The Devil in Joe
- 2 years ago
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Way back, years before I met my wife, I was working as a contract engineer, and that meant I was moving around the country chasing work. I could have stayed in one place, as a direct employee, but I was single and the money was much better as a contractor. My first contract jobs were in places where I already knew some of the guys ... they were contractors that I'd met when they got jobs where I was a direct. And that made the transition easy ... because as I adjusted to the workload and expectations that come along with being a much more highly paid engineer, I was at least able to kick back with friends after the workday was over. But contract jobs are often short ... my first one lasted three months. The second lasted four. But sometimes, they last much longer. I didn't mind the moving, though. It came with the job, and I accepted that when I started out. My third contract job was in a Midwestern city where I was completely alone! I didn't know any of the other people I worked with, which didn't matter to me in terms of the job (I was good at what I did, and as a contractor, you learn to just do your job and let the direct employees worry about office politics and so on), but it did mean that after work, I was on my own.
Well, I didn't have problems making friends, so that wasn't really a concern. But, I DID have problems getting laid! See, I was a nerdy fat kid in high school, and I never really learned how to pick up women. I'd been in a few long-term relationships, where I got involved with women after I'd known them for a while. But in between those relationships, there was very little action, because I'd never developed the skills to hit on a woman. I wasn't comfortable using pickup lines, or making the kind of small talk that gets a girl to consider fucking you.
But, one thing that HAD changed since I was young was my physical appearance. With no good friends and nothing else to do, I started riding bicycles, lifting weights, running a little ... basically, I became a fitness geek. It was work out, and go to work ... repeat ... pretty much all the time! After the first year and a half of this, I got into pretty good shape. And because I didn't know any women, and wasn't able to pick up strangers, I got REALLY horny. This went on for quite a while.
Wherever I was working, I'd find a health club and get a month-to-month membership. Whenever I wasn't out mountain biking, I'd be at the gym. And when I was there, I always saw a lot of hot women. There were some tundra pigs, too, for sure ... but I always tried to cut them some slack, having been one myself once. But there were lots of hotties, too, and after I'd finish my workout, I'd wind up going home and jerking myself off thinking about the ones I liked the most. I was alone, still young, and I'd not been laid in years. So I was really horny, and the hornier I got, the more I jerked off. The more I jerked off, the hornier I got. Pretty soon I was jerking off several times a day ... Always before leaving for work, and always before going to bed at night. But before I knew it, I was going home to jerk off at lunch, and then after work before going to the Gym. No shit ... I was literally jerking off 4 times a day, every day ... and this went on for a year. Along the way, of course, I started buying porn videos. A few years later, along with broadband internet, internet porn would become the norm. But at that time, porn was mostly limited to VHS cassettes. Even DVD's weren't on the scene yet! Finally, one night as I jerked off into a towel I'd taken to keeping beside my bed to catch my cum, I realized I was going to have to start trying to meet some women, lest I wind up with calluses on my cock and right hand.
Well, not too long after that, I moved again. This time, I settled in a medium sized town, and wound up being there for a couple years. And like always, I joined a gym, and fell into my routine ... work, go home, jerk off, got to the gym, come home, jerk off, watch some porn, jerk off, repeat. By this time, I've got about 30 or so video tapes of porn. I never wasted my time with classic porn movies ... all I ever bought was the gonzo stuff ... just scene after scene, the raunchier the better. When I bought videos, I'd simply walk through the aisles and pick ones with lots of pictures of good looking girls on the cover. I didn't really care what the 'theme' was ... anal, DP, teen, whatever! I'd usually by three or four at a time, maybe once every month or so. If a tape was OK, I'd keep it. If it really sucked, I'd toss it after watching it.
One day, after I got home with a few tapes I'd bought at the adult 'bookstore' I found that I'd gotten one that wasn't what it was supposed to be ... See, on the display racks, they only had the empty boxes ... the clerk had to find the tape itself and put it back in the box when you went to check out. And this time, the clerk grabbed the wrong tape. Well, I'd bought 3 or 4 tapes, and by the time I noticed, it had been a week or two. And imagine my surprise when the tape I put in turned out to be a tape of nothing but guys sucking and fucking one another.
I'm not gay ... and I'd never watched any gay porn before. But unlike a lot of guys, I didn't hate gay guys. I always figured whatever they did was their business. The idea of actual gay sex acts didn't really bother me either. By that, I mean I wasn't grossed out by the idea of guys blowing each other or fucking each other! I also didn't want to be a hypocrite ... After all, I loved watching scenes with two women. Anyway, watching two guys fuck or suck wasn't something I craved, so I'd never have bought a gay porn tape on purpose. But for the short time this tape was playing, I found that the only thing about gay sex that bugs me is traditional public affection type things ... holding hands, kissing, cuddling, etc. I can deal with watching a guy fuck another guy's ass. I'll even admit that I got hard watching one guy suck off another. But once they started kissing, I was reaching for the remote! Look, I'm not saying they (gay men) shouldn't kiss one another ... It's just that I don't want to see it. I'm not judging ... I'm just admitting what does, and doesn't, turn me on. Anyway, once I found out that the tape was all gay, I switched to another one and put that one back in the box (the wrong box, obviously) it came in. And promptly forgot about it. Eventually, I'd have tossed it in the trash once I got a few I didn't want anymore, but I never got around to it.
Well, like I said, I was in that town for a little less than three years. And eventually, I met some people and made a few friends. There was a group of about 10 guys ... I met the first one at my gym, and he introduced me to the others. We all had similar interests (motorcycles, bicycles, fitness), and so we all wound up hanging out at the same places. There was one particular bar that we'd all go to on Saturdays, and eventually, I met a chick there. After the second or third week of seeing her, we hooked up and wound up dating each other, more or less exclusively. Her name was Jennifer, but she preferred to be called Jen. What I liked about her at first was the way she looked like she just decided to go out on a moment's notice. She was really pretty, but naturally so ... She wore little, if any, makeup, and her hair was just pulled back into a simple pony tail. Her clothes were clean and looked like they were chosen for her comfort, instead of as a way to attract guys. She hung out with three or four friends, and the impression I got was that her group was like mine, and she was my equivalent in it ... a little older, a little more reserved, and a lot less worried about her image. It turned out that this was close to the mark. She wasn't reserved, at all, but the rest was pretty accurate. We hit it off from the start. The sex was amazing ... she was just as horny as I was, and we wound up spending at least 3 or 4 nights a week screwing each other's brains out. She liked it all ... anal, oral ... any position! Some nights she wanted to fuck slow and long ... stopping and starting until we both came together after hours of grinding it out. Other times, she wanted quick, rough sex, two or three times, with long periods of naked lounging in between. She was a bit of an exhibitionist. She loved to order food for delivery, and answer the door in a long t-shirt with cum dripping down her leg. She was one wild chick, and nothing seemed to turn her off. The kinkier the act, the more keen she was to try it. She loved to have sex in public, but what she liked even more was to have sex and then be out in public, with some obvious sign that she'd just been fucked. Her absolute biggest turn on was to ride a busy escalator with a short skirt or loose shorts, with no panties, and a pussy dripping with cum.
Often, after an initial speed fuck to start the evening, she would lay on the floor in front of the TV, on her stomach. Oh, man, her ass was so awesome ... I often was amazed at how fast I could get hard again when I was staring at her ass. If she was pointed the right way, so that I could see her slimy pussy as she lay there, I'd get so fucking excited that I'd jump down there and lick her cunt, all the way up to her asshole, and back. I have always loved eating pussy. And my cum never bugged me either, so long as it was 15 or 20 minutes since I put it there. Just like every other guy in the world, as soon as I blow a wad, I lose whatever kinky ideas I was thinking about right before ... but a few minutes later, I'm right back in the land of Perversia! Anyway, one day, she was looking in the cabinet below the TV at my porn tapes. Of course she knew about them ... she'd even plugged a few in, on occasion. This time, she grabbed one and put it in, and it happened to be the gay porn tape I'd gotten by mistake. She hit play, and came back and laid down with her head across my lap. She liked to put her head in my lap, and feel my cock get hard and soft, against the back of her head. She didn't mind at all that I may leak pre-cum or even left over jizz into her hair. When the tape started to play, she noticed right away that it was a gay tape. It took me a second or two longer to realize which tape she'd picked, and when I did, I was a little embarrassed..."I got that tape a long time ago, by mistake. The clerk at the store grabbed the wrong one, and I didn't notice it for a while because it was the last one I watched!" I wasn't worried about what she'd think ... I knew she didn't give a shit about conventions ... And I knew she'd been with at least one other girl. But I didn't think she'd want to watch gay porn ... after all, I didn't! But she left it playing, and pretty soon I noticed she had her hand in her cunt, and was frigging herself. When I asked her if this turned her on, she wasn't at all shy with her answer! "Oh, fuck yeah! This is really hot! Watching those two guys suck each other's cocks is wild. Have you ever sucked a cock?"
I kind of choked..."No way. I didn't even buy this tape on purpose. The thought never occurred to me to get it on with a guy!"
"But what about Tommy?" she asked, "He's definitely hot. What a body! And you work out with him all the time so you've seen him naked, right? Haven't you ever wanted to fuck him, or suck his cock?"
Tommy was one of the guys I knew from the gym. She was right about one thing ... Tommy did have a great body, for a guy. He had been working out all his adult life, and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. And I HAD seen him naked, lots of times. But honestly, not once did I ever think of doing anything with him. "No, never! I've never done ANYTHING with a guy, or ever even wanted to!" I was simply stating a fact ... I wasn't protesting the way kids do when they're denying an accusation made by some other kid. With Jenny, I didn't feel like I had anything to prove, and I was right. If I HAD ever had a thought like that, she'd have been OK with it, and with me admitting it.
"But the idea doesn't seem to bother you now!" she said. "Why do you say that?" I asked, "What makes you think I'm gay?"
"I DON'T think your gay, dummy ... I KNOW you're not gay. But as soon as these two guys started sucking each other's cocks, YOUR cock got hard as a rock. You do remember I can feel it poking me in the back of the head, right?" She pushed her head back into my cock, and rubbed it around a bit..."Come on, now lover ... level with me! How straight ARE you, Joe ... really?" Her eyes were sparkling with mischief ... she was just loving the fact that she had a reason to tease me. I liked it when she got playful like this.
But ... Well, shit ... she was right! My cock WAS hard. And as I sat there with her stirring her snatch, and watching these two guys suck each other off, I had to admit it wasn't turning me off. The scene continued like that for a few minutes. Then one guy, the 'prettier' of the two, laid on his back on the bed, while the other guy greased up his cock and started fucking him. The guy doing the fucking was standing, and the guy getting fucked had his legs up on the other guy's shoulders. I had to admit, this wasn't making my cock go soft! Maybe it was just that I had a hot chick's head in my naked lap, and she was rubbing her pussy like it was Aladdin's lamp! Whatever, I was hard as a rock, and not at all grossed out by the gay sex we were watching. It went like that for a few minutes, until they broke from that position. They both stood up as the bottom guy moved to get onto the bed on all fours, so he could be fucked doggy. Again, it was hot to watch them fuck, but in between positions, they were kissing for a minute or so, and that totally deflated my cock. When they got back to the fucking, I got hard again. This didn't go unnoticed by Jen. We watched that scene until it ended ... another one started right away, but I didn't see it, because I had Jen sit up and scoot her cunt to the edge of the couch while I got on my knees in front of her and ate her pussy till she came at least a half dozen times. I couldn't see the TV, but I could hear it. Jen, on the other hand, never took her eyes from it. Every time I looked up at her, she was riveted to the screen, and her hands were clamped around my head keeping my face smashed into her pussy.
Finally, I had to come up for air. She grabbed me and drug me into the bedroom where we fucked ourselves into a coma. My cock was actually getting sore by the time I blew my last load of the night into her asshole. We fell into a spoon position and were instantly asleep, my cock slowly deflating and departing her juicy butt sometime after that.
I woke up several hours later to an empty bed. I wandered to the kitchen to get a drink, and found Jen watching the gay porn tape again. She was on the couch with her fingers in her pussy, eyes glued to the screen. I looked at the TV just in time to see a huge cock spray three or four long strings of cum into the face and open mouth of a young guy who seemed to love it. He swallowed the cum that had landed in his mouth, and rubbed that which had landed on his face and chest into his skin as the scene faded. Jen came as it did, and my cock throbbed ... I don't know if it was Jen, or the gay porn, or both, but I was ready to go again. Jen noticed me, noticed my cock, and we went back to the bedroom and had a nice long, slow, intense fuck that lasted till the sun started to rise, and we again passed out into a peaceful sleep.
We didn't talk much about that night ... not that we were avoiding it or anything, it just didn't come up. It was a month or two later before it came up again, and it was because of some pretty weird happenings within my group of friends.
Two of our friends were pretty young... 21 years old, or so, 10 years younger than myself, and 7 or 8 years younger than the rest of the guys. These two guys were roommates, having gotten jobs at the same company at about the same time. But while one had come from a small town just a little ways away, the other kid, Eric, was from a large city on the west coast. They were both nice guys. Eric was blond, and looked like a surfer, which he probably had been back home. He got a lot of attention when we went out on the weekends. His roommate, Scott, was dark haired, and a little shorter. Both were good looking guys and would have had an easy time picking up girls if they weren't so shy. When the guys in the group started teasing them about why they didn't fuck girl x or chick y, it finally came out that both kids were virgins. Now, I wasn't surprised about Scott ... he came from such a small town (as I had) that I understood how this could happen. I was kind of surprised about Eric, though, since I figured that by now, California had probably outlawed 20 year old virgins. He was 'pretty' according to Jen. She liked Eric a lot, and she seemed eager to get him shed of his virgin status. Whenever the subject came up, Eric would get quiet and shy. Scott, on the other hand, liked to make big noises about how he was ready, willing and able to fuck any chick that 'met his standards'. Scott was shy and scared too ... but didn't want to come off that way. But there was something about Eric that made me want to help him, too. I remembered my own first time ... Simply the act of getting past the first awkward fuck was a big step. On one hand, I was envious, because the first time can be so incredible if it happens with the right person. But on the other hand, the pressure to 'not be a virgin' can cause you to rush and make bad decisions. I could tell Jen wanted to help him, so I knew I'd be 'helping' somehow, too. I just didn't know how...
A week or so later, Jen told me that Eric was going to be coming over to my apartment after work on the coming Friday. She wanted to get to know him better, she said, so that she could help him be less shy around girls. She was convinced that Eric was desperate for someone, but he needed help to get past the 'hump'. Her words.
I detected some alterior motive in her plan ... but I didn't know just what. I asked her if she was planning to fuck him, which seemed to surprise her ... not the idea, but that I'd ask her that! "Would that bother you?" she asked, "He's a virgin, so he's obviously not got any diseases. And he certainly isn't going to replace you ... he's just a boy! But he IS cute..."
"So is that a yes?" I asked.
"No ... I mean ... well, I hadn't really figured it out! At first, I really DID just want to get to know him better ... I think there are a couple girls I know that he'd really like, and they'd like him. But, I also know that if he goes into a relationship with no experience, the girl will have him wrapped around her finger in no time, and so I started thinking that I needed to prepare him so that doesn't happen. Problem is, there's really only one way to 'prepare' someone for that..."
"By fucking him, you mean?" I was smiling now ... not accusing ... The truth is, I could understand Jen wanting to fuck him. He was good looking, and a virgin, and I think girls get off on being a guy's first. And she would definitely be a good teacher. She really did care about people. This kid could do a lot worse, and if she wanted to go that far with him, I'd let her.
"Would you be OK with that, if I did?" she asked. I explained my feelings. Her eyes got big as she considered what I was saying. I could tell she was getting hot thinking about fucking a 21 year old virgin surfer boy. I was getting hot thinking about her doing it, and I told her so. "I kinda wish I could watch you do it!"
"Well, why can't you? He's going to be here with both of us!" She REALLY liked this idea. "Oh, wouldn't it be cool if it turned into a three-way? I've never had two guys doing me at once!"
"Whoa, Jen ... you're gonna freak him out. His first time ought to be special, not a kink festival. It's not that I'd mind, but I think it's more important that he feel comfortable. I'm not so sure he'd be receptive to sharing a chick his first time out. Would he do it? Probably ... but is it the right thing to do?"
She was quiet for a moment, while she thought it out. She was pretty good about looking at both sides of an issue, that's one of the things I really liked about her. "You know, how bout we just play it by ear. He may not be willing, or ready for anything to happen!".
"I think that's a great idea." And we left it there.
Friday came soon. It was a real frantic week at work, so I was ready to relax on the weekend. I was through my third 7&7 when Jen showed up at my apartment. She reminded me that Eric was coming over, and I kind of groaned, having forgotten about it. "Are you still OK with him coming over?" she asked?
"Sure, I had just forgotten about it. It's been such a bad week that I was only thinking about getting a good buzz and hanging out on the couch. No problem, though!"
Eric showed up a little while later than that. I said hi, and welcomed him in. I offered him a drink and once we got settled I kind of shut up. This was Jen's deal, and I wasn't sure how much or little she'd told him. So, I was just gonna sit back and let her drive!
"So, Eric..." she began, "I was wondering about you this week..."
"What do you mean?" he asked, with a puzzled look on his face.
"Well, it's about the virgin thing..." she started, and the look on his face left no mistake that he wasn't happy about the subject coming up. And it dawned on me that he probably wasn't happy with me for telling her ... just because all the guys knew, that didn't mean he wanted it advertised. I looked over and met his eyes, with a 'mea culpa' look ... I felt bad for the kid, but I figured he'd get over it ... especially once he found out about Jen's motives...
She'd noticed his look too..."No, it's not like that! I think it's cool, you being a virgin ... if that's what you want!" He looked at her like a puppy, head cocked to one side, eyebrow raised ... But still, it was like he was just waiting for the jokes and steeling himself in preparation ... She went on..."I mean, if you're waiting because you want to wait for marriage, or because you want to be in love first ... well, that's great! But you also seem pretty shy, and I was wondering if you were a virgin because you just hadn't worked up the nerve to seduce someone yet?"
Eric looked at the floor, then the ceiling, then the wall, and everywhere except Jen or me. And he sort of stuttered, something that was unintelligible. Jen asked him to repeat himself, and he paused for a minute ... like he was about to reveal some big surprise ... then he kind of slouched and spoke "I guess I just haven't found the right girl. I'm not looking for marriage ... but I don't find most of the girls I meet all that irresistible!"
Good for him, I thought, there was nothing wrong with being picky your first time. You can't get that first time back, so you might as well save it for someone you at least think is deserving. Jen wasn't buying it, though ... something he'd said, or something about his look made her think he wasn't telling her something. She was pretty perceptive about shit like that. "Come on, Eric ... You're not telling me something..."
"Why do you want to know, anyway?" Eric asked, "what difference does it make to you?"
Jen smiled. "I'm asking because I know lots of girls. Some of them are pretty cool, and they're available ... But, before I try and hook you up with one of them, I wanted to know more about you ... I don't play matchmaker generally, but nice guys are hard to find and I think you might be one. So, I'm trying to help you AND someone else. Even if I don't find you a perfect match, I can get you laid ... but I want to know if you're even interested in that before I waste anyone's time!"
Eric was stunned. I was used to Jens direct ways ... she was the first woman I'd met that was like me in this regard, and I enjoyed it immensely. But she came off as pretty strong to guys that were used to quiet girls. Eric lightened up, though ... it was like once he heard that, he realized he wasn't about to be the brunt of a joke, so he relaxed. Still, he wasn't exactly embracing the idea. "Wow ... I didn't expect this. But it's not necessary, really ... Thanks, though ... Uh, I think that I can, um, handle things OK..."
Jen wasn't buying. "Look Eric, I'll level with you ... Most women will take advantage of a guy with no experience. Even my friends are weird about things like that ... If you walk into some kind of relationship with the first girl you fuck, she's going to own you. And if you're not careful, you could wind up being her bitch, and resenting her for it. I don't want to see that happen to you!"
"It's not that I'm waiting for some kind of relationship. And I'm not stupid ... No one is turning me into their bitch!" Eric wasn't mad, but it did sound like he wanted to change the subject. Good luck with that ... Jen was tenacious... "So, how come you're still a virgin? Are you just scared to make a move on a chick? That's easy, we can take care of that! I'll help you!" she was on the scent, now, like a hound. I wondered how she was going to steer him toward fucking her ... She hadn't come right out and said that was her plan, but I knew it was... "Shit, Eric, I'll sleep with you, if you're at all freaked out about doing it for the first time with a stranger!" Well, that's how, I guess! And Eric practically choked on his tongue ... he coughed, and then took a second to process what he'd heard to make sure he'd really heard it...
"You'd WHAT? Did you say you'd sleep with me?"
"Yeah, I did. Look, I'm not being completely selfless, here ... I think you're cute. So, it's not like it would be a miserable experience for me to do this ... it would be fun, safe, and you'd get the benefit of advice from a girl about sex ... and trust me ... there are a lot of guys who could use my advice!"
Eric looked at me, a pleading look that screamed 'help me out here'. I just smiled..."look Eric, I know she sounds crazy, but it's really not such a bad idea. I wish I'd known someone like Jen when I was your age. I went through some of the same things she's talking about. If I had it to do all over again, and someone like her made me that offer, I'd take it!"
"But, she's YOUR girlfriend! How can you be so calm about this?"
"Well, first of all, Jen and I have a unique relationship ... I know she cares about me, and I know that even if she does this, that won't change. And I know you won't go blabbing it around, because you're not that kind of guy ... and I'd clobber you if you did! And I like you, too ... you could learn something, and enjoy yourself doing it. This isn't like long division ... this is one lesson you'd enjoy learning!" I paused ... Jen starting talking before I could continue..." Eric, my theory is that you're waiting because you're afraid you won't be any good at it. I knew this guy that could have had his pick of any of the girls in high school, but he was so clueless about sex and girls that he never did anything about it. After a while, they all stopped paying attention to him, and half of them started saying they thought he was gay! You don't want that to happen, do you?
Eric's faced dropped when she said this. I saw his expression change, and it hit me about 1 second after. And about ½ of a second after that, Jen got it to. "Oh, My GOD! ... You're GAY?!" She said it like it was a question, but it was obvious she already knew the answer.
Eric turned white, and scrambled to come up with the words to deny it ... He wasn't going to admit it, but it was obvious he was ... I really felt bad for him now. Jen's badgering had outed him, and he obviously wasn't ready to be outed ... But I figured we could fix that ... since we certainly had no desire to hurt him..."Look, Eric..." I spoke softly, "We're sorry, we never imagined! But it's OK ... We're not going to tell anyone! If you want to keep it a secret, then it's still a secret!" Jen was still a little shocked ... I think she was kind of upset that she hadn't been able to tell ... like I said, she's pretty perceptive, and she had no clue Eric was gay. But then Eric started to speak, and we both just shut up...
"I'm not sure WHAT I am..." he said, "I AM a virgin ... I've never had sex with anyone ... girl or guy! I've gotten turned on looking at girls before ... but most of the time, it's guys I notice..." He choked up a little at this point... "I've never told ANYONE any of this before ... my family would be devastated if I were to wind up gay ... and none of my friends would have anything more to do with me ... Well, apparently you guys aren't like that ... but most of them are!" He was right about that. No one else in our circle would be very understanding.
At this point, Jen was even more interested. Now it was like she was researching a project ... she started asking Eric questions about who he thought was hot (he didn't answer that), and when did he start feeling like this. But she came back to the part where he said he'd gotten turned on by girls in the past, and asked him about that..."Eric, if some girls have turned you on, does that mean you'd be willing to try sex with a girl?"
"What do you mean ... I don't think I want to go out and seduce some girl just to try to fit in..." But that wasn't what she'd meant..."No, I mean, for instance ... when I offered to sleep with you ... I meant it. I still do ... I'd sleep with you if you wanted. Or do you have your heart set on being completely gay?" That last part was said with a bit of a laugh in her voice.
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CrossdressingBlackmailing Joe ? Conferences are always a lot of fun. Joe uses them to get away from the wife and kid just for a few days a couple of times a year. Don’t get him wrong? Joe loves his wife and kid, but it is always nice to get away and loosen up. ? This conference isn’t different. He gets to go to Mexico for four days during the off-season, so the only people around are the fellow conference-goers. The first day there he notices a nice looking woman. She isn’t the typical Barbie doll...
Mary spent the rest of the day at The Bun also Rises in a tizzy. Alternating between flying with the birds and swimming with the sharks, her stomach was all over the place. Several times she even found herself in the restroom thinking maybe a prayer to the porcelain god would help her. The clock went between not moving, to moving backwards, to jumping ahead hours at a time. Joe Ferguson would be here at 5 pm and she was going to have coffee with him. Joe, please bend me over the counter and...
MasturbationBeing single was not so easy, but it had the advantage that I could hang out with my friends whenever I wanted to. Unlike my friend Aaron, who always had to ask his wife Josephine (Joe) if he could do something with us, his friends. It wasn't like Joe was some kind of goddess that someone else was going to come and snack up if he left her unattended. No, even if Joe was a very nice person, she did not have the looks. She was a plump big woman. OK, I have to admit that she had curves. Her hips...
My best friend growing up was Joe, he lived two doors down from me, he was one month and 2 days older than me. When we were 5 years old Joe pulled my shorts and underwear down when we were playing in our cubby den, he touched my tiny cock which swelled, he held it for a minute then he pushed his own shorts and underwear down, his cock was stiff but not as long as mine, he asked me to touch it which I did. After a minute we both pulled our clothes back up and continued playing cowboys.We never...
I had flowers in one hand and candy with a Valentine’s Day card in the other. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess,’ I said with a big smile as soon as she answered the door. I handed her the white roses, Godiva chocolates, and her Valentine’s Day card. I leaned in for my reward hoping to kiss her on the lips, but I kissed her on the cheek instead, when she rolled her eyes and turned her head before giving me a look of annoyed indifference. Had this been the first time she acted like this to me,...
Joe, 24, and his wife Carol, 38, were heading to a Scottish fair. Carol’s daughters asked if they could come along to which Joe replied, “sure, as long as you dress the part.” Joe was wearing a plaid Scottish kilt in blue and green, with a white top. His long hair was pulled into a low ponytail. Carol was similarly dressed, but in a skirt. The girls, Kelly 19 and Diane 17, quickly ran to their room to change. They hated their stepdad Joe, but any chance to get out of the house was welcome. Soon...
I had been working late and was looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home when I saw another car parked in our driveway as I pulled in home. I wasn't sure what to expect and when I entered I didn't see Joe, but then I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. I quietly walked down the hall and peeked into the bedroom. To my surprise there was Joe laying on the bed with a really attractive, nude girl laying on her side next to him sucking his hard cock. "That's it baby" I heard Joe say "Suck...
Valerie, bored on a Friday night, broke with the tradition she had set for herself, and ventured out to the get-to-know-one-another dance party for freshmen students over at North Carolina State. That was the parties intended purpose, but time had altered it so that students from all four years actually attended. Val was there to get laid, pure and simple. That was why she had left Bernie back at the dorm, telling her she was going to see a movie for the fourth time, knowing it would allow...
Now for the last couple of years when school is in session I have to stay at my uncle Joe's and aunt Lisa. Friday and Saturday. Because my mom works her over night shift. This past summer I stayed at my dads. So I haven't seen anyone for several months. So on Friday I walked to my aunt and uncle's h. Hi aunt Lisa. Omg you have grown. We talked and uncle Joe came in the door. And grabbed me from behind with ease. I'm only about 4foot9 And 100lbs or so. We all laughed and talked. Hey...
I’m Rayna Adams and I’m what your parents would call a “bad girl”. Not that I’m into drugs or anything like that. I’m really not all that into “bad boys” either. But I like sex. I like it a lot. I think society has it’s head up it’s ass when it comes to sex. Why does it have to be this big thing, full of love, flowers, and birds singing? Ugh. Why can’t we treat sex like it actually is, simply the ability of one to give pleasure to another? So that’s why I’m a “bad girl”. I actually think I’m a...
I had been feeling particularly horny one day and as I drove home I noticed a rather nice looking black man and my thoughts went back to my wedding night present and Melvin. I decided when I got home to call him up ( he had given me his phone number ) and have another session with in this time right in front of Joe. As I got home I walked in and saw Joe sitting on the sofa and I went over to him and standing in front of him as he looked up at me, a hard slap across his face followed, "I want a...
Girly JoeBy Alice Parker ?Nope, I have answered enough of your questions. This one is yours. What do you keep me around for?? I placed my fork on the edge of my plate and looked at him a moment before responding. ?You're kidding, right?? I asked, mostly stalling for time. ?No, I am not. I want you to tell me why YOU keep ME around.? Joe asked with a twinkle in his eye. ?It's complicated.? I responded simply before picking my fork back up and stabbing at...
"This is a terrible connection," Val said. "Where are you?" "At the office," Joe said. "Shall I try again?" "Maybe I should call you back." "It's cheaper from here isn't it?" "Let me call you back, anyway." "Okay, good," Joe said, and hung up. She'd been dressing for dinner when he called, and she stood now in bra and panties in the master bedroom looking in the mirror at her bulging belly. Seven months along ... wow! I look like shit. Frowning with distaste at her...
To say Fr. Joe is no stud is an understatement. Fr. Joeis in his early 60s, thinning hair, bifocals, slim build, about five foot sixand weighing in at about 165. He looks like the quietest, most conservativeman on the face of the earth. Soft spoken and looking like a bookkeeper, Fr.Joe would seem to be the LAST man on earth to fuel any guy's sexual fantasiesor desires, but, as I found out long ago, Fr . Joe may LOOK quiet, but as faras sex goes, he turns into a raging,...
"OI! Little brother happy birthday." Said 19-year-old Jane Mitchell said as she brushed her long blonde hair behind her left ear as she stood in the doorway. "Hope it?s your last." She added. She then wickedly laughed as she turned and walked down the hall towards the stairs. "Yeah, fuck you too bitch." Yelled Joe back 18-year-old Joe Mitchell grumbled as he threw off his covers and climbed out of bed. "Why do I get the feelings its all downhill from here?" Thought Joe He then sighed as he...
Mind ControlCopyright© A TIME OUT OF LIFE Our platoon was pinned down by a VC sniper hidden on a hill at the end of the valley. No one had been able to get a hard fix on his location. It was Thanksgiving Day in 1965 but no one was eating turkey. We were in a long valley near the Phu Bai airfield trying to locate a Viet Cong force that had been sending harassing fire at planes taking off and landing. Earlier the lieutenant had tried to send out a small patrol and the SOB picked off two of them before...
Carol gave Bob a very passionate kiss goodbye at the door, a promise of what was in store for him that night. As he walked to his car Carol glanced at her watch. Joe should be here in just over 15 minutes. She walked to the front door and unlocked it as she watched Bob's car pull away through the living room window. Smiling to herself she shivered with anticipation as she walked to her bedroom and a quick shower. She lay propped up on the pillows on their big bed, completely nude, she could...
Every summer for the past few years I fly up north to help my Uncle Joe on his farm. At first it used to piss me off that I couldn’t hang out with my friends during school vacation, but I’ve learned to really enjoy my time with my father’s brother. The work was hard, but we played hard too, riding his quads or fishing or even just watching sports on TV. He’d even let me have a beer or two now and then. He’d also let me help him work on his old cars and was always quick to show me how to do...
One day i was told by my family to go and stay with Joe. Joe was getting old and needed some help around the house, since i was free for two months they wanted me to go. Joe lived alone. My brother dropped me at Joe's. I hadnt seen Joe ever since he got a divorce from Grandpa. It had been years. I knocked the door and he opened the door in his towel. I never liked Joe to be honest, he always scolded me and was very intimidating. He showed me around the house, explaining the chores that need...
The one thing Joe loved in life was the whores in Vegas. He made a trip there once a month to spend some time in his favorite whore house. The girls there were pretty, sexy and nasty. They all had nice big firm tits and large round asses. Tits and ass were a big attraction for him. He usually chose a different girl each time as he did love a variety. When he walked in the girls were all in the gazing room naked for the men to see and choose. Tonight he chose a young blonde that had triple D...
Having left Jane & Ken to their own fun, I had this older guy for all my desires. A quick shower and I used the showers movable massage head to clean myself out as best I could. Joe joined me and I had a lot of fun lathering him up.Outside the bathroom I pushed him against a wall, dropped to my knees and went to eat his cock. As best I could anyhow. Semi hard again and I did everything I could with it. Used it to slap my face numerous times, covered him in spit and worked him between...
Jared propped himself up on the little camp stretcher he was sleeping on and sighed one massive sigh of relief. He looked at his watch again then quietly made his way down to the bathroom to get ready for his day. It was Monday morning and Jared was about to head off to Blanke Schande College for a week of teaching as a substitute tutor in the Science and Mathematics Department of the campus. As Jared turned into the bathroom he quickly looked back at the two doors just opposite him. One...
Joe leaned down to pet Rex, who was jumping around the boy very excited. "Go on Rex, breakfast!" said Joe, and the dog knew what to do. He darted into Stew's ass cheeks and started licking, and the boy started moaning. "Alright you little shit, you aren't gonna be the only one with a tongue up your ass," Joe said before turning around and grabbing the back of his little boys head and shoving in between his enormous hairy ass cheeks. Joe had thicker and more hair all over his body than...
When Joe got promoted at work, he started to travel a lot more and was no longer allowed to take me with him on his business trips. I didn't mind the first couple trips, I bought a suction dildo that sticks to the wall and would take a steamy sticker shower with it every night. After several weeks alone however, I was getting bored. Joe could only talk a few minutes on the phone and usually asked me to run errands for him, the romance was dimming down. So one night after a couple drinks, I...
Jared's scheme to rid trophy-wife Tabitha of her step-daughter's blackmailing influence is reaching its raunchy naked climax...At least Sorrel did not have to bend too far to access the head of the towering phallus, Tabitha thought. She stared in bizarre fascination as her step-daughter gobbled Jared into her mouth and guzzled busily on him, hamstrings stretched tautly and bum thrusting behind. Tabitha had never considered herself a malicious person, but a unique sense of triumph welled up...
CheatingIntroduction: Fiction based on a true story. She had gone out for a couple of drinks after work with a couple of the people that she works with. I didnt think that she would be gone as long as she had been. When she walked in the door five hours after work had ended I knew she probably had a good time. However I could tell by the look on her face when she walked in that she had been crying a short time ago. Whats wrong I asked her and she started to cry and say Im so sorry, Im so sorry. Tell me...
“And don’t you guys forget to keep up on all your assignments. No slacking now. This is university we are talking about now, not just grade school.” Jared Reznik issued that one last exhortation just as the last of Vanessa Benson’s new friends were leaving the house. All five of them laughed and agreed to do this as they piled into Tracey’s car and drove off into the night leaving Vanessa, Gloria and Jared alone at last in their own home. “Well, I’m pooped” said Gloria as she started...
I was fifteen when mom had to go to the hospital for quite a time and her brother Joe came to our house to stay with me. He was a handsome sexy man. He looked at my body all the time and I knew what he was thinking. He liked young girls I could tell.One night as I was asleep he came to my room to talk to me. He asked if I would let my uncle in bed with me. I moved over and made room for him. He got in and wrapped his arms around me and then kissed me. As he kissed me he put his hand under my...
Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I sat down and I must say, the top half of her looked like she just came from a nightclub and not from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I...
Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I must say she looked like she just came from a nightclub instead of from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small-talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I needed to see the rest of her so...
Oral SexPyare Doston, Main aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan, aur batati hun aap ko apni ek bahut hi khash chudai ke baare me, maine khule aasmaan ke neeche, dariya kinaare apne pati se chudwaya par bina kisi ki nazar me aaye. Padhiye aur aap bhi maza lijiye meri shandaar chudai ka. Main ek baar phir se Goa me thi apne pati ke sath. Is baar ham apna Christmas aur Naya saal apne maata pita aur apne saas sasur ke sath manane aaye the. Main apne Goa me aane ke baad pahle do din apne...
His clothes were tattered and torn, but his face was soft and kind. His voice was soothing me as I spent my first night in the shelter and didn’t know a soul. He was known as ‘Hobo Joe’ from spending most of his life living on trains and in old abandoned shacks. He was an older gentleman, somewhere in his late 60’s. His hair was a beautiful shade of silver and was highlighted by his clear, blue eyes. He had a round face, full of ageless wrinkles and tanned golden-brown by the sun. As I spent...
GI Joe is the codename for American's daring, highly trained special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra- a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. This is how the adventures of The Real American Heroes known as G.I.Joe begin. Against an enemy as unpredictable as Cobra, you need a special group of heroes and heroines. Cobra's unpredictableness comes from the fact where other criminal organization would reject as insane or impossible, they...
Story so far: Sweet-natured Libby has had her carnival crush Jared stolen from her by fair-weather friend Sasha. When the shameless carny starts to hit on her while still dating Sasha, Libby decides to teach them both a lesson - by dressing to kill at a Halloween costume party. But does she know exactly who she's dealing with in Jared? “Go on, you look fabulous in that. You know it,” the salesclerk at the costume shop said to Libby. If she was going to do this, she had to do it well. Halloween...
Seduction“Him?” Sasha asked slyly. “You like?”“He’s … He looks fun, that’s all.” Libby cast her eyes down.They’d been buying pick ’n’ mix when Libby spotted the guy collecting tokens at the roller coaster. He wore the regulation orange security jerkin over a leather waistcoat, both sleeveless (Libby’s mum would have urged him to wrap up that autumn evening) to reveal muscled arms. A pattern of jagged tattoos ran shoulder to elbow on the left. His dark hair was pony-tailed, showing off his broad grin...
Straight SexLanguidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...
CheatingShe would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...
CheatingWelcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...
FetishTabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...
CheatingI had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...
Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...
Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...
Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...
The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...
HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...
The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...
I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...
A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...
This is a combined story effort between DG Hear and Jake Rivers. Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: ‘Hey, Joe’ and ‘Back Up, Buddy’ ‘Hey, Joe!’ Is the story of a guy that wants his buddy’s girl. ‘Back Up, Buddy’ is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We each have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up, Buddy ...
That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...
Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...
Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...