RedemptionChapter 27 free porn video

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Later Monday evening, Morgan asked Patrick and Jeanette to come down to the Master suite for a chat. When they were all gathered, Morgan told them that they never wore clothes in the suite, but had put them on for their benefit. Both parents laughed.

"She's not joking," said Dex. "I wanted to talk to you because there are some things happening that I know you do not approve of. I respect your beliefs and I appreciate your willingness to be here and not say nothing, even though I'm sure you are troubled.

"First of all, about the three of us sleeping together and me having sex with Megan and Morgan. We have talked about this at length, and it is something we are all comfortable with. We all love each other. We are not 'in love, ' and there is no commitment for marriage or lifelong partnership. We are trying to heal each other. Morgan had absolutely no experience with sex when she came here, for reasons you know. She has discovered a whole new part of her life, and is hungry to experience as much as she can as fast as she can. She is a marvelous sex partner and we have had some awesome times in the short few days since she arrived."

"Megan has had relatively little experience, almost all of it bad. I am trying to show her that it can be good."

"Mom, let me tell you, Dex makes it way beyond good! I'm sorry if I embarrass you, but you need to know how we feel about these things."

Dex continued, "For the other women here, sex has been much like it was for Megan, frightening and not at all enjoyable." He went on to tell the stories of each of the women. "Whatever else happens while they are here, I want them to leave with a more positive view of sex. It is essential if they are to find a better life with a new husband. Morgan is the brains behind most of what is going on, so I'll let her tell the rest."

Morgan told of her efforts to make the atmosphere playful, flirtatious, and risque, and related what progress each of the women had made. She told what she knew of Kirstin and Eric's skinny dip, and described the scene at the stairway that morning. Jeanette gasped several times, but made no comment. "Grandma, Eric is a brave and caring young man. At his age, there is no way I could have done what I asked him to do. He did it to help Jessica, a girl he is sure does not like him at all."

"I understand what you are saying, dear, but it is just so far from how we live and what we believe."

"I know, Grandma, but remember, what these women have lived through is far from your experience, too. Very far! Mom can vouch for that. What I'm doing - what we are doing - is not prescribed or recommended by any of the experts. I am making it up as I go along, but I think the main principle is correct. You've heard the term 'penis envy?' - Oh, come on, Grandma, you're not that innocent. I've seen the way you look at Grandpa, and I bet you spend a lot of time playing with his."

Jeanette gasped, choked and ended up coughing until the tears came. Megan hugged her and comforted her, laughing all the while. "Mom, it's okay. It's wonderful that you guys enjoy sex. I'm jealous of all the good sex you've had over the years. That's why I can't waste any time catching up."

At this point, Patrick leaned over and kissed his recovering wife. "You're absolutely right, Morgan. You can't believe how good she's made me feel all these years." Jeanette at first gave him a glare, then as she recovered, she blushed and gave him a playful slap.

Morgan continued. "Anyway, instead of 'penis envy, ' these women suffer from 'penis terror.' My theory is based on something called immersion therapy. I want the women to be seeing penises all the time. Only these penises are attached to gentle, caring men. Men who help them, talk to them, and treat them with respect. Hopefully, the terror will disappear little by little."

"How in the world are you going to do that?" Jeanette asked.

"We started this morning. I had Dex and Eric come to breakfast naked." Jeannette looked like she was going to faint.

"Oh, My God! You can't be serious! Dex, how can you stand to do this? Isn't it humiliating."

"Humiliating is what these women have been through. It certainly isn't easy for me! You know my story and how badly I want to help these women, though. I believe in Morgan. I think she is brilliant and that her ideas have a better chance of success than anything else that has been tried. If it means one of these women will find a happy marriage, I will go bare-assed around my house forever."

"Oh, my! Well, you certainly don't expect Patrick to go naked, do you? Patrick, what are you doing?" Without her noticing, he had removed his shoes and unsnapped his slacks. He was now standing and starting to pull them down. Jeannette grabbed at his hands to stop him. "You can't expose yourself to your daughter and your granddaughter! It's not right!"

"Jeannette, you know I love you dearly, and I wouldn't do anything disrespectful to you. I have been sickened for many years by what some of these turds have done to their women. I was sickened by what I heard tonight. If Morgan and Dex think this will work, then I'm with Dex. I'm willing to show my dick to help these women. The hard part is showing it to Megan and Morgan, and I'm going to get that over with right now. Please don't be angry, Darling. I can't wimp out when the other guys are so brave. Show me you're with me. Pull my pants off." As he was talking, he had removed his shirt, and stood looking expectantly at his wife.

"Oh God, Patrick, you're asking too much! Don't do this!"

"Mom, he's still all yours. You'll just be sharing a look with some women for whom it could mean a lot. Come on, you can be as brave as Dad. I've seen it."

Jeanette sat motionless for several seconds, then reacted as if someone had flipped a switch. The hesitant, refined, Jeanette was replaced by a lusty, brazen one. "Patrick Shaughnessy, you are an exhibitionistic old fool, but I've always supported you in your crazy schemes and I won't stop now. Let's get the big guy out where the girls can get a good look."

The girls giggled gaily at Jeanette's changed demeanor. She knelt in front of Patrick and helped him step out of his slacks. She then adopted a dramatic voice and pronounced, "And now, Ladies, for you viewing pleasure - the rrrreeealll Patrick Shaughnessy!!" With that, she yanked down his shorts, put her arm around his ass, and moved her body aside so the girls could see. Cupping his balls with her free hand, she bounced them lightly and asked "What do you think, girls? Did I luck out, or what?"

"Wow, Grandma, I'd play with that all the time if I had it. It's gorgeous."

"Talk about being treated as an object," Patrick muttered.

"Now, Patrick, you challenged me, and you should know by now that is not a good idea. So, watch this, girls," and she took him into her mouth.

"Jeannette, stop that. Don't do that or I might get... Stop it! Now! Please!"

Pulling him from her mouth but stroking him vigorously, Jeanette told him "Hey, I thought you didn't want to be a wimp. What's the matter? Afraid to let your offspring see what started them?" The girls were too stunned to do or say anything, just gawking as he started to rise.

As if she had a remote control box, Jeanette somehow got her husband on his back on the floor, his now-erect cock sticking up impressively. She reached up under the long skirt she was wearing and after a few wriggles, kicked away her panties.

At this point, Megan realized what was happening and took Morgan and Dex by the hand. "Come on, let's give them some privacy!"

"Stay right where you are! If my husband is going to be an exhibitionist, let him give a real exhibition!" She straddled him and spread the skirt out. They could see her hand reaching between her legs to guide him into herself. "You... unh... have to be... ohhh... careful about... ssss... getting an old... mmm... Irishwoman horny!" Dex touched each girl on the shoulder, nodded toward the door, and left the room.

The girls watched spellbound for a moment, then Megan got on her knees and moved to her mother' side. She unzipped her skirt, and was struggling to lift it over Jeannette's head with one hand when Morgan caught on.

Jeannette looked around in almost a panic when she felt herself exposed, but, sensing Dex was gone, went back to bouncing on her husband's cock. She raised her arms for the skirt to come off, and Morgan took advantage by pulling her sweater off as well, leaving the older woman in just her bra. It was Morgan who almost reverently removed the bra and began caressing Jeanette's breasts, drawing louder moans from her grandmother.

Megan knelt over her father's face and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "I love you, Daddy." Then she gave him an intense, lover's kiss while rubbing his chest and playing with the hairs. Jeanette almost freaked when Morgan first touched her, but the girl kissed her gently and told her to let go and enjoy it. Too caught up in the sensations to resist, Jeanette put her arm around Morgan's shoulder. Taking this as a signal, Morgan dropped her face to Jeannette's breast and began sucking. At the same time, she began rubbing Jeanette's clit with her finger, causing the older woman an immediate small shudder.

Noticing what Morgan was doing, Megan moved back beside her mother, putting Jeanette's other arm over her shoulder. Megan began stroking all over her back and her ass and whispering endearments. They kept this up for a couple of minutes until Jeannette showed signs of approaching orgasm. Megan dropped her hand to her father's balls and began lifting and squeezing them in time with his increasingly urgent thrusts. "That's it, Daddy, come for me! Shoot it into Mommy!" His moans became louder, joining in chorus with his wife's.

Jeannette came first, shuddering so hard she would have fallen but for the girls' support. Seeing her mother's arrival, Megan kneaded her father's balls more vigorously, causing him to blast off instantly. Husband and wife shook and lurched in their ecstasy, only kept together by the girls.

When Jeannette's tremors finished, the girls gently laid her forward on top of her husband. Morgan, ever the pragmatist, scurried to the bathroom and brought back a towel which she stuffed under their groins to save the carpet from staining. Morgan helped Jeannette straighten her legs so she was stretched out on top of Patrick, his cock still embedded in her. No one spoke for a long time as the girls caressed the exhausted couple.

It was Jeannette, her head laying on Patrick's chest, who stammered out, "Oh, God, Patrick, what have we done?"

"Mom, you have given us something to strive for. We want the kind of love we just saw. It was so beautiful." The tears tracing down Megan's cheeks attested to her feelings.

Morgan chimed in. "You guys are awesome. I always knew that, but now I see it in a new way. This is what husbands and wives are supposed to have together, isn't it?" She too was showing the intense emotion she felt.

Stroking Jeanette's bottom, Morgan told her, "Grandma, the way I touched you doesn't mean I am a lesbian. I'm definitely not. I just saw a way to be part of it. Thank you for letting me help."

"Oh, Sweetie, I never believed the lesbian part. You made me come like never before. Thank you." There was another period of silence while Jeannette's breathing became regular. Then, "My God, Patrick, you haven't gone soft! What is going on?"

"Honey, the love and the sex are so heavy in this room! It's amazing!"

"You're what's amazing, you old Irish stud, you!" She got her self upright over Patrick, still holding him within her. "Megan, it's your turn. I want you to make love to your father."

"Whaaat?" Megan and Patrick yelled at once.

"I know Patrick wants it - he always has. His cock just grew even bigger when I said it!" She leaned over and gave him an intense kiss. "I'm sure every girl dreams of making love with her father - I know I did. Our family has been through a lot of hell, but we've come through it. This will close the book on all the bad stuff and seal our love for each other."

"Oh, Mom, I couldn't. He's yours, and you two have been completely faithful all these years."

"Yes, we have been faithful, and yes, he's mine. I want to give him to you as a gift, and I want him to have you as a gift and a reward for his faithfulness. I know he would never ask and would never think of taking another woman. So I'm asking you to do this. I want it. Please, love your father!"

"Oh, God!" As her mother almost swooned in disbelief, Morgan jumped to her feet, got Megan standing up, and quickly undressed her. Patrick's eyes shone as he watched his daughter's lovely body revealed. Jeanette stood up, effluent trickling down her leg. Together, she and Morgan led Megan to her place astride her father. Morgan made to stimulate her mother, only to find she was already dripping. She steadied her as Jeanettte held Patrick's cock in position for insertion. Megan, almost in a trance, lowered her bottom, taking his cock into her little by little, moaning constantly.

Patrick was as lost in disbelief as was his daughter. "Oh, my Baby! My beautiful, beautiful Baby. I can't believe this! I never thought... Oh, this is like a dream!"

"Yesss, Daddy! Ohhh, ohhh! It's a dream come true!" As she sank down, she kept exclaiming. Patrick brought his hand up to her right breast, and feeling his touch, she leaned forward into his hand. With his other hand, Patrick began stroking her leg and hip, being careful of the bandaged area. When she had settled down all the way, Megan leaned forward, holding her weight on her good right arm, and began rocking back and forth. Patrick responded with his own rythmic thrusts. Jeanette knelt by Patricks's head, kissing him and stroking his face and chest.

"Jeanette, Darling, are you sure you're okay with this?" Patrick panted out.

"Oh, you wonderful man! You're still worried about me at a time like this? I am fine! Much more than fine! I am so aroused I can hardly stand it. I am so proud to see another woman, especially my daughter, getting so much pleasure from you. I knew you were an awesome lover, but I love seeing it proved. Ohhhh, I love you so much!"

Megan's breath was starting to break up as she approached orgasm. Almost without warning, she stiffened and went into her convulsions. Seeing this, Jeanette got on her knees and supported her, taking the strain off her arm. After gasping for a while, Megan resumed her rocking motions. "Daddy, I want you to come in me. I want to feel what made me all over my insides!"

Patrick let out a huge groan. "Oh, Baby, I don't know if I can. It's so soon." Hearing this, Morgan dashed into the bathroom, returning with a tube of lubricant, but without her clothes.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, we'll get a good come out of you for Mom!" She lubed up her finger, pulled Patrick's leg out and up, and wormed her finger into his crack, looking for his anus. Finding her target, she started working her finger in, bringing a gasp and a jerk from him. When she had her finger as far in as she could, she curled it up and started moving it around. Not knowing exactly what she was doing, she encountered a lump she hoped was his prostate, and stroked it with her fingertip. Apparently with great beginner's luck, she found her target. After only a few strokes, Patrick yelled out loudly, and heaved upward sharply, almost bucking Megan off. As he ejaculated, Morgan kept her hand in place, struggling to follow his thrashing. She stopped stroking as he subsided, but kept her finger inserted.

Her father's violent up and down motions were so stimulating, Megan crashed again, ending up limp after they both came down. Fearing for her injuries, Jeanette helped her daughter roll off onto her back. Morgan pulled her finger out and used the towel to wipe her grandfather's shrinking member. She then sat and played with it as it shrank, bouncing the balls gently, and twirling the shaft in her fingers. She ran her fingertips lightly over the head, but it was too sensitive, causing Patrick to reflexively shrink back. She murmured her apology, and kept up her fondling.

"Morgan, Baby, if you're a beginner at sex, I can't imagine what you will be like when you learn how. God, you wrung me completely out! Where the Hell did you learn that?"

"I read about it somewhere, but you were my first chance to try it. Guess I had beginner's luck, huh?"

"No, I was the lucky one! Hey, what happened to your clothes?"

"I couldn't stand being the only one dressed. I'm, uh, working on the fat. I'll be sure to show you when it's all gone." She did not release his genitals through the conversation. "Is this bothering you, Grandpa?"

"It sure is! But I'll take that kind of bother any time... Uh, if you're hoping to get it hard, I've got bad news for you - I think it's hopeless. I'm just not that young any more."

"Hah! You're still a super stud, no matter how old you are. I just saw you fuck my two favorite women almost senseless. Ooops, sorry for the language, Grandma."

"Sweetie, after what we just did, how can I worry about a few four-letter words? Besides, that's exactly what happened, isn't it, Megan." Megan was only able to manage a grunt in response, and Jeanette and Morgan broke into laughter.

"Grandma, are you sorry about what happened?"

"No, Sweetie. I hardly believe it, and I can't understand why it I did it, but I am definitely not sorry. I feel such a closeness between all of us. It's something I always wanted but didn't know how to get."

"Mom, can I have him again when I get well? I want to love him without worrying about my injuries." Megan could barely get out her request.

"You sure can, Honey. You have to let me watch, though."

They stayed where they were for another twenty minutes, chatting and basking in their love. Patrick and Megan were flat on their backs. Jeanette sat beside her daughter, caressing her. Morgan sat beside Patrick, never losing contact with his genitals. Predictably, it was Morgan who got them all up and heading for the hot tub, refusing to let them cover themselves on the way.

When he left the Master suite as Jeanette mounted her husband, Dex headed right for Carol's room and knocked on the door. When he was invited in, he found Carol in bed, with Jessica lying beside her on top of the covers, still clothed. He inquired how she was doing, and they just chatted for a few minutes.

"Carol, we are doing some things here that you need to know about. They are done for a reason, and Jessica is a big part of the reason. You may find them upsetting. If you feel you cannot stay here because of them, I will help you find another place. I would ask you to keep an open mind until you have heard the reasons, though. I think it would be very bad for Jessica if you took her away from here now."

"Carol, yesterday morning, Eric and I came to breakfast naked. In fact, we did all of the serving."

"What? In front of Jessica? She's underage! That's wrong!"

"Carol, how many times has Jessica seen a penis?"

"What do you mean? She has never..."

"Mom, they know." Carol seemed to deflate when she heard that.

"Carol, when you see a penis, what is your reaction?"

"You can't ask me that! That's personal! Maybe we had better just go somewhere else."

"Mom, I'm staying here. I wish you would stay with me."

"I'm not trying to be nosey, Carol. This is important stuff. How do you react? Do you get aroused?"

"No, I don't. It's not exciting to me."

"Are you disgusted? Do you want to look away?"

"Well, yes, but I can't. He..."

"He makes you look at it, doesn't he?" She just nodded.

"When you see a penis, you are afraid, aren't you? Terrified, even?" She nodded again.

"That's why we men are going to be naked at breakfast for a while." He went on to explain Morgan's theory, taking several minutes to explain it.

"Carol, do you trust me not to hurt you?" She said she did. "Do you think I care about you - want the best for you?" She agreed again. "Good! I'm going to take my clothes off now, and we can talk some more."

"Oh, no, don't! It wouldn't be right!"

"Mom, let him! You need to see how big it is!" Realizing what she had said, she blushed and covered her face. Not waiting for any more response, Dex undressed, taking his shorts off first. He wore no underwear.

When he was exposed, Carol's eyes grew large and she sucked in her breath.

"See Mom! Dad was lying to us about how big he was. Even Eric's is bigger than Dad."

"Are you really large, I mean compared to other men?"

"No, I'm not. I'm a little bigger than average, but there are many a lot bigger."

"Oh, my! I had no idea. H... how can you sit there like that? Isn't it terribly embarrassing?"

"It is difficult, but I want so much to help all of you women that I will do anything it takes. Morgan believes this will help, and I believe in her."

"Why do you care about us so much?" Dex gave them a brief, but emotional version of his story, leaving them both obviously moved.

"How do you feel about my penis now, Carol? Does it make you afraid?"

"No. No, I'm not afraid. I... I was at first, but we've just been talking, and I know you won't hurt me."

"How about you, Jessica? Does it make you afraid?"

"Uh, huh. It still does, a little. I know you won't hurt me and everything, but it still makes me think about when Dad..."

"It's alright, Jessica. It may take a while, but I can tell you are feeling better. You couldn't even look at me when you first came here, could you?"

"No, and I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. It's not your fault. Never forget that. Now, can I come over and lie between you on the bed?"

"Oh, my, I... I..."

"Carol, we'll just talk like we are now. Nothing else. I just want to show you there is nothing to be afraid of." Again, not waiting for any more response, he climbed onto the bed from the foot, crawling up between the two and lying on his back with his hands behind his head. Jessica had scooted way over to the edge to avoid touching him. "Jessica, are you okay? See, it just lays there and won't hurt you." The girl just stared nervously and said nothing.

Dex asked Carol a number of questions to get her talking, and managed to get her into a reasonable conversation. She avoided looking at his penis as she talked. After another fifteen minutes he asked, "How do you feel about my penis now, Carol?"

"I'm not afraid of it. This is a very strange situation, but I feel safe with you. There's a big difference, though. Yours is soft. His was always hard. He forced me to suck it, too."

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The Female Art Teacher

I was a 19 year old male student. I wore a uniform to school and I particular liked my art class I went to. I found Ms Patterson a very amiable person, she was hippie like even though her outward appearance was of a conservatively dressed teacher.She was very attractive but not married in this small town. I regularly hung out there in the art room in my spare time to paint or draw. There was a 19 year old classmate Melissa who was a redhead girl who was very shapely, but shy, pale skinned...

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The DunkarianChapter 4

Carl was excited. It was his first leave and a long-overdue chance to get off the ship and see what being a galactic citizen actually felt like. He had spent more than an Earth year as a member of the crew aboard the Merboran, a Bedaxa Corporation class two scout vessel (survey class), serving as the vessel’s ‘Dunkarian’ expert and was more than ready for a break. He still couldn’t believe the vel (the standard 32 earth hour long Unidar day) had finally arrived as he excitedly stepped through...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 24 Its Friday Im in Love

Friday, October 3, 1997 I was in the middle of dreaming about me and Chase making out on the beach - "From Here to Eternity" style - when my alarm clock woke me up. Drat. It was getting good too. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. "Good Morning, Chrissy," I said to my reflection. Today was Friday again. Spirit Day. I was to wear my track suit. So no cute outfits today. I pulled the track suit out, a marching band t-shirt and got out the new underwear I bought Wednesday...

3 years ago
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Ek Ki Mari Tino Se Marawayi

By : Aadipr Hey friends? How are you all? I got lots of mails n good response of my pervious stories (incidences)! So aaj mein ek aur incidence ki baatein aapke smane rakh raha huu aap muje aapake suzav, pasandgi ya napasandgi mail kar sakte hai . Jese mein pahele bata chuka hun ki muje bisexual sex experiences mein bada maza aata hai, to aaj baat usiki batata hun. Jese mene meri pichali stories mein bataya ki mein mere room partner Sameer ko kai baar chod chuka hun. Usaka ek dost hai salim,...

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Introduction: Erika spends the rent money her mom left her and becomes a sex slave =================================== ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER FOUR =================================== KEY: M+/f, teen, slave, rough, blowjob, anal, sex slave, humil, DP, cum, swallowing, facial Comments? E-mail: [email protected] The next morning (day 3), I walk into the kitchen and find Erika making breakfast. She is in a black bra and lace thong. I walk in the kitchen and slap her ass, hard. I pull down...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Beautiful Married Neighbour

Hello there! I am rajdeep and I am here to tell you a story of my success in fucking a cute lady who is actually my colleague’s wife. What started as a fantasy ultimately ended up in a hardcore session and in fact it’s still in continuation. I am married to girl and I do love her a lot, though I am mentally satisfied yet physically I am not that much happy with her but I never tell her this things as I know it’s not her fault, actually it’s because of my nature. I am not that muscular built and...

2 years ago
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Fun In The Navaratri

This is my first story and I am not going to talk any shit. First let me introduce myself I am Harsh 18 Years old living in Ahmadabad and doing my engineering. I AM VIRGIN I love No Strings attached relationship (Casual ones). And, I am also in mood to grab some ladies from here, but I love threesomes too. So if any couple interested contact me email id : The girl in the story her name is pooja and she’s 20. I didn’t know her before that night. I didn’t believe that I can have sex with a...

1 year ago
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BangingBeauties Eliza Eves Teen Loves Sucking Pussy Juice Off His Thick Cock

Hot teen Eliza Eves arrives in PervCity to have some fun. Her t-shirt reads “angel,” but the blue-eyed brunette has been in porn for almost exactly a year and she knows as well as we do that she’s a devilishly dirty slut. She shows off her big tits and bounces her booty, before removing her daisy duke jean shorts and falling on her knees to worship the only thing she ever prays for: big dick. Face-fucking makes her trim hairy pussy wet, but intense gagging deepthroat makes the spit cascade from...

3 years ago
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Lyla 02 Respecting her Elders

Her palms were sweaty, it was her first day back at work after the conference fuck up. Clarke was still in a meeting when she arrived. Lyla had yet to see her boss. She had cleaned his desk and already made lunch reservations for him and Cassie, she was over compensating for her mistake which could cost the company millions, she just hoped with all the meetings that something could be done to fix the mess she had caused. "Fuck you Holt," she muttered under her breath, she threw herself into her...

2 years ago
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Ride To The Coast part 11

We decided to go for a weekend down the coast,all we had to do was book it,but i said what about Lauren we cant really leave her home on her own,she not long got out of college so a break aswell might be what she wants,Allie says "you think she will want to go on holiday with mum & dad "? ,i thought to myself well she is 18,i agreed with her and that we can both talk to her tonight. While sat with my wife Allie just chilling watching tv,i couldnt help but think if Lauren would go...

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Hi this is vijay having my own firm in pune Iam 37 year old and always look for sex with good looking slim ladies.I am marathi guy and would tell you about my real experience; there is one lady working in my office her name is anjali she is married and her age is around 33 she is 5 feet 4 inch tall with fig of 33-27-35 and looks very beautiful with white skin.Her husband is working in Mumbai and comes to Pune after 15 days. When she joined my office we use to discuss the official matters only I...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 34

the knock on the door finally came and it was my hair stylist the woman came in and set up in the living room i walked in and said "your not mitch!" the woman replied "no sir im jess and i will be styling your hair for you today" she offered her hand to shake but i said again "your not mitch. where is mitch. i booked mitch" my mom came into the living room and said to me "you okay?" i said "no im not " my mom said "whats wrong?" i said "this lady has come to do my hair but she...

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Crush By Cassandra Morgan Charlie was coming over. Good old Charlie. He was the long-lost brother that we never knew we had. One weekend, he had started hanging around, and he seemed to always be there. Charlie had a loopy grin, and a great sense of humor, and he was smart. He told a good joke, and he would help with whatever project that we had going on. He came to dinner. He went to movies with us. Hell, he spent holidays with us. And why wouldn't he? He was Charlie. Good old...

2 years ago
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Second Best Ch 02

Mark clapped his hands together in excitement, ‘Get dressed Steph, you’re all naked for some reason,’ then he gave me a swift kiss on the cheek and headed off the answer the door. I got dressed in a whirlwind, and only just about in time. Lilly swept into the room in a cloud of perfume and executive glamour. To see myself and Lilly stood together proved that Mark was not a man with a ‘type’ in mind when he chose his womenfolk. We were almost opposites. While I am blonde, tiny,...

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Stepsibling Rivalry

Adam stared below him as each thrust was mesmerizingly swaying the brunette’s supple tits.  The fact that he was repeatedly ball-deep in his bitchy stepsister, Holland, made him achingly harder.  Glancing to his left, his fiancée Mia stood in green lace thong panties, intently watching her husband-to-be, giving his stepsister the raw fucking of her life.  Holland, confused but lost in her own lust, licked her lips unconsciously as she looked at the lithe blonde.  Mia wryly smiled at no one in...

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Holly Potter And The Army Of Darkness Pt 5

I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I'd be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness Story Kim West Chapter 8: Never...

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Tales of Culverin HillEpilogue

“Bye! Bye!” Jessica waved at the departing cars. One arm was comfortably around her eldest son’s waist. Toby was also waving at his departing grandparents. Andrew Jr. was leaning against the railing on the front steps, waving as well. Both cars beeped their horns in response and then motored out of the development, with Bill and Molly in the lead. Once they were out of sight, Jessica turned and went inside, followed by her sons. “I think I need a vacation from my vacation!” she commented....

3 years ago
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HARVEY I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story.  This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home. Well, the inevitable happened and she caught me...

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Life Redone Part 6 of 100

That was the halfway point. The most incredible device in the world only had five marks remaining. I knew from this point forward I would have to make sure that I did the most regrettable moments. If I didn’t do something during this opportunity, I would regret things even more, knowing I had the perfect chance to live out anything right here. I had a couple of girls that I was definitely going to include, perhaps even saving them for the end. I really only had one or two chances left that...

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The Kiss

The Kiss by Marina Kelly Telling stories is not just the oldest form of entertainment; it's arguably the highest form of consciousness. I make no claim at being an accomplished author, but I have been weaving yarns for most of my life. I have been an avid reader of FM for years. This is my first contribution. I have written nothing but technical papers since freshman English class. I welcome all comments, albeit they be in the form of; criticisms, suggestions, or compliments. I am a...

1 year ago
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Natural Beauty Part 3 A Night At The Circus

As the driver navigated the short distance to the circus ground, Ellen took the opportunity to re-touch her make up. She tilted her compact mirror this way and that as she reapplied her lipstick, powdered her face and aimed eye drops into her slightly reddened orbs until she was satisfied with her appearance. She remembered with a grimace how Bob’s heel had pressed against her leg but when she examined it, she was relieved to see that there was only a small pull in her hose. Barely even...

4 years ago
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King University New Slut Part 1

It was my first day at King University as a freshman and I couldn't help but to be nervous. I knew this was going to be a totally different experience than high school. I had went to a catholic school back in the suburbs of Boston and I wasn't the most popular guy in the school. I was your average dude with a few friends here and there. I had messed around around with a few chicks but unfortunately nothing sexual. Since it was a strict school many girls wanted to save themselves for marriage....

2 years ago
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Couple Hot Adventures Part 3

Hubby arranges Massage for WifeI am Raman, Suman's husband of 15 years. If you have read our previous stories, you know we have a wonderful marriage with an active sex life. We discuss our fantasies and always tell each other the truth. So, when I had a few extra-marital flings, Suman knew. She said as long as it was just a fling and brief, she did not mind. She used to joke that I fucked her better after I had sex with others. I told her that she was free to have sex with other men. She...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 4 Dark Discoveries

Chapter 4 ‘Were you successful in your mission my Lord?’ asked Draco concernedly. ‘Of sorts Draco,’ replied Voldemort calmly, sat as usual in his high throne like chair in the impressive living room of Malfoy Manor, ‘Gregorovitch did once possess the Elder Wand, but it was stolen from him many years ago. From what I extracted from his tortured mind before I killed him; it was stolen by a young, blonde haired wizard.’ ‘Not a lot to go on my Lord,’ commented Ron, who was sat near the fire...

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Window ShoppingChapter 3

I simply didn't know, during those days, what I should have been expecting. After the first time we'd "met" Miss had simply disappeared. I hadn't seen her on the street, nor had I even been able to find the storefront where I'd been displayed as some kind of fetish trophy. But she had come back, and she had had me prepared, I thought. Readied for something. Replaying those scant two hours or so over and over in my head, it all felt so much more humiliating, degrading than it had in the...

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Free Spirited 02My Birthday 1997

After Easter the next big event in my life was ANZAC Day 1997; it was also my 15th birthday. Leanne had spoken to Jason about my special request for the day; the guys were all very eager to take part. My request was to be fully stuffed with cock in my pussy, ass and mouth simultaneously. To prepare for this I had to become acquainted with oral; and learn to suck cock. So I had 4 weeks to practice; which I did during lunch time breaks at school. I can’t remember if it was every lunch...

1 year ago
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Humiliating state

I am 18 years old, i live with my parents and my brother, Jake, who is older than me by a year. The world where i live is not fair, our parents tend to punish me with a private spanking for everything, sometime i don't even deserve it, instead my brother has a lot of privilege just because he is a boy and is older than me. They think that he is mature and strong instead i am a spoiled brat who is always trying to make a mess. Inside of my little world there are also my best friend, Liam, that...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 109 Insurance

The next morning, I found a very subdued Aedan sitting by the fire, dark bags under his eyes testifying that he hadn’t slept well. No one else was around, though it wasn’t that early by our normal standards, and I wondered if the sour expression on his face had scared everyone off. I sat down beside my brother and took his hand, resting my head on his shoulder as I picked at cold jerky I had fished out of my pack. We didn’t speak; I handed Aedan and Alistair some of the jerky, and we ate...

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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part III

I just laid there on the bench in the locker room. My body was covered in cum. Most of it was on my face and in my hair, and I had swallowed quite a bit too, but there was a lot running down my tits and belly. My ass was wet was just everywhere from rolling around in all the positions those boys put me in. Both my pussy and asshole were quivering from the intense session I just went through.The boys all milled around picking up their clothes, spurred on by the gym teacher yelling at...

2 years ago
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Teacher Ne Gulam Bnaya 8211 Part II

Hi friends. M tanmay .. Again females ka paltu kutta ……. Or gulam ap sbi ke response dekh maine age ka part likhne ka socha …. Jaisa ki apne parha hoga ki kaise kiran malkin ne muze apna paltu kutta bnakr rakha …… Ab age suno kiran malkin bed par so gye …… Meri gand marne ke baad aur m unke pair chat rha tha …….. M bilkul nanga tha ……. Malkin ne kaha tha ji teri jeeb mere talvo se alag ni honi chahiye jb tk m so rhi hu ….. So m unke talve chat rha tha …. Kariban 2 gante baad malkin uthe aur...

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The Intruder

My wife, Helen, has set up a nice evening with me. She wants to make me horny, so she's dressed with panties and a very tight lacy bra. It's very sexy and cupping her heavy tits in a very strong and vice grip, putting them on display as a real slut.We are starting kissing when a masked intruder comes in the house. The intruder is here for a robbery. First, he ties me to a chair, then he ties my wife to another chair. While binding my wife, he keeps on looking at her chest and his cock starts...

1 year ago
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Moms Best FriendChapter 7

That evening, Adam took Mary and her daughter to visit his children. Emily, his fifteen-year-old daughter, and Dean, her twelve-year-old brother, seemed to be well-brought-up children and greeted their guests politely, if not too warmly. Mary sensed that there was some resentment in the girl, and that it was aimed in her direction. "I'm sure you're right, darling," Adam told her later, as they talked over drinks in the kitchen while the children talked and watched television in the...

3 years ago
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Mission Delhi housewife

Dosto maine aap logo ko vada kiya tha ki main apko us flight me mili ek housewife ke sath kya hua vo aapko btane wala tha. To suniye agale din main delhi me apne hotel me tha, maine socha ki us house ko phone kiya jaye. Maine sham ko 5baje us housewife ko phone kiya. Usne mujhe pehchan liya. Uska nam suman (change name) tha. Usne mujhe sham ko 7:30 per cp me mc’donald me bulaya. Mai vahan 7 baje hi pahuch gaya tha. Aur coke pite-2 uska wait kar raha tha. Har pal meri nigahe darwaje(door) per...

2 years ago
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The Return Home WyomingUte IGT

The Return Home Everyone was excited, the heads of Wyoming/Ute Trucking were putting together a second intergalactic convoy. This one would be bound back to Earth to return with more needed supplies, and to let those left behind see that loved ones were well. There was a truck status board in the joint dispatch terminal run by Coyote and Otter, who coordinated the loads between the two families of the joint company as well as those who had joined them in the original quest. But a...

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An Italian Christmas

Our family seemed to grow every year. My parents had ten children: four boys, and six girls. Being the eldest of the six girls, I was always in charge of the baking. My sisters and I would roll pastries and prepare cakes for days before the holiday. My aunts would help Mama prepare large bowls of pasta, rolled balls of seasoned venison, and a great vessel of heavy red sauce. My brothers would bring the tomatoes up from the cellar. My brother Pasqualli always gave them to his favorite, Aunt...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 55 the Request of Okubo Toshimichi

Battousai: Once of the Satsuma Ishin Shishi, now Director of Internal Affairs under the Meiji government, Okubo Toshimichi. Yahiko: And so what?! Who is this bearded guy that just showed up out of nowhere!? Sanosuke: You don't read the papers. Obviously a mere child wouldn't know. Megumi: The last of the Ishin Sanketsu*, the triumvirate of the new era, the highest achievers of the new age. He has complete control of the country in all but name with the position of Director of Internal...

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My Hot DSC Date For The Night 8211 Riya

Hello, friends in ISS. I am Vishwas (name changed). Well, to tell a bit about me, I am single and I just finished my college studies. I just had a couple of flings with one of my classmates and she got married now. So, I cannot tell her name. Let’s start with the story. I felt very desperate for the sex one day after reading some stories on this site. Since I do not feel safe in approaching call girls or prostitutes, usually I would just jerk off at night after watching some porns. But soon I...

1 year ago
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An Old Mans Wish

First of all I would like to thank Todger65 for editing this story and teaching me things about both the English language and Open Office. The help provided has been invaluable and I am indebted. If there still are any faults they are entirely my mistakes due to last minute changes or negligence. Thank you Todger! As usual this could have been put in a number of other categories (Exhibitionism was a strong candidate), but I decided on Romance in the end. The story is somewhat long, around...

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Adelas Ascent

Adela Roma’s mother Marianne ranted when her youngest daughter announced she’d decided not to go to university in Australia or even abroad. As the sparks began to fly her father David intelligently yelled he was going for a walk and disappeared. When David returned the house was still standing, nothing inside appeared broken and mother and daughter were in their respective bedrooms at opposite ends of the house, doors shut. With dinner overdue, the lanky and greying David made two stiff...

2 years ago
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Alice and Angela go Golfing 4

Later as I lay soaking in the scent foam bath and watching my deep red toenails I considered what was happening here. Ever since that first evening when Mark had come to diner dressed as Angela, I'd felt strongly attracted to him. Yes we had been friends for many years and spent considerable time together. That however, was a platonic friendship; the attraction now was much more of a sexual nature. After our first kiss I knew that I wanted to be with him, to have him explore my body,...

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