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PART I What Mary Learned

Mary is 55 and happily married. At the moment, Mark, her husband, friend, and lover of 30 years, has been gone almost a week taking care of a family problem.

‘It’s been a long week,’ thought Mary as she lay in the half empty bed. ‘My part-time job, lunch with friends, and personal and grocery shopping just seems like ‘marking time’, with the house and this bed being empty of Mark. ‘

Thinking of her husband/lover, Mary’s finger tips began making slow concentric circles on her abdomen. Suddenly, Mary became aware of a sensual feeling in the area of her clit. Pushing thoughts of Mark aside, Mary let her senses take control. I know there are hundreds of nerve endings in my finger tips that tell me cold, hot, rough, smooth, but sensual? WOW!!! This was her last conscious thought as she let her finger tips continue their light, delicate, stimulating dance on the sensual nerve endings of her abdomen.

As the dancing finger tips commenced moving faster and faster over her abdomen, exciting the nerves to a screaming pitch, her breathing became more rapid and her hips began a slow undulation. ‘A little orgasm. Wow!!’ noticed one part of her stimulated brain. The finger tips slowly and rhythmically slowed down to a stop and then started dancing up the center of her body to her breasts, where those animated finger tips circled each breast, enticing those nerve endings until they reached the pinnacle. There the fingers straightened out and each palm, moving in concentric circles, took over the sensual dance on each nipple till each one was standing up. ‘Even my palms are feeling sensual’ was the fleeting thought.

By now, Mary’s lips have parted and her arching body responded to this intoxicating stimuli. Once again, Mary was aware of another small orgasm as she felt her channel of love begin to moisten. It was as if every excited nerve was sending precise data to her sensual mind.

The sensual-feeling palms revolved faster on the aroused nipples, sending electric waves down to her aching clit. Then as the finger tips once again circulated around her breasts, her breathing slowed, her body relaxed, waiting for the next sensual stimuli. It came when those sensitive, delightful finger tips began dancing on the sensitive areas of her collar bone , causing her upper body to slowly move back and forth over the sheet. The breathing increased, her lips parted.

Swiftly changing from finger tips to knuckles, the stimulating dance continued up her neck, under the chin, over the chin and onto her cheeks where the knuckles, too, started their slow concentric dance. ‘WOW!!!’ was the thought, ‘even the knuckles are sensual stimulants.. And my cheeks, the stimuli. . .’.

The fingers straightened out and once more the finger tips took over their FAST, enticing, nerve-stimulating dance – over the temples, onto the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, down each side of the nares onto the cheeks. This time, the fingers continued the circular dance on the still tingling cheeks before moving down to the neck and onto the still sensitive collar bone. ‘Ohhh, my cheeks feel as stimulated as my clit’ was the penetrating thought. Soft moans issued through her parted lips as her mind became numbed by these awakened, overpowering sensual feelings.

By their own volition without any conscious thought, the light dancing finger tips of the left hand moved down the center of the body to the abdomen and again were doing their SLOW circular nerve-arousal dance.

The right hand finger tips were moving of their own accord over to her left shoulder. ‘Ohhh… My shoulder, it’s sooo sensitive’ was the sub-conscious thought as those finger tips SLOWLY began THEIR circular rhythmic dance on the shoulder. This seemed to go on forever. The finger tips on the abdomen, those on the shoulder, an aching clit waiting, wanting the touch of soft lips, another orgasm filling the channel of love with lubricating fluid, and her ass – – it, too, was now sending signals. Groans were now emanating from her throat, the hips moving up and down, up and down, searching for that solid prick to ease the now constant ache. But not yet , not yet.

The dancing finger tips continued their slowly increasing circular dance down the arm onto the back of the hand. That small part of her mind that could still notice, wondered, ‘Even the back of my hand has sensuality. Why, oh why, haven’t I ever done this before?’ Then the fingers began their upward dance to the shoulder, driving her wild with longing. Orgasm followed orgasm.

As the dancing fingers finished with the shoulder, they moved down to the abdomen – and met the left-hand fingers moving up to the sensitive collar bone and over to the right shoulder. Once more, Mary felt as if she couldn’t take much more as those dancing fingers went down and then up her arm, leaving awakened nerve endings. They weren’t through yet, they went under her arm, enticing the nerve endings in her armpit. As the right arm slowly extended itself above her head, Mary felt the dancing fingers ascend the inner arm to the palm and back down. ‘No more’ she muttered, but her body said, ‘NO, the other arm wants the same.’

Now the left fingers danced up to the right armpit in a slow, circular motion , rousing nerves long quiescent, and then quickly proceeded up the inside of her raised arm, torturing the nerves with that constant light circular movement by her fingers till they reached her palm. ‘Round and round they go,’ said her numbed mind. Even more rapidly those fingers moved down the raised arm, never stopping, never giving those tortured nerves a chance to rest.

Then the dancing fingers, continuing their tantalizing stimuli, moved down to and over the hips, over the thighs, down to the calves and then slowly up the backs of her legs, reaching the rump – stimulating, arousing, tormenting long silent nerve endings. Unrecognizable sounds issued past her panting lips as one orgasm followed another, leaving a demanding , aching crotch, from her clit to her ass. Mary, by now, was feeling faint from the unceasing stimulation to ALL her tantalized, tortured nerves. ‘Rest, need to rest’, she thought.

The sexual unfulfillment of her aroused clit, her lubricated channel of love, and her awakened ass, brought Mary back to the demands of her sensual body. ‘How to take care of those last two,’ she momentarily wondered. ‘Mark isn’t here. Oh! That’s right! I have Mark’s gifts: an anal plug and an imitation penis!’ For a moment, her thoughts lingered on why Mark had given her these unusual gifts.

A few days before Mark left to settle a family problem, they had a VERY passionate ’69’. That time, Mark had put a finger cot on his middle finger, greased it, and put it up her ass as far as possible as he sucked on her clit. Now, Mark from time to time had previously inserted a finger a short way into her ass and Mary had found it stimulating by moving her hips back and forth on it, but this time — WOW!! THIS TIME, Mary didn’t roll off after the first INTENSE climax, NO WAY.. She wanted this climax to go on and on and on.

‘Is there a direct line from my clit to the higher part of my inner ass?’ she briefly wondered, as the sensuality of this exotic stimulation numbed her conscious mind.

Two days later Mary told Mark she was still feeling the aroused nerves in her ass. ‘What will I do while you’re gone,’ she complained. The following day Mark gave Mary three gifts: an anal plug, an imitation penis, and a tube of KW Jelly. ‘What’s the jelly for?’ asked Mary. ‘To lubricate the anal plug. You don’t want to cause any problems in your rectum from using a dry anal plug,’ Mark had replied. ‘ Keep these handy just in case you want to try them while I’m gone.

At this moment, though, with Mark out of town, and her clit, love passage and ass all demanding attention, she needed his gifts – NOW!!

Until this evening Mary had never done a do-it-yourself sexual stimulation. She had always l
et Mark have the pleasure of exciting her, but now she was sexually, sensually aroused and she really, really needed his three gifts. Mary frantically began searching for them.

. ‘Where, of where, did I put them,’ she thought, opening one drawer after another and pawing wildly through their contents. ‘Oh, there you are,’ she sighed in relief.

Laying them on the bed on an old T-shirt of Mark’s, Mary sat back on her haunches. With her momentary flashback of their last passionate love-making and since the search had cooled things down just a bit, she began to stimulate her body even more with her dancing fingers. Around her belly they danced rousing those nerves to an even higher pitch. Up the center to the breasts, up and around them to the now hardened nipples, once again sending electric waves down to her clit. Her cheeks were demanding their attention from those rhythmic fingers.

‘Oh – h – h’, moaned Mary as her body began its circular dance. ‘Now me,’ said each arm, so Mary moved her finger to caressing those aroused nerves. ‘Yes, yes,’ said her sensual mind, ‘don’t stop now.’

Those dancing fingers once again went down her body to her hips, her thighs, her calves, back up her legs, her rump – never stopping – stimulating and tormenting those sensual nerve endings again and again, bringing forth one orgasm after another.

With her ass wanting, demanding attention, Mary picked up the anal plug. Looking at it, she whispered,’ Oooh, you are as long as Mark’s finger. What a lovely thing you are.’ Without hesitation, she drew it back and forth between her moist parted lips while the left hand fingers

continued their devastating dance on her body’s nerves.

All this time, Mary’s body was still swaying – her left fingers still teasing her tortured nerves. Suddenly, her fingers holding this butt toy, twisted it as she plunged it into her mouth, down her throat. Harsh sounds came from her throat. After a few moments of moving this exciting toy in and out of her panting mouth, Mary reluctantly withdrew it.

Reaching down for the ‘jelly’ , her dancing left fingers stopped dancing long enough to grease this sexual thing. Rising up on her knees, Mary again whispered, ‘Little butt, I hope you’re as stimulating as Mark’s finger’ as she slowly put the toy in her anus and as slowly pulled it out. In, out, in, out, in, out – teasing those nerves, creating more orgasms.

As her left fingers continued their erotic dancing on her tortured nerves, Mary turned and twisted this ‘toy’ up into her ass as far as she could. She continued turning and twisting it while moving it up and down, in and out until this became a robotic-like movement: over and over – turning, twisting, up, down, in out. She drew short rapid breaths, making guttural sounds.

The dancing fingers stopped, her clit was sending demanding message after message, her love passage was oozing lubricant. The nerves in her ass screaming, screaming. Finally, her right hand dropped, pulling this sexual toy out. Mary sat back on her haunches, breathing short rapid breaths.

Trembling with anticipation, she reached over to relube this new toy.

Rising on shaking legs, Mary once again inserted her sex toy and with the left hand massaged her clit, the fingers moving over the entire area. ‘Oh-h-h, GOD!’ she groaned as she moved her fingers faster and faster over her aroused cunt.

‘Can’t, can’t, can’t, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop,’ her mind said.

With her entire body and mind responding to this arousing stimuli, Mary, then withdrawing her toy, lay flat on her back and inserted that fake penis into her waiting, aching, lubricated love channel. ‘AHHHHH’ she unconsciously screamed as her right hand plunged that desirable love tool again and again into her love channel. Her hips rose and fell until that body-produced climax caused her body to arch, lifting her hips far above the bed. ‘AHHH’ she screamed over and over.

As the now exhausted over -stimulated sensual nerves ever so slowly calmed down, Mary turned on her side, clamping her legs together to hold that tantalizing love toy in her love passage. Having her love passage filled by that symbol of love felt S000 VERY GOOD.

Her last thought,’Should I tell Mark , when he returns tomorrow, that I used his gifts if he asks? Oh, yes, I would say, but only because you weren’t here. I much prefer YOUR personal tools.’ And, so on to sleep, the sleep of the physically, exhausted, and sensually satisfied body.


Author’s Note

Mary’s night of new-found sensuality has drawn to a close. BUT, having found it, who knows what the future will bring. Will she repeat this stimulating, sensual encounter in the afternoons when she’s home alone, will she awaken Mark in the middle of the night with her self-arousing orgasms, will Mary begin a class of ‘Discover your Sensuality’ to like-minded women. Or will she just use the knowledge to enhance her and Mark’s love life. Who knows…..


Part II What Mary Taught Ann

One slow morning at work, one of Mary’s co-workers said, ‘Mary, are you pregnant? There’s a glow about you that I hadn’t noticed before.’

‘Oh, no,’ chuckled Mary. ‘Impossible for me to be pregnant. I needed a hysterectomy several years ago.’

‘Well,’ persisted her co-worker, ‘what gives? Have you found a second lover?’

‘NO WAY!!!-

. Mark does a superb job in the love-making department. A second lover isn’t needed.’

‘All right,’ insisted her co-worker, ‘something different is happening. Give!!’

‘O.K.’ said Mary. ‘How are you and you husband, Frank, doing in the love-making department?’

‘He keeps me satisfied,’ replied Ann.

‘Only satisfied? Not deliriously satisfied? Not passionately satisfied?’ questioned Mary. ‘Can you come to my house after work?’.

‘We – e – l – l -l, I only have one at home now and she has a full time job. Sure, I’m free. Going to tell me your secret – perhaps a special exotic lotion or two?’

‘Just wait,’ answered Mary

That afternoon, after the two gals had finished a light lunch at Mary’s home, Mary began telling Ann what happened the night before Mark returned home.

‘You .mean, just rubbing your fingers over your body brought on a sexual desire? I DON’T believe it!’ Ann said.

‘Come upstairs. I’ll show you, ‘replied Mary, heading for the stairs. Ann, her curiosity aroused, followed.

‘First we remove our outer clothes, leaving bra and panties on,’ instructed Mary, which she preceded to do.

‘WAIT!!!, said Ann in a forceful voice, ‘this isn’t a girl to girl thing, is it?’

‘No,’ laughed Mary, ‘not at all.’

Soon, both Mary and Ann were lying on the bed. ‘Oh, let’s have some relaxing music.’

‘Those drums don’t sound too relaxing, Mary’

‘Just wait, Ann, just wait. O.K. Now we begin. Take your hands, like so, curve the fingers. NOW – let them go in concentric circles on your belly. Don’t stop. Keep going. That’s it. Round and round, faster and faster, let the music be part of you.’

As Ann let the music relax, yet stimulate her, she did as Mary said, was doing, She kept her fingers dancing round and round on her belly. ‘O-h-h-h! This is stim-u-la-ting. My body! It’s – it’s reacting! O-h-h-h, I feel – I feel an ache in my clit!’ Ann’s breath began to quicken, her hips began undulating, faster and faster as she tried to unconsciously keep time to the drum beat. ‘Now what.’ gasped Ann.

‘Move the fingers up the center of the body. Keep them circling just below your breasts,

like….. I’m….. doing. Feel the music.’

‘O-h-h-h, this is – this is umm’ words failed Ann.

‘I…know,’ Mary managed to say. ‘NOW – move them to your breasts. Circle – circle the breasts – up to the nipples. Oh, it’s so hard to talk,’ she gasped, as her body undulated up and down with her hips moving in circles to the rhythmic beat of the drums.

ms! I’m having orgasms!’ gasped Ann, between panting breaths.

‘Don’t panic,’ Mary also gasped. ‘Move your fingers down to your clit. Stimulate it! Don’t stop! Keep going, going, going.’

‘A-H-H-H’ came a guttural sound from Ann’s throat, as she reached climax. ‘A-H-H-‘

came the last long-drawn out sound as Ann suddenly relaxed while breathing heavily. ‘Oh-h,

THAT felt good.’

Mary also had climaxed and the two women just lay there, waiting for their beating hearts to return to normal as the music came to a stop.

When Mary felt calm again, she rose, went to her dresser, picked up her large hand mirror and brought it over to Ann. ‘Look,’ said Mary.

‘WOW and WOW! Look at my color. WOW! Ann said again. ‘This is it?’

‘Not quite,’ laughed Mary. ‘There’s more, but this is enough for now. While you’re lying in bed waiting for Frank to finish his shower and etc., turn on stimulating music, let it become part of you, then let your fingers take over. You might even see if you have any other sensual areas. I just hope your Frank isn’t an ‘old stick-in-the-mud.’ type. Frank does do the ‘ummm’ clit stimulating bit, doesn’t he?’ asked Mary hesitantly.

‘Oh, yes,’ replied Ann with a reminiscent smile, ‘he does do that. Maybe I’ll use this lesson tonight.’

That night while Ann was in bed waiting for Frank, her husband, to finish showering and shaving, she searched on the radio for some music with an appropriate beat. That done, she relaxed and let the music take hold. Soon, her fingers began circling on her belly – to bring back the memory of the afternoon’s sensual lesson.. ‘Let’s see if I can repeat it’ thought Ann.

‘First, I let the fingers dance in time to the music, just lightly touching the skin. My body remembers!’ came the exhilarating thought. ‘O.K. up the center, o – h – h – h , how sensual this is. The breasts – stimulate, stimulate,’ Ann, by now was breathing in quick, shallow breaths as her hips moved up and down. ‘My clit, it’s aching, just like this afternoon. No., I’ll let it ache. I wonder if Frank is through. Other sensual areas . . . where . . . maybe my hips, my thighs – oh-h , the sensation. I didn’t know they, too, could have a sensual feeling, it’s so strong. Oh, I can feel my vagina, like … it’s filling with fluid. Frank, where are you.’ All these thoughts were flashing through Ann’s mind as her body responded to the sensual stimulation of the music and of moving, dancing fingers.

Frank, having finished showering and shaving, had begun to enter the bedroom when he suddenly stopped to watch his wife. His love tool, which had been short and limp, began to stiffen . ‘WOW! Is Ann sexy tonight’ he thought as he watched her moving hands, her undulating body, heard her heavy breathing.

Then he moved to the bed, bent over and began to nibble on the closest nipple while his hands began to caress her body. Sounds issued from Ann’s throat as her body reacted even more to Frank’s nibbling and caressing. Her hips moved up and down, faster and faster as her love channel became more lubricated, her clit even more demanding of attention.

Frank moved his lips slowly down Ann’s body which quivered at his touch, exciting Frank and encouraging him to widen the area of his sensual lip movement. Sounds of pleasure issued from Ann’s throat as her body moved in response to this unusual stimulation. As Frank continued this mind-numbing sensuality, he inserted two fingers into her love channel, massaging, stimulating. ‘Oh, yes,’ breathed Ann, ‘Oh, yes.’

Ann’s hands moved down to her clit area, and spread the labia aside, exposing the aching, demanding clit. ‘Kiss it, kiss it,’ she gasped.

‘Geez, not only sexy but hot tonight,’ thought Frank, as he bent over her leg to kiss that enticing, delightful area.

‘O – h – h – h,’ moaned Ann. ‘Let – me – kiss – your prick.’

‘As soon as I’m on the bed but move over, my hot lover, ‘ panted Frank as his breathing increased.

He was soon straddling Ann, kissing her clit, finger stimulating her love channel, while Ann took his prick in her mouth, sucking it, inhaling it, massaging it with her tongue, grasping his love tool at the base, gently massaging his balls, and then moving down to take them in her mouth, all the while running her fingers up and down his oozing prick.

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I woke up on Sunday and I toke a coffee in my living room. I then remembered a past part of my life, 15 years ago.I was 24. I had just finished my university and was freshly a worker. I had broken up with my GF 4 months ago so I was single, and I wanted it to keep it that way. I have been in couple since high school, so I wanted to enjoy a little bit of freedom.One night, I was surfing on dating forums. And I saw Miss Sophie post. My life changed that night. Miss Sophie was a lady of 41 years...

3 years ago
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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 2

Terry shook his cup of three pennies. His eyes danced at me. I sidled around, nearly running to the LINK stop. What was he doing here? He even dared to look at me! Should I call the police? What would I tell them? I managed to let my breath out, after boarding the train. For the rest of the week, I went to bed early and walked to the farther stop. I made a decision that weekend. I couldn’t let that awful man take five hours of my life, every week. It was too late to call the police, I told...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Storm Chapter 3 The Next Morning

Caught in the Storm Chapter Three - The Next Morning Billy woke up first. He felt the unfamiliar presence of another person behind him, a leg between his, and an arm over and around him. He'd cuddled like this with girlfriends before, but never the 'little spoon' being held. He knew it'd be a lie to say he didn't like it. He could hear and feel April breathing softly behind him, but couldn't quite turn his head far enough to see her. He shifted a little, trying to look back at...

1 year ago
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Definitely Not Gay Beg for It Bitch Gay

I'm happily married and until this recent week, fundamentally straight. I admit I often surf internet porn and have been strangely attracted to gay porn in the last couple of years. I often jerk off to gay porn and am fascinated by how uninhibited and downright dirty the male stars perform. Sex with the wife has become somewhat perfunctory and not very frequent, especially as the k**s take more and more of our daily energy. I've had several strange dreams recently that included me engaging in...

4 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 29

The remaining portion of Nuka-World was the most dangerous. There were robots that were set up in automatic defense mode all over the place. The whole facility had been built around something called Star Control and Star Cores, which was a computerized operating facility for the entire park. We found the remains of a trader with a note that explaining the situation outside of the main entrance. Apparently someone had thought that parts being redundant meant they weren’t actually needed, so...

2 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 5

Douglas Before I approached Jenny at school that day after class to ask if she wanted to grab something to eat with me, everyday I would follow her home in her car. I knew she didn’t have a boyfriend and I knew that she lived alone. We had gone to high school together well, only during our senior year. I had fallen for her the moment I laid eyes on her, but I was always too much of a coward to ask her out. Girls surrounded me and constantly asked me out in high school, but Jenny never did.

4 years ago
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My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...

2 years ago
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Bangs my Wife in Bus

Introduction: My wife teases men in the bus and got fucked by them and I I knew that my wife was in a flirty mood when she came out of the 7/11 restroom. She had just finished a training session in Florida for her job and we were headed down the interstate to the airport. We stopped to get some beverages and to let her change out of her blue dress so she would be more comfortable on the airplane. The sharply dressed professional woman who went into that restroom, was replaced by a sexy babe....

4 years ago
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CR Park Villa 8211 Chapter 2 A Trim And a Quickie

Neelam came out after her shower in a sexy blue salwar with wet hair to serve me lunch. At the dining table, I saw Neelam closely. She was between 5’7” to 5’8”, slim waist, almost flat stomach, silky mid-back hair, and big black eyes. Everything about Neelam is almost perfect. Perfectly shaped dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, sharp lip liner, because she had her lips tattooed. “Manoj told me you are going to stay with us till you graduate. Where is your college?” asked Neelam. Yes bhabi, also,...

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Neighbor girl

Sorry if this has typos or is not quite a smooth read. It was a late night, quickly typed story with no spell checker, and no proof read. Enjoy the first story I have ever written, anywhere. I used to notice her on the bus in elementary school, staring at me. Blonde hair not always combed, slightly dirty face now and then, clothes not always clean and she often looked like she dressed herself. But she was still cute as heck, well kempt or not. Thinking back to this time when I was 11...

2 years ago
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Lust 4

"Is your friend still awake?" "No, She past out drunk so I put her in my room" "So you're alone with your brother now?" "Yes ;)" "Your mom?" "She should be sleeping" "How's your pussy?" "OMG it's so wet. I think my brother came a little bit in me. I really want to fuck him" "You're such a little slut. However, I need you to control yourself tonight. Your brother needs to suffer until the moment he is able to fuck you so I say we need to play with him a little...

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Sex with mom

I am mahesh, age 25, staying with my mom, age 42. My father is usually travels on business trips almost 2- days a month. I always fantasized about getting sucked by mom and one day the fantasy became reality. That sunday afternoon, i was lying in my bed, naked, with cover over me. I was reading porno book and was totally engrossed in reading. Door of bedroom was not locked and i did not notice mom walking inside. I was startled when she asked, ‘mahesh, what are you reading? Some novel? Let me...

3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 74

By the time he arrived at 85 Jay Street with Ceri on his arm, Simon Anderson was gaining a fresh appreciation of how a process could be nearly perfect and yet go completely off the rails at the same time. Ceri had arrived at his apartment at the appointed time dressed to kill in a drapey blue dress cut to expose an oval of flesh centered on her pierced navel. It had sequins that sparkled when they caught the light and the way the color matched her eyes gave her a witchy, otherworldly...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 21 Dinner Guests

Inspired by “Your mom has some huge knockers. Are they real?” Too taken aback to answer, Josh just stared at Blake, the teenager he just met less than an hour ago. Unphased by Josh’s lack of response, Blake continued, “Those puppies gotta be DD’s. Maybe EE’s. What do you think the chances of me getting a peek?” Josh didn’t know if this guy was kidding or not. What Josh did know is that Josh, at fifteen, could not remember one time where his mom wasn’t wearing a...

4 years ago
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Tutoring Jocks

I'd remained on campus during Spring Break along with a few otherstudents. My roommate Jason, had gone home to Boston for a couple of weeks,leaving me with some quiet time. I'd planned to catch up on an essay I waspreparing for one of my classes. I went down to the kitchen to get some ice before I settled down tostudy. As I went through the living area, I spotted Kevin King, talking toone of the other guys in my Frat. He looked up nodded then winked at me. Iretrieved a bucket of ice from the...

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Padosi Haseena Ki Chudai

Let me introduce myself mere naam rohan (jaipur) me rehta hu, age 22 year height 6’7″ handsome guy dick size 8″. So now let me start a story mere baju wali building me 1 ladki rehti hai priya (name change) priya dekhne me ekdum kamal ke hai aaur uska figure ekum baval, koi bhi dekhkar usko chodne ka soche, kfi ladke uske piche pade the unme se ek me bhi tha. Ek din jb wo clg se aa rahi thi mene use rok ke propose kiya aur mere no diya, wo kuch nahi boli aur chali gayi. Don’t like the story?...

4 years ago
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Prison School Ch 04

Chapter 4 – W1 Monday nightMike and Vern walked into Dorm 2 and noticed that most of the guys were in the rec. room.  If anyone was aware that they came in together, nothing was mentioned.  Most of the men were used to seeing the kitchen crew come in a little later anyway.  They went to their lockers, got towels, soap, and clean boxers, and headed to the shower.  Since most of the guys had showered before dinner, the shower stall was empty.Dropping their dirty clothes on the floor, they entered...

Gay Male
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Convent of Sin

The convent was probably the wrong place for Sally. She was a well-developed and curious girl, often up to mischief. As one of several new arrivals in the spring intake, she had not yet even reached the status of novice. Right now she was feeling very guilty and knew why she was being summoned to the Mother Superior's study. One of the Nuns had seen her in the town when she should have been in class. So now she had been called to Sister Leslie’s study to be punished for missing a whole day...

3 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 15

Sultry: Another country heard from: 15 Eva was de-bundled ... unwrapped, untied and debagged. After tea and a 'little something' she asked, "What happened to Hero Alfred?" Well, that question gave them all pause... "Oh ... Him ... the dead guy. Someone stuck an arrow in him." At least that's the information Eva gleaned from the several statements made in response to 'What happened to Al?' "Who stuck him?" she asked. "Got no idea," said Sultry, "He was shot in the back and...

1 year ago
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Golden Evening Pee

I told you a couple months ago about the gorgeous 30 year old girl I live with. We have pet names for each other, I call her Kitten and she calls me daddy? We've done so many nasty things over the past few months. But there was always one thing that kept running through my mind, something really nasty, really dirty. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to experience it with my little girl, my Kitten. Well, one night we had gone out for dinner. We decided that we'd make a night of it...

2 years ago
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One More For Kat

Ok I've told you all stories about my wife Kat and how she loves to get in the panties of married women who have never been with another female before and she's dam good at it too. I have lost a lot a bets due to her knack to do so.Once we were at the mall and a lady about 30yrs with two young k**s walking ahead of us thinking it was a sure bet I told Kat she could have the new car she wanted if she got the woman there in the mall. Following them into a toy store Kat walked right up to them...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 32 Acting On a Great Idea

On a Sunday night, the girls are watching Disney on TV after a carefree afternoon visiting some of the state museums near the Capitol building. Although the exhibits were interesting, they didn't go to look at the exhibits. They went to look at other women.Now that they have pads to give them a female-looking figure, they venture out more and more dressed as girls. As they walked around, they watched what the other women were doing. From a distance, they studied what they were wearing, how they...

3 years ago
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Beauty Of A Glory Hole

Beauty Of A Glory HoleBy: Londebaaz Chohan Christopher was no geek, nerd or a bore. He was simply too good. He heard his friends and most class mates talk of pussies, cocks, boobs and ass holes. He heard a lots of stories of fucking, sucking, kissing and making out. Though he was sexy and horny more than any other boy in his class and his already adult size cock was always hard; he had not even masturbated as much as he should have. He was really that good a boy.One of his good friend; Scott,...

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Best Friends Forever Ch 03

‘It’s a shame that one of them died on the way here,’ the paramedic said, pushing the empty gurney from the room where he just dropped off his passenger. ‘And it doesn’t look like that one will make it through surgery with all the internal injuries he sustained.’ ‘I know,’ said the driver of the ambulance. ‘If we had only gotten there sooner, he may have had a better chance.’ Hearing a lot of commotion both of them stopped and looked over at the room where two doctors and three nurses were...

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Demon Queened Chapter 6

Demon Queened Chapter 6 Written by Princess Kay Edited by Vivian Newswanger Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Standing in a bedroom far too small for the three people in it, staring at the heroine's hand, I felt the sudden urge to laugh. In fact, I was laughing. No. Giggling! It was a...

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NFBusty Sofia Lee Vanessa Decker Two Natural Beauties

Busty beauty Sofia Lee admires herself in the mirror with her big boobs. Wearing just panties and a shirt with no bra, she eventually pops those sweater puppies out to feel them up. She has just put on a matching bra and panty set when her girlfriend, Vanessa Decker, comes up behind her and makes it clear that no clothes are the best outfit Sofia can wear. After letting Sofia’s boobs fall free, Vanessa is all smiles as Sofia returns the favor. Vanessa can’t keep her hands and mouth...

3 years ago
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Princess Sora

Sora wanted to visit his friend Beast. When he arrived saw that a Ball was coming today . That night the Ball was about to begin, Belle arrived and asked Sora if he could go to her room and get her necklace , "Sure leave it to me " said Sora , so he went up stairs opened the door and found the necklace on the table and he went to the door but it didn't opened , Sora tried hard but it didn't even budged then he heard a giggle he turned around and saw a person. "Who are you ? " Sora asked , "I am...

2 years ago
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LeslieChapter 7 Clearing The Air

Sunday morning I got out of bed and took a great, big shit. If I don't sound like a lady, too bad, but that's what it was and it felt good to get rid of it. No pain, no discomfort, just that pleasure you get when your body works the way it's supposed to. I got in the shower and made sure to scrub my back well. This was another pleasure I was just getting to experience again. Of course, there were other parts of my body than my back that felt good to soap and rinse off. I found I was much...

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My Teenage God Ch 1

As first year graduate student, I had signed up to participate in a tutoring program. It would give me the opportunity to help out local high school kids in inner city schools. I arrived at Jackson high school the afternoon that the tutors would be meeting the students for the first time. On my way in, I had to stand in line to go through a metal detector at the front door. In front of me, in the line, were a couple of high school girls. I had to work hard not to look at them. One of them wore...

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Best Friends Forever Part seven of thirteen

CHAPTER 13:“Well, dare I hope that the worst is behind us?” said Claire.“Not by a long shot. He’ll be looking for evidence that everything we’ve proposed was a sham, but over the long haul maybe it’ll all work out,” he said. “And, he didn’t ask for a lawyer to get involved yet, but he still may, so that’s a small concern.”“Yes, well, all we can do is hope I guess,” she said.“That cab, van, he’s always using to get around in that has got to be a super hassle for him. There are cars that have the...

Wife Lovers
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The Eye Witness Chapter 7

The Eye Witness Chapter 7 I couldn't believe I was asked to stay and try on a bunch of other outfits for this newspaper ad, including a cute looking skirt type bathing suit, with a mermaid on the front. One of the outfits I tried on was really cute, I was told that this type of dress was mostly bought by girls who do little girl pageants. The dress itself was a nice shade of lavender, but on the short side, because it only came to about 4 inches above my knees, with a really puffy...

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Good moaning mom

Oh man what a morning…A few weeks back I woke up to find mom with her tit against my mouth and I was sure she was stroking my cock through the sheet and my shorts.I was shocked and jumped and asked her what she was doing. She laughed and said it was a nice wake up call for her son and how she thought I might want to suck tit like when I was a baby. I tell you, the moment she left the room I had my cock in my hand so fast and wanked to that image. Mom”s got these really great nipples, big, dark...

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School is Out but Learning Continues

Chapter 1 David Parker had just finished his first year of college and he was looking forward to coming home for the summer break. David was satisfied that his first time away from home had been well spent. College provided him with many opportunities and experiences needed to grow academically. Also, through a group of trusted friends he made at school, he had been introduced and initiated into a realm of extraordinary extracurricular activities that helped him to blossom socially....

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 36 License and Registration

September – Year 1 “Now then Mrs. O’Dell please open your mouth a bit.” Dr. Chauhan instructed Erin. “I can’t move my jaw!” Panic! “I can’t move my jaw!” Tears began to flow from Erin’s eyes. “Mrs. O’Dell!” The doctor raised his voice to get her attention. “Mrs. O’Dell you have had your jaw wired shut for a long time. The muscles are weak. Now please calm down and take a few minutes. Take a deep breath and open your mouth, just a little.” Erins lower jaw move a small amount. “Good,...

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"Mr Josh Meadows, you have been tried by a jury of your peers and deemed to be guilty of the charges brought against you - namely, 3 counts of racially aggravated grievous bodily harm, 6 counts of racially aggravated actual bodily harm, 2 counts of racially aggravated damage, 17 counts of racially aggravated provocation of violence and intentional distress and 32 separate counts of racially aggravated harassment and/or stalking involving fear of violence of serious alarm or...

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Forced or Love 1

It was early morning. The sun was just rising on the horizon. The beach was empty of people. The white sand, soft and untouched. The waves of the ocean gently touched upon the sands and retreated. It was a secluded beach behind the huge rocky expanse which separated it from the civilization. Not visited by many, the beach was a nice get away for a stray couple once in a while. Today though, Becky strolled down the beach in the dark early hours of the morning. She needed to get away from people....

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