- 5 years ago
- 47
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I left off looking for a gift for Ariel's graduation. I had no idea what to get. An older saleslady said she had an idea for me.
"Buy her a gift card from her favorite restaurant. We sell them all here at the store. Also, buy her two movie tickets to the theatre good any time."
"I don't quite understand how that helps me," I said.
"Well, she's not going to the movies alone and I'm sure she's not going out to eat by herself. See, if she invites you to go with her. Just understand she might ask someone else but you will know where you stand."
I did what the lady suggested and bought two movie tickets to be used within a month and a fifty-dollar gift certificate to the Red Lobster. Ariel told me once she liked eating there. I picked up a card to put the certificates in and signed it, Love Joey.
I headed over to her house where the reception was being held. Mary and the rest of her family were already there. Robert was there and introduced me to his date. He told me it was one of the other engineers that he worked with. They have become good friends. I have to say Robert did well. She was one good looking woman.
Lee and Claire greeted me and said Ariel was around there somewhere. I talked to different people and put my card in a box with dozens of others. I saw Ariel and when she saw me she came over and gave me her usual hug but gave me a light kiss on the lips. Again I had to wonder why.
She thanked me for coming and said she wished she could spend a lot of time with me but since it was her party she had to make the rounds. I told her I understood and maybe we could get together for dinner and even a movie some time. I was hoping when she opened my card she would get the hint.
"I'd love that," she said. About that time some of her classmates came up to greet her and I watched her give them her usual hugs and kisses on the cheek.
I hung with Mary and Nancy through most of the celebration. I knew Mary could see through me but didn't say anything. The food was great and I really enjoyed spending time with Mary and Ariel's family.
I talked to Ariel before I left and wished her the best. "Please call me when you have time to get together. I know your life is pretty full right now." She gave me a hug and again a light kiss on the lips.
It was almost a week before I heard from her. In fact it was a Thursday evening. "Joey, hope I didn't wake you up. This is Ariel."
"No, I was awake. Besides I wouldn't mind being woken up if it was by you." I heard her laugh lightly.
"I just got around to opening all my cards and gifts. I just wanted to thank you so much. You didn't have to get me anything."
"But, I wanted too. We all have to eat and I figured you need a night out to relax. I'm happy you liked it."
"Well, the reason I'm calling is because I don't want to go to the movies alone. I was wondering if you would like to take in a movie and have dinner at the Red Lobster on Saturday. My treat, or should I say, your treat," she laughed.
"Let me check my calendar, yep I'm free Saturday." We set up a time and I would be picking her up at her house. If I could find that saleslady, I would kiss her for the idea.
I picked Ariel up and we decided to go to dinner first. We ordered a drink, appetizers, our meal and even a dessert. We blew the whole fifty dollar gift certificate. I thanked Ariel for the wonderful dinner. She wanted to thank me again but I explained to her that she could have gone with anyone and I was happy she chose me.
We talked while we were eating. I knew she was a busy person and asked her what type of a schedule she kept.
"Well, I work five and a half days a week. I only work till noon on Saturdays. I go and exercise after work twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I recently started going out for Karaoke with some of my friends at the clinic. Karaoke is every Thursday and I promised myself I'd try to go at least every other week. I really love singing."
"Wow, that's a pretty busy schedule," I mentioned.
"Oh, that's not all. Friday is my day to just relax. Saturday is my date night. It's the night I go out with friends like we're doing now. Sunday, is family day. I do my best to spend time with my family. Of course sometimes we visit other relatives or they come to our house. That about sums up my week. What about you?"
"We don't want to get into it. I work, sleep and sometimes go out. I do visit with my Aunt and Uncle at least every few weeks. Somewhat of a boring life. Being here with you is one of the best times I've ever had besides taking you to the wedding. So, would you like to go out next Saturday?"
She looked at me somewhat sadly. "I'm sorry Joey, but I'm already going out with friends."
"Oh, ok, sorry I asked."
"No, let me explain. Joel and Peter from school gave me four tickets to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game for graduation. I thought about asking you to go but you told me you didn't like sports. So I asked Joel and Peter to go since they gave me the tickets. We're just friends, I want you to know that. I've known them for years."
"Who's using the other ticket? You said you had four."
"I asked Nancy to go. She loves baseball so I asked her."
Damn, I'm so stupid. I could easily sit through a game if I was with Ariel. I didn't want to act too down. We still had a movie to see. "Ariel, I don't hate sports, I'm just not good at playing them. If you ever want to go to another game, I would be glad to go with you. I've never been to a professional sports game of any kind."
"Now, I feel bad in not asking you, I'm sorry."
I tried to cheer her up, even though I was a little down myself. "Don't worry about it. We'll go to a game another time; I promise. Let's go see a movie now."
She picked out the movie she wanted to see and we found out that we each got a free popcorn and beverage because of the gift certificate. We really weren't hungry but took the popcorn and drink anyway. Popcorn just goes with going to a movie.
During the movie she reached over and held my hand and smiled. I just held on to it for awhile not sure what to do. I was really in uncharted territory here. After the movie I drove her back to her house. I rushed around and opened her door.
"Joey, we're friends. I like that you open doors for me but you don't have to do it all the time. If we go to a formal event, it's somewhat expected but not for everyday purposes."
"I'm learning, thanks for not thinking of me as a fool."
"You're no fool. You're a sweet wonderful friend that I care about. Stop putting yourself down, I don't like that you do that." replied Ariel.
I walked her to the porch. We stared at each other for a few seconds and she leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss and then looked at me. "Thanks again for a wonderful night. Maybe we can have lunch or something this week. Well, I better go in."
I left and got in my car and wondered what I did right and wrong. She kissed me but yet is going out with some other guys the following week. Even though I really cared for her I think she saw me only as a good friend.
On Sunday I had dinner with Mary, Henry and Nancy. They asked me about my date with Ariel and I told them it was great. That's when Nancy mentioned that the following Saturday she was going to a Reds Baseball game with Ariel and her friends. She was really excited. She even said she wished I was going. That's when I told her we could go together next time.
"I thought you didn't like baseball? asked Nancy.
"Not on TV, it's to slow but I've never been to a professional game. I think I would like to try it."
Henry spoke up. "Why don't we all go? I have a friend that could probably get us some tickets for next month. What do you think Mary? Would you like to go?"
"I'd love to. It's been years since I've been to a game. Even the hot dogs and beer are good at the stadium. Nancy, when you see Ariel Saturday ask her if she would like to go with us next month." Mary looked over at me and smiled.
I was a little happier but I needed to see her and take her out before next month. I gave it some thought and I called her Tuesday evening and asked her if she would like to have lunch with me on Wednesday.
"Don't you need to sleep in the afternoon?" asked Ariel.
"I promised the boss I'd make a couple deliveries for him in the morning so I'll just sleep later in the day." It really wasn't true but it was a very small lie. I just wanted to see her.
I stopped by the clinic and couldn't believe how big it was. It was a miniature hospital. I went to the reception desk and mentioned I was there to see Ariel. The receptionist was very nice to me and asked me to sit down. It was only a few minutes later that Ariel came down the hallway. She was smiling. Damn, she was so pretty.
"Been waiting long?" she asked.
"No, just a few minutes; this place is big."
"I only have an hour so we can eat and talk at the restaurant across the street. We can just walk there."
"Fine with me."
We sat down and ordered the special. That way there was a short wait for our food. The place was quite busy. A lot of the clinic people ate there. Ariel told me a little about the clinic. It was more than just a doctor's office. They did radiology and out-patient surgery among other things. She said they employed about eighty people.
While we ate, I asked her if she would go out with me a week from Saturday. I knew she had the game Saturday.
"Where do you want to go?" she asked.
"Anywhere, everywhere, I don't care. I've never been many places so I'm willing to give anything a chance."
"Ok, give me till next week to find somewhere different. You know you can always come to karaoke night on Thursday."
"I'd like to go hear you sing but it starts at nine and I begin work at eleven. I can't drink because I don't want alcohol on my breath at work."
"I understand but maybe someday you could stop in for an hour."
We talked a while longer and I walked her back to the clinic. When we said goodbye she gave me a peck on the lips. "Hope to see you soon," I said as she walked away. I wasn't sure if she heard me.
I didn't want to come on too strong to her. Right now I knew we were good friends and even though I wanted more I didn't want to lose the connection we had.
It wasn't the best weekend for me. I knew she was going to the ballgame with her male friends. At least Nancy might tell me how it went. On Sunday I talked to Nancy and asked her about the game.
"We lost but I had a great time. Joel and Peter are great guys and we joked around all day. Ariel has some of the nicest friends."
What else could I ask without looking like an interrogator? I wanted to ask if she kissed or hugged them, said anything endearing to them, but I knew I would just be looking stupid. I wasn't going with her and she was free to live her life.
"Did you ask her if she wanted to go to the game next month with us?"
"Well, what did she say?" I asked.
"She said to tell Henry to go ahead and order the tickets. She would love to go with all of us."
I called Ariel again on Tuesday and asked her out for lunch again on Wednesday. "Oh, sorry Joey, the gang here at work is ordering lunch in tomorrow."
"Oh, ok, are we still on for something Saturday?
"Yes, not sure you're going to like it but you said anything."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll find out Saturday. Just dress normal, it's nothing fancy."
I told her I would see her Saturday evening and hung up. At least she would be with me on Saturday.
On Thursday night I decide to stop by their club and see her sing karaoke. I could only stay a little while since I had to work. I didn't tell her I was coming and when I showed up there must have been a dozen people around the table she was at. They had put three tables together so they could sit together. Unfortunately, more than half the people at the table were guys.
I went up and sat at the bar and ordered a soda. I watched Ariel at the table, she wasn't doing anything wrong but I could tell she was enjoying herself. It was already nine-thirty when she went up to the stage. She sang 'Where the Boys are', by Connie Francis. She sounded beautiful and it brought tears to my eyes.
When she was finished and everyone applauded her she left the stage and noticed me. She seemed surprised and came over to me.
"Joey, how long have you been here?"
"About a half an hour."
"Why didn't you come over to the table?"
"You were with your friends and I didn't know any of them so I thought I would sit here. You were wonderful. You brought tears to my eyes."
"Thank you, that means a lot to me. Come over to the table and I'll introduce you to everyone."
"No, I have to get going to work. I'll see you Saturday at seven sharp."
"It was nice of you to come. I really do appreciate it." She leaned forward and gave me one of those gentle kisses on the lips. I left and she went back to her table.
I picked her up Saturday and when we got to the car I opened the door for her. She smiled and shook her head. "So, where are we going? I've been looking forward to this for two weeks."
"We're going to the Capital Playhouse and see a stage play."
"For real?" I asked.
"Yes, I figured you have never gone to a play and this is a good one that I've been wanting to see. It's a murder mystery, I think you'll enjoy it."
I didn't tell her but as long as she was with me I could enjoy watching hubcaps rust. My feelings were pretty strong and getting harder to hold in check.
The play really was good and I enjoyed it. I mentioned to Ariel that it was something else we had in common. I went to an Arby's and we got a quick bite to eat. It was getting late. I took her home and she got out of the car before I could get around and open her door.
I asked her when we could go out again. All my Saturdays were open. She gave me a gentle kiss and said to call her sometime during the week. The look in her eyes seemed strange. She must have been thinking about something, but what?
When I called her she said she was supposed to have a girl's night out with her girlfriends. They were going bowling and then over to the club for a few drinks. I could meet her at the club if I wanted.
"Is there going to be any other guys there?" I asked.
"No, not that I'm aware of. I can't say we might not see some guys we know. After all it's a local hangout."
As much as I want to be there I just didn't feel right bothering her on her girl's night out. She said they had one every few months. I told her I didn't want to interfere with her plans and besides we would be going to the ball game the following week.
On Saturday I felt down. It had been months since I even got laid. I was all wrapped up in Ariel. I went to a bar where I knew older women hung out. They were always looking for young guys. I had a drink and a woman sat next to me and said I looked like I needed company. She put her hand on my thigh and I knew what she wanted.
We left and went to her place. It was a mobile home just outside the city limits. I don't even remember her name, all I knew is she wanted to get fucked and that's what we did. I used condoms and fucked her twice. She was pretty drunk so after we were done I covered her up and went home.
Why didn't I enjoy it that much? I came both times and she wasn't all that bad looking. I knew what my problem was. I felt I cheated on Ariel and it was working on my conscience.
I wasn't even in a relationship and yet was bothered by it. I went to bed and slept in late. I had no reason to get up. I lay there and thought about how stupid I was. Maybe I should just tell Ariel how I felt, but I was so afraid of losing her as a friend. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, that was my position now.
I called her for lunch again on Tuesday for Wednesday. She said ok and to meet her in the lobby at noon. There she came down the hall as happy as ever. We headed over to the restaurant across the street. I asked her about her night out with the girls and she said the bowling was fun but at the club they kept getting hit on by guys they didn't know.
I guess a few guys that they knew came over and told the other guys to leave them alone and there was a slight altercation. It kind of ruined the night. She did say that she was looking forward to going to the ball game on Saturday and she said she knew I would like it too.
I honestly think Ariel knew me better than I knew myself. I was always confused and not good at reading the signs a woman gives.
I really enjoyed the ball game. The Reds won which made it all the better. We stopped at a restaurant and received a surprise from Mary and Henry. They were going to get married in three weeks. They were going to a Justice of the Peace but planned to have a small reception of mostly relatives afterwards.
It had been a long day at work and all I wanted to do was wind down with a nice cold beer. As I sat at the bar I could feel the tension leaving my body. I noticed someone move in and sit on the stool next to me even though there were several empty stools on each side. I was looking down as I noticed two beautiful long legs being revealed by a very short dress. I was instantly snapped out of my funk as I raised my eyes. Her hips were slim and her stomach was flat as her dress pressed...
This is the conclusion of my Average Joe series. Thank you to all who followed it through. A special ‘Thank You’ to WanderingScot for taking the time to edit this story for me. Chapter 7: The conclusion When I last left off I had Ariel lying on my bed naked. To me she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I told her so, ‘I feel funny lying here naked and you staring at me,’ Ariel responded. ‘If I didn’t love you and trust you so much I might be a bit worried.’ ‘Just give me a sec....
“Absolutely unfathomable,” Ch’teek chittered, watching the screen. “How has your species managed to survive this long given your mating habits?” We were watching the latest incarnation of the TV series “Average Joe” — and as usual, the producers couldn’t leave well-enough alone and shipped in a ringer at the last minute. The handsome blond Brad Pitt look-alike swept the female contestant off her feet in record time, leaving the decent guy she was about to settle upon standing around looking...
" ... And thank you so very much for coming." Sarah said as she shook hands with Mrs. Anderson. As she closed the classroom door behind the woman, Sarah let out a sign of relief. She thought Mrs. Anderson would never finish. Saint Francis's Open House had ended almost a half hour ago, but Mrs. Anderson had to stay behind and go on and on about her precious little "kitten" and how Sarah should be spending more time showcasing her talents. It could've been worse, she thought, Jim Anderson...
This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...
"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...
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The next day, Theresa was at our door at eight am. I answered the door. She walked in. "Where's Pyx?" she asked urgently. "She's fixing breakfast. And you're still dressed." The nun took off her habit, hastily. All her sense of modesty around me was gone. "Vonda can help you with your grooming." Theresa looked past me. "No. I'm fine." "Are you sure? I'll inspect you, right now. If you are found wanting I WILL punish you." This made her pause. "Maybe, Vonda should take a...
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It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....
My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...
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bdsm, anal, group, exhibionistI invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes...
I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t see...
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It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...
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It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...
When Sarah and Greg woke up to his alarm at 7:30 Monday morning, they found themselves comfortably entwined with each other with their faces about a foot apart, and with such a glorious "in love" feeling that they didn't mind the others morning breath. Sarah leaned across the pillow and kissed her beloved to start the day. Greg couldn't help but smile. Not wanting to lose the close contact, but realizing that they needed to get ready for the day, they slowly pulled back their arms and...
Chapter 5: Still looking for the right woman Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. ‘Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up.’ ‘She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?’ ‘A...
Anjelica Harris Listening to Joey talk about those old days, I I remembered that I had fond memories of that old dairy and the Milk Bar which was opened up in the front of the dairy in Main Street. We made small experimental batches of ice cream in the dairy and we needed somewhere to sell it. That milk and soda bar turned out to be a goldmine almost immediately and was the place to be seen in town from 1932 onwards. Thinking about Joey and Joe, took me back to two events that changed my...
Life was pretty much back to normal only I was now an adult. My first night back to work I saw Linda in the morning. She laughed when she saw me. "Sorry about Sylvia. I heard Earl came home early." "Why didn't you tell me she was married, I could have gotten beaten up." "She plays around a lot on Earl. I just thought you might like to get laid on your birthday. According to Sylvia you did, you just had a quick exit. How did you get home?" "A police officer saw me walking and...
You and your cousin Mark are walking home from school to his house. You get there; and mark pulls the key out of the bag to open the door. When he goes to insert the key his mom opens the door and says "Hi guys I'm home today, I hope you don't mind hanging out with me." Mark seems a bit upset, but you cheerfully reply "Oh we would love to spend a day with you Theresa." You have always had a crush for her; she is a gorgeous woman. She is about 5'4, long blonde hair, sexy green eyes, firm C-cup...
MatureNo excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at it’s greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. Could have been because of the demands two babies put on our relationship, but most likely it was our realization that we were...
Introduction: What am I to do? Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and &hellip,probably deserve any of the consequences. No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have&hellip,I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born in the first couple of years of our marriage when the bliss was at its greatest. Sex was an every day looked forward to event. That changed. ...
Being a Autumn day , snow on the mountains, cold wind in the air, I decide to spend my day inside at the cinema. Buying a ticket for the morning screening of Red Sparrow , the usherette is dressed in trousers and blouse they emphasise the curves of her sexy body, the top undone buttons of her blouse reveals a hint of her cleavage. I am caught staring at her ample tits , when I look up the her smile shows she appreciates my attention. While I wait for the theatre to open I sit in a comfortable...
E R O T I S P H E R E By Kathy Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This Edition: 1999 Copyright (c)1999 Kathy Core All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written or emailed permission of the copyright holder, Carrie Gore....
Hi everyone. I m tony cash a daily reader of ISS. I love stories here. Today I m posting my own story . This story involves myself, my cousin sister and my mami I.e. my mothers brother’s wife. Lets start the story . The story starts back when I was in 12th standard. I was at that time 18 years old and was happy with my life. I always wanted to fuck my mami since I was 13 and I knew everything abt sex. That day I was visiting my sister to take some notes. When I rang the bell my mami opened the...
Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the...
IntroductionAt the edge of this galaxy, in the outer spiral arm there relatively few planets that are earth normal and those that are and occupied are known as rim worlds. There isolation over time, and distance from Imperial control had made rim worlds magnets for groups and cults that wished to make there own societies and one such world is known as Prophet.First settled many centuries ago it had been turned into every thing the ruling Elders had ever dreamed of, church and state in one; of...
SmithereensPage 1. She was the sweetest little number you would ever hope to see and she wasn't even young. I'd gotten to know her at the home decorating outlet she owned and she was forty two with two grown children. But man was she sweet, about five foot one and maybe a hundred and five pounds and almost no fucking tits, no bust at all. During the hot summer months, when I'd drop in more than necessary for her (un) needed expertise, she'd often wear a tank top under a...
Someone tried to unlock the apartment door. The key scratched against the lock time and time again. Amanda looked up from her laptop, then she rose and walked into the hallway. “Greg, is that you?” she called hesitantly through the door. A muffled grunt answered her. Calming her nerves, she opened the door a crack, only to be face to face with her husband. The stink of whiskey was heavy on his breath, his hair ruffled and his expensive suit crinkled. “Lemme in, that damn key’s not working,”...
In 1983, John Smith took over Smith's Garage from his father. The business, including the building that housed it, had been in the family since 1949. His father, having taken over the gas station from his father in 1969, had converted the business from pumping gas to servicing cars after the gas crisis of the 1970s. It wasn't a big operation. There was an office, two primary work bays, and a third bay that was used for storage. It provided a livelihood for three people, John, his wife, Jane,...
We buried Phil and Tim at first light the next morning with the whole village gathered around. I said a few words and then left Michelle and Marie to fill in the graves. Michelle was crying and Marie was comforting her as I left, that was certainly a turnaround from the previous days attitude. I started getting ready for our trip to follow the attackers tracks. Graham had rounded up ten of us including Dan, Stella and Katie. Kelly gave me a big hug as we set off then watched with Harry and...
Dave did a quick change from his casual garb into shorts and a casual top in his house, and was behind the bar in less than five minutes. He shifted his thinking from working with Marie Thereaux’s students, to helping out at the bar. His co-workers that evening were Nikky and Savannah working the tables, and Chelsea, Tony, and Barry behind the bar or scooting around the patio to nearby high-top tables. Before he could take an order, Kellie and Barbara waved frantically at him, indicating...
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Asian Porn SitesAre there any Fans Here? That’s a trick question, because I haven’t even said what those fans are fans of just yet. Of course, seeing as you’re reading this on ThePornDude, it’s a safe bet that I ain’t asking about fans of Disney movies, fans of video games or fans of anime--not unless we’re talking about filthy, X-rated variations on those themes. As a matter of fact, you may be able to find just those genres on this next website, which is aimed squarely at fans of a distinctly adult form of...
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She was generally quiet, Theresa didn’t push herself forward. She would usually agree with others on any group she was in. That’s why she was there; she had just agree with the others; she had agreed that Chris should not take the blame on her own, agreed to go and live with Martin, and agreed to take her turn in his bed. Now she wondered what that meant. She was agreeing to sleep with a stranger. Well, if not a stranger, then at least someone whom she had not met and dated and fallen for....
NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 8: Somewhere Around Nowhere Synopsis: Mike and his friends do their best to resume their drive towards Bedford and get rid of Dan, but now there is no more denying that something extraordinary is indeed happening to them. Little by little they begin to have serious doubts whether they will ever get to Texas, or even Bedford. ***** "---drive," I completed my unfinished sentence. And then I slammed on the brakes. I was again in my...
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kent is in a meeting. If you’d like to leave a message, I can put you through to her voice mail.”She sounds young and sexy and I wonder if you’ve fucked her the way you’ve fucked me, and if you use her the way you use me. Does she desire you, and why the do I care so much.“Ma’am?”So the bitch thinks I’m old and confused and to be smiled at patiently because you’ve fucked her more recently than you’ve fucked me.“Shall I connect you?”Our last connection was in the ladies room of...
Chapter 6: Where do we go from here? I left off looking for a gift for Ariel’s graduation. I had no idea what to get. An older saleslady said she had an idea for me. ‘Buy her a gift card from her favorite restaurant. We sell them all here at the store. Also, buy her two movie tickets to the theatre good any time.’ ‘I don’t quite understand how that helps me,’ I said. ‘Well, she’s not going to the movies alone and I’m sure she’s not going out to eat by herself. See, if she invites you to go...
Absently, Jane ran one hand through her light blond hair. As with most days, she wore it loose so it fell in waves around her face, ending a few inches below her shoulders and giving her a casually classy air. Her blue eyes flicked to the laptop’s screen again and her painted red lips spread into a wicked smile. He was online again, though he’d announced he was going to bed almost two hours ago. The chat room activity had dropped as the evening wore on, but still she’d waited, knowing he’d come...
When John was 10 years old, he lived in Upstate New York. Secluded in the hills, away from the ski resorts, he had a very rural upbringing. And he loved animals. His parents didn't own a farm, but there was enough acreage he could wander safely. And plenty of wildlife to watch and enjoy. And while he didn't own a pet at home, he would rescue wounded or sick animals, nurse them back to health, and release them back into the wild. The long forgotten local goddess of nature and fertility noticed...
Absently, Jane ran one hand through her light blond hair. As with most days, she wore it loose so it fell in waves around her face, ending a few inches below her shoulders and giving her a casually classy air. Her blue eyes flicked to the laptop's screen again and her painted red lips spread into a wicked smile. He was online again, though he'd announced he was going to bed almost two hours ago. The chat room activity had dropped as the evening wore on, but still she'd waited, knowing he'd come...
MasturbationAfter a few months being together, Rob came home early one day, catching Kim naked by the pool, he undressed also but she had not heard him coming in. Rob went to the bathroom to have a pee and found Kim's panties near the hamper on the floor. Soaked! He smelled them, stuck his tongue out and tasted them. Yes, unmistakable pee! He remembered his taste of his own pee on his finger at the beach! He walked out to the pool with a boner and saw Kim was asleep, there was wetness under the lounger...
Rob had seen enough, "how to proceed without scaring her off and humiliate her and to reassure her that it is ok, should I be soft and gentle or firm and harsh and surprise her even more?" Rob thought. He walked back to his car, went to a nearby seven-eleven, bought some water and started to fill himself up. Before leaving he bought a few beers, went to his car to think! He felt free, he did not have to hide his desires anymore and just as the first sign of his bladder filling up he just...