Kneel Or No Kneel Pt. 02 free porn video

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I couldn't see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but rather it was because the dried cum on my face had sealed the eyelids shut over my crystal blue eyes. Try as I might, I just couldn't get them open.

I stopped trying to struggle hours ago when my exhausted muscles burned with fatigue and I couldn’t summon the strength to move them anymore. I could feel the sticky semen drying on every inch of my delicate tanned skin, my striking face, firm breasts and even in my silky long black hair. My raw anguished pussy and stretched gaping anus were dripping copious amounts of the viscous pallid liquid in a steady ooze and the flavor filled my mouth as it formed a slimy film over my white teeth and glazed my soft pink tongue, gums and the insides of my cheeks.

Although sound was muffled due to the gooey man milk that filled my dainty ears, I heard voices, mostly male but some female as well. My body was being lifted in the air by strong arms, my senses told me that I was being pushed inside something and I felt metal against my supple skin. My smooth legs were pushed hard against my small, tight ass, putting greater strain on my muscles as my legs were brought up to the bottom of my arm binder in a hogtie position. What sounded like the metal door of a van closed and locked, an engine started and the barely audible sounds of male voices began. I was in and out of consciousness after that so how long the journey lasted I couldn’t say.

The thing they never show you on television is what happens when the cameras are turned off. The stage lights dimmed, the audience went home and after Horny was done molesting my defenseless little bald pussy, he licked his fingers clean, stared into my eyes and said “That redheaded cunt Holes was right, you are easily the most delicious little fuck toy I’ve ever tasted. You would be a wonderful little pet to add to my stable.”

He popped his wet sticky fingers into my mouth for a cleaning, forcing me to taste the combination of my own pussy lube and his saliva before walking away toward the dressing room area with Ponycunt in tow by a thin metal leash that was connected to the gleaming silver nose ring that graced her septum. A production assistant attached a thick metal lead to my heavy collar and tugged harshly, making me feel like I was some sort of an animal or pet. This feeling wasn’t far from the truth however, for to be a cherished sex pet would actually be one of the better outcomes I could hope for.

The production assistant was unrelenting in his pace off stage and I struggled to keep up on my sky high platform heels, shuffling in small rapid strides while laboring to maintain my balance despite my numb and useless arms pulled back as they were in the tight arm binder that decorated my petite frame. With every step I took to the backstage area the bells on my sensitive pink nipples rang loudly and echoed throughout the room as they were pulled down harshly by the heavy weights attached to them, deforming them into something strange and twisted. As I fought to keep my mind off the pain emanating from the buds on the tips of my firm breasts, I wondered if this was how Nipples had her sensitive flesh so profoundly exaggerated.

The rest of the night was a blur and there was no way for me to know how much time passed, only that every minute was agony. I had never felt such torture in my life, nor could I have ever imagined it. The bindings were bad enough but then they started using me. Everyone who was remotely involved with the show from producers down to production assistants and even the custodial staff got a turn with me. It started predictably enough as they made use of mouth and pussy and later my virgin ass and stuffed them all with a seemingly endless parade of cock after cock. I was so sore that I thought my jaw would lock up, my traitorous pussy which continued to drip like a fountain ached and my stretched anus throbbed. Even my clit was sore from all of the rough fingers and clamps that grabbed, pinched, twisted and pulled on it.

“Look at the little fuck toy, she loves it,” one male said as he roughly shoved his finger into my wet pussy, swirling it around inside me as if he was stirring his coffee.

“The half breed slant eyed bitch was made for this,” another said. “Look at that incredible body, those tits! That ass! I love my job so much!” With that he cruelly slapped my exposed left breast hard, causing a whole new level of blinding pain as the weights and bells spun around on my distorted nipple. My entire night was a haze of such degrading comments.

“No, I wasn’t that girl,” I thought to myself trying to resist the obvious. “I wasn’t a cunt. I was free.” Was being the operative word, for the sooner that I rid myself of notions that I was anything but a cunt to be used and controlled, the happier I was going to be. There was no point in fighting it; this was the future I had unwittingly chosen for myself and it wouldn’t be long before that future would begin in earnest.

Chapter 3: Cleaning and Assessment

After an unknown amount of time, the vehicle came to a stop, the engine shut off and I heard the door to the van unlock and open. The bells and weights on my nipples made a clanging sound that reverberated off the walls due to my exposed breasts pressing into a cold metal surface as I was laid down on my flat tummy. Hands roughly unlocked my ankles from the end of my arm binder and unstrapped me. I wasn't even aware that my small arms had flopped to the sides upon their release as they had gone completely numb hours prior. I felt the humiliating black spiked posture collar that had been so tightly locked upon my slender neck removed and my nipple clamps roughly jerked off. It felt as if they were taking my entire nipple off with them and I was left with burning, throbbing pink buds that became the focus of my existence. Despite how distended my little pink nubs became with the heavy weights on them and how humiliating the bells were, I would have gladly taken that over this new painful torture.

My body was moved and I felt myself being lifted up until I was vertical and hanging in tight suspension bondage, unable to move or wiggle at all. Not that I could have given how numb my arms were anyway. My limbs were spread so wide that my muscles ached, and by the feel of the cool air on that most sensitive flesh between my legs, I knew I was completely exposed and vulnerable with no control whatsoever. I heard the male voices say words like processing, cleaning, body preparation and conditioning but my brain was so foggy that it was hard to focus on anything. I couldn't concentrate at all and for some reason I felt very accepting of my fate in a calm and relaxed way. I couldn't have known of course that my docile mind-set was due to all the drugs I was given both before and after the show.

After an unexpected hard spray of cold water slammed against my exposed body and into my face, I was finally able to open my eyelids again. My bright blue eyes blinked wide and light poured in for the first time since the after show party at the studio. I slowly adjusted to the brightness of the room and gazed at the sterile white tile that lined the walls and floor of the area. In my peripheral vision I could see a couple of attractive blonde girls with large breasts dangling with their arms and legs spread in the exact same manner that I was hung along with a flat chested redhead who had pale freckled skin. Deafening hard rock music echoed around the room and screeched into my ears making it even more difficult for me to collect my thoughts. A thin bearded fellow in a blue jumpsuit and his more portly companion used scrub brushes to roughly scour every inch of my soft skin before using another intense spray of cold water to rinse me off.

Droplets of water dribbled down my shivering smooth tanned skin as the two workers moved on to the next girl, roughly soaping and scrubbing her in the same manner they had done to me moments before. My petite little body still stung all over from the rough cleaning and freezing cold water. At least the sticky dried cum was out of my long black hair which was now soaked like a sponge and matted to the supple skin of my back and shoulders. The way my slender legs were spread wide every inch of me on display, but I was powerless to do anything about it. I became particularly aware of my exposure during my cleaning when my ass and vagina were roughly violated and it was all I could not to break down and start sobbing uncontrollably, especially when the enema painfully filled my rectum to a point in which it distended my normally flat belly to agonizing proportions, making me look very pregnant.

“Keep it together Kristin, it’s just a rough cleaning, you can get through this. Everything is going to be just fine,” I thought to myself in a fruitless attempt to find hope in what was most certainly a hopeless situation.

The men were talking but I could barely understand what they were saying. My brain wasn’t processing very well and all I could make out was something about “body modification” and “specialty training.” One of the men approached me. His eyes scanned my lithe little naked body as he stared intently at the pink nipples which jutted out forcefully from the tips of my firm perky breasts. His hand reached between my legs, rough fingers feeling soft sensitive tissue until he found my clit and harshly jerked it out from where it was hiding behind its protective fleshy hood. I could see his mouth moving as he spoke to me and sound came out, but I couldn’t focus enough to really understand what he was telling me.

That’s when I felt a sting between my legs that made me strain hard against my restraints. My arms and legs pulled with what little energy I had left as I struggled to process what happened to make my humble little clit feel like it was on fire. The man walked away and I could feel a heavy weight pulling my little crimson bundle of nerves downward. It was swinging back and forth between my legs like a pendulum, jerking my clit hard with each pass.

I took in a deep breath, and continued to tell myself that everything was going to be okay. I was lying of course. Nothing was going to be okay and there would never be any going back to the life I had before or the person I was before. All of that was in the past, but the truth wasn’t something that I was capable of coming to terms with yet.

The Adjudicator, a small mousy bureaucrat with thick bottle glasses and a receding hairline approached the cleaners, visually assessing each girl who dangled in place like meat. One would never have thought that a man like this could have held the future of all of the girls who entered this place in his hands, for the judgment he would pass would irreversibly shape the rest of our lives.

“Morning gentlemen,” he said into the screen of his tablet, never actually looking at the two workers to greet them.

“Good morning Sir,” the men replied automatically in unison.

The Adjudicator glanced over me quickly, taking note of the “sold” tag that dangled from my tortured clit, before returning his gaze to his tablet. “Sold already huh? At least the process on this one will be quicker,” he mumbled to himself as the thinner worker locked a small yellow choker around my slender neck. “Are all current stats on this batch updated?”

“Yes Sir,” replied the skinny cleaner as he quickly hit enter on the keyboard to finalize the last file.

“Excellent,” the Adjudicator replied as moved to the frame that held the thinner of the two blonde girls in place and scanned the QR code on the side. Her updated file filled the tablet screen along with charts, graphs, market data, auction trends and sales figures of other cunts with similar body measurements. A wealth of information that only the most analytical and calculating brains could process in the few seconds it took him to make his decision. “Pleasure slave,” he announced in a dispassionate manner as he pressed a button on his screen, sealing in the poor girl’s fate. The heavier of the two workers approached the newly minted pleasure slave with a slender pink collar with silver rings in his thick hands, and wrapped it around her slim neck, securing it in place with a small silver heart shaped padlock before taking a step back.

Moving forward, the Adjudicator scanned the next blonde girl’s frame in much the same manner. “This one will make a fine fuck kitten. Let’s designate her for pet girl training.” The stout maintenance worker locked a studded black leather collar around her neck, complete with a paw shaped ID tag dangling from a silver ring at her lovely throat.

Finally the meek looking administrator continued his work with an evaluation of the redheaded girl who hung lifelessly before him. “This one is a virgin which is always in demand. Let’s mark her as private reserve for now so we can line up a specialty buyer. I’m approving her for oral training; she might as well learn to suck cock properly while we’re waiting for a sale to go through.” Around her soft lean neck the thick fingers of the plump employee locked a bright red collar which rivaled the hue of her matted wet hair. “If there isn’t anything else, I’ll be off. Good day gentlemen,” he said while walking swiftly out of the area with purposeful strides.”

The thinner worker wrapped one arm around my naked form while releasing the clamps that held my metal wrist and ankle cuffs to the frame. I collapsed against his warm body as he gently lowered me to the floor and repeated the movement with the other three girls. The feeling slowly returned to my legs just in time for my little body to be pulled up on them, wobbling and unsteady I thought for certain I would fall again until he ran a chain from the front of the redhead’s collar through my collar ring and the collar ring of the blonde girl behind me who was fated to be a pleasure slave, finally ending at the collar of the new fuck kitten. With a sharp tug we were dragged onward on unsure bare feet to another section of the building.

I could feel the cool air on my petite nude body, goose bumps forming on my exposed tanned skin. My view was limited to the shapely pale white rear of the red haired girl in front of me. I watched hypnotized as it swayed from side to side with each forward movement. My body still ached and my freshly pierced clit was throbbing as the heavy sold medallion continued to stretch it harshly from its protective hood with each step I took. Suddenly our slave march forward came to a halt in front of a sign that read “Assessments.”

Without warning I felt a new hand on my pussy and rough fingers digging inside my delicate pink flesh. “This one is very tight, great cunt muscles on her,” I heard the man invading my body say after a few minutes of poking inside me. “She’s a slippery little oriental; I haven’t seen a wetter cunt tonight.”

“She’s not a slant eye you dumb shit. Just look at her. She’s got blue eyes,” another voice replied.

“Her chart says she’s half slant eye, half white. Either way she’s a seriously fuckable little half breed. I give her cunt a ten.”

“A ten? You never give a ten. That must be one hell of a cunt on that hot little piece of ass. Ratings don’t matter anyway on that mutt, you see that sold medallion on her clitty; she’s already paid for. Already been renamed and everything. Milky Tits it says. Maybe they’re planning to squeeze some milk out of those itty bitty titties of hers.”

The guy continued to forcefully finger my pussy throughout the entire conversation while other digits began to invade my puckered little anus. The strong aroma of his rancid body odor filled my nose, making me feel sick. They were talking about me like I couldn’t hear or understand them or worse, as if it didn’t matter. Of course I didn’t matter because to them I was just a set of holes; a warm mouth, a wet pussy and a tight ass. I was my tits, I was my nipples and I was my clit. My thoughts and emotions, memories and personality were inconsequential here. My disgusting handler gave my firm ass several slaps, pulled his fingers out and moved to my head, brushing my damp black hair aside with his slimy pussy juice coated fingers and whispered in my ear, his hot smelly breath on my flesh and his tongue lightly lapping at my earlobe.

“Sorry I can’t fuck you proper little cunt, rules and all. I know how badly you want my cum all up in that womb of yours, I can tell from all that juice you’re putting out from that whore hole of yours. But you’re bought and paid for, and we got to obey the rules.” He ran his tongue from my earlobe down my neck leaving a trail of his sticky saliva on my skin as he grabbed my right breast and gave it a rough squeeze, as if he was testing fruit at a market; his rough fingers tracing over my stiff pink nipples.

He slid his hand between my legs, gathering up copious amounts of my pussy juice on his stubby fingers and licked them clean. “By god she is by far the most scrumptious cunt I have ever tasted. I could eat those yummy juices all day long.” He wiped his hand off on my face and mouth and as my soft pink tongue slid across my full pouty lips I could taste and smell myself. I had to admit that indeed I was delicious and for some reason I felt a strange sense of pride about that. “This cunt is gonna be a fine animal for whoever bought her. I’m a little jealous; I wouldn’t mind having a top shelf fucktoy like this one for myself. Oh well, one day Travis, one day you’ll get there,” he said longingly.

Chapter 4: Modification

The worker known as Travis released me from the chain that bound me to the other girls in my batch. He wrapped his hands around my body, grabbing roughly at my exposed breasts before lifting me on to a cold steel gurney and strapping me down tightly. Shortly thereafter he wheeled me to yet another section of the building that looked like a mad scientist’s operating theatre. Travis gave my left breast a hard stinging slap and a lustful stare as he licked his chapped lips before reluctantly exiting the vicinity to return to his station, leaving me alone with only my thoughts and fear to keep me company.

I laid there for an inordinate amount of time, staring at the cold sterile medical equipment until finally the squeaking sound of a door opening and closing behind me let me know that I was no longer alone. “What do we have here?” I heard a man’s voice say behind me. “Looks like a lovely hunk of clay ready to be molded into perfection.”

The man who belonged to the voice stepped to my side where I could see him in my peripheral vision. His greasy black hair was slicked back and the white lab coat that draped from his hunched shoulders was stained with what was probably his lunch. His hands traced up my slender limbs, dancing on my soft skin until they reached the moist pink slit between my legs, his finger pushing past the labias that guarded the entrance to my tunnel, circling the moist flesh inside.

“Your file says this hole is a ten,” he said with a devious grin. “I look forward to finding out for myself. Your file also says that you taste good as well.” The finger that was exploring the interior of my body slid out and I saw him pop it into his mouth, licking and sucking on it as if it were a lollipop. “That is one tasty cunt. I’ve never tried to enhance a cunt’s flavor before but there’s a first time for everything right? So let’s get started.”

A sharp prick poked into the soft flesh of my firm ass, the ache in my arms and legs dulled and the man unlocked me from the gurney, pulling me until I fell off and hit the hard floor with a loud thud. “Easy now you round eyed chink, I’ve given you a paralytic agent so you won’t be able to move, but I think you’ll find that it leaves you fully alert so that you may enjoy every little sensation I have planned for you.”

He lifted my willowy body as if it weighed nothing at all and plopped me into a vicious looking chair that rivaled that of the most sadistic dentist. “My name is Doctor Bill and I’ll be the one customizing this tiny half yellow body of yours. It’s not really your body though; your soft flesh has been purchased. You’re an owned cunt now, congratulations and your new owner has a very vivid and creative vision for what you can become. It’s my job to make sure you live up to your full cunt potential.”

He roughly pushed a thick rubber bit gag between my teeth and tightened the straps. “That’s for your own good, trust me, you’re going to want something to bite on during this procedure.” He subsequently pulled over a gleaming silver cart filled with a variety of frightening devices and scary looking tools. “Your new owner wants some big fat bolt on udders on you, seems he plans to torture those titties and wants enough on you to have some good options. As I go through these procedures, I want you to remember that pain is just as important as anything else in your conditioning,” he said as he stabbed my tender left breast with a six inch long needle that was filled with a silver liquid. “There you go, and now the other one.”

My breasts burned and throbbed and I could feel the liquid pulsing inside of them. My toned muscles were completely limp and I could feel salty beads of sweat forming on my forehead and dripping down the soft skin of my cheeks as every second I experienced a living hell of torment. The sweat dampened my long black hair and I bit hard on the gag that filled my saliva coated mouth just to try and tolerate the intense anguish.

“Your new Master also wants you to have a clit that’s bigger and longer,” he said as he took a third syringe filled with silver liquid and pressed it into my freshly pierced bundle of nerves. “It’ll end up looking like a cute little cock by the time we’re done. Maybe he’ll have you fuck other cunts with it.”

A screen in front of me powered on and a rapid flash of images and subliminal messages began to appear before me. “The initial development will take a while, so here’s a little something to enjoy. It should help speed up the mental conditioning process as well to turn you into the perfect little pet.”

I heard the door close as Doctor Bill left me to begin my transformation. I stared at the images in front of me through my bright blue eyes and before long my mind was off the incredible pain that my little naked and exposed inferior female body was enduring. I started to relax somewhat and I could hear a voice in my head over and over. “Speak only when spoken to. Obedience is pleasure. Always obey your superiors. I am not a human; I am a thing that is owned. I exist for my Master. My Master is my world.”

Hours went by, maybe even days for I had no concept of time. My awareness went in and out, like the groggy feeling of waking up from a dream and immediately falling back to sleep. During the brief seconds that I would awaken, my chest felt unnaturally heavy and I was aware of the throbbing and stretching in my sensitive little clit but incapable of comprehending what was happening to my body. Though I was starting to accept the fact that it wasn’t really my body at all, it belonged to someone else and I just had the privilege of living in it. The vibrations and electrical shocks in my tits and clit became a constant companion and after some time I actually started to find myself become aroused.

“How can I be horny at a time like this?”

Despite the fact that my small nude body was completely restrained and feeling intense pain, for some reason my thoughts kept turning to sex. My soft pink tongue explored the bit gag that rested in my unusually wet mouth and I found comfort in stroking the oral intruder with the tip. I felt the familiar flutter of arousal in my flat tummy and while I wanted to feel shame for my body betraying me at a time like this, I felt something else.

“I hope that seeing how wet this makes me will please my new Master.”

Images of ponygirls, bitch pups, rubber dolls and obedient subservient chained slave girls flashed before my eyes and with each image I became wetter, hornier, and more desperate for release. The ache I was feeling was no longer that of procedures that were expanding my breasts into ridiculous udders or stretching my clit to an absurd length, it was the frantic need to cum and the willingness to do anything to get there.

“I will lick Master’s shoes, I will lick his floor and I will do anything, anything if I can just cum. Oh please let me cum, please let me cum.”

But of course the cruelty of my predicament was that I couldn’t cum as one of the conditioning programs that was slowly altering my mind was one that would always keep me on edge, so close to orgasm but not allowing me to go over the cliff unless I was given permission. Certainly being right there on the edge meant that when such permission was granted, I would cum immediately upon hearing the words no matter where I was or what I was doing.

Whatever hope I had of returning to my old life was gone now, and it wasn’t even a matter of accepting my new self, for the old Kristin Kailey was fading away leaving only this new, modified version called “Milky Tits” that would serve her Masters with complete and total obedience.

The End.

(This is the end of Kneel or No Kneel. But fear not dear reader! For Milky Tits will appear in more stories. If you liked this story, check out some of my other ones. Follow or watch me so you know when I release new stories and if you can, give me a good rating because it makes me feel good and that my friends, inspires me to want to write more. Also, respectful comments and thoughts are always welcome. To see my short stories/bdsm artwork visit my page at


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Labours Day

Last Saturday my client called me saying that she is arriving on Sunday noon to the airport to transfer her to the south of the country where she lives and work. She is a Marocan lady in her late 36 of age nicely fitted like a doll and we are so close friends but never had any sexual thaughts or intention. Picking her from the arrival terminal she delighted me with her outfit, she had such a very short slim leather skirt which shows clearly her nice rounded cracks and on the top a tiny nearly...

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400mm of Mrs HansonChapter 12

We went to our house first. Cass thanked us for including her in our games. As if that was a big sacrifice! She went home and we went inside and checked in with our parents. The girls waited downstairs while Tony and I went to our rooms upstairs. We took showers and put on clean clothes. The girls and I said goodbye to Tony and my folks and started to leave when Tony had a sudden inspiration. He said, “Hey! How about if I grab my stuff and come with you?! I could do those upgrades on your...

4 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses Ch 05

She knew damn well what those noises were. Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Saturday, December 26th, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California The pancake batter sat covered and waiting in the refrigerator. The canned blueberries had all sunk to the bottom of the bowl, nothing a spoon couldn’t correct, easy enough. She kept wanting to call it the ‘ice box.’ Her new way of life was harder than she thought. Fancy names for fancy ice boxes… After two weeks, Eliza...

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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 05

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 05 - House Sitting – Week 1 ---------------------------------------- DAY 1 ------- The big day finally arrived and we headed to the airport feeling as excited as a little kid on their birthday. One thing that we both wanted from the flight out was to become members of the mile high club. We thought about how we could achieve that without getting into any trouble. Using the toilet on the plane was out of...

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The Salon Assistant Part 4

Well, try as I might, it appeared that I was powerless to stop the weekend from coming round again. I clearly wasn't going to acquire the ability to interrupt the space-time-continuum by sitting in my bedroom watching Dr Who and Back to the Future. Once more it was Saturday morning and, once more, I was expected at the salon to fulfil my loosely defined duties as the salon assistant. It seemed that I was being employed not just to do general errand running and some menial salon based...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Mother and More Ch 02

Chapter Two: More Fun & Games John Warne met with his client Tracey Devine who turned out to be a very smart woman in her early thirties, they enjoyed a light lunch nicely complimented with a glass of white wine. The deal was concluded with a handshake shortly after three. They walked to the car park together he noticed no wedding ring that surprised him for a very attractive woman of her age. They arrived at his car first, said goodbye and he had the pleasure of watching her arse as she...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 15

During our times together, Anna would occasionally open up to me about various events in her past. I had learned that she had lived through the latter part of the Cold War. It was a period in her life when times had been very tough. She told me that she could remember standing in line for hours just to get some of the basic items they would need to survive. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be unsure of where your next meal was coming from. I recalled one fishing trip where I had...

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PornstarPlatinum Puma Swede Banana And Carrot Self Fuck

Hi all, Puma here, it’s been a while but I’m here for you & I’m ready to have fun in the kitchen! First of all I have on way too much clothes & I need to take some of it off! I’m just going to kick this fucking dress I’m wearing to the side. Once upon a time in realty I was once a hot house wife, but I was always a little too slutty, so I had a back up plan, like doing porn! Truth is, the reason I do porn is cause I like the free dick & pussy I get!...

3 years ago
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My Maid Lakshmi

Hi friends, I am Amit and I grew up in a small town Antop hill in Mumbai.. I welcome comments. This happened while I was in high school. I was eighteen, and came from a well-to-do family. I lived in a large 2-story house and had a full complement of servants, who did most of the house chores, cooking, and gardening. My main activities involved school, soccer in the evening and some socializing with friends. I knew something about sex, but not much. The only knowledge that I had came from...

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Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...

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The Hospital Volunteer

A few years ago I worked in a busy hospital in London, IM a male nurse, and worked in a busy ICU. At the entrance to the hospital there was a shop that was run by the hospital volunteers, and usually there would be two ladies manning the counter. I would buy a daily paper from them and have a chat. One of the ladies was called Pam, and I guessed her age to be around late fifties to early sixties. She looked good for her age and looked after herself and took pride in her appearance. She stood...

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Made Love With Mature Woman

Ahoy there! I’m 22-Year-old single guy living in Chennai with regular sexual encounters , Alright this is my second experience that I am sharing, my first experience is titled” Experience with mature ISS reader”. I’m naming that woman Shilpa to be more precise. I had sex with Shilpa several times after that experience. She hooks me up with her friends and we do audio sex chat through gruveo and stuff. I also helped her and her friends do kinky stuff like shaving pussy, threesome, and stuff....

1 year ago
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Lalitha was dressed like a princess in a black silk sari with a matching blouse and she had a nice handbag matching her sari color. I took the lead, walked up to her and kept my hand on her shoulder. She immediately looked at me and gave me a smile. I went close to her and hugged her for some time and slowly moved my hands behind. I kissed her in her cheeks and her forehead and finally planted a soft kiss on her lips. Her eyes were closed and she did not give any reaction. Then I started...

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Toga Toga Tohugh

I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and a pounding in my head. ‘How much did I drink last night?’ I wondered. But that wasn’t the only question I had. Something didn’t feel right, in fact, a lot of things didn’t feel right. I forced my eyes open to seen the bloodshot eyes of a man in the bed I was in. “Aaahhh!” we both cried, which was quickly followed by, “Ooohh!” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. The man was still there staring at me. His brown hair was a matted...

College Sex
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Make Your Dreams Come True

I look at my handsome husband and tears trickle down my cheeks. "Alexandria? Baby, it's okay. It was just a bad dream," Jake says, pulling me into his chest.Tell him. Tell him now."Jake, it wasn't a bad dream. I wasn't screaming in fear." I say and then pause, unable to look him in his deep brown eyes. "I was screaming because I was cumming ... I mean dreaming about cumming.""What? You had a sex dream?" he asks lifting my chin up to face him."Yes."He hugs me tighter whispering in...

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my slut wife 1

My wife and I went to get our passports renewed. We had been married for four years and we had not gone on vacation since our honey moon. Neither one of us ever had the time but about six months ago, on my birthday, she promised me that if I take her on a holiday, I could do as I please with her. To me it sounded like a pretty good deal, some fun in the sun, drinks on the beach, and my way in the bedroom.Anyway, I thought I was a bit out of shape, she thought she could use a couple of gym...

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HandsOnHardcore Christina Shine Double Facial Seals The Deal

BBC addict Christina Shine is satisfied by two huge shafts when Joss Lescaf and Darrell Deeps give the horny eXXXecutive exactly what she needs after the closing of a big real estate deal between the threesome. The gorgeous blonde Hungarian never ceases to leave us awestruck by her hunger for sex that is seemingly never satisfied. Join the girl next door in this Hands On Hardcore 4K premium glamour porn exclusive as she’s pounded in both holes by her associates, riding cock in cowgirl...

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The Sponsor Part 2

Barb, Ann, and Bill seemed to be getting along. As Bill talked Ann sat and smiled. Barb was attentive to every word. She thought for a moment about what Bill had just said. "Is there something with the way I am now?" asked Barb. "I don't know you well enough to judge." replied Bill. "I have been told good things about you. Why don't you stand up an let us take a look." In her innocence, Barb stood up in her best posture. "Turn around slowly" commanded Bill. "Very Nice. But this will not do. Go...

2 years ago
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 12

Friday 6th November 1970 I phoned for a taxi and waited outside the pub. At first as I waited I seethed. How dare she ruin our little celebration. Nothing from her for six months and then she muscles in on our party. Of course I immediately realised this was stupid. Penny no more knew of our booking than we knew of hers, and come to think of it, we probably destroyed her evening more comprehensively than she did ours. There was a fleeting naughty feeling of satisfaction at that before I...

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Rebirth IIChapter 18

When I regained my seat I said, "How many of these can we get? I want to put out the possibility of letting the current tenants stay in the house until we are ready to upgrade the street." Both were staring at me. Jane was the one that broke first. "Well?" "Well, What?" "The loan?" "Oh, it looks like I got it." "How much?" "It's on a sliding scale. The line of credit is based on what I currently own. When I use the money to buy any particular property then that loan can be...

1 year ago
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Fucking Mother on Daughter8217s Request

Hello all, this is my third story in iss. I loved the feedback that you have shared on my last story. It feels really good to know that I was able to help many people fantasize and masturbate. I would really await your responses on this story to be sent on Let me get directly into the story about fucking a mother with a request from her daughter. For security reasons I am using an alias for them. Babitha was my junior in school and she didn’t have any great assets during our schooling. 11...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 250 A Little Quality Time With Ava

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I wrapped myself in a towel off the floor, then went to find Vanessa. It was fairly late, so her bedroom was my first destination. Vanessa and Prof's bedroom door was closed but I could see that their light was on, so I knocked quietly. Prof called, "Come in." To make doubly sure it was safe, I said, "It's Mark." "Come in, Mark." I ended up staying for quite a while, discussing various topics. I wasn't worried about keeping the girls waiting, as...

4 years ago
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Lana on a plane

Lana Parrilla's husband Fred lay in his plane seat passed out. I walked up behind Lana as she was just finishing writing "ANAL" on his head. She backed as she capped the pen, accidentally bumping her perfect tush against my crotch. I stirred a bit."Leaving your husband a to-do list?" I jokingly asked as i gently pressed her ass off me with both hands."NO!" She protested, barely suppressing a giggle. She was starting to blush. "I was...just it' name is Lana.""Oh I know who you are. I loved...

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Stroke of LuckChapter 6

With that I went and started my mom's old Chevrolet, and away we went. Sherry and I had a nice trip back to Marty's house. Marty really was a very safe driver and we followed along talking and showing different things. Sherry didn't understand governments and laws very well, but I tried to explain them as customs. She seemed to understand that better. I signaled Marty that we needed to stop and refuel. We stopped at a convenience store and refueled both vehicles. Marty's wife and Sherry...

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Home trio pt 2

I had such a good time with Charles that I decided to give Dave a chance as well. I knew Joe would be coming home late that day and so I managed to get Dave in the copy room on the pretense of helping me. As he came in, "I want your cock" I said openly. He just smiled and unzipped his pants, took out his cock and I moved up to him, gave him a nice long kiss and then went down on my knees. I took his cock into my mouth and sucked him hard and fast, taking him deep into my throat, jerking his...

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Horny Safeway Coworkers Customers MILF amp

Seeing the naked 60 year old Grandma with her hand buried into her pussy was so 24 year old mind raced back and forth thinking of just how old she was. While she was very sexy, her body showed many signs of her age...I wondered if she had always been a nasty lady, perhaps she fucked many guys while she was in school, or maybe she was shy and reserved. GILF waved her free hand at me, motioning for me to come to her. I climbed off of the bed where the MILF was still laying and...

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What a day

i remember trembling with anticipation,as she took my hand and slid it up her short skirt."i`ve touched myself thinking of you",she whispered in my ear."mmm,do you feel how wet you make me?"she moaned softly as my fingers run over her hot,wet pussy.i didn`t know what to`s my girlfriends mother,skirt hiked up and my hand in her panties.i certainly felt shocked,yet tunred on.i knew was the luckiest guy in highschool.i was alittle intimidated by this older woman,but was up to the...

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Chapter Four Feminzer disease takes my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Four The next morning, Cathy was already up sitting at her makeup table telling me to get moving that she has a special treat for me today. She said get dressed and she would meet me downstairs for a quick breakfast. Oh boy, what is she up to today? My hair was getting longer than normal so I thought I would stop at my barbershop today and get a haircut. Little did...

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My sis my milk machine

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Naman & I want to share my sex experience I had with my sister. My sister’s name is Sindhu she is my own sister & was elder to me by 2 yrs. She was a sexy slut with a huge pair of boob’s abt 38DD size & had a well shaped sexy ass. Now lets go to the story. My sister got married 3yrs back & remained childless for 2 yrs as she was working. Her husband was a CA & was always on tour & was working for a us based company. She came home for her pregnancy but unfortunately...

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An illustrated guide to finding stockings sluts

Finding stockings sluts is easy here on the web, especially here on X hamster! One way I do it is to use profile pictures and check out others who by their photo obviously share my love of nylons that reach the upper thigh of a gorgeous pair of legs. Garter belts and heels accentuate the excitement. Crotch-less lingerie just frames a perfect pussy even better. The feel of nylon on a wet tongue is amazing for both of you. Nothing beats the feel of a stockinged toe on the tip of a rock hard...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 39 Making an Exception

It was nearly 10:30 p.m. when Gina said she was glad that I helped her decide to make an exception. We had an hour and fifteen minutes before the light over the barn door would come on and we would look for her panties. I felt her press her crotch against my erection. "Sammy, let's make an exception," she said. I sat up and removed my jacket, placing it on the front seat. Gina sat up too. "Unzip my pants," I said and she complied with my request, pulling my cock out without being...

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Imp By The Professor "Ready...set!" I flexed my knees as my line hunched in a determined set in front of me. Mike Valentine, my center, wrapped a large, beefy paw around the ball. I stuffed my hands under him, ready to receive the ball. I could hear the rising anticipation from the crowd, two thousand strong as they waited impatiently for the snap. "Hut one!" A defensive tackle shifted, trying to draw a bead on me in what he thought was a weakness between my left tackle and...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 10

After the beach vacation Fred was interacting a lot more with his family. He made it a point to know exactly what was going on in his home. When the loving father and husband asked about everyone's day it was not just part of his greeting. He pried if anyone gave short answers. Also, anything out of the ordinary lead to Luke's Lord Protector to become The Inquisitor. This meddling was going to put a delay on Lori's revenge on Luke. The Brat Princess still had not forgiven nor forgotten...

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Unintended AttractionChapter 5

I led Alexis inside and closed the door behind us. At the sound of the lock latching, she gave a small jump, flinching. I was worried momentarily, but then she looked up at me, giving me a shy, and nervous smile On some level I couldn’t quite believe that I had done it; that my plan had worked so well. But mostly I was more aroused and excited than I had ever been. I leant down to Alexis’ upturned face and captured her lips in a kiss. It was deep and thorough, exploring and laying claim to...

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Jayce FJ Chronicles I First GF Feet

Any questions ask! Comments are appreciated. I am doing this because many has PM'd me about the stories behind this content.Name: SelAge: 19 (When MetHeight: 6'1"Body: Tall BBWFeet Size: 13Ethnicity WhiteOther: Going to be a doctor-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe she was my first GF. Because the previous woman I went out with (she looked like Mya the singer) we only went out for like, a month. Me...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Chloe Stacked Poker Babe DPed

Stacked poker babe Chloé can’t wait to see the big fat cocks of gamblers Tarzan and Michael Fly. The two meet up for some poker gambling and when the game comes to an end, the threesome Hardcore double penetration starts! Busty Chloé wants to see their dicks and one she kneels in between these two horny studs, it only takes a couple of seconds until her mouth is fully loaded with cocks! Get ready for another sizzling hot 4K Hardcore adventure by the DDF Network! Today, you get to see...

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Birthday Surprise

Having a birthday during a worldwide pandemic makes celebrating a challenge. No going out to eat or getting together with friends. It is the third week of working from home with no social interaction. Going to the store for necessary items gets more stressful with each trip and the restaurants are only serving takeout. My wife told me if I wanted a present or card to pick one up on a trip to the store as she is not going out till this is over.My birthday arrives, and I am working from home in...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 430

Ship’s Academy “Take a seat at the game consoles in the back,” the instructor said as he motioned to the aviators. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Worthington grumbled as he and the others came to their feet to discover rudimentary game consoles that hadn’t been there moments before. And his was not the only complaint. “Are you honestly telling me that we’re going to ‘fly’ planes in a game? No fucking way is that going to help...” The instructor let out a chuckle as he interrupted. “You wish....

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JulesJordan Brandi Love Interracial When Her Husband Is Away Mandingo Cums To Play

MILF Superslut Brandi Love takes on Mandingo in this RARE interracial scene. Brandi’s like a fine wine, she only gets better with age and if you have enough of her you’ll end up drunk, naked, and super horny. With her huge rack, pouty lips, rock hard abs, and firm ass this whore will make any guy pitch a tent in his pants. She’s looking hella sexy in her blue lingerie as she’s waiting on the bed for her MAN-dingo to get out of the shower. Her boyfriend is out of town and...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 22

Brenda wanted to stop and discuss my assertion that she had somehow 'gained wizard status', but I was sure we had already wasted too much time. Prince Aiden's dead body could be discovered at any moment and then we would be in trouble. As it was, we were still deep inside the kingdom of Scania, with days of riding ahead of us, and the Scanian population to contend with. Flying would have been quicker and safer perhaps, but that wouldn't get Mòr Dubh to safety, never mind the eighty...

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Silvester 2019 Claudia fickt

Das nachfolgende sind die Berichte über meiner Erlebnisse während des letzten Jahreswechsels an C. Gemixt mit unserem, sagen wir mal - „Gedankenaustausch“ Der Inhalt ist so übernommen, wie wir beide ihn im berauschten Zustand unmittelbar in die Tastatur gaben, um uns gegenseitig scharf zu machen; es sind also keine ausgefeilten Texte zu erwarten. Lediglich die unzumutbar viel fehlenden und verdrehten Buchstaben während der zum Teil sehr heftig geführten Tastaturbearbeitung habe ich noch...

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mother and son made to fuck

I have posted a few stories of how a son, desperate to fuck his mother, has a Horney friend act like he is breaking in to steal some jewels, but ends up stripping the mother and son stark ass naked, gives the son a viagra and shoves his face inbetween his mothers legs and when his cock gets good and hard, he makes mom suck on every inch, till she gags. I usually come all over the keyboard before the intruder makes the son fuck his own mother. So much to my surprise when I had a new friend from...

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The Clockmaster and The Inventor

Rolling my eyes i began to stack the packages, not bothering to check the labels; I had been working in the packing room of the factory all day and assumed I had them all correct. Scrap stood there, his arms out, shaking and every so often whistling quietly. “Here.” I piled all the parcels into his arms, carefully checking his arms to make sure he could hold the weight. “Please deliver those to the addresses on the labels, Scrap.” He whistled in reply, turning on his brass heel and...

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