Kanata SummerChapter 5 free porn video

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Karen and I headed for the cabin that was our home for summer vacation, if you could call the potential break-up of our family a vacation. Not only was there a serious danger of this being the last holiday we'd ever be together as a family, but my sister and I were being herded towards the cabin by our parents like cattle. Even though it had been our mother that I'd found cheating, our parents still put up a solid front. It all made no sense to me, and by the look on her face and the way she carried herself, even less to Karen.

Dwayne and Tanya had followed at a safe distance so as not to be spotted, although I didn't find this out until later. In many ways, I was glad they did, because if I'd tried to explain what our parents were about to tell us to anybody else, no one would have believed me.

Dad chased us up the stairs and onto the porch, then through the door and inside the cabin, almost pushing us in his haste. Mom was right beside him and positioned in such a way that if we tried to make a break for it, we'd never have gotten past them.

"Both of you, sit!" Dad demanded, pointing to the sofa as he spoke.

"Daddy, what the hell is going on?!" Karen snapped right back.

"I said sit, young lady! And watch that mouth of yours," he took back the initiative.

"Her mouth is the least of it, Dad!" I almost shouted in my sister's defence. "We're looking at our family breaking up, and you're worried about her language? I think I'm missing something here, aren't I?"

"Lennie," our mother quietly addressed our father, "I think Steve saw Bill and me in here last night. I guess maybe we should tell them? After all, we knew they'd find out one day. It would seem this is that day."

Dad's eyes moved rapidly between the three of us as he searched for something that would help my sister and me anchor to some kind of reality. We watched, stunned, as he slowly pulled up a wooden stamp-back chair, then straddled it so that his crossed arms on the back gave his chin a place to rest.

"I guess your mother's right. We knew this day would come eventually, but I'd hoped it wouldn't be quite this soon," Dad started off. "However, it looks like the cat's out of the bag."

"Daddy, wherever Steve goes, I'm going, too," Karen interrupted, her tone betraying just how afraid she really was over the probable break-up of our family.

"Steve's not going anywhere, Sweetheart, and neither are you," Dad informed her in no uncertain terms.

"But ... but ... but if you and Mom get a divorce, we both want to go with you!" she was emphatic.

"A divorce? Why would we be getting a divorce? I love your mother, and she loves me just as much. We have no intentions of getting a divorce. Where'd you get an idea like that?"

If I thought I was confused before, I'd just gone to a whole new level of being mystified.

"Dad, I know what I saw last night, and if that isn't grounds for divorce, I don't know what is!" I added as part of my sister's rescue. It was the two of us versus the two of them, it seemed.

"And just what was it you saw, Son? Your mother and another man having sex? In this case, that's definitely not grounds for divorce."

I couldn't fathom what we were being told. I felt my throat become as dry as a desert and my head begin to spin. I needed an explanation, and the sooner it came, the better.

"Steve, Karen," Mom finally jumped into the melee, "your father and I have lived an alternate lifestyle since before we were married. Like you two, we love sex. What you saw last night had nothing to do with love. There's only one man that I love, and that's your father. But we both enjoy experiencing other partners sometimes. We have our rules, and as long as we follow them, our marriage is based on trusting each other."

"Mom?", Karen almost shook her head to clear her foggy mind. "What do you mean, 'Like us two'? Are you saying that... ?"

"Darling, your Dad and I know that you and your boyfriend had sex yesterday. Your brother did, too, with Tanya Morrison, probably at about the same time. I talked to Beth Preston first thing this morning, and she told me that Dwayne has that unmistakable, dreamy look. Dianne Morrison must have overheard, because she says that Tanya has that same look. Putting two and two together with the way you and your brother appeared this morning, I'd say that none of you are virgins."

"I'm not sure that's any of your business," I growled. "You and Dad are screwing around with everyone you meet, and you're concerned about what we do? That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it? Hell, after seventeen years, I find out that you guys are ... what? Sex fiends?"

"Stephen Hellman, you're pushing your luck!" Dad admonished angrily in that quiet voice that told me just how upset he was with me.

"And you're not? What happens if something goes wrong? What if one of you falls in love with someone else? Do either of us get a say in what happens to our family? What are Karen and I supposed to do when we find out we have a half-brother, or half-sister? For that matter, how the hell do I know that you're both really my parents? And what about everything you taught us; loyalty, fidelity, and honesty? Sounds like, 'Do as I say, not as I do, ' to me. And that's not right, either! What other lies are you keeping hidden?!"

To say that I was upset would be a bit of an understatement. Everything we'd been taught, everything we'd come to believe in, and everything I'd built my life around was turning out to be a lie! So to say that I was upset wouldn't quite cover it. Saying I was fucking furious might be a little closer.

"Are you quite finished?" Dad's calm and gentle voice told me that I was way over the line. He never spoke like that unless he was microseconds from exploding in anger. And you know what? I really didn't give a shit!

"Calm down, Steve, and let us explain how we've made this thing work," our mother came between Dad and me. She gave me a few minutes to regain some semblance of rationality before she went on.

"First off, you're right. I don't have any business prying into your love life like that. I'm a mother, however, and my children's welfare and happiness means more than you'll ever understand. So unless you have evidence to the contrary, I have to assume that you and Tanya are, in fact, lovers. Karen, the same goes for you and Dwayne. Those two have, do, and will affect my children's happiness. Therefore, I feel compelled to treat them a little differently in the future than I have up until now. They mean a lot to you two, and now they mean a lot to your father and me."

Mom gave us both some time to let that sink in. I was expecting a lecture on morality and teen sex. But all the indications were that we weren't going to get it. Considering their behaviour, if either of them had tried to open the subjects, I'd probably have gone off the deep end — and could quite conceivably have had to walk home after the month was over.

"Second, your father and I have our rules, and one of them is that we have no secrets from each other. Your Dad knew I was over here with Bill last night because I told him. He was with somebody else at the time, and he told me who it would be beforehand. So your little rant about falling in love, or bearing more children, or any of that other ... bullshit ... doesn't amount to a hill of beans. We take every precaution possible, and get tested every month for potential diseases. I don't need your father bringing me home any surprises, and I won't put him at risk, either."

"I don't get it, Mom," Karen piped up. "Why would you be having sex with other men? Isn't Daddy good enough for you?"

"It has nothing to do with whether your father is good enough, as you put it. We just happen to enjoy some variety in our sex lives. You wear a different outfit to school every day. Why? Because you like variety in your wardrobe. For us, it's exactly the same thing, except that it makes us appreciate each other all the more."

"So who was it that I saw you with last night?", I enquired.

"I'm not sure that's any of your business, just as it's none of my business whether you and Tanya actually had sex yesterday. I told you my reasons for asking. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to let me know. And the same goes for you, too, Karen. Personally, I find Dwayne Preston to be a well-mannered, considerate, and genuine young man. I like him, and so does your Dad."

"As for you and Tanya," she turned her attention to me again, "I think, Steve, that you'd be hard-pressed to find a more wonderful girl. Your Dad and I have watched her grow up and become who she is today. We've known Brad and Dianne since high school, so we know how she's been raised. They're as proud of their daughter as we are of you two, and to be honest, I can't blame them."

"So does this mean that Karen and I should be checking to see if you have someone in here every time we come home?" I threw at our parents.

"No, Son," Dad answered. "What happened last night was due to our sloppiness, and it left you and your sister in a pretty bad position. That was our fault, and I apologize for our inconsideration. We accept one hundred percent of the blame. In future, we'll give you fair warning and give you time to make what ever arrangements you need to."

Well, it didn't look like our family was about to be dissolved after all, which made me feel a little better. I turned to Karen, wondering how she felt about this whole thing.

"Are you okay with all of this?' I enquired of her.

"No," she answered with a timid tone, "but as long as you and I are still under the same roof, I will be, I guess. I just need some time to sort things out. If I have questions, Steve, can I still talk to you?"

Our parents' presence didn't matter suddenly, because I leaned over and kissed my sister's lips gently as my answer. She snaked her arms around my neck, and as soon as we broke, she hugged me tightly.

"Maybe who you two take as lovers is none of our business," Dad interjected, "but you two being lovers is. Are you?"

"No!" I was adamant.

"Don't be like that, Steve," Karen pleaded softly. "If I hadn't met Dwayne, it could have been a strong possibility. I love you that much, you know."

"Really, Sis? I never knew that."

I knew I loved my sister, and that she loved me. Still, it was a little bit of a shock to learn just how deep her love for me was. As I began to assimilate that declaration, that warm glow inside me for my sister got a little bigger and a whole lot stronger.

"You do now," she murmured, her face expressing a combination of warmth and love that I'd almost taken for granted. Her implied desire to make love with me was something I'd have to think about, because I did find Karen to be appealingly sexy and desirable ... among other things.

"If you two ever do become lovers," Mom added to our Dad's train of thought, "be very careful. I'd suggest that you stay away from that idea while we're here at camp. There are people that do practise 'family love' up here, but it's frowned upon. Not because of the taboo, but because it opens an unhealthy atmosphere for some of the other children. Oh, and if it ever happens between you two, could we ask you to let your father and me know? Please?"

I guess I was still in shock at the discovery that our parents were swingers. Their tacit approval of our possible incestuous relationship went right over my head — but not Karen's. She was still hugging me tightly, and now moved her lips to kiss me deeply and sensuously, followed by her tongue prying its way past my lips as she lightly entwined with mine.

"Easy, girl," Dad warned her softly in an accepting tone. "You keep that up and you'll have your brother all hot and bothered in no time. We won't talk about how it affects your mother and me."

His mini-lecture had a light sound to it, almost as if he approved of what was happening. But at that particular moment, I was lost in Karen's kiss, so most of his words went in one ear and right back out the other.

"When you two are finished," Mom put in, "I think Dwayne and Tanya are waiting outside for you. They followed us up here, but Dwayne's a little large to successfully hide behind one of those scrawny pines," she giggled.

"Are you two going to be alright?" Dad asked with real concern.

"Give us a couple of days, Dad. This is a lot to take in. How about we all go down and have breakfast? I'm starting to get hungry, and now that we've been told what's going on, some of Mom's cooking sure sounds good," I answered, now feeling a lot better than I had since we got back from the quarry.

"Might want to invite your ... I was going to say friends, but I guess they're more than that now, aren't they?" Mom beamed. That grin was something neither of us were expecting.

There was a completely different atmosphere in the cabin from when we'd first come in. So many things had changed in such a short time. We knew about our parents, and they knew about us. It just seemed natural to accept things the way they were.

As soon as we were out on the porch, Dad called out to Dwayne and Tanya, who emerged timidly from their hiding spots. His cheerful invitation to join us for breakfast elicited a blank expression on their faces. Karen had been hugging me around the waist, but as soon as she saw Dwayne, she released her grip and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

Tanya appeared to be as confused now as we'd been before we were filled in on our parents' lifestyle. With now-empty arms, I invited her into my embrace, then kissed her gently. It was that kiss that helped her relax enough to close her eyes, which had been as big as saucers a moment ago.

"They know about us, Princess," I whispered to her as our lips broke apart.

"They do? You told them?" Her shock at my revelation was quite predominant, but quiet.

"Yes, they do, and no, I didn't tell them. Our Mom, your mother, and Mrs. Preston have been comparing notes, and they figured it out all by themselves.

"My ... Mom?" she managed to sputter.

"And probably your Dad, too," Mom let her know. "There's not too many secrets between Brad and Dianne, Sweetie. I think you'll find them a lot more accepting than you think. I have a sneaking suspicion that Don and Beth Preston are just as happy, too. We were all young ourselves, once. We remember what it's like."

Now it was Dwayne's turn to look blank, and it surprised me when he didn't. In fact, he looked quite calm about the whole thing, as if losing your virginity was right in there with getting a hair cut or brushing your teeth. It was me, probably, that looked more shocked than him; something Tanya picked up on right away, but kept to herself until after breakfast.

Mom made enough bacon and eggs to feed a starving African village, with Dwayne doing her efforts the justice they deserved. He might have been a growing boy, but there are only so many directions a person's body can expand into, and by the look of the amount of food he packed away, he was about to use most of them.

Conversation started out slowly, with Mom and Dad feeling out Dwayne and Tanya's interests, then engaging them in several different subjects. By the time we'd finished eating, everyone was happily relaxed. The four of us cleared the table, then washed, dried, and put away all the dishes, cutlery, pots, and pans. Mom sat back and relaxed, a cheerful smile on her face, while Dad supervised what went where. Between the jokes and ribbing we all enjoyed, that was one of those mornings when it felt good to be alive. Some of the comments were a little ribald, but Dad took them in stride, probably because it was Karen and Tanya that came up with most of them.

I took a breather after we'd finished and sat with Mom for a minute to catch my breath. She was still wearing that happy grin, and reached over to put her hand on mine, ostensibly to get my attention.

"Your Dad and I didn't go overboard too much this morning, did we?" she asked.

"How do you mean, Mom?"

"Trying to make Tanya and Dwayne feel welcome at our table. They're a big part of your life and your sister's. That makes them important to us too. This was our way of letting them know. But neither one of us has had this much fun around kids for a long time. Look at your Dad. He's in seventh heaven right now."

I understood what Mom was driving at, finally. Our parents had gone out of their way to make Dwayne and Tanya as comfortable around our entire family as they could. In the process, we'd all found a level playing field where no one was above or below anyone else. Whatever Mom and Dad had in mind seemed to be working.

"No, I don't think you went too far, Mom," I tried to reassure her, "but thanks for breakfast, and the fun. Mostly, thanks for understanding how Tanya and I feel, and how Karen feels about Dwayne. He's a pretty good guy. Karen's in good hands."

"I know, Steve, and we're both very thankful. Tanya's in good hands, too. You take good care of her, you understand me?"

I leaned over and gave Mom a kiss on the cheek, almost losing myself in the softness of her skin and the scent of her hair. That was something that I wasn't quite ready for, and while it didn't get me as aroused as Tanya could, I thoroughly enjoyed the heady experience of being close to a mature woman. From the hum that Mom expressed, she must have felt the same way. It wasn't sexual, although there was a lot of warmth and caring in its inflections.

"What are your plans for the day?" Dad came over to ask me.

"Nothing definite. I was thinking of heading down to the beach after I grab a shower. Why, out of curiosity?"

"A shower, huh? You and Karen still sharing those, or has Tanya put the kibosh on that?" he asked.

"Dad! How did you find out?"

"What, about you and Karen? My hearing isn't that bad, Steve. Your sister is almost as loud as your mother can be. I was on my way to the kitchen the other morning when she climaxed. My daughter does have a very distinct voice. After fifteen years, I can recognize it quite easily. Was that you or Dwayne?

"Depends on which morning you're talking about," I hedged. "If it was yesterday or the day before, it would have been Dwayne. But we were all in the same stall the day before yesterday. I thought Karen did a pretty good job of muffling her scream. You sure it wasn't Tanya you heard?"

"Positive. Tanya's a little higher pitched than your sister — and nowhere near as loud," he chuckled, a big grin accompanying his light-hearted chuckle.

"I suppose you hung around to hear the girls going off, didn't you?"

"Well ... yes, I did. Envied you and Dwayne at the time, too. I'll warn you that when I told your mother about it, she suggested that we start taking showers together again. In fact, don't be surprised if she sticks her head in some morning while you and Tanya are in there. Might want to warn your sister, while you're at it. Beckie can be a bit of a voyeur at times."

"Really, Dad? She likes to watch people having sex?"

"Sure she does. I think it might be something she learned from me," he fought to control his laughter, eventually failing as he stood to leave me to my own devices.

On any other day, I'd have been shocked and embarrassed at finding out that our parents knew of my sister and me masturbating each other. But after the events of that morning, I wondered if anything they did would shock me. I did, however, remember Dad's suggestion to warn Karen and Dwayne. I also wondered what kind of reaction I'd get from Tanya and Dwayne at the revelation. But what to do about Mom if she peeked in? I had some ideas, and hoped the others had some, too. Whatever we came up with would need unanimous participation. Surely Mom wouldn't pick that morning to burst in on us ... would she?

Karen and Dwayne headed directly for the large shower stall at the back of the building that we usually used. She was about to pull the curtain back when the sounds of two people enjoying each other interrupted her. Turning to look at the rest of us, she shrugged her shoulders, then picked a different stall. It wasn't anywhere near as large or accommodating, but we managed to squeeze in without the metal walls buckling. If Mom poked her head in, she wouldn't be able to see much, I figured. Just moving around ourselves was difficult enough.

The girls managed to get the water flowing, although it was a little colder than we'd have liked. All the mutual pleasuring that went on seemed to overshadow that fact, though. Karen had been stroking Dwayne for a while, giving him a hard-on that didn't have a lot of room to expand into. Tanya's fingers were pure magic, so I was a little surprised when I felt another hand on my shaft that wasn't hers. Looking down, I found that Karen was also fondling me while still massaging Dwayne's cock. But it was seeing Tanya with one hand on me and the other on Dwayne that caught me off-guard. I expected to feel anger or jealousy. Neither one came, though. What I did feel was a heightened sense of horniness. I had been enjoying the sensations of Tanya's firm, smooth ass, and had let a finger stray to her little pucker. As soon as I touched her there, she moaned, then began to push against my finger.

Dwayne was in the middle of doing the same thing with Karen, but had his finger buried to the second knuckle. She looked lost in the sensations as he wiggled and fingered her. Karen's head had flopped as far back as it would go, and by the look of her closed eyes and that sensuous open mouth, she was loving every second of being anally stimulated, her hips rocking slowly as she impaled herself until she had all of his finger up her ass.

With all those hands and arms crisscrossed, it was getting to be impossible to move. I waggled my head sideways at Dwayne, silently suggesting that he do Tanya's pussy. As he moved from Karen' sex to my girlfriend, I took over on Karen where he'd left off. When the girls realized what had happened, they both broke into wanton grins, loving the feel of someone different stimulating their bodies.

My finger had slipped into Tanya, now buried between the first and second knuckle in her rear entrance. We'd never done that before, but by the look on her face, I knew she was loving it. Her encouragement confirmed it.

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First of all i want to tell you about this story, this story contains some hindi urdu punjabi and rare english as urdu is my first language and then english and then i learnt Punjabi. By some mysterious ways. Anyways cut the crap chaloo mein sunata hon yeh sab kaisay aur kahan howa yeh aik sachi kahani hy jissay mein ne nam diya hy ” sardarni chudai ki rani”. Mera nam danial hy aur mujhe dani kehtay hain yeh aj se koe 2 saal pehlay ki baat hy jab mein pakistan se study k liye abroad ( canada )...

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Broken WitchChapter 3

The following characters appears here and in other parts of the story: Fritz Herkimer Ley Line Wizard, 6’-2’’ tall, 220 pounds, 38 years old, blond hair, blue eyes The Guardian Keeper of the Books, about 5’-6’’ tall, neither young or old, very long blond hair, deep blue eyes “Stop here and turn left,” Al told me. He was sitting up in his cat seat and looking out the side window of the car. We were on our way back home from the bookstore and still had a good ways to go. “You need...

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SHEILAChapter 9

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - S.H.E.I.L.A. Looking back even as we were moving away, I saw a fully outfitted assault team. Swiftly they entered the building even as we went through the back wall accelerating rapidly. ‘Damn it,’ I thought, ‘what had happened that they had found us this fast?’ Then as the building receded in the distance I realized that we had been there for over a day. “I am scanning for another location as we move Doctor Gance. I regret...

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Hot Neha

This is Neha narrating you a true incident which happened with my classmate Abhinav and his friends Uday and Pankaj. I am 22 years old but the incident happened in class 12 when I was 18. We all were in same class in a public school in Delhi. All schoolgirls living in Delhi know that as we move in one class high our skirt size decreases accordingly. My skirt used to be about 1-2 inches above knee when I leave my house, at school bus stand it used to become 3-4 inches above knee and in school...

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Ok so I've got this little fetish burning inside me. My wife is a sexy cute BBW. She wears thick rimmed stylish glasses and resembles the "sexy liabrarian" type. She's about 5'7" long brunette hair flowing to about the middle of her back. She's thick in the thighs and ass with 38D breasts. She is sexually verbal. Honestly she could qualify as a screamer in the right situation. She's not a dead fuck by any means she really works her hips and ass with the motion. She has a freaky side that she...

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Above the Stars and the Gods

Above the Stars and the Gods He sat on the catwalk high up in the theatre, above the highest tier of seating, the ‘Gods’, above the maze of scaffolding and gantries that held the multitude of lights that were his job to attend to. Of course he shouldn’t be working up here by himself with regulations as they were but his co-worker, Al, was a lazy character and was forever ‘just popping out for five minutes’ which normally turned into at least an hour and sometimes lasted until the...

Love Stories
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My Wife My Hooker Part 3

"Hey Jay what is going on" "I heard about your party, think i could come" "Of course you can come, I didn't invite you because you are married, I didn't want to cause tension" "Ya that was the other thing, Kirsten wants to come too" "Of course, bring anyone you want, I am sure my wife will eat pussy too" "Well, she doesn't want to use your wife, she wants to be used" "Are you ok with that Jay" "Ya, she said if I could fuck Amiee, then she was going to fuck anyone that...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 02

Author’s Note: Second set of chapters, best if read after Part I *** Chapter 5 Away Game Jill drove around to drop off Sally, Allison, and Marybeth. The car was silent, save Ashley’s occasional sniffle. She had tried at first to stoically hide her pain, emotional and physical. But, her damaged face started to smart and welt up and the embarrassment of her poor judgment of the asshole won out. Tears spilled off her face. At each house, the departing girl would give Ashley a sad, loving...

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Shana woke up tingling, as if her body had awakened moments ahead of her mind. She floated straight out of dreams into a half delirious sense of desire filtering into her pulse through the surface of her skin. She stretched, feeling the rub of the sheets against her body. She could have sworn she felt every cell. Body heated cotton on her skin let her feel the shape of her own body like something she'd always felt but never seen. Her skin was a beautiful place for her to spirit to live...

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The Boss part 1 of 2

He is so young and handsome, I can’t keep my eyes off him. Damn, I’m his boss, ten years older. He is a ripe young man of twenty five but I craved him, desired him and I stay at work late, just to be near him. God just to smell him, so foolish I know. This young man, Paul, has become my jerk off material. His striking manly profile is embedded in my mind. He is all I can see as I dream . My name is David, I’m single and lusting after Paul, the new guy I hired a month ago. From my office window...

Gay Male
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Days after I’d fucked Erin I was really struggling to get her out of my mind, those incredible breasts were all I could think about. I masterbated everyday with the thought of her pussy being wrapped around my cock, I didn’t know what to do apart from contact Erin and see if she wanted to fuck again. Me and Chloe had some previous issues together but we worked them out and as a result we were much more open to the pleasures of life, I’d seen her and heard her get fucked before and she had with...

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my Anal Obsessed Daughter

Fbailey storyI had a very busy and quite taxing day at the office. My brain was fried. I felt like a zombie. So I went home an hour or so early.I parked my car in the garage and entered the house through the kitchen. My wife was starting to prepare some items for dinner.As I normally did, I gave her a kiss, felt of her breasts, and cupped her pussy. The kiss was not as passionate as it normally was and I think she realized that too. Her breasts felt very nice through her T-shirt without a bra...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 6 The Grave Robber

Diana enjoyed her 48 hrs of rest and was ready and raring to go to the zoo when she met the Director that evening. However the Director had her come to her office rather than the meet in the front lobby. She entered the office and immediately fell under the control exercised there by the Director. She was under her control anywhere in the IADC complex but only in the office did she look like a zombie. "I called you up here because I have a mission for you tomorrow night. Someone that the...

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Future Shocked

Future Shocked, Really Shocked By Ayla Jaxxon         "Damn."  The truck slowed, coasting until the driver pulled over to the side of the road and came to a stop.  "Damn, damn, damn."  Ayla Jackson let out a deep sigh and unbuckled her seatbelt.  She got out and opened the hood of the pickup.  "Shit.  I have no idea what I'm looking for."  She looked at the engine, it wasn’t smoking, all the tubes were attached to something or the other, the battery had cables hooked to it.  The truck had...

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Would she be a gurl

I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...

1 year ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

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Window Shopping

Emily leaned back in her chair, kicking the front legs up as she sipped cabernet, the deep purple wine clinging to her lips. “You seeing anybody yet?”  I rolled my eyes and poured myself. “No, Em, I haven’t got time for that.” “It’s been six months. Don’t you think it’s about time you made time.” “You know how my job is. I’ve got three projects going right now, and we’re bidding on the new library.” Emily leaned forward and plucked a Gitane from the cobalt blue box. It was like her to smoke a...

Love Stories
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Prom Date

Dan always enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday mornings. As he relaxed in bed, the sun beaming through his window he recalled Friday night at the mall with his best friend Alex. The two had stumbled across a shop of oddities. A shop neither had seen in the mall before, though from the look the shop had been there forever. With little else to do Dan and Alex chatted with the scruffy old shop owner. About nothing much, daily life, though both were shocked when he scoffed, that neither...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 23 The Boss Dinner Party

George Fuller had been feeling a little stressed at his Accounts Receivable Division, with summer just around the corner, it meant that the company's fiscal year would be ending and with that meant end of year reports. "Laura," he said over the intercom, "can you bring me some coffee please?" Laura came in quickly and saw how pale he looked, "George, what's wrong?" she said. "I'm just getting aggravated a little with some of these numbers." He gave a furious look at his keyboard....

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The Man Who Would Be Queen Ch 2

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Two A Girl By Royal Decree? Dexter was awakened by his mother early. She seemed upset. "What's wrong mom?" he said sitting up in bed. "Honey, please get dressed and join me in the living room," she said wiping a tear from her eye. "What's wrong? Has anything happened?" he said again feeling something was not right. "Just hurry up. I'll explain it to you when you come out," she said and...

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MrLuckyPOV Hadley Haze Sonia Harcourt 2 Girls 2 Cum Loads

Sonia Harcourt is a freaky redhead who loves to throat cock!! Hadley Haze is a giggly BUSTY blonde who lives for cum!! Together they are one hell of a cock sucking duo ready to extract every once of cum they can get. Enjoy as they deep throat, gag, lick, spit, jerk and titty fuck until they get multiple loads of cum. Hadley’s huge natural breasts get put to work as she uses them to catch a load and then feed it to Sonia. They take a dick sucking break to lick each others wet pussies before...

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TrikePatrol Avery Black Step Sibling Porn Gets Kinky With Two Cumshots

In this steamy patrol, Chuck and Avery become related by marriage. Their parents fell in love and now Step Sibling Porn is born. That’s right, nothing is stopping these two from getting down and dirty and they take full advantage. Actually, quite convenient if you think about it. The result is a very hot suck and fuck fest which results in not one, but two cumshots. Avery Black tends to have that effect on men. For example, her smooth silky skin and shapely body are big-time turn-ons. On top of...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 35

"Terrified?" questioned Bill. "Yes. One of the tribal elders will accuse me of being a witch." "I have enough trouble with witches at home." "WHAT!!?" "I live with a house full of witches." "You're kidding!" exclaimed Millie. "That's crazy." "Nope. Not kidding," Bill laughed, " ... certifiable ... everyone of them. They have long conversations with the cat." "They have a familiar?" questioned Andie. "Non-standard Egyptian Mau ... Pyewacket," said Bill. "She...

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Mumzie After Lunch

Mumzie 2 After his step sister and his friend left, he whimpered into the gooey penis gag that was stuffed into his aching mouth. His arms were numb up behind his back and he was dizzy with the bondage and rubber encasing his body. He whimpered again thinking how he was restrained. He was encased in a black latex body suit from head to toe. A wide leather posture collar held his head up high and back. Only his eyes and nose holes were visible as a wide leather head harness...

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a weekend with Jen Part 1

One Thursday night when I was still on my period, my phone rang while I was busy giving my husband a blowjob. I ignored it ringing and continued to suck my hubby's cock. I was deepthroated him when he started moaning from pleasure and soon he started cumming in my mouth. After he finished shooting his load into my mouth, I went to the bathroom to spit it out in the basin. On returning to the bed I check my phone to see who called. It was Jenna and I called her back. She was phoning to ask me if...

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The Black Magician Part 2b

The black magician Part 2 You have to read "The black magician" before in order to understand the following story. After 15 minutes of driving we reached the city centre and parked the car. Playing the perfect gentleman the wizard walked around the car and opened the door for me. By my tight skirted suit I was again forced to get out off the car in a very ladylike fashion, which means I had to squeeze my legs together and swing them out. After closing the door he walked away. I...

4 years ago
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Halloween Party Part 2

As Bob drove the rental car to his hotel, he couldn’t stop stealing glances at the woman next to him. She had been very blunt about her appearance. About 5’3”, dark hair with the darkest blue eyes, pale skin…and then there were her curves….Bob couldn’t get over the way her F cup breasts pillowed on top of her corset and the way her hips flared out from her waist proportioning her just the way he liked. He heard a loud noise notifying him he had veered off the side of the road and quickly...

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Bhabhi Se Sja Me Liya Un Ki Virgin Chut Ka Pura Mja

Hi friends main ashok Sharma Faridabad se pher aap ke saamne apne jeewan ki ek or storie laya hu. Sbse phle me un sbhi ko thnx krna chahta hu jinhone mere storie psnd ki or mujh ko by main reply kiya. Hi myself ashok sharma from Faridabad haryana. I’m 27y’old and doing mba final ab me aap ka jyada time khraab na krte hue sidhi apne storie per aata hu, ye aaj se lgbhg 1 saal phle ki khani hai jb main mba fst sam me tha.mere eco subject week tha to main ne apni coloni ke ek teacher se shyam ki...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 584

The Prison Planet ... Jeff sighed, knowing that the General was right, but he, as did the General, would rather be out there doing something. Jeff looked up while mentally telling Ship to bring him back aboard where he asked his Clan Queen, “Any change?” “No,” she returned quietly. “The mist is still obscuring him, but Ship has told us that his recovery is progressing normally – whatever that means. The wolves are restless, though.” The Prime chuckled. “With all the excitement, they...

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Birth of Sarah

Birth of Sarah by Brenda S. This story is a work of fiction, blah, blah, blah. I own the rights to it. It may be freely downloaded from Fictionmania at no cost to the reader but shall not be uploaded to any other site without my expressed permission. Part 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since last Halloween, I've been wondering what I would be doing for this year's Halloween party when it struck me. I would try my hand at making my...

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Golden Eyes

Silence. Silence practically echoed through the alley. Then a sharp sound. A dog barked. There was the sound of padded footsteps. Then it all went quiet again. It was very black. She couldn't see anything. All she could do was hear. Hear the horrible silence. She hated it. She hated the silence, but it was slowly becoming common place for her after many sleepless days and nights. The only thing worse than the sounds were the smells. Rotten food. Garbage. Worms after it rained. Wet dog. All...

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Harmony Cont

You might want to read the 1st two posts of how harmony and I met and fucked: After Desert Storm all units were returned back to their respective "Home Base" as it were. Harmony's unit was sent back to California, upon return I was reassigned to the army signal school as an instructor for two years and lost track of harmony. After my stint as an instructor I was sent to Alaska. I processed in and had to report to the TMC (Troop Medical Clinic) for my physical after I was poked and prodded I was...

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Cuckold Love

Cuckold Love A simple fantasy inspired by a Cuckold Couple that I know........ To say that she is a Beauty is an understatement. A mature “eye catcher, head turner”, who has no idea that she is as appealing as others see her to be. She has been girl, woman, wife and mother. Respectable, Normal, Classy and endured everything a woman encounters, being female. She hasn't any thoughts of being better than or above anyone, her smile radiates a welcome and her eyes flash with...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 37 The Most Unexpected

“Oh, not long,” said the girl who gave me a hard-on at the coffee shop. Something in recognition hit me like a bolt of lightning. “Excuse me?” I queried her. “Who are you?” “I am the daughter of Ben the son of the dairy owner. He’s one of the big brothers who came to the dairy weekends after my grandfather had his heart attack. You and my mother ran into each other one morning and seeing your penis pointing straight at her, well, she just freaked out. She’s been telling the story ever since...

4 years ago
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Classmates To Bedmates 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, welcome back to my next episode of classmate to a bedmate. A quick recap – I am Ani, 24 years from Chennai. In my story, I have two heroines (Suja who is my classmate, and Preethi). This happened during my college days. It would be better if you read that part first so that you will get the background for this part (link on top). Coming to the story. We (Ani and Suja) got more intimate in bed. I was asking her to do each and everything that I had seen in porn...

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Caught Mum Cheating With My Best Friend

Hi I'm Kev,17 ,Uk This is the true story of how I caught my mum fucking my "best friend" on holiday .A few months back my mum and dad booked a holiday to italy for a weekNearer the time my dad got a huge job request and would lose out on a lot of money of he didn't accept .My dad would have to miss the holiday which he was looking forward to but the amount of money at stake was enough to make his decision .Now with their being a spare ticket, my mum suggested I brought my mate kyle and I said...

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A Model College StudentChapter 4

When the time rolled around again, I went in the art room and most everyone now greeted me by name. I disrobed and came out for the instructor to set the pose. A few minutes in, I looked over at Nicole who was in a frilly, white blouse and a short skirt and as soon as our eyes locked, she spread her legs. I knew if I looked at her naked pussy, I'd get hard, I am a healthy guy, after all, so I squinted my eyes at her and looked away trying to think about steamships and garden...

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My Sexy Step Mom Seduces Me pt 2

My Step Mom Seduces Me Pt 2 I woke up the next morning in the middle of this sexy dream. As I was starting to become more awake, I had the strangest feeling I have ever had. It felt like I was still partly in my dream and it felt just like my cock was really getting sucked. I raised my head up and cleared my eyes to see my step mom down between my legs sucking my hard cock for all she was worth. As she saw me coming awake, she slowed down a little and pulled her wet mouth from my cock, still...

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Cheating TogetherChapter 3

Jill sat at the counter next to her husband and gazed at his face. Kyle twisted the can of beer on the counter and avoided his wife's eyes. Watching him, Jill bit her lip and refrained from blurting out the fact she knew about her husband's extramarital activities. She was also tempted to tell him about her afternoon with Amber. Jill wanted to make him hurt as bad as she did whenever she thought about what she'd witnessed. "Kyle, I want to ask you something. Before you answer, please...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 56 A New Best Friend

October 7, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “What if they come home?” Actually, I wasn’t sure it was a good idea even IF they didn’t come home. I’d reluctantly agreed to the threesome because Cynthia had really wanted to do it. But that seemed out of the question, especially because I had decided, for sure, to ask Kelly to be my girlfriend after the dance on Friday. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with Libby. In fact, I had been very disappointed...

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