AftermathChapter 13 free porn video

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It was thirty minutes before dark when Bracken reentered Barnes' office. The discovery of the death of Kelly and the apparent escape by Jean and Anna had taken place twelve hours before and Bracken had spent the day with a full platoon of soldiers trying to track his traitorous wives down so they could be hanged.

"No sign at all huh?" Barnes asked as he looked at his wet and muddy and now wifeless subordinate. He had been following the results of the search on a radio set on his desk.

"Nothing," Bracken confirmed. "We went all the way to the first mudfall to the east and saw nothing at all. Fourth platoon went all the way to the edge of the valley on the west and they saw nothing either. First and second platoons checked to the north and south, even though those are the least likely directions they might have gone, and again, nothing."

"There's no way they could have made it more than a mile outside of town in the dark," Barnes said confidently. "Even if they did manage to get out somehow, they would have been forced to camp just outside the range of the guards' visual zone until sunrise. It would've been impossible for them to navigate or move in the darkness."

"I agree, sir," Bracken said. "If they were out there, we would have seen them or picked up some sign of them. We have no evidence whatsoever that they even made it outside the perimeter. How could they even have made their way through any of our defenses in the dark? It's impossible."

"So that leaves us with the conclusion that they are still in town somewhere," Barnes said.

"That's right," Bracken told him. "They're probably hiding in one of the abandoned houses or in the industrial area. With your permission, I'll start a building to building search of the entire town at first light."

"Permission granted. We'll probably find them by noon tomorrow at the latest. We'll hang them before dinner if that's the case."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't blame yourself for this, Bracken," Barnes told him reassuringly. "No one can tell when their bitches are going to do something stupid like this. They're secretive little cunts, the bitches, and they plot against us without our even knowing about it."

"There must be some way to prevent that," Bracken said. "After all, we've got to maintain order in town."

"We'll have to come down a little harder on them it would seem. I think that, starting with this escape, we should punish all of them for the offense."

"Punish all of them?"

"Yes," Barnes said, nodding as the thought grew more detailed in his mind. "We'll punish them all and try to make them realize that their actions affect more than just themselves. I will order tonight that every woman in town be beaten by their husbands for the offense committed by your wives. In addition to that, I will pull three names of women at random and order that they be hanged."

Bracken raised his eyebrows a bit. "Hang three other bitches at random because of what my bitches did? I don't think the guys will like that too much if it's their bitch that gets picked."

"I'm sorry the guys won't like it, but they'll just have to put up with it. We'll set the precedent right here and right now to all of the bitches just what the consequences are for trying to escape. It's harsh, but I think it's the only way we'll get these bitches to see that they are affecting more than themselves."

"I understand, sir," Bracken said.

Contrary to Barnes and Bracken's assumptions, Jean and Anna had made it well past the mudfall by the time the light returned to the sky. Well aware of the dragnet that would be pursuing them, they had recovered as much food as they could find from the landfill - more than twenty-seven cans - and had then moved at as quick of a pace down the Interstate as they could physically maintain. Of course both of these operations - food recovery and escape run - were aided greatly by the use of the night vision on the camera. With three long-life batteries to burn, there had been more than enough power to last them until morning. They had reached the mudfall by 5:00 AM that morning and, continuing on without pausing, had been nearly two miles into the woods on the trek around it when their escape was finally discovered.

They had not stopped for anything but bathroom breaks and a simple breakfast at sunrise (such as it was with the sun still hidden behind thick clouds). They had simply stashed the video camera and its one remaining battery back in their packs and continued on, their pace somewhat faster as they trudged over logs and up hills and through gullies. By the time the pursuing troops made it to the mudfall at around 1:30 that afternoon, Anna and Jean were back on the Interstate on the other side of it starting to feel, for the first time, that they had safely gotten away.

"I don't think we left any tracks that they could follow or any other sign that we were even out here," Anna said as they began walking east on the paved surface once again. "Chances are that they'll conclude we never left town in the first place. They'll probably waste at least two days searching for us there before it occurs to them to look this way again. By then we'll be far too far in front of them for there to be any hope of catching up with us."

"So you think we're safe?" Jean, who had been obsessively looking over her shoulder the entire time, asked hopefully.

"Safe from the Auburn men," Anna corrected. "However, there's still the great unknown out here to deal with; and we still only have twenty-six cans of food to last us all the way to Garden Hill."

"We'll make it," Jean said. "I just know we will. The hard part is over now."

All afternoon they had marched onward, coming to the second of the major mudfalls at about 4:30, just as the light started to fade towards darkness. They pushed another quarter mile into the woods and then, at long last, decided to make camp for the night. Here Anna gave up her unspoken leadership and passed it on to Jean, who had done a fair share of camping and hunting with her father and brothers before the comet. Jean was able to quickly build a lean-to against the side of a group of fallen trees. It was a lean-to that was both larger and better constructed than those that Brett and company had made on their initial trips through the woods.

"Let's get some sleep," Jean told her fellow conspirator once the makeshift structure was complete.

"I'm up for that," Anna agreed. "I can't believe you were able to build something that's dry inside."

"Mostly dry anyway," Jean said. She opened up the plastic bag that she had been using as her pack, pulling out the dry blankets inside. "Put the plastic bags down first," she said, demonstrating what she meant. "That will keep the water on the ground from getting us. Then, if we take off our clothes, our blankets will stay somewhat dry for tomorrow."

"Pretty smart, Jean," Anna said, repeating her motions with her own bag. "Are you sure you haven't been to college?"

Within minutes their wet clothes were stripped off and stored and their naked bodies were cuddled up together under the thick blankets.

"We're free," Jean whispered, pulling Anna closer to her.

"Yes," Anna said, soaking up the warmth of her friend's body. "We're free at last."

Exhausted, both were sound asleep in less than five minutes.

January 1 dawned just like any other day. The coming of the new year marked the 80th day since the impact of Comet Fenwell. Though there was still no sign of the sun through the thick cloud cover and though the moderate but depressingly steady rainfall continued to drop without let-up from those clouds, the spirits in Garden Hill were at perhaps an all-time high since that fateful day. They were now quite safe from the specter of starvation. More than six tons of rice and wheat, as well as more than six thousand cans of chicken noodle soup and more than four thousand cans of spinach, had been recovered from the abandoned train and stored. Mealtimes were starting to get a bit boring despite the best efforts of Tina, Stacy, and the other kitchen staff to dress up the new staples of their diet, but at least there were mealtimes every day.

In addition, the social climate of Garden Hill was undergoing a rapid metamorphosis. Though Brett and Jason and their various wives had been the ones to pioneer the concept of polygamous marriage, the concept had not received widespread acceptance in town until Paul, Janet, and Sherrie took the plunge. Though Brett was respected greatly in town for all that he had done, his reputation would always be associated with rebellion and radicalism. And though Jason was rapidly gaining the respect due him as an adult, many of the townspeople associated him with the burnings of youth. Paul, on the other hand, was considered about as straight-laced and normal as a person could get. Since Paul made it publicly known that he was participating in such a marriage, it was concluded almost unanimously that such a thing must be the wave of the future. As of the morning of January 1, four more polygamous marriages had been declared and two more seemed inevitable.

"So I was thinking," said Matt that afternoon as he sat in the cramped cargo area of the helicopter next to Paul.

"A dangerous thing," said Brett from the pilot's seat, producing a dutiful laugh from all on board.

They were two hours into a recon mission to examine the contents of all of the trucks that had been abandoned on the Interstate between Garden Hill and the snowline. So far they had dropped Matt and Paul down five times next to vehicles and five times they had drawn blanks as far as anything useful being in the trucks. The first one had been empty. The second had contained sixteen thousand heads of lettuce that had long since spoiled. The third had been full of bags of steer manure - which might be somewhat useful once the sun came back out. The fourth had been empty. The fifth had contained two thousand cases of Sprite soda.

"What were you thinking, Matt?" asked Jason, the designated lookout and student pilot.

"Well, we're going around calling today January 1, right?"

"Are you saying that it isn't January 1?" Paul asked him. "We've kept pretty good track of all the days since impact and I'm pretty sure that our date is correct."

"Also," Brett said, "I've got the same watch I was wearing before the comet." He held up his hand to show it to them. "It takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. I never did set it back an hour when we went back to standard time in October, but it says that it's the 1st of January too. We haven't forgot to count any days, I'm quite sure of it."

"No," Matt said, "that's not exactly what I'm saying. I still have the same watch as well and I have been marking off days on the calendar in my house in addition to that. It is in fact January 1 under the old calendar."

"The old calendar?" Jason asked.

"Correct," Matt said. "It is my thought that we should not be using that calendar any longer. It is outdated, counting down days and years from the alleged birth of Jesus Christ more than two thousand years ago. A significant event for those who believe in Him, I will agree, but it does not have a lot of bearing on mankind's current situation."

"I'm sure there are a lot of religious people out there who will disagree with you," Paul said.

"I'm sure you're right," Matt said. "But fanatics not withstanding, I believe that the new significant event we should be concerned with is the impact of the comet that nearly destroyed us all. It is that event that marks the major change in mankind and it is that event that those in the future generations should be able to mark as the new beginning of society - whatever it turns out to be."

"That does make a certain amount of sense," Brett said, banking slightly to the right as the Interstate two thousand feet below curved. "So what date would it be on your new calendar?"

"Today would be March 21, year 0," Matt replied. "Exactly eighty days, or two and two-thirds months from the day of impact. On January 1, year 1, we'll be exactly one year from the day of impact."

"March 21?" Jason asked. "But that's the first day of spring. Right now we're in the middle of winter, or at least we would be if these clouds weren't screwing everything up. You can't just go changing around the months and the seasons, can you?"

"Why not?" Matt wanted to know. "It will probably be a long time before we go back to any sort of normal weather patterns anyway. I mean, once the rain stops and the clouds break up a little, we're still going to have vastly different weather than we're used to. All of the snow in the mountains will make new glaciers, which is going to affect winds and temperatures globally. According to Maggie - who's the closest thing to a scientist that we have - we're probably going to be starting a new ice age that will last for a few thousand years. What possible difference will it make to our descendants is the winter solstice is in February instead of December? What difference will it make if the summer solstice is in September instead of June?"

"But what about Christmas and Easter and all of the religious holidays?" Paul asked. "What will you do about those?"

Matt shrugged. "If Christianity somehow manages to survive all of this intact, its followers can just continue to worship on the previous dates if they want. December 25 can still represent the birth of Jesus under this new calendar. That date was pretty much picked at random at some point in history anyway. Nobody really knows what day or even what year Jesus was actually born. And as for Easter, which represents The Resurrection, they can still use the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, just like they always did. Only now, that will be in June or July instead of March or April."

"Wow," Brett said after everyone had a moment to consider all of that. "And they call me a radical."

The timekeeping discussion was put on hold for the moment when Jason spotted more trucks down on the highway below. There were two of them this time, sitting next to each other near the edge of a massive washout of the roadway. It appeared that the two drivers had stopped there and never moved since.

Brett circled around over the top of them for several minutes, visually checking the area for any signs of humanity while Jason utilized the FLIR to check for the telltale signs of body heat glowing from beneath bushes or near trees. Neither method of search turned up any likely humans so Matt and Paul picked up their weapons, flipped off the safeties, and prepared to exit the aircraft. At least this time there was sufficient room to land on the freeway and they wouldn't have to rappel downward and then be carried along underneath to get back up.

Brett touched down lightly about a hundred yards from the two trailers. Matt and Paul, in a well-practiced maneuver, went out either side and lay on the ground, weapons trained outward. Brett lifted back into the air and flew off to the south, where he circled around awaiting a radio call to pick them back up. The two outside team members then got up and carefully approached their targets.

They spent about ten minutes checking the area just to be absolutely sure that they were all alone. They saw no signs of anyone or anything in the woods to the side of the freeway so they finally approached the cab of the first truck. While Matt covered him with the rifle, Paul tried the handle on passenger side door, finding it unlocked. The inside was empty so he climbed up and dug around inside, looking for the shipment papers that every big-rig was supposed to carry. He found them in the usual place and took a moment to look them over.

"What do we got?" Matt asked from behind him, his weapon now pointed at the ground.

"Laundry soap," Paul replied. "He's carrying six thousand boxes of Tide from Gary, Indiana to Oakland."

"Christ," Matt said, somewhat dejected. "I guess we can haul some of it back later on. We are getting rather short on it."

"Yeah," Paul agreed, tossing the papers back down. "It is a rather low-priority item though."

Utilizing their breaking and entering gear - in this case a pair of bolt cutters - they opened up the trailer just to make sure that the manifest matched the cargo. You could never tell. Maybe the truck driver had been a smuggler of some sort and had been transporting automatic weapons and ammunition for some radical anti-government group. It was possible wasn't it?

Perhaps, but it was not the case in this instance. In the back were the orange and white boxes so familiar to housewives the world over.

"Okay, let's check the other one," Matt said.

Again, they approached carefully and checked the cab first. This time the manifest papers were missing, as were most of the loose contents of the cab. Where had they gone? Had the driver taken them with him - wherever it was that he went - for some bizarre reason? They didn't know, nor did they waste time speculating about it. Instead they simply walked to the back of the rig and prepared to open the door.

In this case they didn't have to force entry. Someone had already done it for them. The lock was lying opened on the bumper of the trailer and the latching handle was in the up position. They both looked at this for a moment, both having the thought that there must be something useful inside or the driver of the truck would not have bothered taking some of it out. Paul grabbed the handle and, with a grunt of effort, pulled open the door.

"Well now," Matt said, seeing the contents.

"Well, well," said Paul.

Inside of the trailer were hundreds of boxes stacked on pallets. Each box, according to the labeling on the side, contained sixty jars of Gerber baby food.

"It's food," Matt said, reading the sides of the boxes to see what kind it was. All of the boxes that he could see proclaimed they contained broccoli and cheese variety. "It should come in handy in another month or so when Stacy has her baby."

"And it'll come in real handy in about seven months when everyone else starts to pop," Paul added, referring to the recent epidemic of pregnancy that had struck the women of Garden Hill. As of that morning, and not including Stacy and the other women who were carrying pre-comet children in their wombs, there were nineteen confirmed pregnancies, including Chrissie's, and more than twenty suspected ones. Janet, who had run out of birth control pills at impact+20 days, was among them, her period now more than a week late.

"Amen to that," Matt agreed. His wife Maureen was one of the confirmed ones. He pulled the portable radio from his pocket and keyed it up. "Brett, Jason, you there?"

"We're here, Matt," Jason's voice replied. "Got anything in that bunch?"

"Laundry soap and a shitload of baby food," he replied. "We're gonna close it up now. We're ready for pickup."

"Copy that, we're coming back in."

Since the fuel in the chopper's tank had dwindled to less than three hundred pounds, Brett elected to call an end to that day's mission and head back to town. He pointed the chopper's nose to the west and brought them up to 2500 feet, accelerating to ninety knots. Jason, at the controls of the FLIR, watched the landscape in front of them hoping to spot a deer as he had on one of the return flights from the grain detail. Then, there had been no scoped rifle or time to pursue the animal. Now, Brett's own pre-comet rifle was stashed under the passenger seat, just waiting for the opportunity to take down some fresh meat. Alas, nothing was seen but trees and ground. In the back, Matt and Paul were leaning against the sides of the cabin on opposite sides, their headsets on their heads, their legs stretched out as far as was possible (which wasn't very far at all). They had both long-since gotten over the worst of their fears of flying, so often had then done it in the past two weeks. Especially since Brett had put the helicopter through a complete maintenance routine with the supplies taken from the airport and the thing still flew.

"You given any more thought to the El Dorado Hills mission?" Matt asked Paul. Ever since the discovery of the neighboring town's occupied status, Matt and several others had been quietly pushing for an attempt to make contact with them. Paul, still the only remaining member of the ruling committee, was very much in favor of attempting contact but had so far been reluctant to bring the matter to a community vote, mostly because of pressure by Brett and a few others who thought such a thing was a bad idea.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought," he said with a sigh. "Like I told you before, I think it's something that should be done, but I have to listen to the other points of view about it. It's my responsibility as leader."

"This isolationism school of thought," Matt said. "No offense Brett, I know how you feel about all of this, but I think that you're reasoning is flawed."

"Yeah, yeah," Brett said, unoffended. "Call me paranoid if you will. It's just that we know nothing about the people there except for what we saw on a few blurry infrared pictures. Just because they allow women to carry guns there, doesn't mean that they are like us. So far, they have no idea we even exist. Why should we alert them to a potential target for attack?"

"I'm not saying that we land there and reveal everything about ourselves to them," Matt said. "And I agree with your reasoning in regard to Auburn - those people give me the creeps as much as they do you. But we know there was a gun store in El Dorado Hills. Maybe they have ammunition that they'll be willing to trade for food."

"The initiation of trade is the first step in rebuilding society," Paul felt compelled to point out.

"And the initiation of war to take what you need is also one of the staples of the beginnings of society as well," Brett countered. "Why invite trouble?"

"Sooner or later, we're going to have contact with them," Matt said. "If we survive here, which we certainly hope to do, it's inevitable that us, Auburn, El Dorado Hills, and any other groups of people are going to meet up, for better or for worse. I think it would be in our best interests to control the manner in which it is done. Right now, they are pretty much isolated there and we have an aircraft. Even if they did decide to attack us, we're talking about a fifteen to twenty day march even assuming that they can somehow get across one of the canyon bridges."

"I think that that is the most compelling argument in favor of making contact," Paul added helpfully. "Right now it is we that are in the position of strength. We have food and we have control of the sky. Negotiating from the position of strength is always the best way to do it, isn't it?"

"I suppose," Brett said reluctantly.

"I've hesitated bringing the issue to a vote at a community meeting so far because of all the fervor," Paul said. "I thought I'd give it a chance to die down so that people would make their decisions rationally instead of emotionally."

"I understand," Brett said, knowing what was coming next.

"I think we've reached that point," Paul said next. "Unless there are any stern objections," he gave Brett a sharp look, "then I'm going to bring it up tonight and call a vote."

Brett sighed a little. "You'll get no objections from me," he said at last. "I don't agree that this is the time to do this but I will agree that its time to decide one way or the other."

Dinner that night was of course very heavy on rice, chicken noodles, and fresh baked bread made from flour that had been ground from the wheat. The mechanics of eating were over and done with fairly quickly. The community meeting that followed went on for quite some time.

Paul, to give him credit, explained fairly dispassionately and in a non-partisan matter, just what it was that was being proposed. He explained the potential risks as well as the potential benefits of attempting to establish contact, covering every single point that had been brought up to him since the idea was first suggested.

For the first time since the initiation of the decision by community vote concept, opinion was sharply divided on a subject. This division followed no clear lines and was almost completely even - with half the townspeople being strongly in favor of making the attempt and about half strongly opposed. The first hour of the discussion did not even touch the subject of whether or not they should do it but as to how the votes were going to counted. Representatives of both points of view pushed for a two-thirds majority being required - in opposition to their respective choices of course. Some of the arguments became quite inflamed and, for the first time since Jessica's ouster as chairwoman of the meeting, Paul found himself wishing that he had a gavel to bang.

Finally Paul declared that, for the purposes of the decision-making, majority would rule. This then brought another extensive round of discussion as person after person asked to be recognized so they could speak their piece. Most of the statements made were impassioned cries to try to convert others to their side and the same points on both sides of the issue were brought up over and over again.

"It's too dangerous to expose ourselves," cried the opposed group in thirty or forty different ways.

"The benefits of establishing trade from a position of strength make the risk worthwhile," cried those in favor in just as many different manners.

Eventually, at nearly 8:00 that night, everyone had had his or her say and Paul called the vote. It was very close, requiring that those people manning the guard positions (they had listened to the entire debate through a radio-link that Paul had set up) needed to be polled in order to make the final determination. The decision was made - by a margin of only two votes - to make the attempt to establish contact.

Jessica was having a little trouble getting a deep breath. As she sat in the bleachers of the high school's football stadium that afternoon along with every last one of the other 2200 some-odd women in town, her nose was swollen shut and caked with blood and there was sharp pain in her right side whenever she inhaled or exhaled. Nor was she the only one. Every woman around her was sporting similar beating injuries of varying color and severity. Some, the women of Stu's clan, had had to be carried to the mandatory meeting by their companion wives.

The beatings had occurred immediately after breakfast that morning. Colonel Barnes had ordered that every person return immediately to their assigned homes and that every man soundly beat his wives as punishment for the "AWOL status" of Anna and Jean Bracken. "This is your responsibility to do this correctly," Barnes told the men of the town just before dismissing them to take care of this. "If I see a bitch walking around in this town without bruises on her, I swear by God that I'm going have her husband hanged. You will beat them and beat them well for this! Every last one of them!"

And the men of town had taken his words to heart. The rumor mill among the women was a weak one - there was too much fear and mistrust, too many informers trying to gain favor for there to be a truly free exchange of information and stories - but there was a rumor mill nonetheless. Jessica, who had been perhaps one of the all-time best at ferreting out gossip in her previous circles, was starting to become tuned in to this network. The word was that three women had actually been beaten to death. And now, with less than a half-hour until dinner, Barnes had ordered again that every person in town assemble. The women had been put on the bleachers and in front of it while the men were formed up at attention on the muddy field. Most of the women were tittering nervously as they waited to find out what this was all about. The only time the women were forced to gather like this was when one of them was to be hanged. Had they caught Jean and Anna? Was that what this was all about? The hanging scaffold was standing in its accustomed spot in the center of the field - a large wooden structure that had been constructed from scrap wood only days after the comet impact.

Somehow Jessica didn't seem to think that the two fugitives had been captured. Though she had never witnessed one of the town's hangings before, she had heard that in every other case the women in question had been chained to the outside of the scaffold when the meeting convened.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Cathy, her co-wife, who was sitting next to her.

"There's nothing to worry about," Linda, who was on the other side of Cathy, replied nervously. "He probably just wants to warn us again about trying to get away. Imagine the nerve of those two sluts, running away and subjecting us to all this."

Jessica said nothing to them. Their relationship was still not the best, especially the relationship with Linda, who seemed to delight in reporting every word, every action that Jessica said or did to Stinson. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, there was no denying that Linda's personality was very much like her own. Would she - Jessica - have been like this if she had been in Auburn since the start, if she had not known how different things could be? She tried to tell herself that she wouldn't have been but she had had much time to do some soul searching since that shocking day she had first been beaten and raped, and she had a hard time convincing herself of the truth of this notion.

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Dinner for Two

Dinner for two (part one) For a few years I've had an account on a photo sharing website under the name of Deborah Rhodes. That's not my real name of course. My real name is Richard. Deborah Rhodes is my feminine name. You see, I'm a transvestite (or t-girl as I call myself). By the way I usually refer to myself as Debs. Although I like to dress as a woman, I can't explain why I like it so much. I've always regarded myself as 100 per cent straight. I'm married. I have a lovely...

2 years ago
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New FWO Wrestler

You walk in to the FWO studio complex dressed to impress with your athletic gear in your gym bag. You are greeted by the receptionist, Dizzy. "Oh hi, welcome to Fantasy Wrestling Online! You must be the new wrestler! The Boss asked me to have you fill out this questionnaire before we get you going in your first match."

2 years ago
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Banglore Ki Sundar Aur Sexy Ladki

Hi guys, I am Manish from Bengaluru. My age is 25 and an average looking guy. Hope you all doing good. Thank you for the readers who gave comments on All this story happened in Kannada but main ye story Hindi me likh raha hoon kyu ki jyada log isse padhe aur enjoy kare. Main bahut time ke baad ye story likh raha hoon because I was busy in my work. Meri previous story padhne baad bahut ladkiya message kiye the. Unme se ek ladki thi jisko mera story pasand aya tha aur uska apni boyfriend se...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Wife The New Member In My Sex Life

Hi, i am Gamer92, and i want to share my first sex experience with you. Please do forgive any errors. Hope you enjoy it. This is a continuation to my first story. Please read it if u haven’t already. The link to it has been given below It has been one year and my life had become awesome after I started having sex with my aunt. She started helping out with uncles business and hence she got busy. But still she used to find time for me. We used to find time to have sex whenever we met, and we...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Ella Knox Curvy Milk Tits Fucked Hard

OMG! Ella Knox is in da house today! This hot busty bombshell from the United States is so horny and ready to get laid! Check out her 34DD / 75F boobs in the bright sunshine and watch her pour fresh soymilk all over her massive hooters. This voluptuous stunner gets ready for Jay Smooth’s fat cock by the pool, so watch what’s coming as they start making out… While that stunning bikini hottie keeps pouring those juices all over her big cleavage, Mister Jay Smooth starts sucking...

1 year ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch7P2

Omby Amby picked Dorothy up and threw her over his shoulder. She laughed as he carried her to the stern of the ship. There behind the ships wheel was a table, with maps of Oz. Omby placed Dorothy down and slide the maps off. His cock still rock hard, even cumming so much in Dorothy mouth. He got up on the table and laid back. The stern had a few lanterns, but it was the moon that illuminated it. The moon's light hung over the ship as it made its journey and Dorothy could see Omby cock, sticking...

2 years ago
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The Nri Family Part 2

Hey all, I am back after such huge response I got from you all. I never knew you all would like this incident so much and would motivate me to write the next part. Anyway, for those who don’t know me yet can refer to my previous story which is “The NRI family part 1” and this story is the continuation of that story. As I mentioned early my name is Shruti and my friends in NYC call me Cherry. I am 24 years old and currently doing my MS in management from New York University. I am born in the USA...

2 years ago
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Sleeping In The Meadow

In a small town of only three thousand people it wasn't a challenge to find out the details of your neighbors life. The where, the when, the who. It was a blessing and a curse, as a kid I could never get away with anything, and I never had to keep a secret that was just too juicy to withhold. So, it was no surprise to me when I heard about the arriving of Charli Rioux. Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, "She has a sharp...

Love Stories
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Not in Kansas

Well, here you are. Alone. In complete darkness. Left here, wherever here is, to contemplate how your life went, what could have been, the what ifs. Not sure if you'll stay here for a few hours, or spend the rest of your eternity in oblivion, slowly being driven mad by nothingness. Where is this place, anyway? Is it a purgatory? A final resting place for people who had committed enough sins to be condemned to Hell, but had done enough good deeds to be placed into Heaven, and couldn't be put...

3 years ago
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A Short Love Story Pt II

It was a while since I had seen Emma. We had last made love in the shower at my house after a busy day at the beach. It was Summer, My parents had gone on a cruise with my younger siblings to the Bahamas. I stayed back because I had work bartending that made great money. Regardless, I was home alone. I had to go run by Emma’s house to help her mom move some heavy boxes. I showed up at the house, and Emma came to the door. “Where’s your mom?” I asked. “Went to drop off Uncle David...

4 years ago
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     Mister Peters came and stood at his shoulder while Devon worked the problems.  Algebra was not his strong point, but he was working hard to get the concepts straight in his head.  It was a hot day, actually one for the local records but the two slogged steadily thru the lessons.  They were at Mister Peters house, he tutored several students over the summer break for the extra money and to pass his time profitably. Peters swore under his breath, the heat was a distraction despite the...

3 years ago
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Through the Woods

Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...

2 years ago
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Romancing With The Gorgeous

Hie everyone, I am a 20 year old, 6 footer guy pursuing my education in Pune.. Regular gymming helps me to make some necks turn for me.. I reside in a posh locality of Hadapsar.. For privacy I would call myself Ethan. Coming to the story.. I used to hit the gym at 6 am in the morning and would return back at 7 . At the same time some gorgeous girls would be leaving for their college. Seeing them would give me a boner.. Once I noticed a lady watching me and she caught me ogling at the girls.....

2 years ago
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A Not So Family Vacation

My family and a few friends decided to take a week in the sun of the Yucatan at a resort. It was a beautiful, warm morning on the Riviera Maya. We all decided to get up earlier than normal to get a good spot on the beach. The resort was oddly very underbooked which was fantastic for relaxation. After breakfast my wife, Kerry, and our friend, Janie, went back to the room to get ready for the day's fun in the sun. I decided to go down to the beach and set up camp. The sun was glorious at 6:15AM...

Oral Sex
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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

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Von Kempres Museum

When the will arrived Charles wasn't really sure who his uncle Van Kempre was. It took a few phone calls to lawyers and a great aunt or two whom he had all but forgotten about before the matter was cleared up. In the end it was proven not to be a hoax and other than the lawyer fees and taxes, he and his family were in the clear. So now they were on their way to a castle in Northern Europe that they were now the proud owners of. Charles had quit his job with the city--it paid well but was far...

4 years ago
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The Lieutenant

My wife Ginger and I—my name is Max Bertulucci— have been married twenty-one years. We have three children all girls. My day job is as a manager for an electronics warehouse in the city. Ginger is a full time housewife. But, lately she has become restless as the last of our babies has finally left the nest. She's become antsy and is easily upset by even the smallest thing, and it had begun to bug me. What I didn't realize, was that she had become vulnerable, vulnerable to other men. Oh, by...

4 years ago
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Lady Peasant Ch 02

The next day seemed to go by achingly slow as Lady Gwendolyn waited impatiently for the afternoon when she could go to the meadow and meet Al again. Not only was he charming and handsome… but he was exciting… something new that she had never experienced before. Her life had been incredibly boring before, just day after day of the same things, now she had something new to look forward. Freedom from the keep and all its repetitions would have been enough to entice her, but having the excitement...

2 years ago
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Salacious Robinson

“Hello, Mrs. Robinson.” I can’t stop the thrill that courses through me at the sound of the familiar deep voice. But then, I don’t want to. I’m horny, and he knows. “Hi, Jason.” I turn away from my husband’s tool bench in the garage. The weather is hot; summer in our town always is. Today it’s at least one hundred degrees. Suddenly, it feels hotter than that. My neighbor’s son stands shirtless in the driveway; his baggy shorts hang low around trim hips. He’s not wearing boxers, and a shiver...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 13 Morning After

“Let’s all agree to never speak of this again,” Reid sighed, hefting her rucksack onto her back as her team loitered around her. Her face was burning, Dubois seemed similarly embarrassed but Sousa and Webber were beaming. Clayton was hard to read, avoiding eye contact with his colleagues as he tightened the straps on his bag and inspected his boots, trying to keep himself occupied in order to avoid talking to them. It seemed as if everyone had slept with one or more Krell the night prior,...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two Tribbies

A Tale of Two "Tribbies" by rat_race * * * * * I could barely believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. And it was all taking place right in front of me, in real time. My ex-girlfriend, Susie--who used to be my girlfriend, up until about a week ago--was "getting it on" with her best friend, Sharon, in the back yard of Sharon's house. Meanwhile, my friend, Davy--who was Susie's older brother--and I were both hiding in the shadows behind the 5-foot-tall rock wall...

1 year ago
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BangBus Ava Sinclaire Ava Takes Jimmy8217s VCard

We got a newcomer, Jimmy Michaels, on the bus. This young guy is here to fuck some girls. We find Ava Sinclaire jogging on the streets. We convince her to get in the van. Once inside Jimmy works his magic. He tells Ava he’s a virgin! She feels bad for him. So she takes off her top to help the cause. She has giant bouncy tits. Jimmy laches on to her boob. She loves it. She begs to fucked by him. He’s more than happy to comply. He fucks her perfect pussy in six different ways. So much...

2 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 4

Cornelia knew it would be hot but this was worse. A rain had just finished and the humidity was very high. Then since they were on horses there was the heat, sweat and smell of horse adding to it ... Lastly the volcano was just beneath their feet. Cornelia was close to fainting when the Count called a halt at the top. It had only been a half hour maybe a little more when they reached the top. But to Cornelia she wondered how she was ever going to make it back down! "Here we are dear...

3 years ago
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Spring break for the cum slut

I went to Cancun Mexico this year with a girl friend of mine from college, her name is Karen. We flew stand by and arrived on a Monday morning, our only luggage was a carry-on bag each. Light weight skimpy clothing, swimsuits, panties and toiletries were all we needed. We could buy anything else we might need when we got there.After going through customs we took the bus to our hotel, it was on the lagoon side not Gulf of Mexico side, to the Holiday Inn Express in Cancun. We checked in, dropped...

1 year ago
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The Purpose of the PrerogativeChapter 5 Busted

The early Christmas party was going on and everyone was having a good time, even the conservative Rene accepted a beer to celebrate the festivities. The only problem was that they were running low on beer, so a beer run was necessary so Bruce and Rene took off to the liquor store. The drive was mostly uneventful. Bruce, for the most part, contained himself and Renee was able to keep her clothes on, but did flash her boobs as they got into his car. Their problem came about a block before the...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed by Faterinlaw

Blackmailed By Father In Law Ch. 1by hot-hot (C) thanks you all liked my first story " spying the sister"hope you will like this one also.Toby was moaning in her bed as her first door neighbor pushed his cockin and out of his beautiful cunt. She was urging him to do so. She wasin so much heat and in a wanton state for his cock. His huge cock wasgoing deep in her cunt. Their affair started two weeks ago. Toby was25 years old and was married for 2 years. She was living with herfamily in a good...

2 years ago
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Father Son Banquet The Main Course

While wiping off after boning that hot guy down the aisle, I began to feel my senses returning. I again saw guys go in and out from an exit door at the head of the theater. Nothing really registered until dad said to me, “That was just an appetizer. Let’s go have some real fun.” My father and I had just completed a scene with a guy down the aisle from us at an adult theater that has gone on to become Chicago’s preeminent “sex-tination” in the parlance of travel. I was home from college and dad...

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Honeymoon With Real Sister

Thank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Treat For Tony prelude

Something of a festive tale this one- appropriate for the season. This goes back a few years to when I was in what remains to this day my sole "long term" relationship with another man. Peter was approaching seventy, but the advent of Viagra had rendered him a horny b**st indeed. We would have sex of some form every morning and every night almost without fail. He had been turned into something of a randy old goat. Not that I was complaining you understand!Christmas brought the inevitable round...

2 years ago
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Wifes young boy toy

My husband Shawn and I had separated for about 5 months during one summer a few years ago. It was during this time that I had met a guy that I was really attracted to. This story isn't about him, it's about his brother. Anyways, even though Shawn and I were separated, I still let him come over to my apartment and fuck me from time to time - as long as no one else was around. I was dating Mike casually and during that time I met his brother Paul. Paul, at that time, was a virgin! (mmmmm - you...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Magic

Friday Night Magic. Unfortunately, it's not as romantic as it might sound. I actually run a small comic book and gaming shop, and Magic is the biggest selling card game ever. Every Friday night, I would have anywhere from ten to twenty guys in the shop, playing cards until 11:00pm or later. As fun as it was, it didn't leave much as far as time for a social life, and my lack of sex was getting to me. I'm not the bar hopping, club bouncing type, so going out after the shop closed wasn't really an...

1 year ago
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When My Wife Tried Working In Vegas

*** MMMF, Exhib, Gangbang, Stretch My wife believed in real, hard, sex. Not so much appreciation towards fantasy. However, if one of my ideas or fantasies sounded like something that she would like to make real, then we clicked, with fantasy by me, and full application of the thoughts by her. Though she had a graduate degree, she danced as a stripper in local bars, performed after hours in front of 50 - 100 men (letting them use dildos and fingers), danced for local fraternities, served the...

4 years ago
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A Small Favor And A Great Experience

Dear readers, today I am going to narrate an incident which contains some fantasy as well. But I am sure this is going to give you a good time. So here it goes. I work in an IT company and I am a chain smoker. My current office does not have designated smoking area. So we have to step out of the premises for a smoke. This incident is about a guy whom I met at the smoking shop and how I followed him to parking where we made love. That was a very hectic day as my manager was being too difficult...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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sissy caught by daddy

I was so scared ,Dad had caught me several times dressed up in my sisters clothes but the last time he told me that the next time he caught me the punishment would make me never disobey him ever again,and that was less than a week ago.Now here I sit on the foot of my bed wearring my sisters satin lace panties and bra,her stockings,heels and her favorite slutty skirt and top.I had skipped school just so I could dress up and had just finished putting on my lipstick when dad walked in and caught...

4 years ago
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Taking That First Step

Lance was seated on a bench on the tree-lined sidewalk waiting for the store to open. Despite the warm morning air he began to sweat and his heart pounded in his chest, this was a bold step for him. Now, this particular store was located in an older but still very popular outdoor shopping center despite the malls springing up everywhere. It was commonly referred to as a specialty shop, their specialty was women's lingerie.Before he knew it he saw the attractive saleslady approach the door and...

3 years ago
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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 5

Introduction: Part 5 Please read parts 1-4 to understand the story, especially before voting. No, Mother, please! It hurts! Shut the fuck up, you little shit! You drove him away! He left because of you! They all leave because of you! The belt came down across my back yet again, and I screamed, my six-year old voice shrill and tiny. I was tied to the bedpost, and I couldnt understand why she was hurting me. I hadnt done anything wrong. Mother had just dragged me out of bed and tied me up. I...

2 years ago
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Girls Just Love Halloween

Girls Just Love Halloween Normally, I don't swing towards other girls, but it may have been something in the punch at this latest Halloween party that kept leading my gaze back to this girl. No doubt she was already responsible for the multitude of tented pants among the boys in the room, my boyfriend included, his Han Solo trousers strained below the belt. It took me a little to realize she was the source of my own arousal as well. My slave Leia ensemble was by no means lacking...

3 years ago
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First Time Swapping

Barbara Edwards and Doreen Nunn were both aged in their mid sixties and had been friends since their schooldays.They lived near each other and they often went out as a foursome with their respective husbands John and David who were also aged in their mid sixties.Barbara and Doreen were having a coffee in Doreen's house when Barbara said "Doreen, can I ask you something?""Christ Babs, we have known each other for about fifty years so I should fucking hope so," replied Doreen."Funny that...

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Lesbian Sex With My Aunt

When I heard of this website I got a feeling that I should also share my story. But I was afraid if someone came to know that I am not virgin. Well I thought it’s alright. So this is a story about how I got to have lesbian sex with my aunt. Well Im 18 years old and I never had a boyfriend because I was not able to find a nice guy. But I wasn’t a lesbian always. My aunt’s name is jayashree. She is 45 years old and she looks fair and she is a bit fat but she is sexy for me. I became a lesbo...

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Seducing My Sexy MotherInLaw

HI, I am Raj, 6 ft with good looks and i am from Hyderabad and work in a software company. This is a story where I describe how I seduced my MIL and how the fun started. These are the true incidents happened between me and my MIL My parents stated looking for matches for me and we selected on good looking girl. As my father in law died long back My family and my MIL arranged our marriage and it was done with lots of celebrations. It is a custom in our area that after marriage for 1st night,...

3 years ago
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Indian Princess Revisited

It's been awhile since I posted my experience with my Indian Princess. Since her schedule and mine do not permit frequent visits, so we get what we can.It so happened her flight schedule matched my travel plans, and we were able to reconnect in-person. Since she has an early flight tomorrow, I'll keep this brief.I picked her up at the airport after her last flight. We had a very warm welcome, embracing and kissing briefly before we departed the terminal. Holding hands while managing luggage was...

4 years ago
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New Day New World

It was my first day in town. The city was by the coast of california, the school was big, about 600 students. I moved out of my parents house to continue high school, living alone in a boarding school would be a challenge, but a fun one. I had just spoken to my mother on the phone, she was exited for me, but also a bit scared i would get in trouble. I walked into my dorm that was alreadt fitted, i dropped my suitcase packed with clothes and supplies on the ground. I jumped into bed, laying...

4 years ago
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Fucking an Asian MILF for the first time

After watching a video where I guy was fucking an Asian prostitute in a help room, I thought I'll write that post.The guy started missionary and finished her doggie, which is a good way to do it, but I have a more elaborated routine that I have been using for a while, especially when I fuck an Asian MILF for the first time. I am happily married with an Asian wife, but my fascination for Asian woman drives me to fuck other from time to time. Back when I lived in London, for weird reason I fucked...

1 year ago
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Lil Sis

Note : this story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live - it bad! One thing I've learned over the years is that brothers and sisters play around. That is to say they 'play nasty', Anyway, that's what my family called it. Other families call it by other names like 'playing doctor' , 'playing post office', 'playing naughty', etc. Now, I've played nasty with all three of my sisters at one time or another. Mostly just brief encounters that lasted a few minutes and didn't happen...

4 years ago
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A Walk in the Park

Ally blushed as he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate briefly, followed by its usual chime. He slipped it from his pocket, glanced at the screen and gulped a little loudly. Someone had responded. The message was brief and simple, the way he'd asked. "Meet @ Park, 2am bench near Lake." the message read, the young male still trying to decide if he would go at all. The idea of being taken by a stranger for his first time seemed strange, almost dangerous, but just the thought of it made his skin...

1 year ago
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A first meeting for Web Lovers

‘Hi, you must be Kelly?’ said the tall guy as he approached the woman alone at the table. She looked just like in the pictures. ‘Yes, I guess that means you’re Alan, right?’ She said, thinking those photos don’t do him justice. ‘Right! Can I sit down?’ He asked politely. ‘Please do…’ She said waving to the seat opposite. Feeling his leg brush hers as he sat down, sending a tingle through out her body ’…oops sorry’ she apologised, not meaning it, but not wanting to seem too tactile. ‘No, I’m...

4 years ago
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Sister Love Potion Shannon

Sometimes life throws you curves and sometimes a slow pitch. You can hit a home run. I was online in a yahoo chat room and was just lurking, some guys were talking about a love potion; one had bought it and he claimed it worked! When he gave the web address I was like damn and copied it down. I have a problem, my sister is gay, but that is not my problem, my problem is the burning lust in my heart for sis. Shannon is a lipstick lesbian and hotter than shit, she is 5'9", slim, blonde and very...

3 years ago
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A Family Problem

So our story begins, but where does it begin? Authors note: This is here so others can add stuff easily. Also if you want to see more of something or just love it hit that thumbs up, it lets me know what to focus on.

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Interracial Conversion BNWO

My name is Alex, and I'm a small, girlish boy. I've always been short, feminine and kept to myself. I've had a girlfriend since high school, but just recently graduated college. We've been together about six years. Her name is Cassidy, and she's always been more outgoing than I. She's honestly a bit out of my league. She's a bombshell blonde with delicate curves. She's always been modest, however. She's liked guys like me, so I got really, really lucky. The world we live in has changed over the...


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