Reunion Masquerade
- 2 years ago
- 34
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There is nothing quite like a woman who knows how to make a reunion worth the time apart. Whether it’s been a few days…a few months…or even a year…a woman who can make every return special is one worth hanging on to.
I got lucky enough to find a woman like that. It had been almost three years since we had last seen each other. I had spent a year in Korea, six months in Colorado, and a year in Iraq. We were in training together in South Carolina. And even though we really didn’t have much time together, we somehow stuck with each other, even over all the miles that separated us.
Everything started back up while I was on leave from Iraq. It was simple at first, friends talking back and forth over instant messenger. A few innocent phone calls here and there, nothing serious. But when I returned to Iraq…things started to change. Innuendos where passed, flirtatious behavior was in abundance…feelings developed. The distance started to drive us crazy. We started to miss each other so much. With everything going on in our lives…we found we were able to smile just by thinking of the other person, or looking at their picture. We were like school children.
We kept in touch the entire time I was in Iraq. Eventually she came to Kuwait, she took over for the unit that handled the theater in and out processing. Which meant I would get to see her just as I left theater, I couldn’t wait. The day would not come soon enough in my eyes. I would be like a small child on Christmas Eve until the day arrived where I would get to see her again.
After nine long months of waiting…my unit was on its way to Kuwait. Back to Camp Buehring…back to the place where I would get to see the girl that I missed so much. I was so nervous I could puke. I wanted it to be perfect, no mistakes, no embarrassments, smooth as silk.
I sent her an email when we got the office setup in our make shift ops tent. I told her that I was in Camp Buehring and that I got off work at ten. She replied saying that she got off two hours prior and that she wanted me to meet her at the little shoppette by the tents we were staying in.
At ten O’clock, right after I got off work, I headed over to the shoppette where she said to meet her. I arrived there 5 minutes later and took a slow look around. I didn’t see her in the small gathering of soldiers smoking and enjoying a late night meal. I decided to wait…maybe she was just running a little late.
I sparked a light and smoked the last cigarette in my pack. I figured I would give it until the end of the smoke before I headed back to the tent with a sense of defeat. About half way through the cigarette, there was a hand on my shoulder accompanied by a gentle of coo of,’How are you handsome?’
It was unmistakable…it was her. The soldier I had been waiting on for the last nine months. I smiled and took another drag off my cigarette. I replied with a sly,’ You’re late kiddo…’ as I slowly exhaled the smoke from the Camel I was smoking.
‘I’m sorry. Had to shower up for you. I wanted to at least smell pretty for you since I can’t really dress up for this.’
‘You didn’t have to worry about that, I really don’t care right now. I’m just glad that I get to see you. Though I will have to admit that I skipped out of work for about 30 minutes so that I could shower up myself.’
She only replied with a cute little giggle. That’s when I finally turned around. There she stood all 5’6′ of her. Long blonde hair up in a bun under her patrol cap, her grey eyes burning through me like the sun, I was speechless.
‘My god…’
‘You are more beautiful in person than I remember you being.’
‘No I’m not.’
‘No, you really are. It’s amazing, I really am speechless.’
‘Well it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve left you speechless.’
‘This is true. So where are we going princess?’
‘I thought you would never ask. Follow me soldier.’
As much as I was in awe, my legs did all the work. My mind was still stuck on how beautiful she was to me at that moment. In uniform in a poorly lit ‘courtyard’ in the middle of the desert. No make-up, no civilian clothes…just her. Quite possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn’t even pay attention to where she was leading me to. I was too captivated by what I had seen only moments before.
After about ten minutes we came to a secluded area of the camp. The only thing around was an abandoned air raid bunker. We climbed to the top of the bunker and she pulled a blanket out of the assault pack that she had. I hadn’t even noticed the bag…that is how enamored with her beauty I was at the time. It’s a good thing that my life didn’t depend on my attention to detail, because I would be dead.
She sat down on the blanket and patted the ground right next to her. I slowly walked over to her and sat down on the blanket. She leaned over and gave me a great big hug. She held on to me like she would never see me again.
‘I’ve missed you so much. I really wish you knew. I think of you every day. Every time I go into work I hope to see one of your emails in my inbox. It brightens my day so much to even just read your words.’
‘I know what you mean. I actually get disappointed when you are too busy to reply. I just have to keep telling myself that you have a job to do, just like I do. I love reading your emails. I really have no Idea what you have done to me.’
It was at that moment in time that I realized what time of the month it was. The lady of the night was high and shining bright, full as ever. Warmth ran through my blood stronger than any time before. I could feel the typical tingle in my mouth grow stronger than ever. My body began to put off an immense amount of heat from the inside out. It was like I was trying to heat the entire camp on my own. I didn’t even notice the ridiculous humidity of the August heat.
I felt every part of me yearning for her. Wanting to have her close, our skin touching. I wanted to be so close that I could feel her heart beat in every inch of her body, feel her skin breath against mine. The moisture of her perspiration running down my skin…it took every ounce of strength that I possessed not to take her right there on top of the bunker. I had to remember that we could still get caught…and being as we were not married…it would mean a lot of trouble for the both of us.
She looked at me with a faint glimpse of worry in her eyes. She could feel the heat and energy pouring off of my body. The look of want in my eyes grew stronger with each passing second.
‘Are you ok sweetheart? You look like you are having some issues.’
‘I’m ok. Just a little warm out here that’s all. The humidity is getting to me.’
‘Let’s go inside…it is cooler in there.’
We descended the back side of the bunker to the neglected entrance. I could tell by the way she was walking down the bunker that she didn’t believe it was just the heat. I wanted to tell her so badly what was going on with me. But I didn’t want to her to look at me like I was crazy, didn’t want to risk losing her after having to wait for so long to get this moment with her. If things went ok tonight I would explain it to her later.
As I entered the air raid bunker it became very apparent that she had spent some time preparing this place for this night. There were two cots with mattresses pushed together in the middle of the bunker. They were both covered with PX linen. There were candles everywhere, in fact that was the only light in the entire place. So this is where she was earlier. She wasn’t just showering.
She closed and locked a door behind me as I walked to the center of the room. I shot her a questioning look as I turned around.
‘Just in case…don’t want anyone walking in on us unexpected. I want you all to myself, no interruptions.’
‘Well ok then. So there is where you were earlier. You weren’
t taking a shower were you?’
‘Well…I wasn’t JUST showering, no. I was setting up this place. I wanted this night to be special even though we are in the middle of the desert. I searched for a place like this since I got here. I’ve been setting this place up for the last couple of months. A lot of money invested in candles here…it’s a shame we only get to use it tonight.’
‘Well if you only want to see me this once…I suppose I can understand that.’
‘That’s not what I meant…I just…I didn’t know if you would want to do this again out here…’
‘I’ll spend time with you anywhere sweetheart. This is perfect. Considering the situation, this is a lot more than I expected.’
She walked over to me and grabbed my hands and looked deep into my eyes without saying a word. We held that stare for a few minutes without doing anything. It was like gazing into a crystal ball. I could see fuzzy visions of our future develop in her eyes. At that moment I couldn’t help it…I had to kiss her. I pulled her in and pressed my lips against hers and kissed her deeply. I don’t know how long we stood there kissing, but it wasn’t nearly long enough. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever had. The passion wasn’t just from me either. She was kissing me just as deeply as I kissed her. After a few moments of passionate kissing, she gently pulled away and walked towards the bed, beckoning me to follow her. She threw her top on the ground and kicked off her boots and lay down on the makeshift bed.
After watching her get situated, I slowly made my way over to her. Throwing my top onto the grounded and kicking off my boots as she did. I carefully climbed over the top of her, holding myself up with my arms, and looked deep into her eyes once more.
‘Hi stranger.’ She gently cooed.
‘Hi princess.’ Was the only reply I could muster.
I couldn’t wait much longer. Every part of me was on fire, I had to have her. I leaned in and kissed her one more time. I slowly worked my way from her lips down the side of her neck. I pulled her shirt off over her head. Again the whole attention to detail thing had eluded me…she wasn’t wearing a bra, and I didn’t even notice. If that was the case, she probably wasn’t wearing any panties either.
I kissed my way down her breasts over her nipples, lingering for a few moments to run my tongue around both nipples. Slowly kissed my way down her stomach and along her waist line a few times. I lowered my head between her legs and brought my nose softly up the length of her pussy through her pants. Taking in the wonderful, angelic smell that came from the wetness that was developing, it drove me wild. I struggled with everything I had to just go slow.
I used my teeth to undo the buttons on her pants. As I suspected…she was wearing no panties. My cock stiffened slightly at the prospect of things to come. I pulled her pants off to reveal a magnificently well maintained pussy, trim and clean, like you would expect to see on a super model. I could take it no longer, I buried my face into her slit.
I ran my tongue up and down between her slit, savoring every last drop of wetness, she even tasted like an angel should taste. I ran my tongue from bottom to top and circled her clit a few times and returned to her sweet, velvety hole. The taste was like nothing I could ever have imagined.
I spent a good ten minutes savoring the taste and smell of her juices. The whole time she squirmed and moaned softly with pleasure. Growing closer and closer to climax with each pass of my tongue, in the end she could hold it back no longer…she came violently, like it had been years since anyone but herself had gotten her off. Her juices ran down my throat and over the sides of my cheeks.
That was the final straw…I was as hard as ever, and there was no hiding it, even on my knees.
‘I see that I’m not the only one who is excited. Why don’t we have a peek, lay down sweetheart, it’s my turn to have some fun with you.’
She said it with a mixed sense of excitement, caring, and seduction. I couldn’t help but do exactly what she said. Just before I lay down she removed my shirt and then playfully pushed me to the mattress. She crawled up to me and kissed me again. Then proceeded to do to me what I had done to her no more than 15 minutes prior. As she slowly made her way down I couldn’t help but think that this must be what women feel when I do this. My pride began to swell, and so did my cock. It had never been so hard. It was almost painful.
At last she had made her way down to my waist line. She also undid my buttons with her teeth, but instead of removing my pants with her hands like I had done, she pulled my cock out with her mouth. I was amazed, I had never experienced anything like it before. In one fail swoop my cock was out of my pants and half way into her mouth. My eyes immediately rolled into the back of my head. I really was in heaven. I could die right now and be perfectly ok with it.
After a few minutes of exquisite head, she finally pulled my pants off of me. She then seductively climbed up over my penis and teased it with the lips of her beautiful pussy. She moaned slightly and continued to slide her hips back and forth over the tip of my cock. I was on the verge of grabbing her hips and slamming her down so that I was balls deep in her, but I refrained. I had my moment…now it was her turn.
She gently slid over the tip of my cock, gyrating her hips as she slowly worked her way down the shaft of my cock. Moaning softly and licking her lips as her pussy slowly swallowed my cock. After what seemed to be an eternity, she had worked her way down the length of my cock. Her ass was now flush with my thighs.
I was on fire inside and out. My whole body fevered with lust. Horny wasn’t even close to being enough to describe how I felt. In fact I was more interested in just being inside of her than I was coming. I wanted to stay inside of her until the end of time, more realistically until morning.
She began to slowly grind her hips back and forth, I could feel every last inch of the inside of her pussy. It was like wrapping my cock in warm silk, absolutely exquisite. The tip of my cock rubbing on the back wall of her pussy was enough to get her going again. It didn’t take long either. I could feel her pussy grip onto me for dear life. It was a universe destroying orgasm. Her whole body seized with pleasure and she could only scream:
Now if that isn’t ego boosting I don’t know what is. She collapsed onto me after a few moments of her body shaking and seizing with ecstasy. She could take it no longer. She kissed me again and gasped to me between heavy breathes.
‘I can’t be on top. You will have to take it from here.’
‘That’s ok princess. I can work with that.’
I gently rolled her over onto her back and supported myself with my arms. I stared deep into her eyes and slowly began to slide in and out of her still throbbing pussy. She matched my stare with no quips. We stayed like that, staring into each other’s eyes, for a few minutes. It elevated the experience that much more. We were no longer just sleeping together for the first time, we were making love. The whole room was suddenly filled with our energy.
I continued to slide in and out of her gently, giving her time to recover from the last orgasm before I began to bring on the next. I gyrated my hips in small circles, working every inch of that perfect pussy. The looks that she gave were enough to swell my ego to god like proportions. Her eyes slowly rolled into the back of her head and her pussy began to clench again. It only took a few more circles and she was coming again.
She arched her back so hard that I almost fell out. The sweat on her immaculate breasts glistened in the candle light, that moment was fit for a painting. She screamed again and twisted the sheets in her hands, I had never seen anything like it. I could only smile
. Whether it be anticipation or deprivation that was causing this…I had a part in it. I was the ultimate cause of such orgasms.
I let her settle again before I changed positions. I sat back on my haunches and put one leg against my chest. I started slow once more, after all, I was here to pleasure her, not kill her. I teased for a few moments, allowing only the tip of my penis to slide in and out of her pussy. I gradually increased the length of my thrusts, pushing deeper and deeper into her. Eventually reaching the point where I was stretching the confines of her pussy. She let small screams of pleasure escape with each stretch.
After a few moments I pushed her leg to the side and crept up beside her and laid down behind her. I was now hitting the front wall. I kept it slow and soft until her moans were begging for me to go harder and faster. I increased speed and strength until the moans became satisfied screams. It didn’t take much longer for the third orgasm to come about. This time she dug her nails into my lower back and pulled herself closer to me.
‘Holy Shit!!!’
That’s all that she said. The rest was unintelligible screaming between deep breaths. It was amazing that anyone could survive this. I half expected her heart to explode if we went any longer. I didn’t see it going much longer anyway. The way her pussy was griping my cock, it wouldn’t be long before I came myself.
I put her on her knees and began to go at her doggy style. It was my turn and I was going to make it good for both of us. I pushed deep and fast, I had a mission to accomplish. She screamed with each ensuing thrust.
‘Oh…my…god…I’m going to come again.’
‘In you or on you?’
‘I’m about to come. Do you want it in you or on you?’
She hesitated for a moment before answering.
‘I want to feel you come inside of me. I want it all and I want it now.’
‘Yes ma’am.’
That was all I could say. I pushed myself harder and faster, working for my own orgasm, and just like that it happened. I exploded inside of her and let out a deep moan of my own. She screamed one last time as she came with me. Her pussy milked my cock dry. It pulled out every last ounce of my come.
When it was all finished we collapsed side by side on the bed. I held her a moment so that I could catch my own breath before finding something to clean up with. As I began to pull away she grabbed onto me and pulled me back into place.
‘Where are you going stud?’
‘Uh…to get something to clean up with?’
‘I don’t think so. You aren’t going anywhere lover.’
‘Well are you on birth control at least?’
‘No…but that doesn’t matter.’
I couldn’t say anything to that. I just lay there, holding her close, kissing on her shoulder and neck. As amazing as the whole thing was…there were only three words running through my mind, and they echoed like a golf ball in a marble hallway.
Oh my god…
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IncestIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Part 1.When you live in the country, as we do. And come from an i****tuous family like mine, family reunions are so much fun!My wife and I were in bed Friday morning, and we were laughing and talking about how much fun we were going to have this week. You see our family reunion lasts all week long, and this year was no exception. We were talking mainly about our twins who were of age to party with the grownups. We've watched them bloom into beautiful young adults. My daughter Cory now stands...
Silence. Kelly had said the one thing that Matt least expected. 'Husband?' Kelly nodded. 'How long have you... ?' He couldn't bring himself to say the words. 'Almost seven years.' 'Seven? Kids?' She bit her lip and shook her head. 'So why? I mean, last night, where was he?' 'He didn't come. He doesn't believe in looking back. As far as he is concerned, reunions are a stupid idea.' 'But if you're married, why?' 'Why sleep with you? I don't make a habit of...
Smith & Jones Solicitors was a seven partner firm formed in the early nineteen-eighties by David Smith and Maurice Jones. The firm quickly established a reputation for quality service and as Milton Keynes grew, so did the firm. The latest expansion plans were for three new partners (and the staff to work under them) in the next eighteen months. Each partner headed up a different department within the firm, specialising in two or more areas of law. Each department was supported by at...
Beverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...
LesbianNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestI’m Larry, and I’ve been dying to tell the story of what happened to me last spring at the beach. I grew up in The Hamptons at the end of Long Island, New York. I am a senior attending Cornell University. My father went to Cornell, as did his father, his father before him, and his father before him, who was a founding member of my fraternity. So you can see that going to Cornell and joining this same fraternity is a family tradition. Last spring I had hoped to attend spring break, chasing...
Cindy and I woke up early, before the sun came up, and went down to the lake to skinny dip. The early morning was peaceful, and the waters were calm. We dove in, and the water was refreshing. It helped wake the both of us up. “Friday, I'm going with my parents to their thing at the State Park.” She said, as she swam up to me, wrapping her arms and legs around me. “So, Thursday night I'll have to stay at home, so I can help my mom with my brothers, and my sister.” I held her ass to help her...
When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They picked right back up at the flirty fun relationship they had before. It was always nice to have someone who you just clicked with. Hanging out, having drinks, going to movies and the sex was awesome too. So when they started talking on Facebook it just seemed natural that their sexual sides would play back into the relationship. The first time Mark asked Cindy to make a video of her...
Since the four of us were so close in age (Rob and I were both 28…the girls were 26), we got along great. We probably spent more time as a foursome than on singular dates with our respective partners. Fast forward… Rob and I had gone to high school together, and our 10-year reunion was approaching fast. Needless to say, we were both pretty happy to have these beautiful girls accompanying us. We walked into a downtown club in our hometown, and all eyes were on the four of us…probably...
Introduction: A group of College friends get together for food and fun. A reunion of old college friends was taking place. Jim was our host and the only guy who remained single in our little group. Over the years, people had mentioned in conversation that they knew Jim and when the topic of him being a bachelor came up, it was often the opinion of others that he was gay. I knew better because he and I used to double date a lot in high school and later in college. We lived in the same...
I was on my way to my high school reunion. I wasn’t eager to go but I thought what the hell it could be fun. It was the ten year anniversary and ten years seemed like an eternity. I entered the old school and my trip down memory lane started catching up. I recognized many faces, mostly people I was friends with. One guy started to approach me and he was big, about six foot three with a thick mustache. ‘Aggie’, he said, ‘what’s up.’ ‘Timmy Meadows’, I said, shaking his hand. ‘That’s Timothy.’...
Introduction: 8 years later… It had been 8 years since they had last seen each other. Cindy had gone to Atlanta when Mark graduated from college. Mark had recently married so all that had happened was Cindy giving him a blowjob at her hotel after graduation even though Cindy had wanted to do so much more. They had stayed in touch over the years, but not very frequently in the last few years. When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They...
The college reunion must be the closest mankind has come to mastering time travel. Twenty-five years older and in a swanky city-centre hotel rather than some rough student digs, everything else was the same: the same crowd, making the same in-jokes, sat cross-legged on a carpet playing the same drinking games. It was sweet in a way; a piece of eternal youth at that stage in our lives when we're all staring over the crest of the hill. Me and Lisa were the last standing; that was the same too. We...
MatureIt's been a week since my high school reunion; taking that big stroll down memory lane, falling for one of my old classmates. Rhonda James; an African American goddess who was once a volleyball playing tomboy. That night was magical and since our encounter at my place we stayed in touch and spent plenty of time together. One day we even visited her mother; the one responsible for Rhonda's transformation. Mrs. James was in her mid forties and was a total knockout herself. Seeing them together...
Thanks to facebook, in recent years I've found a few old classmates and friends (and sometimes its the other way around) from online. One of them got nostalgic and decided to call for a reunion gathering of my sec school classmates.He managed to gather about 15 of us and we met up for dinner and drinks in Clark Quay area. 5 of the girls from my class turned up and 2 of them have already become tai tai pattern. But the hottest one of the night is still the flower of my sec1 class. She's well...
ReunionAug 5, 1976by Noelle O It was my first leased home, and as I walked to the door I looked out of the window to see the purple and orange-drenched sunset stretching it’s luscious fingers across the surf and sand, leaving tiny diamonds in its path. There had been a soft knock at the door and I opened the door to the tall lanky man standing on my front porch. The deep summer wind tousled his graying hair attractively and his smile appeared framed, as if in portrait, against the rich...
IncestIt was a hot summer night in July. I was visiting some family for our annual family reunion. I really didn’t want to be there, but felt like I had no choice. Don’t get me wrong I love my family, but like any family we don’t always get along. I almost sometimes feel like the outsider of the family. I was sitting in my hotel room watching TV when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and it was my cousin Kim who I really didn’t like, but decided to answer the phone anyway. We sat on the phone for...
Hi all. I live in Mumbai. I am a handsome young boy of 18 yrs. This story narrates the reunion and sex of my divorced parents. My mom is a young and sexy woman of 41 years. My dad is a handsome man and a very rich and successful doctor. They fell in love quite early in their age and married when dad was 22 and mom was 20. My elder sister was born just after 6 months of their marriage. So it is clear that they had sex before marriage too. But after 5 years of their marriage, I don’t know what...
Reunion by Beverley Anne Miles It's all my wife's fault. Rebecca had found a couple of her old school friends via the Internet, and 'the coven'--as I called the three of them--were meeting up for the evening every couple of weeks. She was having a great time, and persuaded me to try and contact some of my old friends. I didn't recognize any of the names registered for my old schools, but I registered myself anyway--and two days later I got an e-mail from Max Taylor. He had been...
She is about 39 yr old,5 ft 3 in, very fair and a well toned body. Her assets were something to die for, firm round breasts and pretty round ass. She use to wear salwar suit most of the time and that always highlighted her assets. The woman referred above is someone’s mother, someone’s beloved wife but also my favorite teacher. I first saw her when I was 18 years of age where I was already into adult age and any nice looking women gave me tingly feeling inside my pants. She teaches us English...
My Life Began at 50 Chapter 1 Reunion It had been six months since I relocated back to Sacramento and a year since my divorce had finalized. My work day was finishing up, the weekend was here and I was really excited about the evening. I hadn't seen my friend Jeanie in a couple years. I had been making efforts to connect with all my old friends since returning, but as usual, Jeanie and I always seemed to be unable to...
Sasha ran into Angela (an old friend from high school) during her spring break. They decided to have to have lunch and catch-up on old times. Especially all the trouble they used to get into with Lisa and Symone. Angela decided that they should have a reunion at her parents lake house on the weekend. Sasha hesitated a minute before going along with it. As she went to her apartment she thought back to how her and Symone would argue at least 3 or 4 times a week. Then she...
Lesbian"And then the dumb son of a bitch thought he would try to outrun the bull."Everyone except my cousin, Sean, the butt of the joke, laughed at his expense."Yeah, well, I didn't know," Sean said bitterly though a smile teased his lips.Sean, his brother, Shane, my two brothers, Ethan and Eric, and I were sitting around in our aunt and uncle's barn. The whole family and some close friends had gathered for the end of summer holiday and to surprise our grandparents who had recently celebrated their...
I met Joanne the first day of High School. An alphabetical accident placed Bobby McCoy and Joanne McCrary side by side on the seating charts for the next four years. I loved her at first sight. It only took an hour more to realize that that love was hopeless. She was rich, beautiful, out going, athletic, scary smart, and completely out of my league. I accepted my fate without a fight. I made myself a quiet place in her background. Dawn was the rough first-draft of her younger sister, two years...
She wiggled around on him for a few minutes and then said, "I hope Billy is OK! Like, I didn't mean to break your toy." He laughed, "He'll be OK after he rests for a while." She kissed him and said, "K, guess we'd better go." An hour later, they felt a fresh onshore breeze cooling them as they ran together on the firm sand jabbering as they went. Bill immediately knew that she was slowing her regular pace to wait for him. After a few minutes, he said, "Look, I'm holding you back...
They drove home through only moderately heavy traffic, but the truck roars drowned out any good conversation. He patted her leg, "You really hit it off with the kids. I barely had time to hold the baby." She smiled brightly, "I spend my time with kids at the Refuge House. I've learned a lot about making friends with them." "I may have to go back for another visit." "Not without me, you won't!" She laughed. "I thought you were going to bring Ann with you. You couldn't put her...
Bill walked briskly to Valerie's office feeling refreshed after his morning nap and shower even after the overnight plane ride. The halls seemed to be almost vacant, given that summer enrollment was never high. He tapped on the door and she had him come in immediately. "Hey, Valerie, what's up?" "I should be asking you that!" "Same old same old with me." "Don't be coy. I know that you're in for that job at Cal Poly." "Yes, I did send in my application, but I know nothing...
Ashley took several minutes to pull herself back together. The truth was out, though, and he knew that she didn't want to go back to Georgia. He had never seen her in such an emotionally driven state, or did he know what to do to calm her, so he took her in his arms and whispered, "I know that you don't want to go back there. I will release you from your commitment to move. No bad feelings." She pushed away from him and raised her voice, "That doesn't solve a damn thing. I don't want...
The weekend passed slowly. Bill fixed the faucet and a few other minor problems, like oiling the hinges for squeaky doors and replacing the filters on the air conditioner. As he did these routine maintenance tasks, he realized that next week, he would be doing many of the same chores in his own home. There, he would be alone and missing her. Courtney called Ashley on Monday afternoon. "I thought I'd have more information. Here's what they decided. They want both the guy from Washington...