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I turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something."

"You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and even sometimes shared any exceptional happenings if they were memorable. I guess you could say we were confidants. Mom and Pop had been killed when I was twenty and Amy, eighteen.

"Just look at all the licenses and diplomas on the wall and then come see the new sign I had painted on the front door."

"I saw the sign when I came through the door, dummy. Pretty snazzy! 'Ace Detective Agency, Pete Powers, Private Investigator.' I've got a job for you."

I snapped a glance at Amy. She did look like she was pretty tense. "Tell me about it."

"Oh Pete, I'm in a mess. I'm being blackmailed and it is going to destroy all I've ever worked for and my future as well. I suppose some of it is my fault, but it was unintentional, I promise. I thought I was with a group of people who posed no danger but I was wrong."

"Come along, I'm finished here. Let's go home and have dinner. Ellen will want to know about it. You look as if you could use a pick-me-up." Amy did break into a wan smile when I brushed my fingers over the lettering on the door as I locked it. She knew, I think, how proud I was after the hard work it took to earn my degree at the university.

On the way home Amy asked me if my business was making money yet.

I laughed. "Not really, but I do pay the bills. Me and a bunch of other small businesses in town are swapping labor. I help out a photographer if he needs someone with the ability to work on digital prints. Sometimes my work might just consist of stuffing envelopes. We are all eating and paying our bills. Actually we have just started with this loose partnership, but it has cut down on the cost of hiring at least seven employees amongst us."

I pulled into the driveway and shut the engine off. Sis followed me and pulled up beside my car. "What you are going to tell us won't bother Ellen will it? She is seven months along now and is easily upset."

"No, I don't think so. Just a little anger at the injustice, maybe."

"Okay, I trust you Sis. How was your trip out? Any trouble?"

"No, but three hours is long enough to be on the road. I wish we lived closer together."

"Well, we both went where we felt we could do our best work. This is the second school you have a contract with to teach third grade. At least it is a few hours closer than the last one."

I rubbed my wife's protruding tummy and gave her a kiss as I came in. "Supper on? I'm hungry."

"Yes, but it has to be some of that stringy steak again. Cooking just doesn't set well with me." I laughed because that stringy steak she talked about was spaghetti and imagination.

After dinner we moved to the living room. Amy started to tell us about her problems. "I bought a little bungalow that was owned by the teacher I'm replacing through a realtor. I never met her and I guess she wanted to get out of town, for I offered a price well below what the property is worth and she accepted it, without quibbling.

"I had the deed in hand before I finished my term at last year's school. I moved in what few things I had and bought what furniture I needed at a secondhand shop. Oh, I love my home. I haven't felt I have had a real home since Mom and Pop died. The realtor lives on the same street and is very friendly. Her husband works in a bank. Also in the same section there are two other couples that are friends of theirs.

"One of the men is the town manager and the other is a lawyer who plans to go into politics. Their wives do not work except with charities. These three couples are all about fifteen years or more older than my twenty-five. I was invited to the neighborhood swim party at my realtor's home the day I moved in. I declined, but was overridden, because two of the women said they had children that I would be teaching.

"I enjoyed meeting these people, my new neighbors. I did notice a special closeness, and I happened to catch some glances that I'm sure I wasn't meant to see. Jean, the wife of lawyer John Gibbons, said she was hosting a slumber party for the little girls and she had to leave. The town manager, Brett Barr, said he was having a scout troop camping in his backyard so he had to leave too.

"This is going to take a long time to tell. Are you sure you want to hear what happened all at once?" Amy was relaxed but she was just letting us know that she was preparing us for a late night if we wanted to hear the whole saga.

"Of course Sis, continue."

"Anyway, this left my host and hostess, Brian and Mary Winslow, John Gibbons and Emmy Barr, sitting around the pool having another cocktail. Mary came along and said that she would refresh my drink. I said no, I had enough. She did wheedle me into having one more.

"Twenty minutes later I was feeling pretty disoriented and sleepy. Mary came up behind my chair and slid her hands around to cup my breasts. 'Amy, you are going to sleep for a little while. When you wake up you will be in a room where we have a special kind of party. You, my dear, are the main attraction. I hope you are on birth control or it isn't your fertile period because a pregnancy could occur. I see you are too sleepy to understand more, so just relax and when you wake up you will have the time of your life.' I slid into sleep."

Ellen and I couldn't believe what Amy was telling us. Kidnapped, and I am sure we were shortly going to hear about the rape of my sister. I was angry! Amy gave us a half smile, but didn't seem as upset as she should be. I said, "Continue, for God's sake."

"I woke up naked. Of course all they had to remove was my bikini, so it hadn't been a problem. John, Mary, Brian and Emmy were standing near me as naked as I was. I could see that all were in pretty fair shape. Emmy was pretty heavy and had a shape much like that of Anna Nicole Smith, but generally all had appealing physiques. I wasn't particularly afraid. It was like I was wondering what was going to happen next.

"I found I had my hands tied over my head, but my legs were unrestrained. Mary came over to the massage table I was laying on and leaned down and kissed me on the lips. 'Don't be afraid, dear. We never really harm anyone. We just need you to provide a little extra excitement for us. Jean and Brett will be along when John and I have satisfied ourselves so we can go and relieve them. It is nearly midnight now and you have had three hours of sleep. This will be enough rest so you can enjoy the night's activities. We will make sure you get home all right in the morning.

"'One other thing, I hope you like the attention of females as well as males, for we three women like to play also. It adds a little fillip to our lives. When I sold you your house I chose you especially because you looked so sweet. Now relax while I taste you and find out just how sweet you really are.'

"Pete, I'm not going to go into details about that first night. I had the attention of all six of my neighbors before morning. There was no rough sex at all. I was penetrated by all three men and I had my first taste of a woman, which I must say wasn't all that bad. Eventually when they saw I could enjoy myself, they untied my hands and I participated willingly. I went to college, so what I did that night wasn't much different than what I had done before. The woman thing maybe was different, but then a person kind of goes into a trance and is willing to participate. Maybe it is the smell or pheromones.

"I may have been the main attraction, but only because I was new, I think. All of the others participated with each other and I had breaks when nobody was paying attention to me. Can you believe that I felt jealous even though I had been forced into this? Makes you sick doesn't it? That's the way I felt at the time.

"Of course the shocker is when it is over and the threats and blackmail are presented. The whole session was videotaped. The taping has been edited so only my features are shown. The time stamp was left running so it shows me being fucked constantly for over two and a half hours. Most of it shows me willing and enjoying it. That is why I am here. I like sex as you will be able to see when I show you a copy of the tape they gave me.

"The blackmail is simple and pretty much straightforward. They want me to meet for a party every two weeks all through the school year. I wouldn't mind messing around some, but to be told to do something has my ass out. You know that, right Pete?" I did. My sister could be as stubborn as anyone if she set her mind to it.

"So what do you want from me?"

"I want to blackmail them. I want control and want them to think they are headed for jail anytime I'm displeased with them. I would never do it of course, but they won't know that."

"Who is going to pay for all of this? It will take hours and hours. Just the traveling time will cost three hundred, round trip."

"They will. I'll bill them for services rendered and they will have to pay or I'll have their asses in jail."

"I don't know Sis. I'd be breaking an awful lot of laws."

"So you want your sister to have to fuck a bunch of people when, where, and how often for the next year? Come on, Pete, you love me more than that."

"Now that you put it that way I'll have to do something. You said they gave you a copy of the blackmail tape. Let me look at it."

"Okay, but I warn you that most of the scenes are terribly explicit and you are going to be seeing me doing things you wouldn't want to see your sister doing."

My sister was hot! Some of the others on the tape were hot, too. Ellen was turned on the most. When the tape was finished, Amy had really been turned on, reliving her actions. She asked Ellen if she didn't have some toys she could take to bed with her. What you do learn about your wife at odd moments! I didn't even know what they were talking about. Ellen went into the bedroom and I could hear her rummaging around in our closet. She came out and handed Amy a box. Amy shook it and said she guessed there were enough things in the box to keep her happy for one night.

We had a strategy session in the morning in my office. Jimmy Cain was included. He was a hot shot photographer that had the next office space to me. He was twenty-one and looked sixteen. He knew his stuff though. I said I wanted to hire him for a week and pay all his expenses which included a base from which to work. I did the same with an older retired detective that I used in delicate situations where I might bend the law, but not exactly break it. Jimmy Cain would be staying with Amy as her nephew.

Bernard, the detective, would be staying in a motel. With him he had our little portable lab that I hoped would be adequate for the job at hand. As Sis left that afternoon and I kissed her cheek, she had to refer to last night. "Did you think about your slutty sister last night? I hope Ellen took care of you okay? Really Pete, I'm sorry you had to see me that way, but I guess that is what happens when one of us gets into trouble. Thank you in advance and I know you will get everything straightened out."

Amy followed my directions exactly. Jimmy went everywhere with her. The blackmailers were very concerned because Amy had disappeared for a couple of days and relieved when she returned. They were disappointed to find she had a house guest, but were pleased when Amy and he started hanging out at the pool with Mary and Brian. Cindy, John and Jean's oldest daughter at eighteen, flirted outrageously with Jimmy, who she thought was younger than she was. Totally extroverted, it was nothing for her to push her mother in the pool or slap her father on the butt. Sometimes she played the coy little girl and demanded a kiss from her mother or sat on her father's lap. Cindy was developing a nice shape and had conned her mother into letting her get a couple of tattoos that would show at the edge of her bikini.

Jimmy took pictures constantly with both a video or digital camera that he had on a strap around his neck. He was always in the background and soon became almost invisible. Stating admiration for the grounds and houses of all three couples, he was allowed into their homes to take snaps of whatever he wished. He even took pictures of their pets.

He discovered there were no security systems in any of the houses except the one where Amy was the main attraction. Having a few minutes by himself, he scooted downstairs to the basement and looked at the keypad and system that guarded the locked hidden room.

Every night Jimmy made his way to the motel and dropped off his day's take of film and photos in the lab where he and Bernard processed them. These were overnighted to me where I worked on putting together material to release my sister from blackmail. Bernard boldly entered Mary's house after picking the back door lock at one a.m. one morning and installed a hidden camera pointing at the keypad in the basement. The next time it was used we would be able to see the sequence and punch in the right numbers.

Ellen kept asking me how I was coming. I said pretty well, but I knew I was missing something. She questioned me and suggested we watch the video again and I said I had watched it several times. "Oh you just like to watch your sister getting fucked over and over and wish you were the one doing it to her."

"No Ellen, not at all. Look, I have nothing against incest, and Sis and I have talked about it. Especially when we lost both our parents and were so close and consoling each other. We decided then there was only one time we would do that--that would be if we were the last two people on earth. Sure I get turned on, but you know I always get turned on watching a porno flick. That brings me to a question for you, my pregnant love. How come you have a box of sex toys? Aren't I enough man for you?"

"Pete, if you were with me every night all night, I would throw that box away. Look at the last few days. You are working on Amy's problem. How much have you been home? When you are home, are you wide awake enough to concentrate on me? You wouldn't want me, a seven-month pregnant slut out patrolling the bars, would you?"

I guess my question was answered. "Get upstairs my toy-loving wife. It's your husband's turn tonight."

It came to me in that happy afterglow while I was laying there by my satisfied wife. Bingo! I had it. The thing I had been missing. I got out of bed and called Bernard.

Bernard answered. "Christ, I'm going to be charging you overtime. It's three-thirty in the morning."

"I know but listen. Just as soon as you get into that hidden room, I know the keypad combo for the safe. That safe has a blind man pad to open it. If a blind man hears the numbers punched in, he can recognize the numbers by the notes. The combination is 316583. I'm staking my reputation on it. That type of pad isn't used anymore because any blind man could crack the code. I learned that in my first year of crime investigation and learned the notes at the same time."

"Okay. It is too late this morning, but I'll get in tonight. You want me to replace the tapes in there with blank ones, right? Someone went into the room early last evening so I have the keypad sequence on film. If they used the same types of tapes, I'll take some blanks with me. I assume they used common masking to identify the tapes, so I should be able to get it all done in a few minutes. How much more do we have to do here anyway?"

"You get the tapes and with what Jimmy has you're out of there and on your way home. I'll take over and finish the job."

God, I don't know how many laws I have had my operatives break, but it was too many. I wouldn't do this for anyone but my sister. She wanted control and I was making sure she got it. I wondered though how far she would take it. From what I saw on the tape, what I had seen of her in the film, and snaps that Jimmy took, Amy didn't hate these people. I felt she genuinely liked them. Was it the sex? That was a question I wondered if even Amy could answer.

Jimmy returned with Bernard in the lab truck the next morning. Bernard had gone in and swapped the hidden tapes with blank ones. He had also pulled the camera bug from the cellar on his way out, so when the shit hit the fan, not one of the blackmailers would know how Amy got the tapes out of the safe. I went to work. I had everything now to send my sister's friends into a panic. I hoped none of them had a weak heart.

My plan was to convert everything that wasn't digital to that format. When this was done, I could then move the bits around at will. Removing them or adding some segments and having things flow as continuous action was a problem. I was going to have to rely on still pictures for my most effective method of instilling fear.

Amy called and said that Friday night there was going to be another party. As long as Jimmy had gone, the group was anxious to repeat the fun they had at Amy's introduction. She asked if I was going to be prepared to stop the get-together before then.

"Not possible, Sis, you'll either have to go or plead sick. It will take me another week to get things in order. I am looking at the tapes that were in the safe to see if I can find out who else they blackmailed. You want them to get their pound of flesh too, don't you?"

"I don't know, Pete. That isn't really any of my business is it?"

"Depends on how you feel. So are you going Friday night or not?"

"Will you think less of me if I go?"


"That's pretty definite."

"I know."


"Sis, I've watched those tapes that Bernard took out of the safe. I've never seen so much uninhibited sex in all my life. I've seen you and three other women introduced to quantum sex. The others were more reluctant than you and took longer to participate, but before their year was up, which I assume was the time line, they all embraced it wholeheartedly. My fear is can you return to a normal lifestyle when there is no more coercion?"

Amy made a sound that I couldn't interpret.

I continued, "Go enjoy yourself. Ellen sits beside me on the couch while I examine the images. She hasn't said, but it almost seems as though she wishes it was her in your place. One of the women looks enough like Ellen to be her sister. Maybe that has something to do with it."

"Don't tell me you are having trouble keeping up with your seven-month pregnant wife?"

"Shut up, Sis. If they do give you a tape of the Friday night party, Ellen and I might be interested in viewing it."

"Pervert! You just want to watch your sister having sex." She was laughing when we hung up.

I wanted all my ducks in a row. It took me four days to contact the other women that had contributed to the making of the tapes that we had pulled from the safe. Two were teaching at different schools within a two-hour time radius of my home. I went and interviewed them. Both were puzzled when they looked out at a well-dressed young man at their door. They were scared almost to death when I announced I had a tape of them taken when they taught at my sister's school.

Talking fast and saying I meant them no harm, eventually they let me in to interview them. I had to give out that at present my sister was trapped the same as they had been. When I mentioned that she was going to attend a party this Friday, they both had a wistful look on their faces.

Wendy, the youngest at only twenty-four, said it was a mind-blowing experience for her. At first the fear of the situation was almost more than she could bear. Then when it was apparent that there was to be no physical harm, the threat that someone at school would find out dampened her joy of teaching. It was a huge relief when the school year was finished, and she was free to move away. Now she had a boyfriend and was planning on marrying him at Thanksgiving.


"None really. I wouldn't want to go back. To tell you the truth, it became boring. How those three couples can do the same thing week after week and year after year is beyond me. When I say boring, I mean getting ready for the party during the week. When you were in that room and could smell everyone becoming sexually aroused, you weren't bored. You couldn't wait to be touched whether it was man or woman, it didn't matter. You wanted to touch people, too. Well you know all about it, if you have seen a video of me."

"Would you ever go back to that? I'm asking because I'm worried about my sister becoming addicted."

"I wouldn't and if she has talked to you about it, I doubt if she would want to continue for very long." I thanked her and left. She didn't want the tape I had of her, saying she had destroyed hers and didn't want to think about those days. If she had it in hand she probably would watch it, and that would tear down her resolve to move beyond that year.

For all of her resolve, I wondered if she didn't think about the sex overload and want it to return at some point.

The second lady, Caroline, I found was pretty much of the same mind, but dealt with it in a different way. She was the first one coerced nearly five years ago. Since that year she had married, but trying to be open and honest, she had confessed her past to her fiancé and he couldn't cope. They had been married less than a year. She said now she was divorced and always looking for someone to hook up with. She propositioned me, but I declined.

Again I mentioned that I was worried about my sister. She asked how I became involved and when I finished telling her she said for me not to worry. Amy would probably enjoy it, but it sounded as though she would be okay. Especially since she had family that knew about it and had Ellen and me to talk things over with.

I could find no trace of the third woman. I assumed that she had probably married. I thought I'll bet Mary knows where she is. Mary, the realtor and organizer, wouldn't want a loose cannon out there, so she would know where all of her so-called subjects were.

Saturday afternoon Amy drove into the driveway and wearily got out of her car. She didn't say anything when she handed me a tape and went in to say hi to Ellen. "I'm beat. Can I go to bed for awhile? Three hours on the road would wear anyone out." Then she giggled, reading our expressions. "Yes, and that too."

Ellen looked after Amy as she staggered towards our spare room. "God, I'd give anything to be fucked out like that." I looked at my wife to see if she was serious.

"Come on dear, seeing her like that has made me horny too. Let's see if I can help you with your lusting after unknown delights." Ellen didn't know it, but I had been studying those tapes and had seen some things I wanted to try out. I had my wife crying stop before I had even pressed myself into her. When I finally decided my wife had enough, she looked worse than my sister had when she arrived.

Later that evening we had a late dinner. We sat down and I put Amy's latest tape in the VCR. It was pretty much the same as the one that Amy had brought the first time. Much more uninhibited though, as Amy seemed to spur the participants to new heights. The tape had the same effect on us, but we contained ourselves.

Amy spoke. "Pete, I don't know what to tell you. God I loved it last night. I will say this morning after a few hours rest, I went in and barfed my cookies up. I have never loathed myself so much and swore I would never go near my neighbors again. Then just as I was getting into the car, Jean drove up and handed me that tape. She hugged me and then she tongue kissed me. That is all it took to start me all over again. You have to stop it somehow and soon please."

"Okay Sis, I'm ready anytime you say the word. Just set up a time when you can get them all together. I will need to bring my VCR, my overhead viewer and a DVD player. Is your living room big enough to have all of them and us together comfortably?"

"Yes, the living area can open up into nearly half the size of the whole house."

"Good, then we will hold the meeting at your house. Let's see, there will be nine of us. I suppose we should have refreshments before to sort of get acquainted."

"Who is the ninth person? Jimmy Cain?"

"No, Ellen will be with me. She isn't going to let me go alone amongst all those horny people without being there to protect me. Also her being pregnant has turned her on, so she needs sex every day and I don't want her alone where she might decide, out of sight, out of mind." I was only half joking.

We relaxed the rest of the evening, talking about the upcoming event and how it was going to change our lives. I did notice Ellen and Amy whispering and I noticed when I crawled into bed that Ellen's toy box was missing from beside our bed. Ellen didn't need it, for again I was called to perform. I decided that women had an infinite capacity for sex.

Amy called Thursday and said everything was set for Saturday evening. Light potluck was to be at six. This was a chance for her friends and neighbors to meet her brother and his pregnant wife. Ellen was excited and very, very nervous. I questioned her why?

"I just never met a group of people that swung before. Another thing, I want to watch Amy's reaction and interaction with them when I know they have all had her. Just to think she has had her pussy kissed and has kissed and sucked the women. She has done all those things that you and I do together with three different men, maybe all playing with her at the same time."

"You're really turned on by this aren't you?"

"Yes I am. I guess it is because I'm pregnant. I never felt this horny before. When I have the baby, I'm sure I will go back to being normal."

I wondered to myself if I shouldn't be worrying more about my wife than I did my sister.

There were some wonderful cooks in the group of neighbors gathered at my sister's house. Everything was delicious. The men talked about the town and John was asked how his plans for going into politics were progressing. Brian was a little worried about a downturn in the economy and how it would affect the banking in the country. Amy served drinks and coffee as everyone sat down in the living room. Amy announced that she had pictures that her nephew, Jimmy Cain had taken earlier, and said she wanted to show them.

Everyone wanted to see them, especially the pictures of them at play around the pool. These were on a tape that I played on the VCR. When the tape ran out, I looked at Jean, who I knew had reworked the tapes of the sex action. "Jean, I understand you are into photography some yourself. Am I right?" It was deathly still in the room.

"Yes I guess I am, but what has that got to do with us tonight?"

"Photography is a hobby of mine too. I'm going to put a picture on the overhead and see if all of you recognize it. Before I start though, I would like to tell you that I am here for more than just a friendly get-together. Earlier this summer all of you were involved in drugging and kidnapping Amy for the purpose of turning her into your sex slave. Well, you succeeded. She thoroughly enjoys it. At the same time, she hates what you have done to her.

"Jean, your photography is pretty amateurish. You have just fuzzed out the faces on the tapes you took so the participants couldn't be identified. I can do better. Let me demonstrate."

I put a picture on the overhead of Sam, the black lab, with his nose at Mary's crotch. Sam did this all the time to everyone, as the group well knew. They ignored him and just pushed his head away. I took the picture off the overhead and as I was putting a different one on, I said, "This is the same picture with alterations." It was the same, but I had removed the clothing from Mary.

A gasp of shock came from the whole room. I continued, "You look at that picture, and then remember back to the previous one. This one shows a look of total ecstasy. The one before had a look of unconcern. Why was that? It was something that Sam did all the time and you ignored him. Here though, the dynamics are changed over two small alterations. One, Mary with no clothes on and the other with Mary's look of unconcern, to one of ecstasy.

"Emmy did not escape the dog either. Here is Emmy leaning down looking at her child in the pool. Here is Sam humping his master's leg. This took a little more effort, so first I took Emmy's clothes off. Then in the photo of the dog and Brett, I removed Brett. I put the two photos together and moved Sam in behind Emmy. Walla!" The shock on those in the room was indescribable. "Or how about this? What would you think if I moved that image up into the privacy of Emmy and Brett's bedroom? Like this."

I put that image on the screen. "Wouldn't you look at your friends differently if you saw this picture somewhere without me here to describe it?"

Emmy exclaimed, "How in hell did you get a shot of my bedroom? That's invasion of privacy."

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My parents split up when I was about 8, and when I was 12 my mom moved me and my sister from down south to the midwest. My dad wasn't too awful upset about it, he had just gotten remarried and had focused most of his attention, and I'm sure his energy, into my new stepmother. Thus started my yearly visits back "home" in the summer. Every year, I would spend a month or two at my dad's house. He worked most of the time I was there so I spent most of my time watching Monty Python or reading in his...

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I was in a club with friends. I was at the bar taking a break from dancing when I noticed a young woman starring at me from the other side. I smiled, she winked and I decided to go over to talk to her.I introduced myself and she just said " Amy." She then said " would you like to join me?"" Yes I would love to." There was no seat so I squeezed in next to her. Her crossed bare knee was touching my stomach. She had on a little tight black dress and I was wearing a tight blue strapless leather...

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The Acolyte kneels on the stone steps of the altar where she has been left. Her eyes are glassy from the tincture she was given, something to help ease her into her new life in service of the god. Under the plain linen robe she was wrapped in her breasts rose and fell with her breath anxiously, her nipples rubbing themselves to hardness and aching on the texture of the fabric constraining them. She feels as though she has waited hours, as though her fatigue might steal her consciousness, when...

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Genre: Situational Comedy The story is about three friends representing various classes of society through their profession. One friend is police inspector, one is lawyer and the other is journalist. All the three are college time friends. After getting busy with their respective professional lives, they met once in a week at a particular place and share their personal and professional experience with each other. In one of their meetings, police officer is awaited by other two. When he...

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I was twenty, in my last year at university and had just broken up with my high-school girlfriend, who we shall call Jennifer. Jenny was from a Christian family and, while we had obviously fooled around a lot, she had always been reluctant to have sex and I cared enough about her to respect that. And yes, I know what you’re probably thinking: “twenty year old virgin, har har”, but I’m not ashamed and, believe me, I’ve more than made up for it since! At the time I was living in a shared house...

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I walk into the kitchen and see you baking some cakes. All the mixtures over the table and work tops. I come quietly up behind you as you are concentrating on what you are doing and humming a song. I get right behind you and can smell your perfume mixed with the baking smell. I put my hands around you and cup your full breasts and pull you back top me and nuzzle your neck. You gasp and sigh. I turn you round and we start to kiss I can taste some of the cake flavoring. My one hand moves on to...

4 years ago
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How many licks does it take to

It was summer 1998 and my girlfriend Kate and I were arriving at the Gorge at George for a weekend of rock. We'd been a few times before and always had a blast. This occasion would prove the most memorable by far. We decided to skip the first couple bands and took the opportunity to set up the tent next to our microbus. The camp area was filling up fast and we didn't want to worry about it for the rest of the day. After having a bite to eat and doing a little people-watching, we introduced...

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The Banana

When I came home you had been crying, and you tell me the story and I hug and kiss you. I say “C’mon baby, sit on my lap and let me hold u a bit” You say okay and sit on my lap.“Are you comfy?” I ask “my big belly gets in the way,” You nod your head . I hold you and nuzzle your neck as we talk. My hand on your thigh and you throw an arm around me and hug me tight your nighty opens a bit and I cup your breast, squeezing and feeling your nipple in my hand. My thumb plays with your erect nipple,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 27 Facing the Music

November 22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois I dropped Tasha at the IIT dorms, leaving her with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek so as not to give anything away, and then headed towards Hyde Park. I assumed Jessica would be in bed, so I had a few hours before I had to talk to her. I’d briefly considered saying nothing, but deceiving her struck me as worse than confessing that I’d violated our agreement. I could only hope that she was as forgiving as Kara had been back when I’d had my ‘dumb boy’...

3 years ago
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A Hole In One

Autumn laid it's blanket of fallen leaves early this year. The ground now a canvas in bright, patterned hues, the broadleaf's looked a-fright with nary a thing to wear. In chorus, ranks of unpredictable winds shook the landscape for it's waning foliage without remorse. "Ah... perfect golfing weather," I thought. I rang up the course and sure enough all the geezers were at home with mittens and tea, not a geriatric foursome to be found. Only a few tee-times booked for other masochists like...

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The teacher

It was over, this time she had had it!Luckily Anja had her own tiny apartment in a boring Copenhagen suburb. She had just turned 19 and worked at the local supermarket while she waited for something better to show up. Like a job in fashion or a job at a cafe or something exiting. It was Friday night a little after 7 and she was walking home from work. She had the weekend off, but since her ex had moved out, she had spend most of her salary on boring things like rent.She lived on a street that...

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The Shameful Princess Knight of Two Realms

I didn't have a lot of tears left. My cheeks were dry. All I could do was hold on tightly to the desk he had be bent over. My frilly black skirt was bunched up around my waist. My black panties were almost in my line of sight. He had forced them off me while he dragged me over here. I could have fought back. I think I did, it was hard to remember. I've always had this problem of being too submissive. Too afraid to fight back. It wasn't helping. Behind me was the dean of the college I was going...

2 years ago
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Nudie Camera

Nudie Camera Dad had bought me a very expensive camera for my sixteenth birthday. He knew how much I liked photography and that I was in the photo club at school. I was even on the Yearbook Staff. It was one of the latest digital cameras on the market and used multi-millions of pixels. It even used real interchangeable lenses and he got a couple of them to start me out with. I took pictures of my beautiful mother and of my even more beautiful sister Genevieve. At seventeen years...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Zeynep Rossa Juicy

Zeynep Rossa is in the kitchen preparing some freshly squeezed orange juice for her boyfriend, Michael Fly. What she really wants, though, is for Michael to give her the attention she’s craving. When she walks to the couch to hand Michael his breakfast treat, she decides to action on her needs. Unafraid to take what she wants, Zeynep walks around the couch and takes a seat in Michael’s lap. Bringing his hands up to cup those lovely titties, Michael gives them a jiggle and buries his...

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Drunken Curiousness

This was going to be another one of those boring nights. Home alone with nothing to do and no one available to hang out. All you had left to do is sit at home and watch tv, play video games, and masturbate. The last one is something that you'd rather not put out there, but it undeniably happens every time. As a straight man, you'll generally find some hot female nudes or porn to jack off too, by sometimes you'll get turned on by other things. It's always easier to find other horny guys online...

3 years ago
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The Tinder Experience 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, I’m back with another erotic sex story. My name is Vicky (name changed) and this story is of a Tinder Experience I had earlier this year. I am from Chandigarh itself. If you people like the story, please drop a response to . I would love to have a feedback. Also, girls and ladies who want to have hot cozy chats or some secret fun are welcome too. Satisfaction and secrecy guaranteed. Now, get those hands ready because the story is about to start. The girl’s name is Shreya Roy (changed...

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Summer Camp IIChapter 1

Angie had been a counselor at a special summer camp for three years already. In the midst of her second season, she had suffered a broken leg while riding a horse, and her boyfriend, John, who had been visiting at the time, was asked to take over as counselor until Angie could resume her duties. John did a superb job, received rave reviews from both the campers as well as the other counselors. He willingly agreed to accompany Angie the next year as co-counselors of their cabin. To John, it...

2 years ago
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Daddys Visit Part 1

It had been two months since the last time I saw Daddy in person. His job has him traveling through Canada and we just haven't been able to link. It's when he leaves the Unites States that I really notice the fact that I can't fucking leave. I'm a dreamer, which technically gives me semi-legal status in the states. I can work, and freely travel within its borders but I can't leave. Well... I can. I just can't get back in. So I won't. "Baby, I miss you. I can get away for about a day. The flight...

1 year ago
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Kate and I share a cock

I fell in love with this guy...this boy without a clue as to my sexual past, this boy who I tricked into fucking my best friend. Sometimes, Michael and I play this little game. He lies on the bed, blindfolded, and I come in. I never say a word, just touch him with my fingertips, running them along his thighs, and all along his hard cock. I massage his balls, then lower my head over that huge hard monster. I can take him down to the very back of my throat, almost choking on it, but it gets me so...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Fat Chance

Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her...

2 years ago
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Our Trip To Alburqurque

Introduction: My wife and I went to New Mexico for Valentines Day Janet and I checked into a classy hotel in Albuquerque, it was our spring fling in early February. I watched television while she took a leisurely bath and began to apply her make up for her evening out. She had shaved her pussy while in the bathtub and she looked adorable in her black thong. I wanted to take her as she sat in front of the mirror curling her shoulder length blonde hair. I loved her mascara that way it was so hot...

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Fun with motherinlaw

Fun with mother-in-law ——————————————————————————– My mother in law is 76 years old and has problems getting around so my wife is constantly asking me to drive her around so she can do everything that she needs to. Usually when she gets home she gives me a instant lottery ticket. One day she handed over the ticket and I said to her ‘You don’t have to keep doing that….’ She assured me it was some sort of payment for driving her around but I interupted her ‘…. there are other ways you can...

1 year ago
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My darling Jijaji 2

I felt as though I was being torn apart although I was thrilled with the feeling of a real male penis inside my fuck canal for the first time. I screamed “noooooooooo oooooo oooo ooo it hurts stoppppppppppppppppp please” I screamed as I felt a sheer pain in my hips “Oh my god, stop,” I pleaded. He did as I asked for a bit, but then slipped in still another inch. My vaginal lips were stretched to its limit, now he was forcing the inner walls of my vaginal canal to stretch to accommodate him....

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Drasberg FileKathy and Dana

DRASBERG FILES: KATHY AND DAN(A) by J R D Dan and Kathy waited in the doctor's office, terrified. Kathy was a research assistant who had recently been hired by the Drasberg corporation. Dan was a stay at home husband. He wanted to be a stay at home dad, but so far Kathy and he had failed to conceive a child. Mostly that was because of their sex life, but, hey, they had fun with it, and that was what counted. Then Kathy got a job at Drasberg's, a dream job, they thought. ...

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Kriti My Abnormal Student

By: Akash Hi friends I’m back with another story. Thanks to all those who read my previous story ‘Radio program to room. Please write to me your suggestions and how you find my story on I was quite surprised to see responses in my inbox. Friends as I will be sharing real story the orientation of the story might be boring at some places but I assure you all healthy and enjoyable reading. Now let’s rock with the story. Before I joined the office where currently I’m working, I used to teach in...

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The VisitorChapter 14

I woke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked over to the clock and was surprised to see it was almost ten. I could hear people talking downstairs and as I approached the door, I heard a voice I didn't recognize. Thinking I should probably not walk down naked as I was, I went and grabbed some jogging shorts. I started to grab a shirt but then for some reason decided not, perhaps because the unknown voice was female. As I walked into the kitchen, there sat Beth and Brenda on one side of...

2 years ago
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My second embarrassing spanking

The gentleman's name that gave me my embarrassing spanking is David. Later that Sunday evening, the same day he spanked me, I received several text message pictures from him. Pictures he had taken of me with his phone and stills from the spanking video. I got so incredibly turned on by seeing all of the pictures he sent! But some of the pictures were a bit shocking. Pictures of the front of my house, a closeup of my house number, of my truck and license plate. A stark reminder of how vulnerable...

1 year ago
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We Pretend We Dont

It started last time like it always does. I stay over at George’s place because we’ve had too much to drink and I’m not fit to drive. His parents have long since gone to bed and we walk through the darkened house to his room. Wordlessly we slip our clothes off and climb naked into his bed. I lie on my side with my back to him and wait. Sometimes he keeps me waiting long enough that I start to fall asleep, but then I’m roused by his movement as he slowly inches toward me. Soon I feel his erect...

3 years ago
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SiobhanChapter 4 Siobhan

Their worldview changed again in Athens, home to the University of Georgia. During the slow drive, they saw no living people and fewer than expected bodies. The road was blocked a few times by cars that had stalled or crashed when their drivers died at the wheel, but there were no major pileups like might be expected in a city. As they entered Athens, they saw more bodies and encountered two blocked streets that required detours. They were on Broad Street, heading for the North Campus and...

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Dhaamal When Sexy Punjabi GF Simran Visits Room In Delhi

Hello all, my name is Rohit. I am 29 years old, 5 foot 6 inches tall, muscular guy having 6” (no exaggeration) tool to satisfy any women and I am currently in Delhi. I am a regular reader of stories on ISS but I never got time to write my own but now due to this COVID-19 induced lockdown, I am finally able to write my own experiences. Amidst many sexual encounters that I had in many cities of India, this one is the most memorable one. It all started in the year 2013 when I left my job and...

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Female Best friend

Your name is James . You are in college and get along with everybody . But there's one person they you get along with best. It's Emily . You and her are inseparable . Your relationship is quite platonic , to the point where she even asks you for help with other boys. But ever since you've started college , things aren't like before . As luck would have it , you're in the same class as her. You're a bit of a late bloomer and have finally got into porn and masturbation but boy, are you addicted ....

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Better Study Habits Pt 11

Part Eleven The next day was more or less a normal Saturday for Rachel, Karen and Tabitha. They studied hard, taking occasional breaks to talk about makeup and clothes....and boys. Rachel and Karen talked incessantly about European boys and how they were so turned on by their accents. Tabitha on the other hand was opening up about her attraction to her old friend Jonas. Rachel and Karen listened in awe as Tabitha would emotionally lay her feelings out so explicitly. "Wow," said...

4 years ago
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Miss Crystal part 1

I loved the mall.  I didn’t like shopping and the food reminded me of high school, but I loved the mall.  In particular the cheaper malls that sat a little further away and attracted crowds of inner city youth.  I didn’t really love the mall, I guess.  I loved these beautiful, hard girls.  I would go and eat and fantasize about them using me.  Exploiting me. It makes me a little uncomfortable because I knew to an extent the reason they turned me on was because they were disadvantaged and...

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“There was nothing I could do that would change the situation. You know I hate the whole concept and idea of it.” “Oh sure you do, and you just hate the money it brings in too don't you?” Jim knew nothing he could say at the moment that would help so he kept quiet. He didn't want to fight with her, and certainly not in a public bar. People were already looking at the them. It was plain to all that the young couple were having a nasty fight. “I'll be right back, and you can use...

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Losing Virginity To Neighbour

Hi all! My name is Rahul from Bangalore. I started reading stories in ISS from past few months. It had been great pleasure in reading stories and masturbating. But I was fed up by masturbating and hence decided to have real sex with my girlfriend but I was disappointed with her lack of interest in sex, she was loving me so much but when ever sex related talks comes she was telling that its after marriage. I was unable to control my feelings so I decided to have sex with my neighbour. Her name...

3 years ago
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SistersChapter 16 Promises Promises

A week dragged by - seven days without Linda. For Nikki it was hell. It was like the most dreadful torture anyone could inflict on one's worst enemy. All her family were deeply worried about her - Nikki knew that - but their love and concern weren't enough to make the pain go away. Nikki thought she would go crazy. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat... She just wanted to die... She wanted to be left alone in her room where she could cry freely and think about Linda and why the world was...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen 9

When I awoke I discovered that Naomi must have silently slipped away sometime during the night. Damn! I guess I shouldn’t be greedy, she is living here too, so that’s a good thing, and I had plenty to do today anyway, what with moving the girls here from the hotel. While I was dressing there was a knock on the door and I rushed over to open it. Maybe Naomi just left for a few minutes. Damn again! It’s not her. Instead there stood a tall, middle aged, gray haired lady with a long all black...

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Market ForcesChapter 49 Rachels Report

Rachel worked on her report for all that evening. She slept by her laptop. I heard her working at it at various times through the night. When I got up to leave the suite for a meeting with Harry, she was fast asleep across the keyboard of the computer. I had to put up with quite a bit of teasing from Harry and the others over my personal harem as Rick had called it. "You'll be off to Kushtia next," he'd said. "What with Tricia, those two and that Kelly girl. I don't know how you have...

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Mary the Super Slut and her Unwilling Cuckold Part

So i have had a pretty interesting and exciting sexual life. All the stories i write about are true. This is the story of Mary, the sluttiest girl i have ever known and probably a contender for the worlds biggest slut. I first met Mary when i was 21, she was supervisor at the new call center job i had just started at. On the first day of meeting her she came over to where i was sitting, chatted for a while and gave me her number and told me to call her that night. Mary is a good looking...

1 year ago
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This Is The Last Time

That was the last time, he told himself. That was the last time he was going to sleep with Manasa. If you had asked Nikhil in the first few months of their friendship, this would not have been a conversation he thought necessary to have. Sure, she was a kind, easy going girl and they enjoyed each other's company. But it's not like she was some fantastical porno model...she was just a normal woman. Short and skinny in the Indian girl way. Guess you could say she didn’t exactly turn heads. But...

2 years ago
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Me my sist and her husband whent to Croatia for holidays. When we got to the resort we went straight to the beach and for the first time we were sunbathing without any tops...Already in the plane I have seen him looking at my tities an ass when I was going to the toilet.So now her husband could not stop looking at my titites when they were fully exposed.My s*s Anna is older and more chubby than me so I think Robert appreciated the difference.I went for a swim. First it was just me in the water...

1 year ago
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Daddy Turns his Girl into a Sex Education Doll Part 2 Of The Sharing of Daddys Schoolgirl

 Chloe lay nervously excited on her bed. Her Daddy was leading a group of strangers into her room, and she could hear them getting closer. Her Daddy had ordered her not to move and to stare at the ceiling. She did as ordered, focusing fiercely on a small mark next to the ceiling fan. Not having permission to move meant she couldn’t pull her slutty red dress down and she knew her panties were clearly visible, as was her bra. Lying on her back had opened up the plunging V of the dress so that her...

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She Got a Quick Rub in Her Room

He was about to begin massaging her breasts. His slickly warm right hand was resting just below their rise, fingers stretched into her cleavage. His left hand was lightly gripping the top of her right thigh. She was feeling pretty hot about that. She was wearing the bottom half of a pink string bikini. She was hot about that too and even hotter about the certainty that soon she would not be wearing even that. He would pull it down her legs and off over her feet any minute. He had unclipped...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife Photographer

"Love, If you don't mind I would like to say something. " he said playing with her nipples. They were lying in bed. Anita was naked and Shekhar's body language distinctly showed that he was aroused.. "Sure, go ahead. "Anita was forthcoming. "Don't allow anyone who have sex with to discharge inside you. "he managed to say. "Why, you are jealous?"she teased. "No, I am not jealous. In fact I care for you. In these uncertain times, it is not clear as to who is carrying which disease. I have a...

3 years ago
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A Dangerous Temptation

As usual she was the last one to leave the class and as usual she took an age to tidy up her books giving me teasing glimpses of her long suntanned thighs, she smiled at me as she stood beside me at my desk, "You were looking up my skirt weren't you sir?" "Nonsense Kylie" I protested weakly, "I saw you, you were trying to see my panties" "Kylie that's just not true" "I bet you've got a hard on haven't you sir?" "I bet you were thinking how much you'd like to see my pussy...

1 year ago
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Hentai Memes

Reddit Hentai Memes, aka r/HentaiMemes! Ever wanted to jerk off but have a good laugh while doing it? Introducing /r/hentaimemes, the subreddit that combines, well, hentai and memes! As you might have guessed already, this makes for a very interesting combination of content. If you want to jerk off to hentai and that’s it, then this place isn’t for you. I can guarantee that you won’t enjoy yourself if you just want to jerk off here. This place really does do something special that no other...

Reddit NSFW List
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Incredible ChangesChapter 144 Going Down

I have no idea how they keep the water from flooding this whole room and I know better than to ask since they would expect me to know. Why were we getting on a submarine from inside the cruise ship? Wouldn’t it be a lot safer to sneak us off in a boat to get into the sub somewhere out of sight of the cruise ship? Who the hell did Molly call that got us a sub that had the skill to get the conning tower up inside here and match the ships speed exactly. “It is a pleasure to see you again Mr....

2 years ago
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Giving Pleasure To Anjali Reader8217s Wife Through Massage And Sex

Hi friends, this is Madhu. I am from Bangalore. I am 23, height 5″9, weight 71kgs. My penis is 6-7″ in height and 3-4″ in girth. Thanks to all my readers for reading my previous stories and providing me feedback. Thanks to ISS. Life has been so good for me all the time and it became more entertaining and fun after I came to know about ISS. I always enjoyed reading stories on iss and masturbating. I have penned some of my experiences on ISS. The experience I am going to share now is very special...

1 year ago
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World of Warcraft Mage and Death Knight

"Guards! Help me!" The woman screamed as she backed away. "No, wait, I...." Avith could hear the guards' heavy armor rattle towards her. "Dammit," she cursed under her breath, turning to flee. She slipped out the window of the inn, speaking a word of magic as she pulled a feather from her pouch, dropping to the ground lightly. Her green glowing eyes were of course easy to spot. She might as well be carrying a red flag over her head with her name written on it. "Guards!...

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Chloe the Cops Humiliation

*Authors Note: This story deals with a whole bunch of kinks, as well as a fair amount of non-con. I'm looking to include a whole bunch of different kinks and fetishes and I'm happy to include whatever you guys want to see- whatever floats your boat, I’m happy to include! If you have any ideas of what you'd like to see included, or any ideas for the story in general, shoot me a message or leave a comment. I’ll be adding to this pretty regularly! Oh, and everyone is over the age of 18 and all...

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