ReunionChapter 3 free porn video

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Reunion: The Conclusion

You should read the previous chapters before reading this one, as this is the conclusion.

Amy opened the letter and stared at it. The look on her face completely changed. Her mouth was open but nothing was coming out.

"What is it Amy? What's the matter?" asked Beth.

"This can't be true! It has to be a mistake," said Amy as she turned white.

Beth grabbed the test results.

"What does it say Beth?" I asked her.

She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. "You're not Matthew's biological father."

I was stunned. I just sat there and stared at Amy who was crying.

"It's got to be a mistake, John! Honest! You're the only one I had sex with ... near that time."

"Apparently you've forgotten. You were probably on one of your drinking binges while I was out of town." I was getting pissed. "Hard telling who you might have fucked. Maybe Cliff is the father."

"No John, please listen to me. I never went anywhere with Cliff. Never! The only times I ever drank without you being there I was with Beth and Brent."

Brent just sat there looking nervous the whole time but never said a word. Amy looked over at him and it was as though a memory just struck her.

"What is it?" Beth asked when Amy gasped.

"No, it can't be. It was a dream; it was only a dream."

"Amy, what are you talking about? What dream? When?" Beth asked, confused.

"Remember the time a couple months before the reunion when we went out dancing and drinking. John had an overnighter and you had your parents watching your kids that night."

"Yes, but you were with us. Nothing happened. You and I both had too much to drink and you spent the night at our house. What dream are you talking about?"

"That night after I went to bed I dreamt that John came into the room and was rubbing and fingering me. It felt so good. He started having sex with me as he always did when I drank too much and was horny. I remember him coming in me over and over again.

"The next morning I was wet between my legs. I didn't know what happened, why I was so wet. I kept going over the night and I thought I pictured Brent instead of John and panicked. So I got up and used the shower."

No one else in the room said a word as Amy went on with her recollection of that night.

"When I got out I went into the kitchen and you two were sitting there having coffee. He smiled at me but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so I figured I just had a sex dream and it was my own juices. Now I have to wonder if Brent raped me."

Brent jumped up just as I lunged at him, backing him into the corner.

"She's lying! I never touched her John. She's your wife, I could never hurt her. We're all best friends."

I banged him into the wall a few times before Beth screamed at me to stop.

"John, I don't know what to believe. Amy's my best friend and I believe she had a dream if she said so."

She looked at Brent. "If you raped Amy I'll divorce you in a second. I want you to have a DNA test done right away. If you didn't touch her, there shouldn't be a problem."

Beth was really holding her cool even though it had to be pretty hard on her wondering about her husband and Amy. Brent looked scared to death. He looked at us before turning to Amy.

"Please let me tell you all the truth. I didn't rape Amy, but I had sex with her."

When I heard Brent say that, I couldn't help it, I hauled off and hit him, calling him every name in the book. He went down and was in almost a fetal position as I tried to hit him again. I got in a few good hits before something hit me from behind and everything went black.

When I woke up I was in an ambulance. The paramedics said they were taking me to the hospital for observation. They took care of Brent's cuts and bruises and sent him home. I figured the police would arrest me for assault but Beth convinced Brent not to press charges.

Beth came to see me at the hospital the next day to talk to me. She admitted to hitting me with a frying pan before calling 911. Due to a concussion, I would be there a few days. She said Amy wasn't in any shape to come and was too embarrassed as well.

"Brent owned up to having sex with Amy. He kept saying that he didn't rape her because once he started to feel her up Amy kept asking for more," she said.

Amy was always that way after she had been drinking, so I could see it happening.

"He talked about how the four of us were always kidded around about sex and that seeing Amy lying there half naked got to him. And he had been drinking that night too. At first he just wanted to feel her up but when she asked him to fuck her, he did. He was scared after that and went back to bed. In the morning he tried to act as normal as possible."

"John, he thought Amy was on the pill and that's why he never said anything. I believe him but I also think that he knew if you ever found out, you would kill him."

"He was right; I would have if you hadn't hit me over the head with a frying pan."

"Sorry about that but you hurting him any more wouldn't have solved anything. He tried to lie and say that you felt the same about me as he did about Amy and would have done the same thing."

"It's both the truth and a lie. I do love you Beth, but I would never have done to you what he did to her. No way; I respect you and did respect her too much to act out a fantasy as he did. So what does she have to say about all of this?"

"She stands behind her dream story. I'm inclined to believe her. She mentioned that the two of you pulled a nearly all-nighter the next night. Do you have any memory of that?"

"As a matter of fact I do. I never did know why she wanted sex so much that night. Now I guess it was to cover up the memory of her dream. There wasn't anything we didn't do that night. What's happening between you and Brent? Are you taking the bastard back?"

"I don't know. Right now he's staying at his parent's house. I had the paramedics get a DNA sample from him. We should know if he's Matthew's biological father next week. What about you two?"

"I'm done. If the baby was mine I would have considered staying married. I know she's been with Mark at least twice and now Brent. Who knows if there were others? I just can't trust her. I'm not going to spend a lifetime wondering if my wife stays faithful to me. Besides, I know she's not giving up her baby and I'm not raising Brent's kid, if it is his."

Amy came the next day and wanted to tell me the story all over again but I told her I wasn't interested. I had made up my mind and was starting the divorce proceedings.

"Do you realize that if you would have just come to our room the night of the reunion that none of this would have happened. We would have made love, went down for breakfast in the morning and went home. You would have had the baby and I would have just figured it was mine. Cindy might have eventually shot Mark anyway but you wouldn't have been the last straw for her.

"I still love you but not all the things you've done. I could never stay married to you wondering if you were telling me the truth. If you sign the papers, we'll be divorced within two months."

She cried and told me how much she loved me. I believe she did but would never know if it was enough. It was a relief when she left.

When I got out of the hospital I went and got my old apartment near work back. I started driving truck but took the longer routes. I was on the road five days and home two. After my first trip back I received the news that Brent was Matthew's father, but at that point it wasn't a big surprise. He had his name put on the birth certificate and was ordered to pay child support.

In our divorce decree we split everything fifty-fifty. I had to give her two hundred a week in alimony but no child support. The alimony would be for five years or if she got married, whichever occurred first. She was a good looking woman and I didn't figure she would be single for long.

Life for me was rather unhappy. My parents stayed friends with Amy and they sort of adopted Matthew as a grandchild. To them Amy was still like a daughter.

The divorce became final and I was a free man again. I was sad but free. We had a good thing going and I thought we loved each other enough to be together forever. But there were a few things I just couldn't forgive. We were all paying the price for Amy's indiscretions.

One weekend when I was home Beth called.

"I'm divorcing Brent because I've lost all respect for him. And Amy and I aren't best friends anymore either. It's too hard to look at Matthew knowing he's Brent's child."

I can understand all that," I replied. "Would you like to go out for dinner sometime? You told me we would always be friends, and I was thinking how I could really use one right now."

"John, I'd love to go out with you but not until after my divorce. It should be final in about a month. Something else I should tell you..."

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I know that Brent goes over to see Amy. He says it's only to see his son but I know better. I just thought you should know."

"Are you afraid I might do something drastic?"

"Actually yes, though not to them but because of you. I don't want to see you get hurt or put in jail ever again. Believe it or not I hit you with that frying pan to save you."

"I don't understand? You hit me to save me from what?"

"I saw the hatred in your eyes. I know what you're capable of and you would have hurt him severely and been locked up. I didn't want that to happen. I better go. John, take care when you're on the road. Bye for now."

She hung up and I got to thinking about how easy we talked to each other. I had often wondered what would have happened if I would have married her instead of Amy. We both loved our spouses and wouldn't have done anything to jeopardize our marriages. I wondered if Brent and Amy had felt the same way. All the cheating and lying sure changed things.

I let things slide, figuring if Beth was interested in getting together some time in the future, she would let me know. I guess one of the hardest things for me to deal with was my mom and her relationship with Amy. Mom even babysat Matthew when Amy went back to work.

Dad was more of a go-along guy. When I talked to him he would just say that people made mistakes. I really believe he just didn't want to argue with mom about it. As far back as I could remember mom ran the household. Maybe that was why I was more of a rebel. I saw how my mom ruled over my dad and I wasn't going to let it happen to me.

I was really happy with my job; I enjoyed traveling and seeing the different sights, although I often wished I had someone to share them with. When a trucker has been on regular routes for a while, they see the same people at stops, and I made friends with a number of them.

Once some of the women found out I was single it was a lot nicer. Many offered to show me the sights. I got laid a number of times but I let the women know up front that I wasn't looking for a relationship. A number of them felt the same way, so it worked out great.

Even though the sex was good I was reluctant to get deeply involved. I guess because of Amy, I distrusted women. I loved having dinner dates and sex, but I never let myself fall for any of them.

One weekend when I was home there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Beth standing there.

"John, I need to talk to you." She seemed rather serious when she spoke.

"Where are your kids?" I don't know what made me ask that question.

"They're with Brent and Amy this weekend."

"What? They're dating?"

"It's worse. Last week he moved in with her. He stopped by and told me they were getting married."

"You've got to be kidding me. When did all this shit start?"

"I told you that I applied for a divorce. It was less than a week later he started seeing her. He first went to see his son but as I told you months ago, I didn't believe him. Our divorce was final two weeks ago. I got the house and custody of the kids, but Brent gets them every other weekend. He's paying me child support but no alimony since I divorced him."

"Well I guess he won't have to pay Amy child support for Matthew if they get married."

I tried to put a little humor into the situation, hoping to make her smile. But she still looked a bit tense.

"Beth, I don't care about either of them anymore. A few months ago I would have probably tried to kill Brent, but now I just don't care. He's getting a cheating slut for a wife and neither of them is worth going to jail for."

"John, a few months ago you asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner. Does that offer still stand?"

"Of course it does. Give me an hour to clean up a little and I'll pick you up at the house. Maybe we can take in a movie or something while we're at it."

Beth smiled as she left to get ready. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not because I knew I had the hots for her. Maybe she just needed an old friend to talk to or maybe it could be more. I just wasn't sure.

It felt funny walking up to her door. I hadn't been there since all the troubles began. When I knocked, Beth answered right away. Damn! She looked great.

"So, where do you want to go for dinner? I hear McDonald's has a two for one special on burgers," I said, trying to ease the tension I felt when first seeing her.

She stared at me for a few seconds before smiling. "I was thinking more like Red Lobster but wherever you want to go is fine with me."

We headed over to Red Lobster where a hostess seated us right away. It was rather quiet between us so I decided to break the ice.

"Beth, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'm not sure what to say, how to act, or what subjects are okay to discuss. You need to help me out a little here. I feel like a kid on his first date and don't want to make any mistakes."

She smiled at me. "We've been friends for over ten years. There's nothing we can't discuss, though I prefer we don't talk about Brent or Amy. But if you need to we can. Let's talk more about happy times like when you thought I was her and grabbed my ass."

"Oh god, I remember that. It was when we all went to the beach and I didn't know you were in the changing rooms with her. I hid to the side and when you stepped out I grabbed your ass, thinking you were Amy."

"How do you think I felt until you turned beet red and apologized," she said and then laughed.

We talked about other good times we had together, including those with Brent and Amy. It just happened during our conversation.

"Beth, do you think they were together before the time they mentioned?"

"I honestly don't know. I would like to believe they were never together but I just don't know. It doesn't make any difference anymore; they're together now."

"What about us? I don't know what you expect of me. Are we just good friends? Will we be lovers? I've loved you almost as much as I did Amy. Now probably even more. I'm not ready for courtships, engagements or marriage. You have two kids with Brent. I've always liked them and I want you to know I don't love them any less then I did before everything happened."

"Easy John, you're getting all worked up over possibilities. I've always cared for you too. That's why I'm here with you tonight. I want to stay good friends. As far as lovers, I'll leave that up to you. I'm not looking for a husband or even a boyfriend. I just got out of a very bad relationship and I'm not ready to jump back into a new one.

"With that said, I really care for you and always have. What I want between us is an honest friendship. Someone I can share my thoughts with and a shoulder to cry on if I need it. I no longer have Amy as that close friend."

We stopped talking about our personal relationship and began eating our dinner. After that we went to a club and had a few drinks and danced.

As we were dancing to all the slow songs I began holding her closer. She felt and smelled so good. She looked up at me and without thinking I kissed her. It was a short, soft kiss but I could feel passion between us.

"Should I apologized or do you want me to kiss you... ?"

She stopped me and pressed her lips against mine again. Only this time it was even more passionate and lasted longer.

"John, I haven't been made love to since the reunion. I want you to make love to me. Not because you feel sorry for me but because you want me as much as I want you. No commitment except to make each other happy and be honest with one another."

"Your place or mine?" I asked. We kissed again and went to her house.

We were hardly in the door when we started kissing like two new lovers. I followed her into her bedroom where we removed our clothes and climbed on the bed. When I felt her breasts for the first time, I couldn't help but suck on each tight nipple.

One of my favorite spots on a woman was the area below her navel. I began kissing and licking the light fuzz on her lower tummy, moving down till I was rubbing my face all over her trimmed muff.

She kept saying my name over and over. "John, oh John, oh John, it feels so good."

I began fingering her and found her pussy so wet. It wasn't long before I replaced my fingers with my face, extending my tongue in and out of her folds. She kept moaning and pulling my face into her very wet hole. I got up on my knees and put each of her legs on my shoulders.

"It's your turn Beth. If you want my cock in you, you'll have to put it in yourself."

She reached down and grabbed hold of my cock and guided it into her wet opening. Slowly I pushed forward, and before long we were in the same stride together. Pushing my cock in to the hilt, I then eased it out slowly before going in again.

Beth was making so many sounds. I felt her tighten up and let out a near shriek. I stopped pumping as I felt her pussy pulsate around my cock. I was still hard and had not cum yet. I pulled my cock out of her when the pulsating stopped, lying on my back. She got on top of me, grabbed my stiff cock and reinserted it into her pussy to ride me.

As we built up speed, I held onto her ass till I could feel my climax coming. I let out a groan and pulled her tight to me. As I began shooting into her, she had another orgasm. Then she sprawled across me for a while before sliding off. Spent, we fell asleep. I woke up sometime later and turned the light off before falling back to sleep with my cock pressed against her ass.

The next morning we took showers before going out for breakfast. We talked and tried to lay down a few ground rules.

After the previous night it was easy for me to admit I really cared for her. The problem was that I didn't know if it was a good idea for the two of us to hook up. It was odd enough that our ex-spouses were getting married.

"John, I know you're wondering about us. Last night was the best night that I can ever remember. I know this situation is awkward for both of us. I originally thought we would have sex and get it out of our system—kind of a get even with our ex's thing. But to be honest, I don't want to stop seeing you."

"Beth, I feel the same way but it's too soon to be back in a steady relationship, especially with a woman I've dreamt about for years. I'm not sure where this is going. You know my schedule. I'm lucky if I'm home two days a week. You need someone you can depend on and help take care of you and maybe even marry in the future. Right now I can't be that man."

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 14 Di Rosas Honor

Everything hurt. Lying face down on the rough canvas of the old camp bed her bruised breasts were sending jolts of pain. Her jaws were sore after hours of oral abuse. Her vagina felt raw, but worst was her anus, even now plugged with some giant plastic penis. Whenever she twitched pain shot through her and she felt moisture – blood for sure – running down her crack and over her raw pussy. Deirdre had completely lost her feeling of time. She was not sure if they had raped her for hours, for...

4 years ago
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Carrie Catches Herself a Unicorn

1.When I met Carrie, I was perhaps at my lowest point in my dealings with women. If I'd have met Carrie at any other time, I might've had the good sense to get out, or not get involved. As it stood-- I was vulnerable, and desperate-- and for all of her faults, Carrie was quite attractive, masterful-- even insane in bed, and cunningly manipulative.Carrie was the first woman I'd been with in a long time who was more sexually experienced than I was, and (so far) has been the oldest women I've ever...

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Indian Wife taken in

Neha and Shashank Deshpande had been living in Los Angeles for last 3 years. Shashank had got a job offer from an American MNC as sales manager and since then had got a green card. After they had arrived in U.S. Neha also had got job as a secretary in a company. Their life had been good. They had been married for 5 yrs now. Neha was 25 and Shashank was 28. Apart from the fact that they hadn’t had a c***d, their life was pretty good. Their sexual life was also great. It was only marred by one...

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Hyderabadi brother cums inside married sister

Hello readers, I am Mohit from Hyderabad. I am 28 years old. We are 4 in my family. Me, mom, dad and my sister. The queen of the story is my sister. Her name is Vidya and she is 2 years elder to me. I and my sister are extremely close to each other and we love each other a lot. She is my best friend at home. We used to share everything even personal Vidya got married when she was 25 years old and has a child now. She has an extremely white complexion and is fat in the right places....

3 years ago
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Night Angel

Put on the song Gimmie Shelter by the Stones and enjoy ^..^Through the night she glides, her hunger knowing no bounds. Searching for prey in the dark recesses of a town filled with lustful intent. Her hair is as dark as a raven wing, and her eyes feline born. Lips are full and red. Breasts lush, body made for lusting. She is hunter, is in heat and satisfied it shall be.She materializes in shadow to find what she craves. Into the steamy bar she walks and people stop in their tracks as she walks...

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Czowiek Mleczarnia Gospodarstwo Sp Z OO

Sunday, 3:52pm. The first phone call was picked up after the third ring. "Hello," said the person who answered it, with that tone of distraction and indifference that comes from spending too much time on the phone. "HELP!!" shouted the patient. "HELP ME! ARE YOU THERE?? OH, SHIT, CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME??!!" she continued, sobbing a little as she rushed out each panicked syllable. "PLEASE!! FUCK, PLEASE SOMEBODY, HELP ME!!!" "Okay, okay! Listen!" replied the voice, finally managing to...

4 years ago
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Best Sex With Aunt

HI ISS readers. I’m regular reader of this site. After reading lots of experiences from males and females, today I had thought to share my experience with u. It happened with me in last year. I’m also a common guy and have same feelings like u all. I had so many female friends but I never had sexual contact with anyone. But life gave me another chance. I shifted to nagpur a year before.although it is a very good city . But gradually I was feeling loneliness. After completing working hours only...

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TeenyBlack Sizi Sev Sizi8217s Sizzling Seduction

Sizi Sev is a barely legal ebony beauty who has her priorities straight. When asked by the producer what she plans on spending her first porn paycheck on, she tells him she will use it on a place to stay. The producer wants to know how the prospect of fucking a stranger makes her feel. She says that it makes her feel slutty, but she likes that and that is what she is here for. She has a great personality and one banging solid figure. She shows off her flexibility for the producer and...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Anniversary Gift Part3

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 33

The next two days go on as normal business days. The same routine I do every other day. Nick still there for me to lean on when I need him. I look forward to Saturday. I am going to finally put my plan into action. Nick is going to spend the night with his poker buddies. I am okay with that. I am to get Nick at noon on Saturday. I drop Nick off at his apartment complex. I watch him disappear into the building. I drive off when my cell phone rings. "Mac's ten minutes!" the line goes dead. I...

2 years ago
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Sex play

The girl smiled warmly at the tall figure beside her. Her tits thrust invitingly against the soft black jersey of her dress. Her lips spread sensuously, the dim lighting at the bar picking up the tiny beads of moisture. She lifted the drink before her and took it to her mouth slowly. He watched the thrust of the luscious tits. Her eyes dropped to the firm thighs as the soft skirt d****d over them. Carl waited for the young woman to turn back to him and make the offer he had been patiently...

4 years ago
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Sylvia tells Tom about sex with her mom

Silkie tells her friend Tom about sex with her mother, years after it happened. Sylvia is over eighteen when she tells the story as if that changes anything since it's all fiction anyway!When mom got going down there, it wasn't about any stupid dick at all. It was about making me feel so good, so wet and wiggly and sexy."Baby, can I lick your ass?"By this point, if she had said"Can I lick your ass with a flamethrower?" I would have said:'"Sure. mom, fuckin' do it..."She got me to act so...

2 years ago
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Thinking of somebody else

I watch him sometimes at night. He lives in the house opposite and often walks into his room naked. He’s about 19 or 20, tall, well built. I’ve stared many times as his taut arse, even his cock. I have touched myself while watching him upstairs, the light out. And on one bonus, bonus occasion, I saw him masturbating in front of the mirror. Did he secretly know I was watching and masturbating too? I can’t get enough of taring at his young, muscular body. I came watching him that night. When I...

1 year ago
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One Hot Summers Day

I decided I would pack a lunch and take a walk in the mountains. It had been quite a while since I had been up there and I hadn’t realised just how much I had missed walking along the many winding paths, finding new places. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. Checking I had sufficient to eat and drink, I remembered to put some wet wipes in my small bag as well. It was a hot day and I would need something to dry me and keep me cool.Placing the bag over my shoulder, off I...

3 years ago
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My cheerleader girlfriend

I’m Jerry and I’m 18. My cheerleader girlfriend Tracy and I are both seniors in high school and are about to graduate in a couple months. She is 18 as well and she is a very sexy lady. I’m 5’10 and have brown hair, she is only 5’4 though brown hair. We were high school sweethearts and we knew we’d be together forever. We were prefect for each other, we never fought and just loved being together. Just one negative thing, I’ve tried my best to get her to play a cheerleader fantasy for me, but...

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 12

The next morning for some reason I awoke unusually early, before sunrise, and decided to sit outside and wait for everyone else to arise. As I walked out the dogs barked an excited greeting. To keep them quiet I went over, knelt and petted them. They repaid my effort by giving my face a tongue bath. It had been quite a while since I had time to give the dogs more than a passing glance and as I filled their water dishes I tried to focus my mind on the day's events. The first thing I saw was...

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SleepwalkerChapter 32 A Little Surprise

I expected to find myself in the glade but found myself back walking through the park. I was disappointed when Allison didn't show up. Then I discovered why I was here. "Jimmy?" Uh-oh, I knew that voice. I turned and sure enough, there was Angela Osborn. A quick check confirmed that my ring was gone. I had bridged into yet another person's dream. But what kind of dream? After the mistakes I had made in Shannon's fantasy I was going to be very cautious. "Hey, Angie! How are you?...

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Project ManagerChapter 9

The Biells thought it was good to be back in the States. Their flight landed on Friday at three in the afternoon which gave them the weekend to settle in. When they were at Scott’s condo he could see she gave it a good look. He wondered what her reaction was going to be and he her heard her say that she liked the condo but thought it might be a little too small for the both of them. On Saturday morning the first thing they did was to take an Uber to an auto dealer since they needed to...

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So I never dreamed my Mom and I would become lovers. But back in 1960 my parents had actually entered me into a local religious retreat at a nearby lake. The camp whether it still exists I,ve no idea, but six other teenagers from my church attended. It Wasn,t cheap as meals and board under an all boys and all girls, chalet on lake side plus counsellors and chaperones were provided. I liked the retreat as when we weren,t having bible studies forced on us we could do crafts and do sports like...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 A Shaggy Dog Story

I had plenty of suggestions on how to spend my thirty-first birthday, which would also be the first anniversary of the death of my family. They included locking myself in a room and getting dead drunk; locking myself in a room with three or four whores and galloping them all senseless, before getting dead drunk, with myriad permutations on those two similar themes. In fact my intention was to take a ride over the Mendip Hills, possibly with some bivouac equipment, and spend the day completely...

2 years ago
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You said you are ready, and you used the word Sir, I think you really are ready. You think you are, but im not sure if you are aware of about what I am going to start. We have talked about this, and how you want to be made to feel like my little slut, and to feel used, forced and vulnerable. I am new to this as are you, and we both have talked extensively about how we want it to be, what we like and dislike, and most importantly what our limits are.I give you baby kisses down from your navel to...

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Eating Mexican

NO ONE IN THIS STORY UNDER 18 YEARS ENGAGES IN SEX. Karen and I knew from the beginning that we were meant for each other because we are both sex fanatics and willing to experience anything that sounded like fun. On the day of our seventh wedding anniversary, we were in San Diego attending a convention. We had elected to stay at a motel near the airport rather than the Convention Center Hotel. We wanted total privacy away from the other conventioneers; away from people, we knew. Karen and I...

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Punjabi Professor Got Punished Chapter 8211 2

After that I went straight to the washroom. I hurriedly vomited few times, washed my face, cried for some time. Then I washed my ass due to his spit. I was still feeling the stickness while walking. It was, I don’t know, I never imagined at all. I had a boyfriend but we are more social site lovers. We met 2-3 times a year. So you can see that I was not that type of girl who thinks about kisses, sex and all these things. I was more bookish then romantic. But today, it all changed for me. I get...

2 years ago
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WinnerChapter 12

A bunch of TV cameras, each with its own lights and tripod, lined the back of the spartan MCI meeting room, the place where Michael Jordan and Jaromir Jagr, among others, met the press and where new coaches and high draft-choices came and sometimes went. A half-dozen microphones and about twice that number of small tape recorders sat on the plastic lectern. The room was wall-to-wall men with one or two women elbowed in for good measure or perhaps for the sake of appearances. Even Tony...

2 years ago
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His Sexpot S i s Chapter 3

"I knew how much you liked fucking, even then," Shawn continued. "I lost track ofhow many times I jacked off just thinking of fucking you, of how good it would feel toget my rod up you.""But you never tried, did you?""No, fool that I was, I should have. You certainly gave me plenty of opportunities,going about the house half-naked.""I liked teasing you, Shawn. It was fun. Remember the time that school teacher cameand stayed with us? What was her name?""Rhodes," he grinned. "Celia Rhodes. How...

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Me Myself and My gorgeous cousins

I’m not gonna lie. I always lusted for my cousins. They were beautiful. One was 13 years older than me, one was 7 years older than me, and the last was 5 years older than me. Their names are (in order form oldest to youngest) Lindsey, Stephanie, and Megan. Lindsey was about 5’10’’ and she was an athlete. She had hair that I really don’t know the natural color of because she dyed it so much. At this point in time it was black, which clashed with her pale skin but was beautiful anyway. She had...

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The Best Vacation Of My Life In Chennai

I had no idea what this vacation will do to me and my emotions until that day. When I was at the age of 20 I went to my granny’s home in Chennai for my summer vacation where usually all our relations will meet up every year. It was a boring vacation as always since I had no fun or whatsoever. After a week, one of our distant relatives came and I had no idea who were they and what relationship they were to me. Suddenly I saw a beautiful girl who emerges from the group and seemingly confused as...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Misty Stone Does It For Her Step Dad

Misty Stone is all natural babe with a perfect ebony tan, sexy face and all other sexy attributes she poses. Man, just a mention of her name makes all guys in the world horny, right? But, I bet you didn’t know that Misty is not so happy these days. She has a problem in the school and wants to work it out with her step dad. Wearing some sexy outfit and being such an attractive bitch makes her step daddy so horny. Not long after that, she touches his cock and she really likes it. With a big...

2 years ago
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A Bride Getting Ready For Marriage

Hi, this is Mohan Reddy (). I live in Indore and am 50 yrs. You may have read a couple of my earlier uploads where I had lost my virginity and also about an adventure with a matured lady 5 yrs back and a few more. As I tour a lot I have made friends with a lot of the hotel staff. On one such trip, my friend and manager of the Hotel had a marriage booking And the Bride’s side had booked for a beautician and masseur. But unfortunately the masseur was sick and he was upset and was telling me his...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 1

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

3 years ago
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A special box of chocolates brings more than one guy expected

Billy was ready for tonight. He had been ready for as long as he’d been going out with Leslie. He was sure tonight was the night that she was finally going to let him fuck her. And was he ever ready. Sure, she had given him a hand job here and there, and she had let him feel her up on countless occasions. But she hadn’t ever let him go all the way with him yet. For the first couple of months, he figured this was to be expected. They had both been raised in a Mid-Western town all...

4 years ago
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Talk About Getting LuckyChapter 4

After Jen was bathed with cum all the guys except James and I left while she was in the bathroom taking a shower. The time was late, after 1AM and James asked me if I wanted to be alone with her. I told him that I was sure she would want more loving and if he wanted to stay he was welcome. He smiled and then told me that he liked me and that what Shun had said about me was right, I was a white brother. I took that as a compliment. I then went in the bathroom to see if Jen was ok and needed...

1 year ago
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Blackmail In The Cabin Part 2

“Stan?!” cried Lucia. Her mind began to race. What was he doing here? Of all the people to run into, why him? The only way it could have been worse was if Stan’s sister Terri was here. Oh, how she loathed Terri. Terri was a total slut, whoring herself out to get guys’ attention in high school. And she had always suspected she had stolen her boyfriend from her. Not that she would have still been with that loser now, but it was the principle of the thing. And Lucia was pretty sure Terri had been...

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Watching Love Grow

When they first met it was lust at first sight! The first thing Ben had noticed about Lucy was her sparkling, hazel eyes and the way they creased up in the corners when she laughed, giving her an almost Chinese appearance. Lucy had been engrossed in a conversation with her best friend Grace. They hadn’t seen each other in almost three years, insofar as Grace had been living and working in California. Tonight was Grace’s welcome home party, which Lucy was throwing for her. Lucy didn’t know Ben,...

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Hot Thai Girl And Her Indian Boyfriend 8211 Part 3

It was a little chilly for an August evening in Hong Kong. It was windy and despite the dark moonless night, I could sense dark clouds building up over the city. ‘It is going to rain tonight’ I thought and was happy as finally there will be some relief from the hot weather. But tonight’s weather was different. I was feeling cold due to the chilly wind. Moreover my revealing dance costume wasn’t helping much too. Earlier that day I had four performances in four different venues. Moreover now we...

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