Bridal Boy
- 4 years ago
- 41
- 0
Dearest Nicole,
I thought you might like to know the latest news-Richard and Sherri got married this past weekend! I know this may come as a surprise to you, but the two of them are so much in love, I almost can’t believe it hasn’t happened before this.
“What a fucking bitch,” Nicole thought, feeling herself flushing with anger and jealousy already.
It was a quiet affair, out by the pool, with a justice of the peace and a few friends. It was a beautiful day, and the bride and groom looked simply radiant. It’s not hard to see how much in love the two of them are. I’ve never seen Richard look happier in his life.Nicole felt herself fuming, and her eyes were welling with tears as she continued to read.
It was a much more casual wedding than you and Richard had, of course, and I think Sherri looked absolutely stunning in the little dress she chose. I’m sure you’ll agree once you see the pictures I’ve attached. It’s wonderful to see how fantastic these young women can look in these tiny dresses they all seem to wear nowadays.“Another arrow aimed straight at my heart,” Nicole thought-this one about her age.
The two of them are off for a quick one-week honeymoon in Costa Rica, but they’ll be taking a longer one in Europe in another month or so. The two of them are going to be living with me here in the house until they find a place of their own, but I don’t mind, I’ve got plenty of room. As far as I’m concerned, the two of them can stay as long as they like. Sherri is such a sweet young thing, and we get along like sisters. It’s such a pleasure to have her around.There it was again, another dig at Nicole, the old bag knowing just as well as Nicole did that the two of them were so much alike that it was hard for them to get along for even a few hours at a time. Nicole could never imagine her and Rick living with Brenda for more than a night or two-and here Brenda was, telling Nicole she hoped Rick and his new bride could stay as long as they wanted. “You really love to rub it in, don’t you, you fucking skank,” Nicole thought, continuing to read.
The only thing I’m sad about is that poor Mitchell wasn’t here for this joyous occasion. I miss my grandson very much, and my thoughts often go to him when I look at Richard, remembering how he was at Mitchell’s age. I know Richard is not quite ready to face either one of you just yet, but I am encouraging him to let his feelings towards his son heal, so the two of them can once again be father and son.Nicole noticed the old cow didn’t say anything about Rick’s feelings towards her. Although she was shocked that Rick had gotten married so quickly, she also felt bad that Mitch hadn’t been there. Once again, she blamed herself for the wedge she’d driven between father and son.
Anyways, I hope this e-mail finds the two of you doing well. I’ve attached a number of photos from the wedding and the little party we had afterwards. It’s a shame that handsome young grandson of mine couldn’t be here. Perhaps you could show these to him? I’m sure after seeing how happy his father looks in these pictures, it might encourage Mitchell to ask if he could come and meet his new mother.As always, your loving mother-in-law,
“Come and meet his new mother?” Nicole said to herself as she re-read the last line once more. “Fuck that! That little twat isn’t his mother-and she never will be-not if I have anything to say about it!” She knew her mother-in-law was just pushing her buttons, but she also knew it was working-the old bag had definitely gotten under her skin with that comment. Anxious to see what was in the photos, she clicked on the first attachment.
She recognized the happy couple from the previous pictures Brenda had sent some time back, once again these pictures had been taken out by the same pool in Brenda’s backyard. In this first shot, Rick was standing with Sherri by his side, his arm around the SHB’s back as they posed, both of them smiling happily for the camera. A twinge of jealousy shot through Nicole as she looked at the photo, jealous at how happy both of them looked, and jealous at how young and vibrant the girl appeared.
Sherri was wearing a white minidress, and Nicole could see that the dress was covered with delicate lace, which looked wonderfully feminine and pretty-perfect for a wedding dress. The dress formed to Sherri’s spectacular figure attractively, emphasizing her shapely hourglass figure. The sleeveless dress had a deeply scooped neckline, showing off the upper swells of her large breasts. Nicole knew that any man’s eyes would be immediately drawn to the deep alluring line of her cleavage, looking a mile long between the two sumptuous orbs. Her large breasts cast devastatingly deep shadows on her trim waist, with the lacy white dress flowing smoothly over her hips before ending teasingly high on her sexy thighs, mere inches below her pussy. It made Nicole wince, knowing that no one over the age of 30 could get away with wearing a dress that provocatively short.
The SHB’s shapely legs were bare, and glistened invitingly. It looked to Nicole like they were covered with a thin layer of oil, making them look incredibly sexy. She knew because she’d done the same thing to her legs the day they’d gone to the party at Heather Bradshaw’s, the silky leg cream giving off that teasingly sexy look that seemed to make men drool.
Nicole gulped as she looked down at the young woman’s feet, sexily clad in pointy white slingbacks with towering 5” stiletto heels. She thought about Mitch, and how much he loved her in her white slingbacks, and knew she’d never be showing these pictures to him.
Sherri was holding a small bouquet of beautiful yellow flowers, the arrangement a gorgeous mix of vibrant lemon-colored lilies combined with delicate baby’s breath. It looked perfect with the abbreviated and tantalizingly sexy wedding dress.
Nicole looked up at the girl’s face, once again reminded of how beautiful the young woman was as she looked into her gorgeous green eyes, the enchanting orbs glittering like jewels. Her face was beautifully made up, and she looked like the successful model that she was. Her silky black hair framed her lovely features attractively, the shimmering locks pulled up in a loose bun in the back, wispy tendrils of hair trailing teasingly down to lick at her long regal neck. Nicole’s eyes focussed on her matching necklace and earrings, the jewels glittering back at her. They looked gorgeous, and Nicole could tell by how understated and sophisticated they looked, that they had to be real diamonds. These weren’t some gaudy rhinestones-no, these were the real thing. She felt her heart sink, knowing that in all likelihood, these had been a gift from Rick to his new bride.
She clicked on the second picture, this one a close-up of the happy couple. Brenda was right-Nicole couldn’t remember the last she’d seen Rick look this happy either. As she looked at the girl’s face, Nicole had to admit the young woman was stunningly beautiful, and remembering how spectacular the girl’s body was from those lingerie photos Brenda had sent last time, she let out a long sigh, feeling crushed.
She clicked on the next photo, and this shot included Brenda, with the two women standing on either side of Rick. As much as she hated the old bitch, Nicole had to admit Brenda looked fantastic in the cream-colored dress she was wearing. The dress fit the older woman’s body attractively, tight enough to emphasize her mouth-watering curves, but not too tight to look trampy. Brenda’s massive chest and big curvy rear end were the older woman’s most attractive features; and the dress made every full curve and deep valley look fantastic. Like many of Brenda’s dresses, this one was very low-cut, diving down into a V over her huge tits, her cleavage looking temptingly inviting. Deep shadows fell on Brenda’s midsection from the imposing shelf of her tits, and Nicole was impressed by how trim and flat the older woman’s stomach was. The cream-colored fabric hugged teasingly to her full rear end, her wide child-bearing hips looking like they were made for bouncing on a bed all night long. The hem of the slim-fitting pencil skirt ended a few inches above her knees, looking fantastic. She had on a pair of bone-colored high-heeled pumps, her smooth legs left bare, and Nicole couldn’t believe how great her legs looked for a woman past 55. Nicole was impressed by her mother-in-law’s hair, the deep chestnut-red locks falling attractively onto her shoulders as it framed her regal face, the woman being blessed with perfect facial bone structure. For jewelry, she had chosen a set of earrings that matched a chunky necklace made of some kind of dark stone, which offset the cream-colored dress attractively. She had to admit, the woman could still turn heads, that’s for sure.
As Nicole looked at that picture of the three of them, her eyebrows went up questioningly. Both women were leaning on Rick from each side, and whereas Sherri had her hand on Rick’s chest, Brenda had her hand on her son’s upper thigh. All of them had a sly grin on their faces, and Nicole sensed something mischievous in their eyes-as if they all knew something nobody else did. She looked back at that hand of her mother-in-law’s on Rick’s leg ... and she wondered.
There were more pictures, with Brenda in some of those as well. Nicole couldn’t help notice how in most of the photos where she was with Rick, she always seemed to be touching him-his arm, his shoulder, the side of his face-in a way that looked oddly different that you would expect to see a mother touching a son. There was one of her giving her son a congratulatory kiss, and as Nicole stared at their two mouths pressed together, she thought that kiss might not be so innocent as most people thought.
“Naaah ... I must just be imagining it,” Nicole thought, but she couldn’t stop her mind from wondering as she looked at all of the photos again, feeling her blood pressure climbing-knowing for sure that her husband was gone for good. She was angry and jealous, the emotions seething within her. She knew exactly who she was going to take her anger out on-the same person who had been the victim of her wrath for months now-Mitch.
She shut her computer off and went to her dressing room, knowing Mitch would be home shortly. She donned her black leather outfit, complete with stiletto-heeled thigh boots. She opened the package that had been delivered earlier that day-the strapon she’d had made from the mold of Mitch’s very own cock. She’d told him she was going to make a dildo out of it for her own use, but she’d known right from the start that this is what she’d wanted it for, to make strapon to use on him-to fuck him with the perfect likeness of his own huge cock. She fastened it in place, the huge rubber phallus projecting from her midsection like an enormous bludgeon, complete with bulging veins and a huge flaring cock-head, as lifelike as the real thing.
She sat at her dressing table and reached for her makeup brush, selecting a dark smoky tone for her eye shadow, wanting to look as menacing as possible for when her son came home. But when she looked up at the face staring back at her in the mirror, she stopped, shocked by the morbid smile on the woman’s face before her. She sat stock still, staring at the woman, her mind swirling. Was ... was that woman really her? She barely recognized the woman as herself. Who had she become these last number of months? What had happened to her? She felt herself trembling as she looked at herself, thinking of all the things she’d done. It was too late for her and Rick, she knew that. But Mitch, what about Mitch? He had been obsessed with her, fallen in love with her, worshipped her-and once she had him, she’d taken advantage of that. All the things she’d done to the boy who only wanted to love her hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt ashamed, ashamed of how she’d treated him. She dropped her makeup brush and wept, the tears streaming down her cheeks as she buried her face in hands, her body wracked by sobs of misery, hoping it wasn’t too late.
“Mom, I’m home,” Mitch called out his usual greeting as he came through the door.
“I’m in here, sweetie.” His mother’s voice came from the kitchen, making him pause. Usually when he got home from his summer job at the lumberyard, he’d go straight to his mother’s room, where he’d usually find her spread out with her bum perched high in the air, waiting for him to use his mouth to pleasure her bumhole and pussy before the two of them had dinner. It had been a long time since she’d been in the kitchen when he got home-something had to be up.
The mouth-watering scent of warm garlicy spaghetti sauce hit Mitch’s nostrils as soon as he walked into the kitchen. His mother was standing before the stove, spooning a plateful of spaghetti into a deep-dished pasta bowl.
“Hi, sweetie. I made your favorite,” she said cheerfully, ladling a couple of scoopfuls of the aromatic sauce on top of the pasta.
Mitch saw the tiny meatballs in the thick red sauce, and felt himself salivating in anticipation. His mother’s homemade spaghetti sauce with tiny meatballs had always been his favorite, ever since he was a child. It had been a long time since his mother had made it-he couldn’t remember her making it since his father had left.
“I had some of this sauce in the freezer, but I think it’s still good. Does it smell okay?” she asked as Mitch watched her sprinkle some fresh parmesan on top of it.
“It smells amazing,” Mitch said, totally bewildered by his mother’s behavior. He looked at her as she held her fingers over his plate, sprinkling a handful of the finely grated cheese onto the steaming pasta. She wore a powder blue blouse with little capped sleeves, a number of the buttons undone at the top of the blouse to give him a glimpse of her inviting cleavage. The blouse strained around her generous bustline, the light blue color looking perfect with her blue eyes. Below that she had on a white cotton miniskirt that fit her curvy behind enticingly and ended teasingly high on her full creamy thighs. Her tanned legs were bare, and on her feet she wore a pair of flat strappy white sandals. Her outfit looked casual, but still stunningly attractive.
Mitch looked up to her face. She had just a touch of makeup on, a hint of pink for her eyeshadow, and soft pink lip gloss that made her lips shine invitingly. Her honey-blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, showing off her lovely features, beautiful even without makeup. With her hair up she looked younger and her face seemed to be glowing with a hint of playfulness. Mitch felt himself smiling as he looked at her. He found himself thinking that she looked ... that she looked happy.
“Are you okay, Mom?” he asked, having been a long time since he’d seen his mother look like this.
“I’m fine, Mitch,” she said, walking over and giving him a quick peck on the cheek before setting his plate down in front of him. She gave him a smile as she pushed him into his chair. “Now eat.” She had a playful tone to her voice as she went back to the sink and washed her hands while Mitch picked up his knife and fork and dug in.
“Oh Mom, this is fantastic,” Mitch said, the rich savory flavor of his mother’s homemade sauce tasting like heaven on his tongue.
“I’m so glad you like it,” Nicole said, taking her seat next to his and patting his arm.
“You’re not eating?” Mitch asked, shoving the second forkful into his mouth.
“I’m going to have something to eat a little later.” Nicole paused, and Mitch saw a serious look come over her face. “Mitchell, I ... I want to apologize to you.”
“Uh ... why?”
“These last months, I don’t think I’ve been myself. I was so angry with what I did to our family that I took it out on you, without even realizing it.”
Mitch could see her eyes misting up, and he felt horrible for her. “But Mom, I’m just as much to blame as anybody.”
“No, Mitchell-as the adult, I should have known better. Don’t you ever think this is your fault.” She paused, stroking Mitch’s arm as she gathered herself. “I took a good hard look at myself today, and I felt ashamed of the way I’ve been treating you. You only wanted to love me, and I took advantage of that-taking my anger at the world out on you. You don’t deserve that, and I’m truly sorry.”
Mitch could see her fighting back the tears, but he could tell she wasn’t going to lose it. He sensed that she’d come to some sort of conclusion, and was just working up to telling him. “That’s okay, Mom. I know it’s been a hard time for all of us. I have to admit, I liked making you happy, no matter what you asked me to do. And I do still love you, Mom-no matter what. I always have, and I always will.”
Mitch could see her misty eyes light up as she beamed with happiness. She squeezed his arm tightly as she smiled. “I know, Mitchell. I love you so much too. I want us to go back-to go back to the way we felt about each other that first weekend. You were so happy that weekend, and I miss seeing that happiness in your eyes. I want that back for you-and for me. I want you in my bed as my lover each and every night-and I’ll do whatever I can to make that up to you.”
Mitch felt his heart swell. This was exactly what he’d always dreamed of. “Oh Mom, I love you so much.”
Nicole leaned forward and they kissed passionately, tenderly-the kiss of lovers. They kissed for a long time before they slowly parted, their foreheads leaning against each other’s tenderly for a moment before they parted.
“Mom, you are so beautiful.” Mitch’s face shone with joy as he looked at his mother, but even as she leaned forward in her chair, he couldn’t help but let his eyes drift down to her deep dark line of cleavage visible in the opening at the throat of her blouse.
Nicole saw where he was looking, and couldn’t help but smile. She was hoping her choice of this blouse and the white power bra she wore beneath would please her son, and it looked like it was. She reached up, her fingers toying with the next button on her blouse. “Would this help your appetite?” she asked, plucking open the button to allow the straining shirt to open wider. Mitch could only nod, mesmerized by the sight of the upper swells of her huge tits coming into view as the tightly-stretched blouse drew further apart.
“Hmmm, maybe another?” Nicole asked teasingly as she opened the next button, most of her bra coming into view as she opened that button, and the next one after that.
“Ohhhnnn...” Mitch couldn’t help but groan as his mother opened her blouse right up and let it slip from her shoulders, her massive 36E breasts alluringly encased in a beautiful white lace bra, the structured cups barely covering her nipples. The voluminous orbs almost spilled over the huge bra cups, the reinforcing pushing her breasts together and up spectacularly.
“That should help make you hungrier. Now, I did say I was going to have something to eat too, didn’t I?” Nicole said as she slipped to her knees beneath the table. “I think a bellyful of thick teenage cum is just what I need.” Mitch watched, totally shell-shocked, as she reached for his belt and pulled off his jeans and underwear, his already stiff prick lurching skyward as soon as she had it free.
“So beautiful,” she cooed warmly as she extended her tongue and licked it from base to tip, before kissing the broad flared head tenderly. “Remember I said someday I wanted to spend the whole night sucking on this thing, just to see how many loads I could get out of it?”
“Yes,” Mitch nodded in agreement as she paused to slide her long pink tongue over the drooling opening at tip of his cock.
“Well, I think that night should be tonight. So you just sit back and enjoy your dinner while Mommy gets started. You eat your dinner, ‘cause I want you to have lots of energy to fill my tummy too.”
Having said that, Nicole leaned forward and slipped her soft pouty lips over his enflamed cock-head and started sucking. Mitch was too excited to even think about eating, but after taking the first load out of him, she made him eat while she slowly nursed at his spent prick, quickly bringing that immense cylinder of flesh back to full salute once more.
She took two loads out of him as he sat at the table, and then a further two while he was watching the game on TV. She then changed into a sexy red teddy as she made him go on his computer and bring up some of his Photoshopped pictures.
Mitch was in heaven, having his mother suck him non-stop as he looked at many of the pictures he had of her in his collection. She took another two loads out him there, and then took him by the hand and dragged him into her bed. She kept him waiting while she went into her dressing room and changed again, this time into an alluring black mesh bodysuit that ran from the tips of her toes to her neck, and down to her wrists, the scintillating black mesh covering nearly her whole body. She paired this tantalizing outfit with a pair of black spike-heeled pumps.
Mitch’s cock was on the rise as soon as he saw his mother in the sexy outfit. “Oh god, Mom. Can I fuck you?” he asked as he reached for her.
“Not tonight, sweetheart. Tonight I’m sucking every last load out of you. Tomorrow’s Friday, so once you get home from work, you can fuck me as much as you want, for as long as you want-but tonight, I want that beautiful cock of yours right here,” she said, pointing to her sexy ovalled lips before crawling between his legs and slipping her mouth back over his stiffening prick.
She worked him over with her mouth for the rest of the night. Mitch felt himself drifting off to sleep at times, but could feel his mother’s talented mouth working its magic even as slumber overtook him. He woke up numerous times during the night, just before he’d go off, flooding his mother’s hot sucking mouth over and over as she ravenously sucked for more.
The beeping of the alarm woke him, and he sat up on his elbows, looking down to see his mother bobbing her head up and down. He could feel his cock was hard as rock, and now she was scratching teasingly around the taut skin of the base with her talon-like nails. The feeling of that tantalizing scratching was all it took to send him over the edge one more time.
“Oh fuckkkkkkk,” he moaned, collapsing back into the pillows and throwing his arm over his face as he flooded her mouth with another big load, splashing her tonsils with hot thick cum. His mother kept sucking for a long time, making sure she got every warm silky drop inside her.
“Mmmm. I don’t think I’m gonna need breakfast after all that,” she said, kissing the tip of his spent cock tenderly.
“How many is that?” Mitch asked, propping himself up on his elbows once more.
“That’s an even dozen since we started,” Nicole said, rubbing his semi-hard dick lovingly against her face. “Shall we go for one more?” She teasingly slipped her lips back over the tip and looked down at Mitch as she started to bob her head, a devilish glint in her eye.
“Fuck me,” Mitch said, collapsing back into the sheets in surrender.
Twenty minutes later, his mother got her thirteenth dose of medicine, and then ushered Mitch into the shower.
He got through his day’s work like a zombie, having gotten some sleep, but having no idea how much. As the day went on, he seemed to come alive, thinking about the weekend ahead with his mother. He planned on fucking her all weekend long, and he hoped she took the opportunity to get some sleep during the day while he was at work-she was definitely going to need it.
When he got home, he called and she answered from her bedroom. When he got to the door, he stood stock-still as he looked inside. His mother stood before him, wearing her wedding dress-just like she’d worn it that first time they made love all those months ago.
“I put this on just for you,” Nicole said, beckoning Mitch to come to her.
Mitch rushed to her and swept her up in his arms, his lips pressing hotly to hers. The wedding dress stayed on for awhile, but not too long. He wanted to see the bewitchingly enchanting lingerie he knew she had on underneath, and once he got the dress off, his hands roamed hungrily over her spectacular body.
They fell onto the bed, and put it to the test over the rest of the weekend, the springs squeaking and complaining in protest as they fucked in every position imaginable. When they weren’t fucking, they were holding each other, talking and laughing like the lovers they had become, both of them gloriously happy.
Rick withdrew until only the head of his cock remained inside Sherri’s steaming cunt, the pink lips of her pussy circling his prick possessively. He had her folded up like a pretzel, her nylon-clad legs and stiletto-heeled feet pointing skyward.
“Come on, lover, give it to me. Fuck me hard,” she said, reaching down and gripping the sheets tightly as Rick slammed it into her, driving her deep into the mattress.
Rick looked down at his new bride, thrilled by the scintillatingly sexy outfit she was wearing. Her corset was the color of brilliant emerald green, covered with lacy black embroidery-the emerald color looking sensational with her compelling green eyes. The black shoulder straps and garters contrasted boldly with her alabaster skin and inky black hair to make her look bewitchingly enchanting. He felt his cock surge as he looked down at her huge breasts, the massive swells of tit-flesh jiggling and wobbling enticingly within the alluring bra cups as his hips slammed back and forth. She was wearing her diamond necklace and earrings, and they looked sinfully exciting with the erotic lingerie.
The bed was squeaking like crazy, and Rick kept going, jackhammering his thrusting erection to the bottom of her hot cunt with each full-length stroke, the slick oily tissues inside her pulling at his hard prick like a velvety fist. She shook her ass and bucked her hips up to him as they worked together in a blistering rhythm, fucking like animals.
They’d been going at it now for close to twenty minutes, and Rick had been on the verge a couple of times, slowing down just in time to suppress the swelling urges within him, wanting to prolong this delicious fuck. Sherri had already come twice, and the ease with which she could climax never ceased to amaze him. She was insatiable as anything, always wanting more, craving his cock like a nympho.
He looked at her lush red mouth, her lips parted as she gasped wantonly. Her mouth was almost as good as her cunt-which was outstanding. Her pussy was hot and tight, and always bubbling with slick oily nectar. It could grip a cock like it never wanted to let go, and she proved that by working his prick over and over with her talented cunt, the muscles inside her bringing him back to erection faster than he ever thought possible. And that mouth-yes-that gorgeous heart-shaped mouth-a mouth just made for sucking cock. And man, did she love to suck cock-just as much as she loved to fuck. She sucked like a vacuum cleaner, her cheeks hollowing in invitingly to press teasingly against his rigid shaft, her lips pursed provocatively forward as her head bobbed incessantly up and down every time she sucked him off. She’d moan continuously as she sucked, her soft purrs and lustful moans like the lurid sound of an animal in heat, wanting more and more. He thought about all of her hot wet orifices. When his cock wasn’t inside one of her holes, she always had another hole eagerly willing to be of service.
Rick smiled as he continued to feed his turgid erection into the depths of her incendiary cunt, watching her shake and thrash about as she pulled him deeper into her, wanting to feel every hard thick inch of his cock stretching and filling her weeping little box. He pulled back and slammed it home, bottoming out once more.
“Oh fuck ... yes ... yes ... YESSSSSSSSSSSS!” Sherri groaned loudly as she came again, a powerful orgasm blossoming from the depths of her squeezing snatch and shooting to every tingling nerve ending of her body.
When she started to come, it sent Rick over the edge as well. He drew back one last time and hammered his cock to the bottom of her cunt, just as the first rope of semen spewed from the tip of his cock.
“UHHHHGGGGNNNN,” he groaned, pressing his loins flush up against her shaven pussy as he came, flooding her juicy trench with cum.
Sherri was thrashing about like a wildcat, her hips bucking and twisting as she climaxed, her gripping twat squeezing his cock, milking out every last drop of his masculine seed. She could feel Rick filling her right up, and loved it. Loved knowing his thick creamy cum was deep inside her.
Their mutual orgasms finally waned, and they held tight to each other, gasping as they fought to regain their breath.
“Well, that looked like fun,” Rick’s mother’s voice reached them from across the room. They both looked over to see the matriarch rising from the easy chair she’d been watching from, her buxom form looming over them imposingly as she approached the bed.
Brenda was dressed in full leather, something her son loved to see her in. Her black leather corset fit her voluptuous figure spectacularly, the heavily-structured bra cups beautifully encasing her voluminous breasts. The massive swells jiggled enticingly as she strode across the room, her thigh-high black leather boots giving her an ominously erotic look. The boots were fetishly perverse, with wickedly pointy toes and sky-high heels that looked like they could pierce steel. She knew her son had always loved her in boots like that.
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Paying for the Bridal Shower It was the day of my fiancé’s (Tina) Bridal Shower. It was in the evening and was being held at a fancy Indian restaurant. I had to attend the event, because I had to play the usual Bridal Shower games. I knew I was going to be the only male there out of all the girls participating. I wasn't fond of the idea, but I knew I could kill time by the restaurant bar. I was at one corner of the bar, and started to have my first drink of whiskey and coke. I...
Bridal Suite by Sheila Anne Morgan "!!! Is that really Danny?" Jill squealed as she watched the virtual makeover program morph Danny's handsome face into a replica of Princess Diana's face. "It could be," said Becki, Danny's girlfriend. "Do you think he'll go along with it?" asked Jill. "He will when he finds out the first prize is going to be ten thousand dollars." Becki had received an invitation to the annual Halloween masquerade party in the mail. She was...
Drunken Bridal Shower When my wife asked me to be the bartender for her sister’s bridal shower of course I said yes immediately. My wife and I were married when she was eighteen years old and her younger sister Trudy was only eleven at the time. So I actually watched Trudy develop and grow into a beautiful sexy young woman. I had many chances over to years to see her in sexy bikinis, nighties, and even in just her panties and bra. Several times she would come out of a bathroom with...
Bridal Shower Pussy Show I’m a thirteen-year-old girl and my twenty-three-year-old brother is getting married to Rachael. Rachael is everything I want to be when I grow up. She is beautiful, smart, and she has a fabulous body. On top of all that she has my wonderful brother and I envy her. My mother and I were invited to the Bridal Shower, I’m a Bride’s Maid, and I got to record the Bridal Shower for my brother to watch some time. Rachael’s mother, her sister Beth, and three of her...
A Life Accidentally Planned Chap. 8 The Bridal Waltz I stood there with the fingers of both hands covering my wide open mouth. Andy knelt in anticipation in front of me. The room was perfectly quiet. Al I heard was the rustle of my petticoat as I slowly knelt to meet his level. My hands moved in unison from my mouth to the sides of Andy's head. I slowly bent forward and pulled his face toward me. I whispered "Yes," Just before I closed my eyes, turn my head and kissed him. He...
By : Arundev Dayal Ramratan has a wonderful career. A Chemical Engineer, with a specialization in Powdered Metallurgy, he has been doing wonders at Philadelphia. His parents arranged a marital negotiation for their only child. Moments of bridal night came at its normal course. Manorama was brought to the newly decorated bedroom for the couple. The groom was also ushered in the room. One of his colleagues commented Bachchoo, yeh raat fir kabhi wapaas nahi ayegi. Zarah hoshiari se isse paal...
Like 3 days ago I took the small pony. I was well cleaned out and all of his load was retained in my bowels. I then slipped onto the stud with one catheter. I swallowed the other end of it leaving a clear shot to my stomach for the overflow from my womb as he was coupled to me. I would just ingest the leftovers as it overflowed. I mounted the stud and placed the ends of the reins on my nipple rings. I left the others at the recreation area. I just wanted to ride alone for a bit. While I was...
One Day at the Bridal Shop It had been a pretty normal day for me during my shift at the bridal shop, until late in the afternoon, when a small group of girls came in. They were obviously a bridal party, with the bride-to-be giggling and blushing as her girlfriends teased her with different gowns. Then she turned the tables on them by throwing the most God-awful bridesmaid outfits possible, an assault they took with giggly grace. While this was going on, I went to the display...
Evelyn's Bridal and Dress Boutique Although it took him nearly a half an hour longer, Jason always walked through the downtown on his way home from high school every day. It wasn't for the exercise that he took the longer route because at 5 foot and 10 inches he barely weighed 130 pounds and he ran 5 miles with the cross country team every morning. He certainly wasn't doing it to spend time with friends because despite being a good student and athlete he was still a bit of a...
Mitch strolled back to his seat, the presentation he and Justin did complete and in the books. His friend took his seat beside him and they shared a fist bump, acknowledging that it had gone well. "Who's the man?" Justin whispered under his breath. "You're the man," Mitch whispered back, both of them smiling. Expecting his friend to say something like, "No, you're the man," Mitch was surprised when Justin responded with, "That's right—I'm the man. And you're just the sorry...
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and it's at this point I may as well stop.I was married and willingly submitted to these vows, a creation by men for the subjugation of their bride, only as in my case, a cruel twist on fate, as you will see, my sickness was a hidden ordeal inside my head, I was a sex addict and my poor new husband did not know that and after we kissed in front of the congregation, I turned and winked naughtily to the best man, a big...
Lacy Bridal FantasyOff again to meet my sensational naughty tease Suzy, we've been fuck buddies for a good while now and tonight promises to be another night of intense lustful passion. I had arranged for the two of us to stay at a classy hotel, I had seen the room before hand, the main feature being the huge four poster bed, I knew straight away that we'd be having a full night of intense sexual pleasure in here. Suzy would be arriving before me, and on my over she'd been texting me, am here...
Please read 'The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I' to make sense of this story. The Ultimate Bridal Weekend II - Life Goes On By Sheila Anne Morgan Saturday and Sunday Brad and I spent time getting to know each other better. This included lots of sex and cuddling. Brad taught me to saddle and take care of the horses and we spent many hours on the trails near our property. We learned that we both enjoyed cooking and shared the duties of fixing...
Please read 'The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I and II' to make sense of this story. The Ultimate Bridal Weekend III - Life Goes On and On By Sheila Anne Morgan The Holidays were hectic, but fun. I cannot remember having a better time sharing with family and friends. The new year started with a baby shower for Denise, the woman from Feed The Families who was having a baby boy. I gave her the booties and blanket I had knit for her along...
'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 1: HOW IT ALL BEGAN! Our lotto win changed everything! It was such an exciting time, winning ?7.5 million on the lotto. Of course my wife and I were both able to give up our jobs and live a more carefree life, going out for meals, having holidays, long walks and pursuing our hobbies. My name was Peter Harris, a 40-something married man, married to my lovely wife Rachael. We had been married for about 20 years but had no...
I wish I could say that my story was a new one. That it brought some kind of revelation to the things we dream or fantasize about. The soft feel of lace or nylon touching our skin. The smoothness of a lipstick as it brushes on our lips. But that isn't what this story is. This story is a retelling of something that happened to me that I will never forget and something that changed my life for the better in so many ways. Let me rewind to about 10 years ago when I was about 22 or 23. I...
"Thank you Don. I'm really looking forward to seeing them." Her eyes held his gaze as she spoke and there was clearly invitation in them. "Gina, I'm sure you remember Allen and Peggy. Peggy just thanked me for letting my bride provide the entertainment." "Oohh Peggy, thank you, but Dick is the one you should thank. He made me ask Kirk for permission. Then he made me do it when I was afraid. He made me come so many times. I've never had as much fun at anything in my whole life. I'll...
Still stunned by what had just happened, Mitch made his way across the room as if in a trance. As he continued to stare at his sexy mother, the pearly residue of his cum still glistening on her pretty face, he wanted to take his cock in hand and start jerking off again, just like he always did when he looked at all those pictures he had of her dressed this way. She looked so fucking hot in her wedding dress, her voluminous breasts making the front of the strapless gown strain enticingly, the...
"Baby, why don't go in and get the shower started for us?" Nicole said, running her fingertips teasingly all around her cum-covered face. "I'll join you in a minute." Still in shock, Mitch nodded compliantly, rising from the bed and making his way into his parents' big en-suite bathroom, his heavy spent member swinging majestically between his legs. When his parents had renovated, they'd had a large marble and glass-walled shower installed, big enough for two, with dual shower heads....
Author’s Note: First short story in the Love & Disrespect series, a set of short stories focusing on varying types of disrespect in marriages and the resulting fallout. These stories will appear in various categories (primarily Loving Wives and Non-Erotic) depending on the story’s sexual focus and if the story revolves around cheating or not. Warning: These are flash stories, so most don’t end all neat and tidy. The reader will clearly know what the immediate actions will be, but how it...
Introduction: What does a wedding look like when the Jeffries family is involved? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. A Pair of Bridal Sluts (Camp Slut Series- Chapter 10) It was another two months after Arnold and Felicia first stopped by the house before the wedding took place. Gail still was not pregnant, and we were...
Today the Aphrodite Bridal Boutique and Salon has been opened. Petra Romani stands at the front desk await her new client to arrive... whoever that might be. Sarah is a late 20's woman who has been drawn to the boutique. She has long dirt blonde hair that she keeps in a ponytail and has come to the boutique in jeans and a t-shirt. If she spent extra time to primp she would considered attractive, however she is just average at best. She is unsuspecting of the true nature of the Boutique. John is...
Mind Control"Hello I am David Porter and welcome to the 1st special edition of Bimbo House. This week we will be introducing a new form of Bimbo House special editions. There are a few that will be regular special editions these are New Years, Valentines, Easter, Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We will also from time to time have other special editions such as this weeks Bridal Shower. What makes these special editions so special a few thing including they can be longer than 1 week...
Mind ControlI was 20 and two of my GF's were getting married.I was a bridesmaid in both weddings.As luck would have it their families were having the bridal shower on the same day.So I had to split my time between them.I had my drivers license but no car and they lived about a mile apart. My one girlfriends brother was 19 and offered to drive me to the other shower when I was ready.As we drove he told me how pretty I looked.I was wearing a mini dress with shoulder straps.As usual I had no bra or panties.He...
Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...
Re: Bridal pregnancyTue, August 24, 2010 - 1:44 PMWhen my wife and I first got married we didn't know about the lifestyle. We were both pretty naive back then. She was a virgin on our wedding night so I wanted it to be special. I talked her into letting me hire a photographer to shoot us while me fucked for the first time.The guy I hired was black, a great photographer.We both had a little bit of wine. Its just us and the photographer and we are both naked. Shes covered in cum. My wife notices...
Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...
'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...
'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...
On return to the UK I had made my mind up i could not carry on with this madness which had taken over the last week of my honeymoon. Ok i loved every danger filled moment of it. Being gang fucked was not on the radar untill the eve of my wedding to poor Bob.Think about it, I had been with 2 men in 34 years,and then within the space of about 72 hours i had had 6 different men had pumped there come down my throat and into my pussy. The worry to me (and Bob) was what could these men have had? The...
Steve waited until the all the bridesmaids had left his daughter’s bridal chambers, before slipping in. There, his daughter, Brenda, was in all her beauty, wearing her pure white stockings, garter and silk thong panties. His cock throbbed hard in his pants as he moved behind his daughter. “MMMMMMMM, daddy, I’m glad you stopped by,” she smiled, reaching back to fondle the front of her father’s pants. She could feel his swollen hard shaft aching for her touch. “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity...
IncestOver the next two weeks, Susanne had dream after naughty dream about Bree. She woke up each time in a hot sweat and incredible horny. She had Todd fuck her more often trying hard to fuck the odd dyke out of her. She was not a lesbian or bi for that matter. So why could she not get Bree out of her head? It was Susanne's bridal shower, being held at one of her bridesmaid's houses, since Maggie didn't have a big enough location living at the sorority and all. It was the home of her best...
“Grandpa, grandpa! We’re having a party!” Frank Boscow looked down at his granddaughter. Holly had just opened the door for his wife and Frank had entered after her, his arms filled with shopping bags full of groceries. Shirley had also been carrying a full load of groceries when she had come in, but she had quickly sidestepped the little girl to dump the bags in the kitchen. “Yes, I know. It’s your mother’s bridal shower.” Holly looked up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side....
The circle of people around her almost imperceptibly shrunk, and she was no more than five feet from many of them. I pushed Don between two men, and he figured I wanted another picture. She looked him in the eye as he aimed the camera, and she stopped to thrust her naked tits at him. When the flash discharged, her eyes were as alive as I had ever seen them. She searched for the eyes of her admirers, and I smiled at her when she looked at me. Her eyes flashed as she smiled back and puckered a...
Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...
Donna was back in her car, and this time all she had covering her naked body was her soiled bridal veil. Val had kept Donna's coat, and hadn't given Donna time to put on her jeans, physically throwing Donna out the door. Val had at least thrown her purse and wedding dress out after her. Purse and dress were both sitting next to Donna now, in the front seat, but they were of little comfort to her now as she faced yet another crisis. Her car was running out of gas. If things had gone as...
"KNOCK ... KNOCK ... KNOCK..." "Huh ... wha... ?" Mitch mumbled, woken out of a deep sleep by the knocking at his door. "Wake up, lazybones." Without even being asked this time, his mother opened his bedroom door and stepped into the room. "I don't want you sleeping the day away." As Mitch rolled over onto his back and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his mother strode across the room and opened his blinds, the early morning sunshine streaming into the room. The last thing he...
“Are you kidding? He really came in his pants?” Mitch blurted out, glancing over at his mother, his eyes gaping in astonishment. “Yep. Based on that stain that was blossoming in the crotch of his pants, I’m sure that’s what happened.” “Oh man, that’s hilarious.” Mitch pulled his eyes back to the road as he headed home, the flickering light from the streetlights ripping like streaks of lightning through the car. “I know Justin always thought you were hot, but I can’t believe he went off just...
I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...
Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...
Moms New Girlfriend (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Moms daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she knew about the woman&hellip,&hellip, —- __Im Erick. I cant ever tell this story to anyone I know,.&hellip,so&hellip, I guess Ill tell it here. My mom Mandy, just had me and my older sister Carla at home...
It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...
Incest100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...
Incest,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...
It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...
Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...
It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...
It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...
Today was the day. Mom was going to get two dicks in her pussy at once. She had always imagined what it would be like, i would lie if i said i didn't wonder as well. However today was her day to get two dicks in one hole. It just so happened that i knew two guys who were close and wouldn't mind doing it. I came home and walked through the door. Eric and Jason were sitting on the couch, watching some porn and jerking off together. Mom was in the chair across from them watching them and the...
Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...