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Our platoon was pinned down by a VC sniper hidden on a hill at the end of the valley. No one had been able to get a hard fix on his location. It was Thanksgiving Day in 1965 but no one was eating turkey. We were in a long valley near the Phu Bai airfield trying to locate a Viet Cong force that had been sending harassing fire at planes taking off and landing.

Earlier the lieutenant had tried to send out a small patrol and the SOB picked off two of them before they even reached the tree line. The LT shook his head and walked over to where I was cleaning my rifle.

The Marines at that time were using Winchester Model 70 30.06 rifles for sniper work. This was essentially a target rifle and they had acquired a number of them over the previous decade. There were complaints that the match grade ammo would cause supply problems but for now that had been overruled. The following year would see a change to the M40, which was based on a Remington model 700-40.

I'd learned to shoot with a Winchester Model 70 30.06 growing up in the hill country of west Texas, so this was essentially the same rifle I had at home. Antelope were real spooky so you had to stand off quite a ways — and the heavy barrel was great for varmints, such as gophers. I knew what I could do with what I grew up with. The addition of the eight-power Unertl scope gave me a much longer effective range than the 2.75X Redfield scope I had at home.

"Danny, anything you can do to help us out?"

I'd been listening to the few shots the sniper had fired and I had thought a lot about the angles involved in the shots at the patrol.

"Yeah, LT, I think so. I'd guess he's within fifty yards of that clump of rocks on the left side of the valley and about half way up the hill. Put a couple of guys quartering around that area with binoculars and have them let me know if they see any movement at all."

We looked over the map and it was a good twelve hundred yards to the rocks. I'd never sighted the Winchester for more than a thousand yards.

After twenty minutes or so, Billy, the lieutenant's radio operator leaned over, "Danny, I saw something move about twenty-five yards to the upper left of the rocks." Laughing a bit nervously, he added, "Hell, it was probably just an animal or something."

"Yeah," I thought, "... maybe."

I got in a comfortable position and turned the knob for a thousand yards. If I did find a target I'd have to wing it for the over-distance. I started at the rocks and slowly moved up and to the left, looking carefully at every inch of the terrain. Finally I saw an anomaly, a straight line. Deciding it was the barrel of the VC sniper's, rifle I moved the aiming point slightly for where his head should be located in relation to the barrel. I was assuming he was right handed... if not, I'd miss.

There was no wind; it was dead calm and hot. I figured he was about fifty yards higher than I was and adjusted for that. Flashing back to the Sniper manual (the military had a manual for everything, even on how to dig latrines) I remembered the example. For a scope sighted for a target at 500 yards, to hit another, unsighted target at 600 yards would be a hold off of twenty-five inches. That worked out pretty good for this target since I was sighted in for a thousand yards and I was taking a shot at close to twelve hundred I wanted to shoot about fifty inches higher than where I guessed his head would be.

I breathed out to the two guys with the binoculars, "Okay, watch."

A sniper is a one shot killer. The average grunt shot upwards of fifty thousand rounds for an enemy kill... the average sniper's number was one point three — about a quarter's worth of ammunition.

Fear played a big part in what I was doing. All too frequently I would be gently easing back on the trigger and have the sense of a VC sniper taking aim at me. I handled it — controlling my fear was the name of the game. It was all about being in the zone: controlling my breathing by taking slow, steady deliberate breaths. I could feel my heart rate slow and my body coming to a completely relaxed state.

When it was right, I was one hundred per cent in the zone. For that moment time stops, I would feel alive with some nagging sense that I wouldn't be staying that way for long. That moment would seem to last forever for me... a time out of life. Then I would pull the trigger and know I had taken a man's life.

Looking through a scope at a target is something quite personal. I would watch some guy wipe his nose with his sleeve or the sweat off his brow with his hand. Sometimes I would watch the eyes shift and I would wonder what he was thinking about... and whether he was married and had kids. Was he looking at me... wondering what I was thinking? Wondering if I had a wife? Sometimes I just thought too damn much. It was best to think of this as an intellectual exercise of the dynamics of trajectory, speed and the play of the elements on the bullet on its way to its own violent death.

I eased gently on the hair trigger, images of the startled leap of an antelope made when hit with a high-power rifle. In another world now, I barely heard the shot or the quick kick of the recoil. I'd held steady and had a quick flash of something falling back, streaks of red coating the clump of grass he'd been behind.

I looked over at Billy and he nodded, not saying anything. The LT put his hand on my shoulder and walked away, sending another patrol out to see if the sniper had any documents. I lay down, my head on my pack and looked at the sunlight making a dappled pattern through the trees. Lighting up a smoke my body and mind shut down. I went somewhere that no one ever went with me: a lonely place, a place of cold and ice.

I remembered what the gunnery sergeant at the sniper school told us he had heard overheard some anonymous Marine captain say to some friends in a bar one night in Saigon:

"You have to be strong enough to endure lying in the weeds day after day, letting the bugs crawl over you and bite you, letting the sun cook you and the rain boil you, shitting and pissing in your pants. Lying there because you know that Charlie's coming and you're gonna kill him."

No one spoke to me — they had learned not to. Sure, I heard what they said, "He's a cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch." A nurse I'd spent a few days with in Saigon told me my eyes were the hard blue of glacier ice... but colder. She loved me a little but I don't think she liked me very much.

Well, hell, I knew I was cold-hearted. I never could figure out how I felt about killing people for a living. I had twenty-two kills with twenty-three bullets. The one miss was when I thought I could get an officer standing next to an enemy sniper. I took the sure shot and tried a snap shot at the officer but I'd over-compensated and missed him.

Three weeks later I'd mustered out and was flying home. My granddad was picking me up at the airport in Austin and driving me home to his ranch west of Bandera. I didn't want to come back and live in town, like I'd done before I moved to the ranch. I was now twenty-seven and starting over with my life. On the flight home I kept thinking about my skills: I could ride bulls and broncs and I knew how to kill people from a thousand yards with one shot.


Daddy Jim was standing there when I got off the plane. He was a big guy with thinning curly brown hair running to gray and a ready grin. He'd taken over most of the running of the ranch since I'd left. He gave me a hug that 'bout broke a rib or two, but damn, it felt good. It felt like he had lost none of his legendary strength during the time I'd been killing people over in 'Nam. For a guy in his early seventies, he looked damn good.

"Danny, I'm sure glad to have you home, son. You were missed around here."

I was glad to see he brought my truck to pick me up. After my folks were killed in a car crash when I was fourteen, I moved out to the ranch to live with my grandparents. I was pretty down on life and granddad could see that. He found a forty-eight Ford pickup and helped me restore it. We put a lot of time on it together and became very close.

Driving home in my truck we talked and I felt a slight easing in the pent-up tension of the last four years. Daddy Jim — we had always called him that — was one of the good guys. He was patient to a fault, never meddled; yet he always seemed to be there when anyone needed him. About a year after I moved in with them, grandma died of cancer and it was the two of us against the world.

I had a fair amount of mustering out pay — it's hard to spend money out in the boonies of 'Nam. I used some of it to help Daddy Jim get the ranch fixed up a bit. He'd mostly given up on cattle before I had moved in with him and concentrated on breeding bulls for the rodeo. It was pretty good money but more importantly it kept him happy. His animals always scored pretty well at the various rodeos.

Once a bull has shown some talent it can get entered at some of the smaller rodeos. An average bull makes two/three hundred per out in early rounds and a top bull can earn upwards of six hundred for each out in the finals. It can go as high as a hundred grand winning top bull of the year. For a bull with a good reputation each straw of semen can go for several thousand dollars.

I was raised with rodeos even before I moved out to Daddy Jim's place. I would go with him if it were close enough. In high school I was on the rodeo team and was actually quite good at it. I did a little of everything but I liked the bull riding and bareback broncs.

I turned professional after high school and started making some money at it. Then at a rodeo down at Uvalde I got in a fight over a girl in some no name, lowlife bar. I put a guy in the hospital and the sheriff down there gave me a choice of the Army or the jail. I did him one better and signed up for the Marines. I wasn't thinking that four years is a hell of a lot longer than three and a tour of duty in 'Nam as a sniper wouldn't be a hell of a lot of fun. The hard part of it was I never woulda even looked at that gal if I hadn't been three sheets to the wind.

I didn't really want to get back to doing the rodeo — the pain and lifestyle just didn't appeal to me anymore. I talked to Daddy Jim and we agreed that he would handle everything connected with breeding and I would handle all the rodeo stuff. We had a good reputation so it was easier than it could have been if I was just starting up. I would get entries and make sure the animals were transported and treated right. This was a good area to work out of; Bandera considered itself, "The Cowboy Capitol of the World."

The winter tour ran from January through May and the summer one was June through September. I would travel to most of the local events around Texas and Oklahoma and to the rodeos where we had top bulls entered. We had two guys that worked with us that would drive the trucks and take care of the animals. Occasionally we had to ship some with the commercial transporters when we had more entries — this would be at the larger rodeos. We did a few PBR events - the Professional Bull Riders — and I wanted to focus more on this part of the rodeo tour that granddad had.

I settled into a routine. The trips were fun since I knew a lot of people — many of them since I was a kid. People that I didn't know stopped me and asked about Daddy Jim... everyone called him that. I met a girl in Prescott at the Prescott Frontier Days on the Fourth of July and we were and item until her ex won a couple of events at the Dodge City roundup in early August. She was one of the camp followers that hang around. Truth be told by the time we got to Dodge I was happy to get shucked of her — she was getting a bit too sticky. She was hot though. If a gal's only gonna have one talent, hers was a good one to have.

I was finally able to relax for a while — the last four months were our slack season. I needed an office so I knocked the wall down between my room and the bedroom next to it and incorporated a hall bathroom. I put the office area in the corner where I had light from both morning sun and the late afternoon. It worked out well - I wasn't planning on moving any time soon. It looked quite nice and I spent a lot of time relaxing there.

I started going out on Friday and Saturday nights... mostly I went to the Silver Dollar Saloon in downtown Bandera. It was a popular place; the dance floor was small and covered with sawdust but it was a lot of fun. It was really more honky-tonk than dance hall but they did pull in great bands. The place had been around since the thirties — my mom and dad used to go there and dance.

It must have been the third time I was there — sometime in mid-November - I ran into an old friend of mine... more of a drinking buddy really. I think he considered me more of a buddy than I did of him. In fact, when I ran into him I had to stop and think of his name. I knew it was Joe something... yeah, Joe Atkins.

I waved to him and held my hand out to shake with him but he passed right on by and grabbed me in a big bear hug. Seeing as how I wasn't really a touchy-feely kind of guy, I stepped back and gave him that thousand -yard stare you get after a few years in prison. Except in 'Nam it only took a couple of months... if you lived that long.

He backed off; looking embarrassed, and stammered something about getting a couple of beers. I thought about him while he was gone. He was a nice enough guy but I'd always considered him not to have much depth. It was like he was an actor playing a role he wasn't familiar with. He had an off-hand, somewhat diffident manner that made me edgy.

As he walked back with two beers, a Shiner Bock and a Pearl, I laughed to myself as I remembered that he had trouble making decisions. Even though he always did well in school, it was like he didn't even know how to spell decisive. This was typical of him, bringing two different beers just to make sure I was happy.

"Danny, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got one of each. Is that okay?"

Yeah, Joe, that's okay. I didn't answer — just took the Pearl since it was closer. I sure didn't have problems making decisions, especially about which beer to drink — my rule #1 was to always grab the closest beer in case there wasn't enough to go around.

We chatted for a bit. Joe was working as a teller for one of the two banks in town. I told him what I had been doing. For not having seen each other in four years, we seemed to catch up pretty fast.

"Hey, Danny! What was it really like over there, I mean in that place in Asia somewhere?"

Like he would understand. Hell, I'm not sure I did. "Hey, Joe! It was great. I got to see the jungle and everything. But it was mostly just bullshit, you know how it is."

Joe nodded, wisely, like he'd been there through it all. I pictured him being in the zone, his life flow ebbing, slowing, his body becoming still. The breathing cycle taking four or five seconds, inhale, one, exhale, two with the shot coming in a two to three second pause after the exhale when the body is at it stillest point. That pause could be extended for up to ten seconds without undue stress, but usually, two or three seconds was plenty. On the start of the exhalation cycle he would place his finger on the trigger, and as the body stilled, start the easy squeeze.

If the scope continued to show a good target he would continue with a steady pressure on the trigger. As the firing pin sent the round off to its final destination he would keep the trigger all the way back with his head held firmly to the stock. He would keep his muscles relaxed and continue to look through the scope tube, avoiding any reaction to the sound or recoil. After the recoil finished he would release the trigger and think about the death that was the object of the exercise. Those deaths would add up and...

"Danny, hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, Joe. It was all bullshit."

The waitress walked by with a tray full of beers for another table. I reached up and took one, winning a wink and a smile from her. We'd been doing some half-hearted flirting on the nights we were both there. She was the younger sister of a girl I'd dated in high school.

Joe and I chatted for a bit — he was rambling on and on about something. Then some key word filtering through my musings made me pay attention again.

"... anyway, she's real good lookin'. We're kinda engaged, but, well, I haven't exactly asked her. I want to, I mean I really want to ask her but I'm hoping I'll get promoted to Senior Teller at the end of the year and I'll be making a lot more money. What do you think, old buddy?"

"Well, Joe, I guess I'd have to see her. I mean, you don't want to make a mistake, do you?" Like I cared.

Joe responded, sounding excited, "Yeah, that's a great idea, Danny. Hey, we are coming tomorrow night for the band. Johnny Duncan will be playing — it should be a big crowd but I can save you room at the table. This will be great. You can meet Angie - that's my girl, Angie Seldon — and we can have a lot of fun.

I figured, what the hell, I could always find some girl to pick up. "Sure, Joe. That sounds like fun." Like tearing wings off flies and killing people for a living was fun.

I showed up a little late the next night. I had a big blue roan mare, Donna (don't ask — that was the name of the first girl I'd been with in high school), and hadn't been giving her enough work so I took her on a long ride in the afternoon, ignoring the light rain and my slicker. I hadn't slept well the night before — I kept seeing myself back in-country, somehow knowing that a Cong sniper was in the zone, inhaling, exhaling... and I woke up in a cold sweat. I never had those dreams while I was over there but lately they were coming all too often. Maybe two or three times a week I'd wake up somewhere around oh dark thirty and never get back to sleep.

Feeling in a dark mood I almost didn't go but when it came to staying home and drinking beer or going out and drinking it, I decided on the latter. In my sour mood I put on black jeans and a black, long sleeved shirt and jammed on well-worn black Justin boots and my fairly new Stetson hat. Both of these were from my rodeo days and dressing in black had been my trademark. In that mood I went to meet Joe and his soon-to-be fiancée, driving my fire engine red truck.


Now come on Joe let's make a deal
Let me dance with her to see if she is real.
She's the cutest girl I've ever seen,
I'll tell you face to face I mean to steal her from you.

The rain had ended and it was actually a nice night. Not warm by any means but comfortably cool in my long sleeved shirt. When I walked in the band was in the middle of tuning up. There was a lot of noise from everyone getting settled and making sure they had beer in hand.

Joe saw me walking in and was suddenly pulling on my arm towards a table next to the dance floor. He was walking a bit unsteady so he must have gotten there early to hold the table. I'd say four beers for sure. When I saw Joe's girl sitting at the table, looking up expectantly towards us, I came to an abrupt stop, almost falling as Joe kept pulling on my arm.

It was like driving in the dark all night for hours and hours and coming over a hill to see the first blaze of the glowing dawn. All around everything would be gray, dull and listless — the bright morning sun becoming the world. It was like that the first time I saw Angie. It wasn't the parts — they were nice but it was the package that hit me all at once. Her brows were a bit too thick, a face slightly too round, lips naturally the red of cherry wine and a mouth a tad too wide but alive now with a ready smile.

As I straightened I became aware of her long, thick coal black hair flowing over her shoulders and her eyes... her violet eyes taking my heart captive with a lurch that scared me. We stared at each other for a moment - I'd never seen violet eyes before. I'd heard one time that Elizabeth Taylor had eyes like this... but then I'd never seen her up close and personal.

We stared and her smile slowly faded — later she told me she had never seen such icy blue eyes, and she felt a cold chill down her back that froze her smile.

Joe was standing there confused, looking at his girl then at me... then back at Angie again. He gave it a brave shot — for him — and started with the introductions. I briefly shook hands with her, the hand stronger and rougher that I would have expected from such a lovely, such a feminine girl. She was medium height with a not overly large bust and hips just wide enough to give the promise of child bearing.

I sat there for a while as Joe talked to her about something - I knew not what. The waitress showed up with beers for all of us as the band started its first number and several couples moved out to the dance floor. Saved for a few minutes from trying to follow the conversation, I stared at Angie, unseen by Joe but Angie suddenly smiled at me and lifted her beer in a silent toast.

I had this... feeling come over me. It was like having been out in bitter cold and coming in to stand close to the red-hot stove. My hands and feet started tingling and I felt a sudden warmth flow over me. Something hard, black and bitter broke loose in my heart; the killing was over — God forgive me! — and I didn't think I would have those damning dreams again.

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An unusal birthday gift for joe

"OI! Little brother happy birthday." Said 19-year-old Jane Mitchell said as she brushed her long blonde hair behind her left ear as she stood in the doorway. "Hope it?s your last." She added. She then wickedly laughed as she turned and walked down the hall towards the stairs. "Yeah, fuck you too bitch." Yelled Joe back 18-year-old Joe Mitchell grumbled as he threw off his covers and climbed out of bed. "Why do I get the feelings its all downhill from here?" Thought Joe He then sighed as he...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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CarolChapter 4 Alexandria Comes but After Joe

Carol gave Bob a very passionate kiss goodbye at the door, a promise of what was in store for him that night. As he walked to his car Carol glanced at her watch. Joe should be here in just over 15 minutes. She walked to the front door and unlocked it as she watched Bob's car pull away through the living room window. Smiling to herself she shivered with anticipation as she walked to her bedroom and a quick shower. She lay propped up on the pillows on their big bed, completely nude, she could...

1 year ago
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Summer with Uncle Joe

Every summer for the past few years I fly up north to help my Uncle Joe on his farm. At first it used to piss me off that I couldn’t hang out with my friends during school vacation, but I’ve learned to really enjoy my time with my father’s brother. The work was hard, but we played hard too, riding his quads or fishing or even just watching sports on TV. He’d even let me have a beer or two now and then. He’d also let me help him work on his old cars and was always quick to show me how to do...

2 years ago
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Grandpa Joe

One day i was told by my family to go and stay with Joe. Joe was getting old and needed some help around the house, since i was free for two months they wanted me to go. Joe lived alone. My brother dropped me at Joe's. I hadnt seen Joe ever since he got a divorce from Grandpa. It had been years. I knocked the door and he opened the door in his towel. I never liked Joe to be honest, he always scolded me and was very intimidating. He showed me around the house, explaining the chores that need...

3 years ago
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The one thing Joe loved in life was the whores in Vegas. He made a trip there once a month to spend some time in his favorite whore house. The girls there were pretty, sexy and nasty. They all had nice big firm tits and large round asses. Tits and ass were a big attraction for him. He usually chose a different girl each time as he did love a variety. When he walked in the girls were all in the gazing room naked for the men to see and choose. Tonight he chose a young blonde that had triple D...

2 years ago
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Second coupling with Joe

Having left Jane & Ken to their own fun, I had this older guy for all my desires. A quick shower and I used the showers movable massage head to clean myself out as best I could. Joe joined me and I had a lot of fun lathering him up.Outside the bathroom I pushed him against a wall, dropped to my knees and went to eat his cock. As best I could anyhow. Semi hard again and I did everything I could with it. Used it to slap my face numerous times, covered him in spit and worked him between...

3 years ago
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Big Daddy Joe

Joe leaned down to pet Rex, who was jumping around the boy very excited. "Go on Rex, breakfast!" said Joe, and the dog knew what to do. He darted into Stew's ass cheeks and started licking, and the boy started moaning. "Alright you little shit, you aren't gonna be the only one with a tongue up your ass," Joe said before turning around and grabbing the back of his little boys head and shoving in between his enormous hairy ass cheeks. Joe had thicker and more hair all over his body than...

4 years ago
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Cheating on Joe

When Joe got promoted at work, he started to travel a lot more and was no longer allowed to take me with him on his business trips. I didn't mind the first couple trips, I bought a suction dildo that sticks to the wall and would take a steamy sticker shower with it every night. After several weeks alone however, I was getting bored. Joe could only talk a few minutes on the phone and usually asked me to run errands for him, the romance was dimming down. So one night after a couple drinks, I...

3 years ago
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Old Friend Joe

Introduction: Fiction based on a true story. She had gone out for a couple of drinks after work with a couple of the people that she works with. I didnt think that she would be gone as long as she had been. When she walked in the door five hours after work had ended I knew she probably had a good time. However I could tell by the look on her face when she walked in that she had been crying a short time ago. Whats wrong I asked her and she started to cry and say Im so sorry, Im so sorry. Tell me...

3 years ago
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Uncle Joe

I was fifteen when mom had to go to the hospital for quite a time and her brother Joe came to our house to stay with me. He was a handsome sexy man. He looked at my body all the time and I knew what he was thinking. He liked young girls I could tell.One night as I was asleep he came to my room to talk to me. He asked if I would let my uncle in bed with me. I moved over and made room for him. He got in and wrapped his arms around me and then kissed me. As he kissed me he put his hand under my...

1 year ago
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Thanks Dr Joe

Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I sat down and I must say, the top half of her looked like she just came from a nightclub and not from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I...

2 years ago
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Thanks Dr Joe

Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I must say she looked like she just came from a nightclub instead of from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small-talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I needed to see the rest of her so...

Oral Sex
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Hobo Joe

His clothes were tattered and torn, but his face was soft and kind. His voice was soothing me as I spent my first night in the shelter and didn’t know a soul. He was known as ‘Hobo Joe’ from spending most of his life living on trains and in old abandoned shacks. He was an older gentleman, somewhere in his late 60’s. His hair was a beautiful shade of silver and was highlighted by his clear, blue eyes. He had a round face, full of ageless wrinkles and tanned golden-brown by the sun. As I spent...

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GI Joe is the codename for American's daring, highly trained special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra- a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. This is how the adventures of The Real American Heroes known as G.I.Joe begin. Against an enemy as unpredictable as Cobra, you need a special group of heroes and heroines. Cobra's unpredictableness comes from the fact where other criminal organization would reject as insane or impossible, they...

2 years ago
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Uncle Joe

I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...

3 years ago
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Aruni Part One Meeting Joelle

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...

2 years ago
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The Good Joe

The Good Joe By Margaret Jeanette Steve Jones was well liked by everyone. He was the guy you knew you could count on to help you with everything from moving to putting in a new lawn. He helped anyone he could. He was a friend to everyone who met him. At work he was known as the guy to go to if you needed help. They were on break and Sue Strom was telling Steve about her problems. She said, "I don't have room in my apartment for all of my clothes. Since I started going with...

3 years ago
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Matrix Joe

I leaned back in my chair and watched Kelli, the new girl working on Mikie. I had to laugh, she'd come to me hungry and alone, looking to join my stable of girls. Yeah, I run a stable, been crawling my way up from the streets most of my life and had finally succeeded in taking over most of the East side. We did pretty much whatever needed done, drugs, sex, alcohol, loan sharking, protection and a little freelance work. My people knew not to cross me, I hadn't made it to the top by being...

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How Straight Are You Joe

Way back, years before I met my wife, I was working as a contract engineer, and that meant I was moving around the country chasing work. I could have stayed in one place, as a direct employee, but I was single and the money was much better as a contractor. My first contract jobs were in places where I already knew some of the guys ... they were contractors that I'd met when they got jobs where I was a direct. And that made the transition easy ... because as I adjusted to the workload and...

3 years ago
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Average Joes

“Absolutely unfathomable,” Ch’teek chittered, watching the screen. “How has your species managed to survive this long given your mating habits?” We were watching the latest incarnation of the TV series “Average Joe” — and as usual, the producers couldn’t leave well-enough alone and shipped in a ringer at the last minute. The handsome blond Brad Pitt look-alike swept the female contestant off her feet in record time, leaving the decent guy she was about to settle upon standing around looking...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 25 Milena and Joel

September 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Now that you’ve had time to sleep on it, have you had any new thoughts?” Clarissa asked as we walked along the road from my house towards ‘downtown’ West Monroe on Monday morning. “Should I have new thoughts?” I asked. “Let me put it this way — if you’re going to change your mind, do it NOW, today. If she shows up in McKinley expecting two passion-filled nights and you back out, it’s going to be VERY ugly.” “Why would I back out? You and Liz made very...

4 years ago
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ExtramaritalAnother Cup of Joe

After leaving Jayne’s house, I returned home and took a nice, hot shower. As I did, I thought about what had just happened. There was no doubt that we would get together at some point, but the sudden nature of our coupling was totally unexpected. What made it even more unusual was how easily I accepted it. Ordinarily, I would never think about hooking up with a married woman, but Jayne stirred something inside me, something carnal and lustful. She is a very hot, seductive woman and it’s hard to...

3 years ago
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Thanks Dr Joe

Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn’t work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I must say she looked like she just came from a nightclub instead of from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small-talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I needed to see the rest of her...

3 years ago
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ExtramaritalAnother Cup of Joe

After leaving Jayne's house, I returned home and took a nice, hot shower. As I did, I thought about what had just happened. There was no doubt that we would get together at some point, but the sudden nature of our coupling was totally unexpected. What made it even more unusual was how easily I accepted it. Ordinarily, I would never think about hooking up with a married woman, but Jayne stirred something inside me, something carnal and lustful. She is a very hot, seductive woman and it's hard to...

2 years ago
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Massaging Joey

Introduction: enjoy With their parents away for the weekend – and their little brother currently round a friends house – sisters Demi and Emma had the house to themselves. It was Saturday lunchtime and the two young women had invited round their friend, Natalie. The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be...

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Massaging Joey

The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be close to her sister, Emma, who she was very close to thanks to the mere two-years between their ages. Demi was average in height, slim and with average sized but nicely shaped, firm tits currently nestling in a baggy red jumper. She wore tight jeans that showed...

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White Sissy Hunters Joey

In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...

2 years ago
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> > I have paused in my writing for only a moment, asJoey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it this time?> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in thebathroom, getting ready for>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smoothbrown body, well>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautifulsculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never in my thirty two years seen a>dick like...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 5 Return to Witch Mountain Told by Joey

"No, not like that," I moaned as Charles tried to use brute force with his new increase of telepathic strength to penetrate my shield. "You have to be a lot more subtle." "I don't need to practice being subtle, Joey," he said with difficulty. "I have a life time of experiences in being subtle. What I need now is practice control of my new strength." "All right, all right... " I said, throwing up my hands and then checking the time. "We have twenty minutes left before we have to...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 4 The Pieces to a Vanishing Puzzle Told by Joey

I don't mean to make the impression that everything Suzi and I did together that summer was in some way sexual. Hmmm... Actually, I can't think of anything we did do that wasn't somehow related to sex, but I know there had to be as many nonsexual occasions as there were sexual ones. I guess they just weren't memorable enough to remember them. Okay I got one. I helped her wash her car the night after we got back from our two day camping trip together. Wait minute... Shit. Suz sorta...

1 year ago
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Anna Lila and Joey

Hello, my name is Anna! My boyfriend Mat shared a lil story not too long ago, about me catching him doing my best friend Lila. Well yes I did catch them, I watched the little show they gave me, without them noticing. I couldn't believe my boyfriend could do something like that! He screwed my best friend, and as for her, well...I've always wanted to taster her. ::Giggling:: I have a story of my own that happened last night. Sit back and relax, loosen your pants and enjoy the ride! I was at work...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 2 Joey

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 3 Loves Slavery Told by Joey

It must have been some turbulence that woke me from a disturbing dream, and for a moment I felt disorientated and confused to where I was. But when I opened my eyes, the urgent feelings I had from the dream I already had forgotten left as I turned to make sure Suzi was still safe beside. I tried to adjust my position to help ease the intense stiffness in my back without disturbing her, holding my breath when she stirred, but then smiled when she place more weight against my upper arm that...

2 years ago
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Chapter One Bed side show When Joe Barbaro's or Joey's English teacher moved in across the road from him, it was more than a surprise. Miss Johnson was one of those teachers who made boys his age heart’s miss a beat when they came into class. To say she was a MILF was an understatement. There were one or two of the female teaching staff at Milton High, who were considered hot by the boy’s sixth form; Clarissa Johnson was foremost among them. It had been like any normal March weekend....

2 years ago
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Sheyla Discovery of Sex Part 2 Annie

Part II : Annie It has been a day since Sheyla saw her dad fuck her sister. She couldn’t believe it, her dad fucking her 14 years old sister, it was unbelievable. She was wondering if the opportunity arrised, would he fuck her too. She was the only virgin of her class. Most of the girls at school were little sluts who fucked older men. There was a friend of hers, her name was Annie who fucks almost every girl’s dad. She was a 5’4 brunette with a tight little ass and C cup breasts. She acted...

3 years ago
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Sheyla Discovery of Sex Part I Cassie

Part I : Cassie “ Oh yeah DAAADDDDYYYY!!!! Fuck me harder, fuck your baby girl like you’ve never fucked a woman before.” That was what Sheyla was hearing in her room. The moans where coming from her sister Cassie’s room. She couldn’t believe it, her 14 years old sister was getting fucked hard by their 32 years old dad. Well, let us start with some details, Sheyla is a 17 years old girl, with long blond hair, a very nice ass that any man wants to grab and play with and a 32 DD boobs...

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Cheyennes Story Part II New Powers

Cheyenne was in her locked room thinking of what to do next. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes. She wished it was all a dream; that all the previous events hadnt happened. She felt a familiar feeling in her crotch... She looked down to see the huge bulge in her pants starting to shrink. A few moments later it was completely gone and she was back to her former self. She was shocked to say the least! Cheyenne pinched her arm hard thinking she may be dreaming, but she was wide awake. From...

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Hersheys Kisses

The tan skirt of her business suit had ridden far up her leg, exposing most of her chocolate thighs. By a slight turn of the head, Nathan cautiously caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye. Peeking at her long, sexy legs was a temptation he could not resist. Nathan’s heart began to race as he felt the sweat building up on his forehead and around the collar of his shirt. He loosened his tie in an attempt to get some relief, but no matter how much he concentrated, he could not avert his eyes...

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