Average Joes
- 3 years ago
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This is the conclusion of my Average Joe series. Thank you to all who followed it through. A special ‘Thank You’ to WanderingScot for taking the time to edit this story for me.
Chapter 7: The conclusion
When I last left off I had Ariel lying on my bed naked. To me she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I told her so,
‘I feel funny lying here naked and you staring at me,’ Ariel responded. ‘If I didn’t love you and trust you so much I might be a bit worried.’
‘Just give me a sec. I’m going to give you somewhat of a massage.’ I reached in the drawer and took out the lotion.
I went to the end of the bed and began rubbing her feet. I may not have been the best masseur but I had a pretty good idea what to do. I took her foot in my hand and began rubbing the bottom and heel of her foot. I put a bit of oil on my fingers and rubbed the ball of each foot, spreading her pretty little toes and massaging each one.
‘That feels so good, especially since I’ve been on them all day and all that dancing,’ said Ariel.
I put more oil on my hands and began rubbing her calves. This wasn’t a deep massage but just a gentle rubbing of oil on her body. I put her leg on my shoulder and began applying oil to her thigh. She had these tight muscles in her legs from exercising.
She lay there with her eyes closed as I did each thigh. I had I perfect view of her pussy and I could see it becoming moist. I did my best not to touch her pussy but it wasn’t easy. I did rub right up to it. I said to myself, ‘Take your time, do as you were taught.’
Next I moved up to her shoulders and rubbed the light oil on her working my way down to her breasts. She opened her eyes and said, ‘I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.’ I knew she meant it because I could see a tear in her eye. I leaned over and kissed her.
I moved down and began massaging her breasts. It only took seconds before her nipples became hard and I had to suck on them. She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me to her breasts and held me there.
It was now time to do her taut belly. I rubbed some oil on her and massaged her from her belly button to her muff. I then kissed her body following the same trail. My face again ended up in her muff. I could see her pussy was so wet and I could again smell her sex.
I reached over in my drawer and she saw me. ‘You don’t need a condom Joey,’ she said.
‘It’s not a condom, it’s a surprise.’ I took out my little finger vibrator and slipped it on.
I began sucking on her wet pussy and I applied the vibrator to her clit. ‘Oh my God, what is that?’ she said as she had her first orgasm of the night. I received a face full of her juice.
‘Kiss me Joey, kiss me now.’ I did what she asked and we were doing some really heavy kissing. I showed her the little vibrator.
I rolled over on my back and Ariel got on stop of me. Watching the woman I loved slowly lowering herself on my cock was the most wonderful turn on. She was smiling at me while she moved up and down on my stiff cock. She was having mini orgasms and I could see it in her face. I couldn’t hold back any longer.
I shot my load of love juice up in her pussy. I knew she felt it and lowered herself all the way down taking all of my cock. She stretched out her legs and laid her head on my chest and she fell asleep with my cock still in her.
After it softened I felt it fall out and dozed off myself. Sometime during the night she must have gotten off of me and covered us both up. I woke up with her cuddled up to me still sleeping with a smile on her face.
I wasn’t going to disturb her for the world. I lay there and just thought about how lucky I was.
She woke up and rushed to the bathroom. When she came back she slipped on her panties and pajama top that she never had a chance to wear the night before.
‘I’m sorry for putting some clothes on but I’m a little self conscious about being nude in front of men, it’s just something I’ve never done.’
I slipped on my jockeys and a pair of pajama bottoms. ‘I could get used to seeing you naked. You’re so beautiful.’
‘Joey, I feel I should tell you a little about my past love life. I don’t want us to have secrets.’
‘Honey, your past is your past and mine is mine. Knowing who you had sex with isn’t something I really want to know.’
‘I still want to tell you. I’ve only had sex with two guys. They were boyfriends at the time. I cared for them and even thought I might have loved them at the time. I know I mentioned Brian when I first met you. He was the second guy I was with. We broke up because he asked me to marry him and I realized he wasn’t the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.’
‘Why are you telling me this?’
‘Because after being with you and making love with you I realize what love truly is. I just want you to know that I’ve never played around. Yes I dated quite a few guys but wasn’t intimate with them. I just needed for you to know.’ She came over and just hugged me.
‘Ok, short and simple. I’ve had sex with a number of women. Most all were older than me. I was naive and nervous. One particular lady taught me how to make women happy. At first I thought I loved her. She was my first but she explained to me that it was just sex between us and I would know when I found my true love. She was right.
‘I met you and life was never the same for me. When we finally made love I knew there would never be another like you. That’s all I’m going to say about my sex life.’
We took a shower together and I took her home. I dropped her off hoping she wouldn’t have to answer many questions.
After that night life for me was never the same. Ariel’s schedule was pretty much the same but Saturday nights were ours to share. A lot of Sundays I was also invited over for family events. I guess I was somewhat a part of the family.
One day a week we tried to have lunch together. It had been a few weeks since Mary and Henry’s wedding. I saw Nancy and asked her if she would go shopping with me. I needed her help.
‘Do I get lunch and a movie?’ she asked smiling at me.
‘Yes, as long as you promise not to tell Ariel.’
‘Why would you want to hide it from Ariel? It’s just shopping and a movie.’
‘I want to buy her an engagement ring and I know she would wonder what I went shopping for and why I needed you along. I’m not very good at lying to her. I love her too much.
Nancy came up with a solution. She would just tell Ariel that she felt I owed her a favor and asked me to take her shopping for some school clothes.
Ariel bought it. Of course we did have to pick up some clothes also. When we got to the jewelry store Nancy went over to the smaller, cheaper sets. ‘No, Nancy, this is for the love of my life, I don’t want to skimp on her ring.’
‘Joey, the rings in this section you’re looking at run almost four-thousand dollars. Do you have that kind of money to spend on a ring?’
‘If it’s for Ariel, yes, I have a large savings plan for special situations and I think this falls into that category.’
Nancy found what I thought would be perfect for Ariel. The dealer said it regularly sold forty-five hundred dollars but would sell it to me for four thousand dollars which including the wedding ring.
I was ready to buy it when Nancy said, ‘Joey, I think I saw a similar set at the other jewelry store we were at. It was only thirty-five hundred dollars. Maybe we should go back and look at it.’
I had to wonder what Nancy was talking about. We didn’t go to any other Jewelry store. The sales person quickly said, ‘Let me talk to the manager and see if we can do any better.’
Nancy looked at me and I realized she was a real shopper. The manager came over and gave his sales pitch. ‘I can come down two hundred dollars but that’s the best I can do.’ I was ready to say ok when Nancy spoke.
l, three hundred dollars is three hundred dollars, thank you for your offer but I think we’ll go with the thirty-five hundred.’ As I turned to leave following Nancy the manager said, ‘Wait! Would you be paying cash or charge?’
‘Cash.’ I said to the manager.
He looked over at Nancy and said, ‘Little Lady, you drive a hard bargain but I’ll let you have it for thirty-five hundred, plus sales tax.’
‘It’s a deal,’ said Nancy. ‘Joey, pay the man.’ Nancy couldn’t believe I had the money in my pocket. I had withdrawn five-thousand dollars before we had left to go shopping. I paid for the ring and we got our package and walked away.
When we left Nancy asked me if I was nuts. ‘Why are you carrying that kind of cash?’
‘I don’t have a checking account and we said cash, so I couldn’t use my credit account. Thank you for saving me so much money. I’ll take you anywhere you want for dinner.’
I had to laugh when she said the Red Lobster. You could tell she and Ariel were related. After we ate we took in a Harry Potter movie. Not exactly my type of movie but Nancy enjoyed it. I had to buy her a bucket of popcorn too.
Ariel stopped by on Sunday to see Mary. While she was there Nancy showed her the clothes that she had bought. Nancy had also told her that we ate at the Red Lobster and saw Harry Potter.
Ariel came up to my apartment. ‘I heard a rumor that you were out with a young woman. You were seen smiling at her at the Red Lobster. Later you were seen entering the theatre. Is any of this true?’
‘Yes, it’s all true but the young girl was Nancy. I promised to take her shopping.’
Ariel laughed, ‘See how blown out of proportion things can get. That’s why we always need to be honest with each other. Nancy just told me you took her shopping.’ She put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
I wanted more but she said she had to get home. I did take the time to grab her by the cheeks of her ass pull her into me and kiss her again. She smiled and told me she loved me and that I could grab her ass most anytime but preferably not in public or in front of her family.
At work on Monday I got some great news. The manager of the dairy department was retiring and I was offered the job. There wasn’t much of a pay raise but I would be working day shift. I would have one full time and three part time employees working under me. It would be up to me to set the work schedule.
I could hardly wait to tell Ariel. We met for lunch on Wednesday and she was really happy for me. She was always worried about calling me and waking me up. Now we would be on similar shifts. I could still meet her for lunch once a week. My new position was to start the following Monday.
Now I had to work on my plan to surprise her. On Thursday night I went to her Karaoke performance she was great as always. Some of her friends at work knew me and I asked Craig and Jerry to do me a favor. I didn’t want Ariel to know anything about it.
Two weeks later, I was now on day shift, and I planned to attend Karaoke night with Ariel. I had already had my talk with Craig and Jerry. I was sitting with Ariel at the table with her co-worker friends. They knew she was my girlfriend. Hell, everyone knew now.
What she didn’t know was I invited her parents, also Mary and Henry, I told them to bring Nancy. I got hold of Aunt Trudy and Uncle Ralph and asked them to come. Everyone was sitting on the opposite side of the room so Ariel couldn’t see them. There seemed to be an overflow crowd that night.
Craig and Jerry had both sung and when they came back to the table they were kidding with me about singing. ‘I can’t sing, that’s Ariel’s department.’
‘We dare you to even try. How do you know if you don’t try,’ said Craig.
‘Yeah, I’d like to hear you try to sing.’ said Jerry.
‘Alright guys, that’s enough, quit picking on Joey,’ Ariel responded.
‘Guess he is too chicken to even try,’ said Craig.
‘I said that’s enough,’ said Ariel. ‘I thought you guys were our friends.’ Ariel was a bit aggravated.
‘Hell with it, I’m not chicken, I’ll give it a try,’ I said as I stood up.
‘Joey, you don’t have to prove anything to anybody. Please sit down,’ said Ariel.
‘Nope, I’m going to do it.’ I got up and wondered if this was a good idea. The place was packed. I could see our families sitting on the other side of the room.
I took the microphone, and there was dead silence. I looked over at Ariel and she was giving Craig and Jerry the evil eye.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Joey Holder. I’m not a singer and won’t put you through the agony of listening to me.’ I heard a few laughs.
‘The reason I’m up here is to ask a very special person a very important question’ Ariel was now staring at me.
‘Most of you know Ariel, she sings here regularly. She has the voice of an angel and she looks like one too.’ Ariel knew what was going on as I saw tears running down her face.
‘Ariel, I love you and the world knows it. I always considered myself an average Joe but you taught me that everyone is special in some way. I’m the luckiest man alive to just have met you. Now I want much, much more. I want you to be my wife.’
I had tears coming down my cheeks. ‘If you say no I’m going to be awfully embarrassed. You can’t see them from where you’re sitting but your family and mine are here tonight to hear you sing.’
Ariel stood up and walked toward the stage. She saw everyone sitting there. I have to say you really could have heard a pin drop. Ariel continued up on the stage and put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
‘Of course I’ll marry you. I wouldn’t want to live without you.’
Everyone started cheering and her family and friends stood up and applauded. I reached in my pocket and took out the ring and put it on her shaking hand.
‘If you don’t like the ring, blame Nancy, she helped me pick it out.’
‘Oh my God, I love the ring and I love you.’ She looked over the huge crowd now beginning to sit down. ‘I will sing a song in a few minutes but please give me some time to get my composure back.’
We went back down to our seats where our friends congratulated us. She told Craig and Jerry that she owed them big time. ‘We just did what Joey asked,’ said Jerry.
‘Oh, he going to get his, I can assure you.’
I looked at her and said, ‘I sure hope so.’
Awhile later Ariel got up and said she wanted to sing ‘Over the Rainbow’ because it was my favorite song. When she finished singing she had half the audience including me with tears in their eyes.
We met our families outside after singing was over. Everyone was so happy for us. The two women who seemed to cry the most were my Aunt Trudy and Mary.
Nancy was so happy that there would be another wedding to plan and go to. Life was great, it honestly couldn’t be better.
We did get married six months later and everyone we knew attended. We lived in my apartment till Ariel found out we would be having a baby. She stopped taking the pill the night before our wedding.
We found a nice house with three bedrooms. We weren’t going to stop with one child. Ariel still did her exercise twice a week, we had lunch together at least once a week, and we visited family most every Sunday. Every few months she still had her night out with the girls. But if they were going to stop for drinks, I made sure I was there to meet her.
The nicest part was we were together every night. We enjoyed making love. Sometimes we had some pretty raw sex. Even cuddling with her was great.
We attended a number of ball games, both baseball and football. We usually took Nancy with us and she always brought a friend. We learned we had so much in common. I believe it was because we wanted to be with each other.
If I’m average then being average is very good, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love it when the average guy gets the girl.
Hope you enjoyed my story
Comments are welcome and appreciated.
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Oral SexHis clothes were tattered and torn, but his face was soft and kind. His voice was soothing me as I spent my first night in the shelter and didn’t know a soul. He was known as ‘Hobo Joe’ from spending most of his life living on trains and in old abandoned shacks. He was an older gentleman, somewhere in his late 60’s. His hair was a beautiful shade of silver and was highlighted by his clear, blue eyes. He had a round face, full of ageless wrinkles and tanned golden-brown by the sun. As I spent...
GI Joe is the codename for American's daring, highly trained special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra- a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. This is how the adventures of The Real American Heroes known as G.I.Joe begin. Against an enemy as unpredictable as Cobra, you need a special group of heroes and heroines. Cobra's unpredictableness comes from the fact where other criminal organization would reject as insane or impossible, they...
I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...
Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...
This is a combined story effort between DG Hear and Jake Rivers. Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: ‘Hey, Joe’ and ‘Back Up, Buddy’ ‘Hey, Joe!’ Is the story of a guy that wants his buddy’s girl. ‘Back Up, Buddy’ is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We each have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up, Buddy ...
It had been a long day at work and all I wanted to do was wind down with a nice cold beer. As I sat at the bar I could feel the tension leaving my body. I noticed someone move in and sit on the stool next to me even though there were several empty stools on each side. I was looking down as I noticed two beautiful long legs being revealed by a very short dress. I was instantly snapped out of my funk as I raised my eyes. Her hips were slim and her stomach was flat as her dress pressed...
The Good Joe By Margaret Jeanette Steve Jones was well liked by everyone. He was the guy you knew you could count on to help you with everything from moving to putting in a new lawn. He helped anyone he could. He was a friend to everyone who met him. At work he was known as the guy to go to if you needed help. They were on break and Sue Strom was telling Steve about her problems. She said, "I don't have room in my apartment for all of my clothes. Since I started going with...
I leaned back in my chair and watched Kelli, the new girl working on Mikie. I had to laugh, she'd come to me hungry and alone, looking to join my stable of girls. Yeah, I run a stable, been crawling my way up from the streets most of my life and had finally succeeded in taking over most of the East side. We did pretty much whatever needed done, drugs, sex, alcohol, loan sharking, protection and a little freelance work. My people knew not to cross me, I hadn't made it to the top by being...
Way back, years before I met my wife, I was working as a contract engineer, and that meant I was moving around the country chasing work. I could have stayed in one place, as a direct employee, but I was single and the money was much better as a contractor. My first contract jobs were in places where I already knew some of the guys ... they were contractors that I'd met when they got jobs where I was a direct. And that made the transition easy ... because as I adjusted to the workload and...
This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...
"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...
Joey Harris concludes his eulogy “With Old Ernie keeping three crop dusters in the air, it was sure as eggs were eggs that I would fly with Papa as soon as I could sit upright on a sack of cornmeal so I could see out of the cockpit. So, it didn’t take long before I was doing the flying while Papa operated the sprayer from the passenger seat. Momma, being the driving force she was in the family, was also solo flying planes, she learned to fly solo while I was still in diapers and she was a...
Mary tells her story: First, I want the readers to know that I'm not a whore, slut or what they call a cougar. Joey and I are just close friends. I have never gone after young men in my life. There was just something special about Joey. I was a lonely person since my divorce two years ago. I didn't date but at times would have liked to have sex but had no contact with other men. I did have my vibrators which I used if it was necessary. My kids were my life. Joey is a happy, yet sad young...
Anjelica Harris narrating I could see the tears roll down my Joey’s cheeks as he finished saying goodbye in front of all our family and friends to the only real father he knew. I felt the tears running down my cheeks, too. The woman standing next to me put her arm around me. I knew her, by face if not name, but she knew me and she must’ve known Joe and loved him too. He had just so much to give, everybody loved Average Joe Harris. The coffin was laid on the shoulders of eight sorrowful but...
I showed up at Martha's house on New Year's Eve. There were quite a few people there. Lee (Martha's husband) came over and handed me a beer. I thought about telling him I was only twenty but decided, to hell with it. I was going to have a good time. Most of the people at the New Years party were probably in their thirties on up. I recognized a few people from work and even a few regular customers that I have seen at the store. It seemed as though most people were couples but I also...
September 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Now that you’ve had time to sleep on it, have you had any new thoughts?” Clarissa asked as we walked along the road from my house towards ‘downtown’ West Monroe on Monday morning. “Should I have new thoughts?” I asked. “Let me put it this way — if you’re going to change your mind, do it NOW, today. If she shows up in McKinley expecting two passion-filled nights and you back out, it’s going to be VERY ugly.” “Why would I back out? You and Liz made very...
After leaving Jayne’s house, I returned home and took a nice, hot shower. As I did, I thought about what had just happened. There was no doubt that we would get together at some point, but the sudden nature of our coupling was totally unexpected. What made it even more unusual was how easily I accepted it. Ordinarily, I would never think about hooking up with a married woman, but Jayne stirred something inside me, something carnal and lustful. She is a very hot, seductive woman and it’s hard to...
Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn’t work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I must say she looked like she just came from a nightclub instead of from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small-talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I needed to see the rest of her...
After leaving Jayne's house, I returned home and took a nice, hot shower. As I did, I thought about what had just happened. There was no doubt that we would get together at some point, but the sudden nature of our coupling was totally unexpected. What made it even more unusual was how easily I accepted it. Ordinarily, I would never think about hooking up with a married woman, but Jayne stirred something inside me, something carnal and lustful. She is a very hot, seductive woman and it's hard to...
CheatingIntroduction: enjoy With their parents away for the weekend – and their little brother currently round a friends house – sisters Demi and Emma had the house to themselves. It was Saturday lunchtime and the two young women had invited round their friend, Natalie. The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be...
The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be close to her sister, Emma, who she was very close to thanks to the mere two-years between their ages. Demi was average in height, slim and with average sized but nicely shaped, firm tits currently nestling in a baggy red jumper. She wore tight jeans that showed...
Chapter 5: Still looking for the right woman Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. ‘Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up.’ ‘She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?’ ‘A...
Anjelica Harris Listening to Joey talk about those old days, I I remembered that I had fond memories of that old dairy and the Milk Bar which was opened up in the front of the dairy in Main Street. We made small experimental batches of ice cream in the dairy and we needed somewhere to sell it. That milk and soda bar turned out to be a goldmine almost immediately and was the place to be seen in town from 1932 onwards. Thinking about Joey and Joe, took me back to two events that changed my...
Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. "Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early." "Why didn't you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up." "She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?" "A police officer saw me walking and...
In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...