Delilah s Tribulations
- 3 years ago
- 52
- 0
“Hello, Jerry – how’s things?”
“Pretty good, on the whole, Jonny. Good to hear your voice.”
“You might change your mind about that in a moment. The Police made some arrests. Despite the seriousness of the charges, the clown of a judge granted bail. It was high, but in view of the profits of the business, hardly difficult for the accused to find. We’re trying to keep tabs on the underlings, some of whom evaded arrest. But that’s not all. Your guest.”
“Lisette? She’s been quiet. Seems to have settled quite happily.”
“She’s maintained a low-key email correspondence with a ‘person of interest’. Yesterday, she communicated your location and a number of details about you and Sally. You’ll need to watch your backs. Maybe start carrying one of those Glocks I sent you. They know you and Sally have some martial arts skills, but not that you have firearms.”
“Yup. Definite defecation factor. We may – probably will – get some warning of any move against you, but ... be prepared, Jerry. I’m sorry about this.”
I shrugged, which of course he couldn’t see. “Don’t worry about it, Jonny. I assumed a degree of risk anyway, and despite Lisette’s recent behaviour I’ve always been a little suspicious of her. We’ll be okay, I’m pretty sure.”
I was less confident than I made myself sound, but chatted a bit generally before Jonny said, “If we know there’s something on, there’ll be some operatives about in your grounds, so don’t shoot at shadows, please. I’ll let you know if there is someone of ours around, though.”
“Thanks, Jonny.”
I waited until the evening when Sally and I were cuddled up post-coitally to speak to her.
“Sweetie, I spoke to Jonny this morning.”
“Trouble? You seemed a little worried today.”
“Two things. Some baddies are on the loose thanks to a lax judge, and Lisette has apparently been communicating with, quote, ‘a person of interest’. In other words someone probably associated with the, um, ‘alleged villains’. He suggested we carry those Glocks he sent and watch our backs. But Sally, we need to be very careful about what Lisette knows. If we carry weapons, she mustn’t know about it.”
“Oh.” Sniff. “I did hope...”
“I know.” I wrapped her up, the contact comforting to both of us. Curiously, neither of us seemed inclined to go any further; certainly I barely reacted to her smooth, warm, curves. Not much later, her breathing steadied and she lay relaxed in my arms. Being trusted like that is really something. I lay, chewing over the situation until I was surprised by sleep.
Lisette noticed that we were different. “Something wrong?”
I shrugged. “Apparently the people who were arrested got bailed. Jonny isn’t happy they’re on the loose. I’m not happy they’re on the loose. At least they don’t know where you are. I hope.”
Sally’s very good at concealing her feelings – at least, she used to be; it was a part of the ‘training’ she underwent before being found by my uncle. As it was, she was merely quiet, which is not so different from usual. She got on with feeding us breakfast.
“Um...” Lisette hesitated, but went on, “Is there anything you need help with today?” She glanced from me to Sally, who was just sitting down with her own breakfast at that point.
Sally raised an eyebrow at me. “There’s that downed tree, Master. The one you wouldn’t let me cut up.”
I can never frown at Sally, though I do try from time to time. “And you’re the one with the chainsaw certificate. Okay. Lisette, there’s a dead tree out there. You may have noticed it?”
She nodded.
“I need to cut it up and store it for firewood. You can help, but it’s heavy work, humping bits of tree around. If you’re up for it, you can see if you can get into Sally’s protective gear.”
“Protective gear?”
“Yeah. Heavy boots, reinforced trousers and jacket. Hard hat, mesh visor, ear protectors, rigger gloves. Not that I’m going to let you handle the chainsaw.”
Her eyes flicked between Sally and me. “If it’s too much...”
“You can stop,” Sally said. “Master Jerry can do it, but having two pairs of hands would speed things up. If you do that, I can get on here and sort out lunch.”
“Well, I suppose it’s better than lounging around doing nothing. Watching DVDs is okay, but after a point...”
“Finish your breakfast, Sally. I’m going to dress for work and go out to get organised. If Lisette doesn’t change her mind, and your gear fits, I’ll see her at the tree when she’s ready.”
Well, I dressed up, loaded everything I needed in a big barrow, and headed up the hill. The first thing was to trim off the branches and drag them out of the way. Lisette arrived as I was doing that, and took over clearing the branches out of the way. She seemed to cope without noticeable strain.
I could see where walkers had skirted the downed tree, walking into the woodland to get round it. We just had to make sure we didn’t block the diversion as well as the main path. By lunch-time, we had a pile of branches and brush-wood at the side of the path and a bare trunk still across the path, but any reasonably agile walker could climb over if they preferred that to the diversion. We loaded the tools into the barrow and made our way back to the house.
Bangers and mash for lunch. The sausages from a local pork-butcher whose source of meat is his brother’s free-range pig farm, locally grown King Edward potatoes. Rich gravy, thick with onion.
Lisette, like Sally and I, cleared her plate and sat back with a sigh. “You’ll make me fat, feeding me like this. But, oh, that was,” sigh, “delicious.”
Sally giggled. “Thank you.”
“You won’t put on weight working as hard as you did this morning,” I told her. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired. Ache in some different places.”
“Relax for an hour with a cup of tea. Or coffee, if you’d rather.
“Coffee, Master?”
“Yes, please, Sally.”
“Me too,” Lisette added.
“I’ll bring it into the lounge.”
Lisette sank into an armchair with a groan. “You could give work a miss this afternoon,” I told her.
“Not a bit of it. I’ve actually enjoyed myself; it’s just that I haven’t done much of this sort of thing before. Make that ... I’ve never done this sort of thing before. Still, it’s more interesting than exercising in the gym.”
“I expect to have the path cleared this afternoon, but it’ll take a day or so to actually tidy up the wood, get it into store. The small stuff we can leave in the woods for little critters to live in, but there’s a lot of firewood there.”
“No kidding!”
Sally appeared with a tray, poured a latte for Lisette and herself, a cafe noir for me, and settled down on her knees to lean against my legs. I sipped my coffee and stroked her head; such a satisfying feeling, both tactilely and emotionally. I happened to glance at Lisette, who had a curious expression, part thoughtful, part sadness.
When we went back to work, Lisette tackled cutting up small stuff with loppers and piling it out of the way, while I got on with cutting up the trunk. It was only a couple of feet in diameter, but even so that was quite a task. Before the end of the afternoon, though, I had a pile of log rounds to split, and had made a start on the smaller branches. The path was clear, which was really the main point of the exercise.
Bread and butter tea. Cold meat, salad, pickles. Scones, still warm from the oven. Chocolate cake. Earl Grey tea. Lisette groaning as she stood up from the table.
“You okay?”
“I ache.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I chose to keep going. Besides, I quite enjoyed it. Never done anything like that before.”
“Go soak in a warm bath, and Sally’ll give you a massage.”
“Sally? Not you?” She had an impish half-smile.
“Sally knows what to do.”
To be honest, I’m not completely ignorant of massage, but as I told Lisette, Sally really does know. I enjoy sliding oily hands over smooth skin. I can often sense tense or knotted muscles and work on them, but there’s no way I can match Sally’s skills – learned, hard, under the whip.
As it was, Lisette soaked for half an hour in a Radox bath before Sally massaged her in her bed, which took perhaps another hour. At the end of that, she was barely semi-conscious, and Sally covered her up and left her to sleep.
While they were busy, I was sipping some good whisky and listening to some John Rutter. When Sally appeared, smelling faintly of massage oils, she took her usual position, kneeling and leaning against my leg. I caressed her hair, as I love to do.
“Oh, Master,” she sighed, then was silent until the recording ended. “Master, I don’t like to think of Lisette betraying us.”
“It did seem that she was trying to fit in with us.”
“She definitely likes you. I think she’s just trying to get your attention.”
I shrugged, though she wasn’t looking up and wouldn’t see. “Why would I bother? I’ve got you.”
“Don’t you think she’s pretty?”
“Not as pretty as you. Admittedly, now she’s washed off the heavy make-up and hairspray, she’s ... okay.”
“Bigger boobs than me.”
“Too big, by definition.”
“I wouldn’t mind, you know. If you wanted to try her out.”
“Not going to happen. Come on, Slave. I require that you help me shower. Precede me up the stairs so I can watch you wiggle.”
She rose smoothly to her feet. “Yes, Master.”
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I suppose we got to bed about five in the morning. I woke about two in the afternoon. I suppose I might have woken naturally about then, but there were other factors. In no particular order, a familiar scent of woman, blended with that of coffee, the hard nipple of a firm breast brushed across my mouth, and some very intense sucking on my – very hard – cock. The breast was withdrawn. “Master...” Sally’s sweet voice, quiet, welcome. “I have coffee.” My first utterance was something like,...
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In the kitchen, Sally began to prepare breakfast while I set up the coffee-maker. I anticipated the need for an extra carafe of the elixir or life, in view of the number of our guests. Of course, my efforts were not just altruistic. I wanted several mugs, myself. It was much earlier than I usually get out of bed. As a result, when the first faces appeared at the kitchen door, there was a carafe of coffee, almost full, and a large pot of tea waiting for them, and another dripping through....
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Mrs. Riley listened to the rain as she sat in her living room reading another of the trashy romance novels she had been addicted to since she was a girl. The house was empty, unusual for a Saturday night, and she was looking forward to a night of peace and quiet. The sudden ring of the doorbell caused her to glance up at the clock. Ten to eight, she wasn’t expecting anyone. With a small sigh she put the book aside and left poor Rachel alone for the first time with her secret love...
Patty and I have lived next door to each other since we were born. She was an only child while I had a younger brother Timmy. She was quite a tomboy so when we were preadolescents we three did everything together. That included playing “doctor” in the treehouse my dad built for us quite a way back in our big yard. We examined each other’s parts and she thought our little stiffies were cute. We were all fascinated by the way the other kind peed and played a few games with that as part of our...
First chapter of my first story. Constructive criticism welcomed, but please be gentle. The run was brief but I worked up a pretty good sweat. It was the end of a long eight-hour shift and it felt good to release a bit of stress. I inhaled long, deep breaths of the cool evening air that was spiced with the scent of mist and pine, strode to the front door and inserted my key into the knob. The exhaustion, coupled with a spike in testosterone and endorphins, made my hand fidgety, but I enjoyed...
First TimeAMAR CHODNA MASTER By: Keya Ami takhan metricer test porikha diyechhi, aar mathematics e fail korechhi, amader onker sir sadhan babu ke giye dharlam, tini schooler pechhone ekta tiner ghare thaken. Tini kichhutei raji hachhilen na.Schoole kom lekhano haleo Amar boyosh 18 paar hayechhe, tai jebhabhei hok metric pass kortei habe. Onerk anurodh korar por tini ballen thik achhe pass kariye dite pari tabe ek shorte. Ami sadhan babur chokher dike takalam tini amar 34 sizer boro boro dudh gulor upor...
How it started, I don't really know. My wife (Pam) and I have a great relationship. We have sex at least 3 times a week maybe more. But things do get stale. My mother-in-law (Debbie) comes and visits 2-3 times a year for a week long visit just to catch up. I have known her a long time, from when I was in high school. Debbie has a so-so body, but really likes to show off her more than ample 38D chest. We have always flirted. When Debbie's second husband past away, we invited her to come and stay...
I will get the personal details out of the way quickly. My name is Katie I am 19 and am studying history at University. Oh, and by the way I have always considered myself to be the sort of girl that is only interested in men. Well that was until I met Suzie. She had enrolled on the same course as me and the first time I saw her I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I admit I was shocked by the way my body reacted, my nipples were soon erect and...
LesbianIn my personal journey from straight, married heterosexual to bi male, I discovered, along the way, that I was aroused by women’s lingerie. It started with trying on a pair of my wife’s nylon panties. The feel of the silky material, and the sight of how it fit, quickly brought on an erection. I used another silky pair in my hand to jack myself off, being careful not to get any cum on the panties. The orgasm was unusually powerful. In the weeks following, I pursued my new found curiosity,...
CrossdressingOn the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...
It's your first day of college, and it's filled with all possibilities. Your college is a d3 academics focused school, but yet it still has a decent football program. For academics, it is known as one of the top engineering programs in the country. You're a blank slate a fully capable of doing anything. Class start in 3 days and you have already moved into your dorm, so you choose to take a walk around campus. On this walk, you see a group of girls taking a picture with your school mascot, the...
BDSMThe flickering glow of the fire cast ominous shadows across the front of the library, but also gave him enough light to see by. Sliding the key into the lock, Darren let himself in, closing the massive door behind him. It was only a minute later that he heard the wail of sirens, and another police cruiser showed up, followed by the fire department. Their efforts were valiant, but Darren knew there were no survivors to be found. Moving deep into the library, he dug around, looking for maps in...
"This story contains no sex" What is there to say? I like erotic stories, especially the cheating wife tales. Their emotional impact ties my stomach in knots and leaves me desiring more. Ecstatic, I discovered treasure troves of stories at various sites on line and finding them required little effort on my part. I amazed myself at the diligence with which I investigated these sites, searching out the "old classics," authored by a variety of gifted writers. The process had taken almost a...
Xena was kept in her cell for forty eight hours, always chained and receiving repeated healing treatment. She was amazed and mortified at how quickly the cruel weals disappeared, preparing her flesh ready for yet more punishment. On the next day, Xena was loaned to Flavia for the day... for her entertainment. Venetia was only too happy to do this for the pretty young Courtier who had suffered so cruelly when Xena had been on the throne. In the usual fashion, on all fours, with chains attached...
The entrance was guarded by wards and well-guarded by Sidhe as well. No one was going in or out without being identified and occasionally searched, particularly the ones going in. Nor was there any sign of any slaves either and Talshish believed they would be dressed differently to the ordinary ones to define their status. Also problematical, according to Adsila, was that the entrance wasn’t always accessible due to the fortress re-arranging itself every so often. “Would they detect a phase...
There's a party goin' on right here! A celebration to last throughout the years. So bring your good times, and your laughter too, We're gonna celebrate your party with you! --Celebration (Kool and the Gang) Neither Lynette nor Camille bothered putting their bathing suits back on after the midnight party. Kristen noticed them and went nude as well. I saw many of the girls shrug. I think they figured that they were already nude in front of all of us during the party, and another peep...
Chapter 9 As had happened a lot lately, Chris was in a daze the next morning when he got up. He knew what happened last night wasn't a dream... it had been unbelievable, but not a dream. For the first time, he found that he felt guilty. It almost seemed that he had taken advantage of his mother. She had obviously had too much to drink last night and he could have stopped things before they went too far. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the moral character and now he feared that his mother would...