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Jocelyn finished her sixth glass of wine and settled in to finish reading her newly acquired book on the occult. She had paid an enormous fee to get the book, the word being in the underground that some of the incantations actually worked. She considered what she would do if she had magical powers to transform her life. There would be many changes. Yes, many changes.

Jocelyn was wealthy, alone, miserable, and drunk. Wealthy because her company had gone IPO just over a year ago, and she was able to sell some of her shares and reap the benefits of so many years of hard work. It was nice to to have millions of dollars to play with. More importantly than the money was the validation. Validation to all the naysayers who said that a woman couldn’t succeed in the digital media business because it combined technical know how with the ability to be hard headed and obnoxious when the occasion called for it. She acknowledged that it was, perhaps, the need to be obnoxious which was one of the reasons she was alone. That, and the fact that she was obese, weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds distributed in a rather unattractive way across her body. Yes, that was the primary reason that she was alone and miserable. She had never managed to get her obesity under control, and undertook constant dieting, none of which worked, but all of which put her in a continual bad mood. She focused on taking this out on her competitors, but acknowledged that perhaps a bit of it leaked through to her subordinates at work. And would probably even had an impact on friends, if she had any. And finally she was drunk, not heavily so, because it took more than six glasses to make someone her size drunk. Rather she was heavily tipsy.

She continued reading the book, then, after finishing it and finding that there was not much of interest, slammed it to the ground, and leaned back in her chair to drink another bottle of wine. As a result, she was well and truly drunk when she finally felt sleep enough go to bed, and only then glanced down at the book and discovered that she had cracked the binding and a sliver of parchment was hanging out of it. Intrigued, she picked up it and started reading it, struggling a bit with what looked to be two hundred year old English. The document contained a description of a demon which required no blood sacrifice and no binding of the soul to hell, but rather one which balanced karma. The demon could modify bodies and people’s perception of them and their own perception of the world. Generally, no material rewards ensued and there were limits, but it was definitely intriguing. Essentially, the evil received their just desserts in their lifetime and the good were rewarded and the people in the middle were nudged one way or the other. All it took was a summoning and signing of a contract.

“This is great,” she thought. Finally a chance to get the rewards that she deserved - more than just money. She avidly read through the description of the summoning: It required a pentagram sketched from ash, a candle, and a willing believer, all of which she had available in this very room. She was believer, though the extra bottle of wine may have had something to do with that. She thought about what she wanted out of life, and then set about the summoning.

With the candle burning and chanting a few nearly unpronounceable words, there was a flash, and a slightly built gentleman wearing an old style suit and hat appeared in the middle of the pentagram. He looked around a bit startled, his eyes went white for a few seconds while he reviewed the modern plane of existence, and then with a wave of his hand, he re-appeared with a modern, though nondescript, grey business suit.

“It’s best if I keep to an ordinary suit. Too many references to devils wearing Armani. I’m not that kind of demon,” he said to Jocelyn with a nod and assuming a slight English accent.

“Shit, it worked! I was trying to bluff myself that it would work, but now I really am a believer.”

“I get that every time,” stated the demon. “It is not unusual for humans to go through the eight stages of demon summoning, starting with rejection and finishing with acceptance and then contract. You seem like an intelligent woman, how about we skip the intervening stages and go directly to acceptance and contract.”

“You’ve got that right. I am ready to go.”

The demon noted her slurring her words, but simply considered that a modern day speech affectation. He had gotten used to the evolution of language through the ages. This was better than the grunts of Neanderthals in ages past.

“OK, please describe what you want as concisely as possible”, he said.

“I know exactly what I want: As you can see, I am pretty heavy and unattractive. What I want is to be beautiful. And I know exactly the look. I have my eye on the VP of marketing, he is a real hunk of man. However, he would never look at me because he is married to a gorgeous blonde, slim twit. Well actually, she probably isn’t a twit because she is a VP of sales at some company. Now what I want is to look just like her - long blonde hair, thin body, beautiful face, elegant arms and legs. But something extra, she is a bit thin up top and I want to have a bigger bust.” As she said this, she held her hands in front of her chest, showing figuratively what she wanted. The demon took careful note of the placement of the hands in this gesture.

“I want men to worship me at my feet for my beauty. I want them to desire me. They want to have sex with me.” Jocelyn waxed lyrical on this theme.

“OK, you want to look like Emily, the wife of Jack, your VP of marketing, but with larger breasts as you have noted in your gesture. And you want men to desire you deeply and worship you at your feet. Is that it?”, the demon stated. He scanned the pathways to evaluate the karmic effect and judged this request to result in neutral global karma when enacted.

“No, I want more. I want Emily, Jack’s wife, to become obese, more than I am. She’s a goody two shoes, so I want her good aspects to become bad and I want her bad aspects to become good. I want Jack to be separated from her.” Jocelyn described this with drunken glee.

“You want Emily to become obese and for her good aspects to become bad and her bad aspects to be good and to be separated from Jack.” Again, the demon scanned the pathways, looked quite startled for a moment, and acknowledged that this was well within his power to manage with neutral karma.

“And finally, I have the hots for Jack. I’m a great CEO you know, and it’s time that Jack to married the CEO. I want the company to build on its success with the most intelligent, beautiful, and charming CEO in the world!” She went on, again, waxing lyrical in her drunkenness, using the type of management speak so common in the corporate world.

“I see. You are a great CEO. So you want Jack to become infatuated with and the marry the beautiful, intelligent, and charming CEO of your company.” stated the demon.

“Yes! That’s what I want”.

“OK, let me see, Ah. I’ve got it. That took some work, but, by Jove, I think that we can do all of this and maintain neutral karma.” Stated the demon with satisfaction.

“And here is the contract with all the terms. Note that there is no soul in hell clause, no fine print, just the agreed upon points as discussed. No money back after the fact.” The demon handed over a parchment in which the words were etched in flame before turning black. He handed over a fountain pen to Jocelyn, and Jocelyn, with great drunken flourish, wrote her name at the bottom, and collapsed back into her chair and started snoring.

Jack arrived early, looked over at the open door of the CEO, sighed thankfully that she was out, and then went into the office of Julia, the Chief Financial Officer. Julia worked long hours, kept the finances in order, worked with all the teams, was committed to the company, and, most importantly, was the person everyone came to for help with the “wicked witch” CEO. When needed, she interceded between the CEO and the rest of the organisation, trying to manage the inevitable conflicts when Jocelyn went on a tirade. Julia was often on the receiving end of these verbal tirades, but seemed to manage it with calm and aplomb, though what she was feeling internally about this, she never discussed. To her credit, Jocelyn always supported Julia publicly, and they presented a united front to shareholders. As a result, the board looked favorably on Julia as a stable influence on the company executive team, and nicely counterbalanced the CEO’s admitted brilliance but overly strong personality. Julia was in her mid thirties, but unmarried, either from her work ethic, or more likely because she would be considered plain looking by any measure. Stick thin, with no real figure, and a plain face with hooked nose, she dealt with her lack of beauty with the same lack of judgment and calmness she did anything else. As a result of all of these factors, Julia was liked by all and judged harshly by none.

Jack eased himself into one of the chairs and Julia’s office and waited patiently for her to finish the email she was working on. Jack viewed her office as an oasis of calm in an otherwise hostile world. Jack could only imagine what life would be like if he could go home to someone like Julia and relax in the evenings. She had become his closest friend and his feelings for her were far from neutral. Studying her, he thought that she seemed more attractive this morning for some reason. He wasn’t sure if it was the luster of her hair, maybe her clothes seemed nicer, and even her nose seemed a bit straighter for some odd reason.

Julie looked up and smiled at Jack. She didn’t let the turmoil she felt whenever she saw him appear on her face. She was hopelessly infatuated with him, but was careful never to show this, and possibly losing his valued companionship. Julia had met his wife, Emily, and no one could compete with her looks, her elegance, her stylish clothes, and her intelligent demeanor. Jack and Emily seemed like Hollywood stars when the were together. But she saw Jack every day and saw past his looks to the admirable person that he was.

They reviewed the standard morning issues, identified hot spots to deal with, and then, door closed, discussed the real issue of the day.

“She’s getting worse, you know”, said Jack. “There isn’t a day that goes by when she doesn’t come to my office and yell about something. It’s as if she is re-living a ‘Bad Bosses of the 1980s’ drama. I know that she has driven the company forward, but she is getting out of control. I am not sure what to do”.

“I know, I know, I see it also, though she is not as hard on me as on you,” said Julia. “Weirdly, I think that this might be because she is attracted to you. You don’t see it, but she tracks you around the office with a hungry look in her eyes.”

“Oh, God, don’t tell me that’s part of the problem. I can’t do anything about my looks. It sounds like something from a school yard - she hits you because she likes you.” Jack rolled his eyes at the thought.

“If you have any thoughts on how I can deal with this, please tell me.” continued Jack.

“I will,” promised Julia.

As he left, he noticed that Julia was looking even more attractive than a few moments ago. Her dark hair had lengthened, her features seemed more regular and defined, and her nose seemed smaller yet again. Her top was a bit tighter fitting than before and showed off medium sized attractive breasts. Jack didn’t recall ever noticing Julia’s breasts before.

Jocelyn rolled off the couch where she had fallen asleep. She thought back to the occurrences from the previous night, and then dismissed it as a weird dream. However, as she stood up, she found that she was able to rise from the couch more easily than she had in years. She almost bounced off the couch. Quickly she ran to the bathroom and then stared at herself in the mirror. Her legs, arms, torso, face, everything had lost fat. She was by any measure still a heavy woman, but no longer would people think of her as obese. And her hair, blonde highlights streaked through her hair, looking like a very well crafted job at the hair dresser. She noticed that her clothes had shrunk to fit her, and fit quite nicely. Her boobs weren’t any larger, but whereas yesterday they were loose and hung down, needing help from her bra, today they had firmed up nicely. She stood there for almost a half hour, staring at herself in wonder, feeling her body, touching her face which was had also changed, becoming more regular, more refined. As she watched, she thought that she could see slight changes happening, her hair had turned just that little amount more blonde and less curly, and even her boobs had firmed up even more and then were suddenly a bit larger.

“Yes!” she shouted, “it’s happening.”

“I can’t wait to see what happens to Emily,” she said with nasty smile.

Emily had woken that morning after Jack left and went to the bathroom to shower. Curiously, she felt unusually slow and heavy as she moved around the shower, as if she had gained weight. She went over to the scales to check, and gasped when she saw that she was twenty pounds heavier than she should be. She ran over to the full length mirror in her bedroom and looked in horror at her body. Her smooth svelte legs, arms, and torso, were now soft and had a thin layer of fat. She pinched her tummy, and saw several inches of fat appear that wasn’t there yesterday. Also, her platinum blonde hair, of which she was so proud, looked a bit darker, and the hair was a bit frizzy, instead of the smooth lustrous locks that she normally had. Not knowing what to do, she went to her closet to put her clothes on to go find a doctor to see what was happening. She stared at her clothes. They had changed. Her designer outfits, so lovingly purchased on her Amex card were no more and she saw what looked to be a set of off-the-shelf department store blouses, skirts and pants. Even her panties and bra were different - the store brand rather than from a designer lingerie shop. She selected a coordinated top and skirt and found that, surprisingly, they fit her well. Her shoes had also changed, from the designer wrap around stilettos to some basic black heels that fit with her now generic corporate outfit. She stared at herself in the mirror for a few minutes and, to her horror thought that she saw her hair get a bit darker and frizzier, and her face fill out a bit with loose fat under the skin. And her entire body felt a bit heavier all of a sudden. She ran to the phone to call the doctor.

Fortunately, her doctor was available to see her, so she rushed to the doctors office. It took an hour to get to the office with the heavy traffic and during that hour she was convinced that she continued to feel changes happening. She kept glancing at herself in the rear view mirror and thought that she saw her hair continue to darken. She was in the waiting room only ten minutes before the nurse ushered back to the office, bringing her over to scales.

“You said on the phone that there were problems with your weight, so let’s check and compare to your baseline”, the nurse said.

Emily stepped on the scales and felt an internal horror as the nurse balanced the scales at 160 pounds, forty pounds more than her normal weight. The nurse looked down at her card.

“Yes, right on target. The notes comment that you are on a diet to try to lose about twenty pounds but it doesn’t look like you have been having much success.”

“But, but, that’s not right. I should be about 120 pounds, not 160.”

“Yes, dear, I know, that is an excellent target to strive for, but you might find it difficult to achieve with your large bones.”

As they passed a full length mirror, Emily noticed a mildly heavy set woman reflected in it. Then she realized that she was seeing herself. Her hair was brown and looked bit frizzy like it had been subjected to a bad perm. Her whole facial structure had changed, coarsened, and even her bones were larger. Her clothes had changed too, and she was now wearing Target brand blouse and pants and sensible flats on her feet. She reached into her purse to take out her drivers license to convince the nurse that she should have blonde hair and blue eyes. However, what appeared on her license was the same brown haired brown eyed woman she was seeing in the mirror. Her weight on the license said that she weighed 160, no wait, 180 pounds. She suddenly felt a bit heavier and a bit slower.

“Wait,” she asked the nurse, “can I get weighed again?” To Emily’s further horror her musical voice had disappeared and now sounded raspy and harsh, like a twenty year smoker.

The nurse rolled her eyes, “You won’t have changed in three minutes honey, but sure.”

Emily stepped back on the scales, and the scales now said 185 pounds.

“Yes, just like before, 185 pounds”, said the nurse. “You really do need to pay more attention to that diet, remember, your target of fifty pounds off is probably out of reach, but go for it. And stop that smoking, it certainly doesn’t help.”

Emily felt tears come to her eyes, she was living in an unreal dream. Something was happening to her and she had no idea what it was. She felt herself get heavier again and when she reached up to touch her chest, she felt her breasts that she had always been proud of hanging loose and feeling like mushy fat. She sat down to cry.

After a few moments, she stood up with resolve: Obviously, she was the only one noticing this happening. Since there was nothing she could do about it, she might was well go to work and see if anyone noticed.

By the time that she got to work, she had gained more weight and seemed to be well over two hundred pounds. She looked in the mirror in the entrance to her work and she recoiled. She had a triple chin, small chubby hands, and her legs had folds of fat. Her clothes had changed again and now looked like a dollar store reject brand. Worse, one of her buttons had popped off and there was a blob of food on her blouse, as if it had dropped from her mouth while eating breakfast. Her hair was a frizzy, partially permed, and unattractive mop on her head and she could see dandruff falling off the hair ends. Her carefully cultivated pin perfect style and elegance were completely erased.

She continued to gain weight as she waddled clumsily through the aisles to her office. Her coworkers gave her a nod in acknowledgement, but gone were the admiring glances that she was used to, rather she received stares of indifference or mild disgust. No longer were the men opening the door for her. No whistles. She was an anonymous blob of a person. At least she was still a VP. She wobbled to her office and settled into her chair as she hit her full and final weight. The chair remolded around her body into one with heavy duty support in order not to collapse, yet it still creaked dangerously.

As Jocelyn drove to the office, she could literally feel fat leaving her body. She was initially worried that her clothes wouldn’t fit, but after parking, she stepped out of the car and looked at herself in the side mirror. As far as she could tell, her clothes kept shrinking to fit. More importantly, they were very nice clothes. Jocelyn had never been able to wear designer clothes before. The demon had thought of everything. Feeling a bit unbalanced, she looked down, and gasped when she realized that her breasts had expanded. They were no longer hanging low and they were no longer innocuous, rather they jutted out of her chest like her own breasts never had. She reached out and touched them, feeling a weakness in her knees as she caressed her nipples. She studied herself elsewhere in the mirror. Other than her breasts, she was thin. Her hair was now platinum blonde and her face bore a close resemblance to Emily. She smiled at the thought.

As she walked to the office, a construction worker on the side of the road gave a wolf whistle as she walked by. She smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, unconsciously jutting her chest out in response. One thing she noticed walking into the office was that her bad temper seemed to have disappeared. Her anger had gone, replaced only with a mild desire for men to appreciate her new body.

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Kellys Training

Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/ Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...

4 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

My parents had been the only ones left. They were royal guards and when they were killed protecting the empress I became an orphan. I was only four then and my life changed in the blink of an eye. I was led away from my parents graves and a nice woman I did not know knelt and wiped my tears, "one day you will stand and watch the ones that did this hang." I was taken away and to a life my parents had planned for. There was this ancient collection of buildings located in the mountains. It was...

1 year ago
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My auntie jane

This story is complete fiction It was a warm may morning I woke surprisingly early for me just after nine. It was going to be another boring day after going on line to see if I could find a job. I had a cup of tea and tried to decide what to do for the rest of the day. I decide to start my day by taking the dogs out the back. And while i'm outside I hear the phone ring from the house. My mother came to the kitchen window my aunt Jane had called. she wanted to know if I wanted to help her strip...

2 years ago
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Ice Cream Sex

Amongst the contemptuous gender variant community in Springdale, Fernander Kago had earned the reputation of a pussy maker. The thirty-one year old immigrant from the Central African Republic was addicted to fucking boipussy. It was impossible for him to be faithful for two reasons. Firstly, because he was always horny. And secondly, because the first tranny in fucked in town told her friends how big his dick was. Now any half-way effeminate being with a penis was after him.Tonight the...

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Shazia A tale of transformation From conservative Muslim girl to a cock addict slut Part 2

After Primary, I went to a high school specified for girls only and after completing my studies there; my father took the initiative in deciding that I should now go to College and complete my graduation. My father searched a girl’s only College which was far away from our house but as I was to wear burqa all the way and take my younger brother along to the College as my guardian, it was found to be workable. At the College I met my seatmate, Puja, a Hindu girl, who lived close to my place....

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The Cowboy Who Didnt Speak IndianChapter 2

The next morning Little Flower pulled him up when she got up. She pointed at his horse, which was some yards away, nibbling at grass. Then she picked up her buckskin dress and dropped it over her head. He was sure he couldn’t climb up into the saddle yet, but he went to the horse, which welcomed him with a nuzzle. He went to the other side of it to void his bladder, and then examined the animal, telling himself he should have done that the day before. If the horse had taken a bullet too, he...

2 years ago
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A trip to the mall

Of all the things Jenny had imagined about a society crashing before it actually happened what she had expected least was the degree to which she enjoyed it.She had fought, shot and killed people, stolen food and supplies and now she was sitting in the back of an almost empty supermarket and masturbated because she damn well could, and frankly Jenny wasn’t sure which of those felt best.The survivor’s guilt she had read so much about was more of a survivor’s pleasure, the pain and grieve where...

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Day Without ConsequencesChapter 2

The hand on her thigh had kept moving upward as she was reveling in the amazing sensation of three pairs of lips on her neck and lips. She gasped when it reached the joining of her long legs. She found herself automatically moving them apart to the pleasant sensation his touch was eliciting. A finger pressed into her, and she moaned out loud this time, even with Gregor's tongue filling her mouth. A hand moved onto her back, and another stroked down the bare side of her body, still another...

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Wife Trains Me Bi

Up until about 2 years ago I had never entertained the thought of being with another man; but after my wife, Kat, and I had joined a swingers website and had a few experiences with other couples I found myself watching her sucking on and riding another guy's cock and wishing I could do the same. I had told Kat about these fantasies and she had loved them, partly because it gave her reason to use her strap-on with me on the basis that she was 'preparing' me for the real thing.Over the following...

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Anne and MaryChapter 25 Mary

When we got to the stables on Saturday, my saddle was there. I unpacked it, and it felt good to see the old, scarred leather. Sarah looked at it, smiled and gave me a hug. I had spent a short Wednesday afternoon working with Hero and The Bay. With my posing commitment, I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted. By then I'd read most of the book Sarah had lent me. Hero and I went in with the young group for a while, although their regular teacher was back, working from crutches. I helped...

3 years ago
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3some is gr8

She had thought about this for as long as she could remember. There wasn’t a day that passed that her mind wasn’t thinking of the possibilities and the sweet passion that bloom between them. She tried so hard to keep her imagination at bay. They say if you can’t go a day without thinking of a dream that you shouldn’t give up on it. She wanted this more then anything and her dream was about to come true. There had been nights when she couldn’t sleep; her thoughts so vivid and amazing hot it kept...

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Crossdressed In Kerala Part 8211 3

As everyone knows me I was in a serious relationship with jagan who was my love and life, after the previous incident we had many hot sessions in coorg,munnar,ooty,kodaikanal etc., and bcoz of getting his hot cum inside me every time I became more fat my hip size increased from 34 to 38, so jagan started to avoid me I has gained some weight from 80 to 88kgs , so I felt very sad started to go to gym and I took personal training, there I met one of the jagans friend Ahmed who was a foreigner from...

Gay Male
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Tenant Susan is not done with John PT2

Part 2 Susan at the cabin.John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the neck and then down and nibbled on each nipple and down kissing and lightly sucking on every part she could. John had a hand on her head and just lay back.He was thinking, man this girl is not going to stop, oh god that’s good, oh, you...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Madison Summers Stepsisters Walk Of Shame

Madison Summers has been hooking up with her stepbrother’s best friend. Joshua Lewis isn’t exactly in the dark. He tries to let Madison know that he knows when he catches her early in the morning doing the walk of shame, but Madison takes the easy way out and claims she has to go to bed. She feels badly about it, though, so later that day she corners Joshua in his room so she can come clean to him. Her idea of an apology is to describe her sexcapades with Joshua’s best friend...

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 6

Teaching Carol, Ch. 6 by Zen Mackie Carol avoided me for a week or so—I assumed she was upset because of the incident at the library checkout desk. But I did nothing. She had enjoyed it—she may not have liked the fact that she enjoyed it, but she did—and that kind of enjoyment can be addictive. Sure enough, one night there was a knock on my door and there she was. She was wearing floral-patterned shorts and a white t-shirt and she looked timidly at me when I opened the door. “Hello, Jonathan.”...

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The sluty moms story Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is another super hit story I assure the story series is satisfied your all Incest dreams so don’t forget any part of this story. I think this will be four part because I am writing this in my every time mood between my classic creation of “ The rainforest” so when it ends I don’t know the exact time of this story ends. Therefore you have a wonderful Incest story here starts the non-stop Incest of a long story read and write. I'll admit...

2 years ago
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A Kind Of Freedom

“Goodnight, darlin’,’’ said the old man as he strolled past, admiring the shape of a woman in a crouch, her bottom extended and her crotch stretched invitingly. What fun they could have if she were doing this naked, in the splendid privacy of his little flat.Life is so tedious, Jackie thought to herself as she stooped to put the padlock on the bottom of the rolling shutter. Why did they even have this shutter? Although this was a betting shop and therefore money did change hands a lot, surely...

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Remembering Becky Ch 09

For those who have been with me all the way, I am most grateful for your very kind words and encouragement. It would not have been possible to get through this without you. If you haven’t read it up to now, it would help you to please give the preceding chapters a look first, as nothing will make much sense otherwise. For those interested in a sexually oriented story, please visit some of the earlier chapters, as there is no sex in this final offering. All this chapter is, is the end. * ...

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Adored 4

“That was quick,” Shayla said from the recliner in the den as Jason entered. “Did you and Susanna do it already?”Jason shook his head. “You need to tell me what’s going on, Shayla. You know I love you. Why is Susanna here?”“For you to love, Jason. I want you to love her like Kevin loves me. I think you two will find the magic that Kevin and I have.”Jason looked at the floor. “You’re setting me up with your sister.”“Susanna’s not my sister, Jason.”“Not genetically, I know. But, under the...

Wife Lovers
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Feminine Experience 8211 Part I

Hii all iss readers, mai XXX (name changed) from Nasik (any married women from Nasik can contact me on feminine(dot)lover 86 at gmail dot com), ye story mai narrate kar raha hu joh 100% real hai. Is mai koi kalpanik kadiya nahi hai. Ye story jinki hai woh meri hai jab mai 6th std mai tha tab unki shadi mere bhaiya se yani mere neighbor se hui thi, jo ki ek bungalow ke malik hai aur peshe se businessman hai, ab meri sapno ke rani ke bareme batata hu wo goro chitti hai dudh ka color hai unka. Woh...

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Teased by Security

As I slowly shuffled through the security line, I slipped off my flats and placed them into the bin. I did a quick mental inventory of myself, trying to avoid any delays on my way to the gate. Knee length skirt, button down blouse and my curly hair hanging loose. Nothing that should set off the detector. Just as I was about the step into the detector though, a thin TSA agent approached me emotionlessly stating, “Ma’am, you’ve been selected for a random additional search.” The effect was...

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Coke and a Smile

Chapter One It was days like today when Kate really liked the convenience of working from her home office. The carpet cleaning company she had hired was due to arrive any minute, but she could still keep on working while something else was getting accomplished around her home at the same time. For her, that was a slam-dunk. Right on cue, Kate heard the sound of a truck pulling into her driveway and the slamming of the vehicle door. Having never used this company before, she hoped that the...

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NubilesPorn Alecia Fox Tight Fit

Horny Alecia Fox lets her boyfriend Charlie Dean know with a kiss and a caress that she’s feeling a little bit horny. When her hand wanders down below the belt, she finds Charlie’s dick already hard and needy. It’s simple for her to lean forward over the couch and wrap her soft lips around his fuck stick. Her slurping and sucking gets more enthusiastic the longer she goes on, especially when Charlie urges her up to take a break so he can suck her little boobs. Laying back on...

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Manjula My Sweet Colleague

Hi, Raasa again! I am 52, fair and good looking. I am not aware of my looks but I am sure women do love me. Well I do have a great sex life personally, but other women have also have been with me and I have also had some. One of such is Manjula, a colleague of mine. This was when I was a manager in one of the nationalized banks in Chennai in nationalised banks, it is the responsibility of staff to replenish cash in ATMs and normally it would be an officer and a clerical staff. The clerical...

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Miami Summers

My friend and I take a vacation to Miami about twice a year, once for spring break and again for summer break. We’re still in college and work part-time jobs that barely pay us enough to buy gas to get to work. The only reason we can afford to do it is because my friend has a doctor for an uncle. He lives on Southwest 172nd Street with the other wealthy people, but he let’s us stay in his beach house for free whenever we come by. It became a tradition about two years ago when we were in our...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 16

“Message from the United Kingdom. The Queen has personally ordered them to capitulate. It was an order-in-council, that is, taken with the approval of the Privy Council. The Prime Minister has formally tendered his resignation, but is prepared to remain as a caretaker until you arrive in London or send an emissary to pass your instructions along to them. Parliament has been dissolved, along with the Scottish Assembly, and the First Minister has resigned as well,” Victoria told me...

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Sharing Story From A Friend 8211 My Mommy8217s Adventures

Hello all, Well Divya () here again …. this time around sharing story of a friend who shared story from her end….which happened with her one fine morning….. From here she – Neha describes the incident …. In her own words now. ……… Hey people I am Neha and this Is my first story here of my mommy and her adventure and the disgusting choice she made and all the dirty things that happened read to know all about it…. Hey people this is my first story on this site and the first time I have written...

1 year ago
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You Were Born To Be Ruled

My husband has been laid off for months.  My temp agency hasn't been able to find me anything in twice that long.  We've run out of savings and are at the end of our credit cards.  Our families are no better off, and in some cases are worse.One evening, without explaining or speaking much at all, he has me dress in my best lingerie - silky black g-string, matching black corset that lifts my pale breasts and displays them, my nipples almost-but-not-quite peeking over the top of it, sheer black...

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JudgementsChapter 87

"Damn it!" Marcus growled in frustration as he stumbled over a pair of long boots next to the front door. "Fuck's sake..." he muttered to himself as he trudged away to the sofa. Seeing it covered in stacks of paper, he went to the other sofa and flopped down into it. "You alright, honey?" Hope asked, peering at him over the rim of her cup, feet folded up underneath at the other end of the sofa. "Fine," he nodded, immediately burying himself in his book. "It's just a pair of...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 8

“Lansing residence, Eric speaking,” Celeste’s father answered the phone, more than a little annoyed to be awakened on one of his few days off, especially the workload of late. “Hi, Daddy!” Celeste greeted her father. “Baby girl! How good to hear from you again! It’s been too long! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eric naturally wondered if this was something to do with Celeste’s mother, Phoebe, his bitch of an ex-wife. “Daddy, there’s someone that I want you to meet, but it’s kind of...

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Ek Din 8211 Teen Chut 8211 Part 1

Me Vijay hu or dikhne me fair, fit and smart hu.. Me apke k sath mere sex experience share karna chata hu, jab mene luckily ek hi din me teen chut ka taste kiya… Me Mumbai me rehta hu or har Month Gujarat or Maharashtra me official sales trip karta rehta hu.. Is bar ki sales trip kuch alag hi thi jab 1wk Gujarat tour se vapas Mumbai lot raha tha.. Gujarat tour mene mere office friends k sath Ahmedabad, Vadodara or Vapi mein meetings ki thi jaha mene khafi new friends bhi bana liye the.. Or...

4 years ago
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...a dry martini of a Fetishy clich?, a good dollop of raw home made spirit with a dash of insouciance and a twist of lime... Symbiotic; a mutually supportive relationship... at least that's how I choose to see it. Dependence and inter-dependence, give and take. One side or the other, but are we always on one side of the line? Does it shift, or perhaps the question is, what would make you cross? This is a work of adult fiction. No r...

2 years ago
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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 9A Nikas Story

Nika glanced over at Garth as they cruised along the Interstate toward western Maryland. She liked what she saw. He was tall and lean and had the most piercing blue eyes. Just like mine, she thought. He radiated self-confidence and charm. No wonder the ladies liked him. Is he seeing anyone? She wondered. Garth stole a glance at Nika's legs. Hot! He thought to himself. Very sexy! I wonder if Trent got into her pants? I wonder if I can? Neither Nika nor Garth noticed the white sedan...

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Dream MasterChapter 17 Get Over It

Jimmy The next time one of these girls tells me someone is 'special', I'm leaving town. Don't get me wrong, I like Christine; I think she's wonderful. She's fun, smart, self-assured, easy to talk to, and she's certainly a lot of fun to roll around naked with. Heck, she doesn't even hog the covers, but this... How do I keep getting mixed up with stuff like this? It seemed like every woman I meet has some kind of crisis. They're either in trouble and need my help, like Samantha and...

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