Find Me Ch. 03 free porn video

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Ondrea snapped her head up and stared at the wide open door.

‘Ever heard of knocking, Franca?’

‘Ever heard of locking the door?’ She gave an appreciative whistle, ‘Nice undies by the way, very sex goddess.’

Rea threw a pillow at her friend who dodged it and plopped down laughing on the bed.

‘I wanted to see if you were ready, but apparently not.’

‘I was changing before you barged in.’ She quickly pulled on plum sweater and dark grey jeans.

‘I still can’t believe how good you look. I think I just might join your gym when we get back. You’ve inspired me.’

Franca said the last comment more seriously, and Rea knew that she wasn’t just referring to her body. A few years back she started to loose herself, and finding a way back is never easy.

She had always been very levelheaded, outspoken, and confident. She was ambitious, working hard to be in the top five of her class and with big hopes for the future. Not a social butterfly, Rea preferring a relaxing bath and mystery novel to a noisy club, but she did like to go out with her friends now and again, or on an occasional date.

Rea’s parents got divorced when she was very young. Since then it had been only her and her mom. She had come to depend on her mother more than on any other person, she knew Ondrea through and through. Her mother was her confidant, her closest friend, they had a very special relationship. Her mom had been casually dating, but nothing serious ever came up, until Ferdinand. They had been dating for two years when he asked her to marry him. Ondrea was ecstatic when she heard the news, her mom deserved this so much. She later fought of any negative thoughts by focusing on how happy her mother was and how selfish Rea was being.

Lots of extended family came to town for the occasion and Rea was aviating aunt Claudia’s arrival. Claudia was actually Rea’s second cousin, but because of the 20 something age difference, she had always called her aunt. The woman vibrantly danced to her own tune, moving to Prague and joining the theater when Rea was five. She would come back to visit often, bring her old stage costumes and jewelry, as well as trinkets from her travels throughout the year. Her visits were always too short, no matter how long she stayed, and this time was no different.

Once her mother moved in with Ferdinand and Claudia went back home, Rea often found herself alone in the house with only her two cats keeping her company. Her mom came over often and they still did a lot together but it was different. Rea busied herself with school, she took on more courses then she could comfortably do and joined committee after committee, she was tired and stressed but it kept her occupied and away from evenings filled with film-noir and wine.

Writing to Claudia helped, the woman always had insight into everything and her optimistic nature rubbed off on everyone. A few years passed, and after a particularly bad week Rea got home to one of the much awaited letters. Her spirits brighter, she ripped it open and started reading. She wasn’t greeted with delicate loops and swirls however, but her uncle’s messy writing. Claudia had been in a nearly fatal accident and was now comatose and in a very bad state, the doctors gave a slim to none chance of recovery.

With every letter on Claudia’s unchanging condition, Rea spiraled farther down into depression. Her marks dropped, she stopped going out, and wine filled evenings became more frequent. She put on a good show for everyone, acting as in her blood, but only Franca truly knew every dark detail about that time of Rea’s life.

One day after arriving at an empty home once again to a letter from her uncle that contained no positive news, something snapped. Rea ran out into the crisp October air, the sun had already begun to set, casting a warm glow on the autumn foliage. The bright colours seemed to mock the way she was feeling so she ran faster, not paying attention to where she was going. She ran until her legs were on fire and it seemed that she could not get another breath through her lungs. Coming to a stop, Rea realized that she had run to a playground she used to visit when she was very young. She collapsed on a swing and cried quietly at what had become of her. She wasn’t herself anymore, her mind in taters, a chaotic mess. Then she thought of Claudia and what the woman would say seeing her like this. Like a scarab, the thought buried itself into Rea’s brain, it helped lead her back.

Ondrea kept running, when she ran all she felt was the pounding of her feet on the pavement, the movement of her body, the way sweat drops ran between her shoulder blades. Running became her drug, it was the only thing that kept her sane in moments of madness.

There was also another payoff which Rea didn’t notice until people started to comment on how great she looked. Inspired, she joined a gym and worked her body hard, making it healthy and fit. She celebrated quietly by getting something she had always wanted, a tattoo. It was a small orange tiger, majestically lying below her right hipbone. It looked just like the statue her aunt had given her years ago. It reminded her of just how strong she was.

Not long after, she received another letter from Claudia’s address. Rea felt a sharp pang in the pit of her stomach but forced herself to open the envelope. There was a whole letter written from her uncle, but Rea only saw the first line. There was a simple phrase written in the lovely loops and spirals she had loved since she was a kid. It said ‘I’m okay.’

Rea smiled at that memory and unconsciously ran a hand over her tiger. She had been fine for a year now, only having occasional flare-ups. ‘Exercise is nice and all, but right now want to stuff my face.’

She grabbed her key and they excited the room.

‘You go on, I’ll go get Stan and the rest and we’ll meet you there.’

The two women separated at the landing as Franca quickly made her way up and Rea went down. She was the only person there and was about to take a seat in one of the lobby armchairs when she saw a familiar face at the reception desk.

Grinning, she ran up to where he was standing and threw her arms around Ian in a tight hug, the kind of hug you give a close person after not seeing them for a year. What surprised her was how warmly he returned it.

Ian wasn’t known for his emotional displays. He was quiet, reserved, an enigma. Rea was one of the few people who knew him well, which wasn’t saying much. She figured that was what attracted her to him so many years ago. She loved a good game of hide-n-seek and Ian seemed to be skilled at hiding.

‘What’s this? A real hug and not one of those okay-you-hugged-me-now-let-me-go hugs you’re so fond of?’

He didn’t answer but instead lightly yanked her ponytail. She stuck her tongue out at him in response.

‘Why the long delay?’

‘Last minute family gathering, bad shrimp, you get the picture. Say, have you shrunk? You seem shorter…’

‘No, actually I think you got into Alice’s magic cookies. You’re 23, stop growing!’

‘You know I can’t resist a good cookie. It’s still good to see you though, even if you are a midget.’

She scowled at him. At least Ian hadn’t changed. Their conversation flowed easily, as if not a year but only a few hours passed since they last saw each other. ‘On a side note, do you want to take your stuff upstairs and join us for lunch?’

‘Would love to, I’m starving!

‘We went through the menu and everything looks really good, I think we’re rarely going to go out.’ They made their way up the stairs and to the end of the hall, arriving at room 2D. Rea opened the door and walked into the now familiar surrounding.

‘Well, here’s our room.’


‘Mhmm, we’re roomies for the week.’ She grabbed the second key of the top of the dresser and tossed it to Ian.

‘But there’s…’

h, were sharing the bed.’

He smiled. ‘Actually I was going to say that there’s no TV.’

‘Oh! Yeah, there’s one in the closet. I guess I just assumed about the bed thing.’

‘Naw, I’ll deal. I can tolerate you snoring in my personal space, if it was anyone else I’d demand to be moved elsewhere. Plus you’re tiny, so it’s not even sharing, just making sure I don’t roll you over.’

‘Har, har. How’s the weather up there?’

They left the room and made their way down the stairs finding everyone already there. Kegan whistled suggestively when he saw Rea and Ian together, they chose to ignore it. After a round of small talk all around, the six made their way towards the dinning hall.

The hall was large and spacious. Just as the lobby, it had signature log walls, except for the left one which was all glass. There were five window sections in total, each one framed by rich, brown draperies. Variously sized circular tables dressed in white tablecloths were placed throughout the room, on everyone one there was a potted white hyacinth. To the right was the buffet which emitted delectable aromas.

Everyone grabbed a plate and pilled on their lunch. Rea chose a turkey breast fried with mushrooms and red peppers, a fresh garden salad and some spicy potato wedges. Since the lunch crowd had watered down, they had no problem finding a table for six. The food tasted even better than it smelled and for a long while everyone sat quietly and concentrated on their plates.

‘Mmm! Rey you have to try some of this, it’s not as good as yours but it is so close.’

Rea forked a piece of quiche of Constantine’s plate. Placing it in her mouth she chewed it thoughtfully.

‘It really is good. I think I’ll have it for lunch tomorrow.’

Once their stomachs were full and their plates empty, they started deciding how to spend the afternoon.

‘We came here to ski, so why not go ski?’

Franca turned Connor down. ‘We have a whole week for skiing Con, I was thinking of something more interesting.’

‘Skiing is interesting! Who put you in charge anyway? Just because you don’t want to go doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t!’

‘Did anyone express an interest when you mentioned skiing? No! Nobody said we had to do stuff together all the time. You want to go skiing so bloody much then go!’

‘They didn’t say anything because you gave them no chance too!’

‘Guys, relax! I’m sure we can find something to do that won’t result in murder.’ The conversation was getting too heated and Rea decided to put a stop to it.

She nudged her friend’s foot under the tables. ‘Stan you owe me five bucks. They barely lasted four hours.’

They all laughed at that and the argument was forgotten as soon as it started. Franca and Connor got into fights over nothing all the time and they made up just as quickly.

The final decision was to go unpack and relax a little after the long trip, at night they would go out for dinner in one of the trendy clubs located close to the skiing village.


‘Whose idea was it to go ‘clubbing’ anyway?’ Ian asked, looking very disgruntled as he sorted the rest of his stuff.

‘Oooh I never heard it sounds so dirty. You have a talent my friend.’ Rea snickered at the face he made. ‘And it was Franca’s, were you not paying attention?’

‘No, I zoned out after she starting talking really fast about…something.’

‘I figured. You had a really glazed look on your face almost the whole time. I was tempted to start throwing spitballs at you.’

‘You should have! I would have been aware of the fact that she proposed something so stupid and stopped it. I just won’t go. I brought some work I need to finish so I’ll have some time to complete it.’

‘You brought work on a vacation? I’m pretty sure that’s blasphemy.’

Rea had quickly finished unpacking and was lying on the bed flipping through the channels of the small TV that was hidden away in the tiny built in closet. Having found ‘Gone with the Wind’ she put aside the remote and stretched out like a lazy cat, changing her attention to Ian.

He had let his dark brown hair grow out, it now hung messily below his chin. His face wasn’t typically handsome, but she had always found something appealing about it. He had a high forehead, a long nose which was slightly hooked to the left due to a childhood accident and a masculine jaw. She was glad to see he had finally grown into his shoulders. Ian had always been very tall and lean with large shoulders that looked awkward on his frame, as if he had forgotten to remove the clothe hanger from his shirt. He was still thin, but somehow he had filled out in all the right places. She had been so distracted with her observations that she was startled when Ian spoke.

‘You’re actually watching that horrid film?’

‘I’ve never seen the ending.’

‘Then stop while you’re ahead.’ For a while he made overly dramatic faces and gestures mimicking the script.

She laughed. ‘I’ll make you a deal. I’ll turn off the movie, if you go with us to the club and actually try to have some fun this week.’

Ian grimaced, Scarlet had just started another one of her diva moments. ‘Fine, nothing can be worse than this movie.’

‘It will be fabulous. We’ll laugh at the snow bunnies, get drunk and dance badly. In that order. Good times will be had.’

‘I’m sure they will be, but I’m not dancing.’

‘That’s part of the deal though. When you got to a dance club, you are legally bound to dance.’

‘Well I’ll get a lawyer. There is no way I’m dancing.’

‘Not even boozed up?’

‘How much booze are we talking about here?’

Just then, Franca rushed in like a very happy tornado and swept Rea up to the room she shared with Constantine.

‘Why did you drag me here? I was just about to convince Ian to get his groove on with us, and after that I was going to have my nap.’

‘There’s no time for a nap, we’re leaving in two hours.’

‘Yes, and for an hour and a half of those two I could be sleeping.’

‘Sorry to ruin your plans, but I am going to beautify you. Tonight you shall be the ultimate vixen, desired by all, attainable by none! Except for me, but I’m your secret lesbian lover, so that’s ok.’ She went of to gather small bags and brushes, bottles and tubes.

Rea snorted at the old joke and watched Franca rush around the room which looked like it was run over by three natural disasters. Suitcases were open on the beds, the floor, clothes were thrown messily all over in what seemed to be a very complex filing system. Stan sat on the bed with curlers in her hair wearing an amused and slightly frightened expression, apparently Franca already got to her.

‘Come, my pretty, have a seat and I will commence the transformation!’

Rea sat in the chair in front of her friend who immediately attacked Rea’s hair with gels and sprays. The three of them chatted while Franca busied herself with her masterpiece. They haven’t had a long girly talk in a while. Even though they went to the same university, they only met once a week at best, during which time they talked about upcoming tests, group projects, insomnia and other school related things. It felt good to be able to talk about silly and pointless topics.

‘Hmm…I think that ought to do it.’ Franca said stepping back and looking over Rea once more. ‘Alright, you go get dressed and I’ll do my magic on Stan here. Your outfit is in the bathroom. Be careful and don’t mess up your makeup or hair.’

Franca seemed set on creating club goddesses of them, so Rea decided to go along with it. In the bathroom she found the selected clothing carefully hanged on a chair. It consisted of a turquoise tank with mock lace-up detail, a black shrug with sequence on the high collar, low waisted black pants, some sparkly heels, a big choker and dangly earrings. Putting everything on, Rea looked at herself in the fu
ll-length mirror. She had to admit, Franca knew what she was doing.

Her look was glamorous and perfect for the nighttime. Shades of copper and green played up her big brown eyes and suited her olive complexion. Shimmering powder accentuated her high cheekbones and décolleté and her lips were accented with a hint of bronze. Her hair was carefully slicked back and pinned into a messy up-do. The outfit was sexy without being trashy and it was comfortable. It hugged her curves but wasn’t tight and the heels added some height to her 5’3 frame.

Ondrea came out and found that Stan was already changed and was being treated with a heavy coat of hairspray to keep her short black shag in the flipped out style. Franca had dressed her in a deep green top with asymmetric sleeves, cropped brown pants, gold heels and bangles. It was quite a transformation.

‘Now I realize why you had so many suitcases, you brought your whole closet with you!’ Rea remarked.

‘Well I figured we’d have a night or two on the town while we were here and I always wanted to make you two over so I saw this as my chance. It’s like playing with dolls, but better! Now just give me a few minutes to get dressed and we’ll go.’

She took much less time to get herself dolled up and was soon out of the bathroom. She wore a tight navy dress with long sleeves, a plunging neckline and mid-thigh hemline, black knee-length boots, purple tights and a large sparkly necklace. She left her blond hair in soft curls and indulged in a deep indigo eye colour that made her blue eyes pop. ‘We look too good for clubbing. I heard that the place is pretty posh though, so it won’t be a total waste. C’mon girls, lets go fetch our boys and hit the town. The night is young and so are we so let’s go enjoy it.’

The girls collected Connor and Kegan and headed down, stopping on the second floor landing while Rea went to get Ian.

Walking into the room, she found him sitting on the bed, one leg was stretched in front of him and the other bent, supporting a notebook in which he was writing. He looked so concentrated on his task that it seemed a shame to distract him.

‘Hey Ian, we’re ready to go.’

Turning to face her he looked at her over the top of glasses. She noticed him give her a slow once over.

‘You look good. Not really like yourself though.’ He stood up and placed his notebook and glasses on the bedside table.

‘Flatterer.’ Rea wondered how he managed to look so good in only a black dress shirt and jeans, sometimes she envied men for their simple wardrobes and lack of primping rituals.

‘I try.’

In the hallway they were greeting by Francesca and Connor yelling for yet another reason nobody seemed to know. Sighing Rea hurried to where everyone stood and put out the fire. Franca linked arms with her and Stan and they strutted off giggling themselves silly.

Rea smiled as they headed out into the night, it was good to be back.


Hey everyone. Thank you for all of your comments and e-mails. They have been very encouraging. Sorry that it’s taking me a while to get the chapters out, it’s mid-term time right now so I’m swamped with school. I know that the story is developing a bit slower then some people like it, but I just wanted to give it a thorough background before getting into the juicer stuff.


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The 3rd Lady in the waiting nervously in the waiting room was Cynthia. Now she was a very prim and proper Lady of some breeding sort of upper class and well off. What I wondered was she doing here with these bulls? She was dressed in a light cream pencil skirt a white blouse, black bra, which was showing itself through the blouse. Her hair was tied up and she wore butterfly framed glasses. Her shoes were high brown stilletos and she had a pair of seamed tanned stockings. She had been looking at...

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Daughter Loves HorsesChapter 13

Buck Morgan woke up when the sunshine came in through the window and began to warm his naked ass. His wife's hot ass was pressed to his belly, his cock was buried up her throbbing pussy, and he began to hump her immediately. Gale Morgan moaned in her sleep, wiggling her ass as her husband fucked her, as he nuzzled her neck and played with her tits. She came almost awake as he shot off inside her, and she mumbled something. A moment later, she was dead to the world again. Buck hauled his...

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The Sisterhood Conspiracy

The Sisterhood Conspiracy By Ender Feeling just a little tipsy, but extremely excited, were the newlyweds Jacob and Sophia. For a couple years they dated. Then after a romantic night in their favorite riverside restaurant, Jacob got down on one knee and proposed to her. Six months later they got married at a lovely spot along a beautiful lake. Now after many hours of partying, the two stood before each other in front of their hotel room. While both silently looked into each...

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Jaynes May Day Meet

Jayne's May Day MeetWe had booked a room for the weekend at the 'Dukes Folly' hotel , in Southport, enticed by the promising weather forecast after our miserable first few months of the year.After checking in just after lunchtime on Saturday my husband and I decided to go and have something to eat. For convenience we headed to the local Wetherspoons, The Willow Grove.Upon entering we noticed a gang of 12-14 young men, aged in their 20's to late thirties. They were very loud and quite boisterous...

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Femme Neighbor

It was a little before 6:00 a.m. on a Friday. Cousins Tito & Chee Chee sat on Tito’s balcony. The crisp, early morning air felt light on their skin. They passed a blunt between them and drank beer from cans. They were up at the crack of dawn after for no reason in particular. Tito was off until Sunday and Chee Chee was couch surfing at the moment. The guest had just arrived late last night.Brisk footsteps could be heard on the sidewalk below. Chee Chee studied the slender figure wearing a...

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My Wife Loosing Control

Hi, I am Robin here and with me, my beautiful wife Sophie from Trivandrum, both of us is 33 now. We both share a relation of 15 years, yes being together and it all began when we were doing our engineering together at Bangalore. We have been reading ISS since quite some time now and my wife wishes me to share some of our experiences with you wonderful lusty people. As this is my first write up, I am going to share how my wife opened up with me for the first time and will wait for your...

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Portugeuse MILF Pt 3

After lying on my back for a while thinking about what we'd just done, I got up to see where Sally was. She was now naked (skirt and top semi on previously) sitting on the toilet smoking, blowing smoke out the window. "I have to smoke here so my daughter wont catch me, she's eight and she hates me smoking" I wash my face and sit in front of her. I ask her does she remember how all this started? she laughs and nods her head exaggeratedly, killing the cigarette. "how much longer have you got?"...

2 years ago
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Autobiography of John RossChapter 5

The next few days passed in a very pleasant blur. Miss Roberts -- Mary -- slipped me an envelope folded inside my math homework. When I opened it later, in private, it contained two brass keys and a note with her address, phone number, and a brief "Please call me soon. Love, Mary." The next day Tracy Gingham realized that I was the perfect person to help her with an essay she had to write, and drove over to my house for tutoring. Tracy was one of Janet's best friends, and also on the...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 5

The first thing we did the next morning was clear everything from my new cart. My wives were not allowed to put on clothes until they had washed the stink from themselves and the children. They washed in the stream, and the water was damned cold, but they didn't seem to mind, now that they found that cleanliness was to be the order of the day. The children did mind, but that didn't slow down the washing. I even went in and washed, I knew that I needed it. We were all still naked and this...

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FidleChapter 34

“Wait. Stop for a minute.” There was no response from the oscillating mass of brilliant red hair obscuring his midsection. “I mean it. Stop.” He shifted and squirmed just enough to reinforce the seriousness of his intent. A hand appeared, flipping just enough hair out of the way for a face to partially emerge from its sensuous jungle. “If you have to pee, I guarantee I can finish you off before you do.” “No, that’s not ... well, I mean, yes I do, but that’s not why I’m stopping you.” Her...

5 years ago
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Girl Friday

I set the scene and write chapter one. You take that and run with it in your durdy little minds. The business was taking off. I had a competent secretary book-keeper, Janey, and that was all good. She was attractive, but married and happily so. I told her she was doing a good job, but I needed to hire a personal assistant and I thought that person would be a woman, and she would travel with me to out of town meetings, plus take some of the load off Janey's back ... which meant that she could...

4 years ago
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Had Sex With My Mom Before Going Abroad

Hello, everyone. Be patient it is a long story but you will enjoy a lot. I am posting my first story which happened last year when I was going to migrate to canada for higher studies. My name is Gavy and I am a skinny guy having a nice cock size which is 7 inch and my mom is a housewife she has amazing figure 38-28-40. Actually we were living in dubai for 12 years and my was addicted to gym that is why her body was really awesome.We moved to india delhi and my father was still in Dubai. Lets...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 51 Another Proposition

June, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Kara arrived early Saturday afternoon and once she was settled, Karin asked her to talk. They didn’t resurface until it was time for dinner, so I spent several hours working on programs for NIKA. Penny had made quite a bit of progress with the modules that she was working on, and I did my best to finish a key module that I’d been working on during the week. By dinner time, I’d come close, but I’d need a few more hours which I’d try to sneak in on Sunday. After...

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Flower Ch 02

Surprisingly many days had passed by without any major incidents and I was happy that I managed to keep my normal schedule, that I succeeded in doing all the things I was told to do, the right way and on time, even though I was stuck in thoughts almost all the time. I went through the motions, responding to input more or less automatically – probably very like those years when I hadn’t really been there fully, my days in the gray mist – hoping that my upset thoughts about the world, my life and...

3 years ago
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His Wife

Thank you all for the feedback. This is another story I wrote quite a while ago. Comments are welcome. Melissa His Wife I was living in a three-bedroom apartment and my roommates were a married couple. Bill was a nice guy and did what he could to make ends meet and his wife Jennifer; well she wasn't the best woman for him or anyone for that matter. She played around and he knew it but just couldn't catch her at it. Needless to say the whole arrangement had its ups...

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Bobby the Cuckold

This story will pretty much show that I am what I've always known I am – an asshole! But so what? If you are an asshole and know you are an asshole you don't give a shit about what other people think about you anyway. Some background here. I am Robert James Dalton; I am thirty-three years old and I am a Vice President of Operations in a company that I am not going to name for what will become obvious reasons. I am not going waste time describing myself because my appearance has no bearing on...

2 years ago
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Its Just Business Part 2

We hadn’t spoken another word about Mr Johnstone that evening. She spent the whole night on the computer and I tried to tend to the pressing matters that faced me at work the following day. When I arrived at our downtown offices the next morning, my assistant Janie, who I shared with three other execs at the company, greeted me at the elevator. ‘Mr. Hon has been in your office for fifteen minutes,’ she said to me, the stress in her voice was obvious. ‘What!?’ ‘He’s early, and he doesn’t look...

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Powerless And Hungry For You

Happy to make it back home in one piece I turn the heating on, seeing as it was a cold winter’s night and the kitchen windows had been left open all evening letting the heat escape. I could see the light snowfall slowly drifting around in the air from the kitchen window, happily watching each snowflake plummet to the ground, melting. A companionable silence had developed on the way back from our drive around. You place yourself next to me and both staring at the drops of rain streaming down...

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As Day Follows NightChapter 3

“And you see a girl’s brown body, dancing through the turquoise, And her footprints make you follow where the sky loves the sea. And when your fingers find her, she drowns you with her body, Carving deep blue ripples in the tissues of your mind.” -Cream, “Tales of Brave Ulysses” The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast its beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa...

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First M4M internet date

I’m married and considered myself straight, except for the fact I secretly did anal stimulation with some sort of dildo since I was a k**. This happen after I turn 63. There was a death in the family and I madly drove to the Midwest to the funeral without my wife and stayed at that oldest brother's house. Several times, on the sly, he would show me his engorged cock and brag about his prowess. On a night his wife was at work he started talking about sex again. One thing led to another and I let...

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Teasing at work

My pet had been very bad today. She was taking the day off from her internet professions and I was going into work. She begged and pleaded with me to stay home with her but I said I couldn't, and went to work. I hadn't been at my desk for five minutes before my phone went off. I checked it, and it was a picture that my pet, Rebekah, sent me seemingly in retaliation for not staying home. It was an incredibly sexy picture and sent tingles through me as I looked at it. However, being at work, I...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 25

Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...

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Sexy Bhabhi K Sath Full Maza

Hello indian sex stories dot net guys. Mera naam Honey hai. Main gurgaon se hu. Meri height 5 ft 8 inch hai and dick size 6.5 inch hai. Main iss site ka bht bda fan hu. Bht din se m yha stories pdh rha hu. Aaj mera b man hua k apke sath ek story share karu jisne mujhe bhabhiyo n aunties ka deewana bna diya. Koi galti ho to maaf karna. Baat 1 saal pahle ki hai jab mai delhi coaching leta Tha mukhergee nagar me. Main ghar se aa rha tha n huda city centr se metro me aa rha tha. Ifco chowk aane pe...

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Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston! Main Avinash fir se mukhatib hoon aapse aage ki kahani lekar. Meri kahani ‘Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai’ ke liye mujhe bahut mail mile. Iske liye dil se shukriya. To bina aap ka jyada waqt liye, main iske aage ki kahani batane ja raha hoon. Maine apna lund uski choot se bahar nikala. Maine feel kiya ki woh abhi bhi nikal rahi thi. Maine aas pas nazar ghumayi aur uski panty utha li. Uski or dekhkar poocha, “Kya main isse clean kar sakta hoon?” She: “Sure but ek shart hai! Mera bhi clean...

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Best Eaten Cold

Night was coming with her curtain of inky black and glittering veils. Birds and other night creatures had found other places to play and hunt this night away from the silent city of granite. Twin headlights of a small car meandered disoriented thru the tree lined road to end by illuminating the massive iron gates stuck permanently ajar. The dome light flashed on as the driver hurriedly got out, slamming the door behind him, agitatedly trying to force the gates wider. To his ire they did not...

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Sweet Sweaty Bliss

It is all silent except for the sounds of us kissing hard and passionately. The night is young, but our lascivious act knows no time and could last an inordinate while. You pull me into the bedroom, pushing me against the wall and in between our kissing you let out one word at a time. “You have no idea how badly I have wanted to do this to you.” Needless to say, I melt the second you say this to me. I’m all yours, your little fuckdoll to pump into and sexually manipulate however you want,...

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The Marble Horse

The Marble Horse (Animal TF TG AR) The Marble Horse TG AR TF by ~Daguss A Young Teen walked down the rural farm road. He was of a Decent build, about 5'6'', not too thin, not too fat. He kept his dirty blond hair a little shaggy, the bangs long enough to reach his blue eyes, which looked around for anyone who might see him. His hands were bundled in the pockets of his hoodie. He approached the closest fence and pulled a hand out of his pocket, revealing two sugar cubes. A beautiful...

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Three Pieces of SilverChapter 6

Somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? - Poet W. B. Yeats The car spit and sputtered before losing all power...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 5 An Embarrassing Discovery

Two days later, on the Thursday, just before she was going to leave work, when Allison was interrupted by a cough and a diffident voice. “I wonder if I could have a word, Miss Terry?” Lionel Fairbrother looked rather uncomfortable as he beckoned Allison towards his office. As one of the senior partners Lionel was rather held in awe by the secretarial staff. He specialised in inheritance and probate work. Allison had worked on a few things for him but nothing recently. She’d always found him...

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The Schoolboy and the Farmers Wife Part 1

I was seventeen and living in the country. I had no brothers or sisters and had spent most of my life after five years of age at boarding schools where I was educated, only coming home during school vacations.The farm is hundreds of kilometers from the city. Our homestead is also 30 kilometers from the nearest town and 14 kilometers from our nearest neighbors’ place. The area was well known for cattle raising and each property is hundreds of square kilometers.From the time I began puberty, I...

Love Stories
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Girls Go Goa Gone Journey Adventure 8211 Part 3

Well thanks for the overwhelming response to the second part of the series.I hope you all are waiting for this part.Enjoy it.First timers please read the previous parts of the story. Ab sb thak gayi thi,natasha aur prachi ke alava sb so gyi.Prachi ne ruchi se kaha-“Tu piche so ja aur and ko aage aane de varna mujhe bhi need aayegi aur gaadi chalane me dikkat hogi”.Ruchi baat man gyi aur natasha ko aage aane ko bola.Ruchi picche gyi aur natasha aage aagyi.Phir ruchi so gyi.Natasha aur prachi...

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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 2

As Mavis preceded Dell Emerson through the vined arbor to the back door, she was conscious of his eyes on her rump that was snugly molded by tennis shorts. She knew men and she knew that the young law student's eyes were exploring her body as he carried the large box of groceries. She juggled the two bottles of gin and mix to her left arm as she unlocked the door. She liked to look sexy, knowing she had a figure men liked looking at. And Phil Moran, her husband, liked for her to dress...

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A good start

Layla opens her green eyes and looks up at the ceiling. Sunday morning, and she cannot turn aroundand go back to sleep. Mild irritation wells up inside her. For a moment she is tempted just to pull the covers up over her head and shut the world out until she feels like facing it again. Then with a sigh she throws the covers off her and swings her legs off the bed. Grabbing the curtains she pulls them open and looks outside. Another clear sunny day, she thinks and a smile curves her face....

1 year ago
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Dirty night

It was a usual deal. No strange houses or people. All Heather wanted was to buy some really nice weed and a good high as a parting gift. She left for her friend/dealer Katie's house around 8 pm, thinking it would be a routine thing. When she got there, however, no one came to the door. Knowing Katie, Heather thought nothing of it and entered the house as per usual. Something was different this time though. The dogs were outside (unusual) and Katie and her fiance Josh were not in the main room....

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New Ninja World

(All characters have been aged up to be 18 our older. Also the names of new characters where randomly seleced. If the names are the same as real Japanese people, its a coincidence.) The village shakes as a giant humanoid fox woman attacks it. You push a dog out of the way but you end up in her grasp instead. "A human selfless enough to risk they're life for a mear hond? I shall turn you into my young before the other humans can corrupt you." She swallows you whole before you can respond. You...

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