Medieval Justice Chapter 1 free porn video

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Medieval Justice
Time: middle ages
By Ivan Bulley

Chapter 1
A girl's school:
Somewhere in England

The curtains were drawn in the head mistress' office. In the dimmed lighting, faint drops of sweat on the foreheads of three teenage girls went unnoticed. Outwardly they seemed calm and even slightly arrogant. The headmistress of the girls' school stared at the delinquents. This time she would make certain that their punishment would leave a lasting impression on them.

"Jane and Allison" she said with a sneer, "you have been the trouble makers of the school for too long, and I'm going to teach you a lesson! This time you will be sent to the Juvenile Court for a hearing and punishment. A court official will make certain that your sentence will be carried out professionally and with the maximum effect. Jane, as you are the youngest, I'll suggest only a light punishment for you. Allison, you are the instigator and you should receive a harsher one. The judge will decide on the exact details."

She chuckled, for it was well known how sadistic the judge could be and how he seldom showed any mercy for young women. Maybe his frustrated secret desire for them and his longing to take pretty young women to bed, was satisfied by the knowledge of the torment he could bring to them, all in the name of justice.

"And Agnes, you know that boys are not allowed on the school premises. You were caught in most disgraceful circumstances behind the bushes. How could you! This is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. You will receive a heavy sentence with maximum humiliation and pain.

Your punishment will take place at the Boys' School (in England, girls and boys attended separate schools) in front of all of them watching your disgrace. Your punishment will be a deterrent and a lesson for all. In the past, the school's punishments were insufficient disincentive and now you will be formally chastised by our legal system. You will appear in Court tomorrow morning. You, the juveniles, will be sentenced first, but we won't stay to hear the more severe punishments of senior offenders."

Court Room:

The three girls were dressed in prison attire. They were young and pretty, in spite of their drab garments. The judge felt more frustrated than usual, as he noticed how pretty they were. How he longed to administer the punishment himself! He could imagine them screaming and writhing in agony. The courtroom was packed with village people and girls from the school. After hearing all the complaints against them, he impatiently announced the sentence with a brusque voice. "Jane, you shall receive 50 strokes and Allison will receive 100 strokes (he sneered) … on the naked buttocks.In this fashion you will experience your punishment to its maximum effect. Young woman are known for wearing too much clothes and that would attenuate the effect. As for you, Agnes, your offence was particularly repugnant to all Christians and your penalty will be a disincentive for all.You will receive 300 strokes, on any part of your fully exposed body, administered in any manner that pleases the officials.

You all shall remain in custody for the night, to prevent you from escaping. In the morning your teachers will come and make you look presentable for your punishment."

The girls were all crying and sobbing as they were escorted out of the courtroom. Each one was taken to a separate dark and dingy cell. The warden knew that if he left them isolated without food, water or sleep for the night, they would experience the punishment so much more intensely the next day. The girls had iron collars put tightly around their necks, making it difficult for them to breathe. One hand was then pulled up behind their backs and secured to the collar, while the other hand was manacled to a chain hanging from a beam above. Each girl was thus forced to stand alone in her own cell the whole night long. The chains were just too short to allow them to go down on their knees.

The next morning two teachers arrived. They found the girls completely exhausted and their eyes red from crying. The teachers took pretty dresses with them. They washed the girls and to their embarrassment, shaved their body hair. They combed their hair and put pretty ribbons in them. The girls looked stunning, as they were taken to the horse and cart outside. They sat in silence as they rode to the boys' school. The early rays of the morning sun shone through the green leaves of the trees and birds were twittering merrily. This was in stark contrast to the dread in the girls hearts, which came with the realization of what was going to happen to them.

As they approached the school, they could hear the excited hum of boys' voices. A large wooden platform had been erected six feet above the ground, outside on the sport field, and the boys were assembled all around it. This was the stage were the girls chastisement would take place. The prison officials were experienced in making preparations for public performances. After the judge had made his decision about the number of strokes that had to be administered, it was up to the prison guards to make certain that each stroke would have the maximum effect. They were experts in meting out discipline.

The cart with girls was driven past the stage and congregated boy, and on to the school building. The boys cheered and shouted as they rode past.The girls were then locked in a windowless room in the school, to await their fate.

The headmaster of the boys' school climbed on the stage and made a speech. He told the boys that what they were going to witness would also become their fate if anyone misbehaved. Any delinquents would be taken to the girls' school, where an even worse fate would await them.

The girls' punishment:

Jane goes first.

The headmaster turned to the two prison wardens and said that it was now expected of them to do their utmost best. The wardens sighed and said they knew what to do as they have done it many times before. They dragged a heavy bench closer to the edge of the platform and prepared their ropes.

The female teachers left to fetch the first girl and came back with her, escorting her on both sides. Jane looked so pretty and young, with a red dress and long blond hair, tied with red ribbons on each side of her head. She had a blush on her face and avoided looking at the sniggering boys. She was led onto the platform and left standing there, with a teacher on each side.

"Get on with it," a prison guard barked, "you know what the judge ordered. Strip!"Jane blushed deeply and the boys cheered. Many had never seen a naked girl before and now their excitement knew no bounds.

Jane stammered and pleaded with the teachers. They just looked at her and both had expressions of pleasure and anticipation on their faces. Definitely no signs of any pity! Jane's predicament and embarrassment had an arousing effect on them.

"STRIP!" roared the guard.

Jane tried to turn her back on the boys, but they were on all sides and their eyes were riveted on her. "Strip, Strip, Strip", they chanted. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and fear besieged her shyness. She loosened the buttons of her dress and stood there in her bloomers. The guard got impatient. "You know the judge ordered that you must take it on your NAKED bottom" and he grabbed her bloomers on both sides and ripped it off her body. Jane gave a high pitched yelp and tried to cover her privates with her hands.

"Hands behind your head!"

Jane stood there sobbing. She had a perfectly shaped slender body, with beautifully rounded buttocks. The boys stared at her pale bottom and perky breasts. Soon those buttocks would be transformed into raw and crimson flesh. The boys laughed with glee as both guards took long slender canes and swished them in front of the girl and made her cringe in fear. The guards ordered her to turn around, so that all the boys could see her other side.

One guard said to her "the cane will treat you justly, but its bite is brutal and without compassion.If your offending buttocks should break it, this amounts to damage of government property. A larger cane will take its place and you will receive extra strokes to pay for the damage."

Jane was left standing with her hands behind her back for five minutes, while the boys savoured her absolute nakedness. Her breasts were already nicely formed, with prominent nipples and her genitals were more mature than a little girl's, with the small lips sticking out slightly from the slit, like pink lace. Many of the boys had seen their little sisters naked, but now stared in rapture at the private parts of an almost mature woman.

"Hit her, hit her", they started chanting. Obligingly the guards dragged her to the bench and pushed her down on her belly. They tied her hands together and fastened the rope to a peg at the top of the bench. Then they attached her feet in a similar fashion to the bottom of the bench. Jane's arms were stretched out in front of her and her feet were tied to the other end of the bench. She was completely helpless to protect her exposed bottom, but her body was not immobilized and could twist and turn to amuse the onlookers.

"Let the music and dance begin!"sneered the guard.

The teachers stood aside and both felt a thrill of excitement. They have never, from such close quarters, seen men administer pain and agony to a naked helpless girl, and that with official approval."Hit her, hit her" chanted the boys louder, with almost a frenzy. No mercy, no pity, just cruelty and justice would prevail.

Jane's face was now distorted with fear, her pretty eyes wide and brimming with tears. The guards would take turns hitting her. One wouldn't want the punishment to become less effective because a guard's arm became tired, would one?

The first guard took a five foot slender cane, lifted it high above his head and with a mighty swish landed it with great force across the middle of the two soft mounds. The teachers shuddered when they saw the violence of the stroke. They felt a moistness and swelling develop in their female parts. The punishment was more severe than they had expected. A shudder went through the girl's body, as the scorching red hot pain reached its pinnacle. She screamed at the top of her voice, and this was only the first lash of fifty to follow!There was load applause from the boys.

The guard waited until she stopped wailing, lifted the cane high up, and aiming for the same area, he brought the cane down with a tremendous crack. Soon the flesh would be deeply bruised! By repeatedly hitting the same contused areas, the agony would amplify immensely. Only fifty strokes, but by golly he was going to make certain that she would have the full benefit of her punishment. "Spare the rod and spoil the child."This was all for her own good and he was not going to "spoil" this young woman. The next six mighty strokes landed in quick succession, and the pain became so horrible that she lost control. She writhed and contorted and her high pitched howling cut through the air. She screamed and screamed and almost drowned out the jeering of the boys.

Her teachers were looking on with approval. This was excellent for her. She deserves it.

In the locked room in the school building the other girls heard the roar and applause of the boys and then the heartbreaking bawling of their best friend. They became more and more anxious and fearful. They were not exactly certain what awaited them, but they now knew it would be more than their worst nightmares.

Now the ninth and tenth strokes landed on the same tortured strip across the top of her buttocks. She no longer minded that everyone saw how she lost her composure. The pain was more than she could stand, much more. Her screams and violent movements were beyond her control and she no longer cared about her modesty. The burning was so fiery that her whole life seemed focused in her buttocks. Her skin was already broken and started bleeding. The whole bench shook with her agony. Her body glistened with sweat.

Now it was the other guard's turn to deliver the next ten. He waited five minutes for her to calm down and stop blubbering. If he pushed her too far she would go beyond feeling any pain. Furthermore, he intended to aim at the same broad band of wounded flesh. He waited for some swelling and internal bleeding to develop so that the pain would be even more extreme. He was a master of his craft and knew how to achieve the best results.

Jane was now lying motionless, only her chest heaving with sobs. The guard thought to himself that she was really a too sensitive girl, one who could not handle much pain. Only ten strokes so far and what a performance. He found it gratifying to discipline such a pretty girl, just a pity that her lovely bottom would never be the same again.

The boys were chanting "hit her, hit her" again. They have never seen such a exhibition before and wanted more of it.

The guard lifted his cane high and smacked it down on the bleeding and bruised area.

"O no, not there again! Right in the middle where it burns like hell. How could he be so cruel" she thought.

The next moment her body started jerking violently in all directions, without offering her any relief. As if it was coming from somebody else, she heard herself screaming and pleading. "NO NO PLEASE, I CAN'T TAKE IT! AAARGHHELP! HELP! TOO MUCH!." As the pain increased relentlessly, her words would no longer form, only her shrieks of anguish.

There was so much writhing that the guard had to aim carefully to remain on the beaten the track. But with years of practice, his aim was good and the bruised area only slightly widened in size. He was having a lot of fun. The shaking, writhing and shouting had a dreamlike quality, which he found most arousing. He could only imagine how much she must be suffering. He lashed out energetically and his turn ended with a crescendo of noise and shaking.

The other guard picked up his cane and took position. He swished the cane a number of times and she cringed as she waited for the next ten lashes to follow. But he let her wait. He wondered whether he should open a new area on her bottom, but decided he would carry on with the same good work on the same spot. Her well rounded buttocks should be able to take much more in the same place. He intended to make her repent her evil ways good and proper.

With a whistling sound, the cane lashed through the air and thundered down on her ass once more. The "song and dance" started all over, with more vigour. She started bleeding profusely, but this did not deter him. Her blistering pain was excruciating.He did not once pity her and aimed for the same spot over and over again. The other girls in the locked room heard the load cracks, the shouts of anguish and the laughing of the boys. The girls became more terrified, because they knew their punishment would be even worse. They wished they could die.

It was a pity that this girl's punishment would soon be over and the guard was enjoying himself. This was a change from the heavy torture and punishments that that he was used to.

He struck out with more force and the cane snapped in half.He shouted at the girl: "Look what you have done now! You have damaged government property and you'll have to pay for this." The girl looked at him with large pleading eyes and could not believe what was happening to her.

It was the other guard's turn now. He climbed off the stage and came back with two thicker canes, about six feet long. He took position and tapped her bottom a couple of times, to measure his distance. She started screaming.

"I haven't even started yet," he snarled. "If you want to yell, I'll really give you something to yell about!"

The cane came down with ghastly force, flattened her buttocks where it struck and recoiled up again. It was as if an electric shock convulsed through her body. Her shrieks made many boys pity her, but others gathered closer, to leer between her legs, where they could see her exposed parts clearly. As her head shook up and down, the ribbons came loose and her blond hair fell over her face in disarray.

The agony of the last ten strokes was more than she could endure and urine splashed on the bench. The other guard grabbed his cane and swished it.

"What was he doing?" She thought her ordeal was over. "For breaking the cane you will get ten more and for pissing also the same extra!"

Twenty extreme lashes found their mark. After that her nose was bleeding and her eyes were bloodshot.

The boys loved the encore. The beautiful blonde girl had given an excellent show!

The bawling girl was unable to stand or walk and had to be carried away. A guard noticed the concerned look on a teacher's face and replied "don't worry, she will soon get over it. She is such a baby!"

(It took more than two months before she could walk again.)

Allison's turn

After a short interval, everyone gathered around the stage once more. Allison was escorted between two the guards. She had light brown hair and wore a white dress made of thin material. The bodice fitted tightly across her chest and the boys could see brownish nipples shine through the thin material. She looked so petite, with the guards towering above her on each side. A hush of expectation changed into cheering as she was led up the steps of the platform. Her face distorted with fear and embarrassment as she stood in front of the boys. When she was ordered to strip, tears rolled down her cheeks, but she obediently pulled her dress over her head. She wore nothing underneath it. She stood there immobile in a trance like state and did not even try to cover herself. The guards turned her around to let the boys see her good-looking buttocks. They were nicely rounded, unblemished and never touched by a cane.

Soon those beautiful curves would suffer the full force of the rattan. Pain would be relentlessly administered to them - more pain than she could endure. The boys stared at her perfect feminine figure with anticipation. Soon she would explode into exciting contortions!

The guards picked her up and put her on the bench. She was fastened in a different way. A rope was tied around her middle, just above her hips, and around the bench. This would prevent her ass from moving and the target would be easier to strike. Her hands and feet were attached loosely to the ends of the bench, enabling movement of her upper body and legs. She could thrash around as much as she wished, but the target area would be completely helpless!

One of the teachers explained the number of lashes that Allison was going to receive - one hundred. Most boys were familiar with receiving punishment themselves - six of the best or so - but 100 lashes - many boys were horrified that this would be happening to such a stunning girl.

However, some of the boys started chanting "hit her, hit her.."

The first guard let her examine the cane and struck the bench in front of her, barely missing her fingers. Her eyes opened wide with horror, but she did not utter a sound. He then tapped the cane a couple of times on her butt, to focus her attention on the spot where the pain would commence. The next moment she heard a loud whistling noise, as the cane sliced through the air and struck home with a loud thud.The muscles in her buttocks and back went into involuntary spasm. Intense pain shot like lightning through her body. But she only whimpered softly. The pain was still throbbing when the next lash hit her, bruising the same spot. Her body jerked up form the bench and for an instant the boys could see her well developed breasts and puffy brown nipples hanging down. They could also see a grimace of agony on her face, but she only uttered a soft "ouch" and flopped down on the bench. She hid her face between her arms and cried softly.

The next eight lashes came in rapid succession, preventing the pain from subsiding between strokes. Her muscles tightened with each cut and her ass cheeks clenched, but she only whimpered softly.

"She is quite tough and we will have to break her", said the guard. The other one nodded, and took up position on her other side. They both started striking her alternatively at a fast rate. They did not count. This fast action would continue until they were certain that no less than 100 had been given. Soon the girl's head turned up, her eyes stared in horror and with her mouth open round, a low wolf like howl grew louder and higher pitched - like a continuous animal like cry. The guards were amused and liked this. They started hitting harder and faster and the blare became louder. They certainly did not stop or slacken for at least a hundred lashes.

At last they stopped and looked at her. Gradually her sweaty body stopped shuddering and howling. She lay sobbing. Blood trickled down her hips and on the bench.

One guard got a wicked leer on his face and said:

"One more time!".

Suddenly both guards flexed their strong arm muscles. With rapidity, cruel lashes landed on her injured parts. The girl's shrieks rose to heaven as another 20 ferocious lashes struck her naked bottom.

The boys cheered and whistled. And cheered.

"One more time?"

"Why not!" said the other guard.

Strong arms held canes high above their heads. With a rhythm of one-two, one-two, the cracks landed on the helpless girl. Once again her whole body sprang into action and writhed so much that the platform shook. The howling became somewhat hoarse, but nevertheless could be heard far away. Maybe she received more than 30 extra lashes this time - nobody counted!

Agnes, locked back in the classroom, became so petrified that she wet herself.

Agnes's punishment - most terrible of all?

A teacher explained that the next girl was extremely bad and promiscuous. This would not be tolerated under any circumstances and she was going to acquire 200 cuts, according to the art of the guard's profession. Agnes's imminent indecent exposure would also serve educational purposes to familiarize boys with the parts that girls normally keep hidden from them and in future their curiosity would not get the better of them and let them be tempted by vixens like her.

The guards yawned as the teacher delivered her naïve explanation.

With simple props and years of experience, they quickly got ready for the next part of the show. Two vertical posts were planted through pre-existing holes in the platform, about ten feet apart. The posts had slots in them at regular distances, where a cross beam could be attached. They fastened a beam high enough to allow a woman to hang and swing freely. Agnes was summoned and her hands tied with a rope in front of her. She wore a dress with straps on her shoulders and a belt around her slender waist. Her brown hair was fastened in a pony tail.

The guard threw the end of the rope over the beam and hoisted her up until her feet were off the ground. She cried and complained that the rope was hurting her wrists.

"We are going to hurt you much more" laughed the guard, and he put his arms around her and added his weight to hers. Her hands turned blue as the ropes cut deeper into her wrists while they supported the heavy weight of the guard. They swung to and fro.

Then he let go and to the boys delight, he groped the helpless girl. She squealed as he pinched her breasts and his fingers poked between her legs. Then he put his hand under her dress and triumphantly pulled her bloomers down and threw them to the boys. Next he removed her belt and untied the straps on her shoulders. She hung there with her dress loosely clinging to her body.

The preparations were ready for the fun to begin. Both guards stood behind her and two canes struck her armpits on both sides. More lashes followed rapidly and the girl screamed and thrashed about. Her dress started to slip down and exposed her breasts. The guards' attention wandered and couple of hard lashes struck her tender nipples. She gyrated more and her dress slid down on the floor. She looked so pretty and innocent, hanging there naked.

They now mostly worked on her buttocks. Over and over the canes landed on soft female flesh, without pity or remorse. Her kicking and writhing became so rapid and energetic, that the canes just lashed out blindly and cut into any body parts that came in their way. The guards it did mind where they stuck - it would hurt just as awful wherever. Nobody was counting the lashes and this did not seem to bother the guards (or the boys) either. The girl was in agony and that was the main object of the discipline.

After what seemed like ages, they stopped. A second beam was fastened in front of her abdomen. The top of the beam had a sharp wedge-shaped edge. The girl was still crying and sweating and a look of terror appeared on her face, as she wondered what was going to happen next. Two ropes were tied to her ankles. One was looped over the beam. The boys also wondered what was in store.

The guards thread the rope through two holes in the platform floor, one about four feet in front of the beam and the other the same distance behind it. They asked some boys to come and assist. There was no shortage of volunteers. One of the guards lifted Agnes over the beam and made her straddle it. She cried out loudly as the sharp edge cut into her private parts. The other guard crawled under the platform, pulled the ropes tight and tied a large bucket to each of them. Agnes's legs were pulled apart, as the weight of the buckets stretched them out. She could raise herself a little with her arms, but they rapidly got tired and then her tender parts had to support her. Almost immediately the pain became unbearable and the boys cheered as they witnessed her dilemma. Her arms were trembling, as she frequently made hopeless attempts to lift herself and she cried with frustration as the sharp beam cut into her genitals. The pain was excruciating.

The boys, who volunteered, were asked to fetch stones and place them into the buckets. All they could see were the two buckets hanging from ropes through holes in the wooden floor. As they dropped large stones into them, they heard howls and shrieks of anguish coming from above. They were astounded by the effect their stones producing. One boy grinned and jerked on a bucket. This had a remarkable effect - a really ear piercing shriek followed. He repeated this couple of times - to everyone's delight.

As the buckets filled with stones, her hoarse screams and lamentations became ever more frantic.

Above on the platform, the guards noticed how her legs becoming more strained and stretched, as she was forced down spread-eagle on the sharp edge. Maybe he heard a slight popping sound as her coccyx could no longer support the weight.

Between the screams, she pleaded frantically and desperately. Agony was written all over her face.

"Now she's ready to receive more lashes" said the guard. He took a short leather whip (the judge had not specifically prescribed a cane). Her breasts and nipples were protruding lewdly and she could do nothing to protect them.

The whip lashed right onto her sensitive nipples. How much more pain could she endure? Agnes was strong and there was no merciful relief by fainting. She suffered each and every one! The other guard started lashing her back with a heavy whip and the lashes rocked her body. The beam cut even deeper into her private parts. Never in her life had she felt so much pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, Agnes was taken down.

The guards placed a wooden plank at 45 degrees inclination from the floor to the cross beam and fastened it in place.

Where they planning something next? Surely Agnes had received an adequate amount of punishment? The guards didn't seem to think so.

Agnes was put on her back on the plank, her hands tied to the beam above her head and both feet were tied to the beam, spreading her legs wide apart and above her head. She was shamelessly exposed.

Blood was washed off her exposed genitals, the damage examined and coarse salt was rubbed into those areas. (The idea behind salt is not to help in any way, but to generate more pain, and most certainly that is the general effect it has.) He then poked two fingers in her vagina and examined her coccyx. It was fractured and bent inward. He could feel it crepitating as he moved it. She groaned as he forced it back into position.

"Look teachers, the boys can now observe everything they need to know about a woman" he said sarcastically as he pointed to her soft inner thighs, her pussy lips, her brown arsehole and the slightly brown area around it.

The guards next applied the whip energetically to all those secret places. Agnes shrieked, writhed and bucked. As the whip cut into the most sensitive areas, all sphincters lost control. Yellow and brown flowed freely and mixed on the floor. For the first time the boys actually saw a woman excreting.

For her indecency, she received another fifty lashes on each foot. It was amazing how sensitive the soles of her feet were. In spite of all the aching of her body, this final punishment created enormous suffering. Her pelvis gyrated sensuously up and down and sideways, with her genitals and anus visible to all. The boys close by could even see her anus contracting in an attempt not to let go again.

Agnes was removed from her bondage, but for her this would not be the end of the story. Her wounds and broken coccyx (dislocated again by the whip) would cause agony and sleepless nights for a long time to come.

The teachers thanked the guards for their excellent work. In the name of Justice, good deeds had been done on that day.

To be continued…

Converted from "3934_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0

Medieval Justice
Time: middle ages
By Ivan Bulley

Chapter 1
A girl's school:
Somewhere in England

The curtains were drawn in the head mistress' office. In the dimmed lighting, faint drops of sweat on the foreheads of three teenage girls went unnoticed. Outwardly they seemed calm and even slightly arrogant. The headmistress of the girls' school stared at the delinquents. This time she would make certain that their punishment would leave a lasting impression on them.

"Jane and Allison" she said with a sneer, "you have been the trouble makers of the school for too long, and I'm going to teach you a lesson! This time you will be sent to the Juvenile Court for a hearing and punishment. A court official will make certain that your sentence will be carried out professionally and with the maximum effect. Jane, as you are the youngest, I'll suggest only a light punishment for you. Allison, you are the instigator and you should receive a harsher one. The judge will decide on the exact details."

She chuckled, for it was well known how sadistic the judge could be and how he seldom showed any mercy for young women. Maybe his frustrated secret desire for them and his longing to take pretty young women to bed, was satisfied by the knowledge of the torment he could bring to them, all in the name of justice.

"And Agnes, you know that boys are not allowed on the school premises. You were caught in most disgraceful circumstances behind the bushes. How could you! This is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. You will receive a heavy sentence with maximum humiliation and pain.

Your punishment will take place at the Boys' School (in England, girls and boys attended separate schools) in front of all of them watching your disgrace. Your punishment will be a deterrent and a lesson for all. In the past, the school's punishments were insufficient disincentive and now you will be formally chastised by our legal system. You will appear in Court tomorrow morning. You, the juveniles, will be sentenced first, but we won't stay to hear the more severe punishments of senior offenders."

Court Room:

The three girls were dressed in prison attire. They were young and pretty, in spite of their drab garments. The judge felt more frustrated than usual, as he noticed how pretty they were. How he longed to administer the punishment himself! He could imagine them screaming and writhing in agony. The courtroom was packed with village people and girls from the school. After hearing all the complaints against them, he impatiently announced the sentence with a brusque voice. "Jane, you shall receive 50 strokes and Allison will receive 100 strokes (he sneered) … on the naked buttocks.In this fashion you will experience your punishment to its maximum effect. Young woman are known for wearing too much clothes and that would attenuate the effect. As for you, Agnes, your offence was particularly repugnant to all Christians and your penalty will be a disincentive for all.You will receive 300 strokes, on any part of your fully exposed body, administered in any manner that pleases the officials.

You all shall remain in custody for the night, to prevent you from escaping. In the morning your teachers will come and make you look presentable for your punishment."

The girls were all crying and sobbing as they were escorted out of the courtroom. Each one was taken to a separate dark and dingy cell. The warden knew that if he left them isolated without food, water or sleep for the night, they would experience the punishment so much more intensely the next day. The girls had iron collars put tightly around their necks, making it difficult for them to breathe. One hand was then pulled up behind their backs and secured to the collar, while the other hand was manacled to a chain hanging from a beam above. Each girl was thus forced to stand alone in her own cell the whole night long. The chains were just too short to allow them to go down on their knees.

The next morning two teachers arrived. They found the girls completely exhausted and their eyes red from crying. The teachers took pretty dresses with them. They washed the girls and to their embarrassment, shaved their body hair. They combed their hair and put pretty ribbons in them. The girls looked stunning, as they were taken to the horse and cart outside. They sat in silence as they rode to the boys' school. The early rays of the morning sun shone through the green leaves of the trees and birds were twittering merrily. This was in stark contrast to the dread in the girls hearts, which came with the realization of what was going to happen to them.

As they approached the school, they could hear the excited hum of boys' voices. A large wooden platform had been erected six feet above the ground, outside on the sport field, and the boys were assembled all around it. This was the stage were the girls chastisement would take place. The prison officials were experienced in making preparations for public performances. After the judge had made his decision about the number of strokes that had to be administered, it was up to the prison guards to make certain that each stroke would have the maximum effect. They were experts in meting out discipline.

The cart with girls was driven past the stage and congregated boy, and on to the school building. The boys cheered and shouted as they rode past.The girls were then locked in a windowless room in the school, to await their fate.

The headmaster of the boys' school climbed on the stage and made a speech. He told the boys that what they were going to witness would also become their fate if anyone misbehaved. Any delinquents would be taken to the girls' school, where an even worse fate would await them.

The girls' punishment:

Jane goes first.

The headmaster turned to the two prison wardens and said that it was now expected of them to do their utmost best. The wardens sighed and said they knew what to do as they have done it many times before. They dragged a heavy bench closer to the edge of the platform and prepared their ropes.

The female teachers left to fetch the first girl and came back with her, escorting her on both sides. Jane looked so pretty and young, with a red dress and long blond hair, tied with red ribbons on each side of her head. She had a blush on her face and avoided looking at the sniggering boys. She was led onto the platform and left standing there, with a teacher on each side.

"Get on with it," a prison guard barked, "you know what the judge ordered. Strip!"Jane blushed deeply and the boys cheered. Many had never seen a naked girl before and now their excitement knew no bounds.

Jane stammered and pleaded with the teachers. They just looked at her and both had expressions of pleasure and anticipation on their faces. Definitely no signs of any pity! Jane's predicament and embarrassment had an arousing effect on them.

"STRIP!" roared the guard.

Jane tried to turn her back on the boys, but they were on all sides and their eyes were riveted on her. "Strip, Strip, Strip", they chanted. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and fear besieged her shyness. She loosened the buttons of her dress and stood there in her bloomers. The guard got impatient. "You know the judge ordered that you must take it on your NAKED bottom" and he grabbed her bloomers on both sides and ripped it off her body. Jane gave a high pitched yelp and tried to cover her privates with her hands.

"Hands behind your head!"

Jane stood there sobbing. She had a perfectly shaped slender body, with beautifully rounded buttocks. The boys stared at her pale bottom and perky breasts. Soon those buttocks would be transformed into raw and crimson flesh. The boys laughed with glee as both guards took long slender canes and swished them in front of the girl and made her cringe in fear. The guards ordered her to turn around, so that all the boys could see her other side.

One guard said to her "the cane will treat you justly, but its bite is brutal and without compassion.If your offending buttocks should break it, this amounts to damage of government property. A larger cane will take its place and you will receive extra strokes to pay for the damage."

Jane was left standing with her hands behind her back for five minutes, while the boys savoured her absolute nakedness. Her breasts were already nicely formed, with prominent nipples and her genitals were more mature than a little girl's, with the small lips sticking out slightly from the slit, like pink lace. Many of the boys had seen their little sisters naked, but now stared in rapture at the private parts of an almost mature woman.

"Hit her, hit her", they started chanting. Obligingly the guards dragged her to the bench and pushed her down on her belly. They tied her hands together and fastened the rope to a peg at the top of the bench. Then they attached her feet in a similar fashion to the bottom of the bench. Jane's arms were stretched out in front of her and her feet were tied to the other end of the bench. She was completely helpless to protect her exposed bottom, but her body was not immobilized and could twist and turn to amuse the onlookers.

"Let the music and dance begin!"sneered the guard.

The teachers stood aside and both felt a thrill of excitement. They have never, from such close quarters, seen men administer pain and agony to a naked helpless girl, and that with official approval."Hit her, hit her" chanted the boys louder, with almost a frenzy. No mercy, no pity, just cruelty and justice would prevail.

Jane's face was now distorted with fear, her pretty eyes wide and brimming with tears. The guards would take turns hitting her. One wouldn't want the punishment to become less effective because a guard's arm became tired, would one?

The first guard took a five foot slender cane, lifted it high above his head and with a mighty swish landed it with great force across the middle of the two soft mounds. The teachers shuddered when they saw the violence of the stroke. They felt a moistness and swelling develop in their female parts. The punishment was more severe than they had expected. A shudder went through the girl's body, as the scorching red hot pain reached its pinnacle. She screamed at the top of her voice, and this was only the first lash of fifty to follow!There was load applause from the boys.

The guard waited until she stopped wailing, lifted the cane high up, and aiming for the same area, he brought the cane down with a tremendous crack. Soon the flesh would be deeply bruised! By repeatedly hitting the same contused areas, the agony would amplify immensely. Only fifty strokes, but by golly he was going to make certain that she would have the full benefit of her punishment. "Spare the rod and spoil the child."This was all for her own good and he was not going to "spoil" this young woman. The next six mighty strokes landed in quick succession, and the pain became so horrible that she lost control. She writhed and contorted and her high pitched howling cut through the air. She screamed and screamed and almost drowned out the jeering of the boys.

Her teachers were looking on with approval. This was excellent for her. She deserves it.

In the locked room in the school building the other girls heard the roar and applause of the boys and then the heartbreaking bawling of their best friend. They became more and more anxious and fearful. They were not exactly certain what awaited them, but they now knew it would be more than their worst nightmares.

Now the ninth and tenth strokes landed on the same tortured strip across the top of her buttocks. She no longer minded that everyone saw how she lost her composure. The pain was more than she could stand, much more. Her screams and violent movements were beyond her control and she no longer cared about her modesty. The burning was so fiery that her whole life seemed focused in her buttocks. Her skin was already broken and started bleeding. The whole bench shook with her agony. Her body glistened with sweat.

Now it was the other guard's turn to deliver the next ten. He waited five minutes for her to calm down and stop blubbering. If he pushed her too far she would go beyond feeling any pain. Furthermore, he intended to aim at the same broad band of wounded flesh. He waited for some swelling and internal bleeding to develop so that the pain would be even more extreme. He was a master of his craft and knew how to achieve the best results.

Jane was now lying motionless, only her chest heaving with sobs. The guard thought to himself that she was really a too sensitive girl, one who could not handle much pain. Only ten strokes so far and what a performance. He found it gratifying to discipline such a pretty girl, just a pity that her lovely bottom would never be the same again.

The boys were chanting "hit her, hit her" again. They have never seen such a exhibition before and wanted more of it.

The guard lifted his cane high and smacked it down on the bleeding and bruised area.

"O no, not there again! Right in the middle where it burns like hell. How could he be so cruel" she thought.

The next moment her body started jerking violently in all directions, without offering her any relief. As if it was coming from somebody else, she heard herself screaming and pleading. "NO NO PLEASE, I CAN'T TAKE IT! AAARGHHELP! HELP! TOO MUCH!." As the pain increased relentlessly, her words would no longer form, only her shrieks of anguish.

There was so much writhing that the guard had to aim carefully to remain on the beaten the track. But with years of practice, his aim was good and the bruised area only slightly widened in size. He was having a lot of fun. The shaking, writhing and shouting had a dreamlike quality, which he found most arousing. He could only imagine how much she must be suffering. He lashed out energetically and his turn ended with a crescendo of noise and shaking.

The other guard picked up his cane and took position. He swished the cane a number of times and she cringed as she waited for the next ten lashes to follow. But he let her wait. He wondered whether he should open a new area on her bottom, but decided he would carry on with the same good work on the same spot. Her well rounded buttocks should be able to take much more in the same place. He intended to make her repent her evil ways good and proper.

With a whistling sound, the cane lashed through the air and thundered down on her ass once more. The "song and dance" started all over, with more vigour. She started bleeding profusely, but this did not deter him. Her blistering pain was excruciating.He did not once pity her and aimed for the same spot over and over again. The other girls in the locked room heard the load cracks, the shouts of anguish and the laughing of the boys. The girls became more terrified, because they knew their punishment would be even worse. They wished they could die.

It was a pity that this girl's punishment would soon be over and the guard was enjoying himself. This was a change from the heavy torture and punishments that that he was used to.

He struck out with more force and the cane snapped in half.He shouted at the girl: "Look what you have done now! You have damaged government property and you'll have to pay for this." The girl looked at him with large pleading eyes and could not believe what was happening to her.

It was the other guard's turn now. He climbed off the stage and came back with two thicker canes, about six feet long. He took position and tapped her bottom a couple of times, to measure his distance. She started screaming.

"I haven't even started yet," he snarled. "If you want to yell, I'll really give you something to yell about!"

The cane came down with ghastly force, flattened her buttocks where it struck and recoiled up again. It was as if an electric shock convulsed through her body. Her shrieks made many boys pity her, but others gathered closer, to leer between her legs, where they could see her exposed parts clearly. As her head shook up and down, the ribbons came loose and her blond hair fell over her face in disarray.

The agony of the last ten strokes was more than she could endure and urine splashed on the bench. The other guard grabbed his cane and swished it.

"What was he doing?" She thought her ordeal was over. "For breaking the cane you will get ten more and for pissing also the same extra!"

Twenty extreme lashes found their mark. After that her nose was bleeding and her eyes were bloodshot.

The boys loved the encore. The beautiful blonde girl had given an excellent show!

The bawling girl was unable to stand or walk and had to be carried away. A guard noticed the concerned look on a teacher's face and replied "don't worry, she will soon get over it. She is such a baby!"

(It took more than two months before she could walk again.)

Allison's turn

After a short interval, everyone gathered around the stage once more. Allison was escorted between two the guards. She had light brown hair and wore a white dress made of thin material. The bodice fitted tightly across her chest and the boys could see brownish nipples shine through the thin material. She looked so petite, with the guards towering above her on each side. A hush of expectation changed into cheering as she was led up the steps of the platform. Her face distorted with fear and embarrassment as she stood in front of the boys. When she was ordered to strip, tears rolled down her cheeks, but she obediently pulled her dress over her head. She wore nothing underneath it. She stood there immobile in a trance like state and did not even try to cover herself. The guards turned her around to let the boys see her good-looking buttocks. They were nicely rounded, unblemished and never touched by a cane.

Soon those beautiful curves would suffer the full force of the rattan. Pain would be relentlessly administered to them - more pain than she could endure. The boys stared at her perfect feminine figure with anticipation. Soon she would explode into exciting contortions!

The guards picked her up and put her on the bench. She was fastened in a different way. A rope was tied around her middle, just above her hips, and around the bench. This would prevent her ass from moving and the target would be easier to strike. Her hands and feet were attached loosely to the ends of the bench, enabling movement of her upper body and legs. She could thrash around as much as she wished, but the target area would be completely helpless!

One of the teachers explained the number of lashes that Allison was going to receive - one hundred. Most boys were familiar with receiving punishment themselves - six of the best or so - but 100 lashes - many boys were horrified that this would be happening to such a stunning girl.

However, some of the boys started chanting "hit her, hit her.."

The first guard let her examine the cane and struck the bench in front of her, barely missing her fingers. Her eyes opened wide with horror, but she did not utter a sound. He then tapped the cane a couple of times on her butt, to focus her attention on the spot where the pain would commence. The next moment she heard a loud whistling noise, as the cane sliced through the air and struck home with a loud thud.The muscles in her buttocks and back went into involuntary spasm. Intense pain shot like lightning through her body. But she only whimpered softly. The pain was still throbbing when the next lash hit her, bruising the same spot. Her body jerked up form the bench and for an instant the boys could see her well developed breasts and puffy brown nipples hanging down. They could also see a grimace of agony on her face, but she only uttered a soft "ouch" and flopped down on the bench. She hid her face between her arms and cried softly.

The next eight lashes came in rapid succession, preventing the pain from subsiding between strokes. Her muscles tightened with each cut and her ass cheeks clenched, but she only whimpered softly.

"She is quite tough and we will have to break her", said the guard. The other one nodded, and took up position on her other side. They both started striking her alternatively at a fast rate. They did not count. This fast action would continue until they were certain that no less than 100 had been given. Soon the girl's head turned up, her eyes stared in horror and with her mouth open round, a low wolf like howl grew louder and higher pitched - like a continuous animal like cry. The guards were amused and liked this. They started hitting harder and faster and the blare became louder. They certainly did not stop or slacken for at least a hundred lashes.

At last they stopped and looked at her. Gradually her sweaty body stopped shuddering and howling. She lay sobbing. Blood trickled down her hips and on the bench.

One guard got a wicked leer on his face and said:

"One more time!".

Suddenly both guards flexed their strong arm muscles. With rapidity, cruel lashes landed on her injured parts. The girl's shrieks rose to heaven as another 20 ferocious lashes struck her naked bottom.

The boys cheered and whistled. And cheered.

"One more time?"

"Why not!" said the other guard.

Strong arms held canes high above their heads. With a rhythm of one-two, one-two, the cracks landed on the helpless girl. Once again her whole body sprang into action and writhed so much that the platform shook. The howling became somewhat hoarse, but nevertheless could be heard far away. Maybe she received more than 30 extra lashes this time - nobody counted!

Agnes, locked back in the classroom, became so petrified that she wet herself.

Agnes's punishment - most terrible of all?

A teacher explained that the next girl was extremely bad and promiscuous. This would not be tolerated under any circumstances and she was going to acquire 200 cuts, according to the art of the guard's profession. Agnes's imminent indecent exposure would also serve educational purposes to familiarize boys with the parts that girls normally keep hidden from them and in future their curiosity would not get the better of them and let them be tempted by vixens like her.

The guards yawned as the teacher delivered her naïve explanation.

With simple props and years of experience, they quickly got ready for the next part of the show. Two vertical posts were planted through pre-existing holes in the platform, about ten feet apart. The posts had slots in them at regular distances, where a cross beam could be attached. They fastened a beam high enough to allow a woman to hang and swing freely. Agnes was summoned and her hands tied with a rope in front of her. She wore a dress with straps on her shoulders and a belt around her slender waist. Her brown hair was fastened in a pony tail.

The guard threw the end of the rope over the beam and hoisted her up until her feet were off the ground. She cried and complained that the rope was hurting her wrists.

"We are going to hurt you much more" laughed the guard, and he put his arms around her and added his weight to hers. Her hands turned blue as the ropes cut deeper into her wrists while they supported the heavy weight of the guard. They swung to and fro.

Then he let go and to the boys delight, he groped the helpless girl. She squealed as he pinched her breasts and his fingers poked between her legs. Then he put his hand under her dress and triumphantly pulled her bloomers down and threw them to the boys. Next he removed her belt and untied the straps on her shoulders. She hung there with her dress loosely clinging to her body.

The preparations were ready for the fun to begin. Both guards stood behind her and two canes struck her armpits on both sides. More lashes followed rapidly and the girl screamed and thrashed about. Her dress started to slip down and exposed her breasts. The guards' attention wandered and couple of hard lashes struck her tender nipples. She gyrated more and her dress slid down on the floor. She looked so pretty and innocent, hanging there naked.

They now mostly worked on her buttocks. Over and over the canes landed on soft female flesh, without pity or remorse. Her kicking and writhing became so rapid and energetic, that the canes just lashed out blindly and cut into any body parts that came in their way. The guards it did mind where they stuck - it would hurt just as awful wherever. Nobody was counting the lashes and this did not seem to bother the guards (or the boys) either. The girl was in agony and that was the main object of the discipline.

After what seemed like ages, they stopped. A second beam was fastened in front of her abdomen. The top of the beam had a sharp wedge-shaped edge. The girl was still crying and sweating and a look of terror appeared on her face, as she wondered what was going to happen next. Two ropes were tied to her ankles. One was looped over the beam. The boys also wondered what was in store.

The guards thread the rope through two holes in the platform floor, one about four feet in front of the beam and the other the same distance behind it. They asked some boys to come and assist. There was no shortage of volunteers. One of the guards lifted Agnes over the beam and made her straddle it. She cried out loudly as the sharp edge cut into her private parts. The other guard crawled under the platform, pulled the ropes tight and tied a large bucket to each of them. Agnes's legs were pulled apart, as the weight of the buckets stretched them out. She could raise herself a little with her arms, but they rapidly got tired and then her tender parts had to support her. Almost immediately the pain became unbearable and the boys cheered as they witnessed her dilemma. Her arms were trembling, as she frequently made hopeless attempts to lift herself and she cried with frustration as the sharp beam cut into her genitals. The pain was excruciating.

The boys, who volunteered, were asked to fetch stones and place them into the buckets. All they could see were the two buckets hanging from ropes through holes in the wooden floor. As they dropped large stones into them, they heard howls and shrieks of anguish coming from above. They were astounded by the effect their stones producing. One boy grinned and jerked on a bucket. This had a remarkable effect - a really ear piercing shriek followed. He repeated this couple of times - to everyone's delight.

As the buckets filled with stones, her hoarse screams and lamentations became ever more frantic.

Above on the platform, the guards noticed how her legs becoming more strained and stretched, as she was forced down spread-eagle on the sharp edge. Maybe he heard a slight popping sound as her coccyx could no longer support the weight.

Between the screams, she pleaded frantically and desperately. Agony was written all over her face.

"Now she's ready to receive more lashes" said the guard. He took a short leather whip (the judge had not specifically prescribed a cane). Her breasts and nipples were protruding lewdly and she could do nothing to protect them.

The whip lashed right onto her sensitive nipples. How much more pain could she endure? Agnes was strong and there was no merciful relief by fainting. She suffered each and every one! The other guard started lashing her back with a heavy whip and the lashes rocked her body. The beam cut even deeper into her private parts. Never in her life had she felt so much pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, Agnes was taken down.

The guards placed a wooden plank at 45 degrees inclination from the floor to the cross beam and fastened it in place.

Where they planning something next? Surely Agnes had received an adequate amount of punishment? The guards didn't seem to think so.

Agnes was put on her back on the plank, her hands tied to the beam above her head and both feet were tied to the beam, spreading her legs wide apart and above her head. She was shamelessly exposed.

Blood was washed off her exposed genitals, the damage examined and coarse salt was rubbed into those areas. (The idea behind salt is not to help in any way, but to generate more pain, and most certainly that is the general effect it has.) He then poked two fingers in her vagina and examined her coccyx. It was fractured and bent inward. He could feel it crepitating as he moved it. She groaned as he forced it back into position.

"Look teachers, the boys can now observe everything they need to know about a woman" he said sarcastically as he pointed to her soft inner thighs, her pussy lips, her brown arsehole and the slightly brown area around it.

The guards next applied the whip energetically to all those secret places. Agnes shrieked, writhed and bucked. As the whip cut into the most sensitive areas, all sphincters lost control. Yellow and brown flowed freely and mixed on the floor. For the first time the boys actually saw a woman excreting.

For her indecency, she received another fifty lashes on each foot. It was amazing how sensitive the soles of her feet were. In spite of all the aching of her body, this final punishment created enormous suffering. Her pelvis gyrated sensuously up and down and sideways, with her genitals and anus visible to all. The boys close by could even see her anus contracting in an attempt not to let go again.

Agnes was removed from her bondage, but for her this would not be the end of the story. Her wounds and broken coccyx (dislocated again by the whip) would cause agony and sleepless nights for a long time to come.

The teachers thanked the guards for their excellent work. In the name of Justice, good deeds had been done on that day.

To be continued…


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Gillians Justice Chapter Three

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Cecelia Flick The oak-panelled courtrooms had been purposely designed to look imposing and foreboding to those appearing before the Justices at the Old Bailey but Gillian Dixon confidently strode into the dock looking like she owned the place. "Any chance you're going to show a little respect and servitude?" her barrister Brian McCaffey hissed into her ear before he moved to the front benches and took his seat. Gillian just...

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New League of Justice Chapter One

New league of Justice Chapter 1 By Pussywillow Copyright 2001 The woman, whose beauty had never arrived, screamed with her legs askew, waving in the air, "I am the great OSAMA, do you hear, do you hear," as we watched the man on top enter her and begin his piston like movements. Visible on the great OSAMA were the jiggles of beautiful melon like breasts, topped by large, strawberry like nipples surrounded by nearly plate sized areoles suitable for hard working teats. Then...

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The Spirit of Justice

The Spirit of Justice By Heather St. Claire Terry Martin was drunk. That wasn't much of a surprise; he was drunk just about every night, and most days as well. As a college senior and the child of privilege, he could do just about anything he pleased. He flung an empty Jack Daniels bottle out the window of his Porsche and slammed his foot down on the accelerator. Martin was due to graduate in three months, and he knew he hadn't earned the Bachelor's Degree he was going to...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Four

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Objection! Gillian Dixon's trial had been running for four days and Annabelle Creighton was steadily building her case. A succession of witnesses provided the jury with evidence that Gillian had the motive, the means, and the opportunity for her to murder Lord Edward Beaumont. It was alleged that she and Lord Edward were alone at the club and his body was found in Gillian's office with her in attendance when the police arrived....

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A New Age Chapter 2 Rightness and Justice

She followed him out of his car, up the pathway to his door, and as he unlocked it, the order he’d given her before was still in effect. “Kayla, I order you to act as yourself but do as I say,” he’d said, no more than 15 minutes before. Now he looked over at her and spoke. “Kayla, I want you to want me to fuck you. To cum in you. I want you to be a slut for me,” he said, to which she immediately responded. She hopped up into his arms, her being so short, her arms wrapped around his neck,...

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Sweet Justice

This is a completely non-sexual tale about right, wrong and responsibility. Each reader will have to come to his or her own conclusions about relative morality. * ‘Ah, Special Agent Jenkins, my favorite FBI agent! You’re welcome to sit out here on the porch or in your government sedan while I waste more of my precious retirement income on my attorney who I would think will be here within the hour.’ ‘Mr. Thompson, you don’t need to call your lawyer. The judge approved your writ. I’ve been...

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I’ve always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine....

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently...

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...

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Magic Returns Justice of a Sort

Justice, of a Sort By Circe Doctor Braxton, You asked me to write about what happened because you think I'm not "confronting the reality of what occurred." That's a nice theory, doctor, but the realities - all of them -- are not in question. If I ever doubt the current reality I have two great reminders close at hand. All the therapy in the world will not change that. Still, I know that I have to complete the therapy before you will let me out of this hospital, so here is what...

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Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...

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A Darker Side of Justice Part 1

A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a...

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Mediaeval Justice

The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Backdoor Justice

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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The SmithChapter 9 Justice

The week of the 23rd was the introduction of garter belts, stockings and corsets. Since most of the lingerie was see through or as good as, Cat wore one of my undershirts belted all week as a minidress. On the 24th, Justice came out with their issue. “SPECIAL ADDITION” “Who is the man holding the leash of the sixteen-year-old girl that has the world at the edge of their seats?” With a picture of me from ten years ago with a ‘?’ over a grayed out oval superimposed behind Cat in her red...

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Occult JusticeChapter 7

Arne sensed a freshness about Bathsheba's excitement as soon as he was awoken by her, the stern woman riding his face as soon as he was conscious, the lushly erotic scenario of his public humiliation still filling her with raw excitement as she burst into a heady orgasm; her ecstasy embellished with thoughts of the events to come magnified her pleasure; she would be granted even deeper satisfaction later, and her erotic elation would not be denied. Temporarily sated, he was pulled from the...

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Darkview Justice Ch 01

Dark(view) Justice, Black Court & Red Quarter By Bryce. Hat tip to Chrystal Wynd for starting the ball rolling on Darkview. Chapter 1 It was a minor traffic stop, but he couldn’t shut up long enough for the cop to leave. Which is why his ass was drug off to jail and a bail hearing in the morning. It should have been a quick in and out hearing, if he hadn’t had caught Judge Cynthia Grindcock’s attention. His case was called and before he had a chance, he was being ushered to the jury box...

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Compensatory Summary Justice

Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...

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Justice the hard way

“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...

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HillBilly Justice

"HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : Rape,anal,violence,cruelty,sodomy,murder and torture. "HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : I had been following the murder trial of a mother in another state who had killed her child and I became pretty upset.I would watch it after getting home from work. She claimed she was innocent and had no idea what had happened. I followed the trial and the investigators kept saying how much she had lied and made numerous false claims, blaming a...

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Victoria Justice Photoshoot Fun

I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...

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Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice by Jennifer Chapter 1 Friday night; 11:35 PM - Somewhere along Route 264; just outside of Falling Rock, AZ. Her head bobbed rhythmically to the beat of the blaring radio; it was difficult to stay focused on what I was trying to do. "Oh yeah . . . " I managed to groan. With her free hand, she grabbed a handful of her flowing hair and flipped it to the other side of her head . . . away from her face. As I took a quick look down at her, she gave me a...

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And Justice For All Part 4

Hey y'all, new name for Sushi Radical, but the story goes on the same... anyway, on with the show... By the way, after this one, I'm kind of running short on ideas as to where this should go, so if anyone wants to make any requests or suggestions, let me know! Love y'all! Apple xxx ...And Justice for All ...Part Four By Apple Beccy lay, her small hands working feverishly at her sex, trying to push herself over the edge to orgasm. Her hands ached, her body was sore, but still she...

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A Simple Girls Justice

A Simple Girl's Justice By TouchedBug I stand on the rotting wood of the dock leading out to the Rio Grande, careful that my soft feet aren't pierced by a splinter or stray nail. A moment is taken to enjoy the trickling sound of the river and the buzzing of insects singing their mating song. During the day this stretch of the Rio Grande which runs through the Texas town of New Braunfels is congested with inner tube sailing, beer guzzling tourists effectively turning the river...

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Rubekestan Justice

Rubekestan Justice Synopsis Arrested for shoplifting while on holiday in Rubekestan, Nancy is sentenced to the harsh punishment meted out in that country. Her abusive, authoritarian nature only makes her situation worse. Rubekestan Justice by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MMM+F NC. Whipping/caning If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your...

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Justice Club The White Queen

Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...

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On the Trail of Justice

The rider on the buckskin took his time, studying the trail, and, by turns, the terrain ahead. He could tell by the way sand occasionally fell into a hoof print that he was not far behind his quarry. The horse he was following had been ridden hard, and from the way the hooves scraped sand between steps, must have been on its last legs. The heat made the air shimmer as he studied the rocks and brush ahead for any sign of the man he had chased halfway across the territory. Yesterday, they had...

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Justice Club The Scarlet Witch Project

Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 155 Human Justice

(Kenshin and the others are walking home. A man on a ladder is ringing a bell.) Kaoru: The fire bell... It must have something to do with that sound. Tae: Kenshin, you said it was an Armstrong cannon? Shouldn't you... Tsubame: I... I think so too. Kenshin: I may just be imagining things. We can check it out tomorrow. It's getting late. Kaoru: You're right. It won't do any good to worry about it now. Sanosuke and Yahiko: All right! Then we can go back to the Akabeko for another...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 9 Justice is Blind

July 5th, 2002. Chelmsford Crown Court. Next morning the court opened at 9am, and the courtroom was packed. Adultery, drug dealing, and underage sex. What other revelations would be forthcoming? V-P called me into the witness box and took me through the story of me coming home and finding Miriam and Hodge at it in the bedroom. I described my attempt to hit Hodge — a baited hook which V-P hoped Blackburn would swallow — my action of putting the house up for sale and starting divorce...

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A Justice Providers TaleChapter 3

Room service had brought me breakfast. Local planet time was maybe somewhere around late afternoon. Thick fog rolled over the lake surface and didn’t allow for much visual distraction. While holding a strip of bacon in one hand I had the GalNet terminal open and checked the Union-wide Runner list, published by the Justice providers association, mine and perhaps your future professional organization. You can do this independent. Any citizen can arrest or detain a Runner and thus earn the...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 19 Awakenings

I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure...

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A New BeginningChapter 15 Healing Mom Samrsquos Justice Sylvan Gets a Surprise My Bond Daughters

As she turned and walked away my parents started laughing. I had not even heard them approach when the class ended. I grinned and looked at them, “getting used to the place?” My dad nodded looking around, “it takes getting used to but I think I like it. I am going to miss my practice though. I had a lot of people that worked with me that were friends.” I looked at them, “sorry you came?” My mother stepped close, “no Michael. This place is different and we will make new friends. You...

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The Justice Warriors

Richie Riley cautiously approached the nondescript warehouse in the middle of the city's industrial district. His incredible nano-tech armor, designed by his mentor the one and only TechKnight, was currently in stealth mode, making him virtually undetectable. Stealth mode automatically camouflaged him to his surroundings in real-time making him virtually invisible, especially while standing still while also hiding his heat signature and absorbing radar waves. Richie Riley or CyberSquire was one...

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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

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The Girl Scout 18 Street JUSTICE

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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