Average Joe’s Army free porn video

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This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day.

When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead.

‘Go ahead and call the cops, they ain’t gonna do nothin’,’ said one man with an attitude much bigger than 5’7′ frame and too impossible for him to defend with his illiteracy. ‘If they respond at all, it will take them an hour to get here. They’re probably all sitting in the donut shop flirting with the waitress. After beating your ass, robbing you, and killing your dog, we’ll be gone before they even show up.’

‘This is their shift change,’ said another angry man. ‘The rest of those pigs are busy with car accident calls or sleeping in their patrol cars,’ he said slapping the guy behind him a high five. ‘Ain’t no one gonna help you, sucker. You’re all alone.’

‘Look at that dog. I have rats bigger in my apartment than that dog,’ laughed one of the gang members at Fifi.

‘So what are you gonna do now that the cops won’t come? I say you hand over your wallet, watch, and wedding ring and get off my street,’ said the first man. ‘We own this neighborhood now and you’re trespassing in our ‘hood.’

Within seconds, emerging and converging from every direction, it didn’t take very long for Joe’s army to respond and assemble. One at a time, two at a time, and then three and four at a time, suddenly surrounded by angry men within minutes wielding baseball bats and attitudes as big as their sizes, friends of Joe who were loyal to his cause and committed to eradicating the scum and crime from their beloved neighborhood, the thugs suddenly weren’t so tough when confronted by Joe’s vast army.

They tried to flee, but enclosed in the center of a circle of Joe’s friends, there was no where for them to run. After having their asses kicked and forcibly and physically removed from the neighborhood and with all their furniture and possessions thrown out on the sidewalk, his community was safe again. After that violent confrontation, it didn’t take long for word to spread that Joe’s neighborhood was protected by an army.

* * * * *

After having to defend lawsuits and pay out hundreds of millions of dollars because the Catholic religion harbored and protected pedophile Priests, allowing them to molest more children in new neighborhoods, the Bishops continued their policy of transferring the child molesting priests from church to church, instead of defrocking them, prosecuting them, and disgracing them. Then, finally in fiscal desperation and nearly bankrupt, the Catholic Church tried cutting costs by closing neighborhood churches. When the Bishop wanted to close Joe’s place of worship, the church where he was married and his parents were married before him, Joe called upon his army to resist the shutdown.

‘Father, I can’t have you close this church. The community needs it. Some of the older residents don’t have transportation to get to the other church that is clear across town. How can you deny them their religion? They’ve been faithfully attending Mass here every Sunday since they were kids.’

‘I’m just as saddened by this as you are, Joe, but it’s not up to me. My hands are tied. It’s a directive from the Bishop. I’m sorry. I’ll give you his address and, perhaps, you can plead your case to him by writing him a letter or sending him an e-mail.’

Joe wrote his letter to his Bishop, but he never received a response from His Excellency. He and his army had helped support the church with a new roof and a new furnace, as well as helping with plate collections and special donations to help the poor and the needy over the years. Now, feeling that their plight was falling on deaf ears and that all the financial support was for naught, they called the newspapers and television stations before locking arms and amassing in front of the church to not allow the Bishop to padlock the door.

‘With all due respect, Your Excellency, you can’t close this church. We, the parishioners of this community, forbid it,’ Joe said while his army closed their ranks. Standing as one and blocking every door, they were an unyielding force of Joe’s devoted friends.

Deciding to retreat than to have an altercation with Joe’s army, an altercation that the Bishop would surely lose and one that would only evoke more bad publicity, the Bishop didn’t need another negative headline. The Church had already received enough bad press that adversely affected the reputation of the Catholic Church by revealing more of what the hierarchy of the Catholic religion had done in closing churches to protect pedophile priests. Even though the closing of this one church was a battle they could afford to lose by choosing to allow this church to remain open, the Bishop would eventually win their war of cost cuts by closing another church. The Bishop decided to close a different church in a different community instead, a community that wasn’t protected by an army of parishioners and loyal supporters of Joe.

‘God bless you my son, for your faithful devotion. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen,’ said the Bishop while giving Joe and his followers the Church’s blessing. ‘Pray in peace.’

* * * * *

When the owner of the appliance store not only refused to honor Joe’s warranty and/or give him a refund for a defective air conditioner he had just purchased a month earlier, Joe called upon his army.

‘You got kids?’

‘Yeah,’ said Joe to the man. ‘Of course I have kids. I’m Catholic.’

‘Then, how do I know your kids didn’t break this thing? Look, see, the knobs are all loose,’ he said jiggling the loose knobs of the air conditioner. ‘They’re not supposed to be like that.’

‘They were like that when I bought it,’ said Joe already exasperated by the owner’s negative attitude. ‘The salesman told me that is how they come from the factory in China. He said they are all like that,’ said Joe staring down the owner. ‘I should never have bought the thing in the first place, but the price was right and I’ve been trying to shop locally instead of buying from the big outlets. Then, when I did finally regret buying this air conditioner, I should have taken it back then, but I didn’t feel like removing it from my window, boxing it all up, and lugging it back here. The last straw was when it died yesterday when the temperature outside was 92.’

‘Sorry, Pal, but you bought this air conditioner more than 30 days ago,’ said the owner handing the receipt back to Joe after looking at the date. ‘It’s too late to return it. You’ll have to take up your claim with the manufacturer.’

‘Listen, now that I look at it out of the box and out of my window, it’s obvious to me that it’s been dropped. See? There’s a dent here and another one on the under side of it. You sold me a defective unit.’

‘How do I know you didn’t drop it putting it in your window or taking it out of your window to bring it back here?’

‘So, you’re not going to honor my warranty, even though—’

‘Warranty? What warranty? Your return guarantee with my store expired two days ago and the manufacturer’s warranty doesn’t cover customer abuse. Sue me in small claims court, if you want. I can’t be giving free warranty service to every Joe blow that walks in here.’

‘I should have listened to my friends and not bought anything here and from you,’ said Joe getting agitated. ‘Is this how you do business? Is this how you treat your customers?’

‘Listen, Pal, if you have a problem with the way that I do business, report me to the Better Business Bureau,’ said the owner of the store walking away and leaving Joe there to stew. ‘And if you contin
ue to make a scene in my store, I’ll call the police and have you arrested,’ he said turning around and pointing to the door. ‘Now, get out of my store and take that pile of junk with you.’

‘Report you? I’ll do better than that,’ said Joe pulling out his cell phone. ‘And I’m not your, Pal, but I plan on calling all those who are my friends,’ he said calling after the man while making his calls.

It was a small problem, a petty thing, but it was something that powerless people confront daily and Joe was angered by the owner’s disrespect and total disregard of customer service. As it turns out, this store had developed quite the reputation of screwing their customers by selling them defective merchandise and not allowing them to return it. Had the store not given Joe such an attitude of rude defiance and disrespect by telling him to sue them in small claims court, and/or to report them to the Better Business Bureau, and threatened to call the police on him, he may have not bothered calling his army, but he was glad he did.

Joe was angry and decided to fight them on behalf of the little guy who doesn’t have an army to support him. Joe’s army of mothers with children and men of white and blue collars filled the store and the sidewalk outside. The police were called (some were members of Joe’s army, too) and reporters (more members of Joe’s army) arrived with their satellite trucks wanting to know the reason for the mob scene. It wasn’t worth the bad press of having so many of Joe’s followers, people who would certainly shop elsewhere, than not to give Joe the service that he had paid to get.

The store gave Joe a better and more powerful air conditioner at no charge. They even offered significant discounts to all those who had turned out to support their self-righteous leader. After the people of the neighborhood boycotted the store, the store closed within six months.

* * * * *

When Joe lost his job at the factory, laid off due to a bad economy, he called upon his army to help him in his employment search in finding a new job. A super network of friends who were white collar and blue collar, management and staff, factory workers, service workers, educators, government workers, and business owners, with Joe’s resume in hand, as if they were asking for jobs for themselves, they all asked around on his behalf.

‘Hey, my friend, Joe, is looking for a job, do you have any openings?’

‘I know a guy, Joe is his name, and he’s looking for a job. He’s a good guy, a family man. Hell, yeah, he’s experienced. Here’s his resume.’

His army of friends kept their ears and eyes open for employment opportunities for Joe. With dozens of people scanning want ads and searching online databases, Joe felt confident on finding employment. Certainly, it was better for his friends to beat a hundred bushes than for Joe to beat just the one.

‘What’s that? You’re looking for someone to hire? Do I know someone? Yeah, I sure do. My friend, Joe, would be perfect for this job.’

Before Joe could even collect his first unemployment check, his friends helped him find a job within a couple of weeks. Moreover, it was a better job that paid more money and had better benefits than his old job. Grateful to his network of friends, Joe never could have found this job without the help of his army.

* * * * *

When Joe’s daughter needed surgery and needed blood donated, Joe called upon his army. His army of friends donated more blood than the hospital needed and could use.

‘Hello? Yeah, I’m calling for Joe. His daughter is having surgery and the hospital needs blood. Joe needs our help. Can you get down to the hospital and donate some blood in the name of his daughter?’

‘Sure, no problem,’ said the man at the other end.

‘Hello, I’m calling for Joe. It’s his daughter. She needs an operation. Can you donate some blood for her?’

‘Of course, just tell me where to go,’ said another member of Joe’s army.

There was so much blood donated that the hospital sold the excess blood and applied the money they made from the sale of the excess blood to lower Joe’s co-payment for procedures and medication that his daughter needed. Ordinarily, unbeknownst to most people, hospitals do this all the time, sell blood to other hospitals, but they never credit those who donated the blood in the name of the patient by lowering their co-payments.

Yes, of course, when donating blood for a specific patient in need of blood, they credit you with the blood towards the blood they use for the operation, but that’s all. In Joe’s case, with so much blood donated, they reduced his bill by several hundred dollars. A hospital can only store so much blood for so long, so either they dump it or sell it.

The hospitals don’t want donors to know that they make money from selling their donated blood. Only, the hospital administrator was one of Joe’s friends and a proud member of Joe’s army. It amazed the hospital staff that so many of his friends turned out to donate blood on behalf of his sick daughter. Certainly, it was a win/win situation for everyone and being witness to the line of people waiting to donate their blood was gratifying to see.

‘The Red Cross doesn’t get as much of a response when they advertise the need for blood as Joe received by calling upon his army,’ said the Head Nurse.

Because of his friends helping out by donating their blood and wishing and praying for her swift recovery, his daughter made it through the operation and recovered fully.

* * * * *

When Joe’s Mom needed help after her house burned to the ground, Joe’s army made the calls on Joe’s behalf. Too overwhelmed and too busy in helping and consoling his mother, he had no idea that his army of friends had taken over in his family’s time of need. He was too embroiled in his mother’s tragedy and emotional upheaval to even take the time to ask for their help.

His mother was devastated. She lost everything. She had fifty years of memories in the house, a wealth of irreplaceable photos, keepsakes, and antique furniture that had been passed down to her by her mother and grandmother.

‘As if I never existed, I feel as if my most precious memories were erased,’ she confided to Joe while crying.

Meanwhile and behind the scenes, Joe’s army was awaking to the sad reports of the tragic house fire. Telephone call after telephone call, the members of his army e-mailed one another and discussed the latest neighborhood news with one another while planning what to do to help.

‘That house that burned down last night was Joe’s mother’s house.’

‘Oh, my God, it was, no way. Tell us how we can help.’

And it was like that with every telephone and cell phone call and e-mail notification to every person of Joe’s army. His friends gave his Mom a place to stay, clothes to wear, and food to eat while those other skilled members of Joe’s army built her a new house, a better house than the one that had been consumed by fire. Those who could not be there physically sent their checks donating their money to Joe’s Mom. With many of the materials needed to build the house donated by the members of Joe’s army, the house was literally built for free.

Within a couple of months, she was home again.

* * * * *

Now the matter before the City Council was to pass an ordinance that made National Nude Day illegal in their city. An unusually hot day, nearly one hundred degrees, the controversy started last year when a few of the town’s residents, members of Joe’s army, stripped naked in the public park and waded and frolicked through the fountain. Figuring they’d get off with a warning when confronted by the police, instead of saying they were just hot, they defended their bizarre actions by proclaiming that they were celebrating National Nude Day.

Putting a bad spin on a good holiday, they blamed their need for public nudity on National Nude Day. This small town wasn’t ready for big city prob
lems and in this closed minded bedroom community, there was no room for nudity in their code of ethics or civil liberties. Had the violators said they were just hot and put their clothes on when the police arrived, they would have been given a citation and it would have been over already. The fact that the nude streakers made an issue of it meant that they were arrested and charged with indecent exposure and lewd behavior in a public place.

Now, normally, had it ended there what had happened to a few naked people last year would have been long forgotten and everything would have been fine. Unfortunately, the City Council, hoping to avoid another public display of nudity by flexing a little legislative muscle, took it upon themselves to make the act of celebrating National Nude Day illegal.

Now with headlines spread across the newspapers in this town and surrounding towns and telecast on radio talk shows and news stations, the whole debacle was made into a blown out of proportion issue that divided the town in two. There were those who believe in the right to celebrate National Nude Day, even if they don’t believe in nudity, and there were those against celebrating that as a holiday, even though they believed in nudity. Those for nudity were willing to strip off their clothes to make a public statement and those against nudity were ready to make a citizen’s arrest and call the police. If nothing else, it brought the town together in their right to disagree.

As the City Council had suggested by passing an unjust ordinance, it wasn’t the mere fact that decent people don’t strip off their clothes and appear naked in public, it was a bigger issue than that. It was more about freedom and the right to strip naked on National Nude Day, if people so desired. One day that was unofficially assigned to public nudity for those who wanted to celebrate it should not be so outlawed.

This is America, God damn it, and we are free people. Joe fought in Viet Nam to have the right of that freedom and other members in Joe’s army fought in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. Yes, of course, it says nothing in the Constitution nor in our Bill of Rights that we have the right to get naked in public on National Nude Day or on any other day, but if we want to do that and if we aren’t hurting anyone while gathering and assembling in one central location to get naked, why the Hell not?

If you don’t like it and if nudity offends your sense of propriety and sensibilities, then don’t look. Matter of fact, if nudity offends you, then avoid walking by that area on that day and time when so many are celebrating National Nude Day in public. It’s time that America’s puritanical ethic values are replaced by a broader and more socially sophisticated and accepted opinion regarding nudity.

The people of this country need to adopt the open minded attitudes that are held by so many other countries around the world regarding nudity. Not counting the Middle Eastern countries when regarding the nudity of their women, nudity is no big deal anywhere else, but in America. Why are we all so uptight and cloistered by false values in this country? The bigger deal we make out of nudity and the more forbidden we make it by outlawing it, the more of an issue it becomes with sexual deviates who take pleasure in stretching the sexual norms.

Joe called upon his army when they wanted to ban books in the library? Ban books? What the Hell is that about? This isn’t the 15th century. This isn’t Egypt or Iran or China where they ban books and behead writers who dare express their opinions, this is America. Needless to say, the library in Joe’s community did not ban any books that day or on any other day. Thanks to Joe and his growing army of supporters our freedom is still intact, even in small town America.

Now, certainly a short, fat man, Joe is not a nudist nor is he an exhibitionist, but because the City Council made an issue of it by taking a vote and enacting an ordinance that declared National Nude Day illegal in their city, that was enough to make him take action. Joe called upon his army to gather at the public common on July 14th and strip.

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Joes Bar and Grill

It started about 4 months ago. I work installing communications systems in towns and had been moved to a new area to start a new installation cycle. I found a place in the suburbs with a short commute in to the office. I also discovered that there was a little hole in the wall type joint called Joe’s Bar & Grill about 5 minutes drive from where I lived. I like those kinds of places as you get to know the “regulars” and can get comfortable really quick because of it. My first night there, I...

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Joes Bar and Grill Pt 3

Jo got out of bed and walked into the hallway and picked up her cell. She dialed Tommy’s number and waited for him to answer. When I heard her start to talk to Tommy, I got out of bed and walked up behind her. I put my arms around her and began to caress her breasts as my now hard cock slid into the crack of her ass. “Please Tommy. I really need you to open uuuupppp…..” she moaned as I pulled on her nipple. “No nothing is wrong…I’m fine. I just have something to do. Ohhhhhh…” she moaned as I...

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A guy and his 47 Army

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                            Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                       Trully - second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker                    Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn    Mary - Boss's daughter                                                         Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio      Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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The Army

Friendships often flower after difficult beginnings. This was precisely what happened with Vincent Di Marco and Bryce Dingley. They could not have been more exact opposites. Vincent was five-foot-five-inches tall and looked for the most part like a stocky horse jockey.Vincent was unconventionally good-looking. He had a darkish complexion and riveting hawk-like brown eyes, which always gave his face a somewhat stern demeanour. His nose was slightly too broad for his face but still attractive,...

Gay Male
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I was a wartime TV for the US Army

  'I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam!              TJ Ryder                                          Chapter 1          Reform School Romance!    I couldn't believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being hisfavorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II.   I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another oldgeezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had anythinghad...

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This Womens Army

"Right, you 'orible lot," shouted the sergeant. "Let's be 'aving you. Stand by your beds." There was a lot of commotion as the sixteen raw female recruits scuttled about. At last, they were all in place standing to attention at the end of their bunks. "Right," said the sergeant in a slightly less loud voice. "I'm Sergeant Grant and for my sins I'm your drill instructor. Far be it for me to criticise this man's army but they have taken the step to allow you women into the fighting...

3 years ago
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Average Guy Contest

It had been a long day at work and all I wanted to do was wind down with a nice cold beer. As I sat at the bar I could feel the tension leaving my body. I noticed someone move in and sit on the stool next to me even though there were several empty stools on each side. I was looking down as I noticed two beautiful long legs being revealed by a very short dress. I was instantly snapped out of my funk as I raised my eyes. Her hips were slim and her stomach was flat as her dress pressed...

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Average JoeChapter 4 Dating and Meeting People

I showed up at Martha's house on New Year's Eve. There were quite a few people there. Lee (Martha's husband) came over and handed me a beer. I thought about telling him I was only twenty but decided, to hell with it. I was going to have a good time. Most of the people at the New Years party were probably in their thirties on up. I recognized a few people from work and even a few regular customers that I have seen at the store. It seemed as though most people were couples but I also...

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I want to join the Sissy Piggy Army

A couple of months ago one of our members said he was starting the Sissy Piggy Army for all those who wanted to become Sissy Pigs. I thought I was already one. So I contacted the member and said I wanted to join. He said I had to have a photo or video of me in my sissy clothes licking a toilet bowl in a bathroom. I was more than happy to do that. Except my non-sexual wife lives with me 24/7 and I have not been able to seriously dress up or make vids for six long months. I was very unhappy about...

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I had returned home from a two-year active duty stint in the Army in the mid-eighties. It was late Spring and I was looking forward to the summer before going off to college the following fall. My Dad let me borrow his old truck and some ladders so that I could earn money that summer painting houses. I had printed up some fliers to place in the neighbors' mailboxes indicating that I was available for both interior and exterior work. When I came home from this endeavor, as I got out of my car, I...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 9 The Holy Liberation Army

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 12th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I woke up on the outside of the bed. Sleeping in the tent with three others was an interesting, and fun, experience. Rex, Reina, Sarah, and I were constantly squirming about. You never knew where you were going to end up at. My big boobs were pressed up against Reina's naked, brown back. I nuzzled at her hair for a second before I felt something poking my butt. I reached back and found the...

1 year ago
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son in the army

I have a 19 year old son that is in the army and he came home for Christmas. Well I went and picked him up at the airport on Wednesday. I wore the sexiest outfit that I have. Underneath I only had on a bra that pushes my tits up real nice, one of those under wire kind, and the part that goes over my nipples is real thin lace. I drove out there with the window open because I was so nervous and didn't want to be all sweaty, worked out real nice, my nipples were sticking straight out and were quit...

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Average Joe Ch 05

Chapter 5: Still looking for the right woman Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. ‘Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up.’ ‘She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?’ ‘A...

2 years ago
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Average JoeChapter 5 Still Looking for the Right Woman

Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. "Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early." "Why didn't you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up." "She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?" "A police officer saw me walking and...

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First time back in the army

True story from back in 98.I was naive when I was younger and in the army. I was stationed in Georgia, and was chatting online. Met this one guy in his late 40s who didn't seem gay, and was willing to pay me to go to Savannah to go on his yacht and have a great time. I was nervous on my trip there. I ended up going and, meet him on his huge boat. It was just unbelievable. So that night we went out, and he got me absolutely plastered. I was absolutely drunk when he mentions to me if I wanted to...

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my brother returns from the army

My wife and AI got married at 18 and 20. My younger brother Dale helped out a lot with moving, Painting, mowing the lawn and when I started working afternoons at the plant. he would volunteer to stay with her til I got home. He was about 16 when we got married and he actually had a bigger cock than I did cause i used to suck him off a lot. I had many sexy chats with the wife during our lovemaking and when I found she got turned on by my talking about her fucking my brother, we went out and...

4 years ago
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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 4 May 1936

Anjelica Di Angelo The second thing that happened in the spring of 1936, also started at the dairy. I was reconciling the April accounts ready for the following Monday’s board meeting. We had kept the dairy going as a separate concern from both the farm and the crop dusting businesses, so it could be sold off easier if we needed to. Anything over a dollar plus the clean-up costs were pure profit. But the dairy was going so well, especially with the new Milk Bar, that we kept it going, with...

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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

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Average Joe Ch 06

Chapter 6: Where do we go from here? I left off looking for a gift for Ariel’s graduation. I had no idea what to get. An older saleslady said she had an idea for me. ‘Buy her a gift card from her favorite restaurant. We sell them all here at the store. Also, buy her two movie tickets to the theatre good any time.’ ‘I don’t quite understand how that helps me,’ I said. ‘Well, she’s not going to the movies alone and I’m sure she’s not going out to eat by herself. See, if she invites you to go...

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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 1 The first Friday in 1930

Anjelica Di Angelo narrating I shivered as I waited outside the general store at the north end of the Main Street in the bleak city of Conrad, Montana. I felt faint as I pulled my thin jacket tight at the neck as I leaned back on the outside wooden wall of the store. I would have given anything to have waited inside the warm shop, or bought a coffee and a sweet bread roll but I had no money, not one single penny. I tried to think back to when I last ate anything. It was just before I was...

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Average JoeChapter 3 Joeys First Time

Mary and I headed up to my apartment. I was so nervous and I knew it showed. Mary was so nice and I sure didn't want to ruin my chances the first time. I knew it would be something I would always remember. Mary slipped off her top and I could see her breasts. She was so beautiful. I really wasn't sure where to begin. I wanted to touch her but wanted to do it right. I knew she could sense my ineptness and she told me not to worry. "Joey, since this is your first time you will be coming...

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Average JoeChapter 6 Where do we go from here

I left off looking for a gift for Ariel's graduation. I had no idea what to get. An older saleslady said she had an idea for me. "Buy her a gift card from her favorite restaurant. We sell them all here at the store. Also, buy her two movie tickets to the theatre good any time." "I don't quite understand how that helps me," I said. "Well, she's not going to the movies alone and I'm sure she's not going out to eat by herself. See, if she invites you to go with her. Just understand...

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Average JoeChapter 7 The conclusion

When I last left off I had Ariel lying on my bed naked. To me she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I told her so, "I feel funny lying here naked and you staring at me," Ariel responded. "If I didn't love you and trust you so much I might be a bit worried." "Just give me a sec. I'm going to give you somewhat of a massage." I reached in the drawer and took out the lotion. I went to the end of the bed and began rubbing her feet. I may not have been the best masseur but I...

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I was a wartime TV for the US Army

‘I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam!               TJ Ryder                                            Chapter 1           Reform School Romance!     I couldn’t believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II.    I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another old geezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had...

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The Destruction of Dumbledores Army

This is my first ever story, so hopefully it's not too bad and gets better as I go. Warnings for this story include sexual content, violence, non-consent, gore, and snuff. If this isn't what you enjoy turn back now. In this story Voldemort takes a different approach and intends to cripple the resistance at Hogwarts sooner without taking over. And given how the ministry stooge Umbridge is acting, the inquisitorial squad seems like the perfect tool to accomplish this. This is somewhat AU, Lily...

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One Woman Army

It had been a rough few weeks for the aspiring adult model Annie Fiori. Women in her industry were disappearing, seemingly at random, at an alarming rate. Investigations into these disappearances were going nowhere, and it was truly a dangerous time for female sex workers. Between the disappearances, the shitty pay, and a ton of arguments with her boyfriend Tristan over her "man hating attitude", Annie had almost reached her breaking point. Tristan was an asshole, but he had a great body and a...

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Who else wants to join the prolapse fetish army

Hello guys and gals! I’m here to tell you about a fetish I’ve just discovered that is so exciting that it actually revolutionized my sex life with a mind-blowing new level of cumming. I’m talking about women [URL]http://livefreefun.slutroulette.com/slutroulette-prolapse-fetish-and-webcam-girls-into-it[/URL] their asshole in an unbelievable manner that seems to give them totally shattering orgasms and sends me into a sexual frenzy that I couldn’t believe how intense it was.QueenPanther...

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Malachars CurseChapter 21 One Mans Army

Sunday, August 20th, 2006, Mount Union, Pennsylvania I was as glad to see all of my girls as they were me, and I took a moment to thoroughly kiss each one for a few seconds. I even grabbed a startled Angie, laying a passionate one on her. She reluctantly gave in after a moment, and I took full advantage, cupping her ass and squeezing, enjoying the feel of it. For her to accept this much public affection, she must be more distraught than she was letting on. She even moaned a little when I...

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Lost With Nothing to Lose19 Hiding an Army

“I have tremendous news, though you may want to sit down for this,” Admiral Deyesu said as Al entered his office. It hadn’t taken long for his superiors to promote him, not wanting other ship captains disputing his authority. “No thank you,” Al responded. “The last several times someone suggested they had good news, they were about to imprison me.” “You don’t have to worry about that any longer,” Deyesu said, sitting back and smiling. “After cleaning up Brskll’s mess and reestablishing the...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 17 Busted From the Army

Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...

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A Girl Named Joe Part one

Joseph A. Bradley sat in the small camp chair around the fire and realized he was happy. He was on his family's hereditary property on the Hawaiian island of Kawai camping with his family. Dinner had been hamburgers cooked on a grate over the fire with chips and cold veggies his wife, Karen brought. Right now, Karen was in the Winnebago cleaning the dishes and his son across from his having a civil conversation with his father. His Daughter was at the edge of the clearing looking up...

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The Devil in Joe

Joe was a nice guy, everybody always told him so and he liked being called thus. Joe was a system analyst, that whilst it was not the most exciting job in the world, it paid the bills. He liked working for a large company where he was constantly told there were places to ?grow? in the company. Approaching his thirties he was in reasonably good shape, average build, average height, pale grey eyes and brown hair. He worked out regularly and was happy with himself.  He did not consider himself to...

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Joe is trained as a doggyslave

Converted from "3931_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Joe is trained as a doggy-slave by 2NNWaiting for the man to arrive, Joe is thinking about how much things has changed since he met him. When they met Joe hadn't been in the least bit turned on by either breathplay or female footwear. Now Joe prances around in his home, wearing a pair of six-inch stilettos. He loves the stilettos now, but he didn't use to. Before he met the man stilettos did nothing for him, but now they make him...

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Joe Savior and his Glory Hole Wife

Joseph Savior was cleaning the family room of the four- bedroom colonial, cleaning and waiting for the calm that occurred only at night in their busy home. The odd and relaxing silence that sleeping kids would bring. Oh sure, a few giggling outbursts or requests for water from the c******n, but then as they drifted off the blessed silence would come. Mary was upstairs putting the c******n to bed. Four of them. From ten year old hellion, David, to three year old Beth. With eight year old, Tommy...

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