Delilah's Tribulations free porn video

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My wife and I used to have a very adventurous sex life. We attended swinger parties, did erotic photography and videos, included other partners and made all manner of other wild lifestyle choices.
As we've gotten older and our lives have become more full, that adventurous nature has slowly faded away.
I won't bother you with too much detail, but I should give a bit of context.
Thirteen years ago, I married my beautiful 18 year old fiance. I was 29 at the time and very well established in a highly lucrative career. Our plan was to start a family, while she was able to stay home.
When my wife was 21, we had a beautiful baby girl, who has been the pride and joy of our lives ever since. Now that our daughter is old enough to want her own space and doesn't require as much attention; my wife is furthering her education and has a part time job.
Delilah, the beauty I married, is now a very busy lady. Between our daughter, schooling and a job; there's not much time left for me, or the kinks we used to share.
At first, I was completely supportive and understanding. That was before I actually had to live with being bumped so far down the priority list.
I still understand and I still support her. But I have my own needs as well; so I devised a plan to fix things.
There's neither time or willingness on my part, to explain the details; but I began researching hypnotism.
It started with an innocent massage that I offered her, as we lay in bed one night. I put on some relaxing, etherial music and rubbed her back, neck and shoulders. This always puts her in a very relaxed state; she's always told me that my hands are magical.
After about five minutes of my hands doing their work, the music (which I mixed personally) began to include subliminal hypnotic suggestions. I had already taken the precaution of putting in ear plugs, so the suggestions didn't affect me.
The massage continued for another 30 minutes; a process I repeated three times over the next week.
She was very pleased to have a personal masseuse.
The given directions weren't anything horrible, well not REALLY horrible.
I've always been a voyeur and enjoyed my wife's exhibitionist streak, which used to be a mile wide. So I imprinted suggestions that would ensentivise her 'showing off'. The more she exposed herself to others, the more her carnal desires would surface.
As an insurance policy, against losing total control; I also imprinted and trigger-word and a few other minor commands. We'll get into those a bit later.
Essentially, the more of an exhibit]ionist she is, the more she will want show off and the more she'll need to cum.

All of this began, in preperation for an upcoming event that my wife and I planned to attend. A halloween parade and party, in a nearby metro area.
The event was widely known for bringing out the wildest attendees and the antics I expected from my wife wouldn't seem out of place. We'd attended this event several years, earlier in our marraige and I had several ideas of ways to exploit her new motivations.
After a great deal of debate, we chose our costumes for the night in question.
I'm a 'big dude', to say the least. Standing at over six and a half feet tall and tipping the scale at nearly four hundred pounds, I've been called a "mountain of a man" for most of my life. Finding a ready-made Halloween costume hasn't really been an option since I was a k**.
Delilah, conversely, is five feet even and only weighs 115lbs. We are a picture of two extremes, when we are out together.
Since she and I try to match with things such as Halloween costumes, our choices tend to be very limited. Especially because I was doing my very best to get her into something revealing and sexy.
Because of Delilah's love for Disney movies, we finally agreed on Moana themed costumes. The Maui character was very fitting for me, since I already have lots of tattoos and am naturally built similar to the animated character.
I donned a wig of long hair and sowed some fake leaves on to a pair of green basketball shorts. Then I pulled on a flesh toned muscle tee, decorated it with facsimiles of the character's tattoos and I was on point.
Delilah's costume however, was slightly more involved. I began by ordering a costume that was made for a girl far smaller than my tiny spouse. Then I began cutting and expanding it (slightly) to, sort of, fit my fully grown woman.
The halter top ended up as a band of wool-knit fabric that left plenty of cleavage and some under boob on display. I shortened the Polynesian grass skirt to barely be considered decent and put her in her open top wedge sandals.
Her top left no room for a bra, but considering how tightly her boobs squeezed into it, the undergarmet wasn't necessary. She had insisted on wearing panties beneath the skirt, so I chose the skimpiest light green thong, from her drawer. I then modified them, slightly as well.
I made very small micro-cuts, to the area in the back; where the three bands met. These were intended to guide any tearing that I might inflict upon the small piece of underwear. I didn't mention the cuts and Delilah didn't notice.
When we walked out of the house, my lady was absolutely stunning. My excitement to get the evening started was palpable, yet she didn't seem the least bit suspicious.

Immediately after arriving at our destination, we found a spot to park. Then Delilah and I made a beeline for a bar that I used to frequent, before we'd met. I knew the bar well several years prior and it was always someplace you would expect to find a more risque crowd than average. On the night in question, it certainly lived up to that reputation.

My young looking wife and I spent nearly twenty minutes standing in line, waiting for our turn with the doorman. The place must have been packed, judging by the length of the line trying to get inside.
Finally, as we stood in front of the bouncer, he gave Delilah a very scrutinizing look. As with anyone who cards her, he was trying to decide if her ID was a fake or not.
Even now, at thirty years old, and a mother; my wife barely looks legal age. She's short for starters and a very petite build. Her C-cup boobs are still pretty perky and her waist is still narrow. Her pert, round ass regularly causes men to gape at her wherever she goes and her smile beams eternal youth.
Compounding the young look, her glasses and straight dark hair trend toward the 'nerdy girl' persuasion. Men always assume that look fades, as women age. They're wrong.
Once we were finally cleared to enter, I escorted my gorgeous wife through the entrance, we were bombarded with a loud DJ's ranting through the house speakers.
"One hour and ten minutes until the sexy costume competition! Ladies, you have forty minutes to get registered. Remember, five-hundred dollars to the winner AND any ladies who compete, drink free all night long!" The speakers boomed as the female DJ spoke over the latest dance club classic playing throughout the establishment.
I didn't remember the place being as 'dance club oriented', but it had been over a decade since I'd been here.
Nevertheless, I was pleased to hear about the contest. That's exactly the sort of reason I had brought Delilah out to this place.
We moved through the crowd, finally settling at a table in a dark corner of the club, near a wall, behind the makeshift stage. The DJ booth was also nearby.
I sat down, grabbing Delilah's hand and pulling her onto my lap, conscious to not poke her with my developing erection. I didn't want to tip my hand, just yet.
"Hey babe, you should enter the sexiest costume contest," I spoke in her ear. "You're a sure thing to win."
She instantly sprung up from my lap and began to glare at me. At first her face was a look of incredulity, but that quickly softened. I could see in her eyes, as my imprints really started to take effect.
A moment later, her eyes were scanning the club goers nearby and she looked into my eyes, with a sheepish smile. "C'mon babe, I'm thirty and a mom. There are college girls and bunches women in here that are way prettier than me. I can't compete with them."
"Babe, you get free drinks just for going up on stage," I pulled her in close, between my knees, pressing my hardening crotch against her. "Besides, you're a shoe-in. You got the body, the look and the costume to win."
My hand snaked around her back and began to fiddle with the hem of her skirt.
She grinned deeply into my eyes, before looking around to make sure no one was looking.
Just as she did, a very large, masculine looking woman, dressed as a zombie, walked past. She stopped at the DJ booth and picked up a clipboard marked, 'Registration", grabbed the pen on a string and began writing.
"C'mon babe, it'll be hot as fuck. Everyone's eyes on you," I felt her shiver between my thighs.
Knowing that was my cue, my hand reached under the back of her skirt and grabbed the back of her thong. A quick yank and it was gone.
Her eyes went wide and she shivered again.
I held the now ruined panties, beneath our noses. The scent of her sex filled our nostrils.
Her grin reappeared and she pressed her forehead to mine, "I'm in." She kissed me long and hard, pulling my long haired wig from it's meticulous placement. Then she pushed herself free of my grasp and sauntered toward the clipboard, as the zombie woman was finishing up.


There had to be forty women dancing on the dance floor, showing off their skimpy costumes; A dozen Harley Quinns and schoolgirls, several slutty maids and slutty nurses, even a slutty nun or two. Hell, I'm pretty sure I even saw a slutty pumpkin in the mix.
But my eyes were glued to one lady in particular; my very own slutty Moana, Delilah.
The spotlight shifted around the dancefloor, randomly settling on contestants and giving them an opportunity to woo the crowd. On the side of the DJ booth hung what looked like a giant thermometer, with a yellow sliding bar that was labeled 'Next Round'. Next to that, was a small digital scoreboard.
"Alright ladies, here's how the contest works. If you'll cast your pretty little peepers this-away," the DJ explained to the crowd.
"This right here is none other than the official deci-BALL meter! It measures those horny guys cheering. The spotlight will move over each of you and you have ten seconds to push their cheers over this little yellow bar.
"If your time expires before it's high enough, you're out. Please no fighting, no hard feelings. Go and enjoy your free drinks for the rest of the night. If you pass the yell9w bar, step to the back of the stage and allow the other ladies a chance in the spotlight.
"We will continue pushing the bar, until we have only five contestants left. If you're one of those five, you make it to round two!"
The lights dimmed and three spotlights danced around the floor, before they all finally settled on the Zombie girl.
A large digital countdown projected on the floor at her feet, showing her remaining time. Her ten seconds seemed to drag on, as she tried to move in some strange tribal dance. It was disjointed and off putting.
Finally, her time elapsed, she raised her hands in the air and yelled, "Whooo!" She then ran straight from the dance floor to the bar, obviously having only participated for the free booze.
The meter didn't move.
There were several girls like that, just in the contest for free drinks; but lots of them were obviously trying to compete. I'm sure several were looking forward to the $500 grand prize, the winner would receive.
Some girls advanced, but most couldn't get the crowd to react loud enough.
All the while, Delilah danced nonchalantly along the periphery. She looked like she was enjoying herself a lot; twirling in her grass skirt and laughing, her tits bulging inside her tiny tube top.
The contest had droned on for about five minutes, before the spotlight found Delilah. Suddenly she was basked in the light and her movements slowed. Hell, the whole world seemed to slow for me.
Her head rocked back, basking in the attention. Her back arched and she thrust out her chest, spinning slowly and then she bent forward again. Her hands found their way to her bare outer thighs.
The grace with which her legs entertwined at that moment was mesmerizing.
My wife had a slight sheen of perspiration on her skin, glowing in the light. She d**g her palms up her thighs, to rest on her swaying hips; through the blades of her grass skirt. The skirt flittered in the movement, revealing a hint of her bald snatch beneath.
I was jolted back to reality as I realized that the crowd was near silent. They stared at her, as lost in the moment as I was.
If they don't start to cheer, she's not going to make it to round two!
She traced her open hands around her rib cage and slipped the tips of her fingers under the hem of her top. Then arched her back again and bared her gorgeous breasts to the shocked crowd.
Eight seconds, shit. I began to yell and cheer at the top of my lungs.
The crowd took another second to respond, before following my lead and erupting in cheers. The noise meter pushed past the yellow bar, just as her time expired.
I looked at my wife frozen in her pose, boobs exposed and showcased to everyone. I swear, from thirty feet away, I watched her body quivering with desire.
The light moved on to another contestant.
Delilah pulled her top back into place and started making her way back toward me. When she got to the edge of the circle, people pushed her back toward one of the sides.
She didn't even realize that she'd made it into the second round.


In between the first and second rounds, they took a thirty minute break. During that time period, they poured as many free drinks as the five remaining contestants would drink, warming them up for round two.
Delilah was putting away a little alcohol. But with her, a little goes a long way. She was already tipsy.
She was ripe with the scent of desire, I could smell it on her, over the alcohol and the other patrons. Probably, because she was all over me. She'd left wet spots on both of my pant's legs and was constantly kissing, or nipping, or grinding, or stroking; she couldn't keep her hands off me.
Apparently she'd really enjoyed my work, I smiled. She hadn't been all over me in several years, this was fun.


"Ladies, ladies, ladies!" The DJ belted. "Round one was a measure of your costume's overall effect on our crowd."
The five girls danced in place, lined up on the slightly elevated stage.
A young, short haired girl, wearing a tight white wife beater, that bared her midriff. An obvious homage to Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball' video, the girl wore white panties, with boots and carried a fake sledge hammer.
The next lady on stage wore a bikini that appeared to be made of bubble wrap; doubled up, to obscure viewing her naughty bits.
Contestant number three had what I considered the best costume of the group. Her entire body and face were covered with blue paint, with darker blue stripes wrapping her ribcage; she was Neytiri from Avatar.
Delilah was number four, she stood slowly swaying entranced by the music, running her hands across her body and through her hair. The desire in her eyes and in her movements was evident. I knew she'd do nearly anything to cum right now.
The final remaining contestant was another Disney princess, Jasmine. She was one of the most enchantingly beautiful middle eastern women I'd ever seen. Her costume was flowing and light, with legs that were open on the sides, revealing a lot of skin.
"Round two will test your costume's resistance to the elements," the DJ explained. "Winners will be chosen the same way as round one, except you'll each have one minute in the spotlight. Only three ladies will advance to the final!"
I wondered what they meant by "resistance to the elements", that could lead to many different scenarios.
"WATER!" The Dj shouted, cueing a song intro.
My curiosity was quickly sated, as Fat Joe's "Make it Rain" started playing and the ambient lights went down.
A light mist of water started to fall from the ceiling everywhere. The air in the club cooled and fogged; the lights looking wild, reflecting on the tiny droplets in the air.
Lil Wayne's voice came in and the mist over the stage started falling heavier.
All five ladies still danced in their bright individual spotlights. They were all beautiful in their own right, but my Delilah was definitely the one enjoying herself the most.
The water sprinkled down on her body and glistened. She'd sensually drag her hands across the wetness and wash it across her body. Her flesh glowed, her hips rolled and ground to and fro, her eyes looked distant and desperate. She oozed sexuality.
I smiled wide, when I realized the amount of water being poured on the stage continued to increase. At almost a minute into the song, the girls were standing in a near drizzle.
They were getting soaked. Although, I'm absolutely sure that Delilah was soaked before the contest even started.
Suddenly the water stopped everywhere and all but one of the spotlights cut out.
The Miley Cyrus wannabe was the focus of every eye in the building.
A cheer erupted from the crowd when they realized the white t-shirt and panties were now translucent. Her tiny pink nipples and neatly trimmed bush were completely visible.
When the girl looked down, she blushed beet red and tried to cover her privates. Her fake hammer dropped to the floor, her hands suddenly used to conceal her nudity. She awkwardly got through the remainder of her 30 seconds; then as the light switched to the Avatar gorl, Fake Miley stepped back from the platform and ran backstage.
The leader board in the DJ booth now showed "MILEY", in 1st.
The water had started to smear Neytiri's blue paint. Now you could see her dark brown skin, in many places. Her time passed without very much interest from the crowd.
The light next found my Delilah.
Her movements looked like the embodiment of sex. Her body was soaking wet and her moves were sleek and smooth. Her hands groped and massaged her breasts, through her top.
Then I realized the quilted wool fabric of her top must be full of water, it would probably sag down to her waist if she'd only let go of it.
Then she did. The top didn't just sag, it fell away from her completely, dropping with a wet plop, to the floor.
To Delilah's credit, she didn't look the least bit surprised. Her hands both shot above her head, proudly displaying her gorgeous "C's" to everyone.
She threw her head back, flinging the water from her soaked hair. Her arms stayed high and her hips rolled from side to side. Being topless, the curve of her hips really stood out and the crowd showed their appreciation.
The noise surpassed the Avatar girl's, but only boosted Delilah into second place; before the light moved on to the next contestant.
Plastic wrap bikini girl didn't even get the reaction that the Avatar did. Her waterproof outfit hadn’t reacted to the water, the way the fabrics had. It simply beaded off and rolled to the floor.
The Jasmine princess's thirty seconds was fantastic. She stripped her top off too. When she shook her D-size knockers for the crowd, playing to her audience; she moved up into the number 2 spot.
"Alright folks, at the end of round two, we have Tiffany, the Wrecking Ball, in first place! Amira as Jasmine, in second. Finally, Delilah as Moana, in third," the DJ broke down the advancing contestants. "Ladies, you've got a ten minute hiatus, before round three. Enjoy it!"
A Pitbull song started playing and Delilah stepped down from the stage, heading straight for me.
"You've gotta take me somewhere and fuck me right now!" She was breathless, panting and grabbing at the bulge in the front of my pants, "I can't wait for later."
I was in shock, amazed by her condition. Her eyes were glazed and her skin felt clamey. I looked into her wide beautiful eyes, seeing her pupils dilated further than I'd ever seen them.
Before our daughter, we'd sampled lots of hard d**gs together, but I'd never seen her like this before.
Did someone slip her something? She is high as a kite, I thought. Then looking around, I realized she was just high on the sexual euphoria.
Damn, my imprints were fucking spectacular. She was acting like she used to, when we took Ecstacy together. Only now it was without any d**gs at all.
She tugged at my hands, trying to take me to some secluded location, to get some dick.
I didn't move, staying stone still. With our difference in mass, she can only move me when I let her. I looked down and smiled an evil grin, "Babe, you got less than ten minutes 'till the next round, there's not time for that. Besides, don't you wanna get your top and go pee?"
She looked down at her bare breasts and smiled at me, "no, I'm good. You like the show?"
I shot her a look of mock incredulity, then relented and pulled her in close.
I spoke softly into her ear, "Babe, you are hotter right now, than you have ever been to me. Look around," I raised my head and allowed her a glance around the room.
Pulling her back close, "Every guy in here wants you. Wants the feel you, wants to fuck you, wants to have you. You're showing off to everybody, that body that I love so much."
Pulling back, I looked her in the eye and told her, "You know me. You know how much I love this. You know how much I love you, your body. You know how much I love when you show off. This is by far the sexiest moment of my life."
Delilah pulled in close to me, her body shivering with excitement, in my arms as I wrapped her up in them.
My arms are enormous and when I hold her, they engulf her.
She looked up into my eyes, almost on the verge of tears, still quivering.
"Babe, I'm hornier than I've ever been right now. I need to cum." The hunger evident in her voice.
"Well, you know babe, you've learned to take care of that yourself pretty well," a devious grin fell upon my lips. "You can do it." I cast a meaningful glance and nodded in the direction of the stage.
"Wha...," she pursed her lips, stopping her word. She shot me a shy looking pout, the cutest I'd ever seen on a topless woman in a dance club.
She pushed herself away from me a couple of feet, looked up and smiled mischievously. "I'm gonna go visit the little girls room, before the next round. I'll see you after."
She spun, titties still bared to the world and disappeared into the sea of people.

The next time I saw her, the spotlights were back on and the DJ was starting to ramp up again.
"Welcome back to round three, y'all!" The DJ began. "First things first, Tiffany has decided to withdraw from our competition this evening."
The crowd booed their disappointment.
"Wait a minute, have no fear my peeps! We invited our second round runner up, to take her place. Right now, in first place Amira, as Jasmine. Second place is Delilah, as Moana and in third; Tamique as Neytiri."
I looked at Delilah, who swayed with the beat. She had a distant, disconnected look in her eyes; but a genuinely happy smile on her lips. Her bare tits jiggled with her movements and I found the effect entrancing.
"The scoreboard is wiped for round three, a fresh start for everyone," the DJ grinned.
"This round will test the accessibility of each costume. As you can see, our contestants have all lost their tops, in the previous rounds. This round they will each have an entire song, one they've preselected, to get out of the rest of their costumes."
The Jasmine princess's hand flew up to cover her mouth.


In the third round, Delilah would go last.
Both of the other girls had already gone and it was time for my wife to take her turn.
The Avatar girl had gone first and was fantastic. She'd quickly come out of her blue thong and the crowd was excited to see that she'd applied the blue paint everywhere. The paint had smeared and run, but she looked hot and the scoreboard reflected that.
She posted in first place and had the loudest reaction of the night, so far.
Jasmine had been a bit of a let down, she'd shucked the pants quickly, but it took her almost the entire song to lose the undies. Even after she had, she mostly stood in one place, afraid to move too much and expose too much.
I hoped Delilah didn't have the same hang-ups. I wasn't disappointed.
The guitar riff intro to Theory of a Deadman's 'Bad Girlfriend' hit the speakers and the spotlight cast down onto my topless wife on stage.
Delilah's eyes raised from the floor, to the crowd and she smiled hugely, cupped her tits in her hands and tugged her nipples for the crowd. They made enough noise to boost her into second on the board within her first five seconds.
Delilah was guaranteed to finish no lower than second. Now it'd be all up to her to pass the Avatar chick, on the scoreboard.
Her hips girated, she spun toward the front of the stage; ending up with her back to the audience, feet set wide apart. Then, looking over her shoulder with a sly grin, bent at the waist and grabbed her right ankle and her ass swayed.
The guys near the stage could see glimpses of my woman's shaved twat, as the grass skirt oscilated from her swaying.
She stood up straight again, rolling and bouncing her hips gently. Then she stepped back to the center of the stage, spaced her feet again and looked back again.
To my suprise, she ripped the skirt away and threw it into the darkness, somewhere behind the stage.
My cock ached as I stared at my wife's gorgeous bare ass, proudly displayed on stage, in front of a couple hundred screaming strangers. She was completely buck-ass naked and hot as fuck.
She turned to face the crowd again, raising her arms triumphantly, drawing louder cheers than before.
I looked to the scoreboard to see that she still hadn't gotten the crowd quite loud enough to take over the number spot. Close, but not quite.
Next, Delilah strutted to the front of the stage and her eyes found me in the crowd. She pointed at me and then curled her fingers, gesturing for me to come closer.
As I made my way through the crowd, toward the stage, I watched as she looked down into the crowd grinning.
She dropped to her knees, spreading them wide, once they hit the floor. Then she leaned back, placing her palms on the floor behind her. This position opened her legs and pointed her slit directly at the audience.
Again, the crowd cheered, but still not enough.
Delilah glanced at the leaderboard and grunted in frustration. She knew she'd have to go all out to win.
She rolled over, to her knees, pushed her shoulders down, near the stage and pointed her pussy and ass at the crowd. Everyone could see that her glistening pussy was obviously soaking wet.
She held the pose for a moment, then without any warning, she snaked her hand between her legs and buried two fingers inside her juicey cunt.
I watched her whole body shake furiously, fingers pistoning in and out of her drooling hole. She was desperate to reach a climax.
Frustrated, she pulled her fingers from inside her, placed both hands on her ass cheeks and spread them, displaying a gaping open pussy and asshole to everyone.
Finally, that did it. When the crowd erupted again, their cheers pushed her into first place.
She rolled over, onto her back, pointing her legs straight into the air. She slowly spread those beautiful, long legs, then pulled them back and tucked them behind her shoulders.
Her fingers found their way back to her pussy again. Two fingers of her left hand were buried inside her, while her right hand desperatley frigged her clitoris.
The final note of the song rang through the club, but Delilah didn't stop.
My wife lay naked on the stage, in front of a crowded club, all attention focused on her. She had her legs pulled back behind her head, into a pretzel position. Her fingers plunged in and out of her soaked pussy while she rubbed her clit, frantically trying to cum.
The next song didn't start playing right away. Everyone was mesmerized, watching the filthy, sexy scene on stage.
Finally, having mercy on my poor woman, I decided to let her have her relief.
"Starfish!" I shouted to her.
Instantly, waves of orgasmic pleasure crashed over her. Her pussy squirted several streams of her cum into the crowd and she trembled, overcome by carnal gratification.
As the orgasm subsided, Delilah's body languished and went slack. Her arms and legs fell limply to the floor and I worried she may have passed out.
The DJ announced Delilah as the winner, yet she still lay there, still twinging from the cum sh'd just had. Her breathing was still ragged and her most private openings still displayed openly, to the appreciative crowd.
The DJ laughed, "I guess we will have to give her a few minutes to compose herself." Then she began spinning another tune over the club's system.
I walked the rest of the way up to the stage, explaining to the bouncer that the wild slut on the stage was my wife. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to a darker corner of the club, where she'd have a chance to recuperate, some.
As I walked, holding her in my arms, she nuzzled her face into my neck.
"I love you babe," I spoke softly. "That was fucking amazing, I'm so gonna fuck the shit outta you when we get home tonight!"

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2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 16 Trails and Tribulation

Back in Seacroft again. Dad had given us our lift and River and I gave him our account of why we were there and what had led up to it. "Slavers! You should have let me know sooner." In the amount of time it took to say those words, he had kicked it into full High Wizard mode. The news that we were tracking potential slavers was all it took to make that happen, both at the High Wizard and McKesson level. He asked in my mind. I did of course. Everything I...

2 years ago
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In a Drunken Rage

I sat at the back of the bar while mom flirted with the black men. She was a white woman, about 5 feet 2 inches tall. She, like me, had red hair and green eyes. She was pretty even though she was already 36 years-old. All the black men thought she still looked pretty good. She would haul me to this bar at night and I would sit in the back at a table. The bartender would keep an eye on me. The familiar sounds of the bar filled the air. Dirty jokes, guys hitting on my mom. The TV blared out with...

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My very first experience with my classmate

I always had a crush on my classmate.Being one of the most popular boys of the school,it was even a privilege to be a friend of him...I kinda fell in love with him,when the days he was absent from class,the school days were so long,time wasn't passing..without his presence,it felt like being in prison,jail...My mum was a working single parent,so i had so much time to spend alone,by myself at home after the class....I was discovering my curves as a hormone-fueled teen in front of the mirror and...

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Salt Peter Or How I Learned To

Salt Peter, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Hate Myself ‘King’ George was told, by his advisors, that it was prudent to fund a study regarding teen pregnancy. He came to the conclusion that he would lend support exclusively to ‘abstinence only’ approaches to the problem. The people were ecstatic. That’s too strong a word. They were pleased. King George decreed that not having sex at all was the very best approach to avoiding teen pregnancy. He went one further and forbade self abuse as...

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Cuckold by Mistake

My name is Lisa Kincaid-Mancuso. I’m what you’d call a freelance problem solver. No, I’m not a hit woman or anything like that. I’m just the one person people can turn to if they need answers on anything from changing their corporate image, to restructuring an inefficient production line. Don’t think badly about me. I’m not what you’d call a traditional efficiency expert. I show people how to do things better and faster. I don’t try and eliminate hard working people from their jobs. You’d be...

1 year ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 15 A Friend

The middle of the following morning, Jill had gone to the Policebot Station to see what she could find out and the girls were talking about what had happened and what might happen next. They were sitting in the Choosing Room wearing their off-duty clothes, mostly tunics and trousers, though one or two had dresses on, and having a drink from the House of Joy's customer drinks, rather than the innocuous imitations they were more used to. Suddenly, and unannounced this time, more policebots...

4 years ago
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Servant of Rome

"I hate this course," Jesse said. She closed her textbook with a snap. "Roman history is a confusing mess." "You mean it is not like current political history?" Kalliste Periakes said. She was standing at the stove in the back of the Women's Co-op, a graduate student in archaeology of indeterminate age. She had lustrous black hair, a pert, up-turned nose and a generous mouth. Today she was cooking a dish from her native Crete. "Current politics seems simple," Jesse replied. "I have...

3 years ago
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Childhood Friend Found

When Kalim finished his MBA, he got a job in Dubai and moved into a luxurious house, as with most new developments on the Palm, this was a 3 bed villa, complete with servant quarters and all the mod cons. Since he had always had servants in his family home, he placed an advert with an agency, requesting a pakistani or indian lady, so that he could have home cooked meals and a tidy house. They told him Pakistani was practically impossible due to visa restrictions, but sent a number of indian...

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Jessicas Number Part 3 of 4

Story: #5 Copyright ©2004 Written: December 15 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 - Jessica's Number The day started like any other, Jessica, the star of the story, got up from bed and took a long look at her naked form in the full length mirror hanging on her wall. Jessica always slept in the nude, she liked the feel...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 4

Looking over my shoulder, I saw what had caught her attention. 3 men were crossing the grassy area in front of the cave. They were about 500 yards out. They all held spears and were shouting at us. To tell the truth, they didn't look friendly. The girl moved around behind me, trying to hide from them. This was all I needed to be on the defensive. "Stay" I commanded. "Stay here." She seemed to understand and shook her head yes. She moved slightly so she was protected by a small...

1 year ago
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Licking the Maids Feet

Hello everyone. I would like to share one of my recent experiences with you all. Since this is my first time ever delivering my story i would like to share my best experience. A 20 year old maid by the name of Ritu joined work at my house as a helper in the kitchen. She was quite pretty and had a decent slim figure. Her skin color was tropical but she had slightly whiter face and feet. From the moment I saw her I knew I would never mind licking this girls feet. But I was very afraid to approach...

1 year ago
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All the Kings HorsesChapter 2

Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 “Ow ow ow ow ow,” Tiffany Winters hissed as the sleek probe in the hands of the space elf whizzed and whired over her foot. “Can someone please tell me why I can’t pop a friggin tylenolio or whatever fancy shoot boots you guys have in the future?” “You were momentarily infected by femtotechnology from the We,” Captain Tobias said. He was leaning against the wall of the small hospital room that they had rushed Tiff too after her little...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 11 Hospital Comforting Emily

Emily was crying in my bed when I came back to my room. I hope she understands that I didn’t want to miss our hydrotherapy together. I couldn’t help that I was paired up with Clarice. It nearly broke my heart to see her eyes all puffed up and red from crying when she looked to find why someone was messing with the bed. The orderly did not say a word about her being in my bed as he effortlessly lifted me into the bed beside her and then left the room. Emily climbed up into my lap and buried...

2 years ago
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The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

The weather had been on and off with the rain. Dark storm clouds raced across the sky turning day into almost night. When the rain came it was hard flooding the roads in minutes. Thunder boomed so loud one couldn't hear the radio play at near max volume. Lightning flashed causing temporary blindness and the hair on your head would stand up straight. I was praying I would get home before another big cloudburst hit. My luck didn't hold. There was an odd tingling in my fingers as I held the...

3 years ago
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Scent SeductionChapter 7

I was an avid watcher of the monitors, hoping to catch the young muslim wife doing her strip and show in front of her mirror. I had rewound the previous tape to re-live her first strip show. I found him in the bedroom packing a bag and telling her that he would be away for a few days. She didn't want him to leave but he told her to be quiet and do as she was told. He left soon after and left her crying in the bedroom. She was unhappy for a while then she stood up and removed her head...

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PrisonChapter 6

The last couple of months have been hard. Preparing for the exams and all those hours of training had taken a toll on everyone. In a way, I was glad to be back to school for a couple of weeks just having lessons and now preparing for the sixth form. But for the rest of the term, it wasn’t like that at all. On my walk down Churchgate Road past St Mary’s Church, I noticed all the cars stopping on the main road to let kids out; I wondered why they were not turning into the school. When I...

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Elder Sister Taught Me Sex

Hello Friends, this is Nitin, writing for the first time about my wonderful experience with my elder cousin. I am 24yrs old from Mumbai and a regular reader of ISS. My sister Neha(name changed) is now 29yrs living in US, but she frequently visits home to meet me and have pleasurable time. To describe her, she is very fair, 5.4 ft tall and 34-30-34 in figure. This story starts when i was 18yrs old and Neha was 23 yrs. Our parents had gone out to Delhi for 2 days. I always loved playing and...

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Meri Mummy Chudi Dost Se

Hi this is Rahul saxena from Kota mai bhi iss ka fan hu 4 salo se iss ki stories pad raha hu is site ke bare mai maine apne kai or dosto ko bhi bataya tha or unhe bhi iski stories kafi achi lagi thi or aaj bhi ve iss ko follow kerte hai per mujhe nahi pata tha ki in stories ko pad ker hi mera dost meri mummy ko chod dega or humare hi ghar mai Mere mummy papa ke bed per aaj mai apko batane ja rha hu ki kese mere dost ne mere hi ghar per meri mummy ko choda or ye chudai aaj bhi chal rahi hai....

1 year ago
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Team Photos 5 Lauren

Introduction: Who gets what they want the most? Team Photos 5 Lauren and Dusty ALEX That bitch! That dirty fucking little whore! How dare she do this to me!?! I ate her pussy, I even stuck my tongue in her ass and this is how she rewards me? That little bitch was going to pay and she was going to suffer for this. Thoughts like that kept me awake and fuming for nearly an hour before I started to calm down and think about how I could get revenge on her ass. Tomorrow was Monday and she always...

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ThatSitcomShow Eliza Ibarra Jane Wilde The Exchange Student Study Buddies

Spanish exchange student Juan Loco is enjoying his year in America as he fucks his way through the fine ladies he meets along the way. Today he has brought home his friends Eliza Ibarra and Jane Wilde for an alleged study date. Juan clears their presence in the house with his host dad, Filthy Rich, then waits as patiently as he can as his surrogate dad spends as much time gawking at the hot cheerleaders ash e does preparing the snack. Eventually Eliza and Jane get sick of waiting and teasing...

4 years ago
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Mom the Unwilling SlutChapter 2

“Bro, you here” came my sister, Kayla’s voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. “Hey sis, I’m in my room and I need a hand with something...” I heard her running up the stairs, and smiled. She walked into my room, and stopped short, seeing me sitting at my computer naked, with an erection, and pictures of our mother with a cock in her mouth on my computer screen. As calmly as I could, I told her, “I taught mom her place in this family, now it’s your turn.” I told her standing up. She...

3 years ago
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Trip to heaven

Hi dear readers Arman back with my latest adventure . Today I am going to tell you about my experience with a beautiful girl. First let me describe myself, I am a 5’7guy with good looks and a nice physique, due to regular jogging and workouts. I am an intense, passionate and lustful cancerian. It all happened when I went to see my friend in Bangalore . The story begins when one evening around 7 p.m, it was getting dark. I was driving home from a friend’s house in my car, when suddenly I saw a...

2 years ago
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Telugu Girl Friend In Kolkata

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, naa peru Mahesh. naa age 23. B.Tech avvagane o MNC lo join ayya. 1 year Chennai lo job chesa but later on project kosam ani kolkata transfer icharu. Intiki dooramga velli job cheydam istam ledu but kotha place explore cheydam ante naku chaala istam. natho kuda inko 3 members kuda transfer icharu kolkata ki. so kolkata vachesam. Memu Kolkata lo Shapoorji ane housing society lo o full furnished flat rent teeskuni untunnam. Naaku ikkada maa roommates thappa...

4 years ago
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“Bradley, cut that out,” his mother said, but her voice carried no real annoyance. “C’mon Mom, I know you like it.” “Stop!” she said with a huge grin. Brad’s father looked up from the couch across the room. “Please, honey,” he said. “I’m trying to read.” With that, his head returned to the newspaper, and Brad’s hand returned to his mother’s chest. “Fine,” she said with a sigh. “But don’t forget I’ve got to get dinner on soon...” “Caitlin can do that. Caitlin!” His voice carried across...

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Ilamaiyaana Paiyanai Vasiyam Seithen 8211 Part 3 Pavadaiyai Thuki Naki Oothan

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kuthiyai nakikondu iruntha kama kathai thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu naal varai en kanavan kuda en kuthiyai nakiyathu ilai, aanal en kala kathalan sexiyaaga en sunniyai nandraaga naki vidan. Naan avanuku mayagipoi viten endru thaan solanum, naan en ivanai thirumanam seithukola kudathu endru ninaithen. Aanal ena seivathu endru thirumanam endru ondru aagi kuzhanthaigalum irukirathu. En kuthiyai nandraaga nakikonde irunthaan,...

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The Party

She was beautiful, tall for a female for she was around six feet; with the most gorgeous pair of legs he had ever seen. Her hair was long enough to cover her breasts and tickle the bottom of her rib cage with the ends of it; her hair was thick, glossy, and the color of milk chocolate. God how he wanted to run his fingers through it and feel it brush against his skin like a blanket of the finest silk. Yet, as beautiful as her body was, it was her eyes that captured, and held, him. They were a...

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Tia and daddy

Tia and daddy One night not to long after my 16th birthday I was laying in bed, one of my hand were rubbing at my clit getting me all wet with my juices flowing the other playing with my boobs, pinching and squeezing the nipples getting them erect. Being 5'7 large c cup boobs , nice round ass, with dark long hair and green eyes. I loved playing with myself, anytime I had the chance as I loved the feeling of having my fingers in my hole and playing with my clit, as I was a good girl I had never...

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My Cousins Feet PT1

She looked so sexy laying down in the sofa. With her feet dangling off the sofa i thought this is it. So i unbuttoned by jeans and pulled my boxers down and out sprung my 6 inch cock. I wacked it off to life. So she was in a deep sleep , so i got my cock and started moving it around her feet. She just wiggled around smiling. So i got both feet and started to fuck them. This is when she woked up and got off the sofa. I was scared but when she said this i was shocked. "if u wanted a foot...

2 years ago
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Her American Soldier Ch 01

Chapter 1: Sergeant Rambo Sallie Rambo watched as her best friend grasped onto his glass of beer and raised it to her. ‘To Sallie,’ Brigadier General Billings said brightly. ‘For levelling up to Sergeant Rambo!’ Touched by the sentimental toast, Sallie smirked, flapping a hand at him as she looked away. ‘Oh, hush you,’ The British soldier giggled playfully. ‘Now, this begins the journey of you taking charge of the Soldiers,’ Sallie blinked, then looked around the stuffy bar where...

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Fater In Law

Jan had been on her hands and knees for over an hour while her father in law fucked her ass. She had been married for only three months but had been fucking her father in law for two years. It started while they were having dinner at his house and her husband to be had too much to drink so his dad drove her home. On the way home he told her "You have the sexiest figure. I just can't take my eyes off you. I know I should not think about it but I just want to see you naked. I actually would love...

1 year ago
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Time flys by

Note : This story is completely fictional! Life is flying by. Mom had her baby, a cute little girl, she and Robert named Megan. After Megan was born, Robert stayed home for a few weeks, enjoying his wife and new child. But...his world moves on as well and he left the country for a long business trip. Mom and I enjoyed that time together immensely! After Mom returned to her home in San Antonio with Megan, Mary and I had several days of love making we enjoyed. I use the same technique with Mary,...

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Adult theater ll

He sucked my dick till it went limp and released it. As the movie ended I quickly put on my shirt and pulled up my pants. My dick was so sensitive I could barely walk as I followed some of the men out of the theater.All week long I thought about what happened as I passed the theater. Friday night I decided to try getting in again. I headed there A little earlier then last week. A little braver I went in and paid. Going through the doors there wasn't that many people, so I went down the isle a...

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I had only gone half a mile when a group of guys approached from the other direction. I could see them laughing and pointing as they got closer. The seven were all young, late teens or early 20s at most. The group of them surrounded me as they asked me what I was doing. I told them I was walking home. They looked around surreptitiously before they dragged me into a nearby dark alley and pushed me up against the wall. "Look at the tits on this slut," one remarked, as he fondled my...

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The Old Way MF bond inc rom scifi

The Old WayBy SpectreOfHell“It is time,” J'ter said to the boy. They were standing on the high balcony overlooking the empty city, the dead city. The city once filled with vibrant life where aristocrats ruled an empire spanning a thousand worlds. That was long ago. There was still life up there among the stars, but it was closed to them forever. These men, women, and the one c***d, they were all that was left of the ruling class. Superior to those genetic slaves who bred like a****ls and...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 10

Our Sisters and female Cousins insisted on changing clothes before dinner, and the rest of us waited for them. None of us had a chance to bathe yet, but we had all washed up in our rooms. The Officers' Mess was located on the far side of General Clark's Headquarters in a separate building. During our walk there, I again paid attention to the construction of the various buildings that we passed. I had been doing that since we had arrived here, and had drawn several conclusions. The first...

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The Coach

Phil had been coaching the women's swim team at college for ten years and always had an eye for his girls,admiring the way their toned taut muscles flexed as they made laps in the olympic sized pool and performed skilled dives off the top tier board.He noticed that two of the girls,Liz and Katy had a lustful gleam in their eye as they watched one another during practice.The other three members of the team had been sick with the flu,so when Friday's practice session wrapped up and the girl's hit...

4 years ago
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I Love My Job Part I

Hello ISS readers, I am Ranjit name Changed from Bangalore professionally a Gigolo but studying B.E in one of the finest college in Bangalore. My height is 170 cm with good looking athletic slim body having 8″ inches of cock, my customer are proud of my penis size. I am reading stories from this site from more than a year for feedback you can contact me on Today I am going to narrate what happen just before 1 month ago. If you like the story then please rate it, this is a 100% true incident....

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Taiji Se Shararat 8211 Part V

Hello doston kaise hai aap sab, umeed karta hun aap sab ache honge, aur mein iss deri ke liye maafi chahta hun, aur mein un sab logon ka tahe dil se shukriya karna chahta hun jinhone mere kaam ko saraha, iss baar bhi apne comments/suggestion mujhe mail kare. Aage ki kahani,…Thakan ki wajah se meri aankh lag gayi, kuch der baad maa ne mujhe uthaya shaam kareeban 4.00 – 4.30 baje the, maa ne mujhe kaha haath muh dhole aur neeche aake chai pi le, mein fresh hoke neeche chala gaya, maa taiji aur...

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I was feeling restless and going a bit stir crazy in my apartment. It was a drag being single. Masturbation is a poor substitute for the feeling of a warm body next to you. A quick glance at the clock informed me that it was just after eleven. I still had a few hours before the bars closed and hopefully found someone to lighten the loneliness, even if it was just for a few hours or if I was lucky until morning. I missed waking up and finding a warm stretched out beside me. I was not very picky...

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Mr Texas

There was a knock on my door early that morning. I glanced up from my bed and moved my fingers away from my glistening, begging pussy, waiting for another knock. Maybe they had the wrong address. The knock came again and I rose to my feet, letting my t-shirt d**** down and partially cover my nakedness. I went to the door and opened it a crack. “Yes?” “Is this Ms. Em’s residence?” a voice asked. I saw a blue eye peer in at me. The accent was soft and sweet. Something from the south.“Yes,” I...

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My firts lesbian contact

Hi! My name is Tina, 22 years of age and I need to let you know how I began to need a young lady, and that is to end up lesbian experience. So I am still an understudy living in an understudy quarters. I am an excellent beautiful lady so no deficiency of fellows, yet in the event that that was insufficient. I am a man more "fixated" sex. There sat quite a while without taste or feel a dick in me, whether it was the other one's dick sweetheart. In the room sat three sexy college girls: Nicole,...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge part 3

Mistress Emma's Revenge Part 3 @2018 by Brenda (sissymissyct) The ride home was mostly quiet. I think we were all a bit exhausted form the nights events. I fell asleep soon after I hit the bed, but not before I heard my ladies in the next room enjoying themselves before they too drifted off to sleep. We all slept in Sunday morning but I awoke first and started making a nice Sunday brunch. Fresh fruit, bacon, French toast, coffee and mimosas, and perfectly cooked omelets. Mistress...

1 year ago
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The New Guy In The OfficeChapter 5 Betsy

Betsy followed me home, but once inside my apartment she seemed a little hesitant. "Having second thoughts?" "No, I'm just not sure how I should proceed. I'm breaking new ground here and I don't know what to do." "Well, we didn't come here to play cards, checkers or chess. We both know why we are here and we both know the mechanics of that so I guess a reasonable place to start would be to take our clothes off." "What, no romance? No hugs or kisses, just get to it?" "Isn't...

1 year ago
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The Fun House

He was really looking me over with that quizzical look when a man wonders how you would be in bed. He had to be in his early twenties, and me forty-two with three kids and a stable husband. I did work very hard at keeping the right diet and working out. I had lost every bit of weight I gained during my three pregnancies. I was flattered; he found me attractive to stare at me from top to bottom.When they look at you that way for that long, they are bound to come on to you. I waited, but nothing...

1 year ago
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A passion for motherinlaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! I’m Mason,26,and just got married to my beautiful wife Katrina,24. Katrina's mom, Jennifer, 51, is one hot mom! She's slightly plump with huge boobs and a big firm bulging ass to die for! Jennifer is not in good terms with her husband and they sleep in separate bedrooms. They have been doing this for the last 2 years. That means she’s deprieved of sex and she must have been craving for a cock for the past 2 years. Well, although my wife is pretty and...

3 years ago
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The New House MaidChapter 4

Watching Anne sleep, Thomas wondered what he got himself into. The idea of having company delighted him, but the fear of someone finding out scared him. Thomas knew that he still had to conduct business in the city, and people finding out he was sleeping with his maid would only ostracize him. When Thomas woke up, he was alone. The sun was shining through the window, on a typical humid day in the city. When he walked down stair he heard Anne call out for him. Telling him to sit and wait...

2 years ago
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Delivery Part One

DeliveryPart One It wasn’t long after Mark had appeared at my door that I had considered another opportunity. I ordered a pizza that night and carefully checked out the delivery guy. I casually asked him a few general questions as I was getting the money and a big tip. He had said that he usually didn’t get much in tips, and appreciated my generosity. Over the next week or two I ordered take out from a variety of places to get an idea of what the delivery people were like. Most were young...

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Center of MassChapter 14

I didn't let Joe wear his guns in camp, yet, for fear that he might be tempted to show off and hurt somebody accidentally. However, that didn't keep him from strutting around the rest of the day and through supper. Of course, after supper, he had to tell in excruciating detail all about his experiences with a "real gun." There were some secret smiles at all of this, but everybody encouraged him to keep up his training so that he could become a hunter and scout that they could depend on....

4 years ago
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Sister Craving For Sex

Hey friends, Amit here, again with a beautiful story of how my sister craved for sex with me. You can find my previous stories here : After the incident mentioned in the above story, Abha strictly denied for sex with me. She started all the drama of being brother and sister and if anything goes wrong, we would be devastated but I wanted her desperately. I couldn’t force her for anything as she was my sister and I didn’t want anything wrong happening to her. Also I was fearful that if I...

3 years ago
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A Great Day

John knew he had a long day ahead of him. He groaned as he realized he had to deal with another long day of cleaning up after spilled popcorn and spilled sodas. With the newest family movie having been released, parents would be bringing their kids to watch the movie. As he showered and dressed, he realized something important.

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