Delilah s Tribulations
- 2 years ago
- 52
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I suppose we got to bed about five in the morning. I woke about two in the afternoon. I suppose I might have woken naturally about then, but there were other factors. In no particular order, a familiar scent of woman, blended with that of coffee, the hard nipple of a firm breast brushed across my mouth, and some very intense sucking on my – very hard – cock.
The breast was withdrawn. “Master...” Sally’s sweet voice, quiet, welcome. “I have coffee.”
My first utterance was something like, “Wgrmlph?”
Soft lips on mine. “Beloved Master. Coffee.”
I gathered my scattered, befuddled, wits. “Sally, you’re a true treasure.” I levered myself up from my supine position and she shifted pillows in order that I could lean back. The mouth – Enid, of course – left my cock. The duvet heaved and Enid emerged, straddled me and sank down on my erection. I groaned with the pleasure of it, but accepted the cup of coffee. Sybaritic? Excellent bed. Wonderful coffee. Snug, hot pussy enclosing me. Bladder? Not critical. Definitely not critical.
Sally lay beside me, her nipples brushing my arm as I moved. Enid moved sensuously on me, but without the sort of urgency that would bring me to a peak. I downed the coffee and placed the cup on the night-stand. “Sally, here’s an order.”
She snuggled closer. “Yes, Master?”
“Throw your pills away.”
Nothing happened for several seconds, but then she moved suddenly, so she was looking me in the eyes. “Really, Master?” Her dark eyes were wide.
Then she was kissing me. One long, deep, intense kiss, followed by a myriad of little pecks all over my face interspersed with, “Oh, Master, I love you so much...”
I was beginning the climb to orgasm when Sally turned to Enid. “Slave!”
“Yes, Milady.” And Enid was lifting off, her place taken by Sally, on whom my attention was concentrated, though I saw Enid pad out of the room in my peripheral vision.
Sally wasn’t moving any faster than Enid had, but there were profound differences. The intensity of her gaze, fixed on mine. Her smile, warm enough to melt an iceberg. The sheer fact it was Sally, not Enid, and the way her vagina massaged me. I came, and it was a fountain.
“Thank you, Master,” she breathed, falling forwards onto me.
“No, thank you, my darling slave-wife.”
There came a point where I could no longer stay in bed, however pleasant. The toilet, then the shower. Dressing, and making our way to the kitchen, to be greeted by Enid.
“Master. Milady. The potatoes will be ready in just a few minutes.”
“Well done, Slave Enid.” Sally praised her and turned to me, “I made a large beef casserole. There is plenty for us and the prisoners, if you approve.”
“Certainly. If they co-operate, and if they’ll eat what we offer.”
We made up four bowls of food, with plastic spoons, and Enid carried the tray while Sally and I went down to the cell. On the way down, we could hear them banging or kicking on the door. Good luck with that!
The later visitors were initially disinclined to co-operate – we told them all to stand facing the opposite wall while we placed the tray inside the cell – but their hired guns weren’t going to be deprived of food and were able to ‘persuade’ them. It wasn’t an enormous risk. There was no handle on the inside of the door, which opened inwards. If they’d moved while we had the door opened, we merely had to shut it.
We returned to the kitchen and did justice to our meal.
The first ‘friends’ to arrive came to deal with the van. They brought a new windscreen and the wherewithal to fit it, and did a rather more thorough job of cleaning the cab. There wasn’t much they could do about the 0.55inch holes behind the driver’s wheel and in the back door. I wondered what happened to the actual bullet. Oh, and body-bags. Dry ice. They drove the van away. I never saw it again, and I have no idea what happened to the bodies. I never saw the face of the second man I killed, so it doesn’t bother me the way the first did.
Jonny didn’t come with the team to collect our prisoners. He sent Rob Forrest. He came in the grotty Toyota I’d seen when I collected Lisette – I mean Enid, of course, but she was still Lisette at that point. But this time he’d driven in company with one of those secure vehicles the Police use for transporting prisoners. He, with three capable-looking men, loaded our prisoners in the van, and the three set off south, leaving Rob with us.
“Can you stay tonight?”
“I was hoping you’d ask.”
Sally and Enid were in the kitchen, so I fetched bottles of beer from the cellar, and glasses from the kitchen.
“Master Jerry! You should have called!”
“You’re busy. We’ll be fine.”
“Good stuff,” Rob said, sipping.
“I like it. Brewed over in Cockermouth.”
“So. I said I was glad you asked me to stay. I would have asked, otherwise.”
“You’ll be welcome anytime, like Jonny.”
“Ah, yes, Jonny. Jonny’s worried that you’re exposed. Part of your safety is that not many people know where you are. That’s changed. Jonny wants to boost your security. There’s a guy – ex special forces, ex Intelligence, Major – who helps out from time to time. Rescued a girl from prostitution, married her. She’s training as a psychologist. Wants to work in abuse counselling.”
“Yes. We thought, if you were willing, they could have a busman’s holiday, staying with you, and Alex could advise you on security.”
“I’ll talk to Sally. She’ll do anything I say, but I prefer to get her opinion.”
“That’s good. Tell me about Lisette.”
“She’s changed. Told us her real name is Enid Jones.” I hesitated, but made a quick decision and went on. “I ... Sally’s advice ... claimed ownership of her.” How much detail should I share? “She confessed that she had – her words – betrayed us. Wanted to be punished. Sally...” I closed my eyes and grimaced at the memory, “Sally whipped her. She knew I didn’t know how to use a whip properly. She knew I’d hate to do it. But I watched. And when Sally finished, Enid knelt in front of me and I collared her.”
“Interesting. I’ve no personal experience of that world.”
“Believe me, but for Sally, I’d rather I had none too.”
We sipped our beer in silence after that, until Enid came in and told us supper was ready.
It was interesting that Rob’s speech patterns were much less ‘camp’ than they had been in public. I noticed, also, that Enid was eyeing him with interest.
It was, as always, a good meal; omelette, new potatoes, broccoli with a herb sauce. Sally produced an apple pie for dessert and offered cream or ice-cream to accompany it. At length, replete, we adjourned to the lounge, with a tray of tea, leaving Enid to clear up.
It seemed that Rob liked his Earl Grey, too. Sally would have brewed something else had that not been so. She served us and took up her accustomed position against my leg.
“You’re a very lucky man, Jerry,” Rob commented. “Jonny told me of Missus Smallbridge’s devotion and culinary skills, as well as her,” he coughed, “other abilities. It seems he understated the case.”
I stroked her hair unconsciously. “I am, indeed, very lucky. It would be hard to overstate Sally’s qualities.”
“One reason I’m here is to ask about your guest,” he frowned, “it’s difficult to adjust. Enid. We’d thought she might be ... difficult. My instructions are to take her back with me if you’d rather be without her.”
I glanced down, only then realising what I’d been doing – it was so much a habit, I suppose. Sally looked up and met my eyes. Her head shook, fractionally, and her eyes flicked to the door just as Enid walked in. She’d taken the time to strip, except for her collar, and knelt in front of us.
“Master. Milady. I didn’t hear everything, but I’d beg to stay until I have to go. I’m as happy as I’ve ever been, like this. Who’d have thought I would be freer as your slave than as a prostitute?”
I could see a twinkle in Sally’s eyes and no hint of reservation. Of course, all along, most of the reservation had been mine, and that was likely to continue to be the case.
“Slave Enid, you are welcome here as long as you need.” Should I say anything about freeing her? I deferred the question.
“Thank you Master.” But then she turned to Rob. “Sir, is there anything you need? With Master’s permission, I am at your disposal.”
Well, that was a shocker.
Rob looked at me. I shrugged. “Feel free.” I looked at Enid. “In this, Enid, you are not a slave, do you understand? You may do anything Rob asks, but you do not have to.”
“Thank you, Jerry. Enid, I’d love your company this evening,” Rob said.
Despite my words, Enid moved – on hands and knees – across to Rob and knelt, like Sally, leaning against his leg. Rob and I looked at each other and I noticed a slight smile. His lips barely moved, but it showed in his eyes.
We chatted for an hour or so, mostly about living in the ‘wilds’ of Cumbria, and at nine o’clock, I said, “Rob, we usually have a hot drink and a snack about now and go to bed. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or assorted cold drinks including alcoholic ones, tea-cakes, scones, muffins*, pikelets – what you’d probably call crumpets – cheese and crackers.”
*Okay. Muffins, at least in Britain, are a yeast-rising bread cooked in a frying-pan or skillet, not a cake. They are usually split and toasted, then generously buttered.
“Sounds good! It’s been a long day. Tea, toasted muffin and butter?”
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As Bobbie made her way through the corridors of the courthouse, it felt wonderful to have Andy on her right and Kenny on her left, both holding her hand tightly. The thought of these two incredibly brave and resourceful children holding on for protection was amusing. Knowing them, though, Bobbie was certain they were doing it because they knew that she liked it and it made her feel good to hold their hands. Finding the door to Judge Callaway's chambers, before knocking she dropped to her...
"Come on, Darian. You look good. They won't have a clue that we aren't who we look to be," said Danielle, extending her hand out towards Darian. Standing at the top of the stairs, Danielle and Darian stood in each other's bodies. Danielle being to the calmer of the two, she naturally took the lead in the situation. "I don't know,' said Darian shyly. 'I just feel so awkward wearing all these dark colors and white make-up." "Oh, stop being such a girl. Just come on," said...
visit on to see top rated stores video gallery etcThe stories really got me thinking about my fantasies concerning my mother. I was just curious about i****t when I discovered this site and I had no prior i****t experience to share until last week.From as far as I can remember, I always looked at mom as just regular ol'mom - until I hit puberty. I started noticing all the different things that separated boys from girls: tits, round hips and ass, and of course, their sweet and...
"Okay," the brown-haired flight attendant whispered as they slipped on their fitted royal blue jacket, fastening the one single button at the front. "You can do this." "You ready?" the flight attendant's mentor, a 22 year old blonde woman named Abbey, asked. "Ready as I'll ever be!" the brown haired flight attendant replied with a nervous giggle. "You'll be FINE," Abbey replied. "Trust me, the job isn't THAT hard. It'll seem like you have a lot to learn, but if you've already got...
Introduction: Hi there. Once again I had some free time to write the next part of this story. This story will contain incest. If anybody does not like this or does not want to read about it please read something else. Now have fun and enjoy it. Some night ago dad, Chris and Sarah went to watch a movie while mom and I had a really nice ladies night. We chatted about this and that and of course about what mom had seen. The night before she saw me giving Chris a nice blow job and how he shot his...
As they talked, they heard a helicopter approach and land close by. Ames’ aide got out, followed by Kevin Murphy who was carrying a cardboard box. He ran up and saluted Kelly who then looked at him carefully. His eyes still showed black, but there was now only a Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose. He saluted Ames and said, “General, your lunch, sir!” He opened the box and Kelly started to laugh. In the box were a dozen wrapped hot dogs. She helped herself and passed the box around. Solov...
Waking up the next morning wasn’t all warm and fuzzy. I woke up first and got up to use the bathroom. When I came out, Phoebe was sitting on the edge of the bed, running her fingers through her hair. “I’m late,” she said. “I have to go get Chris.” “I’ll take you,” I offered. “No. That’s okay. I need to go home. I need a shower.” I followed her out of the bedroom to the front door. “When will I see you again?” I asked. “I don’t know. After I get cleaned up I’m going to call...
Faintly, a voice came through the darkness. "Amanda?" Amanda stirred, her eyes fluttering open. At first it was as if she were still among the trees, for it seemed as dim around her now as it had been there. For a brief moment she panicked, disoriented, and tried to bolt up from where she lay prone on her back. Her muscles refused to work properly, and when she tried to use her hands to push herself up, a bolt of pain in her arm made her wince, shocking her back to reality. Amanda felt...
‘THE DAILY GRIND’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘The first two chapters of this story were originally one, but when I first posted the story to the site a lot of readers complained it was too long. In hindsight, I agree. SO, for this reposting I’ve broken it in two chapters. On a personal note, the character of Mark Gordian is the vilest and most arrogant bastard I’ve ever written about. He’s also the most hated character out of all the stories...
I had a special treat planned for my wife Sandy on her birthday. She'd been feeling just a little blue lately and I wanted to do something special for my lady. I knew what would cheer her up. She missed her family ever since we had moved to Tucson from Scottsbluff, Nebraska but lately her homesickness had been stronger than usual. I had called up her kid sister Robin and invited her to come stay with us for the summer. Robin agreed to keep the impending visit a surprise, and I had sent her a...
He loved walking this particular trail in the late summer. The mosquitoes and deer flies were pretty much gone and so were the few people who used it. The trail was one of his favourites because hardly anyone knew about it and privacy was important. Particularly when he came not only for the walk but for a little nude sunbathing.As far as he could tell he was the only one the used the side trail he took to the lake. It involved cutting through some tall shrubs and around a small deadfall so the...
“Okay,” said Nathan, “I’ve got Jennifer on it, well, her PI at any rate. She’ll be getting back to me pretty soon. I’m sure of it.” “Okay, and I’ve got some news. Selena came at me after Jack left to go home,” said Victoria. “Oh?” he said. “Yes, she is pressuring me as to what she thinks I’m keeping from her. It’s apparently her belief that John Michael is even worse, not better, than he has so far been portrayed to this point, and she wants the whole truth. I was able to put her off, but...
The next day brought a new twist of its own as the stops were all pulled out by Amanda's unseen enemies. It was a media attack worthy of the one made on Gerald Ford After the Nixon fiasco. "Would Be Actor Climbs To New Lows To Save Failed Career," read one headline in a conservative newspaper. "Anti-President Fictional Movie Hero Fakes Gun Shot?" read another. Mark lost his temper as he read, "Even the president of the United States made an Anti-Amanda statement, 'What can you expect...