Find Me Ch. 03 free porn video

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Ondrea snapped her head up and stared at the wide open door.

‘Ever heard of knocking, Franca?’

‘Ever heard of locking the door?’ She gave an appreciative whistle, ‘Nice undies by the way, very sex goddess.’

Rea threw a pillow at her friend who dodged it and plopped down laughing on the bed.

‘I wanted to see if you were ready, but apparently not.’

‘I was changing before you barged in.’ She quickly pulled on plum sweater and dark grey jeans.

‘I still can’t believe how good you look. I think I just might join your gym when we get back. You’ve inspired me.’

Franca said the last comment more seriously, and Rea knew that she wasn’t just referring to her body. A few years back she started to loose herself, and finding a way back is never easy.

She had always been very levelheaded, outspoken, and confident. She was ambitious, working hard to be in the top five of her class and with big hopes for the future. Not a social butterfly, Rea preferring a relaxing bath and mystery novel to a noisy club, but she did like to go out with her friends now and again, or on an occasional date.

Rea’s parents got divorced when she was very young. Since then it had been only her and her mom. She had come to depend on her mother more than on any other person, she knew Ondrea through and through. Her mother was her confidant, her closest friend, they had a very special relationship. Her mom had been casually dating, but nothing serious ever came up, until Ferdinand. They had been dating for two years when he asked her to marry him. Ondrea was ecstatic when she heard the news, her mom deserved this so much. She later fought of any negative thoughts by focusing on how happy her mother was and how selfish Rea was being.

Lots of extended family came to town for the occasion and Rea was aviating aunt Claudia’s arrival. Claudia was actually Rea’s second cousin, but because of the 20 something age difference, she had always called her aunt. The woman vibrantly danced to her own tune, moving to Prague and joining the theater when Rea was five. She would come back to visit often, bring her old stage costumes and jewelry, as well as trinkets from her travels throughout the year. Her visits were always too short, no matter how long she stayed, and this time was no different.

Once her mother moved in with Ferdinand and Claudia went back home, Rea often found herself alone in the house with only her two cats keeping her company. Her mom came over often and they still did a lot together but it was different. Rea busied herself with school, she took on more courses then she could comfortably do and joined committee after committee, she was tired and stressed but it kept her occupied and away from evenings filled with film-noir and wine.

Writing to Claudia helped, the woman always had insight into everything and her optimistic nature rubbed off on everyone. A few years passed, and after a particularly bad week Rea got home to one of the much awaited letters. Her spirits brighter, she ripped it open and started reading. She wasn’t greeted with delicate loops and swirls however, but her uncle’s messy writing. Claudia had been in a nearly fatal accident and was now comatose and in a very bad state, the doctors gave a slim to none chance of recovery.

With every letter on Claudia’s unchanging condition, Rea spiraled farther down into depression. Her marks dropped, she stopped going out, and wine filled evenings became more frequent. She put on a good show for everyone, acting as in her blood, but only Franca truly knew every dark detail about that time of Rea’s life.

One day after arriving at an empty home once again to a letter from her uncle that contained no positive news, something snapped. Rea ran out into the crisp October air, the sun had already begun to set, casting a warm glow on the autumn foliage. The bright colours seemed to mock the way she was feeling so she ran faster, not paying attention to where she was going. She ran until her legs were on fire and it seemed that she could not get another breath through her lungs. Coming to a stop, Rea realized that she had run to a playground she used to visit when she was very young. She collapsed on a swing and cried quietly at what had become of her. She wasn’t herself anymore, her mind in taters, a chaotic mess. Then she thought of Claudia and what the woman would say seeing her like this. Like a scarab, the thought buried itself into Rea’s brain, it helped lead her back.

Ondrea kept running, when she ran all she felt was the pounding of her feet on the pavement, the movement of her body, the way sweat drops ran between her shoulder blades. Running became her drug, it was the only thing that kept her sane in moments of madness.

There was also another payoff which Rea didn’t notice until people started to comment on how great she looked. Inspired, she joined a gym and worked her body hard, making it healthy and fit. She celebrated quietly by getting something she had always wanted, a tattoo. It was a small orange tiger, majestically lying below her right hipbone. It looked just like the statue her aunt had given her years ago. It reminded her of just how strong she was.

Not long after, she received another letter from Claudia’s address. Rea felt a sharp pang in the pit of her stomach but forced herself to open the envelope. There was a whole letter written from her uncle, but Rea only saw the first line. There was a simple phrase written in the lovely loops and spirals she had loved since she was a kid. It said ‘I’m okay.’

Rea smiled at that memory and unconsciously ran a hand over her tiger. She had been fine for a year now, only having occasional flare-ups. ‘Exercise is nice and all, but right now want to stuff my face.’

She grabbed her key and they excited the room.

‘You go on, I’ll go get Stan and the rest and we’ll meet you there.’

The two women separated at the landing as Franca quickly made her way up and Rea went down. She was the only person there and was about to take a seat in one of the lobby armchairs when she saw a familiar face at the reception desk.

Grinning, she ran up to where he was standing and threw her arms around Ian in a tight hug, the kind of hug you give a close person after not seeing them for a year. What surprised her was how warmly he returned it.

Ian wasn’t known for his emotional displays. He was quiet, reserved, an enigma. Rea was one of the few people who knew him well, which wasn’t saying much. She figured that was what attracted her to him so many years ago. She loved a good game of hide-n-seek and Ian seemed to be skilled at hiding.

‘What’s this? A real hug and not one of those okay-you-hugged-me-now-let-me-go hugs you’re so fond of?’

He didn’t answer but instead lightly yanked her ponytail. She stuck her tongue out at him in response.

‘Why the long delay?’

‘Last minute family gathering, bad shrimp, you get the picture. Say, have you shrunk? You seem shorter…’

‘No, actually I think you got into Alice’s magic cookies. You’re 23, stop growing!’

‘You know I can’t resist a good cookie. It’s still good to see you though, even if you are a midget.’

She scowled at him. At least Ian hadn’t changed. Their conversation flowed easily, as if not a year but only a few hours passed since they last saw each other. ‘On a side note, do you want to take your stuff upstairs and join us for lunch?’

‘Would love to, I’m starving!

‘We went through the menu and everything looks really good, I think we’re rarely going to go out.’ They made their way up the stairs and to the end of the hall, arriving at room 2D. Rea opened the door and walked into the now familiar surrounding.

‘Well, here’s our room.’


‘Mhmm, we’re roomies for the week.’ She grabbed the second key of the top of the dresser and tossed it to Ian.

‘But there’s…’

h, were sharing the bed.’

He smiled. ‘Actually I was going to say that there’s no TV.’

‘Oh! Yeah, there’s one in the closet. I guess I just assumed about the bed thing.’

‘Naw, I’ll deal. I can tolerate you snoring in my personal space, if it was anyone else I’d demand to be moved elsewhere. Plus you’re tiny, so it’s not even sharing, just making sure I don’t roll you over.’

‘Har, har. How’s the weather up there?’

They left the room and made their way down the stairs finding everyone already there. Kegan whistled suggestively when he saw Rea and Ian together, they chose to ignore it. After a round of small talk all around, the six made their way towards the dinning hall.

The hall was large and spacious. Just as the lobby, it had signature log walls, except for the left one which was all glass. There were five window sections in total, each one framed by rich, brown draperies. Variously sized circular tables dressed in white tablecloths were placed throughout the room, on everyone one there was a potted white hyacinth. To the right was the buffet which emitted delectable aromas.

Everyone grabbed a plate and pilled on their lunch. Rea chose a turkey breast fried with mushrooms and red peppers, a fresh garden salad and some spicy potato wedges. Since the lunch crowd had watered down, they had no problem finding a table for six. The food tasted even better than it smelled and for a long while everyone sat quietly and concentrated on their plates.

‘Mmm! Rey you have to try some of this, it’s not as good as yours but it is so close.’

Rea forked a piece of quiche of Constantine’s plate. Placing it in her mouth she chewed it thoughtfully.

‘It really is good. I think I’ll have it for lunch tomorrow.’

Once their stomachs were full and their plates empty, they started deciding how to spend the afternoon.

‘We came here to ski, so why not go ski?’

Franca turned Connor down. ‘We have a whole week for skiing Con, I was thinking of something more interesting.’

‘Skiing is interesting! Who put you in charge anyway? Just because you don’t want to go doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t!’

‘Did anyone express an interest when you mentioned skiing? No! Nobody said we had to do stuff together all the time. You want to go skiing so bloody much then go!’

‘They didn’t say anything because you gave them no chance too!’

‘Guys, relax! I’m sure we can find something to do that won’t result in murder.’ The conversation was getting too heated and Rea decided to put a stop to it.

She nudged her friend’s foot under the tables. ‘Stan you owe me five bucks. They barely lasted four hours.’

They all laughed at that and the argument was forgotten as soon as it started. Franca and Connor got into fights over nothing all the time and they made up just as quickly.

The final decision was to go unpack and relax a little after the long trip, at night they would go out for dinner in one of the trendy clubs located close to the skiing village.


‘Whose idea was it to go ‘clubbing’ anyway?’ Ian asked, looking very disgruntled as he sorted the rest of his stuff.

‘Oooh I never heard it sounds so dirty. You have a talent my friend.’ Rea snickered at the face he made. ‘And it was Franca’s, were you not paying attention?’

‘No, I zoned out after she starting talking really fast about…something.’

‘I figured. You had a really glazed look on your face almost the whole time. I was tempted to start throwing spitballs at you.’

‘You should have! I would have been aware of the fact that she proposed something so stupid and stopped it. I just won’t go. I brought some work I need to finish so I’ll have some time to complete it.’

‘You brought work on a vacation? I’m pretty sure that’s blasphemy.’

Rea had quickly finished unpacking and was lying on the bed flipping through the channels of the small TV that was hidden away in the tiny built in closet. Having found ‘Gone with the Wind’ she put aside the remote and stretched out like a lazy cat, changing her attention to Ian.

He had let his dark brown hair grow out, it now hung messily below his chin. His face wasn’t typically handsome, but she had always found something appealing about it. He had a high forehead, a long nose which was slightly hooked to the left due to a childhood accident and a masculine jaw. She was glad to see he had finally grown into his shoulders. Ian had always been very tall and lean with large shoulders that looked awkward on his frame, as if he had forgotten to remove the clothe hanger from his shirt. He was still thin, but somehow he had filled out in all the right places. She had been so distracted with her observations that she was startled when Ian spoke.

‘You’re actually watching that horrid film?’

‘I’ve never seen the ending.’

‘Then stop while you’re ahead.’ For a while he made overly dramatic faces and gestures mimicking the script.

She laughed. ‘I’ll make you a deal. I’ll turn off the movie, if you go with us to the club and actually try to have some fun this week.’

Ian grimaced, Scarlet had just started another one of her diva moments. ‘Fine, nothing can be worse than this movie.’

‘It will be fabulous. We’ll laugh at the snow bunnies, get drunk and dance badly. In that order. Good times will be had.’

‘I’m sure they will be, but I’m not dancing.’

‘That’s part of the deal though. When you got to a dance club, you are legally bound to dance.’

‘Well I’ll get a lawyer. There is no way I’m dancing.’

‘Not even boozed up?’

‘How much booze are we talking about here?’

Just then, Franca rushed in like a very happy tornado and swept Rea up to the room she shared with Constantine.

‘Why did you drag me here? I was just about to convince Ian to get his groove on with us, and after that I was going to have my nap.’

‘There’s no time for a nap, we’re leaving in two hours.’

‘Yes, and for an hour and a half of those two I could be sleeping.’

‘Sorry to ruin your plans, but I am going to beautify you. Tonight you shall be the ultimate vixen, desired by all, attainable by none! Except for me, but I’m your secret lesbian lover, so that’s ok.’ She went of to gather small bags and brushes, bottles and tubes.

Rea snorted at the old joke and watched Franca rush around the room which looked like it was run over by three natural disasters. Suitcases were open on the beds, the floor, clothes were thrown messily all over in what seemed to be a very complex filing system. Stan sat on the bed with curlers in her hair wearing an amused and slightly frightened expression, apparently Franca already got to her.

‘Come, my pretty, have a seat and I will commence the transformation!’

Rea sat in the chair in front of her friend who immediately attacked Rea’s hair with gels and sprays. The three of them chatted while Franca busied herself with her masterpiece. They haven’t had a long girly talk in a while. Even though they went to the same university, they only met once a week at best, during which time they talked about upcoming tests, group projects, insomnia and other school related things. It felt good to be able to talk about silly and pointless topics.

‘Hmm…I think that ought to do it.’ Franca said stepping back and looking over Rea once more. ‘Alright, you go get dressed and I’ll do my magic on Stan here. Your outfit is in the bathroom. Be careful and don’t mess up your makeup or hair.’

Franca seemed set on creating club goddesses of them, so Rea decided to go along with it. In the bathroom she found the selected clothing carefully hanged on a chair. It consisted of a turquoise tank with mock lace-up detail, a black shrug with sequence on the high collar, low waisted black pants, some sparkly heels, a big choker and dangly earrings. Putting everything on, Rea looked at herself in the fu
ll-length mirror. She had to admit, Franca knew what she was doing.

Her look was glamorous and perfect for the nighttime. Shades of copper and green played up her big brown eyes and suited her olive complexion. Shimmering powder accentuated her high cheekbones and décolleté and her lips were accented with a hint of bronze. Her hair was carefully slicked back and pinned into a messy up-do. The outfit was sexy without being trashy and it was comfortable. It hugged her curves but wasn’t tight and the heels added some height to her 5’3 frame.

Ondrea came out and found that Stan was already changed and was being treated with a heavy coat of hairspray to keep her short black shag in the flipped out style. Franca had dressed her in a deep green top with asymmetric sleeves, cropped brown pants, gold heels and bangles. It was quite a transformation.

‘Now I realize why you had so many suitcases, you brought your whole closet with you!’ Rea remarked.

‘Well I figured we’d have a night or two on the town while we were here and I always wanted to make you two over so I saw this as my chance. It’s like playing with dolls, but better! Now just give me a few minutes to get dressed and we’ll go.’

She took much less time to get herself dolled up and was soon out of the bathroom. She wore a tight navy dress with long sleeves, a plunging neckline and mid-thigh hemline, black knee-length boots, purple tights and a large sparkly necklace. She left her blond hair in soft curls and indulged in a deep indigo eye colour that made her blue eyes pop. ‘We look too good for clubbing. I heard that the place is pretty posh though, so it won’t be a total waste. C’mon girls, lets go fetch our boys and hit the town. The night is young and so are we so let’s go enjoy it.’

The girls collected Connor and Kegan and headed down, stopping on the second floor landing while Rea went to get Ian.

Walking into the room, she found him sitting on the bed, one leg was stretched in front of him and the other bent, supporting a notebook in which he was writing. He looked so concentrated on his task that it seemed a shame to distract him.

‘Hey Ian, we’re ready to go.’

Turning to face her he looked at her over the top of glasses. She noticed him give her a slow once over.

‘You look good. Not really like yourself though.’ He stood up and placed his notebook and glasses on the bedside table.

‘Flatterer.’ Rea wondered how he managed to look so good in only a black dress shirt and jeans, sometimes she envied men for their simple wardrobes and lack of primping rituals.

‘I try.’

In the hallway they were greeting by Francesca and Connor yelling for yet another reason nobody seemed to know. Sighing Rea hurried to where everyone stood and put out the fire. Franca linked arms with her and Stan and they strutted off giggling themselves silly.

Rea smiled as they headed out into the night, it was good to be back.


Hey everyone. Thank you for all of your comments and e-mails. They have been very encouraging. Sorry that it’s taking me a while to get the chapters out, it’s mid-term time right now so I’m swamped with school. I know that the story is developing a bit slower then some people like it, but I just wanted to give it a thorough background before getting into the juicer stuff.


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Monster Girl ENFCFNM

The stories in this interactive can be about two things: Either its about monster girls who, through some magic, happenstance, work of a lecherous adventurer, however it may happen, wind up naked and embarrassed. From there, it follows the pattern of any given ENF story, albeit with a unique touches involving the setting and specific monster girl in question. For instance, maybe the story is about a werewolf who shreds her clothes transforming? A vampire who turns into a bat, leaving her cloak...

2 years ago
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Receptionist Blues

Ronni Dunlap swung her purse over her shoulder and stepped gingerly over the mud puddle at the curb. Typical of the bus driver, she thought, he always stopped short of the curb, making everybody stretch to get off. It was either that, or you had to step down into the oily water, and then back up on the curb, which didn't do your shoes any good. The summer weather of the last few weeks was definitely a memory. She pulled her jacket a little tighter and hurried down the street, her irritation...

2 years ago
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Part 5How I came to meet my GF, and eventually her Daughter and Stepson......who now live with meOn one Saturday morning after my GF had left for work I had slept a bit later than usual. Lisa had stayed at a friends over night and wasn't home. When I got up I went to the kitchen to make coffee and see what I could find for breakfast. While the coffee brewed I decided to check on David, who was also sleeping late. I walked down the hall to his room to ask if he wanted some breakfast. His bedroom...

4 years ago
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Quadruplets Are More Fun

Time line: Year 3 To my eyes, Melanie could have been a model. She was twenty-four years old, five foot six, long blonde hair, blue eyes, creamy white skin, beautiful red lips. We met in class at the local college three years ago, when we sat next to each other. It was a computer programming class and she was having a problem with one of the assignments. I helped her with it, showing her how to solve the problem. The problem was so obvious that the she was embarrassed and said, "Damn! You...

2 years ago
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A True History Book TwoChapter 29

I didn’t particularly enjoy throwing up into a trash can, which I was able to do after only drinking enough of the syrup of ipecac to make it look plausible, due to my control. The charcoal, followed by the trip to the hospital emergency room for the stomach pump, wasn’t pleasant, either. I didn’t think I actually needed any of them, but given the circumstances, I couldn’t refuse. The minor detail that Mendoza provided the antidote to us didn’t hurt. I wish I could have been there, when six...

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Sex With My Old Classmate

Hi this is Rahul from Delhi 5 Ft 6 Inch having 7.5 Inch penis, body average and colour fair .; I am a regular reader of ISS and it made me crazy to pen down my own story here also so i am sharing my first story with u friends so if there will be any mistake please forgive for that and also please comment on the story so that i can share other romantic sex happenings with you people. Now let us start narrating my experience in the form of a good story for u people. This is my real story and it...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 6 Beach July 3rd and 4th 2011

Mom still put on the wig the next day. And the shades. And the drooping hat. We didn't want recognisable pictures of us to be floating around out there on the Internet. But there was no paint on her body when she slipped out of her clothes at about one o'clock in the afternoon on the nudist beach three miles out of town. There were no spectators that second day. Instead it was nudists only. Almost a thousand other nudists were there besides us. The bike ride had been more show for the...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part III

 I sat there quietly on my own for a little while afterwards. Paulo had been very aroused. His erection stood tall as he sat reaching past his waist. It felt unnatural for me to be looking at another man like that but I couldn’t help it. I envied his size and I could understand why Sue, and any other woman for that matter, wanting him. He asked Sue if she wanted to have a lie down for a while and she leapt to her feet immediately. Paulo stood up as displaying his proud erection. Sue reached out...

2 years ago
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PAT By MichelleA Edited By Holly Logan As we prepare to renew our marriage vows, I can't help but remember the past. Pat and I have been married now for ten years. During that time we have been through many trials and tribulations. I first remember seeing Pat during our high school sophomore year. My first impressions were of a tall awkward loner that had recently had their teenage growth spurt. However, different classes, with the same circle of non-friends kept us apart. From a...

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First LoveChapter 15

"The Brett Incident," as it was eventually titled, caused them to become even closer. He became a little more protective of her, and guarded her closely whenever they were together. Deep down he felt guilty about the whole thing, especially about his anger at her and for not being there in the first place. He was the greatest, and Jen knew she was going to sleep with him soon, although she wasn't yet sure if she really wanted to actually do it for herself. It was getting hard to resist...

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Prisoner Inerrogation

Paying the Penalty Paying the Penalty by Von Schmiser Interrogations of political dissidents in a fictional country, ruled by a despotic tyrant and his followers.  Lori Beth and her friends learn  the hard way that the horror stories of abomiable  tortures were not fiction... MF/f,S/M, Chapter 1 Welcome NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The mature woman strapped to the frame convulsed and strained against the cruel straps...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Penelope Cross Spanish Slut Penelope Cross Blows MakeUp Artist Before Fucking BBC

After arriving on the set for the day’s photo shoot, it doesn’t take very long for Penelope Cross – a Spanish model – to start blowing the make-up artist. Penelope has his cock deep in her throat when they’re interrupted by a knock at the door. It’s the photographer, Jesus, who begins the planned photoshoot shortly after. Only a few minutes into the photoshoot, however, Penelope – being the slut that she is – can’t help but put Jesus’s big black cock in her mouth, and from there the two have a...

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We have been friends with Alison and James for some time now, ever since we found out that they had fun. I mean fun in the sense that they enjoyed eroticism and the sharing of the flesh. As soon as we knew, Maggie and Myself became intrigued. I suppose intrigued was an understatement, we wanted them badly. Maggie would lie awake at night after a good sex session and masturbate. I caught her once. When quizzed, she said she was fantasising about being between Alison’s legs and licking her...

Group Sex
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The March of the RoseChapter 13

Dunin and Beriwen had talked late into the night about their individual hopes, fears, and goals, as well as their new life together. At one point Mara had left the two alone and went in search of accommodations in one of the other rooms within the temple. Beriwen had changed the room into a living space with two beds separated by a curtain of vines and she and Dunin finally fell into them sometime early in the morning hours. Dunin was up a few hours later and eager to be on the road, and...

3 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 5

Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 5Before the congregation could finish the last song and benediction, I slipped out of my pew and down the outer aisle and headed to the restroom, hoping that no one would notice the big wet spot in my suit on my crotch and down my right leg -- caused by my daughter masturbating me. I got into the restroom and, seeing no one about, I looked in the mirror while I lifted my right leg. Wow. It was a big, big wet spot. Even through my boxers the semen had soaked...

1 year ago
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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 06

Peggy’s afternoon get together with Lillie and Celeste was turning out to be a wild cock filled fuck fest. After Philippe, Andre and Jacques had teamed up to fuck Peggy in the pussy, ass and mouth at the same time, the ‘boys’ seemed to need a little help staying hard. As luck would have it, they just happen to have three lovely ladies dying to help them. Peggy, Lillie and Celeste made the boys take a seat on the couch while the women lined up in front of them. Then the women dropped to their...

2 years ago
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Naturist School CounselorChapter 7 The Twins

After lunch Julie and I had patrol duty. The Green was a sea of red and black clothing, Liberty High School's colors, and I'd never seen so many "Red Devil" sweatshirts. All in all it was an impressive display of school pride. At the same time the Green was buzzing with gossip. Apparently Ali and the Twins had made peace and were in the process of apologizing to just about every group on the Green. It made for some intense discussions as I don't think half the people realized that some...

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The wildest week of sex in my life

mf,mff,mmf,teen,oral,anal,interrac,incest - everything Ya, I know this is to wild to ever be true but it was fun to write and I hope you find it fun to read. It was a snowy February day in Boston and I was on my way home from work. My office was on the North side of town out by the I-95 outer loop and I lived farther north in a fairly rural area or at least as rural as you can get in this part of the country. I had driven about 45 minutes, a trip that usually takes about 30. As I...

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Discussion QuestionsChapter 10 Yet another surprise

Melissa left for school just as my kids were getting up. They accepted that she'd stayed over to 'help' since their mommy was away. Melissa did promise a duplicate day to the one before. I was certainly up for that. I texted Stacy a picture of Melissa stretched out nude on the bed after we'd finished the night before. My byline was, 'Wore her out. Hope you had fun. Love, me.' I got a quick reply, 'Teenagers! No stamina. My God, she's so sexy. I've got to get me some of that. Send...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 18

CRYSTAL The arrival of the Dark Queen had disrupted the equilibrium of the Gorge. Brock, already insecure about his position, was made even more so, and Master’s concerns about the intentions of her beloved had deepened. I could see the rift that was forming between Brock and Master, and indeed, the rift in Yavara’s own court. As of now, the greatest threat the two posed was to each other, for the division they sowed would pull at the Dark Queen, and paralyze her. The morally-flexible Zander...

1 year ago
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Church Girl

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was spring break of my sophmore year in high school. I was going on a church bus we were going to take. The foke that were in charge of it all were real smart and they knew that if when it gets dark outside and on the bus that the guy would be doing who knows what with the girls and besides its a church trip so we all knew that they were going to keep it clean. We also knew that there was going to be some stuff that went down on the bus and in the...

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How to do a messy blowjob

Sandy Harper prepared to go on set for the evening News broadcast at XTV. She was the top news anchor girl, in her second year after working her way up. She had begun as a roving reporter for the channel. Now, at twenty six she was one of the most familiar faces on TV, popular with women and guys alike. She had that clean-cut image that female viewers respected, while her tight shiny blouses and short pencil skirts kept her male viewers happy. She had worked for charity and spoken out on animal...

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arab cuckold

We went my wife and I both shopping and major exhibition of women's clothing walked up to the second round and the seller was a young beautiful and has become viewed Tiz my wife Almtdj behind the abaya and puts his hand on Zbeh the excess of desire, and entered my wife in the spinning sex with the young man and took him to the corner side in the place and became a nurse his lips in front of me stood up Zba irritability Winnick and I wished that my wife that the Lebanese But the young man...

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My Tenants Huge Cock Male Multiple Orgasms

As any 38 year old woman can tell you, there are times when you just want sex all the time. I am a horny lady who loves sex and need it almost every day. I am very orgasmic and love to masturbate. I have been doing this for most of my adult life. I have had several affairs when I was married, but since my husband could not keep pace with my sexual needs and desires, I have since divorced him.I have medium length brown hair and deep blue eyes. I am always being told that I look younger than my...

4 years ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 4

Throughout the greater part of the day we mingled among the town’s folk. After the evening’s feast I was told our stroll had more than reassured the guest workers and recent arrivals, and they were celebrating and congratulating themselves at their smart choice to move here. I didn’t really understand how a crowd’s mood could swing so broadly from fatal resignation over one calamity and then to sweeping happiness. Yet, hope was the fire that fed their emotions, even when a brief squall dumped...

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She didnt know that I knew Part 3

These very erotic trysts repeated for the next two weeks: Wednesday morning, my wife would remind me that she would be working late on a project at work. I would wait in bed, pretending to be asleep but naked (and quite hard). She would quietly come home just after midnight, remove her clothes, except for her panties and slip into bed next to me. She would then gently touch my shoulder, I would roll over and slide down her body, sitting up to just long enough to remove her panties and then...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Arya Fae Take My Ass For A Spin

The hot blonde teen Arya Fae was beyond excited for her package to arrive. What could it be? Nothing other than a fidget spinner ass plug of course! Arya was sick of getting bored from traditional anal training, so she wanted something that it would make it more fun. She ran right up to her room and ed the plug and gave it a spin! That spinner put us in a trance. The only thing that pulled our attention back was Arya’s lovely pussy. Arya was so caught up in her spinner that she didn’t realize...

2 years ago
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Maries young lover

Marie’s Young Lover by alexcarr © Marie, that’s what I call her now – before I was appointed to redecorate her home. It never ever crossed my mind, in fact quite the opposite, that I could ever see her as an attraction. But although she was 55 and I was 30 years her junior it dawned on me, during the time I spent in her home , that there was a chemical attraction, something which you can’t explain but there, whether it be because of her openness, her kindness I cannot say -maybe simply a bit...

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My Naughty Little Niece

My brother moved to town with his new wife and her daughter H (as she's known) 2 years ago now and from the moment we meet she treated me like a big brother more than an uncle, which she knew I hated being called. My brother and H didn't really get on and now she was 18 they still treated her as a kid but I could tell by the way she acted and dressed she was no kid anymore, 5.2 with beach blonde hair she wasn't small in size but oh so curvy her tits were big full and still pert her curves...

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My First Man My First Cock Part 4

I awoke to the aroma of cooking bacon and coffee. As myeyes fluttered open, the image of my lover in his dark blue dressing gown came into focus. He smiled, and leant forward to kiss my cheek. ‘Good morning, sleepy head. I’ve made us some lunch,’ he said. Gingerly, I pushed myself up. My body ached, especially between my legs and my ass, and I became uncomfortably aware of the crusty sensation of dried cum on my belly and chest. The morning’s events came quickly back to me. As I reached...

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Happy Birthday to Me

It's early in the morning when you wake up, earlier than you expected to wake up on your eighteenth birthday. Rubbing your eyes, you run your fingers through your hair before glancing down at your naked body.

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Midnight Train To Nowhere Ch 04

This chapter is for the faithful who have followed The Man In Black while I struggled through a long and dark episode of writer’s block. Calling it writer’s block isn’t really fair or accurate, folks. It was a like a writer’s blackout. I am writing again now, and I have you to thank for it. Chapter 4 The Kid meets the Man in Black The Kid walked right into it, carelessly stepping through the partition into the next car. This gave the man in black the few seconds he needed to react, standing...

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Edge of ReasonChapter 2

Fiona and her sister arrive back at home after the appointment with Dr. Carr. Neither one can look at the other. And soon it becomes really awkward. It is still very early in the day and both are thinking about the upcoming doctor visit. Fiona is totally unsure of what to make of what just happened. She has come from the doctor’s office in a genetics company where a sexy older woman jacked her off and let her cum—not only that, but it was right in front of her sister! Then Dr. Carr...

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