A Fresh StartChapter 23: Freshman Year free porn video

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I tried reaching Jeana for the rest of the summer. I did a few drive-bys and called every girl I knew who knew Jeana. The response was the same. They could get in to see her, but Jeana was on lockdown, and going to parochial school, a private girl’s parochial school, in the fall. She was depressed, but otherwise okay. Whenever one of the girls mentioned my name, Jeana would sigh and or cry, but she didn’t ask to see me or send me a message. It was over in more ways than one, I guessed, but it was very depressing.

Tusker came over one afternoon. For the last year he had known about my apartment, but he kept it quiet. “I heard you and Jeana broke up. Her old man do that to your face?”

“Mom joined in, too, but yeah, her dad tagged me pretty good.” I gave him a condensed version of what had happened, though I left out some of the graphic details. “I’m worried about her. I can’t see her or talk to her, and nobody knows anything,” I finished.

He nodded silently, and then went to my refrigerator and grabbed a couple of beers. “You ever think that maybe this wasn’t an accident? That maybe Jeana had this planned out?”

“Huh? What?” I just stared at him; my bottle frozen halfway to my mouth.

He shrugged. “Hey, you’re about to go away and she isn’t going to want to wait for you, is she? So maybe she managed to get caught by her parents, and that breaks you two up nice and neat?”

I rolled my eyes at this. “You’re shitting me, right?”

“I’m just saying, are you sure?”

“You think Jeana managed to time this so that she was buck ass naked and sitting on my face getting hosed with a facial just in time for her parents to walk in?” I exclaimed.

Tusker’s face lit up. “You’re kidding me, right? You gave her a facial while her parents were coming in the door? No wonder they went nuts! You’re lucky to be alive! Oh, that’s tremendous!”

I was less than thrilled by being able to liven up my friend’s afternoon. Still, I wondered, could Jeana have been cold-blooded enough and ruthless enough to manage our breakup in such a way? I couldn’t imagine she would have ever wanted to be caught the way we were, but what if she had been planning on me getting caught just ‘fooling around’ with her, my hands down her pants or her top up around her neck? What if our timing was off or she got hornier than planned? I just didn’t know what to think.

I stopped bothering her or her friends.

I spent the balance of my last free summer finishing my classes at Towson State and getting ready to move to Troy. I hated moving. I did before and discovered I still hated it now. I split things into two separate categories, stuff I would take with me and stuff I would put into storage. I rented a small storage locker/building out in Timonium and bought a bunch of storage boxes. Even though I had been renting a furnished apartment, I still had spent the last couple of years accumulating a huge pile of shit. I rented the storage unit for a year and paid in advance.

Moving into the freshman dorms was going to be a wrenching change. I could have afforded an apartment, but RPI required all freshmen to live on campus. The only exceptions were students whose parents lived nearby, and I only ever met one guy who qualified. Everybody else lived in the freshman dorms, which a national college guide had described as being constructed in ‘the neo-penitentiary style.’ I could attest to that. Short of bars on the windows, the freshmen dorms had all the coziness of Alcatraz. The rooms were small, able to fit in two small desks, two single beds, and not much else. They had two built-in closet/dresser assemblies, one on each side of the doors as the inmates would enter their cells. Linoleum flooring, and cinder block walls completed the charming atmosphere.

I began packing up what I was going to store. I also brought out one of my trusty foot lockers, for the trip to Troy. I would fill a footlocker and bring it, my IBM Selectric, and a small half-size refrigerator which I picked up at a local appliance store. Those were allowed, although hot plates or toaster ovens were not. I would also bring several cardboard boxes holding my clothes, which I would chuck once I was unpacked. Lastly would be my stereo, a small but very nice Bose system.

Everything else went to the storage locker in Timonium. I called Tusker and he came over with his dad’s pickup truck, and we loaded it all up and drove over. This was just returning the favor I had done him. After graduation he had gotten a job tending bar at a place in Towson and was also working at a repair shop. He had moved into a small apartment in town. A bunch of us helped him move, four fellow bikers, and me, the preppy college kid. Fuck it, we moved him, finished off a couple cases of beer, and fucked around and arm wrestled. I won a few and lost a few.

After we moved my stuff, we went back to the apartment and drank all my beer, finished off my open jugs of cooking wine, and ate or threw out the last food in the fridge and pantry. I was ready to travel by August 23, a Thursday. Freshmen could start showing up on Friday August 24, but most wouldn’t show until Saturday August 25, which was when the Freshman Dining Hall opened. The following Monday, the 27th, class registration would happen, and classes would start the next day, Tuesday August 28. My plan was to drive up on the 23rd, spend the night in a motel, and be first in line Friday morning. I wanted to be in the dorm room and unpacked by Friday afternoon. Saturday was going to be a fucking zoo! Worst of all, RPI has very few parking spaces. I needed to have the car parked Saturday before a zillion parents and kids showed up to drop Little Johnny off at school.

Mom, Dad, and Suzie came over Wednesday night to say good-bye. Dad and I hauled the stuff I was taking out to the Galaxie. The only heavy stuff was the footlocker, the Selectric, and the mini-fridge. They took me out to dinner and then we got the hugs and handshakes out of the way. I promised to write. I ducked any questions on when they would see me back home. That night I slept in my clothes on the bare mattress. Early the next morning I showered, dressed in my clean travel clothes, and stuffed everything into a duffel bag. I handed my keys to my landlords and was off.

I stayed the night at the same dump motel I stayed at in Watervliet when I came up for my school visit. I was up bright and early Friday morning and had breakfast at a diner in Green Island. I in the parking lot between the Student Union and the Armory by 8:00. I looked around with quite the sense of déjà vu all over again. I wandered around the campus for a bit before heading into the Student Union for check-in.

Physically, Rensselaer is split into several different sections. You have the old school area, which borders on Sage Avenue and 15th Street, with a residential quadrangle for upper classmen and a number of stately brick and ivy-covered buildings dating back to the 19th century. You can see these buildings for miles around because they are on the side of a big hill and have green copper roofs. South of this section is a newer academic area, where the new chemistry, physics, materials science, and library buildings are. The old school was engineering and architecture only.

East of 15th Street was a vast area that had been developed by the college during and after World War II. The Student Union was here, a three-story modern building, the Armory (which had a fully functioning tank lift in the basement, in case your M-4 Sherman needed a tune-up!), and all of the newer student housing. The freshman dorms were over there, along with the dining hall, as well as some newer grad student housing.

I grabbed my paperwork and went into the Student Union about 9:00 or so, and the line for check-in was mercifully short. Tomorrow it would be much, much longer! This was still in the pre-Internet, pre-computer days, so it was a matter of standing in line until you got to the table, where somebody would pull out paper files on you and check you in. Still, I was an early bird and the people at the desk weren’t going crazy yet. By mid-morning I was marked as present and accounted for, had my room key for Hall Hall (The residence hall was named after a guy named Hall. Go figure.), and I had registered the Galaxie and had a parking sticker for the student lot (And the student lot only! The campus police were vigorous in their detection and prosecution of cars where they weren’t allowed.)

The Student Union was a fair-sized building. Check-in was on the second floor, which was the main level, and normally had meeting rooms and a large dining area for formal college uses or small concerts. Upstairs was where the student government lived, along with rooms for clubs and the school newspaper. The basement held the bookstore, a branch of Key Bank, a small bowling alley and billiards room, and the Rathskellar, or Rat, which was a sandwich and pizza shop you could get a beer at. Before I left the building, I went downstairs and opened an account with Key Bank, funding it with a certified check I got when I cleaned out my accounts at Clifton Trust.

Next, I was off to Hall Hall. By getting there a day early, I was able to snag a good parking spot near the main entrance. In those days, the key was an actual physical key, not a card. The main door was unlocked, and I grabbed some stuff and wandered up to the second floor. I was going to be in Room 206. My roommate wasn’t there yet, so I grabbed the left side of the room and tossed my duffel on the bed.

I wasn’t the only one checking in early, so I made nice with my new neighbors and offered to help them move in if they returned the favor. This was readily accepted, especially after they noticed I had a small fridge and an unopened case of Budweiser in my car. I promised we would work on that later, so that got carried in first and set up, and then loaded with beer to cool down, while we went back out and finished bringing our shit in. After that, the guys gathered in my room and we cracked open a few cool beers, cool but not cold, since that little fridge was a bit anemic. Nobody cared.

It was all guys in the room. It was all guys in the dorm. It was all guys in all four freshman dorms! This place had the highest testosterone factor I had ever been around, at least until I went through basic training in the Army. Up until about five years ago, RPI had been men only, sort of like The He-Man Woman Hater’s Club for nerds. Historically, the only time women had ever attended the school had been for things like World War II, when no men were around, and they needed women engineers. As soon as the war was over, the women were sent packing. As it was, in 1973, after five years of co-ed education, it was still 14 to 1 guys to girls. You didn’t go to this place to get laid! There were so few women in the freshman class (40-50? Less?) they were all put into the graduate apartments, where they had private bathrooms!

The dining hall wasn’t open until the next morning, so after we got hungry we all got into the Galaxie and headed down to Hoosick Street. There was a strip mall there I remembered with a Price Chopper and a few other stores, but also a small Italian place we could order a couple of pizzas. When somebody asked how I knew about the place, I just replied that I had spotted it coming in from 787 off the Hoosick Street Bridge. In a different life I had taken girls down there to wine and dine them.

Saturday dawned sunny and bright. The dining hall was open, which was fortunate in that I didn’t want to have to drive into town. It was unfortunate in that, well, the dining hall was open! Imagine the worst meals you ever had in your high school cafeteria. Now, imagine them as an adult, seven days a week. Exactly what was being served at any given time was decidedly questionable. Nobody was ever able to prove anything, but most people noticed a suspicious lack of stray dogs and cats in the local area. That’s probably not what really happened, since I’m positive they would have tasted better. There were reasons I moved out of the dorms sophomore year, and the dining hall featured prominently in those reasons.

I woke up early and pulled on gym shorts and jogged around the campus for a bit before heading back to the dorm and showering and changing. Then I wandered over to the dining hall, where I grabbed some OJ and an apple. Part of my strength and weight control conditioning was that I usually skipped breakfast. I don’t know who came up with the crap about breakfast being the most important meal of the day. Whenever Marilyn gave me that shit, I would always ask if she worked for the American Breakfast Board. By the time I got back to the dorm the day’s rush was started and an enormous number of cars were trying to cram themselves into the parking lots, as parents tried to get rid of their offspring. Nobody showed up in the morning, and by noon I was hungry enough to go over to the dining hall and eat a real lunch.

I got back to my dorm room to find the door open, and somebody’s crap on my bed. Whoever that somebody was I had no idea, and he was nowhere to be found. I threw his stuff on the other bed, the one conspicuously empty, and closed the door. It seemed as if I wasn’t going to be running a singleton, but as I remembered back, that was never going to be the case anyway. Back when I did this the first time, I hadn’t been early acceptance, and for the first few months, until Thanksgiving, I was in a temporary dorm carved out of a corner of the lounge on the first floor, sleeping on a bunk bed and living like I was in boot camp. By Thanksgiving, enough students had flunked out to let us move into real dorm rooms.

Ten minutes later there was a loud thumping on the door. I roused myself off my bed to greet my new roommate. I opened the door to look out and found a fellow about my height, maybe a touch less, and about ten pounds smaller. He had a soft look to him, though he wasn’t quite pudgy. His hair was long, down to his shoulders, and very curly, and he had a wide, round face. He looked at me and asked, “How come the door was shut?”

What a fucking moron! “So that nobody would come in and take anything,” I replied.

He laughed and pushed his way inside. “Nobody would do that!” Then he noticed his stuff was on the right side of the room. “Hey, how come you moved my stuff over here?”

“Because I already set my stuff up on this side yesterday. Didn’t you notice it when you came in?” I asked.

“Oh. Yeah, I guess so. Who are you?”

“I suspect I’m your roommate. Carl Buckman. You’re assigned to 206, also?”

He gave me a funny look. “Yeah, why else would I be here?”

“Okay then, pleased to meet you.” I stuck my hand out and he absent-mindedly shook it, even as he was looking around the room.

“Yeah, great.” His eyes found my mini-fridge and lit up. “Hey, we’ve got a fridge! Wow! That’s great!” He immediately went over to my refrigerator and yanked the door open. “Wow! Beer, too!” He reached in a grabbed a can of Bud, before I could say anything, and popped open the top. Next, as I stood there in disbelief, he threw the door to our room open and yelled down the hallway, “We’ve got some beer in 206!”

Enough of that shit! I moved past him and slammed the door shut before I was mobbed. Even then it shut in the face of a pimply kid from across the hall. My roommate stared at me. “What’s the problem? Let’s have a party!” He drained the can of beer in a single long swallow and moved back towards my fridge.

“Hold your horses. Let’s get a few things straight,” I said.

“Like what?”

“Like who the hell are you?”

“I’m your roommate,” he said.

“Yeah, we’ve been over that part. What’s your name?”

He relaxed at that. “Oh, yeah, my name’s Jim Connolly, but everybody calls me Buddy. What’s your name?”

“Carl Buckman.” Like I told you the first time.

“Great, Carl, let’s get the party started!” He made another move towards the fridge.

I stepped in front of him again. “Hold it. That fridge doesn’t belong to the college. It didn’t come with the room.”

He looked at me curiously. “It didn’t? We don’t get fridges in the dorm rooms?”

“Not unless you buy your own,” I answered.

It took a few seconds for that to sink in. “You mean you bought that fridge?”


His face lit up. “Well that’s really great! We can keep our beer cold!” He moved to open it again.

“Wait!” He stopped to stare at me. “That was my beer. That wasn’t our beer. My beer involves my money. Our beer involves our money. Follow me?” He had a puzzled look on his face. “If you want some of my beer, you can ask me first. Okay?”

He shrugged. “Jeesh, it’s only beer. Whatever. Can I have another beer?”

“Of course.” I opened the fridge and took out two beers, popped them both open, and handed him one. “Cheers. Welcome.”

Once again, he downed his beer is a single prodigious swallow, which was then followed by an equally prodigious belch. Buddy began to start putting his stuff away, but after a few dispirited minutes, he opened the door and marched off down the hallway, greeting new people, leaving our door open. After five minutes I went to the door and looked around. There were masses of milling freshmen, but no Buddy. I shook my head and closed the door.

Five minutes later, Buddy was back and pounding on the door. “How come you closed the door?”

“Buddy, you’ve been gone fifteen minutes. Close the door when you leave the room.”

“Why?” Buddy put away some more of his stuff and then headed out the door again. This time I was able to call out to him to take his key with him and to close the door after him. I got him to take his key, but he was gone before he closed the door. I didn’t bother closing it.

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year

Another fantasy, roughly grounded in the actual eventsI anxiously awaited my first year of college. But, during the summer before I was going, my roommate-to-be Diane invited me to her parent’s house at the Jersey shore for a long weekend. I was excited to meet her; I had read her biography and she seemed very smart and we had a lot in common. My parents took me to the train and off I went. When I got off the train in Bay Head, Diane and her mom met me. I was taken back; Diane was drop-dead...

2 years ago
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Chubby Freshman Chapter 12

Jerome and Peter lay for several minutes not speaking and then it seemed that both were uncomfortable unsure of what to do next as the evening was getting on as it was close to midnight and the doors were locked at Peter's dorm as there was a curfew.  Peter said that he should be get going and kissed Jerome on the cheek. He got up from the bed and as he was dressing he looked at the fat flaccid cock of his new friend just as Jerome was closing the robe. Peter knew that he wanted more of the big...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter 26 Freshman Year

I returned to school in the middle of Freshman Week. I was in an upperclassman dorm so I could drink whenever I wanted to. Janice and the cataloging were coming along well. Since we had already cataloged all shows through the middle of summer, there were only maybe fifty or sixty a week to catalog, which took little time. Mike, our senior resident, told me that a bunch of freshmen would be coming over for Q&A that night. They were short one senior and asked if I, a lowly sophomore, wanted to...

2 years ago
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Welcome to College Beckys Freshman Year Chapter 1

Introduction: Read Welcome to College Becky waited nervously in her single dorm room. Typically as a freshman girl shed be required to share a room with someone, but her new college was renovating the primary freshman dorm, so many students were shifted to older senior dorms that were all singles. Not that she was complaining though, she liked the privacy. Her boyfriend, or at least thats how she thought of him would be arriving in a few minutes to pick her up for their first proper date....

4 years ago
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Big events for freshman Emma

This is the second and probably last sequel to the story of Emma Smith- Abrams, a young transgendered girl {actually CAIS) from the book 'XX/XY'(originally titled 'Emma') and her adventures and experiences in her small Texas town that I will write. While there isn't much in the way of TG in this story line, none of this could have occurred if she was not. Again, credit for the original story belongs to Felicia Gabriel, who publishes her e-works exclusively for Amazon, to the best of my...

3 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 5 New York Part II

I found Cassidy at our locker when I got to school Monday morning. When she saw me she acted funny and tried to duck out. I suddenly felt my stomach tighten up. "Freeze," I ordered. She wouldn't look me in the eye. "Tell me," I said. She took a deep breath and then it came out in a rush. "We went to the party on Saturday. April had a few drinks. I don't think she had ever done that before," Cassidy said barely above a whisper. Then she straightened up. "Luke was hitting on her,...

3 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 13 Suzannes Studio

By the middle of October Jason and his friends were fully adjusted to the routine of the university. They already had passed their first midterm in Burnside's freshman class, all of them with high "B's". They had a clear understanding of the material presented in class to date and seemed well-positioned to pass the class on the first try and get one of the university's most difficult requirements out of the way. Jason's confidence in himself went up as he pushed Ken, Mike, and Lisa to...

1 year ago
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Freshman Year

Mark couldn’t believe it, for the first time in his life, he would be living away from home. With frequent waves of anxiety and stress through his years at high school, Mark missed out on simply enjoying his time there. Moving to a college interstate was a scary thought for Mark but something he needed to do. It was a chance for him to finally have some proper college experiences. As he walked inside the East Hall of campus, he looked around to see many other students chatting, exploring and...

4 years ago
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My College LifeFreshman Year

My freshman year was the beginning of the best 4 years of my life. It all started in my Life Science class. Since I did a non-science major I only needed one science class to graduate. There I decided to sit in the back row so I could doze of if I had to. I was instantly rewarded when a very sexy girl got up off the floor where she had been retrieving her pencil. She had red-hair, cute dimples, and her name was Leah. We started going out but neither of us had much time for each other. That all...

1 year ago
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My Freshman Year

My name is JB and this story is about probably the best sex I’ve had in my short 19 years. First a little about myself, I’m 6’2, 185 pounds, and pretty well built. This takes place during my freshman year of college. After finally graduating for High School, I was finally able to attend UCLA in my native California. I had been dating a junior in HS by the name of Erin and we decided we wanted too try and keep the relationship alive. One day after a very boring day of class, one of my friends...

First Time
2 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 39

Introduction - "The Freshman" - thoughts about my third novel "The Freshman" is different from my previous two novels because it features a submissive male character and his dominant girlfriend. In part, I started this new novel to experiment a bit with my writing. The story starts out as a psychological novel, because I wanted to fully explore the relationship between Cecilia Sanchez and Jason Schmidt. For that reason the first discipline scenes in "The Freshman" come somewhat later...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 41 Party Time Freshman Prom

Chapter 41: Party Time & Freshman Prom Although I had gone out with the rest of the team after the game, I still had a while to wait before going to Chloe’s birthday party, her birthday had been on Thursday, I had given her a card, but that was all, I hadn’t planned on a present, since I felt our friendship hadn’t reached that stage again. It was lucky that I had some time, since I received a surprising phone call. It wasn’t often that I had a call on the house phone, those I regularly...

3 years ago
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My Freshman Year

It was my freshman year in college, and the first time I'd been away from my girlfriend for this long. We'd been dating since we were sophomores in high school, and now we were at difference colleges. She was accepted at a small liberal arts college on the west coast. I, on the other hand, could only afford to go to my Colossus State U. So that's how we found ourselves, for the first time, dealing with a long distance relationship. We swore to each other we'd be true, and would never cheat. We...

3 years ago
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Chubby Freshman Chapter 13

James softly kissed the cute chubby freshman not wanting to frighten him away by rushing things. As the senior student kissed Jerome he put his hand to the freshman’s smooth boyish cheek and caressed softly. Jerome seemed to respond to the kiss and opened his mouth and the experienced student gently pushed his tongue into the boy’s mouth. As the kiss seemed to finish and without a word both excited students holding wine glasses nearly full slowly moved to place the wine glasses on the coffee...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 6 Doing vs Wanting

I had been feeling off all day Monday. I think the reality of life in New York finally sank in. That life had nothing to do with how I lived or wanted to live. The drugs and violence were not a part of my existence. The twins had been hurt. They came close to something truly awful happening. When I got home from school, I called Tami. She got onto the video chat and could tell something was wrong. "Is it your Mom?" she asked. "No, actually she is coming home tomorrow." "That's great...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 5

Chapter 5After their love making the two students discussed their likes and tastes about gay love. Harris said that he had like Francis' look the moment he saw him in class and wanted to do this from that moment. "Are there other guys or mature men you like?" asked Francis. "There is another guy I see around campus, a senior I think. He smiled at me and said hello just last week when I was leaving the library." Francis asked "Is he cute? You think he may be gay or like slim guys like you?"...

3 years ago
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Freshman Spring Break

(episode 6)Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...

College Sex
3 years ago
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The Freshman

Whitney Pennington paused outside the classroom and took a deep breath. Like so many other college freshman, the short haired blond found her first day of classes at Northern California State a rushing kaleidoscope of sights and sounds. One that, at times, seemed overwhelming. She didn't think it possible, but her heart was racing even faster than it had been when she woke up this morning. Too nervous to even try and have breakfast, she'd settled for just a cup of tea to settle her nerves....

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The FreshmanChapter 3 The first date

The next day Jason and Ken joined Mike and his girlfriend for breakfast. Jason was a bit nervous, wondering how Mike and Lisa would react to the sight of him standing on the chair the previous night. Jason had to retell the story of how he had locked himself out of his room and the RA had caught him in the hall, then how she made him help her with the light before she let him back in. His companions found the story quite amusing and Lisa commented: "Well, the next time the light burns out in...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter 26 Freshman Year

I returned to school in the middle of Freshman Week. I was in an upperclassman dorm so I could drink whenever I wanted to. Janice and the cataloging were coming along well. Since we had already cataloged all shows through the middle of summer, there were only maybe fifty or sixty a week to catalog, which took little time. Mike, our senior resident, told me that a bunch of freshmen would be coming over for Q&A that night. They were short one senior and asked if I, a lowly sophomore, wanted to...

2 years ago
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The Freshman 15

Make sure to press Start Game! You fumble with the lock, opening up a dorm-room that’s only halfway unpacked. Your two suitcases still sit open, their contents strewn across the ground, and you sigh as you prop open the door, and begin to fold a pile of t-shirts. If only I had ordered the steak instead of that crab, you think to yourself, placing a neat pile of shirts into your drawer, then maybe I wouldn’t have been stuck in that hospital for two damn weeks. The day before you were due to...

4 years ago
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Chubby Freshman Chapter 2

Chapter 2Richard raised his hand which held the remaining of the hot ejaculation and tasted some of it and then kissed the boy again mixing the sperm with the boy's saliva. After the kiss he raised his hand to Francis' mouth so the boy could lick the remainder of the hot juice. "Have you tasted your own cum before" Richard asked? The excited boy said no and then saw the hand approach his willing mouth and he licked and sucked the rest enjoying the salty taste. When he finished Richard raised...

3 years ago
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Fun With Female Freshman A Cum Fiesta

One time at University of Santa Cruz here in California there was this class building closed down for remodeling, but there were a few rooms used downstairs, and there was this bathroom upstairs with a great gloryhole in the marble stall wall. The building was always open on Saturday, and one morning I brought Alicia this freshman slut who was already cheating on her high school sweetheart with me. We went in there and sat in the middle stall, the gloryhole was between that one and the first...

4 years ago
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The Kick Part 1 As a Freshman

The Kick Part 1 - As a Freshman (Andrew finds high school much different than middle school, goes out for the Track and Cross Country teams, makes friends with Jeff and mistakenly buys some girl's panties.) Man, is high school different than middle school - at least when you're a Freshman - and not only being in a different school where at least 75% of the other kids are older than you - but all of a sudden you're sharing the hallways with these seniors that are at least a foot...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 27 Saying Goodbye

I had just returned home from my morning workout, when Mom made me promise that instead of swimming at Beth’s I would go with her to the hospital. I’d been putting it off. Every time I thought of it, I would see Terri in my mind’s eye, the girl Mom was friends with at the cancer center at Stanford, and the girl who passed away. What finally convinced me was when Mom said I knew one of the children. As we parked, Mom gave me some pointers. “This is a traumatic time for these kids. Be patient...

1 year ago
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The ArrangementChapter 12 Freshman Frustrations

The first year of Riley's college career was a difficult adjustment -- for her, for me, for us. When it was time for her to move to campus, she and her mom flew into Boston and spent one night at my condo, while Steve and Jim drove a cargo van from Orlando to Amherst. I'd offered to drive the two of them to Amherst, but Riley asked me not to, and her mom rented a car for the two of them. "It'll be weird enough having to say goodbye to mom and dad and Steve -- if you're there too, I'll...

1 year ago
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A bisexual girl goes back to college and seduces a young freshman

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After four wild years in high school I’d already had enough of partying, immature boys and sexual experimentation. I decided not to go to college, where so many confused teenagers go to “find themselves”, because I’d already sewn my wild oats, so to speak. I knew that there was more to life than getting drunk, and my sexual preference tended towards older partners (men and women) rather than teenage...

1 year ago
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A Freshman Named Ashley

In my algebra class, there were many . However, one particular beauty I always had my eyes on. Her name was Ashley, and she was a freshman. She was average height with long, light brown hair. Her face was so perfect it is difficult to describe. It was mature and beautiful, and it wasn't the look of those slutty, cute girls who slept with anyone. She was pretty alright, more than I could have ever imagined from a freshman. Her long eyelashes seemed to beckon to me. She was only 16, but her body...

First Time
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The New Freshman3

Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 5 Freshman Year

"So, do you like what I bought?" Frank was working on his computer, outlining major transaction elements for his next day's meeting. He finished a sentence and looked up at Jennifer. He was glad he put down his cup of tea first, because he nearly choked on nothing but air. Jennifer was wearing a translucent camisole that was, in Frank's somewhat stunned opinion, far too mature for her. While he was searching for a proper response, he did notice that it fit her developing body perfectly,...

3 years ago
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New Jock TalesFreshman YearChptr 12Happy 4th of July

Summer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase-- “one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But not just the awesome...

3 years ago
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New Jock TalesFreshman YearPt 9Sweet 16 Pt 1

It was the most anticipated day of my life. More than anything football. More than Christmas. More than the day I finally popped out numbers 7 and 8 abs. More than the day I discovered hair up in the crack of my ass. Even more than the day just a few weeks ago when I finally measured up 9”. Lotta of fuck meat for a Freshman. Today, was my birthday—drivers license ! I met it with a bit of melancholy though. The original plan was to be at the car lot, and grab that jeep I had my eye on for a...

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