Arlene and JeffChapter 472
- 2 years ago
- 22
- 0
‘I need to see you, can we meet?’
A text I was not expecting pinged on my phone Friday morning. Last time I spoke to Liam, almost a week ago, we decided enough was enough. We had taken too many risks already, we had to cool it before it got too out of hand and people got hurt. We agreed we didn’t want to hurt anyone. We hadn’t messaged each other as we had started to, all our messages had been on our mutual friends' group chat, the chat that contains our respective spouses. Everything back to normal, inconspicuous, all over. Like we agreed. It is for the best. We need us to be over.
Except, all I have done all week is think about him. Every time he's posted on the group chat, which he has done more often, my heart has pounded and I haven’t been able to hold back from engaging with it straight away. I hoped no one else noticed the increase in our posting activity. I hoped I wasn’t imagining it. I hoped he was struggling to stop thinking of me as much as I was him.
So yes, we can meet. Of course, we can meet.
‘Usual place, usual time?’ I replied. To which I received a thumbs up, an aubergine and a tonne of kisses. I sent kisses back and gradually my heart started to return to its normal beat. Then I deleted the texts, as was my habit.
I dragged myself out of bed and went to make a cup of tea. Thanks to that text, I now had an extra hour before I had to go out with the dog. Our usual place was the car park near the entrance to the woods not far from both of our houses. We live in the same street, yet we never meet and walk together. We always meet there, in our cars because it is a nicer walk from the car park than it is from our estate to the woods. Also, our dogs hate being in the back of the car together, we tried it once, never again. It was curled lips and humping the entire five-minute car journey as each dog tried to dominate the boot as their own. The woods open out onto fields, we can get lost for a couple of hours easily over there and barely see another soul. It is the perfect place to talk freely and more importantly, privately. It also allows us plenty of solitary spots where we can kiss each other and wish to God we could take things further.
Me and Liam. Can you hear the audible sigh in my voice? Where do I start? Where exactly is the beginning? We are part of a large group of friends who became friends really by accident. We all live within a five-minute walk of each other, we all have children of differing multiples but one common denominator, the eldest all started our local primary school together. You know what it’s like at primary school, every parent there is so desperate to find a social life after years of being stuck in night after night too exhausted to watch TV, unable to drink because your darling child will be up so early the next morning even if they do manage to sleep through the night. To meet a fellow parent with a similarly aged child to your own that you actually get on with, is heaven-sent. My husband and I didn’t meet one, we met six. The eight of us have been firm friends for nigh on twelve years.
What started as playdates for a few hours soon became weekend evenings, with each couple taking turns to host. Then we started having weekends away, hiring cottages, big Center Parcs holidays and cheap weekends in caravans from offers in the newspaper. Then we booked villa holidays and started going abroad together. Life is good, as a group, we are like family, our children all like cousins. It gets a little loud, a little manic and a lot crazy but that has just made it easy for Liam and mines growing closeness to go unnoticed.
We also go unnoticed because to everyone else we have nothing in common. He loves films, I only watch what the kids suggest. He loves music to the point that as a hobby he produces his own, I like what reminds me of my student days in the nineties. He is a tech nerd and does something in IT, I am a freelance textile artist, who can barely send an email. He is meticulous, organised, a bit OCD. I am a bit scatty, disorganised and sometimes, far too laid back. We are definitely a case of opposites attract but oh my, the spark that creates, we fizzle. We don’t have to touch for the hairs on both of our arms to stand on end as if being pulled together. How no one has noticed, felt it, we cannot fathom. Lucky for us though, they haven’t.
Things have built slowly between us over many years. It began with rogue touches here and there, mostly when drunk. We pretended to each other for years that it meant nothing when he would push his leg firmly against mine under the table and keep it there for the duration. That developed into many accidental brushings of hands and hands on thighs, grabs of knees, which we also pretended meant nothing. It was when both of our families got dogs at the same time that things between me and Liam started to develop. As we both work from home, we could be around for the dogs, we could walk them. It made sense, everyone knew we were going to walk the dogs together. The general consensus from all our friends was that it would be nice for us, the homeworkers, the school run doers, to have that social time. So, when we got closer, everyone just tied it in with the fact we spend more time together because of the dogs and because of the kids with the dogs. The kids got bored with the dogs and our walks got longer the more we walked together on our own. I cannot remember the first time he grabbed my hand when we were walking but from that first time, we now always hold hands. Our dogs are now four. It’s a good job they can keep secrets.
The first time we kissed was on one of our walks. The first time I made him come was on one of our walks. The first time he made me come, you guessed it. If those trees could talk. We were always so careful when the group was together, but we had been taking more risks. As the kids are getting older, we have started going out to local pubs more on Saturday nights, leaving the four seventeen-year-olds in charge. Being away from our homes and our children has made us take risks. Too many stolen kisses outside of pub toilets. My outfits perfectly chose to allow Liam’s hands to sneak under my skirt or dress and stroke my thigh under the table, to let his hand ride further and further. Too many back to Liam’s house for hot tub nights where it is so easy to hide what our hands are doing under the bubbles with our friends and spouses in the water with us.
Despite all of this, Liam and I are yet to fuck each other but not fucking each other is getting harder and harder to avoid. Last Saturday night we crossed too big a line. We had touched ourselves into a frenzy in the hot tub. He brought me to the brink of orgasm, and I can’t believe no one noticed. I hoped if they did, they would assume it was a well-positioned jet and be too polite to ask. I made my excuses and practically ran to the toilets to finish myself off. It didn’t take me long.
When I came out of the bathroom Liam was waiting outside.
‘I wanted to do that,’ he whispered putting his hands around my waist and pulling me against his body.
I instantly kissed him, a long breathless kiss. I felt his hard-on pushing easily into my groin, our swimwear giving very little barrier.
‘I want to fuck you so badly,’ he whispered. ‘We need to fuck, Alice. You need to let me know when you’re free next week.’
I nodded breathlessly and kissed him again, quickly, before we pulled apart and he went into the bathroom. I rushed away and then stood for a moment at the bottom of the stairs.
‘Alice more wine?’ a friend shouted from the kitchen.
‘Please,’ I shouted back, shook the last few minutes off and headed into the kitchen.
We didn’t steal any more kisses, we calmed down the touching. We communicated silently when briefly alone with facial gestures. And to be honest, we all drank so much the rest of the night is very blurry.
On Monday morning we met in our usual spot for our dog walk. We walked into the woods talking small talk and then Liam stopped dead, he held both of my hands and looked at me, ‘We need to cool things down don’t we?’ he said.
‘I think we do,’ I found myself replying despite being consumed with thoughts of fucking him for the last thirty-six hours.
‘There are too many people going to get hurt if they find out about us. If we start fucking each other, it’s dangerous. We’re already taking more risks.’
‘I know, we pushed it too far Saturday, but…’
‘Don’t get me wrong, Alice, I want to, I want you so badly.’
I smiled at him, I want him so badly too. I don’t want to lose what we have. ‘I can’t lose you as a friend and God, we’re being horrible people as it is. How bad will we feel if we fuck each other? What if we can’t handle the guilt? What if…’
He silenced her with a light, gentle kiss on the lips.
‘We’ve let ourselves develop here, we can take it back a step. I’m going to have to try and control myself. I hate to say this, I think we need to give each other space.’
‘How on earth do we do that?’
‘I’m not going to walk this week. I’ll walk somewhere else. We need to start thinking of ourselves as friends again, I can’t risk losing everything we have, we can’t destroy all these lives. I’m sorry, Alice, I really am.’
We walked and we talked, I agreed with him. I genuinely agreed with him. I didn’t want to lose my life. I love my husband, I love his wife. I love our five kids, his three and my two. When I think of them in context with what we have done I feel sick. We had so much to lose by being together and we didn’t want to be a couple together. That wasn’t what this was. We would never work as a couple but as friends who fancy the pants off each other, we work incredibly well. As much as I agreed, I felt like I had gone through a breakup this week. I felt empty, I felt lost. I was tearful and angry which I had to blame on hormones. If we hadn’t escalated whatever it was we used to have in the beginning, we could have kept that, that wasn’t hurting anyone. By cooling it now, where do we go back to? How do I be his friend? Just his friend? How do I not hold his hand, kiss him, touch him? I don’t know how we were as friends, it’s too long ago.
Those thoughts plagued me all week. They got worse last night when we were making plans for Saturday night. I was nervous about seeing Liam again and how to behave around him. Now I was nervous to meet him to do something so innocuous, so normal for us. His text suggested he felt the same as me, but I didn’t know what he was going to propose.
When I drove onto the car park he was already there, stood leaning against his car. His dog, Bailey, rummaging in the bushes until he sensed my arrival and bolted to greet my car. I laughed as Liam jumped to attention and frantically tried to call him to heel. Once I pulled up, I popped my boot so Derby, my dog, could get out, start playing and stop whimpering. We were on our own on the car park. We always parked in a secluded spot, but it made no difference as we were nearly always the only people ever there. Liam was at the driver’s side of my car as soon as I climbed out of it. He instantly pulled me into him and kissed me before we could even say hello. It felt better than I could have imagined kissing him again. Five whole days of missing each other had not helped quell our mutual desire.
‘I have not stopped thinking about you all fucking week,’ he said. ‘I know what I said Monday, but I was a dick, how can we go back, this week’s been hell. I couldn’t spend tomorrow night with you and not…’ he kissed me again.
‘I have not stopped thinking of you either, I’ve gone to sleep dreaming of all the different ways we could have first fucked, I’ve dreamt about you, I’ve woke up and immediately started to think of ways we can get time to fuck and where we can fuck and how we can fuck.’
Liam grinned, ‘Did any of those involve either of our cars?’ he asked.
‘They did but even in my fantasies, the muddy wellies got in the way. And there was no way I was walking the dog in the outfit I’d like to be wearing when we first fuck.’
‘I just want you naked, I’ve never seen you naked. I’ve felt all your bits, but I’ve never seen them,’ he said in between nibbles of my neck.
His cock was hard and pushing into my thigh. I didn’t want to walk the dogs, wellies or no wellies I wanted Liam but, I would have control.
‘C’mon,’ I said pushing him slightly away. ‘We need to walk, let’s walk, talk and come up with a plan. I need to talk to you. We need to talk. I don’t want Monday again. I want this.’
Liam hung his head and repositioned his cock to a more comfortable position.
‘I might have this till you do something about it though,’ he half-joked.
‘That’s up to you, I ain’t touching it till we’ve talked,’ I said and then called the dogs to follow me toward the woods.
Liam jogged after me as I had stridden off quite quickly.
‘I’m sorry about Monday, I got scared. I felt sick with guilt on Sunday and paranoid someone had seen, or at least we’d raised suspicions, that the game was up and I thought, if we fuck, this is how I’m going to feel all the time. But not being with you felt worse. We can’t win here can we?’
‘No, we should have called a stop to things way before now. It would have been easier to stop nothing than something.’
‘We haven’t wanted to stop have we?’
‘So how do we make this work? How can we make sure we don’t get caught?’
‘We can’t. If we carry on, we take that risk.’
‘I want to take that risk.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Are you sure?’
‘No. It scares me. When I let myself think about all the people’s lives that will be affected if we get found out. And if we get found out there’s no happy ending whereby, we get to carry on and everyone just accepts it. I don’t want to hurt anyone but…’
‘We’ve already crossed so many lines, we could already hurt those people if they knew what we get up to already.’
‘Exactly, so, why not carry on? We’ve managed discretion so far, we’re taking more risks because we’re desperate to take it to the next stage. Do you feel guilty now?’
‘No. It’s when we sneak around when we’re all together. I almost feel like this is accepted as our time so we’re free to do what we want in it. That’s wrong though I know.’
‘I’m sure I need to fuck you, I know I need that. I desperately need that. That’s all I’m sure about, that and the fact I don’t want to fuck you in these woods. At least, not all the time.’
I looked up at Liam smiling and pulled his hand to make him stop walking. We wrapped our hands around each other’s waists, I rested my head on his chest for a moment and let him hug me.
‘I can’t walk away from you, Alice,’ he said and kissed the top of my head.
‘I don’t want you to. I don’t want to walk away from you. I want more time with you, not less.’
‘How much work you got on today?’
‘Nothing I can’t put off till another day.’
‘Good, neither have I. I know we could have planned this better if I hadn’t have freaked on Monday but let’s spend the day together. How free is your house today? I’m on my own till the kids get in.’
‘Me too.’
‘One hundred per cent, failing an emergency.’
‘Should I come over?’
‘My bum or my tits?’
‘Both, I have a lot of come built up for you.’
We laughed, relieved to have the conversation lightened. Talking about what we were doing, where it was going was not something we did often. It suited us both to separate our two existences and live for the moment rather than dwelling on the potential consequences of our actions.
‘Are we really going to do this?’ I asked. My heart was pounding.
‘I think we need to. And why wait?’
‘I agree why wait, we’ve waited long enough.’
Liam kissed me hard and moved his hands to squeeze my bum.
‘Are you sure you don’t just want me to push you up against that tree over there and fuck you rotten right now?’
‘I’m sure,’ I giggled. ‘I want us to be naked the first time, but I’ll be open to that suggestion some other day.’
‘Every day, I’m going to fuck you up against that tree, every morning, rain or shine.’
‘Even in the snow?’
‘In the snow, we’re going to make two shagging snow angels.’
We were laughing as we kissed again.
‘We need to get walking, can I suggest we just do a quick lap of the woods today?’ Liam said.
‘Definitely just a quick lap, in fact, if we head this way, there’s a bit of a shortcut.’
Liam nodded his approval and we walked off hand in hand.
After the quickest shower of my life, I was sat on my stairs wrapped just in a long kimono, impatiently staring at the front door. I knew Liam would knock and just walk in because that is what we all do when we pop round to each other’s houses. We had a back story worked out, that he had come to help me with a computer emergency. He was IT support for our whole friend group, so this was more than feasible. Not that we were going to get caught but at least we had a cover, just in case.
When the door finally opened, I stood up and rushed towards him. My kimono fell open as I half jogged across my hallway. Liam’s eyes went wide, he bit his lower lip and devoured my body.
‘Fuck, I need you,’ he said.
He kissed me hard and pushed me back against the nearest wall. His hands went straight for my tits and started to gently squeeze them.
‘We shouldn’t do this here,’ he said between mouthfuls of nipple.
He dropped to his knees without waiting for a response and buried his face between my legs. His nose pushed against my clit first as his tongue licked and explored inside me. I gasped. And then I moaned as he sucked my clit and sucked and sucked.
‘Oh God, fuck,’ I whimpered.
My legs were weak.
‘Fuck, Liam, I…’
He carried on licking and sucking, it felt amazing. He had only ever made me come with his fingers before, logistical reasons.
I wanted to scream out, but I kept my moans low, I didn’t want the street to hear us but my God I wanted to scream out. I grabbed his hair in my fist and gripped his shoulder tight with my other hand as he continued. Oh God did I want to come.
I whimpered again and then, ‘Oh, oh, oh, oh, fuck, yes, oh fuck…’ I shouted involuntarily. I couldn’t silence myself as I came, a powerful force erupting from my pussy and engulfing my whole body. I hung my head breathing heavy, my eyes shut tight. My body shuddered, my legs shook. I felt Liam’s hands on my bum, holding me tight. He gently kissed my thighs, my electrified skin sending more tingles rushing through me.
‘Upstairs,’ I uttered eventually.
He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the stairs. Dropping me, giggling, on the fourth step.
I held out my hand.
He took it and squeezed my bum with his free hand. ‘You OK, yours and Pete’s bed?’ he asked.
‘I have to be, but yeah, I’m OK with it. And I get to lie in it tonight and remember.’
‘Will you fuck him, later and think of us?’ Liam asked as we bundled through the bedroom door.
‘Do you want me to?’
I had turned to face him now, he held me tight against him, his hand pushing in the small of my back.
‘Yes, and tomorrow night, he’ll tell me, and I’ll know it’s me you were thinking of.’
‘What about Caroline?’
‘Alice, I’m not going to have any come left to give her once I’m finished with you.’
He kissed me hard. I lifted his t-shirt, we briefly stopped kissing to pull it over his head. I let it fall to the floor. His hands were busy undoing his jeans as we continued to kiss. I love that sound, belt buckles and buttons undoing, his zip being pulled down. I shut my eyes momentarily and opened them as his shorts fell to the floor. And there he was for the first time in all his naked glory. He slid my kimono off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor as he edged me closer to the bed.
He lay me back on the bed I share with my unsuspecting husband. Pete doesn’t deserve this. I should feel bad. I don’t feel bad. I want him inside me, I have wanted him inside me for so long. I want to savour this moment, every second in case it never happens again. I…Oh my God yes. Liam pushed his cock easily inside me, he rocked his hips moving his cock in and out a few times and then he lowered down to kiss me. And we lay, kissing, with him inside me. And then he fucked me, he fucked me harder than I think I have ever been fucked.
‘Jesus, Alice, I’ve wanted this for fucking years. Next time…slower…I’m sorry…Fuck…’ and he came. His body shuddered, he squeezed his eyes tight shut for a moment before opening them again to look directly into my eyes. His come face was not new to me. Any minute now a smile would erupt that would start from his eyes. He never looked more handsome than just after he’d come.
We were in trouble. There was no going back now.
‘I’m so sorry, that was too quick. I promise, give me half an hour we’ll do it again, properly.’
‘Hey, it’s OK.’ It was, I meant the words. It was fast and eager and although short, as satisfying as I had wanted it to be. Now, I just wanted to lie naked in his arms as much as anything else.
Liam rolled off me and lay back on the bed, he held out his arm and I moved to cuddle into him, resting my head on his shoulder and chest.
‘It’s not even midday that means we have at least three hours to do it again, properly, slowly,’ he said.
‘Honestly, the amount we’ve built this up, it was never going to be long and slow. I quite like a good hard, fast pounding every now and again,’ I giggled.
Liam turned his head and kissed me and then moved onto his side and kissed me again.
‘Fucking hell,’ he sighed.
‘What?’ I asked.
‘You’re sexy, you’re beautiful, you’re glowing, and I just want to fuck you over and over and never stop.’
I smiled and went to reply but he kissed me again and didn’t stop. His hand started on my face then stroked down my side, grazing over my breast, his thumb catching my nipple. It followed the gentle curve of my waist and over my hip to squeeze my bum. Then it grazed down the backs of my thighs. I lifted my leg and draped it over his, pulling our bodies closer together. He reached his hand around the back of my thigh, stroked down my inner thigh until his fingers found my come soaked pussy. He slipped a finger, then two inside me.
He stopped kissing me to adjust his position so he could angle his hand better and lowered his face to my tits. He sucked my nipple into his mouth as his fingers began to circle over my clit. I moaned long and slow as the exquisite sensations hit me.
He continued for a short while and then he rolled me onto my back and moved to straddle my thighs. He kissed my lips, then my neck then moved his kisses down towards my breasts. He kissed over the top of my tits before taking each nipple in turn into his mouth. His hands gently squeezed my tits as he alternated sucks and licks. My body arched under his as sensations built inside me. My pussy ached, my clit throbbed, eager for his touch again. He pinched my left nipple as he nibbled on my right making me groan loudly. Fuck, this was intense. He pushed his knee against my pussy, I rocked my hips, rubbing up and down against his thigh, it did nothing to satisfy the throbbing ache building and building.
Eventually, he started to move his kisses down over my stomach, inching closer and closer and just when I tensed expectantly, he moved his kisses to my inner thighs.
I groaned in frustration, I heard Liam chuckle. Then I moaned with relief as his finger pushed hard on my clit as he continued to kiss my thighs.
‘Oh, God, yes,’ I panted.
He looked up at me and moved his fingers, he sunk what felt like two inside me and just as his fingers found that spot inside me that created so much pleasure it almost hurt he sucked my clit hard into his mouth.
‘Oh fuck,’ I moaned.
My hips writhed against his hand and his mouth. I was panting loudly unable to control it. I lost myself in that many sensations until I came, hard, I felt a sharp gush of liquid squirt from deep inside me as I came. Liam groaned and carried on lapping and lapping.
‘Sorry,’ I gasped.
Liam stopped and looked up at me, confusion etched on his face. ‘That was sexy as hell, it’s what I was trying to make you do. Why would you be sorry?’
I shrugged, words seemed too much right now, I was still basking in my post-orgasmic glow.
‘Never be sorry for giving me so much of you to taste, you taste so fucking good, Alice.’
He buried his face back between my legs and continued gently licking my pussy, flicking his tongue lightly over my sensitive clit. At first, I would flinch each time but then my body started to enjoy the little ripples of pleasure it was creating. I moaned contently, giggled slightly, and relaxed into the bed and the sensations. I couldn’t possibly come again, not this soon. Pete had tried once or twice and then we fell into the habit of not bothering as it was never going to happen.
‘You don’t have to…’ I gasped sharply as he sucked my clit into his mouth.
‘You want me to stop?’ he quickly asked before sinking his tongue back between my lips.
‘I probably won’t come again,’ I panted.
This felt too good, I didn’t want him to stop, I just didn’t want him wasting his time down there.
‘I think you might,’ he replied quickly between licks. ‘I don’t mind how long it takes.’
It didn’t take long for my anxieties to be quashed. Liam was a master at this, I had never been licked so good. My pussy had never had so much attention from a man’s tongue.
‘Fucking hell, Liam,’ I groaned.
I let my legs flop out to the sides, my arms stretched wide, I gripped the duvet in my fists and emptied my mind of anything except the pleasure between my legs building to a crescendo.
I must have coated Liam’s face a further three times with involuntary gushes before he made me come again.
I lay momentarily delirious, breathless, my eyes tight shut. I opened them as I sensed Liam looming over me. He smelt of sex, a mixture of his come and my juices coating his lips and chin. He kissed me, I could taste us. I felt his cock, hard again pushing into my pussy. It eagerly accepted him, I was so sensitive I could feel every inch of him as he pushed inside me, it felt so good, every nerve ending inside me so alert.
‘You feel good,’ I gasped.
Liam just moaned and kissed me harder as he fucked me with slow, deliberate movements of his cock, in and out. I was so aroused from two successive orgasms, each time his cock pushed inside me my body filled with a rush of tingles and I couldn’t help but groan in satisfaction.
At some point, I managed to climb down off my cloud and regain the use of my body.
‘On your back,’ I instructed. ‘Let me fuck you.’
‘Happily,’ Liam grinned.
I straddled him, his cock sliding effortlessly inside me, I was so wet, still full of his come and so turned on. He filled me, completely. I sat for a moment feeling full of his cock, looking down at the handsome man beneath me whose cock I should not be so happy to be sat on. This cock belonged to one of my best friends and it fitted me perfectly.
Liam grabbed my bum and gripped me firm in his hands. I snapped out of my thoughts and started to pump my hips slowly at first then gradually quicker. We held our gaze, I hoped my eyes conveyed as much to Liam as his did to me. His cock felt amazing. Each time I pushed my groin against his, his cock rubbed against my g-spot. Oh my God did it feel good. I must be extra sensitive because of the three orgasms he’d already given me today. I’ve never felt this turned on in this position.
‘Oh fuck…this feels good,’ I breathlessly gasped. My hands pushed firmer against his chest as I fucked him harder, carried away by the feeling his cock was creating. I lost all thoughts for a moment I just felt, everything, my whole body was alive with sensation.
We were both panting and moaning.
Oh fuck, I can’t, I can’t possibly be about to come again, oh fuck, I can’t, not again. Fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I hung my head. I closed my eyes. I gripped Liam’s chest.
‘Fuck me. Fuck!’ I shouted as I came again. Coating him once again in an uncontrollable flood of juices that burst out of me.
‘Fucking hell, Alice,’ I heard Liam moan.
It sounded far away. I was gone. I have never come so much, and it felt fucking amazing. My body shuddered, my legs felt weak. I stopped fucking Liam and sat crumpled, momentarily stunned, relishing in my unexpected orgasm.
I was pulled slightly from my trance by Liam pulling me down on top of him, he kissed me slow and passionate. He held me in his arms and then he bucked his hips and started to fuck me. I buried my face in his neck. He buried his face in mine. He panted into my ear, I panted into his. Our bodies rocked together with the force of his thrusts.
‘Fuck!’ he exclaimed. ‘I’m…ugh…fuck…oh, fuck…ugh…’ Liam’s hips clashed against me as he came, his body lurched a few times before he emptied fully inside me. He shook with the last burst and laughed through breathless panting. I lifted my face from his neck in time to see the broad smile that had erupted across his face. He relaxed his hips down and I lay on top of him feeling his chest rise and fall rapidly underneath me with his rhythmic heavy breathing.
We lay like that silently for a while before I lifted my head to kiss him.
‘That was well worth waiting however many fucking years for,’ he said, chuckling.
I couldn’t take the ridiculously huge satisfied grin off my face and I’m sure if I looked in the mirror my eyes would have a hazy, far away, content glint in them. A similar glint that I could see in Liam’s. He looked deliriously happy. I kissed him again before I replied.
‘So worth the wait. We’re not waiting as long next time I hope?’
‘Definitely not. I don’t know how I’m going to wait till Monday.’
I moved to lie down on the bed, I lay on my side facing Liam and propped myself up on my elbow. He mirrored my position. We wrapped our legs around each other and let our free hands wander aimlessly over each other’s bodies as we talked.
‘I have never had so many orgasms, you’ve set the bar pretty high, Mr,’ I giggled.
Liam laughed, ‘I reckon I can aim higher, maybe I’ll need longer than a few hours though. What time is it? We can start work on number five if you like?’
‘Definitely not, you have shagged me out. Sadly, I need time to get this satisfied grin off my face before Pete comes home. How long have I got?’
Liam looked at his watch, ‘We’ve got a couple of hours. Kids let themselves in, don’t they?’
‘Yes, why?’
‘I don’t want to leave you. I want to spend the rest of the day with you and I know we can’t spend it here even though this is exactly where I want to spend it-’
‘Me too if we could,’ I interrupted. I wanted to spend the rest of the day and night here just as much.
‘I’m thinking, it’s a nice day outside, I’ve had enough of work for the week, there’s a beer garden calling my name, I could put it out on the group chat, ask who wants to come join me after work. You can find yourself at a loose end too and come and meet me. We get a good few hours together before the first people get home from work. I can buy you lunch. We can steal a few kisses when we’re sure no one’s watching…’
‘That’s a mighty fine plan you’ve concocted there, well done. I like it. Let’s do it. But let’s spend as long as we can here first, where I can kiss you and touch you as much as I want to.’
‘I’m going to need a shower before we go out, can I have one here? Can I have one with you.’
‘Of course, I could do with your help cleaning all your come out of my pussy.’
‘Mmmmmm, I could help you with that from here you know.’
‘I know you could, you did a fantastic job with the first lot.’
‘Either way I clean you up, I’m going to want to fuck you again and then I’m going to have to clean you up again and then…’
I giggled and kissed him, silencing him. I could feel his cock pushing against me, I couldn’t believe he was getting hard again. I slid my hand between our bodies and took his cock in my hand. I started to stroke it, I felt it grow harder in the palm of my hand.
‘You turn me on so much,’ he said.
He moved his hand between my legs, I knocked it away.
‘No, seriously, I’m done.’
He looked disappointed.
‘Not done with you, you can put your cock back inside me if you want?’
‘I want,’ he said, grinning.
He pushed my leg back and angled my hips so he could push inside me. There was no urgency in either of us this time. Liam fucked me slowly, sensuously. We kissed, we caressed each other, we held each other. We relished in the closeness that neither one of us wanted to end. Neither of us came and that was OK. We fucked and talked and fucked and kissed and fucked and laughed until time dictated we had to stop.
‘We need to get showered and I need to strip this bed,’ I said.
Liam offered to help. We changed the bed first and then got in the shower together. We stood for a moment under the hot water, then we kissed under the hot water. Then Liam soaped up my tits, taking plenty of time to wash my erect nipples. I soaped up his cock, that was once again rock hard.
‘Fuck, turn around,’ he instructed.
I turned my back to him, he pushed me up against the cubicle glass, I pushed my hips back and he slipped his cock back inside me. He kept his hands on my tits, rubbing my nipples as he fucked me.
‘Jesus, Alice, this weekend is going to be impossible, I can’t get enough of you.’
‘How did we manage to be together and not do this?’
‘I don’t know why we waited so fucking long. We have years of wasted time to make up for.’
He moved his hands over mine on the glass and increased the power of his thrusts. Hot water trickled over us as he pounded into me.
He entwined my fingers in his and held my hands as he panted into my ear. I couldn’t get enough of him, what had we unleashed? My neck tingled with his breath. Our hands squeaked on the glass as we rocked against it. My cheek pushed harder against the glass. It wasn’t the comfiest of positions, but it felt good, Liam’s body felt good against mine, his balls felt good slapping against my pussy, his cock felt so good thrusting inside me, hard, fast and deep.
‘Oh fuck, Alice, fuck, I think I’m going to…Fuck…Fuck!’ he grunted loudly as he came. I felt his body tremble against mine.
‘Fucking hell, my balls must be empty now. Fuck me.’
As I straightened up his cock fell out of me. He pulled me against him and kissed my neck and shoulders. One of his hands slid down my stomach toward my pussy, the other slid up toward my tits. He cupped one in his hand and squeezed my nipple. He carried on kissing my neck. I wasn’t protesting this time, I let his fingers explore my pussy, I let him gently start to circle over my clit. He was slow at first, it was sensitive, but it felt good. Pleasure rose behind my clit as he gradually increased the pressure. It built and built as the speed of his fingers increased and before long, I let it release. It wasn’t as intense an orgasm as earlier, just a blissful release of tension.
I turned around to face Liam, we fell instantly into a kiss, a long slow kiss.
‘We have got to be done now,’ Liam said.
‘We need to be, we’re running out of time.’
Liam looked at his watch.
‘Shit we are seriously running out of time, it’s nearly three.’
‘Fuck, already?’
We stopped kissing and I started to wash my hair. ‘Should we change the plan, wait for the kids to come home. Do you still want to go out?’
Liam quickly washed his hair and his body. ‘I’m going to go out to your office, I’ll come up with something so boring that was wrong with your computer everyone will switch off. I’ll send a group text saying I’ve been here, fixing it and we’ve decided it’s too nice a day to go back to work so we’re going to the pub. I’ll text my kids tell them to come round here. Is that a good plan?’
‘You’re good. It’s a good plan. And we’re not lying and I get to hear the dramas of my kids day before I abandon them to sit in the pub with my, what’s a male mistress?’
‘I have no idea. Don’t call me whatever it is though.’
‘Fair enough, fuck buddy.’
‘Fuck buddy’s OK, I guess. It’s not enough though, you’re more to me than that.’
‘You’re more to me too. A hell of a lot more.’
We kissed again then sighed as we pulled apart.
‘Come on, we need to get a move on,’ he said.
‘OK, OK. You go first, I’ll take longer to get ready.’
I was drying my hair when I noticed my phone flashing. I grabbed it and read Liam’s message on the group chat. He was good, I didn’t understand what was ‘wrong’ with my computer, but he had told me to just tell everyone it wouldn’t turn on when I pressed the button. That was good enough for me, I could manage that convincingly. Apparently, I had offered to buy him a pint for coming to my rescue. Quite a turn around from buying me lunch. My husband was the first to reply and accept Liam’s invitation to the pub. If I was buying, he was definitely there. I knew Pete would be perfectly happy to spend Friday and Saturday evening in the pub. Pete. My heart suddenly lurched for my husband. My unsuspecting, undeserving husband, who would be sat happily in work now looking forward to a night out with the friend who had just fucked his wife. He would be devastated if he knew how I had spent my afternoon. He loved me, we had a good relationship, it was not on the rocks that isn’t why I was doing what I was doing. I wasn’t taking solace in Liam because our marriages were shitty. We just couldn’t switch off the raw attraction Liam and I had. I stopped thinking because I was about to make myself feel horrible and I didn’t want to feel horrible, not when five minutes ago I’d felt more wonderful than I had in years. I loved Pete, I did. But Liam. My insides knotted, reliving how amazing he had made me feel this afternoon. I needed to get down to him, so I had time to kiss him again before we had to pretend to be just friends, again.
Before heading downstairs to await my children I quickly changed their beds. I rarely change our bedclothes without stripping the kid's beds too. I was paranoid it would look suspicious. Once the final traces of mine and Liam’s misspent afternoon were being washed away by my washing machine, I made us both a drink. I was suddenly parched and starving hungry. I realised we had been so wrapped up in each other we hadn’t drunk or eaten anything since breakfast.
I took the drinks into my office. Liam was sat at my desk, on his phone.
‘Is my computer all fixed then?’
He looked at me confused.
‘Have you done whatever you needed to do to, you know, to make it look fixed.’
‘Alice, I didn’t have to touch your computer, I made it all up.’
‘Oh, I thought you were breaking it so you could fix it.’
‘Why on earth would I do that?’ he was laughing, I felt in some way at me. I know my ineptness with anything techy amused him but also endeared me to him.
He pushed the button and my PC started to hum to life. I handed him his drink and went to sit on his knee. We sat cuddled together drinking and savouring the last few moments we had together where we could behave like a couple.
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After the perfect day they had spent just enjoying each others company and all the beauty that surrounded them, both in landscape and the sharing of the day, they started once more their hike through the wooded overlay, each helping the other. Derek took Jenna’s hand and continued to let her lead the hike, … subconsciously she began to pick up the pace… and as she did, Derek mischievously grinned as she turned to see if he could keep up. Suddenly she felt his body close in as he laughed and...
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Her sweet smile, that was the first thing Isaac noticed about her. Having just stepped into his favorite diner, he found his eyes drawn to the cute waitress maneuvering through the tables with a pot of coffee in one hand and a tray of food in the other. She was clearly eighteen; her “proportions” boasted her physical maturity while their perkiness showed her untapped youth. She was rather tall for her age, standing at six feet, maybe a few inches shorter than Isaac himself. Clashing...
You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. Thank you to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read. * Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day ‘Boom!’ everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn’t as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my...
My name is aabha and I was born in the august of 1985 to an upper middle class hindu business family. We were a fairly open minded family. But ofcourse the topic of sex was a taboo. And I was about to take my first step into this taboo on the night of 31st december 1990 at the age of 18. As the world would celebrate an entrance into the millennium of year 2000, I wanted to make it a memorable night for ramesh. He had been trying to ask me out since almost 3 months. And finally I agreed to go...
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Martha Harper was just hanging up the telephone when Jake walked into the house, still horny as hell, despite having spilled his seed on the soil. Martha, like her daughter, was a sexy blonde with blue eyes and big tits. She was sitting on the couch by the telephone stand, one leg drawn up under her, the hem of her short skirt riding high up her lush and shapely thigh. "That was Claire," she said, not noticing the lump in her husband's fly immediately "She's coming for the...
Today I was tired. I had been working all day on-line, writing technical documents, editing…and my eyes were burning. I finally couldn’t work anymore. I undressed, and took a cool shower. Then, with only a towel around me, stretched out on the couch in the living room, and relaxed, enjoying the cool air of the ac unit. I was very tired, and fell soundly asleep, but only after glancing at my computer for any e-mails. I saw your letter and picture, and had decided to read it in a few minutes....
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VoyeurSaturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing. “Good morning.” “You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room. “Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.” “Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.” “Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea...
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Neither of them had eaten real food in almost a full week. Their stomachs full of piss, shit, reeaten vomit, blood, and a large amount of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Their appetites were squealched by the cigarettes, pot, and constant endorphin streams.She had, with some hesitation, shaved all of her hair before entering the chamber almost a week ago. Her pierced and tattooed body was to be coated in filth, and hair was too hard to clean. The chamber's interior was covered in deep purple satin....
Introduction: Okay, Warning. This story is not for the faint of heart. This story is about pain and torture, and is OTT in so many ways, so proceed being so warned. This story is not pretty, not nice, and there is no happy ending. It involves death and cannibalism and might be described as extreme. If you dont like this sort of thing then please dont read it. If you do, then enjoy! The Long Fuck In the future there is a society where sex rules, where sex is revered, where it is practiced...
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The first time I see you, I know that you are the one.I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time.I just hope that you feel the same way.I watch you as you queue at the pool bar, standing in the sunlight to top up what is already an enviable tan. I try to guess what you will order and settle on gin and tonic. For both of you. As your drinks are poured, I see that I was right.As you walk back to your lounger, I take in more details. Tall, well-built, dark hair which is greying around...
Wife LoversI had been alone for a while and I was really horny. I am not the best looking guy but cute and a little over weight. I am 6'1" tall and about 280. So going to a bar was not going to work so I started to search craigslist for some one. I found a couple women but after emailing them I found out they all wanted me to join some web site and I was not looking for that. So I kept looking and I found a woman who was real and interested in me after we exchanged emails. So I set a date with her to get...
Trish was sleeping, or pretending to be, when I got home. We’d had a short, petty little spat that morning; yet as short and petty as it was, I had been irritated by it all day. I plodded through work and then went out for a few (too many) drinks after work with two guys who had been inviting me out for drinks for months. I was pretty sure they wanted more than drinks with me, and I flirted just enough to get them (and, truth be told, me) just a little excited. When I decided to go, they were...
SeductionLovely newbie Gianna Ivy stars in her 1st professional scene, and we paired her up with our well-hung chef friend Oliver Flynn for today’s Hussie?Pass update. After our joyful director, Johnny Robins conducts the interview portion of the program, Gianna strips naked & uses her fingers to get her juices flowing. In steps Oliver with some lube for Gianna’s perky tits & luscious ass, which she then twerks for us. She gets on her knees for the big reveal, then proceeds to...
xmoviesforyouCrystal Crush, Aiden Starr, and Ryan Keely are all gathered together in a living room. They’re there for a book club, discussing their latest pick, which is a hot story between a virgin and a man with a harem of wives. They love everything about the hot, sensual romance, including the chapter where the virgin confronts the wives and gets an unexpectedly erotic massage from them. The bookworms start to get a little flustered as they begin questioning WHY the chapter was so hot. It had to...
xmoviesforyouThis story is pure fiction. I will appreciate the e-mail and feedback that I receive. I originally submitted this story to another site. I went in, edited it, and submitted it here. Enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We got stares everywhere that we went. At first, when we were younger, it bothered us greatly. But, as we got older we didn’t care. Let me explain by starting at the beginning. Our father met our mother...
IncestAs Tommy woke up & got out of bed he found out that right on top was the peachy butt of his new roommate. He tried the escape the wild thoughts that ran through his mind, but his cock wasn’t blind. When Anastasia returned from the shower, she caught Tommy masturbating in the last hour. Teased him with her kinky smile and big round ass, getting him up and running for a pussy & ass licking with class. Then this Spanish babe deepthroated his huge dick, making him fuck her hard until...
xmoviesforyouSaturday, 8:12 A.M. Mandy woke up to a very pleasant surprise the next morning. She moaned at the feel of Michael’s hard cock buried deep within her pussy and wiggled her hips when she saw the older man was still asleep. The thick cock instantly hardened when her tight lil’ pussy tightened around it, clamping down like a vice in an attempt to keep the monstrous member within its slippery walls. “Oh, that feels good,” groaned Michael, his eyes opening when he felt the young girl begin to gyrate...
Erotic FictionSteven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar companies. Steven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar...