Kanata SummerChapter 9 free porn video

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"Steve, where's the month gone?" Karen wondered as we sat on our cabin's porch enjoying the afternoon sun.

"Beats me, Sis," I morosely replied.

We were reminiscing over the adventures we'd had during that fateful month of vacationing at Kanata Camp. Our initial reactions had been predictable; a whole month stuck in a remote naturist camp miles from anywhere had left us feeling like we'd been condemned to years of hard labour on a chain gang. But reality had proven it to be anything but. In point of fact, we'd been exposed — literally and figuratively — to some of the most memorable experiences of our adolescent lives.

With only six days left until we returned to the "civilized world", going home wasn't something we were looking forward to. The thought of not spending lazy days with my girlfriend had zero appeal for me, and Karen was even more reluctant to leave than I was. She'd fallen hopelessly in love with Dwayne. Now that they'd have to part company, there was almost a desperate attempt to cram as much of each other into their days as they could. So I was kind of surprised when we found ourselves alone at the cabin. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did.

"Are you going to keep on seeing Tanya?" my sister broke into the memories replaying in my mind.

"Gonna try, Sis. It's not that far to Water Valley from our place, and if I can get Dad to lend me the car, I really want to see her as often as I can. Might have to get a part-time job to pay for the gas, though. How about you? Have you talked to Hulk about after the summer?"

"Yeah. He says he'll be able to go for his driver's license in November, then come over to visit on weekends. But that's so long from now. I might go crazy by then."

"If you don't mind chipping in for gas, I can try to get the car and drive you up there once in a while. It would be nice if Tanya could drive, but she's afraid of learning how. We'll work something out. When are Preston's heading home?"

"Weekend after next, I think. You think Hulk will have forgotten me by then?" she moaned disquietingly.

"I doubt it. Elephants never forget!" I tried to tease some life back into my sister.

"You like sex? You like to travel?" she spat out. "You know what comes next after that one, so go do it!"

"Relax, Karen. I'm still on your side, you know. And I still love you, even if you are a little brat sometimes."

Karen looked up at me, then forced a smile onto her lips as she leaned against my chest.

"I know you do, Steve, and you have no idea how much I appreciate it, or how much I love to hear it. I think I've gotten closer to you in the last three weeks than most girls get in three decades. Remember that night we made love?"

"How could I forget? Even Tanya keeps telling me that if I don't behave, she'll dump me and take Dwayne for a lover."

"Not bloody likely! I'll pull her boobs off if she tries it!" Karen's mock anger betrayed how she really felt about my girlfriend. Since the night that we'd all been together, the two girls had become more like sisters than anything else — but without the constant bickering.

"Yeah, you're right. I doubt Tanya would do something like that ... unless we were all together again like we were that night. But you have to admit, you and me making love was wonderfully special. But that bullshit that Dwayne came up with? I was beginning to wonder if you'd done some mental damage to the poor boy. And if you girls hadn't destroyed his argument, we could have been swapping girls on an hourly basis!"

Karen giggled at the memory, then quickly became serious again.

"Steve, if Mom and Dad stay out for the night again before we go home, would you want to ... you know ... have Dwayne and Tanya over? And maybe we'd do the foursome thing one more time?"

"If Tanya and Dwayne are into it, sure. But this time, can we make love slowly instead of turning it into a marathon?" I found myself pleading.

"You trying to tell me that you don't want a swinger's party like Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah, something like that. I'm not into just fucking my little sister. I want to love you the way you deserve. If Tanya goes along with it, and I think she will, that's how she'd like to have Dwayne. Long, slow, and with lots of feeling. I'll bet he's the same way, too."

"I think you're right. He really likes Tanya. I caught them kissing after one of our showers. It's funny, because I thought I'd be jealous if I ever saw them like that, but I wasn't. Hulk even invited me to join them, and I could feel how much he cared about both of us. Dwayne's one hell of an amazing guy."

"He's also someone I wouldn't want pissed off at me. Remember that day he took on Manny Madison? Gawd, I thought he'd killed that little weasel!"

"It was what Manny did to Keira that set him off. He loves his sister almost as much as you love yours, you know. They're thinking of making love some day soon. After we got that stupid idea of 'owning a woman' out of his head, he couldn't think of a good reason they shouldn't, or so he tells me."

"Worried?" I wanted to hear her opinion.

"No, not really. Keira's no more of a threat to me than I am to Tanya. Your girlfriend loves my boyfriend, but she loves you more. It's the same with you and me. I'm in love with you, Steve, and it feels good to be able to say that, but I love Dwayne more. And while Keira loves her brother, her heart's with Pete."

As she related all that to me, Karen scrunched over a little closer, the warmth of her silky smooth thigh against mine a reminder of just how beautiful a woman my sister was, and how much I cherished our intimacy.

With her head propped against my chest, Karen began to giggle happily, although I had no idea what had triggered that.

"What, pray tell, are you laughing at now?" I tried to pry out of her.

"I was just remembering that night when you and I sucked each other off on this porch, then Mom and Dad standing in the doorway watching us. Gawd, I thought we were dead meat that night! Then to see them fucking right in front of us? You have no idea how much I appreciated you fingering me off during that, or how badly I wanted to feel you cum!"

"I damn near did," I confessed, "even before you started to jack me. I'd never thought about our parents that way before, or considered that they're a couple of sex fiends."

"I wish you had cum that night," I was told. "I'd have gotten you to rub your jism all over my pussy, then left it on until the morning. I wonder if Mom and Dad would have gotten even hornier from the smell?"

"You're wicked, you know that?" I chuckled, then leaned over and kissed her brow. "I think that's a part of why I love you so much, Sis. One minute, you're all innocent, and the next you become a..."

"Slut? Is that what you were going to say?" she dangled in front of me.

"Well, you have to admit, you do have your moments. But you're one hell of a sexy lady, too, and you're not afraid to admit it to yourself. I've seen what you do to poor Dwayne, and I know what you do to me. Makes it hard to put you out of my mind, that's for sure. But after this summer, I don't think I ever want to."

"You like that part of me, don't you?" she fished for some kind of compliment.

"Like it? I love it! Just don't let too many other people find out about it, or you'll be in big trouble. If I don't paddle your butt, I'll get Dwayne to do it ... and we've seen how strong he is."

"Geez, I can't believe what Dwayne did to Blair Madison. The poor guy almost passed out when Hulk grabbed his nuts and just about crushed them. It did get Madisons to leave that afternoon though. Even Cynthia had a bit of a smile on her face when they headed off."

"I think we all did. But I sure felt a lot better when Dwayne clobbered Manny that day. If it had been you instead of Keira, I wonder if Manny would have lived?"

"You were no slouch yourself," she tried to refocus our conversation. "That asshole could have chewed you up and spat you out in seconds, but you were right in there like a dirty shirt. That made me proud to be your sister, you know. It takes a pretty special kind of guy to go up against odds like that over a woman, and I don't care what the romance novels say."

We held each other silently after that, each reliving the memories inside our hearts. Karen pulled me back to reality when she began to fondle my cock softly and gently.

"Mmm, feels good, Sis. Should I ask what brought this on?"

"Nope. What you should do is sit back, get comfortable, and let me suck you off again," she commanded with a wickedly sexy tone to her voice. With orders like that, who was I to say no?

Tanya had taught me that it was as important to receive loving as to give it. That lesson allowed me to give myself to Karen with very few qualms, and the ones I did have concerned a taboo that we'd ignored anyway for the last three weeks. It almost felt natural to be sitting on that porch with my own sister taking me in such an intimate manner.

Sitting on the top step, I leaned back on my elbows as Karen swung between my legs. I let my head fall back, closed my eyes, and let her take me to a place of wonderful sensations. She'd gotten me hard and was soon slithering her tongue up the underside of my cock slowly, running the tip of her tongue around the corona just before her lips slipped over the head. She'd take as much of me in her mouth as she could, leaving a warm, wet trail of saliva on my shaft before reversing the entire path until she was back to the tip again. she teased me like that several times, and I really thought I was going to go out of my mind with the pleasure.

Both of us were lost in our own private world of sensuous enthralment when I thought I felt eyes staring at me. Lazily lifting my head to look, I found my vision taking in Tanya's fixated stare as she watched what was happening. My first instinct was to push Karen off me, but the combination of the lustful, glazed gleam in my girlfriend's eyes and her fingers slowly massaging the valley of her slit stopped me. Tanya was enjoying the sight as much as I loved being a part of it. Holding Karen's head so that she would keep on sucking me, I quietly let my sister know that we weren't alone.

"We've got company, Sis," I murmured to her, with the expected reaction. She tried to release me from her lips, her teeth scratching the length of my shaft in the process.

"Tanya's watching, and I think she really wants to see you do me," I filled her in.

My sister overcame the little resistance I'd put on her head with my hand, then turned to look to my girlfriend, her face somewhere between fear of reprisal and asking permission to savour my manhood. Tanya slowly came closer, her fingers still caressing her own sex and spreading her growing moisture so that her pussy glistened in the sunlight.

"Gawd, that looks hot!" Tanya exclaimed with a lustfully soft voice.

"You don't mind?" Karen sought approval.

"Mind? Not in the least. You owe me a show from that night we were all together. I want to see you blow him until he cums for you!"

Karen slowly let her mouth sink over me once again, then went back to loving my shaft exactly the same way she had before we'd been interrupted. Tanya ascended the steps quietly, giving a wide enough berth so that she wouldn't disturb the scene in front of her, and squatted down so that my head was resting against her pussy. It only seemed natural to let my lips reposition themselves to taste those juices that wafted through my sense of smell and screamed Arousal! to me.

Tanya shifted herself and gave me complete access to her feminine charms, encouraging me to lick and eat her pussy while she lost herself in the decadent performance my sister put on for our mutual benefit. Looking up along my stomach, it would have been impossible to miss what my mouth was doing. As soon as I heard and felt Karen's lustful moan, I knew she'd done just that.

"Play with yourself," Tanya growled to my sister. "Make yourself cum! Gawd, I'd love it if we all went off at the same time!"

I could feel one of Karen's hands slide over my thigh as she moved to comply with my girlfriend's command. Within minutes, the sounds of juices slopping around from fingers got all of us even more worked up than we'd been.

Karen was bobbing her head up and down a little faster, which had me licking Tanya's pussy a little more fervently, which had her encouraging my sister a little more, which had Karen bobbing a little faster, which ... well, you get the idea. All I know is that Tanya's over-sensitive clit became excited enough to have her gasping for breath and trembling as she rocked back and forth on my tongue, looking to find those spots that gave her the most intense feelings. She started to climax just as my balls lifted and filled my cock with hot, sticky goo destined for my sister's belly. And as the base of my shaft twitched and pulsed, Karen sucked even harder and faster, then struggled to breathe as her own orgasm threatened to send her over the edge.

Tanya came first, almost violently as I stuffed my tongue inside her pussy and drank deeply of her juices that flowed like honey. She groaned her delight, then began to grunt and mewl as I took her as far up that slope of climax as I could. As she was about to reach her peak, the built-up pressure at the base of my cock forced a large streamer of seed up my shaft as my sister sucked hard enough to drag my balls from their sac and right out of me. That stream against the back of her mouth was all it took to catapult Karen into an orgasm of her own.

"Wow!" Tanya hissed loudly as she regained her composure a while later. "I've always wanted to see Karen sucking you off since that night we were all over here, but I never expected to be a part of it. Wonder if we can do the same thing with Dwayne?"

"We probably could," Karen volunteered, "if we had a chance at another overnighter. But we're going home this Sunday, so I doubt we'll have an opportunity."

"Prestons are only here for another week after we leave," I reminded them. "Maybe we'll get a chance after we get home. I could probably talk Dad into lending me the car. It's just a matter of finding somewhere that we can be alone together."

"Steve, are you listening to yourself?" my sister snickered at me. "Alone? Together? All in the same sentence? Sheesh! Eleven years of school, and you still can't handle the English language!"

"Before you two rip each others heads off, my parents are trying to set up another sex party before the week's over. From what I've gathered so far, they want to keep it down to your parents, Prestons, and themselves. I don't think Mom was overly impressed with their last stint at group sex."

"Really?!" Karen's unbridled enthusiasm bubbled up. "You mean we might get another night together? The four of us? Awesome!"

"You just want another crack at your brother," Tanya accused my sister.

"Yeah? So? As if you wouldn't want to spend a couple of hours with my boyfriend! It probably wouldn't break his heart, either. Just let me have him back before the sun comes up, and if you're real good, I'll even let you have my brother back."

"Gee, thanks, girls," I chided them. "Any chance Dwayne and I get a say in all this?"

"Not a hope," Tanya grinned as she issued her directive, then backed up just far enough to lean forward and kiss me. Being upside down, our chins got in the way, but not before she'd made her point.

"Now that's different," we heard a voice from somewhere off the porch. I knew that voice, because it seemed to be around us all the time. Without looking up, I greeted its owner.

"You're too late, Buddy," I informed Dwayne. "They've both already drained me."

"Huh! Figures," his mock tone of exasperation came back. "I miss all the fun! It's so not fair too!"

"Get your scrawny little ass over here," Karen demanded of him. "I need a real man to love me. You're elected, Hulk."

He slowly climbed the steps, laid down on the porch as my sister shifted herself into his waiting arms, then kissed him lovingly as he held her tightly against his chest.

"Mmm, all good things come to he who waits," we were quoted.

"They cum for him, too, if he's good," Karen snickered.

"Good? I'm great!" Dwayne bragged. "Just ask my girlfriend."

His bravado was answered with groans of disdain — in triplicate, no less. I could see Dwayne smile sneeringly out of the corner of my eye, and had to chuckle at that.

"So what's new and exciting?" he led us into a connection of friends.

"Umm, my parents are talking about having an all-nighter," Tanya informed him, "which means that I'll be kicked out of our place. Steve, Karen, and I are probably going to end up here. You going to join us?"

"Yeah, I heard rumours to that effect from Keira. I guess she was talking to Dad, and he told her something about it. Any idea when?"

"Tuesday night, I think," Tanya tried to remember. "Your parents, Steve and Karen's, and mine. I guess the big group thing didn't work out too well for them. If they do, are you coming up here again?"

"We're not going to do another marathon again, are we?"

"You bragging or complaining?" I joked.

"I'm sure as hell not complaining, but this time, can we take it a bit slower? As much as I enjoyed being with Tanya that night, my poor body wasn't ready for Karen immediately afterwards. I was, but my body wasn't. It was almost painful when she made me cum. I'm glad that your sister decided to go second, though. Falling asleep with her in my arms felt so damned good. Sorry, Tanya, but if it had been the other way around, it wouldn't have been the same. Know what I mean?"

Tanya had moved herself so that she was laying against my side and away from Dwayne, but pushed herself up, then leaned over me to kiss his lips affectionately. In the process, I found a nipple right in front of my face and couldn't pass up suckling it for a few minutes. Whether that was the reason my girlfriend remained attached to our bosom buddy I have no idea. Savouring what had been given to me was all I could think about at that particular moment.

"Does this mean you want to sleep with me again?" Tanya enquired as she released Dwayne's lips.

"Mmm, I'd love to," he murmured happily, "as long as I get to spend at least equal time with this luscious blond afterwards. Somehow, I keep finding myself wanting to be with her a lot. Not that I don't love being with you, because you're another one I can't seem to get out of my head. But we may have a problem."

"You'd better not be thinking about breaking up with me just so you can spend all your time with her," my sister warned him.

"Break up with you? Not likely. But we might have Pete and Keira bunking in at the same time. After that bullshit with Manny, my sister's not too keen on spending the night around Cynthia. Not sure if there's a jealousy thing going on there, and don't really want to find out. But things are a little tense between those two girls at the moment. Besides, if my sister and her boyfriend are around, it could make things a little strained. You know how I feel about my sister, don't you, Sweetie?"

"You've told me, Lover. I know I said that I wanted to watch if it happens, but not this week. That may be Tanya's thing, but I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet. Not where you and Keira are concerned anyway."

Karen became overly serious for a moment, then seemed to relent holding her feelings inside.

"It's funny, really," she went on. "When you and Tanya made love, I was a little worrieded at first, but later, I found it arousing as hell. Mind you, I was also making love with my brother at the time, which could have something to do with it. In fact, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing you two together like that again, and don't ask why, because I have no idea. Guess it's because we've all spent the month together, and it just seems ... natural? Is that the word I'm looking for?"

"Whether that's the right word or not, Sis," I tried to explain, "what you're thinking is that we've all been around each other so much that it feels safe to try different kinks with people we trust. When Tanya and Dwayne made love, I was jealous as hell for a few minutes. If it had been anyone else but him, I'd probably have beat the shit out of him. But not with Dwayne, for some reason. I guess it's like you said earlier. He might love my girlfriend, but he loves my sister more. The same goes for me too, I think. I love Tanya more than anyone, and I can feel how much she loves me. Therefore, her and Dwayne having sex doesn't feel like a threat."

We spent the rest of the afternoon together as two couples, relaxed and comfortable in the presence of each other. As the day wore on, we found ourselves down at the lake and succumbed to its offer of a refreshing swim. Heading out to the float, Dwayne began to tease my sister by swimming up behind her, then grabbing Karen around the waist and pulling her just under the surface. She wasn't ready for the first attack, but by the third one, had a successful strategy going whereby her legs trapped his head. I guess she allowed him close enough to her pussy to entice him, but kept it far enough away that all he did was get excited. By the time we were ready to pull ourselves out of the water, my sister's boyfriend was the last to emerge, and the success of my sister's tactics were quite evident. Dwayne was as hard as a rock. Despite that, he finally pulled himself out, then sat with the rest of us as his feet dangled in the water.

"What's the matter, Lover?" Karen teased him. "Did somebody get you all horny then leave you to suffer?"

"If there weren't people on the beach, I'd slap you down on this float and screw your ass off," Dwayne threatened.

"Want us to run interference for you?" Tanya offered.

"Hey!" my sister almost screamed back. "Whose side are you on, anyway?"

"A nice hard cock, and you have to ask?" Tanya challenged. "Either you do something about him, or I might. Don't forget, I haven't tasted him ... yet."

"Yet?" Dwayne squeaked out questioningly. "They're plotting against me again, aren't they, Steve?"

"Yeah well, somebody's got to keep tabs on you," I joked at him.

"What's the matter, big boy?" he returned in an imitation Mae West tone. "Too much man for you?"

"More like not enough," I sniped right back, my gaze aimed at the erection poking straight up from his groin.

"They're both perverts!" Dwayne pointedly addressed Tanya. "Think we can hold them off long enough to save ourselves?"

"Sure!" she quickly agreed. "You hold him, and I'll get him off."

"What about the other one?" he went along with her idea.

"Nope. That one's your problem. Besides, one girl can only do so much before she gets worn out."

"And you, my precious, just love to be worn, don't you?" I shot out as my defence. It's too bad I hadn't thought that one through a little more thoroughly, because my girlfriend twisted herself and threatened to take me in her mouth, then suck me until I had Dwayne's problem. With the way this toothless skirmish was going, that's the way she'd leave me, too.

"I've seen this movie before," Karen groaned, "and I should have waited for the book."

With that, she slipped back into the water and struck out for the beach. Dwayne was right behind her, but couldn't quite catch up this time. Tanya leaned over and kissed me affectionately with closed lips, then slid her butt off the float and into the water. She was nice enough to wait for me to join her before we lazily swam back to shore.

I hadn't seen her arrive, but Keira lounged on a beach blanket just off the sands. That in itself was no surprise, but she was alone. That was. It had been a rare occasion that Pete hadn't been with her most of the time. His absence created an unusually strained atmosphere around Keira, and I got the definite impression that she was upset about something, and possibly even angry. I think the girls did, too, because they volunteered to run up to the kitchen and see if they could find something refreshing to drink before we ;listened to Keira's tale of woe.

"Where's Pete?" I tried to break the icy air around us.

"Don't ask," I was told in a way that made complying sound like a good idea.

"Keira, what's wrong? You two have a fight or something?"

"I said, don't ask."

"Listen, girl, I know you, and something's eating your guts out. You going to sit there stewing and hurting, or are you going to get it out in the open so it can be dealt with?"

"Steve!" she started to argue with me.

"No, you listen," I shot back before she could go on. "We've all gotten to be good friends over the last three weeks. Now you're hurting inside, and it's not something I'm used to seeing, or being around. Whatever's got you this pissed off needs to come out in the open, because it's not doing you any good trapped inside. So. Are you going to open up and talk to me, or do we play twenty questions?"

Keira sat there staring at me and looking like she wanted to cry but was too proud to let herself shed tears.

"He's ... he's over at Cynthia's. I'm not sure, but I get the feeling that..."

The dam burst as those tears finally began to flow, with her sobs only making her misery all the more obvious.

"Steve, I think ... I think I'm losing him!" she finally confessed. "Of all the people to lose him to, Cynthia? She was fine when it was her and Manny, but now that he's out of the picture, she's on the prowl, and she's got her sights on my ... on Pete! Shit, I feel so helpless!"

"Whoa, slow down a minute," I instructed her. "Has he said anything that confirms your suspicions, or am I hearing emotional speculations?"

"What the hell do you think? My speculations, as you put it, are all I have to work with here! It's not like he isn't interested in her. They've had sex together, you know!"

"Yeah, you hinted at that on the day Manny went berserk. But you were there when they did, weren't you? From what I understood, you didn't seem to have too many objections at the time. Hell, you watched them!"

"Steve, how would you feel if you saw your girlfriend in the arms of another guy? Hmm? I'll bet you have no idea how that would feel inside!"

"Actually, I have, and I do."

"Yeah? Who?"

"Your brother," I quietly let her know. "I'll tell you a secret, though. If it had been anyone but Dwayne, I'd have killed him, or done some serious damage. However, I've gotten to know your brother pretty well in the time we've been here, and he's not the back-stabbing type. It was just sex between them, and nothing more. Neither of them were planning on making it a permanent thing, and once I realized that, I got past the jealousy thing with no problem. When it was over, Tanya was still mine, and Karen was still his. But I can understand what you're saying."

"My brother? Dwayne? With Tanya? When did that happen?" she asked, her disbelief impossible to miss.

I explained the whole overnight episode to a captive audience of one, doing my best to steer her into believing that if there was anything going on between Cynthia and her boyfriend, it had to be purely physical, and that there was probably no emotional attachment involved. I may not have succeeded as much as I'd hoped, but she did start to look at things in a different light.

"I can't believe it," she finally gave her opinion. "You and Karen, while Dwayne and Tanya... ?"

"Had sex," I finished off for her. "Actually, if anyone should have gotten jealous, it was him. After all, I do love my sister, which is more than existed between him and Tanya."

"Did?" Keira picked up on that right away. "You mean that there's sparks between Tanya and my brother now?"

"Something like that," I let her know, "but nothing secretive. Look, I trust your brother, and I trust Tanya, just like he trusts both Karen and me. So if he can do it, then you can with Pete too. I don't think they've changed the rules about a man being innocent until proven guilty. Give him the benefit of the doubt before you drive him out of your arms and into someone elses. Pete may be a lot of things, but a low-life dog isn't one of them."

That expression she tried to wear kept changing back and forth between anger and optimism. If I was a betting man, I might have given odds as to which one would win out. But I'm not, and the outcome wasn't something I'd want to put money on anyway. It could have gone either way.

"Am I interrupting anything, Sis?" that same voice I'd heard back at the cabin snuck in again.

"No, not really, Munchkin. Something I can do for my little brother?"

"Well, for starters, you can tell me why the long face. What's happened to get you looking so pissed off?"

"Do you see Pete around here?" she shot back angrily. My little pep talk had done no good at all, it appeared.

"No," Dwayne did a complete circle scan as he answered. "What's going on with him? You two have a fight?"

"I wish it were that simple. He's over at Cynthia's. That answer your question?" she almost bit his head off.

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Kanata SummerChapter 8

I'm not sure what woke me the next morning. At first I was ready to blame it on Dwayne's snoring ... except that it was Karen that was making those noises, and they weren't loud enough to really be called snoring. But there was an unsettling creaking sound coming from somewhere inside the cabin. Still, I hadn't really heard it until I'd started to wake up. Thump ... thump ... thump ... thump. I'd heard that noise before, but it took my foggy brain a while to identify it. I lifted my...

4 years ago
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A little story of love and betrayal pt2

Sarah looked at me pityingly, stood up, and took me gently by the arm."Come on," she said. "I'm due a break. Let's go and get a coffee somewhere."Over coffee, actually I drink tea, she told me that Jim had seen my car pulling into the car park and had gone out through the back door, as I'd come in through the front. He'd told her we'd had a big bust up, but not why, which made me sigh with relief."He won't discuss it," she said. "He's in a terrible state. Do you want to tell me what it's...

2 years ago
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Me And My Mami

I looked at her eyes. The white in them was smeared with red, as if she was trying not to sleep. She was lying in her bed, eyes half open. She had a sari on. Her pallu was held crumbled in her fist and it was wet with her tears. I was sitting at the foot of her bed. She wasn’t looking at me; she was looking at the bedroom door. I know what she would be thinking. There was a strange look in the eyes, fear and anticipation. She was breathing very lightly. Her crying had ceased. It pained me! The...

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Double Life of a Slut Wife chapter two

She set her phone down and said out loud, “I really do love you but my hungry cunt needs more meat than any one man can provide.” Then she did something that seemed both crazy yet terribly erotic. She spread her legs as wide as they would go and in a move that was incredibly agile she bent forward at the waist and slipped her legs behind her shoulders and planted her mouth over her glistening oily cunt and gave her slit a passionate french kiss. Then she actually started talking to her pussy....

3 years ago
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Candy Land

- Hard Candy -A blue raspberry sucker crunched between my teeth as I descended the deserted parking garage. The click of my heels echoed through each level as I minced my way to the busy street below. A cool summer breeze blew up my mini skirt tickling my ass. The pink thong panties Master picked barely contained my swollen balls and the pink cock cage that imprisoned my clitty.I tried to appear confident and natural but I was terrified someone might clock me for what I am. My makeup was...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0903

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Joanna’s Tale, 07: Jo and Guy – their first night. Hello again, Lena asked me to write about my first night with Guy. Well, my first thought as we went upstairs to shower was how many times can he manage it tonight. I wanted it to be a bit more controlled now. This...

3 years ago
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Loving Babysitter Part 1 revision

Introduction: Rewrote and proofread. It all started when I was 16. I remember it like it just happened, how could I ever forget? My parents were going out of town for a few days, moving trucks. My older brother was staying with my aunt, and I insisted I was old enough to take care of myself. However, my parents gave me a big fat no as the answer. They knew I didnt do well spending long periods of time alone. They asked one of my dads friends, Jamie, to stay with me while they were gone. Jamie...

4 years ago
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Janet My Sister Janet and I were very close the seven year age difference made no difference and were the best of friends. We had become even closer often playing and cuddling for the last three years ever since my Aunt Mary let us sleep together to be honest Aunt Mary had no choice she only had a two bedroom flatLet me explain Mom and Dad had gone on a business trip and left us in the tender mercies of our Aunt Mary my Mothers Sister for a week.Aunt Mary had never been married and had no idea...

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A TS Friend Part 3

This is continuation of the series posted earlier with the titles “A TS Friend: Part 1” and “A TS Friend: Part 2”I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the suv. I had said good bye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off.Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 34 Spring Break

March 1978 For the first three of weeks of March, the usual pattern continued, at least for the most part. Jennifer sat with us at lunch and was cordial to me. We hadn’t talked and it was really gnawing at me. Melanie counseled patience. Because I couldn’t do anything else, I’d simply have to be patient. I had my tutoring sessions with Melanie, played chess with Mary, messed around with her a few times, and went on double-dates with Pete, Melanie, and Anna. And of course, dinners at...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub

Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues!All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.Start:"Where are you going?" I knew where he was going but wanted him to ask me. I love to have him ask me to join...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Queen Shagger

Right after university I found it difficult to get work in my chosen field without having significant work experience - the classic graduate Catch-22. I returned to my home town, and found myself with a big student overdraft to pay off and ended up working two jobs, one a crappy full time admin job and a weekend evenings job doing bar work in the local nightclub/meatmarket. After a while, the crappy data entry job - sitting at an office desk typing handwritten credit card applications into a...

2 years ago
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Just this one time

They'd been sitting in the corner booth for almost two hours, originally sucking down some inhibition-killing drinks before turning to nursing the later ones to at least preserve some of their intelligence. "How about that one?" Bob asked, nodding his head toward the end of the bar. Lois followed his gaze, confirmed his good eye, then nodded a different direction and said, "Second booth ... the one tapping at the tablet." Bob studied her choice and agreed. "Perfect. Which one, though?" Lois...

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 2 Settling In

As they got to the front lawn, the front door opened and Ronnie burst out, to wrap her arms around her sister and embrace. “Sorry, Sis, Frank and I were down by the water! The kids got us. You’re here early!” The other three caught on to the cover story. Everybody helped unload the sedan and take suitcases and clothing inside. Frank unceremoniously dumped it all in the middle of the living room and the others did likewise. Finally, when the car was empty and the living room was full, Ronnie...

3 years ago
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My wife chooses a hard dick

After hurting my back at work I was given several different medications to help relax the muscles and dull the pain. After taking them for a week I noticed I was unable to get an erection and I told my wife Andrea about it. She tried giving me head and even allowed me to watch her play with her favorite vibrator but it was no use. We have always enjoyed Andrea having sex outside of our marriage and we even played with chastity devices on me. This gave Andrea the idea to have fun with my new...

2 years ago
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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 2

Jennifer felt nearly out of control. While she knew she was hardly thinking rationally, several thoughts whizzed through her brain. "Why the hell am I doing this? Maybe it's because I'm just so angry that Ryan keeps doing this that I have to do something drastic." Jennifer noticed Ryan moving to get up and reaching for his shorts and she told him to just sit down and watch. She leaned back and moved her hips forward as she slid a finger under the waistband of her lilac colored panties....

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Incest WifeChapter 5

It was happening again. For the fourth time that week, Thad and his mother were sneaking into Thad's room at night after everyone else was supposed to be asleep. Sometimes-they even stayed in that room together all night. Randy wondered what was going on. Whatever it was, they were keeping it a big secret. Randy had asked his younger brother about his mother's nightly visits, but he had acted kind of scared and had avoided answering the question. He had wanted to ask his mother what was...

4 years ago
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Heartshaped Box

Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. “Never ending, man,” his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. “Feels like it.” “At least the scenery ain’t bad.” After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy – one of the cashiers – working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a trucker who...

4 years ago
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Fucked Mother And Daughter On A Train

Hi this is Sultana Sinha, 36 yrs old healthy Male from Patna Bihar along with 28th story. If you like, the story please say so via mail or . Hi, I am Aniket Mishra, a MBA graduate from Patna. I was going for interview leading to job in Delhi in a MNC. Due to heavy rush, I could get reservation only in 1st AC. On the due date, I reached my prescribed coach/berth. It was four-berth coupe. My co passengers were two lovely women; one was in twenties and the other a bit older. They looked to be...

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Introduction: Our First Threesome with Another Girl Introduction: If you havent read any of my past stories, here is a little backround. Im 29 yrs old, about 52 125 lbs, a mix of Spanish, Mexian and Native American resulting in dark brown straight hair, almond shaped brown eyes and a round latina ass. I have perky B cups and a few colorful tattoos on my shoulders and arms, think suicide girls. My boyfriend Lawrence is 32 yrs old, about 62, White with a 7.5 inch cock that curves to the left and...

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NollieChapter 2

Two days later, I was up early and sitting on the deck when the phone rang. Everyone else in the house was dead to the world, and I was enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. I picked up on the second ring and said, "Hello?" Nollie asked, "Can you be ready in ten minutes?" "For what?" "I want you to take me somewhere." "I'll have to wake somebody up and ask. I can't just leave a note; I need permission." "Ok. Call me when you're ready?" "I will." "Bye." I heard a click...

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He sent me a faceless, cockless message on Adult FriendFinder, and I was apprehensive to reply. Being new to the site, and posting some of the pictures and video I had, I had become accustomed to emails of this ilk. Most of them said things like "I love the way you suck that dildo, wish it was my cock" or "I'd love to blow my load on those big nipples". It was obvious to me that none of them had bothered to even take a glimpse at my profile. Once in a while, a message would strike me as funny,...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Compromise

The Perfect Compromise by suki My wedding day was less than three weeks away and I had to do something. For some time I had been brainwashed into believing I could happily live the rest of my life as another man's wife. Surely my new body looked the part. As I glanced down at my breasts and hips, my shapely arms and legs, and then up into the mirror at the alterations that had permanently formed my mouth into a sexy pout I could not deny that the trouble they had taken...

2 years ago
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A Servant of WisdomChapter 2

"In the name of Wisdom, I sacrifice this first catch." It wasn't much of a prayer. Rather trite, really, when you consider he was saying it as he killed a living thing. The flapping fish held on the rock altar before the White Oak, Tom sliced his fishing knife down into its body just behind the front fin. Its blood, juices, whatever you want to call them, came out, even as the fish struggled harder for a moment beginning to still. Liquid, clear-ish red, hit the rock as his knife began...

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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 14

A week after I released my balloon, Doug got suspended from school for a couple days for getting into a fight with Michael Drake. Michael had gotten back together with Susan the day after Joyie's suicide, which proved my theory of his using Joyie to make her jealous; and the two of them were reenacting a "love" scene between Michael and Joyie -- making fun of Joyie. The group they hung with were laughing their heads off and having a field day until Doug and some of this team mates walked...

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Mind games

Hey,I'm Mark, 24 years old student in the University of Arizona, studying computer sciences. I guess I am an average guy,reasonably good looking, playing soccer so moderately built but above average in my grades. My life was pretty nice. I was sharing a flat with 4 others students: two guys, Alan and Jim and two girls, Nadia and Jessica. On the romantic side,I just started to date Megan from my class two weeks ago. I woke up that day with a terrible headache. I had a quiet evening the day...

Mind Control
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On Her Own Part 5 Finale

The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...

1 year ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 4

He drove into Flagstaff and checked into a Best Western Motel. He represented a national publisher of high school and college textbooks, which meant that he traveled extensively to meet with professors who were also authors, or to confer with college librarians and bookstore managers or district administrators for public and private high schools. His territory: the West. He arrived in Flagstaff to visit NAU. His avocation: raping Native American women. While in Flagstaff, he planned to...

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SLuT9 pt 9

"Wednesday" Wednesday, December 20th Dave left at five o'clock the next morning, just as usual, to get to work on the other side of town by six. He left Olivia sleeping in one of the two twin beds in the girls bedroom with instructions not to answer the phone or open the door for anyone. He didn't want to even think about how to explain her presence in his apartment. The two had gone back out the night before. Dave had driven them back to the car rental lot where he had rented the...

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Fun With Cousin Day Two

Last night was amazing. I finally had my dreams come true. And I think my cousin felt the same way. We were still naked sleeping in bed.We both got up kissed and recalled what happened from the day before. We both started getting hard and decided to make out while rubbing each others cocks. Then after some time we got up to get eat breakfast. We had nothing on expect some boxers and our cocks sticking out.We didn't expect anyone to come over. But we made a plan that if someone was to ring the...

3 years ago
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Proud Slave GirlChapter 18

Tortured and disgraced Former Warrior Slave Francine writhed on the table in the dungeon. She still had enough of her dignity and courage left not to cry out. She would never give them the satisfaction of hearing her scream for mercy. Only another hour and the pain would stop and she would be fed and allowed to sleep. Eighteen hours pain and six hours sleep. This was the thirteenth week of this routine and she still kept her sanity, still kept count of time and still hoped one day to redeem...

1 year ago
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My Story Ch 07

I'd had a crazy and extremely horny, naughty couple of days. I'd met O at his gym and had some kinky fun which ended in me spending the night at his. The following night I saw H and she'd well and truly got into the swing of things with the black cock role-play. It ended up with her fucking me deep with a big black strap on! The next morning after H had left for work I'd bumped into her housemate Darius, a well-hung, gorgeous sexy black man who ended up seducing me. Not that I took much...

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It Didnt Happen Some things stay secret

It didn’t happen. Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I was sitting outside Marco’s uncle’s café in Naples late on a balmy summer evening. We had just finished a great meal of...

4 years ago
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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 9

Carolyn awoke with the vivid memory of the evening before imprinted upon her brain. She blushed once more as she thought of the passion her old school friend had brought out in her. It was so strange, and so upsetting. Still, Carolyn could not deny that the experience had been something completely out of the ordinary... something completely special that would haunt her for a long while to come. She was thankful that only she and not Shirley had seen the twins tiptoeing from the living room,...

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My wife was leaving for a three with business trip. We had just fucked the night before so I would be good for a while (so she thought). As she drove away, I was ready for some fun action. I stepped into the bedroom, stripped naked, and rolled on the bed. I put my legs over my head and pulled my ass down until my hardening cock was touching my lips. I ran my tongue round the head and pulled harder to get an inch or so if my cock in my mouth. I rocked back and fourth for a few minutes. ...

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My second gangbang version 20

It was my second time attending a gangbang party and I was determined not to be as nervous as the first time. I had bought a bottle of champagne ahead of time just be sure I would be relaxed. One of the girls pictures I had already seen. A fiery brunette busty and a look of lust in her eyes. The other girl I had no info on and was very anxious to see. I arrived early, the first one to arrive. The host greeted me, and I reminded him of the last time we partied. Since I was the only guy there...

Group Sex
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Sucky VacationChapter 16

Jeff dreamed of being surrounded by silky warmth. He rose through sleepy clouds as pleasure pulled him towards sunlight. There was one spot where warmth flowed into a wet heat. The gentle suction on his cock finally drew him to full consciousness. He was still covered in sheets, but one section, just over his waist, moved in time with the sweet mouth drawing him to orgasm. “Oh, Angel,” he gasped quietly. The answering hum made delicious vibrations flow through his stomach. He shut his eyes...

3 years ago
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Maza hi maza

Main is site ka shuru se hi pathak raha hoon is site ki sabhi story mene padi hai aur Mene bhi apni ek story likhi thi {gaon ka maza}par mujhe bahut kam mail mile aur female ka to Ek bhi mail nahi mila tha aur is site par bahut se female likhne wale aur padne wale hain agar aap Mujhe sabhi male and female ka sath milta raha to me aage bhi story likhta rahunga Mera mail id{}mujhe aap ke mail ka intjar rahega Jesa ki aap jante hain ki aagar kisi ladke ko choot ka chaska lag jaye to wo...

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Wife and brother work out

Introduction: Usually my husband writes the stories but Im telling this one. My husband usually writes about my previous escapades but I thought that this one would be best told by me. After all, it was all about me. In the summer months my husband travels a lot so Im left with a lot of time by myself. On this particular trip that he had I decided to go to the reservation and visit with my mom. I hadnt seen her in quite a while and besides, my younger brother had moved in with her and it would...

2 years ago
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Maeghan Wrist C08

----- 8 -- After waking up to just wanting to wrap my arms around Ean’s chest and accidently feeling Montana’s, we both remembered the last night and calmed ourselves down. It was interesting though trying to explain why I woke her up groping her breasts, curiously wondering why they were so soft. Thankfully, she just teasingly apologized for not having Ean’s chest. Bentlee arrived a little after noon from one of her friend’s birthday sleepover parties. From there, we wasted the day...

1 year ago
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One Two Buckle My Shoe

….one two buckle my shoe…. Bowed and bent, in constant genuflection before women, was not a man's naturalstate. Having spent so much of the day compressed like a caryatid, his back bentor buckled, so often on his knees as he forced fat feet into shoes which womenwould insist on having a size too small, Steve felt like some kind of PrinceCharming... but with only ugly sisters to attend to. His back ached through having to bow low over these vain obese women, hislegs were stiff from his...

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The Cum Shot Party

Introduction: The husband finally gets some balls This is an alternate ending for Cum Shot Party written by Jaydice2003, back in 2004. I hope he doesnt mind me making Jason a little less of a wimp and seeing that Beth gets whats coming to her. I read the story and thought that Jason needed a stage to get his manhood back. The moderators at Literotica rejected the story many times no matter if I fixed it up. The bottom line was that they censor…thats right The ugly head of CENSORSHIP is alive...

4 years ago
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Fucking a prostitute of Deadwood SD Retired

As you know from this story: https://xhamster.com/stories/fucking-the-mother-in-law-997911 I recently started fucking my mother in law. This is a continuation of that and about how I started fucking other women in her apartment building.As it turns out her favorite position for me to fuck her in is doggie style or from behind. She has what women of her generation refer as very good birthing hips. My mother-law likes showing hers off to me in the rear entry position. I love it because she is...

1 year ago
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Creampie Is Best Served Hot

There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn’t know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren’t going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story. I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, “Hello.” I thought to myself that this was good. She didn’t leave after all. Apparently, she didn’t know I had picked up the...

3 years ago
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First Experience With My Girlfriend

Hi pals how are you all? I am Sono (name changed for privacy) basically I am from Vijayawada (any girls/aunty below 28 from Vijayawada you can get back to me @  mail.com)but working in chennai as software engineer I am regular reader of ISS and I am big fan.. I just share my experience with of girlfriend honey(name changed) pls bare with my English Its in the year 2013 at time of our m.Tech we used to go daily by bus to college one day accidentally touched my gf navel for standing support ,here...

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First Night at A Swingers Club

In my story, ‘First Foursome’, I told you about our experience at an ‘Adult Club’ we attend now and then. I also mentioned that although it was our first proper foursome, it wasn’t our first night at the club and that I’d write about that at a later date.Well, this is how the night went.Jay looked terrific in white, high heels, white fishnet stockings and a little short, tight white dress that only just met her stocking tops. Her full round breasts were almost bursting out over the top and her...

1 year ago
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The Waiter Part 1

Erin left his house that afternoon excited for the first time in months. He had been out of work since the last restaurant he worked at went under and was excited to finally make some money again. He looked at the address his friend texted him and hurried down the street. It was a place he had never heard of before but it didn't really matter to him, he just needed money and needed it fast. His credit cards were maxed out and if he didn't make rent by the end of the weekend, he knew his...

Gay Male
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 8

I knew Caitlin would want to sleep with me again that night. I should say I expected her to want to do that. And when she came to my room, naked, I felt compelled to do something about it. "Sweetheart, you have no idea how good it makes me feel that you want to do these things with me and sleep in my bed, but that is a very bad idea tonight." "Because you want more," she said. I was astonished. For someone so young, she was very astute. "Yes," I said. "I understand," she said....

2 years ago
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Two Three One Ch 06

6. Veneration Sam took deeply to heart Victoria’s implication that he had thus far been found wanting. He imagined that it had only been through Keri’s intercession that he had been kept on, and this made him more devoted to her than ever. He vowed to himself that he would do everything that he could, double, triple his work efforts to justify her undeserved faith in him. On his own volition he began taking on responsibilities beyond the full gamut of household duties that had been assigned...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 6

The news came in first from Crystal that she was going to have a baby and then the news slipped in from Bethany that she and Roger were also going to be expecting a child sometime shortly after Crystal's was due to be born. Philip and Mary were both thrilled to hear of the expected new arrivals in their family. With his successful impregnation of both his daughters-in-law, Bethany and Crystal, Philip suddenly found himself confronted with the third part of the puzzle -- his own daughter,...

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Blackmail sibling style

Jake Armitage reclined in his computer chair, talking to his best friend on webcam. "Man! you're so lucky..... you got that girfriend that'lll do whatever you want!" he was saying His friend scoffed, "Well... look at you... you got that hottie of a sis and mother! if I was you, I'd tap that resource." "And how would I do that?!" he demanded, his mother and sister.... they were his family... but still. His buddy glanced from side to side, as if he wanted to make sure no one heard him, "Yeah......

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Wandas and Josies Gangbang Night

Wanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank. Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina (Josie for short) went to a party...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 5

THE PRESENT The beast riding me was enjoying himself. He was panting as his cock thrust in and out of my poor tight ass. His paws around my waist grabbed me tight as his back side and hind legs pushed hard and frantically against mine. The cock inside my tightest opening had expanded to accommodate this unwelcome intruder and the pain had diminished somewhat. My own body started to welcome the hammering it was getting and my neck was starting to feel warm and wet from the breath and saliva...

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