Competitive Affairs
- 3 years ago
- 38
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‘Okay, I am going to pretend you didn’t say that.’ Damien said.
‘What are you thinking? You can’t just go there and say what? ‘Hey Visconti, how are things?” Darryl chimed in.
‘Yeah, like he’s going to simply agree to a nice lunch date with you and the entire police force.’ Damien said sarcastically.
‘Not counting Federal agents.’ Darryl said.
Leigh felt as if she was in a tennis match, her head kept turning from Damien to Darryl. She sighed with annoyance.
‘Listen…’ Leigh said slowly, trying to control her emotions.
‘No. You listen carefully. You are not doing this…’ Damien gestured with his hands. ‘…whatever you are planning, because it is insane. You will leave it to me.’
‘And me.’ Darryl grinned at Damien, who gave him a quick nod of understanding.
Leigh felt angry, frustrated, scared all at the same time. ‘Do you think he’s going to risk coming after me? And what does Visconti want with me anyway?’
‘I suspect he wants to use you the same way you want to use him.’ Damien looked at her and cocked his eyebrow. He wanted her to know that he had a good idea of what she had been thinking. Visconti would use her to bait Michael. And after that, only God knew what he would do with her because other than helping catch Michael, she was of no use to Visconti.
Damien dreaded thinking of what Salvatore would do once she had served her purpose. Damn it all if he would let Leigh go through with it.
Leigh shrugged her shoulders. ‘It was just an idea. Anyway, I am sick of waiting for things to happen. I am sick of being scared. I think I can help.’
‘I still vote for a safe house.’ Darryl suggested, ignoring her completely, which frustrated her even more.
‘I said no.’ Leigh said sharply and she looked at Damien for support.
‘I need to feel I have some control over my own life.’ Leigh said with a bit of anger. ‘I need to be near you.’ She murmured.
Damn those eyes, Damien thought.
‘But you are not to go anywhere without protection. No arguments.’ Damien relented.
Leigh’s bright smile was full of love and determination. She knew that despite all their efforts and hard work to catch Michael and deal with Salvatore, it would be her role in the process that would determine the outcome.
Darryl just shook his head. Oh, she’s trouble…and so not mine. He thought sadly.
After Darryl left, Damien couldn’t control his desire any more. He started to kiss her senseless, after leaving her lips swollen and her feeling breathless.
Damien kept a tight grip on her neck as his other hand travelled down her quivering body.
He cupped her sex and what he felt brought a wicked smile to face. She was soaked. ‘You are so ready for me, Leigh.’ His voice was husky and he sounded breathless too.
He loved her immediate responses to his touch. Her nipples were aroused and her face flushed. Seeing her like that just made him crazy. He gave in to the impulse to snatch her up and take her to the bedroom, where he loved her until exhaustion.
‘Tell me again…’ His rough voice made her shiver.
‘I am yours…only yours.’ Leigh repeated breathlessly as he held her tight.
As he was hers.
‘So, it will be better if you stay away for awhile, until the trial and things are more settled.’ Leigh told Lucy on the phone.
Leigh had explained about Michael being on the loose and how worried she was that something would happen to her friend because of her.
‘Not your fault he’s a maniac. I don’t want you to be left alone. I can stay with you.’
‘I won’t be alone.’ Leigh said shyly. ‘Damien is staying here, for now.’ Her old insecurities still nagged her.
‘Good. I feel better knowing you have some company.’ Lucy sounded relieved for her friend.
‘Yeah…I didn’t have much choice.’ Leigh wasn’t upset with Damien’s insistence in staying to protect her, but she couldn’t help feeling a little upset that she was causing so much mayhem in his life.
‘Come on…Damien loves you. You know he doesn’t mind. He’s not like the others, Leigh. He’s not intimidated by Michael and he’s not leaving you.’ Lucy said, tapping into the core of Leigh’s fears.
‘I know…I am sorry for being so whinny today. I guess I haven’t taken the news as well as I had thought, but I am trying to be strong, Lucy.’
‘Hey! You are entitled to be a bit insecure.’ Lucy always knew how to comfort Leigh.
‘Okay, enough of me. Tell me about Brian, I haven’t seen him very much, so I just assumed…’ Leigh’s voice held a hint of humour.
‘Well, I guess he’s fine. We spoke on the phone. I think he’s been busy with the upcoming trial.’
‘Oh…sorry, Lucy.’ Leigh said with disappointment.
Just as Leigh was about to enquire a little more, she heard her cell phone ring. It was Margaret, her secretary from. Leigh had officially returned to work last month, although she had informed them that she would only work until they’d found a replacement.
It was her day off and Leigh wondered what was happening. She ended the call with Lucy and checked the voicemail. Feeling a little more confident after the talk with Lucy, Leigh decided to head off to the office. According to Margaret’s message, they were swamped with appointments and it didn’t help matters when one staffer phoned in sick.
Leigh left a note for Damien on the fridge door explaining where she would be, she knew he wouldn’t be happy but she refused to feel scared and remain housebound. As she opened the front door she was greeted by a pair of dark brown eyes.
‘Miss Grayson, I need you to come with me.’ Gino said solemnly. ‘Please, don’t make me use this.’ He said as he discreetly revealed his Glock 17.
Leigh nodded. ‘Alright, but you put that gun away first. I’ve had enough of being threaten.’
Gino raised his eyebrow and smirked. ‘Come on then.’ He said ushering her to his car.
It wasn’t what she’d thought he would look like. Salvatore Visconti was charming and handsome. Somehow, Leigh expected someone rugged looking and ruthless. This man sitting on an extremely expensive Italian leather armchair looked too sophisticated and courteous to be considered a mob boss.
Salvatore got up and walked unhurriedly but purposefully towards Leigh. His whole demeanour was intimidating despite the appearances.
‘Miss Grayson! How delightful it is to meet you.’ Salvatore said taking her right hand and bringing it to his lips.
Leigh accepted the greeting but pulled her hand back slowly. Salvatore gently took hold of Leigh’s elbow and coaxed her to take a chair opposite his.
‘Miss Grayson, I won’t take much of your time. You know, you’ve caused me a lot of headache.’
Leigh sat with her back straight, trying in vain to look assured but her trembling hands were betraying her. Salvatore applauded her brave attitude.
‘Although not intentionally, I understand.’ Salvatore took a moment to study Leigh’s face. Beautiful!
‘Mr. Visconti, why am I here?’ Her eyes darting from Visconti to Gino, who stood leaning against the door.
‘Mia cara, you are here because I need you to do something for me.’
Leigh nodded. ‘I take it I don’t have any choice?’
‘Of course you do! If you choose not to help me I won’t be upset with you, I will be disappointed, though.’
Salvatore took a moment to study her a little more. ‘You are smart and determined. I know you’ve been through a lot for young age. I know that Michael’s interference in your life hasn’t helped the matter.’
‘He killed my father. Did you know that? Did you help him?’ Leigh’s whole body was shaking now.
Salvatore stood up and walked to the mini bar behind his chair. The clinking of ice in the glass was unnerving her even more.
‘No.’ His expr
ession was sombre and sincere. ‘When I found out, it was already done. Michael acted on pure jealousy, anger, and selfishness. Not exactly qualities I expect my men to have.’
When Leigh cocked one eyebrow, Salvatore actually chuckled. ‘Well, I can’t afford mistakes being made because my men have their better judgement clouded by feelings as such.’
Leigh looked astonished by Salvatore’s as matter of fact attitude.
‘He had no permission to use my men to serve his personal business.’ Waving his hand dismissively, Salvatore explained. ‘He’s stolen from me. I don’t take betrayal lightly.’ Salvatore’s voice was voided of emotion.
‘I have made sure he’s cornered and have nowhere to go for help. The thing he wants the most is you, Miss Grayson. I want him to have no choice but to come to me.’
‘So, you need me to lure him to you.’ It wasn’t a question. Leigh knew what Salvatore’s intentions were because she had thought the same. However, she never envisaged having the mob on her side. But did she want Salvatore to help her deal with Michael?
‘And if I don’t help you?’ she asked quietly.
Salvatore stared at her and smiled. ‘There will be no hard feelings.’
‘Just like that?’ she asked incredulous.
‘Yes, Caríssima, just like that.’
Leigh stared at Salvatore for a long moment contemplating what to do. She really didn’t believe he would just let her go, it would be too good to be true.
‘I need to make a call.’ She said and her tone told him she had already decided what to do.
Damien is going to kill me… She thought.
Damien arrived home later than he had planned. He had missed Leigh all day. The past week had been absolutely heaven. He had missed Leigh all day, even though he had spent the entire week with her. And it had been heaven.
Through all the trials and tribulations, Damien had come to fall in love with Leigh all over again. He was completely head over hills for her, which made it that much more difficult to give her space and not be so protective. He would not rest until Michael was put away once and for all. The thought of the bastard being anywhere near her enraged Damien.
But he refused to let thoughts of Michael spoil his happiness.
Damien had been feeling giddy like a teenager, eager to see his first love. He missed her so much it was crazy. He could still feel her touch, smell her in him — a mix of vanilla and spices. She was all over him and he loved it.
‘Leigh!’ He called out and frowned when she didn’t answer. Where is she?
Damien walked through the house, expecting to see her anytime. His level of anxiety was rising.
Just as he was about to shout for her again he spotted a note on the kitchen counter.
Gone to work. They needed extra help.
I will see you later.
Love you.
Shaking his head in clear disapproval, Damien picked up his cell phone.
He had been waiting the whole morning for her to come out. He knew she would have to go to the building adjacent to file the proceedings of a case. He knew because the sexy brunette that assisted one of the case managers had told him.
The chilly air provided the perfect excuse to conceal his face with the hood of his jacket. Michael sat on a bench across the building eating a sandwich. Thinking. Planning. Soon. He shivered with lust and anger.
‘Damn it! Damn it!’ Damien kept chanting in his head. He’d gotten through Leigh’s office and asked to speak to her, but he was told she never came into the office. He tried her cell phone once more, desperately hoping she would answer this time. He hoped in vain. He decided to go to the office and speak to Margaret personally or maybe someone in there had seen her.
Nothing. No sign. Nothing.
Damien was feeling completely powerless, something he was not used to. He didn’t like the feeling one bit. He stood at the reception area with his fists clenched, deciding what to do next.
‘Excuse me, Sir.’
Quickly jerking his head around, Damien found himself facing a young security guard.
‘Can I help you?’ The young man asked warily. ‘Are you looking for someone?’
Damien showed him his badge, identifying himself. ‘I am looking for an employee, Miss Leigh Grayson. Do you know her?’ Damien had little conviction the young man would know her, he seemed new at the job.
‘Well, I think I know her. Young, gorgeous face, a body I could sink into!’
Damien didn’t look amused, in fact, he wanted nothing more than to break the young man’s teeth. Checking the name tag he said, ‘I will ignore your crude comments this time…Dave.’ He said the guy’s name with disgust.
‘Erm…sorry.’ The young man coughed to hide his embarrassment. ‘Well, I didn’t see her, but another guy was here earlier looking for her and seemed very upset when I told him she hadn’t been in this morning. I think he had been waiting for her for awhile. I wonder if she stood him up.’ Dave said with a smirk.
Damien held his anger and asked. ‘Can you describe him?’
‘Older guy, tall but not too big. I mean he wasn’t skinny but not fat either. I couldn’t tell you anymore, he had his hood up covering his head and was wearing sunglasses, which I though was funny because it has been raining all morning.’
What a fine security guy he is. Damien nodded, his mind frantically working. ‘When was that?’
‘Around eleven. Stormed out of here after talking to me and punched the car over there.’ Dave nodded his head in the direction of the car.
After letting Brian and Darryl know he hadn’t found her and telling them about the suspicious incident outside the building, Damien headed back to her house where he met them.
‘There is no sign of a struggle.’ Brian said.
‘She must have been caught by surprise.’ Darryl suggested.
‘At the door.’ Damien concluded.
‘What do you mean?’ Brian asked
‘As she was leaving the house, possibly at the door because she had already left a note and was on her way out.’
Damien stood with his hands on the back of his neck.’Son of a bitch!’ Damien shouted.
‘Calm down. We don’t know if it was Michael.’ Brian said.
‘I know it wasn’t.’ Damien stated.
Brian and Darryl looked puzzled at Damien.
‘This is so messed up. I can’t believe it, we’ve been acting like rookies.’ Damien was furious with himself. He’d been behaving completely unprofessional and irresponsible. Now, Leigh was paying for it.
Darryl looked at Damien with sympathy. ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, Damien. You couldn’t have forced her to go to a safe house.’ Darryl realised then how much Damien loved Leigh, because the desperation in the detective’s face was heartbreaking.
Damien could only shake his head. ‘Brian…’ He looked up to his friend for help.
‘Okay, I am not saying a word to Captain Harrison or he is bound to suspend us, hell he probably would kicked us out of the force.’ Brian sighed deeply. ‘Darryl, you have your contacts, use them. We need a meeting with Visconti.’
Darryl nodded ‘Well, I’ve blown my cover as you know, so I don’t know how easy it will be. But I know that Visconti won’t hurt her. It’s not in his code to hurt women.’
‘The man’s got a code? Seriously?’ Brian asked with a hint of amusement.
‘Well I won’t object to that.’ Damien sound a little relieved.
‘Yeah, and Visconti will want to keep his actions clean with no direct involvement, as he’s always done. That’s why it’s been difficult to nail him.’ Darryl explained.
‘Darryl, you know you can get in a lot of trouble if your superiors find out what you are doing?’
‘I know, but don’t worry. I just have to make sure I contact the right people.’
The three men nodded in agreement. It was going to
be a long day and they had to get their heads together and their emotions under control.
Easier said than done.
Leigh knew what she was doing was crazy and totally against her better judgement, however, she also knew she had to do something to help catch Michael.
She simply refused to sit and cry over her situation. ‘Mr. Visconti?’
Leigh had been in the same room since she was brought in by Gino, who had left shortly after she finished the conversation with Salvatore.
Now, she was staring out of the window that faced the bay, deliberating if she should phone Damien or not.
‘Phoning your detective will only complicate things.’
Leigh gasped startled by Gino’s smoky voice. She turned around to face him. ‘I beg your pardon?’
‘Come on, it’s clear you want to phone him.’ Gino said conceitedly.
Leigh remained silent, stunned by his ability to read her so well.
‘You know he would come and convince you not to go ahead with this plan.’ He was testing her resolve and she knew it.
‘I know he would try, but I don’t want him to sacrifice his career or get hurt because of me, I know Michael wouldn’t pass the chance to shoot him.’ She raised her head and faced Gino defiantly.
He nodded studying her face. ‘I am sure that wouldn’t deter detective Crook.’ Gino frowned and shook his head as if trying to comprehend some difficult puzzle.
‘I just don’t know why he would jeopardize his career like that…’
‘Wouldn’t you? I mean, for someone you cared about?’ Leigh asked curiously.
The fact that he wasn’t sure himself if he would or not sacrifice himself like that somehow disturbed him immensely.
Gino only stared at her for a few seconds before leaving the room without answering her question.
Author’s Note: Thank everyone who’s been following this story and voting. I am over the moon with the reactions. ALso thank you those who left comments, they are all very nice and encouraging. xx
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Author’s Note: ‘Dangerous Dealings’ (DD) is a one-off story, serving as a prequel to a series of full-length novels featuring Heather Hunter. Because she was only six years old in 1988, Heather does not appear in DD, but some of the characters that do appear become major players alongside her. Please be forewarned: DD only contains a small amount of sex, and it is ‘straight’ at that. I realize this submission is very different to anything I have offered previously but do value feedback from...
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the story series and the conclusion to this tale. Your feedback or comments are welcomed. I’ll be submitting more works in a variety of areas on literotica. Cheers! ***** The weekends never lasted long enough. Monday morning felt a bit ominous as the weather was overcast and raining softly. Dr. Connie Hatcher put on her champagne coloured satin blouse, maroon dress skirt and black jacket. She smiled as she adjusted her garter belt and smoky nylon stockings. Then...
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Michael was gripping his cell phone so tight he could have snapped the damn thing in two. He was furious. He’d been waiting for two hours for them to go. First, that blond bitch had gotten there before him and now, these guys. ‘Who the hell were they?’ One thing he knew for sure, he didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t want anyone sniffing around what was his. Michael was getting restless, since he had done away with William, Leigh had distanced herself from him even more. However, He’d made sure...
You read the rules of the "Dorm Game" carefully, since losing means losing your scholarship. Honestly, considering the price of this place, you'd rather just leave if that happened. For a second, you consider dropping out of this madness, but then you realize that the amount of sex as well as the fact that graduating from here sets you up for life combined offset the risks. Even one semester here would leave you well off. You grab your belongings and head up to your room, 307. On the doors are...
At senior high, during a sex education film,I sat at the back of the class and had a series of orgasms, I was f******n and found a love of sex, in particular, voyeurism and exhibitionism, two 'isms', that would define and shape my life as a woman, and it started that afternoon.I managed in the darkness of the room to take my panties off, and perform whenever the lecturer was close by, he could see I was touching myself, and I brazenly did so as he watched.At the end of the lecture I hung back,...
Dangerous Obsession Chapter One: I wanted her life! Staring at her on the latest Social Media Application, all I could think about was how amazing it must be to be her. Now! I realize that no one's life is perfect however from all her internet post she portrayed the life of perfection! At 29 years old, married, and due to gastric bypass surgery had lost a lot of weight, she looked on top of the world. Blonde hair perfectly styled, incredible makeup, one would think she could grace...
Dangerous Liaisons Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When Claire first approached me, it was with the craziest idea I had ever heard of, and my first, and only reaction was to tell her she had taken one brick to many out of her wall of common sense! But, she was persistent if nothing else, and after about a week of listening to her nag at me, I finally gave in, telling her it I would try it, but just that "one time". I took it all with good humor, confident that all...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIALOF A SEXUAL AND VIOLENT NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dangerous Gamesby Night OwlChapter...
If you've been through Woodburn, you know where Route 82 curves over the river coming into town and the road narrows from four to two lanes just north of the bridge over Miller's Creek. The two lanes continue until six and three-tenths miles south of town when it divides into four lanes again. The two lane section, which is within the Town Limits, is a sedate forty-five miles an hour. Since the speed limit on the four lane is seventy, some people have trouble complying with the lower speed....
At forty-two years of age, Jackie Anderson was an attractive looking brunette that looked more like a woman in her early thirties. She still wore her hair long, usually in a ponytail that helped to make her look younger as well, which probably helped to contribute to her being mistaken for a much younger woman. She worked out, though not as often as she would have liked, but enough that she kept her still firm figured well toned and in reasonably good shape. Though her breasts weren't...
The morning sun broke through the curtains and onto Mac's sleeping face. Gradually his eyes opened. Suddenly, he realized that it was after eight A.M. He never slept this late. He jumped out of bed, put a robe on and hurried to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, it appeared that he had a hang over. His eyes were red and he looked haggard. He concluded that it was from the guilt and embarrassment he felt from losing control last night. Still, he could feel a twitch in his penis when...
But when I was ten I walked into their room. I found Mitchell's head between Dale's legs. Dale was throat fucking Mitchell. Mitchell tongue wiggled on Dale's cock. I didn't see Dale's cock. But I saw something so gross it changed my life. Mitchell puked up his lunch all over Dale's cock and balls. It was yellow and chunky like mashed bananas. Mitchell didn't know what to do. Dale pulled him off and jacked off with the gooey stuff on his cock. And overted my eyes before he unfurled his...
Sara was my wife and attractive enough that she would receive cat calls as we walked down the street because she was very thin, 5 ft 5, 110 pounds with 36D cup breasts. Her eyes are big and full of life and also has jet black hair.We had a normal and uneventful marriage up until the third year. It seems the seven year itch hit Sara at the three year mark. I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara’s faithfulness while I was gone. We had...
The first time it happens there is guilt. Usually always is, but that biting urgency to let passion take over can’t be ignored… The party is in full swing and drinks are in everyone and everywhere. The younger crowd dancing and swaying to the music thumping through the speakers, lights flashing in time illuminating the sweating bodies in the club. Rented out for a very special occasion the college students are taking full advantage of the scene and not wasting time with conversations. Mel and...
This story is meant to be played in Game Mode. James is a young man with problems. And holy shit, does he have a problem. In the last few years James found himself becoming bored and indifferent to school. He slipped from being a straight-A student, to an A and B student, then a B student, finally to a B and C student. He still had this year and the next of before he planned on moving on. On top of that, his girlfriend recently dumped him after a party went bad. That whole situation got...
While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...
FantasyThe first time it happens there is guilt. Usually always is, but that biting urgency to let passion take over can't be ignored... The party is in full swing and drinks are in everyone and everywhere. The younger crowd dancing and swaying to the music thumping through the speakers, lights flashing in time illuminating the sweating bodies in the club. Rented out for a very special occasion the college students are taking full advantage of the scene and not wasting time with conversations. Mel and...
CheatingNow that Rachel had been accepted into the Bureau it would probably be many weeks until She received Her first assignment. In the meantime there was an extended period of training and instruction. Some of which would be at the hands of Rowena– who specialised in “Persuasion Techniques” both of the soft and hard variety – but there were as many instructors as skills that it was required any agent should know. It was made very obvious to Her though that as seventh daughter of a seventh...
The rest of the night passed in a dream for both of them, on Rachel’s part this was due to Her ensorcelment at the incubus’ hand, but when the effects wore off though all was blurry and only half recalled She was convinced that She had enjoyed every moment of the two hours they had spent wrapped about one another. It was certainly a big night for Her; once She had overcome Her embarrassment at the state that Rowena found Her in and Her dishevelled – if aroused – state. It took Rowena only...
Hi guys, this is Anthony again. This time I would like to narrate the story of a friend of mine. So, I would be writing in his words. His name is Ajith, working in Calcutta as an IT professional, 29 years old, married a year ago, has an athletic body with a height of 5’11”. His wife Sameera is from Gujarat, 25 years old, a young fair girl with a height 5’5″. She does not have a zero size figure and all but has ample flesh at the required place with a figure of 36-32-38. She has a big round ass,...
Hi readers! Welcome to another episode of Savita bhabhi stories and this time, the story is about Savita visiting XXX apartments to help a friend in need. So let’s start the story. “The concepts in this chapter are very important,” Annie said to the students as she was writing something on the board. “..which is why we’re having a quiz on them Friday”, she continued. Annie then turned towards her students and said, “Judging from your grades…” she stopped for a while, brought her hands towards...
Characters.The story is not real it is a story of mine for a porno. enjoy.ChloerachelnadineGary (dad of chloe)peter (dad of rachel)steven (dad of nadinemelissa (mother of chloe)daniel (mother of rachel)jade (mother of nadine)PART 1In was in the summer time when 3 friends and there familys got together for a summer holiday out at the cabin by the lake, chloe rachel and nadine aged 18 and 19 would spend a unforgetable holiday. The parents of the girls also were at the cabin in there own rooms...
That night I slept under the bed only. Since my spying went on till 1 am that night I just fall asleep there only. Early morning I woke up with the sound of alarm coming from next room. I think Radha mom must have set the alarm. I checked the time. It was sharp 5 o’clock in the morning. I quickly started peeping through the hole. Dim light was on and Radha mom was sitting on the bed and was sneezing. Her hair was all over the place, she was checking her sari. I think Rakesh half woke up due to...
IncestHello ISS readers this is Ravi from a small town in Andhra Pradesh. We are 4 people; dad, mom, me, and sis. Dad passed away 6 years before. Mom is working as a tailor in town. I and my sister are studying. My sister Sindhu aged 19. Damn hot with awesome structure. She looks like Shruti Hasan. She loves to dress in Punjabis and salwars. At night she wears T-shirt and a trouser. Sizes are 32-28-36. Near my house there is a canal. No one comes there as it is very far from town. My house contains a...
Incestello to all my dear friends, this is Sandeep from Navi Mumbai. Its being a real long time since I posted my experiences with my girl friends, it was way back in 2008. Now I m 35 years old, married man with one kid. I seldom enjoy sex with my wife, but having sex with someone else outside marriage really gives an adrenalin kick (nasha). I am sure many of my married friends would agree to this. Now coming to my experience, it was something like a time bomb waiting to explode. All in my 4+ years...
Sara was my wife and attractive enough that she would receive cat calls as we walked down the street because she was very thin, 5 ft 5, 110 pounds with 36D cup breasts. Her eyes are big and full of life and also has jet black hair.We had a normal and uneventful marriage up until the third year. It seems the seven year itch hit Sara at the three year mark.I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara's faithfulness while I was gone. We had...
VoyeurFirst I shall introduce myself. I am Santhi Naidu, a horny wife in my early 30’s and living in heart of the city of Chennai. I got married to my husband six years back. My husband is a lazy fellow, who don’t used to stick to a job permanently because of his irresposible behaviour and bad mouth. He changes his job frequently and few months back only, he joined a company at Bangalore. Due to his irregular income, I am also working in a company. I have a 4 year old daughter studying in a school....
IncestSandy let out a deep sigh as she exploded with an orgasm,as i was pumping my hot lava into her i can be sure she can be mother this time.thats my little sister sandhya,dont be surprised about our all started about three months ago when she tried to commit suicide.we rushed her to the hospital to know that she had consumed sleeping pills,how stupid.she got a second life . I had this strange attraction towards my sister,always looking her the way a brother is not supposed to...
IncestI’m 43 now but this all started thirty one years ago. You can do the math. I use to have to stay with my grandma in the summer when my parents were at work. My cousin was four years older than me so I thought he was really cool and wanted to hang out with him. But of course he really didn’t want anything to do with me so I just hung with my girl cousin May. She was 2 years older than me. We use to sneak behind the garage and smoke cigs she stole from grandma. It was blocked on 3 sides and only...