The Spider's Bridal Bed free porn video

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(Contains: amorous fairies, a big spider, non-consensual & semi-consensualfairy-catching, plus lots of tears, screams, panties, and erections.)

Tom would never forget that summer he first stayed at Grandpa's farm. Ofall the memories he cherished from that visit, there was one thing he dwelton more than any other: the Spider's Bridal Bed.

It was the summer after Tom's eighteenth birthday, and his first year ofcollege had not gone well. He didn't relish confronting his parents and feelingthe sharp edge of their anger, so it seemed nothing less than a miracle whenGrandpa called.

"I'm getting on, and I could use some help around the farm," theold man said. "If you don't mind a little backbreaking labor, why don'tI put you up till your mom and dad have calmed down a bit?" Tom jumpedat the offer.

It was hard work, but it was all work with your hands and your back, thekind Tom was good at. Within weeks, he and Grandpa had caught up on everythingthat needed to be done. There remained plenty of daily chores, of course, butthey now had more time to talk, and more time to roam the several acres ofGrandpa's property just for the sights and the fresh air.

It was a fine Sunday morning in mid-July, not too hot, when Tom first sawthe Bridal Bed. Grandpa was a freethinker, so after a big breakfast, he jokedwith Tom about all the folks who went to church. Then they went for a strollthrough the meadow at the northern end of Grandpa's farmstead. In the meadowstood a small pine tree. When he first saw the tree, Tom was surprised to notethat it shimmered. "What's that?"

Grandpa smiled and said: "Go take a closer look."

So Tom strode up to the tree and discovered what was really shimmering: asheet of silver-gray webbing, about five feet across, stretching down at a45-degree angle from the top branches of the tree to the ground. "Is thata spider web?" he asked.

"Kind of," said Grandpa. "It's called the Spider's BridalBed."

"What size spider makes a web like that?"

"Not that big," said Grandpa. "About the size of a large dinnerplate, I'd say."

"Wunh," said Tom, looking anxiously down at his feet.

"Don't worry son; they don't hurt humans."

"What does a spider that big eat? Birds? Gophers?"

"Let me show you," said Grandpa. He picked up a stone and tossedit at an oddly shaped tuft of grass about twenty feet away. The stone hit deadon, and five of the largest butterflies Tom had ever seen came fluttering up.They followed an erratic path, as butterflies are wont to do, and then circledseveral times around Tom and the old man. To his astonishment, Tom saw nowthat these were not butterflies. The first three looked like human girls intheir early twenties, about a foot long, with butterfly wings! The last twowere twenty-something, butterfly-winged boys! The wings of each had a differentcolor: red, green, yellow, blue, and turquoise. All were clothed, and the colorsof their outfits matched their wings. The girls had sleeveless shifts, andpanties, and high heels; the boys wore long-sleeved shirts and knee-lengthboots, but had nothing on their bottoms. Tom could see their little cocks,which were very erect. After a fifth or sixth pass, the creatures flew off.

Feeling somewhat dizzy, he sank to his knees in the grass and said: "They're. . . they're . . . . "

"Fairies," said Grandpa, "Winged Fairies, the most commonkind of Fay."

"I think I need a drink," said Tom.

"Sorry, you're not legal yet. Let me try to explain. The world you usuallylive in, Tom--the world your parents always live in--has a pretty firm boundarybetween it and the Land of Mythica. In some places, though, the boundary getsshifty. This part of the country is one of those places. I've oftentimes goneout into the meadow and found myself in Mythica. In fact, I've been up anddown Mythica many a time, and I've seen a hell of a lot. Well, it works bothways. What lives in Mythica can and does come here. Just a few years ago, thosefairies started coming here; in fact they infested the place, which was a problem."

"Why?" said Tom, still feeling dazed. "They're beautiful."

"Unfortunately, they're as bad as they are beautiful. They blight crops.They make livestock sicken and die. They can drive humans who are weak in bodyor mind crazy, even make them kill themselves. I've seen it happen. I felta special responsibility, because I thought my wanderings into Mythica mighthave attracted them here. So I took one last trip. You see, for every pest,there should be a pesticide. I figured folks in Mythica would know what madethese bad little critters turn their toes up. And they did know! They werevery helpful in fact, and it wasn't long before I came back with a knapsackfull of samples."


"Eggs, mostly, but some adults, too."

"You mean . . . spiders."

"That's right. I got the most aggressive species, but only ones thatweren't poisonous to humans. My favorite is the lady who makes the Bridal Beds:the Golden Wolf Spider."

"But Grandpa, if those fairies are what they look like, they're . .. they're human beings! This sounds like murder!"

"They're evil, Tommo, and they're not human! Don't be misled by appearances.In this case, it could kill you."

"So," said Tom. "These fairies blunder into this . . . thisBridal Bed, and a giant Wolf Spider gobbles them up?"

"Not quite," said Grandpa. "Fairies are a lot smarter thanany bug. They're not going to 'blunder into' anything as big and obvious asthis sheet of webbing here. No, the Wolf Spider gets her prey on the hoof.This is where she displays what she's already caught. And this is where fairiescome when they . . . decide to die."

"Decide to die?"

"That's right. Let me explain."

It was mid-July and mating season was drawing to its irrevocable end. Justtwo more weeks, and Irana and Serena must either be bedded or . . . it didn'tbear thinking about. The two friends got spruced up for yet another fairy mixer.They did each other's hair and made sure their white shifts and panties werespotless. Then they crossed their fingers, laughed a little ruefully, and setout.

Irana and Serena were plain Janes by fairy standards: both had overly serious-lookingfaces, straight, nondescript brown hair, spindly legs, and white wings devoidof ornament. Irana was a little too thin; Serena a little too plump. Ordinarily,such imperfections wouldn't keep a girl from finding a good (if not quite breathtaking)boy.

Unfortunately, these were not ordinary times. The "Princess" hadheard about these green pastures just beyond the border of Mythica, where thehumans were abundant and stupid, and the predators were still scarce. She wasn'treally a princess; just a cousin some number of times removed from the RoyalFamily. But Titania had the looks of fairy royalty, including their brightred hair and wings. She complimented these with a red shift and red high heels.Her one departure from sartorial tradition: her panties weren't red, but rathera dazzling white that almost blinded the viewer. In addition to beauty, sheseemed to have a malevolent magic. Whenever Titania came to a fairy soiree,all the males there immediately swarmed around her. She now had forty or morepermanent suitors, who followed her everywhere and doted on her every idioticword. She wasn't completely stupid: she never tried to steal a boy who wasalready hitched, as that might prove fatal. But she now monopolized the attentionof everyone else. It was cruel, and not just to unattached females like Iranaand Serena. Instead of announcing her choice, she continued to lead on everyone of these poor boys. When the inevitable rejection came for all but oneof them, the unlucky ones might not have time to find a mate. They'd cry then,and not just from unrequited love.

The two friends flew out into the meadow and, as always, shuddered a littlewhen they passed the Spider's Bridal Bed. At least it was empty tonight. Itmight seem strange to others, but fairies always celebrated near one of theseBridal Beds if they could. It reminded them to importune life for its pleasureswhile they still were able. They saw the strangely tufted grass that indicateda fairy encampment and flew in.

There were several fairies, boys and girls, drinking wine from buttercupsand laughing at some joke or other. The sisters took a closer look: to theirgreat disgust, but unsurprisingly, every one of these boys was one of Titania'sthralls. If the girls flirting with them thought they were going to get anywhere,they had another thing coming. Just then, the "Princess" appeared.Sure enough, the other ladies were abandoned in mid-sentence. All the malesin the place surrounded Titania and would not take their eyes off her. Theirerections even seemed bigger than the usual for mating season. ("This sortof thing reminds you of why they can't wear underpants," said Irana with asnort.)

"We've got to talk to her," said Serena. "Maybe she'll bereasonable."

"You have to have a brain first before you can be reasonable," saidIrana, "but we might as well try." So they went over to where Titaniaand her admirers sat.

"Uh, Titania dear, you remember us, don't you?" said Serena.

"No. Should I?"

"I'm Serena and this is Irana. We were part of the welcoming committeewhen you first showed up. Could we, uh, speak in private?" Titania turnedto her boys and said: "Go away." They did. "Is that privateenough for you?"

"That's fine," said Irana. "Titania dear, it's like this.We don't mean to be pushy; but it's crucial for the well-being of our communityhere that you announce your choice of a mate as soon as possible. The deadlineis just two weeks away. It would be dreadfully unfair to most of these boys--notto mention some girls--if you waited till the last minute."

Titania just stared at them for what seemed a very long time. At last shespoke, and the disdain in

her voice was palpable. "I feel I have to explain something about myself," shesaid. "I matured just before the last mating cycle. When it came time to mate,I discovered that I was simply, well, irresistible. And that's not all: whenI reject a boy, he doesn't rush off to some inferior female for consolation.He just cries, carries on, and pines until the time comes to give himself toa spider. That's the way it is. I can't change it." If the smug look onher face was any indication, she didn't want to change it.

"But this is dreadful!" said Irana. "For the sake of the fairycommunity, you must seek help to alter this destructive body chemistry of yours.You must!"

"The only thing I must do," said Titania, "iswhat it suits me to do. Now here's what's going to happen: two weeks from now,at five minutes before midnight, I'm going to announce my choice to my darling,doting boys. The losers will then burst into tears and beg me to reconsider.(Let me tell you: the only thing prettier in my mind than an aroused fairyboy is an aroused fairy boy crying his eyes out!) I'll say no. Then the Gongof Gordion will strike twelve times. The losers in my little lottery will flyout into the night, sobbing and cursing their infatuation, now that it's toolate. You'll be sobbing in your beds at about the same time, I expect. I willthen lie down with my chosen one. The next day, we'll take a leisurely tourof all the Spider's Bridal Beds in the neighborhood. We'll see my poor, unsuccessfulsuitors. And we'll see you. You'll all be a kind of monument to my beauty andmy allure. Perhaps we'll make love right in front of you."

In a low voice, Serena said: "You treat your own kind as if they're. . . human beings or something. Despicable!" With that, the two friendsstalked out.

Later, Serena and Irana discussed their strategy, or rather the lack of it.

"I never thought I'd say this," said Irana, "but it's possibleto be too evil."

"Can we kill her and claim self-defense?" asked Serena.

"No. I checked that with a fairy lawyer: we have to be dead-bang certainwe're going to die if we don't act immediately."

"We are certain!"

"Not certain enough. We could always move to a new community."

"With a different dialect and different customs? We'd never fit in intime!"

"The lawyer was adamant: if we kill her, we'll be executed, which sortof removes the point of killing her."

"Any insight into what this strange magic of hers is?"

"No. None at all. There's nothing like it in the clinical literature."

"We're sunk then."

"Yes," said Irana. "We're sunk."

Weeping, they held each other tight. Serena then whispered in Irana's ear: "Takeyour panties off, my dear." "All right, darling," said Irana.

Having resigned themselves, the friends took great pleasure in their lasttwo weeks. About half-way through the second week, Serena said: "Haveyou seen the Bridal Bed in the meadow lately?"

"Not since that night at the mixer," said Irana.

"I saw it today. It's been decked out with wildflowers."

"How nice," said Irana bitterly. "The spider's welcoming us."

"It's the biggest Bridal Bed in the region, isn't it?" said Serena.


"It looks comfy."

"Yes, it does."

They stared into each other's eyes. "It's settled then," they saidtogether.

The last night came. Serena and Irana lay in bed together, holding each other.Even though they were expecting it, both screamed when the Gong of Gordionbegan to strike: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven, twelve. The two fairies got slowly out of bed. Together they recitedthe customary prayer: "Oh Dark Lord, we are heartily sorry for havingoffended you by our failure to mate. We pledge to you that tomorrow, at ourearliest convenience, we will put ourselves in the path of a predator, so asto pay the penalty laid down by your Law." They lay back down and listenedto the night. Soon they could hear, from several points of origin, the soundsof weeping.

The next day, after a surprisingly restful sleep, they flew out to the meadow.The Bridal Bed was bordered with flowers, as Serena had said. They were unsurprisedto see that it was already occupied. Coming in for a closer look, they sawfive heartbreakingly handsome fairy boys, lying on their backs in a row, theirfaces wet with tears and their cocks very stiff.

"Hello," said Serena. "Some of Titania's victims, I presume?"

"Y-yes," said a beautiful blond. "Paying the just price forour foolishness."

"You were driven out of your senses by her magic. How could you know?"

"We . . . we've said that . . . a dozen times to one another this morning.It's not . . . much of a consolation. I'm M-Miko, by the way."

The other boys introduced themselves: "S-Sato," "Al . . .(ow!) Alcuin," "B-Brito," "S-S-Sanjil (oh, it hurts!)"

"Hurts?" said Irana. "Have you already been stung?"

"Only by T-Titania," said Miko. "While we were in her thrall,she made it . . . a strict rule . . .that we could have no relief . . . tillshe . . . made her choice. Now . . . we can't get relief on our own. I fearwe'll . . . explode before the spider comes!"

The girls looked down and, sure enough, the boys' pouches were red and swollenbeyond their normal size. "You poor dears!" said Serena. "Youpoor dears!"

"Serena darling," said Irana, "it's time to lie down now."

"Not yet! They're suffering because of that cruel bitch; we can't juststand by!"

"What do you propose?"

"Watch me."

Serena quickly stripped off her panties and tossed them away. (And why not?She no longer needed to mask her scent.) She then lowered herself towards theweb, being very careful not to entangle any part of her wings or body in thesticky threads. Miko seemed to be hurting the most, so she placed herself justinches above his groin. She grasped his cock in both hands and tugged backhis foreskin. Miko screamed.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No!" he gasped. "No."

With no further ado, she impaled herself. Miko cried out again, this timewith a more even mix of pleasure and pain. "Come on, Irana," shesaid. "I don't think any of them will object." Being very carefulnot to entangle herself, Irana shed her panties and descended on Sanjil.

And so it went, till the two friends had served, and been served by, allfive. When it was time to come, each boy cried out repeatedly and unashamedlyas he sent one gout of boy-honey after another into his angel of mercy. Thegirls cried out along with them. In too short a time, boys and girls had completerelief.

Serena was sighing with perfect contentment when Irana said: "Darling,I hate to be a bother, but . . . ."

"I know."

They lay down on the web on either side of the five boys: Serena next toMiko, Irana next to Sanjil. The magic of the web was such that their shiftswere immediately fastened to the surface with sticky strands, and their armswere pinned at their sides. Their legs and bottoms, however, could still movefreely. This was for the spider's convenience. It was comfy. All anyone coulddo now was wait.

The sun was hot and it made Serena drowsy. She nodded off for a while, onlyto be wakened by a strange rhythm. The web was pulsing! She and the otherslooked out between their feet at the bottom edge. The builder of the BridalBed, a female Golden Wolf Spider, was striding up toward them! She was coveredwith thick, dirty-yellow fur. She had eight powerful legs and eight yelloweyes; but her fangs were the most terrible thing about her: two recurved needlesthat glinted as if made of steel. Clutched in these fangs was a fairy, boundtightly 'round the middle with strands of silk. Fastened to the spider's backwas another fay, similarly trussed.

When they saw her, the seven captives couldn't help but scream with terror. It'smy time! they all thought. But not quite. The spider droppedher new victims onto the web, next to Irana, and then . . . went away!These new arrivals turned out to be Titania and her chosen boy-toy, Rilchiam!

"It's not fair! It's not fair!" Titania shouted. "That stupidspider snuck up on us!" Rilchiam, who'd taken a larger dose of venom thanhis paramour, just looked dazed.

"They've been known to do that." said Irana.

"Devil preserve us!" said Titania. "I remember you! I rememberyour mopy friend, too! Can't a person have good company at least?"

"I'd say you're responsible for the company you're keeping," saidSerena from the other end of the little group. "In fact, I've an inklingit's no accident you're here. Two weeks ago, I sent a message to the Templeof the Dark Lord, outlining your interference with the free mating of fairies.I reckon this is his response."

"You . . . bitch! You worthless bitch!" screamed Titania, strugglingvainly against the threads that held her like a fly on flypaper.

"Save the screams for when you'll really need them," said Iranain a quiet voice. "She's back."


Two weeks after their first visit, Tom and Grandpa returned to the meadow. "Thisisn't the only Bridal Bed in the area," said Grandpa. "But it's thebiggest and most beautiful. Since the deadline for mating has just come andgone, we should see something interesting this time."

"It's got flowers on it," said Tom.

"Considerate of the spider, don't you think?" laughed Grandpa.

They came closer. Sure enough, lined up on the Bridal Bed in a neat row werenine fairies. Tom looked even closer and saw, from his left to his right: onefemale, pretty but a little plump; five males, as handsome as any fashion model;one female, pretty but a little thin; another female, a redheaded knockout;another matinee-idol male. Of the females, oddly enough, only the knockoutwas wearing panties. Their eyes were awash with tears, their mouths were allwide open, and Tom

could hear shrill little screams. This wasn't surprising, because the largestspider Tom had ever seen was strolling towards them from the bottom of theweb! It looked as if it could move very fast if it wanted to, but it wasn'trushing now. It came to Tom all of a sudden (though how he knew it he couldnever say afterwards): the spider enjoyed the impression it was making on itscatch! Tom knew he should be horrified, and in a way he was. But he was alsoaroused--more aroused than he had ever been before in his life.

"Makes me want to cream my jeans, too," said Grandpa. "Andyou know what? It's not like sex in the so-called real world. It's just asexciting the thousandth time as the first. Keep looking."

At last, the spider reached the line of kicking, crying, screaming fairies.It surveyed them for a short time, moving its head back and forth; then itwent to the plump, pretty girl on the left. Tom had to see, so he brought hisface right up to the edge of the web. Neither the spider nor the fairy seemedto mind. The girl was kicking frantically, as if her little high-heeled feetcould make the monster go away. Suddenly the spider leapt forward with dazzlingspeed and grabbed her legs. Then it forced her thighs back, till they wereright up against her chest. Now it quickly drew out a line of web from itsrear and used this to bind the girl's thighs there, so that her feet kickedupward and harmlessly. The girl's snatch was exposed now, and Tom had to sayit was the prettiest he had ever seen: a delicate pink mouth with no borderof pubic hair to coarsen the effect. The spider reared back, pausing for amoment, then plunged its fearsome needles into the plump flesh on either sideof the girl's labia. Her scream now was long, piercing, and heartbreaking.Tom felt the strangest mix of lust, fear, and grief.

Apparently, venom from the fangs was starting to have an effect: the girlkicked more and more furiously, moaning audibly with the effort. Finally, shethrew back her head and emitted a loud half-groan, half-wail of painful passion.At the same time, a clear liquid spouted from her cunt. She would do the samething five more times over the next half-hour. At last she was still.

The spider then moved on to the boy next to her. Its procedure was essentiallythe same, except that here it plunged its fangs into his perineum, just belowhis pouch. He screamed and groaned and wailed every bit as much as his lady-companion.Instead of a clear liquid, he spouted a thick, white cream, tinged with pink.When he was done, the spider just went on relentlessly to the next boy, andthe next, and the next, and the next. Then it took the thin girl. Somehow,Tom knew that she and the plump girl were the best of friends.

Then came the redheaded bombshell's turn. Tom had a new intuition, as mysterious,but as certain, as the others: this girl hadn't resigned herself to dying asher companions had, as much as they cried and carried on. It was going to beharder for her. Tom could hear her pitiable appeal, repeated over and over: "No!Dear Devil, no!"

This time the spider had panties to deal with. Obviously no problem: afterforcing her thighs back, it tugged her pants to her knees in no time at all.Another stunning snatch; another assault by cruel fangs; another long, despairingscream.

The last boy put on as good a show as his fellows. Finally it was over, andthe sun was setting.

"Here's where she gets down to feeding," said Grandpa. "She'lldrain the magical essence out of each of them. Then their bodies'll crumbleinto a fine white powder, and the powder'll blow away. So . . . you've seenthe spider bed her little brides and bridegrooms. What do you think?"

"It-it's overwhelming," said Tom.

"It sure is. Nothing wrong, though, is there, with fighting evil andhaving fun while you do it?"

"I suppose not," said Tom. "It's strange: I was feeling this .. . intense pleasure, seeing them die; but I was sad . . . hurting almost,at the same time."

Grandpa scratched his head. "Well, they're bad and they're getting theircomeuppance. That's part of the pleasure. But of course there's more to itthan that. I've a notion, Tom, that for them, everything issex (I think that may be why they're so cruel). Anyway, even dying is a kindof sex for them. But it's still dying: it hurts . . . and it scares them. Nowwhen you're near them, they make you feel some part of what they're feeling.So when they're caught, you feel some of the pleasure, and someof the sting, of their dying."

For a while, neither of them spoke. Then Grandpa said: "You know, Tom. . . I could sure use someone to help with the farm full-time, and maybe inheritit when I'm gone. It isn't just a farm, as you can see."

"It's the gateway to Mythica," said Tom.

"Just one of them," said Grandpa with a laugh. "Just one ofthem."


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A Life Accidentally Planned Chap. 8 The Bridal Waltz I stood there with the fingers of both hands covering my wide open mouth. Andy knelt in anticipation in front of me. The room was perfectly quiet. Al I heard was the rustle of my petticoat as I slowly knelt to meet his level. My hands moved in unison from my mouth to the sides of Andy's head. I slowly bent forward and pulled his face toward me. I whispered "Yes," Just before I closed my eyes, turn my head and kissed him. He...

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Bridal Night

By : Arundev Dayal Ramratan has a wonderful career. A Chemical Engineer, with a specialization in Powdered Metallurgy, he has been doing wonders at Philadelphia. His parents arranged a marital negotiation for their only child. Moments of bridal night came at its normal course. Manorama was brought to the newly decorated bedroom for the couple. The groom was also ushered in the room. One of his colleagues commented Bachchoo, yeh raat fir kabhi wapaas nahi ayegi. Zarah hoshiari se isse paal...

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Lounging for FunChapter 10 Bridal Preparations

Like 3 days ago I took the small pony. I was well cleaned out and all of his load was retained in my bowels. I then slipped onto the stud with one catheter. I swallowed the other end of it leaving a clear shot to my stomach for the overflow from my womb as he was coupled to me. I would just ingest the leftovers as it overflowed. I mounted the stud and placed the ends of the reins on my nipple rings. I left the others at the recreation area. I just wanted to ride alone for a bit. While I was...

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One Day at the Bridal Shop

One Day at the Bridal Shop It had been a pretty normal day for me during my shift at the bridal shop, until late in the afternoon, when a small group of girls came in. They were obviously a bridal party, with the bride-to-be giggling and blushing as her girlfriends teased her with different gowns. Then she turned the tables on them by throwing the most God-awful bridesmaid outfits possible, an assault they took with giggly grace. While this was going on, I went to the display...

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Evelyns Bridal Boutique

Evelyn's Bridal and Dress Boutique Although it took him nearly a half an hour longer, Jason always walked through the downtown on his way home from high school every day. It wasn't for the exercise that he took the longer route because at 5 foot and 10 inches he barely weighed 130 pounds and he ran 5 miles with the cross country team every morning. He certainly wasn't doing it to spend time with friends because despite being a good student and athlete he was still a bit of a...

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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 2

Mitch strolled back to his seat, the presentation he and Justin did complete and in the books. His friend took his seat beside him and they shared a fist bump, acknowledging that it had gone well. "Who's the man?" Justin whispered under his breath. "You're the man," Mitch whispered back, both of them smiling. Expecting his friend to say something like, "No, you're the man," Mitch was surprised when Justin responded with, "That's right—I'm the man. And you're just the sorry...

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The Ultimate Bridal Weekend II Life Goes On

Please read 'The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I' to make sense of this story. The Ultimate Bridal Weekend II - Life Goes On By Sheila Anne Morgan Saturday and Sunday Brad and I spent time getting to know each other better. This included lots of sex and cuddling. Brad taught me to saddle and take care of the horses and we spent many hours on the trails near our property. We learned that we both enjoyed cooking and shared the duties of fixing...

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The Ultimate Bridal Weekend III Life Goes On And On

Please read 'The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I and II' to make sense of this story. The Ultimate Bridal Weekend III - Life Goes On and On By Sheila Anne Morgan The Holidays were hectic, but fun. I cannot remember having a better time sharing with family and friends. The new year started with a baby shower for Denise, the woman from Feed The Families who was having a baby boy. I gave her the booties and blanket I had knit for her along...

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My Bridal Betrayal Fucking the Best man

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and it's at this point I may as well stop.I was married and willingly submitted to these vows, a creation by men for the subjugation of their bride, only as in my case, a cruel twist on fate, as you will see, my sickness was a hidden ordeal inside my head, I was a sex addict and my poor new husband did not know that and after we kissed in front of the congregation, I turned and winked naughtily to the best man, a big...

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Lacy Bridal Fantasy

Lacy Bridal FantasyOff again to meet my sensational naughty tease Suzy, we've been fuck buddies for a good while now and tonight promises to be another night of intense lustful passion. I had arranged for the two of us to stay at a classy hotel, I had seen the room before hand, the main feature being the huge four poster bed, I knew straight away that we'd be having a full night of intense sexual pleasure in here. Suzy would be arriving before me, and on my over she'd been texting me, am here...

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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 1 How It All Began

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 1: HOW IT ALL BEGAN! Our lotto win changed everything! It was such an exciting time, winning ?7.5 million on the lotto. Of course my wife and I were both able to give up our jobs and live a more carefree life, going out for meals, having holidays, long walks and pursuing our hobbies. My name was Peter Harris, a 40-something married man, married to my lovely wife Rachael. We had been married for about 20 years but had no...

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Bridal Reflection Part1

I wish I could say that my story was a new one. That it brought some kind of revelation to the things we dream or fantasize about. The soft feel of lace or nylon touching our skin. The smoothness of a lipstick as it brushes on our lips. But that isn't what this story is. This story is a retelling of something that happened to me that I will never forget and something that changed my life for the better in so many ways. Let me rewind to about 10 years ago when I was about 22 or 23. I...

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Ginas Bridal UnveilChapter 3

"Thank you Don. I'm really looking forward to seeing them." Her eyes held his gaze as she spoke and there was clearly invitation in them. "Gina, I'm sure you remember Allen and Peggy. Peggy just thanked me for letting my bride provide the entertainment." "Oohh Peggy, thank you, but Dick is the one you should thank. He made me ask Kirk for permission. Then he made me do it when I was afraid. He made me come so many times. I've never had as much fun at anything in my whole life. I'll...

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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 4

Still stunned by what had just happened, Mitch made his way across the room as if in a trance. As he continued to stare at his sexy mother, the pearly residue of his cum still glistening on her pretty face, he wanted to take his cock in hand and start jerking off again, just like he always did when he looked at all those pictures he had of her dressed this way. She looked so fucking hot in her wedding dress, her voluminous breasts making the front of the strapless gown strain enticingly, the...

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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 5

"Baby, why don't go in and get the shower started for us?" Nicole said, running her fingertips teasingly all around her cum-covered face. "I'll join you in a minute." Still in shock, Mitch nodded compliantly, rising from the bed and making his way into his parents' big en-suite bathroom, his heavy spent member swinging majestically between his legs. When his parents had renovated, they'd had a large marble and glass-walled shower installed, big enough for two, with dual shower heads....

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Skin Deep III Chapter 2 The Spiders In The Eves Are Listening

Chapter 2 The Spiders In The Eves Are Listening The Duck Blind The Duck Blind, as it was known to those that lived sequestered within its walls, hummed with life. For the first time since its inception the purpose for its being, the reason the office had been formed seemed close to an opportunity to complete its mission. As duck blinds go, this one had seemed to be the most promising of those set up by the government, if you considered the decoys being used. Its purpose, as with...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 6

The next three weeks flew by for Mark and Jean. It was surprising how quickly they settled into a routine. While Mark still did a lot of the cooking, Jean was finding that she enjoyed his meals and since breakfast was simple, she took over it as her main meal to prepare. It turned out that she was also far better at milking the camla than Mark was. Since she was a Nature Mage, neither of them were surprised by this. Mark taught her the rudiments of how to make soft cheeses since the camla...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 16

Mark flopped on his back on the bed. Jean snuggled into his side, and he gathered her into his arms, so her naked breasts and body were pressed against him. She still hadn’t regained her normal breathing, but he could feel her satisfaction from their lovemaking. They’d had a busy day and used a lot of magic, so the sex had been all the more fun with their orgasms being heightened by the magical recharge. Not that they needed an excuse to fuck each other stupid. Nor was it the first time...

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The bridal suite

On return to the UK I had made my mind up i could not carry on with this madness which had taken over the last week of my honeymoon. Ok i loved every danger filled moment of it. Being gang fucked was not on the radar untill the eve of my wedding to poor Bob.Think about it, I had been with 2 men in 34 years,and then within the space of about 72 hours i had had 6 different men had pumped there come down my throat and into my pussy. The worry to me (and Bob) was what could these men have had? The...

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The Bridal Boutique

Today the Aphrodite Bridal Boutique and Salon has been opened. Petra Romani stands at the front desk await her new client to arrive... whoever that might be. Sarah is a late 20's woman who has been drawn to the boutique. She has long dirt blonde hair that she keeps in a ponytail and has come to the boutique in jeans and a t-shirt. If she spent extra time to primp she would considered attractive, however she is just average at best. She is unsuspecting of the true nature of the Boutique. John is...

Mind Control
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Love Disrespect Bridal Advice

Author’s Note: First short story in the Love & Disrespect series, a set of short stories focusing on varying types of disrespect in marriages and the resulting fallout. These stories will appear in various categories (primarily Loving Wives and Non-Erotic) depending on the story’s sexual focus and if the story revolves around cheating or not. Warning: These are flash stories, so most don’t end all neat and tidy. The reader will clearly know what the immediate actions will be, but how it...

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A Pair of Bridal Sluts Camp Slut Series Chapter 10

Introduction: What does a wedding look like when the Jeffries family is involved? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. A Pair of Bridal Sluts (Camp Slut Series- Chapter 10) It was another two months after Arnold and Felicia first stopped by the house before the wedding took place. Gail still was not pregnant, and we were...

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Bimbo House Bridal Shower

"Hello I am David Porter and welcome to the 1st special edition of Bimbo House. This week we will be introducing a new form of Bimbo House special editions. There are a few that will be regular special editions these are New Years, Valentines, Easter, Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We will also from time to time have other special editions such as this weeks Bridal Shower. What makes these special editions so special a few thing including they can be longer than 1 week...

Mind Control
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Ride to the Bridal Shower

I was 20 and two of my GF's were getting married.I was a bridesmaid in both weddings.As luck would have it their families were having the bridal shower on the same day.So I had to split my time between them.I had my drivers license but no car and they lived about a mile apart. My one girlfriends brother was 19 and offered to drive me to the other shower when I was ready.As we drove he told me how pretty I looked.I was wearing a mini dress with shoulder straps.As usual I had no bra or panties.He...

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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyTue, August 24, 2010 - 1:44 PMWhen my wife and I first got married we didn't know about the lifestyle. We were both pretty naive back then. She was a virgin on our wedding night so I wanted it to be special. I talked her into letting me hire a photographer to shoot us while me fucked for the first time.The guy I hired was black, a great photographer.We both had a little bit of wine. Its just us and the photographer and we are both naked. Shes covered in cum. My wife notices...

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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

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Money Is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 4 Rachael Has A Suggestion

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...

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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

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A Daddys Vist to the Bridal Chamber

Steve waited until the all the bridesmaids had left his daughter’s bridal chambers, before slipping in. There, his daughter, Brenda, was in all her beauty, wearing her pure white stockings, garter and silk thong panties. His cock throbbed hard in his pants as he moved behind his daughter. “MMMMMMMM, daddy, I’m glad you stopped by,” she smiled, reaching back to fondle the front of her father’s pants. She could feel his swollen hard shaft aching for her touch. “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity...

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 6 The Bridal Shower

Over the next two weeks, Susanne had dream after naughty dream about Bree. She woke up each time in a hot sweat and incredible horny. She had Todd fuck her more often trying hard to fuck the odd dyke out of her. She was not a lesbian or bi for that matter. So why could she not get Bree out of her head? It was Susanne's bridal shower, being held at one of her bridesmaid's houses, since Maggie didn't have a big enough location living at the sorority and all. It was the home of her best...

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GenerationsChapter 40 The Bridal Shower

“Grandpa, grandpa! We’re having a party!” Frank Boscow looked down at his granddaughter. Holly had just opened the door for his wife and Frank had entered after her, his arms filled with shopping bags full of groceries. Shirley had also been carrying a full load of groceries when she had come in, but she had quickly sidestepped the little girl to dump the bags in the kitchen. “Yes, I know. It’s your mother’s bridal shower.” Holly looked up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side....

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Ginas Bridal UnveilChapter 2

The circle of people around her almost imperceptibly shrunk, and she was no more than five feet from many of them. I pushed Don between two men, and he figured I wanted another picture. She looked him in the eye as he aimed the camera, and she stopped to thrust her naked tits at him. When the flash discharged, her eyes were as alive as I had ever seen them. She searched for the eyes of her admirers, and I smiled at her when she looked at me. Her eyes flashed as she smiled back and puckered a...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 20 Luck of the Irish AND The Mistress Bridal Shower

Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...

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BD Bridal ShowerChapter 6

Donna was back in her car, and this time all she had covering her naked body was her soiled bridal veil. Val had kept Donna's coat, and hadn't given Donna time to put on her jeans, physically throwing Donna out the door. Val had at least thrown her purse and wedding dress out after her. Purse and dress were both sitting next to Donna now, in the front seat, but they were of little comfort to her now as she faced yet another crisis. Her car was running out of gas. If things had gone as...

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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 3

"KNOCK ... KNOCK ... KNOCK..." "Huh ... wha... ?" Mitch mumbled, woken out of a deep sleep by the knocking at his door. "Wake up, lazybones." Without even being asked this time, his mother opened his bedroom door and stepped into the room. "I don't want you sleeping the day away." As Mitch rolled over onto his back and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his mother strode across the room and opened his blinds, the early morning sunshine streaming into the room. The last thing he...

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Moms Bridal LingerieChapter 7

“Are you kidding? He really came in his pants?” Mitch blurted out, glancing over at his mother, his eyes gaping in astonishment. “Yep. Based on that stain that was blossoming in the crotch of his pants, I’m sure that’s what happened.” “Oh man, that’s hilarious.” Mitch pulled his eyes back to the road as he headed home, the flickering light from the streetlights ripping like streaks of lightning through the car. “I know Justin always thought you were hot, but I can’t believe he went off just...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 9

For Mark and Jean, it was winter in Wonderland. The next two months passed swiftly for the couple. They made love often and watched as Jean and Bobo’s tummies thickened. Jean worked on her serum, but she hadn’t had the breakthrough she wished for. Her new version, thanks to Mark’s machines, worked even better for the non-shapeshifting gnawers, and they had fewer side effects if treated quickly. However, her tests on the blood from her flickers weren’t proving positive. Her latest batch...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 4

Queen Robina was in a foul mood. Her spies said that Mark had disappeared. The rumour was that the boy had gone back home the same way he had turned up. They said that Vasari had instituted a search of the Palace, the town and the surrounding area. The only things missing from his room were a few toiletries. He hadn’t packed a bag or taken any other items from the palace that anyone could identify as missing. The staff and guards had all been questioned, but no one saw him leave. “Is she...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 5

Jean awoke to a strange new world. It only took her a moment to determine that she wasn’t in her bed or her bedroom. The bed was too bloody comfortable to start with. She then became aware of her bodily functions. She desperately needed to urinate, and she was very thirsty. At this awareness, a third disturbing fact entered her head. She had a large warm hand wrapped around her tit. The next was that the male attached to the hand had his hard cock pressed between her butt cheeks. She was...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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