Zoo free porn video

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‘I need to tell you about Zoo.’

Pete and Jenny were in bed when Pete said this – or nearly said it. Variations of those words floated inside his head. But though his mouth was open, they didn’t come out.

Instead Pete lay back, pressed his chin to his chest, and watched Jenny draw the valley of her tongue up the length of his dick.

What a relief: he was getting hard. Maybe he didn’t need to say anything about Zoo.


He’d seen Zoo that lunchtime. As he stomped his ski boots against the decking of the terrace outside the restaurant where he'd arranged to meet Jenny, Pete had looked back towards the run he’d completed. He watched another skier’s progress along the same route. It was only after she’d stopped by the restaurant, clipped off her skis, and lifted her hat that he realised who it was. Zoo. She was headed in his direction. Pete pulled his hat lower.

‘Pete?’ No mistaking her voice, rich as syrup. Zoo clunked next to him. ‘My God!’ They both reddened.

‘It’s – nice to see you,’ he said.

‘Nice,’ Zoo repeated, slowly. She pulled off her sunglasses. ‘You here alone?’

‘No, I –’ Pete said. ‘I’m with someone.’

‘I've missed you.’ Zoo held eye contact long enough to make it uncomfortable then turned, twisting on the tip of a ski boot, and headed for the restaurant door. She looked back. ‘Am I allowed to see you?’

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘Sometime.’

Zoo hesitated again, then went inside. Pete stayed out on the terrace until the sweat subsided from his forehead. 

Pete hadn’t thought about Zoo for ages. They’d met years ago at some stupid university party: he’d passed her in a corridor, she’d been leaning against a door frame, her legs crossed like toothbrushes in a cup. He was drunk and had lost his friends, and she was alone. So he stopped to talk.

That memory was clear. But nothing about the following few hours, and so he’d been surprised, waking in bed in the middle of the night, by Zoo’s fingers gripping his arm. She lay next to him, sleeping furiously, hot as a radiator, her teeth grinding. Her eyelids were scrunched shut like tiny wrung-out towels. 

Pete had shifted himself up and looked around. A tea-stained travel mug on its side by his mattress smelled of whisky and there was lipstick under its rim. A pair of silk panties lay underneath. He followed, with a wondering finger, the tracks of scratches on his chest. He ached. He must have done it at last. Lost his virginity. A pity he couldn’t remember it.

He looked at Zoo, and felt relieved that she was pretty. Her dark hair – he had no idea then if it was brown or black – was tucked behind her ears. Her other hand lay on the pillow; the tip of her thumb at her lips. Pete peeled the duvet down. Zoo was on her back, one leg drawn up to the side. Her naked body was firm and athletic enough to excite him afresh. Her skin glowed dully. Maybe her breasts were a bit small. Still. Odd that their dark nipples didn’t stick out – they seemed to sink back into her body. Curious, he touched one.

Zoo stirred. Her eyes widened then focused on him. She withdrew her thumb from her mouth and found his half-masted cock. Pete shifted onto his knees, proud of his growing erection. Zoo twisted onto her front across the bed and kneeled. Somehow she made his cock find its place naturally; first nuzzled into the crack of her backside, then, as Zoo inched forward, it slid until the tip touched the folds of her pussy. She pushed back and her warmth flooded his every nerve. Pete thrust against her and raw enthusiasm led him to take such deep strokes that he came out and entered her afresh every time. Sometimes he missed and he laughed, but each time she helped him back in Zoo sighed and bucked. Her spine twisted and caught the light. As Pete kept going, her knees slid apart on the mattress until she was almost flat on it. He was above her, his tender skin sliding over her back, his chin kneading her shoulder, until at the last moment he drew his hips back and came somewhere.

Pete lay next to Zoo, gasping. She stroked the sinews of his neck. He wanted her to say it had been wonderful.

‘You’re the second person I’ve slept with,’ she said. 

That was Zoo.


Pete saw Jenny as soon as he entered the restaurant. She was squeezed into a table seat by a window; the winter sun that came through it gave her a halo. When he sat down Jenny leaned across for a kiss. She had a beer ready.

‘Isn’t it amazing, Pete? A winter wonderland.’

Pete nodded. It had been his idea to do this before their wedding. Up here, in the thin air, you couldn’t think of anything else; only how your skis cut the snow, the click of chairlifts warmed by the sun, one more run, one more run. Verbier isn’t just a place, he’d said when he booked it. It’s an atmosphere.

Jenny couldn’t ski. She’d learn, though. With lessons in the morning they could ski together in the afternoon. That sounded fine to Pete.

And now they were finally here, Jenny was still smiling. ‘Want to hear about my lesson? You might never marry me if I tell you. I’ll add it to my hopeless list: Baking. Being On Time. Now Skiing. I’m going to sit a Master’s in hopelessness.’

Jenny chatted away, happy. He should have mentioned Zoo while she was like this. She’d have been curious, never jealous. He finished his beer quickly, listening to her. Jenny went for another. It might slow you down this afternoon, she said.

Pete watched her weave towards the bar and when she disappeared he looked around for Zoo.

He couldn’t see her. But he’d never known where Zoo was. That had been the problem. Even after that first time with her she’d confused him. The morning after she’d taken his virginity he’d stumbled into his en-suite and Zoo was on his loo, his toothbrush in her mouth, a trickle of toothpaste crawling down her chin. You and me, forever, she seemed to say.

Zoo had stayed all day without dressing and he spent most of the time staring at her. When he finally pulled on his boxers – out of sheepishness more than anything – she wrestled them off in a way that excited him. On her knees, in the middle of his room, she sucked him off with his underwear helpless at his ankles. The little come he had left fizzed through the gap between her front teeth and she held out her tongue to show him. He slumped to the floor and clung to her. The whole world was reduced to her and he wanted to tell her. But Zoo turned solemn then and placed a warning finger to his lips. Without a word, she dressed and left. He knew nothing about her. Only her first name: Zoo.


Jenny was grinning when she returned with the beer. ‘You look pensive,’ she said. ‘Having second thoughts?’

Pete looked up. ‘Second thoughts about what?’

‘Skiing with me.’

‘Just thinking,’ he said. Thinking about Zoo: about how after she’d left that time he hadn’t seen her for weeks. He couldn’t contact her: fruitless to look her up online. So he’d walked for miles around campus. He found her in a town bar with someone else. She’d looked at Pete as if she only just recognised him.

Through a friend he’d got her number and asked her to the pictures. She said yes, but didn’t appear. He arranged drinks. She called off. But every so often she’d turn up at his door and say hello in that low voice and she’d fuck him in her wild, sensual way. Sometimes she stayed the night, folded into him and he couldn’t picture her anywhere else. The next day: gone. He had other girlfriends, but only briefly. None compared to Zoo because so much was unknowable about her.

Jenny compared, of course. Pete stood. ‘Let’s ski, Jen. Let’s concentrate on the snow.’


‘Sure. I’ll catch you up. Just let me pee first.’

Pete had skied here before, and knew the toilets were through the back and that steam rose off the tiled floor there; he was careful not to slip. When he pushed through the toilet door, he held it open for the person behind him.

Zoo followed him in. 

Pete gasped when he saw her. ‘Zoo! You can’t come in here.' His voice echoed. His eyes darted around. The toilets were empty.

‘Are you married, Pete?’

Pete twisted his face. ‘Engaged. Why?’

Behind them the outer toilet door rattled, warning of an approach. Pete backed into a cubicle, and Zoo squeezed in behind. As she closed the cubicle door, a man’s ski-booted footsteps passed, heading for the urinal. He whistled.

‘Don’t let me stop you,’ Zoo whispered in Pete’s ear. ‘I’ve seen it before.’

Pete looked at her. He had no option. He turned his back and undid his ski pants. He heard Zoo slot the lock of the cubicle. It was as if a moth was fluttering inside him. He began to pee and tried to hold himself down and keep his aim.

Outside the cubicle the hand-drier roared. Footsteps grew louder and then dulled as the other man passed on his way out. Then silence.

‘How did you guess?’ he said, looking at the tiles above the cistern.

‘It’s a big ring.’ Zoo pressed up and looped her arm around him. ‘It was a shock.’ Her hand rested on the fingers holding his cock.

‘Don’t,’ he said. But he did not brush her away and after a moment his hand dropped and let her hold him as he urinated. Zoo began to stroke him with two fingers. He was hard; she was aiming nowhere. Up the cistern, the wall tiles. She drew his foreskin back tightly until the last dribble came out and she slid her wet fingers over the head.

‘Please. I’ve got to get back. Jenny – my fiancé – is waiting. I’ve got to ski.’

Zoo twisted him around. She was already squatting in her ski boots, ready to press his cock into her mouth.

Pete closed his eyes and spread his hands against the wall above her. Zoo held him at her lips, masturbating the base of his erection between forefinger and thumb. Then a tighter grip, adding another finger, then her whole fist working him. Then between her teeth and into her mouth.

Jesus. No-one knew him better.

At one point his cock wobbled and popped out and skidded up her cheek as far as her ear. Zoo grabbed it again and masturbated it violently and his dick looked obscene lolling like that outside his ski pants. Zoo thrust it back into her mouth. It poked out her cheek then touched the roof of her mouth, surrounded always by her tongue. 

This was crazy, but it was too late to think. He held himself still as he came in sharp pulses.

Zoo rolled back on her heels, against the tiles. Her brown eyes looked up at him. Some of his come had strayed on her lips and she licked it in an absent way.

‘Told you I missed you,’ she said.


Jenny and Pete completed a single run that afternoon. Jenny was all ungainly turns; on her back more often than not, skis crossed, but she would not give up. Pete helped her up each time.

At the bottom of the slope he suggested another try. But after rejoining the lift queue, a chattering of schoolchildren pushed past. It was enough for Jenny.

‘Fuck it,’ she said. ‘Let’s go back. Let’s make love, Pete.’

Jenny always called it that, when she talked about what they did in bed. 

At the chalet, Jenny clawed herself out of her ski suit and in her underwear poured them wine. Watching her do this was painful: it magnified her innocence. She sipped her drink and looked at him with those deep blue eyes of hers. Her hair spilled over her shoulders like a snowdrift. He found himself counting what he loved about her physically: her wonderful big breasts. Those legs. And hidden by her panties, her beautiful straw-coloured pubes.

She came over, began to undress him. I ought to shower first, he said. But Jenny wanted to make love now. Please. It’s what this holiday is about. Us.

They fell onto their bed. She nuzzled his neck and stroked him and kissed down his body until she reached his soft cock. He panicked: would Jenny taste something? Would he be able to get hard again? That’s when he wanted to tell her, not the truth, but something like it. But the words would not form.

But he did get hard and when his cock slumped out of Jenny’s mouth, she slid up his body and kissed him. He knew what she would do. When they made love, Jenny wanted their skin to touch at all times. It was his warmth, she said. She liked to be on her back on top of him and look down and see his cock enter her, and pull her legs wide. Like giving myself, she once said. I want to give myself to you.

They made love like that, Pete thrusting from below, Jenny’s hands tucked under her knees, pulling herself open. He focused on the physical act, because if he thought of much else, he’d soften with guilt. He concentrated on her white skin and the gasps she smothered by putting her mouth on his. He listened to the wet smack of each thrust. He grabbed at her breasts shifting up and down on her body, enjoying her nipples hard in his palms. And yet, in the rising moment when he came, it was the recollection of Zoo’s small, blind breasts and the slick bareness between her legs, that forced herself into his mind.

After, Jenny and Pete lay together. He’d always liked these moments with her. When he’d met Jenny – a couple of years after Zoo – it was this shared intimacy he appreciated most. Like Zoo, Jenny had stayed overnight the first time. But she'd given him her number and called later to ask, should we do lunch or something? Pete once told Jenny that he knew then that she was the one.

Even then, Zoo had briefly interfered. Maybe a week after he and Jenny had started dating he was alone in the flat he’d just moved into when the doorbell buzzed. When he answered, Zoo sidled into his living room and sat on his sofa, first dangling her legs over the end, then folding them under her. ‘You’ve stopped calling.’

Pete sat at a table, across from her. ‘Why do you care?’

Zoo didn’t seem to hear. She rose and went into his tiny kitchen. ‘I’ll make tea,’ she said. She remembered to hold down the kettle’s button; it wouldn’t boil otherwise.

Zoo laid his mug by his elbow. Behind him, her fingers pecked at him, adjusting his collar, stroking his hair this way and that.

‘I'm lonely without you,’ she said, her voice heavy and sweet, her breath oven-hot behind his ear.

His erection made him shift.

‘I love your dick. I love you,’ Zoo said.

Instinct drew his arm back to scoop Zoo forward, over the table until her upper body lay flat on it and her hips nudged the tea which lapped over the table. Pete lifted her jumper and tugged her leggings down. Her panties were baby blue with an intricate arabesque waistband, but not new.

‘This what you want. Isn’t it, Zoo?’

He tried to grip her but there was no hold. His hands slid into helpless claws that could only pull her panties aside. Just the look of her body drove him as wild as she was. He was inside her in a moment, and she was wet so their fucking made a raw, sucking sound that aroused him even more. 

Zoo looked back and urged him into her with her gasps. But he did not last long. Two or three thrusts and he pulled out and worked his foreskin forward and back. A watery burst shot out of him into the folds of her jumper.

Pete rested his hands on her cheeks. ‘That’s the last time, Zoo,’ he said. ‘Don't mess me around any more. I’m seeing someone. Maybe I love her.’


The sun shone every day of their skiing holiday. Even on the last day, the last run before lunch, the sun’s rays were so sharp that shadows striped the piste. Pete wasn’t thinking about Zoo when he roared around the bend before the restaurant. But there she was, at the side, her skis planted crosswise in the snow, waiting. He skidded to a stop just beyond her.

‘Would you meet me tonight?’ Zoo shouted. ‘By the hermitage? It won’t take long.’


That evening he looked out the chalet window. He could see the hermitage from there, so he could see Zoo too. She lay a little distance away, outstretched on a snow bank, in front of a copse of pine trees. She wore pale pink jeans and a black Puffa.

He came out and sat on the snow next to her. Out here, the air was so full you could bring it into your lungs and taste the woods behind and the snow below and the chocolate and diesel drifting from God knows where. Above them, dense stars lay uncountable; the moon sharpened to a blade.

‘A winter wonderland,’ Zoo said. ‘The best part of living here.’

 Pete wasn’t sure if she was joking. ‘I haven’t got long,’ he said. ‘Jenny’s showering.’

‘I’m a chalet girl, Pete. I like it. Gave me time to think about everything.’ Zoo’s words came out of her mouth in misty puffs.

‘That’s what you had to tell me?’

Zoo shook her head. ‘No. I wanted to ask if you still cared for me.’


Zoo cleared her throat. ‘Because I’d marry you.’

She sat up and hugged her knees. In front of her, the snow twinkled as if reflecting the sky. Her gaze lay on the ragged band of mountains across the valley, bleak and dark and barely visible. 

‘You're crazy. You always run away, Zoo. Always someone better.’

She made a noise; a sigh or a short laugh. She was still looking at the mountains and now he did too. He stared for so long he began to spy lonely gleams of light where people must be alive. 

‘It wasn’t about someone better,’ she said. ‘I just find it hard.’

A snow machine passed on the road in front of them. Zoo started to claw snow into balls either side of her. When it was quiet again, she said, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I packed a suitcase when my dad left? I was eight. They found me at the train station.’

‘No,’ Pete said.

‘Two years later, my mum sat on my bed and told me my uncle had kissed her. That time I ran for days. And when my first boyfriend –’

Zoo stopped. Her head wilted. 

Peter’s fingertips skated over the snow to touch the back of her hand.

‘So what Zoo? What are you saying?’

Zoo’s looked at Pete’s mouth. ‘I’m saying this.’

She leaned in and kissed him. Everything was familiar about it. Its flavour, her tongue dragging along his teeth and outside over his lips and down to his neck. No-one could kiss like her. They were still kissing as he began to unbuckle himself and pull Zoo, stumbling, into the shelter of the pines.

There they faced each other. Their breathing formed wordless clouds between them.

He unzipped her jacket. Underneath she wore a plain t-shirt. She kneeled on a bed of pine needles to undo her own jeans, lowering them, with her panties, to her knees.

She looked fragile. Her body was gently yellowed by distant streetlights, but the exposed part of her was explicitly framed: her legs and her pussy, sharp as a paper-cut. They kissed again, mouths open, clacking teeth. Their breathing, through their noses, sounded like steam escaping.

Three of Pete’s fingers ploughed the length of Zoo’s slit, the middle one slipping inside. But there wasn’t time enough. He turned her and bent her onto hands and knees and fumbled with his buttons. He stared at her backside; the dark crevice dividing her cheeks, definite as an axe-cut. That view had haunted him. He levered out his cock behind her and pressed himself inside her and everything was known and intimate. A swelling that was more than physical; it was an urge to know, to understand, to hold the hand inside her. He built up a physical rhythm against her that sounded like twigs snapping. Zoo gripped the flaking soft bark at the base of a tree just in front of her head. Pete smacked harder, coming out and going in again until they tumbled sideways and righted themselves with his cock still in her and Zoo was moaning as if grieving. He shoved her t-shirt beyond her shoulder blades. Her spine formed a concave bowl that gathered pine needles in its hollow. Her skin shone as if the winter air was condensing on it. More whimpering gasps from Zoo. Pete tried to hold her hips, but it was the same as always: she was so slick that he had to keep adjusting his grip until he was clinging to the rubbery cheeks of her bottom with his fingernails.

Pete pulled out. Rested on his haunches.

‘I care, Zoo,’ he gasped. 'Always have.'

Zoo reached back and placed her hands right where Pete’s fingernails had left their impression, and when he saw this, Pete put his hand to his lips. He drooled over his fingers and smeared his cock until it shimmered. He leaned forward, held himself to Zoo’s backside and pressed, and at first nothing and then his cock was throttled by her tightness and Zoo slid forward, head against the ground. 

He couldn’t last. This whole thing couldn’t. He wondered what it would be like to come inside her again, and the act overtook the thought and he was releasing himself in constricted, glorious bursts. He held himself against her; he loved her smell, but she was so cold it made him shiver.

There was silence after Pete popped out of her, reared back and zipped himself up. Zoo lay as she was, her body still tense and presented to him. He saw himself seeping out of her backside. She was so still he was about to ask if she was okay when she rolled onto her side and then sat up. Up came her panties and her jeans. 

‘I have to hurry,’ Pete said. ‘She’ll be out.’ He brushed needles and snow off his jacket and his jeans, with precise care. ‘I mean – I can’t just – we can’t. Can we?’

No answer. He looked. Zoo was gone.


Next morning, on the airport bus, Pete gazed through the slush-spattered window, towards the other side of the valley. It was bathed by a weak sun and he could make out clusters of houses, more than he’d thought.

Jenny tugged at him. ‘Hey dreamy, don’t look sad. What are you thinking?’

‘Just wondering,’ Pete said.

‘Wondering what?’

‘About those people on that mountain, isolated. How can they live up there?’

‘Who knows?’ Jenny rested her head on Pete’s shoulder. ‘But that’s why I love you, Pete. You’re always thinking about others.’






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Hello readers, MrSensual here. What I am going to share here is the incident which occurred to my friend Anjali. I hope you people will enjoy the story. Hey, my name is Anjali and I am from Kerala. My husband was a loser. He maintained a good appearance with a good body but to me, he was a loser. For 5 years I have been trying to cope up with him. He never paid attention to me. I am an okay-looking woman. For a 35-year-old, I maintain a fit body. I would get looks of lust from strangers all the...

1 year ago
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Jessicas Toys

Jessica stood at 6 foot with perfect C breast and a sexual appetite that could make a nympho blush. She stepped out of the shower the water beading all over her body. She towelled herself off slowly she loved the feel of her fluffy towel on her skin. She loved the feel of the towel on her shaved pussy more; she was excited for what was going to be happening in a couple of minutes. Her pussy dripping and excited needed to orgasm there and then, she took the towel and rubbed her clit and her slit...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 12

Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her own questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However,...

2 years ago
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The rough night

She found her lovers on the adult dating site. She never could get enough sex. By day she was prim and proper with her job, but evenings were her own. When she found a guy to have sex with she invited him to her house. When he would arrive she would greet him dressed only in a sheer robe with nothing else on. She would kiss him then start to undress him. First his shirt and she would rub his nipples and lick them. Then trace her finger down to his bellybutton and find the line of hair below it....

3 years ago
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Wish you were here

I wake up, horny, wishing you were in bed with me, my mind wanders, as does my hand.I have just woken up. I'm lying in the big comfy bed, the sun is shining in through the windows, warming my naked skin. Everyone else is away, somewhere, I don't know, but here I am all alone and I can't get you out of my mind. The conversation we had last night keeps going round and round in my head. You turn me on so much, I tingle when I remember some of the things you said, the way you said them.I'm...

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucks a Stranger

My fantasy has always been to watch my wife fuck another man,I have mentioned it many times when we have both been having sex, my wife has never really jumped at at the chance and my feelings were she was happy to use it as a fantasy, but that would be it, but over the years she has soften to the idea, and she has admitted that it would turn her on to have someone watch her having sex, especially if it was me.A couple of months ago we where invited to an all day party in our local pub, being...

3 years ago
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How my fetish with panties got started with the Ex

When I first met my ex, she lived in another state...We carried on phone conversations for quit awhile b4 I actually went to see her or before she actually came and stayed with me...Even then it was 3 months before we finally had sex on January 12th, 1994 when she came to stay with me one weekend...I'll never forget, because when I went to go down on her she didnt know what to do...When I started licking her pussy she at first tried to pull me up, but I wouldnt stop...That was the first pussy I...

1 year ago
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camping first circle jerk

IT started on the bus ride home from school. I was 13 tall for my age, also a boy scout. Five of the boys on the bus were talking about a camping trip. I asked if I could join. They said it would be fine. " do you know any thing about tents?"S*b asked. 'Yah I know all about camping." They all said great,what do we need. I gave them a list, and said I'd bring the tent. So I packed up end went to meet s*b. He said the guys would be here in an hour. How about checking the sight out. " ok" I said....

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The blanket was thrown of me, I raised my head and saw two shinning eyes toward me, she asked, were u just mustarbating besides me. I replied how do know I was, maybe i was scratching an itch at my thighs. She raised her right brow arched high up her face The convertedI was feeling so horny that night that I could not stop my self from mustarbating on the bed, that I shared with my friend for the night, I had to be quite because she was the thou holy type. You all know them. She went to church...

1 year ago
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The Taking of Tasha

Copyright© 2008 by Safe_Bet Tasha didn't really have tangible reasons for her feelings, but she still wasn't comfortable with meeting Stefan Ivonovich for coffee. After all, they grew up together and she knew what he was like. Stefan's mother had been the housekeeper for Tasha's family. Tasha and Stefan had attended University in Sofia together and now, five years later, she and Stefan still frequented many of the same places. Tasha's uneasiness partly came from the intent...

3 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 5 Bittersweet Goodbyes

The month of July passed quickly for Dave. He went out with John a couple of times but, other than that, he did very little besides golf and go to the beach with his family or friends from the campground. The first time he went out with John, they talked about the hockey draft and John was truly excited about going to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks' rookie camp. John fully expected he would be playing with the Missiles again but he maintained a small dream of actually making the Ducks' team as an...

2 years ago
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Didi Ko Breed Karwaya Mom Say Mil Kar 8211 Part 1

Jab ghar main enter hoa to dhahka didi aye hoe thi , didi bed pay bhathe hoe apnay dono bazoo gothnoo pay rahkay apni motti motti or lumbe kali ankhoon say ansoo nikaal rahi thi or amma pass bhathi unhay chup karra rahi thi or bol rahi thi , bus chup kar jao ab jo karna hoga mujhay karna hoga . Tum parayshaan mat ho . Sab theek ho jay ga . Itnay main mian kamray main aya to bola kiya hoa sab theek to hai ? Amma boli kiya theek hona , tumharay jijja aik bacha to payda nahi kar sakta or es...

2 years ago
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Bengaluru Diaries Part5

Hello ISS readers, following is the continuation of the series of my experiences with my fuck buddy Pavana and her friend Sahana. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this story happened in Bengaluru. I would like to thank all the readers who appreciated my previous stories and gave good feedback. Hope you all will like this one too. After my initial fucking week with Shilpa, she went and spoke to me with her friend Sahana. She was a working professional in a software company in Marathalli, Bengaluru....

3 years ago
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sissyboy jakes first outing part 2

I lay on the thin blue pad, exhausted and somewhat dazed. As I said, I am very new at this and didn't expect such harsh treatment so quickly. My bottom was sore and I actually thought I felt my insides twitching. My legs were shaking. I felt the warm fluid trickling out and down the back of my leg, pooling on the pad underneath me. This was my first time and they had been so rough. If Tiffany hadn't prepared me so well, I doubt I could have survived it. Karl and Rashid were both...

1 year ago
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I lifted her blouse over her head, and unloosened her bra. "I need to feel that monster now! Jami, I need you to fuk me like it's no tomorrow. Like its the end of the fukking world."she said looking at me with a powerful intensity in her eyes. Without thinking twice about it, She began peeling off my clothes and I eased onto the bed. Diamond was sucking eagerly on my neck. I lightly pinched her clitoris and she yelped," Ewwww! Fuk, that felt good!" "I want that big buck in me right now!. she...

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Mr Miller

Fall was coming soon. I realized that it had been almost a year since Mr. Miller had ****d me in his cornfield and turned me into his personal fuck slut. In that time, I’d finally grown but only an inch, I was now 4’9” not even quite five feet. My brown hair hung down to my back now long and thick, and my tits had finally pushed past my B cup and I was wearing a 32C bra at just f******n. I’d heard my mother say, when she thought I couldn’t hear, that it was almost obscene for such a little girl...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With My Girlfriend

Ye story mera pehla hai…So agar kuch galat ho jaye to pls maaf kar dena.. I am Satyajit I am from Burdwan (WB). Mai B.Com 2nd year mei padh raha hun.Meri height 5’10” hai & lund ka size 6″ hai jyada bore na krte huye mai stry pei aata hun.Ye kuch din pehle ki baat hai(12.06.16).Mera ek frnd tha.. Sriparna(name cchanged). Jo ki mere ghar se kuch dur mei hi rehti thi… Uske kuch din pehle hi brk up hua tha apne bf sei..So wo bht udaas rhti thi…Mai usse fb pe mila aur wahan se hi pehchan v hua...

1 year ago
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Adult Family Friend Gives Me My First Teen Blowjob

My name is Jimmy, and since I recently turned forty-two years old, I’ve been thinking about my first sexual experience, that happened shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I’m happily married now, to my lovely wife, Sarah, and our daughter has just recently moved away to college. I consider myself to be a normal, heterosexual man now, but I still remember when Matt, a good family friend who was forty-two at the time, taught me the joys of being bisexual, and sucking one another’s cocks.Matt is...

4 years ago
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He told me to take off my clothes so I did he told me to get on my knees...so I did...then he pulled down his pants and there was this huge extremely black cock it was so black it looked purple and it had a light plum colored head he moved forward and took my head in his huge black hands and guided my face to his cock it came to my lips and I opened my mouth slightly so that his cock head kissed me I kissed it back and stuck out my tongue and gave it a lick then I gave it a suck then he got...

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busted part 3

i see the man in the video taking the well hung tranny like a champ and i start 2 get into it telling her looking up into her face deeper yea fuck me momma deeper give it 2 me baby inch by inch fuck me like a little nasty whore.and all the while my talk is getting her into it shes leaned over me holding both my legs looking down watching herself thrust deeper and faster the more she gets into it.taking 3 /4ths of this huge cock w every thrust she gives the pain is great but the pleasure is 2...

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Thangaiyin Thozhiyai Matter Adithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En thangaiku oru thozhi irupaal aval peyar saranya vayathu 19 aagiyathu, vayathu thaan siriyathu aval mulai periyathu. Soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum, en veetil adikadi vanthu poval. Ennai adikadi sight adipaal, avalai enaku migavum pidikum. Naan pesinaal en idam sirithu pesuvaal, en amma ilatha pozhuthu thaan...

3 years ago
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Vonya Exposed

Vonya exposed By Vonya Lee I'm so disgusted by myself. God! I hate me! Occasionally my reality hits me like a sledgehammer. I know I can never escape from this life. What life? My life isn't mine anymore. Her control is all I know now. My body isn't even mine. They both do whatever they want to me. On going body modifications have made it impossible for me to ever pass as a man anymore. What really hurts the most though is how defeated I really am. I can't make any decisions on my...

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 22 The Rescue

The days passed with the four ACs huddled together a thousand feet above the ground as the rain continued to fall. The crews spent their time eating, drinking, visiting, and of course having sex multiple times. On the third day, the rain became lighter and finally that afternoon stopped altogether. The clouds drifted away and the sun came out making the air hot and extremely humid even at the AC's altitude.Yuri decided that the uniform worn would consist of only their scanty bikinis and...

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tim and i and mom and dad

We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...

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My Camera Never Lies

I was asleep in my bed when I was woken by something grabbing my head. A hand was covering my eyes. I tried to scream, but a rag was shoved in my mouth. Something, maybe a bag, was thrust over my head. I could hear two or three people in the room. Though the bag, I could just see that they had turned the lights on in my bedroom. I tensed as they started to lift my duvet, knowing they would see that tonight I was sleeping naked. I suddenly felt cold, then hands grabbed my arms, I felt something...

4 years ago
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Owner8217s Wife And Hot Daughter Got Laid With Me

Hello friends, this is my first story in ISS. I have read lots of stories in this site. I have been reading stories from 17 years of my age. I am 18 years and I am currently staying in Bangalore City. We are living in a rented house. My building owner owns a Bar and is a very rich guy. Sorry friends I forgot to tell you about me – I am a fair guy with a nice figure. My dick is 9.5 inch long and 3 inch thick and I cum more than 100ml of sperms at a time, my sperms are a bit thick also. I have...

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Fantasies Came Reality With Kanan Bhabhi 8211 Part III

Welcome all, thanks again for your support and feedback. So today I will be presenting the 3rd part of the incident with Kanan Bhabhi. Till now I have seen her almost naked quite a few times and in the last part I have touched and rubbed her most intimate parts also in the car. So today continuing the story please enjoy the latest one. After the incident in the car she was behaving with me normally so I figured that she must be sleeping that time when I did my mischief with her in the car....

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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 11

Once she turned the key in her door, Sandra turned to Scott. "Scott," she said, looking into his exciting eyes, "thanks for a fantastic evening--not to mention a whole new life." Scott smiled, gazing deeply into her eyes. Then he quickly took her into his arms and crushed his lips against hers. To his surprise, Sandra's arms flew around his neck and she returned his kiss passionately. Her tongue slid into his mouth and probed warmly. The forty-eight-year-old man held the...

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That One Special Night

As Mark and Sara approached her room silently, they knew what was to come. Their first time was going to occur, now on this frigid February night. Neither of them could hide their excitement. Mark, in his briefs and robe and Sara, in sweatpants and a tank-top, had snuck away from the pyjama party taking place downstairs in her house unable to help themselves. As they entered her room and locked the door, they kissed standing up briefly before the true action began. She pushed him down on the...

First Time
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Just a Passing Fantasy

Just a passing fantasy... I live near a Marine base, and there are always young jarheads out on the prowl. I tend to get invited to lots of parties and stuff because I'm just an easy going kinda guy. I'm tall and thin with fairly short hair and have a knack for words and good humor. It makes me easy to get along with. The fact that I usually bring quantity and quality beverage doesn't hurt either. So, I'm at this get together and the grunts are getting groggy with booze, music and...

2 years ago
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Marianne Ch 03

Marianne – Part III – The Convention/San Francisco Matthew would arrive at my place by 6:30, so I woke up at 5:00, I didn’t want to be rushing around before he arrived. I showered (I wanted to be fresh) and went to my closet to pick out what I’d wear that day. I wanted to look sexy so I chose my clothes carefully. I picked out a pale blue dress, that fell about 4 inches above my knees. It was going to be chilly out so I put a short-sleeved white sweater over it. The dress had a scoop neck and...

4 years ago
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Club Gomorrah Part 5 The Reprogramming

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter four: The Reprogramming.Ona was still far from finished, my little display had added fuel to the fire and she wanted to make sure I knew my place. Her thrusts were deep and slow, taking her time to enjoy every centimetre of her thick six inches sliding into me. She had waited three months for this, to test my ass pussy and to see the expression on my face as she did. Each time the pain began to fade Ona would thrust a little harder, a...

1 year ago
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Antonia Sainz Valentina Nappi Two Curvy Lesbians

Italian glamour pornstar Valentina Nappi and her assistant, cute Czech college girl Antonia Sainz have had a desire for one another that’s been building for a while, and when the naughty Miss Sainz shows up in a mini-skirt and lace topped stockings pantyless to work one day, the girls indulge their curiosity. This DDF premium porn scene shot in 4K is crammed with pussy pleasing action. Don’t blink and miss one second as the girls straddle each other in 69 and really get after it....

4 years ago
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Handling Emily

“I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE, NOT DOING THIS SHIT ANYMORE!” Ryan yelled at his friend Emily after yet another drunken tirade by her at his expense. “I’m fucking done, Emily! Just leave, maybe we can talk tomorrow…” His eyes roam over his friends’ luscious figure, her curvy 5’ 9” frame, ample breasts, long well formed legs and brown hair that fell just below her shoulders. He always found her sexually attractive, but the two had developed a nice friendship, when her excessive drinking didn’t interfere...

3 years ago
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Annayya Vadinalathoo

Hai isstelgu readers… Ee roju meethoo naa intiloojargina anubhavam chebuthaa…..Maa cousin annayya okathanu neenu chinnagunnapudu antee 15 yrs., oo rooju naa pakkalo padukuni oo ratri telivayyesarki, thana baaru balisina loudaa ni naa guddalooki petty, uuguthuu kaasepatki kaarchukunnadu appudu athani nallani balsina moddani modataga chusaa. Ala appudapudu maa intikochinappudu ratri thana pakkalo padukobettukuni mundugaa naa sulli ni adichichi ayyaka thana 6″ moddani melliga naa guddalooki jonipi...

2 years ago
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Cant Resist the Urge

Ever since the first time I felt the smooth skin and stiff heat of a man’s erection in my mouth I was hooked. When I experienced the taste and scent and throbbing of a cock exploding in my mouth and the pungently salty flavor of cum that first time I knew I would love to suck men’s cocks. I was reluctant the first time and very tentatively took him into my mouth but that all disappeared very quickly. The skin was so smooth and his erection felt hot. The skin moved with my mouth’s movement and...

Gay Male
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Spring Runneys

Jimmie’s the one started it all. He’s bigger’n me cuz I’m only eight. He’s ten. We’s awalkin’ home from school takin’ a short cut through ole man Simm’s pasture. Yuh know how cow plop smells in Spring when the grass in new an’ all them cows got the runnys. Ugh! It’s gross. I’m tellin yuh cuz I know. Well, anyway, Jimmie takes this big stick, see, and he dips the end into this big nasty cow plop. Then he stirs it up a little so it stinks real good like an’ he pushes it right up under my nose....

3 years ago
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The maids striptease and pee show

The maid gets a surprise I am alone in the house. It is time to pee. I go to the toilet and open the door. I leave the light off and the door open because enough light seeps in from the windows in the living room. I turn around at the toilet bowl, stick my hands up under the long house dress I am wearing, grab my knickers, pull them down to my knees and let them hang there. Then I lift my skirt, stick it under the elastic band at the waist-level of my dress and sit down on the toilet bowl. I...

2 years ago
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An Adventure

I was home alone and very horny, decided to check out some male sites and see what was going on. I found a site that would let you register for free, so I signed up and started to surf. I came upon an ad that was close to the campus, the ad read "want to have some fun call (7**)***-***9..." Using my throw away I called and a very pleasant voice answered I explained that i found the number on a web site and asked if he placed it there, his answer '...yes, are you interested and want to have...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience with my cousin Josh

My first gay experience with my cousin Josh: I met him in the principle’s office when I was in the seventh grade; he is my cousin only because my aunt adopted him. I noticed a small asian boy in the office while I was in first time we met, little did I know we would be fucking buddies! We became friends fast, and almost always hung out together. The ice was broken one night he stayed at my house for the night. I was 15 and he was 16 at the time, and I was joking around when I said, “If you...

3 years ago
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SchlongChapter 4

Her name was McGill and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy. Wednesday morning I stopped by Betsy Lou's. She answered the door, all ready to go as soon as I rang the bell. There was more of the same as yesterday as we walked to school. Walking extra close and lots of touching. At one point I moved to the side when she got too close and had to grab her as she almost fell over. I had her in my arms and she looked up at me, then closed her eyes and did that fish thing with...

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