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Karma This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth. Synopsis: Mark Evans 18, hated being small. He hated his father and mother for their part in it, all the way back to his grandparents. It was fate he told his best friend Susan. It was fate Susan agreed. She was a Buddhist and told Mark to embrace his size. "Your actions determine your destiny" Susan said handing Mark his Halloween outfit as she added, "Karma will someday guide you." It did. Players: Mark Evans age 18, substituting for Victor Rodriguez age 8; Susan Marshall; Police Officer Tuttle; Social Worker Linda Banner; Maria Sanchez; Sally Rodriguez; Hector Gonzales; Greta Von Anderson; Bob Henries. Story If you looked for a starting point there would be several places to point to with the best one at the corner of Broadway and Fifth streets about five after seven in the morning. Mark Evans had just gotten his coffee and a compliment from the server Carol. She was behind the counter and had laughed over his costume. Mark almost didn't wear the outfit Susan had put together for him, but he'd promised to "embrace his size." He was small about the physical size of an eight year old and instead of fighting it today he was suppose to enjoy it. So he dressed like an eight year old thanks to Susan. Today, for her sake, he dressed for his company's Halloween party. As always he is on his way to work and as always he had stopped for coffee. Mark had his coffee. He was holding their smallest cup and just walking out when a robber, running from the police, created the next series of events. What stopped Mark wasn't the sirens but a growing chaos off to his right. He turned towards the noise. That chaos was brought on by gunshots when the robber fired back towards the police. People hearing the shots and not knowing where they were coming from scattered. The robber turned to take the shot just as Mark came onto the sidewalk with his coffee. Mark turned to see the robber right before that robber turned to face him. They were inches apart when they met. Right across from Mark and the robber, and having just parked his car, Police Officer Tuttle was just coming around the front to join up with Social Worker Linda. Both were there to meet a woman named Maria Sanchez. Maria was the aunt of a young boy named Victor Rodriguez. Victor's aunt Maria had been watching Victor on an emergency basis beginning right after his mother Sally Rodriguez was arrested as an accessory in a home invasion four days ago. Police Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda Banner were there to pick up Victor to transport him to a foster care home. Arrangements had been made for Maria to meet Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda at the front of her apartment which was right next to the coffee shop. She had made those arrangements because she had to go to work early that day. Meanwhile, Sally, Victor's mother, had made bail and had also arrived just a moment before in a car owned by a girl friend. Sally, double parked, was hoping to grab her son before state officials could pick him up and put him into foster care. Sally was unaware that Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda had already arrived and were approaching Maria at that very moment. They were in fact not twenty feet down from where Sally had doubled parked. Sally Rodriguez held out hope she could get Victor and escape to her own mother's home in Florida before anyone knew she had even skipped bail. Sally had looked up to see Maria's window then down at the door just catching a glance of her son in Marie's hands. Sally made a dash for him at the same instant that Mark and the robber came together. Sally was in motion when the shot rang out. Event's were beginning to escalate as the robber, continuing his run and having made that shot at the police hit Mark a full body blow at full speed. Mark was caught unaware, spinning 180 degrees and falling backward, Mark immediately losing his grip on his coffee. Sally meanwhile shoulder-blocked her cousin Maria while grabbing her son's arm and pulling it free. Mark's coffee tipped forward spilling down the front of his pants soaking them as Mark's fall continued backward while the robber stumbled past. Mark did try righting himself, but his angle was off causing him to continue stumbling backwards. Mark tripped up hard into Hector while the robber caught his balance twisted around, raised his gun and fired again. Hector having turned at the commotion but continuing to set up his small newspaper and magazine stand took the full weight of Mark as he turned. Hector too began to fall backward into the newsstand wall itself. Hector was dropping, and stumbling backwards flailing. He too was holding his own coffee in a super size cup. That extra large brew Hector held tipped directly over his small space heater at the same moment Mark slid to the floor. Mark's left hand fell against the units metal case. As Mark gripped the case his right hand, palm down, laid directly on top of the spreading pool of coffee. Mark was fully connected to the heater and well grounded when it shorted. Mark's head contacted the wooden bench Hector had built knocking him out cold just as his electrocution began. Hector falling against the stack of newspapers saw the sparks instantly and grabbed his broom even before he had finished falling. Mark was already convulsing as Hector started sweeping at the heater killing Mark. Hector managed to knock the heater out and away from Mark pulling the plug in that same instant. It was most likely that simple act that saved Mark's life. Meanwhile Aunt Maria, was coming onto the scene from her apartment. She had been holding Victor's backpack and hand and was knocked directly into the line of fire from the robber. Maria Sanchez threw her hands up falling forward. She had just been shot a glancing blow to the head by a 45 slug. That slug was the second bullet fired by the escaping robber who was still trying to exchange bullets with the police and continue his escape. As Maria was hit the back pack she'd tossed into the air fell next to Mark. Sally Rodriguez in that same moment had reached the car she had double parked. Maria badly wounded stumbled forward falling against the wall of the coffee shop. Everyone else was still ducking gunfire and never saw the woman grabbing the child who began to cry when his aunt started to fall. Maria suffering a gun shot did not see Sally grab Victor and rush him to the car. Nor would anyone see the car with Sally or Victor drive down the street at a high rate of speed. Police Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda still ducking at the front of Tuttle's unmarked police sedan when the first shot rang out, were now part of the bystanders trying to maintain cover from the other gunshots. Without knowing it, they remained hidden as the robber stood and ran another twenty five feet. One of the pursuing officers knelt and fired in the clear. His two shots hit the robber in the back throwing him forward while also dislodging his firearm. The robber pushed by the two slugs fell forward a few feet crashing face first onto the sidewalk. His gun skittered forward another six feet. A policeman from across the street came up with several others and took a defensive posture as others caught up. One of the officers kicked the gun free, but stood by it as evidence, while another cuffed the robber. They search for a pulse. There was none. Two others turned back to start sorting out the dead and wounded at the coffee shop. Calls went out for emergency services. Distant sirens were closing as additional police start taping off the scene. Witnesses were identified and sorted from bystanders. Chaos started to turn to triage. Officer Tuttle assigned to Social Services holstered his own gun and helped Social Worker Linda stand as he confirmed that she was okay. Both are badly shaken but unharmed. Linda brushing herself suddenly recognizes Maria lying there against the brick wall. Linda sees the wound and fearing the worse wonders immediately about the boy. Linda knows Maria was meeting them with Victor and begins looking for a small child. She immediately sees Mark on his back mistaking Mark for Victor. Mark is the only child in the immediate area. There is a back pack with Care Bears on it near by. She rushes to Mark's side as Hector stands on wobbly legs. Hector overwrought at what has happened began telling Linda that he pulled the wire as soon as he saw what was happening. Both see the bleeding cut on Mark's head and there is smoke still coming from the small heater. Mark appears dead. Mark has obviously wet himself. Mark is in a pair of dark blue shorts, suspenders with knee high socks, Buster Brown strap shoes and a shirt with a cap which if anyone thought about it would have guessed circa 1950's. It didn't register when Linda knelt to feel Mark's pulse that he was actually dated way out of place for that era. All she saw was the image of a little boy with a teddy bear next to a backpack covered in Care Bears. It was Officer Tuttle that verified the heater was off as he grabbed a wooden folding chair and fully yanked the plug from the wall before moving the heater further away. There was no pulse when he knelt to feel the boys wrist, then his neck before starting CPR. Another officer joined in then an EMT arrived to help. They got a pulse and Mark was breathing on his own before he was loaded for the emergency room. Officer Tuttle also went code three and followed the ambulance with Social Worker Linda riding with Mark. Linda was thinking she was riding with Victor. Linda was reading the file. There were no current pictures, just a copy of his birth certificate Victor was Mexican American and according to his birth, eight. Mark, slightly tan with raven black hair was American Indian and German age 18. He easily passed as Mexican and without the body or facial hair his young age held. Linda also saw the wet spot at the same exact time she opened the back pack and saw the disposable diapers. That had been put there by Victor's aunt. She had pulled it up high enough for the EMT to see it while wondering why he wasn't wearing one. She didn't know that Victor was a nighttime bed wetter because Victor's aunt had been shot and couldn't tell her. The EMT nodded at the diaper and acknowledged the wet spot and said they'd take care of all that at the hospital. It didn't matter now. The EMT said he'd be naked during the exam anyway. Linda nodded and shoved the diaper back into the back pack. She would tell the admitting nurse that detail when she did the paperwork. She would do the same with whoever got him in the foster care system. She made a note for his file. "Pants wetter. Family problems?" Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda sat outside the Emergency Room waiting on word of Victor's condition which was actually Mark's. They actually had a pulse before he was loaded onto the gurney which they'd been told was good news. However, the doctor warned of possible brain damage considering there was an electrocution involved and a concussion. If it had been a continuous charge from that electrocution damage could be extensive. It was a 30 amp circuit that hadn't blown the fuse he was told. The voltage wasn't what killed, it was the amperage and often times it was the amount of time the person was connected. No one could say. With the exception of his head there were no other wounds Back at the scene the investigation has ended and evidence gathered and the street cleaned of the carnage that had occurred that morning. With the exception of what had been seen by witnesses little is left to mark what had happened. Hector had made one last call to the hospital to check on the child and was thrilled to discover he was gong to be okay. Hector was closing for the night when he found Mark's wallet. It was a man's wallet but no picture ID or license? There was twenty two dollars and a punch card for the coffee shop. Hector walked it into the coffee shop. The girl told Hector she knew the man that owned the wallet and would hold on to it for his next visit. Hector said good night and left for the evening. The wallet went into a bag and into the office safe. As Mark's wallet got sealed so is Mark, as Victor, in a size 6 Pampers which was the same one Victor carried in his back pack before being moved and aspirated. Mark was hooked to an IV drip and wheeled into intensive care still in a vegetative state. He was listed as critical. Meanwhile, across town Mark's boss left his third message on Mark's home phone wondering where the hell he was. It wasn't like Mark to miss work. Susan too was texting him, but his phone, having fallen against the Newsstand had already been picked up. The street person picking up Mark's phone had found four good cigarettes already and a sandwich that had at least four good bites left when he shoved the phone in his pocket. That street person sold Mark's phone for four dollars cash as they were diapering Mark before pushing him to his room. The guy that bought Mark's phone tossed the chip just as Susan was still texting. Mark's boss grew even more panicked when he'd heard about the shooting at the coffee shop. They know that was where Mark got his coffee. Mark's boss had his secretary make a few calls just to confirm none of the victims were Mark. She came back after an hour reporting that "no, none of the shooting victims fit Mark's description!" The secretary reported back that there were only two gun shot victims: a woman and the robber. There was also one electrocution of a child who was still in the hospital comatose. When Mark's boss asked about the child the secretary smiled, nodded and said she had thought about that but the child was with the woman shot that morning. His boss cursed over the loss of a possible lead. Mark was still missing and no one knew where. Neither Mark's boss nor his secretary thought to mention to anyone during the call that they were asking after a person below average in height. Susan went back to work worried. Meanwhile Mark as Victor was stabilized and Linda was told it would be completely up to time for Mark's recovery. Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle left the hospital with nothing left to do but leave a card should the child wake and make their reports. Doctor Evans promised them his first call should that happen. Remarkably six hours later it did. What surprised Dr. Evans was how lucid the boy Victor was and clearly, in spite of his memory deficits, he turned out to be very intelligent. Both Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle were called back that following day. Mark woke with sore muscles and a terrible headache trying to understand why. He had no memory of what had occurred nor why his head hurt. He knew he was in a hospital but couldn't remember anything else. He tried to remember his name and couldn't, nor any details about who he was and then he discovered the diaper. Mark was pretty sure he didn't wear diapers, but soon after he was moved there were other kids near y and some were also wearing diapers, and his head hurt too much to protest. Mark was dry and had no desire to wet the diaper he wore. It was his nurse that kept him quiet. He had fallen in lust although he wasn't aware of the word, just the emotions. Mark was told his name was Victor, and he was eight, but Mark didn't feel eight. He didn't know how old he was but he didn't feel eight. She told him he was a child but he didn't feel like a child. When he told Elisabeth, his nurse, he didn't think he needed diapers He was told he was wearing diapers because he couldn't control himself. Mark was sure he could, and said so. Mark had said as much just as Elisabeth laid a fresh diaper alongside of him after she pulled the sheet down. Mark was going to continue the argument till Elisabeth laid her hand on top of Mark's diaper. He could have waited and proved he had control, but, because of his headache, and that immediate erection he found it easer to just wet than to argue. Elisabeth smiled knowingly while she waited. Mark's decision to continue wearing diapers came during that first diaper change as Elisabeth cleaned him with baby wipes after pulling the wet diaper free and replacing it with a fresh one. A lot of his decision came from the baby oil and powder and her careful application of both. By the time she taped the diaper closed around him Mark decided he'd argue over wearing diapers later. When they asked him who he was he answered honestly that he didn't know. Mark had no idea who he was or how he had gotten there so most of what he was told he just filed it away. He did listen a lot. He listened to the doctor explain his condition to Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle. The doctor who examined Mark said he did seem older than eight till Linda explained his heritage. The doctor was a little surprised at the amount of pubic hair Mark had but his heritage might explain that, he said. The doctor, after some thought went on to explain that Victor (Mark) was most likely experiencing an early puberty or adrenarche. For some children it happened. Adrenarche, the doctor explained, was an increase of adrenal androgen production sometimes occurring between the ages of six to ten putting Victor, age eight, right in the middle. The doctor also added that adrenarche was sometimes accompanied by the early appearance of pubic hair which could actually precede the onset of true puberty. It all made sense and they all nodded their acceptance, Linda most of all because she needed Victor in foster care So did Mark who didn't know his own heritage at the moment or that his mother, Native American and following some of her own traditions often spent hours gently plucking Mark's softened facial hair after his bath when he was a baby. It was something she was taught by her own mother so her son didn't grow up looking like a bear and unattractive to his own kind or Native American Females. Meanwhile Mark, as Victor, was clearly suffering brain damage resulting from trauma to the medial temporal lobe, more specifically around and in the area of his hippocampus region. This too the doctor noted and far more important that his body hair. That trauma, according to Dr. Evans talking to Linda and Officer Tuttle, suggested it was most likely a retrograde amnesia rather than an anterograde because he can't remember anything before his actual electrocution. A brain scan didn't turn up anything significant but often didn't. It was the type of loss that actually suggested the damage. It was consistent with those injuries seen with patients that had gone through sessions involving electroconvulsive therapy the doctor said. Mark as Victor had been electrocuted, but there was a concussion as well. It was most likely that combined mix that caused some of it. Of course even those electroconvulsive therapy sessions wouldn't have such high amperage but the long term impacts were similar. Dr. Evan also suggested, based on his limited observations, that Victor could continue to form new memories and appeared to be very intelligent. In spite of the memory loss Victor could be perfectly normal going forward. These were both very good signs. Dr. Evans suggested that once his injuries were healed there is no reason he couldn't leave the hospital although his recommendation is Victor should continue treatments for his amnesia. That left Social Worker Linda with a minor problem on where to place Mark as Victor. Dr. Evans was prescribing, at best, a week of bed rest, maybe two at least. For Linda Dr. Evans was suggesting special needs in context to the Foster Care System. Placing well children was difficult enough, finding a spot for a special needs child was damn near impossible. Linda racked her brain that morning trying to find a place that could take Mark for at least a week, hopefully two. Linda kept her fingers crossed as she went through her Foster Care contacts and dialed her phone. That is until Linda talked with Greta Von Anderson. She knew Greta already had someone but she was hoping she might get a referral. Greta was caring for a four year old girl that was wheel chair bound or had been. According to Greta the girl was Missy Ann, and to Linda's good luck, Missy had been adopted just two weeks ago. That good fortune left Greta with Missy's room still open. Victor was welcome to use Missy Ann's room for now. The only downside Greta warned of course was the decor was a bit juvenile and somewhat too feminine for a boy because she had spent zero time making any changes yet. She warned Linda that the room had been used for a four year old handicapped girl. Social Worker Linda told her to leave things as they are since the boy was small enough for the furnishings and already in diapers and suffering from his own handicap. Even more fortunate he had amnesia and a head wound so he needed bed rest. The point Linda was making was that Mark as Victor was already special needs for at least a week, maybe two, so it really wouldn't matter to him what state the room was in. Greta was thrilled over that remark since nothing needed to be done to gain another occupant, and agreed immediately. Greta was also thrilled because her funding was dependent on having someone occupy that room. Linda promised Greta that the paperwork would reflect Mark's stay beginning with a reservation date which was the same as his first day in the hospital. Likewise, Linda was thrilled having a place to bring Mark once he was released. It was all good. Mark, meanwhile was slowly bringing himself to climax in the darkness of his room. Mark had stumbled on that bit of pleasure purely by mistake just that night before. Mark's original intent was to hold himself from urinating till his next diaper change so he could prove to his nurse he didn't need diapers. Unfortunately (at the time) as his urge to urinate grew he got an erection. While adjusting that erection under his diaper, just to center it, Mark slid his penis from slightly off center to straight within that diaper. That simple adjustment created a pleasurable response in the dark which prompted him to immediately repeat it. He checked that he was alone and did so. Mark reached down and gently moved his penis slightly to the side then back straight again. Mark did this in the other direction, then back to center. That moment of pleasure came again. He started doing it more quickly till he suddenly orgasmed. With the orgasm completed the urge to urinate came more fiercely and before he knew what was happening he was wetting his diaper. "Hello Victor," nurse Alice whispered as she loomed over his bed. Mark's face, reddened from the embarrassment of his orgasm and wetting. In spite of that he smiled up at her but not so much for the greeting as for the humiliating need to be changed. He was soaked he realized just as the nurse asked, "Are you wet honey?" Mark nodded shamefully feeling the grow of his cheeks warming. Mark knew at some primitive level he didn't need diapers, but he also knew now that if he didn't have them he wouldn't have had those two climaxes. He also knew that Alice, the nurse standing above him in the half light of second shift, wouldn't be standing there. Nor would he be getting changed by those other sweet nurses several times a day that had been changing him. Mark found himself in a dilemma of sorts. Convince the nurses he didn't need diapers and all this would end. Ignore that he didn't need diapers and allow things to continue and all the pleasures he had experienced so far would continue. He spent little time on that equation. As soon as Nurse Alice turned back towards her station Mark began playing with himself over his diaper. Mark found that bit of pleasure almost as pleasant as his masturbation as the nurse used wipes first then her gloved palm to rub baby oil and powder over him. When she saw redness, and he almost wished for that, there was the diaper rash creme gently caressed into the folds of his testicles. Not to mention those loving caresses around his stomach and over his thighs before the diaper itself caressed him. No, Mark was sure he didn't need diapers, but Mark was sure he was going to continue using them. Mark needed them. How odd that was Mark reasoned. None of the other eight year olds seemed to apply that logic in the same way. They all wore regular underwear and, Mark for the life of him, couldn't understand why they couldn't reason this out? Mark watched them, listened to them and they all seemed perfectly normal mentally, yet none of them seemed to enjoy masturbating the way he did. He shrugged, closed his eyes and gave up wondering as the nurse tugged on his diaper to tape it closed around him. Life was full of new mysteries Mark reasoned as Alice finished diapering him with a final genital caress on top of his diaper. Mark loved Alice as he continued that rubbing under the sheet. Mark rubbed himself to climax and fell asleep dreaming of himself getting rubbed by Alice but this time to climax. He woke very wet and refreshed. Then Linda came to the hospital and talked to him. She had found a place for him to stay. Mark was happy about that. The doctor released him. Linda was given instructions. They got him taped into a fresh diaper, Linda had cleaned his clothes for the wheel chair and he was pushed out to the car. Linda told Mark about the girlish decor and that was okay he said. They were going to use the wheel chair to the car but Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle left the hospital together at Linda's request. When they got to Greta's place Officer Tuttle insisted on carrying Mark as Victor to the baby's crib Greta had made ready for her new guest. Greta welcomed Mark as she removed his clothes, folded them and changed his diaper. A lot of clothing Greta had belonged to the house so the toddler style Tee's were already there. Greta opened Mark's shirt against a 4T discovering they were close in size and found it to be a good guess when she helped Mark into it. Greta thought he looked more babyish wearing that and his night diaper when she covered him in the crib. Mark, deep down, was delighted over the choice. Social Worker Linda had apologized and explained to Mark that it was temporary. She promised it was just till the doctor released Mark to a regular foster care home with other boys his age. Mark wondered if the other boys would be wearing diapers like he did. Most likely not Mark reasoned. As it happens Mark was also delighted to see the stacks of diaper on the shelf below the large changing table. Greta signed the form and a few minutes later she was left alone with Mark. Mark quietly contemplated the feminine baby room they had put him into. It was predominately a soft pastel yellow with the crib, changing table, dresser and matching rocker mostly white but trimmed in a pastel yellow. There was a yellow strip of molding circling the room ceiling to accent the soft vertical stripes. "It is a pretty room," Mark said. "Really? Do you really like it," Greta asked slightly surprised at the comment. "I do. It's very soft, but bright and cheerful," Mark said. "Why Victor, that's exactly what I wanted to achieve. How very astute of you to notice something like that. You've made me very happy. Amazing that a boy your age would see it that way to," Greta said glowing from his compliment. Mark laid in the crib looking around wondering over what Greta had said. He realized then that he could, at least. perhaps on a limited basis manipulate her as he had done the nurses. He experimented a little squinting his eyes, telling her he'd felt slightly sore around the testicles as he moved a leg. He actually said his "place" between his legs." Greta, during his second diaper change applied more of the diaper rash cream that morning. It was heaven. He had thought about that creamy application along with the outline of her bras. that night as he masturbated in his diaper He was growing more fond of his diapers, but now it was in context to his new crib. He felt sort of babyish if that was a word.. That following morning when Greta came in to change him he couldn't help but admire her ample bosom. It seemed only natural that he might wonder what it would be like to suckle a breast like a baby while he masturbated in his diaper. Had he not taken care of things before his diaper change he would have soiled on her hand. Even so, he wanted desperately to play with himself again. She was still smiling down at him when he asked her if he could take a little nap. Again she had cleaned him with wipes but she had also used more of that diaper rash cream. His hope was she'd leave him to play with himself a bit. He said he wasn't hungry yet even though he was. He needed time alone. "Oh my yes, of course. Linda said you'd sleep a lot," Greta said pulling the cribs side up then suddenly realizing he wasn't the toddler she'd once had in it as she added, "Oh good heaven's. I'm going to be doing that a lot." "That's okay, it makes me feel secure. I had sides on my bed at the hospital," Mark said and then added, "Can I have my bear?" "Of course you can," Greta said grabbing it from the chair. It was sitting on his backpack. She went to an open cabinet and from the second shelf grabbed a smaller softer looking white baby blanket with a wide satin yellow trim that she let fall open. She brought that into the crib and added it to the larger blanket he slept with. Mark instantly took it and fingered the satin cuddling both the bear and blanket.. Greta eased out of the room and carefully closed the door. As soon as Mark heard the click his hand went under the blanket and instantly his fingers found the tip of his erection under his diaper. He carefully began to massage his penis within the diaper with his right hand as he caressed the satin edge of the blanket with his left while he imagined nursing Greta's ample breast. This time he slipped his thumb into his mouth experimentally. His orgasm was almost instantaneous. He massaged himself into a deep sleep. Mark slept like a baby both figuratively and literally waking to a soaked diaper and a slight nudge from Greta who was smiling down at him. She had lowered the cribs side with the expectation of allowing him up, and changing him on the changing table. Mark smiled back yawning himself awake and wishing he was alone to rub himself to climax again before his diaper change. It was her breast that gave him the desire to substitute something for her own nipple. Two images came into his mind: A baby's pacifier and a baby's bottle and he immediately came up with a plan for a baby's bottle. It came upon him when she started to lift him up. She was going to move him to the changing table. He started to sit, then fell back and put the back of his hand to his forehead. He was going to test his acting skills right then and there. "Dizzy," Mark said. "Stay there! Don't move," Greta said quickly and added, "Could be you moved too quickly. Let's try that again but slower okay?" "Okay," Mark said and allowed her to put an arm behind him. With her help he began to sit up but again, after a few inches he told her he was getting dizzy again. She made him lay back down again. She said that according to the printout she got from Linda which came from the doctor that dizziness might happen over the next few days. Mark knew that from their conversations. Mark said he understood and then worriedly asked how he was going to get a drink of water if he couldn't raise his head? Greta looked puzzled as well till she suggested maybe a bendable straw but she didn't have any in the house and that's when Mark let the blush come to his cheeks. "Can I ask you a question," Mark said with hesitation in his voice. Of course honey," Greta said and added, "What is it?" "Promise not to laugh," Mark asked. Of course not precious," Greta said and then pressing asked, "What is it honey?" "Would it be okay if I drank out of a baby's bottle?" Mark asked. "Of course not," Greta said softly stroking his forehead and added, "That's an excellent idea Victor." The look on Greta's face was one of astonishment then surprise then admiration and she immediately left the room to get him exactly that. Mark meanwhile went under the baby blanket and took immediate action to relieve himself and did so with a few quick rubs easily imagining himself in Greta's lap nursing her breast as he imagined her reaching into his diaper to get him off. As it happens he'd had plenty of time to climax. "Here we go honey," Greta said walking into the room with the soft pastel pink plastic baby bottle filled nearly full with juice. She said she had several in pink and lavender and if he was going to be using baby bottles for any length of time she would pick up a couple in white or clear. Mark told her that the color didn't matter which again caught her by surprise as she tipped the brown rubber nipple to his mouth. Mark allowed the nipple into his mouth and immediately began using his lips and teeth to gently press the soft rubber closed to force the liquid into his mouth. It was Greta's breast he was nibbling as each press of the rubber nipple spurted liquid at the back of his throat. Mark was in heaven again. With that problem solved Greta brought over a fresh diaper, some wipes, powder and slipped herself into those disposable gloves again to change Mark. He happily held his bottle and the satin edge of the baby blanket now nearly all the way by his head as Greta pulled the tapes open to free him of his soiled diaper. Only the coolness of the air kept him from getting an immediate erection, but even that didn't stop it from growing when she started using the wipes. Mark slowly began to realize he wasn't an eight year old in spite of the evidence suggesting he was. He didn't know how old he was but he wasn't eight. He might be a boy named Victor and he might have been wearing diapers when he was found, but he was positive the circumstances were not exactly what he was told. First because he was sure most eight year olds didn't feel the way he felt about women and right now he wanted Greta in the worse way. Greta, in her own thoughts, finished Mark's diaper and left him to finish his baby bottle of juice deciding if she had to feed him with the baby bottles for the next couple of days she'd need food. She went to the cabinet and found the dry baby formula and the nipples with the larger holes in them still in the jars she kept in the pantry. She heated water and warmed a spoonful of honey pouring that into a small mixer that she strained. She filled another baby bottle, this one fixed with a larger nipple plus a second normal sized nipple of juice. Greta was holding both bottles in one hand as she opened the door to Mark's room. She'd been quiet so as the door opened she caught him nursing the bottle with one hand while rubbing his exposed diaper with the other. She stood there quietly till Mark arched his back a little signifying a climax before he fell back relaxed. He took note of her right at that moment, but she made it appear she was just coming in. She had never seen a child do that before. Teenagers on occasion in the years as a foster mom, but never anyone that young. Mark was just finishing the baby bottle of juice but he was glassy eyed from his climax and had only just noticed Greta coming in when he finished. He was sure he hadn't been seen and yet he wasn't clear that was a bad thing. Mark wasn't seeing Greta so much a caregiver than as a potential lover in that haze that he languished in. Something was different about her when she came in. He sensed it almost immediately, but now instead of emotions he was getting words. Vagina. Greta had a vagina. Mark knew that. He also knew there was a clitoris and he knew how to pleasure her using both. There was another thought as well? He tried to reason it out. A girl... no it was a woman. Yes, a woman almost as small as she was. Not quite as small but small and they sometimes made love. She was Japanese. Azami! Azami which means "the flower of a thistle." She had taught him what her name meant and how to pleasure her. His Japanese neighbor, after a little too much sake on New Years? Yes, she befriending him long ago, had openly berated him badly for feeling sorry for himself. He had cried that he was too small to pleasure an adult woman and she had laughed. She taught him openly about the parts of a female then how to use those parts. That night she taught him the benefits and mastery of cunnilingus and that ended that. Mark was remembering. There were several unnerving rumors among Mark's male peers that Mark's female coworkers began insisting that size didn't matter... that a penis didn't even matter. One particular macho male hearing that and attempting to repair a slightly shattered ego insisted several women compare him to Mark. That man hollered across the cafeteria asking no one in particular for that comparison and unfortunately got it, anonymously, when someone hollered Mark's name. Mark was remembering that vague recollection of events as he watched Greta's breast heave up and down above him. He could make her very happy he thought. He was going to share those memories with Greta and started to but suddenly decided not to. He didn't dare. Mark saw the baby bottles then, and the thrill came instantly knowing the time it might take to go through both. Obviously she had made them to feed him laying down. Obviously she believed he was getting dizzy. If he told her about his adult exploits he wouldn't get those baby bottles. If he shared those memories of what came to him just then he might not get a fresh diaper. Maybe no diapers after that. No diapers, no baby bottles. No. He would hold off telling Greta about what was coming back. He wanted his diaper changed and he still had the upper hand. Now he was going to try something newer once again. "I had a nightmare," Mark said sounding sad as Greta lowered the crib's side. She had placed the two baby bottles on the dresser before coming to the crib. "You did," Greta said and then asked, "What about honey?" "I don't remember but it scared me," Mark said and then added, "Can I lay in your lap and take the bottle?" "Of course you can," Greta said. It could have been from that morning Greta wondered as she added, "Come on, let's get you changed and then I'll hold you. You must be starved. I made one with formula. Let's make sure you don't get dizzy and I'll feed you in the rocking chair. Would you like that?" Mark nodded. He couldn't believe this was happening. She came over with another diaper as he handed her the empty bottle he'd just finished. She took that baby bottle and sat it with the two full ones. The diaper he wore was soaked. Mark closed his eyes to his fate and a fresh diaper. Someone had once told him, he wasn't sure when, about Karma? He wasn't exactly sure what had been said or who had said it, but he remembered the word. Was this Karma? Where the actions that he took guiding the actions Greta was taking? Mark didn't know. He didn't care but as he felt the diapers tape being tugged open he was thankful he hadn't told Greta he wasn't an eight year old. He had a vague recollection of hating his size and wondering why. Why would he detest being small when being small got you this? Who could hate this he wondered anew? Greta poured baby lotion onto her palm and began rubbing Mark's genitals and his erection was immediate, fierce. It wasn't so much his erection that caught her attention, every child reacted that way when their genitals were fondled. That was normal. What wasn't was the pre cum forming on Mark's tip. That, Greta mused, was impossible for an eight year old. Greta hurried through the baby lotion and powdering watching intently the drops forming before she brought the diaper closed. She tapped it snug, tossed the gloves, then covered Mark with the blanket before sliding her hands under him. He was slightly heavier than a toddler but she was larger than most women and brought him up flat. She cradled him with one massive are as she moved to the dresser, easing closer to take up both bottles and the feeding towel. From the dresser she moved to the rocker and sat adjusting herself and Mark so her arm rested on the chairs arm with Mark's head slightly tilted on top. Next to the chair she placed the bottles on the lamp table combination and adjusted herself and Mark. She waited to see if he complained of dizziness but didn't before taking up the formula first Mark's arms gathering straight at his side now crossed over his diaper. He left his right arm under the blanket but brought his left from underneath as he began to nurse the bottle. He carefully moved his right hand over his diaper till his index finger was directly on top of his penis. When he was in position he began moving it over the head as he nurse. He pressed the large holed nipple and the formula flowed. The formula flowed easily through the larger hole in the rubber nipple and Mark really was hungry as he caressed the satiny edge of his blanket with his left hand. Greta was rocking the chair rhythmically but as she did so she noticed the movement under the blanket. She was positive Mark was masturbating again. This time she watched him carefully as she fed him. He was half way through his second bottle when he climaxed. Greta, slightly irritated that she might be part of Mark's fantasy carried Mark's sleeping form back to the crib and lowered him down. He was out cold. The full bottle of formula and second bottle of juice had filled him as did his calming climax. Now he was sleeping solidly. Greta went to the dresser and went to the nightgown drawer. As she did with most of the girl clothes she had neatly stacked five sizes of each item. If she didn't have a child she often got one as an emergency and rarely did they come with clothes. Social Services also knew she only took in girls, with Mark (as Victor) this new exception. Now Victor was about to be punished a little. She moved to the third pile of nightgowns and took one from the top then moved to the diaper stack on the changing table for a fresh diaper. She carefully removed Mark's sodden diaper, cleaned him and replaced that diaper with a fresh one before gently sitting him up to remove his tee shirt. She replaced the tee with his new nightgown. It wasn't much in the way of punishment but it satisfied Greta as she tugged the hem down before covering him with the blanket. Greta pulled the crib's side up, closed the bedroom door and went to the kitchen. At the table she dialed Linda at Social Services as Mark slept. In her diary that she kept on her children she made her daily notes, this times commenting on Mark's advanced puberty. "He's not eight," Greta said after expressing some of her concerns and the evidence she used to back her claims as she added one final time, "I've been with enough men to know pre cum when I see it and that is clearly a man I'm diapering in that crib." Greta's claim might have been ignored were it not combined with some additional comments made by the doctor. Mark was child like, but there were bone structures that were slightly inconsistent with an eight year old child's body. Mark, even to the doctor, appeared older. It wasn't significant and it could simply be anomalies but they were there. At the time Linda and Officer Tuttle, even the doctor didn't give it much credence. They were doing so now. It was Officer Tuttle and his police officer's mentality that brought it all to a head. He simply decided to check! Officer Tuttle did check and finalized the evidence that Mark wasn't a child when he ran the prints taken in the hospital. Prints was a routine procedure for anyone brought in unconscious with no clear identity. Since Mark came in without his wallet and no one expected one he was printed and photographed for his file. Officer Tuttle used those scanned prints to run them through the Bureaus Next Generation Identification system or NGI. Two things happened within an hour from the repository submission. A long term history came back identifying Mark's normal biometrics. That biometric was a full set of scans taken at the time of his employment as a programmer three years ago. The second was a fairly fresh six hour old Missing Persons Bulletins filed by that very same company. Officer Tuttle contacted Bob Henries at Software Services and discussed the particulars of Mark's case explaining he was doing some follow up on the Missing Person Report. He didn't want to give Mr. Harries any false hopes till he confirmed that Mark was that Mark in the Missing Person Report. It was the size that confirmed it for Officer Tuttle when he called Linda back. Both Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda went to Mark's apartment, was let in by Mark's landlady and found a picture for their final confirmation. The child they thought was Victor was in fact Mark. Linda called Greta and confirmed that the young man in her care was in fact a young man but was still under the doctor's care for his medical condition. There was still the amnesia. Greta satisfied that she was at least right understood the young man's dilemma and with Linda's promise to maintain the departments financial support agreed to keep the young man there during his recovery. Greta sat at the kitchen table and laughed. That laugh went to a snicker then to a smile. The smile on Greta's face went from satisfaction to a kind of wickedness that might have scared Mark had he witnessed the transformation. Greta meanwhile pressed the button on the monitor and got the image of Mark the adult. She watched him, but was sitting there moving a finger inside her gown but on top of her bra wondering how she might entice him to possibly nurse her. Now that she Knew without any doubt Mark was an adult those actions that had raised her suspicions were clear. She'd been playing mommy to an adorable little man and she was now wondering if he'd be interested in playing adorable little baby to his pretend mommy? Meanwhile both Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda went to back to Maria Sanchez's apartment to discuss the shooting that day. Officer Tuttle had done one other significant piece of police work by going over the surveillance tapes of that days shooting. What had been jotted down by one officer in his notes and later confirmed by camera to be a woman pulling a child out of harms way was in fact Sally Rodriguez grabbing her son Victor Rodriguez from his aunt Maria. Additional surveillance cameras and angles showed Sally Rodriguez shoving her son Vector into a car and driving off down the street heading Westbound for the freeway. When Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda went to back to Maria Sanchez's apartment to discuss where Sally might have taken Victor there was only one place she could have taken Victor, and that was Maria's sister or Sally's mother's place in Florida. Officer Tuttle was given the address and phoned it into the Florida State Police. Social Worker Linda was typing updated reports as was Officer Tuttle with multiple calls to each other and a great deal of head-shaking over the events. Events that came together to put that poor man into the position he was in. Linda had left it up to Greta's discussion to voluntarily tell Mark he wasn't an eight year old. American Indian and perhaps European Greta mused looking down at the soft features of the sleeping young man. The nightgown she had chosen to put him into had a ruffled collar trimmed in a cute little lace edge. Mark had no Adams apple to begin with which was a telltale sign of male or female so the collar would have hidden it anyway, but the lace made him girlish looking. Mark's tiny face already juvenile looking was made even younger appearing with the unicorn on the nightgowns front. But what made him most girlish was his long raven black hair. She wondered about that, about why a man of his stature, might dare tempt more confusion by allowing his hair to be that long. She hadn't second guessed his looks only because she'd talked with Linda before seeing him so she was expecting a male. However, had she not been told she might have guessed female. "What to do with you," she whispered softly. Deep down she had fundamentally realized he wasn't a child and was reacting to that. Even before the evidence of his age was confirmed she knew something was different. Mark's primary sexual characteristics were more than enough to convince her he was well past or at least past puberty. That at least put him into his teens. Greta's own sexual desires were sparked just for those reasons It was nice knowing he was well into his teens now as she carefully eased his nightgown up. Greta had never known a young man that could wear a little girl's nightgown plus a size six pampers as easily as Mark could. Maybe that was part of Greta's fantasy. She kept going back to his arrival. What was capturing her attention were those moments. Those memories of his desires to be babied. His wish to drink out of a baby bottle that first time? Was that fake? Was he faking his soreness for more lotion? Greta was actually hoping he was faking it.. She knew he was faking the formula feeding because he actually masturbated right there in her lap. He'd been punished for that. That was why he was in a nightgown as Greta fused with the hem. Mark stirred. "Hi," Greta said softly as she placed a hand right on top of his nightgown but positioned so it was directly over his diaper. "Hi," Mark said a little surprised to see her looming over him. More surprised that her hand was resting on top of his instant erection and then shock that he was wearing a girl's nightgown. "I put you into the nightgown because I worried you might be a little chilled," Greta said before adding, "I can change you after I change your diaper if you like." The nightgown was a nylon polyester blend of some sort and silky to the touch under his hand. As feminine as it was and as unnerving as it could have been it wasn't what had his attention as Greta moved her hand over his diaper. She was rotating it slowly, massaging it almost as she rested her other hand on the gate of the crib smiling down at him. Mark was looking up at her not sure if he wanted to break the spell she had him in. "I'll bet your all wet again aren't you," Greta said as she continued her rotation and massaging. It was an agonizing bliss. It was something he would be doing were he alone. "Yes," Mark managed to say. "Then why don't I change your diaper honey," Greta said. Trouble was she said it but wasn't moving as she stayed where she was. It was then that her other hand came over the crib and in it was a baby's pacifier. it had been folded within her hand. It was a kind of pink and lavender sparkly plastic hilt holding a brown rubber nipple. It gave him a raging erection over and above what he already had. "Here honey, nurse on this while I change you," Greta said gently pushing the soft rubber nipple against Mark's lips. When Greta rested it against his lips he opened his mouth with only a moments hesitation and began nursing it the instant the plastic stop was against his lips. Mark didn't hesitate. "That's my precious. Close your eyes and suck on your dummy for me and while you do that sweetheart mommy will change your diaper. Okay," Greta said now pressing a little more firmly over Mark's nightgown and diaper. Mark wondering what had suddenly happened wondered it with his eyes closed as he did what she told him to do. Mark's body screamed as he arched his back against her hand and with both hands he caressed the fabric of his nightgown. The amount of time that passed was maybe seconds, no more than a minute tops before Mark exploded into his diaper and the instant he did his pulses were rapid shots into his already wet diaper. When he was shooting dry he collapsed exhausted and allowed himself to wet. Even that was blissful and forced him to keep his eyes closed. In the end he was breathing hard and exhausted. Greta, as good as her word, simply pulled his nightgown up past his waist and yanked on the diapers tapes. Like all the times before his sodden diaper was peeled free and tapped closed there between his legs, he was cleaned with baby wipes, oiled, powdered and taped into another thick night time Pampers. This time though the nightgown he wore was tugged down with no intent of being removed. "Want to try and eat a real breakfast: Eggs, maybe some sausage and toast and a sippy cup of orange juice," Greta said and then added, "I thought I'd give you breakfast then let you watch a little TV before your bath, bottle and nap. Want to try that?" Something had changed. Mark wasn't sure what and was dying to ask but didn't dare. Whatever it was it was wonderful. He wasn't sure about the nightgown part, but then again it wasn't all that bad and in this odd scheme that he himself had perpetuated it almost fit. He had manipulated her into giving him the baby bottles, twice now and in fact he'd conned her into feeding him baby formula so a nightgown was odd but not too great a price to pay. "I'd like that," Mark said throwing caution to the wind. He wanted her badly. He wanted her badly enough to do just about anything at the moment to have her. "Let's try getting you up then," Greta said slipping her arms under him as she helped him sit before she said, "How's that?" "It feels fine," Mark said. He'd been able to sit all along and was sure he could stand without any problems. The only thing he wasn't sure of was who he was or how he got to where he was. Greta lifted him so he was clear of the crib then brought him to her chest before she bent slightly to let him stand on his own. Mark did so which allowed the nightgown to fall just below his knees. "Just stand there and hold on to the cribs slats for a second while I get you a robe and slippers," Greta said moving to the closet. Mark not sure what to do with the pacifier slipped it back into his mouth. It made him feel very babyish but very self-conscious as well. The robe was a quilted white and clearly for a girl but Mark accepted it without hesitating and Greta put him into it without comment. She was amazed at how docile he was as she gathered his hair to free it from the collar. She went back and returned with pink slippers. Those too went on without protest. She was almost positive she could put him into a dress if she wanted then wondered if she wanted. She decided at some point she wanted. Mark felt the satiny nylon of the robe move over the nightgown as Greta tied it at the front before she helped him guide he feet into the slippers. His rationale for wearing girl's clothes was that it was all she had and there was no one but the two of them. The closet door was still opened and he couldn't help but noticed the arranged rows of dresses. They seemed to be sized from small to large from left to right. "Come on and let's get breakfast," Greta said taking Mark's hand. Mark ate three eggs, three sausage and two pieces of toast and a full sippy cup of orange juice. Greta was going to feed him but Mark said he could actually feed himself and did so. He did put the pacifier in his robe pocket which hadn't escaped Greta notice. Greta asked how he was doing and about his memory of things jotting them down on a sheet of paper she was asked to keep in a folder. As breakfast came to a close Mark grew pensive which caught Greta attention and forced her to be silent for a moment realizing he was deep in thought. "Greta," Mark said. "Yes honey," Greta answered. "I guess I need to say this because I'm feeling a little guilty about it, but I'm definitely not eight," Mark said and then added, "I'm older. Much older! I'm not sure how much older but I've had sex with a women. An Asian woman? She fixed me breakfast when we woke? We had eggs and rice but not sausages. I just remembered that." "Do you remember her name?" Greta asked. "No," Mark said. "Do you remember your name?" Greta asked. "No," Mark said, paused for a fairly long time then suddenly added, "Yes, she was Japanese. Azami! She told me that it means 'the flower of a thistle.' Greta? She had taught me how to pleasure her. I think? I'm not sure if that was a dream or real yet?" "Can I ask you a personal question Mark," Greta said and then added, "That's your name by the way. Mark! Anyway, the question I'm going to ask... it might be a little embarrassing." "Yes, that's okay," Mark said and then added, "Funny, I never felt like a Victor." "Do you know you're being treated like a baby," Greta asked and then added, "And that you were masturbating or that I was masturbating you this morning?" "Not at first. I mean not when I first woke in the hospital in a diaper. I tried telling them I didn't wear diapers but I got an erection and I guess when I masturbated that first time I just sort of went along with it because it felt so damn good. Seems kind of stupid now I suppose. Pretty embarrassing all of a sudden but for a while there it was really comforting. I guess it still is," Mark said and then added, "Greta..." "What?" Greta asked. "This is really embarrassing," Mark said and added, "Maybe too embarrassing. If it is just say so okay and I'll shut up." "Can't hurt until you ask," Greta said. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you," Mark said and then added, "Then thing is... that is to say, I've still got a few days left and there are still blanks... I mean you don't suppose this baby stuff could go on for a little bit longer? I guess I'm still a little worried is all. It's not like I actually have to have it. It's just... It's just that I really like it. It's okay if you don't want to. Pretty weird, so I get it." "Weirdest thing that's ever happened to me Mark," Greta said and then added, "but you know what? I've really gotten turned on by it. Don't ask me why. Maybe we both need to see a shrink. Maybe I'm just a mommy type.. who knows but I really liked treating you like a baby so yes, I don't mind doing that for as long as you want me to. Which still leaves you needing a bath? Is that still on?" "Definitely," Mark said. "I thought I'd give you your bath, another bottle and then a nap. Want to try that," Greta said and then added, "you've still got at least four more days till the doctor is going to release you from your medical care. Linda from Social Services is covering that. Not sure about your amnesia yet but your medical condition ends in a few more days. I'd love to baby you though those at least. If that's okay?" "Oh yes," Mark said. "Then come on and let's do that," Greta said putting the last of the dishes in the sink as she added, "I'll clean up when you go down for your nap." "Okay," Mark said. "One last thing," Greta said. "What's that?" Mark asked. "Does this girlish stuff bother you," Greta asked. "No more or less than wearing a diaper does," Mark said laughing sarcastically, and then added, "I guess I'm violating all kinds of rules aren't I?" "None that I'm aware of? At least not in this house," Greta said and added, "It's just that you're cute as a bug in those things." "Then by all means ma'am, put me into whatever makes you happy because you've been making me pretty happy during my stay here," Mark said. "Thank you," Greta said. "So Greta," Mark said and then added, "Then I suppose you do you know how old I am?" "Yes honey." Greta said and then added, "You'll be nineteen in two months which makes you eighteen." "So I'm legally an adult," Mark said and then added, "Which I guess you knew when you were playing with me over my diaper?" "Yes as it happens I did and I'm sorry about that. That was sort of very spur of the moment Mark," Greta said and then added, "I'd just recently discovered your current age and I also knew you'd been covertly playing like that. I was harboring the thought you might be faking it or something. Anyway, yes, I knew you were an adult or I would never had done that and again I'm sorry." "Nothing to be sorry about. Greta, it was wonderful," Mark said and then added, "so that teasing with the pacifier and this nightgown was all part of that?" "Yes," Greta said. "Amazing," Mark said. "Mark?" Greta said in a softer voice than before. "Yes," Mark answered. "Mark, we can continue on with these discussions, but I'd like to play a little more. That is if you're still interested in that bath, bottle and bed," Greta said and then added, "Like I said, Linda is covering your stay here. Remember, you've got those four days till your release which gives us a lot of time to get to know each other." "Bath," Mark said and added, "Definitely." Greta sat by the tub now at least half full of bubbles above the water and smelling of baby powder as Mark sat in the relaxing warmth. Mark's eyes were half closed to the soft circular motions Greta made over Mark's back with the soft wash cloth over his shoulders. His long hair was squeaky clean from the baby shampoo and he'd been scrubbed from his toes up and back again. "Ready to get out?" Greta asked. "Absolutely not," Mark whispered with his head bowed so it was resting on his chest. He felt like he would melt in the warm water and hated the thought of leaving it. "Even for baby oil, powder and a nice soft diaper?" Greta asked. "Where's the towel," Mark asked perking up at the mention of his diaper as he added, "I'm finding it harder and harder to say no to those diapers." "Remember, we, that is most of the recent adults in your life put you here and once you were here, you were traumatized enough to linger so finding it harder to say no doesn't seem too odd to me," Greta said and then added, "In fact, by the time I'm finished with you today, I'm hoping you'll find it almost impossible to say no." "Really," Mark said as the water swirled down the drain. Mark was standing as she wrapped the towel around him. A moment later he was laying over another towel and being hand dried with a third. She allowed him a moment then opened the towel, poured baby lotion over her palm and smothered his testicles with lotion then began massaging him gently till he closed his eyes. "Thought that might calm you a bit," Greta said as she caressed and lightly fondled his penis and testicles between her lubricated fingers. It was just enough to cause a reaction but not enough to bring him anywhere near a climax. Although if she continued, he mused. From there he was powdered and that began with his feet up to his neck before she eased a night time Pampers under him. Taping it closed was so soothing he thought as the thick diaper formed between his legs. Greta gathered the towels and left to put those in the bathroom only to return with a girl's nightgown, this one obviously nylon and shorter which when she separated the two, had panties. "So I take it I'm still dressing feminine," Mark asked. "I'm afraid so precious," I wanted something silky to rub while I feed you if you don't mind," Greta said. "Not at all," Mark said surprising himself once again and sitting up. He started by putting his arms up voluntarily in the hopes of making her comfortable putting him into the light lavender garment. It was a baby doll if he remembered the images he'd seen. Puffy sleeves matching panties. No waist as he added, "Where did you get this?" "Actually this is one of the garments I've made," Greta said and added, "It's got the bubble shaped panties that will fit over your diaper. It's a really cute look." "It is. Nylon," Mark asked. "Bottom layer is, the top is chiffon," Greta said slipping the panties over his feet as she added, "Perfect for caressing." "Caress away my dear," Mark said as he lifted his bottom. With the panties set in place Greta rose and adjusted the pillows on her bed so both were stacked at the headboard. Mark was lower and had rolled up on an elbow watching curiously. Greta, satisfied over the pillows arrangement moved to her vanity and removed her robe laying it over the bench before reaching behind her to remove her bra. When she turned back towards Mark she was in just her half slip and panties. Mark could feel his erection growing and pulsing while enlarging within his diaper as she made her way to the bed. She sat, slid back and adjusted herself so she was resting against the pillows before she patted her lap and extended her hand for Mark's. Mark didn't hesitate a second as he scooted on his knees towards her. She gathered him by his bottom letting his legs gather so he was laying across her lap. She used her free hand behind his head to guide him to her left breast. Mark remembered that night laying with Azami and sat up. "What," Greta asked. "Can you lay sideways resting facing me. I just remembered something," Mark said. "Sure," Greta said as Mark moved out of the way. Greta followed Mark's instructions and lay on her bed normally but first she changed out of her slip leaving just panties but adding a loose fitting robe that opened. Mark didn't want the nightgown part just the robe. When she was laying down with the robe on, Mark lay next to her so his head came her breast. He adjusted a small throw pillow for himself so he could nurse the right breast hovering above the left resting on her robe. Mark ran his hand over her panties. "Everything okay," Greta asked as Mark adjusted his position and ran his hand over her panties then over his own diaper. "Perfect," Mark said and then added, "You may, at your leisure, search and play when I begin." "Okay," Greta said as Mark lay down and moved his head to nuzzle her breast. He pushed slightly licking it, nibbling some until it began to engorge itself then began to nurse it as he'd been taught by Azami who had told him that it was natural so women enjoyed feeding their babies. Mark nursed softly at first then sucked hard drawing as he would on a bottle;s nipple. As he nursed he ran his hands over Greta's panties moving between the thighs. Azami said the silk created a friction that would generate static as Mark moved between Greta's thighs. Greta began to immediately respond to the sensations she was feeling. At first she moved slightly but in place then lifted a leg a little encouraging Mark's entry but he didn't. Mark meanwhile was nursing slightly harder and his hand had entered her panties near her navel. Greta, felt Mark's fingers undulating as if he was playing a piano as he moved to her vagina to linger there. His middle finger slid over the closed lips but didn't push in although Greta felt the first flow of juices. That's when Greta took up her own quest to please Mark. Greta found Mark's penis easily outlined within his diaper and ran her fingers from his tip to his base outside of it. There was a rhythm forming between them but like a band of instruments only two were part of the introduction as the others waited. Mark's finger was joined by another then another and three rubbed her before entering. first aligning with the natural slit then twisting to widen her opening. Mark found her clitoris after probing a little more as she found his tip within his diaper. They teased each other, then two fingers each began a contest to see how many nerve endings could be energized by each other judged only by the moans as Mark continued unfairly to suck on Greta's breast. She was losing it as she began soaking herself. Mark as he'd been taught found where the clitoris attached and slid a nail along the nerves. Greta screamed her pleasure as Mark coupled his nursing to his probes. It was all coming back to him as he licked Greta's breast in the middle of her shudder. His own climax came a few seconds later when she pushed her hand into his diaper and wrapped it around him. Greta in one last gasp grabbed Mark and rolled him over her as she rolled onto her back gathering her peignoir so the sides now covered his baby doll in layers. Her breathing was as heavy as his. "You are a Goddess," Mark whispered. "Where did you learn to do that," Greta said opening her legs to allow Mark's own to sink between them. It felt as if she might try and absorb him as she brought her legs around him. "Azami after I told her I could never please a woman," Mark said. Greta was undulating against Mark's diaper while she held him against her with her legs. It was an oddly pleasant sensation for Mark as she caressed him over his baby doll top. The crinkling of his diaper was sending sounds to both of them that was turning them on again as she wondered what it might be like having sex with her wearing a pad and him in his diaper. She snickered. "What?" Mark asked. "I just had a really funny thought and the image made me laugh," Greta said. "Want to share?" Mark asked. "No," Greta said as she relaxed her legs. "I may never let you out of diapers, ever again," Greta said. Promise," Mark asked. Post script. Mark recovered over the next two days but for the life of him he couldn't recall that day he hit his head or his electrocution. He did hug Susan tightly when he saw her again at the end of his leave which started right after making the call to work. He'd taken a three week leave of absence to work on his recovery and move. Susan said she noticed right away that he was different and of course he was. Karma he said thanking her for that choice of costume that morning. He had moved he told her from his old apartment to a room a little further out but in a house he shared with the woman that helped him recover. Greta and he had converted her guest room to Mark's new room and his rent more than covered what she use to make with the Special Need Kids. That room was still used but she only had one Special Need Kid and once he was done with work he really needed the therapy it provided. That came back double for Greta she said considering her sex life. In fact, Greta often double diapered Mark and encased his hands in fingerless mittens some nights just for the opportunity to rest. She often worried that her screams, even muffled, could be heard by the neighbors. There were rumors at work but no one dared asking Mark if his bottom was clad in a diaper and it didn't matter because his code had improved beyond anyone caring. Mark loved being small and often played the part perfectly with Greta when he wasn't telecommuting. Today was very special because the new Halloween store had just opened and Mark and Greta had headed right to the children's aisle first. Their goal was to have every little girl costume in his size before they left for lunch starting with Disney's girls Greta said as she lifted a Cinderella dress from the hook. The end

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KARMA Jack always thought it was Karma, his fate, to meet Sarah, the youngest female lawyer ever to be made a barrister. They fell in love at first sight, courted for only three months before they were married. He just knew that with a woman like his, he would no longer need to do something that had occupied so much of his life since childhood. He thought of it as his dirty little secret and avoided anyone discovering it. As a pre-pubescent child, he used to dress up in his...

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Introduction: Taken by a blonde stranger in an alley We had only met once and immersed ourselves in a brief flirtation outside a club one night. We went for a walk, breaking all my rules as I abandoned my friends in the club for twenty minutes. He seemed a sweet guy, lots of fun with sexy blonde hair that looked perfect for holding onto whilst he fucked me with his tongue. Maybe that is why I broke my rules and took a walk, because from the minute he introduced himself, I wanted to have him in...

1 year ago
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Evolution of a Brother and a Sister Love

Specific and detailed descriptions of the people mentioned in the story were left vague on purpose. This will allow the reader to imagine the characters in way most pleasurable to his or her tastes. Read, enjoy and please feel free to send comments. I enjoy hearing how my readers feel about my stories. I answer all emails. The Evolution of a brother and sister Relationship Let me introduce myself, my name is Kenneth Strong, but all my friends call me Ken. I have a wonderful sister, Sally, who...

2 years ago
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Friends with benefits lesson 2

 Miss Jones left the headmaster's office with a pussy oozing cum into her panties and the salty taste of Sir's sperm in her mouth. She was his Senior Mistress, eager to learn what benefits accrued from her new responsibilities. First she had to shower and wash so her husband could not smell her reeking of sex. To him, she was just a wife grateful for the meagre boring sex he gave her once a week if she was lucky. Never saying no, always making him cum, never complaining about being...

2 years ago
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

Straight Sex
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mfm sex and dvp my first time

i was naked, waiting laying on my back when the callgirl was came with her frend in room. Both look very well and girl was dressed very sexxyy. Ive messaged where the key is. her bf say he must stay in the room for here safe:) i was littlebit nerveus but say ok. we wer fuckin on this way further and i see he was naked too? he says i wanna fuck her too. I say i would cam after feuw minutes, but same time she clamping me. He said, no i dont mean ThAT, pleeaase take your time sloweley i can fuck...

1 year ago
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Momma and her Dolly

Part One: A Surprise Visit from MommaFrom mid August to late May, Siobhan's life revolved around her job as a middle school drama teacher. She was well respected in her community, and well liked by her former and current students. After all, drama and speech were easy A classes, so the kids didn't resent her the way they did their tyrannical English and math teachers, always after them for homework. Siobhan put a lot of time into the seasonal productions, and while it was mostly fun, it was...

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Monika On Patrol

I work in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. On one particularly hot summer the fire danger was quite high. I had been temporarily assigned to work with someone from another department to form patrols to be initial responders in the event of a fire. On the day this happened we were patrolling the woods in a pickup that had no air conditioning and a rather thin insulating blanket between the engine and passenger compartments. It must have been close to 105 degrees outside and much hotter in....

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Rose Obsessed with Anal

What Russian hottie Sasha Rose wants she gets. And what she most wants today is her boyfriend Joss Lescaf’s BBC deep inside of both of her holes. Hardly being able to wait for her man, Miss Rose takes it upon herself to finger her pretty pink, making herself wet with anticipation of the fun that’s to come. Joss finally busts his big cock out for his babe to worship, and the blue-eyed bombshell wastes no time shoving it deep in her throat, ball-licking his jewels, and gagging on his...

2 years ago
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First Fuck

I ring the doorbell and wait, excited and yet nervous. All morning, I’ve been like a cat on a hot tin roof. I've shuffled papers, looked at emails, even made a few calls, but my mind was elsewhere. I recall the first kiss: deep and passionate, sensuous and erotic. Our faces had pressed together, eyes sizzling with desire and animal lust. Then came the first fondle of her breasts and sucking her hardened nipples. All these sexy thoughts ran in a loop through my mind. Annie’s hot pussy had been...

Straight Sex
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Abducted BrideChapter 2

Jean Taylor had been on this same train two nights previously. She had lain in the same bunk that Kevin Taylor did a few nights later, but he had no way of knowing it. Her thoughts also ran over the events that had occurred in the hotel, her eyes seeing them in a different light. How could he have been so cruel, she thought, what had turned Kevin so suddenly into the raging animal he had been? She ran her hands over the raw tips of her swollen nipples that were so sore she could not...

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The Dark TrilogyChapter 2

It was the cliché of all cliches. The husband coming home much earlier than expected and finding his wife in bed with another man and not just any 'other man', but his best friend. It wasn't supposed to happen to me. How could it? Dorothy and I loved each other. Or so I had thought. The day had started on a positive note. The project that I had been working on for almost six months had come to a successful conclusion. The client had signed on the dotted line and suddenly I was the star. I...

1 year ago
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Work or pleasure taxis are great

Marie hailed the nearest cab.they had both straightened their clothes as best they could but the look in both their eyes was almost animal like with how much they wanted eachother. they decided that screwing eachother in the taxi might be a bit impolite so jas decided to wind marie up the whole ride back to her place. "close your eyes"jas whispered in a husky whisper"my hand is moving down your back then around your side to just above your jeans" marie let out a slow low moan "are you tryin to...

2 years ago
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Affair With Love

I’m Sangeetha 30 yrs old female, married & I live in Bangalore. Working lady got kid & superated now. This story all about me .. Mys self sangi owing 38-32-38 sexy figure with wheetish complection.. please send your feedback to me @ …. It was a warm day when my colleague introduced me to Ramesh. I had joined this new office few days back & the reason we were introduced was that he lived very close to my house & could give me lift in his car. Ramesh is 36 years old with sculpted athletic body &...

4 years ago
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MALA ndash The Village Lady ndash 7

Honey Moon TripRahul got an official trip to abroad, so we also joined him and booked our tickets of the same flight. We did not meet Rahul coz he was in business class with another company guy. All were slept in flight, I saw Alia who talked with the window stranger, and her hand touched his bulge. After sometime, he stood and walked to toilet. Then Alia passed a smile to me and walked behind him to toilet. Then the guy returned and sat and slept. Soon Alia came back and kissed me and shared...

3 years ago
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Making Her Wait

Jen picked up her suitcase and stepped off the airport bus into the cool, grey air of London. She wandered along the busy city streets, and walked past a smart hotel, wishing that she could afford to stay there.  It was a historic building, with men in uniforms opening the doors, and chandeliers in the lobby. She grinned as she recalled a smutty story she had read at an erotic stories site about a girl who got to stay in a swish hotel without paying.  She looked in through the doorway, thinking...

Straight Sex
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Jasons TaleChapter 25 South Isle

Not as exciting as a huge melee with seventy or so ships all boarding each other, but I thought it was a much better result. Only one ship sunk, and the only casualties would be those sailors on Avenger who had never learned to swim. Breaker and the other nine ships had all surrendered, or hopefully would as soon as Mayor Michael talked to them. I got to report to King Tom and the other commanders that the enemy commander had reached the correct conclusion from Wrong Place’s little...

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EllenChapter 18 Noblesse oblige

“Are you certain that it is in good taste for us to visit Binnings’ stupid reception?” Richard Carter, 3rd Baron Lambert, had asked the question before, and his grandmother’s answer was no different from her previous ones. “Of course you can go, Richard. Besides, poor Ellen has been preparing for over a week. Marjorie has worded her invitation in a very conciliatory tone, so you are obliged to go. You have a position in society, Richard, and you have to act accordingly. Noblesse oblige! Now...

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Too Twisted Tales

This story will be an anthology of discomforting short tales. It is a place for me to flesh out my ideas that aren’t long enough for their own separate stories and are too ‘twisted’ for anywhere else. It can be a place for you to do that too if you want. That said, the rules of this site will be adhered to in terms of content restrictions. And furthermore, all characters in these stories are over 18 years of age. As much should always be understood and no attempt will be made to suggest...

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Fair Trade

Once upon a time two brothers were walking in the desert outside the village near where they were born. The older brother Kalik was a strong young man of 14. He was proud to be the head of his family now that his older brothers were off fighting in the war. His little brother, Mustafa, was a spindly 8 years old. His mind was as bright as the desert sun. He could figure things out in a wink which Kalik would never understand in a lifetime. It was a fine, hot morning. The boys were out looking...

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Male Cherry goesPOP

I know some of you will read this and think "How boring! the typical girl meets boy, girl seduces boy and girl gives boy his FIRST sense of pleasure from the gentle firm grip of pussy muscles wrapping around his dick". (The thought it self makes me want to moan,suck on my fingers while I ride a long fat dick).But! If you are thinking that, you are WRONG. The first time I took a man's "virginity" is quite the opposite, quite more freaky. As some would say, I popped his man cherry. Now, for those...

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The Best Always Comes Last

FOREPLAY My wife and I have the same taste, in almost every respect. We love the same food, the same wine, the same outfit style, the same vacation resorts, the same people. In our hometown, the ‘Rider’ was our favorite hangout. It was there where we met Sue. That she was called Sue was written on her name badge. Only much later we learned about her last name – but who’ll care about the last name with a woman like her. With respect to Sue, my wife and I had the same opinion, too. The new...

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Fantasy lover

The moonlight shines through the window shining all its beauty. Caressing my skin, as he enters the bedroom. The cold air rushing in sends shivers down my body. His warm caress on my arm as he slides it down. Grabbing my hand kissing every knuckle. As he lays behind me nibbling my ear, and his breath on my neck giving my goosebumps. His hand grabbing my breasts twirling my nipple between his fingers. I turn to face him capturing his lips with mine. His kiss hot and feverish. Pinning my hands...

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Does My Ass Look Fat

George Harris a young average dark haired married man secretly had an ass fetish that he had never told his wife about. Part of him was worried that she would never understand how deeply he loved her curvy ass. One morning as he got ready for work he noticed his wife looking herself over in the mirror paying close attention to her ass. Off the side he couldn't help but admire it but quickly pretended to do something else when she turned around. Heading down stares he poured himself when he...

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A Quiet Weekend At The Cabin

Last weekend Lisa and I had plans for a quiet weekend away from our home, at our cabin some miles out of town in the woods, but little did she know that I'd been talking to our friend Heather. Heather and Tom are two of our closest friends, and she and I had decided to surprise my wife Lisa and Heather's husband Tom with a fantasy weekend that they'd both love and enjoy.Lisa and I had planned a master-slave getaway as we sometimes role play and she loves it, and Heather knew that both Lisa...

Group Sex
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Analog Time Part One

Analog Time Part One "Beach" I swam through a cold and infinite void. Lost, alone, without sensation or the passage of time. My clock had run down. I was waiting for the entropy at the end of the world. A great murky indecision held me in place, as though I had just arrived at some great truth but had become distracted and forgotten it, and was trying desperately to grasp it's misty importance. Tendrils of...

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Caught Ch 3

On Saturday afternoon, Brian received a phone call. "Hello," he said. "Hi, it's me, Evelyn." "Hey," he said brightly, "How are you?" "I'm okay," she said in a quiet voice, “I'm sorry I was so abrupt with you earlier today." "That's okay," he said, "I'm sorry if I said something to upset you." "No!" she said quickly, “It wasn't you. I, I mean, you said something about, uh, your story that, uh, well, it just made me think of something. It had nothing to do with...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 14

I felt like a real piece of shit but I have to admit I felt relieved when I heard it was Rachael that had been kidnapped and not one of my girls. That didn't last long though. I mean if you put my feet in hot coals and tied electrodes to my testicles you could probably get me to admit I had even started liking the little twit ― a little bit anyway. But that didn't matter. Being a kidnap victim is nobody's idea of a good time. The percentage of live retrievals is depressingly small and...

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Pados Wali Aunty Ke Saath Sex Ka Mazaaa

Hi Dostoon, this is Khan again for you guys returning with a beautiful n sexy incest sex story thanks for all your responses from my pervious story (Old Age 49 Years Aunty Ke Saath Sex) okie coming to my stories this is not a fantasy or a imagination story, this is something that i have really experienced and enjoyed but I am putting some extra and masala in this kahaani, hope you guys will like it and will be waiting for your replies. The story begains: Yeh kahaani hai mere Bangalore trip ki...

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An old friend of mine returned earlier this evenin

We made love and fell asl**p. I woke a few hours later to a belly pain. Nothing odd, it’s been going on quite a bit and I’m told it’s normal as things work their way back to normal. The super part is I’m losing the tummy and thighs fast while keeping the huge chest. I’m down to 142 pounds and a CC cup. I hope I get to keep the boobs! I’m starting to actually appreciate the softness and size, thought the green veins have to go. I Pee’d, cleaned, pumped and breastfed the hungry one. I made...

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The RescuedChapter 9 Day 1

Steve's second awakening in his new world was similar to his first. He was groggy again, and his head still seemed full of cotton. He found himself spooning with Amanda, his hand inside her pajamas and cupping her breast. As his head cleared, he started to notice some discrepancies. First of all, the breast he was holding was smaller and firmer than Amanda's. Secondly, the woman it was part of was shorter than his wife. And thirdly, he now remembered seeing a video yesterday, showing his...

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Just a Christmas PartyChapter 2

Ken held her still for a moment, his cock buried to the hilt in her mouth and throat, then guided her head back up so that his flesh slid wetly from her mouth. As her lips reached the base of his cap I remember wondering if this meant she would be able to do this to me, I knew a moment of disquiet about having such thoughts. Then Ken began to pull her down on his cock again and all thoughts faded in the excitement of the scene being enacted in front of me. Janice was still snorting as she was...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 433

The Prison Planet ... A few minutes later, he heard Lobo shake the water off in the passageway and, a second after that, the same sound from the second wolf. Looks like we’re going to have an interesting night, he thought as he raked a big pile of sliced potatoes into a skillet and put them on the fire. Lobo slowly walked into the cave, followed closely by the new wolf, while Morales pretended to not notice them. He heard another low growl from the new wolf, but again, Lobo hushed the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 58 Just Another Manic Monday

February 24, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Can you forgive me for being a complete ass?” I asked without waiting for a response. “Shut the door, please.” I nodded and shut the door, then sat down on her couch. “I am really sorry, Sweetheart,” I repeated. “I know. And I understand how visceral your feelings on these matters are, but for the most part, the system works pretty well.” “Please forgive me if I vehemently disagree,” I replied softly. “But even so, I should never have said what I...

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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 3 Wild Night Out

It was a clear and cool late autumn day, the kind of weather that makes Midwesterners move to Florida. But on this beautiful Friday afternoon, Sherry was planted behind her desk updating a client database. Data entry was not in her job description. Didn't matter; she knew that if didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. The office was relatively quiet, and the letters and numbers began to blur together as she plowed her way through the endless list of contact information. When her phone rang,...

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My First GangBang

I know this is one very strange story; it is true, I know it may be hard to believe. You may even think it is made up. (So be it). It is 100% true, and I am sure since I started doing gang-bangs at an age of 13 (way to young,) it has made my outlook on sex very perverted and distorted to say the least. By day I am professional workingwoman, out of the world's sight, I am a very nasty lady. Also keep in mind that I did not write this as it happen. I wrote it years later (many years later) I...

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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 1

I guess I should try and tell you how I got into this situation. I did not plan on it. It just happened. I had been married sixteen years. We lived in a medium sized southern city where my husband, Titan, worked as a research scientist. Titan is an exceptionally brilliant mind. He was given full scholarships by the military to the best schools where he got two PhDs without hardly ever studying. The fact that this could happen under his nose would have been amazing. His education and street...

Wife Lovers
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After Valentines Day Treat

I had found a new girlfriend called Nancy, and now we had gone out on many dates.  I have grown to really enjoy her company and being with her, and we have many of the same likes and dislikes.  I like her so much that I don’t mind her wanting to spank me and having me wear this cock and ball harness.  The harness tends to keep me in an erect state and is somewhat embarrassing at times, but since I have grown to really love Nancy, I put up with it.  Also, now Nancy and I have exchanged house...

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The Days After My Wedding 4

The Days After My Wedding 4 Lisa was on my bed bent over on her hands and knees, getting fucked by my husband in the doggy-style position. I stood their in disbelief, not because I was watching Jeff fuck another women in my bed, but because Lisa was wearing my wedding dress. As I watched them, I notice the sexy pink silk thong panties that Jeff bought me on our honeymoon were tied around the base of Jeffs dick and were rubbing against Lisas pussy and asshole with each thrust. Jeff and Lisa...

2 years ago
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A very very huge surprise

I had flown to Salt Lake City with a couple of colleagues, for another boring conference, of course. We were happy enough, because these conferences could be more interesting than an ordinary business trip.On the second night me and my friends were out for a few drinks.After a few beers in that local bar, we decided to hit a nightclub.Once there we took a table and I soon noticed a very sexy girl sitting at the bar. She was tall, with long dark hair, her round tits obviously fake but real nice....

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Shadows of Fright Alien Parasite

The metorite her team found had traces of an alien parasite. After the metorite was disposed of the team began the search for the missing man. He left trails of blood and checked into a hospital just to freak out and run from the place. The only way that her team found him was through reports of a "freak" assualting body guards at strip clubs. They tracked him down to an abandoned office building. Each one taking a floor to search. All of them wore casual ware as not make the man...

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Slut Wife for the Real Estate Boss

The economy in the Detroit metropolitan area and much of southeast Michigan has been seriously depressed for many years, and it has been challenging for my wife and I to make a good living as real estate agents. My name is Jim, and my wife Christine and I were both thirty years old at the time of this story, with a six-month old daughter. We grew up and worked in Flint, Michigan, but then decided that we needed to move to Detroit to find a better employment opportunity.We interviewed with a...

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when i used to spy

  When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand.  Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer  Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven.  As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to walk...

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Subtle Tease and Torment

For the past several months, Kendra and I have been chatting and sharing fantasies between one another. Even though both of us are in committed relationships, we really enjoy discussing different thoughts and scenarios. For a few months, Kendra knew when she talked about her dominant side, it always got my attention and my juices flowing. Recently, I shared a fantasy I’ve had for a while, where another woman would enjoy controlling me but it also included a taboo situation like the woman would...

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My first threesome with a vibrating dildo

One day I was all alone at my apartment, feeling quite bored. I decided to get online and check my profile at a rating site. "Hm.. 8.5. Not gorgeous women, with their round breasts being almost fully exposed, I felt a stirring sensation going through my body. "Hm... maybe i'll just look..." i thought. I decided to google "breasts". I had never even attempted to look at porn before, so when the results popped up I gasped. There were countless women, all topless. They all had perfect, round...

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Going to be Late for Dinner

She walks in and the usual pleasantries are exchanged with my family. I'm not paying any attention to that. All I notice is how she looks in her dress, the light, soft cotton loosely hugging her hips and ass. My eyes have been fixed on her ever since she got out of her car and ran to me for that 'its been so long' hug. Long distance relationships aren't always easy, but usually the sex is amazing. The whole time I can't help but notice how easy it would be to lift up that dress and have my way...

Straight Sex
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Passionate FamilyChapter 5

When Billy awoke the next morning, his entire body seemed to ache. He had never had such intense orgasms as he'd had the night before, and they had left him almost as drained of energy as he suspected Lisa was. He felt as if he could sleep until midnight, but his half-snooze was interrupted by his mother's knock on the door and her voice saying brightly, "I have a surprise, Billy. Will you be down soon?" He mumbled agreement and dragged out of his warm bed. He went into the bathroom and...

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Nanbanin Manaivi Reshmavai Ammanamaga Oothen 8211 Pt 3

Naan kazhuthil mutham koduthu vittu piragu avlain mulaigalai enathu kaigalal pidithu enathu naakai vaithu muzhumaiyaga thadavi, athai enathu echiyal muzhumaiyaga thadavi mulaikalai kadithu athai enathu naakal nindi enathu thondai varai izhuthu urinthu sappinen. Aval moodu thanga mudiyamal Anand porumaiyaga sappu enaku nee sapuvathu megavum sugamaga irukiratu enathu iru mulaigalaium nandraga sappu endru munarikonde sonnal. Naan avalathu iru mulaigalaium kadithu porumaiyaga sappa arambithen aval...

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Sir Philip Rebecca Chapter 5

Sir Philip has Rebecca in his house, he really tests her now... Chapter 5 If the warm, coarse feeling of rope bound round her wrists left her feeling slightly submissive, the cold metal clasps round her ankles, stretching her legs wide left her under no illusion that she was completely at the mercy of her master. Light crept in at the lower edge of the blindfold he’d now strapped to her face. She could barely make out the blurry outline of her boobs and rock hard nipples. . She was still...

3 years ago
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Funny story 1

(This is not a sex story)Story: ''Me and my two brothers as a substitute teacher''(Soft peaceful music)David(Me): Why are we up so early?Austin: This is ruining my workout time father.Zack: Shut up Austin, no one cares about how healthy you are.Austin: I can change the world one salad at a time.David(Me): Oh my God, Why are we here?Fredrick(dad): I think you three should give back to the youth.(Rhythmic ticking)Austin: Why?Zack: What is the youth ever given to us?David(Me): I don't know a...

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Freedom of AssociationChapter 9

The Minister Louis Farrakhan, bedecked in a black two-piece suit, azure bow-tie, and rectangular glasses took the podium in front of a crowd of one hundred followers at the National Press Club. Claude Carolina, watching this event on cable television, could scarcely believe that the honorable minister, plagued by a mysterious illness, looked as though nothing at all touched him during his prolonged absence from the national stage. The minister’s walnut skin and jet black hair hadn’t changed,...

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Sex World

BIG FAT NOTE: This is a work in progress that has recently been heavily updated. As such, most of the linked chapters are obsolete. I will get around to fixing that eventually. Sex World is intended to be a mixture of game and writing exercise heavily informed by the tropes of porn movies. It's also inspired by Slut World by SwampThing and the Powered by the Apocalypse family of roleplaying games. You will create a character and set them up in a situation, but how that situation develops...

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How to Hook A Ho Or A Horny Couple

How a Guy Can Greatly Improve His Chances with Meeting Ladies and Couples for Swinging!Here is a step-by-step guide to help those out who may not understand how much effort and follow-through is needed to make real time connections with ladies and couples for swinging. It’s not that difficult but does take some thought and planning on a guy’s part to be successful at it. Too many think just sending a quick one-line email with an attached ‘dick-pic’ is the answer where in fact in most cases a...

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bored and couldnt slp

I was 25 at the I was staying at my cousins house, it was late and I was bored and could not sl**p so I slipped my pants, shoes and a shirt and i went for a walk around the neigborhood . My cousin lived in a apartment there was a lot of houses nearby . Well I took a left down the road and walked down the dark road until I then took a another left I was about half way down the road when I herd a womans voice holler hey you. I turned to see this hot red head about 22 sitting on her .on her porch...

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Rebecca in trouble part 7

David was worried about Rebecca. She had left Tuesday for Brazil and he had not heard from her since. It was now Thursday, so he decided to fly down to Brazil and see if he could find her before their parents found out on Saturday.David was one year older than Rebecca. He was over six feet tall and was in great physical shape, keeping his lean body completely hairless as this was the latest craze in his school. There was little body hair to remove to begin with, and his youthful face was...

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Ill Show You Mine if You Show Me YoursChapter 3

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours - Chapter three I had gone down the hallway to Kris's bedroom and knocked. "Go away!" She called out. "Oh come on Kris, open up. What are you so upset about? What did I do?" I asked through the door. Long moments went by without her responding, as I stood there knocking once again. "Kris?" "Please Rob, go away, leave me alone." There was another brief pause as I stood there unmoving, which I am sure she was listening for. "I said things....

3 years ago
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Hedge FundsChapter 2

I sat and stared at our home computer. My husband had left earlier that afternoon to visit his client in Phoenix for a few days. He'd given me the password for the two encrypted files before he'd left. They contained the evidence of my affair. It was only a laptop but it might as well have been a basket with a cobra inside. I couldn't make myself touch it. Finally, I clicked on the encrypted file named 'Alpha' and typed in the password. It took several minutes to restore but soon a...

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