BlackmailedChapter 4 free porn video

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The "conference" Arnie drove up to L A. for was with Jay Ballard. He sat across the desk from the private investigator, while Jay ran down the list of information he had gathered so far.

"I haven't been able to locate Carla Reynolds... yet," he told the boxer, "but she could be using another name. "

"Yeah... I hadn't thought of that..." Arnie admitted.

"Now, here's what I've got on Warren Ramsey," Jay said, referring to his notes. "He was born in Idaho... about fifty- years old. Bachelor... at least he isn't married, right now. Good rating with Dunn and Bradstreet... President of a pleasure boat building company... Extensive holdings in electronics... And, this is important! He has a string of race horses... Makes the racing circuit... and is a big bettor whether his horses are running or not... and..." Jay paused, significantly, "he's a fight fan! Attends almost all the important bouts!"

"Which means," Arnie said, thoughtfully, "if he's betting the horses... he's also betting on the fights.


"Is he into any of the fight stables... own any boxer's contracts... ?"

"If he does... I haven't been able to dig it out, yet!" Jay grunted. "It would sure fit together... and all I'd have to do is connect one of those bully boys with him... and Carla... and we could bust it wide open!" the detective speculated.

"... But, right now... there's nothing to tie him into it... is that right?"

"That's the hell of it... I'm just making a wild guess!" Ballard confessed. "There's not a damned thing to connect him with anything... except that you went to a party, that he gave! Which reminds me... he's a big party-giver... with a pretty good reputation as a cocksman! He's also been involved with some pretty well-known women... in the international jet-set!"

"He really gets around, then... ?"

"... And spends money, lavishly!"

"Pays his income tax... ?"

"Like a model citizen!" Jay affirmed. "He's clean... absolutely clean... and that's what bugs me!"

"Then... maybe you're on the wrong track... as far as Ramsey's concerned..."

"I don't think so!" Jay snorted. "Here's a rough profile: Money... Horses... Women... Gambling! Three weaknesses... that take money! Lots of it... and I don't think he makes that much money building pleasure boats... alone! There's got to be another source! All I've got to do is find out where the rest of his money comes from!"

"Well... I hope you can!" Arnie said fervently. "By the way I've moved..."

"That's good... it'd buy us some time, while they're trying to find you, again!" Jay observed. "Where... ?"

"Corona del Mar area..." Arnie told him. "Here's the address..." He wrote it out for the detective. "I don't have a telephone, yet. "

Jay was surprised. "Why the hell did you move down there?"

"That's where Joan wanted to live. She picked the apartment!" Arnie defended.

"Do you mean... she's going to stay here, now?"

"Yeah," Arnie grinned. "She finally got some sense... I guess!"

"... Or she's suspicious... !" Jay suggested, cynically.

"I don't think so... and I'm sure they haven't made contact with her yet!"

"Let's hope not!"

"Should I level with Joan... tell her what's going on?" Arnie asked, worriedly.

"No! Not yet! I'd like to stop it... while it's just a conspiracy... and maybe we could keep it from her, completely!" Jay told him.

"Okay... whatever you say..."

Arnie Pearson left, and Jay stared at the closed door, wondering: I sure as hell hope that I've made the right guess!

Warren Ramsey picked up the third telephone on his desk. Its number was unlisted and known to only a very few people.

"Yes... ?" he barked into the mouthpiece.

"Stearns... Warren..." the voice came over the wires to him. "We spotted Pearson!"


"He's talking to a private eye... name of Ballard!"

"Okay! That's good! Now, this's what I want you to do. You got Pratt with you... ?"

"Yeah. "

"Have him stick to Pearson... find out where he's living now. I figure that wife of his must be here, with him... since they turned up a blank in Omaha!" Ramsey instructed. "... And, tell him to let me know... personally as soon as he's got the address!"


"And, I want you, Jack... to pay a little visit to that private detective! Tell him it's time to bow out... or else!"

"Should I give him something to remember... ?" Jack Stearns asked.

"No... just warn him off... but you'll know what to do if he's not going to cooperate..." Ramsey told him.

"Okay... we'll get right on it!" Stearns broke the connection.

Jack Stearns bulldozed his way past Karen Forrester in the outer office and burst into Jay's office, taking him by surprise.

"You Jay Ballard... ?" he demanded.

"Yes... what do you want?"

"Arnie Pearson was just here... and I'd like to give you some advice... about what to do on his case!"

"I can always use good advice..." Jay said mildly. "What is it?"

"Nothing! Don't do any more work for him... at all!"

"He's given me a retainer... and I..."

"Give it back!" Stearns grated. "Better yet... maybe you should take a vacation!"

While the other man was talking, Jay made mental notes. He would know this man... any time he saw him again. Medium build... five feet ten or eleven inches tall... 180 pounds... late thirties... wavy blonde hair... brown eyes... scar on his forehead... long, straight nose... heavy lower jaw... long, oval face... and the sound of his voice, all registered in his mind and he would remember.

"I don't have time for vacations!" Jay told him, leaning back in his swivel chair. He was relaxed but alert, waiting for a possible attack. He knew, now, that someone-Ramsey maybe -was worried, so they were trying to scare him off!

"You're not listening very good!" Ramsey's man threatened.

"Come off it, Man... I've sat through hundreds of Grade B movies and TV whodunnits... where the big, tough guy warns the detective to lay off... and you're playing it worse than any I've ever seen!" Jay said, with a disarming grin. "Now... unless you've got some further business with me... I'd suggest you leave, now!"

Stearns, caught off guard by Jay's unruffled reaction, gaped, staringly, for a moment, then turned to leave, shooting back, lamely, over his shoulder, "Okay... smart-ass... don't say you weren't warned!"

"I'll get it down in my notes!" Jay Ballard returned.

When the unknown bearer of a warning from an equally, as yet, unknown source was gone, the detective heaved a sigh of relief, glad that there had been no violence. But, it was damned close... if I hadn't kidded him out of it!

Intending to go home for dinner, since he'd been so busy for the last two days that he hadn't made it home... until the early hours of the morning, Jay headed for the parking lot. He was worried... not about Arnie's troubles but his own. Hell! Things aren't getting any better... between Betty and me... but if she'd loosen up a little bit and put a little zing into our sex- life... it'd sure help! Maybe, what we need is a good vacation... go off somewhere... relax... and get things ironed out... otherwise... we're headed straight for the divorce court! The hell of it is... Betty's basically... a sexy woman... She's got everything going for her!... And, I love her... but she's not turned on! Christ!... If only...

Jay had almost reached his Mustang and was delving into his jacket pocket for the car's keys, when he became aware of a racing engine behind him. He glanced back to see a car bearing down on him. Instinctively, he jumped out of the way and rolled between two parked cars. The car, a big Pontiac, had just missed him... and as he picked himself up off the asphalt, he knew it was no accident. God damn! That was close... too close! And, it's either a second warning... or the damned guy was really trying to do me in!

He hadn't had time to get a license number... but the face behind the wheel he'd know anywhere. It was the goon who'd burst into his office to give the detective some "advice. "

Forgotten was his intention to go home; instead, he drove to police headquarters, where he spent an hour or more poring over mug shots. He found what he was looking for and lodged a formal complaint against: Stearns, John W., also called Jack, one former conviction for armed robbery; an extortion case was dismissed... for lack of evidence. There was a long string of assaults in his record, as well as three busts for bookmaking.

"We don't have anything pending on him... right now," the duty Lieutenant told Ballard, then asked, "What happened... ?"

"He tried to kill me... with his car, in the parking lot of my office building!" Jay said vehemently.

"Do you know why, Jay?"

"I haven't the slightest idea," Jay answered, evasively.

"Okay... well try to pick him up on this!"

After all the details were taken care of... it was too late to drive home, so he drove South, to Newport... picked up a bite to eat at a drive-in and continued his search for Carla Reynolds, whom he was convinced was somehow the key to the whole situation.

It was around midnight when Jay hit pay-dirt. He found a bartender in a plush bar who knew Carla, and a five dollar bill was enough to get him her telephone number. The rest was easy. He located the apartment building, checked it and found her apartment empty.

Settling down to wait and watch, he was determined to see her... and get information from her one way or the other.

A little after one in the morning, Carla arrived... with a man. Hell! She's picked up an all night trick!

He made for the nearest pay telephone and dialed her number, sure that she would answer... if things weren't too far along.

"Hello... Carla Baby!" he said, slurring his words, purposely, "I'm here... all primed... an' ready for some fun!"

"Who is this?" she demanded.

"You don't know me, Baby... I'm from out of town... but I heard 'bout you... an..."

"But... what's your name... and what do you want... ?"

"Name's Jay... Jay Ballard... and I don't have to tell you what I'm after, Baby!" he slurred. "... An' I got the money to pay for it with... you get me... ?"

"It's late... and I..."

"Yeah... I can guess... some other bastard beat me to the punch... for the rest of the night... right... ?"

"Well... you know..."

"Kick 'im out... and I'll be right over!"

"No... you don't understand..."

"The hell I don't!"

"... But, maybe we could work something out... for tomorrow..." She hated to let him go... without making some arrangement... for later.

"Tomorrow... afternoon... ?" he queried.

"Yes... that'll be Okay... Give me a call... ?"

"Sure, Baby... I'll call you... 'cause I've got three more days... and a bad need... for some real fun and games!"

"Around two... Okay... ?"

"That's perfect, Carla Baby! You got yourself a date!"

He hung up, quick, grinning his satisfaction. Well... I've got a date... that's going to be fun to keep!

Jay was on time. Before he went up to Carla's apartment, he put his. 38 in the glove compartment of his car and clipped the little Berreta to the inside back of his pants waistband. There was no point in being completely unprepared.

Carla greeted him at the door. "Jay... ?" she asked.

"Yeah... and it's sure been a long wait!"

She didn't let him in, just yet. "Where'd you get my telephone number?" Carla demanded.

Ballard told her the name of the bartender and the location of the place. "... And, it cost me five!" he concluded.

Satisfied that he was not a vice-squad officer, she opened the door to admit him.

"Do you quiz everybody... like that?" Jay asked.

"Well... I've got to be careful, you know..."

"Yeah... I suppose so..." he agreed, stepping in close to take her in his arms, to kiss her.

She seemed to be reluctant, as he probed at her lips with his tongue, his hands moving down over the softness of her straight back to the rounded protuberances of her full-orbed buttocks and discovering in the process that she wore no encumbering bra or panties. His hands dug into the resilient flesh of them, hungrily.

Twisting her lips away, Carla told him, firmly, "It's fifty dollars... in advance!"

"You're lovely..." Jay told her with a disarming grin, but you must have a cash register... in place of a heart. "

He watched her gathering frown, as she tried to work up some anger over what he had said; the frown turned to a smile, though, when she reached out for the fifty dollar bill he took out of his wallet. She had balanced it out, quickly, for herself... in favor of the money.

Silently, she turned away, her walk studiedly provocative as she headed for the bedroom. Smart-ass! I'll give him a quickie... and kick him out of here!

Jay didn't follow.

Looking back over her shoulder at him, she said, "Well... ? The bedroom's back here!"

"That fifty ought to buy a drink... too..." he suggested.

"Okay... what'll it be?" She was disappointed that he wanted to delay.

"Scotch-rock'll be fine," Jay grunted, dropping into a comfortable chair.

Carla fixed the drinks and brought them. Handing him his drink, she sat on the sofa, facing him, tucking up her legs, her mini-shift riding up and giving him a clear view of her curvaceously tapered thighs and a flashing glimpse of auburn- tinted pubic hair to match the dark red of her carefully combed, lustrous hair.

He smiled his lewd appreciation, and hoisting his glass in toast, said, "Here's to what makes the world go around!"

"Sex... ?" she smiled.

"No! Money!" He took a long swallow of his drink, then as he looked over at her, again, he added, "It's the one thing people'll do almost anything for!"

His remark made her feel uncomfortable. She tried to change the subject. "Did you come here... just to drink and talk... ?"

"Hell no! I came here on business!" Jay told her, setting his glass down on the coffee table and getting up to strip off his jacket and tie, before sitting down, again, next to her on the couch. She started to cringe away from him, thinking she had made a mistake about him, after all. Twice before, she had been busted by vice-squad men, and she was frightened, momentarily, until he added, with a grin, "Your business... that is..."

He took her, solidly, into his arms, and his lips sought for and found hers, but this time, it was her moist, pink tongue that came surging into his mouth, searchingly, as his hands began to explore the soft contours of her lush body.

Cupping the resilient mound of a perfectly sculptured breast through the soft material of her dress, he kneaded it massagingly, and felt the tiny nipple spiking out hard and erect into the palm of his hand, while below, between his own legs, the natural and normal reaction began to take place.

There was the crawling lift of his scrotum pulling his balls up close to his body and the throbbing fullness in his penis as it became blood-engorged in a growing erection. He'd have to hold himself back... if his plan for Carla were to work. Damn it... just concentrate on getting her worked up!

He knew, from past experience, that many prostitutes didn't allow themselves to become involved with their johns; they just faked it all the way... made the guy think he was really getting a good lay, while she remained completely detached. Jay, consciously, tried to repress his own sexuality; at the same time he stimulated her, reversing the roles.

Sliding his hand down across her flat belly, then out along the smooth whiteness of a finely tapered thigh, he went in under the short length of her dress, allowing his warm hand to massage the soft flesh up the smooth inner side, moving upward, slowly, until he was rummaging in the angle of her thighs, caressing the curling fleeciness of her pubic hair; meanwhile, he was forcing her back, by slow degrees, until she was lying supine on the couch, beneath him, her legs straightened out, now, and parted slightly. Smoothly, he slipped a finger down into the moist warmth of her pussy, pressuring in through the fleshy folds from the top and parting the sparse adornment of hair, to find the tiny, erectly throbbing bud of her clitoris. His finger rubbed at it, teasingly, gently bringing it to even greater hardness; then, using two fingers, together, he drummed a tattoo up and down its short, pulsating length. He was rewarded by feeling the erotic spasms of it in her body and the tiny grinding undulations of her loins up against his taunting fingers.

Suddenly, Carla gasped, twisting her mouth away, savagely, and moaning, "Damn you... you're not like most of the others... who just want a quick fuck! You've got to make like the great lover!"

"What's your objection, Baby?"

"I just don't like to... make it... really make it with the johns... and besides... it takes up my time!"

"Well... Carla, Baby... you're going to make it with me... all the way!" he promised.

"Let's go into the bedroom... then!"

"Suits me..." Jay agreed, leaning back to allow her to get up.

The detective followed her into the bedroom, removing his shirt and undershirt, as he walked, and watching the provocative sway of her hips.

Once inside the bedroom, Carla whipped off her mini-sheath to reveal the voluptuous curves of her soft, womanly body. As she tossed her dress to the back of a vanity chair, Jay came in behind her, his arms going around her, under her arms, his itching hands clutching at the full, softly pliant mounds of her breasts, while his lips came down to kiss her delicately sloping shoulders and the nape of her neck. She shivered with delight and turned in the circle of his arms to press her nakedly curvaceous body up against him with a mewling moan of building passion. He felt the erect cones of her hardened nipples press in, tightly, against his own naked, hairy chest, while below her hips gyrated in tiny circles against the lengthening hardness of his almost fully erect, throbbing cock.

Jay's hands swarmed over her, smoothing the svelte contours of her body, his strong fingers kneading the resilient, warm flesh of her full-orbed buttocks. Then, his mouth was on hers, his tongue bursting through her lips to probe deep into the honeyed sweetness of her mouth. He did it with more ardor than he felt... on purpose. I want her really hot to trot... before I really start working her over!

After a moment or two, she broke the kiss and murmured, "I don't know why... I'm letting you do this..."

"Because you like it... I imagine!" he grunted, walking her backward the short distance to the edge of the bed.

As the backs of her knees contacted the edge of the bed, he pushed the auburn-haired beauty back onto it and stepped back. Quickly, he shed his shoes, socks and pants, leaving only his shorts to cover him, partially.

Sprawling there on the bed, where he had shoved her down, Carla's legs were splayed, obscenely, and he could see the pink flesh of her pussy, glistening dully moist and palpitant in the dim light of the bedroom.

Inside his shorts, his massive erection stirred and jerked involuntarily, and Carla's eyes were glued to the spot, her interest intense.

This man's lips, tongue and hands had ignited a slow fuse that was sputtering away in her, and she was trapped in a morass of ecstatic sensations that raced through her voluptuous body in waves of erotic anticipation. The thing that really bothered her... and the reason she didn't want to become involved, this afternoon... was the telephone call she had received just before Jay's arrival. It was Joan who had called... and Carla had convinced her to come to her apartment that same afternoon. She had already agreed to having Jay there... but she hated to turn him away and lose the money. She hated worse the fact that he had turned out to be so ardent. Now... I'm all worked up... and I'll have to go through with it! Not that she didn't like the idea of being turned on by a man; she had been thinking of Joan, and the delicious things she had in mind for her. It had been farthest from her mind that she'd be responding to Jay... but she was. There was nothing she could do about it... now... She just hoped that she could get rid of him... before Joan arrived.

A mewling hum of anticipation emitted from her throat, as her eyes devoured him, watching the lurch of the outsized bulge in his shorts. Then, her own hands, well-manicured and lotion-softened, slid, sinuously, up over her body to the full moons of her breasts, where her fingers played, narcissistically, with the distended, berry-like buds of her nipples, the darker pink of their aureoles drawing up in sensitive wrinkles of soft flesh.

"God!" she moaned, finally, anxious for him to go on now, "Get your shorts off... so you can start fucking me... with that big cock of yours!"

While Jay had been watching her, he had reached back of him, to get the object he needed, from his shirt pocket. Now, he held it behind him, a lewd smile of anticipation on his face. She's hot... already... and it won't be long... now... before she'd be crawling up the walls!

Carla closed her eyes, expecting that he would be on top of her, digging and poking at her body and shoving his hard cock into her cunt. Then, he'd fuck her for all he was worth... until he came, frantically... and that would be that...

... But, it didn't happen that way!

She was caught by surprise, as the unexpected happened. Her body jerked, spasmodically, involuntarily, at the light, tickle of something that was moving inch by tortuous inch up the soft, sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, heading, she knew for the pulsating portal of her cuntal passage that gaped open to him, because of her obscenely splayed thighs.

Her eyes flew open, widening, as she gaped down to where Jay was leaning over her, a gaily colored blue and green peacock feather held in his fingers, lightly, as he twirled it, teasingly, on her vibrant, sex-tingling flesh. Instantly, she clamped her legs together.

"What the hell... do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

Jay grinned down at her, salaciously. "Getting you good and ready... for some wild fucking!" he told her, and went right on with his tantalizing torture of her, dragging it now up the valley of her close-held thighs.

Instinctively, her hands flew to her pubic mound, protectively, knowing in a flash that if he were actually to use the feather on her cunt there would be no end to her arousal... and she didn't want that. She still held the image, in her mind, of the expected pleasures she would have with the dark-haired Joan... when she arrived.

"My God, Jay... don't do that... to me!"

"Why not... ?" he grunted. "It feels good... doesn't it?"

"Yes... but it's torture!"

"Not really! This'll turn you on... like nothing you've ever had before!" he grated, intent on what he was doing. "So you might as well lie back and enjoy it... for a while!"

Catching up her hands by the wrists, in a steel-fingered grasp, he pulled them away from the pulsating slit of her pussy.

"Now... open your legs!" he ordered.

"No! I-I won't let you do it!"

"I've paid you... in advance... you little whore!" he bellowed. "And, I'll do what the hell I please! Understand?"

Carla understood. She slowly relaxed the muscles of her thighs, to allow them to spread apart for his idea of fun. It could be worse! She told herself. At least... he's not one of the weird ones with whips... and crazy clothes!

The detective's triumph over her gave him a definite edge, now. Damn! It won't be long... until she's begging for mercy! Then... we'll see...

Jay released her hands, then, and focusing his full attention on what he was doing, began to tantalize her naked flesh with the peacock feather.

Groaning with helplessness, Carla felt the teasing lightness of the soft tip of the feather, as it tracked tiny circles of fire on the smooth skin of her inner thighs, darting into the hollows on either side of her sparsely hair fringed cuntal lips. She could have screamed with the excruciating torment, as it moved, relentlessly, toward its obvious target, through a deviously tortuous route.

Inexorably, the feather in his hand moved closer and closer, until finally, it trailed into the coralline moistness of her vaginal furrow, fringed, lightly, with the soft auburn curls of her pubic hair. Around and around he twisted it, dipping into her cuntal opening, momentarily, only to drag it, between the inner, petal-like lips that had begun to flower open with blood engorgement, and as he watched with lewd satisfaction he saw them begin to turn to a darker shade of pink.

Never had Carla experienced such an ecstatically sexy, nerve- charged, exciting sensation. She writhed on the bed, her hips undulating up to that torturing feather, and her breath came in uncontrolled, short, sharp pantings, as she felt him thrust it, twirlingly, in and out of her moist cuntal passage, igniting searing flames of desire that raced, unchecked in her nerve endings, like an all-consuming prairie fire, leaping before a strong wind and destroying all in its path.

She was ready... and already she had had enough of the feather, as she became aware of the slippery, warm moisture that exuded from the inner walls of her vaginal tunnel to ooze in viscid droplets into her cuntal portal. God! She was on fire with a desire she had never before felt.

"Oh, My God... Jay! Stop it! I can't stand it!" she groaned. "Stop playing around with me... and fuck me... damn it!"

"Later... Baby!"

Jay wasn't about to stop... yet; he wanted her completely helpless... He twisted the feather farther into the moist depths of her cent; then finally, after long moments it left her vagina and pirouetted upward to dance through the sparse, auburn fringe to the pulsating bud of her erectile clitoris, hidden in the defile of her womanly slit. He moved it, tormentingly, up and down the short length of the miniature phallus, coming to rest with a twirling motion on the sensitive triangle of its blood- engorged, sensitive head. She stifled a scream. Never, ever, had she experienced such exquisite agony... and joy, at the same time. She killed the building scream, in her throat, because she wouldn't allow him to know that he had subjugated her with an insignificant feather.

The peacock feather, in Jay's hand, danced teasingly on her throbbing clitoris for only a few moments, and just at the point when she was sure she could stand no more of it, the lust-inciting feather was suddenly gone. Then, she felt it trailing up through the fleecy softness of her pubic hair, across her abdomen and out over the flat, white plane of her smooth belly, dipping with a saucy twirl into the shallow depression of her navel and moving out to her groin to tantalize the soft hollows there.

Suddenly, with a broad sweep, the teasing peacock feather was on her breasts, orbiting them in a figure eight, which grew smaller with each evolution, moving upward on the full mounds of her trembling, white breasts, until it circled the crowning, cameo-pink of her hard-coned nipples.

Soft, mewling whimpers began to come, unbidden, from her lips, as the torturing feather, still moist from the dews of her cuntal opening, moved in ever smaller circles, until it proscribed only one of the hardened, erectile nipples, playing on the crinkled flesh of the aureole, then on the pink column of the tiny nipple itself, her quivering breasts set all atingle with the lascivious sensations it generated in them.

Then, Carla found herself wriggling her shoulders, her torso writhing, as she attempted to shove her breasts up against the teasing tip of the feather in Jay's hand. Her body, already crazed with overpowering desire, wanted more... and yet more.

She felt as though she were in a strong undertow, being dragged under water, and she was helpless in its grip. She was aware only of the throbbing ache of her loins that seemed to pulsate, radiatingly into her whole abdomen, the exuded, viscous moisture there making her even more expectant, the anticipation of what she expected to come to her... soon, stabbing excitedly deep into her very being. She couldn't wait any longer, it seemed... before she'd have to have Jay's big cock in her, filling her... fulfilling her... or she'd go out of her mind.

Frantically, her hands clawed upward to the magnificent orbs of her breasts; against her will, she kneaded and massaged them, cruelly, pressing them up from her supine, quivering body, offering them to the torment like a sacrifice.

Conscious control stopped... and she surrendered her body to the total, depraved enjoyment of the sensations the twirling, dancing feather engendered in her whole body that trembled with lewd anticipation.

The teasing feather left her breasts, suddenly, and she felt it trace a salacious path down through the moistly perspirant valley between her mounding breasts to swoop down and downward again to the throbbing pink flesh of her searingly expectant cunt. She gasped with sheer ecstatic joy, as she felt the moist tip of it slide down through her auburn pubic hair, to pause, momentarily, on her clitoris, where the twitching torment of the feather left her breathlessly writhing on the bed.

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Rachel Fontana fumbled with the two paper bags full of groceries as she tried to unlock the door to her apartment. It had been a hectic day, the likes of which she hadn't seen in a long time. All she wanted to do was have dinner, kick off her shoes and turn up the air conditioner to high. New York City in August was not a fun place to be. Especially in the middle of a heat wave. "Damn." she mumbled as she almost dropped the keys. "Nothing is going right today." The door finally opened...

1 year ago
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

2 years ago
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Piece by Piece Chapter One Broken Glass

"Both hands on the wheel, Stan," I said as I looked over at my husband. "Relax," Stan said as he put down his phone. "It was just Maxwell telling me about the meeting tomorrow," he said with a smile. "Well, he can wait," I said looking at the icy road ahead. I was not too fond of this stretch of road. It had claimed many lives especially at this time of night. "You guys have your seatbelts on?" I asked our kids in the back seat. "Yes," they all chimed at once with slight annoyance. "I have...

1 year ago
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Suzi needs to be unfaithful part 2

Suzi needs to be unfaithful Part TwoJames and I lay back on our bed, basking in the glorious afterglow of our frantic sex. Teasing the two tradesmen had left me with huge lust and state of arousal. James had just received the benefit, but as sure as eggs are eggs, the two guys will be in for one hell of an afternoon. To help dampen my ardour, I placed my digit finger in my slit and began to slowly run the tip of my finger up and down the shaved opening.James sat upright and watched me slowly...

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Modeling ad

It was nearing the end of the school year and I wanted some extra money to get a car. Looking through the want ads I seen an ad for young models. I've always looked younger than my age so I decided to give it a try. Friday after school I went to the address and went inside. Finding the door I went in. The woman at the desk asked what I was looking to do. I told her I never did this before and was willing to do what they ask. She told me to go to the dressing room and change into the bathing...

3 years ago
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Old Friends Come Together

I was getting bored sitting at home when the phone rang. It was a pleasant Surprise to hear Pooja’s voice after such a long time. She was my childhood friend who had gone to the States after getting married to Anand. She had come to India for a few days. She had decided to surprise me by not telling me about it beforehand. We decided to meet in the afternoon. Now, Pooja and I had shared a lot, right from secrets and money to even the bed. We had learnt about our tendencies in college when we...

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Blackmail madness

Sammy woke up, she was in her bed, she yawned, stretched a bit and got up. She peeled her sweat soaked PJ's off her body and jumped into the shower. She was a Bit cup and had a round booty. As she finished she grabbed a towel and sat on her bed, she chose her underwear for the day. She has a few options to choose from depending on how she was feeling. She looks through her drawings untill she finds the perfect underwear.

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 9 Watching the Yacht Race

I woke up early, feeling slightly disoriented until I realised where I was – in Cathy’s old bedroom, at the Parsons’s place, where she had slept until she took over Dianne’s room. It wasn’t yet six o’clock, and I could hear the sounds of the surf through the open window. Elsewhere in the house, all was quiet. I suspected Mr and Mrs Parsons would be sleeping in, and I didn’t know what time David returned, but I was well and truly asleep when he did. I was lying there, wondering whether to get...

4 years ago
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Untold Love 2

Next morning, I got up exactly at 9.00 AM, which is a normal practice for our family during the weekends. Since it was Saturday, I decided to take a break from my business. I immediately went down, gave a call to my assistant to take care of the business and directed him to call me only in case of emergency requirement. Subsequently, I went to kitchen, fixed a very nice breakfast keeping in view my daughter’s choice and started waiting for her on the dining table. After thirty minutes or so...

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Moms Erotic Displays

By Mike Escondido (as told to and recorded by Tony Reeno) Chapter 1: The Seductive Showoff This is a story that some of you may find engaging, while others will want to ignore. It deals with an erotic bond that developed between my mother and me. Be aware that you know that before proceeding. Moreover, be advised that the story is not about full-blown sex. If anything this is just a reminiscence that is laced with eroticism and exhibitionism more than explosive sex between parent and...

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My Dream Came True

When my Great Auntie Irene came to take me out for the day, she chatting with other two Great Aunties, Cybil laughingly told her that I wanted a girl's Sky blue gingham school summer dress. She was much younger than my other two Great Aunties. She did stood up & said "Come on we need to go, deary." I hated being called 'deary' as all my Great Aunties called would me. She led me out by my hand, to the blue Austin 1100, parked in the road, she opened the passenger door, pulled the seat...

1 year ago
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Xmas High Jinks

Xmas High Jinks By Gambler Dec. 14th Santa Claus couldn't believe his eyes; FBI and SWAT team sharpshooters surrounded his secret house in North Pole. The siege was a total surprise to him and his trusted elves, not even the best security systems in the world installed around his house had detected the covert teams of law enforcement officers. They skillfully took positions that covered all possible escape routes. A few squadrons of F-15s and F-16 fighters from USAF...

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Friends with BenefitsPART 6

Before you read Part 6...check out parts 1-5 first...PART 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: now...on to Part 6 (still 100% true!)...“You wanna a brewski?” Mark asked me as I flopped on his couch.“Sure – it’s 5 o’clock,” I...

3 years ago
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The Next Step For Me and Jessica Version 2

I wake up to my alarm and hastily slap the “snooze” button –once again, not realizing that it’s broken from all the days during the school year I had pounded it to grab that extra 5 minutes of precious sleep. I roll out of bed, turn my computer on, and slumber into the kitchen. I glance at the clock right above the microwave, and read its digital layout as 6:21. “Aww shit,” I groan. The background is filled with the ratta tat tat of keys combined with mouse clicks here and there. My...

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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 9

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil Merlin teacher kama kathai thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Merlin teacher udan nangu kudithu aval vaaiyil kanjai iraki vitu matai aagi paduthu urangikondu irunthom. Appozhuthu aazhntha thukathil irunthen, thukathil kanavum kandukondu irunthen. Naanum Merlinum oru theevil thaniyaaga santhoshamaaga irukirom, apadiye naan sorgathil irupathu pola enaku oru unarvu irunthathu. Naan apadi irukum pozhuthu Merlin ennai ezhupinaal,...

4 years ago
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Cousin love

Hello, this is a 100% true story of me and my cousin enjoying each other in a very intimate nature at the end of a party. I guess that I should begin with a bit about myself, I will use David for my name, at the time when we learned of our desires in was 26 years old. I am a 5'8" tall stalky guy, 200lbs, with dark brown hair and a goatee and am a heavy party person. I've had party houses since I was 15 years old and sold weed starting in my first year of high school. i got my first...

1 year ago
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Private Marilyn Sugar The Interview

The sexy blonde Marilyn Sugar returns to in Private Specials, Horny Beauties and today she’s taking on stud Jesús Reyes in an interview where sex is her favourite way to impress! It doesn’t take long for things to heat up between these two as Jesús is soon devouring Marilyn’s pussy until she repays him with a sloppy gagging blowjob. Then watch as this horny teen puts her amazing body to work, riding, grinding, and getting fucked in some incredible interracial action that has her...

3 years ago
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Long Island Ice Tea

As I sat sipping my long island ice tea I noticed a few things. The first was that I was actually in a bar drinking and wasnt old enough to drink. One of the perks of having a boyfriend that was older and worked at a bar. The second thing I noticed was this drink tasted like iced tea and nothing else. I was certain my boyfriend was lying to me and didnt want me to drink. So I downed the first one like it was nothing, and asked for another. He smiled at me and told me I had better take it easy,...

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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ko Choda Farm House Me

Dosto I am Mayur Patel. i am back with new story of me with my Friend’s girlfriend. Thanks for your feedback about my last story named BHABHI KE SATH EO HASIN RAAT. Please reply me i am waiting for your feedback. My name is mayur patel and I am From Surat. This story is about me and my friend Nikhil. Hum dono hi sex ke bhukhe hai. hum har bar sath me hi ladki chodte hai chahe wo kisiki bhi gf ho. hum bahot hi tharki hai jab bhi sath me hote hai tab sex ki and ladki chodne ki baate karte hai....

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 70 The Ball

It was in the warmest days of July, when in due course of time the Saturday arrived upon which the ball was to take place at M. de Morcerf's. It was ten o'clock at night; the branches of the great trees in the garden of the count's house stood out boldly against the azure canopy of heaven, which was studded with golden stars, but where the last fleeting clouds of a vanishing storm yet lingered. From the apartments on the ground-floor might be heard the sound of music, with the whirl of the...

2 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 28 Pay Day is Headache Day

Soon after we got back -by boat- to our ship, one of the council members who I’d already met showed up with three men. The Queen and the council had both subcontracted the watch over their ships to Lady Philipmina’s company and they were there to take over so my people could leave. I sent Filo, Matto, and Jono to the three ships they had commanded on our way up to here to tell our teams that we’d been paid, and soon we had everybody back onboard. We had taken on as crew two of the seamen...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 22 Digging Two Graves

October 11th, 1995, 5:40 AM MST, Holiday Inn & Suites, Phoenix, AZ Miguel was having a devil of a time sleeping. All he could think about was Sharon, and whether she would remember him. Well, that, and whether she would remember that she had run away from David. He was terrified she wouldn’t even remember that, and would end up being sucked back into his web of lies and abuse. He tossed, turned, tried to sleep. He got up from the bed, and decided to go to the hospital. But then he felt...

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The Fraternity

Derrick's fraternity was not exactly in a great neighborhood. Old frame houses that once framed a neat, tree-lined neighborhood showed peeling paint as they'd transitioned over the years into flop houses for college students. The older model cars parked in front showed signs of wear with rust spots and dents. The sleek, black Escalade my dad gave me as a high school graduation gift looked oddly out of place as I pulled in front of the fraternity house and parked. I could see a gathering of guys...

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Tifa and the Compliance Materia

Introduction This is an erotic fan fiction set in the world of Final Fantasy 7, the main character is Tifa Lockhart. This story (hopefully, bear with me it's my first attempt) will have a few branching plots and storylines and I will try to remain as best I can within the confines of the FF7 Universe, using characters only from this universe and not pulling from any other games in the franchise. Authors Notes This story is going to be as open ended as I can possibly make it, I'll try and give...

2 years ago
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Helping a Single Mom Part 2

Dawn caught me by surprise with her sudden display of affection. Somehow, I was able to raise my arm quick enough and d**** it over her side before she trapped it between us. This only seemed natural with one exception. My open hand lay flat on the curve of her hip. I felt as though it needed to be somewhere else or doing something different. A waste of a perfectly good appendage... I wanted to move it. Without knowing what to do I decided to take a swig of my beer instead. Dawn giggled at the...

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Youve Got An Hour

Julie lay back into the car's seat, closing her eyes and relaxing into the ride home. The night out had been just what she needed after a long week; Jay had done well distracting her from thoughts of work. Their favorite restaurant had again come through with a great meal. They'd had just enough wine, lovely dessert, and stimulating conversation. But though the pleasant hours had repressed her ill mood, she now wanted a good night's sleep to escape the frustrations the work week had wrought....

4 years ago
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Cajun Ass Queen Part 5

Cajun Ass queen Part 5By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, victor enjoys the spoils of warCajun Ass Queen Part 5Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info walked into the door way of the house. She smiled with an evil smirked on her face. Her auburn hair hung down, medium down to her shoulders. At 5.6 Caj stood the pentacle of big and beautiful. Her skin and cellulite oozing out of every inch of...

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another bi night

So here's another written sexcapade I've had.After my bi night in my first story this is a couple of weeks after. Determined after my first night of sexual experimentation I wanted more! A lot more. I slowly arranged a foursome for some serious fucking fun. My wife and I are meeting with my bi couple friends I fucked a couple of weeks ago.My wife is not sure all of what's going to happen but I have an idea what Lisa and her hubby have in mind and I think everyone will have there holes filled...

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A Teen Titan enslaved

This story takes place at an undefined point in the story line, but right before a large battle. I'm not really concerned if plot is taken from TV show or comic books. Whichever works. FYI: I broke up the introduction into 3 parts to make it easier to read. Every hero and every villain the Teen Titans had ever encountered were preparing to fight. This battle would ultimately sway the pendulum of good and evil far to one side or the other for many years. Which direction would depend on the next...

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On the RunChapter 2

Six years ago. The judge cleared his throat and coughed, staring at the teenager in the dock of the Crown Court. "James Prutton, you are found guilty by this court of armed robbery, contrary to the Theft Act 1968. You have been a career criminal and a community nuisance since you were twelve and I am not disposed to show you leniency despite your relatively young age of sixteen. Your crime was a vicious and violent act against a peaceful community and you perpetrated a wicked and terrifying...

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What would you do if you woke up and discovered the idea of deception no longer exists. Everything you see is believed completely. Every request you make is deemed reasonable and everything you do is normalised and no one bats an eyelid. Tell that pretty neighbour the world will end unless she fucks you and she will. Ask your favourite celebrity for an autograph and a blowjob and she agrees. Or simply bend the Tesco checkout girl over the counter and fuck her while she continues to serve...

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Making Friends at the Swing Club Part 2 of 3

In part one, I met Dawn and we seduced each other. As we finished, we wished we had time to explore some more before we returned to our spouses.With a final kiss and a smile, we gathered our clothes. Dawn blushed when we saw the mess we had made of the sheets. She had extras, so without a word, we quickly changed them. We walked nakedly arm in arm to the showers and had a quick rinse. We dried just as quickly, and put our clothes back on, her in the teddy and me in my boxers and loose shirt.We...

Wife Lovers
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Just A Bit Of Fun Part 5 Maddie Brown

Just A Bit Of Fun Part 5 Maddie Brown.Maddie Brown, aged fifty, didn’t like going out in the daytime. Never married, left university with a degree in literature but never had a job. When a name from her past died and left her his collection of books and a yearly allowance, it opened a long lost and painful memory. This led her to be something of a recluse, her groceries were always delivered and if she needed something in a hurry there was always someone willing to pick it up from the shops,...

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JudgementsChapter 43

When Hope pushed the door open and ushered a subdued Shawna back into the house, Marcus was perched waiting on the arm of the sofa. "How are you?" he whispered, quietly as Shawna slipped into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, gently, but his eyes were on Hope who gave a non-commital shrug. "I'll be OK." She muttered, muffled by her scarf and his shirt. "Anyone for tea?" Hope asked, doffing her own coat after a moment, and heading for the kitchen. "Hmph-mm." Shawna...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e12 Frances Pingel 35 from Stoke

We open with a shot of an old street of old industrial buildings. Two and three-story brick fronted buildings with high windows. Walking toward us, big beer belly spilling over the front of his jeans and hanging out of the bottom of his West Ham football shirt, it’s our hairy host with the most (experience that is), Dennis ... He’s been an active dog ‘trainer’ on the UK bestiality scene for decades, since long before our little show shot him to infamy. Trotting along-side him, light on his...

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Betty Booped

== Betty Booped == My name is Benny. I'm what you'd call an Average Joe. I'm 5'4 (so I'm a little short), short blonde hair and currently wearing a normal t- shirt, jeans and tennis shoes combo. I'm just your typical young man trying to make a living here in New York City. At least I was until later today. I was currently looking for a new apartment to call home; unfortunately though, I didn't have much money to work with. The only thing I found available and in my price range was a...

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Fucking at Istanbul

This is my real experience when i visited istanbul in december in 2006. I arrived in morning and went to my hotel and checked in. It was very cold and the temperature must be about 3 degree cecius. I was on my business trip for some technical discussion for new technology developed. The mr.jim the manager called me in the morning and then we left for office. It was very cold and i told him it is difficult for me to move as i can not withstand cold....

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My Love Story 8211 Part III

I was living alone in a room by rent as my house was about ten miles away from college, which was starting d next day for which I was eagerly waiting. It was d first day of my college, and i was exited to meet new people around me and obviously make new friends. I came to know that my class was on d ground floor , I came near d class door and was surprised to see it closed , d peon near told me that once the teacher here closes d door he opens it after d lecture finishes and it is a rule.. I...

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Mom Ne Kaise First Affair Paison K Liye Start Kia

Hi guys, I am Crosty yeh mera real chudai story h about my mom. Humlog Mumbai me rehte h kerla family h humlog kaa chotasa business h. Meri mom normally salwar kameez pehnti h aur unka gaand bhot bada h unka name fragan h aur unka boobs toh bhot hi bada h aur woh ekdum fit dikte h jab b woh chalti h unka gaand aur ball upar neeche hota h. Ek din meri mom busstop me gayi bus pakadne tabhi unke saamne ek bike khadi hogayi thi mom ne dekha ki woh uske ek purane class mate h bhot days baad mil rhe...

2 years ago
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Fucking and Football

I've been asked by many people to upload more of my sex stories. This is an older one from my sex diary. It was the summer of my junior year at SDSU when I met Bill. We were together for a couple months and just a few weeks before class started, rather moving on campus, I decided to move in with him.This story starts on the first Sunday of the new NFL season, Bill and his friends were set to watch some football. The Chargers were playing. His friends showed up about 12:30 with beer and...

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Life Liberty and the Pursuit of JusticeChapter 4

Matt continued to pet Kathy's foot on the Living room couch after the symphony ended, lost in thought. "Really great sound system," Kathy said after a while. "If you close your eyes, it sounds just like a live performance." "Yeah. You wouldn't guess it with the 45-foot high ceiling, but it's true. The creature was a damn good audio technician. Another one of its many talents..." Matt said idly. It had been a week of Earth time since the Porto event. Kathy and Matt had dropped into a...

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opertunity i cant throw away

HI this is my first attempt at a storyWell im a 32 yr old divorcee, ive dressed up in panties and nylons for as long as i can remember. I've also been curious to my sexuality for years but done nothing about it, dont get me wrong i love nothing more than eating pussy, i do it for hours. Now its time to explore my bi curious side.I;ve been on here a lot hoping someone would turn up, well finally its happening ive been asked if id be the first to fuck his ass. I didnt have to think twice and...

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Diary Of Sex 8211 Part 2

This is Amar(name changed), 24 years of age with a fair complexion and 5’11” I height, and a 6” dick. I had just finished my engineering and am working in a reputed company. This is the continuation of diary of sex with my cousin’s sister. I request the readers who have missed the first part to go through and give your feedback. My cousin’s sister’s name is Usha. She is 23 years of age pursuing M.Tech. Usha is 5’10” tall, with curves just in the right places, and has a flawless body of...

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The Halloween Parade Transformation

It all started over a bet but it ended very surprisingly and totally changed my life. I was a sophomore attending NYU in the heart of New York City when this occurred. Originally I came from Ohio and now in my second year of college I had really fallen in love with NYC and the whole city lifestyle. Back home I was from a small homogenized town which while being a safe and pleasant enough place to grow up always seemed to be lacking something I felt. It wasn’t until I began college that...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 22 Surprise

Samantha ran onto the patio sobbing wildly and waving a letter and envelope around that were obviously the cause of her state. Cord came behind trying to sooth her and comfort her. A few others were nearby expressed their support and love for the young girl. The announcement had gone out to everyone that morning by Circle email. Sam sobbed out in a loud voice so everyone on the patio could hear, “You’re ALL so nice to me. I can’t believe it. This is my dream job. I promise I won’t ever let...

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Driving in Snow Ch 30

This work is an exploration of some possibilities of the spiritual and psychic side of sex. There is a good deal of sex in this work but it always occurs in a spiritual, synchronistic and loving manner. The spirituality expressed in this work reflects my present view of how the universe actually works. ********************************* For those who wish to read this chapter without having read the earlier ones, here is a very brief introduction. I strongly recommend that you read the earlier...

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Karens new babysitting job

Karen nervesly approached the door and rang the bell. This was not her first babysitting job but she was worried someone may find out why she wanted this one. Her thoughts drifted to yesterday during lunch when she heard Christina telling the girls she was never babysitting for Jacob Wilson again. “That little fucker tried rubbing his balls on my face while we were watching a movie.” That thought made he feel a little tingly all over and she felt her nipples harden as she did when Christina...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 11F

Saturday. By six A.M. I was awake. My first thought was that a date was only a few hours away. I gave sleeping Martha a kiss, got out of bed, and took my vitamins. I needed to move. To run. I dressed in my gym clothes and went downstairs and jogged toward Central Park. The early sun was already hot and beaming. Halfway to Central Park I stopped, waiting at Park Avenue for the traffic light. Cars swished by and I found myself watching everything, taking it in, wondering what it would be like...

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Submissive Cum LaudeChapter 3 Duel Of The Dommes

Brianna gazed into her bathroom mirror with tired eyes. Her head throbbed with a fierce headache. It had been a long day of classes and there was still so much she needed to do before bed. She opened her medicine cabinet, popped a couple Tylenol and downed them with a glass of water. After a few deep breaths she trudged to the living room and collapsed on the leather sofa. She let her curvy body sink into the luscious furniture as she tried to relax and waited for the meds to kick in. BZZZT...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 20

Early next morning... Earth time: Saturday, 6:18 AM, November 27, 2010 Central Standard Time Aina time: 6:25 AM, day 45 of 1408 H.E. (mid summer) A'moth completed her eighteenth lap on the underground jogging track and glanced at her watch. The track was very springy and a delight to run barefoot. A'moth was pacing herself to one lap per minute, a nice easy run for her. The diameter of the vast cavern was 132 meters, and A'moth was running about 1.5 meters from the wall. Each lap was...

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Just imagine

As I sit here on my black leather sofa, my thoughts of you and our conversations fill my head. I want to play and I imagine you watching me. I slowly unbutton my black shirt letting it expose my breasts. My nipples already hard . I unbutton my shorts and slowly unzip them, letting them drop to the floor. I rub my hand over my pussy and can feel it is already wet. I slide my fingers over my clit I rub it gently. I slowly move my fingers to my ass teasing the tight hole. I have 2 long mirror side...

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Sharing my juicy maid with my best friend MaidServant Sex Stories

I had a maid working for me for a year now and often I had caught her masturbating. She didn’t know yet, but when she thought I was away, I would secretly watch her as she cleaned my bedroom. And one day when I caught her masturbating on my bed, I gave her a good pounding – in her pussy with my cock. Now she would sometimes shamelessly walk around only in an apron, showing me her cunt. So, one day I brought James, my friend, over to watch my juicy maid. She saw him come in but didn’t rush to...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Five

PART FIVE This, the first day on the job away, was both eventful and tiring. It had been a long day and although Brett and I had been looking forward to climbing into bed together, we were both so tired that we virtually fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. However, what must have been a couple of hours later, I woke up as I went to turn on to my left side, because I rolled into the naked body of my bed partner. He was...

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