Hypnosis App II: Back In Town, Parts 1 And 2 free porn video

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Author's Note: This story took a long time to write over many sessions, and is intended to be read solely as erotic fiction. It is not meant to contain any commentary, deeper meanings, or really anything of literary value. Fair warning: the characters in this story are subjected to what is basically unwaning cruelty, which helps keep its tone similar to certain stories in that universe by the original work's author. If you're looking for acceptance, love, or a happy ending, you may want to read something else. To put it plainly: it's just smut. I see this story as a sexually charged odyssey that includes a lot of ideas and fantasies that have been gathered from a variety of places, including plenty of ties to other stories here on Fictionmania - so don't expect a ton of realism. And boy, this story can get fantastical at times. I possibly missed some details here and there when I got too caught up in the writing, so please don't hold me to any high literary standards. I'm the only author and editor, so I'm sure a theoretical 'final draft,' with actual peer review, would have plenty to clean up. That said, I hope you enjoy my take on the universe created by Sissy Slut Ally. I took some liberties on their original work (particularly in how they ended the first story) to make my story fit better in my version of the adopted universe. I'm sure you'll notice some of the differences as you read. If you don't know what I'm referring to, then it probably doesn't matter much. For that matter, if you haven't read the original piece "Hypnosis App" by Sissy Slut Ally then you should probably do that before reading my story - many of the same characters and situations are touched on again here. Now, without further ado, please enjoy our feature presentation... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1: The Conally's Are Back In Town "Oh it's good to be back!" my father said excitedly as he put down the suitcases he was carrying in the entryway of our new home. Movers were finishing up with the larger furniture items, and were carrying in some of the smaller boxes at my mother's direction. My twin sister and I came in only carrying our backpacks full of personal items we had packed just before the move, pausing to take in our new, larger house. "Not bad, huh?" my father said as noticed my sister and me standing in the doorway. "Much nicer than our last place, and so close to downtown! This town always had cheaper real estate - and with my new income I figured we'd get someplace comfortable for your senior year!" My father, a natural salesman, was still trying to sell us on the upsides of this move. It was no secret that my sister and I were against moving cities in our senior year of high school - especially considering we would be abandoning all the new friends we had made over the previous two semesters only to come back to the city where we grew up. We had been doing quite well for ourselves in our new school, both earning some of the top grades in our class and finally starting to get closer to our new friends. We were actually pretty similar in a lot of ways, despite me being a boy, and were usually in friendly competition with one another. This was all until last month, when my father was offered a position back at his old company, with a new salary he couldn't pass up. Realistically, my sister and I wouldn't be affected too much from the move: our college applications were already completed and we just had to coast a bit until graduation. The awkward part would be reintegrating with our old classmates we hadn't seen in over a year. "Hey Elena, Alex - wait up" my father addressed my sister and me as we walked past him into the house, "Please try to have a positive attitude about all of this, okay? Go put your stuff down and I'll drive you both to school." My sister and I rolled our eyes at each other and headed upstairs to our new rooms. It was strange enough that we were moving back to our old town, but it was worse that we didn't actually get to move in until a Wednesday - right in the middle of the school week - because of some restriction about waiting until the first of the month. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my girlfriend that morning before we had to drive to our new home to meet the movers. I met Carrie a few months prior, and we had really seemed to hit it off. She was a sweet girl who didn't seem to mind my height at a measly 5'6". I think she was turned on by the idea of dating a sports captain, as I had quickly taken control of the soccer team in my short time at the new school. She was a smart, somewhat shy girl who wanted to take things slow. After dating for the past six months, I had barely gotten to second base over her shirt before she'd stop me. Though we wouldn't be able to sneak around after school anymore for some quick making out, I would hopefully be able to see her still on some weekends considering our new house was only a 45 minute drive away. She was an amazing girl in every other way, so I didn't really mind waiting - I figured we'd probably lose our virginity to each other before we left for college next fall. I pulled out my phone and sent her a quick text message documenting our arrival at the new house, complete with a selfie of me smiling in my new room. My mother called up the stairs that we needed to hurry up or we'd be late. I quickly emptied the personal belongings in my backpack and filled it with a few blank notebooks and pens for my first day back at my old school. When I went downstairs, I saw that my sister and father were waiting by the door, with my mother still giving instructions to the movers. She came over to my father and gave him a peck on the cheek, saying "Good luck at work today, my handsome guy. You're gonna knock them dead - I'm sure you'll be getting another promotion in no time!" As we began to walk toward the car, my mother called out again "Have fun in school you two! I'm sure everything is going to go great!" My father dropped off my sister and me at the front of the school, wishing us the best of luck before he sped off back towards downtown for work. We had already been in communication with the school about our transition, and had a copy of our schedules from the week before. Elena's schedule seemed to be filled with mostly electives, but we figured that was probably because she was a senior and had completed the majority of the core curriculum. As we entered the school, my sister gave me a small hug and wished me luck before we headed off to our home rooms. On my way to class I noticed strange behavior from the students. Though this school would have never been considered 'high-class', I couldn't help but notice that the demeanor of the male students in the hall seemed to be downright crude. The boys would catcall at the girls in the hall, some even reaching out to grope them. To my surprise, the girls didn't seem to mind it much either. This was strange, because I would have thought that a teacher would step in to correct this type of behavior, even if it was between consenting parties. Walking through the halls, a few people even recognized me from my previous time at the school - but didn't seem to have any shame in performing the same, lustful actions in front of me. The boys would smile and give me a friendly wave, while the girls mostly looked at me with a devious grin and playful eyes. Had the school really relaxed its guidelines so much in just a year? Surely this was just because there were no teachers around this section of the hall... right? I stopped into the bathroom before heading to class to make sure that I wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the next period. The men's room was very large compared to what I was used to - it looked like it might have been a converted classroom from before. What appeared to be handicapped stalls ran all around the exterior of the room, as well as a row of urinals against the center wall and a drain on the floor. As I positioned myself over a urinal, I could hear pounding and moaning coming from a stall to my right. It seemed obvious that some of the students had acted upon their urges they had flirted around in the hallway. Why would the school create a bathroom like this where horny students could so easily escape to? When I finished up, I quickly washed my hands and headed down the hall again to my first class, eager to get out of there. In the classroom I noticed that my first class, English, was entirely made up of boys. The lesson was pretty standard for this type of lecture, going over the particulars of "whom," "who," and "whose." As the class was wrapping up, I could tell some of the boys were getting antsy and wanted began to talk rudely about some of the girls they knew. To my surprise, the teacher did not interrupt the boys, but rather let them finish their conversation. It all seemed strange, but the lesson otherwise continued on as normal. I wondered if Elena was seeing any of the same behavior in her class? I figured either way we'd have a lot to talk about when lunch came around. When the bell rang I took my phone out of my backpack only to find a flurry of text messages from the rest of my family. My sister's was at the top, simply reading "WHERE ARE YOU??? COME MEET ME NOW!!" I got up quickly from my chair and went to the front of the school where my sister said she would meet me at the end of the day. In the hallway I passed numerous more scenes of boys harassing girls, and even caught a few sex scenes transpiring as I looked through the doorways. What kind of parody of a school was this? As I reached the front of the school, I saw my sister waiting for me in the lobby, staring into the ground as a boy tried to hit on her. I approached and grabbed the boy's shoulder, turning him to face me. "Ow ow! Jeez pal, what's the big idea??" the boy said as he realized who he was speaking to. "Oh hey! You're Alex Conally! I was wondering when you'd show up. I saw your lovely sister here and figured you might be around as well!" The boy was none other than Ron Davidson - one of the biggest losers in the school. In my previous years I had to confront Ron before when he was acting as a peeping tom on the girls' locker room during my sister's gym class. Though I was shorter than him at 5'6", I made a point to beat him up and force him to apologize to the girls for being such a pervert. After that, I became known as something of an anti-bully figure at school, and I think Ron was still scared of me for it. Clearly things had changed since then at the school, and he thought he now had a chance with Elena. "Back off, Ron," I said coldly as he put up his hands and stepped away. "Jeesh," he replied, "I was just having a little fun is all." My eyes followed him as he walked away into the hallway, and to my surprise I caught a glimpse of the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen - blonde hair, a large chest, and an ass she was not afraid to show off in tight shorts. She had clearly overheard our conversation in the hallway and approached Ron with a hungry look in her eyes. I could overhear her say to him, "Oh hey Ron, are those the new students? It's a shame they've got such a stick up their butts... Maybe you can help me getting a stick in mine?" She winked at him as she said this. Ron clearly had moved on from our conversation at this point, as he put his hand around the waist of the new girl as they made their way down the hall toward the men's room. "AHEM." My sister coughed loudly to grab my attention, clearly overwhelmed by the situation. "How about you help me, instead of ogling that girl over there?? This whole school is seriously fucked up!" I nodded my head in agreement. "I think we should get out of here, something has definitely happened since we left," I replied. She looked down at her phone to check her messages, saying "I'm way ahead of you - Dad should be here any second to pick us up." We saw our father pull up in front of the school, and booked it out of the front door and into his car. Back at home, my family and I were all sitting around the table in our kitchen, discussing our next course for action. We had already told our father what had transpired on the car ride over, with my sister filling in details of her own from that morning. The boys were apparently just as bad with her as they were with the other girls, catcalling and trying to get handsy if given the chance. Worst of all, her first class seemed akin to a brainwashing facility, where the girls would repeat mantras about their inferiority and sexual deviancy - certainly not the "women's studies" my sister had expected. My mother and father were concerned to hear about our days, but confessed that they had similar experiences of their own. "It has to be this whole damn town!" my father exclaimed. "I went in to work to find that all of the women had been made personal secretaries to the men of the office - in the most demeaning way possible. I caught Jen, the woman who won our sales competition two years in a row, giving a blowjob to a junior salesman - who was her new boss!" He scoffed at the idea. "It's no wonder they needed more salesmen, their best ones have all become braindead bimbos!" My mother began to then tell us about her experience with the moving company. "After you all left, the guys began to ask me if I had any tip for them... I had already paid them! They started to all come on to me at once, grabbing me and speaking sexually, and I wasn't sure I was going to get out of there! They only stopped when I said you would be home soon, and I think only because they felt like you owned me or something!" My mother was holding back tears. "What kind of place has this town become?" My father picked up his phone and dialed in a number. "This all ends right now. I'm calling the police." He then got on the line with the local precinct, and spent time detailing all of the little horrors my family had encountered earlier that day. After a while, he put down the phone and looked somewhat relieved. "It took a little convincing, but they're sending someone over right now to look after us. After that we should get the hell out of here." Around 15 minutes later, a police officer walked up our front steps and rang the doorbell. We rushed him inside, and my father immediately began barraging him with questions about what we were going to do about the situation at hand. The police officer put up his hands in front of him and objected "Okay, hold on, hold on please. I'm not the one you want to talk to. I'm just hear to keep you guys calm until the experts for this type of thing arrive. Now, are we all calm?" My family looked around at each other, then back at the officer as we nodded our heads. "Okay, good." the officer continued. "Now, in just a few minutes we're going to have someone down here that will help you all out - okay?" My family once again nodded okay, as we waited for further instructions. After another ten minutes, we heard a loud car engine pull in front of our house from the street, and our doorbell rang once more. The office motioned for us to remain seated while he answered the door. We could overhear him exchanging pleasantries with the stranger at our entrance, as they both began to walk in to our living room. "Okay, Conally family, this is Mr. Cartwright. He's going to see if he can help make things all right for you all." Standing in the entrance to our living room was none other than James Cartwright, an old bully from school. What didn't make sense, however, is what he was doing in my house. It was 11AM on a Wednesday, surely he should have been in school living it up with the rest of the town's debaucherous boys. And why had the cop called him? This made no sense to me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I said to as I stood up. The officer pointed his finger at me intimidatingly and sternly countered: "Boy! You need to learn some manners! You cannot speak to Mr. Cartwright in such a way!" He began to move toward me, like he was ready to force my compliance. James seemed to want to keep the peace instead. "Thanks, Mike, but that's really not necessary. Alex here is an old friend of mine." he said with a grin. Yeah, right. James was about as much of a 'friend' of mine as Ron Davidson - just another bully that I used to put in his place. I'd routinely have to intervene when he would intimidate some of the weaker boys in the school, keeping him under my thumb until the day I left. Though I was a lot shorter than him, there was no doubt I could beat him in a fight. My father spoke next. "Let's all stay calm here - but I have to admit I'm also a bit confused. Who is this boy, and how could he help us?" Before James had a chance to speak, my sister interjected "Don't you remember James, dad? That sicko bully from that trash family who used to try to get with me? There's no way HE could help us with anything!" I nodded my head and decided we needed to take the air out of his inflated ego. "Look, dude - is this some kind of weird revenge thing with the cop? It sucks that things didn't work out for you, but we're not even going to be around much longer. It's pretty likely my sister and I are going to get into one of the Ivy League colleges, and you'll never even see us again." My sister snickered at this comment and added her own take: "Where were you looking to go again, James? Was it a janitorial prep university?" James didn't react to these comments, but instead had pulled out his phone and seemed to be heavily focused on some app. My father's eyes suddenly lit up with recognition. "James - you're THAT James? Didn't your mother used to work at that bank? Look, buddy, I don't really think you should be here right now. I'm sorry if you took it so personally when I suggested we change banks and your mother lost her job - but we're kind of in the middle of something here." James continued to ignore everyone shouting about him as he finished tapping things up on his phone. In the midst of all the shouting, I immediately felt a calming wave wash over me, and the room fell silent as it seemed like the rest of my family felt it too. "Thanks for all the help, Mike. You can go now," James said to the officer. He replied, "Hey, no problem Mr. Cartwright. We'll be sure to call you down at the station if we hear of anything else suspicious like this." He then walked away and left as my family and I sat in our living room, a dull, glazed look in our eyes. "Now that we've all calmed down a bit - I just want to say I am so glad to see you all back in town! It's like a little reunion!" he said as he moved closer into the living room. No one reacted to his presence. "I've got to admit, you had me all a bit worried with how you were behaving when you got into town. I thought I had solved that a long time ago! You see, when everyone else comes into town they don't really notice that anything is different... they just kind of accept the way we live here. A lot even join in! No one thinks it's strange." It occurred to me that James seemed to be acutely aware of the debaucherous behavior in the town, not just washed up in it like everyone else. James continued, "The problem I just found was that I set that reaction for all visitors and NEW residents, which sounded like I was covered. But you guys aren't NEW residents at all, you've lived here before! So, I've adjusted it so that RETURNING residents will feel the same way from now on. I'm sure this was going to be brought to my attention at some point - but I just gotta say that I'm so glad it was you guys. I'm really so, so glad it was the Conally's who got to come back and change things up!" We remained silent as James began to address our previous remarks. "I never wanted to venture too far from home, but I've really had a bone to pick for a while with you Conally's. Starting with your boy Alex here: what a pain this guy has been! Walking around like he's the top dog at the school, making me look like a fool! We'll see how the short man feels after he sees what's coming up for him!" I wanted to get up and hit him, but the docile part of my mind won over and I remained seated. He turned to my sister. "Oh and the lovely Elena, who ignored my advances for years. Did you know I was actually trying to be sincere with you and not just the 'trash' you thought I was? But you were too pretty and smart for a guy like me. What school did you have in mind? Brown? Harvard? Yale? You gotta be pretty smart to go somewhere like that!" He turned to my mother afterward on the couch, "And Ms. Kate Conally always had a pretty good figure herself - I'm not going to pretend like I didn't notice! Eric is a lucky man!" Looking at my father he continued his tirade. "And finally, Mr. Conally! You know how your daughter called me trash? Well, my mom was doing all right as a bank manager before you convinced your company to move all their accounts somewhere else! She lost her job because of you, and we had to move into a trailer! I'll have you know we're all doing a LOT better now, thank you very much... but don't think I haven't forgotten that!" James began to walk around the living room looking at all of us. "I'm sure you've all noticed that you've become really docile - and now that you know the police are under my control I can't risk you trying to contact anyone else. So you're going to remain docile for the rest of the day. I've already got some ideas on how things are going to be different for all of you, but I've got to really string a plan together - you don't get an opportunity like this every day!" Though we were all relaxed, my family and I shared a look on confusion on our faces. What was he even talking about? "Truthfully, things have been going really well for me in the past year or so. I kind of forgot about you guys altogether, despite how much you've wronged me! The fact that you're back in town is really just quite unfortunate for the lot of you. But I promise you that it will be fun for me. Very, very fun for me. Maybe if you all relax and do as you're told it'll be fun for you too!" He laughed as we all stared at him. "Well, maybe not. I guess I don't really care." "Now, you're going to spend the rest of the day unpacking. There are going to be a lot of changes happening starting tomorrow! So I'll be seeing you all bright and early! Welcome back home!" James said with a laugh as he exited the front door and sped off in his car. We all looked around at each other with the same dull look in our eyes. "I'm kind of confused about what just happened," I said to the group, as everyone nodded in agreement. "Whatever that was, I think it's good that we're all calm now," my mother stated. "Let's finish unpacking and be ready to start a new day tomorrow!" Though I knew I was doing what James had predicted, it didn't seem to bother me. We had just moved in; obviously we were going to spend some time unpacking. We spent the rest of the day getting the house into a working order, calmly chatting with one another as though we had totally forgotten about the events from the morning. Finally I went to bed around 10PM, exhausted from all the work we had put in. As I drifted off to sleep, James' words about our fresh start tomorrow was echoing in my head, ebbing away at my sense of calm and creating a nervous pit in my stomach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: Good Morning Conally's! The next morning I suddenly awoke feeling sick to my stomach. 'What the fuck did I eat?' I thought as I hurriedly got up from my bed, trying my hardest to keep myself from having an accident in my new room. As I got up running to the bathroom, I saw the time on the clock - 5:30AM. Luckily, no one else was up yet in the house as I flew into the bathroom, sat down on the toilet, and cleared my body from everything I had consumed in at least a week. What was wrong with me? I never got sick like that, especially that early in the morning, and there was nothing I remember eating the night before that would have given me such a reaction. When it finished, I cleaned myself up and headed back to my room. In my bed, however, I was unable to go back to sleep even though I had at least another hour until I needed to get up for school. Something about going back to bed just felt wrong to me. I started to get more anxious as I felt I as wasting time trying to fall back asleep, and I decided instead to seize the day and went back to the bathroom to take a shower. More unusual things happened once I began to bathe myself, as my mind began to go on autopilot for my morning rituals, I found myself confronted with new feelings and emotions. I felt gross and dirty, in ways that I never had before. My usual Irish Spring 3-in-1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner didn't seem to help at all in making me feel clean - the scent seemed much too harsh for me all of the sudden. Though it felt strange to me, I reached for my sister's supplies in the shower instead of my own. I used the feminine body gel and shampoo, finding it relaxing and pleasant. This was a good start, but I realized that I still felt disgusting - it dawned on me that it was the hair all over my body that was making me feel so wrong. I grabbed my sister's pink Venus razor and her shaving gel and began applying it to the patch of hair on my chest, aiming to test my theory. Once I cleared a small area I knew that I had been correct: it was such a relief to get myself clean even in just the small patch I had shaved already. Chasing this feeling, I began to apply the shaving gel all over my body, following up with the razor. By the time I opened the shower curtain and saw myself in the fogged mirror, I realized just how ridiculous I looked, completely smooth everywhere except for my head. 'What the hell just came over me?' I thought to myself as I quickly dried myself off and headed back to my room leaving a scent of roses in the air behind me. Maybe I could play it off to my classmates that I wanted to join the swim team or something. It was now 6:15 and I could hear the rest of my family stirring to get up as I headed back to my room. I began to get dressed, but again something felt very wrong as I reviewed my normal options of T shirts, jeans, and boxers. I heard my sister enter the bathroom and turn on the shower down the hall as I felt the same 'autopilot' sensation from the shower take over. None of my clothes would cut it... but perhaps Elena had something I could use? I sneaked down the hall and quietly entered her room, shutting the door behind me. I didn't know what I was looking for and began opening her closet and dresser. To my own confusion, I quickly stopped when I opened the top drawer of her dresser, mesmerized by a variety of skimpy panties, ranging from boyshorts to thongs with many colorful patterns. I somehow knew that this is was the missing piece that would solve my wardrobe discomfort, though I didn't understand why. I reached for a pair of pink panties with a yellow flower pattern on it and studied it for a moment before putting them on. Instantly, my dick became hard. 'What the fuck is going on with me today?!' I thought to myself in a panic, though I couldn't bring myself to remove the panties. Embarrassed, I ran back to my room and put on some pants and a t-shirt before heading downstairs for breakfast. *** I was taking another bite of my morning toast when a knock came on the door. Before I could even get up to answer it, loud yelling came from outside to inform us who it was. "RISE AND SHINE CONALLYS! WE'VE GOT A BIG DAY AHEAD OF US!" James was here, and I could hear him snickering to himself after his outburst. What the hell could he want this early? I'd have to teach him some respect if he came around here again. As I opened the door, I saw James standing in the doorway with a large grin on his face. What I didn't expect to see behind him was the beautiful girl I had seen in school the day before who looked stunning and excited. As though in a trance, I felt immediately calmer as they both walked in and James took a seat on our couch. "Alex! I'm so glad you were the one to meet us at the door. Have you met Ally? She's a real treat, and I'm sure most of the town's men would agree with me on that. I thought you two could get to know each other a bit better!" I turned to look at Ally across the room, and saw that she had an excited smile on her face. I felt a warm feeling across my chest and smiled back at her - if James was going to be stopping by to help me hook up with the prettiest girls in our class then maybe he wasn't so bad after all. James saw my enthusiasm toward the beautiful girl across the room and let out a hearty laugh. "Oh my! No no no! You've got the wrong idea buddy! You see, I told you last night that this family would be going through changes to help you fit in better with my new town. Some of those changes you may have already felt the effects of. For example - you're looking pretty smooth for a guy who had a lot of arm hair yesterday, huh? Why don't you pull down your pants and show us what you've got on underneath?" I had totally forgotten about the strange fascination I had this morning with my sister's pantie drawer at that point, and my face immediately turned red in embarrassment. How did he know about that? I wanted to lift him off the couch and throw him out our front door, but instead I just stood there, shaking for a moment as I tried to angrily force my body to hit James. What was going on, why couldn't I bring myself to hurt him? Rather than telling him to fuck off, I helplessly found myself pulling down my pants to reveal the pink pair of panties with yellow flowers I had put on earlier that morning. Once again, James started laughing. "Oh that's great! You really picked a nice and pretty pair, didn't you?" As he continued to laugh, the rest of my family came downstairs to investigate the commotion only to find me standing with my pants around my ankles facing James and Ally. In the midst of James' guffaws, my sister was the first to make any comment. "James, what are you doing back here? Didn't we..." She trailed off as she spotted me with my pants around my ankles. "Alex! What the fuck! Are those my fucking panties?!" Before I had a chance to say anything to justify my predicament, James cut me off. "Oh hey there! Welcome Conally family! Please settle down, I'm sure you're all curious about what's going on here. You see, this morning Alex called me over and expressed that he had to confess something to me. As soon as we got here, he tells me this big secret - are you all ready? Drum roll please..." My family and I all shared the same worried look, waiting for James to drop his news. "Alex is a little gay sissy! I have to say that I didn't believe him at first - Alex, the strong star soccer player with perfect grades and a reputation as a school hero has secretly been a fag this whole time? Like a dear friend, I came over right to check in on him, but as soon as he saw me he dropped his pants to show me his panties - begging for a real man like me to use him." My eyes were wide in shock from his 'news' - surely no one would believe such a blatant lie. James continued "Oh yeah, 100% Grade A sissy slut you've got here folks. I think it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence, wouldn't you say?" After an initial gasp, my mother was the first to speak, "Alex, is this true?" I wanted to object, but I found myself unable to say anything - no noise was coming from my mouth. Instead I just stood there, dumbfounded, holding up my shirt to show off my pantied bottom. My mother sighed and then said, "I guess I've always known. You know we love you don't you Alex? We will fully support this decision." She then turned to unbuckle my father's pants and pulled them down revealing a pair of black, lacy panties. "I figured it was likely to turn out this way, considering was a pathetic sissy whore your father has been all this time." I was shocked - was this true? Or was this another one of James' tricks? My sister smiled kindly in my direction, like she was buying every word of what was just said as she said to me "Oh, I never knew my dad and brother were secretly a couple of homos! I'm sorry about earlier Alex, you can keep those panties for as long as you want!" As I turned to face our captor, I saw that his smile was still ear-to-ear. "Great to hear! Alex is so lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive family! In fact, I think we should all start to use 'she' and 'her' to describe Alex here. SHE also told me this morning that she really always hated her ugly boy name, and would really just love it if we used something more girly. So Ladies and Gentlemen, to honor her wishes, 'Alex' is no more, she'll be known as 'Lexi' from now on!" My family all nodded in agreement as I stood there in the same position unable to speak, but screaming inside. As he went on to my family about how I had been secretly yearning to be freed of my masculinity for years, each time he said my new name, "Lexi", my heart fluttered. As he was speaking, I noticed that Ally was still smiling at me and moving her hips back and forth as though she could barely contain her excitement. As James concluded my new life story, he turned to me again "I can that see Ally is very anxious to get things moving along, these kinds of things excite her to no end! You see, I wasn't lying earlier when I said you'd get to know her a lot better. She's going to be your new mentor and best friend! How exciting is that?" As he finished his statement, Ally could clearly not contain her excitement anymore and rushed over and gave me big hug, her large breasts pushing against me. "We're going to have so much fun together! I've always wanted a sissy bestie!" James chuckled lightly again and remarked, "I love the enthusiasm! Now Lexi..." My heart fluttered again. "Go on upstairs with Ally, you've got to get ready and school starts in less than an hour!" Ally grabbed my hand and began to lead me back upstairs. As I was heading up, I could overhear James continue his conversation with the rest of my family about how things were going to be different in order to support my new identity. As we turned the corner to my room, I caught a glimpse of him moving closer to my sister and whispering in her ear. As we entered my room, Ally put her backpack down on the bed and turned to face me. "I figured you probably didn't have a lot of the things you would need to get ready, so I brought along some supplies for us to use!" She unzipped the large pocket of her Hello Kitty backpack, and began to pull out a variety of feminine clothes, shoes, and makeup. It was clear that she did not pack her backpack with books for class, as I had originally expected. She then walked up close to me again and moved in so we were face to face. I could really appreciate how beautiful she was up close, as I inhaled her sweet, fruity perfume. She then began speaking more softly than she had before, "I wanted to ask you something personal, so please don't be embarrassed. My daddy told me that he gave you a certain, um, I guess you'd call it a medical benefit? You see, a few months ago my daddy was experimenting with ways to add additional controls on the parts of the mind that deal with bodily functions and he started giving me some tweaks here and there. So, did you notice anything different, say around... 5:30 this morning?" My face turned white as I realized what she was saying to me. James caused my illness in the morning? What a sick bastard! Seeing my shock, Ally smiled and hugged me. "Oh yay! I'm so glad it worked! And, like, don't be embarrassed... it's a really good thing! It's a little secret, but I'm actually the exact same way! Once he figured out how to do it, Daddy started making me do the same thing as a gift for my birthday last year!" My mind reeled with horror - how could that sickness be a 'good thing'? With just Ally and I in the room, I found myself able to speak again. "Wait, I don't really..." I stopped speaking as I covered my mouth in shock. My voice was strange, it didn't sound like my normal baritone register that could silence a room. Instead, I was unintentionally speaking in a soft falsetto. I tried to clear my throat a few times and spoke again "How could my sickness this morning be a good thing?" I cringed, hearing that not only had my falsetto not gone away, but I also was speaking with a new lisp. Ally was still smiling. "Not just this morning, silly! It's every morning!" My heart dropped. "And it may not be super fun while it's going on, but it's a huge benefit for people like you and me! You see, with this gift we will only have to use the bathroom once every morning when we first get up - nothing gross even enters that part of our bodies before or after that time! That means you and I will have clean bums the entire day! That way we don't even have to worry about any mess, and we'll be able to save time for more... fun activities." She winked at me. "Okay, I always like to be double sure that I'm spic and span, so we're going to go to the bathroom now and make sure things are okay. Come along!" Grabbing the backpack with one hand and my hand with the other, she pulled us into the bathroom and closed the door. She then opened the front pocket of the hello kitty backpack and removed what appeared to be a bulb about the size of an apple with a little spout on the end. "Do you know what this is?" she asked, to which I shook my head. "This is an applicator for an enema. I make sure to give myself a good rinse every morning with a more professional one, but I figured this would do the trick considering what we have to work with. Now, strip down for me to your birthday suit!" I wanted to say no, to tell her this was nothing that I wanted, and that I was done with this little game. Instead, I found myself beginning to remove my shirt and pants after a moment of hesitation, which did not go unnoticed by Ally. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you something: you have to do whatever I say. My daddy programmed you that way. I didn't mention it because you probably haven't objected to anything I've said until now." I just stared back at her, now naked. "But don't worry! I'm not going to ask you to do anything that won't be fun! Don't resist it, I think you'll enjoy it all a lot more that way!" She turned to the sink and began to fill the bulb with water. "Now, bend over for me over the toilet and spread your cheeks. This is so exciting, your first enema!" As I put my hands on the toilet seat, I sensed Ally get behind me with her bulb. She grabbed a handful of my ass cheek before slapping it loudly. "Oh my, you have such a cute butt! I can totally understand you being a sissy bitch with an ass like that! I bet you've had tons of guys ogle and pinch your booty!" I shook my head. "No? Well today you're going to get some firsthand experience with that! Hold on just a second." I heard her rustle around with her backpack again while I remained bent over the toilet, a cool air rushing over my anus. I heard the unmistakable noise of a digital camera shutter, as she remarked "Ooh, that's a good pic! It really shows what a cute hole you have!" She sensed some hesitation with my silence and continued, "Oh, don't worry about that picture. We've got some plans today that are going to need it!" With that, she placed the spout of the bulb against my anus and pushed it inside. I gritted my teeth at the alien feeling, like my insides were folding inside out. I clenched my anus against the sensation. "Oh stop overreacting and relax! You're such a drama queen!" With Ally's words I felt myself relax my muscles, allowing the probe to extend further despite the bizarre sensations. "Okay, here we go!" Ally proclaimed as she squeezed the bulb and water entered my bowels, prompting me to let out a quiet, feminine, "Yip!" It was cold! Once again, I felt my bowels full, and the sensation to release the pressure came upon me again like it did earlier that morning. "Okay, now that you're all full of water, let's let it sit for a minute while we take another look at you. Stand up, please!" With that, I clenched my anus again in an attempt to keep the water in while she gave me another inspection. "Oh dear, you look a bit uncomfortable. Don't worry, though. I used to think it was unpleasant too, but now my morning enema is one of things I look forward to most each day! You'll know soon enough that it's a sissy's job to keep herself clean, and you'll have a sense of pride when you do it!" After saying that, I did actually feel a small surge of pride from holding in the enema. Did she command me to feel that way? It's one thing to have to follow her orders, but can she actually change how I feel about things? "All right, it looks like you actually did a pretty good job shaving yourself, even around your little clitty! Although we'll have to start waxing soon..." I looked confused and she gestured toward my penis. "Oh my god Lexi, you are so new at this and it's so funny! This appendage of yours is NOT a penis, duh! You can never think of it that way or call it that again. It's just your little clitty! AKA your dicklette, or sissy stick, got it?" There's no way she could make me refer to my pe... to my ... wait, why can't I bring myself to refer to it properly? Each time I wanted to refer to my appendage in my head the only word made available was one of the three phrases she had just given me. She had changed me again! "I wanna hear you say it now - your name is Lexi, and what do you have between your legs?" Ally's pretty face was decorated with an innocent, caring smile - it actually seemed like she was trying to be a good mentor in her mind instead of just torture me. "My name is... Lexi, and between my legs I have... a little clitty," I said dejectedly. Ally giggled and hugged me, happy with my correct answer. "And a darn cute one at that!" she said, lightly using the tip of her finger to tap my ... my sissy stick on its head before standing back up again. "Okay, sit back down and let the water out." With that, I sat back on the toilet and drained the water from my bowels, wiping myself after. Ally looked into the bowl once I had finished. "Just as I thought, you were already clean as a whistle, but it never hurts to be sure, right? Okay, let's check out your situation now." With that, she had me stand back up and came face to face with me like we were before in my bedroom. She reached her arms around behind me and lifted up my ass cheeks, massaging and separating them. "Ooh yeah. Like I said before you've got a really great butt! Really firm where it needs to be but also nice and rounded. Did you spend all that time working out to make it look so big and girly?" She then separated my cheeks and pushed her middle finger around my anus, massaging it in a circular pattern. The long, fake fingernail she was wearing gave me a small scratch at the crest of each circle she drew, and I noticed my... my clitty begin to swell. "Ooh, someone's excited already! Open up!" She took the finger away from my anus and placed it deep in my mouth, coating it with saliva before moving the hand back between my ass checks. She then plunged her middle finger inside my hole, which caused me to gasp and clench my muscles. "Relax honey! Gee, you're going to have to get used to surprises like that!" Ally encouraged. My clitty sprang to full attention with her finger inside me, with my hole relaxing to allow her finger in up to her knuckle. "Wow, even with you relaxing your cute butt is sooo tight! The boys are really going to love youuu!" My head was a cloud of confused feelings - here was this beautiful girl forcibly fingering my ass, and telling me about boys? The feeling was pure pleasure, however, and difficult to reason with. "You are going to be such a popular little slut at school!" Ally continued while prodding my ass. "Now cum for me, little sissy Lexi!" With that I felt an orgasm take hold in body, centering around the finger in my ass and traveling out through my extremities. My clitty released a few spurts of watery cum onto Ally's pink shirt. After about 10 seconds, I began to return to normal, though I still felt weak in the knees and full of intoxicating sexual emotions. "So many firsts today! I can tell you really loved your first sissygasm. Don't worry, you'll be having plenty more!" Ally said as she removed her finger from my ass. "It looks like you got a little of your sissy juice on my shirt - that's so hot! Let's not let it go to waste though. I've got a good idea on what we can do with it..." I was still in shock of what had just happened - did she make me have an orgasm, or was that of my own doing? She had turned around to dig through her backpack again when I spoke up looking for more answers. "What... what just happened? What are you trying to do with my cum?" Ally let out a high pitched giggle as she continued rifling through the backpack. "Oh my precious Lexi! That's the first of many orgasms with something up your cute little keister! And again - watch what you say. You aren't capable of making 'cum'... that's something we can only get from boys! What just dribbled out of your cute little dicklette should only be referred to as 'sissy juice,' or 'sissy spunk,' or 'faggot fluid,' depending on what you prefer! Oh, here we are!" She seemed to have found what she was looking for, pulling out a pink sex toy about 4 inches long and looked maybe two inches across at its widest point. "This is your new butt plug! Of course, this is just a starter one, but I'm sure we'll get you into something larger very soon! Except for during your new morning ritual, you will keep this inside you at all times - unless, of course, you're with someone cute." She winked at me and giggled. "That way, you'll have something up your butt nearly all the time!" I was staring at her with a look of horror. I managed to squeak out "Why do I have to do this? I mean, why is this necessary?" Ally sighed and patted me on the head. "Oh Lexi, you have so many things to learn! You'll need to keep your hole nice and stretched so that it can accommodate all the boys you're going to attract! This isn't a plug just for the sake of wearing a plug, but it's a part of your sissy preparation for being an all-out anal whore! Everyone is going to want to have a turn in that cute ass of yours!" She exclaimed gleefully. "Besides," she continued, "it's not like you're the only one..." Saying that, she bent over in front of me and pulled her tight booty shorts down her legs until they covered her pink all-star sneakers, revealing a well-stretched black thong between her massive ass cheeks. She then pulled the thong to one side revealing the base of a butt plug of her own! The plug, however, is not what I was staring at. I was far more fascinated by what was hanging below: instead of a teenage vagina, a small but unmistakable penis and scrotum were present instead! "You... you have... a penis!" I stuttered in shock. Ally quickly turned around and slapped me in the face, her shorts still around her ankles. "Lexi! I know that it's your first day, but that is so wrong! Just like you, I only have a little clitty. You will only ever refer to this in the same way as yours from now on!" she declared while I was processing everything that had just happened. Everything was suddenly making more sense. Ally wasn't just some crazy teenage sex dream - she was the result of another one of James' deranged hypnosis projects. Did she start out just like me? Am I doomed to the same fate as her? I realized how bad things could turn if she were insulted with me, and decided it was best to apologize. "I'm sorry Ally, I just had no idea you had a ... clitty like me. You're very beautiful, I thought you were a girl." She laughed, which seemed to lighten the mood again. "No way, Lexi. Everyone knows I'm just a dumb sissy whore. Sissies like you and me are worth far less than women, we're more or less just useless cum dumps for men to take advantage of. I think you should just learn to enjoy that! And it's very sweet you thought that, but don't let James hear you say that or you'll be punished." She bent over again and pulled her thong aside. "Anyways, this is what I wanted you to see." She then removed the sex toy from her ass, which grew to be about five or six inches thick at its widest, and then quickly slide out another nine or ten inches from her behind with an audible *pop*! "I know you're starting with a small plug right now, but soon you'll be taking boys and toys much bigger than that, getting up to my level!" She handed the very large plug to me and let out an evil grin. "Now, I think I need to give you just a little fun punishment for referring to my clitty incorrectly. You're going to have to get used to polishing things with your mouth, and I think it's time you get started. Please clean my plug for me with your tongue." I felt slightly sick hearing her say that, although I suppose I knew it was coming. "Don't worry, as I already told you this morning we both have very clean ass holes because of Daddy's daily 'gift', plus our enemas. Just give it a good licking, and be sure to use a lot of spit so it goes back in nice and easy!" She then put her hands over mine holding the plug and moved it toward my face until it touched my lips. My lips were pursed at first trying to keep the toy out of my mouth, it smelled strongly like lube and rubber. Not wanting to offend her again, I quickly stuck my tongue out and touched the toy before pulling my tongue back into my mouth. "Come on! We don't have all morning!" Ally insisted "Okay, let me help you. You're going to use your whole tongue to really cover the toy in spit. Let's make this fun! Oh, and umm... doing so will make you really horny too!" Ally giggled as I opened my mouth wide and stuck the flat edge of my tongue directly onto the sex toy and began to move my way up its shaft, coating it in saliva. As I did so, I felt a fire grow inside my groin, and my knees began to get weak again. For some reason, I felt like my backside was yearning for something, like I was missing the sensation from Ally's probing earlier. "Ooh, that's it! Put it in your mouth too!" With those words, I shoved the toy as far back as it would go, but was unable to continue due to the toy's massive diameter. "I'm not gonna lie Lexi, that's pretty hot to watch you do that! But I'm still not sure that's enough spit to get it back in." Ally grinned wickedly, "Why don't you come here and give my hole a little lick to really make sure?" Ally bent over on the bathmat and lowered her thong, giving me access to her hole. Up to that point I had only ever seen peoples' assholes in porn, though I had certainly fantasized about tossing my girlfriend's salad if she had been less prudish and open to the idea. I was still a virgin, and getting this close to someone's delicate areas was vaguely exciting, even if it seemed unfamiliar and humiliating in the moment to do it against my will with a 'sissy'. Her hole was still slightly agape from removing the plug earlier, and looked like it had been very worn in. What may have once been a pretty pucker was now resembling a large, loose slit with heavy folds of flesh on each side. It seemed that this hole clearly never had any opportunities to recover between frequent poundings. Ally detected my hesitation and commented "Oh, I bet you've never seen anything like that, huh? That's why they're called boi-pussies! They're so loose and open that anyone could use it at any time. Yours will be like that soon enough as well! Now come on, we don't have much time." I slowly stuck my face between her ass cheeks and began to lick delicately around the edges of her gaping asshole. I noticed how much her hole smelled like the same combination of lube and rubber as her plug. She wasted no time in saying "Are you going to make me force you to use the whole tongue again? Come on!" Scared of what she might make me do, I enthusiastically stuck my tongue out as far as it could deep into her open 'boi-pussy' and began to massage it on all sides. I was still incredibly horny, and her gentle moaning did not help. For the next ten minutes or so, I lapped away at her hole, trying to leave as much saliva around her ass as possible. "Oh that was great, we're going to have to do that more often!" she remarked, "I love the benefits with having a sissy bestie!" With that, she grabbed the enormous butt plug and shoved it back up insider her rear, giving me a full view of the wide toy being swallowed by her wrecked asshole. "Okay! Now it's finally your turn!" she said as she turned around quickly. She took the smaller plug she had brought out earlier and rubbed it against the still-wet spot from my 'sissy juice' from when I orgasmed earlier. She giggled "See? I told you I had a use for that little puddle! Now, bend over for me, you're going to love this!" I bent back over the toilet as I had before for the enema, and felt her shove the head of the sex toy against my rear. As she pushed it in, I knew that what she said had come true: though it hurt, I DID love it. When she was finished I stood back up and she re-embraced me, grabbing the base of the plug that was now in my ass. "Ohh, it fits you so nicely. I'm so proud of you Lexi, you are on your way to being a bona fide butt slut!" she began to move the plug in and outside my ass, so I could feel my tight entrance open and close with each thrust. "Now imagine this isn't just a toy, but a sexy boy who's taking you all the way! Oh, doesn't that feel good?" As she said that, my mind filled with the image of a hard cock pressing inside my ass in lieu of the toy; it did indeed feel good. "But! Enough of that! We've got more prep to do to get you ready for school little lady! Let's get you ready," she said as I tried to slow my heart rate. I was still incredibly horny, which Ally seemed to notice. "Oh, you're still looking for a release? Yeah, you got really worked up there! Well, okay, since you've been such a good girl maybe I'll let you do it again on one condition: you have to eat whatever sissy spunk comes out! Catch it in your hand." The thought disgusted me, but I felt I had no other choice in order to get some relief as I moved my hand below my clitty. "Okay, ready? Oh, and let's make it fun: there's going to be, like, a LOT of sissy juice this time, okay? Cum for me sissy Lexi!" I felt my body go into the same orgasmic sensation I had felt earlier, only this time my clitty was erupting with wave after wave of what I could only recall as 'sissy juice'. The plug in my ass felt like it was moving inside me in rhythm with my release, as I clenched on it. My balls began to ache as I kept the blast up for what must have been over 30 seconds, filling my cupped hands to nearly the brim. "Okay, now lick it up!" Ally cheered enthusiastically. I bent down and gagged, but began to slurp up the large pool of creamy liquid in my hands. "Oh, again with the dramatics," Ally began, "we know you LOVE the taste of cum AND sissy juice you faggot, so just hurry up already." Immediately, I began to slurp it down with more enthusiasm, each drop was delicious and made me feel hornier. When I was finished, Ally came closer and remarked "Wow! Your clitty really shrunk down after that last one! That's such a small cute clitty, I bet guys won't even notice it when they fuck you! And jeez, Lexi, you're giving a whole new meaning to the term 'Cum- breath'... even if it's just your little dicklette's fag fluid, haha!" As much as I could taste the slime still in my mouth, I'm sure I absolutely reeked of it. "Okay, now that we've had a fun little morning let's get you ready for school! Come along!" Ally said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the bedroom, though it was difficult for me to keep up with the new plug in my ass, which was making me walk funny. We entered my room and she went back to the feminine clothes laying on the bed. "Let's see... what should you wear?" As she began going over the pros and cons of the various outfits, I could hear moaning and banging coming from my sister's bedroom down the hall. I could make out some words from the grunts that sounded like: "Yeah, how do you like me now you little slut?" and "Your whole family just loves a good ass fuck, huh?" I was distracted from my eavesdropping by Ally approaching me with an outfit. "I think this will work out great!" She presented me with an outfit that I began to put on despite my embarrassment. First, a lacy pink bra to complement my pink panties, though the empty cups awkwardly sat unfilled on my flat chest. Then she gave me a denim micro skirt, which barely hung below my ass cheeks. After, I put on a hot pink crop top which ended just below my bra and detailed in purple glittery letters: 'I

Same as Hypnosis App II: Back In Town, Parts 1 and 2 Videos

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Hypnosis App II Back In Town Parts 5 and 6

Author's Note: When I originally started on this sequel to Sissy Slut Ally's "Hypnosis App," I was overwhelmed by the possible choices that were ahead of me. James is a person with infinite power in this universe - shouldn't he be doing something more interesting than wasting his time on petty torture of his old classmates? I realized that there was an interesting character arc that could unfold, starting with James' realization that 'getting even' didn't give him nearly the same...

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The Ultimate App Chapeter 1

The Ultimate App By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do with Miller Lite or the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. ) Chapter 1 "Would You Like To Purchase?" Was the question I was asked. It was a simple question. Only two answers to choose from. I could choose yes, and download and install this application onto my iPhone. Or I could choose no and not...

3 years ago
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Total Change App A Spells R Us Story

Total Change App: A Spells 'R' Us Story Chapter 1. The App. I got home from another grueling evening serving food at the diner and plopped in front of my television. I flipped the Playstation on and started playing Overwatch. I got logged in and noticed a couple of my friends online as well. I jumped into their game and party. "Hey Pard0nmahFrancois," my one friend, Skillz4Rillz, said as soon as I got connected. They didn't know my real name, and I didn't know theirs. We...

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The Alteration App

The Alteration App Introduction Your name is John Doe. (No longer F/N). You’re just an average 18-year old male who lives in a fictional town called Wingston. A population of about 7,500 people. The closest nearby town is about 25 miles away. Wingston has a few schools, stores, and public buildings. All of the food people eat in Wingston is from the many farms that are shattered all over the town. You believe that your life in this town is boring and can’t wait to finish your senior year of...

Mind Control
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Rabbits Foot Keychain The Phone App

RABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN - THE PHONE APP By CCE 4 PM YESTERDAY - The incredibly sexy girl turned and stared at me with a smile, slowly running her tongue, which was pierced by both a large silver barbell and hoop jewelry, over her wet, full lips. Dick sucking lips if ever there were some. She turned, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder, the bleached blonde tips ending just above her traffic stopping ass, beautifully on display in some very small black panties. She ran her...

2 years ago
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App sab k liye

Hello Dostoo i m live in Golden city amritsar i m 32 and 6 ft height baat 30april 2007 ki hai marey pass 1 ladki aye dilreet us ki height 5-5 or age 26 ki hoge size kya bolo app sochtey main jooht bol reha hoon per ye such hai kisi model se kem nahi thi muj ko boli k main app se friendship karna chati hoon main bola app kaha se ho too vo boli is colony ki hoon or app ko bhut pyer karti hoon pata nahi sach bol rehi thi ya jhoot per main bola too, vo boli k app ko main her roj dakhti hoon per app...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis is a Scary Thing

When I turned eighteen my friend Cara had bought me a hypnosis pack. We had been fooling around with many magical and magician supplies like hypnosis, rune stones, faery dust and tarot cards ever since the Magicke Shoppe opened down the main street. It was actually located down a side street off the main one. So now by Cara’s twenty-first I was pretty good at it, as I had been practicing for about three years. At every birthday party I had performed it as a party trick, always on the birthday...

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Hypnosis Weight Control 3

Cynthia has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. He has successfully convinced her that she needs his help to have an orgasm while masturbating. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that...

2 years ago
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TA The Challenge App

Alexis was your typical college freshman away from home for the first time. She had long wavy platinum blonde hair which she dyed a deep royal blue her first week as a testament to her new found freedom. She wasn't a pretty girl, but she was far from ugly and the hair helped bring attention to her best feature, her face and her natural sky blue eyes. She had 34 D-Cup breasts which looked enormous on her 5'1'' frame, and she hated how big they were. She hated it even more when boys stared at...

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Theres an App for That

“Oh, dammit...” Eric scowled at his new tablet. He liked it, but he was still getting used to the interface. He’d been trying to search for some new applications, and had accidentally pasted his wife’s name into the email field from the email he’d been writing earlier, before hitting search. He moved his hand to try again, when... “ ... Huh?” He blinked in surprise as he realized the search had actually returned a result. The screen actually listed an app with the name “Nancy Simmins”, or...

4 years ago
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Rabbits Foot Phone App

"Arrghh..." I moan as I groggily sit up in bed, "Yup I'm an idiot...definitely drank to much last night," I mutter. I made the mistake of going out to a few bars with my roommates last night and after that I don't remember all that much. But it's a pretty good bet that the night ended with me being alone, since...well that's what always happens. I stand up and Immediately regret it as pain shoots through my head, right shoulder and right leg. I limp into the kitchen to grab a bunch...

3 years ago
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The App chapter 1

Jimmy unplugged his iPhone from the computer in the schools computer lab just in time. The computer teacher walked in the door as he was stuffing the cord back in his pocket. He was 98% sure this new app would work. Jimmy had spent the entire school year researching, and writing the code for his app. Now, one week before school got out for the summer, he was ready to test it, and his hot young computer teacher was the perfect subject. "Hi jimmy. Back again huh? I wish you could...

1 year ago
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Alteration App

The Alteration App was a powerful app, one that could alter reality itself. It couldn't be explained by science, but it didn't need to. It worked nonetheless. The first thing the user needed to do was touch the phone to a person while the app was open, which would suck the person into the phone to be able to be customized by the app. Once the person was inside, the user could do whatever they wanted to customize them, similar to the customization of an RPG. In the Body tab, the user could alter...

Mind Control
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Sex App

One morning in the city of metropolis, a new app was put into the store, it was all the rage for the popular girls as it was a dance app where in they register so they get to show off their moves and their body to the world, it seemed like a normal enough app, however something did change in the minds of the hottest girls in metropolis as the app turned them into oblivious living sperm banks for one ugly loser. The app also acted as a service app where the girls are rated by the people in terms...

Mind Control
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Reality Edit App

You must be wondering what Reality Edit App is. It's a magical app that allows its user to alter reality. But to limit its power and prevent misuse, the application now allows only editing of generated statements. You may ask why, but in previous versions of the app, users destroyed the world as you know it and made us, developers, many hours of fixing reality. You may not remember, that every one of you became a very submissive cock-hungry girl or that public nudity was a norm but we,...

1 year ago
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Reality App

Our main character finds a weird app on their phone. They don't remember downloading it ether and decided to delete it. But when they tried, it wouldn't uninstall, so instead they decided to use the app. As soon as they opened it they were created with this screen. {Hello, welcome to the Reality app!} {We can see this is your first time opening the app, so we will explain how this app works} {First let's go over what you will be seeing in this app} Level: you will have a level next your name in...

Mind Control
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App RD

Maybelline, or May, to the coworkers she actually liked (And Maggie before she got swept up in all this craziness), approached the front desk of Research and did her best to look imposing. She was familiar with the character of the division and how willing they were to play hardball. While she’d technically been assigned to work with them on her newest project, at a company that specialized in altering the rules of reality itself, something as petty interdepartmental guidelines could be easily...

Mind Control
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Luminous The PlayingField App

I normally wore my strappy black bodysuit with jeans or some denim shorts. But on its own, it was downright sexy. I let a strap fall from my shoulder and angled the camera a bit to obscure my face. The idea that someone…a stranger would be seeing this turned me on incredibly.  I decided to be bold. I unsnapped the bottom of my bodysuit, letting the flaps fall loose. I positioned the slim fabric over my private area and leaned over seductively.  SNAP! The camera shutter went off.  Suddenly, I...

2 years ago
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Die App

Simon saß gelangweilt zu Hause und sah fern, als sein Handy vibrierte. Ein kurzer Blick darauf verriet ihm, dass fünf Applikationen aktualisiert wurden. Der Junge sah sich die Details an, weil er sonst nichts Besseres zu tun hatte. Chrome, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Notizen und Hedo waren die fünf Apps die aktualisiert worden waren. Simon hielt inne, Hedo, die App sagte ihm nichts, verwundert öffnete er das Programm um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ein Bild von einem großen blauen Druckknopf...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Sleepover

It’s not that I dislike school, per se. It’s just that… I find school easy. And things that I find easy, I find boring. I didn’t see the point in drilling verb conjugations or taking the slope of thirty lines. Once I’d done any of those once, I could do it again. There were two people who made school manageable: Tracy and Samantha. We were pretty much inseparable, both inside and outside of school. During the day, we’d communicate in elaborate sighs and eye-rolls. At night, we’d rush...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Weight Control 2

Cynthia has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every...

2 years ago
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Hypnosis with bad consequences

When Sara was a child she had severe sleeping troubles. Her parents tried everything to get her well. Nothing seemed to work so in a last desperate attempt they decided to let her try hypnosis. Sara went to see a hypnotist with a very good reputation. His treatment idea was simple. Under hypnosis he gave her a keyword that her parents could use for her to be totally obedient. The idea was that they would use it when it was time to go to sleep, and Sara’s mind would have no chance not to accept...

Mind Control
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Hypnosis Harvey

Harvey was completing his morning jog. Looking up from his thoughts, he saw two big men jogging towards him, with the intention of colliding with him. All of a sudden, the collision occurred, and Harvey fell splat onto the sidewalk. A syringe containing an unknown substance, got injected into his neck. He felt woozy, and then he blacked out. Waking up, he saw the men he collided with squatting over him. As his vision cleared, he heard them talking about how fun the collision was, but noticed...

Mind Control
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Hypnosis and foot fetish storyRP

6:23:11 am: Hello there.6:23:13 am: Hi6:23:25 am: I like to do hypnosis roleplays.6:23:34 am: So do I. 6:23:57 am: I'm usually the hypnotist and I like to use a pocket watch in my RP's.6:24:17 am: That works for me. I like anything where I end up nice and obedient.6:24:29 am: What is your name by the way?6:24:38 am: Allison.6:24:46 am: Such a nice...

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iCock App

Welcome to iCock.com, the home page for Orchid Technologies, developers of the new iCock app. The iCock app is the hottest new way to mess with, prank, and humiliate your male friends, family members, and even strangers. The app allows a user to take complete control of a victim's cock with nothing more than their phone. Of course, no cock control app would be complete without an option to prompt immediate ejaculation on the part of the victim, but iCock allows for so much more. For example,...

Mind Control
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Fuck My Face App Gay

"Cocksucker needs aggressive men to fuck my face."That was the entirety of my profile on the Fuck My Face app. The app promises to find guys who want to plow their cocks into eager young throats like mine. It lets you know when guys looking for sex are nearby. It uses the GPS to show where everyone is, supposedly accurate to within a few feet of their real life position.I arrived at the mall at 9 a.m. looking to buy a new pair of jeans and thought I'd give the app a try for the first time, just...

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CockSucker App GAY

"Cocksucker needs aggressive men to fuck my face."That was the entirety of my profile on the Fuck My Face app. The app promises to find guys who want to plow their cocks into eager young throats like mine. It lets you know when guys looking for sex are nearby. It uses the GPS to show where everyone is, supposedly accurate to within a few feet of their real life position. I arrived at the mall at 9 a.m. looking to buy a new pair of jeans and thought I'd give the app a try for the first time,...

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The Ultimate App Chapter 3

The Ultimate App Part 3- By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do with Bud Lite or the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first part of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3 Walking down the street I took a breath of...

1 year ago
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The Mind Control App

Bill didn't know what to think when the mysterious man gave him the special app on his phone. MC is what it said and it had no description. The man promised it could change his life around. The man did give him a set of instructions though. The app only has memory space for two individuals. Instructions should be clear and should make minor changes only. Too drastic of changes too fast could cause the subject to have issues. Instructions can build off of each other to make more major changes...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate App Part 4

The Ultimate App Part 4 - By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first parts of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story. Also I would like to thank Jennifer Adams for her brilliant idea of Ben Wa Balls from her Altered Fates story "Miss-ing"...

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Dating App Helps Sexting And Live Video Sex

Hi ISS Readers, I am Anubhav and I have recently got to know about this website. Since the day I came to know about this ISS site, I have been following it daily with the updates and I really feel glad to see people over here who take out time to share their experiences. Today, I am here to share about one such experience I had during this lockdown. Since it’s my first time writing over here, if there are any mistakes then do excuse me. So, let’s start. It’s the lock downtime and the last week...

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The App

The morning began just as any other did for Cindy. She woke up, brushed her long brunette hair out of her face, and checked her phone groggily. Although there was a notification Cindy had never seen before; the icon that of a sparkling wand, the notification itself reading: "Setup complete! YourWish app is fully operational!" "Probably Brielle just downloading more crap on the family account." Cindy groaned to herself as she investigated the notification. Brielle was Cindy's older sister, and...

4 years ago
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The Change app

Tim was having a not so good day. His grade slipped to an F, his parents made him stay for his pain-in-the-ass older sister from school, and worse, his girlfriend dumped him for the quarterback, David Delugia. “Maybe I’m doomed for failures.” He said as he payed on his bed. Just then, something came to his phone. “Wonder what it is.” He checked and saw something he hadn’t seen before: a new app for him! He didn’t know what to do with it. “Guess I’ll open it.” He said as he opened the app. “Hi...

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The Ultimate App Chapter 2

The Ultimate App Saga By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do with Miller Lite or the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first part of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story.) Chapter 2 I threw myself back on my bed and ran my hands up and down over my chest and smiled to...

2 years ago
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Control App

Congratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...

Mind Control
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The life changer app

On the app store, an app called changes for money seems to have appeared from nowhere. Once installed and opened, it shows a very basic interface with one question and two buttons, yes or no. The first questions are weird, but very tame, and offer not much money. Would you get longer hairs for 10$ ? Would you get blue eyes for 15$ ? Would you let your sister get one inch taller for 10$ ? Would you get a random change in the list bellow for 20$ ? (The question is then followed by few...

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The Rulez App

Its a rather normal morning for you, and your life has been...boring, thus far. You never really thought too much about what you wanted to do in life throughout school, and you are beginning to feel the effects of that. So, here you are, in a one bedroom apartment, with a glamorous job at the local gas station, 23 years behind you and wasting the prime years of your life. You let out a long yawn, stretching and reaching over to grab your phone, unlocking it to begin clearing the notifications...

Mind Control
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With A Stranger From An App

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. I’m a fellow sex story reader too. This is my sex story about how I met a girl through an app. And shared our body heat with each other. Let me tell you something about me, I’m 20, studying engineering final year, average body size, brown complexion, have been told to have a good personality for a 20-year-old. About her 19 years and had a perfectly shaped body with 5’5″ height and 34 28 36 figure. She had beautiful eyes and Perfect boobs! Perfect!!! We...

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Die was wre WennApp


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Harem App

It starts off as the User is having one of their normal average days. Until a notice on the user’s smart phone tells them that they have the chance to download the app. And that message makes some bold claims. “Congratulations, you have been selected to get the Harem App. The App allows you to make any man or woman, real or fiction a willing and loyal member of your personal harem. Modify them to your hearts content, have different versions of the same person side by side with you… In...

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Kings App

Derek McCoy stared at his phone in confusion. The app had just installed itself - not even taking any space - last night, and ever since he'd tried to figure out what it did. It'd taken him forever to find out how to switch it into English, and when he did it just made him more confused. 'Congragulations! Welcome to the 'King's App', the first real-world application of a game! Using the King's App, you can tag any man or woman to do your bidding, and then level up to unlock more options and...

Mind Control
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Whats App Message Leads To Fulfillment Of Hidden Desires

Hi, This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories.net. I have been an avid reader since 5 years and always used to feel that are these incidents real or fiction till it also happened with me. As you all know that social media has captured the imaginations of young, old alike. So keeping in tune with changing times, I also purchased a smartphone and downloaded Facebook, twitter etc. It was a great and my friends coaxed me into opening a whats app account so that I join the group. I opened whats...

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Step Dads Dating App

"Excuse me? Language, young lady. People judge you on your language. That wouldn't be so bad but they will judge me on your language too, you know." "Look, I'm sorry. I mean Hey, why the Hell do you have a dating app on your phone?" "OK. That's better." We both chuckled Um look..." There is a silent moment as my step daughter can’t help but grin as she waits for me to respond "Well your mom and I have this um... understanding. I'm allowed to see other people. But there are...

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