Trancendent Sensuality 20
- 3 years ago
- 26
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The sun was just setting when the phone rang. Kevin looked at it and smiled. He hadn’t heard from Karla for three days, but she did say via email that she was having a wonderful time.
“Hello, darling,” he said after he pushed the answer button.
“Good evening, Senor Williams,” the soft voice whispered through the speaker.
“Karla?” he asked, nearly sure it was not.
“Fredericka,” came the reply. “Karla is, how do you say, busy at the moment.”
“Having fun, I would hope,” he responded.
Karla had told him that the beautiful Fredericka was the organizer of a group similar to the one Karla managed in the States. She’d even sent him a picture of the blonde.
“I think, yes,” the voice intoned gently. “We are having fun together. I asked if I could call you to invite you to hear.”
“What am I going to hear?”
“I would like you to hear my orgasm as your wife licks me,” the voice said. “She has me very close.”
“Really?” Kevin chuckled.
“This is new for me,” Fredericka told him, her voice breathy. “It is called phone sex, is it not?”
“Something like that.”
“Karla tells me that you like to watch her. Do you like to hear it, as well?”
“I’ve never done that,” Kevin admitted.
“Should I tell you what is happening here, then?”
“I think I’d like that.”
“Well, Karla’s escort for tonight is Rafael. He is a single man but part of our group. My gentleman friend is Guillermo. He is here, in front of me; somewhat unhappy that I am, oh! Excuse me. He is unhappy that I am speaking to you rather than attending to him with my mouth as I was doing before.”
“I see.”
“Karla is on her back in her bed, with Rafael’s head between her legs. He is licking her as she licks me. She seems to like that.”
“I’m sure she does,” Kevin replied.
“Ummm!” the voice hummed in the speaker. “I am very close. Your wife is talented.”
“I know,” Kevin replied with a grin.
For the next several moments Kevin listened as the blonde moaned and whined through the orgasm his wife caused to shudder through her body. He heard her cry as the crest overwhelmed her, and then the labored breathing as she recovered.
“Senor Kevin?” she asked finally.
“Was that exciting for you?”
“It was enjoyable. I only wish I could have seen your face.”
“I did not think of that,” she replied. “But, if you wish, we can send you a video.”
“That would be exciting,” he said.
“We are all delighted your wife has come to visit us. She has become a friend. She is also an enthusiastic partner for the gentlemen.”
“I’d imagined she would be.”
“And, so. Rafael insisted that we contact you to be certain you approve of her taking him as a lover.”
“Of course,” Kevin grinned. “If she is so inclined, she has my permission to do that.”
“You sound very much like my husband, Senor. Karla and I may have something in common. Our husbands are both gracious and kind with us. Both of you understand our needs.”
“I understand you’ve also lent your husband to Karla, is that right?”
“Last night,” she confirmed. “And now, Karla owes me an evening with you.”
Kevin laughed. “That would be delightful, I’m sure.”
“So, Rafael may have your wife for tonight? What should I tell him?”
“You may tell him that my wife makes her own choices, and if she has chosen him, he is a lucky man.”
“She did not choose him. He was assigned to her. By me.”
“I can only assume she hasn’t rejected him.”
Fredericka’s throaty chuckle sounded like molten gold. “If you could see what I am seeing; how she beckons him, you would have no doubt.”
“I’m sure she is more than willing.”
“Thank you, Senor Williams. Dona Karla, as we have begun to call her, has been a welcome addition to our games.”
Kevin smiled at the grammatical error. He decided it was charming. “Please,” he replied, “You must call me Kevin.”
“I will give your message to Rafael, but I am afraid I am late. He has already entered her.”
“She can be quite demanding,” Kevin chuckled.
“We are friends, Senor Kevin, Dona Karla and I. I look forward to visiting you and your circle of intimates.”
“Speaking on behalf of the gentlemen, I can say we will look forward to it with great anticipation.”
“We will be sorry to see Dona Karla leave tomorrow,” she admitted.
“Well, then,” he replied, “You must begin planning your visit to us.”
“Not all of us will be able to make the journey. Only me and my Carlito.”
“Trust me. Both of you will be warmly welcomed.”
“And we will become lovers, you and I.”
“As you wish, my dear.”
“I wish it. Now, I must go. Guillermo is becoming quite impatient with me.”
“I’ve enjoyed our chat, Fredericka. I am most anxious to meet you.”
“Thank you, Senor Kevin. I hope you have as good an evening as your wife.”
“Perhaps I shall,” Kevin grinned and nodded at Taylor who sat with her bare legs tucked under her on the sofa.
“Buenos noches, Senor Kevin. Until we meet.”
“Good night, my dear. And thank you for calling.”
He pressed the button to end the call and looked at Taylor. “Karla’s headed home tomorrow,” he commented.
“She’ll be surprised to find that Ted and I are living here with you now.”
“I’m sure she’ll be delighted.”
Kevin met Karla in the baggage claim. She rushed up to him and wrapped her arms around him, grinning broadly.
“Hello, my darling,” he smiled at her. “Glad to be back?”
“Glad to be with you,” she whispered.
“Argentina didn’t agree with you?”
“It was incredible. But, I realized on the plane that I’d had this ache inside me just to be in your space.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re back, too,” he admitted.
They collected her two bags, trekked down the long hallway, up the escalator, and out to the parking garage. Kevin opened the door for her and let her get settled as he loaded the back in the spacious trunk.
She let him drive in silence until he’d navigated to the main interstate highway. Then she twisted in her seat.
“So, tell me about your week,” she ordered.
“Me? You’re the one who has traveled to exotic sites and met strange and delightful men and seduced them.”
“Not so much,” she declared. “Most everything was organized.”
“Really? You’re going to have to explain that.”
“Later. I want to know how you’ve been.”
“We talked on the phone, darling. I’ve been just fine.”
“Alex and Tanya and Jasmine took good care of you?”
Kevin laughed lightly. “They did, indeed. There’s been a development, though.”
“What does that mean?”
“We have houseguests.”
“At our house?” Her tone was more curious than anxious.
“Ted and Taylor.”
“They moved out of Alex’s place?”
“Not completely. They seem to be alternating. I’m not sure what the schedule is or on what it is based.”
“Well, we certainly have the room,” she conceded evenly. “What’s Alex doing?”
“She was at the house on her appointed days. Then she moved to attend to the deserted husbands as their wives came to support me.”
“So you spent the week with a constant hard-on.”
“Not really. I did go into work, you know.”
“But you did get laid every night I was gone.”
“Yes,” he sighed wearily. “Frequently more than once.”
“All the girls were that hot to screw you behind my back?” she laughed.
“They were, uh, accommodating. But, there’s been more of a development.”
“More than our houseguests?”
“Actually, it’s related. Taylor has joined your merry little band.”
“Taylor?” Karla sounded shocked. “Your niece, Taylor?”
“She’s not really my niece,” he protested.
“Oh, my word! Don’t tell me. Have you been with her?”
“She invaded my bed. In spite of all my protests, she was quite insistent.”
“So, you’ve been screwing Taylor,” Karla said in amazement.
“Not just me.”
“Where was her mother? How could she let this happen?”
“Taylor went with Alex as she made her rounds. Apparently both Tom and Jeremy were surprised and eventually delighted with her presence.”
“So both of them deserted Ted and went to screw my stable of studs?”
Kevin laughed. “I like that. Your stable of studs. No, he went with. As far as I could determine, Taylor would stay with him until after Alex completed her escapades. Then they would switch. Alex would go to Ted while Taylor seduced the man of the house. Although, Jasmine told me that the two of them had jumped Jeremy.”
“Taylor,” Karla said with a sigh, looking out the window. “You know this is going to screw up the match-ups.”
“This is your circus, my darling,” Kevin chuckled. “You’ll have to manage as best you can.”
“It sounds like it’s becoming Alex and Taylors’ circus,” she murmured unhappily.
“I don’t think so, Karla. They’ll follow your lead. But, I have to tell you; Taylor is pretty strong-willed. She virtually demanded to be included.”
“And how is she?”
“I mean, how is she in bed? Is she a good fuck?”
“That good, huh?”
“That’s not what I meant,” he protested. “I meant your directness.”
“Oh, you’re a great one to feign being a prude. You do remember encouraging me to get fucked in front of you, don’t you?”
“And now you resent that?”
“Don’t be an ass, Kevin. Of course not. I’m having an absolute ball. It’s just that things seem to be spinning a bit out of control.”
“They’re not out of control, Karla. You’re still the queen. You just have another subject added to the realm.”
“So, you didn’t answer my question. How is she?”
Kevin nodded. “She’s good. Enthusiastic. Responsive. Determined.”
“And Ted?”
“He’s fine.”
“What’s his reaction to what she’s been doing?”
“Oh, well. He seems to be acquiescent.”
“Are they still in love with each other?”
“Oh, absolutely. While I haven’t been privy to their private discussions of the topic, they seem to be on the same wavelength as we are, and Tom and Tanya, as well.”
“Fuck for the fun of it, but you’re the one I love?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I can’t punish her by fucking Ted. Been there and done that.”
“I don’t think you should punish her. Your best course would be to accept the situation.”
“But the count is off, Kevin. That’s a problem.”
“Then the women of our cabal need to come up with a new recruit. I’m sure you can find another male who would be willing to join us.”
“No, Alex did this. Alex has to fix it.”
“Do I have to remind you that I was dispatched to fill the gap for male companionship in her life? She doesn’t have the same stable of guys waiting in line that you do.”
Karla sighed. “You’re right. I guess we’ll have to go on a recruiting tour.”
“Who?” he asked with a little alarm. “To where?”
“Us. You, me, Tanya, Alex. Tom, if he wants to come.”
“Where are you going to go?”
“Not far, darling. We’ll stay close. We’ll just prowl the hotel bars, like we did in Chicago. But with three of us working it, the odds of finding someone acceptable have tripled.”
Kevin shook his head. “Just be discreet, would you? I have a reputation to consider.”
“I’ve decided that it doesn’t really bother me watching Tom getting laid,” Tanya opined as the three women sat around the white-painted, cast iron, glass-topped table, littered with the remains of their luncheon. They were sipping tiny glasses of Amaretto.
“It doesn’t?” Alex said, with only the hint of a question.
“Nope,” the statuesque blonde replied. “No more than watching him bowling as a partner of another woman.”
“Bowling?” Karla chuckled. “When was the last time you went bowling?”
“Years ago,” Tanya answered. “The point is, it wouldn’t bother me if he was dancing, or bowling, sailing or playing, I don’t know, squash or racquetball with another woman.”
“I see,” Alex nodded, obviously not convinced.
“It’s just sex. It’s all physical. You know? It’s not like he’s going to fall in love. And it’s a hell of a lot better than him sneaking around to get his jollies.”
“And the fact that you’re getting pounded by Kevin, Ted, or Jeremy makes it that much more acceptable, doesn’t it?” Karla chuckled.
“There is that,” Tanya grinned at her.
“So you don’t envy Alex, who doesn’t really have a man in the game?” Karla asked her.
“Not at all. In fact, I almost wish Alex had somebody in the game with us,” Tanya said. “It would make it more even.”
“Ted’s in the game,” Alex reminded them.
“But he’s not yours,” Karla said gently. “He belongs to Taylor now.”
“She’s a lucky girl,” Tanya commented. “But so are you, Alex. I mean, the fact that your daughter lets you share her studly fiancé with you.”
“Which brings us to the point,” Karla interjected. “Our numbers are skewed.”
“How?” Tanya asked.
“Taylor’s skewed them by joining our gang of reprobates,” Karla stated.
“Well, we can’t kick her out,” Tanya observed. “Tom would be devastated.”
“We need another male,” Karla said simply.
“You would think that wouldn’t be a problem,” Alex declared. “None of us are exactly hags.”
“It’s not whether or not we’re attractive enough,” Karla opined. “The problem is that the man has got to have certain qualities.”
“Not just any fucker will do,” Alex joked.
“Taylor didn’t bring anyone with her when she joined us. I recruited Ted, and their relationship is a happy coincidence,” Karla went on, ignoring Alex. “So, we have to find somebody to even out our numbers.”
“Your husband could find someone in his company, couldn’t he?” Alex asked.
“That could be problematic. Most of them have significant others who may, or may not, want to be included. No, we need an unattached male of decent character, who will be open to our lifestyle in the same way Ted was.”
“Ted stayed because of Taylor,” Alex posited.
“Ted stayed because of Karla,” Tanya countered. “And you. And Taylor.”
“And you,” Karla told Tanya. “The point is, we have to find somebody.”
“How are we going to do that?” Tanya asked.
“The three of us are going on a recruiting tour,” Karla answered.
“Are we,” Alex said in more of a statement than a question. “What kind of recruiting tour?”
“The same kind that brought us Ted,” Karla replied.
“How exactly does that work?” Tanya asked her.
“Well, what I thought is that the three of us would do what Kevin and I did. We’ll visit the local hotel lounges, survey the available crop of eligibles and take them on a test run. With three of us looking, we should be able to identify somebody rather quickly.”
“Test run?” Alex asked.
“Take one for the team. Have a night of exciting sexual congress and determine how well the candidate fits in.”
“You mean fuck them?” Tanya challenged.
“Of course!” Karla said. “What did you think?”
“Fuck them?” Alex repeated.
Karla sighed in exasperation. “How else are we going to find out if they are suitable?”
“I don’t know,” Tanya replied, “But that sounds dangerous.”
“Okay, obviously you don’t know how Ted was recruited,” Karla noted. “Kevin was with me. You can take Tom, as protection. Ted can go with Alex.”
“So, what you’re saying,” Tanya continued, “Is that my husband will go with me into a hotel bar and be there when I pick up some stranger and take him home and fuck him. You’re serious?”
“You don’t take him home,” Karla corrected her. “Just to a room you have booked in the hotel.”
“And Tom will be there? When I fuck him? In the room?” Tanya asked, astonished.
“If you want him to be. If the guy objects, then he’s obviously not a good candidate.”
“You’re crazy, bitch,” Tanya said with a laugh.
“That’s how Kevin and I recruited Ted. That’s how I met my Argentine squeeze, Julian. Kevin likes to watch it. So, if Tom doesn’t want to, you can borrow Kevin, I guess.”
“And I’m going to take Ted?” Alex asked, “To watch me fuck some stranger?”
“Okay, you’re making this harder than it has to be,” Karla said. “Alex, you can take Ted and Taylor with you; kind of a double date.”
“You know what?” Tanya said, continuing without a pause, “I’m going to have to think about this. I mean, this may be normal for you, Karla, but it’s kind of out there for me.”
“I didn’t say we had to start tonight,” Karla sulked lightly. “But, yeah. Think about it. Talk about it, if you want. I just think we need to figure out some way to balance out our numbers. And I’d like to do it fairly soon so we can have another gathering.”
“Yeah,” Alex said softly. “We need to think about this.”
“We could troll online,” Tanya suggested in a voice just above a whisper.
“Oh, sure!” Alex burst out. “There’s an idea that needs to be discarded immediately!”
“Just brainstorming,” Tanya shrugged.
“Well, quit it,” Alex snapped, not unkindly. “You’re fucking dangerous.”
“Tom’s our loose cannon,” Karla confided to Kevin after she briefed him on her idea to recruit another male. We just don’t know how he’s going to react watching Tanya.”
“He seen her with Jeremy, Ted and me,” Kevin told her. “He seemed to be fine with that.”
“But we don’t know what he’ll do when she’s getting laid and he isn’t.”
Kevin nodded. “I can understand your concern. Do you have a solution?”
“A couple of them. But, you’re not going to like either of them.”
“That’s an enormous assumption. Why don’t you run them by me and let’s see.”
“Okay. You watch over Tanya and he goes with me. That way I can keep an eye on him and make sure he behaves. Besides, he’s not as invested in me as he is in Tanya.”
“The downside being that I don’t get to guard you.”
“Or watch me getting laid,” she chuckled. “I know how you like that.”
“Well, I didn’t get to see much of what happened in Argentina. Just imagined images.”
“And the distraction of Tanya, Alex, Jasmine, and Taylor.”
“What’s the other option?” he asked.
“We send you out with Alex. Ted and Taylor go with Tanya.”
“Or, Ted and Taylor go with Tanya, Tom goes with Alex, and I still get to stay with you.”
She touched his face lightly and smiled at him. “I know that would be preferable for you, but I’m not sure I trust him. We just don’t know how he’s going to behave. If I have him with me, I feel like I can manage him better.”
“All right,” Kevin conceded, “We’ll just swap. Tom goes with you and I’ll keep an eye on Tanya.”
“Thank you, my love,” Karla replied. “Ted and Taylor will go with Alex, then, and everybody will be set.”
“You know, I’ve never really watched Tanya getting laid. I doubt it will be as rewarding as watching you.”
“She’s your golden goddess, darling. You’re going to share her; watch her in action, and hopefully, see her at her the height of sensual exhilaration.”
“I doubt that, Karla,” Kevin grinned at her. “Unlike you, I have little invested in Tanya’s arousal.”
“I don’t have anything invested in her arousal,” Karla chuckled.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it. I don’t have an emotional attachment to Tanya like I do for you.”
“Funny,” Karla mused. “I thought you loved her.”
“Of course I love her,” he sighed. “I just don’t love her like I love you.”
“If I were you, my darling, for your own benefit in this, I’d get more deeply engaged,” she replied with a broad smile.
“So,” Karla asked Tom after her candidate had left the hotel room, what did you think?”
“About him?”
“About the whole thing.”
“It felt a great deal like watching a porn movie.”
“Did I make a good star?”
Tom laughed. “See, here’s the thing. We, I mean you and I, haven’t really been alone together. So, there was always something else going on. This was very personal.”
“I found myself wishing it was me, instead of him. I actually felt jealous, a bit.”
“We’ve done everything together that Jake and I did, Tom. Same for Jasmine and Alex. All of us have given you the same treatment.”
“Okay. But this was, I don’t know, more raw, maybe? It was just you and him with me watching from the corner. I wanted that.”
“Why, Tom, are you telling me you’re emotionally involved with me?”
“Would that be so awful? I think we’re all emotionally invested in this.”
“So, what do you want?”
“I want you to let me come and make love to you.”
She patted the bed beside her. “Get undressed, then, Tom. I’m going to have a rinse-off in the shower. When I come back out and find you naked in the bed, then we can fuck.”
“That wasn’t supposed to be part of the bargain,” Tom observed.
“Hmmm,” she hummed as she shucked the bedclothes and stood up. “I imagine Kevin and Tanya are probably going to have reclamation sex, too.”
“Is that what you call it?”
“We’re reclaiming our partners,” she nodded. “And while we’re fucking, you can tell me how you think Jake would fit it to our little community and how much you’d like to see him fuck your Tanya.”
“Well,” Tanya said with a long sigh, “That was pretty much a disaster.”
“Agreed,” Kevin replied softly, nodding.
“All those words he used were true enough,” she said. “I am a slut. I have a married cunt. Of course, I don’t charge, so I’m not really a whore. But, why do you suppose he was so vehement in using those terms?”
Kevin shook his head. “I suppose some men feel the need to disparage their women in order to feed their own egos.”
“I’m so thankful we don’t have any men like that in our group.”
“I know. It’s easy to get used to being treated like a goddess.”
“Oh, bullshit, Kevin. I’m not like that.”
He grinned broadly at her. “I know. You’re pretty ambivalent about being worshipped.”
“You’re the only one who does that,” she sniped at him.
“Not so, not so. I’m sure there are others among our band of outlaws who feel the same way about you as I do.”
“Well, I haven’t seen evidence of that.”
“Really? All of us agree you’re worthy of worship. We may not admit it for fear of how our womenfolk would respond, but the feelings are still there.”
“Fact is,” she sighed softly, “I could use a little worship after that shipwreck we just had.”
“I’m your man, darling,” Kevin chuckled. “So you think Rick wouldn’t fit into our social circle.”
“I’m absolutely sure. He’s an arrogant prick.”
“That won’t make Karla happy. I mean, she wants someone to add right now.”
“Well, Rick won’t do. Don’t you agree?”
“I do, my love. He should see how we make love. He could learn something.”
Tanya beckoned him to cross the room. “Let’s pretend he’s in the corner watching. Let’s show him how he ought to behave.”
“Well, that was interesting,” Taylor commented.
“You’ve had an interesting month,” Alex replied. “First Ted, then Kevin, Tom, and Jeremy. Now Cody.”
“You fucked him, too,” Taylor replied snippily. “And you’ve been fucking all of them longer than I have.”
“All right, ladies,” Ted said from the second queen-sized bed.
“Aren’t you at all jealous?” Alex asked him.
“You think I should be?”
Alex huffed.
“She’s just pissed because I’m getting the same cock she’s been getting,” Taylor opined.
“You’re my daughter,” Alex protested. “It’s just motherly concern.”
“Well, that’s crap,” Taylor told her.
“Look,” Ted said firmly, “This isn’t a competition. I love you both. Seemed to me that Cody did, too.”
“That wasn’t love, honey,” Alex said. “That was just lust.”
“Whatever it was, it was spread evenly.”
“It doesn’t make any difference,” Taylor groused. “He lives in Wyoming for corn’s sake.”
“Which kind of eliminates him as a viable candidate for our group,” Alex added.
“I lived in Chicago,” Ted observed.
“Not the same,” Taylor reminded him. “Cody’s got family and land up there. He’s not as flexible as you were.”
“He was a good one, though,” Alex mused. “Nice, hard body. Great cock, too.”
“It was a nice cock,” Taylor agreed.
“Better than mine?” Ted asked her.
“Nobody’s better than you,” she grinned at him. “And thank you for letting me suck you while he fucked me.”
“Least I could do,” he chuckled.
“He couldn’t take his eyes off you, Taylor,” Alex commented. “I was riding him like a stud bull and he was watching you humping on Ted.”
“Just my natural charm,” she grinned.
“No, I think it was more than that. I think he had a thing for you.”
“So, it’s probably a good thing he’s out as a candidate,” Ted said.
“Afraid of the competition?” Taylor asked him.
“I don’t want to lose you to some hard-body cowboy,” he admitted.
“Don’t be stupid,” she said softly. “I love you.”
“He was a good fuck, though,” Alex said wistfully. “Pretty good tongue, too.”
“But he lives in Wyoming,” Taylor reminded her.
“So, we’re a failure,” Alex said.
“No, Mother. We got laid. Strange cock and familiar one, too. I think that’s a successful evening.”
“I hope Karla and Tanya fared better,” Alex said wearily.
“I’m sure one of them did,” Ted replied. “Now, what are the sleeping arrangements for the rest of tonight?”
Taylor looked at her mother. “I’m on his right. You get his left.”
The Williams house was quiet and dark. Taylor padded her way softly into master bedroom and gently smoothed her hand across her mother’s shoulder.Alex burrowed deeper into the pillows.“Mom,” Taylor whispered softly, continuing to stroke her mother’s skin.“What is it?” Alex said quietly. “You woke me up.”“Time to switch,” Taylor whispered.“You can’t be serious.”“Shush. You’ll wake him. Ted’s waiting for you.”“This isn’t a good idea, Taylor.”“We talked about this, Mother,” Taylor whispered...
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The first thing I noticed was the sweet, sensuous smell. I twisted my head from side to side, but it seemed to be coming from all around. “What the hell’s that?” I whispered. “It smells like a Turkish brothel in here.” “And you’d know, sweetie,” he said, taking his cue as I knew he would. “Don’t you like it?” “You know I do,” I replied. “It’s sandalwood and rose, my favourite.” I felt his hand on my arm as he guided me forward. The silken blindfold was much more effective than I’d expected,...
BDSMSo this is my first time doing this... I dont know how I am going to go through with it. One of my relatives decided to set me up on a blind date. They say I have been single for far too long...and well they are right. I go through some major preparation. A couple of yoga poses to stretch my slightly stiff body. Then I get into the shower...ohhh...the warm water feels so good on my skin. I roam my soapy hands on my body. I touch my neck, massaging it slightly, then slide them along my breasts,...
As she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting...
Unclothed, and shivering slightly as the fan directed outside air to caress her skin, Oriana stood determinedly beside her bed. Muscles rippled along her narrow frame as she unconsciously clenched her fists and tightened her shoulders. Painful knots worsened, and tension began to accumulate in a crescent along her brow. The beginnings of a headache finally awakening her to her own self-t*****e, Oriana strode to the corner of her small dormitory room and unrolled a pale green yoga mat. She...
Sensualality © 2003 Dan Johnson I love your sensualality the every movement of your sexuality breathes the immortality of our love. I love your sensualality your every breath exudes the spirituality of our love. I love your sensualality the way your smile your touch your very being brings about the practicality of our love. I love your sensualality you undress me, constantly impress me, with the fornicality of our love. I love your sensualality the...
Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more of my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page ‘Nish Massage Club’. Below is the experience share by Smitha who contacted me for a sensual sexual massage. Enjoy the first part written in her own words. I am Smitha from Hyderabad, married...
Hello readers, it has been long since I have posted any of my experiences on this site. Cheers to everyone, in specific the ladies out there for appreciating the two previous stories. Now, let me get into the episode straight. So this incident took place in March when I had come back to Hyderabad from Mumbai after a short break. Being from a corporate company, it doesn’t allow me to have much time off. But somehow I was able to take the weekend off. Being excited about it, I had a detailed plan...
We meet in the doorway, the moonlight through the windows casting a silver sheen on your raven tresses. The candles give a golden glow to the ivory negligee that parts just enough to allow me a glimpse of your silken breasts yet still hiding the treasures of your secret places. We speak no words, but enfold each other in a tender embrace. I gently turn your face up to kiss you, your cheeks, your neck, your eyes, and finally your sweet lips. As we kiss, you move your body so your thigh is...
Hi guys, this is curvesaddict. Thanks for your feedback on my previous story. I had a few interesting conversations with the readers. Now, this incident happened a few weeks back and can’t wait to share it with you guys. I am Ram, 24, working as a graphic designer in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. The heroine of the story is a colleague of mine. She is an intern at my company for content writing. Her name is Helen (name changed). As I used to do the...
Following his directions, she continued to scan the room. Watching the crowd of people – both men and women – as he started to work her cunt again in earnest. Everyone’s attention fixed directly on her. Everyone watching as her cunt was fucked and stretched wide open. Derek now used two hands on her. Three fingers plunging in and out of her, faster and faster, while the fingers of his other hand flew back and forth across her clit. His eyes went from her dripping pussy to the glass on the floor...
BDSM“So one year I thought about getting a Super Soaker and when the kids came to the door and say “Trick or Treat” I was gonna yell “Trick” and nail them with the Super Soaker.” “Mick! There will be no Super Soakers, or habanero chocolates or bitter or sour stuff!” “Ok; but you have to admit it is a funny idea.” “Danny’s parents party is only 4 days away and we do not have costumes yet.” “I have never been to a costume party for Halloween, let alone one where the folks are nudists. What the...
Elisabeth stood beside Shepherd, gathering the courage to take the first step across the bridge. "Take your time," Shepherd told her. "I'm scared," Elisabeth replied. She slowly placed her bare foot on the first slat, feeling the coarse texture of the wood against her skin. The next step was easier but she still turned back towards Shepherd for reassurance. He smiled at her. The timbers creaked under her weight and she vaguely recollected the previous crossing, just after she was...
The man shades his eyes and squints ahead, trying to see through the glinting sunlight reflected off the rivers eddys and currents. His raft moves lazily through the brown slow waters, guided by his sure hands and arms, pushing and pulling the pole in and out of the muddy river floor. A soft summertime symphony of insect and bird noises fills the air, while a thousand shades of green provides a visual backdrop formed by an endless succession of bushes, trees, brambles and shrubs lining the...
The last was deleted so I will have to edit this a bit. So it had been years since I had seen my C....n Katie. I Had gone into the Marines, and was getting out. I was now divorced and had a son I would see on the weekends. I got an apartment in a very hot part of the city (NY) with a strip of Irish pubs. This area gets wild around St. Pats. Katie, now 19 was just moving back, but to a suburb. She now really didn't have friends in the area, and the burbs are boring. I invited her to come over...
Hi this is Chran raj from Vijayawada today I am going to narrate the real story which happened last 2years back and in between this two years I had many times sex that too I am going to submit all the stories soon while reading this story u may get bored and say what this story all boring story but after reading the full story u will not say it today I am going to narrate the story between me and my side house aunties. Before entering the story I am going to introduce the characters if I will...
CHAPTER FOURTEEN He called my name once more just before I entered the kitchen, where he was. I hopped in front of him, feeling extremely embarrassed, and closed my eyes. He was so surprised by what he saw that he said "Oh... My... God!!!" three times in a row. I looked at him and pouted, hoping he might understand that I needed help. He said 'Oh my god!' once more and then, still in shock, dropped the glass he was holding in the sink and shattered it. This brought him back to reality,...
She thought long and hard the next couple of days. She knew the job was an office job but she didn't know what it would entail. Her best friend told her to go for an interview, find out what it was about , then make a decision . She dialed the number on the card. " thank you for calling gordy's how may I direct your call"? " to a mr. Samuel Gordy please" . She was placed on hold for a few minutes , then the familiar voice came on the line. "This is Samuel " " hi mr. Gordy it's Rachel...
My ass hole was still a little tender from the work out my brotherand father gave me last night. After a quick shower I put my baggy jeansback on that I had worn yesterday. I pulled a new T shirt out of myovernight bag and as I was pulling it over his head, Todd came into thebathroom. "Hey little dude, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked ashe walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist and pulled me uptight against his groin. I could feel Todd's cock press against...
Studious Saya Song came home from class where she learned about an ancient slutty tradition called Cum On My Tattoo, with which her pals Owen Gray and Will Havoc were familiar. She explained there’s lots of penises involved. Makes sense, that’s where you get the jizz! Plus has a couple holes and tricks that are good for making them orgasm, AND tattoos. Talk about doing your homework! Saya took the pair of curious cocks at both ends, and this full service slut was eager to have her...
xmoviesforyou*******************Garrett and I entered my room with the greasy bags of food from a localcollege place near our dorms. The six of us, me, Corey, Kris, Colt, Brysonand Garrett sat around eating everything in sight. We cleaned up our messto resume our intense game of Texas Hold `em Poker. The break did what wewanted and had cooled Garrett's hot hand off. Kris was making a smallcomeback until Corey defeated him one-on-one for a nice little winnings. Anice winning in our game was maybe two bucks...
Hello everyone…Mera naam rohan hai..Main bangalore me job karta hu. Maine kuch din pehne iss ki stories padhne chalu ki. Sabka experience sun ke mujhe v laga ki mera v ek experience share karna chahiye… Aaao tum sabko apni story batata hu…Jinko v mere story pasand aaye wo apne reviews mujhe bhej sakte hai…Mera id hai Abb story pe aata hu…Kuch dino pehle jab main clg me tha to mere ek friend tha sishir. Majak me hum sab usko susu bulate the…Wo mere ghar ke bagal me he rehta tha…Mera uske yaha...
Hello friends mera naam Naitik(name changed) hai. Mai Birgunj (Nepal) ka rehne wala hu.. Ye story meri aur meri didi Sweta (name cahnged) ki hai.. Ye meri pehli story hai.. Ye story bikul true story hai.. Ab boar na karte hue storie pe ata hu. Ye story Kathmandu ki hai.. Meri didi ki shadi Kathmandu me hui hai… Sayad unka fig 38 26 34 hai .. Dikhne me sex goddess hai… Ye story 1 saal purani hai. Mai aur meri didi ek dusre se bht close hai.. Par kabhi bhi didi k bare me aisa soch nae rkhta tha.....
By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) A nice long, lazy hunt in the Silverpine Forest was what my five Worgen brethren wanted. Just like the hundreds of times I went with them, loping through the woods North of Gilneas, in search of game and the exhilarating thrill of the hunt. Worgen, is what we are. But, for the most part we are just like Werewolves. The largest difference was, we couldn't turn into the four legged type that all werewolves could. We were stuck...
NAILED --------------- A freak industrial accident puts his life on a path that he never would have expected, much less dreamed of in his wildest fantasies. --------------- I was fresh out of high school and was working construction to earn money for college. I really did want to go to college and get into business, but my less than stellar academic scores in high school prevented me from getting any decent scholarship money. Mom and dad were sympathetic, but unfortunately...
After that session Freddie and Bennie said they had to go into town and buy some supplies for the weekend and would I like to go with them as they wanted to buy me a nice meal. They intimated that tomorrow I would be busy all day and into the night and wouldn’t eat very much. They also advised me to get a good night’s sleep so they wouldn’t bother me. If I wanted, Jasper would probably be up to having another mating with me when we got back. I wanted! I retrieved my other suitcase from my...
Chapter 1 Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I am one of those weird people who read erotic stories. Yes, I admit it. Once I start reading them it's hard to stop. Some stories are total trash; of course that is only my opinion. But then you come across a story, not paying any attention to the authors name, you never heard of him or her but the title of the story draws your interest. You decide to click on it and kind of give it a scan through, not really reading it. After you...
We had been back on the road about five minutes after our coffee stop when the first snowflakes hit the windshield. Wanda, who had been slumping in her seat, completely uninterested in the surroundings, sat up and watched as snow collected on the hood of the car. It was comical to see her rotate her head to one side of the road and back to the front as if she were counting the flakes. Within another five minutes the road was getting slick, the windshield wipers were working at top speed and...
Amar Naam Neel, ekhon boyosh 29. Meye r Boudider proti amar durbolota onek age thekei chilo. Chotobela thekei hoi lekhaporar somoi, kingba onno konobhabe onek didi, boudi’r sathe porichoi hoyese. Amar kache sobchaite bhalo lage gondhota. Oder shorir theke alada ekta gondho ase, jeta sochorachor onno kono meyeder theke pawa jai na. Ei golpota onek din ager. Tokhon ami bcom pass kare MBA te dhuki dhuki korchi. Admission r tokhono aro mashkhanek baki. Lekha porar jonjat theke bachar jonno mama...
Red Clouds is an explicit section of the famous Voyeur Web and true to that description; the site features a jaw-dropping amount of some of the most explicit nude amateur photos you will ever find on the internet. Forget the fake pornstars and their equally fake porn for a second, allows you to see real amateur house whores, wives, girlfriends, co-workers, couples, and what have you really going wild in front of the camera. These XXX amateur photos deserve your whole attention....
Amateur Porn SitesWhich Way Is Witch? By Jennifer White Boys at school often tease girls. Even after they've reached an age when they should know better. Lena wasn't the prettiest girl in her senior class in highschool, but she wasn't ugly either. Her mother had taught her that it was best to be 'average'. If you were too pretty or too ugly, you stood out too much. And that was not good, when you came from a family of witches. So Lena was very average, ordinary, teenage girl. Terry on the...
"Kristina has a boyfriend," Lauren says as she slowly lowers her steamy pussy down onto my very erect cock. I don't know why my sister picks such inopportune times to start conversations."Really?" I ask, as she squeezes her smooth thighs against my legs and her pussy compacts around my solid shaft! "So... what does that mean?" I ask, unwittingly getting sucked into the discussion as I reach for her firm tits, which are jutting out invitingly from her teenage chest."She wants to take it slowly...
Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest cock" yeah right guy's always lie about there cock size and most girls lie about their partners sizes as well. I decided I was going to get him in bed and see for myself.We're planning a threesome with him soon!The day arrived, and I got to meet Tim. I could already see a large bulge in his pants not that I look at...
I followed Terry to his house and almost all the way there I had my hand in my crotch, now my Miata is a small car with bucket seats so I did not have enough room to drive with my legs open enough to really do much but tease myself. I knew that once I got to Terry's house we would screw and to say I was anxious is an understatement. We pulled up into his driveway; he lives on a nice part of town and in an expensive neighborhood. By the time I was ready to open my door, Terry was there...
He had later sent me a message. -that is the kitchen confidential position- I smiled at it. Then I remembered he forgot yo mention the position name. I got to do study for the next day lectures, thinking about imad. That evening, I missed called imad. I thought he would call me back if he was free by then. Yup, he called me back as I thought. Omar was asleep then and I decided to have some mobile fun with imad. -hey imad- -hey my darling, how are you? Why called me?- -just…how are you? Not...
Ethan had been watching his twin sister with envy for many years now. Not so much her, but her clothes. The jealousy was driven by what Ethan was coming to recognize as his over-developed fashion sense. He loathed the lack of style in boy’s wear available to him.He looked down and sneered at the white briefs he wore. He looked over at the open bathroom door. He could see right through it to the open door into Madison’s bedroom. It was like her bedroom was calling to him. Come look. Come...
First TimeI stopped in at the office and checked my box. I picked up the attendance sheets for the day, walked quickly to my classroom and sat down at my desk. The principal stopped by before the bell to see if I was alright. I tried to smile and assure him that I was doing fine. He looked at me funny, as if he expected me to complain about something. But I felt like I had already missed my opportunity to tell him what happened to me yesterday afternoon. He just looked at me for a moment. But he...
I hadn’t given up and I hadn’t given in. Giving in to my need for instant relief, trying to quick fix my inner chaos by drinking myself into oblivion would after all have been the easy way. And I didn’t do easy, I never chose the simple way out. Not if there was a better, more logical way anyway. Simply quitting wasn’t the smart way forward. After coming to the decision that I would keep going I went home, treated myself to a cup of hot chocolate, painkillers and a shower. I then went to bed...
Naan oru kaal panthu vilaiyadum veeran, thinaum kaalaiyil payirchi seithu varuven. Enathu thudai thadimbalaaga irukum maarbu nangu virinthu irukum, athanaal enagaluku ennai paarthaal miga pidikum. Pengaluku ennai miga pidikum enbathai solvathai vida auntygaluku ennai miga pidikum, oru naal maalaiyil vidu murai andu vilaiyaadi kondu irunthom. Naan vilaiyaadum pozhuthu kaal satai aninthu irunthen pinbu t shirt aninthu irunthen. Naangal vilaiyadi kondu irukum pozhuthu nanbanin kaal adi patu...
Haley Reed has been admitted to a detention center for wayward teens, which means a strip search and then changing into the facility’s outfit. While Haley is peeling off her clothes, she confesses that she’s been sent there by her mom for sucking her stepbrother’s cock. Claudia Monet, the administrator in charge of Haley’s intake, decides to grant Haley an exception to their no-visitor policy so she can reconcile with Zac Wilde, her stepbro. When Zac arrives, Claudia...
xmoviesforyouWith pain, there would be pleasure tonight.There was a time when I could not get enough of her. I loved her the way other people loved those special to them. She was beautiful--perfect in my eyes in every way--and then the lust went out of me. I could only think of dominating and humiliating her. Yet she still desired to pleasure me, so submitted to my will.Three weeks, four continents, twelve capital cities; non-stop work. I had been without her company and with no other woman the entire time....
About an hour before Alice Murphy choked out her daughter's name, Sandy had been a quivering, quietly moaning girl on the couch in Vicki Rolf's basement playroom. Time was meaningless and blurred to her, merging with the cocks of Tommy Edgars and Joe Arrow which had continually assaulted her hapless, drug-crazed young body. She was beyond emotion, her tender loins jerking spasmodically as her muscles twitched from the wild, electric-like orgasms she'd received. The two boys and the naked...
Author’s note:Just to remind readers that the events referred to in this series are set in the period of the mid 1960’s onwards, when few of the everyday appliances that we now take for granted were available.Thank you, hope you enjoy, your comments are always welcome.The next day at work was another day with Dan asking question after question, time and again he wanted David to describe his mother naked, to tell him how she reacted when she was being fucked. David enjoyed talking about his...
Hi indian sex storiesdot net dosto, kaise ho. Mai ess site ka bahut purana reader hu or finaly mai bhi dicide kiya ki mai bhi apni real story aplogo ke samane rakhu.. Mera name rakesh kumar. Mai abhi 23 years ka hu, mere lund ki size 7.5 cm hai. Aaj mai apni life ki real story leke aaya hu jo 4 sal pahle ki hy , jab mai 18 years ka tha tab.. I hope ki aplogo ko pasand ayegi. Meri gf ki name puja( name change) hai aur wah dekhne me bilkul hot, sexy, and beautiful. Gf puja ko dekhte he kitne...
Karen I wheedled ... Hairy slipped me two straps ... I bounced into the “tower” and said, “Receipt ... serial numbers ... for everything.” “I knew you were going to be more trouble than you are worth.” “You’re an accountant. You demand solid numbers. That’s what I want.” It wasn’t enough that he was willing to take the boxes at their word ... no ... the covers had to come off, the numbers checked, if they matched ... great ... if they didn’t ... out with the original logbooks and hunt...
Lee Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Part 1 (Rewrite) This is a rewrite of the original storyline, correcting the spelling and grammar errors and clarifying the storyline. Hopefully, the storyline will be easier to read and follow. Thanks for your comments and reviews. It is greatly appreciated. ************************************************************************ Lee Anderson is an award-winning college football player. Lee was every girl's dream, strong, handsome, extremely...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. I’m umesh 23yrs old bisexual. Story suru hoti hai college ke canteen se, roz ki tarah me apne dosto k saath betha tha aur ek dost ne baat nikali k doctor Suresh gay hai aur woh patients pe chance marta hai. Meh woh doctor ko janta tha jam meh kafi young tha to pere papa uske paas hi le jaate the ilaj k liye muju woh baat thodi shocking lagi. Fir mene wahi baat aur 2-3 logo k muh se suni. Ab mere maan me laddu futne lage mene maan bana liya ki meh b jau ga...
Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter One Is It Just a Role? The dress rehearsal for the drama club's latest production was over. The curtain fell, the audience of excited parents applauded enthusiastically. The curtain rose and the performers stepped forward to take their bows. The curtain fell again and still the crowd applauded. The two stars, Troy and Julie, took their positions centre stage, holding hands as the curtain rose one more time. They...
Pin-Up Beauty Gabbie Carter Makes Manuel Beg For Her Tight, Young Pussy! Dressed in lace lingerie with a leopard print corset and fishnets Gabbie looks stunning as she teases by the pool. She wastes no time as she tears open her stockings and pulls off her panties then turns around to pull down her bra so play with her giant tits. Gabbie jiggles her juggs and licks her nipples before heading inside to get more comfortable on the couch as her hands start to wander South. She plays with her...
xmoviesforyouThis is my 4th story in Indian sex stories. As usual it is not a real story but has been inspired from a friend’s life. I am really interested in sex chatting and role play, ready for any role play like doctor and nurse or teacher and student. I really love it when girls dominate me. Any girl/aunty can approach me for role play chatting and my email ID is– and please send feedback. Girls/aunty in Mangalore and closer areas can approach me for a hot, spicy relation. Full privacy guaranteed....
Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army “You cannot win,” the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. “You may have placed blocks in me it won’t help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!” An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind! “You obviously haven’t looked at all I...