- 2 years ago
- 41
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During my second year of college I moved into a group living situation, much
like a dorm, but without big brother looking over your shoulder all the
time. Well, after about a month, one of the girls there caught my eye. It
was a co-ed place, so there was a lot of fucking going on, with everyone
seeming to be fucking everyone else, hooking up, breaking up, and all that,
playing the game for all it was worth. I hadn't gotten involved in any of
that yet, both from a lack of attractive possibilities as well as I wanted to
take the lay of the land before I dived in.
Well, this girl, Amy was her name, stood out. There were other girls who
were better looking, sexier, hotter, hell, a lot more friendly, but Amy had
something which made me want her more than any other chick there. I figure
it was the haughtiness, the aloofness, the sheer arogance which only I was
able to see radiating from her. She walked like she was above it all,
striding across the common areas like a fucking queen, her shoulders back in
perfect posture, her sweet little tits jutting out provocatively, her blond,
frizzy hair bunched in a bun on top of her head, her face angular, her nose
jutting forward, her lips pinched inward as if in permanent disapproval. She
was five foot seven, had hips slender like a boy's, an ass firm and round,
and perfect ivory skin.
I tell you, whenever I saw her my sight blurred with lust and hate--I so much
wanted to take the bitch down a peg, tear that prissy white princess from her
pedastal and make her squirm under my pounding cock. I got hard just from
looking at her, she was that much under my skin. I figure she knew it too,
although I kept it to myself, because I would catch her looking at me, her
thin lips pinched into a slight frown of protestant disdain.
It had been six weeks since I had moved in, and I was still not part of the
game, although I made sure I flirted and hung enough with the principles to
keep close in case I wanted in, when I found myself across the table with my
ice princess, Amy, she who, even though she didn't put out, didn't flirt,
never smiled, seemed to be able to hang with whomever she wanted. I think
she glanced at me once, a glance which said "you're nothing" so much better
than words could have, before talking with everyone else there--listening, I
should say, she rarely spoke.
My blood was boiling, but I tried to act normally. Hell, all I could think
of was taking that bitch and reaming her out, picturing her on her knees, my
cock buried to the hilt in her throat, of her screaming as my cock split her
tight ass, her body arching in pain as I brutalized her, of her squirming
helplessly under me as I rode her cunt to completion, her whimpering cries
music to my ears. I was in a fog the whole time, barely myself, each one of
my club-footed responses to the conversation whirling about me earning me
another look of contempt from Amy, sweet, hot, fucking Amy. Once or twice
she even went after me over something, but never obvously. It was like she
was purposefully jacking me up, pissing me off, setting me on edge. A couple
of times it was all I could do to keep from lunging across the table and
throwing that bitch to the floor right there.
Over the next couple of weeks it was like she was my fucking shadow. She
always seemed to be in whatever conversation I was in, jacking me up, cutting
me off, jabbing me with a well placed word. Once or twice I even got into it
with her, telling her to go straight to hell. But she kept coming back, as
if she was purposefully seeking me out--most people, after I tell them to
stay the hell away, stay away; she didn't.
I tell you, the bitch had me so worked up I wasn't thinking straight. All I
could see when I closed my eyes was her sneering face. I fantasized about
wiping that sneer from her face, about making her beg and plead as I tore at
that hot little body she kept from everyone. It was all I could think about,
what I wanted to do to that bitch, how I would do it. God, it was eating me
One evening, after she had spent most of it fucking with me, I decided to do
something about it. The bitch was too far under my skin. I waited until
about one a.m., until the place had quieted down a bit. Then I simply went
over to her room and knocked on the door.
The cunt opened the door a crack, which I pushed open all the way, knocking
her back a step, confusion and anger mingling on that pure white face. In
that instant, as I shut the door to her room behind me, the words, "What
the..." fading in the air, I saw everything around me: hot, bitchy Amy,
wearing button-fly jeans tight around her waist loose around her firm apple
of an ass; Amy, her tits thrusting out against a plain white v-neck; Amy's
books on her desk, her desk against the wall of her small room--she had been
studying, her feet bare; Amy's bed, perfectly made, to my right, her left, in
front of me; Amy's closet, closed, the light overhead dim, shadows from the
light on her desk filling the room; her hair, blonde, kinky, fanning across
the back of her head, tied in a loose pony-tail near her neck.
I stepped forward, my hand reaching around her neck, my other hand reaching
around her back, pulling the bitch toward me even as she cried out, my hands
crushing her hips against mine, crushing her lips against mine as I grimaced,
those soft, pink lips parting as she gasped in surprise and panic, my tongue
snaking out into that warm, wet cavity of her mouth, sending chills down my
spine as I tasted her gasping, struggling form, holding her there for long
seconds as she squirmed in my grasp, feeling smaller, thinner, stronger than
I had expected, pushing away from me, gasping, her blue eyes bright and wide
in shock, her chest heaving as she panted. She looked wild, beautiful, hot,
like a trapped animal waiting for the slaughter.
"All you have to do is scream," I said, my shoulders hunched, my eyes lidded,
my breath coming in ragged gasps, speaking my thoughts, knowing that she knew
that a scream, a yell, would bring people to her door, would bring people who
would stop me, stop me from doing what we both knew I was going to do.
"Get out," she said, her eyes hardening, her back
straightening, her hair flying behind her as she jerked her head back, her
arm pointing forcefully toward the door. She didn't scream. I stepped
forward suddenly, swinging my left arm hard, up and across her face, the
retort of flesh against flesh sharp in the small space of her room, the
force of the blow staggering her, her head falling to her chest, her hands
coming up to ward me off as she slumped to the ground, leaning against the
side of her bed, her legs folded under her.
I stepped close to her, towering over her, over Amy, over that hot, snotty
bitch who had tormented me so much. My blood was boiling, surging, my head
pounding, my sight locked on Amy, as she turned her head up to look at me,
her bright blue eyes filled with fear, her delicate white hand against the
side of her face where I had slapped her, her neck smooth and white to my
eyes, her pale lips glistening, slightly parted as she gazed up at me. She
still didn't scream.
I reached down, a feeling of power and lust rushing through me as I felt her
hair twine about my fingers, and jerked the bitch to her feet, pulling her
head back savagely to taste her hot mouth, her hands pushing against my
shoulders exciting me as I gripped her ass through her jeans, her buttocks
firm and tight and hard as I pressed her slender body against mine, feeling
the softness of her tits against my chest, the hot wetness of her mouth as I
ran my tongue inside it, tasting her breath, her panting, grunting gasps as
she struggled against my grasp.
My whole body was tingling as I threw the bitch onto the bed, watching as she
collapsed onto her back, one leg dangling off the bed, watching as she began
to sit up, her eyes wide with fear and hate, glistening with them, her hair
wild about her face, her lips pulled back into a sneer. I put one knee on
the bed and grabbed a handful of her hair, jerked her back down onto her
back, loving the way her face twisted in pain, loving the way she whimpered
as I put my face inches from hers, my other hand pressing against her
stomach, firm, flat, heaving up and down as she sucked in breath after
panicked breath through her nostrils.
"I'm going to fuck you, bitch," I hissed. She whimpered. It was all I had
to say, all I needed to say as I stared into those big blue frightened eyes,
waiting for the scream which didn't come, my hand tearing down, popping the
buttons on her jeans open even as I kissed her brutally, my head swimming
with power and lust as I ground my teeth against hers, her whimpering,
squirming body delicious beneath my hands. I held the kiss for a long time,
my hand digging its way to her groin, past the scratchy curls of her pubic
hair, my fingers digging at the soft flesh of her labia.
I broke my kiss, leaving Amy gasping, and said "Slut," my middle finger sunk
deep in her slick cunt, my hand mashing down her clit as her thighs squirmed
weakly and her hips gyrated, trying to expel my finger from her sweating,
drooling snatch. She turned her head away, her teeth pulling on her lower
lip as I dragged my finger slowly from her box, dragging across her swollen
clit, making the slut's hips buck up uncontrollably, a hiccup making her
slender body spasm as I grapped either side of her jeans and panties at the
hips and dragged them down to her thighs, her firm, silky smooth, milk white
thighs, muscles bulging and sliding under her skin as she kicked against me
I flipped her over bodily, not able to wait, my blood racing through my ears
as I thought about raping Amy, hot, sweet, beautiful fucking Amy, her ass so
round and firm, her cunt drooling for my cock. I dragged her until she was
on her knees, her torso laying across the bed, her head turned so I could see
that gorgeous profile, that haughty, stubborn profile, with her hair hanging
in front of her face while I undid my belt and freed my cock, swollen and
throbbing as I leaned into Amy, sweet Amy.
"Please, don't, don't," she begged, but she didn't scream. She didn't
I grinned a death's head grin, pulling her head back viscously by her hair.
"Shut up, cunt. You want this, slut. Now take it." I reached down and
guided my cock between her straining, milk white thighs, even as she bucked
and squirmed against my grasp, trying to squirm away from my cock, my cock
which I drove deep into her slippery, smooth, hot, grasping cunt with one
"Ahh..." she gasped, her back arched unnaturally by my hand in her hair. "Oh
god oh god no," she whispered, and I could have sworn the cunt came even as I
pulled out of her spasming cunt and slammed my cock back into her womb, the
feel of her ass squirming and working against my groin, the way she gasped as
I drove deep into her, the feel of my cock buried in that silky smooth wet
grasping cavern of a cunt, sucking on my cock like a living thing, stunned my
mind, sent pleasure spiraling higher and higher through my body as I fucked
Amy, Amy the slut coming on my cock.
Again and again I slammed into her, her asscheeks quirvering beneath the
blows from my hips, her hands clawing as the sheets as I pressed her face
hard against the bed, her breath coming in short gasps as I fucked her.
"Bitch. Cunt. Whore. Slut" I chanted with each stroke, quickly, too
quickly building to orgasm, my whole body held rigid as I spasmed deep inside
of her, my hands gripping her hair harder and harder until she cried out from
pain even as her body shuddered again as the slut came, my hot spew spitting
deep up into her slut belly, my hot Amy coming on the end of my cock as I
filled her full of seed.
I held my cock inside her, still shuddering from the magnitude of it. I had
raped Amy, and Amy had loved it. She was a slut, a no good fucking whore, my
bitch Amy. She was making sobbing sounds, and I reveled in them. I had
shown the cunt, had shown her what she was good for; I had given the bitch
her medicine, and she had gulped it down like the slut she truly was.
I pulled my cock from her drenched hole, wincing at its sensitivity. Looking
down at her there, laying with her white ass exposed, her cunt swollen and
gaping, her head turned sideways and pressed into the bed, I wanted her
again. I wanted to keep her and fuck her and use her slut body forever.
"Please go," she gasped out between her sobbing gasps, and I couldn't help
but grin. Amy, haughty Amy was begging me to leave. I didn't think I would.
I whipped my belt off and leaned over her to grab her wrists. "What are you
doing, what are you doing," she cried as she struggled as I bound her wrists
behind her with my belt.
"Shut up, bitch," I snarled, slapping the back of her head when her hands
threatened to escape the binding, until I was sure she couldn't get loose
without some work. "You and me, bitch, we're not finished, not by a long
shot." I leaned over her prone body so I could talk directly into her ear,
seeing her flinch away from me exciting me as much as seeing her bound before
me did.
I rolled her over and laid her flat on her back on the bed, climbing so that
I was straddling her hips, staring down into that pretty, no longer so
arrogant face of hers. "Please, no more," she begged, "no more. You've
already raped me, just go. I won't tell anyone." I let the bitch finish her
begging. "AHH!" she yelped as the retort of my palm across her face echoed
about the room. "AHH!" again as I slapped her again, hard, jerking her head
from side to side.
"Bitch. You come like a whore and you tell me no more? Fucking goddamned
slut. Tell me you came, slut. Tell me!"
"" I started slapping her, my palms stinging from each blow as her
body jerked under mine, her hips twisting, her head jerking back and forth as
I rocked her head with my blows.
"Tell me! Tell my you got off!"
"Okay! Okay!" she practically yelled, and I stopped slapping her, her white
complexion now pink, her breath coming in gasps. "I liked it," she
"I liked it," she said, her faced turned away from mine.
I grabbed her face and forced her to look at me. "You liked what, Amy?"
"I...I...oh god...I liked you raping me." The sight of those words coming
from those pale thin lips was almost too much for me. I felt my cock throb
even in its soft state and red blur my vision, my hand squeezing her cheeks
until she gasped in pain.
I stood, watching her as she lay there, motionless, her head turned away from
me, defeated, her chest, thrust forward by her arms bound behind her back,
rising and falling provocatively as she breathed. I shed my clothes, all of
them, before climbing back onto the bed. She didn't move, didn't react as I
slid my hands up her shirt, feeling her shudder slightly as my hands ran over
her hot flesh. I didn't care. She was mine. She admitted it. I had
everything I wanted right under my hands.
"Let's take a look at your tits," I said, sliding her shirt up until it
bunched at her chin, exposing her thin, hard stomach, a smooth expanse of
creamy white flesh leading up to her bra, hiding the two soft mounds of her
jutting tit-meat. I reached around her and undid her bra, pushing that up
against her chin also. She refused to look at me as I squeezed those
perfectly hand-sized mounds of flesh topped by two hard pink nipples.
"Nice tits, slut. Nice," I purred as I kneaded her mounds, feeling the warm
flesh of her stomach massaging my balls as I worked her tits. "Let's see
everything, slut," I said, sliding down her body and sliding her jeans and
panties from her unresisting legs. I kneeled over the bitch, staring down at
her gorgeous white flesh, drinking in the sight of her nearly naked body,
from her shapely feet, her strong, thin thighs, the slight bulge of her
mound, sparsly covered with dark blonde hairs, her narrow, boyish hips, her
flat, even narrower stomach, her small, perky tits, her pink, hard nipples,
her supple neck, to her bright blue eyes.
I covered her body with mine, taking one of those perfect nipples between my
lips and sucking it as deep as I could into my mouth, the feel of her silky
smooth skin against mine filling my cock with blood, hardening me as I ran my
tongue and my teeth across her nipple, drawing soft whimpering sounds from
her mouth as I switched from one breast to another until I was fully hard,
and until I felt her body squirming ever so slightly beneath mine, her hips
writhing in obvious need against my stomach.
I mounted her, nestling my cock against her swollen labia, bending my head so
that I was looking at her turned aside face, her eyes tightly closed, an
intense expression on her face. I rubbed my cock against her labia, grinning
as I felt her shift her hips slightly, uncontrollably, toward my cock, aching
for it, aching to be fucked. I shifted my position above her until I held
her tits in my hands, and began to squeeze, watching her face as the pain
began to hit her.
"Ahhh...god. Stop. Stop. Don't hurt me," she whimpered, arching her back
in her pain, her eyes open and pleading to mine as I twisted the pliable
flesh of her tits, my fingers gouging them brutally even as I slid the tip of
my cock into her sopping cunt-hole.
"Tell me what a slut you are," I demanded.
"Oh god," she turned her face away from me, "I'm a slut. I'm a slut."
"Look at me slut!" I commanded, twisting her precious tit-flesh hard, making
her moan and arch up against me, her hips even then humping against the tip
of my cock.
She looked at me, her eyes wide open, her hair streaked across her face, her
lips moist and open. "I'm a slut, a fucking slut," she whispered.
"I"M A SLUT!" she gasped out as I gouged at her tits and slammed my rock hard
cock deep into her belly, her hips grinding against mine as I buried my cock
in her grasping, tight, sloppy cunt.
"You love having my cock in your slutty belly. Say it," I said.
"Uh, uh, I love...I love having your...your cock in my slutty belly," she
said, staring straight into my eyes, her eyes filled with humiliation and
shining with lust, her body shaking as I made her degrade herself beneath me.
"You're a whore, a dirty, slutty whore."
"I'm a whore, a dirty, slutty whore."
"You want cock, you need cock to feed your slutty, whorish cunt. You're a
cock-loving bitch with a greedy cunt."
"Uh uh," she grunted as I ground my cock deep in her belly, reveling in the
power I had over her, the sensations of her body writhing and shaking beneath
mine making me tingle all over as I used her for the second time, a time I
was going to make it last. I took my hands from her tits and put them beside
her head. "I wa...want co...cock," she stuttered, "uh I
na...need...uh...cock feed my slutty, whorish cunt," her back arching
as I withdrew my cock and slammed it home in her belly. "I'm a cock-loving
bitch with a greedy cunt," she finished, her eyes locked on mine, her face a
mask of lust and hate and humiliation as I raped her, sweat breaking out on
her body, easing my movement atop her.
"Keep it up, whore," I said, grinning down at her.
"Oh god," she closed her eyes, only to open them again, "oh god...fuck
me...fu...fuck me the sl...slut I am. Uh uh my god my god I'm a
whore, a dirty whore. Ra...ra...rape me, rape me, rape me," she grunted in
time to my thrusts. " oh god please oh god I'm a
slut oh god," her eyes shut and her face twisted and her body arched and
shook beneath me as I ground my hips against hers, stirring my cock in the
pit of her cunt, "oh god I'm comming comming slut slut whore coming oh god,"
she said over and over, her body collapsing beneath me, panting as she turned
her head away.
I let her lay like that for a minute, still working my cock in Amy, sweet,
slutty Amy's cunt, before lifting myself up on one elbow and backhanding her
violently across the face, making her body go rigid in shock and pain as her
eyes stared up at me in fear. "Who said you could stop, cunt?"
She stared at me for long seconds, a gasp escaping her as I dragged my cock
across her swollen clit. Then she said, softly, "Don't stop. Don't stop
fucking your slutty cunt. Don't stop raping me, don't stop using me as your
fuck hole, don't stop hurting your fuck hole," she finished with a whine as I
twisted her tit hard, making her squirm beneath me.
I rode her for long minutes, watching her face, her eyes, as her lips spewed
filth, spewed humiliation and degredation, begging me to rape her, to hurt
her, to beat her, but most of all to use her over and over again. It was
incredible, snotty, arrogant Amy debasing herself, humilating herself,
beneath me, squealing out as she came, her thighs pulled to my sides,
squeezing my hips as she bucked in orgasm for a third time this evening, and
still I didn't stop, still I kept fucking and kept demanding her soft, silky
voice spew profanities as I fucked her slowly and methodically, feeling my
come build up ever so slowly from deep within my belly, the writhing and
shaking of her soft flesh driving me higher and higher in lust until I
grunted and buried my head in her neck, biting and sucking as I came deep
within her even as her ankles locked behind my ass and she bucked beneath me,
gasping and panting "I'm coming I'm coming coming oh god oh god coming cunt's
coming" into my ear over and over as my guts seemed to be pulled out from my
cock as I spewed deep inside Amy, sweet Amy.
"You're mine," I said as I lay on top of her limp body. "You're mine,
whenever I want, wherever I want. Mine." I wanted her to hear it, because
it that was how it was going to be. Amy, cold, distant Amy, was going to be
mine whenever and wherever I wanted her.
I stood unsteadily on my feet and dragged the bitch by her hair until she was
kneeling before me, my semi-hard cock weaving in front of her face, covered
with her come and mine. "Clean it, slut." Simple, direct. She glanced at
me from behind heavily lidded eyes, and opened that sharp, soft mouth and
took my cock inside it, making me wince as she took the softening member all
the way into her mouth, sucking hard on it, cleaning it with her tongue as
she pulled her head away, finished by cleaning my balls with her tongue.
Just standing there, watching Amy on her knees, cleaning my cock with that
small pink tongue of hers made me want to take her again, brutally,
visciously, but that could wait. I pushed her away from me and put on my
"Remember," I said, "whenever and wherever I want." Then I left.
After that I figured I wouldn't have any more trouble with the cunt, but was
I wrong. The next morning she was fucking all over me, and not in a good
way. She was practically breaking my balls, taking every chance to dig at me
and humiliate me in front of everyone--that bitch had a sharp tongue. I
couldn't fucking believe it. I looked at her and it was like our little fuck
session hadn't even happened. She was more haughty, arrogant, and snotty
than ever. And the way she walked, and sat, and held herself just screamed
It didn't take long before I was determined to _really_ teach Amy a lesson,
since it seemed the previous one hadn't stuck. Hell, this time I was going
to _really_ hurt the bitch, really make that sweet, precious body of hers
rock in agony as I pummeled it. The bitch deserved it, the way she was
baiting me, trying to get at me the whole day. I didn't get it, but I really
didn't care--I was going to take care of her once and for all. This time she
would know for sure who was boss, and what her place was in the scheme of
things, the cunt.
Early the next morning I was standing in front of her door again--it was
around 1:30 am--making sure there was nobody around to get in my way. The
light was on under her door, so I knew the bitch was awake. I knocked, my
cock already throbbing in my pants at the thought of what I was going to do
to Amy, sweet Amy.
She had to know it was me, coming back to give her some more of what I had
given her the day before, but the dumb cunt opened the door anyway, unlocked
it and pulled it open so I could slam it into her body, step into the room,
and slam it closed behind me all in one instant. She was stunned by the
door, standing just feet from me, looking at me through dazed eyes which
focused as the door closed. Her mouth opened but whatever the bitch was
going to say or yell or scream turned into a painful gasp as I gave her a
right straight in the stomach, noticing that she was wearing only a long
sleep t-shirt, her hair pulled back from her face by a braid.
Amy, hot, sexy little Amy, doubled over from my blow, choking and gasping as
she sank down to her knees. I stepped close to her and grabbed her by the
hair, jerking her head back, loving the way I towered over her on her knees,
slapping the beautiful white face with my free hand, the feel and sound of
the blow a pleasure shooting through my body as I snarled at her. "I've had
enough of you, bitch. You didn't learn your lesson yesterday, cunt." I
slapped her again, the small cry torn from her music to my ears, "_I'm_ the
boss, bitch." I slapped her. "Me." I slapped her, making her whimper and
try to cower, her hands fluttering between my wrist on the hand forcing her
head back and her face, "You are just some cunt, some worthless cunt for _me_
to use. Understand, bitch?" I slapped her quickly, backhand and forehand,
four, five times, brushing aside her hands as if they weren't there--pow pow
pow pow the sound filled her room, filled me with lust and power and frantic
energy. "Understand?" I jerked on her hair, jerking her head.
"" she stuttered while I undid my belt and
pulled my cock out. Just looking at the sweet mouth, the right side of her
lip beginning to swell a bit from my slaps, and I knew I wanted to take it,
to take her mouth while she kneeled on the floor at my feet.
With my hand still twined in her hair, I yanked the bitch's head back even
farther, her mouth forced open by the angle of her head, my other hand
gripping the base of my cock as I stepped closer to her, until I was
practically standing over the bitch. I angled my cock down, bending my knees
as I shoved it between her soft lips, the sight of my cock entering her mouth
almost driving me crazy. "Take it bitch, take it bitch," I said, jerking my
hips downward and pulling her head toward my groin, my nerves rattling with
pleasure as my cock humped into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth, bumping up
against the back of her mouth, making her choke and gasp and shake beneath
me, her hands pushing against my hips, as if she could stop me.
"That's right, bitch," I growled through gritted teeth, jabbing my cock into
her mouth, "take it, take my cock in that bitchy cunt mouth of yours." I
couldn't help myself--I wanted to impale her, to see this bitch squirming as
my cock penetrated her throat. I held her head with both my hands, tangling
them in her hair, her braid practically torn off, and began to pull the
bitch's face toward my groin.
I could feel my cockhead push against the soft, warm flesh at the back of her
mouth, could feel her head begin to shake, her head making small jerkings as
she tried to pull away, her hand pressing against my hips, beating against
them as I felt my cockhead slide into her throat, Amy's body heaving,
gagging, shaking, horrible retching sounds coming muffled from her body as my
cock slid into her esophagus, her nose pressing hard against my pubic hair as
I held her there for long seconds, reveling in her agony, in her retching,
choking, humming agony, her hands fist beating against my hips as I slid my
cock almost out of her throat before slamming it back in, fucking almost down
into her face, my pelvis slamming into her sharp nose, earning a cry of
surprise and pain between the horrible retching, gagging sounds she was
It was fucking heaven, her throat a spasming tunnel of flesh massaging my
cock, sending sharp flashed of pleasure through me. Amy, fucking bitch Amy,
on her knees, gagging and choking as I watched my cock slide in and out of
her precious mouth, spittle drooling from between her lips and my cock to
coat my balls. I fucked her face, ramming my cock in short strokes in her
throat, slamming her nose against my pelvis as she jerked and thrashed
beneath me, her struggles growing more and more frantic as I became more and
more violent, pleasure building up to a peak, fogging my mind as I used
precious, snotty Amy like a whore, as I fucked my cock down her throat, as
she quivered and fought and choked as I took my pleasure from her.
I yelled out, grinding my pelvis into her face as I felt the first pulse of
my cock spurt my come deep in the bitch's throat, yelled as I yanked my cock
from her spasming, grasping throat, spitting another wad of come against the
back of her mouth, making her gag and cough, her whole body retching as I let
go of her hair, my cock in hand, spitting its fluid against Amy's nose, then
her forehead and hair as she doubled up, her whole body shaking as she
retched, spitting up globs of my sperm onto the rough, dirty carpet, her
hands held under her as she gasped helplessly for breath even as I dumped the
rest of my come in her tangled blonde hair.
I sagged against the bed, sat down, as I watched Amy, sweet, abused Amy,
retch and gasp on the floor. Her hands were on the ground, her knees still
bent under her, as she coughed and spit, drool and come hanging from her
swollen lower lip as she kneeled there. I wish I had had a camera--it was
beautiful. It wasn't enough, though. The bitch had to learn who was in
charge here. "Lick it up," I said.
She turned her head to look at me, still down on her knees, her hands still
supporting her upper body as she leaned forward, her sleep-t hanging from her
body. She was gorgeous, with her kinky blonde hair stringing across her
face, strands of my come pulling them together, more of my come dripping down
from her left cheek and nose, spilling across her slightly parted lips, her
lower lip on the right side swollen now. She looked like a battered, abused,
used angel, those big blue eyes wet and shiny as they gazed at me for a
second before she lowered her head to the ground like a cat getting ready to
drink, her small pink tongue darting out to touch the pool of come and saliva
beginning to soak into the dull brown short shag carpet.
She did it slowly, dragging her tongue across the floor, across the puddle of
fluids, her body moving with her breath, her head sliding back and forth as
she licked my come from the ground. I stood, stripping quickly, my cock
already beginning to harden as I watched this gorgeous piece of meat
Naked now, I grabbed her by that sexy hair again, pulling her head up until
she was kneeling again, sitting on her haunches, her knees wide apart. I
released her and stood before her as she looked up at me, my belt folded in
two dangling from my right hand, swallowing once, twice in the silence. I
stepped forward and grabbed her t between her breasts, yanking it off her
unresisting body, only her eyes following me as I stepped back to admire her.
She was naked, kneeling before me, her face battered and bruised, her hair
coated with my come, her tits, those perfect, round mounds of flesh, jutting
forward like sacrifices, her sex peaking obscenely from behind her sparse
blonde pubic hair, her inner thighs slick with the juices leaking from her
"Who's the boss?" I said. I waited. Silence. She just looked up at me,
defiance shining in those bright blue eyes. My hand whipped out, the belt
whistling through the air, and she gasped, her body hunching as the sound of
leather against flesh resounded in the room, her tit jiggling, its side
turning bright red where I had struck it, her hand s covering it
"Who's the boss?" I repeated, and waited while she straightened up, her tits
pushing out again, a dark red mark shining on the outside of her left breast,
defiance and fear and pain shining those gorgeously big eyes. I whipped the
belt through the air again, the flat of the leather striking her other
breast, making her jerk and her hands leap to protect her tit-flesh. She
hunched like that for long seconds, and when she looked straightened up I
could see tears of pain in her eyes, but the bitch still wasn't broken.
It was such a fucking turn on, this little game she was playing, this battle
of wills she was forcing. I had just raped the bitch's throat, had slapped
the crap out of her, had watched as she licked up her own saliva and my come
from her carpet, and she was still defying me. I quivered with suppressed
lust and rage, my cock hardening again as I looked down at her. The best,
though, the fucking best was the way her cunt betrayed her, the way it leaked
and drooled in her own lust at what I was doing to her, the goddamned slut,
the goddamned whore.
"Tell me..." I said, watching her as she stared at me, defiant. I raised the
belt, watching as she clenched her fists by her side, her eyes snapping shut
as she waited for it to strike, to pound into her waiting tits. I stepped
forward quickly and swung my leg forward, kicking at her exposed sex, meeting
it with a thwap of flesh against flesh as I kicked that soft, wet mass of
flesh with the top of my foot, splattering her sex juices over my foot and
her thighs as her eyes snapped open, her body jack-knifing in agony as she
let out a hoarse yell, her thighs snapping shut and her hands covering her
groin. I saw her shudder as she began to rock in agony, and it was more than
I could take. I grabbed the bitch's hair and dragged her moaning, shaking
body up straight, forcing her perfect tits out, framed by her arms as they
reached toward her groin, protecting it.
I slammed the belt wildly across her tits, making her choke and sob in pain
as I yelled raggedly at her, "Tell me your fucking coming, bitch, tell me
your fucking coming," whipping her tits with a fury as she shuddered
convulsively beneath me, her tits jiggling and jerking as she twisted her
torso back and forth, unwilling to lift her hands from her groin as I beat on
her tits.
"AHHHHH," she moaned, her slender, taut body quivering, her fingers digging
into her throbbing cunt-meat, the sound of my belt across her tits a wicked
sound of pain, "I'm...ahhh...uhg...I''m...coming," she gasped
out as I released her hair, watching as she folded to the ground, her fingers
still dug into her cunt meat, soaked with her come, her thighs slick with it
as she quivered on her side, her face hidden by her hair, soft moans and
pants the only sounds in the room.
I watched Amy, slut Amy, until she stopped shaking, until her fingers relaxed
over her cunt and she lay still. "Who's the boss?" I asked.
"You are," she said, not bothering to move, and I smiled.
I sat there for a minute, looking at Amy, sweet, slutty Amy, her long,
gorgeous, strong legs bent slightly at the knees as she rested on her side,
her elbows supporting her close to the ground, her face hidden by the veil of
her hair. My cock throbbed as I looked down at her there, laying on the
floor, knowing that I was going to take that beautiful creamy white body and
use it for my pleasure again and again.
"You're quite a slut, aren't you, Amy?" I said. "Aren't you?"
"Yes." She said it in a flat, defeated monotone, not bothering to look up at
me. God she was turning me on just seeing her like that--broken, beaten. I
decided to have a little fun.
"Tell me you're a slut."
"I'm a slut."
"A cock-hungry, writhing, crawling, begging cunt."
"I'm a cock-hungry, writhing, crawling, begging cunt." She choked on the
last word, the rest delivered as if she didn't care anymore.
I decided to change tacks. "How many guys you let fuck you're slutty cunt,
Amy?" I asked, my hand idly stroking my cock as I gazed down at her prone
form. She had rolled onto her belly, her head buried in her arms.
"Three. I let three guys fuck my slutty cunt." It came out muffled. I saw
her shoulders jerk as she answered.
"How many times, Amy? How many times you let them fuck you?"
There was a pause, and I heard a sob. "T...ten. Twelve. I don't know."
"A slut like you, only fucked ten, twelve times?" I whistled softly. "I'd
figure you'd be hopping on cock like a kangaroo, you little whore." I
paused, gazing down at her, keeping my cock hard with my hand, feeling it
grow a bit numb even as I thought about how humiliating this was for Amy,
sweet, whorish Amy, having to tell me all about her past sex life.
"You suck them off with your slutty mouth, Amy? Did you?" I asked.
Another sob. "One of them. Once."
"Once what?"
"Once...once I sucked one of them off with my slutty mouth."
"You swallow slut?"
"That's no good. Sluts should always swallow. And you're a slut, aren't
you Amy?"
She sobbed again. "Yes. I'm a slut."
I smiled down at her back. "You ever been fucked up the ass, Amy?"
I watched as she raised herself up, curling her legs under her until she was
sitting before me like a supplicant, her long hair wild about her face,
sticking to her lips, her face beautifully battered, her eyes wet and wide
and so blue, her breasts framed by her arms, pushing forward like an
offering, their creamy white flesh marked red by the belt. "No," she said, a
trace of fear touching her voice.
"Don't you think sluts should get fucked in the ass, Amy?" I smiled
wolfishly at her, loving the way her lower lip quivered as she realized what
I was aiming at.
"No," she said softly, almost a plea, staring straight into my eyes.
A thrill flowed through my body and I took my hand from my cock and leaned
toward her. "Wrong answer Amy. Give me the one I want to hear."
She stared at me. I waited. Her lips moved, and then she whispered, "Oh
god. Oh god. Please. Don't. Please."
I shook my head, watched as she swallowed once, twice, before she said what I
wanted to hear. "Sluts. Like. Me. Should. Get. Fucked. In. The. Ass."
I let the word sink in, waited for her eyes to drop, an idea springing into
my mind I looked at her, my cock throbbing relentlessly. "No. Sluts like
_Amy_ ." I saw her whole body shiver as I spoke, knowing that she knew I was
reducing her to no more than an object, that I was forcing her to see herself
that way, to speak of herself that way, as an other, someone, something
outside herself.
"Sluts like Amy should get fucked in the ass," she repeated for me, and I
nodded, even though she couldn't see me.
"Give me your wrists," I said, sliding off the bed to my knees, my belt in my
hand as she presented her wrists to me, together. Mine, I though, all mine
as I bound her wrists with the belt, pulling it tight around that soft white
flesh. When I was done I grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her face to
the ground, forcing her to kneel with her ass in the air, pulling those
gorgeous white thighs apart, pulling her bound wrists between her knees, her
body folded for my use, her ass and swollen cunt gaping into the air as I
positioned myself behind her, watching the side of her face as she stared off
into space, waiting for what I was about to do to her body.
Her ass was sweet, two full mounds of muscular white meat pulled taut across
her bones, warm to my touch as I ran my hands over them. Her small,
puckered, brown anus peeked up at me, her buttocks pulled away from it, her
cunt mound nestled below, swollen and wet. I pushed myself against her, my
right leg between hers, my cock pressing up against her left buttocks, my
right hand reaching down to her cunt, sliding two fingers into that sopping
mass of flesh.
I leaned over to her ear, sawing my fingers into her cunt, feeling her body
jerk slightly as I twisted them around in her dripping passage. "Tell me you
want me to fuck you in the ass, Amy."
She whimpered as I jabbed her cunt again with my fingers, juices beginning to
run down my wrist and her thighs. She worked her mouth and said,
"Fu...fu...fuck me...fu...fuck me in the--"
"No!" I said sharply, yanking my fingers violently from her cunt and slapping
her ass, making her jump as it smacked down on her taut flesh, making it
"Ohhh god," she moaned as I slipped my fingers back into her box, "fuck Amy
in the ass. Assfuck Amy." Her ass was swaying and humping as she moaned
shamelessly, begging for it.
"Good cunt," I said, jamming my fingers back into her snatch, watching as she
jerked and moaned and begged while I worked her cunt until she started
gasping quick, short gasps. I pulled my fingers out of her sopping cunt and
grabbed her hips with both hands, my cock hard as iron and aimed right for
that sweet box.
"Don't stoooopppp," she whined, making that full, sweat ass shiver in need.
I slapped her ass hard. "What does Amy need?"
"Amy needs to cooommmeee," she moaned as my cock pushed against her swollen
labia. "Fuck Amy, fuck Amy, fuck Aaaahhhh," she chanted as I slid my cock
into that tight, hot sheath of a cunt. The bitch was to hot, so needy, so
slutty I almost let loose and pounded that grasping, churning cunt until I
came, but the sight of her tiny bud of an anus, that small brown sphincter,
kept me from it, kept me to my plan as I sawed in and out of her cunt, my
cock feeling like it was going to explode as her flesh tried to milk it of my
"Where does Amy need my cock?" I asked.
She whimpered, knowing the answer I wanted, not wanting me even now to do it.
"Please..." she started, but I slapped her ass hard, making her gasp at the
sudden pain. "Oh god Amy needs it...needs it in the...the...ass."
I yanked my cock from her ass, slick and smooth from her cunt juices, and
lodged it against that tiny bud of her asshole, loving the way her body shook
and the whimpers coming from her throat. I started pushing, slowly,
relentlessly, slapping her ass in rhythm to Amy's, sweet, fucked Amy's,
whimpers. The sight of it, of my cockhead pushing against her white, pure
flesh, pushing the flesh of her ass inward, driving toward her bowels as she
kneeled, bounds, beneath me, made my blood boil. I slapped her ass harder,
her whimpers turning into pants of pain as I felt her ass begin to give.
"Ahhh...ahhh...hurtsssssss...oh god...hurtsssssss....ahhh...ahhh...ahhh
god...stop stopstopnomorehurtscan'ttakeitohgodohgodohgodaaaaahhhhhhhh..." the
bitch blubbered as my cockhead slid into that incredible ass of hers. Every
nerve on my body seemed to be alive, pleasure and pain radiating from my cock
as I leaned into her ass, my cock sliding into her inch by inch, every inch
sending jagged shards of pleasure racing down my cock and through my body,
every inch making the slut beg and whine and moan louder, her pretty face
contorting into a beautiful mask of agony.
I sunk all the way into that incredible tightness, that incredible sheath of
her ass, hot and tight and squeezing like I could never have imagined--I
would have shot my load right there if I hadn't let one off down her throat
earlier. I held the cunt there, impaled on my cock, her whole body shaking
and quivering in pain, my cock buried up to my balls in her ass, helpless
moans and cries spilling from that hot little mouth.
I slapped her ass. "Tell me to fuck you, bitch."
god...fuck's....oh god no nonono...oh god fuck Amy's ass oh
god...please please fuck Amy's ass."
"Keep it up whore," I hissed, dragging my cock from the depths of her ass,
watching as her sphincter clung to it, pulled on it, the flesh distending as
it gripped my cock like a vise, making me shudder in pleasure even as Amy,
sweet, whorish Amy, moaned in pain, mouthing profanities.
"Slut," I hissed, shoving my cock into her excruciatingly tight hole, forced
to go slow through the sheer friction of her ass sheath, the sensations of
fucking this sweet piece of ass making my toes curl as she shivered and
sobbed in pain beneath me. In and out I shoved my cock, assfucking Amy,
sweet seductive Amy, practically driving my cock straight down into her
distended asshole, my mind clouding with pleasure and that sweet lust-filled
rage which fucking Amy seemed to bring to me, making me want to make her
scream and beg and writhe beneath me as I fucked her.
I slammed down into the bitch, feeling something give in her ass, her mouth
opening in a wide O, a choking sob escaping her throat as her ass eased up
and I began fucking her brutally, yanking my cock from her bowels like I
wanted to rip them from her body before slamming it back into her, my balls
slapping wetly against her drooling snatch, each outward pull making her moan
and shake in agony, each inward thrust making her grunt like a fucking
animal, like a fucking sobbing piece of meat.
I drilled into her, her shaking, writhing, quivering body making me crazy,
her ass spasming in agony around my cock. Her mewls and grunts and cries and
moans filled my ears, sending me mad with lust. "Fuck. Bitch. Fuck. Fuck.
Whore. Slut." I spat with each thrust into her grasping ass, feeling my
stomach and balls begin to buzz, my cock begin to hum with pleasure.
I grabbed the bitch by the hair and yanked her body up against mine,
thrusting up into her abused ass mercilessly, practically lifting her off her
knees with each thrust, my hand reaching down, shoving aside her dangling,
bound hands, to maul her soft cunt-meat. I dug my fingers into that soft
flesh, my nails tearing at her labia and her clit, her whole body beginning
to shake as I cursed her, her head lolling loose over my shoulder,
inarticulate grunts and sobs and cries jabbering from her drooling mouth.
I let go of her hair and reached around and grabbed one of those bouncing,
taut-skinned tits, squeezing hard as I felt my whole groin and cock ablaze
with pleasure, my fingers in her cunt scratching and clawing at her swollen
clit and cunt-meat. Amy shuddered; the bitch shuddered, a keening, inhuman
wail escaping her throat, and I felt her stomach ripple, her cunt spitting
juices down her thighs to splatter against the floor, her whole body shaking
like a seizure as the cunt came with my cock in her ass, my cock buried deep
in her grasping, spasming, clutching ass.
I couldn't take it, I couldn't take any more of this hot bitch coming on my
cock, gripping it, milking it, and I spewed my come deep into her bowels,
groaning in pleasure, my cock pumping and pumping and pumping my come into
her sweet sucking ass while she keened and wailed and shook against me. It
seemed to stretch out forever, my cock pumping and throbbing and spitting and
sending pleasure racing through my nerves while Amy, sexy Amy, bucked and
writhed and twisted in my grasp, her cunt spasming on nothing while she came
and came and came.
Finally I came down from my high, my fingers unclenching from her tit and
cunt meat, my body losing its rigidity, the sexual haze lifting from my mind
to be replaced by a certain lassitude. She was still coming on my cock, now
moaning weakly and thrashing her head slowly back and forth. I pushed her
off my cock, watched as she fell on her face, her knees sliding down until
she was laying flat on her stomach, her legs still spread, her asshole gaping
obscenely, her sphincter covered with bright red blood.
I glanced down at my cock, hard and glistening with her blood and the fluid
in her bowels. I staggered on my knees over to the bitch's head, pulling her
head up by her hair, forcing her slowly, agonizingly, to her knees, forcing
her to take my cock, covered with her fluids, into her mouth. I winced as
she cleaned it, without protest, without hesitation, her soft, warm, wet
mouth cleaning her blood and shit and juice from my cock and balls.
I pushed her away when she was done, shoving her face to the ground, leaving
her bent at the waist, the side of her face pressed into the rug, her ass
jutting into the air like and offering, her wrists still bound, her beautiful
blue eyes dulled with shock and sensation, her lips puffy and drooling. I
stood, dressed, and stepped to the door.
My hand on the doorknob, I turned to Amy, sweet, slutty Amy, laying on the
floor, used, abused, beaten and cruelly fucked, and said, "One A.M., this
door is unlocked. You are on your knees, naked, in the center of the room,
knees apart." I looked my Amy, my new toy Amy, before opening the door,
stepping outside, and closing it behind me.
When I first met Amy she was just 16 in high school with me. At that time she was only 5' 2" and weighed less than 100 lbs. Her tits were flat fried eggs and her butt was cute and small. She has red hair and lots of freckles with green eyes. I could tell the first time I met her that she really fell for me and we became a couple right away. We ended up taking each other's virginity about three months after we met. Amy never had sex with another man before me and never wanted to. When she hit 18...
Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...
I turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something." "You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and...
I was eighteen at the time when a young single mother moved into our neighborhood and I was quite attracted to her. She was twenty five, looked eighteen even with a two year old and had a really hot body, so hot I knew instantly I had to try and get with her. She moved in down the street from my family into a two bedroom rancher that she was buying, so I went down to offer my services to her and she put me right to work. Her name was Amy and I spent the day with her helping her unpack, watching...
LesbianThe frost-coated dull black ships sat lifeless, their phallic noses pointing skywards as if to punctuate an erotic black fantasy. A dozen giant Negro clones, each lying on his back with his dark manhood erect, complete with bulging testicles of engines and fuel, as you might expect. Hairless though. Shaved and primped, ready and waiting in the pre-dawn chill. As the day slowly awoke, and sunlight melted the white frost from the tops of the towers, people started to arrive at the adjoining...
Amy Tate is 26yrs. mother of 7yrs Angel Amy always drives Angel to school but never stops to notice the other mothers. Wensday morning just like any other but Amy walks Angel to her class room then as she passes the restrooms she is assaulted and dragged inside. There are Mary Jo, Ashlee and Helen all about the same age all bored house wife's to big money hubbies. Today they want to teach Amy a lesson so here they attack her tearing her cloth from her body and pulling and twisting her...
There was this girl. The elevator opened on eleven and I got in. She must’ve been coming down from twelve, or the offices in the penthouse. It used to be a restaurant. Now it’s a real estate office for the condos in the building. I could tell where she was going, since I could, I’m sorry to say, smell it on her. I’m a recovering smoker, so I picked up on it pretty quickly. I hadn’t seen this girl here before, so I did my normal for any beautiful woman I’m put into a close quarters situation...
"Are you sleeping, Amy?" His voice was soft, caressing my ears like his hand moving along my spine. "Mmmm..." I just sighed, keeping my brown eyes closed and giving Sam a little smile that he probably couldn't see. My hair was all over the place, too long, too black, and just too ... Much. He liked my hair though, so I didn't mind. I was face down on his bed, the way I liked to spend my Sunday afternoons and I guessed the football game was over, or maybe it was just halftime. Yeah,...
My parents split up when I was about 8, and when I was 12 my mom moved me and my sister from down south to the midwest. My dad wasn't too awful upset about it, he had just gotten remarried and had focused most of his attention, and I'm sure his energy, into my new stepmother. Thus started my yearly visits back "home" in the summer. Every year, I would spend a month or two at my dad's house. He worked most of the time I was there so I spent most of my time watching Monty Python or reading in his...
I was in a club with friends. I was at the bar taking a break from dancing when I noticed a young woman starring at me from the other side. I smiled, she winked and I decided to go over to talk to her.I introduced myself and she just said " Amy." She then said " would you like to join me?"" Yes I would love to." There was no seat so I squeezed in next to her. Her crossed bare knee was touching my stomach. She had on a little tight black dress and I was wearing a tight blue strapless leather...
The Acolyte kneels on the stone steps of the altar where she has been left. Her eyes are glassy from the tincture she was given, something to help ease her into her new life in service of the god. Under the plain linen robe she was wrapped in her breasts rose and fell with her breath anxiously, her nipples rubbing themselves to hardness and aching on the texture of the fabric constraining them. She feels as though she has waited hours, as though her fatigue might steal her consciousness, when...
FantasyGenre: Situational Comedy The story is about three friends representing various classes of society through their profession. One friend is police inspector, one is lawyer and the other is journalist. All the three are college time friends. After getting busy with their respective professional lives, they met once in a week at a particular place and share their personal and professional experience with each other. In one of their meetings, police officer is awaited by other two. When he...
I was twenty, in my last year at university and had just broken up with my high-school girlfriend, who we shall call Jennifer. Jenny was from a Christian family and, while we had obviously fooled around a lot, she had always been reluctant to have sex and I cared enough about her to respect that. And yes, I know what you’re probably thinking: “twenty year old virgin, har har”, but I’m not ashamed and, believe me, I’ve more than made up for it since! At the time I was living in a shared house...
I walk into the kitchen and see you baking some cakes. All the mixtures over the table and work tops. I come quietly up behind you as you are concentrating on what you are doing and humming a song. I get right behind you and can smell your perfume mixed with the baking smell. I put my hands around you and cup your full breasts and pull you back top me and nuzzle your neck. You gasp and sigh. I turn you round and we start to kiss I can taste some of the cake flavoring. My one hand moves on to...
Lacy Cunningham sat down on her bed in utter frustration. "I don't have a single thing to wear to the party!" she said aloud. This was going to be the first real office Christmas party she had ever attended and she had nothing suitable to wear!Lacy had been working for the investment firm Matheson and Grable for almost a year now, having left her previous company when they wouldn't entertain the idea of advancing her.Lacy had all the prerequisites for becoming a Certified Financial...
Straight SexWe had been married almost 10 years. Sex had never been a giant factor in our lives. We were both older when we married and my husband, Tom, had had many years of prostrate problems that made things a bit of a challenge in that department. His doctor offered him Viagra that created some opportunities but no raving successes, until… We had recently bought a house and he decided that we should celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this house. He planned the whole thing. He bought the food and...
The following day after my first time as I was walking to school my teacher picked me up. In the car he asked if I was alright with what happened the day before. I looked up and started to cry telling him I felt so much like a girl and I was so happy being his girlfriend. He put his arm around me and told me saying he was happy to be my boyfriend. We continued our relationship all that school year and the following summer. He bought me many many girls’ outfits which he kept at his house (he was...
Friday 15-June 2007 Tonight was the big night, the Year-Eleven dance. It was hardly worth trying to do any schoolwork; it seemed that no one could focus. It kind of struck Chris as funny; somehow he seemed to be a little out of touch with all the excitement. Yes, he was looking forward to it, but no, it wasn't the end of the world. He listened to them all talking about it: the boys discussing who might get laid or who might take booze or drugs along, the girls talking about who was going to...
We go for night out in Newcastle, me, you, my boyfriend and a group of friends. We end up at a bar, it’s a bit crowded and music is fairly loud. We have a tall table in the corner of the room; we are all stood round it. You’re stood in the corner my boyfriend opposite you, me to your left and your girlfriend and a few friends to the right. I have a short red skirt on, red lipstick and high heels. I lean to you and tell you I have no knickers on, as I slowly move my hand under the table and grab...
Однажды нам с супругой написал наш постоянный клиент и попросил приехать на встречу. Приехав, на следующий день в ресторан, и пообщавшись с ним, мы узнали, что их компания отмечает юбилей, и он хочет с нашей помощью поздравить троих своих компаньонов. Цена, предложенная им за спектакль с нашим участием, была достаточно высокой, но узнав эксклюзивные условия заказа, мы поняли, за что нам заплатят такие деньги, и обсудив сценарий, согласились на эту встречу.Через несколько дней мы приехали в его...
Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50's, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn't. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...
First TimeHer name is Sowmiya and she is a good looking girl with good assets. This happened when I was in class 12. Well sowmiya is actually not a girl with whom you can have fun. She is a bit of a nerd type. And she doesn’t have that much attitude also. I never used to talk to her that much because I never found her attractive until this incident. So one day we had games period. Even the juniors had games. So sowmiya and her friends were playing basketball and I was just watching them play standing in...
"Are you leaving without notice?" Shelly asked. Her eyes looked like she was about to burst out crying. There was worry and misgivings all over her face. She was about to sign another contract to add a second bar to serve drinks, remodel the stage, build yet another wing to handle the overflow, more booths, chairs and tables. The capacity was eight hundred and she was getting over a thousand on weekends when Erin performed. Losing her certainly meant this place would be become a large...
For over the last two decades, I've had many housekeepers and cleaning ladies. Most of them working either part-time every day or just a couple of hours a week. My (now ex-) wife has never been aware of my mindset regarding the ladies. She'd even recruit them, most of the time. Not that I didn't want to be part of the selection process but I just wanted to let odds decide, in a way. Did I treat the ladies wrong? Never. Did I pay them well? Always above market standards. But I did play a game...
The following story is a re worked version of another story featuring Chloe Moretz. The original can be read here: deleted
This story is fantasy as far as actual relations with another person. The statements about my abilities and desires are true. For some this relationship is common; for me it is strictly a dream. ****************************************** ***** As I do several times a week, I walked downtown to the Post Office to check my mailbox. I tend to 'size up' almost all of the females I see. If I see one especially good looking, and especially in a dress or summer apparel that shows lots of leg or torso,...
Glamour babe Jessa Rhodes has got some dirty desires while chatting with John Strong. Charles Dera is observing the conversation from afar when suddenly that absolutely breath-taking hottie takes off her top and reveals her big round titties to the two gentlemen. She bends forward and starts sucking John Strong’s enormous dick while stretching that peach-like firm ass of hers. Charles Dera can’t resist that amazing butt and starts sniffing her pink before sticking his tongue into...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is Sahil back with what happened next. For those who are reading this for the first time, please read the part -1. Coming back to the sex story, all of us were having chit chat in ana’s room. It was winter and all us were sitting all round the bed with a single blanket covering us. Ana was sitting adjacent to me. I was intentionally rubbing her thighs with my legs, as she was already in her track pants which sticks tight to her figure. She was literally shivering of this. This was...
There was once a boy named Ian lived in a remote town where did nothing. He longed to have her first time, love and conquer the world.Each passing day makes me very difficult to know if someday my love. Evenings will make me eternal. There used to believe in love until I met Alex an attractive and handsome boy. I met a very rainy night, that day tried to end my life. I had problems with myself. I feared my family. At school everyone hated me for different reasons. I knew if anyone would know...
Counter-suit Operations The former fat man who was sometimes known as Hugo, who had formerly run the Pink Pussycat club, had gone to ground for a while. He had gone straight to a bolthole where he had changed out of his Marianne Bletchley suit. The authorities would be looking for her and would want to question her as soon as they had realised their mistake. The bolt hole, a lock-up garage under some railway arches, had just two rooms. The larger workshop area had a make-up table, a...
"I wish Cat was into guys."Robbie felt nothing but grogginess as he woke up. After turning over a few inches, however, he certainly felt the floor as he toppled out of bed. Apparently, he was sl*eping on the very edge already."Good job, dummy.""Dammit, Rex! I thought you hated that word.""Only when it applies to me. Your dumb ass, on the other hand, it’s right on."Even without a body, Robbie was still haunted by the all too familiar voice of his puppet, and this morning felt like the worst yet....
After the meeting broke up, Tammy went up to Bob. “Thank you for including me in your meeting and vote. I’m not really a family member, but I appreciate the gesture.” “Tammy! You have become as much family as any of us. Of course, you get a vote. Plus, you are here most of the time with the kids; you’ll be a star of the show along with the babies.” Tammy blushed, “Oh, dear, I hadn’t thought about that side of things.” Bob hugged the slightly older woman. “You’ll do fine. Just forget that...
It was Thursday night at the local watering hole his parents so often frequented. It was ‘all-you-can-eat chicken’ night. It was generally the only night his parents ever invited their eighteen-year-old son to join them, since it precluded having to prepare dinner at home. Other parents seemed to have adopted the same regimen. As his parents joined the others in getting shit-faced drunk, the kids would shoot pool, play darts, drink sodas and chat. The place was a combination bar, hotel and...
Hey iss readers and writers kya haal hai?mera naam hai bilal aur mai lahore(pakistan) me rehta hoon age meri 17 hai aur 1 good looking boy hoon with perfect and nice body complextion mera normal hai slim hoon and 1 achi family se belong karta hoon me ne 15 din pehle iss pe visit kiya to kamal site thi to me ne socha q na apna 1 real and smart sa sex and 1st sex expirence share karoon ap k sath lahore ki koi bhi girl aur aunty mujh se chat kar sakti hai friendship kar sakti hai and all about...
When Michael awoke in his new bed in the mobile home settled next to his aunt's house he struggled to shake the cobwebs from his mind. As his mind cleared he recalled the night before. The night with his cousin, Fiona, and for a moment he feared that it had all been a very vivid dream. However, when he turned on his side and saw Fiona's smiling face as she sat on the edge of the bed he knew that the previous night hadn't been a dream. Fiona looked even more beautiful than the last time Michael...
IncestThe other guys dick is a bit shorter than mine so you manage to fit a bit more of it in your mouth. I'm on pussy duties and make damn sure every thrust goes deep and hard. I say to our stunt cock "Holy Fuck! Look at her arse. It's just about fucking perfect". He opens his eyes looks at your arse, groans and says "Fuck yeah, I'd love to try out that tight shit hole." He looks down at you with his raw cock sliding in and out of your mouth. "Baby, can I Fuck your ass?" You let his stiff dick out...
We sat quietly in our car at the hotel car park for a few minutes. Though neither of us spoke we knew exactly what the other was thinking; we may have only been married three years but we had lived together for five years before that. We knew each other very well. Becky and I could be at different ends of a room and from just a glance we knew what the other one was thinking; we were that close. We may not have been at opposite ends of the room now but there was a lot of distance between us as...
CuckoldMy wife and I had been camping at this site for quite a few years and had met many people over that time. This time though, one particular couple gained our fancy. They were a little younger than us but had many of the same interests and especially sexual interests. They liked hiking so one day my wife went on a hike with the woman why her husband and I stayed at the camp site. The two of us talked for a while then the it turned to sex and this is when it got interesting. It turned out...
The Sisterhood Conspiracy By Ender Feeling just a little tipsy, but extremely excited, were the newlyweds Jacob and Sophia. For a couple years they dated. Then after a romantic night in their favorite riverside restaurant, Jacob got down on one knee and proposed to her. Six months later they got married at a lovely spot along a beautiful lake. Now after many hours of partying, the two stood before each other in front of their hotel room. While both silently looked into each...
Off to dinner. April came to hug Kona and told us to go away. I found six cars and two minivans in the drive when I got back to the mansion. Inside I heard talking from the dining room. Inside I saw eight sets of adults sitting dressed around the table. Everyone under eighteen was naked and sitting on a towel. I’m sure Yuki has some magic potion that works on adults too. You fucked like rabbits most of last night and today, yet these naked teens have your juices flowing. “Ah, there you...
Amrita Ghosh is a hijabi wife, teacher and a mother of 2 k**s, however, this is just the start of who this Indian bitch is since she is the above only when her husband is around. Her other side is a wild, sex-crazy MILF with a massive, seat-swallowing ass that covered 2 guys when she sat on their knees during orgies at the school she worked in. Amrita's size attracted many as her figure-hugging abaya gave onlookers a great view.The Indian MILF wife was always jumping from dick to dick after her...
Narrated by Bhawna Hi, main Bhawna, aaj ki kahani meri zubani. Pichle baar apne dekha ki kaise sham ki daaru aur pizza ke baad main Shobha aur Akash living room mein ek choti si sex ka khel khele. Living ki floor par hum teeno teen kutto ki tarah sex ka maza le rahe the. Is choti si khel ke baad main aur Shobha ek bar jhad chuke the. Lekin shayad us tablet ka sachme asar tha jaisa ki Shobha ne batayi thi. Meri choot mein ajeeb si aag ubal rahi thi. Mann ho rahi thi ki aaj raat se kal subah tak...
I am a member of a men’s group. We meet every month to talk, play cards, drink and do all those things a group of men do when there are no women around. There are fifteen of us in the group; all around the mid thirty to mid fifties age range. We always meet in Simon’s house. He is fifty, single, and owns a secluded old manse and chapel He has decked out the chapel with seating, fancy lighting, an amazing sound system, even a projector for the films/TV We often play games and bet on them. I...
There is no better way to spend Halloween than sitting round a camp-fire deep in the woods, drinking home-made hooch and telling scary stories, legends of dark deeds and ghostly ghouls. It was something that started with his grandparents when George was a child, and while it was then soft-drinks and tame tales, that sense of awe and wonder grew strong in the young boy's mind.The tradition continued through adolescence growing from family trips, to grandfather/grandson excursions and on to...
Supernatural“People can commit many sins. But the most grievous sins of all are the sins of not knowing your true self, and even worse, of fearing it.” Dr Sandor Kardos Part One: Dr Kardos The unexpected arrival, nine months previously, of an itinerant Hungarian psychologist had produced an unfamiliar mélange of suspicion and curiosity among the inhabitants of Puente de Almas, a relatively small, off-the-beaten-track town nestling discreetly in the picturesque folds and foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees...
SupernaturalStory by ChenFuko is a Busty JAV idol who is known for her enormous beautiful breasts that could bring even the strongest of men to their knees. Like most Japanese women, she was tired of Japanese men and had a desire to go see the world and see other men. Specifically white men. After a successful career of modeling in Japan, Fuko had decided to pursue her career interests in the United States where she really wanted to be. After about a week of searching, she was brought on to be a part of an...
well as with the ist part,dad worked nights leaving mum and me alone in the evenings, s the weeks went by her flashing was getting more obvious to me ,so i thought i would play the same game,she went up for a shower,and came down in a loose top with no bra on and a short skirt,she had tights on ,and she went to sit in her chair,so i said im going for a shower,after i came out i just put on a pair of my tight shorts which left nothing to the imagination,and i went into the lounge,and sat...
Hi dear ISS readers. First of all, thank you for showing such an enormous love for my story. I would like to thank you guys for reading my story. I’ve got 480+ emails from the readers appreciating me for the first two parts of my story. Thanks for your love and encouragement. Recap: After finishing a good threesome sex session, we three were relaxing and were chit-chatting with each other and then the phone rang. It was Madan. As Madan calling Rajitha is common. So we laughed and simply ignored...
Hey friends and this is Ashwin with a new adventure of sex with Sneha aunty. Thanks for you all guys for rating my previous story Sex Drive with Sneha Aunty and for sending your comments via e-mails. Well, let’s begin with the story as Sneha aunty has made me her boy and she helped me in all the aspects whether it was economic or anything because she did not only love me sexually but also heartily. I can say I was her first affair after her marriage after the happy summer holidays it was time...
JAVTsunami! Nobody does porn quite like the Japanese. That nation pumps that shit out as though it were its main fucking export. Seriously, there are more amateur, professional, and homemade videos coming out of there than anywhere else that I can think of aside from maybe India. But, still, the production quality of JAV porn is next fucking level. The hard part is finding a good source for the shit that isn’t going to cost you an arm and a leg. I know you cucks don’t have the money to pay for...
Asian Porn SitesDON’T ASK ME how we slept. I just know I woke up with my cock still wedged just inside Melody’s entrance and clamped tightly between her legs. I think I must have been hard all night. Melody shifted and I sank a little deeper. She moaned. I held my breath and started describing each of the two hundred plus pictures of water lilies by Monet in my head. “We could just...” she whispered as I pinched her nipple. “Wouldn’t be fair,” I answered. “But it’s all so perfect.” “Remind me to sleep...
John's Gift by: Prudence Walker Chapter four He was gentle, as if testing the waters, and I didn't pull away because I needed to see how I felt about kissing a guy. This was something that would happen again if I was going to have any sort of relationship in my life. It felt sort of nice and I could feel my body reacting to the stimulus. My nipples hardened and I could feel the heat build up between my legs, as my knees seemed to weaken. At this point I wasn't a...
My slumber was disturbed before the dawn, by somebody energetically bouncing upon the bed, nearly tossing me upon the floor. Once my eyes started to focus, I beheld my wife, and Linda, smiling sunburst smiles, and leaning to the whispered briefing that Britney, still naked, was providing. I rolled over, attempting to regain blissful slumber, but it was not to be. Britney’s tale was interrupted from time to time by muted squeals of “Oh, he didn’t!”, and “Five times? Really!”, and similar...
When Ivy Wolfe overhears Carter Cruise on the phone, she realizes her sister is into girls. Deciding to play a trick on her, she pens a letter and forges the signature stating that it’s from her lover. She gives it to Carter and walks away smiling. The letter asks Carter to be ready at midnight, to have the back door open and the lights off. When Ivy walks into the room at the appointed hour she whispers to Carter in order to make sure she doesn’t blow her cover. Carter has followed...
xmoviesforyouChapter Seven: I Spy.....Several hours had passed since I had the amazing experience of having a girls lips wrapped around my cock and sucking, licking and giving me my first ever blowjob in my life. I still, strange as it felt, could feel a slight tingling sensation which I couldn't shake off.The two of us went out for a few hours, shopping for food and things before we returned back to our home. Julia was in the kitchen putting the food away when a phone ran, as I stood at the top of the...
First TimeIt was Cait's dad's birthday and they had just a few friends and relatives over and we had cheese and red wine and when Cait and I went to go to bed it was late and it was just Cait's mom and dad and her aunt Jessica and my mom left, and we went upstairs and into Cait's bathroom and brushed our teeth and then we took a quick shower together and then after the shower I sat down on the bathroom floor and I think I'd had too much wine and not enough to eat that day and then maybe because of the...
I guess I might have been moping through dinner, despite Shirley's kiss. For some reason, it just didn't seem genuine to me; I kept receiving this feeling of disdain from Shirley with regard to my obvious shortcomings as a cook. After dinner, it turned out that Shirley was indeed serious about shopping. In addition, she managed to take over the "boss" position in our relationship. To drive in the point, Shirley insisted that they both dress me, and then I would dress both Wendy and her....
"Oh yeah! Ugh! Fuck me! God, your cock was made for my pussy! Fuck it! Fuck my black pussy!" I was panting, bent over a stool in Allen's basement with my long legs spread and straight to the floor. He was holding my hips, standing behind me and driving his cock into my cunt hard, taking long strokes too, the kind I really love. I could feel him pull back so his swollen cockhead was just at the mouth of my hole and then he'd slam that thick, white penis deep, reaching for my cervix and the...