- 3 years ago
- 30
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PART I What Mary Learned
Mary is 55 and happily married. At the moment, Mark, her husband, friend, and lover of 30 years, has been gone almost a week taking care of a family problem.
‘It’s been a long week,’ thought Mary as she lay in the half empty bed. ‘My part-time job, lunch with friends, and personal and grocery shopping just seems like ‘marking time’, with the house and this bed being empty of Mark. ‘
Thinking of her husband/lover, Mary’s finger tips began making slow concentric circles on her abdomen. Suddenly, Mary became aware of a sensual feeling in the area of her clit. Pushing thoughts of Mark aside, Mary let her senses take control. I know there are hundreds of nerve endings in my finger tips that tell me cold, hot, rough, smooth, but sensual? WOW!!! This was her last conscious thought as she let her finger tips continue their light, delicate, stimulating dance on the sensual nerve endings of her abdomen.
As the dancing finger tips commenced moving faster and faster over her abdomen, exciting the nerves to a screaming pitch, her breathing became more rapid and her hips began a slow undulation. ‘A little orgasm. Wow!!’ noticed one part of her stimulated brain. The finger tips slowly and rhythmically slowed down to a stop and then started dancing up the center of her body to her breasts, where those animated finger tips circled each breast, enticing those nerve endings until they reached the pinnacle. There the fingers straightened out and each palm, moving in concentric circles, took over the sensual dance on each nipple till each one was standing up. ‘Even my palms are feeling sensual’ was the fleeting thought.
By now, Mary’s lips have parted and her arching body responded to this intoxicating stimuli. Once again, Mary was aware of another small orgasm as she felt her channel of love begin to moisten. It was as if every excited nerve was sending precise data to her sensual mind.
The sensual-feeling palms revolved faster on the aroused nipples, sending electric waves down to her aching clit. Then as the finger tips once again circulated around her breasts, her breathing slowed, her body relaxed, waiting for the next sensual stimuli. It came when those sensitive, delightful finger tips began dancing on the sensitive areas of her collar bone , causing her upper body to slowly move back and forth over the sheet. The breathing increased, her lips parted.
Swiftly changing from finger tips to knuckles, the stimulating dance continued up her neck, under the chin, over the chin and onto her cheeks where the knuckles, too, started their slow concentric dance. ‘WOW!!!’ was the thought, ‘even the knuckles are sensual stimulants.. And my cheeks, the stimuli. . .’.
The fingers straightened out and once more the finger tips took over their FAST, enticing, nerve-stimulating dance – over the temples, onto the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, down each side of the nares onto the cheeks. This time, the fingers continued the circular dance on the still tingling cheeks before moving down to the neck and onto the still sensitive collar bone. ‘Ohhh, my cheeks feel as stimulated as my clit’ was the penetrating thought. Soft moans issued through her parted lips as her mind became numbed by these awakened, overpowering sensual feelings.
By their own volition without any conscious thought, the light dancing finger tips of the left hand moved down the center of the body to the abdomen and again were doing their SLOW circular nerve-arousal dance.
The right hand finger tips were moving of their own accord over to her left shoulder. ‘Ohhh… My shoulder, it’s sooo sensitive’ was the sub-conscious thought as those finger tips SLOWLY began THEIR circular rhythmic dance on the shoulder. This seemed to go on forever. The finger tips on the abdomen, those on the shoulder, an aching clit waiting, wanting the touch of soft lips, another orgasm filling the channel of love with lubricating fluid, and her ass – – it, too, was now sending signals. Groans were now emanating from her throat, the hips moving up and down, up and down, searching for that solid prick to ease the now constant ache. But not yet , not yet.
The dancing finger tips continued their slowly increasing circular dance down the arm onto the back of the hand. That small part of her mind that could still notice, wondered, ‘Even the back of my hand has sensuality. Why, oh why, haven’t I ever done this before?’ Then the fingers began their upward dance to the shoulder, driving her wild with longing. Orgasm followed orgasm.
As the dancing fingers finished with the shoulder, they moved down to the abdomen – and met the left-hand fingers moving up to the sensitive collar bone and over to the right shoulder. Once more, Mary felt as if she couldn’t take much more as those dancing fingers went down and then up her arm, leaving awakened nerve endings. They weren’t through yet, they went under her arm, enticing the nerve endings in her armpit. As the right arm slowly extended itself above her head, Mary felt the dancing fingers ascend the inner arm to the palm and back down. ‘No more’ she muttered, but her body said, ‘NO, the other arm wants the same.’
Now the left fingers danced up to the right armpit in a slow, circular motion , rousing nerves long quiescent, and then quickly proceeded up the inside of her raised arm, torturing the nerves with that constant light circular movement by her fingers till they reached her palm. ‘Round and round they go,’ said her numbed mind. Even more rapidly those fingers moved down the raised arm, never stopping, never giving those tortured nerves a chance to rest.
Then the dancing fingers, continuing their tantalizing stimuli, moved down to and over the hips, over the thighs, down to the calves and then slowly up the backs of her legs, reaching the rump – stimulating, arousing, tormenting long silent nerve endings. Unrecognizable sounds issued past her panting lips as one orgasm followed another, leaving a demanding , aching crotch, from her clit to her ass. Mary, by now, was feeling faint from the unceasing stimulation to ALL her tantalized, tortured nerves. ‘Rest, need to rest’, she thought.
The sexual unfulfillment of her aroused clit, her lubricated channel of love, and her awakened ass, brought Mary back to the demands of her sensual body. ‘How to take care of those last two,’ she momentarily wondered. ‘Mark isn’t here. Oh! That’s right! I have Mark’s gifts: an anal plug and an imitation penis!’ For a moment, her thoughts lingered on why Mark had given her these unusual gifts.
A few days before Mark left to settle a family problem, they had a VERY passionate ’69’. That time, Mark had put a finger cot on his middle finger, greased it, and put it up her ass as far as possible as he sucked on her clit. Now, Mark from time to time had previously inserted a finger a short way into her ass and Mary had found it stimulating by moving her hips back and forth on it, but this time — WOW!! THIS TIME, Mary didn’t roll off after the first INTENSE climax, NO WAY.. She wanted this climax to go on and on and on.
‘Is there a direct line from my clit to the higher part of my inner ass?’ she briefly wondered, as the sensuality of this exotic stimulation numbed her conscious mind.
Two days later Mary told Mark she was still feeling the aroused nerves in her ass. ‘What will I do while you’re gone,’ she complained. The following day Mark gave Mary three gifts: an anal plug, an imitation penis, and a tube of KW Jelly. ‘What’s the jelly for?’ asked Mary. ‘To lubricate the anal plug. You don’t want to cause any problems in your rectum from using a dry anal plug,’ Mark had replied. ‘ Keep these handy just in case you want to try them while I’m gone.
At this moment, though, with Mark out of town, and her clit, love passage and ass all demanding attention, she needed his gifts – NOW!!
Until this evening Mary had never done a do-it-yourself sexual stimulation. She had always l
et Mark have the pleasure of exciting her, but now she was sexually, sensually aroused and she really, really needed his three gifts. Mary frantically began searching for them.
. ‘Where, of where, did I put them,’ she thought, opening one drawer after another and pawing wildly through their contents. ‘Oh, there you are,’ she sighed in relief.
Laying them on the bed on an old T-shirt of Mark’s, Mary sat back on her haunches. With her momentary flashback of their last passionate love-making and since the search had cooled things down just a bit, she began to stimulate her body even more with her dancing fingers. Around her belly they danced rousing those nerves to an even higher pitch. Up the center to the breasts, up and around them to the now hardened nipples, once again sending electric waves down to her clit. Her cheeks were demanding their attention from those rhythmic fingers.
‘Oh – h – h’, moaned Mary as her body began its circular dance. ‘Now me,’ said each arm, so Mary moved her finger to caressing those aroused nerves. ‘Yes, yes,’ said her sensual mind, ‘don’t stop now.’
Those dancing fingers once again went down her body to her hips, her thighs, her calves, back up her legs, her rump – never stopping – stimulating and tormenting those sensual nerve endings again and again, bringing forth one orgasm after another.
With her ass wanting, demanding attention, Mary picked up the anal plug. Looking at it, she whispered,’ Oooh, you are as long as Mark’s finger. What a lovely thing you are.’ Without hesitation, she drew it back and forth between her moist parted lips while the left hand fingers
continued their devastating dance on her body’s nerves.
All this time, Mary’s body was still swaying – her left fingers still teasing her tortured nerves. Suddenly, her fingers holding this butt toy, twisted it as she plunged it into her mouth, down her throat. Harsh sounds came from her throat. After a few moments of moving this exciting toy in and out of her panting mouth, Mary reluctantly withdrew it.
Reaching down for the ‘jelly’ , her dancing left fingers stopped dancing long enough to grease this sexual thing. Rising up on her knees, Mary again whispered, ‘Little butt, I hope you’re as stimulating as Mark’s finger’ as she slowly put the toy in her anus and as slowly pulled it out. In, out, in, out, in, out – teasing those nerves, creating more orgasms.
As her left fingers continued their erotic dancing on her tortured nerves, Mary turned and twisted this ‘toy’ up into her ass as far as she could. She continued turning and twisting it while moving it up and down, in and out until this became a robotic-like movement: over and over – turning, twisting, up, down, in out. She drew short rapid breaths, making guttural sounds.
The dancing fingers stopped, her clit was sending demanding message after message, her love passage was oozing lubricant. The nerves in her ass screaming, screaming. Finally, her right hand dropped, pulling this sexual toy out. Mary sat back on her haunches, breathing short rapid breaths.
Trembling with anticipation, she reached over to relube this new toy.
Rising on shaking legs, Mary once again inserted her sex toy and with the left hand massaged her clit, the fingers moving over the entire area. ‘Oh-h-h, GOD!’ she groaned as she moved her fingers faster and faster over her aroused cunt.
‘Can’t, can’t, can’t, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop,’ her mind said.
With her entire body and mind responding to this arousing stimuli, Mary, then withdrawing her toy, lay flat on her back and inserted that fake penis into her waiting, aching, lubricated love channel. ‘AHHHHH’ she unconsciously screamed as her right hand plunged that desirable love tool again and again into her love channel. Her hips rose and fell until that body-produced climax caused her body to arch, lifting her hips far above the bed. ‘AHHH’ she screamed over and over.
As the now exhausted over -stimulated sensual nerves ever so slowly calmed down, Mary turned on her side, clamping her legs together to hold that tantalizing love toy in her love passage. Having her love passage filled by that symbol of love felt S000 VERY GOOD.
Her last thought,’Should I tell Mark , when he returns tomorrow, that I used his gifts if he asks? Oh, yes, I would say, but only because you weren’t here. I much prefer YOUR personal tools.’ And, so on to sleep, the sleep of the physically, exhausted, and sensually satisfied body.
Author’s Note
Mary’s night of new-found sensuality has drawn to a close. BUT, having found it, who knows what the future will bring. Will she repeat this stimulating, sensual encounter in the afternoons when she’s home alone, will she awaken Mark in the middle of the night with her self-arousing orgasms, will Mary begin a class of ‘Discover your Sensuality’ to like-minded women. Or will she just use the knowledge to enhance her and Mark’s love life. Who knows…..
Part II What Mary Taught Ann
One slow morning at work, one of Mary’s co-workers said, ‘Mary, are you pregnant? There’s a glow about you that I hadn’t noticed before.’
‘Oh, no,’ chuckled Mary. ‘Impossible for me to be pregnant. I needed a hysterectomy several years ago.’
‘Well,’ persisted her co-worker, ‘what gives? Have you found a second lover?’
‘NO WAY!!!-
. Mark does a superb job in the love-making department. A second lover isn’t needed.’
‘All right,’ insisted her co-worker, ‘something different is happening. Give!!’
‘O.K.’ said Mary. ‘How are you and you husband, Frank, doing in the love-making department?’
‘He keeps me satisfied,’ replied Ann.
‘Only satisfied? Not deliriously satisfied? Not passionately satisfied?’ questioned Mary. ‘Can you come to my house after work?’.
‘We – e – l – l -l, I only have one at home now and she has a full time job. Sure, I’m free. Going to tell me your secret – perhaps a special exotic lotion or two?’
‘Just wait,’ answered Mary
That afternoon, after the two gals had finished a light lunch at Mary’s home, Mary began telling Ann what happened the night before Mark returned home.
‘You .mean, just rubbing your fingers over your body brought on a sexual desire? I DON’T believe it!’ Ann said.
‘Come upstairs. I’ll show you, ‘replied Mary, heading for the stairs. Ann, her curiosity aroused, followed.
‘First we remove our outer clothes, leaving bra and panties on,’ instructed Mary, which she preceded to do.
‘WAIT!!!, said Ann in a forceful voice, ‘this isn’t a girl to girl thing, is it?’
‘No,’ laughed Mary, ‘not at all.’
Soon, both Mary and Ann were lying on the bed. ‘Oh, let’s have some relaxing music.’
‘Those drums don’t sound too relaxing, Mary’
‘Just wait, Ann, just wait. O.K. Now we begin. Take your hands, like so, curve the fingers. NOW – let them go in concentric circles on your belly. Don’t stop. Keep going. That’s it. Round and round, faster and faster, let the music be part of you.’
As Ann let the music relax, yet stimulate her, she did as Mary said, was doing, She kept her fingers dancing round and round on her belly. ‘O-h-h-h! This is stim-u-la-ting. My body! It’s – it’s reacting! O-h-h-h, I feel – I feel an ache in my clit!’ Ann’s breath began to quicken, her hips began undulating, faster and faster as she tried to unconsciously keep time to the drum beat. ‘Now what.’ gasped Ann.
‘Move the fingers up the center of the body. Keep them circling just below your breasts,
like….. I’m….. doing. Feel the music.’
‘O-h-h-h, this is – this is umm’ words failed Ann.
‘I…know,’ Mary managed to say. ‘NOW – move them to your breasts. Circle – circle the breasts – up to the nipples. Oh, it’s so hard to talk,’ she gasped, as her body undulated up and down with her hips moving in circles to the rhythmic beat of the drums.
ms! I’m having orgasms!’ gasped Ann, between panting breaths.
‘Don’t panic,’ Mary also gasped. ‘Move your fingers down to your clit. Stimulate it! Don’t stop! Keep going, going, going.’
‘A-H-H-H’ came a guttural sound from Ann’s throat, as she reached climax. ‘A-H-H-‘
came the last long-drawn out sound as Ann suddenly relaxed while breathing heavily. ‘Oh-h,
THAT felt good.’
Mary also had climaxed and the two women just lay there, waiting for their beating hearts to return to normal as the music came to a stop.
When Mary felt calm again, she rose, went to her dresser, picked up her large hand mirror and brought it over to Ann. ‘Look,’ said Mary.
‘WOW and WOW! Look at my color. WOW! Ann said again. ‘This is it?’
‘Not quite,’ laughed Mary. ‘There’s more, but this is enough for now. While you’re lying in bed waiting for Frank to finish his shower and etc., turn on stimulating music, let it become part of you, then let your fingers take over. You might even see if you have any other sensual areas. I just hope your Frank isn’t an ‘old stick-in-the-mud.’ type. Frank does do the ‘ummm’ clit stimulating bit, doesn’t he?’ asked Mary hesitantly.
‘Oh, yes,’ replied Ann with a reminiscent smile, ‘he does do that. Maybe I’ll use this lesson tonight.’
That night while Ann was in bed waiting for Frank, her husband, to finish showering and shaving, she searched on the radio for some music with an appropriate beat. That done, she relaxed and let the music take hold. Soon, her fingers began circling on her belly – to bring back the memory of the afternoon’s sensual lesson.. ‘Let’s see if I can repeat it’ thought Ann.
‘First, I let the fingers dance in time to the music, just lightly touching the skin. My body remembers!’ came the exhilarating thought. ‘O.K. up the center, o – h – h – h , how sensual this is. The breasts – stimulate, stimulate,’ Ann, by now was breathing in quick, shallow breaths as her hips moved up and down. ‘My clit, it’s aching, just like this afternoon. No., I’ll let it ache. I wonder if Frank is through. Other sensual areas . . . where . . . maybe my hips, my thighs – oh-h , the sensation. I didn’t know they, too, could have a sensual feeling, it’s so strong. Oh, I can feel my vagina, like … it’s filling with fluid. Frank, where are you.’ All these thoughts were flashing through Ann’s mind as her body responded to the sensual stimulation of the music and of moving, dancing fingers.
Frank, having finished showering and shaving, had begun to enter the bedroom when he suddenly stopped to watch his wife. His love tool, which had been short and limp, began to stiffen . ‘WOW! Is Ann sexy tonight’ he thought as he watched her moving hands, her undulating body, heard her heavy breathing.
Then he moved to the bed, bent over and began to nibble on the closest nipple while his hands began to caress her body. Sounds issued from Ann’s throat as her body reacted even more to Frank’s nibbling and caressing. Her hips moved up and down, faster and faster as her love channel became more lubricated, her clit even more demanding of attention.
Frank moved his lips slowly down Ann’s body which quivered at his touch, exciting Frank and encouraging him to widen the area of his sensual lip movement. Sounds of pleasure issued from Ann’s throat as her body moved in response to this unusual stimulation. As Frank continued this mind-numbing sensuality, he inserted two fingers into her love channel, massaging, stimulating. ‘Oh, yes,’ breathed Ann, ‘Oh, yes.’
Ann’s hands moved down to her clit area, and spread the labia aside, exposing the aching, demanding clit. ‘Kiss it, kiss it,’ she gasped.
‘Geez, not only sexy but hot tonight,’ thought Frank, as he bent over her leg to kiss that enticing, delightful area.
‘O – h – h – h,’ moaned Ann. ‘Let – me – kiss – your prick.’
‘As soon as I’m on the bed but move over, my hot lover, ‘ panted Frank as his breathing increased.
He was soon straddling Ann, kissing her clit, finger stimulating her love channel, while Ann took his prick in her mouth, sucking it, inhaling it, massaging it with her tongue, grasping his love tool at the base, gently massaging his balls, and then moving down to take them in her mouth, all the while running her fingers up and down his oozing prick.
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"The garage door is broke again Bill." My wife is always yelling about getting the door fixed. I tried to fix it myself but couldn't get it done. So I told her to call someone and get the job done. The garage door has its own mind it goes up and down on its own and sometimes it doesn't work at all. My wife made an apointment for monday which means I have to stay home and wait all day. I hate that but atleast I have the day off from work. My wife left for work at around 8am the repair man was to...
GayPart One It’s a nice neighborhood in a high end subdivision. There is a new couple moving in and everyone is watching curiously as the truck is slowly emptied by the movers. The silent and mostly unseen watchers, as they peek through their windows, notice that a lot of the metal and solid wood furniture appears either broken or otherwise damaged. The man, whose name is Paul; has long brown hair and jade green eyes, he looks like a biker but is in actuality a teddy bear with that bad boy...
It was mid night of Holi. It was not normal day. I was in bed but my mind was in some wonderland. My mind was hovering through all those happenings today in disguise of “Bura Na Mano Holi Hai” specially related to my cousin as I had crush on her since schooling days. One of sudden, I realised Bhabhi after gently knocking my door barged into my room. She was perplexed. I got up on my feet. I am habitual of going to bed only in undies and thought of my cousin had given me boner. But Bhabhi was...
IncestCarol was always such a tomboy that it seemed like me and the and rest of the guys were her only friends. All the other girls had their little groups, but Carol was part of ours’, and for the most part she blended right in. A short little girl with dirty brown hair and hazel eyes, often shadowed with mud, she may as well have been named Richard. As we all grew older some of us separated off, but even then Carol stayed a part of the group. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I didn’t...
As I near the end of my walk back home in the Blackstone trailer park at 3:00 AM after my late shift as a part-time waitress at a bar nearby, I again begin to feel the dread of entering my little 600 square foot single-wide trailer home. The sense of dread comes from feeling claustrophobic in my own home and also like a failure of a mother to my teenage son, Corey. His piece of shit father left us when Corey was only 4 years old, so it's been just me and Corey on our own for almost 15 years...
DID YOU EVER have a dream in code? Last night I worked in the office at the Condo until late, trying to figure out the last two digits for the hidden code. I was so tired, I fell asleep in front of the screen. All night long I dreamed long series of random numbers and letters. Don’t go thinking I solved the problem in my sleep. My head was apparently not satisfied with hexadecimal code. The dream included every letter of the alphabet and several figures from Aramaic, Chinese, and Farsi. No...
David ben-Isaac I was reassigned to the household of Attia so that I could monitor her actions and convey information to Aaron. I counted it rather bad luck, as none of the household had any interest in me sexually. I was too old for Servius Laellius, and the other servants in the wife’s household were as infected with the superstition of Chrestus as their mistress. I quickly learned that the Chrestoi disdained any sexual relations, and Attia had even stopped performing her duty to Servius....
DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 1: MEETING NEW FRIENDSI grew up in Seattle and after high school moved to Olympia. Yes, also in the lovely state of Washington. And you may know it is the state capital, but wouldn’t guess it has less than 50,000 people living there. It is part of Puget Sound which is an estuary comprised of many waterways, channels, inlets home to a variety of wildlife and water fowl. It was this feature that lead me to attend Evergreen State College and enroll in...
When we got finished with the victory banquet, we were exhausted; my hand was nearly blistered from all of the congratulatory handshakes on the race and our engagement. Patty's mother came up to me and said, "John, thank you for making my daughter the happiest woman in the world tonight". I told her that Patty had made me equally happy by agreeing to become my wife. Patty and I strolled hand-in-hand back to my-our-room; Patty went to "her" half of our adjoining two rooms to change. I...
I was about seventeen years old. Me and my friends would always chill after school at some kids house, who I didn't really know. After we left there, my friend asked, "Did you know he's gay?" I couldn't tell. All of my friends were straight and so was I...I thought. Anyway, we would always go there and chill. I often fantasized what it would be like to suck a dick and found myself getting hard during such fantasies. I would always be nervous at his house, but there was always a bunch of us....
Gay Male“Upgraded electrically augmented armor protection and camouflage. Lightweight kinetic charging power source will provide thirty seconds of digital imagery covering two hundred-seventy degrees of view angle. Impact gel augmentation distributes projectile forces across armor surface,” the text read. “UD target tracking utilizes multiple spectrums. Activate?” Uh, yeah. So how do I activate? It turns out that the armor and camouflage weren’t exactly tied to the goggles. Duh! Whoever made this...
For the young Jessie Harper having sex on the floor with her best friend’s father was just magical. Everything inside her mind started off telling her that this should not be happening. Everything about her standing in the church and the church choir also started off telling her that this should not be happening. But it only took a few minutes for all those misgivings to be completely dispelled as the pure ecstasy of the moment engulfed her from beginning to end. The ‘ecstasy’ of that moment...
This was an off night for me. The past twelve weeks was a memory in my head now. It seemed to me that Winston had an uphill battle to stay out of prison on death row judging from the evidence presented by the prosecution. I thought of him sitting quietly now in his chair no longer ogling Tippy’s beautiful legs under the table. Sure, I felt sorry for the guy and all his faults. He was a younger edition of me in an earlier phase of my sex-crammed life. Of course, the entire trial had been a...
It was late afternoon on one of those rare days in late July in England when it was warm enough to sit outdoors until long after dusk has fallen. Anne and I were sitting on the patio with our friends Ellen and David with a glass of chilled white wine. Suddenly, Ellen turned to us and said in a quiet voice, “Oliver is coming home next weekend for a couple of weeks between university and starting his new job in London, it would be very nice if you could give him a specially good time whilst he is...
Several minutes later we were all entwined in some form on the massive king size bed. Sex with Shelby was awesome and sex with Sam was great as well. But sex with the both at once was indescribable. We loved each other so much there was little that the three of us would not explore. Shelby and Sam were incredible to watch as they made each other orgasm multiple times. Sam was lying back on the bed with Shelby and I between her legs licking her pussy. Sam liked having multiple tongues on her...
You up? Read the text message from Trinity. Yep I responded, your dick up too? She replied, always I sent back to her. Trinity was an attractive transgender black female whom I had exchanged numbers with through a mutual female friend. We messaged back and forth for a few days, I had mentioned I was curious and wanted to try being with a trans. Trinity said she gets that a bunch and that she may be a bit much for a first timer. I didn't care however, she was attractive and I wanted it. She...
Again in the lab Fazia was ignoring Sushant as much as possible in the college because she had a boyfriend. And whatever happened that day () was just a mistake according to Fazia. Even though Fazia liked the way Sushant treated her, she didn’t want to continue this anymore. On the other hand, Sushant was just waiting for an opportunity to spend some alone time with Fazia. Then, one day, he gathered his courage and went to her while she was alone. Sushant – We need to talk. Fazia – I don’t...
She walked through the doorway and examined the room, or more accurately, its contents. There was a tarnished brass coat tree in the left corner with a rumpled topcoat thrown on one of its ears. The other corner held a table with spindly legs and a battered typewriter. A wooden desk was the center piece. It was marred with scratches and stains, and decorated by an ashtray, a pint bottle of what appeared to be cheap whiskey, and a pair of scuffed shoes. There was a rasp and a flame sprang up....
I wanted to do something nice for my husband for our first anniversary, and I decided that a professional set of photos of the two of us would be really nice to have. So I looked around and made some calls and found a studio that really caught my interest. It was a one man shop, the owner had been a professional photographer for 30 years, he did all his own developing in-house, he specialized in romantic couple photos, and the prices were right. Before springing the surprise on my...
Chapter 1 He had watched her for a week, from what he could tell, she lived with her daughter and granddaughter in a fairly secluded home out in the country. He had staked out her place and been out to 'check' up on them at varying times of the day, he finally figured he had it all worked out. She wasn't a bad looking woman and her daughter looked even better, but the one that had caught his interest was the granddaughter, he wanted all three, but the granddaughter was going to be the...
Arriving at Tommy’s apartment in record time, Elizabeth found that indeed, he had left the door unlocked. She stepped inside, locking the door behind her. She saw Tommy in his kitchen, opening a bottle of wine.“You going to try to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?” she asked.He turned to look at her and immediately saw her nipples were hard and pressing against her blouse.Betts slowly walked to him and put her fingers under his nose. “Can you guess what I’ve been doing as I drove...
Straight SexDan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
Smoking hot teen whore Alissa Avni rents a cabin for some private time. Little does she know the cabin owner Bruno has hidden a camera in the room. He watches while the sexy slut mmasturbates. Later she turns on the tv and discovers she’s being recorded. When she starts investigating, Bruno appears and convinces her to put on a show for him. She is quickly tied up and gagging on his thick Latin cock. He brutally pounds her tight, wet pussy in several positions. When he’s done with...
xmoviesforyouNude Day at Darwin High ?????????????????? Nude Day at Darwin High Nude Day falls on the last day of every school year. Today is my first. I put on a brand new pair of panties and my best bra so that whichever boy undresses me will see nice things. I go into the kitchen in my peasant blouse and retro pleated skirt but I can't eat. The protest sign is so bulky that Mom drives me to Darwin High. I put it up near the main entrance, next to the clothes lockers. The other seven girls join me...
Mrs Helen Benson was a widow and she was keen that Harry, now just 19, succeeded in his career whatever that might be. There was a problem. He had not passed his final maths exam with a good enough grade to enter university in the autumn of 1960 but there were retakes in late August which, if he passed well enough, would get him.She was having a cup of tea with her friend Mrs Liz Hill, another widow. They had much in common and were best friends. Both were very attractive 40 year olds. Mrs...
Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...
I am mid fifties, five feet tall, with 34D tits and on heat. Just recently a good looking college guy joined the company I work for as a stores person on a work experience project. It all started with a bit of sexist banter like pointing at my name badge and asking what the other one was called, but then got hotter with my new work colleague telling me he was available any time I fancied a good fucking. I was very embarrassed at first but must admit I liked the attention. I started getting...
I had been broken up with Mac for about 7 months because he had to move a couple states away for work and I was so horny that I decided to go look for a fwb on CL. I went to place my advertisment not knowing I would instantly have my post taken down. then I was made aware 'Sex Ad's' where not allowed on CL anymore so I gave up.The next day I got to thinking about dressing up and going to the book store but am way to shy for that when I remembered that I might have some guys still on my email...
Last night was amazing. I finally had my dreams come true. And I think my cousin felt the same way. We were still naked sleeping in bed.We both got up kissed and recalled what happened from the day before. We both started getting hard and decided to make out while rubbing each others cocks. Then after some time we got up to get eat breakfast. We had nothing on expect some boxers and our cocks sticking out.We didn't expect anyone to come over. But we made a plan that if someone was to ring the...
Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...
Only Site Rip! How convenient would it be to have access to a ton of the hottest porn all in one place? And no, I’m not referring to a tube site with a few professional porn brands here and there. Rather, I’m talking about a porn site where you will find a fuck ton of leaky content.Well, if content featuring pros on OnlyFans, ManyVids, Clips4Sale, and more gets you off, redirect your browser to Only Site Rip. It’s a leaky site with complete rips from some of the hottest porn stars on these...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesThe following morning Jeff dropped me off at home and said he had to go back to the base and finish his last three weeks of duty. He promised me he would call me whenever he got the chance. He was true to his word and called me at least three times a week during his remaining service, just to talk or tell me how much he loved and missed me. I always ended our conversations with, "I love you Jeffrey! I really do." Life for me became even busier than it already was. On top of being a busy...
Billy and I had agreed to meet the next night after I got off work. The anticipation of what was to cum had me so turned on all day that my panties were wet with precum my whole shift. I had made sure before I left for work that I had an enema because I was determined to get fucked that night. When I got to his place he was wearing nothing but a bath robe he sat down on the couch and I sat next to him as we watch a bit of porn he opened his bath robe and began to stroke his cock and I watched...