Trancendent Sensuality -16 free porn video

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The Williams house was quiet and dark.  Taylor padded her way softly into master bedroom and gently smoothed her hand across her mother’s shoulder.

Alex burrowed deeper into the pillows.

“Mom,” Taylor whispered softly, continuing to stroke her mother’s skin.

“What is it?” Alex said quietly.  “You woke me up.”

“Time to switch,” Taylor whispered.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Shush.  You’ll wake him.  Ted’s waiting for you.”

“This isn’t a good idea, Taylor.”

“We talked about this, Mother,” Taylor whispered firmly.  “It will be okay.”

“You just make sure you tell him that it wasn’t my idea,” Alex grumbled softly as she sat up in the bed.

“I know, I know.  Now go.”

Her mother rose from the bed, looked around for something to wrap around her, shrugged, and tiptoed softly out of the room.

Taylor eased herself in next to Kevin’s sleeping frame.  She smiled as she felt the warmth of the bed where her mother had slept so recently.  She gently eased herself against Kevin and placed an arm across his chest.  She felt the gentle rise and fall of his breathing as he slept.

The sex with Ted has been warm, comfortable and familiar.  She’d managed to achieve two small and one major climax, probably influenced by the sound of her mother’s cries of passion with Kevin.  When she and Ted finally separated she lay on her back, staring at the ceiling in the dark, listening to her mother’s ongoing pleas, moans, and wails.

“Sounds like she’s having fun,” Ted remarked idly in the dark.

“I’ve heard it before,” Taylor told him.

“You’ve heard them together?”

“No, you dolt,” she replied.  “I’ve heard her with you.”

“It sounds like that?”

“Yeah, it does.  Don’t you think it's hot hearing her like that?”

“I guess.”

“I wonder.  Do I sound like that when I’m fucking?”

“Geez, Taylor.  I don’t know.”

“You want to find out?”


“I could go in there and tell my mom that it’s my turn.  You can listen.”

“That’s nuts, Taylor!”


“You’re going to screw your uncle?  That’s sick?”

“He’s not really my uncle, you know.  My mom and Karla were friends, not sisters.”

“But, still.  I mean, he’s known you since you were a kid.”

“True.  But I’m not a kid anymore.  And I know what he and Karla, you, my mom, and everybody else have been doing.”

“What they’ve been doing has nothing to do with you, though.”

“Really?  You don’t think I’ve heard my mom moaning and screaming while you fuck her?”

“You told me to do that!”

“I did.  Now it’s my turn.”

She lay in the warm bed snuggled against Kevin.  She tenderly kissed his arm, just below the shoulder.  She inhaled the aroma of him and smiled.  Her hand slid down until she felt the rubbery protrusion of his manhood.  It was soft and warm.

She didn’t want to wake him just yet, so she moved slowly and gently, wrapping her fingers around him.  Her thumb found the crown of his meaty mass.  It was smooth as she tender swiped her thumb across it.  She licked her lips, anticipating the feel of that texture against them.  She felt a tension inside her she recognized as desire.

Gently she eased her fingers against his flesh, smiling as she felt the first indications that he was beginning to swell in her hand.

A soft groan rumbled in his throat, but he remained motionless.

Taylor imagined what dream he might be having.  It probably wouldn’t be about her, she thought.  He was going to be surprised to find her in his bed.  She had a plan, though.  She was confident she could turn his surprise into arousal.  She would overcome his initial resistance.

Slowly, gently, she shifted her position, pulling the sheet away from him.  She eased herself so she could lay her head on his belly.  All the while she continued to grasp his growing member and tenderly stroke her thumb across the smooth flesh of the tip.  As her head came to rest on his abdomen he shifted his legs slightly.  She felt his hand come to rest on her shoulder.  He was starting to come to consciousness.

She pressed her lips to the tip, delighting in the warmth of him and the smooth texture.  She couldn’t restrain herself from extending her tongue to lightly lick at the tiny slit.  Soon enough, she thought, she would taste his essence.  She tightened her grip on him slightly and enveloped the crown of him in her mouth.  Her tongue slowly swirled around the head.  She could feel the pulses as he hardened.  She gently pressed her teeth against his flesh.  Another groan came from deep in his throat.  She could feel his hand smoothing the flesh of her back and shoulder.  He was coming awake.

“Alex,” he whispered.

“Hmmm,” she hummed, her mouth filled with his firming flesh.

His hand moved up her back to her neck and into her hair.  She knew it wouldn’t be long before he realized her silky strands would trigger his recognition that she wasn’t her mother.  Alex’s hair was curlier and had more spring.

“Alex?” he said softly, seeking confirmation.

“Unn hnnn,” Taylor murmured in the negative.

She felt him jerk.

“What the hell?” he asked, fully conscious now.

She released him from her mouth and licked at his length.  “Shhh,” she whispered.

“Taylor?” he asked with unmistakable anxiety.

She sucked the head between her lips and hummed the affirmative.

“Oh, hell, no!” he said in a hushed tone.
“Don’t move,” she murmured softly.  “You’ll hurt yourself.”  She squeezed him harder to make her point.

“Taylor!” he said firmly.  “What do you think you’re doing?”

She continued to lick and suck on him, pausing only long enough to respond.

“I’m making love to you.”

“You can’t do this,” he said.

“I am doing it,” she replied between licks and suck.

“No.  I mean, this isn’t…”

“Hmmm,” she hummed as she released him from a suck.  “Yes, it is.  And I can feel how hard you are.  You like this.”

“It’s a physiological reaction,” he protested.

“Um hmm,” she hummed again, her mouth full of his member.

“It isn’t right,” he said.

“Feels right,” she said briefly, before resuming a long lick along his length.  “Tastes right.”

“No, Taylor.  I’m your uncle.”

She held fast to him with her hand, gently pumping.  “No, you’re not.  You’re the husband of my mother’s friend.  We’re not related.”

“But, we can’t…” he began, his words cut short as she absorbed him into her mouth.

“We can,” she replied when she released him.  “We are, and we will.”

“Stop, Taylor.”  He tried to make it sound like a directive.

“No,” she said simply, as she licked and sucked his flesh.  “I want this.  I want you.  We are going to fuck.”

“Oh, geez, Taylor!” Kevin groaned.

She eased upward, continuing to firmly grasp his hardness in her hand.  “Look,” she said, as if discussing the weather, “You need to stop resisting.  I’ve got you,” she squeezed him, “And I’m not letting go until I get what I want.”

“But, you’re my little Taylor,” he nearly whined.

“I was.  But I’m all grown up, now.  And I want this.”

“Why?” he moaned in submission.

“You were always the one, Uncle Kevin.  You were the benchmark.  I compared everyone who wanted me to you.  If they didn’t measure up, I dumped them.  Nobody came close until Ted.”

“Ted?  Ted and I aren’t anything like one another.”

“You’re wrong, Uncle Kevin.  He’s just like you.  He loves with all his heart.  He’s kind, understanding, caring, just like you.  It’s why I love him.  I love him because he’s so much like my Uncle Kevin.”

“Please,” he whispered.  “You can’t call me that while your hand is…”

“Holding your cock?” she laughed.  “I kind of like it.  It’s a little wicked, don’t you think?”

“More than a little,” he replied.

She leaned forward and sucked his member into her mouth.  Her tongue played along the length, swirling and pressing, licking and loving.

“Please, Taylor,” he moaned.  “You have to stop.”

“I’m not going to stop, Uncle Kevin,” she whispered, “Until I get what I want.”

“What do you want?” he asked in submission.

“I want to love you.  I want to fuck you.  I want to suck you.  I want you inside me.  And I want you to want me.”

“I can’t,” he groaned.

“Yes, you can,” she replied.  “You’re already hard.  I made that happen.”

“I told you it is just a physiological reaction.”

“Mmm-hmm.  And when you come it will be a physiological reaction to our fucking.”

“You can’t expect me…” he paused.  “I can’t…”

“You don’t have to do anything, Uncle Kevin,” she said softly, leaning forward to kiss his cheek just below his ear.  She straddled his mid-section.  “You just lay here and I’ll do everything.”

She eased herself down and guided his hardness to her moist opening.  When she had him positioned at the entrance she released her grip.

“If you do this,” he cautioned softly, “It will change everything.”

“I know,” she whispered as she eased his hardness inside her.  “It will make things better.  You’ll find out how fuckable I am.  You’ll want me.  And I’ll always want you.”

“Taylor,” he warned again.

“Too late, Uncle Kevin,” she whispered in his ear.  “You’re inside me.  We’re already fucking.  Now tell me that it doesn’t feel good.  It feels good to me.”

“How it feels is irrelevant, Taylor.”

Taylor began to raise and lower herself slowly on his hardness.

“How it feels is everything, Uncle Kevin.  It feels like love.  You feel like love inside me.  You do love me, don’t you?”

“Of course I do.  You know that.”

“Feels good, doesn’t it?  I can feel your hands on my hips.  You want it.”

Kevin’s hands flew away from her as if she were a furnace.

Taylor laughed.  “Give it up, Uncle Kevin.  You’re inside me.  We’re fucking.  You like it.  I love it.  To be honest, I never really thought about this until I heard you tonight with my mother.  I heard her crying and wailing and I knew then that I wanted it, too.”

“That was your mother,” he said with a gasp.

“And now it’s me.  Feels good, doesn’t it?”

She leaned over and kissed him tenderly below each eye.  “I love you, Uncle Kevin.  This is okay for us.  It’s ours and it’s special.  Now tell me that you love me, too.”

“You know I do, Taylor.”

“Say it, then.”

“I love you, Taylor.”

“And you love the feeling of us together like this?  I can tell you do.  You’re hard and hot inside me.”

“You did this to me.”

She smiled.  “I know.  I want you to like fucking me.  It’s good, isn’t it?”

He nodded.  “It is.  You’ve become a very sexy young lady.”

“That’s right.  You can put your hands back on my hips now.  I’m going to make you come inside me.”

“Taylor,” he protested.

She rocked herself forward.  “It’s okay,” she said with a small gasp.  “I love the feel of your cock inside me, fucking me.  Help me.  Fuck me.”

Taylor went silent as she rocked forward and back, delighting in the feel of his hardness stroking her.  She gasped occasionally as his cock hit a particularly sensitive region.  She grinned evilly as she felt him lifting his hips to meet her thrusts.

“That it!” she panted out.  “Oh, yes!  Make me come.  I want to come on your cock.”

A few strokes later she tightened up and grunted as the orgasm washed over her.  She gasped.

“Oh, yes!” she moaned.  “Our first one.  I knew this would be good.  Now it’s your turn.”

“You sure?”

“Yes!” she gasped out.  “Show me you love me.  Fill me with your love.”

“I won’t be able to hold back,” he warned.

“Do it!” she ordered.  “Fuck!  Yes!  Come in me!”

Kevin held her tightly as the burning began in his thighs.  “Oh, Taylor, baby!  I’m coming!” he grunted out through clenched teeth.

“I want you.  I want your come!”

His spurts launched into her as she moaned and he grunted.

“Oh, fuck!  Yes!” she cried with a gasp, feeling his pulsations reverberate throughout her tingling nerve endings.  She leaned down, still with shortened breath.  “Tell me again,” she ordered.

Kevin’s surrender was complete.  “I love you, Taylor.”

“I’m all grown up, Uncle Kevin.”

“I know.”

“And we’re going to do this a lot.”

“Your mother,” he protested.  “She won’t be happy with this.”

Taylor laughed, still a little breathless.  “Turn about is fair play.  She gets to fuck my Ted.”

“But that’s not the same.”

“It is. They want each other and I want you.  But you can’t be jealous when I fuck Ted.”

Kevin chuckled.  “It will be difficult.”

“You let Karla fuck the others and you still love her.  It won’t be any different.”

“I’m more protective of you than I am of Karla.”

“I’m grown, Uncle Kevin.  You don’t have to protect me anymore.  I can choose.  Didn’t I choose well with Ted?”

“You did,” he admitted.

“You have to trust me like you trust Karla.  No matter who I fuck, you and I will always be special.”

“No matter who?  What does that mean?”

“I’m going to be a member of your group.  You, my mom, Karla, Ted, and the others.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea at all,” he said in alarm.

“Tom and Jeremy, Tanya and Jasmine.  Ted and you. My mom told me all about it.”

“But Ted…?”

“He’s done them all.  I plan to do the same.”

“Does your mother know?  How about Karla?”

“Mom and Karla have talked.  It seems that you were the only stumbling block.  Now that we’ve put that behind us…”

“Have we?”

“We’re close,” she whispered.  “I’ve fucked you.  Nobody thought that would ever happen.  The only thing left is for you to fuck me.  So, next time, a little later on, I want you on top.  I want you to fuck me.  When you slide your cock inside me, then it will be complete.”

“Is that what you think?”

She nodded.  “When I whisper in your ear, ‘I want you to fuck me,’ you’ll do it, won’t you?”

“You’re probably right,” he conceded.

“So, let’s sleep a little bit,” she whispered.  “I want to sleep on you just like this, with you inside me.”

“I’ll get soft and fall out,” he advised.

“That’s okay.  That’s okay.  If it wakes me up, then we’ll do it with you on top, like I want it.”

“That’s your plan?” he chuckled.

“After a little nap,” she replied.  “Now hold me.  Make me feel safe and loved so I can sleep with you.”

He wrapped his arms around her, felt her muscles contract around him, and listened to her breathing slow as she drifted off.


Karla found herself seated near the head of the table between Don Tomas and his son, Julian.

“I am so glad you are here,” Julian beamed at her.  “Our hostess may be eclipsed by your beauty and allure.”

“I hope that isn’t so,” Karla replied, beaming with delight.

“Let me introduce you to my father,” Julian said, leaning forward.

“Papa, this is Dona Karla from America,” he addressed the older man.

Karla figured him to be close to seventy, with white hair and a glorious, white handlebar mustache.  His eyes were bright with intelligence and humor.  She extended a gloved hand to him.

“You are as my son has described,” the gentleman said, turning her hand to gently kiss the back of it.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Don Tomas,” she said, blushing as he kissed her hand tenderly.  “I have heard many things about your kindness and the respect everyone has for you.”

“No one tells a beautiful woman the ugly truth,” he beamed at her.

“Aren’t you kind?” she said, more as a statement than a question.  The old man was, in her mind, the quintessential European-style gentleman.  “I hope we will get to know each other better.”

“As do I,” the old gentleman replied.  “Now, have any of these young upstarts had the manners to introduce you to our guest of honor, Dona Melita?”

“I’m afraid not,” she replied, smiling.  “Would you do me the honor?”

“Of course,” he replied and turned to his right to address the dowager seated at the head of the table, draped in thick silk, diamonds and gold.

Karla wasn’t sure whether it was Spanish or Portuguese the old man spoke, but she did pick up, “Senora Williams” in the course of his introduction.  She was sure the woman examined her closely through the lorgnette viewers she raised to her eyes.  She nodded briefly at Karla and turned to speak to the gentleman seated to her right.  She felt the old man grasp her right hand under the table and squeeze it tightly.  Karla looked at him.

“I appear to have been dismissed,” she whispered.

“Obviously jealous,” Don Tomas said softly with a grin.  “I have not dismissed you at all.”

Waiters and servants swarmed the table with pitchers of wine and plated appetizers.  Karla turned toward Julian and whispered.  “I have met the hostess and been found wanting.”

“Nonsense,” Julian replied gently.  “I told you that you were the most beautiful woman in the room.  She recognizes that.”

“Really, Julian,” she sighed petulantly.  “You have to stop the lies.  I’ve seen Fredericka, you know, and Manda and Isabella.  I can’t hold a candle to those girls.”

“They are but girls, my dearest Karla.  You are the woman.”

“They’re gorgeous, Julian.  Stunningly gorgeous.  How do resist bedding them all?”

“I am a man of resolve.  I reserve my affections for you, dear Karla.”

“Well, apparently your father approves of me.  He held my hand so tightly that I could feel my own pulse!”

“He is protective.  Some women would be injured by the treatment the Duena gave you.  My father simply wanted to show you that he wished you no harm.”

“So I’m not stirring his libido?”

Julian laughed.  “You probably are,” he replied.  “But his age and his heart condition restrict his behavior.”

“And your mother?”

Julian shrugged.  “Quite sad.  Dead seven years, now.  Ovarian cancer.  The only benefit was that the time between diagnosis and her passing was very short.”

Carlos leaned close to Manda and whispered.  “Ella quiere ir a la misa, mañana, con nosotros.”

“¿Verdad? ” the dark-haired beauty asked.

"Eso es lo que ella dijo," he replied. “That is what she said.  You must make certain she is attired properly.”

Her eyes rested on Karla.

“Esta bien,” she nodded.  “I will see to it.”

Karla danced with most of the young men Fredericka had introduced to her.  Each was respectful and engaging.  She was surprised at the ease with which each transitioned between English and Spanish.  She saw Julian only occasionally, dancing respectably with the guest of honor.

Eventually, Juanito became increasingly present as her partner.

“I understand you are the enemy,” she whispered in his ear as they moved together to the slow music.

He pulled back slightly to look at her, aghast.  “Certainly not!” he exclaimed softly.  “I would hate you to think I am your enemy.”

She grinned at him.  “The polo match?  Aren’t you on the opposing team?”

“Oh, yes!” he agreed.  “But we are all friends.  It is a friendly competition.”

“Well, I may find my loyalties split,” she cooed.

“Why is that?”

“Because I am here at Julian’s invitation.  But, if I fall under your spell this evening, I may have to root for your team.”

“Then I will do my best to divide your loyalties,” he grinned.

Eventually, the evening’s festivities concluded and Juanito followed Karla to her suite.  She sat at the make-up table removing her earrings and other jewelry as he poured Sherry for both of them.

“You know,” she said conversationally, “This is the first time I’ve done something like this.”

“It is?” he asked, setting the small glass on the table in front of her.

“In fact, there have been several firsts for me tonight.”

“And you have been pleased?”  He leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her naked shoulder.

She shivered slightly at the contact.  “Very much so.  But I am not used to having a man in my bedroom waiting for me to undress.”

“Oh,” he said quickly.  “If it makes you uncomfortable…”

She interrupted him.  “No, no.  It’s quite thrilling, really.  Very sexy.”

“I understood,” he replied uneasily, “That you had some experiences…”  He let the comment hang.

“A few,” she admitted.  “Well, perhaps more than just a few.  But, never like this.”  She stood and faced him.  “In fact, the first time I was with Julian, my husband was there.  He removed my clothing.”

“Your husband?”

“You did know that I am married?”

“Yes.  But, I didn’t know he was aware that you…”

“It all began because he encouraged me.”

“So, it is much like Fredericka and Carlos.”

“From what I’ve come to understand, it is much like that.  In general terms, though.  The specifics of you and me together here are unique for me.”

“If you would prefer,” Juanito offered, “I could withdraw.”

“That is not my preference.  What I would like is for you to lead me, as if I was a new woman in your group of friends.”

“It would not be too forward of me?”

She smiled and placed her arms across his shoulders.  “You have my permission to be forward.”

“In that case,” he said softly.  He placed his hands on her waist.  “I think I would like to taste the lovely neck that has been enticing me all evening.”

“Oh, dear,” she whispered, looking into his dark eyes.  “I become passionately aroused when my neck is kissed.”

“I look forward to your passion,” he replied, bending to place his lips on her neck.


“So?” Alex asked as they gathered in the kitchen.

“So, what?” her daughter snapped back at her.

“Did the two of you, you know?” Alex pressed, her eyes shifting from Taylor to Kevin.

“That is so rude, Mother,” Taylor said snippily.  “I didn’t ask you if you fucked my fiancé.”

“He’s your fiancé?” Kevin asked, sounding surprised.

“Of course,” Taylor said, sipping at her mug of coffee.

“News to me,” Ted said with a shrug.

“Well, I guess congratulations are in order,” Kevin said, extending his hand to Ted.

“I never asked,” Ted admitted as he shook Kevin’s hand.

Alex peered at her daughter.  “When did you decide that?”

“Somewhere between, ‘Oh, my god!’ and ‘Fuck me harder!’” Taylor snapped.

“Last night?” Kevin asked.

“No, Uncle Kevin,” she grinned at him.  “Last week.”

“So, you were jealous,” Alex stated.

Taylor sipped slowly and set her mug down carefully.  “Nope,” she said easily.  “I just decided I liked having him around.  We fit together so well.  And, I love him.”

“Did you bother to check with him to see how he felt?” Kevin asked with a chuckle.

“Oh, I know how he feels,” Taylor grinned at him.  “I also know he’s crazy about me.”

“She’s right,” Alex directed to Kevin.  “It’s obvious.”

“Ted?” Kevin asked.


“Somebody ought to ask you,” Kevin said, grinning.  “You love Taylor?”

“She makes me absolutely nuts,” Ted confessed.  “She can piss me off in an instant and in the next moment I can’t imagine my life without her in it.  If that’s love…”

“It’s love,” Alex said definitively.

Kevin nodded.  “As the pater familias, then, I now pronounce the two of you engaged.”

Taylor eased up to him and put her hands on his chest.  “Thank you, Uncle Kevin,” she said in a soft voice.  She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, then whispered in his ear: “For last night and for this.  I love you.”

Alex broke into the moment.  “Okay, kids.  It’s time for us to get a move on.  We’ve got to clear out before Tanya arrives.  She’s got the duty today.”

“We going home?” Ted asked.

“No, sweetie,” she replied.  “We’re going to Tanya’s house so Tom won’t miss her.  Well, I am, at least.  You and Taylor can go home if you want.”

“Oh, hell, no!” Taylor said.  “We’re going with you.”

“What am I going to do over there?” Ted asked.

“Same thing you did last night, my darling.  Sleep with me until my mother’s done with Tom, and then screw her while I do him.”


The soft sheets and covers of the bed were tousled and askew around them.  Karla reached beside her to grasp something for support.  She gathered the cloth in her hands and squeezed tightly as Juanito pounded himself into her.  She looked into his face and saw his eyes were closed and his jaw tight with concentration.  He supported himself on his arms and knees so the only connection with him was the plunging rod delving into her depths.

“I love your cock, Juanito,” Karla breathed raggedly.

“It is good?” he gasped in exertion.

“I’m close to coming, my darling,” she groaned through clenched teeth.  “Again.”

She saw his face break into a smile.

“This time,” he growled.  “I will explode in you this time.”

“Yes, darling,” she urged him.  “I want it inside me.”

The young man thrust against her over and over, anxious to please her.

“Oh, fuck!” she cried as the orgasm swept over her, causing her to bear down on his manhood.

“Oh, yes, carina!”  His voice matched the grimace on his face as he plunged into her depths as she milked his essence out of him.

“Yes!” she cried out.  “Yes, yes, yes!  Fill me with your hot seed!  Fill me up!”

He obliged, pumping jet after jet deep inside her.  He growled as he released himself, feeling the repeated pulsations of her love canal encouraging him to unload his hot come into the warm recesses, bathing her in his come.

“Please tell me you are staying the night,” Karla gasped, her hands releasing their grasp on the covers and converging across his back, pulling him down to lay atop her.

“Yes, of course,” he replied through the ragged panting of his post-exertion release.  “If you wish it.”

“Oh, I certainly wish it, my darling Juanito.  There is so much more I want to do with you.”

“You are not satisfied?” he asked in amazement.

“For now, very much,” she gasped.  “But, in a little while…”  She let the possibilities hang in the air.

“I am yours tonight for the limit of your desires,” he grinned at her.

“You will find that I have many desires,” she replied in a teasing whisper.



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Our Swing Story Pt2 The Oral Sensuality

Cassandra got the zipper down and my dick popped out and stood there twitching like it had too much caffeine. I could feel it pulse like a heartbeat causing each twitch. Cass touched it and slid her fingers down the shaft to my balls making it move even more. To the floor with my pants and I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of them.Lena had started to unzip Rick, and Cass watched intently. As she got below his cock it sprang from his pants. It was larger than it looked in the shared photos....

2 years ago
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The Confused Sensuality

Based on true incident – Narrated as a story Shweta sat watching the TV with her hand on her thigh. She was horny but was in no mood to masturbate, she wanted to have sex. Slow, sensual, deep, ahh! she was losing it, but it had been months since her husband had fucked her. Just then her colleague, Sammy called. He was in her area and wanted to return her USB he had borrowed, and he was going to come in another 20 minutes. Shweta checked herself out in the mirror. Her shoulder length straight...

3 years ago
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Scents And Sensuality

The first thing I noticed was the sweet, sensuous smell. I twisted my head from side to side, but it seemed to be coming from all around. “What the hell’s that?” I whispered. “It smells like a Turkish brothel in here.” “And you’d know, sweetie,” he said, taking his cue as I knew he would. “Don’t you like it?” “You know I do,” I replied. “It’s sandalwood and rose, my favourite.” I felt his hand on my arm as he guided me forward. The silken blindfold was much more effective than I’d expected,...

1 year ago
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Desperation Vs Sensuality

So this is my first time doing this... I dont know how I am going to go through with it. One of my relatives decided to set me up on a blind date. They say I have been single for far too long...and well they are right. I go through some major preparation. A couple of yoga poses to stretch my slightly stiff body. Then I get into the shower...ohhh...the warm water feels so good on my skin. I roam my soapy hands on my body. I touch my neck, massaging it slightly, then slide them along my breasts,...

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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 4 Sex and Sensuality

As she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting...

1 year ago
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Budding sensuality

Unclothed, and shivering slightly as the fan directed outside air to caress her skin, Oriana stood determinedly beside her bed. Muscles rippled along her narrow frame as she unconsciously clenched her fists and tightened her shoulders. Painful knots worsened, and tension began to accumulate in a crescent along her brow. The beginnings of a headache finally awakening her to her own self-t*****e, Oriana strode to the corner of her small dormitory room and unrolled a pale green yoga mat. She...

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Sensualality © 2003 Dan Johnson I love your sensualality the every movement of your sexuality breathes the immortality of our love. I love your sensualality your every breath exudes the spirituality of our love. I love your sensualality the way your smile your touch your very being brings about the practicality of our love. I love your sensualality you undress me, constantly impress me, with the fornicality of our love. I love your sensualality the...

4 years ago
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Massage To Smitha 8211 Part 1 Sexy And Sensual

Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more of my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page ‘Nish Massage Club’. Below is the experience share by Smitha who contacted me for a sensual sexual massage. Enjoy the first part written in her own words. I am Smitha from Hyderabad, married...

2 years ago
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A Lonely Night Turned Sensual

Hello readers, it has been long since I have posted any of my experiences on this site. Cheers to everyone, in specific the ladies out there for appreciating the two previous stories. Now, let me get into the episode straight. So this incident took place in March when I had come back to Hyderabad from Mumbai after a short break. Being from a corporate company, it doesn’t allow me to have much time off. But somehow I was able to take the weekend off. Being excited about it, I had a detailed plan...

2 years ago
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We meet in the doorway, the moonlight through the windows casting a silver sheen on your raven tresses. The candles give a golden glow to the ivory negligee that parts just enough to allow me a glimpse of your silken breasts yet still hiding the treasures of your secret places. We speak no words, but enfold each other in a tender embrace. I gently turn your face up to kiss you, your cheeks, your neck, your eyes, and finally your sweet lips. As we kiss, you move your body so your thigh is...

1 year ago
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Casual Massage To Colleague Turns Sensual

Hi guys, this is curvesaddict. Thanks for your feedback on my previous story. I had a few interesting conversations with the readers. Now, this incident happened a few weeks back and can’t wait to share it with you guys. I am Ram, 24, working as a graphic designer in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. The heroine of the story is a colleague of mine. She is an intern at my company for content writing. Her name is Helen (name changed). As I used to do the...

3 years ago
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Her eightteenth birthday

Please exeuse my grammar This story is written from a boy's point of view by a teen female. I hope you enjoy and cum back soon. ___________________chapter one________________________________ I looked out the window, wondering when we'd arrive at Gwean's house. I've known her since sixth grade and have always found her very attractive, even in sixth grade she had the hour glass figure. Now it was her eightteenth birthday and i was one of the only people invited and today i planned...

2 years ago
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A New Day

The sun hurried toward the horizon, signaling the start of a new day. The light filtered into the room. The glow behind the trees, slowly increased. My eyes adjusted to the lessening gloom of night. The room was warm, and the covers had long since been kicked off, by both of us. Amy was lying on her back. One arm was relaxed, over her head. The other was across her belly, as she slept. I was laying on my right side. My head was propped up in my right hand, my elbow between the big feather...

4 years ago
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Cuming of AgeChapter 3

I finally got in the shower white Günter filming the entire time, and other than the filming, he left me alone to try and clear my head and decide what I could do. Finally I finished and he told me to get on my hands and knees and made some adjustments to the shower knobs and had this weird wand in his hand. His friend, who I now knew as Harvey had joined us and had taken over the camera while Günter inserted this metal thing into my ass. He said I was getting an enema and was to hold the...

2 years ago
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Bored and horny

I entered the glory hole room wearing only my leopard jock strap and siting there on a leather couch was this guy stroking his 8"cock. He smiled at me and I said hello, told him I liked his cock and asked, in a husky voice, if he wanted me to suck his "great looking cock". He slowly looked me over, I felt like a piece of meat, he told me he "wanted to look at my ass first", so I turned around, bent over and spread my cheeks slightly to give him a good close look, he fondled my cheeks and hole a...

3 years ago
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Obedient Cock Sucking

Like most truly kinky sex acts, it happened gradually. For the past few months, Selina had been carrying on a totally inappropriate relationship with her boss when she became his personal assistant and they were both single.What made this relationship especially taboo, above everything else, was the powerful submissive streak within Selina, and Mr. Hamilton's ability to embrace it, showing her the ropes of true obedience.Things took an unexpected turn when she was summoned to a different...

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When are they coming home

Ok we left off with Rick and Mindy heading out on the town, and myself left at home to clean ,and to sit and wonder whats been going on over the past couple of days. Ok the chores are done, tried watching some TV, just could get my mind to focus , thought id try a hot shower, but all i could think about is my girlfriend off with my friend, and i wasnt sure what was going on , but i had imagined that they were enjoying themselves. This had to be the longest night i had , but eventally the...

2 years ago
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The Horny Lady In The Neighborhood

Hi my name is Pranav…This the story of how i lost my virginity…To a very busty sexy lady called Savita….Who is the heroine of this tale.. So let’s start. This happened two years ago when i was 18….Let me describe myself….I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and a normal athletic physique…Quite muscular…. And Savita is a 29 year old married lady with one kid… Her stats are 32 34 36… She is wheatish in complexion and has huge massive round juicy boobs….She stays in my building… Actually she knew my family...

1 year ago
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Half Wife Chapter 3

Note: 100% fiction! Hi Folks, this is Arvind back again with more to share! Nisha is the third sister of Rekha and is 3 years younger. But for her age, she has a well developed feminity about her. She has 34C cups and 26 waist size. She is fair with light brown eyes, and black hair that have a habit of falling on her cute face. I had a day off that day and Rekha had gone to some of our relatives place the day before. I had jacked a off three or four times thinking of Rekha, but was not...

4 years ago
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A Splitting of the SoulChapter 7

Chenosh was in her office when Xander came in holding flowers. Looking up from her desk and a stack of papers, she saw two bundles of roses, each with their own card. One card had lines engraved into it near the edge, while the other had silver. Chenosh could see her name clear engraved in the same color on the front of them. "What's this?" Chenosh asked looking at Xander. He shrugged in response saying, "They came for you. A delivery person dropped them off downstairs and I was called...

1 year ago
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Something Nice My Beautiful Backside Part 2

Something Nice (My Beautiful Backside) Part 2 When we last saw Michelle (ex-Mike) and Al (Daddy, or Alice), Al was about to take Michelle's anal virginity. As a reminder: "You've done this before, you whore, no way is this your first time. Ohhh, it's so good...that's it, suck it all, bitch..." Alice kept up a line of macho banter as I continued sucking her strap-on cock. Suddenly she pulled it out of my mouth with an audible pop. "Enough, time to make you a real woman, Michelle....

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The RescuedChapter 31 SM03Epsilon Day 5

Steve woke well-rested, lying on his back with his sleeping partners, Antonia and Susan, draped face-down across him. Each woman had an arm across the other's back, with Steve's arms arranged below theirs. The women seemed to be cuddling each other as much as they were cuddling Steve. He didn't need to go anywhere urgently, so he lay there quietly and enjoyed the feeling of their breasts pressing against him. All good things come to an end, it's said, and Steve's quiet time was no...

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The Beauty Of Japan 3 Who is she

Introduction: Hope you like it The Beauty Of Japan: who is she? Waking up next to Mizuhashi once again i start to feel even better about being a mistress. Its not about the sex. Its about being in control and having the power to force someone into doing anything you desire. Out of the small amount of men Ive shared my bed with Mizuhashi seems different. Hes loyal. The more i lay here watching him sleep i know how much he needs me. I give him what he wants. I give him what he needs. And only i...

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Anita used by a horny bartender

Anita used by a horny bartenderWe were that night enjoying our last day in Jamaica and Ana had chosen to have some drinks at a bar close to the beach…I had been to the bathroom and on my way back to our table I noticed that the huge black bartender, whose name was Julius, was talking close to my wife.Ana saw me coming back over and smiled: I could see some relief in her face. That black bastard had been making moves on her all night every time my back was turned, and we were thinking about...

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Raped at my favorite store

"No bro the sale ended yesterday". Two male clerks were outside chatting as i was walking past them. Im not any one to brag about what i look but ill admit i am a hit with the guys at my school with my brown hair in pigtails and my emerald green eyes curvy shape and big ass. I dont know why but i am shy about boys so ive never been out with any of them although i have a feeling theyve been wanting to. "Hey baby where you going so fast?". One of the guys said. I turn around and...

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CHAPTER ONEAfter getting the money from the instant teller machine, Sarah felt an irresistible impulse to lift her dress. It was night, but the front of the bank was well lit, and the parking area of the shopping center was filled with cars. She looked around, a flush on her face, a flush of embarrassment and excitement. Why she had this sudden urge to lift her dress and expose herself, she didn't know. She had never wanted to do that before. Her hands shook as she stuffed her money into her...

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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 9

(Discussions and Decisions) The cramping in Sarah's stomach the following morning reassured her that she was indeed NOT pregnant. But along with the sense of relief also came the irritability. The quote she and Maggie had pulled together for Sam's firm had been well received by the company; and Mr. Conrad himself had called Maggie, to confirm their meeting for the following day. Now they sat going over costings, and estimated time factors; preparing for that meeting. "What IS up with...

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Pin Holes

I have been driving for the last two hours to the Marriot in Baltimore. My wife was there on a conference and I was going to surprise her by dropping in and taking her to supper. Yah, right! For the last three months I have suspected my wife of having an affair with one of her co-workers. I just had the feeling that every time she was taking one of her business trips, training sessions or conferences she was really getting laid. Tonight I was going to catch her in the act and end it for...

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Train Meet

This happened several years ago. I was travelling to Bombay in first class coach. It was a two person coupe. Besides me there was just this lady. She was somewhere between beautiful and ugly. She was in her early forties. She had well grown breasts and attractive hips. Going by these two I imagined that her other parts must be equally attractive.Since the journey involved two nights and a whole day, I introduced myself and asked about her.Surprisingly she introduced herself as a writer I had...

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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch6

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Six "Secrets" Sarah arrived at the Ferguson house. She was trying to control her thoughts but her mind was racing too fast. Too much information too quickly. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and walked to the door. She was sharply dressed today wearing her black slacks and matching blazer with a ruffled white blouse. Her shoes were orange, 3" high heels with gold buckles on the...

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on holiday

I was 19 and on vacation abroad with my friends. One night we went to the party. we all had fun, danced and drank. After a while I noticed a sexy black boy looking at me. he saw me stare at him and draw me closer. I was encouraged by the drinks I had, so we started talking and dancing. We decided to go to the beach. We bought more alcohol, and finally we talked and kissed the shore.His hand moved up and down my body and eventually found my way to my bikini. I was already wet when he touched my...

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Beetlesmiths Ch 17

I would like to thank Bella Mariposa for her time in helping to edit this chapter. ________________________________________________ I’ve never been into the discipline/bondage genre of sex games. I was always under the impression that to be a good disciplinarian was just a matter of unleashing your ‘inner asshole.’ I never liked being an asshole, so I wasn’t into bondage/discipline—nothing much more to it than that. It’s not that I looked down on coerced or forced sexual control, it’s just...

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Becky Chapter 9

Although her arms and wrists were still bound, Grace had given Becky just enough slack to lean forward comfortably, spreading her legs a bit further apart as she did. Jessica now fitted, stepped behind Becky, but continued to caress and tease her with fingers ensuring she was very ready, and very, very wet. Mellissa had taken an active role now as well, at Becky's request. Standing in front of the young woman, she reached out, enjoying the feel of Becky's large hanging pendulous breasts....

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Doing my best friend

This is a story that happened to me as a teenager. It was so erotic and satisfying that now 26 years later I wonder what it would be like to relive this as a full grown adult. Growing up in the mountain country of Idaho was great fun. We had fishing trapping, hunting, and camping to do as kids. I had been friends with Jeff since grade school and we grew up together exploring the outdoors. One problem with growing up in the mountains and coming of age is that there are very few girls around....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 4

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Carly Shay had never felt more relaxed than she felt at this moment, floating in the pool at the inn, just taking in all the sounds and smells of the surrounding nature. Her best male friend was going to be married to the girl of his dreams in just two days and there was just something pleasant about that, and it drove her to seek out what she truly wanted in life."Is it cold?" a voice...

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He was 18 and worked for me

He worked for me on the farm and we had become close. He was a tall slim boy, 165 pounds on a 6 foot frame. He was naturally dark skinned with native american heritage in his family and lacked body hair below his eyebrows. He lifter weights and with his lack of any body fat, every muscle in his skinny body was pronounced and outlined perfectly. One day he asked me to teach him martial arts. "I'm, pretty good at wrestling but i dont know anything else about fighting at all, so unless i can get...

2 years ago
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Sexy Summer With My Sister

Hey guys, its sexyboy here and am back with a breathless wetting story for u guys out there… Get ready for a bumpy ride to your genitals ;d So, basically am a hyderabadi guy, age 20, 5’5″ height, fair complexion, charismatic character and a terrific 7″ dick to die for…. The story am going to narrate, happened few months ago.. The actor of the story is obviously me and ma heroine’s ma sis varsha… About ma sis, she’s 18, 5’3″, fair like me, dont know about her vital stats (figure) but i can say...

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My favorite Babysitter

The babysitter used to cover what we called our split, the time my wife would go to work until the time I got home from work. It usually was no more than a couple of hours. I never really got a chance to spend time with the babysitter because as soon as I showed up she needed to head out the door to go to her college class. She was 18 years old and the neighbor’s daughter, it was a really convenient situation for all of us. She was definitely a site to see, about 5’6 with a slender build and...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 353

The Chicken Farmer!!!!! A woman walks into an accountant's office and tells him that she needs to file her taxes. The accountant says, "Before we begin, I'll need to ask you a few questions." He gets her name, address, social security number, etc. and then asks, "What is your occupation?" "I'm a whore," she says. The accountant is somewhat taken back and says, "No, No, No, that won't work. Let's try to rephrase that" The woman says, "OK, I'm a high-end call girl". "No,...

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Cuckold Pays Rent

Guys, if you can’t pay the rent your young wife may have to pay it and you may have to help!Mark and Nancy are a young couple that have been renting a house from me for a couple of years now. They are in their mid twenties and Nancy is a real beauty. Dark curly hair, nice c cup tits, a killer dark tan and a smile to die for. They are good renters and always pay on time so when they told me that Mark lost his job and they were short of the rent money one month I agreed to let them float a few...

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My Mom 8211 The Accidental Slut

My mom’s name is Latha. She is 43 with a super attractive figure with huge tits and bulged ass. A perfect hot south Indian aunty. All the neighboring man’s eyes were on her boobs when she was waking. She didn’t notice any of these perverts. She was very shy and introverted. My father had a business in an Arab country and mom was a teacher. We lived happily because we had enough money. But all the things changed when a news came. My father was caught by Arab police over some business fraud. We...

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MagicianChapter 27

Most people in the United Kingdom have heard the tale of Lord Lucan. Few if any know the real tale as I'm about to recall it. The official tale says that Lord Lucan was an unsuccessful professional gambler whose marriage collapsed in a bitter custody battle which left him spying on his family, including recording their telephone calls. On the evening of 7 November 1974, the children's nanny, Sandra Rivett, was bludgeoned to death in the basement of the Lucan family home. Lady Lucan was also...

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Im the third wheel

My wife informed me Thursday that we where going out for dinner and dancing Friday. She said come straight home from work because we have reservations for eight. I figured that I’d get out of the shop a little early so I gave out the pay checks and told my guys to have a good weekend. It was only four and I usually don’t leave until six. I stopped and picked up a bottle of wine in hopes that after dinner I might get lucky and have sex. Well I pulled into my neighbor hood around five. I...

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Choices Chapter 17

Choices, Chapter 17 Blair's choice Blair, tears flowing down his face, grabbed on to Maggie's sweater as she tried to ascend the stairs. "Mom, you can't leave," he squealed, "Not until you know everything. You don't know half of what's going on here." Maggie was tempted to brush him off, but Blair was so pitiful-looking she lingered to kiss him one last time. It was definitely him this time. She no longer hoped for his metamorphosis into a genuine girl, but she couldn't...

2 years ago
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BreedersChapter 8

Jason had been right, Carolyn thought to herself. After the first couple weeks, it had been easier. She no longer felt more than occasional twinges of guilt over her association with the dogs. It had become a job - with its unpleasant moments, with its gratifying moments as well - it was a job and it paid well. She longed to be free of it, sometimes during the long sleepless nights, but she seldom considered trying to leave Royal Benson Kennels. The hours were good. She worked from four to...

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South Seas Adventure

South Seas Adventure By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 I started this story about ten months ago on a flight back from a science fiction convention. I recently came across it and decided to finish it. The story has no sex but does contain descriptions of magical sexual transformations. If this would offend your morals, ethics, or religion, or if you're too young - chronologically or emotionally - to be reading such things, then please go away. South Seas Adventure It took...

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My First Step On The Way Of Sex And Incest

Hi everyone, my name is Rahul and this is my first attempt to pen down the sexual adventures of my life. I was very curious about sex and female and male body parts since my childhood and this story is about my first incest encounter. So without any further delay I will now get you to the story. When I was 3 years old my maternal grandfather brought me to the city with him for my better education. My grandfather’s family consists 3 daughters apart from my mother, 2 sons and my grandmother. I...

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RebirthChapter 6

The two goons were running pretty fast towards the front of the building. They weren't just checking hotels, not with the way they were moving. Odds were they knew exactly where we were, which was a problem all by itself, but one I would have to deal with later rather than sooner. "Shit," I said out load. "They found us." Renata looked terrified again. Filling in the blanks on what she said happened to the girls Yuri didn't want any more, I couldn't even began to imagine what he...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Neighbor Mom And Daughter

Hello friends, let me introduce myself. I am Gautam Nanda from a place near Hyderabad. I have completed my MBBS and presently working in Hyderabad. I am of 6 feet having a physically fit body. I had been away from from a long time and experienced sexual fun, but didn’t get time to update them back. But, let’s start with the next part of my virginity story. I think you still remember my Shobha Aunty and her daughter Saloni. She was a 38 years old sexy lady with the figure of 36 32 34 and Saloni...

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A drunk mom is a happy mom

How would I know what mom was doing? I was an 18 year old jock who just graduated high school and too busy to be concerned about a little innocent flirting that supposedly occurred at the party last night. I was told that my mom was a bit handsy and touching, my best friend Joe said. He said that my mom (her name is lynda) was secretly rubbing the front crotch of Lamar the star basketball player. I'm sure other things happened (they did and yes, I will share). My mother is a divorced 41 year...

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Sleeping with mom

It all started when I was still in high school. I had thought of a way to get around my curfew. I’d start sleepwalking, not for real, just as a way to cover not being in my room if mom or dad checked up on me. To set up this cover I would make it a point to sneak from my room to the guest bedroom or the living room two or three times a week. I even had an excuse for developing this behavior. Mom and Dad were having some sort of problem. I found out about this one night as I was going to the...

4 years ago
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Was He Guilty Chapter 2

You may want to read the previous chapter before reading this one. Thanks again to Estragon for his editing of this story, making it a much better read. "For the next two weeks I worked hard and helped Darcy move in to my place. We actually promised that we wouldn't sleep together till our honeymoon. We spent our evenings fixing up the condo. It was so much nicer with the woman's touch. We put my bedroom set in one of the spare rooms. "I rarely saw Brad in that time but Shauna stopped...

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