Motherless Cuckold
- 1 year ago
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This story will pretty much show that I am what I've always known I am – an asshole! But so what? If you are an asshole and know you are an asshole you don't give a shit about what other people think about you anyway.
Some background here. I am Robert James Dalton; I am thirty-three years old and I am a Vice President of Operations in a company that I am not going to name for what will become obvious reasons. I am not going waste time describing myself because my appearance has no bearing on the story. My wife Julie's appearance has a great deal to do with it however so I will describe her.
Julie is a walking wet dream at five foot five inches, 110 pounds and with a body that measures 36-22-35. She has raven black hair that falls to the middle of her back and blue eyes that you can get lost in.
I met Julie in my junior year at college and it was lust at first sight. Get that? Lust at first sight? Not love, but lust! As soon as I saw her I wanted to fuck her. She had a boyfriend (no surprise there) but I had no intension of letting that little fact get in my way and I began plotting out a way to get to her which eventually proved to be a waste of time. All the plotting in the world can't take the place of pure assed dumb luck.
Julie and I had several shared classes together and Professor Hanson's Statistical Analysis was one of them. I had managed to get the seat next to Julie and midway through the class Hanson broke the class up in to groups of four and assigned each group a project. The first piece of dumb luck put Julie and me in the same group. I spent a lot of time with Julie (and the other two) in the library doing research and I managed to get Julie to have coffee with me after our group meetings. Without being overly aggressive I let Julie know I was interested in her. Probably no surprise to her. Given her looks she'd probably had guys sniffing after her since she was twelve. She knew what she had so she knew guys were going to be interested in her.
Then the second piece of dumb luck occurred. Julie found out that her boyfriend had cheated on her and she was pissed. She confronted him in public and then kicked him to the curb. The day after she dumped him when we left the library after our group meeting I asked her if she would like to join me for coffee she said yes.
We went to the B&B Café and had pie and coffee. As we sat there talking about the project she suddenly asked:
"Are you doing anything tonight?"
"Nothing planned. Why?"
"I need a date for a party I want to go to."
"What about Jerry?"
"He's history. I found out that he has been screwing around on me."
"The man is obviously an idiot."
"Why do you say that?"
"He had you and he was screwing around? Obviously an idiot."
"Can I take that to mean that you will be my date tonight?"
"You betcha."
The party was at the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity house and the reason she wanted to be there was that she knew Jerry would be there. She wanted him to see that she hadn't wasted any time wringing her hands and crying over the loss of him. She was using me and I knew it, but so what? I had my foot in the door and I intended to make the most of it. She got what she wanted. Jerry was obviously upset at seeing her on the arm of another guy so soon.
To speed things up a little that first date led to several more and six weeks later Julie was on my bed on her hands and knees taking my cock up her ass. The girl was insatiable. Jerry was indeed a chrome plated idiot for letting her get away. In short order my lust did translate into love and two months after graduation we tied the knot.
I got on at the unnamed company and Julie went to work for Artful Advertising. About a year after I went to work for the UNC I was at a client's cocktail party with Julie. There were two of my coworkers there and it was the first time that any of my coworkers had seen her. About an hour into the party Ben, one of my coworkers, pulled me off to the side to talk to me.
"No offense Bob, but your wife is seriously hot. It would be wise of you to never bring her to any company sponsored social event."
"Why would you tell me that?"
"Because Jack Bartrom (President and CEO of the UNC) has a reputation of going after the wives of employees, especially if they are good looking. If he is successful no one ever says anything about it because they don't want to lose their jobs."
"Do you know for a fact that this is true or is it just rumor and gossip?"
"It is true and I know it for a fact."
"How? You aren't even married."
"No, but my brother Mike is. I don't think you've met him. He is a production manager in the annex and his wife Betty is one of Jack's conquests."
"He is still with the company? Why didn't he kick his wife to the curb and quit. Sue Jack and the company for alienation of affections or something like that?"
"Because he didn't find out about it until about a year after it happened. When he did find out he decided not to rock the boat."
"Rock the boat?"
"Mike started work here as a machine operator. He took Betty to his first company picnic and Jack saw her and apparently liked what he saw. He nailed her and a month later Mike was promoted to lead operator. Four months after that he was promoted again. After that came promotions to assistant supervisor then supervisor. When he was promoted to assistant production manager someone finally clued him in. As long as Betty fucked Jack Mike got promoted. Mike got a PI to check things out and the PI found out that Betty was not only fucking Jack two or three times a week, but was also playing the part of company whore and taking care of clients for Jack.
"He confronted Betty and found out that Jack had seduced her and had promised her that as long as she fucked him Mike would do well in the company. Mike decided that he didn't want to start over with a new job and a new wife. Except for being a cheat Betty was a good wife. She kept a clean house, was a good cook and she gave him all the pussy he wanted whenever he wanted. Betty apparently told Jack that Mike had found out and seemed to accept it and a week after he confronted Betty he was promoted to production manager. So a word to the wise Bob; keep your sexy wife away from anywhere Jack can get a look at her."
To be honest that sounded like just so much bullshit to me. If shit like that really happened sooner or later there would be a shit storm over it. There would be lawsuits over sexual harassment and things like that. I put Ben's warning out of my mind and eventually forgot about it. I never did take Julie to anyplace where Jack could get a look at her, but it was because I never went to any of the company's social events.
And then in the space of eight days two things happened and my life changed.
The first thing was that Julie and I attended a barbecue at Ben's house on a Sunday and I met his brother Mike and Mike's very pregnant wife Betty. I'd seen Mike around at work, but we had never spoken to each other. Later on the afternoon Mike came up to me.
"You have a very attractive wife. Ben told me that he'd told you about what happened to me and he got the impression that you thought what he'd told you was bullcrap."
Then he didn't pull any punches and told me straight out that what Ben had told me was true and he told me that with his very pregnant and obviously nervous wife standing three feet away from us and trying to look invisible.
"He met Betty at the company picnic and took notice of her. At the time he was fucking Tom Deerfield's wife. I found this out later. Apparently Barton is a one woman man in that he only fucks one wife at a time. Anyway he was fucking Deerfield's wife and he added Betty's name to the list of wives he was going to eventually fuck sooner or later. The later happened at the company Christmas party that was held at Jack's home. After we had been there a couple of hours Betty and I were talking to Jack and Deerfield came up to us and said he had something he thought I'd like to see. Jack told me to go ahead with Deerfield and he would keep Betty company.
"I had no idea of what the plan was. No one warned me like Ben and I are trying to warn you. I guess I was pretty naïve. I thought it was great that Betty was getting along with the boss. I was thinking that if he liked her by extension he would like me and my thought was that it is never a bad thing to be liked by the boss. I thought all was fine when he entertained Betty."
He stressed the word 'entertained' and his wife's face turned red.
"The bastard's line is so good that it only took him fifteen minutes to get stupid over there (pointing to his wife) to hoist up her dress, kick off her panties and spread her legs for him. When it was over he told her that from then on she was his slut and as long as she kept fucking him I would always have a job. According to Betty the asshole has a ten inch dong and Betty got off on it. She told him he could have her anytime he wanted. And he wanted a lot. It wasn't long before he had her fucking anyone he wanted her to. I do have to give the bitch a little bit of credit though. Somewhere along the way she told him that it was only fair that I get something out of it too and I started getting raises and promotions. I found out later that he went after Betty when Deerfield's wife got pregnant. Seems that pregnant women turn him off. I don't know who he is fucking now, but he hasn't done Betty since she started to show. I'm not sure that it is mine. It could be Bartroms's or the offspring of someone he gave her to. I'm telling you all of this to reinforce Ben's warning. I just wish someone would have clued me in ahead of time."
As I walked away from him and his wife I was thinking that it was a good thing to know, but I wasn't worried because I still didn't attend any events where Bartrom could meet Julie.
The second event occurred eight days later. It was a bit of a cliché. I had to drive across town to get a contract signed. It was a part of town that I hardly ever was in and driving back to the office I saw my wife walking hand in hand with a guy and they were walking into a hotel. One thing I did know was that particular hotel did not have a bar or a restaurant in it so it as obvious to me what the two of them were planning on doing.
I was pissed and I hung a U-turn and drove back to the hotel. I pulled up and parked in a no parking zone next to a fire hydrant and headed for the front door of the hotel, but before I got there I managed to get myself under control. "Back off Bob" I told myself. "You need to find out more of what is going on before you rush into things." I moved the car to where I could watch the front door of the hotel. I called the office and told them I had car trouble and was waiting on Triple A and I'd get there as soon as I could and then I settled in to wait.
Two hours later Julie and the guy came out holding hands. They exchanged a passionate kiss and then Julie headed off to the left and the guy headed right which brought him my way. I got a good look at him and was surprised to see that it was Jerry. The guy she broke up with that allowed me to start dating her. As I watched him walk by on the way to his car I was thinking on what I needed to do. The first thing was to find out more about what was going on, how long it had been going on and why it had been going on. One thing I did know was that I wasn't even remotely qualified to do the digging to find out those things. I was going to have to hire a professional.
When I got back to the office I got out the Yellow Pages and looked up Investigators and Investigation Services. I picked Abbott and Abbott Investigations primarily because they had the biggest ad. I called and made an appointment to see them the next day.
That evening when I got back to the house I didn't detect any change in Julie's attitude toward me and I wondered if that day was the first time she had stepped out on me. She was her usual affectionate self and at bedtime she indicated that she wanted to play. That wasn't unusual because she always wanted to play. I didn't say no or try to avoid dicking her. It wouldn't be the first time I'd had sloppy seconds. I'd had plenty in high school and college and I knew that it wouldn't kill me. And I did want to see if I could detect any traces of what she had done that afternoon.
I couldn't tell. Either Julie had cleaned up pretty good while still at the hotel or Jerry had used a condom. I did wonder if the reason she was so eager on that particular night was because she got off on giving me seconds or recently used pussy. No way for me to ever know for sure since we normally made love anywhere from three to five times a week. And nothing was lacking. Julie was as energetic and active as ever. Julie was as enthusiastic and energetic as always and she got three times out of me that night. One missionary, one cowgirl and one anal in the bow-wow position. When it was over she cuddled up next to me and fell asleep.
The next day I met with one of the Abbotts of Abbott and Abbott Investigations. I described my situation and he told me flat out that unless my wife and her lover did something out in public where they could be observed and filmed the best that he could do for me was document their comings and goings at hotels and motels, but they couldn't get anything from inside the rooms that I could use legally. They could get me photos of the couple hugging, kissing and hand holding and of the two entering and leaving rented rooms, but that would be the extent of it. He did say he could get stuff inside the rooms and that it would cost a bunch, but none of it could be used in a court. Then he asked me if I travelled as part of my job.
"Where we have most of our luck is in the residence. If it is your own place and you authorize it it is not an invasion of privacy."
I told him that I did occasionally travel as part of my job once every two months or so and he asked me when my next trip was.
"Next week. I'll be gone Monday and Tuesday and will return on Wednesday."
"Can you get us into your place so we can wire it for audio and video before you leave on the trip?"
"I can do it tomorrow."
"Good, but want to caution you not to get your hopes up. We may end up with nothing. It will all depend on your wife's mindset and past experience. If she is new to cheating she may not be too concerned about how she does it, but if she has been at it for a while she probably has learned to be a bit more cautious about things. She may have made the decision to never do it at home where she is likely to get caught. She may avoid using the home phone fearing a bug on the line. There is no way of knowing for sure what, if anything, we will get out of setting the house up for surveillance. In short, what I am doing is warning you that regardless of the fact you are paying us to get the dirt on your wife we may not come up with anything you can use. Knowing that are you still willing to go to the expense of us wiring your house?"
I had to think about that for a moment. When you already know that your wife is cheating and you go to a PI to get the proof you automatically assume that it is cut and dried. You know it is true without a doubt so the professional will have no trouble proving it right? But the man sitting across from me is telling me I could very well be spending a good deal of money for nothing. After a moment's thought I decided that I had to know what was going on. I knew she was cheating on me. That was a given. But I needed to know who, how many, how often and where and it was clear to me that I wasn't going to find out unless I spent the money to try.
"Let's do it" I said.
In the end it was expensive, but I got what I wanted. I met the two men that Abbott sent at the house the next morning and in two hours the house was wired. Every room in the house was covered and the phone line had a tap on it. Even if she didn't use the home phone all the bugs planted in the house would at least pick up her side of any conversation she might have on her cell phone if she talked in the house. I even got some highly technical surveillance stuff. Little recording devices that I could hide in the linings of her purses and I could pull the information off of them when they were in range of my laptop.
The system started earning its keep almost immediately. Julie got home before me and used the home phone to call her lover before I got home. No names were mentioned, but I assumed that she was talking to Jerry. The recording started with the 'bleep, bleep, bloop, bleep' of the numbers being pushed. Four rings and then:
"It's me lover."
"What's up?"
"I have to cancel our date for tomorrow. The boss scheduled an all hands meeting and I have to be there."
"Damn it babe; I was looking forward to being in that tight pussy."
"No more than I was looking forward to having that big cock in my tight pussy."
"No chance of getting out of the house tomorrow?"
"No chance lover. He leaves for his trip on Monday and he gets my full attention until he leaves. The bright side is that he will be gone for three days and we can use those three days to make up for missing tomorrow."
"I'm really looking forward to it. I can't believe that I'm going to get you for three days and nights."
"Only two lover."
"You only get two nights. Three days, but only two nights. He will be back Wednesday evening. Go to go lover. I can hear the garage door opening. He's home and I need to get dinner started."
Well there it was. If I had any lingering doubts they were gone. She did follow through with what she'd told her lover. I did get her full attention over the weekend. Starting on Friday night. After dinner she told me dessert would be served in the bedroom. Dessert was so good I had two helpings. She woke me with a blow job on Saturday morning and fucked me twice before we went out to breakfast.
When we got home from eating I got busy with household chores. I cut the grass, cleaned the garage and moved a bunch of stuff out of the basement and put it outside for trash pickup day on Monday. Around five I knocked off and took a shower to clean up and I wasn't in the shower for a minute before Julie climbed in with me. We washed each other's backs (and fronts) and I ended up fucking her from behind as she leaned against the shower wall. We toweled each other dry which led to us jumping in bed for another round of sex.
Then we decided to go out to dinner. Julie sat right beside me and played with my cock all the way to the restaurant and on the way home she had my cock out and was sucking it all the way to the house. Once more before we fell asleep cuddled up to each other. Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday. Monday morning started with a blow job and one more bout on the bed and then I was on my way to Cleveland.
As I gazed out the window of the 737 at the passing ground below I was wondering how Julie could be so damned loving and affectionate with me when she had a lover. Was what she was doing with me all an act? Something to keep me from ever wondering about her straying? Or was knowing that she was giving me left overs turning her on? I might never know.
During my visit to Camden Industries I was kept so busy that I didn't have much time to think on the home situation. I didn't need to wonder about what was going on because I knew I would see it in living color when I got home and reviewed what the audio and video recorders had picked up. On the flight home I did spend some time on thinking what I was going to do. I had several very good ideas, but I sent most of them to the scrap heap because doing them would likely have me in a prison cell.
When I got home I was greeted the way I usually was when I came home from a trip. A long passionate kiss, a "God baby, but I've missed you and I hope you aren't too tired for what I have in mind." Which was a trip to the bedroom where she flat wore me out. My thoughts as sleep claimed me were on how she could be that way with me and still have a lover.
I found out the next day.
My usual routine after a trip was to go into the office, turn in my paperwork, catch up on what had gone on while I was gone and then take the rest of the day off. I got home at noon-thirty which gave me a good five hours before Julie would get home. Time I would use to review the product of the surveillance system.
It was enlightening.
Jerry had shown up on Monday at six and he and Julie ate the dinner that she had ready and then they went up to the bedroom and fucked until they were both tired. He spent the night, got a morning blow job, one bout of fucking and then they both left for work. Tuesday was a repeat of Monday except that Julie brought take out home instead of cooking. Wednesday morning was a wake up blow job, a fuck, a showering together followed by another fuck and then they left the house and went to work.
Julie had been fucked fourteen times between six in the evening on Monday and seven in the morning on Wednesday and then she got three more in with me when I got home. Seventeen times in three days! Julie and I had a very active sex life and we usually made love on an average of six times a week, but she had gone seventeen times in seventy-two hours. Unbelievable!
The videos of her two nights told me the story. Actually the first two minutes of Monday's action told me the story. Julie was a size queen!!! Jerry soft was larger than I was at my hardest.
I'm not going to describe all that I saw and heard on the video, but one portion of their pillow talk on Monday was of great interest to me. The two had just finished a fuck in the missionary and were resting up and gaining strength for their next bout when Jerry said:
"You love it when we get together and make love. You can hardly wait for our next time so why won't you leave him so we can be together full time?"
"First off you and I don't make love. We fuck. The only person I make love with is my husband."
"Oh give me a break Jules. If he was any good in bed you wouldn't be here with me now."
"How many times have I told you not to put him down? You keep it up and I swear to God you will be history. He is much better in bed than you will ever be. The only reason you are here now is dick size. There are places in me that when touched set me off like a sky rocket. You can touch them and he can't. I need and crave the orgasms I get when we fuck, but make no mistake about it Jerry; all you and I do is fuck. If the choice were ever came down to you or my hubby you would be gone in a heartbeat. I love everything about my hubby, but all I love about you is your cock."
"That's cold Jules."
"Maybe, but it is true and it is all your own damned fault. If you had kept your dick in your pants and only taken it out for me we might still be together. But you couldn't do that could you. You had to take it out for every girl you met and I caught you and dumped you. But I am grateful to you for that. I wouldn't have met Bobby and fallen in love with him if you would have just behaved. I love the man and I'll do anything for him and that includes giving up your cock if you keep dissing him."
That was certainly eye opening. I especially liked the part where she said she would do anything for me. That little tidbit of information triggered a thought in my mind. A nugget that I could build on. I'd need to work on it, but it just might work.
I had dinner ready when Julie got home from work and after we ate she said "I know what I want for dessert if you are up to it."
"Not to worry sweets; you have always been able to get me up for things."
It was another of our spirited romps that lasted for a couple of hours after which we cuddled up next to each other. I faded off into dreamland thinking of my plan.
The next day at work was a slow one and I spent some of my idle time putting my plan down on paper and then going over it to fine tune it. By the time I left the building to go home I had it all worked out. The only thing I didn't know about my plan was would it work? My plan depended on two people doing what I hoped they would. And what was the plan? Just remember that I did warn you up front that I was an asshole.
Actually there were two plans. Plan A was to start attending company social functions and dangle Julie in front of Jack. If Jack's line was as slick and his dick was as big as Mike had led me to believe Jack would try to hook up with Julie. If he was successful I would put a PI on them and then when I had the goods on him I would go to Jack and Say "Here is the deal." If Plan A failed I'd fall back on Plan B. I'd show Julie what I had from the surveillance tapes, point out that she had said that she would do anything for me, tell her what I wanted and then point her at Jack.
The object of both plans were the same. Personal gain. Either from a lawsuit or a rapid rise through the ranks to a VP position with all the money and perks that came with the title.
Was I going to use the proof of Julie's cheating to get a divorce? Not at all. For one thing the states no fault divorce laws would ruin me financially. She would get half of everything and since I made twice what she did I would end up paying her alimony which, in effect, would be paying her to fuck someone else. No; no divorce. Instead of letting her cost me money I'd try and use her to make me money. From the videos it was clear that she did love me and that fact did make things easier. She was a good cook and a fantastic piece of ass. I wasn't thrilled that she needed to spend some time with someone who happened to be born with something I wasn't, but I could live with it.
The first chance to put my plan into action came two weeks later on a Wednesday. The company held an open house for all of its customers and employees were encouraged to bring their spouses. Jack's credo appeared to be "We are all one big happy family here at the UNC." I primed Julie for the party by telling her that a good impression wouldn't hurt my chances for promotion and she dressed accordingly. Little black dress, CFMs, diamond earrings and a diamond pendant left to her by her grandmother. She looked both classy and sexy.
Was it effective? I'll say! I saw Jack looking our way when we walked in. He was clear on the other side of the crowded room and it took him less than twenty seconds to come clear across the room to warmly greet us. He hadn't said more than a dozen words to me since I hired in, but from his greeting you would have thought we had been best friends forever. I introduced him to Julie and he took her hand and said that he was very glad to meet her.
"I'm so glad you could come. I hope you enjoy yourself and I hope to see more of you at these company bashes."
He pointed us toward the bar, told us to have a good time and then he went off to smooze someone else. I walked Julie over to the bar and got her a glass of white wine and myself a vodka tonic and as I handed Julie her wine she said:
"If the look in his eyes was any indication you got the good impression you wanted."
I just smiled and then we circulated and socialized. Ben and Mike were standing at the back of the room talking and I walked Julie over to them. We made polite conversation, but the look on both of their faces screamed out "Have you lost your fucking mind?!!! Bringing her here so Jack can see her?" Naturally I didn't tell them (or would I ever) that I hadn't lost my mind and that I knew just what I was doing. Or at least hoped that I knew what I was doing.
From time to time I looked Jack's way and saw him looking our way and I knew that it wasn't me that he was looking at. Julie and I hadn't been there more than forty-five minutes when he made his first move. Julie and I were at the bar refreshing our drinks when Jack came over to us.
"I need a favor Rob. Carstairs from Apex is interested in our LQ177s and I know you are more up on them than I am. Would you give him a tour and answer his questions? I'll ride herd on your lovely bride and see to it that she comes to no harm."
I turned to Julie and asked, "Would you mind sweetie?"
"Go ahead babe. I'm sure that I'll be in good hands."
As I left to find Carstairs I was smiling to myself and thinking "All systems are go and we are ready for launch."
I spent forty-five minutes with Carstairs and when we went back to the party I had an order for 2500 LQ177s in my hand. I looked around for Jack and Julie, but I didn't see them. I remembered Mike telling me that it had only taken Jack ten minutes to get his wife's dress up and her panties off. Maybe he was exaggerating, but I hoped not. Hopefully, as I stood there and surveyed the room, Jack had Julie bent over a desk somewhere and was banging away at her and if his cock was as big as Mike had said I'm sure that my size queen would be enjoying it and want more.
With any luck at all I'd get two things out of the deal. A rapid rise at the UNC and Jerry kicked to the curb. I know I know; it sounds stupid. Here I am setting my wife up to be fucked by another man and at the same time hoping that she will kick the guy she is cheating on me with out of her life. Hey! I'm human and I don't have to make sense. Besides; her fucking Jerry was of no benefit to me.
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Introduction: This is the second part of the story… enjoy. Bobby and Spanky II By Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spankys last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did...
It’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...
BisexualIt’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...
BisexualBy Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spanky’s last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did the same with his huge cock. I told myself that I would ride a dick like...
Introduction: English Bobby y Spanky By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful, it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the...
By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful; it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the court do not know that nowadays...
Introduction: Constructive criticism welcome. I cant gey better unless I know whats wrong. I waved good-bye and watched my mom and dad drive away. As soon as they were out of sight, I pulled a cigarette from my purse and lit it. About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated alone time. That meant that my sister and...
About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated 'alone time'. That meant that my sister and I had to find a place to spend the weekend. I usually stayed with my best friend, Sara. She lived four houses down from me with her mom, Angie, and older brother, Bobby. Sara's dad was long gone and her mom let us...
It is Saturday about 3 p.m. and Bobby is due home from college any minute now.It has been about 6 weeks since I have seen him and I am looking forward toit.Doing my usual Saturday household chores, I have already changed the sheets onBobby's bed, cleaned his room and done the washing. Bobby always brings homesome clothes for me to wash.I hear Bobby come in the door and rush to meet him. I put my arms around hisneck and hug him tightly. He gives a superficial hug back. He has never beenone...
La semana pasada estaba tomando el sol en mi jardin cuando escuche ruido en la cerca divisoria de un costado de su casa. Me di cuenta que el perro trataba de cruzar la cerca. No puse demasiada atención pues asumí que el perro era muy grande para pasar por entre las tablas así que volví a cerrar los ojos… pasaron unos minutos y volví a escuchar ruido mas cerca de mi, abrí los ojos y cual fue mi sorpresa cuando veo junto a mi al enorme al enorme perro con su lengua colgando y chorros de...
Alicia is a very special person in my world. She is a great many things to me. She's my best friend, my confidant, my girlfriend, my lover and my mom. Mom seems to really love her role as my own personal cumslut and is always there for me whenever I need to get off. Lately, I've been able to forget about my alarm clock because every morning I awake to the feel of warm, wet lips sucking my cock. Let me tell you, it's a great way to start the day!Mom and I live alone and there is no dad to talk...
Hi ISS readers. I am Aakash, 21 years old from Kerala. I am sufficiently tall and I weigh around 90 kg. This is the first story I am publishing in ISS. I was a virgin until about 2 years back and I will publish all my earlier escapades based on the response I get for this. Please mail me your response – This story I am about to narrate is about my first bisexual threesome with a married couple which happened almost 1 year back. I had met a couple in a chat room who where looking for a...
Bobby went upstairs heading for his mother’s room. Half an hour ago he had seen her take several sleeping pills. He opened the door. He saw his mother Cindy lying on the bed fast asleep. Bobby came closer and sat down on the bed turning on the bedside lamp. He had been planning for this day for almost a week. He touched his mother to see if the pills had done their job. Cindy didn’t react and Bobby tried again. Soon he was sure that his mother was not going to wake up. He carefully pulled the...
IncestIntroduction: English Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. They know how to look after themselves. No doubt about it I answered. From that moment on, we, adults,...
Anne and Carol have received an invitation to a Girls Night Out Party at Bobby Vasquez’s estate. He also invited the wives from Dr. Carlos’s swingers group. He was there that night at the Lake. He is well known by the married ladies. There are two stipulations for the party. Plenty of food, beverage and entertainment provided. Bathing suits and wedding rings optional. My name is Anne. My best friend and co-worker is Carol. We have been invited to Bobby Vasquez’s estate for a Girls Night...
GroupIt had been a couple of weeks since I watched Bobby and Scott in the woods. I called the number they gave me, and surprisingly it worked. Bobby answered it, and we made plans to meet on the weekend. I met them at the restaurant and we had a few drinks and a good meal. They followed me back to my house and had an other drink. Scott reached over and unbuttoned Bobby's shirt. As he did I sat beside him and unbuckled his belt and pants. Scott leaned back and gave me a kiss. As Bobby stood up we...
Introduction: this is the englis versiion of my original work. Bobby and Spanky By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the...
(Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors’ parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. — They know how to look after themselves. — No doubt about it — I answered. From that moment on, we, adults, became the best new...
By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the younger brother of about 12 or 13 years old with blond hair and blue eyes. He...
It began with a cold wet April late night knock on my door. Bedraggled, wet, and wretched, clutching a small satchel, Bobby stood at my door. “I’ve been kicked out; can I come in?” Of course I let him in. He was a young man, whom I had tutored before his university admission tests. Bright, articulate, personable, but he did lack focus. Decades younger than I, I was never tempted by him, although there was no doubt he was attractive. He just seemed too young, although he was legally an adult. He...
It was the beginning of May and the days were getting much warmer so I would sit out on the porch after I put the k**s to bed. A guy, that lived with his parents, next door, started sitting and talking to me. I felt so lonely and it really felt good to speak to someone.His name was Bobby. He was 22, not terribly good looking and was about 5" 8". But he was nice. This went on for about a week, He would always come right to the porch and sit next me and just talk, mostly about me, for a couple of...
Hi readers its housewife Bobby (just a name not real) again with continuation of my first part Housewife Bobby Fucked By Young Guy. Thanks for your emails comments. Before reading this please go through that story; since we have our first sexual session. After that just like lovers we were in bed kissing caressing and cuddling each other. Suddenly he got an emergency call so he went out leaving me at my sexual peak. I laid on bed fully naked thinking of those magical moments. Then next Monday...
Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...
Cuckold Porn SitesIf you love watching sexy married women getting fucked by other dudes and/or ladies – while their husband watches no less – then you are going to love what kind of kinky tube site I have in store for you today. The great thing about it is that this is a tube site that has already proven itself to be a real winner. If you have visited SxyPrn in the past, then you already know how fucking awesome and convenient it can be to find the kind of porn you crave.For those that love cuckold, this is no...
Cuckold Porn SitesBased on a true story*"Wow! You drain me. Between your mouth and that big guy between your legs, my pussy is so sore. I think I'm going to call you, 'Bruce the Bull'. Wow!"Bruce: "Oh, I bet you tell all the guys that.""Just the well endowed guys like you."Bruce: "Have you had many experiences? Oh, maybe that's not a proper question?""Oh, that's okay. I've had only a couple. All through high school, I went steady with this one boy, Paul. He was a star basketball and football player. God, he was...
Do you enjoy watching your significant other get fucked by other men? Or do you enjoy fucking wives and attached females while their partner looks on in the background? Preferably if he’s crying a little and rubbing himself down with his own shit in anguish?Hey, I’m just reciting what you searched for last night! I see what you do over here on Fetish Porn Sites! So don’t act surprised! Instead, get your cuckold fix by visiting instead!It is here that you will find all...
Cuckold Porn SitesAloha, a simple Hawaiian word that means hello, and goodbye. Aloha, as in "aloha spirit" that stands for the perfect alignment of body and mind., a simple yet staggeringly amazing website that will push you into this aloha spirit state simply by treating you with all sorts of porn that exists in this world! Nothing about this website is small, mediocre, or shitty. Let me present you the page on that boasts a crazy number of...
Cuckold Porn Sitesor CUCKOLD: A LINGUISTIC ASYMMETRY, by Holly Rennick plus CUCKOLD: IF THE MILKMAN DELIVERS AT 9:30, WHY MAKE YOUR BED TWICE? by Cindi Barton AUTHORS' NOTES This literary contribution may seem a bit like ping-pong if our co-authorship is new to you. Actually, this is our fourth publication. Visit Holly's ASSTR website for "Notebook", "Top Tips" and "Oneida" to get a sense of our literary partnership. We offer our insights not as a final analysis, but merely as a point of embarkation...
After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Alyssa who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Alyssa is five feet...
Eporner comes with a healthy dose of cuckold porn for your horny, porn-wanting eyeballs. A library with over ten thousand videos all dealing with cuckold to some degree. It's certainly enough to keep you entertained for quite a while until you beat your meat into submission. Or finger your pussy until those sweet convulsions consume you. Cuckold comes in a few flavors. It always involves the wife being unfaithful to her husband who probably can't satisfy her anymore. In other situations, he's...
Cuckold Porn SitesYou've probably heard of "cuckold" before. But do you really know what it means? A cuckold can be created in two ways and both of those ways involve someone in the relationship cheating. The first way can be a guy's wife going out and fucking some other guy because at least he gives her dick, you know? The second can be a guy making a move on another dude's wife and fucking her. Some of these situations can be quite obvious and in the face of the person who's being cheated on.The wife doesn't...
Cuckold Porn SitesIt all began over twenty years ago when I met Lizabeth, the girl who became my wife.I had no idea what Mother Nature's plan was for me in those early years. I did realize that I was different than the other boys and felt that I never could quite fit in.During all of my school years I was a shy, naive boy who never participated in any school activities; never went to any of the school dances and never dated any of the girls even though I so much wanted them.I would only look and watch them from...
I was sipping at some sludge that Steve had made insisting it was coffee, and though a large array of scientific tests could factually prove he might have been telling the truth, I could not think of it as anything other than a cup of swamp water with some mud thrown in for flavor. He made lousy coffee, but perfect Heimlich maneuvers. We had been talking for the better part of an hour, old Mama Adele still lying on the floor since no-one had bothered to even move the body out of the way, not...
The briefings and the charts, all the various documents and maps they had shown me could not have relayed the fact that going through the damnable gateway was like filling your stomach with bricks and sand, before violently vomiting everything through your nose. My head felt like it had already been donated to science and then returned as if it hadn't been found useful at all. I looked around and saw I was in the same chamber, only the pond, the gateway, was curiously enough placed on the...
Some porn sites host their own fetish porn, such as cuckold. Others are the high and mighties. They're the ones who collect all kinds of cuckold porn and display it all neatly for your horny souls. iXXX is that site that has gone all over the internet and created this massive library of cuckold porn ready for people to come and enjoy. While what they've done as a whole is pretty interesting and doesn't leave much room for getting bored, there doesn't seem to be a lot special about iXXX.Their...
Cuckold Porn SitesSo given it is a clandestine relationship, meetings are hard to come by between Bobby and Rani. Our last bang was on 29.12 when we decided to end 2016 with a bang literally. And since then, it has been days of desirous fb chats, sexting, you name it. We even celebrated my birthday by driving out of town on some work but since we had to return the same day, there was simply no scope of doing it in a car in broad daylight and hence, the celebrations were quite celibate – save for the kisses and...
With the porn industry always offering new pornographic content, you know that you will never get bored. No matter what you might be searching for, there is always a website that will fulfill your naughtiest desires. As for those who are specifically into something that is considered a fetish or a kink, finding the right type of a website might be a challenge.However, that is why I am here. I shall tell you all you need to know about different fetish porn websites, and the suggestions are all...
Cuckold Porn SitesThe online world is filled with all sorts of porn movies, including many popular fetishes. So if you are searching for something specific, I am sure that you will be able to find it. However, the process of searching for your favorite porn sites can be quite tedious, because a lot of porn sites are really not worth your time. That is why Fetish Porn Sites is all you really need.I am here to talk about a site that is filled with cuckold pornos. is a free porn aggregator that has...
Cuckold Porn SitesLiving with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...
Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...
For me, I have come to crown this fetish as the weirdest of all fetishes. I have come across the shittest of shit here on the Pornosphere, from machine fucking, tickling, pissing, bondage, submission and all sorts of sexual antics, but when it comes to cuckold, well, I don't have words to describe this shit. Some men are into interracial porn. To my amusement, these perverts want to watch their women worship and be stretched by big monstrous cocks from black maniacs. The weirdest shit is that...
Cuckold Porn SitesIs this a joke, hombre? Do you fucking have a real girlfriend? Oh shit! I just remembered. You settled for the ugly BBW bitch on the Tinder dating app. Or could you be talking about your gay stud, faggot? Whatever shit it is, you just want a warm hole to nut in. Dumbass, I have seen it all in the pornosphere, but even if fetishes can get weird and kinky, cuckold is cringy. How lusty babes enjoy doing all shit with strangers as their boyfriends and husbands watch still amuses me.And how does a...
Cuckold Porn SitesThe journey from simple male chastity to cuckold chastity is an interesting one. It isn’t necessarily a natural progression to being a chastity cuck – the man who seeks to be placed in chastity isn’t by any means always fantasizing about his wife cuckolding him. However it’s often a slower journey from being kept in chastity…to adding the extra dimension of cuckolding into the mix. Being cuckolded by your woman, dovetails nicely with being denied sex by her. In fact most would argue that it...
I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...
Being a lover of porn for years now, not because I make money by reviewing porn but also because I'm a chronic wanker, and thus I am profound when it comes to pornsites and the shit they provide. What do you mean, Porndude? The thing is, I have come across my fair share of fucked up, low-effort sites that not even a 50-year-old virgin can fap you. Do you get what I'm saying motherfuckers? I am talking about sites that can lead you to hell rather than climax – spam and ad-filled sites that can...
Cuckold Porn SitesFor most guys, having to watch their wife or girlfriend fuck another dude is a nightmare. My readers would feel that pain particularly deep. For you fucks, to get a girlfriend would be the culmination of a life's effort. It will take every ounce of strength and ingenuity you have in your bones. You only have the perseverance to accomplish it once, so you have to make it count.Your version of making it count probably doesn't include watching your bitch get her brains fucked out by a black dude...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesPosted April 13. 2020By sissybabysusie aka babydicksissyCHAPTER ONE: It all started from a phone call from my wife Susie,"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?,.....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AN HOUR AGO..YOU NEED TO GET HERE DAMN QUICK..NOW JOHNATHAN ..WE NEED A SERIOUS TO TALK ! ".What the hell is all this about I thought.Susie could be quite assertive if she had to be .Susie was typically reserved ,quite sweet, kind to others,always helpful .Her stunning looks have no doubt helped her promotion working...
If you can't give your whore girlfriend the satisfaction she deserves because you have a tiny cock, chances are she will try to find it elsewhere. There are a few reasons your girl would bring a handsome stranger home to ride and arch for them in front of you. Either you moron fucking cheated on her with your busty neighbour, who she is always jealous about, or you are a sissy partner, and you never make her tremble to your perversions, and she wants you to at least learn something new and pick...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesAnother FantasyThis is just a fantasy and I am definitely not such a sub in real lifeOn many days I sit at my computer and watch porn without my wife’s knowledge. I really do like watching cuckold videos and have built up a large collection on my hard drive. Then it happened. My computer crashed with the Blue Screen of Death (a well-known Windows fault). I could not get it to work so I had to take it into the repair shop. It took a while for the shop to fix it and they were able to back up all...
Being CUCKOLD and having the desire to see or know that your wife has sex with other men, in this type of relationship the husband usually puts his wife in charge of married life and becomes submissive to her.THE DIFFICULTIES OF BECOMING A CUCKOLD.One of the biggest difficulties in becoming a horn is convincing your wife to understand that you simply want to take a horn.Usually the horns start to fantasize about this during sex, then after a while the wife begins to dislike the idea, thinking...
Hi friends this is bobby bob here again after a long time. This is in continuation with my previous post “bobby’s friend sonal”. Me and sonal were in touch with each other and used to speak as and when we get time. We had sex sessions also twice after that. She used to be very happy when i was around. She shares everything with me. One day she called me and said that her cousin sister had come to her house and sonal herself had told everything to her about me and she wants to meet me and if i...
"More strudel, herr Barhoe?" ventured the Baron, even as he cut a hefty slice and put it in his plate. "No, no, thank you. I'm full," I said and declined politely because indeed I had eaten as much as a starving bull. I hadn't quite expected this sort of reception, especially with what I'd been told up to that point about the Baron. Had I based my expectations solely on the merit of what I'd been led to believe, brutal torture would have been the order of the day, instead of a...