Former Playboy Playmates Part 7 Alyssas Journey
- 4 years ago
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Trisha’s head was spinning. The last thing she remembered she was on her way home from work when suddenly everything just went blurry. Still trying to find her bearings she knew she was in unfamiliar surroundings. As far as she could make out she was in some sort of workshop. There were some tables and figures and also a large television screen of some sorts but her vision was still too fuzzy to see anything clearly. She tried to sit up to get a better view but couldn’t, her wrists and ankles had been shackled to the table. This wasn’t her main concern though as she the realisation hit her that she was naked, not only that but she felt something pressing against her pussy. The shock of this caused her mind to clarify almost instantaneously and the full scale of her predicament hit her. She was indeed bound naked to a worktable and there was some large device by her feet from which protruded a phallus shaped shaft, which extended to the entrance of her pussy. Despite her limited movement she tried to maneuver herself away from the invasive probe. However it was also strapped to her waist securely, no matter how she altered her position, it maintained its ominous stance at the gate to her sex. Upon conceding that her struggle was futile, Trisha lay back dejectedly. It was then she noticed that she had company.
Scanning the room she now realised that some of the figures she had previously seen were in fact other girls, three to be precise. They all seemed to be going through the same processes that Trisha had: unfamiliar surroundings, inability to move, unexplained nakedness and connection to a weird device of some kind. The only differences were the devices themselves, each was different. Two of the girls had been secured to their contraption in a standing position whereas the third was, like Trisha, shackled horizontally to a table, except this girl was bound face down. At the feet of the lying girl was a device similar to Trisha’s own, the difference being its positioning. The shaft was pressed against the entrance to her asshole as opposed to her pussy. Noticing this made Trisha almost feel lucky about her predicament but the moment soon passed and her eyes moved onto the two standing girls.
They were not ‘fitted’ with the same contraption that Trisha and the first girl had. Instead they seemed to be wearing smaller less intimidating devices, one was wearing what appeared to be a mechanical bra, a device that struck Trisha as more odd than sinister. The fourth girl’s situation was similar, no daunting invasive shaft threatening her most private regions but instead just some contraption over her mouth and neck. Sure they looked uncomfortable, but Trisha would have happily swapped places with either of these two girls. Finally someone spoke:
‘Hey,’ called out the girl with the ass device. ‘You ok?’
‘Yeah, I think so,’ replied Trisha, ‘How did we get here?’
‘Nobody has a fucking clue,’ responded the girl with the mechanical bra. ‘We all just woke up here. The name’s Samantha, what’s yours?’
‘And I’m Jade,’ responded the ass girl. ‘We don’t know the name of her over there because whatever that thing in her mouth is, it’s stopping her from talking. You seemed to be in your own little world over there, we thought you were ignoring us for some reason.’
‘Oh sorry,’ stumbled Trisha, ‘I just, well I don’t understand what is going on here.’
‘You and us both,’ cut in Samantha, ‘I was just getting ready to go college when all of a sudden I black out and wind up here.’
‘Can you see any way out?’ asked Jade.
‘No I can hardly move, and this machine is really making me nervous.’ Replied Trisha.
‘Try having it attached to your ass, then you can talk about nervous.’ Retorted Jade, half-joking half-serious.
‘Can we skip the ‘my toy’s better than your toy crap’ and try to find a way out of here please.’ Said Samantha, unamused.
‘Sorry,’ began Trisha, ‘we’re just trying t…’
The girls’ conversation was cut short sounds of distortion coming from the television monitor across from them. Nobody knew what was going on but they were all positive that they were about to receive more information.
The video screen flickered into life, a strange figure appeared on the screen. It was a puppet. As the flickering died down the head slowly span around to face the screen, it was a Barbie doll, or at least a homemade version of one. The girls looked at this in bemusement not knowing quite what to think. Then it began to speak, the voice had been heavily disguised but the puppet spoke clearly:
‘Hello girls, I want to play a game.’
‘But first, why don’t I help you all get acquainted with each other? Hello Trisha, while other workingwomen broke through traditional glass ceilings to achieve success in the accounting world you decided to take the easy option. Not content to put in the dedication required to earn partnership you used your relationship with a senior partner to catapult your way to the top above more deserving applicants. Women like you make sure that females in the work place will never be given the respect they deserve. You could have been a success off your own back but instead to chose to find success lying on your back and so you find yourself here.’
‘You, along with the others, have had an experimental formula injected into your bloodstream, do not worry, the drug will become harmless in about three hours, however, until then any sexual stimulation, like say a mechanical vibrator entering the vagina will cause a permanent behavioral transformation in which sex becomes the primary motivation. Traits such as intelligence, self-respect and common sense will be replaced with vanity, lustfulness and a need to be satisfied. You will in essence become the whore you assumed to get your ‘well-earned’ partnership.’
‘Hello Jade, you have also risen to the top of your field, a high flying lawyer at one of the city’s premier firms and unlike Trisha, your promotions have all been thoroughly deserved. However that is not why you are here. In your success you have forgotten just how chauvinistic the occupational world still is. You look down on the women who work as secretaries and assistants to make a living because they could not achieve what you have. You do not accept that they are still doing their job the best they can and so you do not appreciate the talent, which you have. You have spent your career being an ass to the women around you who try to earn a living and so now you must overcome the device pressed against your asshole.’
‘Hello Samantha, although still just a student, the world could have been your oyster. You had the looks and the brains yet sadly you chose only to utilize the former. Entering University on a full scholarship you could have dazzled professors with your wit and intellect but instead you chose to wow them with short skirts and low cut tops. You only chose classes with young male lecturers and made sure to position yourself front row centre. Indeed you did everything in your power to attain the top grade, that is everything except studying. Knowing that a well timed flash of breast was just as effective to pass a class as a groundbreaking research paper, you have wasted your student years in bars and clubs relying on the lusts of men to get you through. Well now those tits you have used so many times to your advantage could become your downfall.’
‘And last but not least, hello Michelle, a reporter for a sleazy tabloid your lifeblood is spreading evil rumours about those more successful than yourself. ‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story,’ isn’t that the reporters’ motto? And you certainly have never been deterred by trivial things like truth and honesty, have you Michelle? You speak poison, and then transfer it into print for all to see. Well today your words will do no harm, the device you are wearing will see to that. And trust me, for the time being, you really
do not want to be playing kiss and tell.’
‘So, now that you have all been introduced we shall move onto the game. The rules are simple, at five o’clock the devices you are wearing will activate and you will lose. All you need to do to in is remove the device and walk you the door before your time is up. Each device is fitted with a digital lock, you just need the code, do not try to remove the device by force! The code is the same for all the devices but beware, a wrong entry will automatically trigger the device and that player will lose. To win the game you will all need to work together, you have more in common than you might think. You just may need to move heaven and Earth to discover what that common factor is. You have three hours. Let the games begin!’
With that the video ended and the room was momentarily gripped in a stunned quiet. Looking at each other, nobody seemed to know what to say until Samantha broke the silence:
‘Well that’s just bullshit!’
‘Please just calmed down,’ suggested Trisha, ‘We need to focus on trying to get out of here.’
‘Well I’m sorry but in case you didn’t notice, none of us can fucking move! How are we supposed to get out of here?’
As that moment, as if on cue, the cuffs holding down the girls’ wrists all snapped open allowing for some albeit limited movement. Trisha rubbed her newly freed wrists in relief:
‘Well, at least now we have some chance of getting out of here.’
‘Are you fucking serious!?’ reacted Samantha, ‘You’re telling me you are actually going to play this pervert’s game?’
‘It’s not like we have a choice.’ chimed in Jade.
‘Oh we have a choice,’ retaliated Samantha, ‘You don’t honestly believe all that crap about drugs and formulas do you? Fuck! You’re meant to be educated for Christ’s sake. This is just some sick freak’s idea of a turn on. You see there’s a camera there? He’s filming us. Well I’m not gonna sit here and let some piece of shit get his sexual kicks from me, I’m getting this thing off of me.’
‘I don’t think you should be doing that.’ urged Trisha, ‘He said not to remove the device.’
‘Get a fucking clue! Fuck. There is no magic whore drug or whatever you are worrying about. This pervert just doesn’t want us ruining his little fetish game. So you girls can just play with your little sex toys all you want but I am outta here.’
Samantha began to pull at the mechanical bra, her fingers searching for a way to remove it but without success. Frustration began to get the better of her and she began to tug with more and more force in an attempt to prise the devise from her chest but it would not budge. Suddenly the device began to hum and whir into life…
‘I think you just made it mad.’ said Jade.
‘For the last time just shut the fu…’
But Samantha did not finish her sentence, for now the device had kicked into life. The mechanical fingers began to rub and massage her breasts while small thimble-like metal hubs over her nipples started to emit tiny pulses of energy, which caused Samantha’s entire body to shudder. She could feel herself becoming lightheaded as the sensations in her nipples ripped through her body like a thousand mini electrical storms. All her previous panic and defiance was being replaced by a rampant sense of lust and sexual hunger. The Device was rapidly sending her hurtling towards ecstasy and she loved it, her mind just flittered away in the clouds, leaving her body to embrace the delicious pleasure coursing through her blood. The pulses were becoming more frequent and intense. Samantha began to moan with pleasure as wave after wave of delight washed over her. The fingers too were relentless, rubbing and squeezing her soft supple flesh causing her to emit a girly giggle of approval
The others could only stare as they watched their cellmate give in to the device. Only moments ago she had been the most determined of them all to break out of her bonds. But now she was just a mass of moans and giggles. A slave to the machine, which was turning her into the living sex toy they saw before them. Then Samantha finally hit orgasm and the girls watched dumbstruck as her body buckled and screamed in pleasure. Samantha’s eyes just glazed over from the bolts of sexual lightning shooting through her lust-ridden frame.
As the final ripples of ecstasy radiated from Samantha’s body, the device wound down to a halt. However when she finally came to her senses she was not the same girl that had caused it to activate.
‘That was fun.’ she chirped looking other to the other girls. ‘I feel so much better now, I feel sexy.’
‘Samantha?’ began Trisha, ‘What hap…’
‘Call me Sammy, Sammy is much sexier than Samantha. It sounds peppy.’
‘Uh…Ok, Sammy, what has happened to you? Are you Ok?’
‘I feel great,’ Sammy replied in a voice that could only be described as bubbly. ‘I’ve never been happier. My head no longer hurts from thinking, it is light and fluffy. I love this game.’
‘Oh shit!’ cried Jade, ‘The stuff on that tape was real! We have got to get out of here. It’s already two-thirty!’
‘But what can we do?’ replied Trisha, ‘The code to these machines could be anything. We’ve already lost Samantha and Michelle can’t exactly help us, with that thing in her mouth. Where do we start?’ ‘Pretty,’ cooed Sammy distantly.
‘Please Sammy,’ pleaded Trisha, ‘We need to think of how to get out of here so we really don’t need you distracting us.’
‘I’m sorry,’ replied Sammy apologetically. ‘It’s just… it’s so pretty.’
‘Ok What?’ snapped Jade, ‘What is pretty?’
‘The angel.’
‘What do you mean the angel?’
‘There’s a pretty angel picture above you.’ said Sammy pointing.
‘She’s right!’ exclaimed Trisha. ‘There is! There’s something written there too but I can’t make it out from here. Can you read it?’
Jade’s predicament made it very difficult to see what was written above her, but with great care not to set off the device waiting ominously at her asshole, she slowly strained her neck upwards in an attempt to see the writing above her. She was in some discomfort but was able to make out what was written.
‘It says: Miss Pinocchio learns.’ She told the others.
‘Miss Pinocchio learns?’ repeated Trisha, but what does it mean?’
‘I have no idea,’ replied Jade, dejectedly. ‘There must be more to the message.’
‘Wait a minute!’ sparked Trisha, ‘The tape it said something about Heaven and Earth. The angel must be heaven, so we’ve just got to look for Earth. There has to be some writing on the floor somewhere.’
‘There!’ shouted Jade. ‘By your head, on the floor, there’s another picture. It’s a person. That must be where the rest of the message is! I can’t see from here though, you’re gonna have to try and look.’
Trisha tried to twist her body round to see what was written on the floor but she could not turn far enough, the device kept obstructing her movement and she was too scared to risk aggravating it. Instead, she carefully began to arch her back in order to be able to face the ground. The mechanical vibrator pressed against her exposed pussy but there was room to lever herself into position. After much maneuvering her body had formed a perfect bridge posture and she was able to view the image on the ground. It quickly became apparent that it was intended for her to be positioned this way, as the writing was the correct way up for her to read clearly:
‘Lying is fun,’ read out a perplexed Trisha. ‘I don’t understand.
‘It’s a meaningless as the angel message.’ agreed Jade, ‘What the hell does it mean? Miss Pinocchio learns lying is fun. It’s…’
A computerised voice cut off Jade’s train of thought: ”Miss Pinocchio learns lying is fun.’ video commencing.’ With that the TV screen turned itself on…
Mandy awoke to find herself naked and strapped to a ch
air. She had no idea where she was but judging from the room she was in, it was a place she did not want to be. Surveying her surroundings she could see a device situated below a television monitor on the other side of the room, she began to worry. Her left hand had sensors attached to her fingers, which led to a small machine on the table next to her. She tried to see whether she could move only to discover that save the ability to look around the room she was completely immobile.
‘Hello?’ She called out, ‘Is anybody there?
At that the video screen flickered into life to show the Barbie puppet figure and the voice began:
‘Hello Mandy, I’d like to play a game.’
‘Ever since you were a young girl you dreamed of becoming an actress. You felt you were made for Hollywood and nobody could tell you different. Your parents spent a fortune on acting classes and did all they could to encourage you in your dream. After finishing drama school you moved to Hollywood to seek fame and fortune but soon found that Hollywood is a hard business, isn’t it Mandy. Rejection after rejection came and your dream was being shattered, That didn’t phase you though did it Mandy? Because you were a born actress, you weren’t going to let a few setbacks ruin what you’d worked all your life to become. Some actresses spend years in Hollywood before they get their big break. Sadly you couldn’t wait years and so you took the easy way out: the casting couch. In exchange for your pride and self-respect you got your first step into Hollywood. How proud your parents were when they told found out you had gotten a minor role in the next Hollywood blockbuster. If only they knew that it wasn’t your acting skill that got you there. How would they feel then?’
‘Well, today you get the chance to prove yourself as an actress. The role of an actress is to make a role her own, to make an audience believe you are the character you are playing. The machine connected to your fingers is a lie detector like those used by the police force. Contrary to what some believe, lie detectors are not infallible, they can be deceived. When this message ends a collection of phrases will appear on this screen, just like an autocue. You will have ten seconds to read out what each statement says. Any actress worth their salt should easily be able to fool this machine into believing the lies you will say.’
‘The chair you are attached to is connected to a set of tracks on the floor. These tracks are six metres long and end by the exit door to your right. For every lie the machine believes, a green light will flash and the chair will move one metre towards the door. If you manage to make it the whole six metres, your bonds will unlock and you will be free to walk out the door. However, you will have noticed the device in front of you. It is a sybian, a mechanical fucking machine. that device is also set on tracks. The tip of the sybian is positioned exactly five metres from the entrance to your cunt. Each time you are caught telling a lie, a red light will flash and the tip will extend an extra metre in length, like a mechanical Pinocchio’s nose. After five incorrect answers the tip of the device will be touching your pussy. At this point one more bad lie will cause the machine to activate and you will find that in the future you may well prefer the casting couch more than the movie roles.’
‘Let the games begin…’
With that the video screen went blue and the first phrase appeared. A counter began timing down from ten, Mandy had no choice but to try and take part. She read the first line:
‘My name is Angela,’ She stated as calmly as she could manage.
The lie detector sprang to life and to Mandy’s relief the light flashed green. A motor started below her and the chair slowly moved towards the door. After one metre it ground to a halt and the next statement appeared:
‘I am nineteen years old.’ She read this time with a little more confidence.
Again the green light shone and the chair edged another metre to the door, filling Mandy’s heart with a sense of optimism that she may make it out unscathed. She was almost looking forward to her next line:
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Reddit NSFWCosplay, aka r/NSFWCosplay! I’ve come to appreciate the fact that Reddit can serve as a very good option when it comes to exploring different porn content. The fact that users can create subreddits dedicated to a specific category or genre of porn makes it a wonderful platform to explore specific porn niches, genres, fetishes, and kinks. I recently stumbled upon Reddit/r/nsfwcosplay/ in my quest to find something different to jerk off to, and I felt the site surely deserves a...
Reddit NSFW ListI got that warm and Wet Feeling, just like Wednesday morning at Vikki's house. I looked down to see that the covering was off the bed and that this time Vikki's mouth and not her mother's was performing above and beyond as she repeatedly took the whole length of my cock in her mouth and throat. I laughed. "God a man could get used to waking up like this." She took her mouth off my cock, looked back and grinned as she squatted either side of me until her pussy was close enough to my...
The trip home from the Waites' house was the most agonizing fifteen minutes of my life. Laura talked incessantly about the rules of restraint, the game we had been looking forward to playing for over three weeks. "If you don't want me to hold your cock in my hand I won't do it. I can't understand why you're so touchy. All I'm going to do is wrap my small warm hand around your hard pulsating erection to make sure it gets tucked into my pussy to the correct depth. I won't hold onto it...
I knocked on the door of Amanda's apartment. "Hey, Jason," Amanda said, opening the door. She stepped to the side, her long brown hair flowing with her movement. "Please, come in." "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. I caught a familiar look in Amanda's brown eyes as she said, "I'll explain in a moment." I always hated that look in her eyes. It usually meant she had an idea. I was a part of enough ideas to know Amanda was never one to really plan things out. As I entered the...
I wasn't all that keen on going to the game with my husband Rob. Although he's an ardent supporter of the local team, those sorts of sporting events really aren't my thing I'd seen the television coverage of some of these games; the cameramen, besides covering the action on the field, frequently picking out any sexy looking tarts in the largely male dominated crowd. I think that it was with that sort of thing in mind, that my husband wanted me to go with him. This idea was further borne out...
When I moved down to London from the north aged thirty I soon got in with a promiscuous crowd, largely through visits to strip pubs and the old Craigs list. It comprised all sorts, bored housewives, randy divorcees or widow(er)s, assorted nymphos, straights and gays, as well as horny single guys like me looking for what London’s sex scene had to offer.One guy had a version of strip poker that as far as I know was unique, which we’d sometimes play at raunchy parties. We would try to get together...
The Seriously Awesome Expo (SAX) has arrived! Lights, glamor, and glory await in the convention center's halls for those who can claim it. SAX is the largest and loudest event of the year for gamers, comic book lovers, and pop culture fanatics of all kinds. You name it, they've got it! Not only does it play host to the biggest names of the industry, it sponsors the fiercest cosplay competition of the year: Cos-Clash! With the massive influx of money comes massive advances in costumes and props,...
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the celebrities, people, places, conventions, events etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplayer & glamour model)Respect the CosplayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001...
I have been playing with Cyle for a few months now. I go to his house and play games with his friends. We sneak off and do naughty things. Following me into the kitchen to corner me and finger me. He pulled that one so often that I started wearing skirts and no panties. Another favorite of his is to have me jerk him off at the table. We always end up finishing our fun in his room after and then I go home. The last game night I went to did not go according to plan. I wore a shorter skirt than...
The essence of porn is fantasy. While real life may deny you the pleasures you seek, the theater of the mind is always ready to take your heart where it desires. You would be correct to assume that Jennifer Aniston would rather sit on a landmine than your dick, but she can’t stop you from imagining what that pussy feels like. I bet it feels like warm apple pie. Mia Khalifa would rather spend ten years in a Siberian labor camp than let you place your tongue on her clit, but I bet it tastes like...
Live Cosplay Sex CamsPlaying GamesSisyphusNote: This is an experiment in telling a story through dialogue. Hope it works for you.“Come here!””No, Why the fuck should I?“You know why, so don’t play games, miss!”“Look who’s talking about playing games. You’re pathetic.”“Pathetic! You’re the one who’s drunk and horny.”“Me! Oh really! That bulge in your jeans looks like you want something pretty bad.”“Is that why you can’t take your eyes off it? Look at you. I bet your cunt is dripping to get this hard cock in...
Straight SexCosplay used to be a niche for nerds, virgins, and virgin nerds. These days everyone has seen and heard of cosplay, but I’m not talking about Lord of the Rings, ren fair, Star Trek pussies cosplay. I’m talking about whores barely dressed as Lola Bunny blasting away at their labia with a double-sized hippo cock dildo. You guys have fun swinging plastic swords at each other. I will be over here fucking your sister while she’s dressed like Repunzel with a pixie cut. I love the way she calls me...
Live Cosplay Sex CamsThe first time I saw Brandy was when my fiancee pointed her out at a party. Michelle said, "the girls have warned me about that one... she's the kind that likes to break couples apart." I gave her a once-over: pale skin, short black hair, waiflike... nothing at all like the curvy golden blonde that Michelle was. I looked back at Michelle and shrugged with a half-smile. We didn't speak of her further. The next time I saw her was a couple of weeks later. I was out at a bar shooting pool...
People often talk about finding a soul mate, but really there’s no such thing. It’s impossible for there to be another person that is perfect for you in every way. None of us is perfect on our own, so to think that there might be one other person out there who fits every one of our own quirks and imperfections is just ridiculous.Fortunately, my girlfriend and I knew better than that. We didn’t have any illusions about story book romances or a suburban home with matching dish ware. We just knew...
I arrived at school probably the most rested I’d been in weeks. Not going on a recruiting trip made me realize how much I’d run around this fall. I smiled when I saw Tracy and Pam waiting for me in the parking lot. I winked at Pam and then wrapped Tracy in my arms and kissed her with some passion. If we hadn’t had the history we had, I would love to be with her. She and I had made a good team, and the sexual side was top-notch. I laughed at Pam when we finally let each other go. “Me next,”...
We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...
Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...
The moment Jenny knocked on the door she immediately felt her pussy flush. Despite the incredible amount of detail with which she and John discussed everything, she still felt she had no idea what to expect. She stood patiently, her bag full of clothing weighing her shoulder down – and waited. When he finally opened the door, he stood there in his loose-fitting sweatpants and tight T-shirt. He smiled knowingly at Jenny but didn’t move or say anything. Jenny sensed some slight awkwardness and...
CosplayPornTube! Porno has always been the realm of fantasy. Most of you neckbeard motherfuckers ain’t getting beautiful lesbians to double-team on your little nubs, and even fewer of you are bagging your step-mom with the big tits. In real life, nobody at all gets to fuck the anime sluts, comic book whores and video game bitches of your masturbatory fantasies. Well, not unless you count cosplay fantasies. That’s the shit that CosplayPornTube is all about.Sex tubes are a dime a dozen, and if...
Fetish Porn SitesKaren pulled her lover’s face to hers for a deep, tongue-filled kiss. She pulled away, still breathing heavily, and panted softly, “I could feel each shot of your cum into me... it felt so hot!”Kirk nuzzled her neck, still intoxicated by her aroma. “Cumming inside you was so intense!”“I can still feel you throbbing inside me, baby. You did me so good!” She rubbed his back all over. “I can feel you dripping out of me… Where’s that towel you had?”Kirk happened to be kneeling on it, so he handed...
First TimeShe puts on her favorite jammies, her silk pants and small tank top and plops herself down on her stomach facing the end of the bed and the T.V. Caught up in a show, she doesn’t hear him come in as he quietly stands at the doorway watching her swing her feet up in the air as she stares at the T.V. He finally whispers, “hey baby” and she turns her head and says “hey”. He walks over to her and leans down to give her a kiss. He tells her he is going to take a shower. After his...
Love StoriesNicole and I got up early to drive to the Playa from Reno, the day was already getting warm at 7AM, Nicole wore a long button-down shirt, no bra and butt covering panties to be comfortable on the seat. I work my favorite kilt and an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt. Nicole drove us the first half of the way, and we shared what we were eager to do or see once in the City. Nicole had a couple of guys that were dying to see her, and I had a couple dates arranged prior. We rubbed ourselves and each...
Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...
Un-convention-al Magic "Wow! What a great cosplay!" I could not contain my amazement. It was not only the accuracy of the costume and the make up, how perfectly she fit the character's body shape and face, but also the fact that she had the courage (or audacity!) to cosplay that character to this convention in the first place! I felt my heart skip as she turned and glanced at me with just the perfect calculating little smile. I swore she had stepped right out of the anime. Or should I...
Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...
BDSMPlaying the Turn-On Game &hellip,.In my storys the reader&hellip,.has the freedom to mentally make the characters any age they wish. No one can stop them. &hellip,In this story we find guy meets girl and how they handle the situation they find themselves in. Erick is the step son and Laura is the step mom. Ericks dad brought home a new young bride. After 3 months, he left one day. Unknown to them, he would never return, as he found a new gal that turned him on&hellip,.Ill insert some story...
Story about Charles who uses his good looks and charm to fuck as many women he wants. "Oooohh fuck, mmmmm." she moans with one leg on my shoulder, black panties with pink trim dangling from her foot as I vigorously attack her pussy with my tongue. With this being her last day of work, I thought I would send her off with a going away present. More like a this is what you will be missing present. As she bit her lip, she grippes the back of my head and presses my face into her wet...
CHAPTER GUIDE _________________ 1. The Ad 2. The Glory Hole and Invitation 3. The Participants 4. The Intro 5. The Game (1st Half) 6. The Game (2nd Half) 7. The Bukkake Finale 8. A Night with “K” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: The Ad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over a year since my divorce from my wife. We met each other in high school and dated throughout college. We got married the year we both graduated from our university. She went to med school...
A New Spin on Role-Playing Games By: Shawna Summers I've always been something of a geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy books and movies; I can recite countless bits of useless trivia back to you about all kinds of movies. So, it was no real surprise that I took to role-playing games, or RPGs, as we like to call them. You know the kinds, Dungeons and Whatnots, all that kind of Tolkien-esque stuff. I had a couple of groups that I games with in high school, and it was fun, but it was never...
"Sean, how busy do you want to be next year?" asked Elena. We were in the conference room. Danielle, Keisha, Eric, Trent, Spencer, Jorge, and Theo were also with us. It was Friday, August 2. There was one more week of camp. I would be on the road all week, wrapping up camps all over the Midwest. Jesse's was closing on Wednesday, The Indiana camps were Thursday, Kankakee and Peoria were Friday, and our home clinics were Saturday. Coach Neville's varsity clinics continued into the...
Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...