Winifred Arrives Rose Cums
- 4 years ago
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Miriam Belle
Author’s Note:
‘The first two chapters of this story were originally one, but when I first posted the story to the site a lot of readers complained it was too long. In hindsight, I agree. SO, for this reposting I’ve broken it in two chapters.
On a personal note, the character of Mark Gordian is the vilest and most arrogant bastard I’ve ever written about. He’s also the most hated character out of all the stories I’ve written on here.
And, Sheila from ‘The Finer Points of Sheila’ plays a small but important role here too. Small world, eh? Cheers!’
Monday morning followed a bland and excruciatingly repetitive routine that Mark Gordian had become grudgingly used to. Like so many of the annoyances in this marriage, he was used to it, even accepting of it, but not at all content with it. He always reminded himself of that, every morning as he came down the stairs and subjected himself to a rerun of the morning before. He wasn’t exactly conscious of the fact that he resented his life almost as much as he resented his wife, but he was aware of those feelings like he was sometimes aware of a dream he’d had and couldn’t quite recall.
He hated the marriage. He had hated it for some time now and he knew he was getting worse at hiding it. What pissed him off the most was that Ellen Gordian was like Mr. Magoo, or to be more precise Mrs. Magoo, walking along and completely unaware of the realities lurking about in every shadow of their life. Mark knew that he loved her, or at least at one point he had. But he also knew that as time had moved on, he’d grown to resent her with a passion that had once been reserved for love only. He fought and struggled against it, doing everything he could short of screaming he wanted a divorce. He felt like a man who had been doped up, heavily sedated by a woman and coerced into a relationship he didn’t really want.
Mark believed he had been fooled and tricked into marrying her.
Once she had landed him, Ellen placed a heavy chain around his neck, pulled it tight and locked it off with a glimmering padlock that did everything it could make him believe he was happy. Every time he heard the word ‘padlock,’ he thought of the word ‘wedlock.’ Aside from the cute rhyme of the words, they were alike in the same ironic sense that the words ‘wife’ and ‘life’ were. Mark had found out that they meant same damn thing too late in the game to do anything about it. Only with a padlock came with a handy little key that upon a quick push and twist could reset everything. If only marriage were so simple.
He looked down at his left hand and gazed at the gold band on his ring finger, a special kind of lock that was supposed to symbolize their undying love for each other, but a lock nonetheless.
‘So take it off,’ his mind said casually. ‘Fuck the key, break the lock.’
‘It’s not that simple,’ he replied.
It was never that simple, and Mark couldn’t take it anymore.
It wasn’t so much that Ellen made the same damned scrambled eggs (always slightly burned, no matter how hard she tried and no matter how much he complained) or the fact that she would always leave a wrinkle in his best shirts from her hectic ironing the night before. No, that was stuff that he supposed all husbands had to put up with at one time or another. Mark had once believed that all women were capable of being homemakers, somehow learning the ins and outs of the job through osmosis. Now he knew better. He supposed some women were never meant to be homemakers, and despite her best efforts, Ellen wasn’t. All things considered, she was homogenously unqualified for the position.
‘Devil’s in the details,’ he rolled his eyes.
‘Damn eggs,’ Ellen smiled to herself and looked over at their one and half year old daughter, Maddie. The baby did her own heavy-handed version of the wink back at her mom, squinting both eyes shut and then open again. She giggled wildly.
‘Say again?’ Mark glanced at her neutrally, feeling more like he was seventy-one rather than thirty-one. God, Ellen made him feel so tired and old.
‘I said the eggs aren’t cooperating,’ she repeated, stirring the mess he would soon have to choke down.
‘It’s not the arrow, it’s the Indian,’ Mark said dryly.
Ellen laughed and so completely unaware of the subtle barb he’d shot at her. Mark shook his head in thinly veiled contempt, watching her slave over the stove as wisps of smoke from the burning eggs were sucked into the ventilation hood. The sound of the air vent running was almost as grating as her voice, and Mark wondered what he had ever seen in her to begin with.
‘She was a great fuck,’ Mark reminded himself, ‘And she had the right attitude.’
‘Fuck it,’ that inner voice insisted again, ‘Fuck the key, break the lock.’
‘Shut up.’
He remembered when he had first met her in college. She had been so beautiful then, so vibrant and full of energy. Her blonde hair had been brilliant and flaxen, coupled with a set of killer blue eyes and a set of tits that could make a grown man keel over from a hormone-induced heart attack. He remembered watching her walk to class in front him, her shapely ass flexing and swaying so hypnotically he found himself damn near running into posts and doorways trying to keep the view. And the sex had been monumental, her willingness to experiment with him as limitless as his own.
But that was ten years ago.
If he had known she would pack on thirty pounds, gain a belly and let her tits sag down like tired old punching bags he never would have married her. It seemed to happen over night, and Mark had come realize that her commitment to staying beautiful for him was not a priority anymore, especially now that Maddie was here. He busted his ass to stay trim and chiseled, though as time passed he did it more for himself than her. Ellen just seemed to not care what she looked like anymore.
It was a classic bait and switch. Mark discovered that the sports car he thought he had bought was actually a tired old station wagon.
‘Buyer beware,’ the voice taunted.
That realization had shocked him into a depression, the catalyst for the event happening one morning just after Maddie had been born when Ellen stepped out of the shower naked in front of him. For the first time, he realized that Ellen had aged about as well as a ripe potato and that the pregnancy had ruined her figure. His once sexy, pornographically alluring wife had become a stretched out mess. At thirty-one years old, she was closer to having the sex appeal of a ninety-year-old grandmother than the sensual nympho he had married.
Was it shallow to think that way? Sure. Mark knew that, but more importantly he was comfortable with that. He accepted his shallow point of view as the gospel truth, and he was able to live that way. He knew himself, and he knew what he liked and what he didn’t like.
‘And what you like ain’t anywhere near this kitchen,’ the voice informed him.
Oh, the appetite Ellen had for sex hadn’t waned over the years. She constantly harassed him for sex and tried to be as alluring as she could be, wearing all kinds of lacy lingerie to seduce him and whispering erotic words into his decidedly unimpressed ear. And who could blame her? Mark knew he was attractive and found no gain in hiding the fact under false modesty. To save her feelings, he had played his part with all the heart he could muster. He would smile and kiss her and make sure that she felt secure in the knowledge that he still wanted her. Deep down, he wanted to just watch a little T.V. and then masturbate before going to sleep. Touching her had once been an unattainably obsessive goal, but now it was a chore.
‘Maybe that’s you two haven’t fucked since the baby was conceived?’ the voice asked him.
‘What the fuck was I thinking?’
he thought miserably as Ellen scraped his charred eggs onto the expensive plates she had talked him into buying.
‘With the money she’s spent on the plates and the fucking lingerie, I could have bought myself a new four-wheeler…’ he thought and eyed her like a businessman does a vagrant loitering around the storefront.
Mark ran his hand through his thick black hair and sighed. He supposed if he were content with her, it wouldn’t have been so bad. If he hadn’t known what else was out there, if he had been ignorant, he might have been able to settle into this half-life and be happy. But things hadn’t turned out that way. He was a strong, attractive man with a handsome chiseled face that matched his body. He was in his prime, a finely tuned machine that was meant for sex in the way a racecar is built for the speedway. He was wasting time and energy revving his engine for such an unchallenging and unrewarding track as Ellen. Not when other women always noticed him, attractive women who looked like a woman should.
Not like the frumpy, pathetic mom he saw here before him. Not this station wagon he had married…
‘When will you be home tonight?’ Ellen asked and sat his plate down in front of him, along with the customary salt and peppershakers. The acrid smell of burnt eggs attacked his nose and forced him to set back a little.
‘Not sure,’ Mark shrugged and watched her bring him his glass of milk and mug of coffee. He folded up his paper and added, ‘It’s finals week, and I do have over three hundred papers to grade yet…’
That was a lie. He had his assistants to do that, and the most he would have to do was just show up to give the tests. He planned to spend most of his time pursuing his other interests and take the racecar out on new tracks, really open up and find out what he was capable of. But what Ellen didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
‘I know,’ she nodded and smiled warmly. She scooped some eggs out in front of Maddie, her blonde hair falling in thick strands across her pale face. Maddie looked at the eggs questioningly for a moment, and shoved a handful into her mouth. Ellen added, ‘It’s just that you’ve had to be there so much already… and I was hoping-‘
‘Baby,’ Mark interrupted, his cold blue eyes not meeting hers. He focused on his shiny silver fork (another expensive mistake courtesy Ellen, thank you very much) and stabbed the prongs into the mass of roasted eggs, ‘You know I can’t right now. This is important.’
Ellen sighed and sat down across from him. The morning sunlight flooded the kitchen of their home creating a beautiful (and in Mark’s opinion unworthy) angelic glow on his wife’s face. He hated seeing her like that, seeing her with any of the qualities that might make her seem like more than just a station wagon. He’d gotten used to seeing all her defects and was quite content living that way, but every so often, he saw a ghost of the woman she used to be. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence, but when it did happen he recoiled as though a viper had bitten him.
He didn’t want to see her in a good light. Living with her and this marriage had been hard enough. Realizing he couldn’t divorce her lest he lose custody of his daughter and the rather hefty inheritance from his father-in-law was even worse. But living with doubt over her worth as a wife and as a woman was an unbearable prospect for him.
So, in his mind, the rule had always been that she either was a good wife or a bad wife, and thus he could act accordingly. He could handle satisfying his needs outside the marriage if he was married to a pathetic, sad, angry shell of woman rather than a woman who just didn’t meet his expectations. If she were just an ordinary, good housewife who did nothing but love and honor him but at the same time bore the shit out of him in bed then cheating on her would’ve been impossible. He couldn’t cheat on a decent woman, but he could cheat on a bitch. So he vilified her, and as time had marched on from the moment he had first stepped outside their vows to now, he had become exceedingly good at it.
When he cheated on her, he made damn sure he was doing it with a clean conscience.
‘Well,’ she took a sip of her coffee, her hair glowing in the morning light and her eyes piercingly alive. The blue corneas were lit up like neon lights and sparkling as she spoke, ‘We need sometime for ourselves, Mark. I feel like we’re drifting apart.’
‘Not this again,’ he groaned. Mark dumped a pile of salt on the eggs that could have killed an army of garden slugs, though he was certain that slimy entree might have tasted a whole lot better in the end.
‘Choking back the bile of resentment, are we?’ the voice cackled.
‘I’m not trying to upset you,’ she said diplomatically, ‘I just think maybe careers are taking importance over our marriage. You’re on campus from eight in the morning until ten, even eleven o’clock at night all week long.’
‘You’re damn right I am,’ he agreed harshly as he chewed the rubbery eggs, ‘Finally, someone notices it isn’t a nine-to-five job…’
‘I know,’ she said, keeping her voice even and steady. Mark choked down the eggs and gulped half his glass of milk. He would have to get breakfast at McDonalds on the way out along with some Alka-Seltzer. He glanced at the ancient grandfather clock across the way in the living room. To his relief, it was almost seven-twenty and time to go.
‘If you know that then why do you keep doing this?’ he asked keeping his eyes focused on her as though they were gun sights, unblinking and challenging her. He knew if he kept going, if he played off how hard he worked for her and how much he was trying to do the right thing, then she would see him as a victim. And that was another key point for him, a crucial cornerstone to his life, he was the victim. No matter what happened, he had to be the victim.
And Ellen made it easy for him to culture this idea in the house. It was in her nature to want to protect those who are being shit on. Even if it meant reprimanding herself for something she may or may not have done wrong.
He saw her hesitate at his words, the pain and wounded emotional impact he was pouring into the argument giving her pause. Mark smiled inwardly, already feeling the tide of the argument shifting. He worked up some tears by placing his hand on his thigh under the table and out of view. He pinched his leg hard and once he felt his eyes water over, he asked, ‘Why keep rehashing this same old argument? When will it be enough?’
‘Mark, I’m just saying I miss you,’ Ellen offered and reached out for his hand, ‘Maddie misses you.’
‘Don’t bring Maddie into this,’ Mark warned as his voice wavered, his eyes glittering with tears about to spill over. Behind the facade, he felt himself getting pissed off. Bringing his daughter into the equation was an unfair blow and just a desperate attempt to get under his skin. She always did this when she got desperate, somehow thinking it was okay to use Maddie as a pawn in their problems. On one hand, it only further proved his acquired belief that she was an overbearing, suffocating bitch who had only wanted to land a man to control. On the other hand, it made him so angry he often imagined just punching her in the face for even thinking it.
He said, ‘The girl is one and a half and doesn’t keep tabs on me like you do.’
‘No one is keeping tabs,’ Ellen looked at him, her eyes wide with frustration, ‘She waits at the door for you until bed time. She loves you so much.’
‘And I love her too,’ Mark countered, his indignation almost tangible, ‘Which is why I bust my ass in the classroom every goddam day, Monday through Friday sometimes fourteen hours at a stretch. Are you trying to make me feel bad?’
‘No,’ Ellen shook her head, ‘Of course not.’
‘Then stop doing this.’
‘It’s not like we need the money, Mark…’
‘Don’t!’ he spat out, his face red with fury as he slammed his fist down on the table, ‘Don’t even
fucking go there! You may have had easy money growing up, a fat wad of cash in your pocket every time you and the girls went out, but I didn’t. I earn what I fucking have. I paid for this house myself, I paid for my education myself and sure as fuck earned every last goddam cent in that saving account.’
‘Fuck the key, break the lock…’
Ellen stood there, her mouth gaped open as though she’d just been slapped, ‘That’s not what I was trying to say-‘
‘Then think before you open your goddam mouth,’ Mark shot back.
He knew it was a line of bullshit, though. He had in fact worked his ass off and paid for his home and education all on his own, this was true. He had in fact worked his ass off and earned every last red cent in the savings account through dedication and sacrifice to his work, this was true as well. But if Jack Michaels, Ellen’s cantankerous prune of a father, died tomorrow and passed down that quarter million they’d been promised, Mark would’ve happily retired and spent the rest of life on a sunny beach in Barbados earning twenty percent. He’d take it easy and rest secure in the knowledge he’d earned all of that money by working hard and being married to Ellen.
Being married to Ellen was a fucking hard job.
When that day came, he would be glad to share the wealth with Maddie and give her all the things he’d never had
But Ellen?
Mark was hoping that someday, hopefully before the lead ran out of his pencil at least, Ellen would get tired of him and leave. His highest hopes revolved around the possibility were that she would wise up and cheat like any normal woman would, or maybe just up and go without a word. He was desperate for her to do something, no anything, to give him an ironclad reason to divorce her. Why devote your life to man who isn’t there and isn’t going to be there? He dreamed that she would go and just disappear from his sight, leaving him free to chase all the ass he could ever desire and to finally be free.
‘You expect the lock to open itself, you stupid fuck?’ the voice asked incredulously, ‘Break the lock, smart guy…’
He hoped like a child waiting for that one special gift at Christmas time that she would leave, and everyday she didn’t he dealt with the same sense of loss and disappointment a child would feel. Every day he woke up and she was still there, lightly snoring away with a pillow draped over her head (the pillow thing was a strange little ritual of hers… he never understood it and doubted he ever would). As the depression mounted, he became even more liberal in his desires to get away from her. Sometimes, very late at night as he lay there in bed thinking of other women he wanted to stick it to, he would think even darker thoughts than just setting her up for a divorce.
At first, he felt bad for thinking such things, but now he was much more comfortable with the idea. He thought if she committed suicide, it wouldn’t be such a horrible loss. Yes, there would be no question then, would there? She would be revealed as the fraud he knew her to be, that he had figured her out to be. She would be out of his hair and he could raise his daughter alone, women being an option in his life and not a fixture. Besides, it wouldn’t be a good woman throwing it all way… it would be a selfish hag ending her life because she didn’t want to make everyone else miserable.
It was the most responsible thing Ellen could do.
At least, that’s how Mark saw it. It was how he had to see it.
‘Okay,’ she threw her hands up, her voice shaking. She brought one hand to her forehead and sighed, her eyes shut tight, ‘I don’t want to do this. Not in front of Maddie… I’m sorry I brought it up.’
Mark looked over at Maddie, her big blue eyes fixed on them both in silent confusion as she chewed her eggs.
‘I have to go,’ Mark shoved himself away from the kitchen table, letting the feet of the chair groan and skid across the floor loudly. He grabbed his jacket and briefcase off the counter and left without a word. He was fuming, consumed with frustration and anger. Part of him wanted to keep fighting it out, but he knew better. He had to leave now, because as quickly as the argument had started, Ellen would try to extinguish the fire before it got any worse. He wanted unrest, not resolution here. He hurried across the living room, the relentlessly hollow tick-tock of the grandfather clock marking his time.
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T .1 Waking up is all about memory. We sleep, all of us; we have to disconnect from the world for six or eight or ten hours, and then come back and figure out what we've missed. 9/11 is a good example. Wake up and your radio alarm is saying something about terrorists and the World Trade Center. Huh? At first I figured terrorists had landed in a helicopter or something. But by the time I got to school, I had the whole story. I think I liked mine better. In any case, waking up is all about...
Th .4 There are always people who know things we don't. And, when we need help, we ask those people, because sometimes we don't have the tools we need to deal with problems. Like, if my computer breaks, I call Brandon—since a certain someone is evidently off-limits to me. Brandon can't strip down and rebuilt a computer like that certain someone, but at least he can tell me what some of the error messages mean. But this time it wasn't hardware. Brandon and Meredith were nowhere in sight...
Back at Stetsen, Derek marshaled his forces. "Guys. Guys. Can I have your attention please. I need some help." We all looked up, and gathered as he beckoned: Meredith and I; Zach and Christa; Sajel; and even Jane, for whatever reason. Maybe she and Sajel had shared a 5th-period class. (I was close; it's Christa who's in AP Chemistry with Jane in 5th period.) We sat in the customary ring: Derek at the head, with Sajel at the next station around; directly across from Derek, Zach leaned...
Meredith Reborn By Amanda McCree "Making that call en femme as Meredith was the best idea I ever had," Richard thought to himself. Richard Tucker was very pleased with himself, and he had good reason to be. All his work to pass as Meredith had paid off. The income from this one call would cover his overhead for the next two years. He was almost dizzy with the impact of the figures. He was practically set for life. Dressing as Meredith had made the difference. "Here's your...
Th .1 By the time I had gotten to school, I already knew it was going to be a bad day. It started with me staying up until about 3 AM trying to study for an English quiz. I may be Derek Strong, naked in school and staggering around under a shitload of problems, but the grade waits for no man. The problem was, I couldn't concentrate. I hadn't spoken to Arie in a couple of days and I was horny. Which was only the least of my problems, but the most easily addressable—shut the door, whip it...
It was a regular day for the morbidly obese Jared, all except for the fact that he had received a knock at the door. Jared normally received his disability checks from the vocational department at this time of the month, but he always had to make the arduous journey across the parking lot to get his mail. Maybe they stopped being so lazy, Jared thought. He opened the door looking around only to find a box of chocolates at his feet. Without a second thought the fat man shut the door...
I found out about RedditTube recently, and I knew right away it was probably something I’d be reviewing here at ThePornDude. The funny thing about Reddit is that some folks out there might not realize it’s a goldmine of fap fodder, especially with all the incels and no-fap retards who hang out there, discussing fedora brands and giving waifu pillow purchasing tips. You perverts know a lot better, though, don’t you? Hell, I’ve got more than 500 of the filthiest subreddits ranked and reviewed, so...
Free Porn Tube SitesHow often do you wish you could walk down the street and peek in on a girl masturbating? Probably all the fucking time. You may even feel the need to walk up to a window and look inside, hoping that you catch someone fingering their pussy before they catch you.Let me give you a newsflash, mother fucker: that’s illegal. Highly illegal. You can go to prison for that kind of shit! And if you live in a certain territory in a certain country, they may just even cut your penis off…Instead, I urge you...
Female Masturbation Porn SitesJared and Andrea ? by: Ashley Shine Jared loved these times. He was alone in the house, free to explore his stepsister's room. The parents were down in Florida vacationing for three weeks, and Andrea was away at college. Fortunately for Jared, Andrea kept almost a full wardrobe back home. Jared had always been attracted to frilly clothes. He loved the taboo nature of dressing up in girl's clothing it was exhilarating. Access to Andrea's clothes was a big bonus when his mom...
Oh what a day from hell. Or should I say week. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and finally broke down and went to the doctor, only to get news I wasn’t expecting. Then I came back to my boss getting on my ass for a file she couldn’t find, and too top it off I haven’t hardly seen Jared my boyfriend all week. So I was looking forward to seeing Jared after work, and I so need to tell him our news. Even though I knew he wouldn’t be happy about the news. I had tried a couple times that day to...
Group SexReddit Anal, aka r/Anal! Honestly, I feel quite silly when I try to introduce Reddit, because who has not heard about this wonderful place before? Well, for all of you lads who have never visited Reddit before, you are missing out, and here I shall talk mostly about their anal session, for obvious fucking reasons. There is a lot for you to explore on, and since the site is free, what the fuck are you waiting for?What is this wonderful place you stumbled upon?While I know that...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit Chubby, aka r/Chubby! Let me fill you horny fuckers in on a little bit of wisdom. Even though it’s fucking hot as hell to pork petite chicks and the more athletic types, never, ever discount giving chubby bitches the ol’ ramrod in their fat holes. There’s nothing quite like watching those gigantic titties bouncing as you give them the fuck of their life, and have I mentioned dick sucking yet? Holy shit, if you’ve never gotten head from a chubby gal, get ready for your balls to drain so...
Reddit NSFW ListCHAPTER FIVE King was practically bouncing when he rushed into the motel that afternoon. He had wrapped up his meetings early, gone and gotten his dad, and rushed back to the motel. He wanted to get there before Freddie had to go to work. He laughed at his own foolishness – he was the boss! If he wanted her to have the night off, he could give her the night off. And that didn’t sound like such a bad idea. He was giddy with the thought of seeing Freddie again. King’s father, Alexander Solomon,...
It was definitely a typical Monday morning! Winifred Sommers just barely managed to catch herself before she sprawled across the New York City pavement. Freddie, as she preferred to be called, had been certain that the door to the ‘dinner only’ restaurant, adjacent to the classy motel, would be locked. She hoped to jiggle the door enough to catch the attention of some early hour employee. After all, it was only 10:00 in the morning. So she really put her weight into pulling on the door – and...
Kareena was scrambling inside before he’d finished speaking. She made a grab for the phone, but he held it away from her and let it drop, bouncing across the seat. “Give it here!” she yelled, but he grappled her by the waist as she grabbed for it, the six-pack of beers tumbling to the cab’s floor.She ended up lying across him with her breasts bouncing as she struggled for the cell. His cock—she realised with a shock to her heart—was thickening again under her belly.“Think you can get it?”...
Group SexMy mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn’t falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn’t even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...
My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn't falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn't even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...
MatureAuthor’s note: As with any story in several chapters, it will help you follow this if you have read Chapters 1-3. I hope you will find it worth the reading. 1. Sandy turned restlessly, glanced at his alarm. Six-thirty. He buried his head under the bedclothes and tried to get back to sleep, but he knew as he did so that it wasn’t going to work. Red’s holiday proposal was churning through his brain and he couldn’t switch it off. There was no reason in principle why he shouldn’t go with her. She...
WARNING: Don’t read this story if easily offended by niceness. The desire to create, to be given the opportunity to use any such talent for reward and to experience the joy of witnessing the end results rested deep within Freddie Redding, a media studies graduate from a third-rate college. However, because of his lowly degree plus lack of experience invariably met advice not to complete the recruitment form when he applied for jobs in creative advertising in New York. So at Grand Central he...
Reddit Incest Stories, aka r/Incest! Welcome to Reddit, a wonderful place driven by its community, with many hot subreddits you can enjoy and browse for free. I am sure that by itself, Reddit is the place that could satisfy anyone’s desires. However, if you are here, then you are probably interested in the incest section of Reddit, right? Well, this section is filled with lots and lots of dirty incest-related posts.I think that the name alone should tell you whether you are interested in what...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit Celebs, aka r/Celebs! Why is it that every time we see a clip of a celebrity on YouTube or in one of those god-awful entertainment magazine shows, horn dogs like us immediately start thinking about fucking them? It doesn’t matter if it’s Krysten Ritter staring at the camera like she’s going to beat my ass right before she fucks me or if it’s soon-to-be-geriatric Julia Roberts letting her cleavage show in an interview, I’m always wondering what it’d be like to sack one of them. I’m never...
Reddit NSFW ListCartoon porn reddit! Are you in the mood for some cartoon porn? Well, I know of a few places with such amazing content that could have you swimming in an ocean of your own jizz. Hell, I have reviewed an ass load of cartoon porn sites on my site, ThePornDude. So if you are feeling up for it, you can check out some of my XXX cartoon and hentai reviews!Then again, you don’t have to read the reviews – you can just check the lists to find the hot shit on your own merits. But you should know that the...
Reddit NSFW ListJared I woke up the next morning, threw on some clothes, and went downstairs, still rather delirious. "Hey, little brother." Tina greeted me. Mom and Dad were there, too. "Hiya, Jared," Mom said, "want some breakfast?" "Love some." I sat down and Mom started spooning out some bacon and eggs. "So, how are you today?" Dad asked me. "Just fine." "I'll just bet," Tina butted in. "So, how long are you going to tease me about this?" I asked her. "As long as I can get away...
Jared I did go to sleep pretty quickly that night. I really was exhausted. When I woke up the next morning, at about seven-thirty, all the ol' doubt crept back in. My fucking insecurities. Damn them. Well, I guess you can't just make them go away overnight. I don't know. I really didn't mind that she was with Ed yesterday-at least at the time. Now, I didn't know what to think. It's the ol' "well, if I let her do this, what if she finds something better" bullshit. I dunno, maybe...
Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...
Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...
Sa .1 When I rang the doorbell, Meredith's mother answered it. Her face was lined and her hair looked whiter. "Hello, Brandon. Good morning." "Good morning, Mrs. Levine. I, uh. I guess I'm here to help Meredith set up for her birthday party." "Oh, yes, Meredith told me you were coming. Come on in. Ah. Excuse the way everything looks—we, ah. Well, Meredith delivered quite a shock to us last night." "Yes, I imagine. It was... quite a shock to us when we found out." "I don't...
Reddit Lesbians, aka r/Lesbians! What’s better than watching a hot slut get hardcore rammed? Watching two babes ramming each other, and that is what this subreddit is all about. I’m going to assume that y’all already know what Reddit is. You know, how it functions, and all that bullcrap, so I’m going to cut right to the chase. In case you do not know Reddit, I have reviewed that site as well, and I shall cover the classics as well.Horny lesbians are quite feisty!You are here to check out the...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit Traps, aka r/Traps! Have you ever taken your pecker out for a nice wank, when suddenly the chick lifted her shirt up and instead of a drenched twat, there was another fellow staring at you? Was that a weird analogy? Well, that is what r/traps is all about. This subreddit will have a lot of feminine dudes who simply look amazing, but they are, dudes or trannies, so unless you are into that, you might want to browse elsewhere.Traps are everywhere since I am sure we have all at least once...
Reddit NSFW ListAndy and Tina were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across Sex Stories Post and they took turns randomly choosing stories and reading them out loud to one another. They are a happy couple though have yet to tie the knot. They’ve been living together for nearly three years and Tina’s youngest c***d Chad...
Reddit Hentai, aka r/Hentai! What is it with those fucks who use Reddit all the time slipping that shit into conversation every chance they get? I’ll be trying to have a normal ass conversation about big tittied sluts and they’ll have to list of a baker’s dozen of subreddits that loosely related to everything I just talked about. And don’t even get me started on the fucking lingo that everyone uses on there. “Thanks for the gold, kind stranger,” “play stupid games win stupid prizes,” and all of...
Reddit NSFW List"The Bignut Stage Line has asked for our he'p in guardin' a shipment of gold between Laredo and Austin, and y'all just volunteered to be the guards," Capt. Johnson grinned as he faced Ezra and Sean. Ezra grumphed, "Hell, Cap'n, that'll take a week or more. Are ya sure we need to go all the way to Austin?" "Yep, they asked fer y'all, especially." "Well, OK. Ifen we gotta, we gotta." "That's more like the Ezra I know and love," laughed the captain. "It ain't so bad....
Capt. Johnson nearly fell out of his chair from laughing when they told him why they gave Ray all the credit for solving this case. He "sadly" informed them that they still had to write up a report, but he would need more detail to justify sending them on this assignment. He pointed out that it would be easier, next time, if they just let the credit fall where it belonged. "I swear to Goshen, I think the cap'n enjoyed that!" complained Sean as they left the office, headed for...
F .5 When it rains, it pours, huh. Get done with one problem—Jenny's situation—and another crops up. I feel like we haven't taken a deep breath in ages. And honestly, I'm a bit scared to. Because then I would smell Brandon on my skin—it's been six hours but I can still smell him, feel the aftershadows of his caress—and I would want to grab him and jump his bones right then and there. Never mind how it's lunchtime and we're out in the middle of nowhere. Hello. I'm Meredith Levine....