Adventures In Rubber (Chapter 3) free porn video

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Chapter 3

"You seem to know a lot about dressing for pleasure," replied Jason,
"That is, most people don't even know it exists, and even less would be
brave enough to do it in public."

"What do you mean brave enough?" retorted the woman who called herself
`Mistress Mayhem', "Rubber and leather, plastic... they're just
materials, like rayon or polyester, with ah, more taste perhaps- you
see women wearing shiny plastic raincoats all the time, and leather has
been high fashion for years."

"Your problem is, you have this guilt trip because some people may
think it's kinky or wierd to wear clothes made of rubber. So what does
it mean to be kinky - to be different? What's wrong with being
different? Do you want to be just another sheep in the herd, or do
you want to run your own life?" She stopped, breathing a little deeper
from her tirade, and stared defiantly into Jason's eyes.

He tried to ignore the delightful things happening under her jacket as
a result of her heavy breathing. "I don't know," he sighed, "I never
seem to think these things through. Sometimes I think I need someone
to run my life for me."

She raised an eyebrow at that, and looked him over again. Her
expression was odd, as if she were looking for some specific thing that
might be hidden somewhere on his person.

Jason took the opportunity to look her over in turn. He saw that what
he had mistaken in the dim lighting for a tight jacket, was in fact, a
severe looking leather corset - he could see the heavy boning within
the material. It was an amazing piece of engineering. It looked like
a jacket because it had a bustier built in to the chest portion with
deep-drawn, form fitting cups, which jutted nearly straight out,
showing ample cleavage. The garment fitted tightly from shoulders to
well over the hips. The waist was pulled in quite severely, and since
it was boned the entire length, it must have been completely rigid.

No wonder she had seemed breathless when they first walked up!

The long rubber hobble skirt was tucked underneath it, and revealed the
muscular legs and derrier of someone who definitely had been getting
her exercise.

She stared into his eyes for a few minutes, then noticed him noticing
her, and seemed to reach a decision.

She grinned, saying, "Be careful what you ask for, you may get it!
Right now though, I feel like dancing. Come on, you can't sit there
being pathetic all night!"

She grabbed his hand and dragged him from his bar stool, while
simultaneously shoving "Maid Marion" into the vacated seat. "Marion
will stay here, of course."

Jason didn't ask why Marion `would stay there of course'. Her silence
and the non-expression she wore worried him, though. While Mayhem
tugged him with surprising strength in the direction of the dance
floor, he resisted a moment, staring back at Marion. She still had
that impassive look on her face, staring at nothing in particular.
Suddenly, his pickled bloodstream caught up with the sudden rise to his
feet, and the dance music faded under a loud buzzing in his ears, and
all his attention focused, as if through binoculars, upon the seated
woman. She stared captivatingly, if rather vacantly, back at him,
their gazes locked together while several hours passed.

He had plenty of time to notice little details that had escaped him
when `Mayhem' had first introduced them. He saw why she never moved
the feather duster. The `bracelet' on the wrist of her dusting hand
was locked on by a tiny padlock, and attached directly to her belt at
the waist. Moreover, the feather duster was literally glued to her
rubber glove, she couldn't put it down, or grasp anything else with
that hand.

Then too, something was definitely _wrong_ about her face, especially
around the eyes. Her makeup's far too thick, he thought to himself.


"IIIf ya wan't ma body,

AAND ya think I'm sexy..."

The music swelled around his head, and as his hearing and head cleared,
the pounding bass reminded his bladder of several drinks. He turned
reluctantly to follow Mistress Mayhem.

"I can see why your maid doesn't do much dancing," he shouted in her
ear, as they squirmed through the crowd to the dance floor.

"Yes," she replied, grinning, "you know, it is so hard to get good help
these days, and sometimes they have to be disciplined."

"Er, yeah. Well anyway, as I was saying, it's all very well for you to
say, `Go ahead, be yourself', but sometimes, I'm not sure just who I
am. No, I mean, I know that I'm Jason Stewart; I'm a software
engineer; I know that I drive a green Saab, and so on, but..."

"That's got to be the fastest, most concise introduction I've every
heard," interrupted Mayhem.

"Okay, okay, but anyway...I lead kind of a double life. I've got...
hobbies, interests that I can't do...right out in public, you know?"
Her eyes seemed to widen a bit as he said this, but then hardened as he
finished his sentence.

"Listen," Mayhem shot back, temporarily losing her upper-class
affectation for a moment, "you damn well CAN do almost anything that
isn't downright i*****l, and quite a bit of that too, in public. If
you don't have the guts to, say so. It's all a matter of where your
priorities are. What's more important- your own happiness, or some
stranger's opinion of you?"

"Well, you see, it's not as simple as all that. I, umm... I REALLY
like rubber." What was he doing? Jason asked himself. "It's like...
well, an obsession," he continued, "I don't expect you to understand."

He had just told his secret to a total stranger! Mayhem was looking at
him with a faintly amused expression.

He realized then, that in his desperation for company, he had made a
classic blunder. He had blithely assumed from her costume that she
shared his fetish, and worse, he now realized that he had just opened
himself to a storm of ridicule from this walking wet dream. As her
smile grew broader, he prepared himself for the worst.

"Oh, I understand, alright," 'Mistress Mayhem' said. She winked at
him. "Relax, will you? 'Marion' and I do these things all the time.
The costumes and bondage games, I mean... hey, are you alright?" She
stared at Jason as he stopped his half-hearted attempt at dance,
swaying slightly within a clearing of the crowd.

Jason had stopped dancing for a moment as what she had said sunk in,
then he did his dazed best to pick up where he had left off. He was
swimming now in the latex knickers. The scotch, though it had been
excellent, was now making him sweat, this conversation was making him
sweat, and the fantastic, delicious appearance of Mayhem herself was
making him sweat. He felt almost ready to faint from heat, stress, and
simple, unrelieved lust.

The music had changed to a current rock tune, and he refrained from
picking up the pace. He noticed that while Mayhem's stilletto heeled
boots were definitely not made for dancing, she seemed surprisingly
nimble in them.

Mayhem, seeing him falter several times, finally grabbed him with both
hands by wrist and bicep, saying, "Come on, you'd better sit down
before you fall down."

She steered him back toward the bar. There were no unoccupied stools
anywhere near where Maid Marion sat waiting. Next to her, a man who
looked like nothing so much as a used car salesman was trying to engage
her in conversation. She remained a statue, staring off across the
dance floor.

Mayhem pulled up short in front of the polyester suit replete with
polka dot bow tie, Jason swaying every so slightly at her side. Jason
hoped this guy's outfit was a costume. He looked like Soupy Sales. He
wasn't particularly tall either, at least sitting down, and Mayhem's
sky-sc****r heels brought her up to where her leather-armored breasts
jutted straight into his face. It occurred to Jason that he had never
seen heels as tall as the ones these women wore, except in fetish
magazines. He had certainly never seen anyone walk in them. Mayhem's
confident stride, and precise, if tiny steps gave her a cachet of
power, of potency.

She was giving the used car salesman a hostile stare that should have
melted his suit to his skin. He was oblivious in his determination to
get Marion's attention.

Mayhem tapped him on the shoulder saying, "She can't hear you or see
you- she's deaf and blind," she said.

The suit had obviously had too much to drink. "Well uh, thash okay, he
said, reaching out to hold Marion's hand. Jason watched Mayhem's hand
shoot out, grabbing the drunk's in a funny way, his wrist bent forward
sharply. He heard the man hiss with supressed pain, saw him surge to
his feet as if to begin battle. Something about his potential opponent
made him pause, however. Perhaps it was the fact that even with him
standing up, Mayhem was still a head taller than he. Perhaps it was
that her leather and rubber costume, while undeniably sexy, made her
appear less a fragile creature and more the armored amazon. Or maybe
it was just that she still had his hand and wrist in that odd grip, and
as he stood, she put her other hand atop his, twisting downward, just a
bit. The suit gasped, grabbing the bar with his other hand for

"You were just leaving," she observed. Mr. Polyester seemed to agree
wholeheartedly, his beligerence evaporating in favor of a frightened
look over his shoulder on his way to the door.

Mayhem seemed to forget him the instantly, and within a few seconds,
had Jason ensconced in his chair with a cup of coffee, and was
examining Marion closely. While Jason watched, fascinated with her
every movement, she ran her hands over Marion's face, removed one k**
glove to feel under Marion's armpit, touch her forehead. She acted
like a doctor examining her patient for a fever. After only a moment,
she seemed satisfied, and turned back to Jason. She looked at him

"Jason, we have to get home pretty soon." She looked him over,
considering something. "But since you claim to like our costumes so
much, why don't you join us for a while, it's still early." She
grinned in what seemed a familiar way.

"Umm. Well, I..." He was at a loss for words. He managed to admit to
himself that Mayhem frightened him, a little. He struggled for a
moment with his libido and his sense of self-preservation.

Mandy smiled reassuringly. "We have quite a few things back at our
house that you might like. Quite a lot of rubber. I'd say about
three-fourths of our wardrobe is either rubber, leather or something
like. You can model some things for use, and perhaps we can persuade
Marion to put on something more sexy."

Jason was flabbergasted at her offer. He was also doubtful there was
anything so sexy as the latex french maid's outfit Marion had on now,
but he didn't say that. Instead, he gushed, "Well, sure, I'd love to!
I've got a lot of rubber and such myself, I'd say most of the dresses
and... things... would fit either you or Marion."

At her amused smile he stammered, "Oh! they're not for me! I've sort
of been collecting them, in case I met... someone. I mean someone like
you. I'd be happy to have you try some of them on, I'd say most of
them would fit either you or Marion."

Here he glanced at the maid, feeling rather sorry for her that she
couldn't join in the conversation. Apparently, she didn't sign or read
lips, as she had spent the entire evening staring straight ahead. He
looked back at Mayhem, somewhat embarassed by his admission.

"Anyway, if you ladies would like to, we could stop at my place for
coffee," he finished lamely.

"Actually, I'd like that," replied Mayhem gently.

"By the way," Jason spoke up again, "speaking of Marion, and uh, I
don't mean to sound insensitive but what's, problem? She's
not really deaf is she? Has she... that is, is she being punished or

"I'll explain later," Mayhem answered cryptically.

Jason realized belatedly that he might be pushing his luck, but his
curiosity was killing him. He ventured another question. "And why
does she wear such heavy makeup? 'Seems her face is pretty enough
without it. Or is that part of the game?"

"I said, I'll explain later," repeated Mayhem, rather irritably.

Jason shut up fast, hoping he hadn't offended her somehow.

It struck him then, that she never asked or suggested things, she
TOLD. It would seem, he thought, that this headstrong woman was quite
used to having things her way.

The exercise had really made him sweat in the heavy latex pants, and
they slipped and squeaked over his thighs. It felt good, and the
effects on him must have been obvious, for as he shifted in his seat,
Mayhem said, "You seem to be enjoying the party, I must say," as she
pointedly stared at his crotch. "Perhaps we had best get moving."

"Not yet!" he exclaimed, "in a few minutes, it'll be midnight! That's
when we all have to take off our masks! Besides, it's only fair, since
you already know who I am, in name at least, and you're still a
complete mystery to me." He did his best to smile engagingly.

"Why, don't you like mysteries?" she asked. "Perhaps we'll just leave
now, and leave you wondering, `who was that masked lady?'."

"No, please don't... I've waited all my life to meet someone like
you. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. At least let's get to
know each other a little before we go our seperate ways."

"What do you mean, someone like me?" Mayhem shot back. She smiled
mischievously. "Since, as you say, you don't know a thing about me,
how do you know I'm someone you'll like? I might have bizarre habits,
or impossible requirements for you."

Jason looked puzzled. "What do you mean requirements? What sort of

She cocked her head up, the feathers of her mask swaying above her
head. "It seems to me, that you would very much like to get involved
with me, and it just so happens that I MIGHT be available. But I can't
take on just any suitor who walks in off the street, now can I? I am
very choosey about who I associate with. Now, in your case, I
immediately recognized a man in need of certain training." She
stressed the word `training'. Jason blushed as she continued.

"I might be persuaded to take you on, IF you agree to a few conditions."

Jason's head swam. He had only a vague idea of what she was talking
about, but the dream of his lifetime had just fallen out of the clear
blue sky, and he wasn't about to take a chance on losing her. Or them,
as the case might be.

He grinned, stood up, and dropped to one knee. "OK, then tell me," he
replied in his best television-Shakespeare accent, "how do I persuade
you of my sincerity and worth, fair lady?"

At that moment, somebody rang a godawful loud bell, and a lady in a
clown suit nearby shouted, "It's midnight! It's midnight! Off with
the masks!"

Mayhem smiled at Jason. "Well?" she said.

"But you haven't answered my question," he said.

"Very well." She raised her head to look down her nose at him. You
must undergo trials and tests of my devising, fair knight, before you
may win MY favor."

They both laughed. "Fair enough," he answered, and removed his domino.
He looked expectantly at 'Mayhem', but she was still giving him the
Queen Victoria stare down her nose. She said, "You must first promise
to submit to any test I decide upon, and to undertake any task I set

Jason wasn't sure how serious she was, but he answered, "I promise."

With a dramatic gesture, 'Mistress Mayhem' removed her mask.

It took Jason several seconds to before it hit him.

"Mandy! Mandy Rafool!" It was his first sweetheart from high school!

He was in shock as she stood grinning down at him like the Cheshire
Cat. He staggered back to sit back down. All he could do was sit and
admire her, wondering what quirk of fate had brought them together

She looked miffed. "Is that all you can say?" she demanded, "Some
greeting for a long-lost lover."

Jason leaped to his feet, reached for her and before she could say
anything, was kissing her soundly.

Immediately, she pressed one stiletto heel into his foot, causing him
to yelp and leap back, looking at her with a hurt puppy expression.
"That's the first thing we're going to have to teach you," she said,
"how to treat a lady with respect!" But she was smiling warmly,

"That smarts," he said ruefully. "Hmm, you're acting fairly calm
about... waitagoddamminute! Do you mean to tell me that you knew all
along, that you've been sitting here leading me on, and you knew who I
was all along?" He glared at her accusingly.

She stared calmly back at him. "For one thing," she said, "it's not my
fault you chose to wear a simple domino mask, instead of something more

Second, if you hadn't been half pickled by the time we got here, you
might have been observant enough to recognize me." She frowned at the
mad rush for the bar that the bell and the accompanying announement had

"Anyway, we've got a deal, so let's get out of here before the whole
place turns into a zoo."

"Come on, Maid Marion," she said, ( too loudly Jason thought), "we're
leaving." Marion, who hadn't moved from her stool since she sat down,
stood up.

She seemed to teeter on her six-inch heels.

"Wait! I just noticed!" Jason exclaimed. "Maid Marion hasn't got a
mask to take off. Come to think of it, she didn't have one when you
two arrived.

She must be the only person here not wearing a mask. Now that's hardly

By now, he had figured that something was most definitely up with the
young lady, and he still thought to figure it out.

"You ought to at least introduce us, Mandy," he tried.

"You've already had as much introduction as you're going to get. I'm
afraid she's not allowed to speak to anyone until we get home.
Besides, she DOES have her mask, in a way. You'll see."

Jason looked from Mandy to 'Marion' to Mandy again. "But... oh,
alright. Do you two have a car?"

"No, we took a taxi. And you should have seen the cabbies face! I
think we must have distracted the poor man." She did not appear
geniuinely sympathetic. "Anyway, you'll drive us, won't you?"

In the car, with Mandy riding shotgun, Jason couldn't help looking in
the rear view mirror at 'Maid Marion'. He couldn't figure out what was
wrong about her appearance. She looked perfectly normal, but she never
showed any emotion, or expression, however slight. Very odd. Even
when someone was `being serious', they usually had some facial
movement. And there was something about her eyes that still bugged
him. A passing car blared its horn at him, and he concentrated on his
driving. Mandy was filling him in on the last several years.

"You see, I just realized one day that I was cutting off half the human
race. And, well, you know how horny I was in high school?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"For me anyway, it got worse the older I got. Or better, depending on
how you look at it."

"Oh." Brilliant comment, thought Jason. Really snappy repartee.

Mandys hand was migrating into Jason's crotch. "So, one saturday, I
was feeling lonely and very horny... I'd just broken up with George, so
I was pretty digusted with men in general. All of my so-called friends
were really just business people, and like I said before, I had already
left the money circle behind. Besides, most of them were men. I
decided I needed some friends I could talk to. I went to The Three

"What's that?"

"It's a gay bar. For women. I met a woman named Sandra there, and she
invited me to a party. I had a few drinks to get my courage up and I

It was a pretty wild party, with a lot of leather and rubber,
cross-dressers, corsetry nuts, you name it, most of the people were
pretty kinky, one way or another. Anyway, somehow I ended up doing
this scene with a couple from Ohio, they were really into fetishes,
bondage, dressing for pleasure, a lot of things I'd been playing around
the edges of for years. We became pretty good friends. That woman
taught me a lot about men."

"Since then, I've met 'Marion' here, and one or two others, and we've
been having a grand time ever since."

Jason was looking a little pale. "Are you saying you're gay? A

"No. I'm bisexual. And what if I were strictly les? Would you think
I was subhuman? I had thought you were more open minded than that."
Jason blushed. "I've come to realize," continued Mandy, "that it
doesn't matter what labels other people put on me, what matters is
whether I'm enjoying myself. I do what pleases me."

"And what exactly is it that pleases you?" Jason queried.

"You'll see when we get to the house. Do you want to stop off at your
place, and pick up some clothes?"

"That depends. How long would you like me to stay?"

To Be Continued...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 1 Arrival

Mountains of Rubber: Chapter 1, Arrival by jessicablank Dan walked up to the cafe, found an outside table, and sat down. It was early summer, a pleasantly warm day with a beautiful, clear blue sky. He looked comfortable, cool, and relaxed in the loose, cotton shirt and pants, and the slip-on brown loafers. The big smile on his face caught the waiter's attention immediately. "Good afternoon," the waiter said. "I'm Raoul, your server for this afternoon. Can I get you something to...

4 years ago
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Rubber Maid

The Seduction MzDominica was sitting at an outdoor table at one of Her favorite cafes, sipping a glass of chablis and engaging in one of Her favorite pastimes -- people watching. It was the transition from late afternoon to early evening, and the weather was warm and pleasant, with just a hint of a breeze. She wasn't sure if She was on the prowl, or simply enjoying some quiet time, looking for ideas and inspiration. Men and women walked past the cafe, alone, in pairs and in small groups....

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 5 Girls Night Out

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in Mz. Dominica's mountain cabin. She is preparing him to go out with her for the evening, dressed "en femme" -- something he greatly fears and greatly desires, both at the same time. So far, she has him in heavy makeup, a wig, and black panty hose with a textured weave that says "fuck me" over and over again, in fancy letters. The rubber panties still encase his sex, completely subject to her remote...

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Author unknown.It was back in the early 70’s that I was to have my introduction to dental gas anaesthesia…..I was sitting in the dentist’s chair waiting for the local dentist to finish his examination, when he suddenly turned round to his assistant and instructed them to ask my mother to come into the surgery as the dentist would like to talk to her. My mother came into the surgery and the dentist started talking to her, I couldn’t understand everything that was being said but I did hear the...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 7 Skid Marks

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- and after dinner and dancing with some of Dominica's friends, the slave feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't cum, soon! Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks By jessicablank Chapter 7, Skid Marks: Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt...

1 year ago
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Rubber Katie and Latex Jenny 2 Exploration

I awoke in darkness. Aroused, sticky-mouthed, hot and momentarily disorientated. I was still in the rubber suit and the dildo was still inside my pussy. It was moving! It jogged again and for a moment I thought I was dreaming but then it twisted in me and I came fully awake. "Hello Katie," said Jenny's voice out of the darkness, "I see you've discovered my little secret!" Inside the rubber hood, I choked from the sudden realisation that I had been discovered. Caught in the act - dressed in her...

2 years ago
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Masters Rubber Maid

"So what's this?" quizzed Penny my wife as I stepped in the door from work. I could have said it's a leather paddle with the word slut picked out in pointy spikes but the look she was giving me suggested I should not be flippant. "It's a new toy.......I was hoping we....." I trailed off because of the look she gave me. It was actually intended for solo play since Penny never joined in on my kinky games. But since she had accidentally opened my mail I thought I would take the...

4 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 5 Girls Night Out

MzDominica's fingers snapping under her nose brought Daniella back to the present. "Danielllllaaaa! Focus on me, Daniella. Wake up! Not ALL the way," Dominica chuckled, "just enough to finish getting dressed, my little slave. My little slut. My rubber slave! Say it!" From far away, Daniella returned, hearing her Mistress' commands. She was just barely able to mumble, "Rub... ber... slave..." "Good girl," Dominica replied. The words of approval sent shivers all through Daniella's...

4 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 10 Rukos Rubber Clinic

A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and ornate pillars of age-old Roman architecture were unmistakable. This is a place she had only seen in pictures. St. Peter's Basilica. She turned back to the skyline and looked out at the picturesque scenery. The Tiber river flowed in the distance, but not with the clear blue one would expect. Milky white waves cascaded down its...

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Rubber Love

A short story of a rubber loving TV's fantasy. RUBBER LOVE It was raining, Christine rubbed the condensation off the train window and stared out at the countryside reflecting for a moment on the letter she had received the week before. The postman had been early that morning, after reading and disregarding the usual bills and mail shots Christine sat down at the kitchen table, dressed as she always was in a lose fitting rubber night-dress, with the letter in her hand. As she...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 4 Hanging Around

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a weekend of blissful servitude, up in Mz Dominica's mountain cabin. Hypnotically he/she has been chained between two pine trees, and covered with a suit of black latex. The suit responds to every little noise that goes into a microphone in a remote control, stimulating Daniella's helpless body, each sound a different way. Mistress has gone inside the cabin for a few minutes and returned, carrying something, and has commanded Daniella to drop into...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 9 Dark and Airless The Conclusion

Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 9, Dark and Airless [The Conclusion] by jessicablank Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Sunday morning, Mistress kept Daniella in a deep brainwashing trance while letting the slave watch close up, as Dominica took the long laces from a friend's leather outfit, tied little bumps in one cord, and masturbated herself to an intense orgasm. She then sent Daniella to the bathroom, with...

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Masters Rubber Maid Finale

I obeyed his command sitting back on my heels the pulses from the butt plug and the pouch slowly receding. Ingrid breathing hard knelt before me, taking my head in her hands she mashed her lips to mine. Her tongue snaked into my mouth greedy to taste Masters spunk. Despite the potent taste of Masters spunk I was immediately hit with the taste of Masters darker hole from Ingrid's tongue. This thrilled me in such a humiliating way that my tongue lashed at hers eager to share that dark...

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Rubber Katie and Latex Jenny 1 Discovery

My name is Katharine, or Katie. I'm 26, live in London and work in advertising. What I am about to describe is a tumultuous period of just a few months earlier this year during which my life turned in a completely new direction and an established friendship grew in an unexpected and exciting way. I own a rather nice apartment next to the river with views across the water to Battersea Park on the other bank. I originally bought the apartment with a former boyfriend. Unfortunately, the...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 1 Arrival

Mountains of Rubber: Chapter 1, Arrival ****** Dan walked up to the cafe, found an outside table, and sat down. It was early summer, a pleasantly warm day with a beautiful, clear blue sky. He looked comfortable, cool, and relaxed in the loose, cotton shirt and pants, and the slip-on brown loafers. The big smile on his face caught the waiter's attention immediately. "Good afternoon," the waiter said. "I'm Raoul, your server for this afternoon. Can I get you something to drink?" "Somebody's going...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 7 Skid Marks

Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks -- by jessicablank Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- and after dinner and dancing with some of Dominica's friends, the slave feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't cum, soon! Chapter 7, Skid Marks: * * * * * * Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt plug...

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The rubber doll curse

NOTE. This story has no racial or cultural agenda nor have I. It is simply a sexual fantasy. If I offend you then I opologise. That said read and enjoy. The rubber doll curse. "Get out of the way you lazy arseholes," I shout. The road ahead is completely blocked by a procession of cars and vans. At the head of the procession is a horse drawn carriage which is what is slowing things down. I am late for work and at present on a warning for my tardiness. I had left the house...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 8 Knotty

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of Mistress' friends took a liking to the little she-male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 8, Knotty By jessicablank The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 5 Girls Night Out

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in MzDominica's mountain cabin. She is preparing him to go out with her for the evening, dressed "en femme" -- something he greatly fears and greatly desires, both at the same time. So far, she has him in heavy makeup, a wig, and black panty hose with a textured weave that says "fuck me" over and over again, in fancy letters. The rubber panties still encase his sex, completely subject to her remote control. Chapter 5,...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 2 First Night

Synopsis: Dan is enjoying a wonderful weekend as MzDominica's slave, up in her mountain cabin. In the hot tub, mistress has graciously permitted her slave to cum, while deep in a feminization trance, focused on shiny, sparkly, black rubber. Chapter 2, First Night: "Time to wake up, Daniella." From deep in Daniella's trance, MzDominica's voice seemed to echo. She felt so nice, relaxed, floating, and warm. But she could not resist the pull of her Mistress' voice. Calling. Calling. Forcing her to...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 2 First Night

"Time to wake up, Daniella." From deep in Daniella's trance, MzDominica's voice seemed to echo. She felt so nice, relaxed, floating, and warm. But she could not resist the pull of her Mistress' voice. Calling. Calling. Forcing her to awaken. She seemed to be rushing upwards, through the water, a roaring noise in her ears, the swift currents of the water ruffling her hair, rippling over her skin. "Wake up!" Daniella's eyes shot wide open. She inhaled a gasp of air. The shimmery,...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 7 Skid Marks

Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt plug pumping, pumping, pumping into her ass -- left her with no resistance, no defenses against the needs of her body, the programmed needs of her mind. MzDominica drove the van down the highway, lit only by the occasional streetlight. Daniella couldn't make sense of the passing scenery. The bright streetlights left trails in her eyes, spelling "Dommmmmiiiiinnnnniiiiicaaaaaa" in her hazy...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 8 Knotty

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Chapter 8, Knotty: * * * * * * The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 3 First Morning

Synopsis: Dan is enjoying a wonderful weekend as MzDominica's slave, up in her mountain cabin. On her command, he cleaned himself out with several huge, warm enemas (ohhhhhhhh, yummy!), then inserted a thick butt plug which will be inside him all weekend. Then she covered a dildo with her pussy juices, pushed it into his mouth, and set him on a rubber-covered pallet to sleep, with orders NOT to rub his aching cock on the seductively soft rubber surface. Chapter 3, First Morning: Even in Dan's...

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Rubberized shit slave

The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road.? It had been almost an hour since he had left his car in a twisted heap wrapped around a large oak tree.? With the weather having turned so nasty and him not being familiar with the back roads in his new community, he had barely had time to react when his car started to skid off of the road.? He was...

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Sissy Rubber Doll Preparations

Sissy Rubber Doll - Preparations She is dressing me up for the Friday night out - though I know from past experiences, that I am most likely going to spend entire weekend wearing the torturously sexy things she is struggling to stretch over my obedient and horny body, which is now encased in a snow-white latex cat suit, complete with separate toes and fingers, hot pink finger-and-toenails already painted on. The suit's latex is thick and incredibly tight; it took a lot of lubricant to...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 3 First Morning

Even in Dan's dreams, MzDominica continued to stimulate his sex -- insistently, relentlessly -- commanding him to serve her. He licked Dominica's boots -- up, up, up, to her soft, creamy thighs -- only to have her stop him, just as his tongue was about to touch her skin. He could smell her skin. He could smell her pussy... so close. So warm, and musky. In his sleep, he sucked on the dildo, tasting her juices, smelling her scent, imagining her cumming and squirting around the dildo, through...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 8 Knotty

The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of Daniella's face, Mistress reached over to the table with her left hand. The slave could only tell, from her kneeling position, that MzDominica was picking up something -- but she couldn't tell what. The looped cords continued to fascinate her, as memories from last night surfaced. Images of Annie dancing, sinuously. Remembering her...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 9 Dark and Airless

Daniella reached the bathroom on her hands and knees, her body feeling so heavy, her mind so empty. She crawled through the door into the bathroom, and suddenly felt light, like a balloon. Like a leaf, being blown upwards by a warm, summer breeze. She felt, not so much like she was standing up, as that she was floating. Rising, not through any will or effort of her own. Her body simply responding to outside forces, completely beyond her control. She looked into the mirror, but scarcely...

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Rubber Sissy Panties Part 1

Rubber Sissy Panties Part I Clark was as usual on his late shift at work, enjoying the free Internet of the company to surf his favorite subject on the information superhighway... porn. Of course he didn't see any problems on porn on the Internet, as long as it's free. Clark didn't bother thinking if the images he jerked off secretly under his workplace desk were stolen from a pay website or what... he just wanted more and, if possible, without anyone knowing about it. And for that...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly...

2 years ago
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Diapered Rubber Maid

If your not legal age... don't read this... usual disclaimer... Diapered Rubber Maid ? by: Don Davidson Things were getting bad... I was strapped into the front seat of my ex- wife's car... she was looking at me ... shaking her head... "Ya know what... If you can't hold it until we get there... I'll take care of it for you... don't you dare wet the seat..." She pulled over to the side of the road... I had hoped she was just going to let me out and have a pee... but that was...

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kitten and the rubber band

As always, I would appreciate hearing your feedback on this story. Please leave a review or email me at [email protected] sat naked at the computer, fingering her clit with slow circular motions. Beside the keyboard lay an opened envelope which contained a note, from her Master, telling her to be waiting for his IM and to have her pussy freshly shaved and warmed up. The letter also contained and rubber band, about 3 inches long and ? inch wide. She didn’t know the purpose of the rubber...

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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 4 Hanging Around

Daniella rose, slowly, up out of the trance. Eyes closed. Mind completely empty and quiet. She was sucking... sucking... sucking... On something. She'd been thinking of MzDominica's pussy. But as she became more awake, the slave realized it was a hard plastic tube. Suck... swallow... suck... swallow... It tasted good. Felt so good, going down her throat. "That's right, slut. Suck. Drink all your water." Daniella opened her eyes. MzDominica was holding a big sipper bottle in front of...

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Rubber Maid

MzDominica was sitting at an outdoor table at one of Her favorite cafes, sipping a glass of chablis and engaging in one of Her favorite pastimes -- people watching. It was the transition from late afternoon to early evening, and the weather was warm and pleasant, with just a hint of a breeze. She wasn't sure if She was on the prowl, or simply enjoying some quiet time, looking for ideas and inspiration. men and women walked past the cafe, alone, in pairs and in small groups. Customers sitting at...

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Rubber Sissy Panties Part 2

Rubber Sissy Panties Part II Clark woke up at work. He was dressed in the same clothes as in the previous day, shaven and the clothes were clean and ironed to perfection. He looked at the clock on his computer, and it was 7am, way earlier than anyone else would be hanging around. He raised himself off his chair and walked to the W/C, ready to relieve his full bladder. Not noticing his own behavior, he lowers his pants and sits down on the toilet, and points his sissy clitty...

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 9 Dark and Airless The Conclusion

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Sunday morning, mistress kept Daniella in a deep brainwashing trance while letting the slave watch close up, as Dominica took the long laces from a friend's leather outfit, tied little bumps in one cord, and masturbated herself to an intense orgasm. She then sent Daniella to the bathroom, with orders to put on the remote-controlled rubber panties and present herself for further orders....

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Rubber Katie and Latex Jenny 3 Mystery Treat

Two months had passed since my first experience with Jenny and rubber. Jenny had moved across the hall to be with me in my bedroom and the rubber clothes, no longer hidden in their bag, now had pride of place in her former wardrobe. We had repeated our love making many times and Jenny had introduced me to the joys of a few more of her latex items and also to some more of her ''toys". She had even taken me to her favourite fetish store to select my first set of my own rubber clothes. I choose an...

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Latex Rubber Extreme Full Coverage

This is not so much a story as it is a description of a full coverage latex catsuit that I once made. I thought that you people who have a latex fetish, as I do, and just can't seem to get enough, might find it interesting.I am gay, a Bottom and have a steady Boyfriend. I have only had a couple long term relationships where we progressed to the point of ditching the condoms and going bareback. This is about a suit that I made during one of those past relationships with a rubber loving...

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