Beetlesmith’s Ch. 04 free porn video

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Warning. This chapter contains strong depictions of double penetration and anal sex. If you are squeamish about such sexual practices, then click away now, although you will be missing a hell of a good story. What can I say? Sometimes folks who like the backdoor approach are also fortunate to find Beetlesmith’s magic elixir.


Karen came back out of the bathroom wearing the strap-on device and carrying her old vibrator, ‘How do I look?’

I thought she looked strangely erotic, and was about to tell her so when Jackie blurted out, ‘Christ, you look like my ex-husband.’

The remark could have been taken the wrong way, as another dig at Karen, but the way it was said it was clearly Jackie’s attempt at self-deprecating humor.

Karen came up behind her and teased into her ear, ‘I’m going to forget you said that.’

Jackie tried to clarify her statement, ‘That’s not what I meant…Wait, what are you doing back there?’

‘Something I’ve been meaning to do for some time now.’

Jackie gave a nervous laugh, and said, ‘Why do I get the feeling you don’t mean that in a good way?’

‘Gees Jackie, don’t be such a ‘fraidy cat. Surely you’ve doubled your pleasure before.’

‘Not that often, believe it or not, and usually the guy sticking through the back door sort of…you know…liked me.’

Karen took her time getting Jackie used to the size, by first inserting one lubricated finger, then two, and eventually three. My cock was still in Jackie’s pussy, and I could feel Karen gently manipulate her fingers in and out of her ass. The whole time Jackie lay passively on my chest, her eyes closed. Only her rapid breathing indicated that she was in the realm of the living.

Karen slowly inserted the dildo, stopping occasionally when Jackie made a soft groan. Then pushing further in when it felt like Jackie was getting used to the size.

Once Karen had inserted the dildo in as far as she dared, she paused a moment and stroked Jackie’s back in a soothing way, and saying softly, ‘Oh, I know it feels good. Does it feel good?’

Jackie slowly nodded a response.

‘Yes, I know it does,’ Karen said, and continued with a hint of mirth, ‘See, I’m not going to hurt you…yet.’

‘Oh, don’t even kid about that,’ Jackie pleaded.

Karen laughed devilishly at her verbal taunts to her cousin, and then requested, ‘Sit up so I can feel those boobs.’

As I watched Karen schooling Jackie in the nuances of double penetration, a dark thought entered my head that I kept to myself. Karen was displaying what I thought to be an unusual amount of knowledge in two on one fucking, especially for someone who should have limited practical experience. However, we had done a similar thing with Gloria a week ago. Karen had also always been very anal, and enjoyed that side of love-making, particularly when she got really horny. I suspect she had spent a good deal of her time fantasizing about these situations. As such, maybe a lot of her theoretical experience was translating into practical terms. However, as I watched Karen guide Jackie through the motions, I couldn’t help thinking that Roger Kendall’s hand was somehow involved. Still, the imagination can be a wonderful teacher all by itself, and if Karen was anything, she was imaginative.

As Jackie straightened up, Karen wrapped an arm around Jackie’s breasts and pulled her tight against her. Jackie reciprocated by arching her back, and reaching around, wrapped her arms around Karen’s neck. Now that Jackie was more or less in an upright position, all of her weight bore down onto the bed and pulled the dildo and my cock fully into their respective openings. Jackie remained still for a moment, as if savoring the sudden rush of euphoria that enveloped her. A look of unreserved bliss crossed her face.

Gloria, who was watching the proceedings with intense curiosity, must also have seen the look on Jackie’s face, and commented, ‘Oh, I’m definitely next.’

Karen and I stayed still for the most part, and allowed Jackie to develop her own rhythm and speed. Karen continued to hold Jackie tight against her, and each used the other as a form of support. Occasionally, Karen would whisper something inaudible into Jackie’s ear, probably words of sexual teasing, which would, at times, spur Jackie to increase the frequency and forcefulness of her pelvic thrusts. At times, Karen’s whispering elicited a more audible response from Jackie. Usually a simple, ‘Please,’ or ‘Yes,’ or sometimes it was just a soft whimper of glee before seductively touching herself.

That was probably the most erotic thing for me, seeing, but not hearing, my loving wife whispering taunts actualized by her sexual marionette, Jackie, in word and deed.

Most likely Gloria had a similar impression as mine, because she could no longer continue to passively watch the erotic interplay between the two women, and positioned herself on top of me facing Jackie. She made a harsh plea of, ‘Suck me,’ but her request was unnecessary, for I had already buried my tongue deep into her pussy.

All I could see now was Gloria’s plump ass, and I certainly didn’t mind given that I could still hear everything that was transpiring between the three women. Most of which, amounted to nothing more that loud moaning and the occasional requests for Gloria to suck and nibble harder on Jackie’s breasts, and when Gloria wasn’t too busy seeing to Jackie’s needs, she was pushing her pussy harder into my face.

I felt Karen thrust in syncopation to Jackie’s own pelvic shifting, and I quickly followed suit. After a short time, however, Jackie just gave up on her own rhythmic gyrations, allowing Karen and me to thrust into her rigid frame with complete abandon.

Jackie’s climax started with her increasing demands on Gloria to bite harder on her nipples. First telling her to bite one, then the other, and then back again, and each time calling her breasts ‘my girls.’

When I first heard her use that term, I thought she was talking about Gloria and Karen in some newfound sense of camaraderie. Something akin to, ‘Come on girls, let’s get each other off together,’ but no, I quickly caught on that she was referencing her large melons. I thought it very sweet.

I didn’t hear much from my wife, but I could feel her slamming into Jackie’s ass with increasing force. Every so often, I could catch a glimpse of her when Jackie pushed Gloria’s head down so that she could attend to her vulva. Karen’s hands were positioned on Jackie’s shoulders, I suspect to give her more leverage, so that she could pull Jackie down while she thrust the strap-on into her. Karen’s face was flushed red again from her own pelvic exertion. There was bright gleam in her eye, and her lips were curled up into a crooked grimace. Her half-mouthed grin coupled with the way the lighting shadowed across her face, gave Karen’s face the appearance of a macabre, minstrel-like, evil-maniacal mask. The ghoulish perceptions aside, it looked like Karen was enjoying herself, at least.

Jackie was in what I can only describe as a state of sexual frenzy. This was manifested by her first, pushing Gloria’s head down and demanding her to, ‘suck on her clity,’ and then pulling Gloria’s head back up while reminding her, ‘don’t neglect my girls.’ When each of Jackie’s mammoth breasts were pushed into her face, it was back down south of the border for Gloria. Again and again, like clockwork. Unfortunately for Gloria, the net effect of having Jackie push her head down was to have my pubis bone slammed into her chin on each of my upward thrusts. I don’t think Gloria ever got her tongue close to Jackie’s clitoris, not that she had the time, because no sooner had Jackie pushed her head down to have it smacked against my pubis, then Jackie wrenched her up again to smother her with her tits. I tried not to laugh at Gloria’s predicament, but she was beginning to look like one of those bobble-head dolls you s
py in the back of a family sedan.

There was an upside to all this, besides the humor. With Jackie pushing and pulling Gloria up and down like she was, Gloria’s pelvis was naturally shifting up and down in opposition to her head. The net result was that Gloria’s sweet vitals raked past my waiting mouth. With no effort on my part, I could administer to Gloria’s clit, snatch and ass without moving my head. All I need do was stick my tongue out and let Jackie do the driving. Well, it made life easier for me, at any rate.

It didn’t take long for Gloria to tire of being Jackie’s piñata. Wrenching her head free from Jackie’s embrace, she announced, ‘Jesus Christ you bitch, if you yank on my head one more time I’m going to slap you. Plus, I’m getting the fucking shit knocked out of me by Will. So cool it.’

I’m not sure if she actually heard Gloria, because it was about then the Jackie really started to get vocal, leading off her last verbal crescendo to orgasm with a long wailing, ‘Oh…fuck…me!’

Everyone in the room, including the neighbor’s dog outside, pretty much knew she was about to come, and doubled their efforts, but just in case someone living in our county didn’t get it yet, Jackie kept repeating, ‘Oh fuck me,’ with ever increasing pitch and volume.

I slammed into her. Karen slammed into her, although I can’t be sure but I think she was laughing while doing it. And Gloria…Well Gloria got wrapped up in Jackie’s arms again, her head crushed tightly on and between Jackie’s breasts.

Jackie croaked out one last, brash comment to her newfound bosom buddy, ‘I bet you wish they were registered now,’ before I felt the waterworks bathing the lot of us. She remained stationary, head uplifted and eyes closed, for some moments before falling alongside me with a loud sigh.

None of us did or said anything at first, except listen to Jackie pant heavily. It was Gloria who broke the silence, ‘I think I chipped a tooth,’ then quickly shifting gears as she just realized the chosen seat was open, jumped into my lap ahead of, and facing, Karen, saying, ‘My turn.’

Karen started to whine, ‘Hey wait a minute! When did I get voted to be every one’s fuck bunny?’

It was Gloria’s turn to whine, ‘Ah, come on Karen, please? You get to do it with Will anytime you want.’

It took Gloria only a few more seconds of pleading before Karen relinquished, ‘Okay, okay then turn around.’

‘No, I want to put Will up there,’ she said to Karen, and then turning back toward me, ‘Is that okay?’

Well, there was the second stupid question of the night, ‘Anything you want honey. I always wanted to tap that ass.’

Karen rolled her eyes at my braggadocios talk, ‘Look who’s getting all ‘gansta’,’ she said, and then continued to Gloria, ‘All right, but I better wash this thing first. You don’t need Jackie’s cooties up your hoochie.’

‘Bitch,’ Jackie said under her breath.

With Karen cleaning her newfound, favorite toy and Gloria preparing herself for anal combat, I turned to Jackie, who still hadn’t moved since sliding off my cock. She was laying half on her stomach and half on her side. She had that Liz Taylor quality about her as she lay prostrate with one side of her face buried in the bed sheets. The other side watched me intently. Her breathing finally subsided, but every now and again I heard her take a deep breath and slowly let it out through her mouth, and each time she exhaled I caught the subtle whiff of warm jasmine.

‘How are you doing?’ I asked with a wry smile.

Her lips weakly curled up into a smile, ‘I think you broke my hoochie, and I know Karen broke my ass. You know your wife has a real mean streak.’

‘I have a feeling it runs in the family,’ I said.

I squeezed the closest one of her plump, round cheeks. She gave me a mocked wince of anticipated pain that told me to venture no farther with my hand.

‘Should I kiss it and make it all better?’

She bit my ear lobe, as Karen is want to do when she gets feisty, and said to me in the sultriest voice I had heard in a woman outside of my own mind, ‘What I really want you to do is slide your tongue into my ass until I squirt.’

‘You naughty, dirty gir…’

She buried her tongue deep into my mouth. Holding it there just long enough so that she probed every millimeter, and some parts twice, then pulling out she said in that same sultry voice, ‘That’s how I want it done to me,’ and back into my mouth she dove.

Our embrace was interrupted when we heard Gloria loudly groan, more out of pain than pleasure. She was inching my cock further into her rear, but the progress was slow. So far she only had a third of it inside of her.

I whispered to Jackie, ‘Aren’t you going to help her?’

‘Little chick’s got to learn to fly on her own sometime, she’s doing okay.’

‘You are a cruel mistress,’ I said, then louder to Gloria, ‘Don’t be so cheap with the K-Y, Glo. Slather it all around my stick, just like jam on bread, honey…and spend some time working a finger or three up there to get it loose, before you try and stick it in.’

Gloria busied herself with my instructions.

‘I want it done to me softly,’ Jackie said, hopping back on our previous subject, and then she reengaged the kiss.

It was only a few moments later when I heard Karen enter the room. Gloria had already seated herself back down on me, and had succeeded in putting me halfway in.

‘How we doing?’ I heard her say to Gloria.

‘It’s like you said last week. It hurts at first, but then…’

‘I know, baby, and it gets better.’

Jackie and I slipped off each other and watched intently as Karen pressed up against Gloria. Both of their breasts in were in contact as Karen sweetly placed an assuring hand on one of Gloria’s cheeks. We saw her slip a finger down and slide it along the exposed part of my shaft, using its length as a gauge to measure Gloria’s progress.

‘Almost there,’ Karen said earnestly. Then she and Gloria locked in a passionate embrace. Both of them had a firm hold of each other’s buttocks, as their tongues danced from one mouth to the next.

It was another iconic moment, one that I will continue to play over in my head even when parts of my body begin to decay and grow flaccid from old age. They’ll have me drooling in a corner at some moldy old folks’ home. Yet, a smile will be plastered on my face, and only if I had the ability to talk I would tell them the tale of how my sweet, sweet slut of a wife finally, completely, and so unabashedly succumbed to her inner lesbian.

I couldn’t wait. What I saw of the two women affected me beyond my ability to contain. Yet, what reason was there for me to wait? Beetlesmith’s magic elixir would guarantee my endurance, as it had done at every turn this evening. I shifted my cock ever so slightly within Gloria’s tight rear. She probably didn’t even notice, so subtle were my movements, but it was more than enough for me. I felt myself coming. A rich euphoria flowed over me as I felt spasm after spasm empty deep into her beautifully formed ass. Only the weak moan that passed through my lips would indicate to anyone that I had just climaxed.

One person did notice, however. Jackie giggled with astonished glee. Her amazement peaked even more when she saw Gloria slowly slide my still hardened cock in and out now that she’d grown accustomed to my size.

‘Did you just come?’ Jackie whispered into my ear.

I just closed my eyes and nodded a reply.

‘How in fuck’s name can you do this? I’ve known some guys in my time who could throw some wood, but this…’

Attempting a very poor Kirk Douglas impression, I said ‘Because I…am…Robo-cock.’

I could feel Jackie’s eyes drilling into the side of my head. There was so much she wanted to say, and even more she wanted to ask, but eventually all she could bring herself to mutter with barely concealed envy, ‘Goddamn Karen is such a fucking
goddamn moron.’

Thank you Mr. Beetlesmith, you goddamn genius.

By now Karen had entered Gloria, and unlike her time with Jackie, she was far more gentle and loving with Gloria. I could feel her slowly pumping the strap-on into our friend’s pussy with calm deliberation. She had a light hold of each of Gloria’s buttocks, and every so often would stroke them, or give them a gentle squeeze, or pulling them apart and putting a finger or two at her anus so that she could feel my cock sliding in and out of Gloria’s ass. All the while their lips remained in contact.

Jackie also noticed the tender way in which Karen was handling Gloria compared with her own rough treatment by her hand. I saw a shroud of jealousy descend over her face, as she said with overt sarcasm, ‘Face to face, that’s very romantic.’

‘Play nice.’

She stopped herself from saying more, and only responded with, ‘I will if she will.’

Christ! She was back on the ‘Karen and Gloria as star-crossed lovers’ meme. Both she and Karen were beginning to be real pains with this sibling rivalry. Fortunately, their combativeness remained in the slightly derisive, verbal realm, such as that last dig from Jackie, or Karen’s, ‘Jackie’s cooties,’ comment earlier, so I didn’t take their sparring too seriously. I would realize later that my apathy was a mistake.

‘What’s the deal with you two?’

She laid her head on my chest, ‘Nothing really, old wounds that never really closed. What does Karen say?’

‘The same,’ I lied, Karen never talked about Jackie at all.

Karen and Gloria continued their slow screw, oblivious to anything around them. I was content to just let them go to town on their own without any more help from me, except for a stiff cock up Gloria’s behind.

I slipped a hand between Jackie’s legs, ‘Is your pussy still broken?’ and feeling that she was still very wet, answered my own question, ‘Nope, it feels in perfect, working order.’

She rolled over onto her stomach, pinning my wrist against her pubis bone and the bed, but leaving my hand and fingers free. Then with subtle shifting of her hips, she rubbed her clitoris against my outstretched hand. All I had to do was keep my fingers taut and hand still. It was the same technique Karen used on me earlier at the dinner table, only instead of my cock Jackie used my fingers. I guess there was a lot more than just infidelity, earlobe nibbling, and a penchant for being mean-ass bitches that run in their family.

I felt Karen picking up her pace. Gloria was giggling about something, and seemed to be having a merry time bouncing up and down on my lap. Jackie continued to stroke her pussy along my fingers while she attempted to give me a hickey on my chest. The whole scene struck a funny chord, causing me to laugh.

Jackie stopped sucking to ask, ‘What’s so funny?’

‘I was just thinking. I’m the only guy in the room and surrounded by three lovely, red-lining and supercharged, stick-it-into-me-six-ways-to-Sunday women, and all I need do is stick my finger up…keep ‘it’ up…throw a strap-on into the mix, and just lie back and watch the fun. I definitely am…’

‘Robo-cock,’ she finished for me with a smile. ‘Well Robo-cock, let’s see what your tongue can do.’

She sat on my chest, and looking down at me with a ‘cat that ate the canary’ look, said, ‘First time I’ve felt in control all night. Now stick out your tongue.’

‘Why?’ I teased.

‘Because you’re going to kiss it…and lick it…and make it feel all better.’

She started out using my mouth just as she had my finger, shifting her pelvis forward and back so that her sweet vitals slid gently across my extended tongue. Her clit and labia were swollen and protruding, making it easier for her to keep me squarely in her groove.

To start, Jackie rapidly shook her hips so that her clitoris almost quivered across the tip of my tongue. The action made her use quick breaths through her mouth, making her sounded like a small steam engine straining up a steep grade. Every now and again she would change it up, shifting her vulva in a long slide to where my tongue ended up lapping around the opening of her pussy.

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Lady in the House ? Chapter XIII By Michele Nylons "Hang on a minute Carmel; I've got an idea," Steve exclaimed and sauntered over to where I lay curled up in a snivelling ball, may face covered in semen mixed in with my heavy makeup; my clothes dishevelled. "Lift that bitch's face for me," he said as he played with his cell phone. Carmel came over and helped me to my knees. I knelt there with my face hung...

1 year ago
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Taking Care of the BoardersChapter 5

Time was standing still for Rhonda as Bobby was thrusting hard and steady, keeping her orgasms coming quickly. Bobby could see the pleasure he was bringing this older woman and kept up his rhythm. When he could hold back no longer, Bobby unleashed his cum into Rhonda yelling, "Slut, take my cum baby." Rhonda gathered her senses and began to encourage him to fill her with cum. Bobby then collapsed onto her saying, "Damn, that felt good." Rhonda laid there with his dick inside her until he...

2 years ago
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Financial Feet Sessions

She pulled on her stockings, feeling the smooth fabric against her shaved, soft skin. She really had beautiful legs – the mirror wasn’t able to lie, and she enjoyed watching her amazing, long, irresistible legs in their bedroom mirror. She was the dominant one in their relationship – her submissive husband was currently in celibacy, refraining from any kind of marital duties when it came to bedroom affairs. But it’s okay, she didn’t mind – she still had her feet to control him, to make him...

4 years ago
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Say CheeseChapter 6

After staring at myself in the mirror for a few long minutes and wishing I wasn’t alone in my room I took my shredded pajamas off and started to reach into my drawer for some pajamas I can actually wear. As I reached into my dresser drawer I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and glanced over at my door. A panicky feeling rushed through me when I saw that it wasn’t closed all the way. Had someone peeked in and seen me in my shredded pajamas? It couldn’t have been Tyler! He would have...

4 years ago
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family changed ron to rose

My story started when I was 18, all the three ladies loved me a lot . they took lot of care of sister used to make me bath some day my sis was making me bath so playfully I splashed water on her and she was completely wet so I asked her to remove her dress and have bath with me at that time I don't know about sex . so sis opened her dress completely I saw her boobs and a 5 inch cock in between her legs,mine was very small I was surprised seeing her boobs and dick, I asked her...

3 years ago
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 G A I LAs I nervously drove to the hotel, I searched my memories and tried to remember when this first started. I think it was a progression of a thousand things over a very long period. All in all, I considered Mike and I had a pretty good marriage. We didn’t have a perfect relationship, but who does? I think (like many couples) we slowly became trapped in a relationship where intimacy was placed on the back burner for more important responsibilities. Now with the kids gone to college,...

Wife Lovers
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Sallys punishment for texting while driving

I was riding my motorcycle to the hardware store in Long Beach, near LBSU, to pick up some eye hooks. There was a car in front of me all over the lane. I thought that person must have had a few drinks for lunch? Or they were on the phone or texting?? I switched lanes and came up on them on the drivers side. I couldn't believe it? It was Sally! And, yes, she was texting! She knows I hate when people do this while driving! When I'm riding my motorcycle I want people to pay attention. I was...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Carter Cruise Carter8217s Games Part Two

Competitive Carter Cruise is up to her old tricks trying to get her brother’s wife April O’Neil to play her silly games. Even though it worked once on April, she just rolls her eyes and tries to get back to whatever she’s doing. When Carter persists, April agrees to hang out. But Carter wants to have sex. She reminds April of their agreement that she has to help her as long as she is living under her roof. April is worried that her husband is upstairs and will hear them....

3 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 38

Savita, Shobha and Ashok were headed towards Ashok’s ancestral village to attend Ayush’s wedding. Savita and Ashok were in the front seat of a car. Savita wore a red saree low cut; Ashok wore a t-shirt loosely hung and trousers. Shobha was in the backseat and wore a jeans and a tight striped tank top along with the sun-glasses. Shobha, who was very excited about the village visit said “Thanks for inviting to this village wedding bhabhi.” “I was born and brought up in the city so I’ve never been...

1 year ago
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Suzys Daydream

After months of involuntary abstinence from the joy of being Suzy, I finally managed to get a Friday afternoon off, giving me enough time to transform. With lots of time to prepare, I forced myself to go slowly, carefully shaving as closely as I could, trimming my eyebrows as much as I dared (knowing that I still needed to be able to resume my masculine identity once the adventure was over), and meticulously applying my makeup. I’ve actually gotten pretty good at the makeup, and was pretty...

4 years ago
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Vigilante Alice ClarkChapter 5

Alice had come to realize just how dull a place Atlanta could be without organized crime to keep her attention. Ever since she had broken up that protection racket and had all the crooks in Atlanta turn themselves in to the police, she had been pretty much in the doldrums. It looked like she was going to have to return to concentrating on private citizens for amusement until organized crime could get itself reorganized. She did hope that her telephone would ring pretty soon. And ring it did....

3 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 15 Domestic Arrangements

A couple of weeks after he moved in to his new house, the Chief Eunuch whom he had acquired with it came to him in his study one evening. "Master," he said in his slightly odd version of English, "it is not seemly for a man of your prestigious status and great importance to have only three women in his harem. It should be better if there was more, or some boys if that is your heart's desire? The Master has not used any of the women." "These three women, where did they come from? Are...

2 years ago
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The Family Part 6 Conclusion

Bobs on my cock and soon I feel like cumming, I grab her head and hold her hard against with my.cock deep down her mouth, and begin to cum, she starts to choke a little. I then let go after finishing and she swallows everything then she begins coughing after I release her. She then gives me a big hug and says to me, Nathan, I want to explore my feelings with other guys I don't want to stop seeing you but I want to see and have sex with others. I will understand if you don't want to...

4 years ago
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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 8

Hi guys, gals, Pramod here, continuing the incident. So Impana and I were on the bus. She asked me to wait for some time after getting down at the Majestic bus stop. I was waiting for her after getting down. She came back after 10 minutes. I asked her where she had been. She told me she had gone to give some office files to her colleague. I asked her that she’s not going to the office today. Then she told me that even I am not going to college. I told her that yesterday also I have not gone and...

1 year ago
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elf Storage Chapter 6

_elf Storage by Janice Dreamer copyright 2012 Chapter 6 * * * * * Colleen shook her head. Just when she thought she couldn't be surprised any more Ells had sprung a new one on her. "So where do I find an MBA?" "Ah, that's easy, lass. Follow me," Ells replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He set off across the cleared area behind the office and wound his way in between several of the long buildings turning left then right. The buildings weren't laid out at...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Kavya My Senior And My Life Partner

I am Pradeep 21 she is Kavya 23yrs my senior in college. We both got introduced during annual day function in our college. At that time we exchanged our numbers. Since then we had a nice friendly relation. she had a boyfriend in her class she used to share all her experiences with him how he kissed hugged fucked her everything. She asked me if I had any girlfriend I said if I had would choose for a girl like you she blushed and said don’t flirt am your senior. one day she was known that she...

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A Transalvanian Tale of Lust

It was night, the deepest densest part, when small rodents scuttle out of their hay filled homes and frolic in the fields. Yet in the moonlight the owl is also spying over their domain and closely watching the poor unsuspecting creatures. This reflects what is happening, directly outside the wide expanse of your half d****d window. The moonlight has entered, crossing your soft slender legs and playing on your warm luxuriously full bosoms. Your soft shiny apparel, only enhancing the moons...

1 year ago
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Walk In The Park

You and I, we're walking in a secluded park with a winding hedge, much like a maze. As we're walking deep within the maze, we start to hear heavy breathing coming from the other side of one of the hedges. Curious, you bend at the hips to peer through a small whole in the bush. You can see a young couple having sex, and not just regular sex, but sweaty, intense sex. I can see them also, but they can't see us. Knowing how turned on you must be from watching them, I step up behind you and press my...

4 years ago
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The Salesman at the door

Well this story gose back a couple of years when I was selling as a cold callerlocal to where I live and I found out just how many happily married wives were so easy to charm them into bed. I wonder just how many husbands go off to worknot knowing that there wife is getting her pussy fucked by a stranger.The day I would like to tell you about is the day I knocked on the door of this married lady in her forties and she let me in showing me into her lounge.She was blond, dressed in a white blouse...

2 years ago
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Max the Dress and Me

Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...

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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 11 I Cant Do That

Danny was admiring the lovely Becky Bartell drying her breasts off just after her shower when he heard someone call his name. He turned to his left but couldn’t see anyone. He heard his name called again. It was a very soft feminine voice. He turned to his right – no one there either. The phantom voice called again. This time he spun round 180 degrees and Danny could not believe what he saw. His mind raced quickly back to the cafeteria ... it HAD been Janet Rivers he saw. Danny hadn’t been...

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Janet and John Book 4

Janet and John are twins. They live in a big house in the country.Janet and John have a beautiful older sister Anna.See Anna and her best friend Missy cuddling in the long grass under the big tree.Anna pulled up her tee shirt. Anna was not wearing a bra. See Anna's breasts."That horrid old man who writes these stories says my breasts are 'floppy'. Do you think they are floppy, lover?"Missy very carefully inspected one bare breast; planting little kisses all around the nipple.Then Missy very...

4 years ago
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Sex Relation With My Sweetheart Friend

Hy friends mera name … Hitler …. Hai me lahore rehta hon meri umer 18 saal hai . First year ne parhta hon apni tareef khud bhi kr skta ke me kesa dikhta hon guys ab me direct story ki tarf ata hon this is my true story friends. Ye 16 august 2013 ke din ka wakei hai. Me btaya chalo mene is story me sex kisi larki ke sath nahi balke ak khubsort sexy larke ke sath kiya tha jo larkiun jesa hi hai soft or cute . Friends me apne dost ka name nahi likho ga bs is story me my uska name raza use karo...

Gay Male
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Summer dressing

It was the mid 1980s, I was 20 years old and it was the summer holidays. For the long break from college I’d managed to find a vacation job in Kent in the south of England. It wasn’t brilliant but I was going to get some experience of working with computers, and earn a bit of money to keep me going during term time. The company was based in a small town where I had found a room in a house with a fairly old-fashioned landlady. The freedom of being fairly anonymous in this new job and town was...

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Wild Fun in Californiasummer 2019

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I was a cheerleader in middle school, but I didn’t make my high school cheerleading team. I live in a small town in Arkansas where everyone knows me. Therefore, I must be careful to maintain my nice girl’s reputation. Those who read my first story will recall that last year I was a virgin when I visited my aunt in California. However, I didn’t remain a virgin because I met two good looking recent college graduates and had a threesome; something I really...

4 years ago
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Bad Teacher Ch 04

Chapter 04: Carmen got game... Next day my good fortune continued. As I got up my phone rang. It was my mother and she told me, my father had to be away on business for two more weeks and she would like to be with him. I told her no problem as I didn't think it would be a problem for me continuing staying at the Grants. In a good mood I went to the kitchen. Both Peter and Carmen were up, Carmen wore a white turtleneck sweater that fitted her gorgeous form like a glove, and tight black pants. I...

2 years ago
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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 14

On Chirikof Island in the Gulf of Alaska, the steam surrounding the two large cylindrical containers slowly begins to dissipate. Only one of two shadowy figures stands in the container on the left. The facility is no longer illuminated in bright lighting, but now running under its red emergency backup lighting, casting everything in an even caliginous glow. The computer off to the side of the container is casting off a steady beep with each second that steadily clicks down... 4... 3... 2......

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Behind the scenes1

Behind the scenes TW Class sucked today (its not abnormal), but what kept me going was the fact that my girlfriend promised me some sex action after the class was over. She sat at the desk five feet to my left so my eyes were pretty much on her 36d tits the whole time, fantasizing about what she would let me do with them this time. She said we were going to try something new. Maybe she wanted to try anal sex, or maybe not. Almost every time I point out anal sex during sex she would get...

1 year ago
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Still Going Both WaysChapter 6

Classes and sports practice had begun. The house was once again busy with people going to work out before breakfast and between classes. Jill had probably signed up for too many hours because she wanted to try to finish early if I was going to graduate and potentially leave after the fall semester. Courtney was scheduled to be a grad staff player coach and as well as teaching two classes. Dan and Gloria our now married senior citizens were signed up for graduate classes and Dan had one more...

3 years ago
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Andromeda Interpolation Meet Antimache

Andromeda - Interpolation: Meet Antimache By Elizabeth "Kiwi" Neal The war had begun years ago when one of the Queen's daughters went mad. She tried to overthrow her own mother for rule. They were the first victims of the Queen's renegade daughter Admete. And since the war has waged, there have been no children born. The women were fruitless...only because there were no men to cause bear to offspring. Because the men were slaughtered...their blood spilt unto the soil. The old,...

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CherryPimps Christiana Cinn Kayla Paris Really Get Themselves Wet

Christiana Cinn is super excited to be working with the sexy newbie Kayla Paris! She wants to show Kayla just how much fucking fun it is get pleasure from that tongue of hers as she goes down licking, sucking and teasing on Kayla’s clit making her quiver with excitement! She shows off her double dildo and can not wait to get it inside Kaylas pussy! Kayla has some hidden surprises of her own really making Christiana moan out loudly as Kayla’s fingers work their magic all over her...

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Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex

I believe the most often asked question I get is to share about my riskiest place I have ever had sex. I have already shared in other posts about the museum, lots of beaches, public restrooms, pools, in elevators after pushing all the buttons to stop on every floor, lots of outdoor locations even how I was almost arrested in the Virgin islands. Yet I continue to find even more riskier spots where I can enjoy public exposure and even sex in public as I put it all out there on display to be seen...

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Just One Change

It was a beautiful sunny, spring day and Hiro was enjoying his lunch alone on a park bench near work. His thoughts roamed from the 10 emails he needed to send out this afternoon; the tweets he wanted to send out this afternoon to his multiple twitter accounts on topics of politics, climate change, and his favourite sci-fi show; to the shape of his coworker Ericas ass; to his boring baloney sandwich. But mostly it was about Erica. Her red hair, he shining eyes, and her ... (thwap!) Something...

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CATHLEEN Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s

CATHLEEN. Diary of a lesbian hooker of the 1930s. PART 2My extra work on Friday evenings had never interfered with my job at the factory. The factory work was quite simple and since I had finished my secondary schooling, I was put in the office doing invoices, shipping notes, bank stuff, etc…I was one of ten clerks doing pretty well the same thing and we were supervised by an office manager who was an Irish girl like me but around 50 years old. She was about my height, a bony face with short...

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A Worthy Sacrifice

I stood in what appeared to be dungeons below the old university grounds. I had no idea where I was as I had been blind folded and brought down here from my bed, but I had been expecting that. All the worst initiation shit happened after hours. I had been through hell and back this past week, and knew my hazing period was coming to an end. What I was not expecting to see when the blindfold was removed was a fully naked girl chained to a stone table with a gag in her mouth and a blindfold...

3 years ago
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swimming lesson

Hi hope you enjoy my experience, which happened a couple of years ago while we were staying in a country cottage in the Lake District near Ullswater. Oh the we well that’s me Dom and my girlfriend Sue. The cottage we were staying in was pretty much secluded by trees all around us and we had a lake quite close by. We were very lucky in our choice of cottage private quiet and yet near to shops and a pub you could say we had it made this was our first break for almost two years and when we arrived...

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Wifey Pam Asian Jonny and a cum burger for the c

Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...

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