Amys Panties 5 The Reuinion
- 3 years ago
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Lots of folks here will agree that one of the very finest series on this site is "Amy's Smile," by jfinn. It is a superb mixture of deep feeling, humor, character development and really good sex. Sadly, it appears that the author was unable to finish the work. For almost eight years, Charlie, the protagonist of the stories, has been left, stuck in a plane seat, desperately in love with Amy and on his way home to tell her of his love.
Eventually I worked up the nerve to write my own ending to the series, "Amy's Smile: A Conclusion." But there were a number of ideas for the story left bumping around in my brain that didn't make it into that submission. Mostly for my own pleasure, I decided to thread them into a more or less parallel story, this time narrated by Amy. I hope it gives some of you pleasure also. I think it may work as a standalone story but, believe me, you'll enjoy the whole series.
This is the positively final time I will borrow (or steal) jfinn's wonderful characters for my own storytelling purposes. But remember the old saying, "theft is the sincerest form of flattery" ... or something like that. So, be sure to read jfinn's original.
Driving up I-94 from Chicago isn't so bad when you are moving against the flow of traffic. Normally I put the Volvo on cruise control and stick a tape in the player. Today it was Mary Chapin Carpenter.
"Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug." Ouch! That was too close to home because today, I was pretty sure I was the bug. So I turned off the audio - no music, just thoughts on this journey. Charlie's Mom had told me I was welcome to stop by their home in Milwaukee on my way to Green Bay in order to drop off a birthday present for Charlie. In fact, she sounded downright eager to see me. I hope that's a good thing.
This whole "birthday present for Charlie" business is my friend Miriam's idea, really. It was Miriam who figured out that Charlie was a customer at our bank and she nagged me until I checked his records. There it was, address of customer – knew that already -, address and contact information for next of kin -father in Milwaukee - birthday ... Whoa! the following Friday, as it turned out.
Miriam just wouldn't let the subject go. She kept telling me I had to go out and get him.
"Amy, the man loves you."
"Well, why didn't he tell me so when I handed him the chance on a silver platter?"
"I don't know. Lots of men are dumb bricks when it comes to talking about love."
"Miriam, whatever Charlie is, he isn't a dumb brick."
"No, it sounds as if he isn't. But for sure he's jealous of Liam and you don't get jealousy unless there's some love there too."
"Agreed, he doesn't think much of Liam, but why would he be jealous?"
"Oh, I don't know. For months you go over every other day or so to their house to fold Liam's shorts, buy his beer or cook meals for him and his bimbo, what's her face. Maybe he thinks that means you're in love with Liam."
"But I was as clear as I could be. I told Charlie I loved Liam because you have to hold on to some kind of dream. Loved - past tense! I couldn't have been clearer with a bottle of Windex."
"Amy, sweetheart, you can't expect a man to take in fine points of grammar at a time like that!"
"But I told Charlie that he was the nicest man I had ever met and asked him to take my virginity."
"And told him it was a one off and that you knew the difference between making love and having sex. That was nuts, Amy, I gotta tell you. That's almost as bad as suggesting he has a small dick."
"Uh Oh!" I said.
"Amy, please, sweetie, pleeeease say you didn't tell him he has a small dick."
"Well, I didn't, not really. I just said it was not as big as I expected, and not as big as the cucumbers you suggested I practise with."
Miriam rolled her eyes.
"But I told him it was bigger than the zucchinis."
Miriam lifted her eyes to heaven, or at least the ceiling, and whispered. "God give me strength!"
She has a carrying whisper.
I thought about it for a minute and realized she was right. I was a complete idiot. What little hope I had that Charlie loved me was circling around the drain with a flushing sound. "I guess I blew it. I fucked it up completely."
"An appropriate choice of words, considering your weekend." At least she was smiling.
"Listen, Amy, when you were in bed with Charlie, were you making love or having sex?"
"Making love, definitely."
"Well, who knows, maybe he was too."
"That's what Charlie said."
Miriam nodded. "And whether it was love or just sex, it was damn good, wasn't it?"
I nodded.
"How many orgasms did he give you?"
"I don't know. Maybe ten, counting the times in the night and the next morning."
"Only ten?" she said and rolled her eyes again.
That irked me because I thought ten was pretty good for a virgin's first time. But perhaps my guess was too low. "Maybe it was a dozen or even fifteen."
"Fifteen! God give me stre ... Listen, Amy, if this doesn't work out for you, please, please, please, introduce me to Charlie!"
Charlie says Miriam has a voice like a Banshee. I never realized before that he was right. Her voice really is irritating.
Maybe Miriam could tell this wasn't the most welcome turn in the conversation. "Oh Amy, I was just kidding you. I think the man is crazy about you."
You know, her voice isn't as grating as I thought a minute ago.
"Why?" I said.
"Well, he volunteered to spend all day in a mall, shopping with you and waiting while you had your hair done."
"Amy, sweetie, men don't normally do that. They're mostly allergic to malls unless there is a special on power tools. And then he showed up at your door the same evening in the middle of an ice storm."
I nodded.
"As if he couldn't get enough of you."
"I don't know about that."
Miriam shook her head in disbelief.
"And he told you that story about the way that Johanna bitch treated him. I bet he doesn't tell that to everybody he meets on the street corner, but he shared it with you, just because he thought you needed help."
"Charlie is very kind. But that's the point. He's just kind to me. He doesn't love me."
I don't know how Miriam can sound disgusted just by drawing in her breath but she manages it somehow.
"After you 'had sex' "- fingers making quotation marks in the air - "Did Charlie bugger off in the middle of the night or make an excuse to slip away first thing in the morning?"
"No, he wanted to have another go with me ... and, and in the morning he told me I looked good, even in my pink dressing gown." I smiled at the memory. "And he invited me to a John Wayne film festival for that evening."
Miriam lifted her palms and raised one eyebrow as if to say, "Well, there you go."
"Amy, the man is nuts about you!"
You know, Miriam actually has quite a lovely voice when you think about.
But she's way too optimistic about Charlie. It sounds good when you put it all together the say she did. But, after all, I was there and she wasn't. I told her that.
"Amy, Charlie even told you he loved you."
"Well sure, but it was when he was cumming. That explains it."
"Nobody has ever said anything like that to me in the throes. And I've never heard of it happening to anyone else, either."
"Really. Mostly men just grunt. Maybe they call on Jesus. But mostly they grunt." Miriam paused, for a moment and suddenly looked both thoughtful and a little bit sad.
"Amy, I think a good man is in love with you. That's never happened to me and I'm, well, kind of jealous."
"You? Jealous of me?"
"Yep, I sure am. The truth is, I'm out of my depth here. No one has ever loved me the way I think Charlie, loves you. I don't know what to say to you except one thing."
"What's that?"
"Just say 'Yes.' Whatever he asks, say 'Yes.'" said Miriam.
I must have looked puzzled.
"If he asks you for a date, say 'Yes.' If he asks you for sex, say 'Yes.' And, above all, if he asks you to marry him, say 'Yes!' Oh, and if he asks whether he has a big dick..."
"Yes," I said.
"You're getting it."
"Well, really, I ought to be able to do that."
Miriam raised her eyes heavenward and I could see she mouthed the words, "Give me strength!"
"Give me Charlie," I thought and it was probably the most sincere prayer of my life.
So here I was on the I-94 on the way to Milwaukee, hoping to be invited to stay long enough in the McKee house, to see Charlie that evening. I decided to wear the pink sweater and tight blue jeans from the night Charlie came to my house. I doubt men remember these things, but if he did, I wanted to remind him that I was available. That was my idea, not Miriam's, by the way.
But I wasn't optimistic. After all, I'm the kind of woman who compares her lover's thing to a zucchini rather than a cucumber. I knew I didn't stand a chance.
I began humming to myself and then recognized the song,
"Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug ... Sometimes you're a fool in love."
I found the house with no trouble. It was a big old place with a maple tree in the front yard. I bet there used to be a tire swing hanging from that tree in the old days. It looked like a great place to grow up. Charlie's Mom must have been looking out for me because she opened the front door and ushered me in, even before I could ring the doorbell.
She wasn't fat, just spread out a bit after bearing and raising so many children. She looked like, well, she looked like a mother. "Call me Shirley," she said, "and, no, I don't even know a Laverne." But she didn't look like a Shirley. She looked like a Mom.
She offered me a cup of coffee and a plate of brownies that didn't come from a bag, I swear. We made small talk for few minutes. Then Charlie's Mom sat back in her chair, looked me in my eyes and said, "So, you know my Charlie."
She looked so kind and almost hopeful. It was an obvious thing for her to say, nothing more than a conversation starter. The most innocent, non-descript remark imaginable but I couldn't seem to answer. Anyone with kindergarten level social skill ought to be able to answer without a thought. Not me. I looked at her and choked a bit with the dryness in the back of my throat and I could feel my eyes grow big. I just couldn't answer and I was embarrassed about my awkwardness in front of this kind woman. And I thought about how much I love Charlie...
And then, damn it, I started to cry ... the very last thing in the world I want to do ... God, I hate doing that. Charlie's Mom just enveloped me in her arms. There is nothing more comforting to cry into than a large maternal bosom. Very soon, I started to feel better.
"I'll take that as a yes," she said.
After a moment of silence, she took my hand and patted it. She handed me a tissue and very gently asked, "Did Charlie hurt you?"
"Sorry, I'm just so silly, I can't believe I did that," I said, dabbing at my eyes.
She didn't respond, but just continued to pat my hand.
"No, not at all. He would never deliberately hurt me. It's all my fault. He's been the kindest, most generous, loveliest man in the world, and I..."
I couldn't continued. A sympathetic squeeze of the hand and I squeezed back.
Then, "You must think I'm a complete idiot." I held up the present and extended it towards her. "But I truly am grateful for everything he has done for me. I wonder if you would pass this on to him for me."
"No, I don't think you're an idiot, just a young woman in love."
I didn't need to answer.
"And I'm not going to pass the gift on to him for you. You're going to stay until he arrives and you're going to give it to him yourself."
She raised one eyebrow, dropped her face to look at me over her reading glasses. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to say "No" to a veteran mother with a forty inch bust?
"So, no need to ask if you're in love with Charlie. But is he in love with you?"
A pause. That really was the question, for sure.
"My girlfriend says he is, but I don't think so ... He hasn't said so and I think I've given him lots of opportunities."
"Sweetheart," - somehow it felt completely natural for Charlie's Mom to call me that - "When Charlie was little his report cards all used to say, "This student has great potential but is not putting it into practice.' I think Charlie has very high love potential but..."
A shrug of her shoulders. I smiled. Her face brightened. I am pretty sure Charlie likes my smile. Maybe his Mom does too.
"Charlie was badly hurt when he was a teenager. There was this horrible girl..."
"Johanna," I said.
She looked astounded. "Charlie told you about Johanna?"
I nodded. "He thought the story would help me. He's so kind!"
"Did it work?"
"Yes, it rescued me from my version of Johanna. The only trouble is... ,"
"Then you fell in love with Charlie. You're not sure he loves you and you think your heart is about to break."
"Pretty much." But then something in me flared up. I lifted my eyes and stared directly at her. "But I don't want to be loved out of pity!"
"Just loved for you. In fact, you wouldn't accept his love, if it's just pity," She said.
I nodded again, with determination.
Charlie's Mom looked pleased, as if I had passed some kind of test.
"Sweetheart, Charlie doesn't talk about Johanna with anybody. We tried to get him to go to a counsellor to talk about it when he was in high school but he always refused. Maybe he did that at Notre Dame, but I don't know for sure. I am absolutely positive of one thing. He wouldn't talk about Johanna to a girl - a woman - who didn't matter deeply to him."
Charlie's Mom seemed to gather her thoughts together. More briskly she said, "I think it's the best thing in the world that he talked about her to you. Maybe it's a sign that he's over her ... And perhaps..."
She looked at me with speculation in her eyes. Just then the clock on the mantelpiece chimed."My goodness, look at that time. I can't sit talking all day. Come on into the kitchen and we'll talk while I get things ready for the party."
Charlie's Mom tells me she doesn't much like doing desserts – you would never believe that from her brownies - so we divvied up the kitchen responsibilities. She was working on a lasagna - Charlie's favourite, she claimed - I filed that for future reference. Meanwhile, I was prepping for my cheesecake speciality and just at the busiest point for both of us, the phone rang. Charlie's Mom answered the phone.
"It's Charlie," she mouthed to me. I signed as if to leave the room to give her privacy. She shook her head and signalled for me to stay put "Son, we are so glad you can come home for your birthday party this evening. Frank's coming down from Green Bay and the twins are bringing the grandkids..."
I'm pretty sure she was going to tell Charlie about me, but she paused as she struggled to keep the cooking going while trying to talk. With one hand she stirred the tomato sauce and with the other, she switched to speaker phone. Now I could hear Charlie too.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I don't think I can make the party."
My heart stopped. Charlie's Mom frowned, paused again, and looked at me with concern. Then she turned into the phone and even I could feel the ice radiating over the phone lines to wherever Charlie was calling from. Obviously, it got through to Charlie.
"Mom, I'll tell you the truth and I know you'll understand."
"This had better be good."
"Mom, is Dad there?"
She looked over at me.
"No, but..."
"Or Frank, or the twins or anyone else in the family?"
Charlie's Mom frowned in my general direction, as if I could stop Charlie from talking long enough to get a word in.
"No, but..."
"Or any of the neighbors, or your bridge friends?"
"No, but I really should tell you..."
"Mom, they may call my plane any minute and my cell is almost out of power. I need to tell you why I can't come home and I need to do it right now!"
"OK, son, but"
"Mom, I'm in love."
My heart stopped. No, wait a second. It had stopped thirty seconds ago. It must have started without me noticing because for sure and certain it stopped again now. I didn't know Charlie was even dating and now he was in love with some bimbo before I even had the chance to tell him what he means to me. Life is freakin' unfair!
It all came out as a faint "eek." I hate it when I do that. There was no way in the world I could draw enough breath to say a word. But then, I wasn't the one who was supposed to be talking. Charlie's Mom was. She glanced over at me with concern, gulped, and the words came.
"Is she, is she by any chance that sweet Amy girl I talked to on the phone the other day?"
"Of course she is! Mom, she's the sweetest and kindest girl I've met in my life."
My heart started beating again. And my eyes began to run. Maybe it was the onions.
"You probably could tell she is sweet and kind, even over the phone."
"Yes, Charlie, I could."
Her eyes began to water too. By now, I was sniffling. Maybe Charlie could hear me over the phone but I swear I couldn't help it.
"And I desperately need to see her as soon as possible, to tell her I love her."
"But why does that mean you can't come to the party?"
"Because there's this ass... , this nasty, self-centered person named Liam, and Amy's been hoping for years that he would notice her.
Charlie never could stand Liam. Miriam always said it was jealousy. I didn't believe her. Maybe I was wrong.
"Liam, your roommate? The one who looks like Brad Pitt?"
I grimaced and shook my head.
"Yeah, Mom, but he never realized how wonderful Amy is because she used to dress a little funny and her hair wasn't so fashionable. But now she looks as beautiful on the outside as she always has been on the inside. Liam has noticed her. Mom, he told me she's doable and I'm afraid..."
Dress a little funny? I didn't think that was true, though the makeover helped a lot. Wait a sec ... I'm doable???
"Charlie, are you telling me that you fell in love with this sweet young woman once she had a makeover and now are afraid someone else might want her? I always hoped that none of my children would be so shallow!"
"No, Mom, I swear that I loved her all along. I love her because she has the capacity to care for other people like nobody else I've ever met and I hope with all my heart that she will care for me ... and for my children."
Charlie's Mom, reached out one arm and drew me in to her bosom. By now my eyes were streaming and I wasn't anywhere near the onions. Charlie's Mom could see that. What she couldn't see, was that my pussy was just as wet. Actually, knowing her as I do now, I realize she probably could have guessed that too.
"I love the way she smiles at me. Mom, she smiles at me the way you smile at Dad when you think we aren't looking."
Both arms around me now.
"If Liam gets her into bed, Mom, I would have to really work not to go postal. Do you remember when I caught the teenager next door torturing Peanut and went for him? He had a knife out and was cutting at me to make me let go? And you had to pull me away from him, all cut and bleeding? That's the way I feel when I think of Amy in bed with Liam. I just get sick to my stomach."
I shook my head in as emphatic a negative as I could. No way!
"Oh Charlie..."
"I just need to find Amy as soon as possible and tell her I love her. The moment I have any hope that she loves me back, I'll ask her to marry me and keep on asking until she says yes."
Charlie's Mom was weeping too by now. Damn onions!
"Charlie, you don't know if you can even get back to Chicago tonight or even if Amy is in the city. Tomorrow you can go looking for her. I promise you there will be somebody here who can drive you back into the city whenever you want."
I nodded, smiled and mouthed "Anywhere!"
"But Mom..."
"If this Amy smiles at you the way I smile at your Dad, you don't have to worry. Nothing in heaven or earth or hell besides would get her into bed with anybody but you."
Another negative head shake, side to side so hard I could have dislocated my neck.
"Mom, how do you know that?"
"Woman's intuition."
Up and down ... affirmative. She was right,
"Not good enough."
"Secret knowledge of the Sisterhood of women who adore their man. Charlie, believe me on this one. I absolutely know."
Up and down again. Is this what they mean by affirmative action?
"Charles McKee! Do you think I would cheat on your father?!"
Side to side. Definitely not! I would never think that. Wait, Charlie's Mom wasn't even talking to me!
"Of course not." "Well then, trust me on this. Amy won't go to bed with Liam.
Biggest negative of all.
"Now promise me you will show up for the party. Promise!"
"I promise."
I could have clapped my hands with joy but, remembering I wasn't supposed to be there, stopped myself in time.
"And besides, it's your birthday. There'll be a present waiting for you."
"Nothing big, Mom!"
I smiled.
"Nothing very big, I promise."
Charlie's Mom smiled.
Charlie hung up. We cried and hugged and cried some more and hugged again. At last Charlie's Mom wiped her streaming eyes, frowned and spoke to me. At that moment she looked Mother Bear fierce.
"Do you really, truly love my Charlie?"
"With all my heart! No, wait, that isn't big enough. Whatever is deeper and warmer than with all my heart. That's how much I love him.
Another hug and more silence, Then...
"Listen, Charlie is a lot like his father. You will have to tell him..."
"That I love him?"
"Well, yes, and maybe that he loves you too. I had to do that with Charlie's father."
"You told him that he loved you?"
"And what happened then?"
"Frank, Charlie's older brother? Right then?"
"No, nine months later."
And she winked at me. I think I'm going to like my mother in law.
Then she wiped the wooden spoon clean of tomato sauce, tapped me on both shoulders and intoned:
"You are hereby inducted as a member of the Sisterhood of women who adore their man, for a probationary period."
"How long is the probationary period?"
"Until one of you dies."
Nothing was said for several minutes. I thought about it and hoped it would be a very long probation.
"Just wait there a minute," she said and climbed the stairs to where, I presumed, the bedrooms were located. I could hear her rummaging in a closet. When she returned her right hand was closed around some small object. She opened her fingers and pressed it into my right hand.
"This was Charlie's grandmother's. She adored Charlie and would be delighted for him to have it ... and to give it away. Charlie doesn't know you're here and won't be prepared. Give him this to use if you think it's appropriate. You can get one you choose for yourself later, if you want."
It wasn't just appropriate; it was stunningly beautiful and if I had my choice, I would wear it the rest of my life. I began to cry again and tucked it away into the tight front pocket of my jeans. Dear God, I hope we can use it tonight.
If Shirley McKee is my mother in law, I swear I'm going to love her.
Then, Charlie's Mom said, "Honey, we've got some planning to do. Charlie's father, Art, and I sure would like to meet your parents and I'm certain they will want to meet their future son in law."
"But Charlie hasn't asked me yet."
"He will, honey, he will. I've never heard him sound so determined in all my life. Why not phone them and ask them to come down here tonight. In fact, Frank and his family will be coming down from Green Bay in their van. I bet we can arrange for Frank to drive them."
So that's just the way it was. The party was in full swing with the Milwaukee branches of the family arriving every few minutes and my parents were on their way too. So was Charlie. I ought to have been overjoyed. Instead, I was too antsy even to sit down. And what if Charlie had an accident!!! Dear God, get him here safely!
Frank, his wife Meg, their two boys and "three going on four" year old daughter Pammy arrived in good time. Frank looked like a heavier version of Charlie and Meg looked, well, motherly. She reminded me a bit of Charlie's Mom. kind and already a bit matronly. Pammy had my Dad's hand in hers as they came through the front door and she pulled him forward to meet the family. Dad looked slightly concussed ... and completely charmed. Mom, looked like she always did, as if she met potential sons in law every night of the week, but she had a big smile on her face. She hugged me fiercely and whispered, "I am so happy for you, dear."
Gradually the whole family showed up, deposited their coats in the den and their winter boots by the back door. I looked around and realized I would have to set up a database to remember all the nephews' and nieces' birthdays.
Suddenly, Charlie's sister Monica, peeked through the front curtains, and announced, "He's here!"
Charlie's Mom, took me by the elbow and all but shooshed me in the direction of the back stairs.
"Downstairs! In the TV room." she whispered urgently. "I'll send him down to you."
I made my way down the stairs, stumbled over the pile of boots by the back door and had to resist the temptation to tidy them properly. I passed a life sized poster of Michael Jordan. "With a bit of luck, maybe I'll be the mother of sports fans," I thought. Then, around the corner, I found myself in the TV room. Big TV, pullout coach and a Lazyboy covered with a green and yellow throw rug decorated with a giant embroidered Green Bay Packers helmet in the corner. Very ugly, I thought. Nevertheless, I picked the Lazyboy and plunked myself into it.
Just like home, pride of place was given to a signed photo of Vince Lombardi. I remembered the line about the coach. "He treats us all the same, like dogs." Coach Lombardi stared at me from the photo as if I were a dropout from canine obedience school, or worse, a Bears fan.
I folded my legs under me and perched myself on the edge of the giant Lazyboy. I could hear voices upstairs but not distinguish the words. Eventually I made out the sound of someone's footsteps approaching the back stairs - Charlie, I hope - "Shit!" I heard, as he stumbled over the boots by the door. Charlie, for sure. Down the steps, around the corner, into the basement and...
"Hello Charlie."
Charlie looked completely exhausted but his face lit up like Fourth of July fireworks, when he caught sight of me.
"Whaaa ... Amy!"
"Charlie, I missed you."
Charlie rushed across the room, fell onto both knees in front of me, seized my hands and locked his beautiful eyes with mine.
"Amy! I lo..." Damn! I thought he was going to say it.
Charlie stopped, reflected for a moment and seemed to get nothing from the reflection. He looked confused. "This is a wonderful surprise! But, but, what are you doing here?"
"It's your birthday. I wanted to drop off a present for you and your mother invited me to stay."
"But how did you know it was my birthday? How did you find out where my parents..."
"The bank where I work ... it's your bank. An auditor can access just about any file in the database. Your file includes contact information for next of kin, in case of emergency, you know. And date of birth, of course."
I paused and then continued, "I violated company policy and your privacy by accessing your file for personal reasons. You can report me, if you want."
It didn't look as if Charlie was going to report me.
"Peanut, I'm just so glad to see you. Best birthday present I ever had!"
"Charlie, Your mom thinks I need to tell you something important."
"I'm starting to realize she's probably right about these things. Go right ahead, I'm listening." Charlie shifted his weight. I squirmed in my seat.
"I, I can't just come out with it. Charlie. It's hard for me. I think the man should say it first. I'm a traditionalist."
Charlie looked like an offensive tackle whose academic advisor had somehow enrolled him in advanced calculus rather than Basket Weaving 100. Then he made it into the right classroom and the light seemed to dawn. He swept me into his arms, slipped into the Lazyboy and pulled me to his heart.
"Amy, I love you with my whole heart. I love what's inside you and I loved you long before Guido helped you look just as beautiful on the outside."
I cried and cried and cried, burying myself into his chest. "I love you, Charlie!"
"Me? Not Liam?"
"You." And I burrowed deeper into my chest.
Introduction: Harry groomsed little Amy on Facebook and its her 1st time Amys First Time Pt 1 Hi, are you Amy? I asked as I saw her standing looking a little lost under the clock in Woodhouse centre all blonde hair and blue eyes with too much mascara in her black miniskirt and silver jacket looking, the perfect little Lolita, just more grown up than she looked on Face-book. She looked up at me and I saw confusion in her sweet little thirteen year old eyes, Yes, she replied uncertainly,Im...
Hi, are you Amy?" I asked as I saw her standing looking a little lost under the clock in Woodhouse centre all blonde hair and blue eyes with too much mascara in her black miniskirt and silver jacket looking, the perfect little Lolita, just more grown up than she looked on Face-book. She looked up at me and I saw confusion in her sweet little thirteen year old eyes, "Yes," she replied uncertainly,"I'm waiting for my boyfriend," she explained. I smiled knowingly, "Yes John, he sent...
Amy closed and locked the door to the disabled toilet and slipped the lanyard off, she didn't want it getting caught on anything after all. Checking herself in the mirror she confirmed she looked hot. Her vest top showed off enough boob, her jeggings emphasised her arse just the way she wanted. Checking the time on her phone she realised he'd be there any second. They'd arranged this single meeting through messages on xhamster the week before. A relative stranger invited to pleasure themselves...
It was a Saturday night in October. Amy was bored at home since her best friend is out of town. Amy was trying to decide if she should call Melissa up and see what she’s up to. When she called Melissa, she instructed her to wear her sexy attire and come on over for fun with her. Melissa also told Amy what time to be at her house. Amy began to get ready for the meeting with her mistress. Melissa this evening. Amy figured she had enough time to jump in the shower giving her enough time to make...
* * * * I sat down at the dinnertable with my mom and dad. My parents worked alot and I was often left alone but I feel that im old enough to be home by myself. This day everythings seemed normal except that my parent acted a bit wierd but not too out of character. My dad stood up and left the table but I didnt think anything about it until he came back, with a large dog. I just stared at the dog when my mom rased her voice. - "SURPRISE!!" I was in chock, it wasnt my birthday so why...
It was early January and Amy had just turned twenty-one. She was a dainty little brunette with big blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way except one. She was still a virgin. Since she was young, she had always promised herself she would not have sex until marriage but she could no longer control the urge, the desire to be penetrated. One night, she decided this would be the night she would lose her virginity. She texted just two words to her boyfriend Chris “I’m ready”. He...
Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...
It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...
It had been two weeks since Amy’s first gangbang, and she was already desperate for another. Her boyfriend Tony simply could not keep up with her sexual desire. She talked of little else and Tony knew he had to make a plan. Amy’s last gangbang had lasted for four hours and had involved nearly 20 of Tony’s friends, but that was not enough for her, she wanted more, a lot more. Amy spent most evenings watching the video Tony had made of the gangbang. She would sit naked in front of the TV and...
Amy’s eyes were watering from the huge strapon that was impaling her pussy. Her cum was on the floor below and she knew later she would have to lick it off the laminated wood. She could feel Jenny’s tits pressing against her back as she was being bounced up and down on the bright green manhood. Amy’s blue eyes poured with water like the ocean, and every moment or so she gave out long sustained moans. Her hair was a mess, but that was the least of her worries! Her thighs were bright red, as were...
Oh my god! Cameron’s flirting with you! I glanced over at him, trying not to be too obvious. He was looking back at the book and I admired his chiseled profile. It had to be wishful thinking. Cameron was a senior, tall blonde and built he was in football and track and still managed to make straight A’s. He was one of the popular kids and he couldn’t possibly be interested in me. I was 16 and just a junior. I had a good group of friends but I would never fit in with the popular crowd because I...
After our first time together Cameron and I almost always did our “studying” at his place. I was a diligent student, learning things about my body and his that I never could have imagined. He taught me how to give head and I spent hours on my knees practicing the art. Somewhat to my surprise I found that I loved it, I loved the power it gave me over him, the control of bringing him to the edge and then deciding whether or not to push him over. Sometimes I would get so turned on by what I was...
Let me tell you a little bit about me. When my great adventure began, I was young (age 25) and not very experienced. Oh, I had sex any number of times, in a number of different ways, but I never felt the wild excitement in actually doing those things that I imagined in advance. I had a million different, very kinky fantasies, things that I really wanted to do but was afraid to try, even if I had the opportunity to try) which I really didn't have. Mostly, my fantasies involved me as a sort of...
How Sheila learned to grin and bare it! Inspired by an il-lust-ration from Pandora's Box By Oediplex 8==3~ [Author's note: It works this way. I take a drawing PB has done, and I tell the story of that il-lust-ration. I try to make the details fit the picture, and yet tell what the people in the art are experiencing in a way that titillates, stimulates, and consummates the reader/viewer.] The green plush couch was a piece of heaven to Sheila. After a day on her feet, on...
From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Day by day, the desire to be rescued fades. Here, I no longer fear being found out. I feel free. Returning to civilization is far from my mind. Carter tugged insistently on Gavin’s hand as they walked along the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks before sluicing through the tide pools their constant companion. They’d left the camp after devouring a meal enhanced by the pink fruit that had become a staple for the castaways, Grant wanting to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI headed back toward Richmond and made Smiley's tavern my first stop. I had spent restful two days there earlier and enjoyed myself memorably although I never learned much of any use. Smiley himself was long dead but his young widow ran the place with the help of her two nubile daughters and one mature and considerate prostitute by the name of Jenny. I had managed to bed all four of them during my previous visit and looked forward to trying my luck again. They also had a couple of slaves,...
Inspired by: Monty Python’s, ‘Quest for the Holy Grail’ but it is very different. In a parallel universe to ours: Sir Smiley the Steel Handed, Knight of King Arthur’s Round Table, crawled out of the Black Swamp to the door of the Castle Black Plague and pounded on the door! BANG!! BANG!! “Open up! Open up! I seek the Scepter of Life!” Soot, dressed in a white nun like habit opened the door’s window, looked around and then down and said, “Oh there you are!! Oh, you are injured! Let me help...
Amy and Elizabeth By Boobwatch One Chapter One When Amy Liu arrived for work, there was a message on her voice mail from Elizabeth Coleridge. Elizabeth wanted to see Amy in her office as soon as she got in. This was a bit odd. Elizabeth was a senior vice-president at Yesenia Electronics, and was not involved in the day-to-day workings of the engineering department. In fact, Amy couldn't recall ever having spoken to Elizabeth, aside from an occasional "Hello" in the hallway....
As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email on...
As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email...
Amy couldn't believe the week she'd had. Her boyfriend, Todd, had been busy with studying. So, she and her roommate Alice, were free to continue Amy's exploration into anal sex. Amy was still feeling a bit guilty about doing all of this behind Todd's back. However, she thought that when she was able to surprise him, for his birthday, and offer up her ass, he'd understand and forgive her. Alice still planned to come along and help explain the situation as well as participate in a threesome that...
Introduction: Amy and new friend….. Amy has more fun….. John came home about an hour later, he started making dinner for the two of them. He found his daughter watching TV in her room, she was lying on her front on the bed. Her skirt was rucked up, he sat beside her and placed his hand on her legs. Hi dad, she said, without turning round. Hi honey he replied, he ran his hand up her leg, it felt a little damp, Amy hadnt cleaned the juice off her legs. His hand found her pert arse, he...
By Boez Chapter One It was one of those days where the temperature and humidity together passed 200. The kind of day you would expect in an equatorial rain forest. The kind of day that gave a new meaning to sweat. You always hear that high temperatures in Phoenix are accompanied by low humidity thereby making 117 degrees merely bearable. Look it’s not natural to be able to defrost a steak by putting it on the hood of your car for 2 minutes. Amy-Sue had to do a little shopping downtown on...
Amy and Todd had been together since Freshman year in college, now, two years later, Amy was pretty sure they'd get married once they were done with school. They were still very much in love two years after their romance began. Amy loved Todd and he loved her right back. They had similar interests, and overall just loved being in each other's company.Amy and Todd were studying in his room, on his bed, but Amy couldn't concentrate, she knew Todd's birthday was in a week and she couldn't think of...
September When September came, the students returned to campus, including Amy. I thought it might be awkward seeing her after three months of no contact. On the other hand, Amy had such great social graces (and managed to hide from the world what a slut she could be), I figured things would probably go smoothly. Amy arrived for our first meeting. We hugged in greeting, and I kept back so my boner would not poke Amy in the stomach. Amy gave me her sly grin as she sat down, but we both were...
Introduction: First Story in a Long Series Adapted from Cyber Chat This story is fictional. It started out as a cyber chat play that just grew, producing long stories and a long series, six in total so far. Most writing is mine but the thoughts, the direction and even what is happening sexually comes with approval. We told of our fantasy, me wanting a babysitting cheerleader, her wanting to have forceful sex and be paid. What came is this series about Amy. I know the themes in here are not...
Amar naam Mithu.. Ami ja kichu bolchi eta amaar jeeboner ekta sotti ghotona. Eyi ghotona ta amar jeebon palte diyeche. Ekhon amar boyesh 37 bochor. Ami bibahita.. Amar bor ekta Mnc te khub bhalo post e chakri kore. Marketing e khoob naam , tayi praay tour e thake. Amar ekti meye ache taar boyesh ekhon 18 bochor se class 9th e pore. Ami graduate ebon onek social club er member o chilam. Ami dekhate kemon eta janayi. Amar height 5”3”, rong forsa. Figure ekhon 36 30 36. Amar pet ta sopat. Gaye...
I know the themes in here are not going to be for everyone, taboo and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved are...
After a few minutes my girl came out and got into her car just like any normal person would do. I pulled out about 2 cars behind and followed her home. She led me to a somewhat secluded housing area so I peeled off and went up a block from where she turned. Her car would be easy to spot driving around so I had no fear of losing her. I took a couple of turns to get back to where I thought she might be and sure enough, 3 houses down from where she turned, there she was getting her bags out...
I know the themes in this story are not going to be for everyone, taboo, and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved...
I know the themes in this story are not going to be for everyone, taboo, and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved...
Day 8 Amy woke up after a very restful sleep. She just laid there awhile and thought about what had happen to her and Dave over the past few days. She just couldn't believe at the things that she and Dave had while they were with Megan and Ken, going to the mall and shopping in the nude, skinny-dipping at a public beach, horseback riding naked and having oral sex with Kelly, Megan, Ken and Dave. She smiled when she thought about having oral sex. It really felt good giving and...
On a campus of beautiful young women, Amy stood out. She had no curves to her body, small breasts, but she did have a gorgeous ass. What stood out about Amy was her face. She could have been a model for a portrait of Queen Nefertiti on the wall of an Egyptian temple. She was of mixed ethnicity, her dad was German, her mom was Singaporean. The combination of these two ethnicities gave Amy an unbelievably beautiful face. High Asian cheekbones, skin not quite white, piercing blue German...
### LCS-60007 ###Waylaid Wifeby Marvin CoxCHAPTER ONEAmy Miller sat smoking a cigarette in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, trying not to look at her husband's naked body. Every time she did, her pussy itched even more. She spread her legs, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but it was useless. The constant throb wouldn't stop."Cock," she whispered. "I need a big, hard cock in here." She thrust her middle finger deeply inside her burning hole and felt the sucking muscles pull hungrily....
DAY 5 FRIDAY MORNING At Aunt Lori and Uncle Kevin's house Dave woke up and looked at the clock on the nightstand. 'Damn, ' he thought as he saw that it was 6:00. It was about an hour earlier then the time he normally got up, but he had gone to bed about two hours earlier, so he had gotten more sleep then he normally did. And he was wide-awake. After laying there for a few minutes, he decided to get up. It was normal for him to get up as soon as he woke up. Without getting dressed, Dave...
Alice wasn't sure what to do, she felt she was torn between two relationships. She had her relationship with Todd and Amy, which she loved. She also had been seeing Sarah without letting Todd and Amy know. Alice had, by chance, happened to bump into Sarah on her way to class. Sarah, while gathering her things, slid her hand under Alice's skirt and touched her, hoping for the lustful response that Alice had given her. "Sarah", Alice thought, is perfect, she had long black wavy hair. Her skin...
Day 7 "Megan. Megan." In her sleepy mind, Megan heard someone calling her. Opening her eyes, she saw her Mom. "Oh, morning, Mom." "I'm sorry to wake you, but your Dad and I decided that we are going to go out for breakfast and then to church. We are going to catch the early mass, so we should be back around 10:00. Amy and Dave's parents should be here are 10:30 and I think that they start heading home as soon as possible. We probably will have lunch with them before they...
At Kelly's Farm Megan and Amy drove out into the country to Kelly's farm. Both girls were looking forward to going riding. While Megan went riding often, it had been quite a while since Amy had been riding. A friend's family had horses and every once in awhile, Amy would get to go riding. Amy wasn't that good, but she could ride without too many problems. Finally, they arrived at the farm. Megan drove down the road and parked next to the barn. The two girls got out of the car and as...
Copyright 2016 Amy closed her eyes and rubbed her hand across her forehead trying to clear the headache. She didn’t regret her decision to take the job in the Public Defenders’ Office. It felt good helping people who couldn’t afford a lawyer by themselves, but she hadn’t really been prepared for the workload. Looking around her small office, choked with legal texts and case files, she smiled ruefully to herself. At least she had a job, some of the friends she’d graduated with still hadn’t...
Michelle Cho's Wild Ride by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Story of How I Moved Here from Tulsa and Met This Amy Komori Girl I'll tell you straight up, dude, this town fucking sucked whenever we first moved here. But it's not like we had a choice. We moved here from Tulsa, Oklahoma,...
I grew up down the street from my local public swimming pool and spent a lot of hours there. Stationed in the center of the "good" side of town, it was a great amenity to have just a block away -- I could dash down and hang out for the afternoon and come home at any point if I wanted.Of course, not everyone at the pool lived in the neighborhood -- a lot of parents were known for using the pool as the sole activity for their k**s in the summer, buying them a summer pass and evicting them from...
So it was that Amy and Vivian began what they thought would be the adventure of their lives. Amy was tall at 5’7, slender yet somehow impressively curved, her blonde hair cut just above her shapely shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled like the open ocean when she saw something she lusted after - which was often. Her soft-spoken manner and shyness only lasted until she got to know you, and then she became the demanding, typically spoiled rich girl. Her friend Vivian was in some ways the polar...
AMY GARDNER: A LIFE by dkb I'M GONNA, I'M GONNA God, my life is shit. My life is nothing. I'm 25 and still living at home with my parents, no job, no girlfriend, what am I gonna do? I'm a wreck. My life is disappearing, one day at a time, and it adds up to nothing. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was him. He looks like he knows where he's going, in his flash suit, a young high-flyer. Or him. Or her. In a giddy flash I trip and stumble. I would fall, but Mummy's got...
Amy was a sweet nineteen-year-old and she was sexy as she could be and she knew it. She played like she was an innocent teenager, but she was anything but. I had known Amy and her parents for years and for years. Every summer, she attended a church camp where I was the camp director and counselor.Amy and I grew close over the years and even closer this past summer camp, closer than either one of us had probably ever meant to become.I woke up alone in my sleeping bag, having imagined, or so I...
HardcoreAmy spotted the man watching them when the sun reflecting off the binoculars he held caught her eye. She wondered how much he could see. She didn't tell Rachel. She'd wait until Rachel finished. She glanced down the beach again to see if the man was still watching. He was. Standing there, ominous as a scarecrow, higher than them on the third-floor deck of an ultra-modern house four houses away. She could almost feel his eyes on her bare breasts. Turning to watch Rachel on the chaise lounge next...
LesbianChapter 1 Hello, guys!!! If you think you know your wife or girlfriend pretty good, you'd better take another minute or two and consider whether you really know her or not. I'd love to have a dollar for every husband who thinks he can describe his wife and that he's got her all confined in his own little package. Believe me, from personal experience, very few of you guys really know what your wives or girlfriends are up to when you're not around to keep an eye on them. What am I trying...
by NehighlanderThis is the latest of Amie's adventures with black men. This happened last fall and due to being very busy, I am just now getting around to posting this:It had been awhile since she had fucked Jackson after she had danced in a strip club. She had repeatedly expressed to me that she wanted to have some fun with another black man or men and she had more than once told me she would really love to get together with Jackson again. I totally nixed that idea as I could not stand that...
I put on sweats and a tank top and Emily put on a tight pair of shorts and a t-shirt. We were sitting at the dining room table doing homework when mom came in. Hi kids. Mom said. We both looked up and replied, Hi Mom. She went to their bedroom to change and Emily and I smiled at each other knowing that we needed to keep quiet about everything so far. I can still taste it. I told Emily. I can still taste your cum too, she responded. Mom came in and said that she was going to make...
During my second year of college I moved into a group living situation, muchlike a dorm, but without big brother looking over your shoulder all thetime. Well, after about a month, one of the girls there caught my eye. Itwas a co-ed place, so there was a lot of fucking going on, with everyoneseeming to be fucking everyone else, hooking up, breaking up, and all that,playing the game for all it was worth. I hadn't gotten involved in any ofthat yet, both from a lack of...
We called her Smiley, simply because we didn't know her name. She worked in the college cafe almost every morning. She wore a uniform that made her look even hotter. The black pants fit her like a second skin. She had a perfect ass. She also had a very nice rack, they fit her body type perfectly, and while the numbers might not be impressive on her petite little body they looked huge. But by far the her most striking feature was her smile. Always present, her smile made her nose wrinkle just a...
I ended up calling the number a couple days later. I was really surprised that he didn't sound black at all. We ended up talking a couple times that week and I said that it had to be like she had to do it and had no other choice. I explained that no v******e at all and just a gentle force or Amy would never get fucked in front of me. I agreed to the filming since I wanted to be able to watch it later after it was over. We had to wait to make sure it was the right time of the month for Amy's...
Good morning stud, I heard Amy's soft voice whisper. Good morning sexy, I replied while trying to see her face silhouetted in the sunlight. Amy's fingertips were gingerly tracing my morning hard-on. Up and down the shaft and around the head. She tenderly squeezed my balls, feeling the rubbery firmness. Her ass felt so good against my cheek. I kissed it and asked how she slept. Pretty damn good. I had the weirdest dream though. She answered. Dream...??? Like what? I inquired. I dreamed...
Amy again, doing what she does…….. Friday came around fairly quickly. John had made contact with Lauras mum asking about babysitting, he had promised to be back by 10pm. Lauras mum had asked Laura, and she had readily agreed, and to make things better, Lauras mum said she could sleep the night at Amys. John was already home when Amy arrived home from school, he then went through the plan with her. Amy had told her dad Laura was a bit tarty, and that there was a good chance she would turn up...
Amy was frightened as she entered the school’s front office. She hadn’t done anything wrong and yet had been called to the office during school announcements to pick up a detention. What, she wondered, had she done to get a detention. She often smart-mouthed teachers but had always stopped when warned her behavior was out of line. Had some teacher decided at last to give her a detention without warning her? It didn’t help that her home-life sucked. Her mother and father had divorced 5 years...
Amy was frightened as she entered the school’s front office. She hadn’t done anything wrong and yet had been called to the office during school announcements to pick up a detention. What, she wondered, had she done to get a detention. She often smart-mouthed teachers but had always stopped when warned her behavior was out of line. Had some teacher decided at last to give her a detention without warning her? It didn’t help that her home-life sucked. Her mother and father had divorced 5 years...
I get to see my girl's second movie now with Ben's big black cock!!!I hope you enjoy this installment of Amy!!! The movie started and Amy told me to just shut it off and for the first time I insisted on seeing the movie. I just smiled at her and said it was about time I got to see what happened with Ben that last time and I was going to watch it. I told her I have been trying a lot to get her to tell me about it and even about what happened at Tony's. Amy looked stunned and just sat there with...
Author's Note. If your looking for a story with sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. This is not an Adult story. It is a Sci-Fi with a Transgender nature I would be appreciate your comments on this story and also any suggestions for future story plots. Donna Allyson McCleod; Email via: donna- [email protected] Amy dear Amy By: Donna-Allyson McCleod Chapter 1 The accident had shaken up the community. Not that accidents had not happened before in...