girls and Katherine started talking, and getting to know each other. It always amazed me at how easily Katherine could get people to relax, and open up to her.

While they girl talked, I was tasked to blow up the inflatables. I just listened in on their conversation as I used the pump to blow up 4 tubes, 2 chairs, and 3 mattresses on top of our double mattress. I took care of the kid's floatables first so that they could hit the water.

All of the adults joined the kids in the lake. Katherine, and I laid out on the double mattress, while the rest of the girls floated around us. We all stuck close to the kids to keep an eye on them.

The girls were yapping it up, and included Katherine in on their conversations. Once the fanfare wore off, they treated her just like one of them. Katherine appreciated that. She gets tired of the attention that she gets out in public, sometimes. She just enjoyed being one of the girls.

It was about an hour later, when the class president called everyone over to the cookout area. She thanked everyone for an amazing reunion, and let everyone know what was on the menu for lunch. Then let everyone do what they wanted.

The girls used this time to get the kids to the restroom, while I secured a table for all of us. While I was waiting for all the girls to come back, I spotted Candice, Cindy, and their group coming in from the parking lot. Cindy was dealing with her siblings, keeping far away from the rest of the group. Matt had a tight leash on Candice, not letting her get outside of arm's reach. Candice looked frightened.

They took a table far away from everybody else, closest to the wood line. A couple of the goons were carrying a big cooler, and set it in the wood line. It was probably filled with beer, if I had to guess, alcohol wasn't allowed in state parks. I saw Cindy usher the kids to the opposite side of the table, still keeping away from the others.

The girls, and kids came back. Heather saw what I was looking at, and shook her head.

“I don't know why she stays with that asshole.” She said. “Probably, because she wouldn't be able to get a dime out of him in support for the kids. There's no way that she'd be able to support them on her own.”

Katherine looked over, then looked at me questioningly. I just nodded subtlety. Katherine, and I sat with the kids while the other girls went up in line to get the kids something to eat.

“So, that's her?” She asked.

“Yeah, but something's been off for the last couple of days. Matt hasn't let her out of his arm reach, at all.” I told her.

“I wonder if it has something to do with that other guy feeling her up?” She asked, nodding for me to look.

Sure enough, one of the goons was molesting her tit. Matt, and the others were just laughing, while Candice just sat there looking ill. Cindy looked pissed off, and started getting her siblings rounded up to hit the line for food.

“Wait here. I'm going to go talk to Cindy in the line, see if she can tell me what's going on.” Katherine said. “I'll get you a plate while I'm up there."

She went, and met up with Cindy in the line. I watched Candice, while the other guys were taking turns grabbing her tits, her ass, and one guy even grabbed her pussy. Candice didn't even fight it, she just looked defeated.

My attention got turned back to our area when the girls came back with their food, and food for the kids. They wrangled the kids up, and got them eating.

“Where's Katherine?” Suzie asked.

“She's in line, grabbing a plate for us.” I half truthed.

“Luke, we really like her.” Kim said. “We're happy for you two, and that you've done so well for yourself. We were all getting a little worried when you were picking up the tab all week.”

“Katherine told us that you two are buying the house that you're staying in as a summer home.” Heather said. “We all expect to see a lot more of you two around here. More than once every twenty years. We really enjoyed spending the week with you.”

“Especially Kim.” Rachel laughed. “Slut.”

“Shut up, Rachel! I didn't know that he was taken, and Katherine already forgave me!” Kim yelled.

“Well, being here reminded me of how much I've missed it. Katherine likes it here. It was her idea to buy the house.” I told them. “We'll make good use of it, and you all are welcome to come over anytime you want.”

Katherine came back with our food, and sat next to me. She looked like she was going to be sick. She gave me a look that told me that I wasn't going to like what she found out.

We played it cool in front of the other girls, and kids. Her hand gripped mine under the table. She was shaking, and gripping my hand hard. I found out just how good of an actress she really was. She smiled, and held conversations with everybody, and everything looked, and sounded fine on the surface, but below the surface, she was more pissed off than I've ever known her to get.

We excused ourselves after eating, making up an excuse that our phones were still on the boat so we didn't ruin them in the sand, and water, and that she had to check hers to see if the director called with any last minute changes that she'd need to know about. We made it about a quarter of the way down the sandbar before Katherine unleashed her anger.

“We need to get Candice, Cindy, and those kids out of that house, and away from those monsters!” She growled.

“What the Hell did you find out?” I asked.

“We can discuss the specifics later. The short of it is that Candice isn't the bad guy that you thought she was. She's a victim, and Cindy, and those kids are being used as leverage against her.” She said. “We need to do something to help them. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we don't.”

“Ok, you know that I trust you one hundred percent. If you say that they are in danger, I believe you.” I reassured her. “The question now is, what can we do?”

“I don't know.” She admitted.

I thought about it for a minute. There was only one thing that I could think of, and it might end badly for me. I took a deep breath, and sighed.

“Go get on the boat. Text Cindy. Tell her that once things start, to grab Candice, and the kids, and get to you on the boat.” I told her. “Once they're onboard, just go. Don't wait for me.”

“What are you going to do?” She asked.

“Something that probably should have happened twenty years ago.” I said. “Except he's not in my head anymore.”

“Just be careful.” She said, giving me a kiss, and running off to the boat.

I went back to our table, and filled the rest of the girls in on what was going on. They all agreed to help me. They were going to spread out along the sandbar, and point them in the right direction once they made it out there. They were also going to bring the kid's toys out with them to use to “accidentally block” anybody that might be chasing after them.

I waited for them to move out. Kim told them that she had to use the bathroom, and would catch up to them. I watched Cindy, waiting for her to check her phone. It was a few minutes before she pulled it out, and looked at it. She scanned the area while she was putting it away until she spotted me, and nodded.

I looked out towards the sandbar, and saw the girls in position. I took another deep breath.

“Here we go.” I said to myself, and made my way over there.

I was right about the cooler being filled with beer. I could smell it a couple of dozen feet away as I approached.

“Well, well, well if it isn't the old football crew. You all are just hanging out, away from everybody else, thinking that you're still better than us I see. Reliving your high school glory days, back when you all had six packs, instead of those pony kegs that you're all sporting now.” I said to all of them. “Just never became anything after high school, is that it? Living in the past, back when you were actually something?”

That caught all of their attention. All three of Matt's goons got up, and was ready to come after me. Matt stood up as well, and stopped them.

“And, who the fuck are you again? I've seen you with Heather, Kim, and the rest of those welfare cases. What, are you tapping all of them to get a little piece of their state checks?” He asked, laughing as he took a few steps toward me.

I kept my eyes on him, but could see Cindy gathering her mom, and siblings, and moving out. I was back to the parking lot, with the lake in front of me, and to their backs.

“Matt, I've always known that you were slow. I've always just chalked it up to you getting hit in the head all those times that you were sacked playing the game.” I smiled. “But, being a complete fucking idiot was even off of my spectrum for you. You should know exactly who I am.”

I watched his drunk ass study me. At the same time, I could see Candice, Cindy, and the kids made it all the way down to the other end of the sandbar. Heather, and the rest of the girls were helping them all get on the boat.

“I have no idea.” He slurred.

“Well, you should, seems how you stole my girl at the end of senior year, and made me an outcast.” I told him.

His blurry eyes widened, and a smile lit up his face.

“Luke D’Angelo! I'll be fucking damned! I never thought that a loser like you would ever come back.” He roared with laughter. “I just figured that you were shot dead in some war. Look Bitch! Your ex has come back to see you! Why don't you go give him a kiss goodbye!”

He was still laughing as he turned around, and saw that she was gone, along with all of the kids.

“What? Where the fuck did they go?!” He yelled at one of his cronies.

“I don't know. The truck is still here.” The guy answered.

“Don't just stand there. Go find them, all of you.” He said.

The goons all went out looking for Candice, Cindy, and the kids. I just laughed, causing Matt to turn back towards me.

“You really are stupider than I thought. Those fucking idiots aren't going to find them. They're halfway across the lake by now.” I kept laughing. “Daddy's not alive anymore to bail his baby boy's ass out of trouble, and you've just sent the Neanderthals away. Who's going to back your ass up now?”

“You! You did this!” He roared.

“What are you going to do about it?” I asked.

He half ran, half stumbled at me, and swung a haymaker for my head. I easily ducked it, and came up with an uppercut that caught him right on the chin. He lifted up off his feet, and landed flat on his back. He was out cold.

I was feeling pretty good about myself, until his goons started running back, and after me. Shit!

I turned to run when a truck skidded to a stop in front of me. The passenger door opened, and the driver yelled to me.

“Luke, get in here! Hurry!” Kim yelled to me.

I jumped into her truck, and she hammered down the accelerator before I even had the door shut. I locked in my seatbelt as she tore up the dirt road out of the park. I turned around, looking out the back window, to see Matt was up, and they all were rushing to his SUV.

“Shit, they're coming.” I said, looking over at Kim. “How the Hell did you get from the boat to your truck so fast?”

“I didn't go out onto the sandbar. I said that I needed to go to the bathroom.” She said. “I knew that you'd need a fast way out there. Your plan left you stuck there. So, I waited in my truck to get you out.”

“Well, I appreciate it, but they're coming up fast.” I told her, as she pulled out onto the main road.

“I have an idea for that too.” She smiled, and picked up her cellphone, and dialed.

“Jerry, it Kim. I'm coming back into town from the state park, and this group of drunk fucks are following me in a white SUV. They almost ran me off the road, and they're driving recklessly.” She said. Then listened for a minute. “Thanks Jerry, you're a doll. I owe you a drink the next time I see you in the bar.”

Then she hung up.

“My buddy Jerry is a state cop. He's hidden off at the boat launch up ahead.” She said. “He told me to just keep on driving by, and he'll take care of them.”

“That works.” I said, turning around, and seeing Matt's truck speeding up to catch us, and swerving all over the road.

Luckily, it was a 4 lane road, and he was managing to keep it in the right 2 lanes. I didn't want for anybody to get hurt.

We passed the boat launch, and Matt was still trying to catch up. Jerry pulled out behind Matt with his blue lights flashing. It was another mile before Matt pulled over to the side, and we were clear.

Kim drove me to my house. Katherine nearly bowled me over, rushing to give me a hug, and kiss. She was relieved to see that I was ok. Then she thanked Kim after I explained to her what happened.

She told me that Candice, Cindy, and the kids were out back. We talked for a bit about Candice's situation. It was her idea, but I agreed with her on how we could help her. I poured myself a drink, and went out there to check on them. They were sitting on the deck watching the kids play down on the beach. Cindy jumped up, and gave me a kiss, and hug.

“I was so worried about you.” She said, burying her face into my chest. I kept my arms wrapped around her.

Candice looked over at us. “So, you slept with my daughter too.”

“I didn't know who she was when it started.” I told her.

She looked at us, and nodded before looking back at the beach where her other kids were playing. She seemed so different than she was just a couple of days ago. I patted Cindy on the back.

“Gather the kids, and get them settled into the living room. Put a movie on, or something. You know where the snacks, and drinks are.” I told her.

She nodded, gave me a kiss, and set off to take care of it. I sat next to Candice, and watched her gather the kids, and bring them inside. Candice kept looking out toward the lake. I couldn't tell exactly where, because of her sunglasses.

I sat quietly. I lit up a cigarette, and sipped my drink, waiting for her to speak first. It took her a while, but she finally did speak. She kept her eyes facing the lake when she did.

“Katherine is beautiful, and very sweet too. I'd have never expected that from a Hollywood type. Then again, she's with you. I guess that it's only fitting.” She said. “Cindy's really excited that she's taking her under her wing. I'm happy for her, that she's going to get away from this Hell hold.”

I didn't say anything. I wanted to let her vent on her own. She took off her sunglasses, and looked over at me. She had a black eye, that was swollen shut.

“What the fuck?” I exclaimed.

“Matt wasn't happy the other day, when I left him to come here with you guys.” She said.

She went home that day. Cindy left, she now knows, to come over here. Matt, and his crew showed up later that night. Matt was pissed, and punched her, knocking her out. She woke up naked, tied up bent over the couch. The crew took turns fucking her for the rest of the night.

“It wasn't the first time that had happened to me. Hell, that's how we started.” She paused for a moment. “I went to that party, back when you and I were together. His brother used a date rape drug on me, and got me up to a bedroom. Matt was there as well. The two of them took turns with me for a few hours, and then left me there.”

“I couldn't remember much at first, then bits, and pieces started coming to me. I finally remembered enough, and was going to go to the police, but then I found out that I was pregnant with Cindy.” She continued. “I was so scared. My super religious parents would have completely disowned me. I went to Matt, told him that I remembered, and that I was pregnant.”

She took a sip off of my drink, and a cigarette off me. Then continued after she lit it.

“Matt said that he would take care of me, and the baby, but I had to break up with you, and date him. That way, it would look right to my parents. I told him that I couldn't do that to you, that I loved you too much to hurt you like that. He said that he would talk to you about it for me.” She said. “I didn't see, or hear from you until graduation, and didn't find out what he had said to you, until after you knocked him out. I didn't want to hurt you. I was young, and scared. His family's money would have been able to take care of us. I went to find you, to explain to you, but you left for the Army, and I haven't seen you again since.”

She finished my drink. I got up, and made us a couple of new ones. I handed her hers when I came back out.

“Cindy isn't even his. None of them are. I had a DNA test done. I don't want her to know, but her father is Raymond.” She said. “The only time I ever got pregnant after her, was when Matt, and his buddies would force me into their gangbangs. I took hair samples from all of them, and DNA tested against all them. His boss is the father of two of them, and the other is one of his other friend's.”

She looked completely broken.

“Why are you still with him?” I asked.

“At first, it was out of fear. Fear of what everybody would think, fear of what my parents would think, fear of having to take care of everything myself.” She confessed. “Then I was afraid of what everybody would say if I left him. What would I do, where I would stay, how I would afford to take care of the kids. I felt trapped.”

I watched a tear trickle down her cheek. I took a big swallow of my drink.

“You, and the kids can stay here, rent free. I'm buying the house. It'll be easier than winterizing it when we are not here.” I told her. “Matt is in lockup right now for DUI. I'll go have a talk with him tomorrow morning.”

“What are you going to say to him?” She asked.

“That he will give you everything that you want in the divorce, or I'll hire the best lawyers in the state, and take him for everything that he's worth, his boss is worth, and all of his friends are worth. I'll make sure that everybody is bankrupt by the time that they are done.” I told her.

More tears streamed down her face.

“I don't know what to say.” She started sobbing.

“That you'll take me up on my offer. That you'll take care of your kids. That you'll make the best out of a second chance, and reconnect with real friends like Kim, Heather, and the rest of the girls.” I told her. “They all knew that you were reconnecting with them, for me, but stuck it out, because they genuinely missed you. Friends are family that we choose for ourselves. They all chose you.”

The tears were freely flowing now. She nodded her agreement. I left her to her thoughts, and walked down to the dock, and called Heather. I explained to her what happened, and she told me that her, and the girls were in their way. I figured that Candice needed all the friends that she could get, at the moment.

Katherine joined me on the dock when Heather, and the girls showed up. I told her what Candice told me, and what I offered Candice as it related to the house. She hugged me, and told me that she agreed with me.

The next morning, I went to the county lockup, to speak to Matt. I sat it the empty room, waiting for the guards to bring Matt in from lockup. He looked tired, and hungover when he finally made it in. They had him in chains, and locked him to the table before the guards left us alone.

“Why the fuck are you here?” He grumbled. “And, where is my wife?”

“Candice is fine. She's seeing a lawyer on Monday to start the paperwork to divorce you.” I told him. “The question is, are you going to contest it?”

“You're damn right I am!” He yelled. “She's not taking my kids away from me.”

“Yeah, about that. If you contest the divorce, it will come out that you're not the father of any of your children. Your boss, and other friends will be summoned to take DNA tests, and it'll come out that they're actually the fathers.” I told him. “If I'm not mistaken, they are all married. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be afterwards though. It'll also probably open up an investigation after the courts find out how she got pregnant. When they find out that Candice was raped repeatedly by you, and your buddies.”

I watched his face pale, and his mouth open in shock. He knew that his balls were in a sling. It took him a couple of minutes to speak again.

“She can't afford a lawyer.” He said feebly, trying to come up with something.

“Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about that. I've done pretty good in life. The company that I own makes billions, and my girlfriend makes millions.” I smiled. “I'm pretty confident that I can afford a team of lawyers to make your life, and your friends lives a living Hell.”

“What do you want from me?” He asked, giving up.

“Give her the divorce, and sole custody of the kids. Sell the house, and give her all the money from it. You probably won't get much for the house itself, from what I hear, but the lakefront property will still bring in quite a bit.” I told him. “Consider that child support, and alimony. Then, just leave her be.”

“Where will I live?” He asked.

“Not my concern.” I smiled, and stood up to leave. “I'll be around for another week, or two. That should be plenty of time for you to put it on the market. If I don't see it up for sale by the time I get ready to leave, I will unleash the lawyers.”

I knocked on the door for the guards to let me out. I drove home, and filled Candice in on my conversation with Matt. She started crying, and hugged me, thanking me for the help. I hugged her back, and held her until she calmed down. Katherine, and Cindy were watching.

Katherine, and Candice went to the old house to pick up, and pack their stuff. Cindy already had her stuff packed up in her car. She, and I hung out at our house. I was watching a baseball game on TV when she came in, and sat on my lap.

“Thank you, Daddy, for helping my mom.” She said, giving me a kiss.

“No problem.” I told her, patting her ass.

She smiled, and lifted her skirt, revealing that she wasn't wearing panties. Then she got up long enough to pull my shorts down to my knees before straddling me again.

She leaned down kissed me while she was grinding herself on my rapidly swelling cock. Once I was fully hard, she lifted up enough to impale herself onto it.

“Mmm, Daddy, you feel so good. You always feel good inside of me.” She moaned, as she started fucking me with tiny strokes. “I want to make you feel good, Daddy. I want to be a good girl, and cum all over your huge cock, so you can slip into my tight little ass, and cum deep into my belly.”

I lifted the front of her shirt, and unhooked her bra. Then buried my face into her tits as she was bouncing on my cock. I kneaded her ass while gently nipping her nipples with my teeth, and flicking them with my tongue. Her pussy was already dripping, and I used her juices to lube up my fingers as I massaged her ass.

Once they were well coated, I slipped two fingers up her ass, and that was all she needed to fire off her orgasm.

“Oh God, Daddy! I'm cumming!” She squealed, as her body convulsed.

She hopped up, turned around, and sat on my cock slowly, sinking all the way down until my cock was fully embedded into her ass. She wiggled her ass, making sure that she was fully seated onto my cock before leaning back onto my chest, and placing her feet outside of my legs.

I wrapped my arms around her, using one to play with her tits, the other to play with her clit. I kissed, and nibbled the back, and side of her neck, as she started fucking me with her ass. She took short strokes until she got used to it. Then she gradually made them longer until she was riding the entire length of my cock.

“Mmm, Daddy. I love the feeling of your cock in my ass.” She grunted. “I can't wait to feel you cum.”

With the longer strokes, she was also coming down harder onto me. Every time she slammed herself back down, she would grunt. She was also riding me faster. I was ready to cum, and used my hands to slam, and hold her down so that I was as deep inside her as I could be. I was pulling her boob down with one hand, and pressing hard into her clit with the other as my seed blasted up into her ass.

“Daddy! I'm cumming again!” She screamed. Her ass squeezing, and milking my dick.

It took a few minutes for us to come down from our highs. She snuggled back into me, resting her head on my shoulder while we both caught our breath.

We heard a vehicle pull up. Looking out the window, we saw that Katherine, Candice, and the kids were back.

“Damn it! I was comfy.” Cindy whined.

Then she got up, gave me a kiss, and rushed off to the bathroom. I pulled my shorts up, and straightened myself up before anybody came in.

Katherine was the first to come in. She had a knowing grin when she walked in. You could smell it in the air. She walked across the room, and gave me a kiss.

“You might want to open the windows to air out the room.” She said quietly.

I went to do just that, but not before Candice came in. She sniffed the air then looked at me before ushering the kids up to their rooms. I open the window, and back door as I stepped out for a cigarette.


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The room was striking; someone or some group had spent many, many hours on the decorations. The effect was arresting—burgundy and gold, matching floral centerpieces and garlands at every table, walls full of blow-ups of photos taken twenty-some years ago, full of feathered hair, primary colors, rolled sleeves, and leather. The room was full of the clamor of buoyant greetings and the celebration of reunion. As he walked through the room, he overheard snatches of conversation -- the past not so...

3 years ago
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I was on my way to my high school reunion. I wasn’t eager to go but I thought what the hell it could be fun. It was the ten year anniversary and ten years seemed like an eternity. I entered the old school and my trip down memory lane started catching up. I recognized many faces, mostly people I was friends with. One guy started to approach me and he was big, about six foot three with a thick mustache. ‘Aggie’, he said, ‘what’s up.’ ‘Timmy Meadows’, I said, shaking his hand. ‘That’s Timothy.’...

2 years ago
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The college reunion must be the closest mankind has come to mastering time travel. Twenty-five years older and in a swanky city-centre hotel rather than some rough student digs, everything else was the same: the same crowd, making the same in-jokes, sat cross-legged on a carpet playing the same drinking games. It was sweet in a way; a piece of eternal youth at that stage in our lives when we're all staring over the crest of the hill. Me and Lisa were the last standing; that was the same too. We...

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ReunionAug 5, 1976by Noelle O It was my first leased home, and as I walked to the door I looked out of the window to see the purple and orange-drenched sunset stretching it’s luscious fingers across the surf and sand, leaving tiny diamonds in its path. There had been a soft knock at the door and I opened the door to the tall lanky man standing on my front porch. The deep summer wind tousled his graying hair attractively and his smile appeared framed, as if in portrait, against the rich...

1 year ago
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Reunion by Beverley Anne Miles It's all my wife's fault. Rebecca had found a couple of her old school friends via the Internet, and 'the coven'--as I called the three of them--were meeting up for the evening every couple of weeks. She was having a great time, and persuaded me to try and contact some of my old friends. I didn't recognize any of the names registered for my old schools, but I registered myself anyway--and two days later I got an e-mail from Max Taylor. He had been...

2 years ago
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My Life Began at 50 Chapter 1 Reunion It had been six months since I relocated back to Sacramento and a year since my divorce had finalized. My work day was finishing up, the weekend was here and I was really excited about the evening. I hadn't seen my friend Jeanie in a couple years. I had been making efforts to connect with all my old friends since returning, but as usual, Jeanie and I always seemed to be unable to...

3 years ago
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                 Sasha ran into Angela (an old friend from high school) during her spring break. They decided to have to have lunch and catch-up on old times. Especially all the trouble they used to get into with Lisa and Symone. Angela decided that they should have a reunion at her parents lake house on the weekend. Sasha hesitated a minute before going along with it. As she went to her apartment she thought back to how her and Symone would argue at least 3 or 4 times a week. Then she...

4 years ago
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"And then the dumb son of a bitch thought he would try to outrun the bull."Everyone except my cousin, Sean, the butt of the joke, laughed at his expense."Yeah, well, I didn't know," Sean said bitterly though a smile teased his lips.Sean, his brother, Shane, my two brothers, Ethan and Eric, and I were sitting around in our aunt and uncle's barn. The whole family and some close friends had gathered for the end of summer holiday and to surprise our grandparents who had recently celebrated their...

2 years ago
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I met Joanne the first day of High School. An alphabetical accident placed Bobby McCoy and Joanne McCrary side by side on the seating charts for the next four years. I loved her at first sight. It only took an hour more to realize that that love was hopeless. She was rich, beautiful, out going, athletic, scary smart, and completely out of my league. I accepted my fate without a fight. I made myself a quiet place in her background. Dawn was the rough first-draft of her younger sister, two years...

1 year ago
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She slipped into town, without anyone having a clue. No phone calls ahead, no planning, just a mad, impulsive decision made in the dead of night. She was waiting in the shadows as he approached, totally unaware - his mind focused on the tasks he must face when he got to work. She stepped into his path, the movement causing him to look up. Shock and disbelief crossed his face as he realized that he was not imagining this, but she was actually standing in front of him - in the flesh! He was at a...

2 years ago
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This weekend was my 20th year high school reunion in New Orleans. I still can't believe it's been 20 years. I must admit, I had a blast - and by blast, I mean lots and lots of … moments. It was so great to see everybody again. I have to be honest though, the highlight of the weekend was the trip back - and I'm not talking about the bus ride either!Well, as you can imagine, people were posting away … the reunion. Some of the pictures I saw of me after the fact would really shock you. You know...

2 years ago
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He hadn't seen her for about 10 years, but oh the memories. They had an affair nearly twenty years ago. They were hot and heavy for a couple years, then, he had to move. Oh yea, there were the occasional reunions. It never seemed to take long to get right back on track. They always seemed to be in sync with each other. But ten years is a lot. They had kept in touch on the Internet. Every year or so one would drop the other a note. More to the "Hi, thought of you wondered how you were doing"...

1 year ago
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It has been seven months since we last saw each other. Wow! Seven months! I remember when we couldn’t go seven days without seeing each other. Our decision to take a break over the summer holidays wasn’t unique as we have done that a couple of times to concentrate on our real lives. The decision at the end of the summer to call it quits wasn’t a surprise either. We had enjoyed a fantastic seven years with each other but everything moves on... or not, as it seems. Hence, why I’m now nervously...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Frankly the noise was a little too much for me. I'd only agreed to attend because it was Michael's son getting married and he'd asked me to be there. At my age, I'd long outgrown the naughty, rule-breaking fascination of bachelor parties. It was easy to look at the young men there, friends of the groom, see their unabashed antics and foolhardiness, and recall a younger version of myself acting as they were now. Drinking too much, shouting too much, music too loud, room too dark and...

4 years ago
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When I arrive to pick you up I notice you’re already outside in front of your place, waiting for me. I see you in the dim porch light and my butterflies only beat their wings faster at the sight of you. My memory has so many little details patched over, and seeing you there instantly fills in all the gaps. You look better than I remember. You wave, unselfconsciously, and you click down the driveway in your heels and slide in next to me. “Hi!” you beam, wide eyed and happy, and I smile back and...

4 years ago
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It had been about 20 years since I'd seen Ben. We'd hung out a lot at university, but after graduation went our separate ways. Ben had moved back to Manchester and I'd been roaming the North West and South East. When the e-mail popped up out of the blue I couldn't wait to meet up once again.In university Ben had always been a bit of a lady's man. His tall, athletic body, handsome face and the promise of a huge, black cock always lured the girls in. I can't say I'd minded, as with all the...

2 years ago
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I stand outside the door, nervous. So much time has passed, I wonder if our time together will be as good as expected. I adjust my dress just a bit, pull the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder, and lift my hand to knock. I barely get the second tap out when you pull the door open. I first see your face, and a big sloppy grin on your face. I bite my lower lip, chuckling, knowing tonight will be just what we both want.“Hi there” I am able to eek out. You just smile broader, reach for my hand...

3 years ago
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When I arrive to pick you up I notice you’re already outside in front of your place, waiting for me. I see you in the dim porch light and my butterflies only beat their wings faster at the sight of you. My memory has so many little details patched over, and seeing you there instantly fills in all the gaps. You look better than I remember. You wave, unselfconsciously, and you click down the driveway in your heels and slide in next to me. “Hi!” you beam, wide eyed and happy, and I smile back and...

Love Stories
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5 Min broadcasting myself on ChaturbateCHAT:ENTER - Mrsrchlmrsrchl:hey!chickzdigmeyup:hi!mrsrchl:long time no see!chickzdigmeyup:yea lol!mrsrchl:pm?ENTER PMchickzdigmeyup:okmrsrchl:hey theremrsrchl:how have you been?chickzdigmeyup:hichickzdigmeyup:i've been goodmrsrchl:hope you've been safe and spundmrsrchl:soundmrsrchl:thats goodchickzdigmeyup:yea, nothing too drastic lolmrsrchl:did you have to work from home for a while?chickzdigmeyup:yeahmrsrchl:i had to learn how to use zoomchickzdigmeyup:i...

2 years ago
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He saw her first; she recognized him staring. Parallel memories reprised when she had loved him, possessed him, and, ultimately, discarded him. His tie removed, she saw the leather band beneath his collar that showed he was bound. That and his stunned look of worship woke something inside her. Pushing her carry-on bag to him, she turned to walk towards the parking lot shuttle. He followed.A decade earlier, she had been more angry and demanding and less confident and self-aware. She had...

Quickie Sex
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My hotel room door opens as Shelley uses the key I'd passed her at the memorial. It had been a lovely service. I saw all the family I'd avoided for the last twelve years. They were a little surprised and less than pleased to see me, but no one was going to cause a scene, disturb the memorial. That was fine with me, I kept right on avoiding them and they returned the favor by ignoring me. That kept it a peaceful serene service that Ray would have hated, but it had been for the living, not for...

3 years ago
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I sat there in my room, staring blankly at the wall, overlooking my favorite posters and photos of my friends and boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend Jake, the quarterback of the school football team, very eye-catching and popular... Sometimes I thought he was too popular for his own good. Our relationship was suffering because of it. I didn't know if I could trust him anymore. I waited for Megan to arrive at my place. We had to cram for our first exam of the school year, always the most difficult...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Of late, I have gotten into the habit of suddenly sitting back, in the midst of work, gazing out of the window and thinking of her. Sigh! I am a 35 year old man and I have a terrific job. Ihave a good team to work with and I enjoy my work tremendously. A lot of travel is involved, which I actually consider a perk, as I just love meeting people and interacting with them. But when it comes to making those reports... gosh! I get really lazy and have to literally force myself to finish...

2 years ago
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© Copyright 2003 -- all rights reserved It was a perfect September evening. A nearly cloudless sky allowed the stars to sparkle like magic. The white silk tents billowed gently in the breeze as the music drifted around us. I was dancing with the father of the bride. He twirled me around the dance floor while keeping an eye on his radiant daughter, my best friend, Susan. "So when am I going to dance at your wedding?" "Geez, Pop. Give a girl a break. Can't you be happy that Susan...

1 year ago
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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

1 year ago
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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

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Bridget is spending Easter with her friends Lilly and brandy. They started rejoice their teen years. Lilly asked, ''what took you so long to come over''. Bridget explained she was really busy with school. Brandy surprised Bridget by telling her Lilly and her moved in together. They decided to have a picnic in the yard. While they were eating food they decided to play around. They started sucking on food, Lilly was praised for her sucking. Lilly and Bridget started feeding each other cherries,...

4 years ago
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The Lost FlightChapter 12

Ted said, "Yes, we did. We lost four older couples but had no real difficulties. Todd and Cindy have been busy. I saw the girls heading up that cut. Bill said you had marked a place up this way." "Yes, we have but have also decided to move. We found another place about two hundred yards further up with a chimney. Fred and Millie should have a look but we will incorporate the chimney into our cabin." Ted nodded. Nancy said, "Eve, I don't think you told us everything about the...

1 year ago
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LANewGirl Sweet Sophia Returns

A drop dead gorgeous blonde enters our studio this week. She saw our “MODELS WANTED” ad and was curious to give it a try. After the usual “self intro” for the agencies, our new Model strikes poses after poses. When our Photographer, who is attracted to blondes, gets an erection in his pants, he asks her if she likes hard cocks. She replies YES. “Do you like to ride them?” YES “Do you like to cum on them?” YES. So, she proceeds to wrap her lips around the stiff cock and begins sucking on it. She...

2 years ago
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Little Miss Pig

Rob Lavender, who was a college buddy of mine, invited me to spend a weekend at his folks farm one summer; “Jeb ‘ol buddy, come stay the weekend and experience some life on the farm. We’ll even be roasting a suckling pig by the poolside! How does that grab ya!” I eagerly looked forward to it as I’d never spent much time out off town. As it turned out, his folks’ place wasn’t really a working farm. But there was a barn still standing which housed some breeding boars and pigs! The family...

3 years ago
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Pollyanna part 2

Patrick drove home in silence that wonderful night with the windows down and the radio off as he grappled with what just took place. The feeling in his loins was incredible, but the struggle in his mind was as equally intense. He wanted Michelle so much, but he could only offer her friendship, and hot, passionate sex. She deserves more than that, much more. He held the fingers of his left hand just below his nose, enjoying Michelle’s scent while he drove, licking his lips occasionally for that...

1 year ago
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First Encounter With Cousin Sister

Hi friends, This is Varun (name changed) here. This is my first story in Indian sex stories, I am a huge fan of ISS. I always wanted to write my story here now the time has come to pen it down. Feeling excited. :d This story is about how I started my sex life. When I was in class 12th the incident occurred with my little cousin sister who was in class 12th. Hey ladies out there I am interested ;) you would know for what call me or ping me on I am 5’11 medium built, wheatish complexion with 8...

3 years ago
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Holly Ivy 8211 An Xmas Fantasy

Christmas Eve, and I’m horny as hell. The kids are at my ex-wife’s for the night, so I’m alone with nothing to do. I dick around a bit, read the paper, watch some tube (there’s *nothing* on) and finally decide to go to bed. Just as I’m falling asleep I hear noise from downstairs, as if someone is walking around. Figuring that it’s my ex-wife coming in to get something that one of the kids has left behind, I go down to give her hell for not knocking first. But...

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© Copyright 1997 - 2003, bookgirl, All rights reserved. Lana and Jack arrived shortly after 7.30am. My heart was racing faster than it ever had; my mouth so dry my tongue kept sticking to the roof of it. Lana said nothing at first. She just stood there smirking at me, eying me up and down. A bearded giant of a man dressed from head to toe in black stood behind Lana. I couldn't see his eyes; they were hidden behind dark glasses, but I could feel his gaze roaming over me. I had no idea...

4 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 18 Extraordinary Heroism

“One collapsed lung, a fractured tibia, and compression injuries to the spinal cord,” Doctor Evans said as she circled Jaeger’s bed with a tablet computer in her hand. “All things considered, you’re lucky that you didn’t sustain more severe injuries, ejecting at the speed that you did.” “Thought we lost you there for a while, buddy,” Baker said as he leaned against a nearby bulkhead. “I saw your Beewolf go down, but I didn’t see your chute pop.” “Am I ... on the Rorke?” Jaeger asked,...

4 years ago
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Financial Planning Part 2

Jan was out of the office for the rest of the week, which was kind of nice, because I thought it might be a little awkward between us after last week's activities.Monday morning she was in bright and early, and came and stood in my doorway and said, "Good morning!" with her coffee in hand.Man, she looked great.  I swear, every week she looked like she lost another five pounds.  She asked me how my weekend was, I did the same, and we just continued on with some small talk.  She had her lips...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Surviving 2Chapter 2 The Isles

Two messengers caught up with Scott at Achahoish before he could set sail. One was from Colmgil to say that he was sailing with the remaining Knapdale longship, full of Cowall men, and would try to rendezvous with Scott on the western seaboard. He suggested Crinan. That fitted well with the second messenger, one of his own men who had gone to Dunadd with a message for King Fergus. It seemed King Fergus had not waited for Scott but had launched an attack on the Norse himself. The Danes,...

1 year ago
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Padosi Ka Nokar

hi friends… mail me mera nam suman hein aur me mumbai mein rehti hun. mein 19 saal ki hun aur mein apne parents aur ek maid ke sath rehti hun …. vaise i am single but i love to watch porn films aur pictures jiske karan har time mere dil cudai ke liye chatpatata hai. many times masturbate bhi kar leti hun. i am looking for a real mard with a lamba mota aur tagra lund. i never get a chance to get fucked by a mard. kahi bar jub mein apne room mein akeli hoti hu tub darvaja lock karke sare...

3 years ago
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Girl Meets World Girl Meets Threesome

"Topanga, do you have the tickets?" Cory asks while tying Auggie's shoes as Topanga runs around the apartment looking for her New York Knicks hat."They're in my purse, Cory." Topanga said as she walks into the bedroom to look for her hat.Cory and Topanga were planning on taking Riley and Auggie to the Knicks/Bulls game at Madison Square Garden tonight. However, Riley and Maya were planning on having a girl's night tonight and instead of Riley going to the basketball game, Cory gave his best...

3 years ago
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Sleepy hamlets T fun

About ten years ago Hannah and I stayed in lovely little cottage in the Lake District, basically a chance to savour some quality time in a lovely setting. We were looking after the place while my friend went to work in Dubai for a year. I was able to work from there too.About a quarter of a mile away there was a pleasant couple in an equally charming cottage, David and Amelia and their somewhat effeminate son Charlie who attended University. They were pleasant in that way I wish I knew if they...

2 years ago
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I was afraid. This blindfold didn’t help, but I had promised my boyfriend I’d do what he said. I’d squeezed myself into the PVC knickers he bought me. And have even shaved my pussy smooth and he knew I hated the way it grew back. As his hands ran over my nipples I shuddered. It wasn’t as if I didn’t like his touch, it just felt cold, different even. “You’re my dirty little slut aren’t you?” he whispered in my ear as he began to pinch and twist my nipples. “What are you talking about?” I...

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Sheila Mclean

Sheila McLean was a name that brought my member to quivering attention. "Did you ever hear of a doxy called Irish Sheila, Mistress Sheila McLean perhaps?" one of my tavern mates asked, deep in his cups. I held my peace having already sucked him dry of information and not wishing to buy him any more of what the tavern was selling as gin. "She's as fine a piece of ass as the lord god ever made, that she is," he evered making wavy motions with both hands to show the shape of the woman. I...

3 years ago
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The Janitor

Noel grew up in a conservative and religious middle-class white family. Although he did not share his family’s non-interracial sentiments, he could never befriend any of ‘the darker races,’ as his family referred to them, because that was fervently discouraged. Even worse for him was that he knew that he was gay, and this aberration was an even eviler abomination.To his shame, he had often found some of the Hispanic and black guys that he encountered at school rather handsome but never dared...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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All of It

There I was, again, alone on a Saturday night. I was, of course, in my usual spot. If you don't know me, well, you probably don't know that most Saturday nights(most days actually) you can find me in front of the computer or television or maybe a book in hand. One hand that is, the other is between my fleshy thighs. This is because I can not get enough porn and I have an insatiable appetite for self gratification. Addict, I think they call it.Masturbation, this is my favorite pass time. I know,...

1 year ago
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Her Name Is EmilyChapter 4

After we had some bodacious sex, we showered, changed and went out to dinner. It was bittersweet, because she would have to change back into the clothes she had on when we first met. We scheduled a regular weekly event at our house. I planned to casually drop in on Ralph and Sarah, her parents, in the next couple of days, and 'happen' to meet Emily. Just before she left to go home, we kissed one last time and planned to call, text and chat with each other, while playing 'Words.' I...

2 years ago
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Anyone up for a game of pool

I got a call from my sweetheart about spending a week house-sitting for his parents while they were away on vacation. I said yes, thought it would be fun spending time in the house where he grew up. I met him at the home with my overnight bag in hand, knocked on the door and he opened it with a big smile on his face. That was the first time I had been there so I was curious about it. He opened the door and let me in, took my bag and asked me to follow him to the bedroom. It was a small ranch...

2 years ago
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Who The Hell Is BOBChapter 3

I went back to work the following Wednesday, not knowing what to expect. I got there first and was looking at the incoming shipping documents when Linda walked in. "Hi" she said brightly. She had on bright red lipstick ... the same color as the tattoo she'd left on me. She never wore lipstick at work. "Good days off?" "The best" I said. She seemed pretty upbeat. "Good" she said. And she went to look and see what the day shift had left for us, just like always. Julie walked in....

1 year ago
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My Beautiful Daughter My Beautiful Wife

100% fiction! “Hello, this is the Longacre residence, Cici speaking.” It’s my 18yo year old daughter, Cecelia. “Hi Honey, I’m gonna be a little late, I’ve got a meeting, can you hold dinner until seven?” “Sure, no problem Dad, we’re having salmon, boiled parlseyed potatoes and broccoli, I can fix the veggies and hold them, the fish won’t take anytime at all.” “Thanks Honey, I’ll see you then.” I got home a little before seven; Cici was in the kitchen, mixing a salad. I gave her a quick peck on...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood Mom

Barbara looked out the kitchen window and smiled. Bradley Junior and his best friend Joey took turns jumping their skateboards over a plastic milk case. Both eleven year olds had the bruises and bumps of dedicated skateboarders. She smiled and looked up at the clock over the window. The minute hand touched the four on the clock face and the phone rang. “Hello?” “Barbara, this is Linda.” “Yes I know.” “What? How could you know? Are you psychic?” “No, not quite. However it is...

1 year ago
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BangingBeauties Anna De Ville Prolapse Princess

Amazing Anna Deville has been living in Europe, but she’s back in the USA and can’t stay away from PervCity. Wearing glasses, the hot brunette looks more cultured since the last time, but it doesn’t take long before she slips back to being that sassy American slut we know she is. In fact, she’s fired up — and after stretching her cute butt with a lube bottle, she enlists Steve Holmes to stuff her asshole with ping pong balls, before turning her asshole into a canon and launching them across the...

2 years ago
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fuck my wife

Hey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to eat pussy because there are too few of you out there. And I'm not the only woman who says this. Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the old college try are not doing too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you out. When a woman finds a man who gives good head, she's found a treasure she's not going to let go of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She won't even tell her girlfriends about it or...

1 year ago
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Playing DoctorChapter 7 Tiger burning bright

We dried off and gathered our clothes in a euphoric cloud. I kept sneaking peeks at Keven and I caught him eyeing me with a goofy grin on more than one occasion. Brazenly, I walked back to the house with my clothes in hand and a towel across my shoulders. Keven was a gentleman and walked beside me, rather than behind me. For the first time in my life, I was actually disappointed that I wasn't being ogled. The conversation between us was almost non-existent on a verbal level, but the body...

2 years ago
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Milking for Mike

It’s been 6 weeks after the delivery of the c***d I delivered for a friend and her husband. My best friend Carol and husband Mike couldn’t have a c***d of their own, so Carol approved of Mike and I having a few good rounds of sex and him coming in me to get pregnant. Carol’s didn’t have eggs that could or would except sperm.I remember the night I got pregnant; Mike and Carol were fooling around on my back patio by the pool. I came outside to see Mike’s face buried in between Carol’s thighs. ...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 7 What Do We Do Now

The man that was trying to force his way into Jared’s house stopped. Jared himself took one step back as he retreated away from the wind and the rain coming in through the door. Jared watched in silence as the man stopped and slowly turned to see who was threatening to blow him to hell. The rain soaked man put his hands up to his rain soaked face and rubbed his eyes to see better. The day outside the doorway he was standing in was very gray and bleak as rain was still bucketing down from the...

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