Kanata SummerChapter 6
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Karen and I headed for the cabin that was our home for summer vacation, if you could call the potential break-up of our family a vacation. Not only was there a serious danger of this being the last holiday we'd ever be together as a family, but my sister and I were being herded towards the cabin by our parents like cattle. Even though it had been our mother that I'd found cheating, our parents still put up a solid front. It all made no sense to me, and by the look on her face and the way she carried herself, even less to Karen.
Dwayne and Tanya had followed at a safe distance so as not to be spotted, although I didn't find this out until later. In many ways, I was glad they did, because if I'd tried to explain what our parents were about to tell us to anybody else, no one would have believed me.
Dad chased us up the stairs and onto the porch, then through the door and inside the cabin, almost pushing us in his haste. Mom was right beside him and positioned in such a way that if we tried to make a break for it, we'd never have gotten past them.
"Both of you, sit!" Dad demanded, pointing to the sofa as he spoke.
"Daddy, what the hell is going on?!" Karen snapped right back.
"I said sit, young lady! And watch that mouth of yours," he took back the initiative.
"Her mouth is the least of it, Dad!" I almost shouted in my sister's defence. "We're looking at our family breaking up, and you're worried about her language? I think I'm missing something here, aren't I?"
"Lennie," our mother quietly addressed our father, "I think Steve saw Bill and me in here last night. I guess maybe we should tell them? After all, we knew they'd find out one day. It would seem this is that day."
Dad's eyes moved rapidly between the three of us as he searched for something that would help my sister and me anchor to some kind of reality. We watched, stunned, as he slowly pulled up a wooden stamp-back chair, then straddled it so that his crossed arms on the back gave his chin a place to rest.
"I guess your mother's right. We knew this day would come eventually, but I'd hoped it wouldn't be quite this soon," Dad started off. "However, it looks like the cat's out of the bag."
"Daddy, wherever Steve goes, I'm going, too," Karen interrupted, her tone betraying just how afraid she really was over the probable break-up of our family.
"Steve's not going anywhere, Sweetheart, and neither are you," Dad informed her in no uncertain terms.
"But ... but ... but if you and Mom get a divorce, we both want to go with you!" she was emphatic.
"A divorce? Why would we be getting a divorce? I love your mother, and she loves me just as much. We have no intentions of getting a divorce. Where'd you get an idea like that?"
If I thought I was confused before, I'd just gone to a whole new level of being mystified.
"Dad, I know what I saw last night, and if that isn't grounds for divorce, I don't know what is!" I added as part of my sister's rescue. It was the two of us versus the two of them, it seemed.
"And just what was it you saw, Son? Your mother and another man having sex? In this case, that's definitely not grounds for divorce."
I couldn't fathom what we were being told. I felt my throat become as dry as a desert and my head begin to spin. I needed an explanation, and the sooner it came, the better.
"Steve, Karen," Mom finally jumped into the melee, "your father and I have lived an alternate lifestyle since before we were married. Like you two, we love sex. What you saw last night had nothing to do with love. There's only one man that I love, and that's your father. But we both enjoy experiencing other partners sometimes. We have our rules, and as long as we follow them, our marriage is based on trusting each other."
"Mom?", Karen almost shook her head to clear her foggy mind. "What do you mean, 'Like us two'? Are you saying that... ?"
"Darling, your Dad and I know that you and your boyfriend had sex yesterday. Your brother did, too, with Tanya Morrison, probably at about the same time. I talked to Beth Preston first thing this morning, and she told me that Dwayne has that unmistakable, dreamy look. Dianne Morrison must have overheard, because she says that Tanya has that same look. Putting two and two together with the way you and your brother appeared this morning, I'd say that none of you are virgins."
"I'm not sure that's any of your business," I growled. "You and Dad are screwing around with everyone you meet, and you're concerned about what we do? That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it? Hell, after seventeen years, I find out that you guys are ... what? Sex fiends?"
"Stephen Hellman, you're pushing your luck!" Dad admonished angrily in that quiet voice that told me just how upset he was with me.
"And you're not? What happens if something goes wrong? What if one of you falls in love with someone else? Do either of us get a say in what happens to our family? What are Karen and I supposed to do when we find out we have a half-brother, or half-sister? For that matter, how the hell do I know that you're both really my parents? And what about everything you taught us; loyalty, fidelity, and honesty? Sounds like, 'Do as I say, not as I do, ' to me. And that's not right, either! What other lies are you keeping hidden?!"
To say that I was upset would be a bit of an understatement. Everything we'd been taught, everything we'd come to believe in, and everything I'd built my life around was turning out to be a lie! So to say that I was upset wouldn't quite cover it. Saying I was fucking furious might be a little closer.
"Are you quite finished?" Dad's calm and gentle voice told me that I was way over the line. He never spoke like that unless he was microseconds from exploding in anger. And you know what? I really didn't give a shit!
"Calm down, Steve, and let us explain how we've made this thing work," our mother came between Dad and me. She gave me a few minutes to regain some semblance of rationality before she went on.
"First off, you're right. I don't have any business prying into your love life like that. I'm a mother, however, and my children's welfare and happiness means more than you'll ever understand. So unless you have evidence to the contrary, I have to assume that you and Tanya are, in fact, lovers. Karen, the same goes for you and Dwayne. Those two have, do, and will affect my children's happiness. Therefore, I feel compelled to treat them a little differently in the future than I have up until now. They mean a lot to you two, and now they mean a lot to your father and me."
Mom gave us both some time to let that sink in. I was expecting a lecture on morality and teen sex. But all the indications were that we weren't going to get it. Considering their behaviour, if either of them had tried to open the subjects, I'd probably have gone off the deep end — and could quite conceivably have had to walk home after the month was over.
"Second, your father and I have our rules, and one of them is that we have no secrets from each other. Your Dad knew I was over here with Bill last night because I told him. He was with somebody else at the time, and he told me who it would be beforehand. So your little rant about falling in love, or bearing more children, or any of that other ... bullshit ... doesn't amount to a hill of beans. We take every precaution possible, and get tested every month for potential diseases. I don't need your father bringing me home any surprises, and I won't put him at risk, either."
"I don't get it, Mom," Karen piped up. "Why would you be having sex with other men? Isn't Daddy good enough for you?"
"It has nothing to do with whether your father is good enough, as you put it. We just happen to enjoy some variety in our sex lives. You wear a different outfit to school every day. Why? Because you like variety in your wardrobe. For us, it's exactly the same thing, except that it makes us appreciate each other all the more."
"So who was it that I saw you with last night?", I enquired.
"I'm not sure that's any of your business, just as it's none of my business whether you and Tanya actually had sex yesterday. I told you my reasons for asking. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to let me know. And the same goes for you, too, Karen. Personally, I find Dwayne Preston to be a well-mannered, considerate, and genuine young man. I like him, and so does your Dad."
"As for you and Tanya," she turned her attention to me again, "I think, Steve, that you'd be hard-pressed to find a more wonderful girl. Your Dad and I have watched her grow up and become who she is today. We've known Brad and Dianne since high school, so we know how she's been raised. They're as proud of their daughter as we are of you two, and to be honest, I can't blame them."
"So does this mean that Karen and I should be checking to see if you have someone in here every time we come home?" I threw at our parents.
"No, Son," Dad answered. "What happened last night was due to our sloppiness, and it left you and your sister in a pretty bad position. That was our fault, and I apologize for our inconsideration. We accept one hundred percent of the blame. In future, we'll give you fair warning and give you time to make what ever arrangements you need to."
Well, it didn't look like our family was about to be dissolved after all, which made me feel a little better. I turned to Karen, wondering how she felt about this whole thing.
"Are you okay with all of this?' I enquired of her.
"No," she answered with a timid tone, "but as long as you and I are still under the same roof, I will be, I guess. I just need some time to sort things out. If I have questions, Steve, can I still talk to you?"
Our parents' presence didn't matter suddenly, because I leaned over and kissed my sister's lips gently as my answer. She snaked her arms around my neck, and as soon as we broke, she hugged me tightly.
"Maybe who you two take as lovers is none of our business," Dad interjected, "but you two being lovers is. Are you?"
"No!" I was adamant.
"Don't be like that, Steve," Karen pleaded softly. "If I hadn't met Dwayne, it could have been a strong possibility. I love you that much, you know."
"Really, Sis? I never knew that."
I knew I loved my sister, and that she loved me. Still, it was a little bit of a shock to learn just how deep her love for me was. As I began to assimilate that declaration, that warm glow inside me for my sister got a little bigger and a whole lot stronger.
"You do now," she murmured, her face expressing a combination of warmth and love that I'd almost taken for granted. Her implied desire to make love with me was something I'd have to think about, because I did find Karen to be appealingly sexy and desirable ... among other things.
"If you two ever do become lovers," Mom added to our Dad's train of thought, "be very careful. I'd suggest that you stay away from that idea while we're here at camp. There are people that do practise 'family love' up here, but it's frowned upon. Not because of the taboo, but because it opens an unhealthy atmosphere for some of the other children. Oh, and if it ever happens between you two, could we ask you to let your father and me know? Please?"
I guess I was still in shock at the discovery that our parents were swingers. Their tacit approval of our possible incestuous relationship went right over my head — but not Karen's. She was still hugging me tightly, and now moved her lips to kiss me deeply and sensuously, followed by her tongue prying its way past my lips as she lightly entwined with mine.
"Easy, girl," Dad warned her softly in an accepting tone. "You keep that up and you'll have your brother all hot and bothered in no time. We won't talk about how it affects your mother and me."
His mini-lecture had a light sound to it, almost as if he approved of what was happening. But at that particular moment, I was lost in Karen's kiss, so most of his words went in one ear and right back out the other.
"When you two are finished," Mom put in, "I think Dwayne and Tanya are waiting outside for you. They followed us up here, but Dwayne's a little large to successfully hide behind one of those scrawny pines," she giggled.
"Are you two going to be alright?" Dad asked with real concern.
"Give us a couple of days, Dad. This is a lot to take in. How about we all go down and have breakfast? I'm starting to get hungry, and now that we've been told what's going on, some of Mom's cooking sure sounds good," I answered, now feeling a lot better than I had since we got back from the quarry.
"Might want to invite your ... I was going to say friends, but I guess they're more than that now, aren't they?" Mom beamed. That grin was something neither of us were expecting.
There was a completely different atmosphere in the cabin from when we'd first come in. So many things had changed in such a short time. We knew about our parents, and they knew about us. It just seemed natural to accept things the way they were.
As soon as we were out on the porch, Dad called out to Dwayne and Tanya, who emerged timidly from their hiding spots. His cheerful invitation to join us for breakfast elicited a blank expression on their faces. Karen had been hugging me around the waist, but as soon as she saw Dwayne, she released her grip and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.
Tanya appeared to be as confused now as we'd been before we were filled in on our parents' lifestyle. With now-empty arms, I invited her into my embrace, then kissed her gently. It was that kiss that helped her relax enough to close her eyes, which had been as big as saucers a moment ago.
"They know about us, Princess," I whispered to her as our lips broke apart.
"They do? You told them?" Her shock at my revelation was quite predominant, but quiet.
"Yes, they do, and no, I didn't tell them. Our Mom, your mother, and Mrs. Preston have been comparing notes, and they figured it out all by themselves.
"My ... Mom?" she managed to sputter.
"And probably your Dad, too," Mom let her know. "There's not too many secrets between Brad and Dianne, Sweetie. I think you'll find them a lot more accepting than you think. I have a sneaking suspicion that Don and Beth Preston are just as happy, too. We were all young ourselves, once. We remember what it's like."
Now it was Dwayne's turn to look blank, and it surprised me when he didn't. In fact, he looked quite calm about the whole thing, as if losing your virginity was right in there with getting a hair cut or brushing your teeth. It was me, probably, that looked more shocked than him; something Tanya picked up on right away, but kept to herself until after breakfast.
Mom made enough bacon and eggs to feed a starving African village, with Dwayne doing her efforts the justice they deserved. He might have been a growing boy, but there are only so many directions a person's body can expand into, and by the look of the amount of food he packed away, he was about to use most of them.
Conversation started out slowly, with Mom and Dad feeling out Dwayne and Tanya's interests, then engaging them in several different subjects. By the time we'd finished eating, everyone was happily relaxed. The four of us cleared the table, then washed, dried, and put away all the dishes, cutlery, pots, and pans. Mom sat back and relaxed, a cheerful smile on her face, while Dad supervised what went where. Between the jokes and ribbing we all enjoyed, that was one of those mornings when it felt good to be alive. Some of the comments were a little ribald, but Dad took them in stride, probably because it was Karen and Tanya that came up with most of them.
I took a breather after we'd finished and sat with Mom for a minute to catch my breath. She was still wearing that happy grin, and reached over to put her hand on mine, ostensibly to get my attention.
"Your Dad and I didn't go overboard too much this morning, did we?" she asked.
"How do you mean, Mom?"
"Trying to make Tanya and Dwayne feel welcome at our table. They're a big part of your life and your sister's. That makes them important to us too. This was our way of letting them know. But neither one of us has had this much fun around kids for a long time. Look at your Dad. He's in seventh heaven right now."
I understood what Mom was driving at, finally. Our parents had gone out of their way to make Dwayne and Tanya as comfortable around our entire family as they could. In the process, we'd all found a level playing field where no one was above or below anyone else. Whatever Mom and Dad had in mind seemed to be working.
"No, I don't think you went too far, Mom," I tried to reassure her, "but thanks for breakfast, and the fun. Mostly, thanks for understanding how Tanya and I feel, and how Karen feels about Dwayne. He's a pretty good guy. Karen's in good hands."
"I know, Steve, and we're both very thankful. Tanya's in good hands, too. You take good care of her, you understand me?"
I leaned over and gave Mom a kiss on the cheek, almost losing myself in the softness of her skin and the scent of her hair. That was something that I wasn't quite ready for, and while it didn't get me as aroused as Tanya could, I thoroughly enjoyed the heady experience of being close to a mature woman. From the hum that Mom expressed, she must have felt the same way. It wasn't sexual, although there was a lot of warmth and caring in its inflections.
"What are your plans for the day?" Dad came over to ask me.
"Nothing definite. I was thinking of heading down to the beach after I grab a shower. Why, out of curiosity?"
"A shower, huh? You and Karen still sharing those, or has Tanya put the kibosh on that?" he asked.
"Dad! How did you find out?"
"What, about you and Karen? My hearing isn't that bad, Steve. Your sister is almost as loud as your mother can be. I was on my way to the kitchen the other morning when she climaxed. My daughter does have a very distinct voice. After fifteen years, I can recognize it quite easily. Was that you or Dwayne?
"Depends on which morning you're talking about," I hedged. "If it was yesterday or the day before, it would have been Dwayne. But we were all in the same stall the day before yesterday. I thought Karen did a pretty good job of muffling her scream. You sure it wasn't Tanya you heard?"
"Positive. Tanya's a little higher pitched than your sister — and nowhere near as loud," he chuckled, a big grin accompanying his light-hearted chuckle.
"I suppose you hung around to hear the girls going off, didn't you?"
"Well ... yes, I did. Envied you and Dwayne at the time, too. I'll warn you that when I told your mother about it, she suggested that we start taking showers together again. In fact, don't be surprised if she sticks her head in some morning while you and Tanya are in there. Might want to warn your sister, while you're at it. Beckie can be a bit of a voyeur at times."
"Really, Dad? She likes to watch people having sex?"
"Sure she does. I think it might be something she learned from me," he fought to control his laughter, eventually failing as he stood to leave me to my own devices.
On any other day, I'd have been shocked and embarrassed at finding out that our parents knew of my sister and me masturbating each other. But after the events of that morning, I wondered if anything they did would shock me. I did, however, remember Dad's suggestion to warn Karen and Dwayne. I also wondered what kind of reaction I'd get from Tanya and Dwayne at the revelation. But what to do about Mom if she peeked in? I had some ideas, and hoped the others had some, too. Whatever we came up with would need unanimous participation. Surely Mom wouldn't pick that morning to burst in on us ... would she?
Karen and Dwayne headed directly for the large shower stall at the back of the building that we usually used. She was about to pull the curtain back when the sounds of two people enjoying each other interrupted her. Turning to look at the rest of us, she shrugged her shoulders, then picked a different stall. It wasn't anywhere near as large or accommodating, but we managed to squeeze in without the metal walls buckling. If Mom poked her head in, she wouldn't be able to see much, I figured. Just moving around ourselves was difficult enough.
The girls managed to get the water flowing, although it was a little colder than we'd have liked. All the mutual pleasuring that went on seemed to overshadow that fact, though. Karen had been stroking Dwayne for a while, giving him a hard-on that didn't have a lot of room to expand into. Tanya's fingers were pure magic, so I was a little surprised when I felt another hand on my shaft that wasn't hers. Looking down, I found that Karen was also fondling me while still massaging Dwayne's cock. But it was seeing Tanya with one hand on me and the other on Dwayne that caught me off-guard. I expected to feel anger or jealousy. Neither one came, though. What I did feel was a heightened sense of horniness. I had been enjoying the sensations of Tanya's firm, smooth ass, and had let a finger stray to her little pucker. As soon as I touched her there, she moaned, then began to push against my finger.
Dwayne was in the middle of doing the same thing with Karen, but had his finger buried to the second knuckle. She looked lost in the sensations as he wiggled and fingered her. Karen's head had flopped as far back as it would go, and by the look of her closed eyes and that sensuous open mouth, she was loving every second of being anally stimulated, her hips rocking slowly as she impaled herself until she had all of his finger up her ass.
With all those hands and arms crisscrossed, it was getting to be impossible to move. I waggled my head sideways at Dwayne, silently suggesting that he do Tanya's pussy. As he moved from Karen' sex to my girlfriend, I took over on Karen where he'd left off. When the girls realized what had happened, they both broke into wanton grins, loving the feel of someone different stimulating their bodies.
My finger had slipped into Tanya, now buried between the first and second knuckle in her rear entrance. We'd never done that before, but by the look on her face, I knew she was loving it. Her encouragement confirmed it.
I woke to my sister shaking me roughly enough that I began to think there was some kind of emergency, and the associated panic that accompanied those kinds of events pushed me right past the usual slow-paced transition from sleep to being awake. "What?!" I almost screamed in my disoriented state. "Whoa! Don't wake Mom and Dad," Karen hissed as she stood on her bunk in order to see me. "You said you wanted to be out of here by nine, and it's just after seven now. You're not thinking...
Tanya and I gazed down at my sleeping sister being lovingly protected by her equally exhausted boyfriend, Dwayne Preston. All four of us had given our respective lovers our virginity that day, to be replaced with warm and loving memories that would last us the rest of our lives. But like all good things, the day had to come to an end eventually. I still didn't have the heart to wake the two, but sometimes we have to do things we don't like, I guess. "Come on, you two sleepyheads. Time to...
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"Steve, where's the month gone?" Karen wondered as we sat on our cabin's porch enjoying the afternoon sun. "Beats me, Sis," I morosely replied. We were reminiscing over the adventures we'd had during that fateful month of vacationing at Kanata Camp. Our initial reactions had been predictable; a whole month stuck in a remote naturist camp miles from anywhere had left us feeling like we'd been condemned to years of hard labour on a chain gang. But reality had proven it to be anything...
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Copyright © 2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author Even The Wind Knows Where did our wind go Taking your essence Leaving not a trace I flounder in its absence Craving your breeze on my face Has our love gone As your tender touch caresses me Taste of tears still fresh Your scent lingers...
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(Skip this if you don't like boring behind the scenes stuff. Wow! Over 3000 likes and story of the week for my first story here! Thanks to everyone who has liked, bookmarked or commented. The feedback lets me know what works and what might need work. I would love for this to be the most popular story in its category, so if you like the story, "like" the story. The story is now customizable with first name and sissy name. I will eventually go back and add these variables to older branches, but...
GayA/N: OK! First story. Been watching Fate/stay night again and reading some eroge around it, really want to get into writing in this space! Welcome Fate/CHOYA Edition! This story will probably be heavier on the fighting aspects than most CHOYA stories but will definitely have the smexy bits you've come to expect on CHOYA! This story is open to the public. Rules of the story are at the bottom as well as a chapter with servant data cards. Fuyuki City, Japan. You are Shirou Emiya, an amateur...
FantasySo I was alone and horny on a Friday night. No prospects in sight. Wasn't dating anybody. My main friends were out of town and I typically don't go to bars. Especially alone. So there I was. On the wordlwide classified ads to see if someone, anyone was nearby. Didn't matter. Girl, guy, group, I just needed to get my rocks off. I guess I was a bit luckier than some in that for me I was open to all.I saw an ad in the "men seeking men" section for a self described "fuck party." It was...
We were heading west again along highway 160. The air was getting warmer since we were going down in altitude as well as having a warm air front come through. I was just enjoying the feeling of freedom that you can only get by moving along on the open road. Michelle was sitting behind and a bit above me on the couch. Although I couldn't see her, I could feel her presence there. I was still trying to figure out what I had done in my life to deserve to have this vibrant, sexy woman want to...
8PHE0061 word count 5231 ******** Day 61, Saturday and later.... Then the blackouts began. Chastity assumed it was because others were riding her in the same way that she had ridden them. Whichever or whomever it was, she was obsessively clean. Which was fine by Chastity. Some of her blackouts included truck work. The truck now ran and was titled in her name. All that remained was cosmetic work. There were dings to bang out and rusted panels to repair or replace. It also...
November 2011 While handsome in every respect of physique and striking in appearance - they were not very bright, although in contradiction, they were skilled artisans in stone working and also in creating exceptionally detailed glazed story tiles and murals. Not having much intelligence beyond a nine-year old human child gave them signal minded focus upon the immediate task on hand, allowing creation of incredible works of art in stone, tiles and murals. Centaurs also were very aggressive...
Doujin Spot! The Internet has often been referred to as the world’s pornography superhighway. Most of you perverts out there are content to jerk your little dicks to the 4K ultra-HD lesbian movies, explicit gangbangs, and lesbian squirting extravaganzas that litter the web. You hentai perverts, though, seem to want something just a little bit kinkier. Well, you’ll find that at DoujinSpot, where they’ve got exclusive futanari, yuri, and straight anime porn content.DoujinSpot.com is a very new...
Premium Hentai Manga SitesI didn't pay any more attention to the new people moving into the empty apartment than I usually did. I was the accountant, I didn't much care who the people were, I only cared that they paid their rent. So when the girl came to the office asking for a key, I had no idea who she was. "My mom's supposed to be home," she told me, "But sometimes she forgets. She won't let me have a key." I tried not to look at her strangely, but she looked quite old enough to me. If she was old enough to...
When he arrived at the Café the door was locked, and as Tony wondered whether he should go to Carols apartment to see if she had gone home early. It was a cold night, and he did not want to spend another night with Rose, and he had just moved down the street to catch the underground train when he heard the Café door open, for some reason he decided to stand in the doorway of an adjoining shop. He saw Carol leave the shop, at first he hardly recognised her. She was dressed in a white rubber...
I awoke with a start. It was the middle of the night and there were people all over the cabin snoring and sl**ping. It was my fiancé’s f****y “winter retreat” which had involved snowshoeing, ice fishing, and lots and lots of alcohol! People had started retreating to rooms and various corners around midnight. Tina and I had been among the last to turn out lights. I had laid my sl**ping bag behind the couch while she retreated to one of the lofts where the women were sl**ping. There was a hand...
A few days later, I received another email from Roger. In the letter he stated that they were going to the sex club Saturday night, and wanted to know if we’d like to go with them.I ran into the kitchen where Bryan was fixing him a cup of coffee, and quickly informed him about the letter.Bryan asked if I wanted a cup, I nodded yes, and he poured me some. After that we sat down at the table, he spoke first. “Well you know I’ve wanted to take you there for a long time now. I’ve been to the club...
BisexualI hadn't liked the program at first, not a bit. It had started years ago with the "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" craze, when we had surrendered one working day a year to well-intentioned but nevertheless unproductive social engineering. Still, had it been up to me, I might have tolerated that annual waste of time, as proud mothers and fathers paraded their ever-so-bright daughters through the workplace for eight-odd hours of glorified babysitting. But this new program was just too much –...
Hello dosto kia haal hy may abhi abhi dobara so k utha hon tu socha k promis k mutabik friends ko apni sunday ki night ki b story peaish ker don kion k kel sari raat phudi mar mar k or neend pori na honay ki wajah sy may thaka hoa tha isi liye aj late utha hon tu dosto ab story ki taraf ata hon.kel raat ko may anti robina k gher dobara 10:30 bjay jab giya tu robina anti sy mayny kaha hoa tha k aj jab may aon tu tum nay sirf bra or underwear may rehna hy or may jab aon tu isi tarah may tum pehli...
It had been a while since I had a happy ending massage, so I called up my usual parlour and asked for the girl who I normally see. I was informed that she was no longer working there, but there was a new girl. I was told she was an 18 year old student, very petite and British. I booked to see her for half an hour, got ready and headed there. When I arrived I was told to go in to the massage room, strip down and 'Candy' would be in soon to see me. A few minutes later Candy walked in and I...
Hey Guys, This is Anand Back with the story. Now, Coming back to my story,, I read all the objectives and rules. I was not able to understand what really was happening. I kept on reading it several times. and I looked at Rani’s face. Me:(expressionless) What is this?? Rani: Now, Don’t get angry at me Anand, I am doing it for good reason. I meant everything that I texted and talked to you over phone. In fact, I was more excited than you were. But, think of both of us having sex all 7 days . It...
My daughter had graduated high school, was tired of working menial jobs and was going off to college. She has a close friend that wasn’t going to go to college and she asked me if I would be willing to give her a job. Well seeing as how I already have 10 employees, I didn’t really need another one. She played the spoiled daughter part well and begged and pleaded with me until I finally gave in. I guess I can use an office assistant to do some menial work around the office. I told her to have...
Daniel's penis was rock hard and not giving any as it plowed deeper and deeper into my bowels, I tired to beat his chest to get him off but it only seemed to excite him more as he picked up his pace and had me moaning even more from the agonizing pain.. I managed to sputter '...PLEA...PLEASE, Dan...Daniel...NO DON"T DO THIS PLEASE GO SLOW PLEASE GO SLOW...' Nelson said '...I see what y'all mean this bitch do likes to be fucked rough. Just wait till Daniel come in that ass, when he get up I'm...
"Hi, Honey. You're late? Did you have a hard day, darling?" Shelly greeted him with a cheery smile. She was wearing a t-shirt and it was obvious that her big, soft breasts were bare under it. They jiggled and swayed provocatively as she came close and offered her mouth for a kiss. Sam's lips brushed hers briefly. He remembered vividly that those same lips had recently been the cum-slimed receptacle for another man's lust. He headed for the bar to get a drink. "Please, dear... let me...
Sydney Cole takes on the new MONSTER cock Dredd, do you think she can take it all? Sultry sex kitten Sydney Cole is built for sex with her perky tits, tight ass, and lusty long legs. She teases on the balcony in her purple and neon green lingerie set and flashes a quick peek of her tits to the camera before heading into the bedroom. Sydney crawls over to the chair to find Dredd waiting for her. She pulls his BBC out right away and spits all over it then takes it in her mouth as she strokes that...
xmoviesforyouFor most people, life generally plods along at a fairly mundane and unexciting pace. For another breed of person, life is altogether more exciting, with the continually travelled highway producing many a twist and turn along the way. Kate Howard, if asked would place herself in the first category. For the most part this was how it had always been for Kate. She neither asked nor expected of much and in may ways was as happy as she could be with her life. All in all a few ups and downs, yes, but...
The third Friday of January was our first outing as the twins' 'official' partners. The occasion was the first of their Bristol Medical School formal dinners. They had warned us before Christmas that the dress code was posh, and Julie had brought back one of her best dresses from home to wear. As I wasn't sure that I had quite finished growing - after all, my chest size had increased by more than two inches since I started at University - I had elected to hire a dinner jacket from Moss...
"You sure you won't change your mind," the man in the suit asked. The suit he wore while expensive and looked good, did not lend itself to negotiations out in the open in the July sun. The reason he, along with his partner, were standing out in the midday heat in a hay field was due to Burt asking me to help him load up the hay bales that were sitting out in the sun after their loader broke down and would be another week for the parts to arrive. Both of us knew that he could throw the...
**The two main characters are real, but the story is mostly fantasy. Enjoy**It had been a good 3 months since we had really talked. The last time we did she asked if we could put our relationship on hold due to a family crisis. I told her that it would be fine, but we needed to stay incontact with each other. We got to the point of sending a few messages each week to each other. Then all of a sudden i was getting no respose back from her at all. I would send a mesage to her every couple of...
Sue was an e****t to men and women. Her biggest client was Lady Beth. She was rich and beautiful. Sue was also very pretty and sexy. She had big full natural tits and a great round ass. She would go with Lady Beth 2 or 3 times a week. A driver was sent to her and she was taken to the mansion of Lady and Lady would then dress her how she wanted her that night. Most nights it was a very sexy attire. She liked Sue in a very short dress that was open down to the waist barely covering her nice full...
While married to my second wife, we began swinging with other singles and couples, but it was one couple especially that impacted me: Sean and Lorie. Lorie and my wife loved making out with one another and so, on one occasion when they were doing so, Sean pushed me down onto the bed and began sliding his hard cock against mine; I had never done that before and found myself getting harder than I had ever been with a woman! What my wife and Lorie were doing totally disappeared! All I cared about...
I actually met Mike and Pam one Saturday at the adult book store where I was buying a few toys. I wore my shortest mini skirt with a skimpy thong and a tight low cut t-shirt with no bra. Quite a few men watched me shop as I have D tits and my nipples were hard and showing thru the shirt. It was fun to get all the stares. But Mike came up to me with Pam behind him and asked if I was interested in being with his wife. I looked her over. She was cute and a small girl with C cup tits. She was...
Backside stinging a bit from his swat, Kimber turned and made her way out the door, having to stop and twist her arm forward to fit through the door. She could feel the egg between her legs, the ‘tail’ portion nestled up against her body, the tip bobbing right in front of her clit as a constant reminder of her parasite. Her mind was still mulling over his comment about sharing, or not sharing her. She had not really ever thought about that, everything was still so new and intense. All she...
You trek through the mercilessly deep snow, unable to differentiate your own skin at times as the blinding light blends your vision together. You've been lost for hours, days, years even. At first, every tree seemed the same and you were certain that you were walking in circles, but now you can't seem to see a single tree. You're exhausted, the frost slowly seeping into your skin as you push your way through endless snow. Your arms and legs are almost entirely numb, and you lost the ability to...
FantasyIntro: There she lies, spread out on our bed for me, her sticky wet vagina still leaking the cum I put in it, just minutes ago. I’m drawn to it, that glistening wet slit with its swollen parted lipsIt’s a large balcony, accessed off the living room of our new apartment through wide sliding glass doors. Walled on both sides, and with a glass and steel balustrade, it has an uninterrupted view out over the ocean. What’s more, there are no other apartments overlooking it, so it’s completely private...
Bill Meyers was back in his routine since he had come back California. His going to his two car dealerships to see if he needed to do anything and golfing were now the highpoints of his week. He still thought about Traci and what might have been but he had accepted that it never will be. While he had somewhat put the relationship he had with her behind him, there were the memories he had of her that would not be forgotten. At work he continued his practice of periodically visiting all of the...
Chapter 13- Breakfast of Champions Ron was a little surprised by the state of his room when he walked into it. It was a mess, not by his standards, but in his wife’s opinion this room was a pigsty. The bed was unmade, the comforter balled up on the floor, and clothes, lingerie, and various girly things were strewn across it. Her robe lay on the floor in front of her dresser and her nightstand was open. He smiled wryly to himself bent to pick up the robe. It didn’t bother him that it was...
Spiritual Wandering by Kevin "Now, everyone, let us clear our minds to reach full enlightenment." Kevin looked around the room at all of his students in his meditation class. They all had their eyes closed, and they were all sitting cross-legged on the floor of the room. About an hour later, all of his student had left the room and he was still sitting. He closed his eyes for his own time of meditation. He cleared his mind of all of his thoughts and sat surrounded in...
Hey buddies this is my first story here !! Forgive me for my grammar mistakes if any !! Any aunties or gals interested in sex in Bangalore contact me….my email ID is I am doing my second year MBBS in a med college in Bangalore !! This is my first sex encounter !! We have a cultural function yearly once in our college along with medical exhibition !! About me : I am good looking with an average muscular physique !! Department days : I was posted to a department for this medical...
I woke to the sound of the phone ringing. Sunny day light streaming in through the curtains that I hadn't closed the night before. I answered the phone. "I couldn't see you all that clearly last night," she said. "It was rather dark. So put some lipstick on and come and practice for me again now it's daylight. I'll ring again when I've seen enough." As I got out of bed I realised that the nightdress was very short indeed. It only came down to my waist. My cock was already starting to...
Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...
A quick note before we jump in. My next release will be ‘TRC - Just A Sip - An SftS Extra’ which takes place a little bit after this chapter but isn’t a part of the main story line. I only mention this because it probably won’t show up with the rest of the series. If I remember, I will try to see if the admins can put it in with the rest of the SftS chapters. Thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot that you all enjoy my stories! :D Enjoy! -Blu He slowly opened his...
I’d noticed her as I arrived at the terminal building; she’d just got out of her taxi and was fastening her case, and I remember thinking ‘hmmmm, hope she’s on my flight.’ A vision of her remained for 10 minutes or so, but once I’d cleared security and was with my fellow crew members I’d forgotten about her. We were off on the overnight to Bangkok, again (I’m long haul and invariably get the SE Asia jobs as I speak a little Thai – long story), and so I listened with half an ear to the flight...
I'm not even the one who brought Bear Island into the house. That honour fell to my sister Amelia who had ordered it online using Mum's card, and who'd gobbled up the parcel on its arrival and ran upstairs with it, to her small bedroom, which was situated next to mine. I didn't even know much about it, save for the odd glimpse and sound of it as I walked past Amelia's often ajar door. It looked very "kiddy" - what with its fluffy animals, bright colour and cutesy graphics. In truth, I...
Pampered Pets Justin walked over to the naked black guy standing by the pool bar , he reached for the huge cock and kissed the solid biceps, when he felt a hand push his thong aside he turned and smiled standing on tip toes to kiss the second man while stroking his hard cock with his other hand, sighing contentedly he gently stroked both men ,loving the feel of their manly hands over his smooth soft body. His "dorm buddy" had rubbed the strawberry scented oil into his body just before...