Kanata SummerChapter 3 free porn video

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I woke to my sister shaking me roughly enough that I began to think there was some kind of emergency, and the associated panic that accompanied those kinds of events pushed me right past the usual slow-paced transition from sleep to being awake.

"What?!" I almost screamed in my disoriented state.

"Whoa! Don't wake Mom and Dad," Karen hissed as she stood on her bunk in order to see me. "You said you wanted to be out of here by nine, and it's just after seven now. You're not thinking of skipping breakfast, I hope."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Breakfast. Good idea. Give me a minute, Sis, and I'll be right with you," and I dragged myself across the bunk, then descended the ladder, my morning wood doing its usual drum roll.

"Shh! You're going to wake them up!" Karen hissed at me.

"Too late, Honey," I heard our Dad's voice from their queen-sized bed. "I swear I'm going to get rid of that ladder until your brother learns how to use it without beating himself half to death every morning. I have no idea how you put up with that, Steve. Isn't it painful?"

"Only if I come down in a hurry, Dad," I advised him. "Besides, how else would I wake this sleepy-head sister of mine? It's become her unofficial alarm clock. Isn't that right, Sis?"

Dad wanted to know where we were going so early in the morning, and I told him that some of The Gang had decided on a hike for the day. He wanted to know when we'd be back, and before I could answer, quick-thinking Karen advised that we'd be back before dark, but might miss supper. She also told him that we'd stop on the trail to eat if we were late.

Dad offered us the use of his backpack and suggested that we take a flashlight as well, just in case we didn't get back before the light failed. I was going to tell him that we weren't planning on leaving the country, but Karen beat me to it, saying that he'd had a great idea that we'd never have thought of.

"What's all the noise about?" Mom mumbled as she woke slowly. Dad explained our plan to her, and I could see that his body against her back was more important to her than a couple of early-rising teenagers.

"You two be careful out there," Mom started to lecture us, then decided that it would probably be a waste of breath. "I think sleeping in would be a good idea if you two are going out. So either go or be quiet. We'll see you when you get back."

I thought I saw them pushing their hips closer to one another as Mom talked, which made me wonder if Dad was buried in our mother's cunt. That only served to start my own cock hardening. When my sister saw me twitch, she hurried me out the door before it got any worse.

"Geez, you're getting to be a real pain with that thing," my sister growled at me. "What got you so worked up?"

"You mean you didn't see Mom pushing her ass against Dad, and him shoving back against her?" I asked incredulously. "He's got to have his hard cock in her!"

"Probably," Karen dismissed my observation. "They've been fucking most of the night. Mom came loud enough to wake the dead, and I heard Dad getting off at least three times. My pussy's been sopping wet all night. Why the hell do you think I woke you up? I need you to shower with me and finger me off before we go over to the kitchen."

Karen looked around to see if anyone was looking, then invited me to feel her slit and check how wet she was. It was an invitation that I wasn't about to pass up.

She was right, too. Gawd, we'd been masturbating each other almost every morning, but she'd never been lubricated that much. Just the feel of her juices drenching her cunt had my cock at full hardness.

"Mmm, I think my brother's horny enough that I could do him right here," Karen giggled. I had to agree, and hoped she would. The showers would give us some privacy though, and that luxury induced us to break into a run, my erection waving back and forth as we jogged.

When we arrived at the bath house, I spotted Dwayne leaning against the wall beside the door as though waiting for something. He saw us and waved his arm in a "get over here" motion. It was a waste of time trying to hide myself, and when he saw my cock sticking straight out from my groin, he just smiled one of those annoying grins of comprehension. We stopped in front of him and the aroma of my sister's arousal put a shit-faced grin on his lips and a hardening cock in his lap.

"Gawd, am I going to have to do both of you at the same time?" Karen moaned, her tone one of lustful anticipation at the prospect.

"Hmm, that could be fun," Dwayne replied,"but Tanya's got the big back shower saved. She says there should be room for four of us in that one."

I was going to tell Dwayne to keep his horny hands off my girlfriend until I remembered that I usually had mine all over his every morning. Dwayne seemed to appreciate that I kept my big mouth shut, then turned to lead us to the back shower stall.

"You're pushing our luck, Sis," I hissed at my sister while we were out of Dwayne's hearing range, "because if he finds out we're getting each other off every morning, I'll bet he has a shit fit!"

"He already knows," Karen whispered back. "He asked why we showered together all the time, and I told him. He's cool with it, so stop being so damned anally retentive!"

Dwayne pulled back the shower curtain just enough so that Tanya knew who was entering, then ushered both my sister and me inside before squeezing in himself. As we moved around so that we all fit properly, I had my ass slapped by Dwayne's cock a couple of times, and inadvertently ended up rubbing my own hard-on against his thigh once or twice. In a way, it was kind of exciting, and neither one of us bothered apologizing to the other.

"Mmm, I see you've got him all primed up for me already," Tanya confided to Karen. "What happened that got him all up in the air like this?"

"Umm, our parents?" she was told with a hint of humour in her tone. Tanya's raised eyebrows had Karen explaining what we'd seen, and her tale got Dwayne even more aroused, a fact not lost on my sister. She just smiled at him with that treacherous look of conspiracy that only girls can pull off.

"Your parents were fucking this morning? While you two were watching?" Dwayne's exasperated voice squeaked. "No wonder Steve's so horny!"

By now, Tanya was stroking my hard cock as I strummed on her clit, while my sister was enjoying Dwayne's hardness. The difference in their height had the tall boy twisting to reach down to my sister's pussy, resulting in his cock pushing out into the open where it was almost impossible to miss. The sight of him being jacked off further aroused both Tanya and me, making her pussy even wetter as her juices flowed freely.

"If it were my parents," Tanya muttered just loud enough that only we could hear her, "I'd be tempted to pull the sheet off them and expose what they were doing."

"Don't think the idea didn't cross my mind," Karen supplied. "Just listening to them fuck half the night had my pussy sopping wet. Damn, am I ever horny today ... and Dwayne's fingers feel so damned good! Make me cum for you, Sweetie. Let's go off together. Gawd, I want to see you spurt, so bad!"

Moments later, Dwayne exploded, his semen shooting in long streams as my sister pumped him such that she kept him cumming long after his balls had drained. He'd been reduced to dribbles as her own climax swept over her, her mouth against his chest in an attempt to muffle screams of delight.

Before Karen had hit the peak of her orgasm, Tanya's breathing became raspy and ragged, and she, too, muffled her screams by pressing her mouth into the hollow between my neck and shoulder. I knew I was close, and her trembling became the trigger to my own climax. Despite being caught up in an orgasm, Tanya pulled and stroked me, making sure that my spunk spurted up our bellies as she struggled to drain me completely. The warmth of my own seed felt extremely erotic for some reason. I became lost in the delight of the orgasm she was giving me.

All four of us gasped wildly in an effort to get our breathing back under control, Karen clinging to Dwayne in an attempt to maintain her balance, and Tanya sinking into my arms as I tried to steady her on her feet. I could see the glassy unfocused look of my shower-mates, probably identical to mine, and realized that for the first time since we'd arrived at Kanata Camp, I was not only happy to have given Tanya sexual relief, but also now understood that she found pleasure in being a part of mine. She gazed up at me, her focus slowly returning.

"Wow!" I heard my girlfriend exclaim. "You took me higher than I ever remember being, Baby," she added in a sultry but satiated tone. "I wonder if it was because they were here too? I mean, when it was Karen, me, and you, that was amazing, but just knowing that Dwayne was a part of our little circle, and that I could watch him being jacked off made me even hornier. Do you think I might be getting into group sex?"

"Hmm, maybe we'll have to look into that," I teased, "but it was hot, seeing him shoot cum all over Karen's stomach. Almost as good as feeling you making me cum on both of us. That was awesome!"

"Tanya got some of your cum on me, too," Karen told us, "and I think she got Dwayne's leg." My sister inspected her boyfriend, then confirmed her observation with a taste test. "Yep, that's Steve's alright. It doesn't taste anything like Dwayne's."

We struggled back out of the shower to dry off. As we stepped out of the stall, Dwayne seemed to have something on his mind that left him looking unsettled. I asked him what was bugging him, and he reluctantly told me.

"Umm, when you shot off, I saw your semen spurting, and ... and I thought it was hot! Does that mean I'm gay?" I had to chuckle at his naivety, and reassured him that there wasn't much chance of that.

"Buddy, I saw you go off too, and you're right. It did look hot. But I'm definitely not gay, trust me. Maybe a bit of a voyeur, just like you seem to be. But I'm only interested in girls, and unless you know something that I don't, I'll bet you feel exactly the same way ... or are you getting hot for my body?" Dwayne looked uncomfortable until he realized that I was pulling his leg, then let a grin lift his lips and his spirits.

Drying each other off turned into a sensuous wrestling match, with Karen and Dwayne struggling to see who could do the most damage with one towel. Tanya and I didn't have that problem, as she was a lot less sensitive between her thighs than I was in my groin. As soft as those towels were, there's just something about being stroked with terry-cloth that has zero appeal to all but the most masochistic guys — and I'm not one of those guys.

Breakfast was a rushed event, although the girls took the time to pack enough sandwiches and fresh fruit to keep the army of a small European country going for two or three generations. Looking at the size of the backpack they'd stuffed, I was beginning to wonder if we'd need an extra pack horse in addition to the four mounts for ourselves. I'll say one thing for Karen and Tanya. When they considered filling their guy's stomachs, they sure didn't skimp.

John Vance, the stable manager, set us up with four relatively calm horses, showing us how to saddle them, then giving us all a quick lesson in horsemanship. I thought I knew enough about riding to skip the tutorials, but I actually learned a lot and felt a little more secure with that new knowledge under my belt. By nine o'clock, we were on the trail to the quarry, with Dwayne leading, Karen next, Tanya behind her, and me bringing up the rear. Actually, I kind of enjoyed being last, because I could watch both Karen and Tanya's behinds rolling in their saddles. That might not sound overly exciting, but with those two girls it was an erotic show that I don't think could ever be topped.

We all appreciated Pete's idea of taking horses, both because it made the trip a lot easier on us and because it got us to the quarry by a little after ten-thirty. Those extra twenty-five minutes each way would mean more time that we could spend enjoying the day, the scenery, and each other.

I'd had an idea of what that romantic little spot would look like from Pete and Keira's description, but I wasn't prepared for how quiet and beautiful it actually was. Coming out of the trees and into a lush meadow, a crystal clear pond reflected the sun's light and looked deep enough to safely dive into from any one of the large granite blocks that formed a series of islands in the middle. At the far end was a waterfall that cascaded over a forty foot cliff, fed by some source that we couldn't see from where we were. Dwayne spotted a trail that left the far end of the meadow, supposedly for access to the upper plateau.

John had shown us how to make an impromptu hobble for the horses, instructing us to leave enough rope between the two attachment points so that they could move about the meadow to graze, but not long enough that they could either trot or gallop off. Essentially, there was a loose loop around the neck, and the other end was tied to what amounted to the left knee, that part of the leg where it bends forward about half way up. That allowed enough movement to walk, but not to run. Dwayne turned out to be good at knots and had three horses hobbled before I got one done. Anyone else would have gloated, but Dwayne just came over and gave me some instruction while letting me learn at my own pace. Once I'd finally finished, I really did appreciate both his help and his encouragement.

By now, the sun had started to warm the day enough that a leisurely swim made sense, both to cool off and to wash down the trail dust. Karen tested the water temperature, then whistled happily.

"Steve," Karen called out, "this is like a heated swimming pool! Come check it out."

The entire pond seemed to be fed by thermal springs, and combined with the heat of the sun, the water was almost as warm as a tepid bath. It might not cool us down much, but it would sure rinse off the dust.

I'd followed her lead by dipping my toe into the clear water, and was amazed at just how warm it actually was. I couldn't wait to get in, and challenged my sister to a race to one of the islands. She chose the finish point and we dove in at almost the exact same second. My sister might be a little smaller than me, but that girl swims like a fish. I had about as much chance of winning that contest as a snowball surviving in Hell.

By the time I got to the block that Karen had chosen, she was sitting on it, gloating at me and straining like hell to keep from doing a happy dance for my benefit. But as I hoisted myself out onto the rock, she wiggled herself close to my side intimately.

"Beat ya! But this place is perfect, isn't it?" she murmured softly. "Are you still going to ... you know ... with Tanya?"

"I hope so, Sis. Like you say, this place is perfect, but I'm curious about what's at the top of that waterfall. How about Tanya and I head up there later, and you and Dwayne can have the pond to yourselves? Got anywhere specific in mind yet?"

"That's our business, Snoop. I don't stick my nose into where you're going to pop your girlfriend's cherry, and I don't think it's any of your business where I lose mine, or when, either," she scolded. I knew as soon as the words were out that she was right, and took my lumps deservedly. But Karen had made her point, not belabouring it any further. I kissed her cheek, expecting that to be the end of the conversation.

"See that flat rock over by those trees?" she pointed out. I nodded once my sight had followed her pointing finger and identified where she'd indicated.

"That's the place. It's open enough to get to easily, flat enough to be relatively comfortable, if a rock can be called comfortable, yet hidden from the trail by those trees. How about you? Got somewhere in mind?"

"Now who's being snoopy?" I teased her gently. But she'd shared her visions with me, and I felt I owed her the same consideration. "I'd like to have a look at what's up there on the plateau first, but if I was going to chose somewhere down here, you see those three blocks over by the waterfall? They'd be open to the sky, but out of sight from anywhere else. Maybe if we decide on somewhere up top, you and Dwayne might want that spot."

"Maybe, but I still like my choice better. Would you mind if I passed on your suggestion, Steve? I kind of want to do this my way, and Dwayne will probably go along with anything I suggest. He's a great guy, and I love him a lot, but he's about as romantic as a rutabaga. Years from now, he'll thank me for picking that particular rock ... I hope," she filled me in on some of the intimate parts of her version of why we'd come up here in the first place.

"So today's the day?" I pried a little more.

"If Dwayne still wants to, I think it is. You and Tanya?" Karen opened a part of her soul to me.

"I want to, and I'm pretty sure Tanya does too, but she gets the final say. I sure won't force her. It wouldn't feel right if she didn't do it because it's what she wants. Not to me, anyway," I told her.

"Think I'd have a problem with Dwayne if I changed my mind at the last minute?" her niggling concern leaked out.

"After yesterday? Probably not, but I'm not going to be looking over your shoulder to pull him off, Karen. You'd better be real sure that this is what you want. If he hurts you, you know what I'll do, but that guy could probably cripple me for life if he wanted to. Sometimes I think your nickname for him is really appropriate. He treats you like fragile glass, but God help anyone that hurts you while he's around. I only have one real burning question about Dwayne Preston that I can't seem to resolve."

"What's that?" my sister bit on my lead-in.

"I wonder what he'd look like with green skin?"

I got slapped for that one, and deserved it too, but it was worth it. Dwayne might be an adolescent version of The Hulk, but his heart belonged to my sister. What more could a big brother ask for, especially for someone that meant as much to me as Karen did? And to make up for her assault, she went so far as to even kiss my lips with all the feeling she had for her big brother. In that one moment, I knew that both Karen and Dwayne were meant to be with each other.

"You'd better be nice to my guy, Steve," I was warned. "He means a lot to your little sister, you know."

"I know, Sis, and if I have to entrust you to someone else for a while, I can't think of anyone I'd feel as comfortable about as Dwayne. He cares for you as much as I do. I couldn't ask for more, to be honest."

"You going to sit here all afternoon, buttering up your little sister and practising seduction, or you going to go show that girl of yours just how much you love her?" Karen murmured low enough that only she and I could hear her words.

"I love you, Karen. Try not to forget that, okay?" and before she could say or do anything else, I stood up and dove into the water, making a beeline to where Tanya sat waiting.

"What were you two talking about?" Tanya asked as I pulled myself out of the water and into her arms.

"Nothing much. Just brother and sister stuff," I tried to weasel out of sharing Karen's confession.

"Oh? Since when do you and I have secrets from each other?" she sounded a little miffed, although I couldn't quite figure out if it was from not knowing what my sister had in mind, or that I wouldn't betray that confidence Karen had entrusted me with.

"Since my sister shared a part of herself with me, and I became the guy that has a lot of respect for her privacy," I answered softly. "Princess, please don't ask me to betray Karen like this. There are things between you and me that are just as private and personal, and I won't share them with her for the same reasons."

"Steve, as much as I'm dying to find out what she's planning, I respect you for what you're doing. Maybe that's part of why I love you," and she kissed me sensuously to emphasize her point.

Once back where we'd left our mounts, I removed hobbles, then held Tanya's horse while she pulled herself up on the saddle. She let me lead as we set off. It would have been nice if the trail had been wider, because then we could have held hands as we went. But there were a couple of spots where it was barely wide enough for one horse, let alone two side by side.

Finally we broke out of the trees and were greeted with the sight of another small meadow that had a slow stream running through the middle. That stream widened into a pool that widened for about fifty feet before it reached the edge of the cliff overlooking the lower pond, then tumbled over the edge. I expected the water to be cold and mountain fed, and dipped my toe into it, only to find it a lot warmer than any stream has a right to be. All I could conclude was that the stream originated from one or more hot springs or it ran over one that also fed the pool. Where it came from wasn't as important to me as the fact that the water was comfortably heated.

Tanya dismounted, then began to survey this little piece of paradise we'd stumbled on. As soon as I was off my own horse, I took the time to put the hobbles back on, getting Tanya to hold our steeds while I did. We left them to graze on the sweet grasses at the edge of the meadow. That left us time to study our surroundings and each other.

"Steve, this pool water is almost like a bathtub," Tanya reported as she, too, tested the temperature with her toes. "Have we got time for a swim?"

"Do we have anything else on the calendar for today?" I giggled to her.

My comment was met with an angry frown that slowly became an understanding grin. She reached out her hand for me and without warning, pulled me to her, then past her and into the water with a big splash. As soon as I reached the surface again, I was greeted with the svelte form of a beautiful girl, her back arched as she dove in behind me. Her entrance into the water played out in my head like a slow motion movie clip as I seemed to memorize her every movement. Even that simple dive was a thing of beauty to me.

As I waited for her to surface, I felt soft, silky hands touch my lower back, then sensuously slide up until they were on my shoulders, augmented with the feel of Tanya's breasts pressed against my shoulder blades. My first reaction was to try and turn around so that I could take her in my arms. But as soon as I tried, she pushed my shoulders in a way that said she wanted me to remain standing as I was. At first I couldn't understand why, but as she felt me relax and do her bidding, those hands began to move off my shoulders and down my back once more. There were a myriad of sensations as she sampled and savoured every inch of my back before lightly squeezing the muscles of my butt. I could feel myself beginning to enjoy the twitching in my groin as my cock started to react.

"Mmm, that feels good," I mumbled to her.

"You feel good," she replied, then moved her hands around my hips and ran her fingers through my pubic hair without touching anything lower than that. Lightly rubbing horizontally, my body was torn between being stimulated sexually and relaxing sufficiently to drink in what was actually happening. Although I found a desire to want the former, there was a real joy from experiencing the latter. If she wanted to make me hard, she would, in her own good time.

After several minutes of soaking up her attentions, I slowly started to turn again, now meeting no resistance. When we were standing face to face, my lips sought hers. Once we started to kiss, slowly and lightly at first, but with more want as we continued, it was only a matter of time before our passions exploded inside, making us aware of our want. My hands left her waist where they'd held her and slowly moved down to her ass. As I pulled her lower body tight to me, Tanya lifted onto tiptoes and pressed her belly against my semi-erect manhood.

"Steve, I want this," she whispered between kisses. "We've talked about it until hell froze over. Can we make today the day and this the place? Please? I'm going crazy wanting you, and I'm tired of waiting."

"Princess, with what you do to me, I don't think I could wait much longer anyway," I let her know. "See that ledge over by the waterfall?" She turned just long enough to look at the landmark I'd mentioned, then returned to gaze deeply in my eyes.

"There's a flat rock over there," I went on. "That's where I want to be right now, holding you in my arms and pleasuring this beautiful body of yours. Care to go for a swim?"

Tanya smiled lovingly, kissed me once more, then gracefully turned and arched into the water. When she resurfaced, she began to tread water while waiting for me to join her. I was in the water and beside her in seconds. We swam slowly across the pool until we reached that flat rock I'd spotted earlier. As she pulled herself onto it, I helped her by cupping my hands over the cheeks of her ass. Not only did they feel good to me, but the assist was something she enjoyed too, and not just because of the helping hands. Just as she'd done to me earlier, I took the time to gently squeeze her rear cheeks gently while I luxuriated in their soft pliability. As soon as she was up, I hoisted myself beside her, then held her in my arms as I lay on my back. Tanya now looked into my eyes with a message of love that I couldn't miss.

"I want you, you know," she re-enforced her earlier declaration.

"I know," was all I could answer, for I knew how she felt from her words and by the way she acted. "I want you too."

She crushed her lips on mine, her tongue lightly seeking admission. I happily granted her access, then soared to the heights of bliss as we duelled with each other for several minutes. In that time, my hands had found her breasts that she'd pushed into my chest, her nipples hardening as they became engorged. My actions were greeted with a lustful moan. Then out of the clear blue, Tanya began to giggle.

"Okay, I give up," I murmured as we broke our kiss, "what's so funny?"

"I was just thinking", she softly laughed. "This is the part where I wonder how you're going to undress me. It's kind of silly, I know, but it's something that girls wonder about when it's their first time with a special guy."

"Mmm-hmm", I had to agree with her, although it did add to the mood. "I guess there are advantages to this place besides the obvious."

"What obvious?" she became semi-serious.

"I get to see you naked whenever I want, and in your case, that's just about every second of every day."

"Just about? You mean there's times when you don't want to see me naked?"

"No," I had to confess. "I always love seeing your gorgeous body, but there are times when it's not at the forefront of my mind."

"Like when?" she pushed her inquisition.

"Like when I'm sitting on a toilet, for instance, or eating when I'm by myself. Times like that," I grinned as I answered her enquiry.

"You dirty old man!" she exclaimed with a mock tone of indignation.

"Am not!" I refuted her accusation. "I just got out of the water, so I'm not dirty, and I'm only seventeen, which eliminates being old!"

"Okay, okay! But I was a third right ... I hope!"

"Technically? I'm not a man ... yet, but we can do something about that."

"You're not?" she questioned, not quite getting the drift of my statement.

"No more than you're a woman," I teased between a couple of light kisses, "but we can do something about that, too."

"Mmm, I like the way you think sometimes. Not often, but in this case... " she snickered happily, then resumed her attack on my lips. My hands went back to enjoying what they'd been doing and Tanya went back to moaning happily.

Between kisses, I took a quick look to make sure there was enough room to roll us both over. The thought of falling into the water instead of staying on that rock almost had me chuckling, but after my girlfriend had gotten us sidetracked once, I really didn't think another interruption would be conducive to making love. That survey told me that as long as I stayed on top of her, we'd have enough space to make the manoeuvre. Just to be doubly safe, I shifted myself to one side of the water-worn slab that acted as our bed.

"Where are you going, Mr. Hellman?" I was asked before she followed my lead.

"There's a small piece of rock trying to crawl up my ass," I fibbed.

Tanya giggled again, her laughter like music to my ears. But she was right there beside me, once again laying against my chest as we resumed our liplock. If nothing else, it almost seemed like she was afraid that I'd bolt and leave her stranded. That would never happen, I knew, although I realized that I needed to convince her of that. But at the moment, she had me trapped in a position that I was in no hurry to leave.

Without giving Tanya any kind of warning, I quickly rolled over, shifting my position at the same time so that her breasts were at my head. In one quick manoeuvre, I took a nipple between my lips and began to suckle while lightly nipping on her engorged teat. She retaliated by grasping the back of my skull and almost smothered me against her chest. Lightly flicking my tongue on her nipple caused a sudden gasp of elated shock, and she released that grip just enough so that I could slither down her belly with my lips.

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Not This TimeChapter 29 Easier Said Than Done

Of course, real life intruded on my firm resolve. Janna had asked me to put together a list of my ‘predictions, ‘ both those that had already come true and those that were scheduled in the coming years. It was something that I worked on regularly and that she read, pointing out where I’d already changed the course of events. So many of the things I remembered were what happened with Willa and, while there were some similarities, Emily was a different child. That’s weird. I’m a mother. In...

2 years ago
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My first time

My first time was with my really cute best friend. He was a year older than me, he had a six pack, and he knew a lot about sex. We were both bi and he said that he had never had sex with a man, and he thought it was cute that I was 19 and still a virgin. We were at one of our friend's HUGE houses in Los Angeles. We had to share a room since there weren't enough for us each to have our own. We had a room that overlooked the entire skyline of LA, it even had a balcony. It was still early evening...

4 years ago
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One Silent Night

Carter has been in love with Mia for years, but it takes a Christmas miracle to throw them together… This is the story I wrote for the CAW 14 competition on the Forum. I hope you like it! If you want to, I would appreciate it if you could go give it a vote. Its a pretty long story, so if youre only here for thee sex, well, I supposed you can just scroll down to the bottom. All comments are welcome, as always! One Silent Night By Hornypixy Carter stood by his window, one eye on the watch...

2 years ago
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Lund Ka Dum Nikla

Me farah ek muslim samaj se belong karti hu aur me bahut gori aur sexy figure wali ek middle class family se hu.Mummy papa k death k bad me ghar ka sara kam karti hu aur apne dono bhaiyo ko sambhalti bhi hu. Me ek bank me clerk hu aur mere dono bhai tayab aur ekbal ek college me padae karte h.Meri gori aur sexy jism k karan us bank me bahut sare customers mujhse attrack hote the aur woh bar bar aate h jisse bank manager bahut khush rehta h.Ek din me apni scooty se bank se ghar aa rhi thi ki...

1 year ago
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MILFOverload Syren De Mer Katie Morgan Lauren Phillips Dee Williams Caitlin Bell Payback Overload

Tyler Cruise arrives at a house holding a bouquet of flowers. He knocks on the door and cheerfully greets the woman, Lauren Phillips, who answers. ‘I have a special delivery from AT Gardens for a Mrs. Phillips!’ he announces, though Lauren looks suspicious as she eyes the flowers. She asks who the flowers are from and when Tyler gives her husband’s name, she starts fuming. ‘I can’t BELIEVE– come inside, young man!’ Lauren says as she hauls Tyler inside....

3 years ago
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Beloved Daughter

Let me first tell you about the legendary Bacchantes of ancient Greek mythology. They were nymphs or even mortal women thought to be possessed. As they gathered in moonlit groves, they indulged in drinking and having sex, turning wild and murdering men, tearing the flesh off their limbs and eating it. Ah, well... Beloved daughter. A story of blood and madness. Liz. Elizabeth Carlson was almost fifteen when the first change came. It wasn’t a physical thing, like her first menstruation or...

2 years ago
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Bimboville Saga

Disclaimer: This story features oversized proportions, meaning cocks, breasts and male muscles are overly proportioned and are not possible in real life, especially the cocks. While the story will not enter hyper proportioned space, be aware that there will be a decent focus on at least 14-inch cocks, overly muscular studs and bimbos that have tits the size of their heads. If you are thinking about adding a chapter writing by yourself, please have those kinks in mind. Underage sex, Incest,...

3 years ago
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Graces Liberation

Grant (60 year old widow) encounters Grace (30 year old) in a crowded bar located on the ground floor of his apartment building. They have worked together for the last year. She is quite staid and reserved at work, dressing conservatively. However she has told him that she is quite different in her own time and loves to party and drink her wines and spirits. He notices that her girlfriends have gradually abandoned her. He knows that he needs to rescue her with a couple of guys already circling...

2 years ago
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Sex With Gf

Hi, guys! I am Jenny Jin from Mumbai. Let me introduce myself m 30 yrs old average build and fair complexion. And also with a tool of 6-7 inches. I am new here so kindly give me feedbacks and support me. This is my real 2nd sex story. This sex story is of this year Jan had sex with my girlfriend. And she is my true love. Coming to the girl of this sex story and my love, her name is Piyu(changed)! She is 26 yrs and is having a very sexy body of 34-28-34. Her height is 5’2″ so she looks amazing...

3 years ago
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The Blatter Supremacy

Having just dominated and degraded the female psychiatrist Dr. Noory, having just handed her over to a convenience-store clerk to do with her as he pleased, Percy Blatter drove home.Opening the front door with his key, he was immediately confronted by his blond, long-haired, big-breasted cheating whore of a wife."Where the hell have---" she began, but never got to finish, as Percy punched her full-force in the face, eliciting a gasp AND a cry of pain, which hardened his cock."SHUT UP, CUNT!" he...

1 year ago
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Photographer Ch 10

Everybody was happy with the outcome of the divorce settlement except for of course Mr. Blair. Within the next six months Mr. Blair sold both of his houses, liquidated all of his companies and moved without leaving any forwarding address. He established a trust fund for each of his grandchildren in the amount of one million to be managed by his daughter until they were eighteen, gave his daughter and son-in-law five million dollars and left town. Attorney Barker called Mr. Blair’s daughter and...

2 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 4

Bob hadn't thought about his daughter since half time, when he'd called up to the box to see how she was doing, and had found out she hadn't showed up. None of the girls had. When he checked his phone he found a message from Judith that said they'd had a flat tire, but not to worry. They'd be a little late. He hadn't had time to worry about it then. The game was tight, but his players had what it took to win. He knew it ... could feel it in his bones. All they had to do was keep from...

3 years ago
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Sister Does DogsChapter 2

Scotty gave a little yelp as he ran over to the table in the middle of the room. He stood there, gazing up at his naked mistress, his long, pink tongue lolling out of one side of his mouth. Dog-drool dribbled off the end of it. He panted. His body was tensed. He looked as if he were barely able to restrain himself, but he seemed to sense that Biff was the one in charge here and that he had best not move until he received his next command. "Ready for Scotty now, Sis?" Biff asked...

3 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 51 Jeffs Three Nurses

"Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm up for a game of volleyball," Kari said. "What?" asked Gwen. "We just showered." "And some of us are already a little dirty," she replied. "Besides, the water's been off long enough that there should be enough hot water again." "Well, I for one refuse to get back into my sweaty clothes," Rebecca said, and the rest of the girls agreed with her. "Who said anything about clothes?" asked Kari with a wicked grin. Everyone's eyes...

2 years ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 5 Back To Reality Joe The Cuckold

Joe stands behind Caroline as she sits at the table writing. He lifts her long hair to one side to uncover the nape of her neck, kisses it gently before saying, "Tell me again, Caz. Tell me how his cock tasted.""I've an essay to finish," Caroline says, her pen moving quickly across the page."Please, Caz. It won't take long. I've got a hard-on just thinking about him having you like that."It's five nights since Caroline's visit to Dammartin Manor. This evening she's sat at home doing coursework...

Wife Lovers
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My Fairy TaleChapter 7

"I know, Erma. I am so thankful that Ritu gave your health back. I am also glad you will not die if I am killed now." I thought I had stuck a spark plug wire to both of them. They both jumped up and started fussing and shaking their fingers. I caught both of them up in a hug and said, "I am not going to do anything dangerous. It just makes me rest easier to know that if I am accidentally killed that it will not kill you." "I love you both so much it hurts me to think of you dying...

4 years ago
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     Enjoy You stand at my back,lean in so I feel your rack.  Pull my hands out of sight;I feel a handcuff closing tight. Be my slave tonight,I promise to treat you right. Your hands are cold, as you slip on the blindfold. You glide them down my back,all I can see is black. My knees feel weekas you caress my ass cheek Squeezing my ass tightyou whisper “I just might take a bite”  Or maybe just a nibbleas you pinch my nipple  I said you are nicefor that I must pay the price You take loud...

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Russia is a hard country. Moscow is no exception to that rule, in fact it might just be the factor that pushes the whole country over the edge. The life is hard, women are hard, the police are hard and the drinks are the hardest. It makes me think I should have gone to Prague, but I wanted to see what things were like since I’d last been here, since the Iron Curtain lifted to reveal a world of makeshift capitalism and black market gangsters.In Russia everyone smokes. It’s the smoke that got me....

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My girlfriends stripper roommate

She lived in a 2 story house with a roommate that at one time she slept with, but since then they had stayed friends. Me personally, I had no issues with this. I was friends with her ex before I had met her. Anyway, they were only friends and besides he fancied himself a Casanova and always had several different girlfriends that would come by and stay with him. The house was set up with the main living area downstairs with the kitchen and dining room. Upstairs was 3 bed...

1 year ago
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This was a dream I had some time ago, and thought I would relate it to you as best I can remember. It occurred during a time when I had been without a partner for quite some time, and can still create that instant flash of arousal when I recall the feelings generated. This was the one and only time I can remember being awakened by an orgasm. I have, of course, fleshed it out somewhat to make it readable, but the basic images were part of my dream and I've tried to relate it truthfully. It was...

4 years ago
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Bryan and Cathy

Bryan and Cathy Part 1 By underwhereI had been friends with Cathy Smith for only a few months.  We were both 19.  Our friendship had blossomed quite rapidly, though.  We had both come to the same college after graduating from high school.  It turns out that we didn't even live that far apart from each other, but because we didn't go to the same elementary or high schools, neither of us knew each other back then.Cathy had shared a lot with me about her past.  Although her father had occasionally...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Night in Paris Ch 08

Standing on the Petit Pont, Samantha Bowers thought she was the luckiest woman alive. As the daughter of an oppressive father, she had held out little hope of escaping his house except as the bride of a similarly narrow-minded husband. That she had managed to escape to New York had been a minor miracle to her mind and one she was constantly happy about. Then finding a job that would give her the opportunity to travel to Paris and other exotic locations was simply incomprehensible to her. She...

2 years ago
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My REAL life as an amateur cd superstarsee profil

Earlier,I wrote about what real cd sex was like.What I'm gonna say now isn't fiction.See my galleries.The turning point for me was my 1st 3some.I met Gloria and she came with a professional makeover.She turned me on to a salon in Staten isl called fairplay that catered exclusively to cd's.I'll never forget when I saw myself for the 1st time when my makeover was done.see my 1st pic in motherload gallery.I was hot!Really hot!When I posted pics from that gettogether with gloria and 2 other gurls...

1 year ago
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Is It A Sin To Allow Yourself To Be Taken

I won't lie to you and say that I didn't have anything to do with the following events that transpired. I won't tell you that I was just an innocent victim, because that isn't true. I asked for this, played with fire, let the monster into my life, and naively thought that i could somehow control the outcome of what was to ultimately be ... and in retrospect, (hindsight 20/20,) i don't think i truly understood what the consequences of my desire would produce, nor comprehend the fiery need that...

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Flight Story

That day was another dayLike other daysThat's my weekly holidayIt was, but this timeI had a holiday until Monday.I am aComputer engineer, i amT companiesWork as Team LeaderI do my jobEveryone is very careful and I have beforeWhat is exactly done is the wholeCalm downSo I think about marriageI especially,now. But physical hungermeetSometimes, if you get a chance, then CudiyeNoWith my office friendsNot flirtingSometimes or a day's friendWithRestoring your body requirementsBut then notToday was...

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Mama Ki Beti Ke Sath Maze Kiye Raat Mein

Ye story meri aur meri mama ki beti ke sath hai. Mera naam Suvam hai, aur main Delhi mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’8″ hai, aur mere lund ka size bhi 5.5 inch hai. Ye story 4 saal pehle ki hai, jab mere mama ki beti mere ghar aayi thi. Uska naam Sarita hai, aur wo age mein mujhse ek saal badi hai. Kaafi khoobsurat thi wo dikhne mein, aur uske boobs bhi bade the aur gaand bhi moti-moti thi. Wo 1st year ki exam ki chuttiyon mein aayi thi, aur meri bhi chutti thi. Wo aur main sath mein tv dekhte...

3 years ago
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Janets dirty games with me part 2

"You remember last saturday, you naughty boy? Well, if you wanna get it back, you better follow me..." This time, I followed her with much less resistance - and, sure enough, she walked around the corridors with me until the 5th hour started, then headed for the boys changing room down in the basement and went straight in. "So you seemed to like the little game last week - this time, we'll get into the a bit more serious things. And remember, you want back your book without ripped pages...

2 years ago
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Curious WM 30 Ch 02

slut boy – cunt boy – cock sucker – ball licker – naughty slut – curious – bi-curious"Karl, can you pickup the dry cleaning today?""What, dear?""Aren't you listening? You seem distracted.""It's nothing, dear. What did you say?""I need you to pick up the dry cleaning today, can you do that?""Of course, dear. I'll get it this morning after I do the breakfast dishes and make the beds." We've been sleeping in separate beds in separate rooms for some time now because she says I snore, maybe that's...

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Best Friends Get Close

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn’t exactly what you’d call the most popular kid in school but I got through the day. I hung around with a couple of friends at lunch, all girls but this one boy called Josh, he liked hanging with the girls cus he loved fashion. He bordered on being emo, with his black straightened hair finishing a little above his shoulders; he...

4 years ago
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Coming to AmericaChapter 3 Nikki Truly Happy at Last

Scott was drunk. He'd had a terrible day, and he just wanted to lose himself in a haze of alcohol. He was sick at heart, and felt he just couldn't take any more. He knew he was one of the most successful businessmen in the world, but sometimes feelings of pessimism seemed to overwhelm him and he just had to go away and steep himself in alcohol for a day or two. It never made him feel better, but he had to do it. He supposed it was his most serious character flaw. Meanwhile, Nikki had been...

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Missy Learns

Part 1 It was finally the end of the school year and graduation was right around the corner. Then summer. A hot, sexy summer with Bob if she had anything to say about it. Missy smiled at herself in the mirror and then went out the door. The man absolutely drove her crazy. He was the most patient person in the world, it was maddening. Every time he had taken her it was wild and red hot, but then he wouldn’t touch her for days on end, sometimes weeks. He never, ever talk about any...

3 years ago
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A Time for SharingChapter 6

I was down on my hands and knees trying to force one of the new couplers I'd been attaching to the old hoses I'd purchased to plug into one of the old irrigation pipe fittings I was trying to use. I was getting frustrated by my lack of success, and by the fact that the leaking water was soaking my jeans all around where my knees contacted the ground. I hadn't been able to figure out why the damn thing wouldn't fit like it was supposed to. "You can't get a male coupler to slide into a...

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A Transvestite Autobiography

A Transvestite Autobiography I've had a number of questions and responses and thought someone should write why they do this cross dressing stuff. So if I may, I'd like to tell readers of my sad tale. I come from a large Catholic family, five brothers and two sisters, and I'm right in the middle. At an early age, one of my older brothers told me that my parents didn't want me; they were trying for a girl. I don't know if he told that to my younger brother, but he's so messed up...

1 year ago
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My First Time With Jackie The End

“Ok Jackie you don’t have to tell me, but trust me; you will leave here feeling very satisfied; because I’m going to tear that cootchie up girl.” I laughed, but kept my eyes on her. I needed her to know that I meant it. She just blushed and opened her legs wider…   I left her panties on and asked her to lie on her stomach. I began to gently massage her back, while giving her soft little pecks… I loved her reaction to my touch, her skin all goose bumpy and her soft moans...

1 year ago
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Lifes Lessons

Looking out over the ocean the sunrise sparkled like a billion diamonds scattered there by God. The waves were pounding the shore like thunder. Most surfers are out at dawn because the wind is almost non-existent at that early hour and the waves have the best shape. By nine AM the sets are usually blown out. The surf report said there was a red flag warning of high surf and rip tides. A perfect day for surfing! My son Bryan and I were waxing our boards getting ready for an epic day of surfing....

2 years ago
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Evil Wife

A while back I came into contact with a woman I had not seen in a while, she was older then me she was in her mid fortys and i had just turned 21. I had always lusted after her and she knew it. We had been neighbors and we flirted a lot and she would let me rub her huge feet as I have a fetish but we never fucked, untill we met again. Her husband had become a complete ass she told me and did things to piss her off. She told me his latest act had been buying an expensive bed that he knew she...

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Babysiters Beating

BABY-SITTERS BEATING We had trouble finding a baby-sitter that night. Our usual girl was on holidaybut this event was too important to miss. "The Annual Law Society Ball" wasa perfect opportunity for my wife Patricia to network. Having had nine monthsmaternity leave she was busy building up her practice once more. Carrie therefore came as a major relief. We didn't know her, but she wasrecommended by some friends. Seventeen years old, she studied at the localcollege and lived with her...

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Mindy Proves She Is Not A Prude Part Three

Mindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her.  She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed.  He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent.She did not respond to him.  She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her.  She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend.  Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk.She planned on calling Damon...

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Back Door WivesChapter 5

His finger entered her cunt as he spoke. She bit her lip in surprise, her blue eyes as big as teacups. "Oh!" Tricia gasped, her belly undulating while his finger moved in shallow but exciting passes. She was moving up and down on the balls of her feet, and alternate cold and hot flashes swept through her body. He kept on kissing her, still fucking her with his finger, and she became aware that Kate's mouth, too, was getting into the kiss. Her head was turned, and her girlfriend's wet...

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The first argument MF true story

A third story and while I will write one eventually about "Amber" my wife I dunno I was looking through pics of "Kristen" and thought hmm I had a few good story worthy times with her maybe just one more Kristen story and then focus in on an Amber story.... So here it isI hate fights but Kristen always knew how to push my buttons and there was one time in 2010 that was no different. Me and Kristen had been having issues pretty much since December (I should of known the break up that lasted all...

3 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 19

Bathed in red light with sirens blaring, Mason and Bridges have their weapons up scanning the area for something to shoot. They are not expecting the hands reaching out of the ground suddenly grabbing them. They turn their weapons toward the ground not letting panic seize them and pelt the ground. Snow and chunks of ice fly up. The hands disappear just as quickly as they appeared. “Well that was different,” Mason says. The doors to the facility open just then. The red light cuts off and is...

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Meagans Self Imposed ExileChapter 1

Peter picked up the rag that had been thrown at him while remaining on his knees. He put one hand on Meagan's round ass as he started wiping his cum off of Meagan's legs. Debbie was working on her daughter's lower belly, trying especially hard to wipe off any of Peter's semen before it seeped under the hand guarding Meagan's pussy. "I can't believe how much cum there is to clean up!" Debbie said in amazement. Without thinking, she added. "I've never seen a cock cum like that...

2 years ago
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First Time Meeting

We’ve been chatting online for a while. We’ve teased each other. We’ve shared the naughty things we want to do to each other. And, now, we finally have a chance to meet up. It’s nothing extreme, just a simple meet up at a coffee shop not too far from you. I’ve thought a lot about what could happen The more I think about it, the faster my heart races and the harder my dick gets, but the more I second guess myself. You see, I want to fuck you. Senselessly. I know how long it’s been for you. I...

Straight Sex
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Didi Ko Choda Akele Me

Hi friends, mera naam sahir 28 yr bengalore,height 5.9 gym body,fair and dick 7 inches, Yeh bath un dino ki hai jab mai chutty guzaarne dubai se bengalore aaya tha.Meri cousin didi ki umr 30 married saudi me rehti hai,gora rang height 5.5 figur ka to jawab nahi,koi dekhe to kahe ki kachchi kali.Un dino woh bhi saudi se aayi hui thi. Meri nazar uspe padi to mai pagal hogaya.Uske boobs,ass dekhke mai bas uske khwaab dekhne laga,but kabhi sahi maukha nahi mila usko choone ka.Hum bahot kam bath...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens India Summer Cant Stop Cumming

Ricky Spanish knows that his new stepmom India Summer is hot hot hot and he wants her for himself. When he joins her in the kitchen and asks why he isn’t studying, Ricky doesn’t have a good answer. He tries to study at the table, but he’s distracted by India’s huge breasts! She notices his attention and offers to show him a little cleavage if he’ll just try studying. That doesn’t work well; Ricky now can’t stop beating his meat. India decides to take...

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Diavolo Ch 05

Abigail acquired a used car and then stopped at a shop and purchased a cell phone. The attendant had showed her an entire wall of technological wonders, way too complicated for her impatient simplistic mind to grapple with. She’d walked out with a small white phone and a basic understanding of how to deal with its functionality. Back outside, a shiver of apprehension had her gazing repetitiously over her shoulder. The eerie feeling of being watched followed her all the way to where she’d...

Love Stories
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PortalsChapter 8

"Gran was seen many times after she returned from the dead... As she faded from sight, she said "I will always be with you." --The Story of Gran Ch. 28 Line 1, Ch. 30 Line 14 Dahra drew a long sigh, closed her eyes, and rested her chin in her hands. The day was only half over and she was already exhausted. She had arrived at classroom one, just before nine, and discovered that the other five members of the team waiting for her. Krinan was the only one from the original group. The other...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi readers my name is Rahul and I am going to tell a about a real incident which happened with my younger cousin Shruti. She is very fair and her skin is smooth and soft. Her height is 5ft 4 inches and weighs about 58 kg.She has short black hair, which are smooth and silky which come till her back. And icing on the cake is her super sexy figure of 34-26-38.She goes to gym regularly and has toned her body, especially her juicy ass. I also regularly go to gym and have a well-built body and a dick...

4 years ago
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Marwood Time After

...Or that was the way it should have gone. For a brief moment, I suppose those female hormones got to us, and made us look at the world in real rosy tinted ways. Greer and I were lovers... in a sense. Why shouldn't it still work out? Yes that was how it was. But even as we started out, we had problems. It must have felt sweet holding a child, in a woman's form...I know it felt wild sitting in the back of the cycle. Hugging my dyke lover... the wind in my hair, my clit vibrating with the...

3 years ago
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College Time Freeze

I was just a normal guy. Mostly average. Graduated in the middle of my class, played football, basketball, and baseball. Was not a standout, just a position player that did his job. My best friend, Tyler, her was the star. He was on Varsity from Freshman till we graduated. He was Valedictorian, got scholarships to any school he wanted, both for sports and smarts. He dated Kimi, the head cheerleader and was always at all the parties. I was always the “oh, you can come too” invitee. Well, we...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Neighborhood Sister

Hi all, I am back with my story..any aunties/girls who are in need of safe sex can contact me on I am from tamilnadu. this story happened before a week. there is a neighbor hood friend of mine. i used to call her as sister. She is 2 years elder than me. She used to come to my home on weekends (that is the time when we have leave for college). I never had an intention to her until an incident happened. i happened to go to her home casually and when i went to her home, she was sweeping the house...

1 year ago
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Nominated For Best Picture

It’s been a long, dry season. The days have slowly turned into weeks, now approaching nearly a full month. It’s a love that burns deeply in their hearts but alas, it’s complicated. Married, but not to each other, the agony of separation gnaws at them daily. They’ve run the gamut from careless abandon to strategic get a-ways to this very difficult season, deciding not to see each other altogether. They have determined it is best to just be friends. They stay in touch through emails and...

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