Breath Of Fresh Air Ch. 05 free porn video

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‘So then he just walked away?’

Katie nodded at her friend, biting her lip and struggling not to cry.

‘He didn’t say anything else?’

‘No, Sarah, I told you he just said, ‘apparently I am’ and walked out the door,’ she said, a little harsher than she intended, but the flash of irritation held back her tears.

Katie had been holed up in her apartment for the last week, had even called in sick to work the first few days to avoid having to see anyone. Then this morning Sarah had come banging her door down insisting she come eat breakfast with her and demanding to know what had happened. Mike wouldn’t tell Caleb anything other than that they had split up and she insisted Katie provide the details over pancakes and coffee.

‘You’re such an idiot.’

Katie’s hand froze on the way to her mouth with her mug of coffee. ‘What?’

‘I’m serious. You have this gorgeous, sweet, funny guy jumping through hoops for you, bending over backwards to try to be the man you need him to be and you don’t want him.’

‘But I do want him.’

‘I guarantee that’s not the impression he’s getting.’

‘I know, but maybe that’s for the best, you know? Maybe he’s better off without me.’

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Sarah looked sincerely shocked at her words.

‘I don’t know Sarah, I’m not the easiest person to be around. He’s so…well, just like you said, gorgeous, sweet, funny. Sometimes I just think maybe I’m bringing him down, you know? Like he’d be happier with someone who can be happy with him.’

Sarah just stared at her for a moment and then shook her head. ‘Look, I’m not stupid. I’m well aware that there’s a huge part of yourself that you keep hidden from me-‘

‘I’m sorry,’ Katie murmured, her eyes filling with tears.

‘No, I’m okay with that, I don’t have to know everything about you to be your friend. I love the parts of you that you do share with me. Most of them, anyway,’ she added with a wry smile.

‘But you need at least one person in your life that knows you and accepts you for everything that you are, the good and the bad. Hell, everybody needs that, it’s just most people have it their whole lives so they take it for granted. You’re so used to not having it that you think you don’t deserve it. But you do, Katie. You deserve to have that. And Mike wants to be that person for you. He’s trying so hard. Even though you keep pushing him away he keeps trying. Why would he do that?’

‘I don’t know,’ she said, transfixed by Sarah’s out-of-character insights.

‘Because he loves you, you idiot. If you’d let him in he’d be able to prove it to you.’

‘But what if I let him in and he realizes he doesn’t love me after all.’

‘Then that would really suck. But what if you let him in and he realizes he loves you even more? Give him some credit. Don’t make that decision for him. Don’t pass up the chance to be happy, to make him happy, just because you’re scared.’

Katie sipped her coffee as she absorbed Sarah’s words, turning them over and over in her mind as she slowly realized the truth in them. With that realization came the fear that it was already too late.

‘I really messed up didn’t I?’

‘It sounds like you hurt him pretty bad. Caleb says he’s been a total asshole at work.’

Katie cringed at that. He must be in bad shape if he was acting like an asshole. It just wasn’t in his nature.

‘What do you think I should do?’

‘You can start by telling him you aren’t settling for him, which is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Seriously, where do guys get this shit? Their egos are so damn fragile. Start with fixing that. Then apologize and tell him that you love him, too. Once you have that down maybe you guys can figure out how to work out the rest.’

Katie opened her mouth to say that she didn’t love him, but the words stuck in her throat. She thought about how safe and calm he always made her feel, how her first thoughts in the morning and her last thoughts at night were about him, how she felt like part of her had been torn away since he’d left.

She needed him in a way that she’d never needed anyone else. Since her mother died there hadn’t been a single person in her life that she had let herself feel this kind of connection to, and though her instinct was to sever that connection so she wouldn’t be vulnerable to the pain it could bring her she was starting to realize that it was a risk she wanted to take. He was worth it.

‘I do love him.’

‘No shit.’

‘Why am I paying a therapist when I can just talk to you for free?’

‘You’re in therapy?’

‘Yeah. I’ll tell you about it one day soon. There are a lot of things I think I need to tell you about.’

‘Well, I’m ready to listen whenever.’

Katie reached across the table and took her friend’s hand, squeezing hard. ‘I know. Thanks.’

Katie felt like her heart was beating in her throat as she approached his door. She pulled at the hem of her sundress, feeling self-conscious about her choice of attire. As if wearing a dress was gonna make any difference, especially when she felt silly in it.

She stood there for several minutes staring at the numbers on his door and trying to get a hold of herself before finally deciding she just needed to do it and get it over with. It had already been three days since she talked to Sarah, she’d put it off long enough.

The urge to run overtook her before the knock stopped echoing in the hallway, but she dug her fingernails into her palms and forced herself to stay. Even when Mike opened the door wearing nothing but his jeans and the shocked look on his face told her she was the last person he expected to see.

‘Hey,’ she said, lamely.

‘Hey,’ he replied.

God, he looked good. After only a couple of weeks she’d forgotten how he could take her breath away even when he was all rumpled and messy…especially when he was all rumpled and messy.

‘Are you alright? You look like you’re about to throw up.’

Katie shook her head no, but wasn’t quite sure herself whether she meant no everything wasn’t alright or no she wasn’t about to throw up. She noted the half-empty glass of amber liquid in his hand and the way he swayed on his feet and realized he was drunk.

He hadn’t invited her in, but rather than try to figure out whether it was a bad time and potentially have to come back and do this all over again she decided to just say what she needed to say and get it over with. Come what may.

‘I wasn’t settling for you,’ she blurted. ‘I know you’re probably way past wanting to deal with me and all my bullshit after how I acted, but I couldn’t let you walk away thinking that you weren’t enough for me when it was the exact opposite. Ever since that night you came to me out on that overlook after I freaked out and busted your lip I thought you were too forgiving, too sweet, too good-looking…’

She trailed off for a moment letting her eyes drift from the stunned look on his face down to his bare chest. She shook herself and continued, ‘Too good for me. I felt like I didn’t deserve you and I just knew that any minute you’d come to your senses and realize how messed up I really was. So I kept looking for reasons to think you weren’t that great. I think maybe so it wouldn’t hurt so much when you left. But it didn’t work. It’s still not working. And even though I realize it’s probably too late I just needed you to know that I never felt like I was settling for you. And that I’m sorry I hurt you.’

She took a deep breath before forcing herself to say the hardest part. ‘And that I love you, too.’

Mike stepped toward her through the open door and opened his mouth to speak, but before he formed the words Katie heard a voice from behind him.

‘What the hell is taking so long? Don’t tell me they brought the wrong pizza again,’ a short blonde woman said as she walked
out of the living room into the hallway. For a moment no one moved or spoke, as if they were all frozen staring at each other, Katie at the woman, Mike at Katie.

‘Oh wow,’ Katie whispered, then glanced at Mike who was shaking his head and reaching for her as she backed away. ‘I’m so sorry.’ Then she bolted.

The elevator at the end of the hall got closer and closer, though she could barely see it through the tears. She banged on the button a couple of times before giving up and turning toward the door to the stairwell. Just as she made it she found her way blocked by a large bare chest.

‘Katie, stop for a second and listen to me.’

God, she didn’t want to hear it, couldn’t hear it. ‘Please Mike, just let me go. You don’t owe me any explanations,’ she said, dodging around him and through the door trying not to let him see her tears.

‘The fuck I don’t,’ he said angrily, following her into the stairwell and blocking her way again with his hand on the wall next to her. ‘Stop selling me short, goddammit. You show up at my door not even two weeks after I tell you I’m in love with you and see another woman in my apartment and you say I don’t owe you an explanation?’

He put his hands on her cheeks and tilted her face up so he could see her eyes. His sigh drifted over her face as he wiped the tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. ‘You think you don’t deserve an explanation.’

His body swayed toward her, his hands still on her face, the look in his blue eyes scorching her heart. She could smell the whiskey on his breath and her whole body ached to close the inches between them and kiss him, to wrap her arms around his neck and anchor herself to him. She shook her head at the futility of her desire.

And then he was kissing her, leaning against her, surrounding her and pressing her into the wall. For a few minutes she didn’t think about anything else, just how wonderful it felt to have him here, his body against her, his lips on hers, his tongue diving into her mouth to taste her. At the moment she would take him any way she could get him, even with another woman waiting for him in his apartment.

That thought had her throwing her arms around him possessively, pulling him closer and kissing him back with all the pent up frustration and desire inside her. Mike groaned in response and grabbed her ass, lifting her and settling her against his hips. She wrapped her legs around him and held tight as he ground his erection against her.

‘God, you drive me crazy,’ he muttered against her lips. ‘You’re all I can think about. This whole fucking time I’ve been trying to get you out of my head and I can’t.’

Katie felt a thrill shoot through her at his words. Apparently the blonde bimbo didn’t mean all that much to him if he’d been thinking of her all this time. She might not deserve him, but damn it he was hers and she didn’t want anyone else to have him. And here he was with her right now while that bitch waited for the pizza guy back in his apartment.

The cinderblock wall at her back was cold, but his chest was so hot she could feel it through her dress and it ignited all her nerve endings until she felt like she was burning up from the inside out. She reached down between them to unsnap his pants and slide her hand inside, but he grabbed her wrists and pulled them away, pinning them against the wall above her head.

He held her in place with his body and she could feel every inch of his hard form molding her soft curves into place. Holding her wrists with one hand he ran the other down her side, brushing over her nipple with a quick flick of his thumb before continuing downward.

He was kissing her again and she could feel his fingers pushing her panties to the side, sliding inside her to tease her wet folds. He groaned into her mouth and then his fingers were gone, replaced by the blunt end of his dick.

‘Jesus, you’re so wet. Tell me you want me. Tell me you want this,’ he said, pressing against her just enough to slip a fraction of an inch inside.

‘Yes,’ Katie gasped, wiggling her hips to try to get more of him inside her. She’d never wanted anything so badly in her entire life as she wanted him right now. She thought she might explode if he waited one more second. ‘I want you, Mike, please. I need you.’

Their simultaneous cries echoed in the stairwell as he plunged deep inside her. Katie’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy at the feeling of him once again filling her so completely, his powerful thrusts dragging involuntary grunts and moans of pleasure as he moved against her.

Katie had no control over the pace or intensity of his movements in this position, pinned against the wall with him between her legs. But there was no fear taking hold, no panic to suppress, only sheer pleasure and amazement that he could bring her to the brink so quickly and with so little effort.

‘Oh, oh, oh,’ she gasped as the sensations overcame her. Her hands clenched into fists as he thrust harder, pushing her higher as an explosive orgasm washed over her. Just as she started to come down he shifted his legs and tilted her hips, sinking in even deeper than before.

She pressed her mouth against his and he opened to her, kissing her hard, both of them pouring all their unspoken words into the physical expression of need and desire. Katie’s entire body shuddered with the impact of the emotion she felt from him and she pulled against his restraining hand, wanting nothing more than to fold herself around him and show him that his heart was safe with her.

He let go of her wrist and wrapped his hand around the back of her head, cushioning it from the wall as he slammed into her, grunting and gritting his teeth with the effort of holding back his own climax. He didn’t have long to wait, Katie soon succumbed to the pleasure again, arching her back off the wall as her powerful muscles gripped him, pulling him along with her over the edge.

Before they had time to catch their breath they heard the unmistakable sound of the stairway door opening on a floor above them. With a glance upward Mike pulled out and rested her feet on the ground, her dress falling back into place while he hurriedly stuffed himself back in his pants and buttoned them up. He pushed the door open and let Katie step through it before following her into the hallway.

The whole episode had only lasted a few minutes, but to Katie it was monumental. Tears pricked her eyes as she turned to look at him to see if he’d recognized it as well, but he looked pissed as hell and wouldn’t meet her eyes. She was confused for a moment until he spoke.

‘Fuck. I’m so sorry, Katie.’


‘I can’t believe I just did that to you.’

‘No! Mike, it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me,’ she stepped closer to him and put one hand on his arm to try to convince him.

He looked into her eyes, searching for the truth there. ‘You’re sure?’ he asked quietly, wiping the tears from her face.

‘I’m positive,’ she said, smiling up at him. ‘Jesus, that was amazing.’

‘Well,’ he said, the beginnings of a grin touching his lips. ‘Give credit where credit’s due. That wasn’t Jesus in the stairwell just now.’

Katie snorted. ‘I don’t know, I think I might have seen God for a second.’

‘Oh yeah?’ he said, moving in for another kiss.

This time they were interrupted by voices in the hallway. Katie looked up to see the blond woman and a tall red-haired man heading their way. He didn’t look like a pizza guy.

‘We’re gonna head out, bud,’ he said to Mike as they approached.

‘Alright, let me introduce you before you go. Katie, this is my dad, Sean, and his girlfriend Carla.’

Katie flushed red realizing her mistake, but managed to stammer out a hello.

‘It’s nice to finally meet you Katie,’ Sean said. ‘I’ve heard a lot about you.’

His boyish smile triggered instant recognition in her and she couldn’t help but smile back. ‘Oh, well I hope at least
some of it was good.’

‘Of course it was, this guy’s crazy about you.’

Katie glanced at Mike to gauge his reaction, but he was smiling too. ‘You guys don’t have to go on my account. I didn’t mean to interrupt your visit.’

‘No, it’s alright. We just came by to make sure he had a shower and ate at least once this week. Now that you’re here I don’t think we need to worry about it. Besides, I’m sure you two have some catching up to do. Two weeks without sex is two weeks too long.’

Katie wasn’t sure how to respond, but must have looked shocked because Carla gave her a comforting look and laid a hand on her arm. ‘Don’t mind him, he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Everything comes down to sex with him.’

‘So that’s where Mike gets it. I didn’t realize it was hereditary.’

Carla and Sean laughed while Mike pretended to be offended. When the elevator arrived they said their goodbyes and Katie and Mike retired to his apartment, finally alone. As soon as the door closed behind them he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close, and she stood there for a few minutes just reveling in the feeling of his warm chest rising and falling against her.

‘I missed you so much,’ she whispered.

He said nothing, just tightened his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, breathing deep.

‘You tore me up, Katie.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Her throat constricted and she fought back tears at his words, suddenly struck with the realization that as scary as it was to give someone the power to hurt you, it was downright terrifying to have the power to hurt someone else. After a few more minutes he finally lifted his head and looked down into her eyes.

‘Tell me again.’

Katie swallowed, perfectly aware of what he wanted to hear, but the words stuck in her throat. His blue eyes bored into her, stripping away her defenses without a word, and she felt the tears sting her eyes as she forced herself to not look away.

‘I love you,’ she finally said, staring directly into his eyes so he could see the truth.

It wasn’t until he exhaled that she realized he’d been holding his breath. His uncertainty sent guilt and pain slicing through her and she brought her hands up to his face and said it again.

‘I love you, Mike.’

It was easier that time. Maybe it would get easier every time.

‘I love you, too.’

His mouth crushed against hers, hot and sweet with whiskey, while his arms locked around her and held her to him. Not that she was trying to get away.

She could feel the heady dizziness of surrender, not to him as much as whatever it was that connected her to him. The fear was still there, she could feel that too, lurking in the shadowed corners of her mind, but it was a conscious decision not to pay attention to it. Not to let it guide her decisions and rule her life any longer.

He said he loved her and she believed him. Whether it would last or whether he would feel differently one day didn’t matter because she loved him right now and she was no longer willing to give that up for fear of what might happen one day.

She tore her lips away from his and looked into his eyes, a shaky laugh escaping her, the elation of being with him again rushing over her in waves. The corners of his mouth twitched up and he cocked his brow at her in a familiar expression of amusement.

‘Something funny?’

‘No, I was just wondering about your recovery time.’

‘Recovery time?’

She let her gaze drift down over his body again and his expression of confusion cleared. His eyes narrowed and a smirk appeared as he took her hand and pressed it against the growing bulge in his pants.

‘I’m ready when you are sweetheart.’

‘Oh, I’m always ready.’

‘I better make sure of that.’

He dropped to his knees in front of her and slid his hands up the back of her thighs. The hard pinch he gave her ass cheeks made her jump and her hips jerked toward him.

‘Take your dress off,’ he demanded as he slid her panties down her legs. She could feel the wetness from their earlier interlude in the stairwell starting to run out and had a brief moment of embarrassment as she pulled the dress up over her head and dropped it on the floor.

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To the casual observer, Maxwell James Robertson looked much like any other expatriate in the lounge of Nairobi’s Fairway Hotel. A well proportioned man, a touch under six feet, age had treated him kindly. Middle-aged, he had a firm face with a determined “Scottish” chin and aquiline nose. Having just spent a couple of weeks in Uganda, he was pleasantly tanned, a tan that set off his immaculately groomed silver hair to perfection. He was plainly dressed in what is commonly known in the tropics...

4 years ago
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The Repairman

Chapter 1 Jane’s large breasts were swaying, and she was cussing as she struggled to get the dirty dish water in the sink to drain. After ten minutes of struggling to un unclog the drain she did the only thing she could; she called a plumber. The lady on the phone said she would send one right away, so Jane went to get dressed and put her makeup on before he arrived. But before she completed her makeup the doorbell rang. Shit, Jane thought, naturally I’m not dressed yet and he is here. She...

3 years ago
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An Unconventional Fairytale

An Unconventional Fairytale - Sophie Elizabeth "Wow, Jessica, you look amazing," I said as she opened the door to the student house she shared with four others. "Well you look quite smart yourself there Dave, it is a shame though that you wouldn't join in the fun," she replied smiling at me and let me in. She did look stunning in a sparkly purple halter top, a sparkly, purple and white tutu and a pair of flimsy fairy wings on her back. She completed the look with small white...

2 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 25 Two Freshmen and Two Mistresses

Jason spent a very bleak New Year's Eve, sitting alone in the house. His parents and sister went to the country club to celebrate New Year's, in a bizarre façade of family unity. Jason couldn't stomach spending a night at the country club play-acting with the other members of his family, nor did he have any desire to risk running into someone from his high school. He would spend the night alone, since not even the maids would be in the house. At first Mrs. Schmidt wanted to insist that...

4 years ago
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King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies

King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies (RopemakerStory II) By C I. The Crisis Under his wise and benevolent rule, Ropemaker's kingdom had grown rich andhappy. His favorite pastime was, and remained, fairy hunting. On many a day,the people of the kingdom would see him and his men riding back to the castlewith a line of caught fairies stumbling behind them, their wrists and wingsbound, their lovely faces red and wet from crying. Each one knew that soonshe would be kicking at the end of...

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Bravo ForceChapter 20 Buenos Aires

Maria was dressed in a traditional tango dress: close fitting, slit up one side. Her partner, Manuel, was dressed up too, wearing tight trousers and a brief jacket. Somehow, Pru was persuaded to abandon her pareo and put on similar traditional garb. Perhaps it had been the sense of happy anticipation that permeated their preparations, but Pru went along with it gladly. "First, dinner," Maria said, as they walked through Buenos Aires Sector. It was early evening, and they walked along the...

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Training the Freshers

Doing English had become a bit of a breeze and I had become a sort of de facto leader of my own little sorority. This was a group of girls, with whom I had studied from first year. There was Emma, Jasmine and Megan and we had many a legendary party to our name. We always had pick of the hottest guys and when there was no spare cock we would invite more girls round for drunken lesbian orgies. Although I mostly called the shots, Jasmine would often take the lead, but to be fair we were all pretty...

Group Sex
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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

3 years ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 5 My name is Carstairs Reginald Carstairs

Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...

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The Scarlet Witch Versus The Hairdresser

Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...

2 years ago
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21. It's not a mystical number by any means, its easily divisible by 3 and 7, and it doesn't hold any place in the heart of a supercomputer as the answer to everything. In fact, it's quite dull if you stare at it long enough. Still, 21 holds the key to unlocking the life hidden just beneath the surface as everyone, no matter of age or race or gender, everyone has had the thought once that maybe if they were just a bit different, if they could change just a small bit of themselves, they would be...

1 year ago
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A Pee on the Prairie

Good God! How long had I been daydreaming? Where were we now? And where had all those scary black clouds come from? Last I was conscious, the sky had been a perfect dome of pure azure. Not a trace of cloud, not even the little white fluffy kind. I'd found it sort of menacing in its own way, in its utter blankness. Nothing between us and the cosmos. In fact, I was finding this whole landscape a bit disconcerting. As an East Coast kid, I'd spent my entire life near some sort of shade or...

3 years ago
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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

1 year ago
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The Barbarian and the Wench My First Renaissance Faire

I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?” she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.” “But I only want to satisfy you.” “You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.” Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.” This ravishing...

First Time
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Stephanie And The Repairman

Stephanie wakes up bright and early excited to get the day going. It's been a couple of months since Luis left. Being alone for the first time since they married has had her feeling a little down. She got a call last night finally and Luis told her he was finally all settled in and could finally Skype with her. He wasn't sure what time would be but promised he would be calling.Stephanie is now extremely happy. She decides to make a quick breakfast and get that out of the way. After breakfast,...

Wife Lovers
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Karens Repairman

These afternoon card games are getting out of hand thought Karen as her fingers slipped under the table, her cards forgotten. First one finger, then two as listened to her friend Becky. The fingers slid in easily, her pussy already wet from the visions that Becky's story conjured up. She could just see it happening to Becky as Becky described it. "I looked him up and down and saw the tent in his trousers and then I just said, "Sure honey, why not. I've never fucked a nigger before." "Oh...

3 years ago
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Fucking for The Chairman

ChristmasSukky phoned Joe, he was due to leave for Australia later that evening. It was a subdued conversation. He’d been up graded to first class, “thanks Lynn,” Sukky thought to herself. She would see him after the cricket, after Christmas, and after she had made yet another couple of videos. He was flying into Thailand, for two weeks, just him and her. But first Sukky had work to do. The Company called and she obeyed.The flight was booked, and her bags were packed. The Chairman would have...

2 years ago
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Fun With Fairies

"This is the last time I go camping, I swear," Toby grumbled as he hiked through the thick undergrowth around his legs. His weekend hadn't been going quite the way he had intended. It all started early Friday morning upon arriving at his girlfriend Martha's house, where he found her cooking breakfast for his friend Paul. Naked. The three of them and Paul's fiance had been planning this camping trip for weeks. Needless to say, Toby was shocked and furious. His first reaction was to kill Paul. Or...

2 years ago
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Katie PunishedChapter 3 More Fresh Air

"Yes, Miss O'Brien, we have persuaded the Ministry of Justice to expedite its investigation into your case. They are arranging for the police to interview people at the hotel and verify the possibility of your public nudity being not entirely voluntary." "Not entirely! What are they talking about? Who in their right mind would volunteer to be frozen half to death at three in the morning? And how has it taken this long to get around to checking with the hotel?" "Yes, I know young lady,...

3 years ago
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A Fresh Start

(C) NickB 2006 - All right reserved. Email author : [email protected] INTRODUCTION, JUNE 1993 ======================= I can't do this without going right back to the beginning, but I'll try and make it as brief as possible. I was born Paul Hammond, I'm thirty-two years old and I'm what you might call a 'rocker'. I know it's probably not fashionable to say so, but I was into Whitesnake, Foreigner, UFO, Zep, Black Sabbath, Michael Schenker and practically anything else you...

3 years ago
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Fresh Flemish Female Friends 1

Fresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 2 Now for the present

My depression had the effect of making me lose my appetite for anything. I had lost huge amounts of weight and although it meant that shopping was cheaper, it also meant that nothing I owned really fitted anymore. I had dropped from a thirty-eight waist, to a thirty-two and trousers were a definite problem. All of them hung on me like I was a wire coat hanger and without a belt to hold them up there was no way they would stay where they were supposed to. For the moment though, I didn't need...

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Life of a Slut Wife and Mum Part 22 Airtight

Airtight on the Marriage BedHaving received and noted comments and feedback, I will be making some changes to the future episodes of this story. Hope readers will enjoy it more and continue to give feedback so I can make improvements to the way I tell the story. For this part, I’ve taken away most embellishments and expansions of the original story, so what you’re reading now is closer to the truth. (Unlike the rather unpopular club scene in Part 2-1 which was purely added for dramatization)...

3 years ago
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Fresh Start

Fresh Start By Julie O Synopsis: Dr. Liz Reid takes a job at a spa following the death of her husband. For her son Josh, the trip will result in a life changing experience. Fresh Start By Julie O Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Josh Reid stared out the window of his mother's Land Rover as they drove towards their new home. He was lost in thought about how much his life had changed in the last year. His life had changed dramatically...

2 years ago
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Her fresh cream pie

I have had a fantasy about eating a woman who had just been fucked by another man and then having sex with her myself. That sounds simple enough – and it sure is kinky – but finding a woman who wants to screw some other guy and then screw me right away isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. This little situation just sort of landed in my lap a number of years ago.I got to know Ricquie through some friends. We dated for a few months, and then she moved into my condo with me. She worked for...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 39 Baiting the Naughty Fairies

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Forest “There’s no getting out if they don’t want you to,” Lupiz said. “We’re trapped until the flutterwings get bored and let us go. But they...

4 years ago
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The Refresher Course Part II

The Refresher Course - Part II By Sissie Maid Cuckold Jolene swallowed hard as he heard what his wife was saying. He knew he had to do it and with some hesitation looked back and forth a few times then slowly walked to the two men. He walked slowly partly because he was scared to death but also because he was in high heels and not only was he uncomfortable about navigating in them but they were beginning to hurt his feet. His first thought was "how do women wear these things...

4 years ago
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After Sam moved into his home on the top floor of an apartment block, he became fascinated with his neighbours. They occupied the far end unit and he lived next door to them. The six units on each floor were mirror images of one another and Sam, therefore, shared an adjoining bedroom wall with Tex and Gail. They had a very noisy sex life and Sam would frequently hear them cavorting after two a.m.Gail worked at a nightclub from six p.m. till two a.m., and after being collected by Tex after her...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Android Repairman

He had been in the business since its early beginnings.  James was more than just a repairman; he was an artist at his craft.  He started as an apprentice to another master.  Bruno was an excellent repairman too, but he always did things by the book.  He tried to instill that in his protege James but realized early on that he was much more.It was forbidden to alter their physical structure or programming, but James loved to tinker.  James would only dabble in unorthodox repairs with part units....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Ye Olde Ren Faire

Once upon a time there was a couple that was extremely bored one autumn weekend. Rich and Kat had enjoyed summer, but with the turning of the leaves and both of them running out of vacation days their options for entertainment were limited. One day while they were watching Princess Bride on Netflix there was a knock on Rich and Kat's door. "Check it out," Kat said. "Could be a package." Rich got up and grunted, "It could also be a damn door to door Cable Salesman. No, I don't want to switch to...

2 years ago
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New Hairdo

Though people in this story mean well, or claim they mean well, they do things you would not wish to see done in your own home at your own dinner table. Neither would I. So please protect the underaged at your dinner table from reading about such things. And if you are underaged, please protect yourself. That's what the law in its wisdom requires of you. Good luck, and bon appetit! New Hairdo by Vickie Tern I know I...

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Mistress Cunts two fairies

Mistress Cunt's two fairiesBy Taffy, the little sissy fairy girl My, my what a wonderfully gay time Angela and I had with our slut friend Lauren and her Mistress Cunt! Here’s a little story about that faggy time and how fairy we were for her.The weekend started the night before with Angela and I at the hotel; I had already properly dressed in my sexiest outfit, a gold sequin mini skirt with black fish net stockings. It did not take Angela long to get herself prepared and we sat to chat. Chat...

2 years ago
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Tatsu vs the Flower Fairies

TATSU VERSUS THE FLOWER FAIRIES (Tatsu Story I) By C I. Invasion If you go driving south of San Fancisco some day, you'll soon find yourselfin the little town of Los Gatos. About the least remarkable sight in Los Gatosis Tatsu's Nursery, a jumble of huts and greenhouses on the town's main drag,just inside the city limits. Walk past the nondescript architecture, however,and you'll discover something very remarkable indeed: the lushest, most variedflower garden on earth. How can it be? you'll...

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The New Freshman3

Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...

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My hot Bengali wife and her older sisters freshy h

I am married to a 29 year old beautiful and sexy petite british born Bengali woman. Her older sisters husband is fresh from Bangladesh and is 47. He is dark and ugly and is quite aggressive! I have seen him stare at my wife on more then one occasion and at first it used to piss me off! I mean my wife is hot, young and educated and out of his league! He is a ugly old freshy! I saw him perving on her and then brush past her as he walked past her. She noticed and looked back at him and he just...

2 years ago
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Three Virgin Freshwomen

or "Happiest Guy On Campus" Chapter 1: Proposition "What!?" wasn't a terribly snappy response but the question had come out of left field, so "What!?" was the best I could manage on the spur of the moment. "We want you to be our first," Julie said again, sitting down across from me in the dorm floor's kitchen, smiling her enigmatic smile. Making a great leap of understanding (or was it outrageous, lustful hope?) I asked and at the same time answered the obvious question: "You...

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