- 2 years ago
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The frost-coated dull black ships sat lifeless, their phallic noses pointing skywards as if to punctuate an erotic black fantasy. A dozen giant Negro clones, each lying on his back with his dark manhood erect, complete with bulging testicles of engines and fuel, as you might expect. Hairless though. Shaved and primped, ready and waiting in the pre-dawn chill.
As the day slowly awoke, and sunlight melted the white frost from the tops of the towers, people started to arrive at the adjoining laboratory, white coats and suits mingling happily, preparations well under way for the momentous event. Delays for weather and technical hitches were unlikely in the final hours, and nervous chatter filled the operations areas.
Off in one corner of the campus, Amy Webber was unloading the rest of her personal items from the small car, and lugging them through to her new home. They called them apartments, but really they were an integral part of the lab. Her meagre set of belongings failed to fill up the rooms, or even to hide the ever-present technology that surrounded her. Amy had agreed to the arrangements, as they all had, but now the reality of it all was settling on her like a heavy blanket.
Dropping the last of the items inside the door, she was pleasantly surprised to see Seth strolling toward her, his handsomely chiselled face smiling as he approached. She brightened somewhat as she looked at him a little more, and realised that it was worth it. He was worth it. Damn it, so was she.
"Hiya Ames. Can I help with those?"
"No, I'll sort them out later. Give me a kiss instead. I didn't expect to see you this morning."
"Now there's a bargain. No lifting required, and I still get the kiss. I had a few minutes to spare, and thought I should see how you were coping"
"I have to make the most of it, you know. The kissing, I mean. Give me another one."
Seth looked at her then, his eyes sparkling and near tears, though his smile had not disappeared. "Don't talk like that Amy. You've known all along what was going to happen. Don't you want to go through with it?" He watched her worriedly, realising idly that she was still gorgeous, even if she wasn't too happy.
"Oh, of course I do," she reassured him. "It's just not the easiest day."
"Well, I have some news about that. I think it's good, rather than bad. The launch time has been set. We don't lift off until nineteen hundred hours."
"Nineteen hundred? Seven PM, right?"
"You know Ames, you're going to have to get your head around military time, or you'll get in trouble around here."
"Yeah, I will. Just not today. So you'll be gone until when, about five?"
"Yep. You ladies are supposed to meet in the main lounge for lunch, and have a final briefing. I think they want to explain some stuff to you. I'm sure you've heard it all already, but you'd better be there."
"Oh, I will. I haven't seen some of the girls for months. I want to find out what they've been up to."
"I would imagine it would be much the same as us Amy. Getting to know their partners, and resisting the urge to fuck each other stupid."
"Yeah, well today I'm not so ready to jump in the sack with you Seth. No offence, but it's not exactly my romantic fantasy come to life."
"It's alright. When I come back this afternoon, we'll forget the rest of them exist. Promise."
"You will, but what if I can't?"
"You'll be fine. It's just nerves."
"I hope so."
"I know so. Anyway, gotta go. See you at Five."
"Okay then, if you must. Love you."
"You too."
And he went out through the apartment door, and headed back to the lab. Watching his tight butt walking smartly across the grass, Amy knew she wouldn't have any trouble getting in the mood when the time came. God knew she had thought of little else in the last few months.
Seth reappeared at the apartment at exactly Five PM, as Amy knew he would. He strolled back through the open door, turned and closed it behind him, and visibly relaxed.
"Come through to the dining room honey. I've fixed you a drink."
"I'm not allowed any alcohol today, remember."
"Don't worry. It's an iced tea with fruit. Take a seat. The food's nearly ready."
And they sat and chatted for a while, until an electronic beep from the kitchen caused Amy to jump and check on the meal. She returned with two steaming plates, and the two of them demolished it all without speaking. Pushing the plate away from himself as he finished, Seth put his elbows on the table, and rested his head on them, smiling at his love, memorizing her features for later.
"Honey, we had better get moving, or we might be late."
"Okay Seth," she replied. "I'll just get these dishes out of the way and then..."
"No, leave the dishes. You'll have plenty of time later."
"So this is it?"
"This is it. You want to use the bathroom first?"
"Yeah, thanks. You take these plates out then."
"No problem. Yell when you've finished in there."
"Okay. I love you Seth."
"I know. And stop worrying."
"Okay. I'll try."
The bathroom was an electronic marvel in itself, but Amy didn't notice. She used the toilet and had a quick shower, then removed the chart from the cabinet, and placed the dots on her body to exactly match where they were marked on the picture. Standing naked in front of the mirror, she pressed the scan button beside it, and a strong light shone from behind the mirror somehow, and then a robotic voice asked her to turn around. The light eventually disappeared, and the voice returned, confirming that the dots had been correctly placed.
Amy wrapped a large towel around herself, left the bathroom, called to Seth to let him know, and then walked down to the bedroom. This room wasn't filled with obvious technology, but she knew it was there, nonetheless. It looked like any bedroom might, drawers and cabinets, pictures on the walls, a large window looking out onto the nearby lake, and an ornate antique-looking bed against the far wall.
Dropping the towel shyly next to the bed, she quickly placed her small, momentarily cold nakedness between the fresh sheets, and lay still, waiting for Seth to return.
The ever ebullient Seth came strolling into the room towel-less, his short hair bristling in silhouette; his muscled chest tightly packed; his muscled hairy thighs surrounding his manhood, flaccid but interested, swinging jauntily in time with his walk. Amy didn't even notice that he had a set of bright green dots which matched her red ones, engrossed as she was in watching his groin dance.
Throwing himself into the bed, he leaned over and gave his lover a quick peck on the cheek, and then looked at her for a moment. Lying here in the bed, she looked starkly beautiful. Her face without any trace of cosmetics, her long black hair lying neatly either side of her warm dark face, her nervous smile brightening as he watched him watch her.
"You know, I've been thinking about this for so long, I wasn't surprised to see you lying there?"
"I'm pleased you didn't think it should be someone else."
"Oh, it couldn't be, Amy. You and me. It was destined, and you know it."
The scientific reality was a little different however. Amy had applied to the corporation to be included in the project, and her acceptance had only been confirmed when the endless battery of tests had been completed, and she was found to be compatible with one of the pilots. Only then had she met Seth. But as the months rolled by, the computer simulations had proven correct for a change, and the two of them had grown close, neither wishing to part for any longer than necessary.
"You'd best give me one of those famous kisses then, just to prove it."
"Any time, my dear." And he proceeded to kiss her gently on her mouth.
As the familiar sensations whirled within her body, Amy slowly forgot the surroundings, the dots, the flight, everything except the pressure of Seth's lips, and then his tongue, caressing her mouth with a mixture of boyish enthusiasm and mature control. As their tongues entwined gently, and slid silently from his home to hers, only to return just as tenderly, Amy felt a warmth stirring between her legs, and knew that this time there would be no need to hold back.
Pushing Seth gently back on the bed, she climbed on him, straddling his hips with her legs, her knees pressing into his ribs, and lowered her face to his again. As she got reacquainted with his tongue, her hands roamed over his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles under the skin, and the small erect nipples. As she gently wound her fingertips over him, Seth reached up and took her breasts firmly in his own hands. As his thumbs touched her aching nipples, she jumped in shock, a pulse jumping from her breasts to the heat between her legs, and she sighed happily. Moving her hands further down his prostrate body, she rubbed his navel and the curve of his hips, and moved one hand down further, to the dark growth she had seen on his way to the bed, and discovered his erection, large, hard and ready, the tip hot in her hand, the length of it quivering with her caress. His groans as she felt her way along its length were just the encouragement she needed, and she lowered herself down his body until her clitoris and his penis were touching each other, and proceeded to move gently up and down, his hardness providing just the scratch her itch needed. As precum oozed from the tip of him, the friction decreased until the rubbing motion was just right.
Her supple naked body was finding its own rhythm on top of his, her muscles flexing lightly as he continued to stroke her breasts in time with her movements. Feeling she couldn't hold on much longer, and determined that he should erupt inside her, she moved her body up a little more toward his face, and with a little help from her hand, she pushed herself down on him, impaling herself, pulling him inside her, deep and hard, pressing against her cervix with the tip of his hot erection.
Taking hold of his shoulders now, she pulled him sideways and over until she was lying on the bed, and he was prone upon her, his legs between hers as she pulled him in closer, and pulled his head down to kiss him roughly.
"Now Seth. Fill me. Break me."
And Seth started to move his cock in and out, a little at first, and then both the distance and the speed increasing until he was almost withdrawing it completely, and then thrusting it back, accompanied by Amy's thrusts from beneath, and the voiceless press of her fingertips on his shoulders, digging into his skin as her need increased.
Pumping now with ferocious intensity, sweat pouring from his face, he felt a change in the tightness beneath him as Amy began to climax, her vagina clamped around him, and she groaned deep in her throat as her whole body shook. The pressure brought him over the edge, and his body tensed and stiffened above her as he pumped his seed deep within, his body slowing, the muscles relaxing as his penis continued a gradually weakening series of pulses inside her hot tunnel.
As the pulses stopped, he looked down at the genuine smile on Amy's face, and asked her what was so amusing.
"You know Seth, I completely forgot they were watching."
"They weren't really watching Amy. Monitoring, perhaps."
"They might as well have been. Heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature, sweat levels, hormonal counts, timing, brainwaves. If that's not watching, it's the next best thing."
"Well, maybe, but you shouldn't worry about it. Listen, it's time to go."
"Oh, not yet. You must have some more time still."
"No, I have to go. I'd love to stay too, but the mission comes first."
Suddenly Seth was all business again, and he hopped out of bed, gave her one last kiss on the forehead, and returned to the bathroom to wash and dress
Lying alone in bed, Amy reflected that it was a very satisfying goodbye fuck, but she still didn't want him to go. Especially as he wouldn't be back for twenty years, if at all.
As the pilots assembled back in the lab, and final testing of the lifesuits and monitoring equipment began, the ladies gathered slowly in the communal lounge, sad faces and tears the norm, voices quiet and sentences short. They were all thinking the same things, and they were the same things that women had thought for thousands of years when their men went off to explore, protect, fight.
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The next morning was a whirlwind of doing everything the same or similar as Tuesday. Getting up, showering, getting dressed, coffee in the cab. Becky was in a quandary and sat back wondering if this was really her life. She was no longer in control, and was acting on everyone else’s orders and demands. Not that everything was bad. She just wasn’t making any of the choices. She wondered if anybody else went through the same thing. There was a lot of work to do before the day was over and...
BEING DELT WITH By Lisa Jade It is strange how your life has suddenly become such a mess. You still don't fully know how it happened. You turn your gaze from the heavy rain outside the car and look at your beautiful wife Barbara, long black hair, and as always make-up applied to perfection. She is sitting behind the wheel and taking you to your first job in 3 weeks. "It's not my fault that you had to quit your job." You brace yourself for another tongue-lashing, after all how many...
Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...
CuckoldMary and Kim had been friends all through grade school. They’d be graduating and Mary was excited about finishing school. She was saddened by the fact her best friend would be moving away for college. “You look like your dog died. Cheer up!” Kim tossed a small pillow at Mary and Mary grinned. Kim asked to spend the night and Mary’s parents were out of town. She was old enough to have sleepovers without supervision. “I’m bored.” Mary looked over at Kim. She wore an over-sized t-shirt, no bra....
Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is experience of couples same rooms swap. Now coming to the story this is my experience of doing a same room swap with a married couple. Jaya was my college mate who later turned out to be my sex buddy and we...
Then it was my turn to draw a card…..nervously I reached to the top of the pile and lifted the card from the sex board game on the table. “You must masturbate, turn upside down and ejaculate on your own face!” Steve, my very good friend said…"oh yes…this is gonna be awesome!” He was aware that I was a very heavy cummer….”Wait till you see this guys. Bill can shoot a bucket of come. He’s gonna drown himself in his own jizz”. “Not fair”, I said. “I come way too much. And if I flip over, it will...
GaySo.Much.Anal! It’s a common story, there are sex kittens right under our noses and we would never know that beneath their innocent appearance lies a girl hungry for cock. Take for example 21 year old mixed-race cutie Vanessa, she was shy and had a sheltered life: bibles and mandatory church, and a daddy who got mad at her for getting a C once, and everything. She’s super cute, was a good student and even a cheerleader, the very definition of a good girl. But at a tender age, she...
xmoviesforyouWe spent the morning on the beach, swimming lazily in the beautiful blue water, the girls flirting outrageously with me as well as each other.They walked out of the water hand in hand and kissed at the water's edge while I just stood and watched.It was an achingly beautiful scene, almost as if one of the women was kissing her own reflection in a mirror and it made me very sad to think that it had to end soon.But did it? A germ of an idea began to form in my mind, an idea so outrageous, so...
IncestHave you ever had an affair you never intended to have? Ever had a love affair that got off to a bad start, and then proceededto get worse? Ever turned your best buddy into a love slave for you and his sister? Ever wonder how such a dumb thing could possible happen? I've been wondering for years how this story could have happened. Itwas really exciting at the time, but it was also really stupid. If you'restill reading, I have to warn you this story gets into straight, bisexual,and gay sex...
Step daughter Jenna J Ross warns her step mom Jewels Jade not to come into the bathroom while she’s straightening her hair. But really the teen lubes up an anal plug and masturbates with the pink object poking out of her ass like a plastic flower. She fucks herself in the ass and rubs her clit, but her step mom hears her moaning and knocks on the door to check on the commotion. When she lets herself in and doesn’t see a straightener, she starts fishing for the truth. She notices the...
xmoviesforyouThe day had begun much like any other in the big kitchen at Squires Lodge, with Mrs Toon trying to do six things at once, while Violet panicked over putting Lady Margot’s breakfast tray together yelling, “ I’ll swing for that bitch; I swear!” Jamaker had come down the service stairs, just managing to avoid colliding with Violet before a wonderfully warm smell of breakfast enveloped her. “Oh it’s you now is it Miss Jamaker! Well it’s a bloody madhouse here I can tell you!” Unobtrusively...
Chapter Five: Bratty Daughter's Hot Mom A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Best Dad's Daughter Services, “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” was going great. Three months into it, and I had quit my job and was enjoying life. With three lessons a day, an hour or so each at $300, and I was making $27,000 a month. That was $324,000 a year. I was making $90,000 at my day job. So it was an easy...
This is a story about my friend, RachelMy first time was with my boyfriend of 9 months. We were both 16, and we loved each other so much. We talked about having sex before, and we both thought we were ready, so we decided that if the chance came up, we would do it.One night I went over his house to hang out. His mom left the house to go out, so we were home alone. We started kissing and making out on the couch, and he put his hand up my skirt, and i had my hand on his crotch. We were getting...
A/N: This story has been directly commissioned by a reader of mine that prefers to remain nameless. I have never found something like this on Chyoa, at least in the Star Wars category, so I hope you find it enjoyable. By the way, this story is also partially inspired by an incest tale on this site known as Stranded! by goodson. I am giving it a lot more plot and a Star Wars setting though. But if you have read that story, it could give you an idea of what to expect. Anyway, read, enjoy, and...
IncestAdam awoke when Allie rolled off of him to get her day started. He could tell by her smiling face that she was excited about what was going to happen. Sarah even awoke in a decent mood. She kissed Adam's cheek softly before rolling out of bed. Shelly was up and raring to go, too, even though she wasn't going anywhere but to class later that afternoon. Adam lazed around for a while longer before he decided he should greet the day with the rest of them and make sure the girls got a decent...
Life had become quite unbearable my gambling had become a chronic desease and I owed every booky in the state. I'd become detached from reality and my wife had suffered along with me we have just moved to small town with around a hundred people in we figure we will hide out for a year away from the bright lights and casinos. I felt for my wife because of her natural beauty I knew she could be with a better provider. Every one who meets my wife wants to fuck her blonde hair pearsing blue eyed...
Group SexI bought a house and moved out of the apartment complex where I had been living when I first moved into the area. The house was in an established neighborhood which I bought from an older couple who were retiring to Istanbul city. This is my first house of my own though I have had apartments since a long time. I moved my furniture with the help of friends and set up housekeeping in my new digs. It was nice to have a yard and, since it was late spring, plants were growing..I concerned myself as...
So Far, yet So Near. By BBWLOVER56 Hello my darling Am sorry about these emergency meetings that take me away from you, I promise I’ll make it up to you as usual darling In the mean time, I was hoping that maybe we can satisfy one another over the phone as always, I know it’s not the same but we both have jobs that have odd schedules and we must keep the fires going Let’s begin with you coming out of the shower, dripping wet but hot…… I enter the bedroom with a plate of grapes and...