Divine Ch. 03 free porn video

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Authors note: This is the third installment in this series. I hope you all are enjoying the story as it plays out. Thank you to my editor May McQueen for your input and corrections and Miss Kittie for your input.


Calise put the finishing touches on her makeup. As she applied a little gloss, she gave herself one last look in the mirror. She thought that she looked great. She wore a mid-length black Dolce&Gabbana strapless dress with lace-up red stilettos. Looking at her hair, she decided to wear it half in a ponytail and the rest cascading in curls down her back.

Walking into her living room, she made her way into her kitchen to grab a soda. Leaning back against the counter she popped the lid. She shook her head at herself. Why was she so nervous. She was just going on a business call. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet the butterflies in her stomach told her it might be more. Deondre had a way of getting around the wall she built around her heart. He made her laugh, and she found herself relaxing in his company. He also had the uncanny talent to get her out of her g-string. Gathering her wits about her, she grabbed her purse and her car keys and headed out of the door. No matter how nervous she was, she was going to Deondre’s club tonight.

Outside, she walked along the path down to her car. Getting in, she started the engine and pulled out of her driveway heading for the freeway. It was about an hour and a half drive to Luanne’s, but she needed to talk to Deondre about the event for Shauntea. Hopefully he agreed because she only have a few days to get her performance together.

As she was driving, she turned her radio on and began singing along with the radio. Before she knew it, she was putting her blinker on and exiting the freeway. Calise drove down the long stretch of road she recognized from when Shauntea brought her here a few weeks ago. After awhile, she was pulling into Luanne’s. As before, the parking lot was full of cars. This place must be more successful than she thought.

Getting out and locking her car, she started walking up to the door of the establishment, when she heard someone off to her right.

‘Hey, baby.’

Calise turned her head to see a young man of about twenty, twenty-one, who was dire need of a belt. Wearing jeans that hung off his ass, Calise could see the basket ball shorts and boxers he had on underneath. Coupled with a wife beater tank top and fitted cap, he looked like the epitome of a thug. He had corn rows that needed to be redone and a du-rag hanging out his back left pocket. He sauntered up to Calise with what he thought was swag, but in actuality looked like he had a bad limp. Calise shook her head and laughed.

‘What’s good, Ma?’ he said in a southern twang, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together.



‘Hmm…Nothing much, Pa.’ Calise tilted her head and looked at him with a sarcastic smile on her face. ‘Is that how you come at all females?’

‘Its called swag, sweetheart.’ Licking his lips again, he looked at her from head to foot, stopping at her breasts.

Calise snapped her fingers in front of his face. ‘Up here, baby.’

Looking back at her eyes, the ‘man’ smiled at Calise and she chuckled, which she tried to hide under a cough. Lining the upper set of his teeth was a gold and platinum grill.

Glancing around the parking lot, he asked, ‘You here with anyone shawty?’

‘Ooh, we are not even going there. Look, I’m going inside. You have a good night Pa.’ Laughing on the last word, she turned and began walking up to the front of the line of people waiting to get inside. She heard the man calling out to her, but she ignored his comments and kept going.

She walked up to the club’s bouncer. She didn’t feel like waiting in the line and she knew if she told him to get Deondre, she would be let in.

‘Excuse me,’ Calise said loudly to be heard over the music that was spilling out of the front door.

The bouncer looked at her, and she could she the spark of recognition in his eyes. ‘I remember you,’ he said. ‘You’re that lady who sang the roof off this club a couple of weeks ago.’

Flushing, Calise confirmed who she was.

A playful smile appeared on his face. He was the big teddy bear type with a black and white SECURITY shirt on.

‘So you’ve finally come back to see me huh?’ he asked jokingly.

Calise immediately took a liking to the big man. ‘Well, of course. I couldn’t stay away.’ Starting to play his game, she started going back and forth with him before asking, ‘Do you think you could let Deondre know I’m here? My name is Calise.’

The bouncer lifted a walkie -talkie to his lips and began speaking into it. When he was done he removed the belt blocking entrance to the club. ‘Go on inside. He’s waiting at the bar for you.’

‘Thank you…’ she let the sentence trail, trying to get his name.

‘Jonathan,’ he said, smiling. ‘You gonna sing for us again tonight?’

‘Maybe. I don’t know yet. I’m here for other business, but we’ll see if Deondre can talk me into it,’ she said over her shoulder and started making her way into the club.

As she walked in, she saw Deondre immediately. He was standing at the bar staring straight at her. He had a smug smile on his face, like he knew she would come eventually.

Calise made her way through the crowd, weaving in and out of men and women that were dancing or just standing around the dance floor. The fluttering made its triumphant return to her gut and she took a deep breath. Finally she was in front of Deondre. It never ceased to amaze her how gorgeous this man was. Calise slanted her head down and looked at him through her eye lashes.

‘Hello, Deondre.’

‘Calise.’ The smug smile got even wider as he reached in and gave her a hug.

‘How have you been?’ she asked him. Damn he smelled good. A mixture of citrus cologne and aftershave.

‘I’ve been good. I was wondering when you were gonna come see a brotha.’

‘Yeah, well I’m here now and that’s all that matters, right?’

Looking around the bar, she noticed the bar tender looking at them. When they made eye contact, he nodded his head at them.

‘What’s that about?’ Calise asked, nodding toward the bartender.

Deondre looked over to see what she was talking about. Smiles broke out over both the men’s faces. The bartender made his way over to them and handed Calise a rum and coke.

‘And what has the two of you smiling?’ she asked him.

‘This man here, has been sulking like a two year old waiting for you to come back here. But now that I see you, I know why.’ He shook his employer’s hand and returned to the customer’s hollering out drink orders to him.

‘So you’ve missed me, huh?’

‘More than you could imagine.’ Grabbing her hand, he walked her into her office so that they could talk privately. When they reached he office door, flashes of the last time they were there filled his mind. Glancing at Calise, he could tell she was thinking of the same exact thing.

Walking inside, Deondre went over to his wet bar and poured himself a drink. Calise was still nursing her rum and coke.

‘So do you ever drink anything besides rum?’

‘Sometimes. My Father drank rum all the time when I was growing up and I just developed the taste for it like he did.’

Shaking his head, Deondre came to sit on a La-Z-Boy boy he had just bought and set up in the corner of his office.

‘So, what have you been up to, Calise? I haven’t talked to you since the lunch with Shauntea.’

I’ve been good. Writing a lot.’ Putting her drink down on the desk she walked to the sofa and sat. As soon as her thighs met fabric, visions of their encounter here played in her mind. Calise smoothed her hand over the cushion, smiling to herself. She could almost feel Deondre’s lips traveling down her neck to rest at her breasts
. Just imagining his fingertips caressing her skin had Goosebumps appearing on her skin.

Deondre watched Calise walk over to his sofa. A sofa he spent many a afternoon staring at reminiscing about the fun he had had on it. As she sat down, he noticed her get caught up in her thoughts. He was about to look away and leave her to her wanderings when he noticed her breathing. She was taking short, shallow breaths, and when her eyes closed, he knew exactly where her mind had went. Deondre had to readjust himself as Calise began to rub her legs together as if to lessen the ache she undoubtedly was feeling between her thighs. Looking at her thinking about him had him wanting to lift that sexy-ass black dress she was wearing around her hips and find his home inside her walls.

Clearing his throat, he watched with amusement as Calise opened her eyes and began to blush.

‘Have anything on your mind?’

Calise couldn’t help the blush that made an appearance on her cheeks and refused to go back into hiding. Glancing at Deondre, Calise shook her head.

‘Nothing, nothing at all.’ She could see the amusement in his eyes. ‘I don’t like you,’ she said, laughing.

‘Yes you do. But you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.’

‘Whateva man. I actually have been meaning to come sooner and talk with you. I had a favor to ask you actually.’

‘Really?’ he asked, curious. ‘Ask away.’

‘Well, Shauntea has this event coming up and the band she booked canceled on her. She asked me to fill in, but I need alive musician to play behind me. So I was wondering…’

‘Say no more. I love to play for you. When is it?’

‘Actually, this weekend. We need to rehearse and have everything ready in three days.’ She raised apologetic eyes up to him. ‘I know its last minute but it would really help me out.’

Deondre knew that this was an opportunity for him to spend some alone time with Calise and he wasn’t about to let the fact that this would be a lot of work stop him from having her all to himself.

‘Do you know what type of music we’re gonna be doing?’

‘Well Shauntea said that she wants a relaxed environment, so I was thinking jazz and classic R&B.’ Calise said as she stood to go get her drink.

‘Okay, are you available tomorrow? I have some downtime in my schedule,’ he lied. He would have to clear his schedule as soon as he had a minute.

‘Tomorrow will be good actually. You can come over to my house and we can work in my studio. I’ll cook us something for lunch while we’re working.’

‘That sounds good. You don’t think you could sing me a song tonight for my trouble?’ he asked, clutching his heart.

‘I suppose, but only because that teddy bear Jonathan asked me first. I still don’t like you.’ Laughing, she made her way to the office door.


Michael sat in his workroom looking at his designs. He was ready for the event on Saturday. He was a little nervous, but he supposed that came with the territory. He went by the gallery earlier hoping he would see Shauntea, but it was just her assistant there. Shauntea.

Putting his head down he let his mind wander to the beautiful woman. He found that she was on his mind a lot since he met her. That woman was something else. When he first met her, he had arranged a business lunch for them to get acquainted. He had been sitting at the table when she walked in. He found he had to pick up his jaw off the floor and pretend like she wasn’t the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She exuded so much confidence, which Michael found to be very attractive. He had been flirting with her every now and then, but she had a firm no fucking the customer policy that he saw in very bold print on the contract he was presented with. He wanted to take those words and send them straight to Hell. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in Shauntea. Good thing he wasn’t going to be her client much longer.

His cellphone going off brought him out of his thoughts.


‘Hey you.’ Think of the devil and he’ll come, he thought.

‘Hey. Wassup?’

‘Well, I’m setting up the last minute touches for the event tomorrow and I forgot to ask you what flavor cake you wanted.’ Shauntea shook her head. Okay, so it was lame, but she needed a reason to call him.

‘Oh, um, red velvet actually.’ He had hoped she had called for another reason but she was always the professional. Then an idea came to him.

‘Hey Shauntea, do you mind coming over? I’m putting together the last of the line and the models are coming over tomorrow. Wanted your opinion on some things.’

Shauntea was a little surprised. She wanted to do just that, but know that she was given the opportunity she wasn’t sure. She didn’t trust herself to go over there and not jump him. Taking a deep breath, she started to refuse but his voice came over the line again.

‘Please Shauntea. I value your opinion. It would mean a lot to me.’

Sighing, she shook her head. ‘Sure. I’ll be there in a few.’

Hanging up, Shauntea went to her closet to put on some clothes. She started to reach for a halter dress but decided against it. She didn’t want to appear like she was trying too hard. She decided on blue jeans and a royal blue tank top. She slid her feet into a pair of heeled sandals and went into her bathroom to fix her hair. Looking into the mirror she let out an excited breath. She didn’t know why this guy affected her like this. She normally had more composure than this.

Brushing her hair into a ponytail, she put on some gloss and turned and walked out the bathroom. Grabbing her purse and keys she turned her lights out and headed out the door.

Michael lit the last of the candles he had set up in the living room. He had placed them in intervals along the wall, starting from the living room down the hall to his bedroom. Grabbing a remote he turned on his radio and let some soft jazz spill through his space.

Turning to look at his work, he smiled to himself. Shauntea would be shocked when she got here. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He could see the glances she gave him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Tonight he would see how far he could take her before Shauntea the ‘professional’ took over.

He went to his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Ciroc out of the refrigerator and two glasses. He put a few pieces of ice in each and headed back to the living room.

Looking at the clock, he smiled and sat down and waited. Shauntea should be here any minute. Not a moment too soon, he saw head lights pull into his driveway. He settled into the couch and waited for his doorbell to ring. Not even a minute later, it did just that.

‘It’s open.’

Shauntea turned the door handle and walked into Michael’s living room. This was only the third time she had been here to his home but it still amazed her how stylish he was. His living room consisted of leather and dark toned wood. He had statues of elephants with glass circular tops for end tables and a larger one in the center of the room for his coffee table. A large area rug sat beneath with a pattern of dark green, brown and gold swirls. The artwork that he had on his walls were his brothers, he had told her, but beautiful nonetheless.

It took her a minute to notice all the candles and the soft music floating from the speakers.

‘This how you greet all your guests?’ she said with a half smile.

‘No, just those who are important. Please sit.’ he said, looking at her through his overly long eyelashes.

A little shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. She started to wonder if it was very smart to come over here.

Sitting down on the couch, she watched Michael pour her a drink. She accepted it and took a sip.

‘So, what did you want me to look at?’ Was that her voice? She didn’t appreciate the huskiness of it, or the way her nipples all of
a sudden had got hard and extra sensitive.

‘Well, I wanted you to look at the last two outfits for the show. I’m not sure about them.’

Welcoming the distraction, she nodded. ‘Sure, no problem. Did you want to…?’

He had been staring at her lips the entire time. He looked up as she paused in her sentence. Smiling he said, ‘Yeah, um, its in the workroom.’

He stood and offered her his hand. Walking down the hallway, Shauntea noticed the candles were everywhere. They took the last left into a room that he had set up a his workroom. He had knocked the wall out between two already large bedrooms and made it one large space. Tables were filled with fabric and swatches of different materials. His collection was on mannequins along the far wall ready for the show. There was only one clear spot in the room. One table, dead center.

‘So, which ones do you need the help with?’ As she waited for him to she sipped her drink. She was trying to keep her mind off any and everything but him and how close he was.

After a while, she noticed he hadn’t answered her. She turned around and found him standing at the door to the room, staring at her. He looked like he wanted to eat her.

‘You know staring at me like that will get you into trouble.’

‘You promise?’

He started a slow walk up to Shauntea like he was tracking prey. Her body recognized what was going on and without permission began to respond to him. When he approached he brought his fingertips to her neck and began to trace a pattern down her to her shoulder.

Clearing her throat, Shauntea opened her mouth to tell him she didn’t fuck her clients, but a moan escaped instead. Michael had begun to place kisses where his fingers just were. Standing behind her Michael wrapped his arms around Shauntea and licked up the base of her spine. Planting a kiss behind her ear he asked, ‘Did you say something, baby?’

Turning in his arms, Shauntea looked up at him. ‘You know I don’t fuc…’

Michael cut her off with a kiss. He started it slow but he deepened it, reaching into her mouth with his tongue. Learning her mouth, her taste. She moaned into his mouth.

He started backing her up until she felt her legs hit something. Michael broke their kiss long enough to lift her onto the one empty table she had noticed earlier. He bent and planted kisses along her neck and collarbone. He had a plan in mind and he prayed it didn’t backfire on him.

Grabbing the hem of her shirt he pushed it up and reached a hand under her bra. When his thumb grazed her nipple, Shauntea took in a sharp breath. Biting her bottom lip she looked down at Michael. She knew she should stop this, but couldn’t seem to say the words.

Pushing her bra up, Michael lowered his head and took one juicy nipple into his mouth. He gave a long and hard suck before pulling back and letting it plop out of his mouth. He went for the other one and sucked again. Flicking her nipple, he looked at her to see her lost to the sensations he was giving her. Good, just where he wanted her. Not thinking, just feeling.

His hand started to trail down to her pants. Getting to the button he deftly flicked it open. Reaching inside he cupped her mound and found it hot and wet. Shit, he wanted this woman, more than he wanted any woman in his past. Moving her panties to the side he drew a finger up her slit. Shauntea’s back arched off the table and a load moan escaped her mouth.

Michael wondered if he started to take her pants off if would she stop him. ‘Well no time like the present to find out,’ he thought.

Changing his position so he was at her feet he reached up and slid his fingers around the waist of her jeans. Pulling, he smiled when her hips lifted and he pulled the jeans off and threw them on the floor. He nearly lost it when he saw the little black lace thong she wore. Licking his lips he wasted no time for her to change her mind. He grabbed her knees and slowly spread them apart, Grabbing the edges of the thong he pulled fast and off they came.

‘Fuck,’ Shauntea moaned. She watched him lower his head to her wet pussy. He started to lick the inside of her thigh and around her pussy to her other thigh. It seemed like he would never get to Ms. Kitty. Just the anticipation almost had her coming.

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As the door closed behind me I looked at my watch. One a.m. I should be home in less than half an hour. It smelled refreshing and invigorating outside. As I walked to my car the last few drops of his semen ran down my leg. My bra and panties were in my purse. I was dressed in my normal work attire, not having showered after. I was sure I was ripe with the fresh sent of rigorous sex. When I arrived home intended to drop my clothes, get into bed, odorous as I was, and shower in the morning.I...

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Introduction: I had been a cold warrior and special operator. I came home hard and cold. Then I met the wife of a guy I hated in high school. Introduction – If you want to know more about me read my first story Vignettes I. When I came out of the Army, I had been trained for a war that never came. I had spent more time in the woods than in civilization and had become cold and hard. I had peaked at 205# with a 28 waist and my legs were heavy from hundreds of miles of running and hiking. The rest...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 7

Jenny called Eve on her newspaper office phone. She invited her and her hubby to dinner at one of the Nashville restaurants. Eve evidently complained about the timing, but Jenny answered her with a good story. “Well we are leaving over the weekend for home. It would be nice if we got together before we got busy tying up loose ends.” she said. There was a hint of an orgy but nothing was promised. “Maybe we could trade information.” “So Ed will be there too?” Eve asked. “Honestly, it was his...

2 years ago
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Tutoring a Girl in Irish

This story involves Domination, BDSM, face sitting, lesbians, group, etc enjoy!This little story is about me meeting a girl named Madison; she’s 19 years old. She moved to Ireland with her mother and step sister Brittany, they were from America and came here since their mother had some love problems and needed work. Madison is bisexual and single, Brittany was also bisexual but is in a lesbian relationship with her best friend Abby, and they practically lived together.She moved into my town and...

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A Surprise Turns WonderfulChapter 2

We kissed again, then we separated and began taking our clothes off. I was quickly naked, my cock standing at full attention as she dropped her bra on the chair, standing there in her pink lace panties, now rather damp in the front. "Alex, you are quite beautiful and certainly an inspiration for what I'm about to do." I reached over and picked up the bottle of lube as she sat on the bed. As I began to stroke her eyes fixed on my cock, a faint smile added to her concentration, as I slowly...

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The Old Man on the BusChapter 5

Linda knew it was going to be one of those days when her ma left early to do the shopping and left her alone in the house with her demanding step-father with his oversized cock that gave her no rest whenever they were by themselves in the house. He came into her bedroom and pulled the covers off her exposing the fact that she was not wearing anything below the waistline. She was a lot more comfortable that way and it let her pussy breath with ease and not become sweaty with unwanted...

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Daddy It Hurts

It wasn't the first time we had an argument, but it was the first time we had a problem because I was going out with a boy. I was standing in front of the sink washing the dishes since daddy had cooked for us, and he was getting ready to go out with his friends. I had just got home from school when we decided to cook and have dinner together. I just had the time to take off my jeans and switch for a more comfortable pair of cotton shorts, but I kept on the buttoned-down white shirt I liked....

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Three Square MealsChapter 95 Igniting a flame burning bright guttering out

John awoke that morning to find two warm soft bodies snuggled up against him and glancing down he saw the lithe blue arms of the Maliri twins crossing his chest. As his mind shook off the fuzziness of sleep, he realised that the girl on his left actually had short white hair, then remembered that it was actually Tsarra and Edraele on either side of him. Settling back with his head on the pillow, he recalled the previous evening’s events. Having loaded up the Maliri Flagship with stockpiles...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 11 The Producer

The informal meeting took place in Dave’s spacious living room. Those in attendance consisted of Dave’s ten wives, Dave, several other Circle members, and two of the producers of the reality TV series to which Dave and others in the Circle had agreed. Al Berker with Spring Garden Productions took the lead. First off, I want to thank you Scarlett for your willingness to let us include you in our coverage of the Circle and the Prentiss family. We believe we are treating you carefully,...

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The Communion

I took my position on a chair in the corner and absorbed the surroundings. Three days ago she had been murdered here, and now it was time to lay her to rest. She needed to find peace, and only I could reach out to her--to comfort her, by reliving her horror, and perhaps, allowing her to experience pleasure once more. I looked at the body on the bed, draped in a sheet, onbly her bare feet were visible. I knew beneath she wore only a negligee--the same one she was raped and murdered in. It had...

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one fun night with wife and friend

well one night Sam and Jo got to talking about sex and things they like and some how the talking got in to what if’s and then threesomes. Jo said there is no way he can get another girl to join in even if he wanted to. ( he has no game hell most the girls his wife tells him they like him he never seen any signs to that but he is kind of blind to flirting ) but anyway. they had a great talked and laughed about it for hours on what they talked about. A few...

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The Experiment

Shortly after I posted my story, "The Experiment," I went back and looked at it again and decided that it had been a failure. I simply hadn't realized the potential that I had seen in the article that had given rise to it. It was supposed to leap off the screen and grab the reader; instead, it just lay there doing not much of anything. Here on the list we were talking not long ago about whether you could revise a story too much; I fear that the original version of this story had not been...

1 year ago
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Hamari Common Gf Priya Part 8211 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto pichli kahani mae aapne padha maine(mohan) priya ke man mae omkar ki baat dali aur omkar ko ready kiya priya ko patane ke liye ab aage Omkar aur maine us raat bohot socha ki priya ko kese manaya jay Fire mere dimag mae ek idea aaya maine omkar ko bola bhai “tu kal se priya ke sath jb bhi baat krega to uske sath flirt krna chalu kr de, aur kbhi kbhi tu uske sath halki si sex chat bhi kiya kr” kyunki omkar aur priya purane dost the to vo regular chat krte...

2 years ago
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Unforseen Changes

Unforseen Changes by Prien Adam walked into his favorite bar on a friday night. The room was crowded but he walked directly to the bar and ordered a beer. He leaned against the wall and sipped at his drink while looking over the crowd, it was an average friday night crowd, some decent looking women but nothing spectacular. He did not see anyone worth striking up a conversation with. Turning back to the bar he found himself face to face with a gorgeous woman with green...

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Dedicated to Russ Meyer and American International Pictures * Chapter 1 Strip Club It was gone three in the morning and what little air there was in the Ooh-La-La Club was thick with smoke and sweat and the odor of stale beer. The joint was packed tonight: waitresses in tight hot pants and club tee-shirts sashayed around carrying trays laden with beer bottles and whisky shots, customers jostled each other and fights broke out, only to be promptly ended by big, burly bouncers, strippers...

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She Designed A Lot

Dear ISS readers; I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading my last anecdote Fever of Passion in the ‘maid’ section and appreciating it. Motivated by your kind words I thought of sharing one more incident which happened quite some time back. The reason I am penning these incidents down so that I can tell you all that unlike other writers of ISS and I am just an ordinary guy. I am no hunk, not very tall, I don’t go to any gym and I am just like you guys a regular next door...

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Some Infinities are Longer Blood Lust Chapter Three

“I didn’t realize you two knew each other,” Aaron mutters.He’s been giving me the cold shoulder all morning. I hadn’t pieced it together, until I remembered Tobias telling me not to put up the sound block. “I’ve known him longer than I’ve known anybody,” I defend myself. “Show me,” Aaron says. I take Aaron’s hand, allowing him into my thoughts. “I raised that boy into a vampire,” I tell Aaron as images flash from my thoughts into his. “He was dying when I first met him. He was in a war, and...

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Introduction To The World Of Lust 8211 Part 3

Please accept my sincere regrets for writing another story after such a long time. I lost access to my email account, and for some weird reasons, I recently got my account back. I had many emails requesting the third part of the story, so here we go. I lost my virginity to Hetal back in 2019, as you all know. Now, after the resort scene, we meet a couple of times at different locations in Mumbai. We enjoyed a lot of sex which I have now lost count of. One night we were chatting about our...

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A Weekend To Remember Part II

A Weekend To Remember Part II ? by: Joanie Davis I don't know how long he left me there, bent over painfully with my wrists bound to the top of the chair back behind me, and a stranger's cum drying on my face. My nylon clad toes hung just a bare inch off the carpet and were held there by tight bonds on my ankles. When Ken returned he untied my wrists from the chair allowing me to straighten up gratefully. Warning me to stay still he untied my elbows and wrists. I'm not sure what...

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At work working myself

I love a cock in my mouth. I love sucking on it, feeling it pulse between my lips, massaging it with my tongue. I love hearing you moan, it lets me know I’m getting you off. I can’t get enough. I get so turned on and wet knowing you’re going to cum down my throat. Tell me what to do. Grab my hair in your fist and force your cock deep down into my throat. Fuck my pretty lil lips. Make me gag on your delicious cock. I can’t take it, I want to taste your cum. I want to swallow it all. 

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Fucking Dairy Fun In Varanasi

Hello, guys. I am harsh singha and I am currently in Varanasi. This story is based on my real life story. How I met a girl from wechat and got a chance to meet her personally. Girlz from varanasi if you want to meet me plzz mail me at Kahani start karne se pehle mai apne baare me bata du. Meri height 5.10. Jyada to nai but theek thak dikhta hu. Ladkiya ky sochti h mere baare me ye ni pata mjhe. So meri kaha start hoti h jab mai kanpur se semester break me ghar aaya hua tha. Ghar pe din k...

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The Price of Charity 2 Terms and Conditions May Apply

Part 2: Living Arrangements "Hey! Come on! Hurry up!" The loud pounding on the wood door of his bathroom jostled Nathan out of his thoughts. "I... I need a minute!" he said, biting his lower lip. In actuality, he was already ready. At least physically. Mentally, he'd never be ready. He shifted his weight on the toilet seat, painfully aware of certain noises coming from underneath him. The rough, growling voice of Marcus flooded his ears again. "Come on! All we told you to do was...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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Short and Sweet

This story, like most of what I publish, is a total fantasy, not a word, person, or location is based on anything more than an erotic thought in my head. I have had a couple conversations with someone that provided some inspiration, I will leave it up to her to find the part(s) that are all hers. Hope you enjoy, love to hear comments.Short and Sweet[/]I met Charlotte, really more by accident than design. I was single and she was too, so that was a plus in the sense that neither of us had to...

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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 6

We woke up very late, not sure what time it was, but the sun was very high in the sky and the outside temperature was very comfortable. I got up and looked to my side, where Tuva with her beautiful tan skin, was still peacefully asleep with a smile on her face, and I noticed a dried spot of my cum next her mouth. I decided to take a swim in the sea and then see if I can take a shower at the sauna building. I was expecting Tuva to have a hangover, so, on my return I would make a hearty...

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Giving head to a stranger in a hotel

I'm not attracted to men, I wouldn't want to date a guy or even kiss a guy. The only sexual thing I would do with a guy is the one thing I can't do with a girl. Give a blowjob. I've done it a few times and I have to say it's pretty hot and thrilling. I was drunk by myself one night and had been watching Xhamster blowjob videos for a while and really felt like getting one so I went on craigslist looking for a willing lady. Of course there were none so I kept looking in other sections like...

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Caught in the act 2

My wife & her sister who was on holiday decided to go shopping by train to Glasgow, which is about 80 miles away. This of course meant they were away all day till about 6..30pm, when I had to pick them up at the railway station. I caught up on a lot of jobs I had still to finish, when I had no one to distract me. The day flew past & before I realized I was a bit hungry. I went inside to get something to eat & relax. It was about 3.30 pm. The phone rang. “Hello”, I said. ...

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The Camping Trip

This is a true story about a camping trip I was on last summer. A big group of us went from school. All of us were college students, out for a good time. Naturally it was mostly guys. But there were 5 of us women along. Me and a friend Julie were sharing a tent. The other three ladies had boyfriends. We had a great time that first day. It was hot, sunny out. We did a lot of swimming, drinking. With it being mostly guys, got flirted with a lot. Not that I am a super model. But I’m 19, 5’3”...

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I am Nobody

I am Nobody Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Hi, my name is Alex. Because I smile doesn't mean I am happy. My heart is tearing apart. I feel so trapped. I feel so alone. Nobody knows me for who I am. I am Nobody. I can't cry anymore tears. I can't be brave anymore. I can't be the person...

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Jana Ein Werkstattbesuch

Es war Freitagnachmittag 14 Uhr. In der Werkstatt war heute nicht viel los. Auf einem Fernseher lief ein Nachrichtensender. Mein Chef hatte mir gerade gesagt, dass wir noch einen neuen Kunden bekommen, der gerade von der Autobahn abgeschleppt wird. Kurze Zeit später kam schon unser Abschleppwagen mit einem 1er BMW drauf. Er hielt vor der Eingangstür und eine Frau stieg aus. Sie hatten einen grauen langen Mantel an, blaue Schuhe und hatte lange schwarze Haare. Der Abschleppwagen fuhr hinten auf...

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The flight was too short

America Airlines flight 1177, from Orlando to Washington DC, was scheduled to depart at 1PM. I deliberately took this Saturday mid-day flight to avoid all the children pumped up from a week of Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. This flight also provided me the best opportunity for an upgrade. Unfortunately, many Diamond members had that same idea so First Class was completely full. I was, however, rewarded with a row in the back of the plane entirely to myself.I had settled back in my seat with my...

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my first time with a grown man

this is a bit unusual. i was a sexually precocious youngster. i knew what i wanted by the age 11 when this happened. my mother had divorced my biological father when i was a baby and remarried a few years later. my mother's husband was a very strict domineering person.as a brickmason, he had formed a partnership with another brickmason and started a construction company. during this time, he began construction on our home. it was in a valley and the closest neighbor was at least 2 miles away....

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Succubus Warriors

In this world of magic and monsters, adventurers of all kinds go out in hopes of fame and glory and wealth, but few truely can say they have achieved that goal. Three women in particular are infamous for these aspects. There is the Warrioress, Samantha Truthseeker, a Mercinary. She fights for the sake of glory wanting to have as many titles as possible so she can be written down in history books as a famous knight. However, the only thing she is famous for is her cockiness and love for...

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Aeishwarya The Young Slut Wife

"That was tiring" Krishna sighed as they closed the doors behind them. He switched on the air conditioning on full blast. "And sweaty. And dirty" Aeishwarya added as she took out her tank top to show her black bra and stood right under the air conditioning. They had been cleaning the terrace garden since the morning. Krishna held her from behind and whispered into her ear, "Care to join for a bath?" His palms slithered on her sweaty abdomen. "No." she bit her lip and...

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Dream Came True with My Sexy Teacher

Hi friends, I am Mannu , a regular reader and had written few stories of these fantasies. You all have shared your experiences on the site as well as with me . Once again share your feelings on Now I taking you all back to my early days , when I was in school and later on graduation days . I am from Gorakhpur ,I was in std. 11th at that time. I was good at studies. I had a sexy History school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Priyanka. I had very good impression on her as a student. But I was very...

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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

4 years ago
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Cousin Ki Pyaas Bhujayi

Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net . My name is Meet and I am 25 year old. Main odisha ka rehene wala hun or ye kahani mere or meri masi ki beti k bare mai hai. Jo mai dil se share karna chahta hun. Meri masi ki beti ka naam sneha hai or wo 23 saal ki hai uska ek chota Bhai hai Jo 8th standard mai padhta hai or uska naam shabby hai. Sneha bht khubsoorat hai, slim body, gora rang, 34 28 34 ka figure or puri typical Punjabi girls hai. May 2017 mai mere new ghar ka opening tha. Summer...

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