Trancendent Sensuality -18 free porn video

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There were eight of them around the dinner table in the nice steakhouse.  Kevin gave a crooked kind of grin as the image of the bill flashed through his mind.  They could afford it, but his judicious upbringing still caused an inward wince when Karla demanded he pick up the tab for such a large group.

“So,” his wife addressed the group, “Before I tell you about my find, why don’t each of you share your experiences.”

“Well, I’m a slut, a whore, a bitch,” Tanya offered.  “What else, Kevin?”

“I don’t remember,” he lied.  “Other than my negative reaction to those characterizations, I tried not to hear them.”

“A hot cocksucker,” Tanya added.

“Well,” Tom said, “That all might be true, but it would be rude to say so.”

“Yeah,” Tanya agreed.  “That’s kind of what I thought.”

“Kevin?” Karla asked.

“I don’t think he had the character to fit in with us.”

“Was he at least a good fuck?” Karla asked Tanya.

“He was okay.  Self-absorbed, mostly.  I’ve had better.  I had better.”

Karla laughed.  “Did you seduce my husband?”

“She needed consolation,” Kevin chuckled.

“What about you guys?” Karla turned to Alex and Taylor.

“He was great!” Taylor chimed in.  

“But he lives in Wyoming,” Ted added.

“He had this cowboy thing going on,” Alex grinned.  “We got rode hard.”

“Any chance he’d be willing to relocate?” Karla wanted to know.

“I don’t think so,” Ted told them.  “It’s a family operation.  He works for his father on a ranch they inherited.”

“Did you take care of my girls?” Karla asked him with a grin.

“He did,” Taylor said.  “You would have been proud of him.”

“So, two strikes,” Karla said.  “It’s a good thing I found Jake.”

“Jake?” Tanya asked.  “I like the sound of a Jake.”

“So tell us,” Alex demanded.

Karla grinned and stretched a hand to Tom.  “We found him to be quite acceptable,” she said, squeezing her escort’s hand in hers.

“So, he was nice?” Tanya asked.

“He was,” her husband answered.  “He was very polite.  Even when he found out I would be present.”

“So, is he a performer?” Alex wanted to know.

“He performed quite well,” Karla said, beaming.  “I think he’s going to fit right in.”

“Did you tell him you were recruiting?” Taylor asked.

“We didn’t.  But, I’ve got all his contact information.  He’s some sort of a program analyzer,”

“A program analyst,” Tom corrected gently.

“He’s single,” Karla went on, “and he quite attractive.”

“So, how are you going to get him involved?” Alex asked her.

“I thought the four of us, and Jasmine, if she wants to come, would schedule a luncheon meeting with him, introduce ourselves, and see what develops,” Karla proposed.


Jake’s eyes lit up when she saw Karla standing by the table.  He approached her quickly, grasped both her hands in his and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Have I told you today how stunning you are?” he asked.

“Stop,” Karla chided him gently.  “I have to introduce you to my friends.”

“Where’s your husband?” he asked.  “I wanted to thank him.”

“Well,” Karla said gently.  “That wasn’t actually my husband.  He belongs to Tanya, here,” she said, indicated the statuesque blonde.

“Tanya,” he repeated, with a grin.  “Nice to meet you.”

“And you,” Tanya said.  “We’ve heard great things.”

“He was your husband,” he asked.  “Tom?”

She nodded.  “I loaned him to her for the evening.”

Jake looked quizzically, shifting his gaze between the two women.  “And you and I,” he said softly, “did what we did in front of her husband?”

Karla took his hand and squeezed it.  “I know.  It was exciting, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” his unsure reply came.  “And more than a little strange.”

“And this is Alex,” Karla indicated her friend.  “We’ve been friends for just forever.”

Jake extended his free hand.  “Alex.  I like that.  Nothing like a beautiful woman with a man’s name.  A pleasure.”

“Hello, Jake,” Alex replied.  “It’s short for Alexandra.”

“One of my top-ten favorites,” Jake grinned at her.

“And this is her daughter, Taylor,” Karla went on.

“All of you are stunning,” Jake said.  “Taylor.  Named for the president, no doubt.”

“Named for the number four top name for girls the year she was born,” Alex quipped.

“That’s honest,” Jake chuckled.  “Nice to meet you, Taylor.  I like that name, too.”

“Thanks,” Taylor said.  “I think Jake fits you.  You  ride Harley’s or something?”

“I have,” he admitted.  “I wish I owned one.”

“When you get one, let me know.  I’d love to ride with you.”

“And this is our friend, Jasmine,” Karla went on.

“Jasmine,” he repeated.  “It fits.  Marvelous scent, and definitely mysterious.  Those tats real?”

“Sure are.  Got more, too.”

“She may show them to you if you behave yourself,” Karla quipped.

“I’m sure I’d like that,” Jake said, allowing himself to be led to his chair by Karla.

“What do you drink, Jake?” Karla asked.

“It’s midday,” he replied.  “I should probably have iced tea.”

“Trust me,” Karla said.  “You’re going to need something with more of an edge than that.”

“All right,” Jake said.  “Crown rocks.”

Karla signaled the waitress to bring Jake his drink.  While they waited, Tanya opened the conversation.

“Karla has told us good things about you.  She was correct about your appearance, so I’m guessing the rest must be true, as well.”

“Really?” he asked.  “What have you told them, dear?”

“Oh, you know, the usual stuff.  You’re a hunk.  You’re enthusiastic but considerate.  You know.”

“That you’re adequately endowed and know how to use it,” Taylor added.

Alex gasped and Jasmine giggled.

“That’s pretty personal,” Jake noted cautiously.

“We’re close,” Tanya continued.  “We share stuff.”

“Well, I already know you loaned your husband to her for the evening.  So, what kind of other stuff do you share?” Jake asked.

“A lot,” Tanya said.  “What you don’t know is that Karla gave me her husband for the night, too.”

“I did not know that,” he acknowledged.  “So, are all of you ladies married?”

“I’m not,” Alex said.  “Divorced.”

“I’m not, yet,” Taylor told him.  “But I do have a fiancé.”

“Jasmine is married, too,” Karla said as the waitress appeared and set Jake’s drink down in front of him.

“Are we going to order first or just get right into it?” Tanya asked.

“Let’s let Jake get comfortable,” Karla urged.   “We’ll order while he has his drink.”

“You don’t have a clue what this is all about, do you?” Taylor asked him.

“I’m, uh, not real sure, to be honest,” he answered.  “I assume it has something to do with Saturday night?”

“It’s kind of all about last Saturday night,” Taylor said.

“Let’s order,” Karla interrupted.

“Yeah,” Taylor responded.  “Let’s let him stew a bit.”

“Taylor!” her mother interjected.  “You’re doing it again.”

“Fine,” Taylor replied sullenly.

“Taylor likes to shock people,” Alex explained to Jake.  “Especially attractive men.  She almost drove her fiancé away before she admitted she was in love with him.”

“It’s fine,” Jake responded.  “I promise I won’t bolt.”

 The waitress took orders for various salads and sandwiches, including a refill of Jake’s glass ordered by Karla.

“I think you’re done analyzing programs today,” Tanya observed.  “You should probably call out for the rest of today.”

“You think I should?” he directed at Karla.

“Are you willing to turn the rest of the day over to us?” she asked with a broad grin.

Jake surveyed the table.  “What the hell,” he shrugged.  “Sure.  Why not?  Excuse me while I make the call.”

“Don’t tell them you’re sick,” Taylor suggested.  “Just tell them you’re unavoidably detained.  Tell them to expect a ransom call before dawn.”

“Don’t tell them that!” Alex said.  “My god, Taylor!  You’ll have the police looking for him.”

“I’ll leave out the ransom note thing,” Jake chuckled, “But I love the bit about being unavoidably detained.  They’ll think I’m being head-hunted by a competitor firm.  Best keep them edgy.”

He stood up and walked away from the table, drawing his cell phone from his jacket pocket.

“Talk about being edgy,” Tanya half-whispered to her compatriots.

“What’s got you edgy?” Alex inquired.

“Him!” Tanya said.  “Don’t any of you deny you’d like to rip his clothes off and use him.”

“I can wait,” Taylor said.

“Don’t you like him?” Karla asked her.

“He’s fine, I guess.  But if I want to get laid, there are plenty of options.”

“But you wouldn’t kick him out of your bed,” Tanya stated.

Taylor shrugged.  “Probably not.”

“I think he’s nice,” Jasmine said.

“That’s just because you know he wants to kiss all your tats,” Taylor said.

“Would that be such a bad thing?” Alex asked her.

“Tom likes it,” Tanya observed.

“Maybe you should get a few,” Jasmine directed to Taylor.

“Uh, no thanks,” Taylor replied.  

“A little rose up high on the inside of your thigh,” Karla mused.  “Then you could tell him to stop and smell the flowers.”

“Or her,” Tanya grinned.

Taylor’s eyes shot daggers at the older blonde.

“Oh, come one,” Tanya jabbed gently.  “You liked it.”

“Liked what?” Jasmine asked innocently.

“One night while Karla was gone, Taylor, Ted, Kevin and I had a bit of ménage.  I had a lovely, extended taste of her flowers while her fiancé tried to drive me up inside her.”

“Really?” Karla sounded amazed.  “And my husband was engaged how.”

“I believe this little blonde minx was attempting to suck the essence out of him.”

“Really?” Karla repeated.

“Oh, don’t sound so prudish,” Alex reprimanded her.  “Who here hasn’t had Karla’s tongue in their gash?” she addressed to the group.  Only Taylor raised her hand.  “And reciprocated?”  Again, only Taylor waved lightly.

Jake returned to the table, excused himself, and took a long drink from his glass.  “Obviously,” he said after he swallowed the liquid, “I’m not returning to the salt mine.”

“So you belong to us,” Karla said with a broad grin.

“Indeed.  Us?  Who is us?” Jake asked.  “And for what purpose?”

“Looking around this table,” Tanya said, “What do you think we all have in common?”

Jake surveyed the circle of women.  “Well, all of you are gorgeous,” he said.  “Other than that, I can’t imagine.”

“You’re not even trying,” Taylor said.  “Put some effort into it, will you?”

“I’m, uh, hmmm,” he pondered.  He looked at Karla.  “Well,” he began, then stopped.  “I don’t know, really.”

“You can say it, Jake.  They all know,” Karla said.

“They know that we had, you know, an adventure?” he asked softly.

Karla nodded.

“You told them.”

“I did.  It was the whole point of this.”

“I don’t know,” he said with exasperation.  “I don’t want to piss anyone off.”

“You are surrounded by this group of women,” Taylor snapped at him, “And you had sex with one of them.  But you can’t figure out that we all like to fuck?”

“Holy crap!” Jake said.  “Yeah, so, that was blunt.  Okay.  That’s, like, well, I mean, that wouldn’t be the first thing I’d say.”

“Karla,” Alex said gently, “Took you for an audition.”

“An audition?  An audition for what?” Jake asked, the skepticism obvious in his tone.

Two waitresses swooped toward the table with trays laden with their luncheon order.  After the sorting and preliminary remarks regarding the presentation, Karla called them all back to the situation at hand.

“We are part of a group,” she explained to Jake.  “As was so rudely revealed by Taylor, we share an affinity for things sensual and sexual.”

“We like to fuck,” Taylor said succinctly, but in a subdued voice.

“Okay,” Jake said, emptying his Old Fashioned glass of Crown Royal.  “Well, you’re all certainly desirable.”

“I’m glad you think that,” Karla continued.  “The fact is, we have some pretty high standards of behavior.  The audition that Alex talked about is more about attitudes and actions than it is about the sex.”

“But the sex is important,” Tanya noted quickly.  “We don’t want to waste our time with somebody who can’t perform adequately.”

“Or is too freaking small,” Taylor added.

“Or too freakishly large,” Alex said.  “I mean, big is good, but there’s such a thing as too big.”

“You’re kidding about all this, right?” Jake asked.  “I mean, this is just some kind of a test to see if I’m an ass, right?”

“You’ve already passed that test,” Karla smiled at him.  “You were so polite and amenable Saturday.  That’s why we’ve asked you here.”

“For what?”

“While Karla was trying you out Saturday,” Tanya said, “Alex, Taylor and I were also interviewing potential candidates.  Neither of them worked out.”

“Candidates for what?” Jake repeated.

“To join our group,” Karla said.  “We want you to join our group.”

“I take it sex is involved.  But, what else?” Jake pressed them.

“Nothing else,” Taylor said.  “Just be willing to participate; to have sex with each of us.”

“And, sometimes,” Alex added, “With a couple of us.”

“Isn’t it illegal?” he asked.

“We’re not hookers,” Karla said.  “It’s just a group of mutually consenting adults who have sex with one another.  There’s no money exchanged, so it’s completely legal.”

“Okay,” Jake said, his skepticism evident in his smirk.  “So, the delightful evening spent with Karla and, uh, your husband,” he pointed at Tanya, “Was an audition to see if I was good enough to become a member of your group of…I don’t even know what to call it…swingers?  Is that it?”

“In a nutshell,” Taylor said.  “Karla said you’re good in the sack and not a complete ass, like the guy Tanya screwed, and that you live and work here, unlike the guy my mother and I seduced.  So, yeah.  Would you be willing to have sex with us on an ongoing basis, individually or as a group?”

Jake leaned back in his chair, wiped his mouth with a paper napkin, and began to chuckle, and then to laugh.  He looked around the table and nodded.

“What’s so funny?” Taylor snapped.

“Just the incongruity of the whole situation,” Jake said through the ebb of his laughter.  “I mean, put yourself in my position.  Wouldn’t you find it amusing?”

“He doesn’t think we’re serious,” Tanya remarked.

“No, no!” he protested.  “Not at all.  I don’t doubt your sincerity.  It’s just…completely unbelievable.”

“Okay,” Alex said.  “We may not be very good at this.  We never had to do it before.  But our numbers are out of whack and we need another man.”

“Really?” Jake laughed.  “The four or five you’ve got aren’t enough?”

“Four,” Karla said.  “My husband, Tanya’s husband, Jasmine’s husband, and Taylor’s boyfriend.  We need five.”

“Of course you do,” Jake replied.  “And the five of you have decided that I’m the guy, right?”

“If you behave like a jerk,” Taylor snapped, “We could just let you go your way.”

“So you want to have sex with me?” Jake asked, “Based on what Karla has told you?”

“We’re up for giving it a try,” Alex said, “If you’re willing.”

Jake surveyed the table.  His eyes came to rest on Karla.  “For real?”

Karla nodded.  “We didn’t do this well, did we?”

“How would I know?”  he asked.  “This is the most preposterous…”

“It’s for real,” Taylor said, her voice remarkably soft and encouraging.

Jake surveyed the women again.  His eyes fell on Jasmine.  He pointed at her.  “Do you want to have sex with me?”

She leveled her eyes on him.  “Yeah, I do.  I’ve screwed her husband,” she pointed at Karla, “Hers,” she indicated Tanya, “And her fiancé,” she said nodding to Taylor.  “And I’ve watched my husband have sex with each of them.  So, yeah, I’ll screw you in a New York minute, just for the fun of it.”

“Me, too,” Alex said.

“I’ve already done it,” Karla noted, “And I’d be happy to have a repeat performance.”

“What about you?” he asked Taylor.

She smirked.  “Are you as good as Karla says?”

He shrugged.  

“You want to fuck me?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Jake said.  “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“But you can’t fall in love,” Karla warned.  “Everybody’s taken.”

“Except for me,” Alex noted.  “But I’m not looking.”

“So it’s just for fun,” Jake stated.

“That’s right,” Karla said.  “Just for fun.”

“And what about the guys.  I’m not into guys.”

“They’re all straight,” Taylor said.  “We’re hetero.”

“Mostly,” Karla noted.  “You might see some girl-on-girl.”

Jake leaned back in his chair.  “Can I get another drink?” he asked.

“Do you need one?” Karla asked.

“Yeah,” Jake chuckled.  “I’ve been asked to have sex with five different beautiful women.  That’s the kind of decision that shouldn’t be made while totally sober.”

“You having doubts?” Tanya asked.

“Kind of, yeah,” he replied.  “I doubt this is really happening.”

“You don’t have to screw us all at once,” Karla said with a grin.

“Well, that’s good news.  I’m not sure I could handle the pressure.”

Tanya reached toward him and rested her hand on his arm.  “I got the lucky card,” she informed him.  “I get you first.  All you have to do is agree.”

Jake looked at Karla.  “And I thought Saturday was my lucky day,” he told her.

“It was,” she assured him.

“Yeah, I guess it was.”  He looked around the table again, his eyes resting briefly on each of the women.  “All right, ladies,” he said with a sigh.  “I’m all yours.”

When the doorbell rang at ten minutes after five that evening, Tom grumbled, “Who the hell is that?”

Tanya grinned at him as he rose to answer the door.  “It’s for me.”

“For you?  What the hell is it?”

“Let him in and be nice.  His name is Jake.”

Tom swung the door open and stepped back.  “Hey, Jake.  Good to see you again,” he said to the man standing on his stoop.

“Yeah.  Hello,” Jake said.  

“I guess you know by now that I’m not Karla’s husband,” Tom replied.  “Come on in.”

Jake stepped into the small foyer and took a quick glance into the interior.  “Nice house.”

“Thanks,” Tom said, closing the door.  “I guess you’re looking for Tanya.”

“I’m, uh,” Jake said, obviously uneasy.  “I guess so.  I’ve been sent over from next door.  Karla said I was supposed to meet Tanya.”

“Well, Tanya’s in the next room.  Come on in,” he repeated.

“This is a little strange,” Jake said, seemingly rooted to his spot.

“Well, don’t let it get to you,” Tom told him.  “When Karla’s involved, things get that way.”  He ushered Jake into the great room.  Tanya was standing there waiting for them.

“Jake,” she grinned at him  “It’s seems like it’s been hours.”

“Yeah,” Jake nodded.  “It has been.”

“Honey,” she addressed her husband.  “This is Jake.  He’s Karla’s new recruit.”

“I know,” Tom replied.  “I was with her when she recruited him.”

“Yeah,” Jake nodded.  “Tom and I are acquainted.”

Tom ushered him toward a seat at the edge of the sofa.  “So, you’ve been to Karla’s?”

“Yeah,” Jake replied.  “I’ve just come from there.”

“We all had lunch together earlier,” Tanya interjected, her eyes never shifting from Jake.  “He’s met all of us now.”

“Okay,” Tom said, dragging it out into a question.

“I’m supposed to tell you,” Jake directed to Tom, “That Jasmine, Karla and Taylor are waiting for you.  You’re taking them to dinner?”

Tom laughed.  “See?” he said.  “Strange stuff when Karla’s involved.  Where’s Kevin?”

“I have no idea,” Jake said.  “When I left there was just Karla, and Taylor, and the Goth girl?”

“Jasmine,” Tanya said.

“Yeah, Jasmine.  Anyway, I was supposed to tell you that Jasmine, Karla and Taylor were waiting for you to take them to dinner.”

“Okay,” Tom chuckled.  “I guess I’d better get a tie and jacket.  Knowing Karla and Taylor it will be Valero’s and not Wendy’s.”  He headed off down a hallway.

Tanya stood in front of her chair, staring at Jake as he stood next to the sofa.

“Is this part of the audition?” he asked.  “Dealing with uncomfortable situations?”

“Give it just a minute,” she said softly.  “When he’s gone we’ll talk.”

Tom whisked back into the room with a Navy blazer thrown over an arm and a tie hanging around his neck.  “Well, I guess I’d better go escort the queen, the princess and the Goth Goddess to their evening meal,” he chuckled.  He stuck his hand out to Jake.  “You guys be good.”

“Yeah,” Jake said as he took the proffered hand.  “Have fun.”

Tom looked at his wife.  “Yeah.  You, too,” he said.  “Love you.”

“Love you, too, darling,” she replied, but her eyes never left Jake.

With a solid thud, the door closed behind Tom.

“Jesus!” Jake breathed out.  “That was kind of awkward.”

Tanya grinned.  “First time jitters,” she observed.  “Don’t worry, though.  He’ll take Jasmine, Karla and Tanya to dinner, and by eight o’clock they’ll be having their way with him.”

“So, this is part of the audition,” he stated.

“Hmmm,” she hummed.  “More of a test drive.”

“This is more complex than I’d imagined.”

“It will be fine,” she reassured him.  “Do you want a beer or something?”

“I’m good,” he replied.

“So, have you figured this all out yet?” she asked.

“I’m, uh, not really.”

“I can see that.  You still have your clothes on.”


“My husband has been gone for almost a minute and you still have your clothes on.”

“You want me to strip?” he asked in amazement.  “Just like that?”

“It’s part of the audition-slash-test drive.  Yes.  You should strip.”

Jake unbuttoned his shirt and removed it.  He shed his T-shirt and then attacked the fastenings of his trousers.  He stopped, sat down, removed his shoes and sock, then stood and dropped his trousers to the floor.  He stepped out of them and tossed them on the sofa.

“Everything,” Tanya told him in a voice just above a whisper.

His shrug was infinitesimal.  He hooked his thumbs in his boxers and tugged them down to his knees.  They dropped to his ankles and he stepped out of them.

“This what you want?” he asked, challenging her.

“You’re not even hard,” she replied.

“Seriously?  I’ve just had an uncomfortable meeting with the man I thought was Karla’s, but turns out to be your husband and you think I should be aroused?”

“You do know we’re going to fuck, don’t you?  Don’t I appeal to you?”

“I haven’t had time to shift gears yet.  But, yes, you are gorgeous.”

She nodded.  “Then what do I have to do to get you hard?”

He looked at her.  She had on blue shorts and a loose halter top.

He grinned.  “It won’t take much.  You might touch me.  That would do it.”

“Touch your cock?”

He shook his head.  “That would certainly do it,” he chuckled.  “But I think just the touch of your hand on my shoulder or arm, maybe the chest would probably do it.”

She stepped up to him and brushed her right hand across his shoulder and down his arm.  “Like that?”

“Yeah,” he replied with a grin.  He could feel the arousal beginning.

“Anything else?”

“I like watching your lips move,” he whispered.  “So, tell me more about this group of yours.  And keep touching me.”

Her eyes focused on her hand as it brushed across his shoulder, his chest, and down his arm.

“Mostly normal people,” she began.  “But there’s variety.  We’re not all vanilla.  The one thing that we have in common is that we love sex.  The men and the women.  And we like the excitement of a variety of partners.”

Jake’s meat started to grow as he watched her mouth form the words and felt the feather-like brush of her fingers on his skin.

“So, we’ve all agreed to share with each other.  We keep our standard relationships, but everybody shares.  That way, all of us have the great feelings of sex with somebody else.  Did you know that everybody does it differently?”

“How do you mean?”

“Hmmm.  Well, the penetrations all feel different.  And then there’s the different rhythms and motions.  Do you know talking about it is making me hot?”

“Hearing you talk about it makes me hot, too.  I love how your lips move around the words.”

“And are you imagining how they would look and feel around your cock?”

“Actually, no.  I was wondering if it is okay to kiss in this group of yours.”

“It isn’t mine, darling.  It’s ours.  And, yes, it is okay to kiss.  Do you want to kiss me?”

“I do.  And I want to feel your lips with my tongue.”

“Oh, see?  That just sent a shockwave of heat all the way through me.”

“So, should I kiss you now?”

She moaned softly, her hand traveling down to grasp his growing erection.  “Yes.  I think you should.”

“And your clothes?  I suddenly want to feel your soft skin against mine.”

“If you want them off, you should take them off,” she said, gently running her fingers lightly along his hardness.

Tanya felt Jake’s lips press to hers and his tongue probed lightly at her lips.  She opened her mouth slightly, touched his tongue with her own and sucked him in.  She moaned softly and felt her top fall away from her frame.  Among the stars exploding in her head she saw the image of him removing her shorts until she stood pressing her ample breasts into his chest, clad only in the daintiest pink panties.  She pulled back from his kiss.

“I want to feel this on my tongue,” Tanya whispered, hefting his meat for emphasis.

“And I want to taste you, too,” he replied softly.

She nodded.  “Soon enough,” she murmured, “But first…”  She dropped to a knee and guided his hardness toward her mouth.  She rolled her tongue into a curved and slid his rod along it.  “Karla’s the queen of the BJ,” she told him after she slid him out, the tip of her tongue lightly licking at the tiny slit of his cock.  “But I’ve been told I’m not bad.”

“I don’t want a BJ,” Jake said tenderly.  “I want to taste you and feel myself inside you.”

“I won’t make you come,” she assured him, “But this is what I want right now.”  She pulled him back to her mouth, caressing him with her tongue as she slid it along the bottom of his cock.  She closed her mouth around him, sucking and teasing his hardness with her tongue.

“Ah, geez, Tanya!” he groaned.  “But I want more.  I want to kiss your long, lovely neck, your shoulders, and lick your breasts.  I want to lick your belly and taste your pussy.”

“Mmm-hmmm,” she hummed affirmatively around the mass of his flesh in her mouth.

“Do you do this with all the guys?” Jake asked, his voice straining against his arousal.  His hand rested easily among the tousled curls of her hair.

She hummed on him in an indistinct reply as her tongue caressed him.

“You promised you wouldn’t make me come,” he reminded her.

She slurped him to the tip, releasing him for an instant.  “I lied,” she said, and drove her mouth back on him.  Her fingers found his balls and scraped lightly.

“Seriously,” he groaned.  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.”

“Hmmmmm,” she moaned in anticipation.

“Fuck, Tanya!  I mean it.”

She hummed again with a chuckle deep in her throat.  Her head bobbed as she increased her efforts.

Jake felt the sensations begin.  “Now, Tanya!” he gasped.  “It’s happening!”

She nodded, hummed and milked his cock with her tongue.

“Aw, shit!” he groaned, and the first shot of his come exploded from his shaft.

Tanya hummed again in satisfaction.  She stopped bobbing and simply began to suck his essence out of him.  Shot after warm shot squirted into her welcoming mouth and her tongue caressed the bottom of his cock, urging his essence into her mouth as she swallowed his ejaculate.

Jake groaned heavily, panting as the squirts became dribbles and Tanya sucked every iota into her waiting mouth.  She eased back, sucking gently at the sensitive tip, and kissing him tenderly on the tip as she released him.

“Now you owe me,” she said thickly.

“Really?” he gasped.  “I told you to stop.”

“But I didn’t.  And now, you owe me for letting you come in my mouth and swallowing all of you.”

“Okay,” he panted.  “Yeah.  Sure.  Anything.”

She stood in front of him and leaned in for a kiss.  He took her mouth as if possessed.

“Anything?” she asked coyly.

He nodded.

“I want those kisses you promised.  My neck, shoulders, breasts and belly.  And then I want to ride your tongue until you make me come.  Then, I want your hardness inside me.  I want you to fuck me and feel those spurts of your come shoot up in me.”

“I think you’d better pinch me,” he chuckled.  “This has to be a dream.”

“I don’t want to pinch you, darling,” she murmured.  “That would hurt you.  I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

“The only questions is, do we have the time for all that?”

“Of course we do,” Tanya replied with a grin.  “We’ve got all night.”

Same as Trancendent Sensuality -18 Videos

1 year ago
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Trancendent Sensuality 16

The Williams house was quiet and dark.  Taylor padded her way softly into master bedroom and gently smoothed her hand across her mother’s shoulder.Alex burrowed deeper into the pillows.“Mom,” Taylor whispered softly, continuing to stroke her mother’s skin.“What is it?” Alex said quietly.  “You woke me up.”“Time to switch,” Taylor whispered.“You can’t be serious.”“Shush.  You’ll wake him.  Ted’s waiting for you.”“This isn’t a good idea, Taylor.”“We talked about this, Mother,” Taylor whispered...

1 year ago
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Trancendent Sensuality 21

Fredericka lay naked atop Kevin in the King-sized bed in his bedroom.  Her hands pressed his against the bedsheet.  She brushed her erect nipples up and down on his chest while her eyes were locked on his.  Below, she had his erect meat trapped between her vulva, rubbing his length against her moist flesh.“Dona Karla was right,” she told him in a harsh whisper.  “You are an accommodating lover.”Kevin smiled at her.  “Because I let you have control?” he asked.“That, yes,” she replied.  “And...

3 years ago
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PART I What Mary Learned Mary is 55 and happily married. At the moment, Mark, her husband, friend, and lover of 30 years, has been gone almost a week taking care of a family problem. ‘It’s been a long week,’ thought Mary as she lay in the half empty bed. ‘My part-time job, lunch with friends, and personal and grocery shopping just seems like ‘marking time’, with the house and this bed being empty of Mark. ‘ Thinking of her husband/lover, Mary’s finger tips began making slow concentric...

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Infinite Sensuality

Infinite SensualityDaydreaming, fantasizing,His mind wanders, realities dim,Feeling immersed in the moment,Unable to stop thinking of her.Sexual images fill her mind,Utterly carnal and erotic,Lustful thoughts envelope him.Mesmerizing and hypnotic....Arousing her completely,Capturing, enrapturing him,Infinite sensuality,Feeling desire simmer and stir....And then, he looks around,Becoming captivated by her gaze,Returning her glance seductively,His mind and soul ablaze.Seeing him approaching...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Sensuality

“Are you sure you want me to do this?” Karla asked her husband. Kevin sat in a chair across the bedroom, still attired in his tux. He nodded. “Yes.” The voice was just a whisper. Karla was clad only in the black bra and panty set she had worn beneath her short cocktail dress, the black thigh-high stockings and the four-inch heels that gave her backside the tantalizing motion that beckoned her potential lover. She looked down and saw the arms of the man, still covered in the sleeves of his...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Ascent into Sensuality

ASCENT INTO SENSUALITY – THE BEGINNING Hi, my name is Carly Simones, and today is my 16 th birthday and to make things perfect it’s the weekend and also the beginning of the summer holidays. I’ve just got up and had a shower and slowly walk out onto my balcony, enjoying the soft morning breeze across my naked body. The breeze is cool enough to make my nipples pucker and harden. It’s a beautiful day, the sky is clear and dark blue and the breeze does not even ruffle the surface of the lake. ...

4 years ago
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Our Swing Story Pt2 The Oral Sensuality

Cassandra got the zipper down and my dick popped out and stood there twitching like it had too much caffeine. I could feel it pulse like a heartbeat causing each twitch. Cass touched it and slid her fingers down the shaft to my balls making it move even more. To the floor with my pants and I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of them.Lena had started to unzip Rick, and Cass watched intently. As she got below his cock it sprang from his pants. It was larger than it looked in the shared photos....

2 years ago
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The Confused Sensuality

Based on true incident – Narrated as a story Shweta sat watching the TV with her hand on her thigh. She was horny but was in no mood to masturbate, she wanted to have sex. Slow, sensual, deep, ahh! she was losing it, but it had been months since her husband had fucked her. Just then her colleague, Sammy called. He was in her area and wanted to return her USB he had borrowed, and he was going to come in another 20 minutes. Shweta checked herself out in the mirror. Her shoulder length straight...

3 years ago
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Scents And Sensuality

The first thing I noticed was the sweet, sensuous smell. I twisted my head from side to side, but it seemed to be coming from all around. “What the hell’s that?” I whispered. “It smells like a Turkish brothel in here.” “And you’d know, sweetie,” he said, taking his cue as I knew he would. “Don’t you like it?” “You know I do,” I replied. “It’s sandalwood and rose, my favourite.” I felt his hand on my arm as he guided me forward. The silken blindfold was much more effective than I’d expected,...

1 year ago
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Desperation Vs Sensuality

So this is my first time doing this... I dont know how I am going to go through with it. One of my relatives decided to set me up on a blind date. They say I have been single for far too long...and well they are right. I go through some major preparation. A couple of yoga poses to stretch my slightly stiff body. Then I get into the shower...ohhh...the warm water feels so good on my skin. I roam my soapy hands on my body. I touch my neck, massaging it slightly, then slide them along my breasts,...

1 year ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 4 Sex and Sensuality

As she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting...

1 year ago
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Budding sensuality

Unclothed, and shivering slightly as the fan directed outside air to caress her skin, Oriana stood determinedly beside her bed. Muscles rippled along her narrow frame as she unconsciously clenched her fists and tightened her shoulders. Painful knots worsened, and tension began to accumulate in a crescent along her brow. The beginnings of a headache finally awakening her to her own self-t*****e, Oriana strode to the corner of her small dormitory room and unrolled a pale green yoga mat. She...

2 years ago
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Sensualality © 2003 Dan Johnson I love your sensualality the every movement of your sexuality breathes the immortality of our love. I love your sensualality your every breath exudes the spirituality of our love. I love your sensualality the way your smile your touch your very being brings about the practicality of our love. I love your sensualality you undress me, constantly impress me, with the fornicality of our love. I love your sensualality the...

4 years ago
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Massage To Smitha 8211 Part 1 Sexy And Sensual

Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more of my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page ‘Nish Massage Club’. Below is the experience share by Smitha who contacted me for a sensual sexual massage. Enjoy the first part written in her own words. I am Smitha from Hyderabad, married...

2 years ago
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A Lonely Night Turned Sensual

Hello readers, it has been long since I have posted any of my experiences on this site. Cheers to everyone, in specific the ladies out there for appreciating the two previous stories. Now, let me get into the episode straight. So this incident took place in March when I had come back to Hyderabad from Mumbai after a short break. Being from a corporate company, it doesn’t allow me to have much time off. But somehow I was able to take the weekend off. Being excited about it, I had a detailed plan...

2 years ago
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We meet in the doorway, the moonlight through the windows casting a silver sheen on your raven tresses. The candles give a golden glow to the ivory negligee that parts just enough to allow me a glimpse of your silken breasts yet still hiding the treasures of your secret places. We speak no words, but enfold each other in a tender embrace. I gently turn your face up to kiss you, your cheeks, your neck, your eyes, and finally your sweet lips. As we kiss, you move your body so your thigh is...

1 year ago
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Casual Massage To Colleague Turns Sensual

Hi guys, this is curvesaddict. Thanks for your feedback on my previous story. I had a few interesting conversations with the readers. Now, this incident happened a few weeks back and can’t wait to share it with you guys. I am Ram, 24, working as a graphic designer in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. The heroine of the story is a colleague of mine. She is an intern at my company for content writing. Her name is Helen (name changed). As I used to do the...

3 years ago
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Girl in Mumbai Local train A Toilet Slut

I mentioned in the earlier part, the way I found a girl in Mumbai local train. Read that part first, So that you won't get any confusion while reading this part. Link is mentioned in comments. If you can't access link, then you may get it in my profile. Let's begin.Next-Day I got inside a crowded train. Still, I couldn't find her. I thought, Maybe she must be travelling in the ladies compartment. Next day I got out of a running train at Borivali and stood in front of the ladies compartment. I...

2 years ago
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Mein erstes Mal als Sissy Part 10

Fortsetzung von:„Hallo meine kleine Schlampe“, begrüßt er mich nachdem er mich ein Zeit lang mehr oder weniger ignorierte. „Nun kommen wir zu meinem persönlichen Höhepunkt des Wochenendes“, er führt mich nochmal ins Bad und legt mir Dessous in Rot bereit, dazu ein rotes Negligees, die blonde Perücke lasse ich auf und er bittet mich, dass ich mich ganz nuttig für ihn zu Recht mache. Ich freue mich darauf endlich wieder von...

1 year ago
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The Bikie Mascot

There can be many reasons why an individual can do a complete turn in their behaviour. It could be political, belonging to a party or clashes on the home front. It could be through social connections or it could be the release of a long denied desire or it could be from examples of people who in public were pillars of society but in private were the total opposite. Shirley when she said, even if a bit reluctantly to her Aunt a goodbye didn't know that this brief break from the drudgery of a...

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Derek and Amy

We’re holed up in a nice little hotel room in the middle of nowhere. No one around here knows us and no one will bother us. Tonight’s all about us. Once we get settled in I send him off to take a shower. Now that I’m sure he’s busy it’s time to get to work. Digging out my bag I lay out the outfit I’ve had prepared for a long time. The panties are black silk, as soft as butter. There’s a black garter belt to go over them to help keep up the black stockings. The garters are ones that I’ve had...

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Sex Slave Nabiki

by Kestral, the original author of this chapter. (_NOTE: _Ifa writer would like to use this chapter to make a story other than one that makes Nabiki a sex slave, go to Tenchi Universe, also on CHYOA.) “Yeah, right, like this’d work,” Ranma said. That he’d taken the battered old brass lamp to the most secluded place he knew of (the top of the Flem building - where he kept his “favorite possessions that Akane and Nabiki and Oyaji must never ever find”). With most teenage boys this would be a...

1 year ago
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Sister banged in te car

Hello guys, I am back with a new incident which happened just recently. I will not bore you with introduction part. To know me and the relation which I have with my hotty sister, you can refer to the stories I have written previously. Waiting for your feedback.So, after the incidents I have mentioned in the previous stories, my sister strictly denied having sex with me. I didn’t know what was wrong with her but whenever I approached her, all she said was she was not in the mood. I had to...

3 years ago
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Who Knew What The River Would Bring The Finale

“Good Lord, who is that?!? Is that the guys?” I was mortified. “No... it’s not them. It’s the boat that gave us thumbs up this morning. They stopped by a while ago and asked if they could join us on the beach. They just went back down river to pick up a buddy of theirs,” he said all of this so matter-of-factly while simultaneously pulling up his shorts. “And it didn’t occur to you to fill me in on the fact that we had company coming???” I had a shocked tone to my voice. “It’s not like you gave...

Group Sex
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Man, I do love the beach! So much female-ass just hangin' out for all to see... I fucking love it! Girls go there half-naked just to flaunt their bodies, and flash as much of their pussies, asses and tits to us guys as they can, and good times are had by all.Once I was lying on this beach I like, checking out the crowds of smoking-hot tourist-ladies, all half-naked, many of whom were indubitably cruising for some big hard vacation-cock for the night to satisfy their horny, vacationing pussies....

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A Midsummer Days Dream

It was summer and she was laying in the sun on a Mediterranean beach. She heard the sounds of the sea crashing on the shore, children laughing and shouting in the distance and adults chatting closer by. She strained, trying to hear their conversation. They were young men who had walked past twice and then stopped nearby where they had spread out towels on the sand and stripped to their shorts. She had observed them through half-closed eyes and admired their fit, suntanned bodies and muscular...

2 years ago
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Butch and Stacy 1

Butch and Stacy Synopsis: I always insisted on being called Butch and avoided my given name of Stacy. It did not fit the rough and tough macho image I wanted to project. But lately things have happened that make me not so sure; is it time to accept my true name, and what goes with it? "Heya, Butch! Over here!" I recognized that voice, and the name it was calling out so loudly. I scanned the airport waiting area and soon located him, my best friend Matt waving his hands wildly...

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William Redman CarterChapter 8

William rushed into the hotel and looked around the lobby. The elevator door opened and Lucy stepped out looking around the lobby. They met halfway with a hug that was just on the tasteful side of being publicly acceptable. William said, "I've missed you." "I missed you," Lucy said burying her face into his chest and enjoying his scent. It felt good to feel his arms around her. "I'm so glad that you could make it here," William said running a hand across her back. It felt so right...

1 year ago
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Mels cabin break part 3

Mel’s Cabin Break…..Part 3.Mel made her way back to the cabin and headed straight for the shower. It wasn’t quite lunch time yet her stomach was grumbling with hunger, after all, she had just worked up one heck of an appetite. She’d already cleaned the dildos and returned them to their hiding place before heading to her room for a fresh set of clothes. It was another glorious day and as she lifted a pair of tight denim shorts from the drawer, she immediately thought that they would be way too...

3 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 24

I spent the next week pretty much by myself. I had spoken with Connie twice during the week. The first time, over the telephone on Monday, after she had gotten home from school, and then again on Wednesday, when I ran into her at the public library. It was becoming more and more obvious to me that she was making an attempt to recapture the lifestyle that she'd enjoyed before her sexual awakening. We ended our Wednesday conversation with me agreeing to not try to contact her for awhile. She...

2 years ago
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Wife Pays Default to a Loan

The story starts when my husband and I took out a loan from a local builder as we did not want to put our house at risk from a bank loan. We agreed to a crazy guarantee if we defaulted for 3 months. But you never think that it won't work out as you are full of optimism in a new venture especially in your late twenties - the world is in front of you. Anyhow we fell behind the payments and we waited and waited for the visit. The day arrived. A car pulled up outside and a big guy, 40 plus, got out...

1 year ago
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Prothome didi tarpor boudi sese bou

Ami ekhon 22 bochor er ek jubok. Sobe koisor periye joubon-e pa diyechi. Amar boyes jokhon 10 bochor, sei samoy amader barite amar ek dursomporker didi thakto. Take ami anna didi bole daktam. Anna didir baba ar ma ek train accident-e mara jai. Tai didi ke amar baba amader barite ene rekhechilo. Anna didi dekhte bhishon sundori chilo, jemon forsa rong, temi slim ar sexy figure. Didi amar theke 7/8 bochorer boro chilo, didir tokhon bhora joubon. Ami didir bhison bhokto chilam. Amakeo didi khub...

2 years ago
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Sisterly Love Luna and Riley Ch 04

Notice: This story progresses quite slowly, especially when compared to other, short erotic stories. Just a heads up, this one isn’t quick. Chapter 4: Dinner and a Movie Soon enough, the afternoon had arrived and Eleanor called to the kids to begin getting ready for their night out. Emboldened by the things Riley had been saying about her appearance, Luna decided to actually wear something a bit more revealing out of the house. She opted for a silvery mini cowl neck dress, that had high...

3 years ago
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Six Have Fun at the Ranch

                             Six Have Fun at the Ranch                                       Part 1 - Arrival "Now listen up, kids," Brad Shaw, the multi-millionaire Los Angeles property developer, told his children, the 18-year-old twins Kelly and Timmy, as he swung his Cadillac into the driveway leading to the Hunts' secluded Nevada ranch. ?While we’re on holiday here, I want you to do everything that Uncle Kurt and Auntie Barbara say while we're they’re guests. ?Remember that Idaho is a very...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Nata Ocean Stepsis Gets The Truth And My Cock

Nata Ocean has a livestream that her fans just love. She’s in the middle of filming an entry about her sexy outfit where she discusses whether she should buy something new. Unfortunately for Nata, her stepbrother Nikki Nutz wanders into the kitchen and enters the frame. She apologizes to her fans, but Nikki keeps escalating his behavior. When Nikki runs on camera with his dick out, Nata cuts the feed and chases him into his bedroom. Confronting Nikki, Nata asks why he’s doing this....

2 years ago
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Lets b bad...cum to the classroom of mr higgins. He aint there...its located at the back of the school...noone will c us. I wanna have yah on that desk,ur cute dress a lil up. Reavealing ur beautifull behind. Ill cover ur mouth with my hand as i give it to u. We dont want no spectators. As ill fuck u like that i can allready feel ur pussy tighten around my cock....ur gonna cum on it! After u came,ill pull my dick out. Like evry good girl u instantly drop on ur knees to clean me up. Loving the...

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Mind Over ManagersChapter 5

"Okay, Roxanne, Carl. I bet that you wonder why I told you both to visit me here. Well, as it happens, I have branched out in a way into couples' counseling recently. I understand that Carl wants a divorce due to Roxanne's infidelity, am I right? "Carl, I understand your point of view. It's very humiliating and no doubt you feel very betrayed by your unfaithful wife. You also still love her and want on some level to understand why she cheated on you. You also want a little revenge and...

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the lost phone

The Lost Phoneby Clive St.clement-RoyalIt was a warm day and I had been sitting in the busy cafe for two hours now drinking tea and working on my laptop. I was trying to write my thesis for my masters degree in volconology and it was not going to plan. The waitress, as instructed brought me a new cup of tea every 30 mins and put it down and cleared away the dirty cups. It was then I noticed a woman come in the cafe and look round for somewhere to sit, I indicated that she could sit at my table...

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461 Yes Gran

461 Yes Gran. To Alec`s knock an authoritive voice cried “come” he pushed open the door, quite what he expected well he wasn’t quite sure, but it was nothing like what he got. Sat up on her bed was his gran, still fully dressed, propped against the headboard of the big old double bed, stockinged feet out in front of her, and a couple of photo albums spread about. “sit,” she nodded him to the second spot on the bed, he slipped off his slippers and was soon next to her on the big old bed. “just...

4 years ago
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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 7 The End of the Beginning

I explained everything to Sergeant Roy Cooper as I showed him the cracks in the brickwork in my garage. Roy started to poke around. I didn’t tell him about Gary or the Carsons, just about Becky and her mother. “You know it sounds crazy, Rick,” he said flatly. “Although it would explain a lot. The Carson brothers. Your boy, my boy, Ken Blankenship’s boy...” “Eric?” I asked, and Roy nodded. “Broke his arms in three places. Wouldn’t tell us what happened.” Becky Finklestein happened. I was...

1 year ago
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My wife was leaving for a three with business trip. We had just fucked the night before so I would be good for a while (so she thought). As she drove away, I was ready for some fun action. I stepped into the bedroom, stripped naked, and rolled on the bed. I put my legs over my head and pulled my ass down until my hardening cock was touching my lips. I ran my tongue round the head and pulled harder to get an inch or so if my cock in my mouth. I rocked back and fourth for a few minutes. ...

2 years ago
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Good Samaritan

Hi again. Sorry for such a quick turn around, but a situation happened last night that happened to me a few years back. I wanted to write about it. This story will be shorter than most of my others. On Wednesday afternoon, I stopped into a convenience store to get milk. This store is also a gas station, and when I walked out, I saw a crying young woman rifling through her car. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she was almost out of gas. She was looking for her wallet with her...

4 years ago
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Something About Elevators

Everyone has a fantasy, even me. Mine is to be fucked by a stranger in an elevator. Let me explain why I have such a fantasy. I love to read, and many of the erotic porn tales I enjoy have some scene where a girl encounters a man, often a stranger, in an elevator and something kinky and erotic takes place. Sometimes she’s groped and fingered, sometimes she’s pinned against the wall and fucked like a whore. Now, the building I work in has an elevator that breaks all the time. I’ve told my...

2 years ago
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New U Salon

New U SalonThe Erotic Mind-Control Story ArchiveTitles · Authors · Categories · Readers' Picks · FAQ · What's New · Message Board · Make a DonationAuthor: Zon19Story: New U SalonNew U SalonBy Zon19(mc, md, gr)The following is a storyline that was started on the BE Archive's Adventure, "Unending BE." Feel free to visit the archive or its extendable addventure at This particular story was written by myself and L.E. through the extendable addventure. I have compiled and...

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My first Time67

I was in theatre all through highschool and continued on into college...that is where my experimenting began. I was this new fresh face around all these actors who smoke, drank, and frequently screwed someone. It wasnt like all out orgy's or anything, but quite a few of the people in drama had some sort of fling with each other. When they found out I was just a "good boy" it became evident that they were going to bring me into the fold. They got me to smoke, they got me to drink, and next...

1 year ago
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Broken Vows

ONE Grey light filtered through the barred window, creating faint lines in the dusty air above her head. The little clouds made by her less than steady breathing eddied around her mouth as she sat on the cold stone floor. She gazed out through the iron lattice, to the courtyard which formed the nucleus of the prison complex. A pre-dawn glow lit the stones, and lent a slight colour to the bonsai firs which stood clustered around a lone figure in the centre of the circular space. One might have...

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Mom Enjoys With Her Hot Son 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, This is Vicky (name changed) again with the next part of my hot story those who didn’t read my last story I suggest them that they have to read that first. Before that I introduce myself again that I’m a well built body boy and my cock size 7”.in my last story I told you guys that how the hell I fucked my busty whore mom for the first time and after that day I am fucking her everyday and with mom’s help I have fucked many of mom friends too. So now let the story begins that how I...

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EvilAngel Keira Croft Anal Submissive Squirts

Pretty-eyed Keira Croft wears kinky leather straps and an open-mouth gag. Dominant Jake Adams fingers her twat and licks her clit. Keira squirts girl cum all over herself! Jake stuffs his stiff dick into her open mouth and shoves it down her throat. Spit streams from her chin as she gives him a thorough blowjob. He chokes her and spanks the submissive slut’s ass. Jake drives his dick up her bunghole, and anal pounding makes her moan and groan in orgasmic heat. Keira masturbates while he...

1 year ago
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Finding Sister

Our mother’s last couple of years on Earth became a dark spiral of mental illness and addiction. It began when our father was shot and killed, for being nothing more than an innocent bystander in a convenience store during broad daylight. The tragedy left mother listless and empty and while she tried to fill that void with a cocktail of alcohol and amphetamines, the void only became bigger until it was all that was left. Even after her suicide, the chasm of fear and desperation she left behind...

2 years ago
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Wife past brought to light

I’ve been married to my wife Shauna for 15 years now. We met at a beach party while i was serving in the military. Once i left the service we moved to my home state. My wife who is 5’8, 145lbs brown hair with a smoking hot body had no problem getting a job at one of the gyms here as a personal trainer. It was there that this story starts. My wife and I have a shared face book page and one day she gets a note asking if this was Shauna who use to train at a gym in California. Shauna replied it...

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Ishita And Raman8217s Second Honeymoon

Hi Guys, This is my first story of the most popular and hot couple Raman and Ishita. Due to so many issues and problems, their sex life has gone haywire with both of them now bored and unsatisfied. So the story goes like this… On a Friday Morning… Ishita: Raman, Get up now otherwise you’ll be late for office. Raman: I don’t want to go to the office. I just want to spend this whole day cuddling you. I: Oh come on Raman, Now it’s not the time. Besides, I have so much work. Need to prepare...

4 years ago
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My Sis And Me Seduce Younger Sister

It was a day I gone to Ahmadabad with my sisters Preeti and neha for the admission interview in engineering for neha. First I want to say you all that this story is my real story and any girl near jaipur want some fun with me secretely she can contact me on or Let me tell you that in our family her father 47 at present and mom is 44. We are two sisters and one brother. I am eldest one and my elder sisters is Preeti (24) and younger is Neha (22). So Preeti was 21 at that time and just...

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Remembrance of the WoodChapter 3

Willow returned to the classroom to take Tama home from school for the day. The rest of the children left for their homes with a happy cheer because of the unexpected vacation that Elder had just announced. He knew a number of the parents wouldn't be happy, but there was little that he could do about it now. Once he was in the building alone, he closed the school up and gathered his traveling gear. As arduous as he made the trip sound to Willow, it was actually be easy from the Faydark...

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Only we three know

Hi friend, i am sanjay and going to tell you very very hot experience which happened with me in my own town. I am a married man of 40+ blessed with two lovely kids. My wife sheela is a very beautiful woman on earth and always supported me to enjoy my sex life in a very better way. She has permitted me to enjoy with the outsider right girl or woman or with couple. I am a 5’7” (approx) muscular man with strong sex desire. My wife sheela always enjoys her sex life with my experiences. The story...

3 years ago
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Same Old

“If you say he wasn’t right for you, Angie,” Demetria Willis told her sister over the phone, “I’m not going to disagree.” This was definitely not the time to say, “I told you so,” though she had. “He was very wrong for me. He started to get violent there at the end.” “Maybe, though, if you’re not finding your permanent partner, you’re not looking in the right places.” “Dee! Who told you that I’m looking for something permanent? Now that you’ve settled down, you want everybody in the same...

1 year ago
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Impressions Ch 01

Gin dropped her backpack, sketchpad, and purse in a heap by the door of her apartment, peeled off her ski coat and shoes, grabbed a pillow from the armchair and flopped on the floor in front of the television. She was out of class for the week and the vintage record store she worked in was closed for remodeling for a few days. It would be a welcome break. She switched on the television and flipped through the channels. She settled on some rock music video countdown on MTV2. It would entertain...

4 years ago
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My Old Flame

I suck at doing Flash stories, but here is one last try! I'm badly behind this week so I didn't have time to get this story editing. Hopefully the inevitable typos and errors are minor. This story is based upon the classic Spike Jones version of the song. The original Billie Holiday version is pretty darned good too! The Spike Jones version of My Old Flame is available as a free unrestricted MP3 Download...

4 years ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda Part 8211 5

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Koi b lady mujhe is email per contact kr skti hai. This is a continuation to my previous story ” Verka booth wali Aunty ko choda”. Jinhone nhi pdi wo is link per jaa kr pd sakte hain ‘’ . Pehle to aap sab ka bohat bohat thanx jo aapne is story k pichle part ko itna pyar diya, bohat saare fans k mujhe mails b aayi, shukriya bohat bohat. Aur aap...

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