2021 free porn video

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It all started shortly after the general election of 2021. A Liberal government was elected for the first time in the UK for many years. Our new government was hasty to introduce a number of reforms in state law. Most notably was the legalisation of incestuous relations. The new law stated that so long as all parties involved were above sixteen years of age, and that the sex was consensual, then sexual relations between relatives would be legalised, regardless of how closely related the participants.

At first, the new law became a national laughing stock amongst the men. We all joked with work colleagues and drinking buddies in the pubs. We joked that the village idiot would be making a comeback in the coming years. We said that our sex lives would now be non-existent now that our wives and girlfriends would be so preoccupied with their sons’ cocks.

But we were all to soon realise that this new law was no laughing matter. It soon became apparent that mothers had always had this deep-seated desire to indulge their sons in sexual activity. The only thing that had been holding them back over the years was the law. But now that law had changed…

It was about six months after the law was passed that I got my first inclination that this reform was going to have much more of an impact than I first thought. It was an article in my newspaper that raised my eyebrows.

My eyes widened and mouth gaped in astonishment as I read the article. It began by noting that in many countries, not thirty minutes by plane from where you’re sitting, mothers give their teenage sons full body massages to calm them down, relieve tension, help them nod off at night. And then the extreme cases of Asian mothers who gratify their sons’ sexual urges to stop them going out and meeting dirty girls, lazing around their bedrooms masturbating to porn, when they should be studying for exams.

It then went on to explain that this had been common practice throughout many Asian countries for many decades, and was now being performed more than ever. And, even more interestingly, since the change in law, it was now catching on and being embraced all over the UK.

The columnist had even travelled up to Norfolk to interview a woman who, like many other mothers in the local area, had been slipping into bed with her sixteen-year-old son, whipping down his underpants and sucking him off, once in the morning and then once again at bedtime.

During part of the interview, the mother said: “We as mothers have a responsibility to equip our boys with the necessary tools to achieve and succeed in life. How can we expect our sons to learn and sit exams when all they can think about is sex? My son has excelled in school, aced his exams, and is a much happier and confident boy now. And I put all this down to the fellatio I’ve been performing on him since his sixteenth birthday, three months ago.”

She then went on to say: “Furthermore, he enjoys the experience immensely. So much so that he now insists on performing cunnilingus on me before I take off his underpants. It’s also been a great learning curve for him. I am now satisfied that I can pass my boy on with a mother’s pride, happy in the knowledge that I’m sending him out into the world fecund, potent and good at both giving and receiving oral sex.”

I won’t deny it, after reading that article I was in a complete state of shock. Reading that two-page feature, extolling the benefits of mothers relieving their sons of their sexual urges, had my head spinning like a merry-go-round.


A week after I read that newspaper article, I came home from work to find it eerily quiet in my house. Usually my wife Jess would be hustling around the kitchen, fixing dinner for our evening meal. There would normally be our sixteen-year-old son Marcus lying on the couch with the TV up loud enough to wake the dead. But today it was deathly silent.

I snuck upstairs, being as quiet as possible, thinking my wife could be in bed with a migraine. When I reached our son’s room, the noise from inside took my breath away. I put my ear to the door and listened intently.

I heard my son say, “Ohhh, Mum, that feels nice. Keep doing that.”

Then my wife asked, “Do you like it when I stroke it here?”

Marcus replied, “Oh, yeah, that feels great.”

Then Jess said, “I could use my tongue if you like.”

Marcus gasped when my wife said that, then I heard my wife making all kinds of obscene slurping and sucking noises.

The subsequent noise from my son made it obvious that his mother’s suckling mouth was giving him great delight. “Ahhh, AHHH! Oh god, oh, oh, AHHHH!!"

I stumbled downstairs after that, my mind swirling in complete chaos and confusion. What I had just heard coming from inside my son’s bedroom was unfathomable.

I always knew our son had a fancy for his mother. Jess once confided in me after a few glasses of wine about our son’s strange desire for her body. She claimed that on many occasion, she had cleaned his room and found pairs of her dirty knickers stuffed down the side of his bed covered in dried spunk. She also revealed that Marcus would sometimes peek around her bedroom door while she was dressing to try to catch a glimpse of her nude body. Another little snippet she gave me was that Marcus had become quite keen on playing twister with her. During the game, he would regularly try and get in a position where his cock was pressed up against her body and she would feel his erection inside his pants rubbing up against her.

I laughed it off and just put it down to him being a horny teenage lad with raging hormones – just innocent, misplaced desires from a lad coming of age. But judging by the noises that had been coming from Marcus’s bedroom, whatever was going on in there was far from innocent.

After making myself a cup of tea, I sat at the kitchen table and waited for my wife and son to re-emerge from his bedroom. When my wife entered the kitchen, she was wearing her nightgown and had an enormous smile on her face. She said nothing, just busied herself preparing dinner.

Marcus was wearing just a pair of tight underpants when he came down. He went to the living room, perched his bare feet up on the arm of the couch and switched on the TV.

After a few minutes, I mustered up the courage and asked my wife, “You were upstairs for a long while. What were you doing?”

She blushed bright red and laughed, “Oh, Marcus was teaching me how to play an Xbox game. I'm complete rubbish at it though."


The following morning, after I got dressed and showered for work, my wife went up to our son’s bedroom carrying two cups of coffee. After a few minutes, I shouted up the stairs, saying that I was leaving for work early since I had a lot on today. But instead of leaving for work, I lingered at the front door for a minute. I listened as Marcus’s bedroom door opened, before he and his mother made a dash for the bathroom giggling like a couple of school kids.

Like the previous day, I tiptoed upstairs and put my ear to the bathroom door. The noise from the shower muffled what they were saying, but it was apparent that they were showering nude together, soaping each other’s bodies and stimulating each other sexually. Every now and then I would hear a loud moan or groan or a giggle.

All day at work, my mind was a complete mess. I just could not comprehend that my wife was indulging our son in sexual activity. I had to see it to believe it, so I left for work early that day, in the hope I could see it for myself.

I left work at four o’clock. It was winter so fully dark by the time I arrived home. My wife wouldn’t be expecting me for another hour, so I snuck in through the back gate and into the garden. Settling in a spot by the glass patio door, through which I had a perfect view of Marcus on the couch watching TV, I sat waiting patiently for the carnal frivolities to begin.

Marcus was sprawled on the couch and turned his head almost lazily towards the sound of his mother entering the room. He was wearing his school uniform with his shoes perched casually upon the arm of the couch, a look of anticipation on his face.

He gazed thoughtfully at his mother, her chin-length black hair draped over her cheeks, wearing a white blouse, barefoot, with a short black skirt that revealed her shapely, lightly tanned legs all the way to tops of her thighs.

Jess looked at him from across the room, and for a moment their gazes caught. Enthusiastically, he stood up and looked on in silence as his mother moved in front of him and dropped down on to one knee. She reached for the laces of his school shoes and began to untie them. She held his ankle and made him lift his foot, quickly divesting him of both his shoe and sock.

Jess quickly removed the shoe and sock from his other foot before placing them to one side. She suddenly stood up so that her face was only inches from his and spoke softly, “Now lift those arms and let’s lose the shirt.”

Slowly raising his arms, his mother took hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, smiling as she tossed it to one side. Wasting no time, her hands moved to the belt and buttons of his trousers. Without preamble, she dropped to her knees and slipped her hands into the waistband of his underpants, causing him to gasp with shock as she touched his skin, and casually tugged the garment down, taking his school trousers with it until both his trousers and underpants were around his ankles!

Standing upright again, she gazed down at his erect member. It was as stiff as an iron rod, jutting out from his body and pointing straight at her. It was so stiff, in fact, that the foreskin had fully retracted and snagged behind the rim of the bulbous head, baring his engorged helmet to his mother's view.

And it was then, to his excitement, that he realised his mother was stripping off too.

He could not help but watch as his mother pulled her blouse from the waist of her skirt, dropping it down over her shoulders and arms. Her naked breasts stood out firmly as he raked his gaze over her naked torso.

Next came her skirt, which unzipped down the side and fell to her bare feet, exposing her beautiful legs right up to a mouth-watering vee of black pubic hair. He watched her standing naked in front of him – feet apart, hands on trim hips, her gorgeous face smiling.

Marcus trembled with anticipation as she approached, his eyes locked on to her magnificent body. She dropped down on her knees and ran her tongue up and down his shaft before taking his entire length into the warmth of her mouth. For a few moments, she held the tip of his member between her lips, dancing her tongue over his sensitive bellend. Marcus’s eyes lolled in his head and his body began to quiver and tremble. I watched my wife then engulf his entire length into the warmth of her mouth and bob her head up and down, her cheeks hollowing as she applied a fierce suction that soon had our son whimpering with pleasure.

A moment later, Marcus’s body juddered and he clenched his teeth. He ejaculated into his mother’s mouth as she continued to glide his sausage in and out of her warm mouth. Jess gobbled down every last drop of our son’s jism with a gleeful look on her face. Even using a thumb and forefinger to pinch the base to extract the last dregs of cum from his erect member and lapping it up with the tip of her tongue.

It was quite a sight to behold. In our eighteen years of marriage, Jess had never sucked me like that and swallowed my cum. The way she gave it that extra care and attention, suggested to me that our son’s penis was the most precious thing in the world to her, something she cherished dearly. I felt immensely jealous, to be honest.

Jess rose to her feet, picked up the discarded clothes strewn over the floor, and then took Marcus by the hand before leading him upstairs. Probably taking him to the bedroom for a little more mother-son loving.

I felt despondent and dejected, and a little shocked, as I walked back to my car. Now I’d seen it with my own eyes, I actually believed it.

After sitting back in my car and lighting a cigarette, I decided to ring my sister. I needed someone to talk to and she was the only person I knew that would understand this situation, being a mother herself of a seventeen-year-old boy.

My sister picked up and I said, “Hey, Molly, how are you?”

She was very edgy and said, “Oh, can I ring you back? I’m kinda busy at the moment.”

Then I heard her seventeen-year-old son in the background say, “Mum, I’m stiff again. Can you give it a suck this time?”

Then Molly said, “Sorry, gotta go,” then put the phone down.

I let out a despondent sigh. It was obvious my sister was also sharing intimate encounters with her son. I sat back and wondered just how prevalent this incest fad had become. Soon, I got bored, turned on the radio and drove off towards my local pub for a quick pint.

Before I reached the pub, a news report came on over the radio.

The new incest craze sweeping the nation is having a positive effect on communities all over the country, the reporter said. Mothers all over the nation are gratifying their son’s sexual urges. It seems that teenagers are now staying at home, behaving themselves and studying for exams. Latest national statistics show that since the new law was introduced some six months ago, crime figures have hit an all-time low.

That news report got me curious, so I drove around the streets for a while before going to the pub. I was shocked at what I saw. I drove past the usual haunts were teenagers normally hang out causing trouble – street corners, parks, shop fronts – and was shocked to see them desolate. The news report was right – the usual troublemakers were nowhere to be seen, all most likely at home spending quality time with their mothers. Also, the streets were clean and tidy, whereas before they would be strewn with litter discarded by trouble-making youths.

As I entered the pub, I was at least happy in the knowledge that this mother-son incest fad was having some positive effect on society.

I ordered a pint and sided up at the bar to friend of mine, Bill. “Hey, Bill, what’s happening?”

“Hey, man, how are you? What do think of this new incest craze sweeping the nation?”

I shrugged. “It’s good that crime figures are down, but not everything’s so good at my end.”

Bill thought for a moment. “Oh, that’s right. You’ve got a son. A teenager. What’s his name?”

“Marcus,” I replied. “And yes, he’s sixteen.”

Bill wavered for a moment, before whispering, “Has…erm…young Marcus taken the plunge…like erm…inside his mother’s knickers, like most teenagers lately?”

“I’m afraid so, yes,” I nodded.

Bill’s eyes lit up. “Really?” he gasped. “Have you seen them…erm, at it?”

“Yep,” I replied despondently.

“Jeez, man, you lucky ducky,” Bill exclaimed excitedly. “Tell me about it – all the details. Leave nothing out.”

“Look, there’s nothing to tell really. I snuck home early from work, spied through the patio window and watched my wife…you know…give our son a suck.”

“Woowzers!” Bill gasped. “That must have been quite a sight. Bet you were as stiff as a screwdriver.”

“No, I felt jealous if anything.”

“Jealous? Why?”

I sighed despondently. “Well, it was just the way Jess sucked it and played with it. It was like she worshiped his cock. Like it was the most precious thing in the world to her. The way she used her tongue on the head for a while. The way she took his entire length to the back of her throat. And she let him cum in her mouth and swallowed. She even went as far as squeezing every drop of cum from his cock and licking it, not wasting a drop. In our eighteen-years as husband and wife, she’s never done any of those things for me.”

Bill let out a long, slow whistle. “Oh, man, don’t you know?”

“Know what?”

“To a mother – and I mean every mother – the cock and balls dangling between their son’s legs is the most cherished thing in the world to them. Mothers have had this unquenchable desire to play with their son’s willies since the dawn of man. The only thing holding them back all these years was the law.”

“Oh, well,” I sighed. “At least crime is almost non-existent now.”

“Yeah, anti-social crime amongst teenagers has gone. But what about prostitution?”

“What about it?” I asked, curious.

“Prostitution has increased ten-fold since this new incest law was introduced. All the men that have sons are getting no action from the wives and girlfriends anymore, cause the women are too occupied with their sons. So the men are turning to prostitutes.”

My stomach dropped when Bill said that. I realised that I was in the same boat – it was unlikely I was going to be getting inside my wife’s drawers anytime soon either. Judging by the way she and Marcus had been at it lately, it seemed probable that I’d never get inside her knickers ever again.

I spent the next hour nursing my pint of larger, listening to Bill drone on about how hot it was for a mother to be fucking her son. Saying how lucky I was that it was going on in my home, between my wife and son. Bill doesn’t have kids, and the thought of mother-son incest seemed to excite him immensely.

I left the pub an hour later and got back in my car. Curious about what Bill said about prostitution increasing ten-fold, I decided to investigate, and drove around the area to see if he was right. Sure enough, Bill was spot on.

The first brothel I drove past had a queue that stretched a quarter of a mile long. All horny men desperate for a bit of hanky-panky, who were obviously not getting any at home. Next, I drove to a spot notorious for soliciting and kerb-crawling. Cars were parked all over the street with sex-workers jumping out from one car and straight into another. Pimps were stood at street corners with piles of cash in their hands, counting their ill-gotten gains. I shook my head and smiled – what was this country coming to under this new government?

When I arrived home that night, my wife and son were sitting down for dinner. I sat down at one side of the table next to Jess. Marcus sat at the other side opposite Jess. Nothing was said during the meal, but then I noticed Marcus acting strangely. He let out a deep groan and, when I glanced up, I noticed his eyes were rolling in his head and his eyelids were fluttering. It soon became apparent that Jess was giving our son a footjob beneath the table, rubbing his cock with her bare foot as we ate dinner. I could faintly hear the squeaking sound her bare foot made as it rubbed and grazed over his cock.

Again, I felt a stab of jealousy. I loved Jess’s feet and, over the years, would have loved for her to give me a footjob under the table during our evening meal – but she never had. But here she was, giving our son a footwank beneath the table, almost oblivious to my presence. I ignored the frivolities under the table and ate my dinner.

Once we were finished, Jess tidied the table and stoodTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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       Mother quietly went into her sons room while her daughters dressed in their Sunday’s best.  She took a quick look and picked her eldest, the only one big enough for the whole family.  She woke him up by taping on his shoulder, careful not to wake the others.  The son was gleeful that this year was his luck; she always said they were too big to bring them all.  Today, he’s been invited for thanksgiving dinner.?Males are dumb, of that there’s no doubt.? The girls got in the pickup, and he...

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A cockfilled Cruise

It all started when I won the bet against Jacko; I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him but I did so I can’t change it. Anyways I won this bet and the prize/winnings ended up being two tickets for an amazing Mediterranean cruise. Since I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time I decided to take my best mate, Rob. As two smoking’ bachelors getting on an awesome boat for two hot weeks, I was sure we would score. That was until we boarded the ship, we thought it was a bit odd seeing so many guys about,...

Gay Male
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Nasty Man

Tammy sneaked deep inside the bushes in her garden to hide. The Nasty Man was here! She did not like him. Daddy did not like him. Her mother did not like him. He was big, loud, and arrogant, and shouted a lot! She shivered in fear, and drew herself together deep inside the bushes. Following her mother's instructions, she made herself scarce whenever he came visiting. He had come visiting a lot in the last two months, this upset daddy a lot. Her mother's attitude confused her. When daddy...

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Nate and Dancelle are cousins

Dancelle and Nate are cousins in mother's side. It was long ago when Dancelle loose her parents in car accident together with Nate's father, so Aunt Liza(Nate's mom) were obligated to take care of Dancelle. They only have small house with only two bedroom, one for Aunt Liza and one for Nate. Dancelle shared room with Nate. It was ok for Nate, they had been sharing room for 6yrs now but unfortunately he had to study abroad due to scholarship and he grab the chance. Aunt Liza at Dancelle are left...

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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part XI

Mark: Wednesday marked the start of a period of upheaval for me. Apart from it being one day nearer to when Jane would be going away to see Alex, Mick the builder started work on installing the en-suite bathroom. Jane and I had to move a lot of the furniture out into the other spare room and we also had a load of bathroom fittings delivered which we had to find room for and which added to the upheaval. I was also on edge with the prospect of Jane and Mick fucking. He was clearly interested...

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Heads or Tails

The nightclub was packed with revellers, all of them in high spirits, all of them dressed to impress. It was the time of night when everyone had got into the swing of things and being New Years Eve, the positive atmosphere was almost tangible. The partygoers on the dance floor seemed to be moving as one, the electric ambience charged no doubt by the mix of dub-step beats pulsing out of the speakers. Out of the array of beautiful women wearing next to nothing, it surprised him that it was her...

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In my job, I’ve seen quite a few things over the past six years or so. Suspended from the roof of a massive building, I’ve watched helplessly as a just-fired business executive jumped from the seventeenth floor and got impaled on the decorative fencing below, I’ve seen several police chases — including one where the getaway car was actually a stolen police car — speeding past that day’s work location, I’ve seen a woman under some guy’s desk clearly giving him head while he was apparently on the...

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Johns Gift Part 4

John's Gift by: Prudence Walker Chapter four He was gentle, as if testing the waters, and I didn't pull away because I needed to see how I felt about kissing a guy. This was something that would happen again if I was going to have any sort of relationship in my life. It felt sort of nice and I could feel my body reacting to the stimulus. My nipples hardened and I could feel the heat build up between my legs, as my knees seemed to weaken. At this point I wasn't a...

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Mistress Ophelia

I'll never forget my first meeting with Mistress Ophelia. I went to her house on the outskirts of the city in a modest suburban setting. On knocking on the door she opened it. She was stunning - at least 6 foot tall, with dark ivory skin, long flowing hair. She was wearing a black lacy top and shiny trousers. She lead me into the house and commanded me to strip naked in the bathroom. I trembled as I removed my clothes. She then led me into her dungeon where she commanded me to kneel before her....

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The Locker Room

The Locker Room By tealights Synopsis: He's not supposed to be in the women's locker room... or is he? WOMEN'S TEAM LOCKERS I paused at the sign marking the entryway to the locker room and took a deep breath to gather my courage. As usual, Coach had left the door unlocked for me and arranged things so I'd be alone this time of day, but even knowing that, it was still hard not to be a little skittish. I poked my head around the corner and took a surreptitious look...

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Onlyfans LiaChapter 3 Where No Man Has Gone Before

“Bugger it!” Lia shouted from inside her room. It was Saturday, around half-two after a detour from the schedule for teas, and she was getting ready for her first catgirl costume rehearsal, the orchard photo shoot having been arranged for 5am the following Thursday. “Problem?” I asked from inside her ‘studio’ where I was looking through the camera’s menus to see what the options were for shooting outside in possibly dim lighting. All I could see was that I was going to be hitting YouTube...

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Loving BDSM

Something woke me up in the middle of the night. As I started to turn on the lamp a flashlight blinded me. Suddenly my clothes were ripped off as they tossed me back on the bed. Without warning a soft foot started caressing my cock and balls. Then there was some blissful pain as the same foot crushed my cock hard. Now, my house has a few things for torture. They d**g me out of bed and strapped me in my frame. 6 or 7 more kicks to my groin it stopped. When the lights were turned on it was my...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 483

???????????????? Say thanks to Smokeyjoe34 for these! Things best not said to a police officer. 1. I can’t reach my license unless you hold my beer. 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn’t realize my radar detector wasn’t plugged in. 3. Aren’t you the guy from the Village People? 4. Hey! You must have been doing about 200Kph to keep up with me. Good job. 5. Excuse me. Is ‘stick up’ hyphenated? 6. I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer! 7. I was going to be a...

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Auntie Liu

Dad's story: No sooner had I finally drifted off to sleep after an hour of restless tossing and turning than the back door slammed, bringing me upright in my bed. "Shit!" I muttered as I got up to investigate. I heard my son tromping up the stairs followed by his bedroom door slamming. He was clearly not a happy lad. I crossed the hall and knocked on his door. "Jesse, what the hell's going on? What's all the noise about?" "Just leave me alone! It's all your fault anyhow!" Well, I...

1 year ago
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Nikkis special someone part 2

"this way sweetie, were nearly at the car...the nights not over just yet" my heart was pounding a mile a minute and i couldnt stop thinking back to the moment when his cock first slipped inside me and i became a sissy forever, his sissy. it brought a smile to my face and i walked just a little bit taller and more confidently. when we reached the car he spun me round and kissed me deeply non the lips, his tongue drawing mine out and intermingling with his. his manliness was practically...

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Mr Callahans slut part 1

"And then he continued eating me out with the gusto of a starving man." I snort at Sarah's choice of words, shaking my head at her brazenness. It's the Monday afternoon coffee break at work and, as usual, Sarah the resident slut, tells everybody, whether they want to hear it or not, about her weekend adventures. "Sarah, can you please be a little more discreet. Some of us just want to drink our coffee, not hear about your latest catch," I say trying to get her to take the dirty talk down a...

Office Sex
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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 1 The Meeting

DAY 1 BILLY It wasn't long after my eighteenth birthday when I finally decided to leave home. Well I call it home but in reality it was just the latest hostel I had stayed in, my homes had been a series of foster homes eventually ending up in a young person's hostel once I was too old to be classed as a child. I had managed to scrimp together a few hundred pounds from my crappy low paid job and decided that now would be a good time to try my luck in the big city. So I left my home...

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A Morning After Amongst EqualsChapter 3

“Here’s to the babies in a brand-new world, here’s to the beauty of the stars. Here’s to the travelers on the open road, here’s to the dreamers in the bars. Here’s to the teachers in the crowded rooms, here’s to the workers in the fields. Here’s to the preachers of the sacred words, here’s to the drivers at the wheel. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Let the day...

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This Womans World Part 1

A little back history of myself is probably a good place to start. I grew up in a small Ohio town near Cleveland. I was the only child of my parents, Robert and Stacy Williams. I was the junior Robert, but I was nothing like my father. He was 6' tall and very athletic, having played baseball in college until he blew out his knee. I, on the other hand, was blessed with my mother's genes. I was small and not athletic. Needless to say, I was not the apple of my father's eye. My father...

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Sarah left me 8

Introduction: Lilly changes her name to Slut This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 to 7. You will understand better if you read them first. Next morning I woke up with Lilly still pressed against my body. Sarah and Angie were in the bed with us. Since it was a work day for all of us, there was no time for sex. We all four crowded into the shower together. It was very crowded in there, but still quite fun. Sarah suggested, Phil? Do you think we could find a way to have a bigger shower stall,...

1 year ago
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Scare Fair Ch 01

I’m new to this…. So go easy. ,) This first chapter has no sex / sexual contact of any kind what so ever, it’s purely the start of the story. There isn’t even a full description of the main character, it’s all to come in the following chapters. I’d appreciate any comments on the story, good or bad, as they’ll spur me on to write more and either improve or keep it up! Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy and want to read more… *** Chapter 1 – Story Introduction *** Jack wondered...

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Things that makes you go home

Beep-Beep beep”. DJ awoke to the sound of her alarm clock going off. “Why did I have to promise momma that I would go to church today” she thought to herself as she rolled her over to turn it off. She just wished she could spend this Sunday morning in bed recuperating from the glorious night she had with Ian. Ian was the man that she was finally able to meet after months of IM-ing, emailing and playing phone tag. She began to caress her nipples and explore her wetness as her thoughts wandered...

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The Fuse Is Lit

The Fuse Is Lit. By Trish. Hi, I'm Maddy and I'd been engaged to my boyfriend Philip for about nine months when the fuse that completely changed our relationship was lit. It began when I talked Phil into dressing as a mistress and maid for a bonfire night fancy dress party at a local club. At first Phil was not into the idea, but I made it worth his while to agree, and I was really surprised to find out that feminising him was one of the most erotic things I had ever done. Hell by the...

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The DolphinChapter 2

I am here once more, this time alone. I do not understand why I still come. There is no smell of Kitik any longer, it is gone very soon, there is only the empty water where he is before. Yet still I come, I must come again and again, it is only in this place that I feel right with me. The hunt is good, all eat well. I finish my hunger, and I am very hungry. And after, all have joy, there is leaping and playing and happiness. I alone have no joy. My hunger is gone now, but there is another...

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Life Aint EasyChapter 2 The Best Plans Of Mice And Men

I don't know how long I sat there staring at that hotel. My mind was in a kind of daze. I had just followed my loving wife to a hotel where I had been informed she was going to meet her lover; the guy who apparently claimed to be the father of my children. Then I saw the light come on in one of the rooms on the first floor. Now I had on occasions been into the Royal in the past. Sometimes we have used it for seminars and things at work. The rooms on the first floor are numbered in the...

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Betrayal Book 03

Chapter 1- Aftermath 9 Months on Book three is all about life after divorce and my decision about a lifestyle change I soon found a one bed-roomed flat for rent and moved in within the week. I contacted my solicitor and set the wheels in motion, regarding our divorce. I also followed his advice regarding bank accounts and other shared equity items. So the wheels turned slowly. Amanda barraged me with emails and left messages for me that I refused to respond to. Eventually she must have got...

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The Selection Part Two

A Novel By: S. Stevenson The Selection Part Two Master’s House The first three women entered the Master’s home and just started to look around. When they noticed that Beth had stopped at the door and removed her tunic. Hanging it on a hook by the door she was now dressed only in her sandals, collar, cuffs and her belt, which she had left on. Ann questioned the need for this since they were nude under their tunics anyway. Marilynn just smiled at both Ann and Beth. While...

1 year ago
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First Threesome

It had been a really stressful time in my life, and I was looking for some sexual fun to distract me from other worries. Back when personal ads were free–and more open–I was looking for local people wanting to fuck with no strings attached. One day I came across an ad from a woman who was looking for someone to join her and her husband in a threesome. I had often wondered about a MMF threesome when I was married. We had talked about it and mustered up the courage to ask one friend but he was...

3 years ago
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Longing Office Sex Toy

The elevator dings and brings me up to my level of the workplace. I hurry along to my desk, eager to see if he shows today. Every day is always a guess. It is part of the torturous fun.As I sit in my computer chair at my desk, I look around excitedly. Sadly, I have yet to see his head above any of the cubicles. I sigh with anxiety. I want him to come to see me. I smooth out my ass-hugging pencil skirt and pull down my blouse to try to reveal my girls more.Now that I am at my small space in the...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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A Band Story

The band was taking its semi-annual trip to Washington, DC, and after playing a concert in Harrisburg, PA, we were put up for the night in the local Holiday Inn. Carol and I, both flute players, were sharing a room on the 6th floor and the boys had been located safely away on the 8th floor. Laying awake talking about the boys in the band made us both pretty horny and we started to imagine. We had focused on two trumpeters, Eric (6'6, blonde and also a baskeball player) and Ray (5'9, more...

Group Sex
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A Brand New ManChapter 11

“Okay, who’s going next? Lisa, Deanna, and Erin ... I’m going to fuck each of you side by side, just as I did with Michelle and Missy. It appears that you’re all hyper-fertile now, due to the time elapsed since you flushed your pills. I’m going all in, honeys,” I instructed Lisa, Deanna, and Erin at once. “Yes, if you cum inside each of them, even a little, they’re gonna get pregnant for sure. No doubt of that,” the spirit assured me as I began long-dicking Lisa first, followed by Deanna,...

1 year ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX- " Jezebel asks hir mother, "why can't I find a nice womyn, who wants to shag my brains out, and then just hold me tight and tell me sweet nothings, and then take me shopping, and then you know, shag me again, but you know, in a caring, sensitive way?" I head over to cousin Macy giving her a very respectful curtsey. "The Gurls are all asleep, your mother told me you had a rough evening, why don't you go in the bathroom in the foyer and change into...

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Cum Dripping Classroom Fantasy Part 1

John shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was first period and everything from his desk to his pants just seemed a little too tight. He had been sporting anywhere from a semi to a full blown hard-on since he woke up. He had woken up late this morning with his cock throbbing and his mind running. As a seventeen year old boy it wasn’t unusual to wake up with a morning woody, but his dream had been a particularly intense one. It involved Ms. Applebaum in some pretty compromising positions. His...

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Suzanne and I get used day 2

I woke the next morning to Suzanne's moaning, the bed violently swaying, and the feeling of a mouth wrapped around my rock hard cock.Upon opening my eyes, Suzanne grabbed the side of my head in her hand and pulled me to her lips, filling my mouth with her tongue and a long, full moan. She was on her knees, and a very well put together gentleman was pounding away at one of her holes. Her tits swayed with each thrust, and her top lip curled up as she took each deep thrust. I looked down to see a...

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