branded and used blue collar
- 3 years ago
- 44
- 0
It all started shortly after the general election of 2021. A Liberal government was elected for the first time in the UK for many years. Our new government was hasty to introduce a number of reforms in state law. Most notably was the legalisation of incestuous relations. The new law stated that so long as all parties involved were above sixteen years of age, and that the sex was consensual, then sexual relations between relatives would be legalised, regardless of how closely related the participants.
At first, the new law became a national laughing stock amongst the men. We all joked with work colleagues and drinking buddies in the pubs. We joked that the village idiot would be making a comeback in the coming years. We said that our sex lives would now be non-existent now that our wives and girlfriends would be so preoccupied with their sons’ cocks.
But we were all to soon realise that this new law was no laughing matter. It soon became apparent that mothers had always had this deep-seated desire to indulge their sons in sexual activity. The only thing that had been holding them back over the years was the law. But now that law had changed…
It was about six months after the law was passed that I got my first inclination that this reform was going to have much more of an impact than I first thought. It was an article in my newspaper that raised my eyebrows.
My eyes widened and mouth gaped in astonishment as I read the article. It began by noting that in many countries, not thirty minutes by plane from where you’re sitting, mothers give their teenage sons full body massages to calm them down, relieve tension, help them nod off at night. And then the extreme cases of Asian mothers who gratify their sons’ sexual urges to stop them going out and meeting dirty girls, lazing around their bedrooms masturbating to porn, when they should be studying for exams.
It then went on to explain that this had been common practice throughout many Asian countries for many decades, and was now being performed more than ever. And, even more interestingly, since the change in law, it was now catching on and being embraced all over the UK.
The columnist had even travelled up to Norfolk to interview a woman who, like many other mothers in the local area, had been slipping into bed with her sixteen-year-old son, whipping down his underpants and sucking him off, once in the morning and then once again at bedtime.
During part of the interview, the mother said: “We as mothers have a responsibility to equip our boys with the necessary tools to achieve and succeed in life. How can we expect our sons to learn and sit exams when all they can think about is sex? My son has excelled in school, aced his exams, and is a much happier and confident boy now. And I put all this down to the fellatio I’ve been performing on him since his sixteenth birthday, three months ago.”
She then went on to say: “Furthermore, he enjoys the experience immensely. So much so that he now insists on performing cunnilingus on me before I take off his underpants. It’s also been a great learning curve for him. I am now satisfied that I can pass my boy on with a mother’s pride, happy in the knowledge that I’m sending him out into the world fecund, potent and good at both giving and receiving oral sex.”
I won’t deny it, after reading that article I was in a complete state of shock. Reading that two-page feature, extolling the benefits of mothers relieving their sons of their sexual urges, had my head spinning like a merry-go-round.
A week after I read that newspaper article, I came home from work to find it eerily quiet in my house. Usually my wife Jess would be hustling around the kitchen, fixing dinner for our evening meal. There would normally be our sixteen-year-old son Marcus lying on the couch with the TV up loud enough to wake the dead. But today it was deathly silent.
I snuck upstairs, being as quiet as possible, thinking my wife could be in bed with a migraine. When I reached our son’s room, the noise from inside took my breath away. I put my ear to the door and listened intently.
I heard my son say, “Ohhh, Mum, that feels nice. Keep doing that.”
Then my wife asked, “Do you like it when I stroke it here?”
Marcus replied, “Oh, yeah, that feels great.”
Then Jess said, “I could use my tongue if you like.”
Marcus gasped when my wife said that, then I heard my wife making all kinds of obscene slurping and sucking noises.
The subsequent noise from my son made it obvious that his mother’s suckling mouth was giving him great delight. “Ahhh, AHHH! Oh god, oh, oh, AHHHH!!"
I stumbled downstairs after that, my mind swirling in complete chaos and confusion. What I had just heard coming from inside my son’s bedroom was unfathomable.
I always knew our son had a fancy for his mother. Jess once confided in me after a few glasses of wine about our son’s strange desire for her body. She claimed that on many occasion, she had cleaned his room and found pairs of her dirty knickers stuffed down the side of his bed covered in dried spunk. She also revealed that Marcus would sometimes peek around her bedroom door while she was dressing to try to catch a glimpse of her nude body. Another little snippet she gave me was that Marcus had become quite keen on playing twister with her. During the game, he would regularly try and get in a position where his cock was pressed up against her body and she would feel his erection inside his pants rubbing up against her.
I laughed it off and just put it down to him being a horny teenage lad with raging hormones – just innocent, misplaced desires from a lad coming of age. But judging by the noises that had been coming from Marcus’s bedroom, whatever was going on in there was far from innocent.
After making myself a cup of tea, I sat at the kitchen table and waited for my wife and son to re-emerge from his bedroom. When my wife entered the kitchen, she was wearing her nightgown and had an enormous smile on her face. She said nothing, just busied herself preparing dinner.
Marcus was wearing just a pair of tight underpants when he came down. He went to the living room, perched his bare feet up on the arm of the couch and switched on the TV.
After a few minutes, I mustered up the courage and asked my wife, “You were upstairs for a long while. What were you doing?”
She blushed bright red and laughed, “Oh, Marcus was teaching me how to play an Xbox game. I'm complete rubbish at it though."
The following morning, after I got dressed and showered for work, my wife went up to our son’s bedroom carrying two cups of coffee. After a few minutes, I shouted up the stairs, saying that I was leaving for work early since I had a lot on today. But instead of leaving for work, I lingered at the front door for a minute. I listened as Marcus’s bedroom door opened, before he and his mother made a dash for the bathroom giggling like a couple of school kids.
Like the previous day, I tiptoed upstairs and put my ear to the bathroom door. The noise from the shower muffled what they were saying, but it was apparent that they were showering nude together, soaping each other’s bodies and stimulating each other sexually. Every now and then I would hear a loud moan or groan or a giggle.
All day at work, my mind was a complete mess. I just could not comprehend that my wife was indulging our son in sexual activity. I had to see it to believe it, so I left for work early that day, in the hope I could see it for myself.
I left work at four o’clock. It was winter so fully dark by the time I arrived home. My wife wouldn’t be expecting me for another hour, so I snuck in through the back gate and into the garden. Settling in a spot by the glass patio door, through which I had a perfect view of Marcus on the couch watching TV, I sat waiting patiently for the carnal frivolities to begin.
Marcus was sprawled on the couch and turned his head almost lazily towards the sound of his mother entering the room. He was wearing his school uniform with his shoes perched casually upon the arm of the couch, a look of anticipation on his face.
He gazed thoughtfully at his mother, her chin-length black hair draped over her cheeks, wearing a white blouse, barefoot, with a short black skirt that revealed her shapely, lightly tanned legs all the way to tops of her thighs.
Jess looked at him from across the room, and for a moment their gazes caught. Enthusiastically, he stood up and looked on in silence as his mother moved in front of him and dropped down on to one knee. She reached for the laces of his school shoes and began to untie them. She held his ankle and made him lift his foot, quickly divesting him of both his shoe and sock.
Jess quickly removed the shoe and sock from his other foot before placing them to one side. She suddenly stood up so that her face was only inches from his and spoke softly, “Now lift those arms and let’s lose the shirt.”
Slowly raising his arms, his mother took hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, smiling as she tossed it to one side. Wasting no time, her hands moved to the belt and buttons of his trousers. Without preamble, she dropped to her knees and slipped her hands into the waistband of his underpants, causing him to gasp with shock as she touched his skin, and casually tugged the garment down, taking his school trousers with it until both his trousers and underpants were around his ankles!
Standing upright again, she gazed down at his erect member. It was as stiff as an iron rod, jutting out from his body and pointing straight at her. It was so stiff, in fact, that the foreskin had fully retracted and snagged behind the rim of the bulbous head, baring his engorged helmet to his mother's view.
And it was then, to his excitement, that he realised his mother was stripping off too.
He could not help but watch as his mother pulled her blouse from the waist of her skirt, dropping it down over her shoulders and arms. Her naked breasts stood out firmly as he raked his gaze over her naked torso.
Next came her skirt, which unzipped down the side and fell to her bare feet, exposing her beautiful legs right up to a mouth-watering vee of black pubic hair. He watched her standing naked in front of him – feet apart, hands on trim hips, her gorgeous face smiling.
Marcus trembled with anticipation as she approached, his eyes locked on to her magnificent body. She dropped down on her knees and ran her tongue up and down his shaft before taking his entire length into the warmth of her mouth. For a few moments, she held the tip of his member between her lips, dancing her tongue over his sensitive bellend. Marcus’s eyes lolled in his head and his body began to quiver and tremble. I watched my wife then engulf his entire length into the warmth of her mouth and bob her head up and down, her cheeks hollowing as she applied a fierce suction that soon had our son whimpering with pleasure.
A moment later, Marcus’s body juddered and he clenched his teeth. He ejaculated into his mother’s mouth as she continued to glide his sausage in and out of her warm mouth. Jess gobbled down every last drop of our son’s jism with a gleeful look on her face. Even using a thumb and forefinger to pinch the base to extract the last dregs of cum from his erect member and lapping it up with the tip of her tongue.
It was quite a sight to behold. In our eighteen years of marriage, Jess had never sucked me like that and swallowed my cum. The way she gave it that extra care and attention, suggested to me that our son’s penis was the most precious thing in the world to her, something she cherished dearly. I felt immensely jealous, to be honest.
Jess rose to her feet, picked up the discarded clothes strewn over the floor, and then took Marcus by the hand before leading him upstairs. Probably taking him to the bedroom for a little more mother-son loving.
I felt despondent and dejected, and a little shocked, as I walked back to my car. Now I’d seen it with my own eyes, I actually believed it.
After sitting back in my car and lighting a cigarette, I decided to ring my sister. I needed someone to talk to and she was the only person I knew that would understand this situation, being a mother herself of a seventeen-year-old boy.
My sister picked up and I said, “Hey, Molly, how are you?”
She was very edgy and said, “Oh, can I ring you back? I’m kinda busy at the moment.”
Then I heard her seventeen-year-old son in the background say, “Mum, I’m stiff again. Can you give it a suck this time?”
Then Molly said, “Sorry, gotta go,” then put the phone down.
I let out a despondent sigh. It was obvious my sister was also sharing intimate encounters with her son. I sat back and wondered just how prevalent this incest fad had become. Soon, I got bored, turned on the radio and drove off towards my local pub for a quick pint.
Before I reached the pub, a news report came on over the radio.
The new incest craze sweeping the nation is having a positive effect on communities all over the country, the reporter said. Mothers all over the nation are gratifying their son’s sexual urges. It seems that teenagers are now staying at home, behaving themselves and studying for exams. Latest national statistics show that since the new law was introduced some six months ago, crime figures have hit an all-time low.
That news report got me curious, so I drove around the streets for a while before going to the pub. I was shocked at what I saw. I drove past the usual haunts were teenagers normally hang out causing trouble – street corners, parks, shop fronts – and was shocked to see them desolate. The news report was right – the usual troublemakers were nowhere to be seen, all most likely at home spending quality time with their mothers. Also, the streets were clean and tidy, whereas before they would be strewn with litter discarded by trouble-making youths.
As I entered the pub, I was at least happy in the knowledge that this mother-son incest fad was having some positive effect on society.
I ordered a pint and sided up at the bar to friend of mine, Bill. “Hey, Bill, what’s happening?”
“Hey, man, how are you? What do think of this new incest craze sweeping the nation?”
I shrugged. “It’s good that crime figures are down, but not everything’s so good at my end.”
Bill thought for a moment. “Oh, that’s right. You’ve got a son. A teenager. What’s his name?”
“Marcus,” I replied. “And yes, he’s sixteen.”
Bill wavered for a moment, before whispering, “Has…erm…young Marcus taken the plunge…like erm…inside his mother’s knickers, like most teenagers lately?”
“I’m afraid so, yes,” I nodded.
Bill’s eyes lit up. “Really?” he gasped. “Have you seen them…erm, at it?”
“Yep,” I replied despondently.
“Jeez, man, you lucky ducky,” Bill exclaimed excitedly. “Tell me about it – all the details. Leave nothing out.”
“Look, there’s nothing to tell really. I snuck home early from work, spied through the patio window and watched my wife…you know…give our son a suck.”
“Woowzers!” Bill gasped. “That must have been quite a sight. Bet you were as stiff as a screwdriver.”
“No, I felt jealous if anything.”
“Jealous? Why?”
I sighed despondently. “Well, it was just the way Jess sucked it and played with it. It was like she worshiped his cock. Like it was the most precious thing in the world to her. The way she used her tongue on the head for a while. The way she took his entire length to the back of her throat. And she let him cum in her mouth and swallowed. She even went as far as squeezing every drop of cum from his cock and licking it, not wasting a drop. In our eighteen-years as husband and wife, she’s never done any of those things for me.”
Bill let out a long, slow whistle. “Oh, man, don’t you know?”
“Know what?”
“To a mother – and I mean every mother – the cock and balls dangling between their son’s legs is the most cherished thing in the world to them. Mothers have had this unquenchable desire to play with their son’s willies since the dawn of man. The only thing holding them back all these years was the law.”
“Oh, well,” I sighed. “At least crime is almost non-existent now.”
“Yeah, anti-social crime amongst teenagers has gone. But what about prostitution?”
“What about it?” I asked, curious.
“Prostitution has increased ten-fold since this new incest law was introduced. All the men that have sons are getting no action from the wives and girlfriends anymore, cause the women are too occupied with their sons. So the men are turning to prostitutes.”
My stomach dropped when Bill said that. I realised that I was in the same boat – it was unlikely I was going to be getting inside my wife’s drawers anytime soon either. Judging by the way she and Marcus had been at it lately, it seemed probable that I’d never get inside her knickers ever again.
I spent the next hour nursing my pint of larger, listening to Bill drone on about how hot it was for a mother to be fucking her son. Saying how lucky I was that it was going on in my home, between my wife and son. Bill doesn’t have kids, and the thought of mother-son incest seemed to excite him immensely.
I left the pub an hour later and got back in my car. Curious about what Bill said about prostitution increasing ten-fold, I decided to investigate, and drove around the area to see if he was right. Sure enough, Bill was spot on.
The first brothel I drove past had a queue that stretched a quarter of a mile long. All horny men desperate for a bit of hanky-panky, who were obviously not getting any at home. Next, I drove to a spot notorious for soliciting and kerb-crawling. Cars were parked all over the street with sex-workers jumping out from one car and straight into another. Pimps were stood at street corners with piles of cash in their hands, counting their ill-gotten gains. I shook my head and smiled – what was this country coming to under this new government?
When I arrived home that night, my wife and son were sitting down for dinner. I sat down at one side of the table next to Jess. Marcus sat at the other side opposite Jess. Nothing was said during the meal, but then I noticed Marcus acting strangely. He let out a deep groan and, when I glanced up, I noticed his eyes were rolling in his head and his eyelids were fluttering. It soon became apparent that Jess was giving our son a footjob beneath the table, rubbing his cock with her bare foot as we ate dinner. I could faintly hear the squeaking sound her bare foot made as it rubbed and grazed over his cock.
Again, I felt a stab of jealousy. I loved Jess’s feet and, over the years, would have loved for her to give me a footjob under the table during our evening meal – but she never had. But here she was, giving our son a footwank beneath the table, almost oblivious to my presence. I ignored the frivolities under the table and ate my dinner.
Once we were finished, Jess tidied the table and stoodTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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It had taken Carole Baker quite a bit of mental gymnastics to get to this step. It seemed that lately a lot of things were happening in her life since the divorce. The blonde mother of a teenage boy had finally jettisoned her abusive husband and had decided that the best way to get totally away from him was to sell the house and move out of town. She was starting over in a new city, as far away from that fucking bastard as possible. Thinking back she wasn't quite sure how she and her 18 year...
Bren snagged the carry-all full of beer bottles and took the lift down to the flight deck. He felt good. The Silvana was fully stocked and back in the airstream, he had two excellent contracts and another minor one, and he was going to go work on a vanship with a woman who was beautiful wearing nothing but grease and dirt. There was something on the horizon, something that Sophia wasn't telling him, but for the time being, he was in a good place. He scaled the side of the Warlock easily and... Very good these videos, very thanks for who have loaded them, also at me is happened a very good view like in these videos, in the car, with my nice sister,...
I arrive at the house to do some work as promised the week before on the back garden for some family friends as the husband has a bad back from an accident and the damn thing is getting over grown.I have always had a thing for Mags - about 50 I would guess with a large pair of breasts that always keep me occupied when we go round to visit, and always gets my vote when I see her in her skirt and tights/stockings (wasn't really sure what they were until that day)It was hot and sunny when I...
I was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending an hour, cleaning off the chalk board. I was so sweaty after cleaning. I went to the boys...
That time when I was just 25 years old ready for marriage. Finally my parents arranged a girl and we went to her house to see the bride. I was impressed by the beauty of the girl and immediately I expressed my willingness to my parents they also informed their willingness to the girl’s parents immediately but the girl’s parents told us that they would inform us after a week after consulting the girl as she is very shy. We said ok and returned home. I was working at Chennai and my parents at...
Who else but a loving girlfriend can give you a blow job before you pick up the girl she bird dogged for you? Dad sets up a date for you with mom. Even though I had been getting laid by a mother daughter combo, make that mother and two daughters, it was pretty exciting to be driving MY car to go pick up a girl for a trip to the drive in. I picked up Marty first, considering how many times I had seen her naked I laughed when I caught myself trying to look down her blouse. It was one of those...
never happened and contains sexual content and sex stuff, you must be 18 to read this story.**Cole didn't generally start his day off ready to fuck a goat but this morning had been pure testosterone hell. First his aunt Giada had a full big naked tit hanging out of her robe at breakfast and now he was drooling all over Rachael Ray's million calorie ass. The worst / best part he been volunteered to take her sailing while Giada tended to something at her lawyers office. Seeing Ms. Ray sitting on...
For Want of a Comma Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-= I was following my mom down the aisle that divided the children's clothing department in half, when the shopping cart she was pushing shuddered to a stop. She muttered something under her breath, and the cart rattled as she tried to shake it loose. After a few tense moments, one of the wheels squealed before unlocking. Mom took in a deep breath, relaxed her grip on the cart as she breathed out, then looked over her...
Three ExpulsionsIntroduction and Disclaimer This is a strange, strange story. There are several premises the story asks you to buy into, which are completely unrealistic--i.e., which mark it out as complete fantasy. First, it's set in some kind of alternate universe where adults attend school. Not college. School, like high school, middle school, etc. Perfectly mentally normal, it's just that they go to school while they're adults. And apparently they don't age, because no matter what "grade"...
Hey everyone, this is an awesome site and I have been reading loads of stories here and had so much fun. My name is Vikram and I am from Delhi, I am 5’7″ tall very fair n good looking guy in his 40th year. I have a descent dick and always hungry for more. For comments n contact please mail me at This is a story of me n my bhabhi (cousin wife) named Shilpa. She is 6 years elder to me and whitish in color, 5’4″ tall, dark brown nipples n great figure. This happened when I was 24 and she was 30....
IncestI Blame Lara Croft by The Qmoq Please don't read if easily offended, obviously. If you enjoy this story,please contact me at [email protected] (removing the "_nospam" ofcourse). In the pub after work, we were talking about the sordid sex lives of celebrities.Alyson turned the thoughts to a pretty-boy soap-star that we all thought wasgay even though we knew he wasn't, and I chucked in a quote from Angelina Jolie,something that she actually did say. "She says that she went out with Jonny...
I was awakened by the movement of the bed. "I can't sleep," she whispered as she crawled into bed with me and under my arms. I fell back to sleep. I woke in the morning cold, clutching the dress they had buried her in ......Not sure why I started there, I mean it is a stupid place to start right? Now you already know how this ends. What the hell, to late now, let's see .... Let's go back about six months.I had just started a day gig at Arnold's Music as a guitar and music theory teacher. I did...
HorrorI grew up with six sisters, three older and three younger. I have seen all six nude and I've also seen my mother nude many times (but that's a different was a neighborhood prostitute, along with three other mothers). I was lucky enough to have had sex with two of my older sisters and even taught one younger sister how to suck cock. Those stories follow. Kathy Kathy is two years older than me and we were always close, so it was no surprise that we learned about sex by...
It must have been about one year ago now that I rolled myself into this naughty adventure. I was 24 years old at that moment. If I remember well it must have been somewhere around May but I am not sure, but it doesn't really matter. After another day of work I came home and noticed a nice BMW on the driveway. I recognized this one. It belonged to Steve. Steve was and still is, my partner's best friend. They have know each other since their youth. They have a band like brothers do. Steve was...
My name's John and I live with my parents. Some would probably scoff at that, but I think it's a good choice. I can save money for my own place. As it turned out, it was a good thing that I lived with them, even at the age of 25. Both of my parents were in the military. My mom had left the Army when she had me, and my dad retired after 20 years. Little did I know that something strange was about to happen. It started one morning. I woke up and went to take a shower. I saw a light in the living...
"Hi Kim, I'm glad you could make it for dinner. I love to see the energy flowing between you and Terri. The two of you make great best friends." "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate the invitation, and I also enjoy getting together with Terri. We never seem to run out of things to share." "Terri is just finishing up getting ready, but she should be down soon." "That's OK. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm just setting the table, so if you want to catch the plates as I toss them,...
We gaan even wandelen in de avond, met de gedachte tussen de buien door maar dat kon toch net niet. Ik had er totaal niet op gerekend, meestal doet mijn vrouw leuke (niet te sexy maar wel easy acces) aan als we erop uitgaan met een mogelijkheid tot wie weet wat.... Gisteren dus niet, joggingbroek, dikke trui je kent het wel, huiselijk. Onderweg op nog geen 10 min van huis kregen we de bui der buien over ons heen. Nog snel poging tot schuilen gedaan onder een kapschuur bij een boer. Half nat van...
Chapter 1 Abigail Hanford stared at her friend in disbelief. "But why, Christabel? How? Your parents wouldn't leave you here alone, they just wouldn't!" Christabel Jennings grinned smugly, and mischief glittered in her green eyes. "Daddy was supposed to come back from Atlanta this morning, so Mama took the early coach to go visit her cousin Etta. Only Daddy sent a message with yesterday's coach that he has to stay in Atlanta for three more days. I was outside when the messenger came,...
For the first time, my life had leaked into my secret porn life on a side job that paid very well. I must admit that side jobs are a huge turn on for me.I do so love to be fucked and get off on the fact that men pay to fuck me. In addition, they pay to watch videos of me fucking. It keeps me in a constant state of whoredom.An “investor” had hired me to be the entertainment for his son’s bachelor party. He also paid to have me in a one-on-one for himself. When I met him at Mr. Malone’s studio,...
MILFHi everybody, I got introduced to this site only few days back when I was browsing the net on my phone, later I got attracted to this site as it has lot of good stories and some stories which are wrote through peoples fantasies. Before I start telling my story let me tell you about myself, I am a marketing professional based in Bangalore and I keep traveling all over Karnataka. I am 5.9″, good looking and exercise freak. The story I am going to tell you all is about my ex-girl friend...
My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job,...
The rest of the week was terribly busy for me. Fortunately Alice was very proficient on the computer. By late Thursday she had arranged all our files, back into a workable system on our own computer. She had even put us in contact with a young guy, who should prove to be very good. Mr. Svensson and I were discussing the hackers, but we didn't seem to come up with any good solution. The protection programs, which the big companies could offer, were inefficient, and any determined teenager...
I had the evidence on tape. Well not on tape, on a digital recording. I sent an email to myself containing the video, to my non-FBI email account. I wanted to preserve the evidence, just in case. My FBI training, I suppose. I had to confront her. Maybe this was some sort of aberration? Caused by the girls leaving? I didn't know. I was grasping at straws. Probably not, but I wasn't a good enough actor to fake it while I did something else. Half an hour I sat in the car and still couldn't...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Jake has known Jill for less than 24 hours. They are at Jakes home now, after they have been in bed for sometime, fucking and sucking until the 2 tired 40 something’s, (upper 40 something’s) could not go any more. (At least for now.) In between orgasms, Jake mentioned how much fun it would be if Jill joined him on his coming adventure. He has purchased a motor home, (Jake is a teacher and successful author) and is departing the next day on a trip...
IncestTheatrical…… 29Gerald was doing his lengths and I saw the troop of the princess and her maidens walk along the side of the pool and organise some beds, the princess looked around, possibly to see if anyone was watching her, I was tucked away at the end of the balcony and the handrail obscured me from being seen while my view was perfect, the princess walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, dangling her feet in the water, one of her maids came beside her and handed her a jar, she began to...
[Fade in.][Curtains open on Gregory, sitting on his trademark stool, on an otherwise blank stage.] Yes, it's me again... gosh, it's been... well, too damn long since I've been out here... but there's a reason for that. I just found out that my funding from the NEA is being cut... apparently, someone from the Jessie Helms camp snuck in here for the performance of Dragonlove that I did some months ago, and I'm just finding out about it now. So I've been out pounding the pavement, looking for a...
Bree and her husband have a large isolated ranch in the Texas Hill Country where they raised stud Arabian horses and cattle. They also have a donkey named Jake they had purchased to keep the coyotes away from the livestock; however he became more of a pet, as he would always come to the house looking for a treat when he saw Bree or her husband outside. Jake also had funny antics such as romping with their Great Dane, Duke, which always made visitors comment on how adorable the two looked...
Under the insistent and irritating prodding of his little sister, Sean was up bright and early. After a breakfast of cereal, he went out to the garage to finish cleaning it up. His plan for the day was to finish the garage and then search for a job. He opened the garage door and stared at what he found inside. The garage was spotless. Someone had cleaned up the workbench, swept the floor, and dusted all of the test equipment. Sean muttered, “I hope the job hunt goes this well.” Rather than...
This happen when I was at a boys ranch in Tex.All the boys there have to have a job to pay for the things that they need. I got a job at gym, taking care of the floors and washing everything. The gym also had an indoor swimming pool, the female staff members would come down once a week to go swimming. This was when the gym was closed to the rest of the ranch. I was there to make sure there where towles out for them to use. Then I was to go back to the gym untill they had left.This whent on for...
In dieser Story sind die Texte aus der Perspektive einer Frau geschrieben, also mit weiblichem "Ich". "Du" ist ein Mann, mit dem "Ich" sich gerade einlässt. Wenn "Du" auf seine Rechnung gekommen ist, was spätestens im dritten Thread der Fall sein könnte, kann er durch einen anderen "Du" ersetzt werden - oder auch schon vorher - oder er kann in die nächste Runde gehen. Zeitform ist immer die Gegenwart. Direkte Rede vom 'Ich' in einfachen Anführungszeichen, vom "Du" in doppelten. Viel Spaß!