Blake's Got A New Face (Part 1) free porn video

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Blake's Got A New Face (Part 1) by YasminTheLight AUTHOR'S NOTE: He doesn't simply gain a new face. There will be no woman's face on a man's body. XD Sorry if you downloaded or checked this story for that specific purpose. I just named it after a song with the main character's name in it (minus the Part 1 nonsense, of course). This is the intro part. It's been in the works, albeit slowly, for a few years. Then again, most of this was done in December and I've just been humming and hah-ing about uploading it. I'm not a terribly good writer, and I don't intend to play myself into that corner. You might find this first person perspective jumps to third person accidentally; probably due to late night additions and revisions, and my terrible memory. Sorry in advance for any spelling and grammatical errors. I usually pride myself on those skills, but when you're typing away late at night after a pseudo-revelation, you're (or at least, I am) bound to make mistakes. This story might not make complete sense in regards to a certain character's motives at the end of this, but it'll get fleshed out later when I have time to write some more. Hope you find it all decent and stuff ======================================== ======================================== It was gone and there was no telling when it would return. It was over, or to put it accurately, I was over. It had been like this for months, but only tonight did it hit me. I had no inspiration. As a songwriter primarily (at heart at least), and a musician secondarily (although it is my only source of income), it was crippling. My words wouldn't flow, I couldn't think up new music, or even adapt other music into something new. It was more than writer's block; it was me being tossed into a well during a relentless rainstorm. So there I sat, in a booth, pondering about my future. I'd left home at seventeen, keen to see the world through my own eyes. My parents were, of course, still there at home. I could still go back, but it's been three years of minimal contact, and I'd hate to share the burden of this defeat with them. They wouldn't take it very well and they'd be wrecks, and I wanted them to think I'm doing fine. A phone call here, a letter or email there, and some promising words would tide them over indefinitely. They wanted their 'baby boy' back home in Iowa, while I scrounge up a living each night at a local pub in New York playing cover songs. Not that I wouldn't rather play my own stuff, it just wouldn't fill the seats so well. It probably didn't help that I didn't have anywhere to live. I'd been living in shelters for a month now, saving my proceeds for food and other necessities. If anything, I was practical about my spending. I didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and I rarely treated myself to the luxuries of candy. Not that I was a health freak either. I got enough each night to buy 3 cheap meals each day, with a little extra left over for emergencies. The crap that the shelter fed us didn't look or smell too healthy, and I always had to keep an eye out for my allergies. Best to know what I'm eating rather than not. Anyways, it was late, and I knew I wouldn't be welcome in the pub past closing hours, so I made my way out the exit onto the barren streets. The shelter was a couple dozen blocks away, and I wanted to get there by sunrise (it being three in the morning), so I worked into a slight jog; nothing too suspicious to garner unwanted attention, but enough to cut the time down. The last thing I wanted was to be brought into the cop shop. Well, at the time, that was the last thing I wanted. Soon after, I happened to witness something I almost wish I hadn't. Directly to the left of me, in an alley, I saw a girl fighting off two guys. The city smart part of my mind said "go to the pay phone down the road and call the cops immediately". The stupid part of my brain told me to confront them immediately. I broke pace and sprinted into the alley, tackling one of the men down and knocking the other aside. I was an avid runner during the day, so I was pretty fit, but I was far from muscle-bound. I was an average sized guy, and I quickly realized the guy I knocked of balance was pretty strong, as I got up. His fist, of course, met my skull and it was like a twisted meet and greet session. First he used his fists, then his knees, until I started to feel things cracking inside me. I wished for unconsciousness, but this guy wouldn't have it. As he lifted me one last time, I noticed past his shoulder that the girl was sneaking into the dumpster behind him. I'd knocked his friend unconscious with the tackle, and I guess this guy took offense. As she slipped in silently, I could only feel the slight ripple in the air as his fist hit my face again, sending my head snapping back violently as blood gushed out my nose. Then, he dropped me, and things went black. I woke with the sound of a passing car. Where I couldn't feel a lot from the previous beat down, or remember a heck of a lot of what happened, I was now experiencing the built up pain and damage caused to my body that I wasn't previously. Well, I was in pain before, but my adrenaline was through the roof and I didn't really notice. I sure as hell did now. I gathered my surroundings. I was still very dark outside, so I must not have been out long. I was still in the alley. I slanted my head towards the road and tried to yell out for help, but only a bloody gurgle of a groan escaped me. After a few seconds, I saw the girl's head pop out of the dumpster. At least she was safe. As she climbed out, my hopes for a visit to the hospital rose. They were quickly dashed, however, as she bolted from the scene. She didn't even try to help me out. I crawled to the same sidewalk she ran to, reaching it after what felt like hours. I crawled northbound, hoping I could reach a small community of shops I vaguely remembering being there. Surely they'd be getting ready for the coming day. As I continued to crawl, I noticed a man walking towards me! Finally, the cavalry! I spit out the blood this time, lucky enough to notice I hadn't lost a single tooth in the battle, before calling out to him. He slowed a bit, and looked around before noticing me a ways down the sidewalk on the ground. He quickly ran over. "Hello...hello, can you..." I tried to speak, but bile kept building up in my mouth. The guy knelt down beside me, giving me a once over. "Are you okay man? You're pretty messed up." I worked my hand into my pocket and pulled out a quarter. "Can the hospital...please?" All the talking and strain from it caused me to lose my breath for a few seconds as I fought to gain it back. "Easy there, dude." He said quickly to me. He raised his head and looked around at the deserted street before returning his attention to me. "Man, I feel for you right now, but I'm fucking desperate." He spoke quickly, suddenly rolling me onto my stomach and grabbing me wallet out of my back pocket. I reached out to stop him, but it was no use. My body was getting slower to react. From the blood that I had been rolled over onto, I could only assume I'd lost a lot of blood already. My mind was beginning to cloud up as I saw the man run away with my earnings. I never kept my ID on me, so I still had that at the shelter, but who could identify my dead body now? I groaned once more, bloody drool pouring out my mouth as I continued as far down the road as I could manage. I looked to see if any stores were opening yet, but so far my luck was just plain bad. Noticing a bench up ahead, I figured that propping myself up might be able to help me out, if only to keep me from dragging my wounds across the rough cement. I reached up valiantly, my third effort to grab a hold of the armrest. It'd be another minute before I could gather the strength to try again, as I missed. I was just so confused and sore. My body was in blinding pain, my head was ringing like an alarm, and my heartbeat was growing louder by the second. And then, it stopped. Yet I was still here. I heard something. I wasn't sure what it was, but something near me. It was a blur of sound as it passed by my ears. Something grabbed a hold of me, lifted me, and propped me onto the bench I'd made failed efforts to claim on my own. I saw what seemed to be a face, but my vision was failing. Everything was spinning. Again, I heard something, but I soon followed those sounds off into the night, into the darkness. Pain. Searing pain. I felt each molecule of oxygen enter my lungs as my mouth played the role of a vacuum. I was groggy as anything, and the pain was as clear as day, but second by second I was growing to admire it. My mind rushed through all the happenings of that night, and I couldn't help but be surprised I actually lived. I was breathing. I could feel pain, but I was breathing. I could kind of see, and kind of hear. My senses were returning slowly, but soon I was as awake as anything. I moved my head to the left and immediately regretted it, and pain tore into me, forcing a cry out past my swollen lips. It was then that I heard a stirring to my right. I let my head fall back into neutral slowly, and soon a face popped into view. She was the best thing I had seen all day, and since I had no idea who she was, she was likely the one who helped me that night. "Glad to see you joined the land of the living." She said with a bright smile. She definitely wasn't all that old. Probably thirty or in her earlies. "I wouldn't advise speaking. You got hurt pretty bad last night. I'm lucky I found you right outside my store. Heck, I followed you trail of blood there, which scared the heck out of me, so I literally ran. There was so much blood! When I saw you were still alive, I called 911 and they brought us here." "Why..." "Hush, now." She whispered, pushing her finger to my lips. "You need rest. Some pain meds probably wouldn't hurt, seeing as you've had a grimace across your face this entire time. I'll got get a nurse." And quickly, she was gone out the door. I closed my eyes and only heard footsteps of two people entering. I was so tired. Again, I woke, except this time I was feeling quite a bit better. I saw another face this time though, as the woman from before was asleep in a chair across the room. This time, I saw a doctor. "Son, what the heck got you these injuries?" My first reaction wasn't too impressive. I coughed a bit and the morphine running through me had me grinning like an idiot. "You're lucky nothing's broken. It's surprising, really. You looked in horrible shape when you got here, and the medics swore you had broken ribs, but when you got here, you didn't have anything of the sort. You got a concussion, and you'll have some bruising and you had some superficial wounds, but nothing too severe. Good odds you'll be released later tonight." As the doctor got up to leave I got a hold of his arm, prompting him to turn around. "Doc..." I took in a deep breath, which felt heavenly and new. My throat was clear as a bell. "Doc, who paid for this?" "Hrm? Oh, your aunt did." "But..." "Look, I'm late for another patient. I'd really like to chat about what the heck happened to you, but I'm a busy man." He quickly turned and left, shutting the door, waking the woman from her sleep. She still looked visibly tired. "Don't worry about me. Go home and get some rest. You've been more hospitable than my mom would have been." I meekly spoke. Her face turned from surprise to a look of slight annoyance. "Did you compare me to your mom? Guys are never supposed to do that." "My mom's a lovely woman." I tried to laugh, but stopped midway from the throbbing on my chest. "So she may be...but you're probably right. I should check on the shop, and get some rest. I'll get you out of here tonight." She made her way over to the bed and handed me a card. "Call this number and ask for Faye when you're ready to check out. Everything's covered, don't worry." "This...I have money at the shelter, saved up for..." "Nonsense. Call me when you're ready." She wiped the blood from my lip away, then departed for home, leaving me alone in the room, along with two other empty beds. The rest of the day was pretty bland. I sat in bed and rested up, got pumped with meds, and then had another different doctor come in and give me clearance to go home, along with a jar of 6 pills. "They last 8 hours. Take one every 12 hours if you can. When they're all gone, you should be back in good enough shape not to be in much pain at all." I called the number on the card, which surprisingly was the only thing printed on it, and after a few rings I heard a guy's voice. "Hello, this is Chez Vincour, Cole speaking." "Uh, hi, is Faye there?" "Is this the dude she helped out last night?" "Look, if she's busy, that's fine. I can manage my way home. I just wanted to say thanks." "Well, she's out on dinner break, but I'll pass the word on. You sure you don't need any help?" "Doctors cleared me a few minutes ago. I'm not too far a ways away, anyways." "If you say so. If you're in the area, though, stop by." "I definitely will. Again, thanks!" I hung up the phone, a little disappointed but happy nonetheless. I missed two night's pay, but didn't have to pay for the hospital bill, so I hurried (read: limped) home to the shelter. I ate the crap they served out due to the lack of funds, and then afterwards made my way to the pub to my gig. It didn't go well. My ribs were sore through the entire thing, and I couldn't breathe well or hold notes. My range was off, and my performance was too. No one booed, but no one seemed to have as much fun as normal. My walk home didn't happen. I was determined to pay the woman back for how she helped me and I wanted to wait outside her store until the morning when I could thank her properly. As I approached that alley though, which was empty this night, I noticed the blood stains trailing down the street were still there. I followed them to the bench and noticed that at 2AM there was a store still open nearby. "Fancy meeting you here again." I heard behind me. I twirled around to see the woman from before. I hadn't heard her approach at all. "I just wanted to thank you personally for helping me out last night. If there's any way..." "You don't need to. I should be thanking you. You saved an employee of mine last night, and she called me to help. I made my way to the alley as quickly as I could, from my store, which happened to be another route, and saw a trail of blood. She mentioned someone who had helped her, and two men who attacked her, so I figured I'd either be catching a criminal or helping a good person out. So I ran and followed it, and found you about a block away from my store as luck would have it. So I'm trying to pay you back in her stead, because she's not in the mental state right now to do much at all." I heard her out and it sounded almost magical. I hadn't hated the girl who ran, she was scared out of her mind and wanted to run to something she considered comfort. Now things were making sense, and I felt a smile spread across my face. "So she made it home safe. I was hoping she wouldn't run into those thugs again." "I'm going to sign her into counseling tomorrow. She's still incredibly shook up, and hasn't slept a wink, to my knowledge. It's going to take time for her to get back to good." "Well, pass on my thanks and good wishes to her. I hope this whole thing just...I wish it all never happened. I mean, at least they didn' know..." "Penetrate? I have no clue. You were there, not me." "Well, they were roughing her up, but she was fully clothed and fighting them off. I just ran in and knocked one out with a tackle, then she ran and hid in the dumpster while the other one unloaded on me." "Well, that's a relief. It's still scarring though, I'm sure." "Oh, definitely. I'm just hoping for her quick recovery." It was then that I noticed we'd been walking down the sidewalk for a while now, and had stopped in front of the open store. "Well, this is me. Care to come in for coffee or tea?" "I could use a good glass of water, if that's ok." I was feeling pretty dehydrated from the hospital visit and the walk here. "It's more than ok. Here, come in." she smiled, opening the door. The store was surprisingly upscale for this part of town. It had newly laid solid wood flooring, an off-white wall, with black wood accents, holding articles of clothing, or shelves holding up items. There were multiple tiers of flooring; lots of rooms or areas with higher or lower ground than others, which gave the store a quirky feeling to it. She led me to the back to what I imagined was her office from her desk, although it looked more like a break room. She poured the both of us drinks and sat behind her desk, and motioned for me to sit opposite her. "I'm quite glad you actually came by to see me. Cole mentioned you called me, and I was quite cross with him for not telling me immediately." She spoke, taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm not usually one to let people into my good book, so to speak, but people who help my friends and family out in dire situations get there names entered." "Honestly, knowing she's fine...or that she'll BE fine is thanks enough. You didn't need to pay for the hospital." "And you were?" "Well, a mugger took my earnings when I asked him for help, so I didn't have cash on me, but I have about $500 at the shelter for emergencies." "You mentioned this 'shelter'. Like, a homeless shelter?" I lowered my head a little in acknowledgement. "Yeah." "What do you do for a living?" "I do gigs at a pub at night." "How much do you make?" "Uh...depends on how much the crowd likes it." "Which is...?" "Around $35 a night?" "Wow. You play every night?" "Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday" "$140 a week isn't much." "It's enough. I make due." With that, she put her coffee down and opened a book in front of her; staring at a single page I couldn't read from where I sat. She seemed lost in it, almost. Then, suddenly, after minutes of silence, she spoke. "What's your name?" she asked, quietly. I almost sighed from relief. I thought there was going to be some crazy question. Just my name. "Blake. My name is Blake." My mom had always liked that name. It was her uncle's middle name, and she pressured my dad to agree to naming me that. I certainly didn't care either way. A name is a name. "Blake, would you like to work here?" "Here?" I closed by gaping mouth and sat thinking for a minute or so. I could really use this job, but this is an upscale fashion store, and I'd be out of place completely. I'd hurt her business, and I don't want a job if it's only to help me out for what I did. "Well, Faye..." "Miss Vincour, if you will." She interrupted, with a bright smile. "Miss Vincour...I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I would more than likely scare people away than sell them anything in the store." "Blake, I assure you that I understand your concerns. Your appearance is...not standard fare here. I do believe, though, you could work here in a solid position in some form or another." "I'm getting by fine as it is..." my voice trailed, and both of us knew that was a lie. "I told you before, it takes a lot to get into my good books. Once you're in, though, I do whatever I can to protect and help those people. It's something I've decided upon, and your refusal matters not to me." I could tell she was a little flustered, and the tone in her voice was getting emotional. "I want to help you. Please, Blake, don't be stubborn. You deserve better!" "I enjoy playing music, Miss Vincour. I enjoy doing those gigs." "And that's perfectly fine. We can arrange something then." "I don't want a pity job." She slammed her palm down on the desk as the stood up. "Blake, it is NOT a pity job! I just want you to work in a safe environment, live in a place of your own, and be around people who know you and care for you! I want you to eat food that's not found exclusively in cans. I want you to be healthy, and to be happy. Can you at least understand that much?" Faye was pleading, is what I understood. Why, is what I didn't understand. She made good points, though. "Do you have parents, Blake?" "Yes. They're in Iowa." "That's where you grew up?" "Yes." "Do they know how you're living?" "No." I looked in her eyes and instantly regretted it. She was clearly tearing up, and it made things a lot more awkward. I continued talking, after looking away. "My parents think I'm working as a personal trainer, and playing music gigs on my spare time. I haven't called them in a long time, because I know if I did, there's a better chance of them asking why I'm calling from a different number every time. It'd just be too many difficult questions." "So you don't want to worry them?" "Pretty much. So I stay silent on the matter. It's been about a year since the last phone call. A half year since the last letter." "Do you have any siblings?" "I'm an only child. Just me." "So they're probably worried anyways. Do you have any friends around here?" "Does the owner of the pub count?" "No. I'm being serious." "I don't talk to anyone at the shelter. I come in late while most are asleep, so I rarely ever converse. Most avoid each other anyways." "No friends. No local family. No siblings. What do you have here in the city?" I thought for a second. There really wasn't anything keeping me here. "I don't know." "Blake, will you let me try and give you reason to be in this wonderful metropolis? I want you to have friends, and I treat this store like a big family." "I don't know..." "I do. I would like it if you joined our staff here in some form or another." "Well...can you give me some time to think on it?" I didn't want to rush into anything, and I wanted her to re-think the whole idea as well. Hiring me was not on her best interests. I wasn't a bad looking guy, but it would take a while for me to get my own place, and the shelters stink, so it would be trouble for a month or so, if not more. "I'll give you until the 21st at 3PM. If you haven't met me by then, I'll find you, or have one of my workers find you, so we can talk." "Ok. That's 2 days from now. Plenty of time to think." "I really hope you think this through, Blake." "Thanks for the water, Miss Vincour. Goodnight." I got up, waved goodbye and saw myself out. I almost tripped a couple of times due to the lack of light and the tiered flooring, but I made it out in one piece and headed back to the shelter for a good night's rest. Looking up at the night sky on my way home, I realized that it was almost a new moon. The next day and a half went by quickly, and it was about 1PM, and around my daily jog at Central Park, when I realized that I had to make my decision, and soon. I was a good hour's jog away, and I'm a far ways away from the shelter. No way I'd make it to the shelter and then to Chez Vincour in time. Biting the bullet, I decided I'd just head to Faye's store in my runner's stuff instead of showering. Maybe in broad daylight, in front of the customers, they'd realize I was a waste of time to hire on there. It took about an hour and a half to jog there, though I did take a long- cut or two. Stepping inside, I took a good look at the activities. There were a few people shopping; most of whom had someone helping them. There was a guy at the desk beside an antique cashier, and he looked pretty bored. Content, but bored. As I approached, he turned to face me and there wasn't a sense of condescension on his face, just a welcoming smile. "May I help you, sir?" "Yeah. Miss Vincour in?" "Your voice sounds familiar, were you the guy from earlier?" I nodded my head sheepishly. I felt bad for getting the clerk in trouble. "Yeah, I'm sorry I got you in trouble." "The fault was mine. Faye told me to inform her the minute you called, and I took her message lightly. Anyways, yes, I'll show you to her office." He stood and walked me across the slightly treacherous store floor around back to her office, and let me in. "She's meeting with her sister right now, but she'll be back in a few minutes. Treat yourself to the water, if you feel so inclined." He quickly sat me and then left back to his post. He hadn't been gone for a minute before a woman with dark hair entered. She looked a lot like Faye...long raven hair, hourglass frame, except her face had a fair bit more makeup, and her features were slightly less catlike, and her hair was straighter. She immediately noticed I was there and looked me over. "Who are you?" she asked, leaving a trace of annoyance. "I'm Blake. Miss Vincour wanted to meet me at 3?" "I'm Miss Vincour." She stated quickly, a slight snarl forming on her lips. "The...other Miss Vincour?" "There are two others. Can you not be specific? You're wasting my time." "Faye asked to meet me." "She asked to meet you before 3PM today, and you just barely made your appointment. I do not like procrastinators." "I wasn't procrastinating, I was thinking it over." "And you just happened to come to a conclusion at the last moment. You're a heck of a specimen, that's for sure." She snapped, her voice saturated with sarcasm. "It was a difficult decision. To be honest, I'm still unsure of whether I want the job." "How hard is it to determine whether you want a job, when you have none? You're insulting everyone who's unemployed and looking. People who would kill to get a job like this, and you're wishy washy over it. Grow up. If I was in charge of hiring you, you would have been out the door long ago." "Well I have moral issues taking a job that I earned from pity." "That you earned from saving a close friend from terrible harm. It just so happens that with all the violence towards the homeless nowadays, she might be worried about you and wants to keep you close by and safe. She's such a drama queen, that Faye." "I'm fit, and I can handle myself, thank you." "Evidence being the life-threatening beating you took a few nights ago. Be serious now. There's no reason for you o turn this job down other than some stubborn sense of pride you have." "That may or may not be true. I don't want your business to falter because of my...ungainly appearance, so to speak." "Trust me, your appearance doesn't matter. If you get a job here, we'll literally transform you into something worthy of working here." She actually moved out from the doorway and stood right in front of me and leaned over, giving me a good look at her ample cleavage pressing at her blouse, so I made sure I didn't look, and kept eye contact with her. She pulled out a sheet of paper and put it on the desk. "Sign this." "And if I don't?" "You will. You have no reason not to. You have 26 reasons per hour to let yourself be hired. I swear, you've been the least cooperative worker I've met before." "I'm not hired here yet, so I'm..." "Quit with the smart talk. Sign. Do us both a favour. I have work to get to, and you have nowhere to go. Sign the paper and get a job." I stared at her and thought to myself for a few moments. Was there any reason for me not to take the job anymore? Twenty six dollars an hour is a very nice wage, and I could use that to get on me feet. Once I'm back on my feet, I can leave if I want. I won't burden them for too long. "Sure. At least it'll keep you from popping a blood vessel." I took a pen on the desk, read over the sheet, and signed it. "Good. Faye will be here soon, and I'm sure she'll be ecstatic. God knows why. You're a fool who undermines your own self worth, and values others much higher than you should. You even consider yourself a freaking burden to us? Seriously. You'll be trained well. At least you're professional and respectful. Cole didn't take his eyes off my breasts the entire time I was interviewing him." She said, crustily, before leaving the office quickly and shutting the door. I waited for what felt like hours. It had gotten dark in the September sky, and it was definitely long after 5. Just as I was about to leave, I felt hands on my shoulders. Now, I hadn't seen or heard anyone come in, so needless to say I was startled, and fell out of the chair. Sprawled on my back, I found myself looking up at Faye and her two sisters, all garbed in vintage looking black dresses that seemed to conceal every inch of their body below their jawline. In the room, with only a small dim light from the desk, they looked somewhat frightening. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. I assure you that it won't happen again." Faye spoke somewhat monotonously, which was strange. The whole situation was unnerving. "You are very patient. It's quite commendable." One of the sisters flatly said as all three took a step forward. It was the one I hadn't seen before, and in other circumstances she probably would have looked like a nice woman, but the way the light cast on her face made her seem quite different. "There's no reason to be scared, Blake. We had to wait until just before the new moon to commemorate the acquiring of your services." The stern one from before spoke that time, although not as monotone as the others. Faye broke from the group and knelt in front of me, passing a black rose into my hand; the thorns pricking and puncturing my skin on contact. Immediately I felt numb and limp, and almost as quickly, they laid me out on a wooden board and led me through a secret passage I hadn't noticed for obvious reasons (it appeared to be the wall, after all) which turned out to be an elevator. I found it increasingly difficult to think straight, and although my sight was clear as a bell, it was almost foreign to think things through, other than taking note of what was happening around me. The room was an attic that was pitch black if not for the minimal light from the remainder of what was left of the moon. I spied an ebony bathtub, and as I was eased into it, I noticed it was deeper than expected. There I laid; still, with a rose to my chest as if I were a corpse. The three stood around my tub; two beside me and one behind me, where all three held large bouquets of black roses over the tub. Above me, I saw the rest of the moon disappear, and with it, everything shifted into utter darkness. I could feel petals raining down on me, and...rolling off my skin like water? I felt I should be panicking, but I really had no urge to. Not since I saw them in Faye's office. The petals built up and flowed all over my body, and they never seemed to stop coming. Soon, only my face was above water, if that was what you want to call it, and quickly that surface began to vanish as well. It was strange, as the watery substance filled up past my face. I couldn't breathe under it...I had no urge to breathe, but my body wasn't straining for air either. My eyes closed from instinct, but I felt the substance flow into my nasal cavity and my sinus pockets, and down my throat, filling me as it was still filling the tub. At least I assumed it was still filling it. I couldn't tell anymore. I felt tired, suddenly, and didn't fight my body's urge to sleep. I awoke to find myself in a large bed, covered in black satins and silks, and wearing a long black peignoir made of chiffon. Wait. "How do I know what a peignoir is, and what chiffon is? I mean, it IS common knowledge, but...ugh. I didn't used to know. Where did I learn this?" I slid my legs out from under the sheets and around the side and dropped onto the floor, slipping my flip flops on. Wait. "Why are my legs hairless? I seem shorter, my feet should have touched the ground before. And why am I wearing this peignoir?" I was getting pretty frustrated. I was confused, and as the seconds passed, I slowly became aware of more and more irregularities before I dashed to the full length mirror in the corner and stood before it. My first thought was that I was fine, but I pressed my thought pattern out of loop and took things one step at a time. It was kind of like forcing yourself to be surprised about the fact you had two hands, but I eventually got a handle on it. Then the door opened. The three women from before flocked into the room and quickly hurried me to the edge of the bed; sitting me down before I had a chance to think. Faye pulled up a chair while the other two sat on the edge on either side of me. "Easy now, don't work your mind too hard just yet. We weren't expecting you to awaken for another day." Faye told me, while her hand was on my forehead gauging my temperature. "It's not often that someone breaks the spell so quickly. It's been what...3 years, Sophia?" the unknown sister turned, asking the stern sister from before who...I already knew as Sophia? My head was starting to hurt. The other woman's name was...Kate? Yes. I spoke to her yesterday about an order, but...wait, what? "Girls, we've lost her again." Sophia chuckled, before grabbing hold of my face and forcing me gaze to hers. "Please, stop thinking so hard. Otherwise you'll just be more confused than anything." I nodded, although I found it hard to not ask myself things all the while they were talking. "Girls, may I do the interrogation this time?...No complaints? Good....Now please, dear, do you remember your name?" Faye asked, soothingly. "My name is..." I found two at the tip of my tongue, but before I could think, I spouted out "Allison." Wasn't I Blake, before? Something was off the wall, here. Kate smiled knowingly. "It seems your body knows more about you than you do." "Kate! Please." Faye spouted in annoyance. "Allison, how old are you?" "I'm nineteen, of course. My birthday was on June 16th." I heard a giggle escape my mouth after stating my age, but it was funny. They asked me all this when I was interviewed for the job. Wait. Wasn't the only interview with Sophia, when she got me to sign some sheet? "Faye, seriously! You always take this way too slow, and it gets everyone bored." Sophia blurted out, before putting her hand on my shoulder and facing me. "Darling, that night, if you remember, we brought you up to the attic for the ceremony. We use it to give our employees the full range of life, and only is that possible by experiencing life in both genders. Are you following me?" I nodded, and she took a breath. "That night, we changed a boy named Blake into a young lady named Allison. The way things happen up there is strange. I wouldn't call us witches so much as...people who inherited powers. That tub and the black roses, which grow IN the bouquets strangely enough, are used to change someone's body during either the Full moon or the new moon. As the change is taking place, there's an old chest across the room that somehow...don't ask us why...fills with things that your new body would have had if he or she would have lived a full life. It's in there that we find birth certificates and ID, and class pictures, and whatnot. There's not much other than things evidencing events in the life. Once you've transitioned, most people are in a trance-induced state for a few days while their brain tries to make sense of what happened, and store both personas off in safe, secure areas. It's people like you, who break out of the trance prematurely, that tend to have issues over their identity unless they're confronted immediately about it. Do you still follow?" I sat for a second. I was two people now...Blake and Allison. I'm thinking I was Blake up until just recently, but I couldn't help but remember old memories like my first kiss from Robbie Forester in 5th grade, my prom date with Jordan Haywood who took my virginity that night, my favourite songs, movies, and my crush on Jake Gyllenhaal. They were so vivid. Still, it made sense of my confusion. If I'm in a girl's body, obviously her memories would be clearer, so I'll take their word Blake was the original. "I think so. It's a little confusing." "I'll continue then. Anyways, we were given this store by our grandmother. We soon found out about the attic and the gift it had, and we spent a good year going back and forth, the each of us. Eventually we settled down, but there were aftereffects. I, for instance, can read minds a fair bit of the time if I focus. Faye has an unnaturally accurate intuition. Kate can basically soothe people into submission with her words. Enough about us, though. Anyways, you woke up, and I spent the entire past two days reading your mind as much as I could, especially when Kate asked you questions and had you answer. We think we have a pretty good idea about who this Allison Summers is, whereas you're just getting acquainted with the knowledge she possessed. You worked for us as a general sales girl for 2 days, and this was supposed to be the last before waking up tomorrow in good form. Normally, people's brains have come to terms and they're about 95%-100% sure of who they are. I'd say you're about 55%. I'll say it loud and clear that while you're Allison Summers now, you lived 20 years as Blake Gowers." "You were Blake Gowers.." Kate piped in, holding my hand. I began to understand, with their explanations. It was making sense now. My mind was clearing up quickly. Still, I had questions. "So why did I need to change?" "Because Blake doesn't work here. Allison does. Blake does gigs as a musician at night. Allison works days here in the store." "But...what about Blake's life?" "On hold for now. I'm sure he'll be able to do his gigs when he's back." Sophia answered again. "When is that? When do I change again?" "At the full moon. You body will during your first time sleeping once the full moon has begun." "So where am I now?" That question brought a great smile across Faye's face. "You're in your new home." My jaw dropped, remembering now that as Blake, I was living in shelters for 3 years. "I can't afford this!" "Sure you can. You're making a nice wage, plus commissions. You did very well for yourself yesterday, especially. A line of bridesmaid dresses, and you reaped the rewards. You should have seen Nicole's face, she was livid. She'd gone out on lunch break and missed out on the entire sale." "But...what about Blake?" "Well, since you answered yourself, but you were confused at the time. Someone from down the hall asked if you were moving in alone, and we told him you were sharing it with a man named Blake. You piped in and giggled that you guess he's your boyfriend, before rushing into the apartment. So I guess you and Blake are in a relationship." Kate finished the answer with a hearty laugh. It was pretty funny. It'd keep people from inquiring on if I was single, but at the same time that was saddening. "How did this place get furnished so quickly?" "We did it while waiting for your answer. Don't worry, everything in here is under your name. You have food to last two weeks, and enough products and clothes to last a long while, so while you're going to need to pay the debt off, it's not like you'll be scrounging. You'll take home your commissions up until your time is up, and that should cover for most of this. The rest is on the house." "Will I change back?" "At every new moon. And back to Blake at every full moon." I paused for a second, gathering my thoughts. "So what do you suppose I do now? How am I supposed to be me when I don't have autopilot anymore?" Kate flashed a grin. "Just let your instincts guide you. According to Allison's memories, you have 19 years of experience as a girl. Not just a girl, a pretty girl at that." It was true. When I had looked in the mirror, I saw myself, but I knew what I looked like anyways, from looking at my friend's photos from high-school, or the millions of times I was in the washroom every morning doing my hair and makeup. I was short, which always bothered me, but at least I was cute. I had long curly blonde hair, icy blue eyes, a fair complexion, lips that were a little too much on the thin side for my taste, but it made up with the fact that they made my smile look devilishly cute. My face was a square-shaped one, but I don't think my jawline is crazy enough to draw a lot of attention. My breasts were too big for my frame at 32DD, which was a common complaint of mine, but I liked the attention I got, and they made me feel sexy. Not to mention the feel of them. I had a trim waist that I worked hard for, a tight bubbly butt that I was proud of, and long-ish legs, considering. I was only 5'2" after all, and 105 lbs. Sophia got up and moved across the room, grabbing an ivory and gold leather handbag, and returned with it. "Now, when we were out shopping yesterday, we lied and told you your old handbag and what was in it was ruined, so you went out and got a bunch of stuff while the three of us went to see a movie." I looked at her in a sidelong way. I didn't know what she was getting at. "It might help you understand who this girl is if you rekindle the experience of looking in this bag." "Oh. That makes sense." I said, slowly unzipping it and scooting back from the edge onto the actual bed, to keep them from looking over my shoulder. "We haven't looked in at all, don't worry. What's in there is your business, not ours." Faye explained. I peered in the pockets and saw quite a bit. There was a full compliment of makeup, with a couple of shades for variety. There were leave-in hair products, skin lotions, tools of the trade (brushes, combs, eyelash curler, tweezers, etc.) toothpaste and a packaged brush, identification, a coin purse, a cell-phone...which was a surprise for the small amount of time, some mints, perfume, two pairs of sunglasses, some folded bits of paper, a string of condoms, and last but not least, a mammoth sized dildo. I covered it up quickly and blushed, but my face was pretty easily read. "What Faye said is a lie. I felt like listening in so to speak. big is it?" "That's none of your business, seriously. I'll never use it." "Oh, obviously!" she laughed, her voice saturated in sarcasm. "Dildos are nothing to be ashamed of. Us girls don't always have a man around, and we do have urges. It's natural for..." Kate started, but I'd heard enough. "Kate, please. Look, it's's..." "Large? Look, if you're flustered over the size of it compared to your old one, just remember that size doesn't matter. It's how you use it, and who it belongs to." For a moment I forgot Sophia could read minds, until I saw her face beet red. She turned to Faye and Kate. "Kate, it seems this girl didn't believe those words, or maybe she's only inadequate in bed. That's a lot of overcompensation in that bag; eight by about two and a half inches of it." I only blushed further at that. I wanted the subject to change, but didn't know what to talk about. "Well, having a dildo right now is better than the real thing, for her. Let her be." Faye piped up. All the while I was unfolding the paper in the bag, and was confused at what it was about. "I'm...a Christian? Go figure." "Well, up until the dildo, you seemed like a completely innocent seeming girl. It's nice; you can come to church with us on Thursdays and Sundays!" Kate seemed thrilled at the idea. I couldn't help but feel some sense of agreement, though. I was a Christian, wasn't I? Blake wasn't but Allison was. That's confusing. "By the way, you're 19...just turned. Have you gone to College or anything yet? I'd like to know some history." Faye asked. As soon as I attempted to recall, everything was there. "I went to Empire and graduated Cosmetology and hairstyling, but I got an offer here that was more interesting than the salons I applied to." "How was high school?" "Looking back, it was ok. I mean, I partied a lot of the time, and my grades weren't very good, but I passed and graduated on time." "Your grades weren't very good?" "Nah. Like, low fifties to mid sixties. I didn't pay too much attention. I was on student's council though, which was funny. I got elected just because of my looks and who I knew. It kind of helped me prepare for, you know, life." "Well, if anything, you're well spoken." " I mean, I wasn't stupid in school, just lazy and uninspired. Just don't ask me to do your accounting or write a thesis paper or something. Blake though, he was...apparently...he is...a 90's student. Like, A pluses and stuff. Wanted to go to College, or university, but couldn't afford it. Not even with scholarships." "Oh, wow. So, can I ask you a question?" Faye spoke, knowing I'd say yes, and I nodded in confirmation. "Who are you right now?" "Allison, but it's like this: I can read Blake's memories like a book. I don't know why it doesn't terrify me that my past was all...not fictional, because it IS real, but that it was magically created. But yeah, I know Blake like a best friend. Everything about him, he shares with me, and I'm doing the same. Except he doesn't talk back, he just corrects me mentally, though that might just be me correcting myself with his details." "That sounds about right. Blake is straight, right?" "He loves girls. He likes guys as friends, is all." "And you?" I blushed. "I figured the dildo would have confirmed that I'm a girl who likes guys exclusively. I'm a Christian, after all." Faye smiled, then checked her watch. "Well, we'd best get back to the shop. Nicole and Rebecca are probably going crazy." "Am I coming?" "No, you have the day off, paid. You deserve it." "But I won't get commissions..." "You made enough yesterday, don't worry. Be at the store by..." Sophia started, but I couldn't help but blurt out "9:30. To open for 10. I know." Sophia let the others pass out the door, and stood there. "Seems the little one's gaining powers of her own." She grinned, closing the door behind her as she left.

Same as Blake's Got A New Face (Part 1) Videos

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 01

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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It had all been heavenly when they first met; she thought he was Mr, Wonderful. How he excited her with all his plans for a rosy future. He was the rising star at Filberts a financial dynamics firm. He was told on good authority once he settled down with a wife he would quickly become part of the top management team. She admired him so much; an orphan child practically put on the streets when he was 16. How many kids that age and without any family could have made their own way in the world?...

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Dan phoned Blake about 1pm on the Sunday afternoon. "Are your free to talknow?""Yes, Mum's cooking lunch," replied Blake. The sound of Dan's voice wasenough to make the boy's cock begin to stiffen."Did you have fun with the butt-plug last night?" asked Dan."It took me some minutes to get it fully in but then it felt good," saidBlake."Good enough to make you spunk off?" Dan asked.Blake smiled to himself, glad to be on his own. "Yes, twice before I wentto sleep.""I'm pleased to hear that. I want...

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The train journey to London was uneventful. Dan did some work online andmade a few business phone calls but he took time to chat to Blakeoccasionally and point out places of interest as they travelledsouth. Blake was captivated by a novel that Dan had given him to read. Itwas a novel by an American author about a gay teenager and hisrelationships with some much older men.By 5.30pm they had unpacked and Blake's thoughts turned to dinner. "Are wegoing out for dinner this evening or eating in the...

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Chapter 6Blake stretched out and suddenly realised he wasn't in his own bed. Heturned his head and looked up to see Dan smiling down at him."Good morning, Blake. You looked so peaceful and so cute sleeping there,"Dan said.Blake couldn't help smiling. "Good morning.""How is your pussy this morning?" Dan asked. "It took quite a pounding lastnight."Blake put his hand between his legs and winced slightly when he touched hispink pucker. "It's a little bit tender.""Maybe I should ask Betty to look at...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 12Blake woke up on Saturday morning to find Dan and Betty towering overhim. "Is there something wrong?" he asked."I hope not." Dan smiled reassuringly and then went on. "I'm not surprisedthat you have slept much later than normal after two wild sex sessions lastnight. Our former nurse here..." Dan nodded at Betty. "Well, she thinks itwise to check that there has been no damage done to your boy-pussy. Afterall, Tom and I both have bigger than average cocks.""I'm fine....

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Dan phoned Blake on Friday evening. "Are you free tomorrow? I've got abusiness meeting in Glasgow and it would be good if you could come withme."As Dan expected, Blake was eager to join him on a trip to the big city. Hearranged to pick Blake up at 8.30am and then phoned two of his contacts inGlasgow to explain that he would be accompanied by a young man."I haven't been to Glasgow for a long time," Blake said as Dan drove offthe next morning."Well, you'll probably go with me once a month from...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Chapter 7The next few days passed fairly quietly. Blake took some online tuitioncourses on the computer programs he would be using and received somepractical guidance on other matters from Dan. He met a few business clientsbut wasn't required to sit in on the meetings with Dan. Each working daywould end with a swim before dinner and then later they would go to bed andhave sex. By Thursday Blake was able to be penetrated with little more thansome mild discomfort. He always spunked off while...

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"I need to go down to London for business on the 16th of next month,Blake," Dan said in the office one morning. "Can you book train tickets andfind us a hotel room for three nights, please?""Sure, boss," said Blake. He was glad to have a real job to do as he spentmuch of his time in the office simply doing little things for Dan. He hadsuspected for some time that his office duties were secondary to his roleas Dan's sex-toy. Not that he minded - he loved the sex - but sometimes hewas bored in...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 9Blake enjoyed his visit to the museum, even though Dan embarrassed him acouple of times by drawing his attention to men who were clearly lustingafter him in his skin-tight trousers. "Why do you blush when you see menadmiring you?" Hendrik asked him "You should be happy that men enjoylooking at you." Blake nodded but said nothing.The trio stopped for a drink outside a canal-side bar and then had dinnerin a restaurant not far from Amsterdam Centraal station before...

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Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 13Dan was busy with another call so it was Blake who received the messagefrom the tailor that his bondage gear was ready for collection. "Thank you,sir. I will inform my master," he said to James, automatically falling intohis slave role when speaking to him. As soon as Dan was free, he told himthe news and asked, "Shall we pick it up later today?"Dan smiled. "Eager to begin playing bondage games?"Blake blushed slightly. "Yes, I enjoy learning new things with...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 16"Have you decided what you want to do today?" Dan asked Blake duringbreakfast in their London hotel."I'd like to go on the London Eye and visit the warship HMS Belfast,"replied Blake. "My Mum's late brother was in the Royal Navy.""Okay. What else? An art gallery or museum?" suggested Dan.Blake shook his head. "I'd prefer something less stuffy. A walk in HydePark perhaps. Or maybe we could visit your friend, Richard? I know he saidhe was busy this week but he might...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 8The short flight to Amsterdam was Blake's first ever flight and he enjoyedit. They only had hand luggage so they were soon on the train into the citycentre where Dan's friend and business associate was waiting to greet them."Hendrik! Good to see you, my friend," Dan said as he hugged his friend.Blake could see that the fair-haired man was older than Dan (Hendrik wasactually 50) but he thought he was handsome. The man was similar in heightto Dan and had a bit of a beer...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 17On their way back to the hotel, Dan checked his phone for missedcalls. "Two messages from Tony while we were with Richard," he toldBlake. "It seems you really charmed him last night. He wonders if we canmeet him again before we return home.""I don't mind," said Blake. "We have nothing else planned for thisevening."Dan chuckled when he read the second message. "He says he can't stopthinking about those photos. He asks if it might be possible to see younaked but closer...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 1Dan entered the Tesco supermarket and went straight to the fruit andvegetable department. To his delight, the young man he had hoped to see wasthere.Dan had come across Blake (he knew the teenager's name from the badge hewore) the day before. Blake had been re-stocking apples and the man's firstview had been from the rear. He saw a slim fair-haired youth of about 5ft7in (170 cm) in the usual blue-checked shirt and tight blacktrousers. Blake had turned and Dan's gaze...

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Dan went to collect Blake and his mother at 6pm as arranged. "It's apleasure to meet you, Mrs Dean. You have raised a very polite, hard-workingyoung man."Mrs Dean smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Rogers. Blake speaks highlyof you.""I feel confident that we will have a good working relationship," saidDan. "Please follow me to the car and I will show you where Blake will beliving and working - with your blessing, of course. Come along, Blake. Youcan sit in the back."On the journey to the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Blake Ch 06

Author’s Note: To my readers, I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication! *** When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected...

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FaceTime with Ann Next Door

I never FaceTime. I'm not a adolescent girl. I don't need to see your face when a simple text will do. Call me an old bastard, get-off-my-lawn type, but that's the way it is. (By the way, I'm not that old).So when that mechanical beeping emanates from my phone that someone wants to FaceTime me, it's definitely out of the ordinary. Especially when it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night. I got to my phone and it said "Ann FaceTime video."Well, this was different. Ann Next Door and I been fooling around on...

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Facesitting Faceslapping by my cheating Girl

[GER] Dies ist eine Übersetzung meiner gleichnamigen Story, welche ich bereits vor knapp einem Jahr bereits hier veröffentlcht habe.[ENG]This is a translation of my story of the same name, which I already published here about a year ago.- fade-in -# Facesitting: while she sits on my face, here's what happens:My girlfriend - called "she" in the following - looks down at me, sees how my nose is completely covered with her labia. My mouth is also covered at the level of her pussy entrance and her...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 01

(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirls Torment

A Day In Gotham – 6 — Batgirl’s Torment (Catwoman’s lesson, even more revenge, a confused Robin) (Follows episode 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil : this is part 2 of the same story) (Author’s Note, Once again, an apology for having to split this story. This is part 2 of the tale started in 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil, so anyone reading from scratch might want to start there. If not, I’ve added a very brief summary below which might help with some of the context.) Contents, Chapter 10 — Catwoman’s Moment ...

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