Kanata SummerChapter 6
- 3 years ago
- 26
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"Steve, where's the month gone?" Karen wondered as we sat on our cabin's porch enjoying the afternoon sun.
"Beats me, Sis," I morosely replied.
We were reminiscing over the adventures we'd had during that fateful month of vacationing at Kanata Camp. Our initial reactions had been predictable; a whole month stuck in a remote naturist camp miles from anywhere had left us feeling like we'd been condemned to years of hard labour on a chain gang. But reality had proven it to be anything but. In point of fact, we'd been exposed — literally and figuratively — to some of the most memorable experiences of our adolescent lives.
With only six days left until we returned to the "civilized world", going home wasn't something we were looking forward to. The thought of not spending lazy days with my girlfriend had zero appeal for me, and Karen was even more reluctant to leave than I was. She'd fallen hopelessly in love with Dwayne. Now that they'd have to part company, there was almost a desperate attempt to cram as much of each other into their days as they could. So I was kind of surprised when we found ourselves alone at the cabin. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did.
"Are you going to keep on seeing Tanya?" my sister broke into the memories replaying in my mind.
"Gonna try, Sis. It's not that far to Water Valley from our place, and if I can get Dad to lend me the car, I really want to see her as often as I can. Might have to get a part-time job to pay for the gas, though. How about you? Have you talked to Hulk about after the summer?"
"Yeah. He says he'll be able to go for his driver's license in November, then come over to visit on weekends. But that's so long from now. I might go crazy by then."
"If you don't mind chipping in for gas, I can try to get the car and drive you up there once in a while. It would be nice if Tanya could drive, but she's afraid of learning how. We'll work something out. When are Preston's heading home?"
"Weekend after next, I think. You think Hulk will have forgotten me by then?" she moaned disquietingly.
"I doubt it. Elephants never forget!" I tried to tease some life back into my sister.
"You like sex? You like to travel?" she spat out. "You know what comes next after that one, so go do it!"
"Relax, Karen. I'm still on your side, you know. And I still love you, even if you are a little brat sometimes."
Karen looked up at me, then forced a smile onto her lips as she leaned against my chest.
"I know you do, Steve, and you have no idea how much I appreciate it, or how much I love to hear it. I think I've gotten closer to you in the last three weeks than most girls get in three decades. Remember that night we made love?"
"How could I forget? Even Tanya keeps telling me that if I don't behave, she'll dump me and take Dwayne for a lover."
"Not bloody likely! I'll pull her boobs off if she tries it!" Karen's mock anger betrayed how she really felt about my girlfriend. Since the night that we'd all been together, the two girls had become more like sisters than anything else — but without the constant bickering.
"Yeah, you're right. I doubt Tanya would do something like that ... unless we were all together again like we were that night. But you have to admit, you and me making love was wonderfully special. But that bullshit that Dwayne came up with? I was beginning to wonder if you'd done some mental damage to the poor boy. And if you girls hadn't destroyed his argument, we could have been swapping girls on an hourly basis!"
Karen giggled at the memory, then quickly became serious again.
"Steve, if Mom and Dad stay out for the night again before we go home, would you want to ... you know ... have Dwayne and Tanya over? And maybe we'd do the foursome thing one more time?"
"If Tanya and Dwayne are into it, sure. But this time, can we make love slowly instead of turning it into a marathon?" I found myself pleading.
"You trying to tell me that you don't want a swinger's party like Mom and Dad?"
"Yeah, something like that. I'm not into just fucking my little sister. I want to love you the way you deserve. If Tanya goes along with it, and I think she will, that's how she'd like to have Dwayne. Long, slow, and with lots of feeling. I'll bet he's the same way, too."
"I think you're right. He really likes Tanya. I caught them kissing after one of our showers. It's funny, because I thought I'd be jealous if I ever saw them like that, but I wasn't. Hulk even invited me to join them, and I could feel how much he cared about both of us. Dwayne's one hell of an amazing guy."
"He's also someone I wouldn't want pissed off at me. Remember that day he took on Manny Madison? Gawd, I thought he'd killed that little weasel!"
"It was what Manny did to Keira that set him off. He loves his sister almost as much as you love yours, you know. They're thinking of making love some day soon. After we got that stupid idea of 'owning a woman' out of his head, he couldn't think of a good reason they shouldn't, or so he tells me."
"Worried?" I wanted to hear her opinion.
"No, not really. Keira's no more of a threat to me than I am to Tanya. Your girlfriend loves my boyfriend, but she loves you more. It's the same with you and me. I'm in love with you, Steve, and it feels good to be able to say that, but I love Dwayne more. And while Keira loves her brother, her heart's with Pete."
As she related all that to me, Karen scrunched over a little closer, the warmth of her silky smooth thigh against mine a reminder of just how beautiful a woman my sister was, and how much I cherished our intimacy.
With her head propped against my chest, Karen began to giggle happily, although I had no idea what had triggered that.
"What, pray tell, are you laughing at now?" I tried to pry out of her.
"I was just remembering that night when you and I sucked each other off on this porch, then Mom and Dad standing in the doorway watching us. Gawd, I thought we were dead meat that night! Then to see them fucking right in front of us? You have no idea how much I appreciated you fingering me off during that, or how badly I wanted to feel you cum!"
"I damn near did," I confessed, "even before you started to jack me. I'd never thought about our parents that way before, or considered that they're a couple of sex fiends."
"I wish you had cum that night," I was told. "I'd have gotten you to rub your jism all over my pussy, then left it on until the morning. I wonder if Mom and Dad would have gotten even hornier from the smell?"
"You're wicked, you know that?" I chuckled, then leaned over and kissed her brow. "I think that's a part of why I love you so much, Sis. One minute, you're all innocent, and the next you become a..."
"Slut? Is that what you were going to say?" she dangled in front of me.
"Well, you have to admit, you do have your moments. But you're one hell of a sexy lady, too, and you're not afraid to admit it to yourself. I've seen what you do to poor Dwayne, and I know what you do to me. Makes it hard to put you out of my mind, that's for sure. But after this summer, I don't think I ever want to."
"You like that part of me, don't you?" she fished for some kind of compliment.
"Like it? I love it! Just don't let too many other people find out about it, or you'll be in big trouble. If I don't paddle your butt, I'll get Dwayne to do it ... and we've seen how strong he is."
"Geez, I can't believe what Dwayne did to Blair Madison. The poor guy almost passed out when Hulk grabbed his nuts and just about crushed them. It did get Madisons to leave that afternoon though. Even Cynthia had a bit of a smile on her face when they headed off."
"I think we all did. But I sure felt a lot better when Dwayne clobbered Manny that day. If it had been you instead of Keira, I wonder if Manny would have lived?"
"You were no slouch yourself," she tried to refocus our conversation. "That asshole could have chewed you up and spat you out in seconds, but you were right in there like a dirty shirt. That made me proud to be your sister, you know. It takes a pretty special kind of guy to go up against odds like that over a woman, and I don't care what the romance novels say."
We held each other silently after that, each reliving the memories inside our hearts. Karen pulled me back to reality when she began to fondle my cock softly and gently.
"Mmm, feels good, Sis. Should I ask what brought this on?"
"Nope. What you should do is sit back, get comfortable, and let me suck you off again," she commanded with a wickedly sexy tone to her voice. With orders like that, who was I to say no?
Tanya had taught me that it was as important to receive loving as to give it. That lesson allowed me to give myself to Karen with very few qualms, and the ones I did have concerned a taboo that we'd ignored anyway for the last three weeks. It almost felt natural to be sitting on that porch with my own sister taking me in such an intimate manner.
Sitting on the top step, I leaned back on my elbows as Karen swung between my legs. I let my head fall back, closed my eyes, and let her take me to a place of wonderful sensations. She'd gotten me hard and was soon slithering her tongue up the underside of my cock slowly, running the tip of her tongue around the corona just before her lips slipped over the head. She'd take as much of me in her mouth as she could, leaving a warm, wet trail of saliva on my shaft before reversing the entire path until she was back to the tip again. she teased me like that several times, and I really thought I was going to go out of my mind with the pleasure.
Both of us were lost in our own private world of sensuous enthralment when I thought I felt eyes staring at me. Lazily lifting my head to look, I found my vision taking in Tanya's fixated stare as she watched what was happening. My first instinct was to push Karen off me, but the combination of the lustful, glazed gleam in my girlfriend's eyes and her fingers slowly massaging the valley of her slit stopped me. Tanya was enjoying the sight as much as I loved being a part of it. Holding Karen's head so that she would keep on sucking me, I quietly let my sister know that we weren't alone.
"We've got company, Sis," I murmured to her, with the expected reaction. She tried to release me from her lips, her teeth scratching the length of my shaft in the process.
"Tanya's watching, and I think she really wants to see you do me," I filled her in.
My sister overcame the little resistance I'd put on her head with my hand, then turned to look to my girlfriend, her face somewhere between fear of reprisal and asking permission to savour my manhood. Tanya slowly came closer, her fingers still caressing her own sex and spreading her growing moisture so that her pussy glistened in the sunlight.
"Gawd, that looks hot!" Tanya exclaimed with a lustfully soft voice.
"You don't mind?" Karen sought approval.
"Mind? Not in the least. You owe me a show from that night we were all together. I want to see you blow him until he cums for you!"
Karen slowly let her mouth sink over me once again, then went back to loving my shaft exactly the same way she had before we'd been interrupted. Tanya ascended the steps quietly, giving a wide enough berth so that she wouldn't disturb the scene in front of her, and squatted down so that my head was resting against her pussy. It only seemed natural to let my lips reposition themselves to taste those juices that wafted through my sense of smell and screamed Arousal! to me.
Tanya shifted herself and gave me complete access to her feminine charms, encouraging me to lick and eat her pussy while she lost herself in the decadent performance my sister put on for our mutual benefit. Looking up along my stomach, it would have been impossible to miss what my mouth was doing. As soon as I heard and felt Karen's lustful moan, I knew she'd done just that.
"Play with yourself," Tanya growled to my sister. "Make yourself cum! Gawd, I'd love it if we all went off at the same time!"
I could feel one of Karen's hands slide over my thigh as she moved to comply with my girlfriend's command. Within minutes, the sounds of juices slopping around from fingers got all of us even more worked up than we'd been.
Karen was bobbing her head up and down a little faster, which had me licking Tanya's pussy a little more fervently, which had her encouraging my sister a little more, which had Karen bobbing a little faster, which ... well, you get the idea. All I know is that Tanya's over-sensitive clit became excited enough to have her gasping for breath and trembling as she rocked back and forth on my tongue, looking to find those spots that gave her the most intense feelings. She started to climax just as my balls lifted and filled my cock with hot, sticky goo destined for my sister's belly. And as the base of my shaft twitched and pulsed, Karen sucked even harder and faster, then struggled to breathe as her own orgasm threatened to send her over the edge.
Tanya came first, almost violently as I stuffed my tongue inside her pussy and drank deeply of her juices that flowed like honey. She groaned her delight, then began to grunt and mewl as I took her as far up that slope of climax as I could. As she was about to reach her peak, the built-up pressure at the base of my cock forced a large streamer of seed up my shaft as my sister sucked hard enough to drag my balls from their sac and right out of me. That stream against the back of her mouth was all it took to catapult Karen into an orgasm of her own.
"Wow!" Tanya hissed loudly as she regained her composure a while later. "I've always wanted to see Karen sucking you off since that night we were all over here, but I never expected to be a part of it. Wonder if we can do the same thing with Dwayne?"
"We probably could," Karen volunteered, "if we had a chance at another overnighter. But we're going home this Sunday, so I doubt we'll have an opportunity."
"Prestons are only here for another week after we leave," I reminded them. "Maybe we'll get a chance after we get home. I could probably talk Dad into lending me the car. It's just a matter of finding somewhere that we can be alone together."
"Steve, are you listening to yourself?" my sister snickered at me. "Alone? Together? All in the same sentence? Sheesh! Eleven years of school, and you still can't handle the English language!"
"Before you two rip each others heads off, my parents are trying to set up another sex party before the week's over. From what I've gathered so far, they want to keep it down to your parents, Prestons, and themselves. I don't think Mom was overly impressed with their last stint at group sex."
"Really?!" Karen's unbridled enthusiasm bubbled up. "You mean we might get another night together? The four of us? Awesome!"
"You just want another crack at your brother," Tanya accused my sister.
"Yeah? So? As if you wouldn't want to spend a couple of hours with my boyfriend! It probably wouldn't break his heart, either. Just let me have him back before the sun comes up, and if you're real good, I'll even let you have my brother back."
"Gee, thanks, girls," I chided them. "Any chance Dwayne and I get a say in all this?"
"Not a hope," Tanya grinned as she issued her directive, then backed up just far enough to lean forward and kiss me. Being upside down, our chins got in the way, but not before she'd made her point.
"Now that's different," we heard a voice from somewhere off the porch. I knew that voice, because it seemed to be around us all the time. Without looking up, I greeted its owner.
"You're too late, Buddy," I informed Dwayne. "They've both already drained me."
"Huh! Figures," his mock tone of exasperation came back. "I miss all the fun! It's so not fair too!"
"Get your scrawny little ass over here," Karen demanded of him. "I need a real man to love me. You're elected, Hulk."
He slowly climbed the steps, laid down on the porch as my sister shifted herself into his waiting arms, then kissed him lovingly as he held her tightly against his chest.
"Mmm, all good things come to he who waits," we were quoted.
"They cum for him, too, if he's good," Karen snickered.
"Good? I'm great!" Dwayne bragged. "Just ask my girlfriend."
His bravado was answered with groans of disdain — in triplicate, no less. I could see Dwayne smile sneeringly out of the corner of my eye, and had to chuckle at that.
"So what's new and exciting?" he led us into a connection of friends.
"Umm, my parents are talking about having an all-nighter," Tanya informed him, "which means that I'll be kicked out of our place. Steve, Karen, and I are probably going to end up here. You going to join us?"
"Yeah, I heard rumours to that effect from Keira. I guess she was talking to Dad, and he told her something about it. Any idea when?"
"Tuesday night, I think," Tanya tried to remember. "Your parents, Steve and Karen's, and mine. I guess the big group thing didn't work out too well for them. If they do, are you coming up here again?"
"We're not going to do another marathon again, are we?"
"You bragging or complaining?" I joked.
"I'm sure as hell not complaining, but this time, can we take it a bit slower? As much as I enjoyed being with Tanya that night, my poor body wasn't ready for Karen immediately afterwards. I was, but my body wasn't. It was almost painful when she made me cum. I'm glad that your sister decided to go second, though. Falling asleep with her in my arms felt so damned good. Sorry, Tanya, but if it had been the other way around, it wouldn't have been the same. Know what I mean?"
Tanya had moved herself so that she was laying against my side and away from Dwayne, but pushed herself up, then leaned over me to kiss his lips affectionately. In the process, I found a nipple right in front of my face and couldn't pass up suckling it for a few minutes. Whether that was the reason my girlfriend remained attached to our bosom buddy I have no idea. Savouring what had been given to me was all I could think about at that particular moment.
"Does this mean you want to sleep with me again?" Tanya enquired as she released Dwayne's lips.
"Mmm, I'd love to," he murmured happily, "as long as I get to spend at least equal time with this luscious blond afterwards. Somehow, I keep finding myself wanting to be with her a lot. Not that I don't love being with you, because you're another one I can't seem to get out of my head. But we may have a problem."
"You'd better not be thinking about breaking up with me just so you can spend all your time with her," my sister warned him.
"Break up with you? Not likely. But we might have Pete and Keira bunking in at the same time. After that bullshit with Manny, my sister's not too keen on spending the night around Cynthia. Not sure if there's a jealousy thing going on there, and don't really want to find out. But things are a little tense between those two girls at the moment. Besides, if my sister and her boyfriend are around, it could make things a little strained. You know how I feel about my sister, don't you, Sweetie?"
"You've told me, Lover. I know I said that I wanted to watch if it happens, but not this week. That may be Tanya's thing, but I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet. Not where you and Keira are concerned anyway."
Karen became overly serious for a moment, then seemed to relent holding her feelings inside.
"It's funny, really," she went on. "When you and Tanya made love, I was a little worrieded at first, but later, I found it arousing as hell. Mind you, I was also making love with my brother at the time, which could have something to do with it. In fact, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing you two together like that again, and don't ask why, because I have no idea. Guess it's because we've all spent the month together, and it just seems ... natural? Is that the word I'm looking for?"
"Whether that's the right word or not, Sis," I tried to explain, "what you're thinking is that we've all been around each other so much that it feels safe to try different kinks with people we trust. When Tanya and Dwayne made love, I was jealous as hell for a few minutes. If it had been anyone else but him, I'd probably have beat the shit out of him. But not with Dwayne, for some reason. I guess it's like you said earlier. He might love my girlfriend, but he loves my sister more. The same goes for me too, I think. I love Tanya more than anyone, and I can feel how much she loves me. Therefore, her and Dwayne having sex doesn't feel like a threat."
We spent the rest of the afternoon together as two couples, relaxed and comfortable in the presence of each other. As the day wore on, we found ourselves down at the lake and succumbed to its offer of a refreshing swim. Heading out to the float, Dwayne began to tease my sister by swimming up behind her, then grabbing Karen around the waist and pulling her just under the surface. She wasn't ready for the first attack, but by the third one, had a successful strategy going whereby her legs trapped his head. I guess she allowed him close enough to her pussy to entice him, but kept it far enough away that all he did was get excited. By the time we were ready to pull ourselves out of the water, my sister's boyfriend was the last to emerge, and the success of my sister's tactics were quite evident. Dwayne was as hard as a rock. Despite that, he finally pulled himself out, then sat with the rest of us as his feet dangled in the water.
"What's the matter, Lover?" Karen teased him. "Did somebody get you all horny then leave you to suffer?"
"If there weren't people on the beach, I'd slap you down on this float and screw your ass off," Dwayne threatened.
"Want us to run interference for you?" Tanya offered.
"Hey!" my sister almost screamed back. "Whose side are you on, anyway?"
"A nice hard cock, and you have to ask?" Tanya challenged. "Either you do something about him, or I might. Don't forget, I haven't tasted him ... yet."
"Yet?" Dwayne squeaked out questioningly. "They're plotting against me again, aren't they, Steve?"
"Yeah well, somebody's got to keep tabs on you," I joked at him.
"What's the matter, big boy?" he returned in an imitation Mae West tone. "Too much man for you?"
"More like not enough," I sniped right back, my gaze aimed at the erection poking straight up from his groin.
"They're both perverts!" Dwayne pointedly addressed Tanya. "Think we can hold them off long enough to save ourselves?"
"Sure!" she quickly agreed. "You hold him, and I'll get him off."
"What about the other one?" he went along with her idea.
"Nope. That one's your problem. Besides, one girl can only do so much before she gets worn out."
"And you, my precious, just love to be worn, don't you?" I shot out as my defence. It's too bad I hadn't thought that one through a little more thoroughly, because my girlfriend twisted herself and threatened to take me in her mouth, then suck me until I had Dwayne's problem. With the way this toothless skirmish was going, that's the way she'd leave me, too.
"I've seen this movie before," Karen groaned, "and I should have waited for the book."
With that, she slipped back into the water and struck out for the beach. Dwayne was right behind her, but couldn't quite catch up this time. Tanya leaned over and kissed me affectionately with closed lips, then slid her butt off the float and into the water. She was nice enough to wait for me to join her before we lazily swam back to shore.
I hadn't seen her arrive, but Keira lounged on a beach blanket just off the sands. That in itself was no surprise, but she was alone. That was. It had been a rare occasion that Pete hadn't been with her most of the time. His absence created an unusually strained atmosphere around Keira, and I got the definite impression that she was upset about something, and possibly even angry. I think the girls did, too, because they volunteered to run up to the kitchen and see if they could find something refreshing to drink before we ;listened to Keira's tale of woe.
"Where's Pete?" I tried to break the icy air around us.
"Don't ask," I was told in a way that made complying sound like a good idea.
"Keira, what's wrong? You two have a fight or something?"
"I said, don't ask."
"Listen, girl, I know you, and something's eating your guts out. You going to sit there stewing and hurting, or are you going to get it out in the open so it can be dealt with?"
"Steve!" she started to argue with me.
"No, you listen," I shot back before she could go on. "We've all gotten to be good friends over the last three weeks. Now you're hurting inside, and it's not something I'm used to seeing, or being around. Whatever's got you this pissed off needs to come out in the open, because it's not doing you any good trapped inside. So. Are you going to open up and talk to me, or do we play twenty questions?"
Keira sat there staring at me and looking like she wanted to cry but was too proud to let herself shed tears.
"He's ... he's over at Cynthia's. I'm not sure, but I get the feeling that..."
The dam burst as those tears finally began to flow, with her sobs only making her misery all the more obvious.
"Steve, I think ... I think I'm losing him!" she finally confessed. "Of all the people to lose him to, Cynthia? She was fine when it was her and Manny, but now that he's out of the picture, she's on the prowl, and she's got her sights on my ... on Pete! Shit, I feel so helpless!"
"Whoa, slow down a minute," I instructed her. "Has he said anything that confirms your suspicions, or am I hearing emotional speculations?"
"What the hell do you think? My speculations, as you put it, are all I have to work with here! It's not like he isn't interested in her. They've had sex together, you know!"
"Yeah, you hinted at that on the day Manny went berserk. But you were there when they did, weren't you? From what I understood, you didn't seem to have too many objections at the time. Hell, you watched them!"
"Steve, how would you feel if you saw your girlfriend in the arms of another guy? Hmm? I'll bet you have no idea how that would feel inside!"
"Actually, I have, and I do."
"Yeah? Who?"
"Your brother," I quietly let her know. "I'll tell you a secret, though. If it had been anyone but Dwayne, I'd have killed him, or done some serious damage. However, I've gotten to know your brother pretty well in the time we've been here, and he's not the back-stabbing type. It was just sex between them, and nothing more. Neither of them were planning on making it a permanent thing, and once I realized that, I got past the jealousy thing with no problem. When it was over, Tanya was still mine, and Karen was still his. But I can understand what you're saying."
"My brother? Dwayne? With Tanya? When did that happen?" she asked, her disbelief impossible to miss.
I explained the whole overnight episode to a captive audience of one, doing my best to steer her into believing that if there was anything going on between Cynthia and her boyfriend, it had to be purely physical, and that there was probably no emotional attachment involved. I may not have succeeded as much as I'd hoped, but she did start to look at things in a different light.
"I can't believe it," she finally gave her opinion. "You and Karen, while Dwayne and Tanya... ?"
"Had sex," I finished off for her. "Actually, if anyone should have gotten jealous, it was him. After all, I do love my sister, which is more than existed between him and Tanya."
"Did?" Keira picked up on that right away. "You mean that there's sparks between Tanya and my brother now?"
"Something like that," I let her know, "but nothing secretive. Look, I trust your brother, and I trust Tanya, just like he trusts both Karen and me. So if he can do it, then you can with Pete too. I don't think they've changed the rules about a man being innocent until proven guilty. Give him the benefit of the doubt before you drive him out of your arms and into someone elses. Pete may be a lot of things, but a low-life dog isn't one of them."
That expression she tried to wear kept changing back and forth between anger and optimism. If I was a betting man, I might have given odds as to which one would win out. But I'm not, and the outcome wasn't something I'd want to put money on anyway. It could have gone either way.
"Am I interrupting anything, Sis?" that same voice I'd heard back at the cabin snuck in again.
"No, not really, Munchkin. Something I can do for my little brother?"
"Well, for starters, you can tell me why the long face. What's happened to get you looking so pissed off?"
"Do you see Pete around here?" she shot back angrily. My little pep talk had done no good at all, it appeared.
"No," Dwayne did a complete circle scan as he answered. "What's going on with him? You two have a fight?"
"I wish it were that simple. He's over at Cynthia's. That answer your question?" she almost bit his head off.
I woke to my sister shaking me roughly enough that I began to think there was some kind of emergency, and the associated panic that accompanied those kinds of events pushed me right past the usual slow-paced transition from sleep to being awake. "What?!" I almost screamed in my disoriented state. "Whoa! Don't wake Mom and Dad," Karen hissed as she stood on her bunk in order to see me. "You said you wanted to be out of here by nine, and it's just after seven now. You're not thinking...
Tanya and I gazed down at my sleeping sister being lovingly protected by her equally exhausted boyfriend, Dwayne Preston. All four of us had given our respective lovers our virginity that day, to be replaced with warm and loving memories that would last us the rest of our lives. But like all good things, the day had to come to an end eventually. I still didn't have the heart to wake the two, but sometimes we have to do things we don't like, I guess. "Come on, you two sleepyheads. Time to...
My sister had just informed our parents that she and I might have sex? Telling them was one thing, but I thought it might have been nice if she'd let me know first. After all, it's kind of nice to know about someone's plans that involve you before things happen, instead of after. At least that's what I'd always believed. "Umm, Sis?" I queried in my confusion. "Could we talk before you say anything else?" Our parents stepped back inside and closed the door to give us some privacy....
"Steve, your sister's here," my wife called out to me. I turned off the ball game I'd been watching on TV then set the remote down on the coffee table before rushing to the front door to greet my sibling. As the portal swung open, my eyes were greeted to the sight of Karen walking up the front sidewalk with their 4-year old son Bobby in tow. As soon as he saw me, the tyke ran past his mother and into my waiting arms. "Unca Steve!" he enthusiastically yelled as I swung him above my...
Karen and I headed for the cabin that was our home for summer vacation, if you could call the potential break-up of our family a vacation. Not only was there a serious danger of this being the last holiday we'd ever be together as a family, but my sister and I were being herded towards the cabin by our parents like cattle. Even though it had been our mother that I'd found cheating, our parents still put up a solid front. It all made no sense to me, and by the look on her face and the way...
I'm not sure what woke me the next morning. At first I was ready to blame it on Dwayne's snoring ... except that it was Karen that was making those noises, and they weren't loud enough to really be called snoring. But there was an unsettling creaking sound coming from somewhere inside the cabin. Still, I hadn't really heard it until I'd started to wake up. Thump ... thump ... thump ... thump. I'd heard that noise before, but it took my foggy brain a while to identify it. I lifted my...
Jenni is a neighbour of mine. We live in a small estate of bungalows, grouped in a horseshoe at the end of the road. Jenni passed by my place every morning, taking Jessica, or Jessy, as she preferred to be called, to school. Jessica would be bouncing around, constantly chatting and being a normal happy little girl. She would always wave and call out, Hi! I liked Jessy, but my eyes would always be watching Jenni's ass in jeans as she walked on by and thinking how good it would be to have my...
VoyeurWe were in the back seat of the car. The windows were fogging up, and the smell of her perfume was very strong. It drove me wild. We were parked off in a secluded area so no one would know what we were up to. I started to remove her shirt. She slapped my hand away. I asked her what was wrong. ‘I’m scared’ she said. ‘It’s ok, baby. Trust me’ She crawled on to my lap. She took off her shirt to reveal that her DD breasts were not contained by a bra. Her big pink, erect, nipples were very...
"Hey, Aaron!" said John, rapping on the metal frame of his coworker's cubicle. "Can I ask you something? A favor?" "Sure," said Aaron. "What's up?" Aaron liked John a lot because the older man took him, just 23-year's old, under his wings when he joined the company a year ago. John had been with the company 17 years. While John wasn't officially his boss, Aaron always followed John's guidance and he had never gone wrong doing what John said. John was a great guy. "Now feel free...
Part 7 Ganesh & Gayu come out to the dining table, where the maid has already arranged for lunch, as per instruction from Gayu, a kheer or payasam & sweet also has been made for MIL’s son. They both have lunch slowly enjoying the delicious food. Gayu with small wicked smile without giving any hint to Ganesh asks whether Ganesh was able to take some rest. He says he slept well and woke up only she came to call him for lunch. Again the discussion goes back to the family, Gayu asks about the...
"Can I help you?" Mary said through the screened door. She'd sent Jordan into the living room to wait until she knew what was going on. "Good evening, ma'm," the man in the black polo shirt with an embroidered badge and a the words 'Worcester County Sheriff's Department' embroidered below the badge. "My name is Deputy Reese of the Worcester County Sheriff's Department and I'm afraid that I have a summons here for you and a Jordan Alden." "Before I open the door," Mary was cautious,...
The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic centimeters into the cup and set it down. “Andy and Mary, go outside and wait. I will call you when I am ready.” After they left, I motioned Lisa to...
A couple of years went by since the last time I saw my cousin Kana. The last I heard she got out of her house and had married some random white guy, broke off all contact with her parents, created a huge scandal. All I cared about was her happiness though. Then one April day my phone rang, an unknown number but I answered. “Hey,” the person said. “Hey Kana,” I said, because I knew it was her. “My husband said I should reconnect with you because you were always good to me.”She always did have a...
Bone deep weariness suffused Vidya, from her toes to her bones. She had never felt quite so exhausted before in her life – even at the worst crunch during her training to join with the space survey. That had been several weeks of training on the Indian lunar colony. She had trained in both hard vac-suits and in mechanical counterpressure suits, and gone through every single drill of spacecraft maintenance and operation that she might have needed to follow through while being in detached...
As a construction worker, i have had fantasies of certain customers and locations. I have always enjoyed working at peoples places, and making their homes updated. The homes i have worked at, the customers I have worked for have always been pleasant and enjoyable, even at times, flirtatious. This is where the story begins... I was in this brand new house we were building for this woman. She was short, shoulder length blonde hair, c cup, and always wore these tights that were black and so tight,...
Hi, I am Niharika, I described myself and my husband Nikhil in my last posts, you can check out on ISS. This time I came back with my recent experience. Apart from the last two times, this time if you are looking for sex experience then this is the one. It’s already one year and three months since my marriage and I am very happy with my in-laws and husband. But now our relatives, my parents, and my in-laws are asking for good news. Although I and Nikhil are very active in sex, we were regular...
I was in the back seat of Corey’s car with a nice pile of cash on my lap. In the last couple of hours, I had run through the back of the house at a major Vegas casino, flashing much of the staff a very sexy commando up-skirt. In the dealers' workroom, I stripped naked so I could change into a uniform in front of most of my future coworkers. Then during my audition, I had to strip my top off and deal bare-breasted with several of my bosses at my game. After that, Elliot the HR...
ExhibitionismI told this to some one I met on XHamster who’s considering meeting me.I hope he says yes. Darrel and I have been lovers for 15 years.He’s been married for 10.As a long time Mason he attends meetings frequently.When he wants to hook up, he simply calls me and we arrange to meet.He keeps my name in his cell under my male name,one of his white buddies. There’s a Mc Intosh motel near my house.I check into a room there a couple of hours before Darrel to get ready.I start with a long,hot bath and...
Life has been spectacular since that first night I felt my son's cock inside me. We have been together ever since and he has even moved back home so that we could be together more. Since he moved back into the house, our relationship had been perfect. We spend time together often and have formal dates out. We even stopped hiding we were mother and son on holidays. God, I wish we could tell everyone else back home.We are a happy couple with an amazing sex life, and have experimented with a lot...
IncestWith my little sister Princess off to the Caribbean for a two week honeymoon vacation and my delightful sister Lily mad at me because I didn't pay enough attention to her at the wedding, I was reduced to lonely nights of watching old reruns of "Buffy" on the tube and marveling how good she looked when she sitting on top of some poor vampire shoving a sharp wooden stake through his undead heart. My mother was an area counselor for the local Girl Scout troops and asked me to help out...
Was this really the place? Nancy McCammon was looking at a small New Age shop on the corner of two narrow streets. 'Crystal Soul' was written on the door in bright pink letters. Whoever owned it had to be a complete flake. Still, Paula had said it was the place to go so Nancy put aside her reservations and walked through the door. A little bell tinkled overhead. A strange woman in a heavy black dress that looked like it belonged to the last century looked up at Nancy and smiled. "Ah, you...
Brian leaned over to me, kissed me and held me close to his chest. He whispered in my ear that tonight is going to be a good sex night. I giggled back and said we will have to see if Stuart likes to be sucked off by another man. When I said that, Brian let out a loud chuckle and grabbed my ass. I stroked Brian"s chest and arms, as he slipped his hands down the back of my pants. Julie began moaning as Stuart sucked on her tits. I seen Stuart help Julie off the counter, then seen her bend...
__________________________________________ Clarissa had first come to him several months ago. She had told him about her illness, a viral infection that attacks the heart and lungs. The doctors had told her that the progress of the disease varied from a month or two up to a year, but, in 99 % of the cases, the illness was fatal. She had wanted to make the arrangements now, while she still could. She had made numerous visits to his office in the succeeding weeks. Together, they had made all...
Hjaipur ja raha tha to edhar se to kuch nahi hua lekin jab mai laut rha tha,meri train lagbhag adhi duri tay kar chuki thi trai me khaphi bhid thi so mai khada tha aur maja nahi aa rha tha aur train me koi mast mal bhi nahi tha.agra stion par ten log mere compatment me chade,ma bap aur uski shadi shuda ladki jiski age 35 sal se upar hogi dikhne me kafi mast maal thi bade bade dud jinko dekh mera land khada ho gya wo kala tranrparen blouse pahne thi jisme se uske chuchi saf dikh rahi thi.mai...
A note to the observant: Almost all city names are false, they were taken from a variety of fantasy sources. All characters are based on real people, so it is no coincidence that they are the strongest part of the story. Names, and sometimes personality and personal history, have been modified to protect the innocent. The events of this story, however, are complete fiction. Heather’s Norwellyn house was perhaps the homiest place Colin Watson had ever been in. The first thing that struck him...
December 25th, 2154 "Merry Christmas!" Tika called repeatedly, running from den to den around the clearing, waking people excitedly. "Breakfast at the Enclave house!" Davdan called. Pausing only to wash and clean teeth, the group who'd slept at Tira's clearing trooped to the house, where they were met by Raz, Jena, Pina, Joey Paglieri, and the four Prodigies in custody. Introductions were made, after which Tira asked Joey: "Shouldn't you be getting home for Christmas?" "Nah."...
I met briefly with my supervisor the next day to firm up plans for my intense two-week training program, set to get underway the following Monday. There would be little rest for the weary. I was also shown my new flat, and given the go-ahead to move in at once. It was not a particularly large unit – Wendy's place was a little larger than mine – but it was to be my home for the foreseeable future. It was on the first floor of the building, which was fine with me since I've never been fond of...
Mioki was heartened the next morning at breakfast to see her father walk up behind Nikita, put his arms around her and kiss her on the neck. She turned, they embraced and a lingering kiss ensued. "I had the most wonderful dream last night," said Kishi. "Oh really," replied Nikita playfully, "I hope she was good!" "She was! She was very good! The best!" he responded letting his hands roam a bit. "Kishi! What will our daughter think?" smiled Nikita, glancing over at Mioki who...
We walked into the dining hall and Dawn stopped suddenly and gasped. I glanced over and saw her standing with her mouth open and eyes wide in shock. Seeing my pets all dressed up was an awe-inspiring sight, even if you weren’t sexually attracted to women. “Don’t they look awesome?” Faith exclaimed as the twins jumped up and ran over to us. “Isabella promised me that we would have our own by Monday,” Hope added. “Katherine said they would have all Master’s pets properly outfitted by...
There are some people you know you are supposed to be with. You have a connection that can’t be put into words and yet fate seems to be determined to keep you apart. Either you’re single and she’s not or you’re seeing someone and she isn’t. That’s how it was with me and Nadia when we first met. As I would learn it’s all a question of timing. I first met Nadia at college. I was twenty at the time and she was twenty seven which effectively made her a mature student. She wasn’t one of those women...
In todays POV we get to see the hot Chanel Preston put on sex lingerie to get her stepsons attention. She walks over and asked if she looks sexy. He lets her know that she does and we see her jumping on him. She throws her big tits and big butt on his face before she pulls his dick out. She gives him a good bj before getting on top for cowgirl. Chanel Preston is super horny and wants her in her ass so watch her get anal from multiple positions. Make sure to watch her take his load in her mouth...
xmoviesforyouMy plans for the Bascomb’s Landing P.D. come to fruition and so do some other plans. >>>>>> We’d told our guests to come around 4:00 for dinner at 6:30 so, of course, Daryl and Jasmine came at 4:15 and Dan and Marie a few minutes later with Lucy’s parents last at almost 4:45. I wondered silently how they’d feel if we made our announcement before they arrived. Jonathan was suitably contrite when they arrived. “I am so sorry, Lucille. Your mother was moving like mud going uphill.” “Now,...
After we went up and showered and changed; we all sat in the living room. Sari and I explained everything, including the GED test that was scheduled. They actually agreed that it was a good idea. We were taken to task for some of our more underhanded shenanigans. “Stuart,” dad said. “If it’s any consolation, that wasn’t the first time that the dining room table was used for such purposes. Isn’t that right dear?” Mom blushed deeply, and replied, “You’re correct, John. Sarah, don’t be mad at...
My trip to New Brunswick encouraged Captain Foster to plan a raid on the German headquarters in our area. "No sense a'waiting in the cold for them to come out," he said. "We can go right in an' gig 'em." It sounded good, and I described the barracks they had and the officers' quarters. I guess there were about forty or fifty of them stationed right in the town and more out in scattered posts. We had a dozen men, and the odds did not seem exactly grand to me. Captain Foster said he...
Hello friends this is my 1st story on iss,My name is depak Any girls,auntys if want satisfaction they can contact me on chachi name is anita(real name).woh hamesha sari pehnti thi.unki gand aur boobs bahot bade hai.unka figur 36-30-38 hai.unki height 5’4″ aur umar 32 hai.unki ek 5 saal ki ladki hai. So story starts here, my chachi looks so sexy.All guys when see her 1st time wants to fuck her.Woh hamesha saree apni belly se thode nice pehnti thi jisase uski bellu bahot uthkar dikhti thi.hamari...
Did you ever end up with one of those nick names that sticks for years? Well, it started with this really slutty, heavy set chick that used to come to our frat house and beg our beer and let whoever fuck her. Guys would make fun of her and get her drunk. She was the frat whore and used to pass out on the floor and wake up with hardened cum on her face and be a generally filthy slut. I kinda got to be friends with her and hung out just talking. She'd talk about being such a slut and how nice I...
Lattus (in the Triangle), same time "We can call you anything you want us to call you, Master." "My name is Bill. Call me Bill." "Yes Master." "Never mind. I take it you two were warriors. Why did you ask to become my slaves?" "Master," replied Beta indigently. "We are still warriors, and we are not your slaves. We are your body slaves. There is a big difference. For one, slavery is illegal on our island. A body slave does not do everything a master tells them to do. We still...
It was an early spring morning when the season’s first warm sun came out. I had nothing planned that day so I scanned the room and spotted my new GPS and I thought to try it out in the woods. An hour later, I arrived at a park that was popular for day hikers, mountain bikers, and family nature ventures. The morning chill had vanished and the season’s first warm sun felt erotic. I switched on the GPS and headed into the woods. Perhaps it was the erotic sun, who knows, I never planned nor have...
I have always wanted to make a home video of me having sex but my boyfriend of 3 years is what you would call camera shy. He'd much rather be behind the scenes and that is exactly what he did. Andrew told me one night after sex that he would have no problems if I fucked another guy on camera, as long as he could film it. Of course I obliged but I was curious as to who he would let actually do it. The next day I come home from work and my boyfriend and his best friend, David, are in the bedroom....
Erotic"This was a really nice idea," said Kathy, practicing her Farsi as she sipped her hot chocolate, bundled in her parka while sitting on the rock ledge. "Paris was so beastly hot. Remind me exactly where we are again..." "About halfway between Christchurch and Greymouth, on New Zealand's southern island." replied Matt in Farsi. "Don't be too hard on our chateau in Paris, and its lack of air conditioning. The average high temperature in Paris for the first week in August should be...
Hello I am smile (name changed) from gujarat regular reader of this indian sex stories dot net site and this is the first story of me which I am gone a post and mera mail id he ab hindi me baat karte he kyunki hindi me zazbat he me 20 saal ka hu aur abhi engineering me hu gujarat me. Dikhne me acha hu aur mujhe badi age wali bhabhi aur aunty bohot achi lagti he kam umar ki ladki ke mukable ab me apni story ki heroine meri masi ke bare me batata hu. Uski figure 32-36-32 ki hogi aur wo dikhne me...
This prologue is simply a brief retelling of the events of Cabin Fever that are relevant to the actual fanfic. This is here for the benefit of people who aren't familiar with Cabin Fever as it is not a well known movie. If you have seen Cabin Fever, you should be able to jump right in to Chapter 1, as this prologue won't tell you anything you don't already know. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any...
William Pain flared through my body and I screamed in agony as I looked at the arrow that had gone through my shoulder, turning a second arrow embedded itself into the seat as I brought the rifle up. Forty feet behind me, a man stood with a compound bow and another arrow. He was wearing camouflage clothes that seemed to shimmer as I raised the rifle to fire and he dove into some bushes as I unloaded the rifle. The door to the trailer opened and my ladies boiled out of the vehicle with their...
TV NUDIST By Rachel Saunders Prologue I don't know what I really expected. Well, perhaps that's not true. I guess I expected a nudist colony to be full of buff men and voluptuous women - all beautiful people, like a "Baywatch" program without the bathing suits. I also expected piles of people engaging in all sorts of sexual activity, from sunup to sunset. But my boyfriend Jimmy talked me into going for an introductory visit. We were met at the gate, and after a brief slide...
A couple of days latter Erika and I began to walk along that same beach, but as I said previously, it was along way to the far end. After the previous adventure I thought Erika would be enthusiastic to do the walk, but to my disappointment she said that half way would be far enough along. Women !!!!, who can understand them ????There was a small dune at this point, backed by a low cliff, so we found our way to the top of the dune, laid our towels out, put the sun shade up, and stripped off....
However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. During our first five days we watched other people in many different sexual liaisons and had a threesome with another woman and one with another man, as well as passionately fucking each other. Every night there is a cocktail party and at nine-thirty an...
Danielle has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and stands about 5’2” with a freckled complexion and cute mousy nose. She has generous soft lips for such a petite woman and I often catch myself imagining what those lips would feel like on mine. She is fit with a trim waist and full hips and buttocks. Her voice matches her stature, high and with tones of innocence that belie her acute intellect. While she dresses conservatively, she has an absolutely magnetic sexual energy about her that draws you...
“But, honestly, did it ever hold any pleasure?” —Amanda Carlson, Danger’s Cure BY THE END OF THE WEEKEND, I was exhausted, angry, and I hated math. I had a double degree in math and engineering and I was sweating out finishing a freshman high school Algebra course. I didn’t dare rush it and make a mistake. I couldn’t risk it. “Is it really worth what you are putting yourself through?” Mom asked at dinner Saturday night. I guess everyone was feeling the tension. Mom and Dad hadn’t really...
She was prettier than she gave herself credit for and she didn’t notice the guys that liked her; probably because she was too busy daydreaming and being ignored by the guys she was attracted to. Her hair was light brown and typically pulled into a low pony tail which lay along the back of her neck, contrasting softly against her pale skin. She owned some makeup, but was too afraid to use it. The thought of others laughing and snickering at her had crossed her mind more times than she could...
It was late at night, when I took my position in her van in the parkinggarage. I had been watching this one beautiful woman that worked in anoffice upstairs. She was a lawyer for a large firm, and always wore ano nonsense business suit. Her looks had turned me on the first time Ihad seen her. I had delivered a box to the office, and saw her as shewas talking to some men. She started a fire in my balls, and I knewthat I would possess her to the fullest. Today, while checking her outfurther, I...
When Susan Carlson came downstairs early Thanksgiving morning, she was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She was still feeling wonderful because that morning, for the first time ever, her parents had allowed her to help with their lovemaking. Susan had placed her father's huge cock at the mouth of her mother's vagina while her mother was on her knees waiting to receive it. Now they were sleeping again with her younger siblings in the bed beside them. Since she was hungry, she had come...
We meet 23 year old Riley chomping down on her lunch at the local waffle place. She’s having a sensible plate of eggs and hash browns because that’s the kind of girl she is. Sensible. Reasonable. Not very adventurous. In between bites, she tells camera guy Troy about her ex husband, the kind of sex she likes and he didn’t give her (hence the “ex” part), and the craziest sex she’s had. Having been married for so long, Riley hasn’t really been playing the...
xmoviesforyouThe morning after leaving the forest, Corec woke to find the elf girl—Shavala—calmly sitting on a large rock in the middle of the camp, near the remains of the fire. She waved at him and smiled brightly. He pushed aside his blanket and stood. “What are you doing here?” he asked, before his mind woke up enough to realize how rude he sounded. “It was too boring to keep following you.” “What? Why were you—” “Shavala?” Katrin asked. “Why are you here? Did Meritia send you?” She, too, was...
My name is Achu, I am telling you all how i lost my virginity. From my days in school I have been very horny and never had a chance to have sex with any girl or women. During my school days I used to masturbate a lot thinking of the beautiful school girls and other girls around. I used to have a neighbor when i was in school her name was Usha, we were good friends and slowly I used to press her boobs and she only allowed me to do it. Even in college I did not have much of fun, it was studies,...
Chapter 13 Nathan did not realize he had fallen asleep. It took a moment to register that he was still on Charlie’s bed since it was almost pitch black in the room. The closed curtains were keeping out the sun. There were a few rays escaping through the bottom and sides of the curtain, however, they had dimmed since it was early evening light. He was completely stretched out on the bed, pillow under his head, and he couldn’t move his left arm. As he did a slight tug, he heard a moan. Shit!...
August 28, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Duh!” she laughed softly. “I’m in your bed! What do you think?” “I think you need to go back to my sister’s room before she or my parents find out and kill both of us!” “Come on, Mike! I want to do it with you! Don’t you want to do it with me?!” She was cute and had a great body, but the LAST thing I needed was ANY kind of relationship with Mindy, even one where I only did what I’d joked with my mom about doing — banging her like a drum! “Just go,...
The moist summer heat in Athens beckoned its residents to seek more comfortable shelter. Dimitri was among the sun kissed men that afternoon. His curly dark hair glistened with perspiration. He wiped his brow and headed toward his father’s grand estate for wine and cheese. Dimitri was a man of passion, intrigue, and prestige. He pressed his full sensuous lips together when he thought about what his father might have in mind today. The old man always had plans up his flowing toga. What Dimitri...
"Why not?" I ask my husband.Jack peers at me sternly, and my clitoris shrinks. "It's degrading. I have too much respect for you."What does it have to do with respect? I want action -- mixed with pain. I want to be wanton. "Just once? Just to please me?" I've begged for four years."You know I don't like that stuff." He smiles lovingly and kisses my lips. I feign a smile, defeated. Another night, another orgasmless romp.He resumes pounding away in me. I close my eyes, struggling to picture it --...