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Being a smart-arse can be a real burden in life and on this subject, I am somewhat of an expert. I could write a book about the number of times my smart mouth got me into trouble. At home, I was frequently grounded as a result of this, and at school I regularly got detention. I also have to admit, that the odd bloody nose and swollen lip also often resulted. It wasn’t as if I deliberately sought to piss people off, but at times the distance between my brain and mouth appeared to diminish to zero.

After college, I got a job at a business consultancy agency. We would call on customers who needed to streamline their office or factory structures and offer solutions. Although I apparently did very good work at the company, unsurprisingly, I once again got into the habit of constantly pissing my boss off. As a result of this lifelong pattern, I was frequently ‘punished’ by having to call on customers in small remote places that no one else wished to visit.

It was on my way to one of these hick towns, that this story took place.

Late one afternoon, en-route to one of these godforsaken places, I approached a service station that seemed to have a really interesting diner. Although I only had a further fifty miles to go, I was starving at this point after not having had lunch that day. The food at the diner was excellent and during my meal, I had a beer with my dinner.

Afterward, I visited the small adjoining shop to buy a chocolate bar for later. As I did so, my eyes focussed on the beers on offer. This is when I made the mistake of buying one for my journey ahead. As I drove further, I began sipping on the beer.

When I arrived in ‘Hicksville,’ I pulled up to a stop sign. I was so busy looking at the satnav in my vehicle to locate the motel that I failed to see the police car that was parked up ahead.

As I then proceeded forward. To my horror, a policeman jumped out of the police car before gesturing me to pull over.

After letting my window down, the policeman who was now standing next to me, asked me for my driver’s licence. As I handed it over I observed the name, Woods, pinned to his uniform.

Woods then glanced at the license before handing it back. “Sir, you didn’t stop properly at the stop street before proceeding forward,” he informed me.

“Yes, I did,” I answered, emphatically.

“No sir, it’s a stop sign, not a pause sign,” he countered.

As I continued arguing, his eyes looked past me and focussed on the empty beer bottle I had placed in the centre consul of my car.

“Have you been drinking, sir?” he then asked me.

“Just one beer,” I answered, matter-of-factly.

“Then you won’t mind stepping out of the vehicle, sir?" Officer Woods next suggested.

Irritated, I let out a sigh of frustration as I did so. By now, he had obviously gestured to the other officer sitting in the police car to bring over the breathalyser kit.

After placing it to my lips he instructed me to blow into it.

As Officer Woods looked at the result he uttered, “Looks like you had more than just one beer, sir.”

“What’s it say?” I inquired.

“Well, you are over the limit… Very slightly, I’ll admit, but you are over,” he concluded.

In a last-ditch attempt, I now tried to explain that I had just finished the beer, before babbling on that I was just around the corner from my motel. In conclusion, I incredulously concluded that the streets were empty.

“It looks like you are not taking this matter too seriously,” he stated in a haughty manner.

“I am… Officer Woods, it’s just that I don’t want to waste any more of your time,” I responded with a mildly apologetic grin.

The officer did not buy my half-hearted apology and after my earlier smart-arsed offensive, it was clear that he was out to prove a point.

“Please turn around, sir,” he ordered, prior to cuffing me.

“Morris, you can drive the gentleman’s vehicle and I’ll take him in the police car with me,” Woods instructed his associate.

Within a minute we arrived at the police station. Once inside, Woods unlocked my one cuff and instructed me to sit on the bench in the charge office. After clamping the unlocked handcuff to the armrest of the seat, he informed Dunstan, the man behind the counter, to phone Charlie and tell him that he needed a blood test as soon as possible. He also went on to say that Dunstan should tell Charlie, after Charlie arrived, that he needed the result of the test in time for court the following morning.

As this was happening the second officer, Morris, entered the charge office. As he did so, he held up my car’s keyring and with a snigger, flashed it at the other two policemen.

‘Oh shit, I’m fucked,’ I thought, as I observed the gay flag encased in Perspex.

Shortly, Woods received a callout on his potable two-way radio receiver.

“We need to get moving,” he informed Morris, before telling Dunstan that he would take care of the paperwork when he got back.

As I sat awaiting Charlie’s arrival, I hoped that he would take a long time before coming. The longer the better I ruminated. I had also not imbibed any alcohol in the preceding few days, which also counted in my favour, I reasoned.

When Charlie did arrive an hour and a quarter later, I was confident that the blood test would negate the charges.

Any hope that I would be released and told to appear in court the following morning, however, was negated when I was led off to the police cells.

As we stood before the cell where I was to spend the night, I observed a blanket-covered form on the bunk to my left. The bunk to the right was unoccupied and slightly beyond that, there was a toilet bowl.

After Dunstan locked the cell behind me he banged on the bars and said, “Hey, Lee, I brought you a pussy-boy to practice on, so that when you arrive at the big house tomorrow, you’ll be well-prepared for your stay in prison.” Then, as he was leaving he let out a hearty chuckle and concluded, “Try not to make too much noise, girls.”

As I sat on my bunk nervously, the form before me did not move for several minutes. On one side of the blanketed mound, I observed cowboy boots, a pair of jeans, a leather jacket, and a t-shirt.

When the shape finally sat up and the blanket was tossed to his side, the sight before me was like no other I had ever seen in my life.

Lee was the most butch looking man I had seen in a very long while. On an alpha scale from one to ten, he was an eleven. His entire muscular body was almost completely covered with tattoos.

On his bald head and hairless face; only his ears, lips, and upper eyelids weren’t inked. As I would also see later, on his mostly hairless body, only his armpits, nipples, the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and finally his balls, bore no tattoos.

In all honesty, the tattoos were magnificently done and very varied. The one tattoo that immediately captivated me was of a ferocious fantasy creature with menacing teeth, which appeared on his upper chest. His overall appearance was astounding and also totally frightening, all at the same time.

After a few moments, Lee finally spoke. “What are you in for?”

“DUI,” I replied, before going on to tell him the full story.

After I was done, he asked, “Who brought you in?”

“An officer called Woods,” I answered.

With a snigger, Lee then said, “Good old Captain America. I was at school with that prick… actually; maybe prick is the wrong word. Woods has small cock syndrome. His dick is so small that only a chipmunk or squirrel could get excited by that tiny acorn, and chicks only ever bedded him once. I believe that he is still not married,” Lee concluded with a good laugh.

After a brief pause, Lee then continued. “My guess is that you have nothing to worry about. Breathalysers don’t hold up in court. Blood tests are the real deal and from what you have just told me, yours is going to be fine. The other possible ‘pause’ charge is also meaningless, because both officers were in their vehicle and did not have a fully unobstructed view at the time that it occurred. It’s hard to believe that they are actually wasting their time with this. Did you give them lip in the charge office? Something must have triggered them off, for them to lock you up.”

Reluctantly, I then related the keyring story.

“Ah, that explains the pussy-boy comment,” Lee said nodding his head.

Trying to change the conversation, I then asked, “Why are you here?”

“Assault,” he answered.

“Is it serious?” I questioned.

“If it’s your third time, you bet your arse it's serious,” he countered.

“So, is your court case tomorrow?” I inquired.

“No, buddy, tomorrow I get sentenced.” After a pause, he then continued. “The first time I got a suspended sentence. The second time I was put away for a year. Tomorrow, I’ll be lucky to get away with less than three years.”

“Shit!” I replied.

“It is what it is,” he philosophically answered.

Next, Lee arose and walked over to the toilet bowl. After he positioned himself on the far left side of the bowl and given me a full-frontal view, he pushed his boxers down and let them slide down to the floor. Lee then took hold of his very impressive uncut dick before a torrent of piss splashed into the bowl.

I was unable to help myself and kept staring at him. As I looked up into his focussed eyes, I made an excuse for my audaciousness by complimenting his tattoos, before adding, “They must have cost you a fortune.”

“Nah, it cost me a fraction of what one would normally pay. The guy who did them is an old school buddy and he owed me a few favours.”

After giving his knob a shake or two, Lee stepped out of his boxers before bending over and picking them up off the floor. As he made his way to the space between the two bunks, he casually tossed his boxers onto his pile of clothing. As Lee now stood facing me, I got a brief rundown about the most significant tattoos on the front of his body.

Next, after turning around, the lecture continued about the tattoos on the back of his body. Throughout the show, I made approving sounds and complimentary exclamations about his ink.

Although Lee was an incredibly sexy man, I was very worried about the fact that he had a record of assault.

After Lee sat down on his bunk once more, he looked at me and said, “Now it’s your turn.”

“What do you mean?” I asked in disbelief.

“Strip,” he replied, matter-of-factly.

“Naked?” I answered nervously.

“Yip... It’s called ‘give and take,’” Lee unambiguously stated.

From the intense look on his face, I could clearly see that I had just been given a command.

As I very gingerly commenced removing my clothing, Lee then chuckled and said, “As the officer commented earlier, I need to prepare for prison.”

Once I was totally naked, Lee told me to stand in the middle of the floor and show myself off. Uncomfortably, I did my very best.

After a minute or two, I self-consciously returned to my bunk.

“You are one fine-looking bitch,” Lee said approvingly, before adding, “I hope I get a cellmate that looks just like you.”

Very casually, Lee then got up and stood directly before me. “Well, you obviously know what happens next,” he stated.

Picking up on the look of apprehension on my face, Lee calmly persevered. “There are two ways this can go down; nicely… or not so nicely. I’m already in here for assault, so I’ve got nothing to lose. May I suggest you don’t opt for the latter option?”

I simply nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Now sit forward on your bunk and get busy,” he concluded.

As I reached out for his knob, my heart was fluttering nervously before I enclosed my hand around it.

Picking up on my anxiety, Lee then astutely reassured me, “Relax, buddy, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Cradled in my hand, Lee’s dick instantly responded and commenced enlarging. As my mouth began closing in I could clearly detect that he was a few days short of a shower. Strong as the odour was, it wasn’t off-putting. In addition, it served to enhance my incarceration fantasy, which for me had now become a reality.

Initially, Lee left me to my own devices. Large as his dick was it wasn’t overly thick, and soon my well-trained throat was showing off its skill.

After several minutes, Lee said, “Listen, buddy, my nuts are really bloated. I hope you like the taste of cum.”

Following this, he took control of the situation as his hands clamped hold of my head. Lee now upped his pace and soon I could hear his breathing escalate. When his climax struck shortly thereafter, three consecutive jets of jizz sprayed into my mouth before an abundant lava flow followed. I had to swallow like crazy to deal with the deluge.

When Lee returned to his bunk, I sat happily savouring the residue of spunk still left in my mouth.

With a smile on his face, he then announced, “Just give me ten minutes to build up my strength again, buddy.”

After a brief interlude, Lee announced, “It’s time for my little puppy to assume the doggy position.”

Compliantly, I turned and placed my knees on the bunk. Very slowly, Lee then entered my backside. Lee’s pace was totally unhurried and incredibly sensual. My arse now got one of the best incursions I had ever experienced. Long strokes were followed by total extraction, before the leisurely pumping once more got underway. Over and over, he continued to tantalize my manhole in the most erotic manner I had ever felt before.

Next, Lee again requested my mouth. After another interminable oral session, my backside was once more brought into play.

For the next hour, my gratification seemed endless, before Lee once more announced that he was fast reaching the point of no return. As his thrusting became more urgent, my frantic hand commenced tugging on my dick. Upon our unified release, the ecstasy was mind-blowing.

Afterward, after another piss, Lee returned to his bunk. No sooner had he lay down, before he surprised me by asking me to join him.

As I lay cuddled up next to him, Lee gently ran his hand up and down my back.

“Why don’t you go and steal a car tomorrow when they let you out?” he suggested with a chuckle.

“Huh?” I replied.

“Well if you do that, hopefully, they’ll lock you up in prison with me,” he playfully suggested, as I began to giggle.

After twenty minutes, Lee lifted his body and told me to move in under him on my back. Then, after placing my legs over his shoulders, he commenced steering his knob into my portal. Following this, Lee lowered his body and started kissing me. As he really began making love to me, I reflected upon the fact that no man in my life had ever turned me on more than him.

After another blissful final encounter, I finally headed off to my bunk. Before lying down, I put my hand into the inside pocket of the jacket I had been wearing and pulled out a business card.

After presenting it to him, I said, “When you get out of prison, please give me a call."

“I might just do that,” he answered.

Despite the humiliation of my incarceration, I had one of the best nights of sleep in my life.

Early the following morning we were awoken when an officer appeared at the cell with a single tray of breakfast that he handed to Lee. As I looked on perplexed, the officer looked at me and said, “Please come with me, sir.”

Prior to leaving the cell, I shook Lee’s hand and wished him the best of luck.

In the charge office, my confusion ended when the officer said, “We won’t be pressing charges. You are free to go.”

As I drove to my motel to have a shower and breakfast before my business appointment, I wondered if I would ever see Lee again.

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Horny Couples Bi Times

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The Threat Chapter 3

The threat Chapter 3 By Christine Morgan took all that Jennifer had just told him about the empire. It was several minutes before he spoke again,"That kind of thing happens here too. We have people that shouldn't gain ultimate power over the people with their consent. That is a sad fact of life." He looked at Jennifer. "Hashem must have chosen you to come here for a reason. Given time, we will figure out why. But I think...

2 years ago
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My Education A Total Fantasy Continues

The next Friday, Madeline said, “By the way, let’s have a real sexual night tonight. What do you say?” “Are you kidding,” I said, my excitement building. “I’m always in for that.” “OK, so be home at 7 and have a sandwich on the way, “ she said.”I will have things ready when you get home. We are going to try something very different tonight. It will fulfill one of my greatest fantasies.” “Can you give me a hint?” “Think back to last Friday. That is all I will say,” She said. With that I...

4 years ago
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Halloween Humor

I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead, even...

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Beths ArmChapter 10

The first thing Alexander Beall did when he reached Georgetown the next Saturday morning was to purchase two dozen large, tallow candles and a half dozen hard, bayberry ones after deciding that the beeswax candles were too dear for his purse. Then he did the rest of his wife's shopping, stowed the purchases in his wagon and visited the Anchor Tavern for a fried fish. Not seeing Jamey Nolan about, he walked to the constable's office reminding himself he had to revisit the smith's...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Johnny Carmichael Ch 01

First of all, introductions should be in order. It’s only polite. My name is Johnny Carmichael, if you couldn’t already tell from the title. I am in my late 20’s now, so this will start out as a bit of a memoir of how my adult life and career started. I am 6′, in average shape, with platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes. If I did not have my boyish looks in my younger years, I doubt I would have developed the reputation I have today. They are starting to fade in my current years. Don’t get me...

3 years ago
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The Fight

I was doing my morning round, letting the dog do his little natural habits. I was nearly home when, all of a sudden the dog spotted a cat, I was not ready for it, the dog rushed off, and I did not hold the leash properly. The cat, alarmed, sprinted off, and disappeared into the nearest garden. My dog, Gordon, was not planning to wait for permission but rushed through the hedge. That was a mistake, the leash got entangled and there he was, stuck. Luckily for me, since I was not really in the...

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First I wrote this about things we have done and want to do.Hope you like. Comments welcome! I love just waking up and just watching you dress for the day.This morning I watched you standing naked in front of your wardrobe slip on a nice red bra that compliments your beautiful breasts. Then you selected a light summer dress that is just a little transparent with the right light. You looked in the long mirror smiled that sneaky smile and went downstairs. 10 mins later you returned with my cuppa...

1 year ago
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What is really happening

As you're driving through rural Alabama you pull off to the side of the road to take a call on your cell. As you're on the call, you absently scan the rural landscape. You're on a two-lane road with little traffic. On either side are thick woods, green with summer growth. The air is hot and humid, one of those thick southern afternoons. 5 minutes outside means sweat-soaked clothes. The call is boring you . . . and your mind wanders a bit . . .

2 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 7

I can be a lot more introspective than Krys. That's one of those obvious statements like music in New Orleans, corruption in Washington DC, or the sun rising in the east. A walk through the ocean of my sister's soul would scarcely get your feet wet. Of course I don't stop thinking, which is the problem. I think I've said before that I can over think something. So the reader probably won't be too surprised that I did a lot of thinking about my entry into the swinging life, or even what...

3 years ago
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Aztec EarringsChapter 11 A Virgin No More

As we walked up the stairs of the motel, I was never more acutely aware of just how much differently this magical body of mine was from my normal male one. It seemed that, along with the view of the world from 5"2 instead of 6"1, my senses were heightened. Things looked and smelled more interesting, and sensations themselves were certainly incredibly different. I gazed at the man gently holding my tiny hand and saw, not my buddy of 10 years, but a lover-to-be... someone I wanted to hold me...

1 year ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera.It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and cool...

2 years ago
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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my sixteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape. "Bollocks." I swore as the player made a...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Neighbor Ruhi 8211 Part I

This story starts like the usual and i had just been sent to study for college from my hometown and i was always the average guy sitting at my average seat, in my average school, so I never knew what it was to be liked or be the center of attraction. But once I reached college I started understanding what all perks u get for being the center of attraction. My college was full of beautiful girls who come in all shape and size. But since my childhood a had a thing for big boobs, I liked a lot of...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 47

Though classes weren't officially in session, I had reading to be done. I was involved in an excessively arid tome concerning Evidence when my dad called on Sunday. They were arriving on Wednesday and would be staying at the Intercontinental for a week. I told him I was duly impressed and that we hoped to see them during their search for a suitable residence. He told me that sarcasm wasn't becoming. I said we'd see them and that I was going back to reading a text on evidence. He told me to...

3 years ago
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A Day at the Office

(Fiction)The company I work for was recently taken over and the new human resource department requireed that everyone needed a health physical. Most likely about health insurance but whatever. So I scheduled an appointment at the medical arts center. I ended up taking a half day vacation to get this done as quickly as possible. So I arrived at the office and checked in and went throug hall the paper work and sat down to be called in. It took about 30 minutes to get called back. The women...

4 years ago
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Juicy Chocolate

My name is Samuel Thurston Josephson and I've earned a reputation as a fixer with the company I work for. So on the eve of my birthday and vacation my supervisor came to inform me that I was being transferred to Lagos, Nigeria to take over the operation of our plant there. I'm 29 now 30 years old, 6'1" tall, 210lbs, blond hair/green eyes, deeply tanned and speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Japanese. So I spent my vacation packing and shipping my stuff. After checking in...

1 year ago
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The Creature chapter three

CHAPTER THREE We got back home later than we'd expected, and I was worried that Mom and Randy would see me in the 'CUTE' shirt. I was partially right. Mom was standing outside, about to go out again, when we pulled out. She commented that she liked the shirt, and that she was glad to see that I'd put on a bra - that she'd noticed I'd needed one for a while but didn't know how to say that to me. I grumbled, but didn't respond. She told us that she got called back to work and likely wouldn't be...

1 year ago
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TrueLesbian Dee Williams Spencer Bradley The Spare Room

Evelyn (Dee Williams) welcomes Ariel (Spencer Bradley) into her house, helping her with some luggage. Through their conversation, it’s revealed that Evelyn is renting a spare bedroom to Ariel, and Ariel is moving in that day. Ariel appears frazzled and a bit overwhelmed, but remains pleasant toward Evelyn, who is nothing but compassionate and welcoming. Evelyn shows Ariel to the bedroom she’ll be staying in. As they continue chatting, it’s further revealed that Ariel recently...

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Katrinas Interrogation

PRODIGY Katrina?s Interrogation By Cheetah Onyx  In the Devil?s soup bowl The Heat In Arizona is a brutal merciless entity that bathes you constantly in it?s drenching jaws of heat.  The room was designed for the occupant?s suffering in mind it was a trifle over six foot in height and just and a tad under four foot wide. The Prisoner?s arms are clamped at the wrists with heavy metal bands attached to oily black chain links that are connected to the concrete roof of the box, which has 3...

2 years ago
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The Prince Of Condoms

“When I really long for something, the entire universe conspires to give me the same’’What I am writing down here is not a story, but something really happened in my life at my teenage. All the characters I present here had lived/or lives in this country so I am changing their names. I am not adding anything extra in the narration, but just presenting before you as it was and is still fresh in my mind. It happens in my village, I shall tell you only that it is somewhere in South India and I was...

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Sheryls StoryChapter 12

The next three months were hectic. Legal stuff to get out of the way. Contractors to organise. Our tranquil lifestyle only a memory for the moment. During this time, the three of us settled into what was to become our way of life. Gone was the first flush of the new encounter, replaced by a more meaningful relationship. At times poor Greg at a loss to know who he was. When he was with Sophie, he was Greg, and when he was with me, he was Scott, and sometimes, he was both. Something we girls...

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Revenge a mothers love part 2

I stood beside Hannah my daughter. She held my hand. It was a dour overcast day. A day for a funeral. We were both dressed in black. Black heels, too high for the occasion of a funeral, but exactly right for the funeral of a pimp. Tailored back dresses, short, coming to our mid-thighs, black coats, dyed mohair, expensive, but we could afford them. Thanks Charlie. Black silk underwear, classy, which felt good against my skin, felt good against my smooth pussy. Stockings of course, what a pimp...

1 year ago
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Fucking Her In Front Of Her Hubby

Hi all this is Lovy. My Email address is This happened 3 months ago. I am an average married guy with lot of ambition. I always wanted to have sex with house wife’s. But I never tried for that because I didn’t know how approach them. One Sunday I was in my office (I have a small company of my own in Uttar Pradesh I am outsourcing the work to the people who are willing to work from home ) usually my Employees won’t come on Sunday, don’t think I have too many employees working in my office. Only...

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My first three sum

Note : This story is completely fictional! On the day of my nineteenth birthday I got everything that I wanted. My boyfriend got me a diamond ring and I got a lot of gift cards. The next day I went shopping to spend what I got and when I got home I was surprised to see my brother and dads car in the driveway. So I parked my car and went to open the door and the first thing I hear is moaning. "how odd." I said to my self "hello I'm home!" I yelled and the moaning stopped. "were up here!" I heard...

3 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 33

First week of October – Saturday afternoon Ivy was outside his house. She wasn't alone. Megan and Katherine were with her. They were all dressed up in black, in their bad girl outfits. "Fancy seeing you all here!!" Charles commented in a tired tone. Charles yawned, hoping that is comment came out in a sarcastic tone. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do next. Or what he should do next. "Charles I know you're upset about Thursday night. I know how I made you feel. I can still see how...

2 years ago
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Saga of Sex In Family II Fucking Shruti

Hi Guys, I am writing the second part of the series. I hope you shall enjoy reading it. If this story makes you hard or wet and forces you to explore yourself, please revert back to me on Coming to the story, I was done with my TEST. I was given distinction by my would-be Mother-in-law Sneha. She was happy. Sneha: You know, it has been a long time I got such a good fuck. Your piece of meat is so good. Me: Even I enjoyed it a lot. Never thought of losing my virginity to such an awesome pussy....

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The Teachers Pet

Holly stood at the front of the room. She was naked, except for her collar, standing ramrod straight, with her hands behind her head, elbows back, feet shoulder-width apart. She was somewhat petite at 5 foot 4 inches, 110 pounds. She had long, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, and no hair at all below her neck. She stared straight ahead, trying to keep her expression as neutral as possible. Trying not to move. She was nervous - but she was always nervous when she was in this position. She...

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The Sissy boy test

I fail their test miserably....or i pass it as they told meI didnt know what they were saying before i had a hand in my speedo spreading my ass until his finger starter marking circle on my cherry looking around if people could see but evryone were doing there stuff ''please stop it please''''dont get hard , its a test , Mike here think you are a sissy''under the water my lil cock lost the fight i was having , focussing not to get hard''he wont last 5min i think yo are right mike''jeff holding...

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