Laine Meets Karma free porn video

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Hey Laine, where's the stock listing on the erectile
dysfunction meds? I asked you for it over two hours
ago, and haven't seen you lift a finger yet. Princess,
if you want to make the money you'll be making as a
pharmacist, you need to learn that you have to actually
work for it," Ray scolded his freshman year employee.

"Dammit, I didn't get into Pharmacy College so I'd have
to work for a nigger," Laine thought as she walked to
the shelves to perform this latest mundane task that
Ray, her supervisor, had her doing now. "Erectile
dysfunction meds listing...he probably only wants me
doing it because he needs them himself and likes the
idea of me handling cock medicine. Fucking nigger wants
my perfect white body, just like all of them."

Laine had been the typical small-town high school
princess...cheerleader, student council vice-president,
prom queen in both her junior and senior years, and had
taken the right classes and scored good if not
outstanding grades, and due to her beauty and firm,
tight figure that she loved to show off, had all the
male teachers (as well as a couple of the females)
wrapped around her finger. She could do no wrong in the
eyes of the administration, often wearing skirts or
low-cut blouses (with the accompanying push-up bra to
accentuate her naturally perky breasts) that were
clearly in violation of the dress code, yet she never
even got a warning.

During her junior year, she was caught drunk while
cheering at a football game, but barely received a slap
on the wrist. Most any other student would have been
suspended from school and kicked off the cheerleading
squad. But not Laine... she was little Miss Blue Jay,
and she knew it.

At 5'7," weighing 115 pounds and measurements of 34c-
20-32, Laine was always very popular with the boys.
Long, sandy blonde hair with big brown eyes and a
flirtatious nature rounded out the appeal. She had a
couple of boyfriends, but neither of them ever reached
the "promised land," instead having to settle for the
occasional hand job.

She didn't date the typical jock that one would
normally assume a girl like herself would either,
instead dating boys, who while they weren't
unattractive, were certainly not in her league. They
were easier to manipulate, treated her like the diva-
princess-goddess she fancied herself to be, and would
be more than happy to settle for her doing nothing more
than jacking them off.

Laine wasn't going to give her precious pussy to just
some silly farm boy with no dreams beyond their little
piss-ant town, she was saving that for the rich doctor
or lawyer she was sure she'd meet after starting
college. When she spoke with the admissions counselor
at the Pharmacy College, she made sure to dress
provocatively, but not too slutty. It worked like a
charm, and like every man she'd dealt with in high
school, he was putty in her hands. He knew he could
secure her a job at a pharmacy less than two miles from
the richest, ritziest country club in the city.

"With your class and demeanor, you'll be a perfect fit
there... and you'll be servicing very influential
people in the process. If you charm them half as much
as you've charmed me, you should do very well for
yourself," he had encouraged her.

So little Laine was set.

She had gotten into Pharmacy College, secured a job in
the best possible area for what she was seeking, and
had managed to keep her cherry ripe for just the right
man. Preferably a rich older man who wouldn't live
long, or last long inside her once she finally spread
her legs for him. She left high school and the little
shithole town she had spent her whole life in
determined to get what she deserved. She was going to
get just that, but unfortunately for her it wasn't what
she had always dreamed of.

Laine looked up at the clock, and to her gratefulness
saw that she was only fifteen minutes from being able
to leave work for the night. She just needed to muddle
through counting the bottles on the shelf a little
longer, and she could go home and get away from the
wretched little hellhole she worked in. Laine had
chosen to become a pharmacist not for any intense
desire to help people, unless you counted her among
those she wanted to help. She went into it because of
the high income she would make immediately after
graduating, and the opportunity to have contact with
all the rich doctors with whom she would have an

She actually couldn't stand being cooped up in a tiny
room all day, dealing with sick assholes or in the case
of what she was doing now, horny old perverts who
couldn't even get their miserable little cocks hard on
their own. Every time she had to dispense Viagra or
Cialis or some other aid, she looked with disgust and
revulsion at their recipients. "But it's a means to an
ends," she thought so she continued "degrading"
herself. She was going to soon learn what true
degradation actually meant.

Adding to her displeasure about her job was the fact
that the man who had originally interviewed and hired
her for pharmacy tech had suffered a heart attack soon
afterwards and retired. He wasn't exactly someone for
whom Laine was eager to work, basically a crabby old
fart with no apparent sense of humor, but he was at
least white. When she arrived for her first day of work
and learned that her new boss was a black man in his
fifties, she felt physically ill.

Having spent her life in a rural town, she grew up
feeling that anyone who wasn't white was naturally
inferior to her, but especially blacks, and especially
black men. They were barely above apes in her opinion,
only wanting to eat and breed. Breed white women
preferably, and she could never understand how so many
white women were willing to lower themselves into being
involved with a nigger. There were a handful of black
students that she had been in high school with, all
good students from good families, and if Princess Laine
had bothered to get to know any of them, her opinion
would have changed.

Instead, she chose to make their lives hell for four
years by writing graffiti on not only their lockers,
but their homes as well. She hated leaving for the
city, knowing that she would have to be around more
niggers on a daily basis than she'd ever even seen in
her life, but she knew she had to endure that to get to
her ultimate prize. That prize was going to be rewarded
to her within the hour, though she didn't know it yet
and wouldn't have considered it a prize if she had.

Seven o'clock! Laine was done for the night and could
get the hell out of here finally. She handed the
listing over to Ray, who thanked her and told her to be
careful driving back to campus. Though she was a
difficult little girl, and obviously prejudiced (though
because he was her boss, she was smart enough not to
show it), Ray was concerned about her safety.

The drive from the pharmacy back to campus was not a
good one, going through a particularly depressed area
of the city and heavy with crime. A young, beautiful
girl like Laine was a prime target for many of the gang
members who roamed the streets looking for sex, or
d**gs, or both. Ray didn't wish any ill upon Laine, or
think badly of her racist, diva-like tendencies,
instead he had a sort of sympathy for her and her
small-town roots that had undoubtedly had a hand in
shaping her personality. In another setting, Ray
thought, she might have been an incredible young lady.

Laine said goodnight and thanked him for his concern,
but thought to herself that the big dumb ape could give
a shit about her safety, and if he did it was only
because he wanted to be able to continue to leer at her
perfect face and body everyday. She had no doubt that
he went home every night and jacked off to some sick,
twisted porn movie playing in his head, in which she
was the star (as if she could be anything else). The
idea sickened her, but she knew that she'd have to
endure it until she could figure out a way to get him
fired on sexual harassment charges.

She left the pharmacy and braved the frigid January
night. The city was in the middle of an arctic blast,
and temperatures had nose-dived to highs of only 5
degrees. Of course, that was during the afternoon. By
the time Laine left for home, it was dark and the
temperature was below zero. She hurried to her car and
prayed that it started, as she was much too busy and
important to bother with having her car checked out
before winter began. It had been acting up lately, but
Laine figured that was simply because it was just a
lousy BMW and not the Lexus that she had wanted for

The car started, but not without protest. Laine let it
warm up for only a minute before leaving for campus.
She hated the drive ahead of her, but it was the most
direct route between her destinations. When she had
started the job it wasn't as bad; the days were longer,
so as a result her drive home was made while the sun
was still up. But as the days shortened and the time
change occurred, she was forced to drive through the
ghetto in the dark.

Every night, groups of dangerous predators roamed the
streets, waiting for their chance to pounce on highly
desirable prey such as herself. The ever-pervasive
noise that the niggers called music blasted the area
and assaulted her senses; she never understood why so
many white suburban k**s, and even a few from her own
rural town, embraced it as if it was their own. Laine
turned her laboring SC 430 onto the "trail of terror"
and began her final 7 miles towards campus.

No more than a mile and a half in, her car began
lurching and sputtering. "Oh fuck you,
aren't breaking down on me here," she scolded the
convertible. But the car had other ideas, continuing to
hit and miss more frequently. If our little heroine had
simply spent the extra ten dollars it would have cost
to have the anti-freeze checked during her last oil
change, there would not have been an issue. But fate
had other ideas for Laine, and her desire to save a few
bucks for a couple more drinks later that night was now
going to cost her a considerable amount more.

The Lexus lurched forward once more, then decided it
could go no further. The frustrated, doomed princess
managed to guide the non-responsive "lemon" onto a
dark, empty parking lot. She rummaged through her purse
and found her cell phone, intent on calling one of the
many frat boys from school that were always fawning
over her in the hopes of gaining favor.

The phone was dead. Too drunk the night before, she had
forgotten to plug the charger in and now was cutoff
from reaching anyone who could have saved her.

"Fuck me! Goddamn useless piece of Jap shit, how come I
have to plug the fucking thing in once a fucking
week?!" These were the sorts of things, like having to
wait the extra ten minutes for an anti-freeze check
that Princess Laine could not be bothered with.

Life is just not fucking fair... shit like this should
not happen to a girl like me.

Life may not be fair, but karma was about to pay Laine
back, in full and beyond. She spied an approaching
vehicle through the windshield; it looked like a tow
truck. Laine prayed that it was from out of the area,
and not one from any of the garages here in niggertown.
She flashed her lights to get the driver's attention
and to her relief, the truck slowed and pulled into the

"Thank God, now let's just hope the driver is greasy
white trash and not some fucking porch monkey who
gained the ability to operate a truck," she mumbled.

Her heart sank when the driver exited his vehicle. A
large nigger, well over six feet and close to three
hundred pounds approached her. He had that dumb
expression with a huge smile on his barely human face
as most every other black man had. Laine wasn't looking
forward to speaking with him, but knew she had to in
order to get rid of him and wait for some civilized
white person to come along. Even if they weren't
civilized, it would beat having to depend on an a****l
for help. She hit the button and lowered her window
(the electric was still working), but only a few

"Hiya babe, car fucking you up tonight? Not a good
night to get broke down, 'specially in this part of the
hood. Could be trouble for a little white girl like

No shit, banana eater, she thought. She mustered all
the courtesy she could, hoping to dispatch of him

"Yeah, I guess I must have a leak in the radiator. I
just had the anti-freeze checked this fall, and it was
full and good," she lied. "I've already gotten hold of
someone though and they're on their way to get me."

"Does this someone have a tow for your car too? 'Cuz if
I was you honey, I sho' wouldn't leave a nice thing
like this sit here overnight. It'll be gone come
mo'nin. The thugs down here be all over this and have
it chopped and sold off in no time."

Fuck me, I found one with the ability to think. Now
what the fuck do I tell him? Just my fucking luck, shit
like this is always happening to me. And I'm not now,
nor ever will be, your "honey". How dare you speak to a
white goddess like me that way.

"Oh I'm sure it'll be ok," she began, "I'll make sure
it's locked and the alarm's set, so it'll be good for a
few hours. But thanks for your concern, I appreciate

"C'mon now miss. You really think a fine ride like this
gonna be ok down here? Lemme give you a tow to my
partner's place, he let you put it up there tonight and
get it all fixed up fo' ya. You can call yo' ride and
tell him to meet you there, and in da mo'nin yous can
come back to pick it up. Be good as new by then."

Laine considered it. She despised the idea of depending
on a nigger for help, and the thought of having to ride
with him back to the garage where there were sure to be
a whole herd of apes was too horrible to even imagine.
On the other hand, the garage would have a phone that
actually worked (provided the numbfuck nigger owner
paid his bill), and she could call someone to get her
from there. She concluded that the chances of another
ride, a white ride, coming along in this weather and in
this area were almost non-existent and decided to lower
herself to accepting aid from this sub-human offering
it to her.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides it's getting cold
in here already and it's gonna be a while before my
ride can get here. I'll go back to your friend's and
call from there because the first call killed my cell
too. I hope your truck's warm."

Laine sealed her fate with those words.

Chapter II

She got out and entered his truck, which was indeed
toasty warm. Not as warm as the environment she would
soon be in, but she was thankfully unaware of what her
ultimate destiny was to be. The driver, Jamal, jumped
in next to her and moved the truck into place to hook
her royal chariot up and take it to its final
destination. His huge frame filled the cab of the truck
and Laine unpleasantly noticed that he was only inches
from touching her, even though she was as far over in
her seat as she could be.

He even smells different from a white person, but all
apes do, she thought.

Jamal exited the truck once it was in place and began
hooking her Lexus up. While he was doing this, Laine
could see him on the phone, presumably letting his
contact know he was bringing in some business. He was
indeed saying just that, but it wasn't the kind of
business Laine thought. He finished up outside, climbed
back in and started to the garage. It wasn't far; only
five minutes. It was to be the final five minutes of
Laine's dignity, her dreams, her virginity. The truck
turned into a lot with a dingy, rundown building that
only passed for a garage in that there were several
broken down, rusty cars parked around it.

Yeah, this clown is really going to be able to fix my

Jamal gave a short honk to the horn, and the lone
overhead door opened. He backed the truck up, moving
carefully to get the Lexus into the garage. Once in, he
lowered the car and it was unlatched from the truck,
and Jamal pulled into an empty spot. The two passengers
exited the truck and entered the garage, Laine just
wanting to find a phone and get out of here as quickly
as she could. She was physically ill at the company of
one nigger, and now there was a second to deal with.
She was too self-involved to feel fear, which is what
she should have felt.

Laine didn't even get to ask where the phone was before
it began. Jamal pushed in behind her, and she felt his
hands on her arms, pinning them to her sides. She was
unable to even move them due to his huge frame and
powerful grip. He pushed her into the garage, towards
the back. From around the corner, six other niggers
appeared, in addition to the owner whom she had seen
opening the door. While not all as big as Jamal, they
still were much larger than little Laine, little white
Laine who was now their toy for the night...or as long
as they wanted to keep her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!? Let me go, you fucking
stupid gorilla! I swear to God I'll have you all put
away for life if you don't let me out of here right
fucking now," Laine ordered her captor.

Jamal just laughed and said, "You dumb white cunt.
Nobody knows you're here, the street was empty. When
your friend shows up, he won't even see your car, and
figure you got it going and were too rude to call and
tell him not to come get you. Typical for a little cunt
like you, don't think 'bout nobody but yourself. So
just settle in, you gonna be here for a while. The more
you fight, the harder it gonna be on you...and it gonna
be a hard time to begin with."

Laine felt her coat being removed, and saw it thrown
onto the greasy floor. It had cost her parents over
five hundred dollars and was now ruined. Her blouse was
torn off of her, then her pants were cut with an eight-
inch blade and removed. She was left only in her
customary push-up bra and thong, along with her heels.
The coldness of the garage hit her then, it was not
well heated and couldn't have been more than forty-five
degrees. She stood shivering from cold and fear while
the group of men looked at her well-toned body, knowing
it was now theirs to violate and degrade as the

"Hell yeah, look at this little white ho's body!
Gawdamn it's fuckin' tight. This gonna be a fun little
piece of ass boys!" Jamal encouraged his gang.

The men gathered closer to Laine, circling around her
like vultures. They began to grope her, feeling her
breasts, her ass, thighs and pussy. Though still in her
bra and thong, they didn't cover much or provide
protection and she could feel the roughness of their
calloused hands rubbing against her velvet-smooth skin.
She was too terrified to even cry, much less move or
attempt escape. Besides, where the hell would she go in
sub-zero weather and basically nude? She felt her bra
being pulled off, and her supple, firm breasts were
exposed fully to the men.

She moved her arms to cover herself, but they were
violently moved away by Jake, the owner. The look of
pure hatred and rage in his eyes said enough, Laine did
not try to cover herself again. Jake began squeezing
and pinching her nipples, and not in the gentle way her
two high school lovers had. His hands were forceful and
strong, and intent on inflicting pain. The former prom
queen winced in pain as he twisted and pulled her
already hard tits.

"Fuck, this white bitch already gettin' hot for us
niggas... look how hard those titties be," he

To Laine's horror, her nipples were hard, but she knew
that was largely due to the cold temperature of the
garage and not to the heat Jake imagined inside her
body. Jake continued to assault her breasts, while
Jamal reached between her legs and began pushing the
strap of her thong inside her. His finger was nearly as
big as her first boyfriend's cock had been, and she
could feel it probing her labia, but not quite entering
her vagina.

The thin material of her thong had entered her cunt
though, and she could feel it rubbing against her inner
walls, not unpleasantly she realized. Laine had
masturbated frequently, but only used her fingers and
was now experiencing what it felt like to have someone
else manipulate her pussy. She was both revolted and
excited by it.

The others watched, waiting for their turn. Jake and
Jamal continued their "foreplay," such as it was, while
Laine was becoming weaker to her imminent **** by the
moment. Jamal removed her thong, leaving her fully
exposed at last. Laine's pussy was completely bare, not
from shaving but from waxing. There was no stubble or
razor burns, just a perfectly smooth, bald white pussy
on display.

Jamal and Jake took positions on either side of the
defenseless girl and picked her up by her thighs,
exposing her moistening cunt to the rest. The moved her
over to the back corner of the garage, where several
devices that looked nothing like Laine had seen before
were waiting. They certainly didn't look like things
needed to work on cars, but the naïve girl was clueless
as to what else they might be.

For the time though, she was forced to her knees on the
concrete floor. Eight pairs of pants dropped almost
simultaneously, exposing eight jet-black cocks already
hard and ready to be served. None of them were shorter
than nine inches, and Jamal's was the monster at eleven
and a half. Laine felt dizzy and nauseous at what she
knew now there was no escape from.

Tears welled in her eyes as she began to understand the
depth of her danger. The men moved closer to her,
forming a tight circle from which there was no escape.
Hard cocks began brushing against her face, cheeks, in
her hair, across her lips. Laine had only given hand
jobs in the past; the very idea of putting a dick in
her mouth was revolting. The tears now flowed freely
down her cheeks and she made one last pitiful, useless

"Please sir," she asked Jamal. "Please let me go. I
promise to God I won't say a word to anyone about this.
Just please don't do this to me, I'm a virgin and I've
always sworn that it would only be for my husband.
Please don't do this, I've always been a good girl who
never has hurt anyone or anything so please don't hurt
me sir."

Jamal just laughed. He had no doubt that this little
white bitch had spent her life looking down on and
ridiculing people of color, and now she was going to
pay the price. Jamal had no issue with white people,
but he did take issue with racists. This stupid cunt
had racist written on her head so big he could see it
from down the street when he first spotted her broken
down car. It was time she was put in her place.

"Too late for that, bitch. Your ass is ours now, for as
long as we want it. You're gonna come to love these big
nigger cocks so much that no little white boy will ever
please you again. By morning you'll be begging us to
fuck you non-stop day and night."

Laine began to sob completely now, knowing her fate was
sealed. Her crying caused her mouth to open, but not
for long as Jamal's cock seized the opportunity and
slid between her lips. Princess Laine was tasting a
cock for the first time, but not for the last by a long
shot. It was oily and rather bland she thought, but
smelled god-awful. Someone, she didn't know who,
grabbed the back of her head and held it in place on
the thick, powerful cock forcing its way deeper into
her mouth.

Still crying, she felt her hands being held as well so
that she had no way to fight back against her oral
r****g. Inch by inch, Jamal continued to penetrate her
mouth, until he had a full seven inches in. Laine was
resisting the urge to gag, but still did choke up quite
a bit of spit and phlegm occasionally. It drooled from
her mouth and chin, giving the appearance of a person
who's salivating over a delicious meal.

Having never given a blowjob before, much less been
mouth-****d, Laine was having a hard time learning how
to breathe with a cock in her mouth. She was also
beginning to sob, which didn't help her oxygen
situation any. She felt strong black hands on her head,
holding it against her will on the sausage dinner she
was being force-fed, and couldn't understand why this
was happening to a perfect little angel such as
herself. The other men began rubbing their hard cocks
over her face, adding to her humiliation. Their words
drove home the point even more.

"Fuck, look at that white cunt drooling over that
fuckin' nigger cock! They're all fucking born to
worship our shit!"

Damn straight, b*o! Bitch always wanted a real man down
her lily-white throat, teach her proper how to serve

Jamal quit thrusting as hard, and Laine began to feel
relieved. But instead of withdrawing, he held his cock
completely down her throat, balls resting on her chin.
Laine began to fear she was going to suffocate, and did
begin to lose her grip on consciousness some.

"This must have been what that guy in "Alien" felt like
when that thing was on his face," Laine reasoned. She
knew that like the face-hugger in the film, her r****t
was going to plant his seed in her stomach as well.

Confirming her fear, Jamal began pumping his white-hot
black seed down little Lainey's throat. It felt like
swallowing a loogie, but she had no choice. She could
feel the slimy love nectar flowing down her esophagus,
into her stomach. Since Jamal was deep in her throat,
she had no idea how it tasted; that would occur soon
enough though. The big black man continued pouring his
seed into the helpless girl, eight huge streams
followed by four lesser ones. When he was finally done,
Laine had ingested nearly three-quarters a cup of
nigger cum. She could feel it sloshing in her belly,
but she was far from being done.

Jamal pulled out, and the other men picked Laine up and
carried her to a steel work stand, placing her on top
of it. They lay her on her back, none too gently, with
her legs at one end and her head hanging off the other
end so that the world was upside down to her. The low
temperature in the garage made the steel as cold as
ice, and Laine was nude upon it. Her body went almost
immediately numb. The table was just long enough for
her torso, with her legs hanging off the end. Jake
stepped in front of her, and took over where Jamal had
left off in face-fucking the girl.

The mucous and saliva that Laine had drooled up from
her first encounter was now running back down to her
face, and she could feel it being covered slowly from
the slimy mixture. The new black cock sliding down her
throat wasn't as long as the first, but it was still
nine inches and thicker, almost as thick as Laine's own
wrist. Her mouth struggled to stretch wide enough to
accommodate the girth of its new invader.

Now the tears flowed freely from Laine's eyes, she knew
she was doomed. She dared to look up, and saw two huge,
hairy balls as dark as pitch resting on her nose. She
forced her eyes closed again, but too late to block the
image that was now burned into her mind for eternity.
It was only the first of hundreds of times she would
have the same view, but she didn't know that yet. Jake
began pumping her throat as Jamal had, but he was much
more forceful due to her more accommodating position.

Our princess was learning however; she did manage to
learn to inhale through her nose when her lover
withdrew and she had a brief second to get air before
his balls covered her nose again. As she felt his
thrusts, she began a rhythm with him in order to
breathe and ease the pain of having her throat

"Mmmmmm fuck, little bitch really getting' into this
shit now niggas! Look how she movin' her head for me...
she startin' to learn to like it!," the garage owner
enthusiastically noted.

"I'm not fucking enjoying this you fucking nigger
asshole r****t...and when I get out of here, you're all
going to prison until you rot. I hope you get the same
fucking treatment in there, and you will since I'm a
precious white princess and you're nothing but

But even as Laine thought this, she felt her body
betraying her. Her lower regions were growing warm,
warmer than they ever had in the past with her high
school boys. She couldn't understand how a **** could
be turning her on, especially one at the hands of
niggers. She prayed that it was just something she had
eaten, but even as she did, she felt her hips begin to
grind from side to side, with a little up and down
action mixed in. This was not lost on her audience.

"OHHHHHHHHHH fuck bitch! Look at this shit now! She
pumpin' her hips, she ready to be bred!"

"It's time then. Get ready for yo' first nigger fucking
bitch. If yo' lucky you'll get a black baby the very
first time."

Chapter III

Upon hearing those words, the gyrations and grindings
of Laine's hips transformed into bucking and fighting
for an escape. She was too late though, as two of her
captors each grabbed her kicking legs and placed cuffs
on them. Attached to each cuff was a chain of about two
feet, and the ends of each chain were then attached to
anchors above the table. Her perfect ass was just at
the edge of the bench.

At her other end, her hands were simultaneously cuffed
while a larger cuff was put into place around her neck,
immobilizing the girl completely. She was now
restrained, spread eagle and defenseless against
anything her tormentors wished to do. Jake resumed his
mouth ****, while another of the group proceeded
between her previously un-opened thighs. He eyed her
hairless slit approvingly, not even realizing that he
would be the first to enter it.

Laine felt his cock head press against her soft pink
lips and knew that her deflowering was going to take
place in a cold garage, against her will, from the cock
of a nigger. She sobbed uncontrollably while gagging on
Jake's cock. She felt the head penetrate her and it
felt like it had to be a telephone pole entering her.

She tried to scream, but it was of course muffled and
the end result was only more phlegm and saliva exiting
her mouth to coat her face. The invading cock was
thicker than either Jake's or Jamal's and Laine felt as
though she was being split in two on it. Further it
pressed in until it reached her thin hymen, at which
point her first lover realized his good fortune.

"Holy shit! This cunt's still a virgin... I'm gonna
break this little bitch's cherry!" He didn't see the
need for gentleness, thrusting forward in a fast,
savage burst of fury. He ripped open her final barrier
with ease, and plunged into Laine's vagina completely.

Laine felt searing pain from inside, the most intense
pain she had ever felt before. She prayed that she
would drown or suffocate from the face **** she was
receiving rather than endure the pain and degradation
of what was happening to her. No such mercy would
befall her though, she had finally come face-to-face
with karma, and her appropriate fate was upon her.
Clinging to the last of her sanity, she finally
realized that her attitudes and actions throughout her
life had brought her to this place.

She felt the pain begin to go from searing to a dull
ache, and then a warmness spreading from inside her
cunt and traveling up her body. She ceased her
struggles, and began to fuck back on the cock inside
her, but still hating herself for that act. Her partner
didn't last long at that point, and filled her womb
with his hot cum. Laine's orgasm began as she felt the
first shot of baby batter being released.

After the first man pulled out, he was replaced
immediately. Laine felt another black cock enter her
but this time she accepted it willingly. She
immediately began pumping it for more of that delicious
cream, wanting to feel it deep within her again. Jake
finally came, letting a thick stream of cum splatter
her face and open mouth, which was greedy to learn what
nigger nectar must taste like.

Her countenance resembled nothing of the prom photos
and cheerleading pictures of the past; instead it had
taken on the look of a cum-hungry whore. Yet another
man replaced Jake, and Laine greedily sucked his cock
into her starving mouth, still fucking hard against the
cock inside her pussy. Her mind was far enough gone at
this point that it didn't even occur to her that her
fertile womb was unprotected; she had never taken birth
control at all. She only craved to be filled again with
hot semen; the feeling was beyond words.

Soon enough, she was granted her wish and her womb was
flooded again with millions of potent swimmers. Now
Jamal, rested from his first encounter with the
princess, was ready again. He stepped between her legs
and instructed the man at Laine's head to unclasp her
and let her see what was going to be inside her.

Laine saw the nearly foot-long fuck log between Jamal's
legs and didn't feel terror; instead she had great
anticipation. She had to feel that inside her, to make
her complete.

"Oh my god...please master, stick it in me. I want that
nigger meat to fill my white cunt up, to squirt its cum
deep inside me. I'm its slave, and I'll serve it
however it wants me to serve. Please fuck my white
body... it's yours now."

Jamal chuckled, knowing that this would be the case. He
pressed the head against her lips, sliding it in not
without resistance (this was only the third cock to
enter her), but with some ease due to two loads of cum
and Laine's own juices lubricating her. He continued
forward, feeling the tightness of her cunt contracting
around his massive head, pressing deeper into her, inch
by inch. At seven inches he felt the opening to her
cervix... he continued deeper. Laine felt the walls of
her cervix being opened, and moved her hips forward to
let the invader in more.

The pitiful girl moaned in ecstasy and knew she had to
feel Jamal's cock completely inside her, balls deep.
Ten inches in, Jamal didn't think he could go any
deeper until Laine gave one more forward thrust with
her hips, pulling the final inch and a half into her
womb. She could finally feel his ping-pong sized balls
resting against her ass cheeks. Jamal had fucked many
women, but none who had ever been able to take him this
deep. He began fucking the slut, determined to coat her
ovaries with his sperm. Princess Laine fucked back on
his massive ebony log, her mind sliding further into
lust-filled insanity. She begged the other men to join
in on her degradation.

"Please...please, my black masters...let me have more
nigger cock! I need you all!"

Not wanting to deny their newfound prize of her natural
desires, three eager volunteers stepped forward and
Laine found herself with a cock in each hand, while a
third was placed into her starving mouth. She stroked
and sucked the three love wands with a passion she had
never felt before. Still, the focus of her attention
was on the delicious piece of black sausage hitting the
back of her womb and she continued to buck feverishly
against Jamal.

Knowing that she had been conquered and would offer no
further resistance, he unclasped her legs from their
restraints. On cue, Laine wrapped her legs around the
big man's torso in an attempt to pull him into her even
deeper. Her cunt was beyond the point of merely
dripping; a steady stream of pussy juice was coming
from her love canal.

Jamal continued pumping the new black cockslut for
another ten minutes, and then he couldn't hold back any
longer. A huge blast of baby batter erupted from his
cock, and immediately filled her womb completely. Upon
feeling that first stream inside her, Laine began to
orgasm uncontrollably, her juices squirting from her
fuck hole and coating Jamal's thighs.

She worked the inner muscles of her vagina around his
cock, determined to milk as much cum into her womb as
she could. He in turn continued to flood her insides,
and her small frame couldn't hold it all, his cum
joined her continued ejaculate and formed a puddle
beneath the two lovers. Princess Laine... prom queen,
cheerleader, promising student with the world at her
feet and her future wide open... that girl ceased to
exist the moment she began to cum on that black cock.

Jamal pulled out of her and ordered her to be placed in
the swing, which would allow them access to all three
of her holes simultaneously. The rest of the night,
Laine was repeatedly triple fucked by the group. She
took multiple loads of cum from all the men, in each of
her holes. During her ass fuckings from Jamal, she took
his cock into the lower regions of her intestines, its
length going far beyond merely her bowels. The
unbearable pain was worth the orgasms this gave her.

By morning, Laine's mind was completely gone. She would
never be a sane, rational person again; instead her
only goal in life would be to find black cock to
appease her unrelenting hunger. Fate and karma are
cruel bitches, and they take pleasure in reducing
little girls like Laine into what they deserve. Jamal
took Laine home with him, collared her, and placed her
in a cage.

"This yo' new home, bitch. You gonna live here, just
like the little bitch in heat you are. You gonna give
me that white cunt whenever I wants it, and you gonna
give it to my friends whenever they wants it too. You
understand, little white bitch?"

"Yes sir. I understand. I'm your bitch now, and you own
me to use whenever and however you want." By now, Laine
wanted nothing more than this.

Five weeks and hundreds of fuckings later, Laine awoke
one morning and immediately vomited in her cage. She
had been well-fed and taken care of (as any pet owner
will do), so she didn't think she was ill. In her
heart, she knew it was something more. After being sick
every morning for a week, she knew she was carrying a
little black baby inside her; who the father might be
was anyone's guess... but she knew deep down that it
was Jamal's. He knew she was pregnant as well, but
didn't care whose it was. He and his friends, and their
friends, and acquaintances of those friends continued
to fuck Laine throughout her pregnancy, and she happily
spread her legs for anyone.

She gave birth in her cage, and Jamal had already
arranged for an adoptive couple to take the baby
immediately after it was born. Laine wasn't glad to see
the baby leave, but wasn't unhappy either... she knew
she would be bred again, and that meant more fucking.

Laine was indeed bred again...over the next twenty
years she was pregnant fifteen times, giving birth to
over forty black babies. Fertility d**gs were involved
obviously, with two sets of sextuplets, five sets of
triplets, and seven sets of twins were born in addition
to five single babies. At the age of thirty-eight, her
worn out womb simply could not take anymore breeding.
Jamal had no more use for his bitch at this point, and
one night in the hours after midnight, her drove her
even deeper into the city and abandoned her.

Laine walked the streets in a daze, not knowing where
she was or how to find her Master. She couldn't breed
any longer but still craved her chocolate bars, and she
satisfied her hunger with any black man she saw. Winos,
homeless derelicts who hadn't bathed in a month, crack
dealers... as long as they were black, Laine serviced
them. Just as fate had planned from her birth. Her
parents, having been killed in a car accident only a
week after her a*****ion, never searched for her and
the police eventually let the case die.

So by the time she was picked up for public indecency
while giving blow jobs to five gang bangers in an
alley, no one knew who she was; of course any memory
she had of her prior self had disappeared two decades
earlier. She was place in a mental institution where
she spent the rest of her life. One of her orderlies
was in fact one of her own sons, but they of course did
not know that.

Laine only knew he was black, and that he had what she
needed. He was more than happy to give it to her, and
Laine spent the rest of her days taking her son's cum
into the very place he was conceived. Such a wonderful
life for Princess Laine, the little rich girl who never
was, the nigger-hating racist who only discovered that
her fate was to be a nigger's cockslut bitch.

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Tom meets Mira

"A model from Onlyfans meets one of her followers when she's stops over in his town, asking him to show her around and shoot some new content for her site, but one thing leads to another..." Author's Notes "While this story may depict two real people, it is fictional. The woman involved is a real OnlyFans model, whose user name is mira.clegoddss and has approved of me writing this story." Part 1 I got home around 4:40 AM, around the same time I usually would after I got off work. It was hard...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets There

Introduction: This is another in the long list of true adventures my wife and I have shared. Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets Thank to the many of you who have been in contact with me through these stories. Looking back on all the fun times my wife Cindy and I have had over the years, and writing them down for others to experience, has been a very enjoyable experience for me. I can only hope that some of you have enjoyed reading these as much as I have enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Boy meets Daddy

Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...

1 year ago
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Chelsie Meets Her Mistress

Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...

2 years ago
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Nancy meets Monte

Nancy meets Monte By sub_nancy_cd Looking in the mirror of the ladies washroom at the airport, I fix my hair and make-up, I was glad I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail, it made me look cuter. I wore my black mini skirt a white blouse with smart lace surrounding my breasts. I wore white pantyhose and my three inch black heels. I turned back and forth in the mirror, thinking to myself, its been 4 years since I met Monte on- line. He knew I was a crossdresser on hormones and...

1 year ago
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The New Girl in School Part 6Chloe meets the Godfather

New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...

2 years ago
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Wife meets Hamburny in the dive bar

See he just wanted to get down her throat. But first he would like to expose, handle, fondle and suck her boobs in public, if that would be OK with me. So I wanted J to meet and spend time with this real sexy gentleman friend of mine. He has seen her pictures. He knows what her nipples look like. He knows she sucks cock for fun. He also knows she sucks cocks to make me happy. The guys are always happy, too. Recently J has been getting bold and daring ME to do things. One of her dares involved...

3 years ago
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Discovering BanyaCh 3Boris Hero Of Brighton Beach Meets Eve Banya Girl

The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach.  The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge.  Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...

Love Stories
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Rebecca meets Ron

Rebecca meets RonMy wife, Rebecca, of 11 years was an absolute excellent cock sucker. She loved doing oral sex so much that we had several “friends” that would visit on a regular basis to get their “job”. We met a new friend (female) that also liked oral sex and she, Cheryl, was bisexual, enjoying the company of both male and female... Cheryl had joined us a few times in bed and it was great times for all three of us.In our talks of our past, Cheryl mentioned a “swing club” that she and a...

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Today She Meets Her Real Daddy!bysexy_mama_09©Alayah was nineteen. She'd just gotten off the bus in front of her birth father's home. She hadn't met him yet, but he'd been sending her letters for about six months and they'd spoken on the phone a few times also. She'd been given up for adoption in the hospital when she was born. She'd went looking for her biological family and had found Darren. Darren was tall from his photos. He had a deep dark tanned skin and silky blue eyes. His hair was dark...

3 years ago
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The New Girl in School Part 2 Girl Meets Boy

New Girl in School 2: Boy Meets Girl? (Note: I'll refer to the main character as Chloe when in disguise going forward and as M when not) So, a few weeks had past and Chloe still couldn't find this mobster son. Granted, Leavitt Jones High School was quite a big school with a sizable population of about 3000 students but the search shouldn't be akin to a needle in a haystack. She turned her best to not let this surface while she was at school, but nearly every day after school, she got...

2 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina Meets Beth

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina meets Beth. You may want to read some of my previous story "Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" to get some background on the characters in this chapter ****** "Be careful there. I am the one everyone should be worried about fainting.We have only a couple of minutes to be alone. My name is Beth and Thomas sent me to help you.My husband, Aaron has meetings with church leaders this afternoon. I will give you the address where we are...

3 years ago
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A Sub Boy Meets His Dom

A Sub Boy Meets His Dom By Datdagen Chapter 1 - Master D The day the third and final package arrived was easily the most long anticipated of Eric's life.  The package was about the size of a suitcase, quite a bit larger than the others had been.  He had no idea what it would contain, but he did know what its arrival meant.  Tonight he would finally meet Master D.  Tonight he would be dominated and ravaged in ways he had never known before.  Tonight he would feel the hot spray of his Master's...

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Nicole Meets Michael

Nicole stepped out of the shower and dried herself before pulling off the cap that covered her long strawberry-blond hair Nicole Meets Michael An erotic meeting between a vampire and his future pet.? This story contains soft consensual play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 2006 Ruby Bloodstone All Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.  This is a work of...

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Belle Meets Master

Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...

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When a Body Meets a Body While Chugging Down a Rye

After recovering from the hate mail and death threats generated by my last submission, I decided to let my “wise-ass” sub-identity (that is a ranking comment folks, such as “primary-identity”, “dragon-identity”, ““wise-ass identity” ... NOT that the identity is sub as in submissive) out for a spin around the block. When a body meets a body while chugging down a rye ... sung to the old Irish (Scottish?) tune “Gin a body meet a body, Comin’ through the rye” OK people, listen up ... there...

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Boy meets Girl Part 1

Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I can't really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I couldn't really remember how to speak, I was just kind of frozen in time. I met him the day...

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Mel meets the motel owners

Chapter 3 Mel meets the motel owners Mel had been working the truck stop for about a month and a half. During that time she had accumulated tens of thousand dollars from working the truckers, twenty dollars at a time. At the end of each day, she would put most of the cash into an envelope and mail it to herself at a PO box that she had set up on the far side of town, using the PO box as a safe deposit box for her earnings. She would keep just enough cash on hand each day for food, drink,...

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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 05

This is the conclusion of Part One, and I hope you have enjoyed reading. Again, please start with chapter one before reading this. Part 2 has been written and is in the process of being edited and will be posted soon. I again want to thank BeachBaby179 for her numerous suggestions and clarifications in making this story much better. It is very easy, when you are writing, to get so involved you let things slip. BeachBaby, you not only caught all those but forced me to look through the story with...

3 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 20 She Meets The Bosss Son Brett

Introduction: Cindy meets her bosss son and enjoys a fun night. Sharing Cindy Chapter 20 Another true story about the fun that comes from having a sexy wife that loves sex&hellip,&hellip,. ——————————————————————— Those of you that have been following these stories know that my wife Cindy is free to experience sex with other men. I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of many of these adventures, others I hear about when she comes home. But there have been a couple of times that I...

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