Captured Ch. 04 free porn video

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Miriam stirred sleepily, wiggling deeper in the rumpled white sheets. The gentle rocking of the boat did little to rouse her from the depths of slumber, lulling her on a plane of contentment. She rubbed her cheek over muscled warmth, luxuriating in the feel of it pressed against her front.

She felt protected, safe. Miriam stilled. She lay on her side nestled against a hard, tanned chest, her hand resting on a very male hip. Her head was cushioned by his arm, his thigh between hers. Fingers rested inches below her breast. Her lashes rose, her sky blue eyes locking with devilish green ones. Oh.

‘My sleepy mermaid awakes.’

She couldn’t hold back the blush at those husky words. He must have come to bed after she had fallen asleep. Turning in his arms, she struggled to sit up on the narrow bed and presented him with her back. Her hand ran reassuringly over her linen chemise.

Tanned fingers caught a ribbon of silvery blonde hair that had escaped her long braid. A quick glance over her shoulder discovered him lying on his back, one arm propped beneath his head. The sheet rested low over his hips, revealing a sinful expanse of ridged flesh. Finding her eyes traveling down a curious path of hair over his belly, she swiftly tore them away and turned back to face the cabin. Was he naked beneath?

‘Would you like to kiss me?’

Her eyes widened at his scandalous proposal. ‘No!’

‘Would you like me to kiss you, then?’

Yes. ‘No!’ Oh, her mother would be so mad if she discovered Miriam’s unladylike thoughts. It was bad enough that she was forced to share a cabin and a bed with a pirate until he delivered her to her fiancé. It was worse than bad that she had invited him to kiss her, and ever since wanted to repeat the delicious experience. And he seemed to know it.

Miriam sat there indecisively with his leg pressed against her hip. She could stay abed with him, or dress in his presence. Neither option appealed to her sensibilities. Just then exploring fingers traced down her back, making her tingle. She slid from the bed like a jack-in-the box just before the fingers caressed her bottom.

She turned scandalous eyes on him. He merely smiled. She spun about and crossed to her chest of clothing he had brought to their cabin last eve.

They should have arrived in port during the night, and Miriam was eager to be on dry land and put some space between herself and Devlin’s lips. Cooped up in his cabin with nothing to distract her thoughts was doing crazy things to her sense of inner peace.

She drew a simple day gown of rose pink brocade from the chest, before gazing at Devlin over her shoulder. As if sensing her silent plea, he threw his arm over his eyes with a sigh. She turned and drew her chemise over her head and quickly folded it. Slipping on a fresh chemise, she then hopped into her gown. Finding stockings, garters and slippers, she sat on the closed lid of the chest. Propping first one leg, then the other, on the desk chair, she rolled up her stockings and slid her garters in place. Rising, she slid her feet into her fine pink leather slippers.

‘Could you…’ she turned toward the bed, her hand holding her bodice against her breasts. Devlish green eyes met hers. Miriam blushed at his unforgivable boldness, feeling hot and quivery in strange places.

Struggling with the tiny puffed sleeves sliding down her arms, she pinned him with her best glare. ‘You sir, are a rogue and a scoundrel.’

‘Come here.’ He patted the bed beside him. He sat up, his muscles rippling. The sheet dangled precariously low over his hips. Miriam felt her knees turn to jelly. At her look of curiosity and wariness, he added ‘lest you wish to remain unclothed for my benefit.’

Devlin watched as she approached him shyly. His intention was to seduce her thoroughly. He had lain with her in his arms, her innocent body pressed against his wearing a fine chemise, and nothing beneath. He was very much afraid he would have to kill her fiancé and remove all thoughts of him from her mind. That, or this need to have her beneath him, around him, would surely kill him.

Miriam sat on the edge of the bed and scooped her silver blonde braid over her shoulder. His body throbbed, and it was all he could do not to lay her down on the bed and push up her skirts and take what was his to take. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge Miriam wasn’t ready for him yet. That much he had learnt the hard way. She had been shocked and hurt when he had begun to sheath his shaft in her soft warmth the first morning of her captivity. He bit back a groan as he felt himself harden at the remember feel of her closing around him.

Miriam held her breath as he skillfully laced her up. The scent and warmth of him, the feel of his hands unknowingly caressing her back, was distracting. Think ladylike thoughts, she ordered herself. Don’t think about his mouth, or his hands, of the feel of him pressed against her. Her only saving grace was that he was a pirate: he had to have this effect on all women.

His lips pressed against her creamy skin just above her shoulder blade. Her lips parted on a soundless gasp. She rose from the bed, her skirts swirling as she turned to face him. The look in his eyes made her heart flip flop.


Devlin shrugged, and the sheet dipped lower. ‘I am a pirate, Miriam. It is in my nature.’ To seduce you of your innocence, he added silently.

He rose from the bed, and she spun around, her face flaming. The shadowed part of him peeking through his unlaced breeches might not have possessed any manly mystique had her reactions been slower. She squeezed her eyes shut. Her gown felt tight across her chest.

Her mother always told her proper lady’s never found themselves alone with a man because they were unable to control their urges. Only now did Miriam begin to suspect what her mother meant by ‘urges’, it was the urge to shock and flaunt.

‘I will kiss you and caress you. You will have to forgive my small transgressions.’

Miriam’s eyes widened. What did that sound so…nice? If only her mother knew, she would take a belt to Miriam! ‘My fiance-‘

‘Is not here,’ he interjected smoothly. She gasped as he caught her wrist and spun her around. ‘And it is my intention to kiss you every morning.’

He crowded her up against the cabin door, and she struggled to cope with the overwhelming surge of sensations. Thankfully he wore breeches, yet the expanse of tanned flesh over his belly and chest was distracting. ‘W-why every morning?’

‘If you were a man, I would make you work for your board and passage. As it is,’ he eyes dropped to the hint of cleavage above her lace trim. ‘It would not do. Yet my crew rely on me to be fair.’

Miriam didn’t know what to say or do. Her body felt as though it was an ice-lolly melting beneath the warm English sun. She moistened her lips. ‘A-and is it important to you, to be fair?’ Fingers trailed up and down her arm, occasionally brushing the side of her breast.

‘Even pirates have a code to which they abide by. My men already know I give you special privileges. They wash on deck, with little privacy, unlike my captive mermaid.’

Miriam imagined him standing on deck, the sun gleaming on his dark hair as he tipped water over his up-turned face. Rivulets would stream down over his chest and flat belly to… ‘Oh,’ she whispered. Devlin gazed down at his blushing mermaid, wondering where her thoughts had led her. Gently he tucked a slivery blonde strand behind her ear. ‘Miriam.’

‘Mmm…’ she replied distractedly. He tipped her chin back, gazing into her sky blue depths.

‘We were discussing your special privileges, and how you intend working your passage.’

Miriam nodded determinedly. ‘It is important to be fair.’

‘So we agree.’ His chest expanded with each breath, and Miriam was interested in the way the cushioned her breasts. ‘F
or every meal, every bath, every night spent in my bed, you must forfeit a kiss.’

Miriam nodded again, then her eyes widened. ‘I beg your pardon! We agreed to no such thing!’ His expression was as innocent as a pirate’s could be. Which wasn’t very much, she grumbled to herself.

Just then the timber door thundered at her back. Caught off guard, she jumped into his arms, her slippered foot stepping on his.

‘Sir, Captain needs you on deck.’

Devlin scowled at the interruption. His fingers stroked up into her mane at her nape, his other tightened about her waist. ‘Tell my brother I will be along shortly.’

‘He told me to say Langdon and his men were aboard.’

Devlin swore, resting his chin on top of her head. He physically had to force himself to let her go. First he let his hands fall to his sides, then he stepped back. ‘I won’t be long. But I need you to hide.’ He turned and quickly laced his breeches as he strode across the cabin.

‘Why? Who is a Langdon?’ she asked, worried blue eyes watching him. She couldn’t help but be impressed as he tugged the shirt on over his back, then bent over and grabbed his boots, presenting her with an interesting sight of his derriere.

‘He provides us with supplies. If he’s sailed out to meet us that means it’s not safe to go into port.’ He tugged her by her hand toward the bed. Leaning over, he gripped the mattress and pushed it high toward the wall, revealing a coffin like space in the carved wooden base. Tiny bits of light filtered through the pattern.

‘Oh, no.’ Miriam shook her head, backing away. She folded her arms across her chest, resistance in every line. ‘I don’t see why I need to hide.’

Devlin’s lips twitched before straightening. He gazed at her sternly as he strode toward her. ‘It wouldn’t do for slavers to hear of a pale blonde beauty onboard. We wouldn’t be safe from attack.’

Miriam’s eyebrows rose at the horrid thoughts that crossed her mind. She could not deny the sense in keeping out of sight. Still…’But you said your ship was the fastest, and that none could match it in speed.’

‘Mir-riam,’ he groaned as he scooped her up. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her body pressed against his. He carried her to the bed and laid her in the hidey spot. She glared up at him mutinously, crossing her arms. The movement made her breasts swell, the cloth strained over the firm buds of her nipples.

‘I will have a hard time forgiving you for this, Devlin.’

‘I am your captor. There will be many things you will not forgive me for before this voyage is over.’ He leaned down and brushed his warm lips against hers. She tried to turn her face away, but his fingers caught her chin. His eyes locked with hers as he kissed her again, his mouth possessing hers. Then he rose, and with one last heated glance drew the bed down.

‘What! I – you!’ Her grumbles followed on his heels as Devlin strode from the cabin.


She must have dozed, for she was roused by the rocking of the boat. It was not the easy swaying of the port but of the open sea! Her fingers curled around the wooden carvings to steady herself while she gazed through the tiny holes. The cabin was empty.

She pushed at the board above her, but it was difficult from a lying down position. It only moved several inches before her arms gave out. Again and again she tried, her frustration mounting.

‘Let me.’

The bed swung back, revealing a handsome Devlin, while she felt hot and sticky. She stood up, ignoring the hand he offered. She tended to the dusting off of her skirts and straightening her bodice. Lifting her gaze to his, she found that she could met his on level. As the boat rolled, she had to clutch at his forearms. ‘We’re at sea,’ she stated.

‘A slight change of plans.’ Without warning, he wrapped one arm about her waist. He pulled her up tight against him as he swung her about. She quickly pulled up her feet and clung to him. He slid her down until her feet rested on the boards and she pushed herself away. She crossed over to the portal, pondering over the strange shivers racing down her spine. In the distance she could see the white sand of the distant coastline.

‘Is something wrong?’

‘Word of the attack on the Ambassador has spread, and so to of its rich, lovely passenger. There is a bounty on your head.’

‘What do you mean? Does someone wish to ransom me to my fiancé?’ she turned toward him, her eyes troubled.

‘No. There would be no ransom. There are men who would stop at nothing to possess a pale English rose for their harem.’

Miriam swallowed hard and turned back to the portal. She had heard whispered stories of exotic harems filled with beautiful woman concerned with only pleasing their master’s every dictate. She shivered, feeling vulnerable and confused. This darker side to people’s realities was something she had been sheltered from all her life. She wasn’t sure if she was thankful for Devlin opening her eyes to these things.

A timid knock sounded at the door. Devlin strode over and answered it. After a few quiet words he turned back, carrying a tray of food. Her belly grumbled. Her hand flew to her belly, a blush on her face as she met Devlin’s amused gaze.

He set the tray down on the bed and sat down. Slowly she walked over and sat on the other end of the bed so the tray was between them. There were fresh rolls, butter, honey and jam and a pot of tea. Heavenly.

The cabin was quiet as they set about breaking their fast. Devlin tore open a roll, and held it for her while she buttered and spread jam over it. Then she did the same for him, passing him the spoon. His fingers curled about hers, so much darker than her own pale skin. It was moments before she remembered to tug hers free.

She couldn’t meet his gaze as she nibbled on the bread, still slightly warm. The thought of those large, calloused hands on other parts of her body made her shiver. She remembered how they stroked over her belly, and lower, exciting strange sensations.

‘Miriam, where do you go?’

Her face swung to his, realising she was day-dreaming. ‘I – I was just wondering how long it would be until I met my fiancé.’ At his disbelieving look, she rambled on. ‘I’ve never met him, nor him me. Of course, that goes without saying.’

‘What goes without saying?’

‘That if I haven’t met him, he hasn’t met me.’

‘Of course,’ he replied solemnly. ‘Do you wish to marry him?’

‘Yes. Why wouldn’t I? I’m sure I’ll be happy with the husband my father has chosen for me. He is a Duke, and has acres and acres of land in the West Indies, so I am told.’ She brushed imaginary crumbs from her skirts, unable to meet his searching gaze. Would her fiancé kiss like Devlin?

‘What about choosing a husband for yourself?’

‘It’s not the done thing.’

‘What if it was?’

‘It isn’t. So I won’t.’

Devlin had to smile at her stubbornness. The timid ice-princess was slowly disappearing. Each day more of her velvety petals seemed to unfurl themselves before his eyes. He rose and put the tray on the desk before turning back to face her, hands on hip. He waited, eyebrows raised. Finally she asked curiously ‘is something the matter?’

‘There is the matter of my kiss.’

‘Oh. Oh!’ Why the scoundrel. Slipping from the bed, she strode to stand before him and drew his face down to hers in a fit of pique. The rasp of his whiskers teased her fingers. She intended pressing her lips against his cheek, but his face turned. Her lips pressed against his nose for a fleeting instant, before she stepped back.

‘That, my mermaid, was not a kiss.’

‘Oh, then what was it, sir?’

Devlin had to brush his hand over his mouth to hide his smile. His ice-princess was back. ‘A peck.’

‘A peck? I can assure you, I do not peck.’

‘It was a peck.’

‘It. Was. Not. A peck.’

‘It certainly wasn’t a kis

‘Oh, and I suppose you’ve kissed dozens and dozens of women, so you would know what was a kiss and what was a peck?’ She frowned. That hadn’t come out right.

‘Frankly, yes. How many men of your acquaintance have you kissed? I wish to know the evidence by which you judge that peck.’ He crossed his arms lazily, his expression one of extreme interest.

‘Five. No, a dozen.’ She crossed her own arms beneath her breasts, her eyes flashing.

‘Why, you little liar.’ He stalked toward her, and Miriam refused to back away. ‘I am the only man you have ever kissed.’

‘If you describe my kiss as a peck, then they were merely pecks.’ If possible, her chin lifted even higher.

‘I have never pecked you, Miriam. You would know if I pecked you.’

‘Really? I can vaguely recall the incident, so it must have been – ‘

He kissed her. His fingers slid into her silvery blonde mane and he dragged her to him. His mouth slanted over hers, demanding, forceful. Her fingers gripped his forearms as he all but leant her back over the arm tight about her waist. His tongue plunged deeply, swirling in her depths and making her knees weak. The sound of the sea and men shouting on deck faded. Then his kisses changed, becoming an intoxicating caress of his mouth against hers. She felt the press on the soft bed beneath her. Her arms circled his neck, drawing him down to her.

A whimper escaped her as fingers closed over her breast, molding it to the shape of his palm. A thigh pressed between hers as he settled more weight on her. Her fingers explored his back, sliding beneath his shirt. She gloried in the feel of rippling muscle beneath her touch. It felt so right in his arms.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ she whispered against him mouth. They both froze, their gazes locked. Miriam blushed.

He settled on his arms, her softness cuddling his lower body. ‘No one has called me beautiful before.’

‘I suppose it is not very, um, manly,’ she managed. Her face was burning. She fiddled with his top button. The V of his shirt revealed tanned skin with a sprinkling of fine black hair to her curious eyes. ‘Perhaps I did peck you,’ Miriam finally admitted, not meeting his intense gaze.

‘And the dozens of men you have kissed?’

‘That’s completely true,’ she replied, biting her lip.

‘What am I going to do with a captive piece of baggage like you?’

‘Soon you’ll be rid of me.’ The smile she was trying to hide finally blossomed. Devlin abruptly rolled off of her, and she found she missed the warmth and weight of him.

He strode to the door. He gazed at her for long moments where she lay tumbled on the bed with sparkling blue eyes and swollen lips. His body ached. ‘Manly or not, it pleases me that I am beautiful in your eyes.’

Devlin left, shaking his head. She had him wrapped around her finger without even trying. Imagine if she knew what she was doing.


Miriam woke the following morning to find she was no longer alone. Devlin hadn’t come back that evening before, and she had eaten her meal in solitude. She had passed her time curled up with a thick book on wine making and wondering about the things Carly and Daemon were doing. Did Daemon kiss Carly like Devlin kissed Miriam?

Devlin lay beside her, his head propped up on his hand. His eyebrow raised. She knew that look.

‘I don’t recall agreeing to this,’ she mumbled, trying to draw the sheet over her head. His hand tugged it from her, and swept it away.

‘We agreed that I must act fairly.’

‘Do you kiss all your captives?’ she mumbled plaintively. Excitement curled in her belly.

‘Only pretty mermaids.’ His fingers tugged on the ribbons of her bodice.

‘W-what are you doing?’ Her wide gaze met his.

‘Kissing you properly. You owe me three kisses.’

‘Oh.’ It was suddenly hot and stuffy in the cabin. Miriam struggled to breath. Then another thought crossed her mind as she remembered their first kiss. ‘It won’t hurt will it?’

‘No Miriam, it won’t hurt.’ He leaned down slowly, taking his time. She waited, her lips parting of their own accord. His lips touched hers, gentle, coaxing. It felt as though she was being sucked under by the raging current, and his mouth was her only lifeline.

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 32

Mr. Bacon 9:50 am November 3rd, 2006 I put the phone down. Last time I received this many calls, there was a rumor a TV crew was coming to film part of a show at the high school. Every time the phone rang, I wanted to throw the phone against the wall. And every time I picked up the phone, it was the same thing. The phone rang. Like now I bet. I hit the speakerphone again. "Yes?" "This is Mrs. Luxor. I'm calling because I received a call from your truant officer about my son." "Yes...

2 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 2

I was getting anxious as the minutes seemed to drag by, but finally my sister appeared in my doorway dressed as I desired. My note to her told her to shower after she woke up, to put on the camisole and panties I left on her bed and come to my bedroom I wanted to talk to her. She did as she was instructed, it was a good start. The camisole was pink and very sheer, her small tits were visible through it, and I saw how large her nipples were for the first time. Her breasts were the size and...

2 years ago
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Moms date with her new friend

Mom is always sex hungry.Dad visits us once in 2 yrs and that too he will be here for 3 months.That time he fucks her for sake but never satisfies her as he couldnt last longer.I have seen mom fingering herself at night and screaming for sex.But she never shows it out that it will be issues.I was a adddict of social medias and i use every thing.Even dating apps.I still a virgin havent had a gf.Mom and me went for a get together and she dressed so nicely and she was wearing...

4 years ago
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Chloes Naughty Night1

Now let me tell you a little about Chloe; She is a cute, shy, sexy, submissive, and freaky wife. She is about 5'7" 36D with curves in all the right places. She is always a little reluctant and shy at first, but once things get going she turns into a sexy little slut that loves getting dicks hard and loves cum to the point of calling herself a cum slut. So she is lying there on the couch with her beautiful tits and curvy hips and stomach showing, with her low cut jeans unbuttoned. Mmmmm....

2 years ago
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When Daddy Isnt Home 3

I unlock the front door and throw my backpack on the foyer floor. “Hello? I’m home!” I yell. “How was school sweety?” My mom yells from the kitchen. “It was good,” I say as I walk in and sit down at the table. “Great actually...” I’m barely listening to myself talk as my mind wonders off. “Really? Why was it so great? Usually you hate school!” My mom sounds very surprised. In fact, I’m also surprised at how much fun school was today. Blocking out my mother, I think back to second period,...

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Beach Changed Wife 1

Patrick and his wife, Alissa, recently had a wild sexual experience that has totally changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were both madly in love with one another, both were so full of life. Alissa is a stunning brunette who is quite shy and very reserved. Patrick had always been very proud of his sexy bride. Pat would constantly encourage her to dress in revealing clothing so other men would envy what a gorgeous wife he landed.Alissa, being the loving wife that she was, would...

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Falling for HerChapter 4

"You bastard!" shouted Ronnie to Carl. "You said you wouldn't kill anyone else." "Slut!" bellowed Carl. "You promised anal only. You're the one who chose to give blowjobs. You knew what would happen." He turned to his two flunkies. "Throw a blanket around this bitch and take her home," he said as he strode off to the stairs. Epilogue The first beams of the rising sun roused me. I never knew I could hurt so badly. After running an inventory of body parts, it seemed as though...

1 year ago
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The Burn Part IV The Journey Begins

Breathing coming back to normal and feeling physically exhausted from the orgasms, she sat there blindfolded and bound in the chair wondering what would happen next. In actuality she wasn’t sure she could handle much more. Her limits were already being tested and a million thoughts were swimming in her head. Guilt about being here; in a hotel room no less, and with a man that wasn’t her husband; when she bold-faced lied to her husband telling him she was “going to have lunch with a girlfriend”....

3 years ago
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Meine Mutter ist besoffen

Es war im Sommer. Nachdem sich meine Eltern an einem Nachmittag fürchterlich gestritten hatten, hatte mein Vater meiner Mutter gesagt, sie könne ihm gestohlen bleiben, und wenn sie noch irgendwelches Geld von ihm wolle, dann solle sie doch lieber auf den Strich gehen, um sich etwas selbst zu verdienen. Wutschnaubend war Mami abgerauscht und hatte ihn noch angebrüllt, sie werde sich jetzt amüsieren, und ihr sei es scheißegal, ob er das gut fände oder nicht. Ich hatte mich in mein Zimmer...

2 years ago
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Wild Fantasy 8211 Episode 1

This is a fictional sex story made solely for the purpose of pleasure for the readers. Any feedback would be appreciated at Now sit back and experience probably the best pleasure u might get out of a sex story: Amy was a single, 35-year-old mom with 2 kids. She had recently been through a rough divorce with her alcoholic husband who, she suspected, was also cheating on her. She was a simple lady, and there was nothing unique or extraordinary about her. She was, however, envied by many of her...

4 years ago
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AntagonistsChapter 2

Molly continued to think over the next few days. She was pretty certain that Dan would accept James but still wondered about Gina. She left it until the following weekend when Dan was home from school. "You and James seem to get on well together," she said. "Ye-es!" replied Dan enthusiastically. "He was a brilliant rugby player and still plays cricket for MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club whose home ground is Lord's: 'the home of cricket'). "Yes, Dan darling," she smiled, "but do...

1 year ago
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Was I Turning Gay PT2

For three days I had been so stressed out, I was afraid I'd blow a gasket. Well, I hoped to blow something soon, anyway. Less than seventy-two hours before I had taken the plunge and went to a gay bar with all intentions of fulfilling my biggest fantasy. Being straight all my life, yet recently questioning my own sexual preferences, I somehow got up the nerve and gave blow jobs to not one, but two well hung studs.With a little liquid courage loosening me up, I had come on to Rick, a gorgeous...

2 years ago
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A long weekend lll

Candy was snapped back to reality hearing her friend call her name. Looking around she realized it was only a fantasy. The moisture between her legs told her it was real enough. Candy, Mary shouted. Hu, I'm sorry she said. Were you talking to me. God candy, Mary scolded. Did you hear a word I said. Yeah, she mumbled. He gave you the best orgasm ever. Smiling Mary said, what an I going to do with you. Sipping the last of her drink candy said, I need to go to the ladies. Mary grabbed her arm and...

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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

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Pastors family 18

I spend the day laying on the couch. My mind is working overtimetrying to analyze my life. Looking for a path forward where I wont get hurtall the time. My thoughts start to go back to Luke. It seems like everythought I had, ended up with me just loving Luke. My head hurts from all ofthe thinking and worrying. I go to Luke's room. Today is the day to findout what he was into. I looked everywhere in his room for the needles I hadseen previous and anything else he might be hiding. Luke's room is...

3 years ago
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Torment in the forest 1

He studied them through his telescope sights. Which to take out first? The one on the right maybe? Silently he went back into the undergrowth to get closer. The two girls knew they were terribly lost in the forest. They were tired and tearful. "Liz, we should have stopped as soon as we knew we were lost," wept the blond. "I know, Wendy, we've been going for hours. I have no idea where we are." The three day forest hike to Jamestown was an easy walk. But early on the second day, they...

4 years ago
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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love

There are no explicit descriptions of sex in this story. The computer devices and technology described are purely a product of my imagination. Although, to paraphrase what someone once said . . . . . ‘Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality’. So who can really say that they don’t already exist . . . somewhere. ‘The Agency’ is fictional but perhaps it isn’t. Who really knows what goes on hidden away from the eyes of the American public. Hopefully, the gremlins that attacked my last...

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This is chapter two of my story INDIAN SISTER-IN-LAW OR SECOND WIFE. Do read the first chapter to understand the context and to better relate with characters.After our raunchy romp on a Sunday morning, Viki got bolder than ever. He will not let a chance go to touch me. His touching had become more sensual and less casual. Riddhi was still unaware about our one morning stand as we continued to interact with her normally.One day both Riddhi and I were cooking in the kitchen. Viki says good...

1 year ago
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Working out with Mr Carlson and Mr Neely

I'm your typical high school senior. Dirty blond hair. Blue eyes. About six tall. Definitely athletic. Walking to the gym wearing the typical outfit, straight-legged jeans and a plain, black t-shirt, I'm on my way to work out like I normally do in the afternoon. As I enter the locker room, I spot Mr. Neely in his office and head over to my locker in the back corner to change. Peeling off my shirt and tossing it on the bench, I look to see my locker open and my gym clothes gone. Confused, I look...

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RebirthChapter 4

"John!" she said in a surprised gasp. I was too stunned to say anything for several heartbeats. I was just staring at her and her swollen abdomen. "You're..." was all I could get out. "Pregnant. You should probably come in," she said, moving out of the doorway. I walked in, staring at her the whole time as she closed the door. She stepped around me and walked into the adjacent living room, while I slowly trailed behind. Finally, my wits started to come back, "You ... you don't...

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iCarly iWant Her Chapter 3

Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is forever awesome*SAM*I was on the couch watching some show about a guy and magic hamster, eating ribs covered in Carly's favourite yellow blanket. She was probably talking with Freddie about how she made such a huge mistake, and must've gone...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing The QueenChapter 2 Seeing What Develops

No darkroom at home, and the school closed until Monday, I put my precious roll of black and white film in a safe place and tried to make the time pass quickly. I'd taken the photos on Friday night, and Saturday I had a date with Theresa Mills. I thought about canceling it, since my mind was filled with distractions, but then I remembered how nice a distraction Theresa could be, and I took her to the Lake. Theresa was catholic, so her limits were pretty firm, but she had nice tits and let...

3 years ago
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My Wifes First Experience and mine too

For years I had been sharing with my wife my fantasy of having her be with another man. Once, years ago, a fellow worker took her out on a date, with my knowledge, and they ended up making out in the car and the guy stuck his hand down my wife’s panties and begged to fuck her, but she didn’t go along with that. The whole thing ended up in a disaster because the guy’s wife found out about it and put him, and my wife, through hell, with hateful text messages, emails, phone calls and more....

1 year ago
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Our first threesome

Our first threesome As you have read in my previous stories – I have been almost begging to be the cuckold in a threesome with my girlfriend Kay and another man. And as you have read before she was keen to play with others alone, and came back with some explosive things that she had done. This turns me on to no end. Yes I am a cuckold! It all started when she went away for a few days to a health hydro for some treatments and rest. She spent a week there and in our conversations on the phone...

2 years ago
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Mami ki kahani

Main ek rishtedar ki yah kisi kam se gaya tha. Mere rishetedar jo ki humare mausere mama hai 55 saal ki umer ke hain aur unki biwi 42 saal ki hai unhe koi bachha nahi hai. Dikhne me o aurat thik thak hai aur thodi figure bhi thik thak 38-29-37. Main unke ghar 6 baje pahuncha jab ki main kisi official kam se aa raha tha aur mama ke father ki death par main unhe nahi milata isliye 2 mahine baad muje unhe milne ka mauka mila tha. Jab main late aaya meri khud ki gadi se hi main aaya tha mera driver...

2 years ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 14 Court

Prue and Vincent arrived the first week of the season. Prue had decided living at the Palace would be okay. She could continue to use her little house as her office. She hoped Willow didn’t need her all the time as she did have other commitments. When Ty sent her a letter, saying Baron Mathew Dwyer and his wife Silvia and their two children would be housed in old Sir Todd’s apartment across from theirs, it eased her mind. They were Willow’s neighbours and friends. More playmates for Nianna...

2 years ago
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Family Lessons 15 By Darklord

"Morning Josie," she answered as she waved Jamey out of the room, on his way to pick up some supplies for the party. "How are you this morning?" "Horny, as always," Josie answered. "What about you?" "Oh, I could be, with just a little prodding, but Jamey's out running errands and the kids are off doing who knows what." "Yeah, pretty much the same here, except the kids are sleeping in. Tired out from too much partying last night I think. Maybe fucking each other. I know...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Vacation 6

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, Nassau, Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, when I checked in. We have spent the last few days and nights together. It is Friday morning and I am leaving for another island Saturday afternoon.) We woke up and took a shower together. We each explored the other's body with our hands. Because Cinnamon was having her period she did not want me...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part8

It was on my way home when I decided not to tell Tim about Sin. This was very private and it was already bad enough that I knew, also, I had no idea what Tim might say or do. I did want to stay friends with her, now more than ever.It was friday morning, the day after Sin was ****d and I was eager to get to school and talk to her, but she didn't show up, even after lunch I still could not find her. I asked our teacher if he knew but he just shook his head. I offered to take her homework and he...

4 years ago
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Donkey Raped DaughterChapter 9

Young Christopher wasn't exactly sure what doggy-style meant, but he was so starved for pussy that he would have been willing to fuck in any style. He stood there with his prick towering up before his lean belly, the cock-knob glistening and his balls like over-inflated balloons. The creamy cum-load that he had already spilled in Veronica's mouth had not diminished his vigor in the slightest. Linda was smiling with happy expectation as she gazed at that stout, potent young hunk of...

1 year ago
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I am 25 years old, have been married since I was 22 for three years and I am a very sensual woman, but lately my husband has not touched me. He is a golf addict and lately has been spending all of his time on the golf course, with his buddy next door, who works for the same company he does. The reason we bought this house to begin with, was that it was next door to his buddy and luckily for me, his wife and I hit it off famously. She is a tall redhead, about 5 ft. 10 in., with a model's figure...

2 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to HappenChapter 12 Carrie

I couldn’t believe the way Mike was spending money. The boutique he surprised us with was top shelf, and he spent more on us than we would normally spent on clothes for both of us than we would have in years. Of course, most of our stuff came from the Salvaton Army and Goodwill. We bought a couple of real nice bikinis, one set was pretty racy. The lingerie stunned us. We had never seen such beautiful things. We both got matching teddies, in black and white, and I got a corset and thong set...

3 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 44

“What the actual fuck? I was ... minding my own business, going through my scrapbook, and drinking some fine brandy ... and then ... wham! I’m ... where again? And why is everyone naked? Who are you? Why is Sidney alive and looking like he’s a teenager again? What the actual hell?” Lynn shouted after we revived her. “My name is Mark Schumacher ... and this is my happy home! This is my very big, very happy family! I’ve even added your late husband to it after resurrecting him. You see, I’m a...

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The Welcome Interloper Chapter 4 Consummation

This is Chapter 4 of this story. If you have not read Chapter 1, “The Blitz & Fond Recollections”, Chapter 2, “The Arrival” and Chapter 3, Coveting Karl, it is recommended you do so. Set in rural England during WWII, this story traces several years in the life of Ellie, 43, a highly-sexed, retired, female army nurse. Ellie is living alone while her husband, Phillip, 43, an army infantry officer, is fighting in South Africa. She dearly loves Phillip and misses him terribly. She cannot wait...

3 years ago
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Imagine …….. The soft silky touch of her skin as you run your fingers across the valley of where her breasts meet. Nice ample “real” breasts, no silicon false jobs on her – in your arms you have a ohhh god damn gorgeous BBW. You always liked the way the cuddly ladies moved .. the wiggle in their butts and the way their hips sway and their tits bounce…… and you’ve found one .. your own goddess and you want to have her everywhere , taste her feel her and hear her moaning your name when you...

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