Knee Surgery free porn video

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Twisting her armpit length auburn hair into a rope she piled it on top of her head and secured it with a few pins. Arms above her head caused the hospital gown to rub tantalizingly over her sensitive breasts, sending darts of pleasure through her abdomen that splashed when they hit their ultimate target between her legs. Chelsey marveled at the silky fullness of her tresses. Though she could not see it from her current place in the hospital bed the image of her dark auburn locks drifted through her mind. In some light her hair almost looked black but the lighter streaming highlights were clearly red and most remarkably it was all natural. She’d occasionally been tempted to augment the highlights artificially but had, up to now, convinced herself that messing with her beautiful natural coloring would be disrespectful.

There was no doubt that she had been blessed with a wealth of physical assets but she worked at it too. Only to be fair it wasn’t really work. She had always enjoyed running and cycling since she was a kid. It was the skiing that had landed her in her current predicament. A sloppy turn and a caught edge had done a number on her ACL. The only way to get full mobility back was surgery. She’d checked into the private clinic early that morning. If everything went according to plan she’d be back home the following evening. Of course after a month of healing the real hard work of physio would begin but she was ready to take her medicine if it meant getting back on the dance floor.

Dance club visions swirled in her head as she laid her freshly pinned hair against the raised backrest of the adjustable bed. She let the image of Ellie her BFF swaying and swirling to a rock and roll rhythm wash the nervousness of her upcoming procedure from her thoughts. The problem with this distraction was that it picked up the echoes of burgeoning arousal originated by the gown rubbing on her boobs. The glow low in her tummy took on a vaguely achy quality.

Chelsey pushed the scintillating image out of her mind in favor of a nature scene—her happy place—in a meadow of wild flowers. Walking through the tall plants, they were brushing her bare legs under her skirt. The wonderful scents and fragrances wafted all around. There in front of her, in the high grass, was Ellie again. Laid out on a blanket sunning herself—naked! In that instant Chelsey took in the pale alabaster skin of her lover’s thighs her mind’s vision sweeping to where they joined at the hairless cleft, closed so that only a demure line is visible in the vulva hiding all the delicacies just beyond. Up over the flat plane of her belly to the round firm apples standing proudly on her chest… with a shudder and a shake of her head Chelsey shutdown the daydream before the smoking embers erupted into a full blaze.

‘Some relaxation technique,’ she silently mused, and picked up her phone to browse the web. She was flipping through friends recent Facebook posts and didn’t hear the young nurse come in.

“Miz Roberts?”

Chelsey looked up from the little screen and took in her visitor in one quick glance. Her immediate reaction was that this woman, girl really, was far too young to be a nurse. Perhaps she was a volunteer or some kind of an assistant. Short, no more than five foot two, with her straw blonde hair tied tightly in a ponytail, the surgical scrubs she wore used to be green before so many washings made them closer to grey. They weren’t as baggy as most she’d seen revealing that the young nurse had quite a shapely petite figure. The name tag just below her left collar bone read ‘Vanessa RN’. She was pushing a cart with an assortment of medical supplies on it.

“Hi my name’s Vanessa; I need to insert a urinary catheter before your surgery this afternoon.”

Chelsey gasped softly as the meaning to the words hit home. She hadn’t really thought much about or asked many questions about the peripheral parts of the procedure. She’d had a pre-op appointment with the surgeon and gone over what was going to be done to her knee. She knew that she would be sedated but not put totally out. The operation was done mainly under a local anesthetic. The catheterization came as a bit of a shock. She looked squarely into Vanessa’s baby blue eyes looking for something; she guessed reassurance but what she saw, or thought she actually saw was nervousness.

“Uh, um… uh, I didn’t know that would be necessary,” Chelsey blurted out.

“Well after the surgery they want to keep your leg immobilized for twelve hours or so and ya know everybody’s gotta pee,” the young nurse explained as she pushed her cart up beside the bed.

Vanessa drew the privacy curtain around the bed despite the fact that there was no one else in the room. Returning to the bed side she pressed the button to lower the bed to a more flat position. Pressing the latch release she lowered the side rail. As she reached out for a pair of exam gloves she said,

“Do you need help to remove your underwear?”

Once again Chelsey sucked in her breath. She was surprised at how observant she was of the nurse in spite of her anxiety. The young woman in the scrubs was clearly trembling as she stretched the latex onto her hands. When she looked back up at Chelsey she was attempting to smile but her ill ease was painted on her young features.

‘I wonder what she’s nervous about,’ she pondered as she laid the sheet that she’d had over her legs off to the side. Despite the cool air on her bare legs a rush of warmth spread over her. She immediately knew that her neck and face were rosy red as she lifted the hospital gown up to her waist exposing her simple white cotton bikini panties.

Things were happening so quickly. It wasn’t until she was putting the majority of weight back on her shoulders so she could raise her hips off the bed that she remembered her very recent reverie. She was helpless to prevent the image of her naked girlfriend from flashing through her mind again. In the same instant the thought occurred how much Vanessa resembled a much younger Ellie. Colliding with the prurient thoughts was the horrifying realization that her limbic system had been busy lubricating her vagina for sexual activity.

What would the young candy striper think?

Pulling her knees up to thread the panties down over them Chelsey felt the dampness of the crotch paint the inside of her left thigh. A fresh rush of blood to her face and neck made her head spin slightly as she cast her sodden underwear to the side of the bed and out of embarrassment tucked them under the sheet. She was afraid to look at her neatly trimmed bush to see if the hair had gone all wet and stringy. There was nothing she could do but bite her lower lip a bear the humiliation. Completely exposed from the waist down now she found she was unable to meet the young nurse’s eyes and fixed instead on the ‘Y’ shaped piece of tubing the little blonde was holding.

“If you can just put the soles of your feet together and let your knees naturally fall outward,” Vanessa instructed.

Chelsey clenched her teeth to suppress the shamed groan that was welling in her chest trying to make its way up her throat. Using two latex covered fingers of her left hand the young woman in the washed-out scrubs gently spread her patient’s labia majora further than her open legged position already had. The half-naked auburn haired woman on the bed first felt the chill invasion of the air-conditioned air on her weeping inner lips further confirming the wetness but the prying fingers were also bracketing her turgid love button which generated a hot flush that seemed to come from her belly. The contrasting temperatures forced a sound out of her in spite of her locked jaw.

“I know this is pretty uncomfortable but try to relax and I’ll be as quick as I can,” Vanessa said in response to the anguished groan.

Chelsey was trying to detach herself to float away to her happy place but the pulse she felt right between the probing fingers was as hard to ignore as a big bass drum leading a marching band up the street.

“I just need to locate your urethra,” the nurse murmured as she repositioned her left hand now using fingers and thumb to part the slick petals. “It’s, um… it’s kind of… uh…”

Chelsey’s eyes had been on the process going on between her legs but now as the candy striper spoke she looked up at the young blonde’s face and was surprised when their eyes met. The impression she got from the striking cornflower blue orbs was one of extreme nervousness, or was it shock. The nurse’s eyes quickly went back to her task.

“I’m sorry I’ll have to touch you some more as you’re really quite, uh, wet. Do you normally have this much vaginal fluid?”

“Uh, not really,” Chelsey replied through her still clenched teeth.

“Then…” the nurse looked up as she started a sentence she wasn’t quite prepared to finish. Their eyes locked again for a second or two. Returning her focus to the gaping pussy she set the catheter down on the bed and applied both hands to the task. “I’m sorry but your, uh, your, um… is kind of in the way,” the young nurse certainly knew the word she needed but was reluctant to say it.

Chelsey knew exactly what the candy striper had avoided saying. She could feel her pulse in her engorged clitoris and she knew that it was, well - larger than average would be an understatement. Her girl cock when flaccid nestled in its fleshy tunnel about the size of the first joint of her baby finger, but when she was aroused the glans grew to more like half of her thumb.

Chelsey bit her bottom lip hard enough to taste blood as she felt the little blonde apply both hands to her aching vulva. Vanessa managed to separate the slick inner lips but was still impeded by the part of the woman’s anatomy that she would normally have steered completely clear of.

“I have to move it,” she mumbled to herself before pushing upward on her patient’s most sensitive part.

An unexpected thrill ignited in her belly feeling the firmness of the woman’s pleasure center yield under the pressure of her thumb.

‘It’s like a baby’s penis’ she thought glancing up at her patient. The distress on Chelsey’s face was horrifying. All of her training was floating away like smoke. She had learned to make patients comfortable and relaxed even through the most embarrassing procedures and now here she was not only manipulating this woman’s clearly aroused vulva but she was enjoying it. The musky scent of arousal filled her nose and she felt her own lubrication beginning to bubble in her rapidly warming recesses.

Her training was impeccable, what was lacking was experience; and she knew it. Her instructors and mentors had said time and again that each patient was unique, an individual, their physiology was the same but each person had their own needs. ‘A good nurse learns to read the signs and signals and responds to them appropriately’ they’d told her. But how to respond to this? She was well aware of the lines that shouldn’t be crossed, but…

‘What can I do to make this patient more comfortable?’ that was the fundamental thought that nagged at her as she tried to refocus on the normally simple task. ‘Maybe I should call for help.’

Her supervisor had more than twenty years of nursing experience and she had always been happy to share her wisdom with her junior charges. Still to call for help on something as simple as inserting a catheter was pretty lame. No she’d work this out herself. ‘All I have to do is get access to her urethra and I’ll be done in no time.’

She had already pushed the swollen clitoris up and to the side but now the little hole she sought was obscured by the slightly milky fluid that flooded the fluorescent pink gash. Holding the lips open with her fingers and pushing the clit away with her thumb she picked up the catheter from the bed. ‘If I could just clear some of the fluid.’ she thought.

Both of her hands were engaged, perhaps she could suck the juice out of the way. The notion made her first want to laugh and then the urge to actually do it roared up into her head the way the urge to jump would sometimes fly through you mind as you stand on the subway platform with a train bearing down only this urge didn’t immediately strike her as insane.

Once again she looked up at her patient’s face. It had only been a moment since she’d last looked but in the meantime she had made contact with the auburn haired woman’s most private part. Her face was contorted as if straining to lift a heavy weight. Vanessa saw the teeth bearing down on her lower lip.

“Are you okay?” the nurse enquired.

“I’m trying to be.” Chelsey replied through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry it’s taking so long but you seem to be very… uh I mean you’re really aroused. If I caused that I am truly sorry.”

Chelsey felt a sudden tremendous sense of relief. The elephant in the room had been called out. The irony of the young candy striper with both hands on or in her pussy apologizing for turning her on was suddenly too much. She began laughing. Tears were streaming down her cheeks but her vision clear enough for her to see Vanessa smiling in relief. Vanessa worked hard to regain her composure. Finally she was able to speak understandably if there were little chortles in between.

“Oh it’s not your fault I’m just naturally horny and I was having a daydream about my girlfriend just before you came in,” Chelsey confided.

As soon as she said girlfriend the nurse’s expression changed. She saw it immediately. Her thought was regretting sharing the confidence at all. Perhaps her sexual preference had shocked her healthcare provider. It certainly sobered Chelsey’s mood pretty quickly. She looked deeply into Vanessa’s wide blue eyes trying to read her reaction.

“You’re a lesbian.”

It was a statement whispered with what could have been construed as reverence. In the ten years since she’d been ‘out’ Chelsey had seen quite a variety of reactions from something near hatred or revulsion to indifference. It really wasn’t that uncommon but still on occasion the archaic morals rose to the surface like a scum that could seemingly never be completely cleared. She was watching Vanessa’s big blue eyes to see where on the accept-reject spectrum the candy striper would land.

Her eyes started smiling before the rest of her face. The wave of relief washing over the auburn haired patient lying with her legs obscenely spread was momentarily superimposed on the throb coming from between those wide spread athletic thighs. Her caregivers smiling eyes slid fluidly down to the flooded exposed womanhood she had been manipulating for the past five minutes.

Chelsey watched the transition in the nurse’s expression with fascination. What she now saw in the windows to the young blonde’s soul was not the original professional concentration on a task; it wasn’t the nervous, stressed-out grimace of a caregiver fumbling a routine assignment, it was something entirely unprofessional; lust. Chelsey had been exclusively with Elle for over a year now but the ability to recognize desire in another woman’s expression, perfected in her club hopping days, was as sharp as ever.

“Are you LP?” The vague quizzical look from the nurse told Chelsey that she wasn’t into the scene. “It’s code for lesbian potential… or in this case potential lesbian would be more accurate.”

Again Chelsey watched her nurse’s face closely to gauge reaction. Professionalism had abandoned her completely. Vanessa’s baser instincts seemed to have completely taken charge.

“I… uh, I don’t know,” the candy striper confessed.

“So you’re curious but you’ve never gone beyond fantasies?” Chelsey probed. The nod was a small but clear affirmation. “There’s no time like the present to experiment.”

Chelsey offered reaching out to stroke Vanessa’s thigh through the wash-worn green scrubs. The inappropriate contact should have made her jump; should have caused her to recoil, but it didn’t. It gave permission. Now the girl cock which had posed an obstruction became the focus of her attention.

“My god your clit is huge,” the nurse sighed in awe.

“Take the gloves off, it’ll feel so much better for both of us,” Chelsey moaned.

In an instant the latex exam gloves were on the floor and the candy striper’s fingers were freely exploring the squishy sloppy softness of her patient’s vulva. Chelsey felt a huge hot surge rush over her causing her head to swim. Instinctively she reached over and cupped her caregiver’s mons through the thin drawstring pants, immediately feeling the humid heat of Vanessa’s sex fill her palm.

The young nurse reveled in flicking the turgid girl cock back and forth. Its springy soft resilience sending shooting chills down her spine that focused in her pulsating mons being so tantalizingly squeezed by her patient. The thing she feared and longed for slipped liquidly through her fingers and back.

Chelsey allowed the waves of gratification to wash over her while she pressed the heel of her hand against the root of Vanessa’s clit trapping the girl’s pleasure centre between her hand an the candy striper’s pubic bone. Her care provider showed her appreciation by pumping her hips in rhythm to the stroking while her eyes focused on her patient’s amazing womanhood.

‘I wish she’d suck it!’ the thought drifted through the auburn haired woman’s mind which was otherwise flooded with nothing but sensation.

It was that thought that gripped her; the very idea of lips wrapped around her thoroughly engorged clit, a tongue flicking it, the lips sucking that generated a softball sized heater low in her abdomen. It was so warm almost hot. It was spreading and it had jangly edges to it; little sparks that tingled her skin as the heat spread. The heat seemed to diminish until she just felt warm all over but then it began to contract. All of that pleasant warmth was sucked back into her vagina and as it collected the intense heat was back.

It was now a golf ball sized fireball lodged under her pubic bone. Chelsey recognized the star about to go supernova. Her body arched up off the bed when it did. Only her heels and shoulders were in contact with the sheets. It was a magnificent, if brief, tribute to her athleticism but later she would be much more impressed by the presence of a tiny portion of her mind that enabled her to stuff the pillow in her mouth to absorb the scream. She stayed arched out like a suspension bridge and shaking like a leaf in the wind gnawing on the pillow for several seconds before she collapsed back onto the hospital bed shuddering in the aftershocks.

Vanessa had never manipulated another woman to orgasm. The violence of her patient’s climax thrilled and scared her in equal measure. She continued to press her own pussy against Chelsey’s hand while she gripped the writhing woman’s flooded mons. She felt a small wave of heat envelope her about the same time the spent auburn haired beauty in the bed curled into a shuddering fetal position.

Chelsey was vaguely aware of being rolled onto her back. She could have opened her eyes but this beautiful endorphin fueled cloud she was floating in was much too wonderful to waste. She felt her legs being moved, spread, something warm wiping her? But then there was a peaceful numbness that had practically taken over. Some rattling, some clanking, something cold down there. Pressure?

The knee surgery patient heard a voice calling her softly. It took some effort but she managed to open her eyes to see a young man in pale blue scrubs standing over her bed.

“Hi Miz Roberts, I’m Doctor Henry. I’m here to give you something to help you relax before we take you down for the procedure, but it hardly seems like you need it. It seems like the nurses have kept you pretty well looked after”

Chelsey just smiled as Doctor Henry prepared to insert the IV.


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I awoke around 6:00 A. M. with my morning erection firmly lodged in my mother's warm mouth. This time it wasn't a dream. She lapped at my hard prick alternating by sucking it deep into her mouth, finally letting it free. She threw the covers off of us, swung her long legs across my body and without pause impaled her wet cunt on my seven inches of blood engorged cock. The silky wetness of my mother's pussy felt even better than her mouth while she was sucking me. "Ahhhh" I moaned as my...

1 year ago
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 9

Susan, the attractive redhead was trying to hold her own, but the more experienced fighter was getting in far more punches and they were landing solidly. As she tried to duck, the other woman caught her with an uppercut which stunned her. She tried to move away but the other boxer was instantly landing punch after punch. A jab set up a vicious straight right hand which caught her flush on the side of the head. Addled and with no experience, no boxing instincts to fall back on, her arms simply...

3 years ago
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Valentine Confirmation

Valentine’s Day was coming up. 29 years he’d been married to her. He hadn’t really thought about it too much but the truth was, his wife, Miranda, was still beautiful, and there were many men’s eyes which studied her figure to prove it too. Besides, she was facially an attractive woman too. He knew everything, he believed, about her as well. However, lately, he realized there wasn’t anything truly special about their marriage anymore, but seeing as he’d been online a lot lately, and reading...

2 years ago
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Lonely Milf turned freaky sex fiend

This Intro is just a reminder to all readers of this story that “Ovadose” is a couple. So our stories are going to be very different. So different in fact that you will know after the first few posts, just who wrote them. Mine will all be about me and my husband’s sexual adventures and his will be about his lifelong sexual adventures before and with me. Please feel free to comment on our posts and let us know what you think.October 12, 2010I guess you could say I was an adult tomboy who would...

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Senior Didi Ki Help Karne Ka Phal

Hi…Friends main Shekhar iss ka ek purana reader hun bahut sari kahani padhne ke baad main apni yeh kahani likh raha hun.If you like it then send me a mail at Chaliye kahani pe aate hain main shekhar hun aur main durgapur ek college se btech kar raha hun.Yeh kahani mere 3rd semester ki hai jab main padhai mein zyada dhyan to lagata tha lekin ladkiyon pe comment bhi bahut karta tha.Ek baar class test hone ke dauran mein pahla test deke ghar aa raha tha,main college ki sidhi se utar raha tha to...

2 years ago
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Good Friends

Elliot Carson looked at the screen on his HAAS controller. He pressed the buttons that would run the program at 25% rapid and in single block mode. Running in single block, meant that the huge machine would execute only one single block or command in the program at a time. It would then wait for him to prompt it before doing anything else. He closed the door to the machine's cavernous machining envelope and wished for the best. He'd been tweaking this program for more efficiency and hoped...

2 years ago
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EpigraphyChapter 14 Settling In

" ... and I pledge my efforts and honor to the House of New Hope," Alice finished in acceptable Nalu. Poli and Gensoniraet formally nodded, and I said "welcome to the House." Poli and Alice hugged, and then Alice hugged me. We've developed a simple joining ceremony for the House; Alice was the last member to formally join. We had a celebratory dinner. The Nalu, not entirely surprisingly, were omnivores, and ate chicken and salad with gusto. They didn't like alcohol, although...

3 years ago
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The Queen of Sorrows Falls

The Queen of Sorrow's Falls By Razor 7826Chapter One: The Trusted        From an article in the Serenity Falls Bee:        Local businessman Timothy Von Houten and his wife, Mary Baines Von Houten, passed away early yesterday morning after being involved in a single-car accident.  Businesses owned and operated by Mr. Von Houten include Houten Insurance and Houten Automotive.  The two are solely survived by their daughter, Michelle.  No service is planned at this time.  Instead, the family...

4 years ago
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When I met my wife

Today at 1:33 PMMy drunken wife.I've been with my wife for 16 years. Over those years there have been a lot of crazy nights, dating back to when we were dating she would drink like a rock star and pass out by the end of the night. That's how I met her was at a party. We were out at the bars and after closing we went to a friends house for an after hours party which was already going on. There was a total of maybe 15 or so people there...10 guys and 5 or so girls. Everyone was either drunk or...

3 years ago
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The ConventionChapter 3

The three of them walked out of the restaurant. Deana brushed against Phred repeatedly and knew he was as excited as she was. She hoped he could sniff her aroused state as the sexual juices ran down her legs. When they entered the elevator, there was no one else on it. John turned toward her, winked, and placed his hand on her crotch and knew she was more than ready for some hot sex! He looked at Phred and said, "Check her out; she is not wearing any panties!" Phred swallowed hard, and...

1 year ago
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New Years Chocolate Martini

"That's right girl, both hands, nice and slow...just stroke me gently. We don't want me to come in my pants, do we?" "No, I want this gorgeous cock inside my wet cunt," Wendy heard herself say. It actually took a few heartbeats after the words came out for Wendy to realize that it was her voice echoing off the walls. She asked herself, not for the first time, what she was doing in, in the dark, in a stranger's kitchen, making out with a virtual stranger, begging him to fuck her. The fact that...

4 years ago
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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

1 year ago
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A Lazy Sunday The Finale

The 20-minute ride back to our apartment was filled with a sexual tension and excitement that I had never experienced before. Both Jan and Sophia had climbed into the back seat. I was driving while trying to keep track of the action in the back using the rear view mirror – not the safest approach to driving by any means. They were sitting close together, smiling at me provocatively. I was trying to drive, watch them, and figure out how all this came about at the same time when Sophia spoke up....

3 years ago
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BrideChapter 2

It wasn't a scabby horse, it was actually an Asian meal of spinach and potatoes, cooked in spices of course, with minced lamb also cooked in a very spicy sauce, half of which I'd gleaned from a recipe book and the other half from my own love of spicy foods. (Not recommended as a prelude to seduction) I'd worked in the kitchen at the institute and found that I actually enjoyed cooking and I still do to this day! Mum looked a new woman, wrapped in a bathrobe she'd bought as one of her...

2 years ago
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321 Ambition

A gentle and cool early spring breeze swept through the trees lining the main walkway of River’s End University. Second semester was in full swing, but the weather, having finally broken, invited earnest youthful students setting up booths along the walkway trying to enlist other equally earnest and youthful students for their respective causes. A chestnut haired student, with darker brown roots beginning to show, was gently antagonizing a student, a year younger than her, at booth. The...

1 year ago
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Becky Goes Black

“Nice ass, Becky!” Marcus yelled from the top of his lungs from the other side of the school’s hallway, directing his crass comment at me. Fucking prick. I hated Marcus. I dealt with him enough throughout high school. It was senior year, and I was still dealing with him! He was one pompous asshole. Black and lean with firm, hard muscles and muscular thighs, Marcus was a multisport all-state athlete, played defensive back in football, and he was lauded for it. He liked to call himself...

2 years ago
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A Hotwifes Excellent Thansgiving

It was Friday morning, after a busy Thursday Thanksgiving. We were planning to simply relax at home for the day. Of course, hubby can’t sit still for long and he was wandering around with a screwdriver and some WD-40, doing pre-winter maintenance.I was in the study, pecking away at the computer and chatting with one of my favorites on Lush. We’ve found so many nice people to chat with and share hot stories. Hubby came around the corner, peered into the study, hesitated, then asked, “Katie,...

Group Sex
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Kiss my ass

It all started when my friend and I went to the bar. His wife and my girlfriend were both out of town so we decided to have a boy’s night out. We were having a good time and both of us were pretty drunk. There was this beautiful woman with the nicest ass I ever seen. Tom and I both noticed and had a hard time not staring at her. Tom made a comment about how he loved licking ass and that he would go crazy to taste hers. I made a comment how my girlfriend sometimes licked mine and how much I...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Cassidy Klein April O8217Neil FuckBuddy Custody Battle

Casey Calvert is relaxing in the living room on her phone when her friend Cassidy Klein pays her a visit. Cassidy looks upset, insisting that they need to talk. They have a mutual ‘friend with benefits,’ April O’Neil, but Cassidy feels Casey is getting too much time with April. Casey and Cassidy argue a bit, then decide to invite April over to discuss everything so that they don’t ruin their friendship. April arrives shortly after and is greeted by both Casey and...

2 years ago
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Jacks Big Life Chapter 9

Hello Jenny ClarkJack was forced to take a break from seeing Charlie and H10 ... due to a couple of business trips. A 4-day trip to Los Angeles ... followed by a 5-day trip to Las Vegas. By the time he got back home ... Jack had no energy for either. Jack was never one to turn down a chance at care-free sex ... but he was human, despite the claims of some women! He let a few week go by ... intentionally staying away from H10 ... taking a break from the high-paced expectations! He felt he owed...

1 year ago
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The New Girl Ep3

Ah, we are back again! This magnificent woman has surely stolen my heart at this point. We have had numerous sexual encounters since the last writing, but many felt too personal to share, though there was one in particular where she had me restrain her to my bed and do as I pleased. And while that may have made a good story, I am caught up on yesterday's encounter. It felt so much more passionate than many of the others. I find this to also be a good time to mention that I've started the...

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Loris Adventures 1

I used hair conditioner on Lori’s pubic hair and worked it in as I applied it. The reason for using conditioner is because it gives a much smoother shave and is less irritating on the skin close by the vagina. As I worked the conditioner into her hair her lips parted and I saw that she was quite wet. With a brand new razor I intended to shave every hair from her vulva. I knew Lori loved being shaved and she would cum the first time while I got her smooth. I also knew she loved being...

1 year ago
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Thickumz Kenzie Madison Thick Day Of Fun And Cum

Kenzie Madison is an adventurous chick, and she loves going fast. Today, she hops on an electric scooter and gets to zipping around the neighborhood. Then, she hangs out at a playground to have some throwback fun. All this play gives her an appetite. She wants a big fat sausage to stick inside her pussy lips. That is when she meets up with our stud back at the hotel room. He slides his massive slab of meat inside her twat and gives her a pussy pummeling that tops off the day perfectly. She...

2 years ago
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I Check Out The Checkout Girl

Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?”The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in The supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age.“I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight The menace of u******e drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into The computerized register before returning my license to me.“ Wow that’s how old you are?...

1 year ago
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Watching My Sister

I went looking for my fishing pole; it was usually in the utility room just off the central part of the basement. Dad had started to fix over the basement last year but it had come to a crawl as of late. The walls had sheetrock but hadn’t been finished off leaving gaps at the seams, the floor had a rug with nice dense padding and the ceiling was almost finished. The utility room was dark as I fumbled around piles of crap trying to find the tackle box when I heard footsteps coming down the...

3 years ago
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Surfed Taken and Used

Sipping her cold watermelon shake, she relaxed her bikini-clad body on the beach chaise chair. Her blonde hair accentuated her white bikini. She rolled her eyes again under the dark lenses of her sunglasses when she saw the persistent, shirtless man who introduced himself as Mark when she relaxed on the shore an hour ago, got out of the water. He carried with him his brown surfboard and sauntered to where Clarissa was relaxing. Clarissa’s eyes fixated on his majestic six-pack...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Lasses AttitudesChapter 3

Rory had a concern over Paris’ lack of people skills at the Yale Daily News which had finally reached a crisis. It reached a point where in mass the staff quit in protest. Logan had come to Rory’s, now in charge, in her great hour of need. Together they had managed to soothe the journalists back to work and were able to get the paper out. The interaction with Logan had its fringe benefits. It was a bonus of that offered the opportunity to save their relationship and put it back on the...

4 years ago
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Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy Wife Ne Puri Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the second part of my sex story. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and promised me help. Now this part follows , enjoy. Last night was quite stressful for both of us, probably the most important night in our relationship. I woke up in the morning by the sound of her beautiful...

Gay Male
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Battlemage Book 10 Darkness Under a Scarlet MoonChapter 3

"So what the hell happened here?" exclaimed Terrance as he looked around the ransacked camp area. It was a creepy looking site, not because of its layout, it was a large site, but because of the men who lay in all type of grotesque poses on the ground. Looks of horror were etched on their faces and their eyes were rolled back in their heads, but yet they remained wide open. Impossibly wide open. "Not one of them is alive. Who could have killed them all like this? It was as if they just...

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Pool HustledChapter 10

David After I dropped the kids off at Joyce's room, I gave the nurse the kids back pack. "Make sure you give these to Joyce's family please?" I told the nurse. "Where are you going?" She asked "My work is done here, time to go home." I told her as I left. I went to Joyce's house first and cut the grass, weed wacked and some other small clean up jobs. I went home and did yard work. I cleaned both the tub and the pool. It is about 5:00 p.m., when finally got into the house. I...

1 year ago
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My Brother My Lover Ch 04

Callie rested on top of her brother feeling his cock soften inside her. She brought herself up laying down next to him as they stared into each other's eyes. She kept thinking of all the times they used to fight when they were younger. He used to pull her bra and she'd chase him around the house. He used to tease her when she wore her braces and he used to make fun of her when she had a crush on a guy. Callie smiled to herself as she recalled those moments. Never in her life had she imagined...

2 years ago
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On Vacation With SaraChapter 3

Part of me was excited and the other part was scared as we walked into this shop that sold nothing but bathing suits and cover-ups. One of the salesmen came over. He was a cute blond boy of maybe 17. “I’m Trey, how can I help you guys today?” Brad replied, “We are looking for a more appropriate bikini for my girlfriend Sara, something with a lot less material.” “That should be no problem. Sara, what are your measurements?” There were maybe a dozen boys, girls, men and women within earshot...

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Arajatta of the Ruby part 3

This is the third part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically ** Authors note. I am enjoying reading the reviews, and have taken feedback into account when...

3 years ago
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The Face in the Mirror

The Face In The Mirror By Diane The face in the mirror is mine. It's mine again, and I don't know what to do, because it isn't mine at all. It can be mine, but I don't want it, but I can't just walk away and leave it. And now there are voices at the door, and I still don't know what to do... *** The voices at the door, followed by the doorbell, surprised me more than a little. It had been a long week at school. We were covering angular motion in physics, which always...

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